Presentation om kvalitet i e-lärande i högre utbildning

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Presentation vid NOKUTs konferens i Bergen

Transcript of Presentation om kvalitet i e-lärande i högre utbildning

E-lärande och högre utbildning

Utveckling och pedagogiska utmaningar

LARS-ERIK JONSSON FD, Universitetslektor/ PhD Senior lecturer GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET/ Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik


• E-learning i praktiken (”nutid”)• Pedagogisk utveckling och statliga insatser (”dåtid”)• Kvalitet i e-learning (”framtid”)

The Online Seminar as Enacted Practice

• Institutional Transformation through Best Practices in Virtual Campus Development: Advancing E-Learning Policies

• Edited By: Mark Stansfield, University of the West of Scotland, UK; Thomas Connolly, University of the West of Scotland, UK


Contributing and Participating

in Academic Seminar Discourse

Initial Confusion

─ Am I in the right course? It’s the same every time I start a new course! (Aug 30)

─ Where and how can I upload what I want to write in its proper place? It takes all my time to worry about this? (Sep 14)

─ I think you should stop worrying. We will solve this together. To the left you have the folder [for the particular theme] in it you will find the group folders. (Sep 14)

Appropriating an academic discourse?

─ Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of constructivism … is its emphasis on argument, discussion and debate. Comparing Petraglia’s ideas with the lively exchange of opinions in our group I think we can say that we have been working in a constructivist mode. (Oct 26)

Benefits of the online seminar

• Participants must be prepared and ready to contribute• Writing is a powerful tool for the development of thinking • Discussing asynchronously gives each participant time to

reflect • Gradual elimination of communication barriers • Decreasing risk of plagiarism

Anderson, Terry. (Ed.). (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. AU

Press: Athabasca University.

Staten och den pedagogiska utvecklingen


undervisning vs. forskning

Rådet för högre utbildning(1990-2005)



”Widening participation”


Breddad rekryteringPedagogisk utveckling

IT-stödd distansutbildningInternationella kontakter

Statliga åtgärder – ökad kvalitet?


Base-line?What constitutes quality in e-learning?

(E-learning quality, 2008: 11R)

Policy för kvalitet i e-learning

• integrering av kvalitetskriterier för e-learning i nationella kvalitetssäkringssystem

• kompetens inom organisationen• internationellt nätverkande • metodologisk utveckling

Högskolepedagogik på nätet

pedagogisk utveckling + elearning

Tack för ert intresse!