Quiz fest zugzwang the grand finale

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Quiz fest zugzwang the grand finale

  1. 1. 16 questions Pounce only and first 8 questions go clockwise and second 8 go anti-clockwise. +10 for a direct as well as pass question. -10 on wrong answer in pounce.
  2. 2. Jaya Sri Maha X(Sinhala: ) is a Sacred Fig tree in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. It is said to be the southern branch from the historical X tree Sri Maha X at Y . It was planted in 288 BC and is the oldest living human-planted tree in the world with a known planting date. Today it is one of the most sacred relics of the Buddhists in Sri Lanka and respected by Buddhists all over the world. What makes this tree so sacred and special that even made Narendra Modi visit the place during his Srilanka visit?(pic next slide)
  3. 3. Worshippers believe that the Sri Maha Bodhi Tree has grown from a sapling from one that sheltered the Buddha over 2,500 years ago during his enlightment.
  4. 4. A X loan is one given to a borrower who is regarded as being highly creditworthy, has no obvious financial difficulties and a good payment record, and is therefore very likely to repay the loan. Plain X is an adjective describing the simplest version of something, without any optional extras, basic or ordinary in analogy with the default ice cream flavour X, which became widely and cheaply available with the development of artificial Y flavour. Some Financial instruments like put options or call options are often described as plain X options. The opposite of plain X options are exotic options.
  5. 5. X is a 1975 Assamese drama film directed by Abdul Majid. A love story set in a tea estate in Assam, between a British tea estate owner and local tea garden worker. It starred George Baker and Binita Borgohain as leads. The film is based on a short story by journalist and writer, Nirod Choudhury. The film was both a critical and commercial success, lead actor Baker turned into a matinee idol. At the 1975 National Film Awards, the film won the award for Best Music Direction for Bhupen Hazarika, as well as Best Feature Film in Assamese. In 2013, at the 44th International Film Festival of India, in Goa the film was shown as a part of Focus: North East section.
  6. 6. The X, now a New York Times bestseller, tells the true story of a 1787 Chteau Lafite Bordeauxsupposedly owned by Thomas Jeffersonthat sold for $156,000 at auction and of the eccentrics whose lives intersected with it. Was it truly entombed in a Paris cellar for two hundred years? Or did it come from a secret Nazi bunker? Or from the moldy basement of a devilishly brilliant con artist? As Benjamin Wallace unravels the mystery, we meet a gallery of intriguing players from the bicycle-riding British auctioneer who speaks of wines as if they are women to the obsessive wine collector who discovered the bottle. Suspenseful and thrillingly strange, this is the vintage tale of what could be the most elaborate con since the Hitler diaries. X please.
  7. 7. Originally, the scientists were experimenting with creating X from organic solutions such as acetone, ethanol, and methanol. They found that diluting ethanol in water resulted in high quality X films. The scientists then noticed that the ideal compound of 40 percent ethanol and 60 percent water was similar to the proportion used in tequila. In a specially made device, they heated the liquid tequila to 280 C (536 F) to transform it into a gas. In a reaction chamber, they heated the gas to 800 C (1470 F) to break down its molecular structure, resulting in solid X crystals of about 100-400 nm. The crystals fell onto silicon or stainless steel trays, accumulating in a thin, uniform film. The high temperatures removed all of the tequilas carbon impurities to result in pure X. What were they trying to make?
  8. 8. Scientists In Mexico Turned Tequila Into Diamonds !!
  9. 9. Whenever there is any reference of Sanskrit epic Mahabharata, people think of Gandhar (Kandahar, Afghanistan), Kurukshetra (Haryana), Indraprastha (Delhi), Hastinapur (Meerut, UP), Mathura (UP) or Dwarka (Gujarat).. Even in their wildest dream, people usually dont think of an association of Nagaland with Mahabharata. T h e local Kachhar dynasty actually the descendents of Kirat dynasty is described in Mahabharata. In fact, the name Dimapur itself is the distortion of X where Xs name comes from a characters name who was Ys wife and Zs mother. The locals believe that it is the place where X and Z practised chess.( pic next slide)
  10. 10. X: Bhima , Z: Ghatodkacha
  11. 11. We first thought of the kangaroo, that goes forward in leaps and bounds ... Then we considered the elephant. He is wise, patient, strong, hard working and like all [students] who, has a good tough hide. But neither of these were X animals. We turned to William Temple Hornaday's textbook, The X Natural History: A Foundation of Useful Knowledge of the Higher Animals of North X (1906) and instantly chose the Y. As you will see, the Y not only typifies the [student], but his habits are peculiarly their own. Of all the animals in the world, the X is noted for his skills that best suited their students and the profession they were trained for and had habits of industry. Its habits are nocturnalhe does his best work in the dark Give me Y or what am I talking about?
