Presentatie elizabeth i.

Post on 08-May-2015

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Transcript of Presentatie elizabeth i.

Elizabeth I“Virgin queen” or “Good Queen Bess”

• Born: 7th of September, 1533 Greenwich

• Diceased: 24th of March 1603, Richmond upon Thames.

• Crowned: 17th of November , 1558

Virgin Queen, true or not?

Philip II Mary Tudor’s Widower

Robert Dudley Count of Leicester

François, duke of Anjou Younger brother of the French King

FamilyEduard VI

Henry VIII

Anne Boleyn

Mary Tudor

Religious tension.

• 1559: The Act of Supremacy

• 1559: The Act of Uniformity

• 1570: Excommunication of Elizabeth by pope Pius V

Mary Stuart

• Queen of Scotland

• Fled to England in 1567

• Place under arrest in 1568

• Beheaded in 1587

Spanish-English war

• Started in 1585

• England got support from the Netherlands and Morocco

• Spain was supported by France and Italy

• Ended in 1604

The Spanish Armada

• Armed Spanish fleet

• 1558

• Several battles fought, all lost by Spain

Elizabeth I’s passtimes

Horse back riding

Playing virginal and lute

Dancing “the Volta” & “the Galliard”

Elizabeth I’s appearance





Elizabeth I’s buildings and places

Amberley Castle


Greenwich Palace

Elizabeth I’s death &Successor’s

Elizabeth I died at the age of 69 on 24th of march 1603 at 2.00 am.She was burried at Westminster Abby

Her successor was James VI of Scotland

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

07-09-1533 – 24-03-1603