Rails bestpractices.com

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Rails bestpractices.com


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为什么需要 Rails Best Practices?

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遵循 Rails Best Practices

写出更漂亮的 Rails代码

成为更优秀的 Rails程序员


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rails best practices的故事

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2009年 10月 24 日 上海


“Rails Best Practices”


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2009年 11月 03日



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根据 ihower的演讲对 rails代

码进行静态分析,找出 bad


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2010年 06月 19日




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2010年 07月 04日




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Rails Template

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Rails Template

创建 rails应用的模板

扩展 rails应用的模板

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Rails Template

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run “echo TOD > README”

gem “haml”, “>= 3.0.13”

plugin “typus”, :git => “git://github.com/fesplugas/typus.git”

generate “model User login:string email:string”

route “root :to => 'home#show'”

rake “db:migrate”

git :add => “.”

Rails Template

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我碰到的 Rails3变动

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Rails3 Route

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resources :posts do get :archive, :on => :collection resources :comments, :only => :create resources :votes, :only => [:create, :destroy] resource :implementationend

match 'search' => 'search#show', :as => :searchmatch 'page/:name' => 'pages#show', :as => :pageroot :to => "posts#index"

Rails3 Route

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/tags/rails/posts => /tags/rails?nav=posts/tags/rails/posts?page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2/tags/rails/posts?action=show&controller=tags&nav=posts&page=2 => /tags/rails?nav=posts&page=2

match "/tags/:id/posts" => redirect { |params, req| if req.query_string.index('page') # query_string remove controller and action "/tags/#{params[:id]}?#{query_string}" else "/tags/#{params[:id]}?nav=posts" end}

Rails3 Scope

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scope :implemented, where(:implemented => true)

default_scope order('created_at desc')

with_exclusive_scope do scope :most_voted, order('vote_points desc')end


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一种非常简洁的模板语言,是 ERB的替代品


Haml (Before)

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<div id="profile"> <div class="left column"> <div id="date"><%= print_date %></div> </div> <div class="right column"> <div id="email"><%= current_user.email %></div> <div id="bio"><%= h current_user.bio %></div> </div></div>

Haml (After)

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#profile .left.column #date= print_date #address= current_user.address .right.column #email= current_user.email #bio= h(current_user.bio)


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一种 css框架

使得 css更易于创建和书写



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layout (blueprint …)

css3 (border radius, text shadow, gradient …)

utilities (clearfix, float, horizontal list …)

Compass 代码重用

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@mixin wikistyle { margin: 1em 0; h1 { font-size: 170%; } h2 { font-size: 150%; } …}

Compass 代码重用

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@import ‘wikistyle’

.post .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 10px;}

.question .wikistyle { @include wikistyle; margin-top: 5px;}


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简化 form表单的创建



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= semantic_form_for @user do |form| = form.inputs do = form.input :login, :label => 'Username' = form.input :email = form.input :password = form.input :password_confirmation = form.buttons do = form.submit "Register"


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加速 controller的开发



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class AnswersController < InheritedResources::Base before_filter :require_user, :only => [:new, :edit, :create, :update] belongs_to :question

create! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } failure.html { render 'questions/show' } end

update! do |success, failure| success.html { redirect_to question_path(@question) } endend

Authlogic authlogic-connect

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使用 facebook、 twitter帐号登录

使用 OpenID帐号登录


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把所有的 stylesheets组合为一个 all.css

把所有的 javsacripts组合为一个 all.js

把所有的图片组合为一个 css_sprite.png

组合 css

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= stylesheet_link_tag 'compiled/screen', 'compiled/layout', 'compiled/post', :cache => true

组合 javascript

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= javascript_include_tag 'jquery', 'rails', 'application', :cache => true


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自动处理 css sprite

约定:images/css_sprite目录下的图片组合成 css sprite图片生成 css_sprite.png和 css_sprite.css (css, sass, scss)


Css sprite

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twitter_icon.png .twitter_icon

hotmail-logo.png hotmail-logo

icons/twitter_icon.png .icons .twitter_icon

widget/icons/twitter_icon.png .widget .icons .twitter_icon

twitter_icon_hover.png .twitter_icon:hover

twitter-icon-hover.png .twitter-icon:hover

logos_hover/gmail_logo.png .logos:hover .gmail_logo

logos-hover/gmail-logo.png .logos:hover .gmail-logo

.gmail-logo-active.png .gmail-logo.active

logos-active/gmail-logo.png .logos.active .gmail-logo


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找出 N+1的查询以及多余的 eager loading



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动态提示: (alert, console.log, logger, growl, xmpp)

N+1 Query detected Post => [:user] Add to your finder: :include => [:user]N+1 Query method call stack


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ngty 测试代码主要贡献者


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has_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy

has_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy

validates_presence_of :title, :body

validates_uniqueness_of :title


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should_have_one :implementation, :dependent => :destroy

should_have_many :posts, :dependent => :destroy

should_validate_presence_of :title, :body

should_validate_uniqueness_of :title

Module, module, module

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class Post < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to user, :counter_cache => true

def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user endend

Module, module, module

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module UserOwnable def self.included(base) base.class_eval do belongs_to :user, :counter_cache => true end end def belongs_to?(user) self.user == user endend

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base include UserOwnableend

Module, module, module

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describe Post do include RailsBestPractices::Macros should_be_user_ownableend

module RailsBestPractices::Macros def should_be_user_ownable describe 'being user ownable' do should_belong_to :user, :counter_cache => true it 'should belong to someone if he is the owner of it' it 'should not belong to someone if he is not the owner of it' end endend

分享你的 Rails最佳实践

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rails_best_practices gem demo

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月底开始支持 rails3

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