Portfolio & resume nicolas brousse

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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Landcape architecte and Photographe - PORTFOLIO

Transcript of Portfolio & resume nicolas brousse

Landscape architect - portfolio

Nicolas Brousse


2* Urban project / Malmö (Sweden)

5* Urban project /Bonagui l (France)

6* Urban project /Gujan-Mestras (France)

4* Urban agricul ture / Landscape Architecture ThesisBordeaux (France)

3* Wind power planning / Skåne (Sweden)

7* Natural and ecological park management /Agen (France)

8* Plant design award / Paris (France)

9* Landart /Art igues (France)

10* Photography /Iceland

1* Urban design /Malmö (Sweden)


Language: French English Swedish

Computer Skills I’m really interested by softwares, and I have a high knowledge in adobe design softwares (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom) and modeling softwares like Sketchup, Vray and AutoCad. But I can learn very quickly to work on any other softwares, since I’m really interested. I know the basis about GIS softwares.

Photography I’m a passionated photographer. I like to combine travel, hiking and photography, my personal photographic website is http://nicolasbdx.prosite.com

P E R S O N A L C O M M I T M E N T I’m an active member of the non-profit organisation «Paysagistes sans frontières» (landscaper without borders), http://www.psffrance.com


2008/2014 Landscape architect (DPLG), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture et de Paysage in Bordeaux, France

2011/2012 Erasmus (2 semesters), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Landscape Architecture programme, in Alnarp, Sweden Courses: Windpower planning, People and environment, Design project, Digital landscape visualisation

2006/2008 BTSA (2 years diploma), Landscape planning, LPHPO in Orléans, France


2013 Landscape study mission with «Paysagistes sans Frontières» In Sakhon Nakhon, Thailand ¦ 2 months workshop on site Large scale analysis, participative planning with the local population

2013 Atelier Arcadie, Landscape architect DPLG in Bordeaux, France ¦ 5 months contract as landscape architect Natural park, urban design, urban Park, New neighbourhood planning

2012 Atelier Arcadie, Landscape architect office DPLG in Bordeaux, France ¦ 7 months intership Learning all the process to answer public contest, urban design, outdoor furniture design

2011 NL - Paysage, Landscape architect DPLG in Terrasson-Lavilledieu, France ¦ 3 months intership Private garden design, urban design, landscape analysis

2006/2008 « Jardin Gecko » Landscape design company in Assas, France 13 weeks internship Private garden conception

Nicolas BrousseLandscape architect ,Photographer

El isetorpsvägen 19C,232 33 Arlöv, SwedenPhone: (+46) 760 853 917

nicolas.br25@gmai l .com

About me

I was born in Montpellier (France) on the 15th November 1987. I learned landscape architecture in Bordeaux (France) and obtained my degree in June 2014. During my studies I spent one years in Erasmus in Alnarp (Sweden), which was one of the best experience of my life. I started to learn Swedish back then and today I am continuing in Svenska För Invandrare.

During my studies and my work experience I learned to work on every scales of the landscape. From the small urban square until the regional planning. For example, I worked on an inter-municipalities wind power planning in Skåne during my stay in Sweden. It was really fascinating and I am convinced that as landscape architects we can have a great role and impact on the implementation of these new technologies in our everyday landscape.

Concerning my thesis I looked at the relation between a major city and its close-by agricultural lands. Our cities are attractive and therefore they are perpetually expanding, especially on their edges. The agricultural lands are disappearing for the benefit of more and more dwelling neighbourhoods. But most of the time the cities settled next to very good agricultural lands, very fertile and rich soil, in order to feed the population. I think that there are a lot of advantages in taking care of these lands today, whether it is for food production, recreational areas or pure landscape contemplation.

I am a photographer and ever since I started to look at landscape I took pictures. Photography is both a tool and a way of express myself. Especially when I go travelling and hiking through the landscape. It is a way for me to communicate my feelings and my experiences about places, landscapes and people.

I worked on the Kockums park project during a course in digital visualisation in SLU. The aim of the course was to practice and master different software. From Sketchup to Vray (3D modeling)and Photoshop. Even if the design of the project was not the principal aim of the course, it had to be thought through anyway.We started to modelize the basics of the park in Sketchup, then we had to choose the relevant view in order to present our project. After that we could start to work with Vray to process the different material and textures necessary in our views. Then we would finish to process the image in Photoshop, add the details vegetation, light effect and personages.Overall, the course was a great source of knowledge about the three softwares. The most interesting part was to connect them, and to use all of them for a specific action in the image processing. It is also interesting to understand the required time to process one image, depending on the level of details needed. And then to be more time efficient depending the command.

