Prose Metalurgi Serbuk

Post on 14-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Prose Metalurgi Serbuk

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada Presented ByM. Syaiful (2011220010)Slamet W (2011220008)METALURGI SERBUK ??????

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 1.1 DefinisiMETALURGI SERBUKMetalurgi serbuk adalah teknik pengolahan logam untuk menghasilkan produk komersial dengan menggunakan serbuk logam melalui proses penekanan dan pemanasan (sinter). Serbuk dapat terdiri dari campuran serbuk logam dengan serbuk non-logam.

    Contoh : Serbuk kobalt (logam) dengan serbuk tungsten logam), Serbuk besi (logam) dengan grafit (non-logam)

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 1.2 Skema umum pemprosesanMETALURGI SERBUK

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.1 KlasifikasiMETALURGI SERBUKskema umum pemrosesan di tunjukkan pada Gambarl l.l. Serbuk Dihasilkan dengan salah satu dari banyak teknik, dikenai sejumlah langkah yang telah dipersiapkan sebelumnya dan disatukan untuk-menghasilkan bentuk dan kekuatan. Sementara sampai penyinteran menghasilkan ikatan-ikatarn metalurgi secara lain menghasilkan Bentuk dan kekuatan dengan penyatuan panas. Penyatuan panas skalaa atom terjadi dalam electroforming. 2.2 Logam serbukLangkah-langkap pemprosesan yang mencangkup pembuatan, pengkarakterisasian, dan perlakuan logam serbuk berpengaruh pada kualitas produk akhir.

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.1 Produksi logam serbukMETALURGI SERBUKLogam dapat dibentuk dengan beberapa tehnikA.Wining~Logam didapatkan dari persenyawaannya.1. Reduksi atau pengurangan oksida dengan memakai karbon atau hidrogen (Fe, Cu, Co, Mo, W) sering menghasilkan struktur berongga ( kare'nait u, sebagaic ontoh,disebut besi sepon)yang dihaluskan dengan teknik-teknik yang sama dengan teknik yang digunakan dalam pembuatan keramik (Sub-subbab1 2.4.1)2. Penguraian termal sebuah senyawa akan rnenghasilkan partikel-partikel berujung tajam[seperli carbonyl Ni(CO)4].3. Elektrolisis dilakukan sedemikian sehingga menghasilkan struktur yang sangat tidak biasa, sering kali berupa endapan dendritik yang kemudian dihancurkan( Fe, Cu, Be).4. Presipitasi logam dari larutan cair dimungkinkan dengan sementasi (presipitasi dengan sedikit logam mulia, (misal Cu dengan Fe) atau dengan mengurangi hidrogen (misal, Ni).

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.1 Produksi logam serbukMETALURGI SERBUKB.Deposisi~ Presipitasi bahan padat dari fasa uap menghasilkan serbuk yang sangat halus( Zn).C.Atomisasi~ lni merupakan proses dominan untuk bahan-bahan yang sebelumnya telah berupa paduan. Dibagi 3 bagian

    l. Atomisasi air tergolong untuk kuantitas besar. Leburan cair yang muncul dari sebuah nosel diuraikan denganpancaran atau semburan air (Gambar ll.2a)-3. Atomisasi sentrifugal didasarkan pada pengarahaan aliran leburan pada sebuah cakram putar cil (Cambarl l.2b).2.Atomisasi gas yang( Gambarll .2a) menhasilkan serbuk-serbuk bulat.

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.1 Produksi logam serbukMETALURGI SERBUK

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.1 Produksi logam serbukMETALURGI SERBUKC.Produksi Serat~ Pada metode ekstraksi leburan,cakram putar bertarik, dan berpendingin-air sentuhkan dengan permukaan leburan( Gambarl l.3a). Pada metode pemutaran leburan{ melts pinning), leburan diarahkan pada cakram dingin yang berputar cepa(GambarI l.3b)untuk membentuk carikan pita dengan tebal 20-l00 um..Carikan pita tersebut juga dapat dibentuk dengan metode pendinin cepat dengan rol-rol penggilas( roller quenching)( GambarI l.3c) diantara dua buah rol cil.D.Produksi Serbuk Mekanis~ Beberapa serbuk logam (khususnya berilium) dihasilkan dengan pentesinan sebuah bilet cor berbutir-kasar dan pelumatan sudip dengan penggilingan bola dan penggerindaan impak. Sebagian serbuk paduan titanium ulet juga dibuat dari pengecoran: gas hidrogen dipakai untuk membentuk hibrida-hibrida getas yarrg dapat digiling menjadi serbuk, keuletan dipulihkan dengan pelepasan hidrogen.

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.1 Produksi logam serbukMETALURGI SERBUKStruktur Serbuk Pada semua proses atomisasi dan serat (carikan pita), laju pendinginan lebih tinggi dari pada pembekuan konvensional, dengan urutan 100C/detik pada atomisasi gas 1000C/detik pada atomisasi air dan lebih dari 1000 C/detik pada atomisasi sentrifugal dan putaran-lektroda (karena itu disebut rapid solidficaticn technology, RST).