  12. 12. Beaver(TIM) being the mascot of MIT.
  13. 13. According to one view, the movie is a retelling of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." X is Macbeth and Y is Lady Macbeth, pushing him to do as he pleases (to be king, or in this case, to be popular and trending). Also, Macbeth famously pursues a course of action aimed at blocking a prophecy proclaimed by witches, while here X uses all his money and time to do something as predicted by a female critic. There is also a scene when X's character leaves a bar, and lines from "Macbeth" are being spoken by an actor on the street. Finally, at one point in the play within the movie, dancing trees are seen on stage, just as in Macbeth. Which movie?
  14. 14. The English word for this import from Asia is derived from an Amoy Chinese word while the word used in most Indian languages as also in Russian, Turkish, Uzbek and Thai comes from the Cantonese version of the name. What are the two words? (no part points)
  15. 15. Tea and Chai!
  16. 16. The concept of Y as it is found in Eastern religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and others can be translated as cycles of existence or continuous flow and relates to the repeating cycle of birth, life, death, and reincarnation. This is a belief that is very familiar to composer/ producer Z who was born and raised in India and continues to live and work in the city of Bangalore. While his life there would seem to be worlds away from that of South African composer/ flutist Wouter Kellerman, the two have found common ground musically and have woven together the disparate elements of their cultural backgrounds on this ground-breaking recording that features over 120 musicians from five continents. X of Y gives new meaning to the term world music. Give me X, Y ,Z.
  17. 17. When asked why his country wasnt good at cricket , he said that any game that was played during the day is a national waste of time. In one other occasion he was asked what he would do if he were made the PM of India, he said that India was 300 times the size of his country, so basically India needed 300 Xs to change itself. Who is X?
  18. 18. Lee Kuan Yew : the founding father of Singapore
  19. 19. Designed by Manzer, the Y guitar is a notable instrument whose name was derived from its likeness to the appearance of the cubist works of the renowned artist X. This instrument is basically a harp guitar that has four necks, two sound holes and 42 strings. The pronunciation of X and Y are quite same.
  20. 20. The 30 odd people who were hired for this 2006-07 job were given gift hampers since they refused to accept money. X sent them a hamper containing expensive watches from an international company of which he is the brand ambassador. What am I talking about?
  21. 21. The cameos in Deewangi song from Om Shanti Om.
  22. 22. The ______ relay is a six stage relay race on the riverside footpaths from Ely to Cambridge and back to Ely. These paths were used by X who used it for running when he was a student at Cambridge from 1931 to 1934; his best time was 2 hours and 46 minutes. Identify X who was otherwise famous in a different field close to us.
  23. 23. During Xs campaign for the presidency, a Democrat named Valentine Tapley from Missouri, swore that he would never shave again if X were elected. Tapley kept his word and did not shave from 1860 until he died in 1910, attaining a length of twelve feet six inches. Hint: Since Twilight released the same week as X, so X got killed for the second time(pun intended)
  24. 24. By 2025, according to Boyd, Xs will be a commonplace, although the source of scorn and division, the way that critics today bemoan selfies as an indicator of all thats wrong with the world. According to him wed have realistic Xs by around 2017. These wont necessarily have human-level intelligence but theyll look, move, and feel a lot like real humans. In short, theyll probably be good enough to satisfy the purpose they are built for. What effect these Xs will have on human-human relationships, and cutting short the illegal activities going on , remains to be seen. At a bare minimum, a lot of a certain category of people will probably lose their jobs. If people start falling in love with their Xs ,then there could be some wide-ranging repercussions. X have various options such as radio remote control and/or interactive touch sensory so if you touch it correctly,it turns on. Xs have a completely removable skin which can easily be cleaned either on or by taking it off. This also means that if you want to change the way your Xs looks, you may purchase another skin with a different color, features etc.