1* «KOCKUMS PARK»Urban design / Malmö (Sweden)

Different visualisations of the project

2* PLANT EXPERIMENTATIONUrban project / Malmö (Sweden)

During my erasmus period in SLU at ALnarp, I took a design project course. The course focused on plants and the different “plant atmosphere” that could exist, depending on the climate, water, human involvement...After a research on these different atmospheres, we made a project taking place in malmö old harbour. We had to use and be inspired by the material we found and work with it within our project.

I saw in this old dry dock the opportunity to create different micro-habitats, with the natural configuration of this dock. The differences of hight, the different orientations could help me to create a very rich and diverse environment. The aim would be pedagogical and the visitor could experience diverse atmosphere in a very short amount of time. The biodiversity would be enhanced and explain to the public.

Section of the dry dock

Panoramic picture of the actual dock


2* PLANT EXPERIMENTATIONUrban project / Malmö (Sweden)

3* INTER-MUNICIPALITY WIND POWER PLANNINGLarge scale landscape planning / Skåne (Sweden)

The course aimed at a theoretical and practical specialization within the theme of wind power, wind power planning and implementation with a focus on large-scale landscape planning.The project aimed to develop regional landscape analysis as a basis for sustainable wind power planning across municipal boundaries. The study was based in four municipalities in Scania, Kavlinge, Lomma, Lund and Vellinge. In connection with this, the issues surrounding user participation, technical understanding, implementation, such as placement, EIA and law enforcement agencies, sound / noise-problems and acceptance. The notion of the concept of landscape is undergoing a fundamental change. The landscape has been regarded as a view, which is separated from everyday life, and something static. Sweden has recently ratified the European Landscape Convention, which gives the following meaning to the landscape:

«... An area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and / or human factors.»

The broadened definition of landscape makes use of faceted landscape regains its importance. Landscape is no longer something only appreciate from a distance, but is a part of our everyday life and must be considered in context.

The four municipalities studied are all located in a region where there is a lot of pressure on the ground and was several competing interests. The similarities between municipalities are evident, all have valuable farmland, a high development pressure, influential actors, requirements for growth and simultaneously the best wind conditions in Sweden. The complexity of the region create clashes and thus conflicts resulting in local planning processes.

The aim of the project work has been to make an inter-municipal landscape analysis as a basis for sustainable wind power planning and on this basis propose policies that support a holistic wind power implementation.

Shore Agricultural land

Undulated landscape

Forest Crest Valley Villages Cities

Wind power implementation on Kävlinge municipality, according to “negative planning” (left), and according to landscape analysis (right)

4* PERI-URBAN SYMBIOSIS : Meet ing between the ci ty and i ts agricul tureLandscape Architecture ThesisUrban agricul ture / Bordeaux (France)

I worked on the relation between Bordeaux and its close-by agriculture ; on the city border. I was questioning the becoming of these crucial spaces.Facing the problem of the constant city growth, the agricultural lands are disappearing for the benefit of more and more dwellings neighbourhood.But the close-by agricultural lands have a lot of potential for different purpose. That’s what I focused on. The aim of my project was to enhance the agricultural production and at the same time made these agricultural land accessible, as a city park will be.

I created an “agricultural park”, mixing an urban and rural use of the space. The both concepts are too often put in opposition whereas they can enhance each other as a symbiosis between two living being works.

A typical grove plot

Landscape evolution, a vertical organisation, following the river axisThe agricultural lands south of Bordeaux, along the Garonne river. There survived a traditional small scale grove agriculture

Path between grove and vegetable plots

Alignment of fruit trees, surrounded by vegetable plots

The “agricultural park” of the grove of the banks of the Garonne river

4* PERI-URBAN SYMBIOSIS : Meet ing between the ci ty and i ts agricul tureLandscape Architecture ThesisUrban agricul ture / Bordeaux (France)

Bonaguil is a hamlet lost in the country side somewhere in between Bordeaux and Toulouse. On the way there, around the last bend of the road we can perceive this beautiful medieval castle hung on this rocky spur. It is a really wonderful place, loaded with history, and a tourism landmark. Under the castle few old buildings are still inhabited, and some are shops or restaurants. A pedestrian path meander through the village in order to reach the dominating castle.The mission concerned this path and its rehabilitation. L’atelier Arcadie decided to spent two full days in situ, in order to encounter the population, and obtain opinions, impressions, and precious informations about the village and its ongoing project.This project was a great experience, especially because all the team which worked on it went actually on site, and it helped us to project and involve ourself in the project in a much more efficient way. Instead of being told about the site and try to appreciate it and understand it through pictures.

5* THE BONAGUIL PATHUrban project / Bonagui l (France)

Axonometry, the village entry

The church square next to the castle

Going up through the path

Mobilier: table et banc

Mobilier: Fauteuil

“La place de la Claire” is located in Gujan-Mestras on the basin d’Arcachon shore. The work on this square is really mineral, to fit the urban context of the square, situated in the old part of the seaside city. Even so the plant were carefully selected to resist to the dry season and the light marine spray.

We also had to design the furnitures, and I took care of this mission from the beginning until the end. It was a very interesting process from the beginning on 3D modelling software, to the wooden model until the first real prototype.

Overall it was a very interesting project due to its complexity and diversity.

6* «La place de la Claire» SQUAREUrban project / Gujan-Mestras (France)

Table, bench and seat created for the square

Axonometry of the square

Visualisation of the square

The square after realisation

7* NATURAL PARK ; PASSELIGNENatural and ecological management / Agen (France)

Passeligne lake

Passeligne is a recent park design by “Atelier Arcadie”, it is situated close-by Agen, an average size city located between Bordeaux and Toulouse.After designing the park, The “Atelier Arcadie” had the chance to also win the mission of creating the management plan in order to fulfil the biodiversity target. Indeed the main idea around this park is to be as “natural” as possible. In the way that we tried to re-build natural habitats belonging to this area.I worked with an ecological engineer office to defined these specific habitat and the best way to reach them by management.It was a very exciting and enriching experience, where I learned a lot.

Pelissier lake

8* “LA ROSE DE JERICHO”Plant design award / Paris (France)

I am an active member of the collective “Paysagistes Sans Frontères” (landscapers without borders). We participated to an open idea contest about “Urban nomad unit”. It had to be easily assembled and disassembled, in order to be moved from city to city.

Our idea was to create a refuge for diversity, made of PVC tubes of diverse diameters assembled to form a spherical shape. The unit would be big enough to allow 4-5 persons in. Some tubes would be free of any plants to let the light go through. And some will have a red gelatin which will give a special atmosphere due to the filtered light.

The main idea and aim of this unit is pedagogical. To see how, and what kind biodiversity will naturally scatter and settle on the structure, depending on the different environments, where the unit would be installed.

We won the Plant design award. Now, we have built a part of it, to confirmed the feasibility of the unit. We will build a complete one as a experiment.

To be continued...

Visualisation in-situ

Plan view

Section view

9* “OPÉRATION TIROIR”Landart / Art igues (France)

“Paysagistes Sans Frontières” collectif was awarded with “Friche and Cheap” association and a team of students in architecture and landscape ensapBx and Fine Arts Contest Art and Landscape of Artigues.

On the edge of the park in Artigues, we noticed an unbuilt plot which was too narrow to be built but wide enough to not be a passage. It is a real gap in the suburban fabric, residual consequence of rapid urbanization. We imagined draw the private area of the land in the public space of the park by materializing the intimate space by a giant drawer of the size of the plot.Sounds of everyday life would come out from the drawer whose interior is inaccessible. We questioned the relationship of intimacy with the built space and codes in the manufacture of the suburban city. The drawer seeks to question the relationship between public and private spaces around the park because, generic plots pavillonaires hide, deprive themselves of a possible view of a landscape in a modesty that is questioned.

Do we have to cut ourself from the surrounding landscape of our property? We also confiscate part of the landscape for our personal comfort? Is the no relationship possible between private and public space? These are all issues that the facility seeks to raise.

10* “YOU SAID ICE LAND?”Photographic immersion in Iceland

10* “YOU SAID ICE LAND?”Photographic immersion in Iceland