Reading Task Book 7 Unit 3. Reading Skill: 如何在阅读中猜 词.

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Explanation: 1. “ You must accept the next man who asks for your hand in marriage.

Transcript of Reading Task Book 7 Unit 3. Reading Skill: 如何在阅读中猜 词.

Reading TaskReading TaskBook 7 Unit 3Book 7 Unit 3

Reading Skill:•如何在阅读中猜词

Explanation:•1. “You must accept the next man who asks for your hand in marriage.

猜词技巧 1 :顾名思义•ask for sb’s hand (in marriage)•向……求婚•More practice:

•dragonfruit :•火龙果•star fruit:•杨桃

•2. canoe•A canoe is a light narrow boat which you move along in the water with a paddle.•A paddle is a short pole with a flat wide part at one or both ends, that you hold in both hands and use for moving a small boat through water.

猜词技巧 2 :根据定义或解释•canon•独木舟•paddle•浆

More practice:•A giraffe is a tall African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark marks on its coat.•giraffe 长颈鹿

•3. As her fingers were sinking to the bottom of the ocean, they turned into seals, whales and other large sea mammals.

猜词技巧 3 :根据同义、反义、因果、同位、定语从句、对比等上下文关系•mammal•哺乳动物

More practice:•Not every car, bus, jeep or other kinds of vehicle can be made in factory.•vehicle 地上交通工具

其它常见逻辑关系词:• (1) 并列关系•or, like(unlike), as…as, the same as, as well as, rather than 等等•e.g.:•Unlike his brother, who is truly a handsome man, John is quite homely.


• (2) 转折关系•but, however,while, on the other hand, on the contrary 等等•e.g.:•Kate is a warm and interested person. John, on the contrary, is apathetic to everyone and everything.


• (3) 因果关系•because, so, for, therefore, thus等等•e.g.:•She can’t play tennis now because she can’t find her white sneakers.


• (4) 同位关系•e.g.:•Semantics, the study of the meaning of words, is necessary if you are to speak and read intelligently.• semantics•语义学

• (5) 定语从句•Psychophysiology is a science which deals with the relationship between mind and body.•psychophysiology•心理生理学

• (6) 对比关系•e.g.:• If you agree, write “yes”. If you dissent, write “no”.•dissent•不同意


猜词技巧 4 :构词法•英语词汇的构词法主要有三种:派生词,合成词,转化构词。•A. 派生词:借前缀或后缀之助,制造出派生词。一般来说,前缀改变词根的意思;后缀改变词性。•prehistory, triangle, possibility

•B. 合成词• father-in-law•岳父•man-made•人造的•easy-going•随和的

•C. 转化构词:由一个词类转化为另一词类 •water(n.)•水•water(v.)•浇水

More practice:•1. The future of him is unforseeable.•2. Bullfight is very popular in Spain. •3. It’s time to board the plane. He pays $40 a week board.

猜词技巧 5 :根据生活常识• A. If you keep bread too long, it becomes stale.• 不新鲜的,腐坏的• B. Doctors believe that smoking cigarettes is detrimental to our health. • 有害的

猜词技巧 6 :举例法• 举例法常见信号词: for example, such as• Collins decided that she must go, although the hazards of the trip were many, for example, the unbearable heat , the possibility of getting lost , the presence of wild animals and poisonous snakes.• 危险

猜词技巧 7 :重述法•重述法常使用的一些信号词有: that is (to say), or, i.e., in other words, to put it another way 等等•e.g.: Before a meeting begins, the chairman usually makes a short preliminary speech. In other words, he says a few things by way of introduction.


Exercise: Guess the meaning of the underlined words• 1. I’m Lisa from London, England, and I’m a vegetarian. That’s someone who doesn’t eat meat.• 素食者

• 2. Mr. Smith looked for a porter as soon as he got off the train. Because he took a lot of bags with him and they were all very heavy.• 搬运工

• 3. If the fire starts in another part of the building, do not stand. If there is smoke in your room, craw to the door. Smoke and gases will go up.• 爬行• 4. Pantomime refers to a short play in which no words are spoken. • 哑剧

• 5. Anthropology is the scientific study of man. • 人类学• 6. The powerful poison was imperceptible when mixed in liquid, that is, it could not be tasted, seen, or smelled. • 察觉不出,感觉不到

• 7. Mr. Smith loves to talk, and his wife is similarly loquacious. • 多话的,非常健谈的• 8. She wanted the hairdresser to trim her hair a bit because it was to long. • 修剪

• 9. A fish breathes in water with gills. • 鳃• 10. When men and women lived by hunting 50,000 years ago, how could they even begin to picture modern life? • 想象

•请同学们记住:词不离句!Thank you for listening!