Portfolio 1

Post on 08-Mar-2016

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Portfolio 1

Transcript of Portfolio 1

Groupe George V bma

乾淨的飲The best dreams come true

乾淨的飲The best dreams come true

The best Dreams Come True

Real State : Little France Developments

Real State : International Resorts and Hotels

Real State : Singular Buildings

Real State : Paris Center High-End

Creatiss : Decoration and Home Office

Creatiss : Corporate Events

Creatiss : Personal Events

French Luxury: Fashion Brands

French Luxury: Hospitality

French Luxury: Wineries

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Partnering For The Future

Water De-Pollution : Charity Water

Biogas Plants : Waste Recycling

Conventional Energies: Petrol Derivatives

Renewable Energies: Solar, Wind, Hydro

Electrical Vehicles Charging StationsElectrical Vehicles R+D and Championship

Museum of Modern AutomotiveYatch and Private Planes AcquisitionInvestment Fund : MB5 Green Card

Investment Fund : High-End Real State

Contact Details

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水的污染:慈善水沼气:废物回收常规能源:汽油衍生物可再生能源:太阳能,风能,水能电动汽车充电站电动车辆的R + D的和锦标赛现代汽车博物馆游艇和私人飞机收购投资基金:本站MB5绿卡投资基金:高端的真实状态




最好的梦想成真The best dreams come true


The present year we have two developments under construction: an Alain Ducasse hotel-restaurant and cooking school at Jelebu Peak near Kuala Lumpur, and an Alain Ducasse estate resort in Canada, both of them catering the upper side of the market with the best possible facilities, world-class services and our characteristic French touch and expertise.


The creativity to innovate, the courage to be

different. We, hand by hand with the most

avant-garde architects, propose the

construction of unique buildings, both for their

aesthetic qualities and its technological supremacy. Such as our partner's David Fisher's

dynamic tower, a wonder of modern

engineering with zero-emissions, energetically

autonomous and ever morphing in its shape.

Groupe George V



Castles, villas, houses, apartments, hotels and any other kind of high-end property, not only in the center Paris and France, but also globally. Groupe George V, through his network of representative offices and partner companies world-wide, has the ability to offer you the best in the seven continents.


Our partner company, Creatiss, founded and presided by the famous fashion expert Corinne Lechevalier, is nothing but exceptional, commited exclusively to the world of luxury, refinement, talent and elegance it offers interior design and family office services, ranging from decoration to personal shopping, including maintanance of properties in absence of the owner.


Groupe George V, in collaboration with Creatiss, organizes all kind of corporate and institutional events. Whichever your organization needs, we count with the experience to arrange it and grant you and all your guests complete satisfaction.

Groupe乔治五世 - Creatiss举办个人事件。婚礼,宴会,派对,在中国,法国,或在世界任何地方。我们的目标:看到你的最好的梦想和愿望成真。

Groupe George V – Creatiss organizes personal events too. Weddings, banquets, parties, in China, France or anywhere in the world. Our objective: to see your best dreams and wishes come true.


Talent, excellence and a taste of quality fashion are all recognized French attributes. American Retro and Frank Namani are two of the brands in our portfolio.


Earth is a garden, Le Paradis Du Fruit is its kitchen. Founded in 1980, this Groupe George V's hospitality chain has already more than two hundred restaurants in prime locations. A referent in its kind, its style was set by the famous interior designer Phillippe Starck. Groupe George V also counts with Alain Ducasse and XXX in its team, two of the most celebrated chefs in the world with more than twenty Michelin stars each, and first-class cousine schools and restaurants all over the world.

乾淨的飲Partnering for the future


Clean drinking water is the first and greatest human need. In Groupe George V we work in the creation of water treatment facilities, infrastructures and, most importantly, in the development of charity water projects to bringing clean and safe drinking water and electricity to people in developing nations.

在 Groupe George V,我們擁有第三代技術生產沼氣廢料,不污染土壤和水域。它一次解決兩個問題:為轉儲領域和能源生產的需要。我們尋求與企業和政府的夥伴關係,並能夠促使連同所需的基礎設施,技術轉讓和形成本地的專業人士在新能源研究所,。我們的社會意識的方法,確保我們服務的社區,這是從我們的項目發展大大受益的長期關係。在非洲,歐洲和中東,我們已經安裝了沼氣。

In Groupe George V we posses third generation technology to produce biogas from waste materials without polluting the soil and waters. It solves two problems at once: the need for dump fields and the production of energy. We seek partnerships with corporations and governments, and are able to procure, along with the infrastructure required, technology transfer and institutes for the formation of local professionals in new energies. Our socially conscious approach ensures a long term relation with the communities we serve, which are greatly benefited from the development of our projects. We have installed biogas plants in Africa, Europe and the Middle East.


Clean drinking water is the first and greatest human need. In Groupe George V we work in the creation of water treatment facilities, infrastructures and, most importantly, in the development of charity water projects to bringing clean and safe drinking water and electricity to people in developing nations. Access to water changes everything. Diseases from unsafe water and lack of sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence, including war. Every $1 invested in improved water access and sanitation yelds an average of $12 in economic returns to the local community.

從車輛排出的廢氣污染了空氣質量下降和呼吸系統疾病的主要來源。問題是雙重的正在開發的國家的城市化和增加他們的停車場,並在一個不斷增加的節奏耗盡汽油儲備。面對幫助解決這個問題,Groupe George V 正在實施一項專利的電動汽車充電站網絡。這些站太陽能供電和自行車,摩托車和電動車都可以利用。

Pollution from vehicles exhaust fumes is a major source of air quality degradation and respiratory illnesses. The problem is twofold as nations under development urbanize and increase their car parks, and petrol reserves are depleted at an ever increasing rhythm. To face help address this problem Groupe George V is implementing a network of patented electrical vehicles charging stations. These stations are solar powered and can be utilized by bicycles, motorbikes and electric cars alike.


With millions of electrical bicycles already in use China is the best choice to start implementing our electrical vehicles charging stations network. Their usage will be the perfect stepping stone to a future implementation of electrical cars in the country. Considering that China is already the first consumer of cars, that its cities are ones of the most polluted in the world, and that reducing dependency from petrol imports is a must, the choice to start moving forward the electric vehicles option is seen both as the wisest choice and, probably, as the unique solution at hand for this unfolding and ever increasing problem.


Yatch to cruise the seas and private planes to,travel the world in comfort and the exclusivity you, your partners and finest clients deserve.

Offices in Paris: Avenue George V 22, Paris


Offices in China:Huachang Lu 9, 6011, Shanghai


Offices in United Kingdom:29 Welbeck St., London

Offices in Singapour:8 Cross Street #11-00 PWC Building

乾淨的飲The best dreams come true

乾淨的飲The best dreams come true

Created by Enric G. Torrents
