Pride and prejudice簡報

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Pride and prejudice簡報

2014 年普二乙 , 英二甲






珍 . 奧斯丁 (Jane Austen 1775-1817) 是英國19 世紀的女性作家。她出生於英國漢普郡,父親是鄉下區的牧師。珍並沒有上過正規學校,但受到較好的家庭教育,主要要教材就是父親的文學藏書。奧斯丁一家都愛讀流行小說。她少女時期的習作就是對這類流行小說的滑稽模仿,這造就了她作品中嘲諷基調。她 20 歲左右開始寫作。 1811年,在兄長的資助下,珍出版個人的第一本小說《理性與感性》,至於她最著名的作品則是《傲慢與偏見》。

Jane Austen Jane Austen was an English novelist whose books, set among the English middle and upper classes, are notable for their wit, social observation and insights into the lives of early 19th century women.

Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 in the village of Steventon in Hampshire. She was one of eight children of a clergyman and grew up in a close-knit family. She began to write as a teenager. In 1801 the family moved to Bath. After the death of Jane's father in 1805 Jane, her sister Cassandra and their mother moved several times eventually settling in Chawton, near Steventon.

Jane's brother Henry helped her negotiate with a publisher and her first novel, 'Sense and Sensibility', appeared in 1811. Her next novel 'Pride and Prejudice', which she described as her "own darling child" received highly favourable reviews. 'Mansfield Park' was published in 1814, then 'Emma' in 1816. 'Emma' was dedicated to the prince regent, an admirer of her work. All of Jane Austen's novels were published anonymously.

In 1816, Jane began to suffer from ill-health, probably due to Addison's disease. She travelled to Winchester to receive treatment, and died there on 18 July 1817. Two more novels, 'Persuasion' and 'Northanger Abbey' were published posthumously and a final novel was left incomplete.

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英文練功房 -- 雜誌句型



副詞除了修飾動詞、形容詞、或副詞之外,也可用來修飾整個句子,稱為「全句修飾語」 。●Surprisingly, Darcy arrives out of nowhere to great Elizabeth and her relative.

☆ 若將修飾全句副詞置於句中或是句尾,必須加上逗號。●Our school’s contestants ,sadly, were eliminated fromo the competition. ( 遺憾的是,我們學校的參賽者都在比賽中被刷掉了 )

資料參考來源 :4U 雜誌 Feb. 2014

Surprising 令人驚訝地…Obviously ,S +V(+O) 顯然地…Unfortunately 不幸地…


副詞置於句首修飾全句時,本身就有強調該副詞語意作用,此句型亦可換成以虛主詞 it 引導的句型。

●It is surprising that(=Surprisingly,)Darcy arrives out of nowhere to greet Elizabeth and her relatives.●It is unfortunate that(=Unfortunately,) I was not admitted to the university.

資料參考來源 :4U 雜誌 Feb. 2014

It is + Adj. +that + 主要子句

2014 寒假作業學習單

2014 寒假作業學習單請將雜誌的內容再簡要概略重寫,變成一篇更精簡的文章 .










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Romantic Quotes from Pride and Prejudice

The End