Red Cliff Song: Sample Dialogues

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Red Cliff Song: Sample Dialogues

English through Mythology – Red Cliff Song (적벽가)

Red Cliff Song: Creative Dialogue

적벽가 : 대화

Instructions: Please read the sample dialogues (대화). After you have read the sample dialogues, please make up a new dialogue

about the ‘Red Cliff Song’ (새로운 <적벽가> 에대한 대화).

Sample dialogue 1: Ji-hye and Cheol-su attend a performance of the ‘Red Cliff Song’

Ji-hye: I’m really enjoying the Jeonju International Sori Festival.

Cheol-su: Yes, me too! It’s a great opportunity (기회) to enjoy traditional Korean music and other music from around the world.

Ji-hye: It’s the second day of the festival. What shall we attend today?

Cheol-su: How about a pansori performance (판소리 공연)? We can listen to a virtuoso singer.

Ji-hye: That sounds great! Which story (무슨이야기) shall we listen to?

Cheol-su: Well, according to the festival program, there’s a

performance of the Jeokbyeokga or ‘Red Cliff Song’ (적벽가) this evening.

Ji-hye: What’s the ‘Red Cliff Song’ about?

Cheol-su: Well, it’s based on an exciting part of the Record of

Three Kingdoms (삼국지), a Chinese classic. It focuses on the Battle of the Red Cliff.

Ji-hye: If it’s about a battle, it might be boring…

Cheol-su: It won’t be boring. It will be exciting. The hero of the

story is Kong Ming (공명). Kong Ming is a great military strategist. He has lots of clever ideas.

Ji-hye: How long does the performance last?

Cheol-su: I think it’s about two hours long.

Ji-hye: In that case, let’s go to the performance! We can have an early dinner and then go to the performance.

Cheol-su: What shall we have for dinner? Shall we try to find some Italian food?

Ji-hye: We’re in Jeonju, the hometown of bibimbap (비빔밥). Let’s have delicious Jeonju bibimbap for dinner.

Cheol-su: By the way, I’m studying English these days. How can we say ‘bibimbap’ in English?

Ji-hye: That’s a good question. Bibimbap is a popular dish with rice, vegetables, and egg, all mixed together.

Cheol-su: Your English is very good, Ji-hye! How did you learn English so well?

Ji-hye: I attended a class called ‘English through Mythology’ (영

어로 배우는 신화).

Sample dialogue 2: Ji-hye and Cheol-su visit Incheon’s Chinatown

Ji-hye: Here we are at Incheon Station (인천역)!

Cheol-su: How can we travel from here to Chinatown (차이나타


Ji-hye: It’s easy! Incheon’s Chinatown is just across the road. Look!

Cheol-su: Wow! It’s an ornamental gateway!

Ji-hye: Let’s look for the road with murals (벽화) on either side.

Cheol-su: Why do you want to go there?

Ji-hye: The murals tell the story of the Three Kingdoms Record

(삼국지). It’s a really interesting story.

Cheol-su: I didn’t realise you were a fan of the Chinese classics.

Ji-hye: I’m not really a fan of the Chinese classics. When we went to Jeonju’s International Sori Festival, I enjoyed the ‘Red Cliff

Song’ (적벽가). I became interested in the story.

Cheol-su: Ji-hye, I’m hungry. Shall we have something to eat?

Ji-hye: It’s too early for lunch. Shall we have a moon cake (月饼)?

Cheol-su: That’s a good idea. Look! There are so many flavours!


Please work with a partner. Please make up a new dialogue (새

로운 대화) about the ‘Red Cliff Song’! Try to use five pieces of

new vocabulary (5 개 새로운 단어) in your dialogue. You have

six minutes (6 분). Good luck!