Republic of China - Political Parties

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Republic of China - Political Parties


The Legislative Yuan 立法院 of Republic of China (also known as Parliament 國會) has 113 members. 112 seats are occupied by 5 main political parties, with the remaining 1 occupied by an independent candidate.

The ruling party is the Kuomintang 國民黨. The chairperson 主席 of the party, Ma Ying-jeou 馬英九, was elected as president in 2008, and re-elected in 2012. The KMT holds 64 seats in the Legislative Yuan, 48 of which were directly elected. It is the leader of the Pan-Blue coalition 泛藍聯盟, which favors a Chinese identity.

The largest opposition party is the Democratic Progressive Party 民主進步黨, led by Tsai Ing-wen 蔡英文. It occupies 40 seats in the Legislative Yuan, 27 of which were directly elected. A member of the Pan-Green coalition 泛綠聯盟, it favors a separate Taiwanese identity over a Chinese one.

The remaining four largest parties are the Taiwan Solidarity Union 台灣團結聯盟 (Pan-Green), the People First Party 親民黨 (Pan-Blue), New Party 新黨 (Pan-Blue) and the Non-Partisan Solidarity Union 無黨團結聯盟 (officially non-aligned, but conservative). The New Party does not have any seats in the Legislative Yuan.

You can learn the Chinese name, logo and color of each party.