Plone: pasado, presente y futuro

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Transcript of Plone: pasado, presente y futuro

Pasado, presente y futuro

Hctor VelardePlone Mxico

VIII Conferncia Latino-Americana de Software Livre20 de outubro de 2011 - Foz do Iguau | PR | Brasil

Quin soy yo

Ingeniero en telecomunicaciones

Trabaj en todas las capas del modelo OSI

Conoc Plone a finales de 2005

Particip en el Plone Symposium 2006 en Nueva Orleans y me enamor de la comunidad

Fui seducido por el lado oscuro (software propietario) pero el lado luminoso fue ms fuerte (software libre)


CVE y Ohloh

Est entre el top 2% de todos los proyectos de software libre del mundo, cuenta con 340 desarrolladores y ms de 300 proveedores de soluciones en 57 pases

Ha sido desarrollado activamente desde 2001, est disponible en ms de 40 idiomas y tiene el mejor registro de seguridad entre los principales CMS

Es propiedad de la Fundacin Plone, una organizacin sin fines de lucro, y est disponible para los principales sistemas operativos

Plone es muy seguro


Alan Runyan y Alex Limi

El proyecto fue iniciado en 2000 por Alan Runyan y Alex Limi.

CollaborationThe logo has three dots in a group, representing collaboration.Pluggable, extensible, amplifies your voiceThe Plone logo looks like a plug, signifying that it works well with other systems, that they can be integrated and talk to Plone, and that Plone can be extended easily. The fact that it looks like an XLR plug a common connector for microphones has also been noted.OpenThe Plone logo is the Braille (a system used by blind people to read and write) letter "O" for Open. Plone has a special focus on accessibility for the blind and motor impaired, as well as translations for all major languages (over 35 different translations exist as of 2006) aiming to make Plone accessible to people of all languages, and regardless of motor or sight impairment.

SoftwareFundacinComunidadEn resumen, Plone es 3 cosas: software, comunidad y fundacin.

Plone 1.0

Liberado durante SolutionsLinux 2003 celebrada en Pars en febrero de ese ao

Por primera vez el software libre llegaba al mundo de los CMS profesionales

Seleccionado para presentarse en el Pabelln del Software Libre en COMDEX 2003

100,000 descargas en menos de un ao!

Berna Sprint 2003

En febrero de 2003, inmediatamente despus del lanzamiento de Plone 1.0, se celebr el primer sprint sprint a, Suiza.

Plone Conference 2003

La primera conferencia se celebr en octubre de 2003 en Nueva Orleans, Estados Unidos.

Plone 2.0

Liberado en marzo de 2004Usabilidad

Accesibilidad (WAI-AA y US Section 508)

Internacionalizacin (35 idiomas)

Plone 2.1 (septiembre 2005)Archetypes

Plone 2.5 (septiembre 2006)Vistas la Zope 3


Plone Foundation

Creada en mayo de 2004 con el objetivo de proteger la propiedad intelectual de Plone y promover su uso.The mission of the Plone Foundation is to protect and promote Plone. The Foundation provides marketing assistance, awareness, and evangelism assistance to the Plone community. The Foundation also assists with development funding and coordination of funding for large feature implementations. In this way, our role is similar to the role of the Apache Software Foundation and its relationship with the Apache Project.En julio de 2005 se anunci que la Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) representara a la Plone Foundation.

Presencia latina

Andr Nogueira (Brasil)

rico Andrei (Brasil)

Fabiano Weimar (Brasil)

Fbio Rizzo (Brasil)

Roberto Allende (Argentina)

Dorneles Trema (Brasil, R.I.P.)

The Plone Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that was formed in May 2004 to serve as a supporting organization for Plone and its community. We provide support for the development and marketing, and are modeled after similar ventures such as the Apache Software Foundation. We are the legal owner of the Plone codebase, trademarks, and domain names. Our goal is to ensure that Plone remains the premier open source content management system and that we broaden its acceptance and visibility.

Brazilian Government Consolidates Zope/Plone platformby Administrator last modified Mar 24, 2004 06:31 PMSerpro is the most prominent IT solution provider for the Brazilian Government. Created in the 1960s, SERPRO is responsible for all IT services within the Ministry of Finance and key information systems for the federal government. SERPRO is now using Zope and Plone as their primary portal construction tool for Government Web Content Management Solutions.