  25. 25. Same rules..its just Shamitabh!!
  26. 26. According to Greek myth, there was once a great competition between the gods as to whose name would be used to name a very important city in Greece. Ultimately, only Poseidon and Athena remained in the race. To avoid any violence, Zeus decided that the two should create something for the city dwellers, and the one whose gift would be accepted by the citizens, would win. Poseidon created a salt-water spring. Athena, however, created something, which not only helped her win, but which went on to have an enduring connection with Greece. What?
  27. 27. The Olive Tree
  28. 28. 2. Funda? Two typefaces are used in the text, both in yellow: News Gothic for the main body of the text, and Univers for the title. Several words are in all-capital letters to stress their importance. Each line of the text spans the width of the screen when it enters from the bottom. In some versions, the full lines of text are cut off on the sides until they have scrolled further onto the screen. As a result, by the time the full lines are visible, the text is much smaller and harder to read. In addition, the viewer also has less time to read it.
  29. 29. The Star Wars Opening Crawl
  30. 30. 3. The planet Uranus has had an interesting association with names. Its discoverer, Sir William Herschel, originally named it Georgium Sidius , after King George III of UK, while French astronomers called it Herschel. The names of its moons too were not taken from Greek and Roman myth as was the convention back then, but from a separate source altogether. What source?
  31. 31. The plays of William Shakespeare and Edgar Allan Poe
  32. 32. 4. Funda?
  33. 33. Photograph of Kathrine Switzer, the first female marathon runner in the world, trying to run in the Boston Marathon
  34. 34. Queen Elizabeth I
  35. 35. 6. In 455 BC, a Germanic tribe under their king, Genseric, sacked Rome. Although, they may not have been any more destructive than other invaders of ancient times, they nevertheless did intentionally damage statues. As a result, when a French Bishop coined a term to describe the intentional destruction of art during the French revolution, he used this tribes name. The term exists till today. Identify either the term or the tribe
  36. 36. Vandals/Vandalism
  37. 37. 7. Xs first girlfriend was Marie-Louise Van Cutsem, better known by her nickname, Marie Louise. Their relationship dwindled because of her father's disapproval of X's low social class. But X remained fond of her and chose a portmanteau of her nickname to name one of his most beloved creations. The English version of that name, Y, however has a different origin, having a relation with colour. Id X and Y
  38. 38. X- Herg Y- Snowy
  39. 39. 8. Occasionally, the joker figure on the Joker card in a deck of playing cards, is replaced by something else. In Australia, the Joker in the Queen's Slipper brand of playing cards is replaced by a picture of a Kookaburra, a bird native to Australia. Why has the Kookaburra been used to replace the Joker?
  40. 40. 9. The term 'Nymwars' refers to the series of conflicts from 2011 onwards, over a specific Google policy. This gained prominence with the Twitter hashtag- #nymwars, and the issue was finally resolved last year. What policy?
  41. 41. The Google policy of not allowing fake names or 'pseudoNYMs' on Google accounts
  42. 42. 10. Funda? IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU SEE _____ FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. The Manager of this theatre has been instructed, at the risk of his life, not to admit to the theatre any persons after the picture starts. Any spurious attempts to enter by side doors, fire escapes or ventilating shafts will be met with force. The entire objective of this extraordinary policy, of course, is to help you enjoy _____ more
  43. 43. Alfred Hitchcocks "no late admission" policy for his film, Psycho. Besides thinking that if people entered the theater late and never saw the star actress Janet Leigh, they would feel cheated, it was also a ploy by Hitchcock to generate interest in his movie
  44. 44. 11. The Sherlockian game (also known as the Great Game) is the name given to the attempts (through research) to resolve anomalies and clarify details about Holmes and Watson from the Conan Doyle canon. The Game treats Holmes and Watson as real people. How then do the researchers explain the presence of Arthur Conan Doyle?
  45. 45. He is assumed to be Watson's literary agent
  46. 46. 12. In 2011, making use of the famous Forever Alone meme, Sony Ericsson launched the worlds first solo marathon, as a promotional strategy, with the tagline- The Loneliest Marathon in the World. As a part of the campaign, people had to activate an app on their Sony Ericsson phones and then run. The app would then send the data to a jury. Prize winners were offered phones and tickets to the New York marathon. What was the name of the campaign?
