Report Casi di studio tra ricerca e formazione 2016

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Transcript of Report Casi di studio tra ricerca e formazione 2016

Permission Template

Guide How-to write a case study

Guide How-to use a case study

Evaluation tool Survey Report

Caso di studio La sgridata

Caso di studio Ri-programmare la comunicazione

Caso di studio Carta dei pericoli sul tetto del mondo

Caso di studio Le Jardin sonore

Caso di studio Micromacinazione SA 2011

Case-based communication of research for education / Casi di studio tra ricerca e formazione (2015-2016). Report, SUPSI, 7 December 2016.

Identification Teacher / course / objectives

Identification Research / researcher (+ permission)

Instructional designer Meetings and qualitative interview

Production of the case study co-signed

Use of the case study (Classroom)

Evaluation (Classroom)

Guide How-to write a case study use a case study

Case study Dissemination

Caso di studio La sgridata Corso: Tecnologie e media digitali / Atelier di Educazione ai media (Master); Tecnologie e media (Bachelor, corso opzionale)

Caso di studio Ri-programmare la comunicazione Corso: Brand Basic - Laura Massa

Caso di studio Carta dei pericoli sul tetto del mondo Corso: Protezione del territorio / Risklab 2016 (28 studenti del 3° anno e 20 studenti del 2° anno) - Maurizio Pozzoni, Cristian Scapozza.

Caso di studio Le Jardin sonore Corso: Semiotica del testo visivo - Nicla Borioli.

Caso di studio Micromacinazione SA 2011 Corso: Advanced Business Strategy - Andrea Sablone

Images on Wikimedia CommonsSUD 2007 2010 2013’art

doual’art http://www.doualart.orgmobile A2K Culture and Safety in Africa

Lucas Grandin, Douala, 2010, cc by-sa.

Lucas Grandin, Douala, 2010, cc by-sa.







Nationality of the artist

Typology of artwork


Ownership of the land



Content License


Frame (event)



Involvement of young people


Network of the artist


The case study “Le Jardin Sonore “ is structured in a series of documents (authentic or fictional but based on the research results) providing different perspectives.

Next step

Using case studies in the classroom

New case studies. 3 case studies DACD Involvement of other departments?

Producing case studies

Case-based communication of research for education

Universities need to boost and reinforce the synergies between research and education, to assure that innovation and content produced by research can nourish and update courses and knowledge taught in classes. The Harvard Business School has conceived and has been using for years the case-based teaching, a teaching system based on case studies capable of documenting business and institutional scenarios which are used as an educational tool to trigger discussion and interaction with students. The project “Case-based communication of research for education” is based on the case-based teaching with the aim of piloting the possibility of transforming a series of SUPSI research projects into case studies conceived and edited to be used in specific classes; furthermore the project aims at producing a scalable and replicable methodology with guidelines and templates. This project contributes to scientific communication, it is interdisciplinary and transversal, it is based on the specific assets of SUPSI in the field of communication, education and e-learning, and it contribute to reuse and distribute research content in the field of products, processes, businesses and arts.

Keywords: Education, communication, scientific communication, teaching methodologies, case-based teaching, open licenses.

DACD FFHS - Casi di studio tra ricerca e formazione (2015-2016) Principal investigator: Iolanda Pensa (LCV) Instructional designer: Luca Botturi (DFA) Online learning expert: Per Bergamin (FFHS) Educational programs at DACD: Nicla Borioli (DACD)

Laura Massa (DACD/LCV) Christian Ambrosi, Maurizio Pozzoni, Cristian Scapozza, Dorota Czerski (DACD/IST) Nicla Borioli (DACD) Andrea Sablone (FFHS) Luca Botturi (DFA)

With the support of Department for Environment Constructions and Design (DACD) Fernfachhochschule Schweiz (FFHS)

Iolanda Pensa,, 7 December 2016