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.2 Karakteristik serbukMETALURGI SERBUKSifat-sifat yang mengpengaruhi ketangguhan serbuk maupun sifat-sifat produk akhir ditentukan secara rutin.1-Morfologi -Bentuk,ukuran dan penyebaran ukuran partikel merupakan variabel-variabel penting.~Bentuk Partikel~Ukuran Partikel~Distribusi Ukuran partikel2-Sifat-sifat fisik Serbuk mempunyai sifat-sifat yang penting untuk pemprosesan lebih lanjut.~luas permukaan spesifik~Densitas Teoritas~sifat-sifat aliran (laju aliran)~Sifat mampu mampat ( pemadatan)

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 2.2.3 Langkah persiapan serbukMETALURGI SERBUK~Klasifikasi Merupakan proses pemisahan kedalam bagian-bagian berdasarkan ukuran partikel.~Pengoidisian Serbuk Sejumlah logam, seperti besi oksida-oksidanya telah dikurangi dengan undara selama penyinteran2.2.4 Pengadukan Agar pengadukan merata sering digunakan penggilingan bola (Ball Milling)*Pengadukan/pencampuran*Paduan-paduan logam*penggilingan terus menerus*pelumasan*Bahan pengikat*Bantuan penyinteran*Deflokulan (penambahan zat kimia)*Pengeringan semprot

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK2.2.4 Pengadukan

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 3.3 Penggabungan serbukMETALURGI SERBUKMetode yang dipilih untuk penggabungan, yaitu dalam mengubah bahan partikulat menjadi bentuk yang dibutuhkan, bergantung pada partikel dan pada densitas produk yang dikehendaki. Ada 2 cara.3.3.1 Pemadatan dingin

    ~Pres cetak tekan.~Pres isotatis dingin.~Penggilasan.~Cara gravitasi.

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK3.3.1 Pemadatan dingin

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK3.3.1 Pemadatan dingin

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 3.3.2 Cetak InjeksiMETALURGI SERBUK~Cetak injeksi serbuk halus.~Cetak serbuk presisi [precision powder injection molding (PPIM)].

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 4.4 Penyinteran dan Pemprosesan akhirMETALURGI SERBUKDimana padatan diperkuat dengan cara penyinteran dan jika perlu dengan pemprosesan lanjutan.

    Penyinteran terjadi pada suhu tinggi diatas 0,5 T (0,6 0,9 T ) Padatannya mengandung partikel-partikel bahan yang saling mendekat. Energi sistem akan berkurang dengan berkurangnya total luas perrnukaan- dengan kata lain, gaya penggerak untuk penyinterai adalah energi pernrukaan yang berkurang oleh karena bergabungnya partikel-partikel yang berdekatan( Gambar I 1.9)4.4.1 Penyinteran

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK4.4.1 Penyinteran

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK4.4.1 Penyinteran

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK4.4.2 Pemprosesan akhir

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK4.4.2 Pemprosesan akhir

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 5.5 Pemadatan PanasMETALURGI SERBUK

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK5.5 Pemadatan Panas

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUKContoh aplikasi pada produk metalurgi serbuk1~ Komponen struktural seperti mesin jet, motor roket , transmisi dan roda gigi.2~Bantalan dengan kombinasi menahan beban ketahanan aus seperti Bearing.3~Pada industri kelistrikan.6.6 Produk Metalurgi Serbuk

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK7.7 kemampuan proses dan Aspek perancangan

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 7.7.1 Fitur- fitur perancanganMETALURGI SERBUK

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada 8.8 ElectroformingMETALURGI SERBUK

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada METALURGI SERBUK8.8 Electroforming

  • Tehnik Industri Unsada S e k i a nTerima kasihMETALURGI SERBUK

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.

    IntroductionThe accompanying notes to the slides form a guideline to producing successful presentations.You may use this file as a design template or simply as slide master copies which you can cut and paste.When you assign a design template to your presentation it will adopt the properties from the master slides only. Therefore additional styled slides, such as divider slides, will have to be copied and pasted from the original slide in this document.Notes master and handout master are set with fixed elements; footer information and the SKF corporate brand mark.It is recommended that you print your presentation in black and white to a black and white printer. Black and white will convert all colour elements to grayscale. If you wish to preview how your presentation will print in black and white, the option to do this is available under the View menu in PowerPoint.General principlesAll elements such as text and graphics should be positioned within the margins of the slide. These can be seen by viewing the drawing guides in the typographic grid (Ctrl G). Text should not be reduced in size or condensed etc. to accommodate more text (edit the text or use a second slide).Slides should be used only as a prompt for the presenter.Opening SKF corporate brand mark slideThe size and position of the SKF corporate brand mark is fixed. It is aligned with the typographic grid (Ctrl G). The SKF Supergraphic is a device which is used on every slide in the presentation. It is applied both to the master items, and the additional styled slides.Note: This slide is intended as an introductory opening slide and a closure slide (for use at the end of a presentation) and should not include any additional graphics or text. It does not exist as a slide master therefore it is recommended that you copy and paste this slide into your presentation.