Plone 3.0

Liberado en agosto de 2007Ajax

Control de versiones

Integridad referencial

Reglas de contenido

Plone 3.2 (febrero de 2009)Buildout

velocidad, potencia y belleza

Plone 4

Plone es rpido

Vas paralelas




Deco is the codename for a new way to manage page layout, composite pages and rich content in Plone 4. It is centred around a Javascript-based page layout editor in turn based on TinyMCE, and a CSS grid framework.

Blocks is the codename for the corresponding back end technology. It comprises a rendering model that allows dynamic and static parts of a page to be separated, and related technologies for creating site layouts and page layouts and merging the two.

Tiles refers to the dynamic parts of a page in the Blocks rendering model. A tile is really just something that can be rendered individually or merged into a page. All tiles have a unique URL. Plone 4 will ship with a framework that makes it easy to create new tiles, where the simplest possible tile is just an HTML file or page template, and more complex tiles can include user-editable settings, persistent data (attachments) and so on.


We Write XSLT, So You Dont Have To

a copying or coloring process using a diazo compound decomposed by ultraviolet light

Diazo allows you to apply a theme contained in a static HTML web page to a dynamic website created using any server-side technology. With Diazo, you can take an HTML wireframe created by a web designer and turn it into a theme for your favourite CMS, redesign the user interface of a legacy web application without even having access to the original source code, or build a unified user experience across multiple disparate systems, all in a matter of hours, not weeks.

When using Diazo, you will work with syntax and concepts familiar from working with HTML and CSS. And by allowing you seamlessly integrate XSLT into your rule files, Diazo makes common cases simple and complex requirements possible.


Dexterity is a content type framework for CMF applications, with particular emphasis on Plone. It can be viewed as an alternative to Archetypes that is more light-weight and modular.

Reuse over reinventionSmall over bigNatural interaction over excessive generalityReal code over generated codeZope 3 over Zope 2Zope concepts over new paradigmsAutomated testing over wishful thinking

CMSUI installs a new content management user interface for Plone. For the moment, it is an experiment only, but hopefully one that will point the way towards Plone's future.

The main premise of is to put all the content management user interface elements into a separate package, with its own, isolated styles and JavaScript files, injected into the page and displayed overlaying the content page. The idea is that no matter how you theme your site, and what you install, you should not be able to break the editing and administration UI.


Chameleon is an HTML/XML template engine for Python.

Its designed to generate the document output of a web application, typically HTML markup or XML.

The language used is page templates, originally a Zope invention [1], but available here as a standalone library that you can use in any script or application running Python 2.5 and up (including 3.x and pypy). It comes with a set of new features, too.

The template engine compiles templates into Python byte-code and is optimized for speed. For a complex template language, the performance is very good.

Plone 4.1

Liberado en agosto de 2011

Incluye las siguientes mejoras:Infraestructura de comentarios mejorada

Implementacin simplificada de cabeceras para respuesta de cache

Nuevo registro para configuracin

Implementacin independiente de UUID

Optimizacin del catlogo

Nuevo marco para pruebas

Plone 4.1 es ms rpido

The improvements fall into two broad categories: Improving the data stored in indexes and optimizing the internal search algorithms.

On the storage side we have added two new specialized index types: a UUID index and a boolean index. We use them per default in Plone and update your existing indexes during the upgrade. We've also updated almost all existing indexes to store data more efficiently, just store less data or reduce the conflict error potential for concurrent write operations.

On the search side the biggest change is the introduction of a queryplan. All catalog searches are now instrumented to collect runtime information. Based on this data subsequent catalog searches will be executed in an optimized way. The process is fully transparent and needs no configuration. You can inspect the plan and reports about slow catalog queries in the ZMI screens of the catalog tool.

Sprint Bristol 2011

Plone 4.2

Actualmente en versin alpha

Incluye las siguiente mejoras:Migracin a HTML5

Mejores resultados en bsquedas

Nuevas colecciones con interfaz mejorada





Twitter: @hvelarde

Temas: Plone, cerveza artesanal, ciencia ficcin, sistemas complejos, decrecimiento, permacultura, colapso econmico en curso

CVE software flawsPloneDrupalJoomlaWordpress