  47. 47. Xperiathon
  48. 48. 13. Christians believe that there were 7 signs used by Jesus Christ to illustrate his divine authority, one of them being resurrecting one of his followers from death. The name of that follower is now a part of science as well as popular culture, referring to apparent restoration of life. Fans of Batman and the popular TV series, Arrow, would especially be familiar with it. What name?
  49. 49. Lazarus
  50. 50. 14. FITB In 1995, programmer Ward Cunnigham launched an unique website (the first of its kind). The uniqueness of the website was that it was user-editable. Cunningham came up with an unique name for his website, the initials for which were, co-incidentally, WWW. He used a particular word, _____, in this name, because he remembered a Honolulu International Airport counter employee who told him to take the _____ _____ Shuttle, a shuttle bus line that runs between the airport's terminals. In Hawaiian language, _____ stands for Quick and Cunningham's idea was to make the websites pages quickly editable by its users. Id X
  51. 51. Wiki
  52. 52. 15. The alternate title for this novel was A novel without a hero. Written by William Makepeace Thackeray, it has been selected as one of U.K.s best loved novels by popular vote. The actual title, which was taken from another iconic novel, The Pilgrims Progress, has also been used by a famous international magazine as their name. What is the actual title?
  53. 53. Vanity Fair
  54. 54. 16. In 1997, 17-year-old student Daniel Malmedahl recorded himself imitating the noises produced by internal combustion engines. In late 2003, Erik Wernquist, encountered the sound effect and was inspired to create a 3D animated character, which he named _____, to accompany it. When Ringtone Europe and Jamster heard about both of them, they licensed the rights to the creation, renaming it X and starting to market it in mid-2004. Wernquist was however not pleased with the new name, saying- If I had known that this was going to be such a big thing I would not have allowed them to use that stupid name. Id X
  55. 55. Crazy Frog
  56. 56. 17. These are the first two stanzas of a famous poem by William Cowper. What was so special about this poem? I am monarch of all I survey; My right there is none to dispute; From the centre all round to the sea I am lord of the fowl and the brute O Solitude! where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face? Better dwell in the midst of alarms, Than reign in this horrible place. I am out of humanity's reach; I must finish my journey alone; Never hear the sweet music of speech I start at the sound of my own; The beasts that roam over the plain My form with indifference see They are so unacquainted with man, Their tameness is shocking to me.
  57. 57. The poem, titled The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk, describes the real life experiences of Alexander Selkirk, who spent 4 years marooned on an uninhabited island, which eventually also allegedly inspired the novel Robinson Crusoe
  58. 58. 18. In the armed forces, this term refers to teams of tremendously fit men and women who put themselves in danger on a regular basis for the betterment of society. In business, it means a group of experts (often fat guys in suits) assembled to solve a problem or tackle an opportunity. An apt comparison, if youre a fat guy in a suit. This funny quote is talking about a term, which is ranked among the most useless business jargon ever. What?
  59. 59. SWAT Team
  60. 60. 19. Viewing from the superhero and pop-culture point of view, connect the following (non- exhaustive) list - Hotdog stand vendor Street Vendor Research lab security guard Mail carrier Hugh Hefner look-alike Larry King look alike Truck-owner World War II general High school librarian Wedding Guest Mental ward patient
  61. 61. Stan Lees cameo roles in Marvel films
  62. 62. 20. The design of the Barclays Premier League trophy is based on the heraldry of Three Lions that is associated with English football and England in general. Two of the lions are found above the handles on either side of the trophy (picture on next slide). Where is the third one?
  63. 63. The third lion is symbolized by the captain of the title winning team as he raises the trophy, and its gold crown, above his head at the end of the season.
  64. 64. 21. It was originally patented as a nerve tonic, and incidentally also as a medicine which, as claimed by its creator, could cure diseases including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. The brand shifted course midway, going into a separate sector altogether. The designer of this product has been known to call it aggressively feminine. Id the brand/product
  65. 65. 22. To notify Google users of their absence due to the Burning Man Festival (in case Google's servers crashed), Sergey Brin and Larry Page created something which has achieved cult status today. What?
  66. 66. Google Doodle
  67. 67. 23. The famous SIS/MI6 building (picture on next slide), which has featured prominently in a few James Bond movies is also known as the Babylon-on-Thames, due to its resemblance to a common but famous Babylonian structure. What structure?
  68. 68. Ziggurat
  69. 69. 24. In 1926, after a quarrel with her husband, she disappeared from her home, leaving behind a letter for her secretary saying that she was going to Yorkshire. Her car, was later found, by a lake near Guildford, with an expired driving licence and clothes. Her disappearance caused an outcry from the public. The British Home Secretary pressured police, and a newspaper offered 100 reward. Over a thousand police officers, 15,000 volunteers and several aeroplanes scoured the rural landscape. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle even gave a spirit medium one of her gloves to find the missing woman. Her disappearance also featured on the front page of The New York Times. Despite the extensive manhunt, she was not found for 10 days. On 14 December 1926, she was found at the Swan Hydropathic Hotel in Harrogate, Yorkshire, registered as Mrs Teresa Neele from Cape Town. Who?
  70. 70. 25. The Joint Army/Navy Phonetic Alphabet , developed in 1941, and used by all branches of the United States military until the promulgation of the ICAO spelling alphabet in 1956 , assigned a special term to each letter of the alphabet and each of the ten digits. One such term from this alphabet is used till today in radio communication, and denotes a very crucial message. What term?
  71. 71. Roger (The Roger that message)
  72. 72. 26. This satirical video, by CollegeHumor, parodying The Inglorious Basterds, is also illustrating a popular internet term. Urban Dictionary defines the term as Someone who believes it's their duty to attempt to correct any grammar and/or spelling mistakes they observe. What term
  73. 73. Grammar Nazi
  74. 74. Written round,8 questions Momentum marking scheme and each team starts with a base score of 10 which gets incremented by +10 on giving consecutive correct answers. Questions based on Epitaphs and tombs.
  75. 75. It Says: Good Friend, for Jesus sake forbear To dig the dust enclosed here: Blessed be the man that spares these stones, And curst be he that moves my bones.
  76. 76. Sheikh Salim Chisti
  77. 77. The R.K. Laxman Tribute Round
  78. 78. The successful putting down of the 1857 Sepoy Mutiny and defeat of the rebels,
  79. 79. The Indian Coal Allocation/Coal-Gate scam, which was a major setback for the UPA-II government.
  80. 80. UN Security Councils sanctions on Iran, after it refused to suspend its uranium enrichment program
  81. 81. The sudden end (after the referendum) to the Scottish Independence movement, as it was slowly gaining momentum.
  82. 82. Salman Khan hit-and-run case
  83. 83. The Brazil governments attempt to appease the countrys protesters by hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup
  84. 84. The fact that some of the cast members of Slumdog Millionaire stayed in slums.
  85. 85. The LGBT community in the army, specifically the US army.
  86. 86. It is a written round and there are 9 questions A wrong answer would fetch you -15 points. Differential marking scheme to be followed, here marks score=5*(no of teams that couldnt answer/incorrectly answered or both).
  87. 87. X and Y developed identical national flags independently of each other. No one realized until the two countries competed against each other in the 1936 Summer Olympics under the same flag. The crown was added to the flag of Y in 1937 after the country found this out. The crown whose colour is disputed epitomizes the "unity of the people and their prince(pic next slide)
  88. 88. X: Haiti Y: Liechtenstein
  89. 89. The word X means Valor in Sanskrit. In Hindi it means,Heroism, bravery, to march forward etc. The 20012002 IndiaPakistan standoff codenamed operation X was a military standoff between India and Pakistan that resulted in the massing of troops on either side of the border and along the Line of Control (LoC) in the region of Kashmir. This was the second major military standoff between India and Pakistan following the successful detonation of nuclear devices by both countries in 1998. The military buildup was initiated by India responding to a terrorist attacks on the Indian Parliament on 13 December 2001 (during which twelve people, including the five men who attacked the building, were killed) and the legislative Assembly on 1 October 2001. India claimed that the attacks were carried out by two Pakistan-based terror groups fighting Indian administered Kashmir, the Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammad, both of whom India has said are backed by Pakistan's ISI a charge that Pakistan denied.
  90. 90. Operation Parakram.
  91. 91. At the age of nine he went to a boarding school which was located besides the Cadburys factory. The children got to taste a lot of chocolates and it was Xs dream to make the most delicious chocolate bar. Well, he almost did this with Y which is considered to be one of his finest. Who am I talking about?
  92. 92. The name of the first writing system Cuneiform dating back to c.3100 BCE , derives from kunta, the word for woman, precursor to the modern word X which is now used as a swear word and insult. Give me X.
  93. 93. Cunt!
  94. 94. In a significant addition to the butterfly species in India, wildlife enthusiasts have found the Malayan Green Banded X ( Papilio palinurus ), a beautiful specimen found in South East Asia, for the first time in India. The butterfly with a dusty green base having a bluish green band spread over both wings in the shape of an arc is found in southern Myanmar and peninsular Thailand south-eastward into Borneo and the Philippines. West Bengal is probably the only State which is home to a wide variety of X butterflies such as the rare Krishna X, Blue X,the relatively common Paris X, Common X and Common Banded X(pic next slide)
  95. 95. X : Peacock due to their dusty green base having a bluish green band spread over both wings
  96. 96. The Spanish firm Elmet is one of a dozen firms that began the ardous task of producing almost 147,000 tonnes of copper, 54,000 tonnes of steel and 43,000 tonnes of nickel from existing materials in 2003. The job was to have been completed in 2005 but it took much longer. The result of this effort has gone into making chips in personal computer, connectors for mobile phones, pipes for drinking water and electrical cables in homes. What caused all this labour?
  97. 97. The adoption of Euro around this time made all other coins reduntant!!
  98. 98. In the Adi Parva (Book 1) of the epic Mahabharata, the divine sage Narada tells the Pandava brothers the story of destruction of demon brothers Sunda and Upsunda due to the X, and warning them that their common wife Draupadi could be a reason of quarrel between them. The tale states Sunda and Upasunda were sons of the asura (demon) Nikumbha. They are described as inseparable siblings who shared everything: the kingdom, the bed, food, house, seat. Once, the brothers practiced severe austerities on the Vindhya mountains, compelling the creator-god Brahma to grant them a boon. They asked for great power and immortality, but the latter was denied, instead Brahma gave them the boon that nothing but they themselves can hurt each other. Soon, the demons attacked heaven and drove the gods out. Conquering the whole universe, the demons started harassing sages and creating havoc in the universe(contd....)
  99. 99. The gods and seers sought refuge with Brahma. Brahma then ordered the divine architect Vishvakarma to create a beautiful woman. Vishvakarma collected all that was beautiful from the three worlds (heaven, earth, underworld) and all the gems of the world and created an alluring woman - with unrivaled beauty - from them. As she was created bit by bit from the gems, Brahma named her X and directed her to seduce the demon brothers to the extent that she would become an issue of contention between them As Sunda and Upasunda were enjoying dalliance with women and engrossed in drinking liquor along a river bank in the Vindhya mountains, X appeared there plucking flowers. Bewitched by her voluptuous figure and drunk with power and liquor, Sunda and Upasunda took hold of Xs right and left hands respectively. As both of the brothers argued that X should be his own wife, they grabbed their clubs and attacked each other, ultimately killing each other.
  100. 100. Tilottama
  101. 101. . Lepakshi (Telugu: )(Kannada: ) is a small village in Mandal located in the Anantapur District of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is 15 km (9.3 mi) east of Hindupur and approximately 120 km (75 mi) north of Bangalore. Lepakshi is historically and archaeologically significant as it has three shrines dedicated to Shiva, Vishnu and Veerabhadra. These shrines were built during the Vijayanagara Kings' period (13361646). What is the mythical significance of this place called Lepakshi which means "Rise, bird in Telegu and hence the name
  102. 102. This is the place where Jatayu fell and died when he tried to stop Ravana from abducting Sita.
  103. 103. Recently six lawyers in Agra have moved the Civil court with the prayer to declare X as a Shiva temple. The lawyers have made Agreshwar Mahadev a party in their suit to claim the ownership of X. Lawyer Harikrishna and his friends have sought courts direction to allow Hindus to start worshipping in X. It also wants removal of all the graves from the premises of X.