Repurposing Your Kindle Book Content

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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How to reuse your Kindle Book content in articles and content marketing, to draw more traffic to your sales page and get noticed online.

Transcript of Repurposing Your Kindle Book Content

  • 1. 4 Easy Steps To Reuse What You've Already Written To Sell More Kindle Books

2. Presented By: By Steve Johnson 3. Recently published a new book on the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform as well as the paperback website. To help launch the marketing of the book used one of the techniques in my book: "Sell More Kindle Books! Simple technique that works for me, and it can work for you too! 4. Authors Control Their Content This technique involves an author repurposing content from their own Kindle book and turning it into the format of a free article submission on Once published, that article tends to rank high in major search engines, serving as a doorway to that book's Amazon sales page. 5. Steps To Repurposing Success I've documented the process below with step- by-step instructions, as well as screenshots for two reasons: (1) to make it easy for other self-published authors to follow my lead & get more book page views on Amazon; and (2) to demonstrate how this strategy works long-term for better SEO. 6. More eyeballs on your sales pages means more sales. It takes no more than one hour to repurpose your own content using this technique. The results are usually evident within a matter of days; this time great results in approx. 24 hours. 7. Step 1: Begin The best plan in the world isnt worth a nickel if you dont get started. First, I focused on two keyword phrases that I had worked into my Kindle book title: sell more kindle books & write better book descriptions 8. Heres my book cover: 9. Targeting Keyword Phrases Why: self-publishing authors want to sell more Kindle ebooks, and its the most important help they are looking for to boost sales. Sell More Kindle Books . Its the end-result promise I make to potential readers. Write Better Book Descriptions is the way they can accomplish what I promise. 10. A Winning Formula Promise + Technique = Purpose of Book 11. Re-Writing For Article Directories Heres a screenshot of my author page at 12. Easy As 1-2-3-4-5! 1. Extract a small section from your ebook. 2. Log into author page at 3. Re-write article quickly using the prompts EA gives writers. 4. Edit. Proofread. Edit again. 5. Submit. 13. The process is simple and straightforward. EAs free authoring system blocks you from overusing main keywords, and that was my only problem - I used the word "Book" or "Books" too many times had to go back through the final edit a number of times to change copy to "tome" "works" "published work" and other generic words that really should have been left "book." 14. Re-Writing Makes Content Fresh Find new ways to explain what you are sharing with readers, to the point where your new article becomes better than what went into the final draft of the ebook. Quote To Remember: "There is no such thing as good writing. There is only good re-writing. Target no more than two keyword phrases. The two I selected to sprinkle throughout the article are listed further below in this article. 15. Step 2: Finish what you start, then submit for publication 16. Once finished to my satisfaction, my new article was submitted for review by EA about one hour after I got started, and it was less than 24 hours when I received the confirmation in my email inbox alerting me that my article had been accepted and published. See what the results were in next step Results Come Quickly 17. Step 3: Track your results The next day, I pulled up and (two search engines which seem to return similar results, and they rank EA submissions very quickly.) Payoff: For the keyword phrase "write better book descriptions," my article was showing high on the first page of 18. Results: 19. Results: 20. Results: 21. Showcased On Amazon 22. Step 4: Monitor your new search engine rankings Maybe this was just a fluke, you may be thinking. I dont blame you. I always think that way too. So, I like to check back and monitor my results to see if I just got lucky for a couple of days or if my content marketing strategy really is going to work long term to attract lots of readers in the future. I waited a few days, and on Monday morning that following weekend I ran the same search again with my two main keyword phrases: "write better book descriptions "sell more kindle books" 23. Results for "write better book descriptions" one week later: GOOGLE -- One week later, my book sales page was ranking at #8 on Page 1 for this keyword phrase, out of 258 million results. BING One week after I wrote and published the EA article, this keyword phrase was showing up on Page 1 at the #2 spot out of 24 million results. YAHOO Again, one week later, this keyword phrase was bringing back my EA article at #5 on the first page of results. 24. Enhanced Amazon Results Keyword Phrase: write better book descriptions 25. You Can Do It Too! You can learn how to create better book descriptions from my new ebook now on sale in the Amazon Kindle Store "Sell More Kindle Books! How You Can Write Better Book Descriptions That Can Sell More Kindle Books 26. About The Author: Please visit my website for authors and indie publishers, to uncover more ideas on how to boost your ebook sales and make more money self-publishing your own Kindle Books! Steve Johnson, Johnson Publishing Co. Email: Web: