Penguins: God’s Amazing Handiwork. Emperor penguins *They are the tallest of all penguins. * They...

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Penguins: God’s Amazing Handiwork. Emperor penguins *They are the tallest of all penguins. * They...

  • Slide 1

Penguins: Gods Amazing Handiwork Slide 2 Emperor penguins *They are the tallest of all penguins. * They live near and in the South Pole (Antarctica). * They love to tobaggon. *Their hooked claws help them stand on ice. * They are known to hitch a ride on a block of ice! * God shows them how to keep warm by rotating in huddles for warmth. Slide 3 All penguin babies are called chicks. Slide 4 Emperor penguin males and females take turns holding the egg on their feet, for up to 4 months without eating! Slide 5 King penguins They are the second largest penguin. * Solid orange patches are on the sides of their heads * They have a yellow patch of color under their chins and on beaks. * They have solid white underbellies and silver-feathered backs. Slide 6 King penguins dont make nests. Instead they have a territory where they incubate an egg while standing. Baby King Penguins stay on their parents feet for the first 30-40 days after hatching a greenish-colored egg. They take 14-16 months tofledge a chick. Then they are able to stand alone, as their feathers are changing to be more adult-like or they can hang out with other young penguins in creches. Slide 7 The King penguin has a distinctive marking of bright orange on its neck, beak and throat. The orange marking by its neck has been referred to as a reversed raindrop in its shape. What do you think? Do you agree? Slide 8 Can you tell the difference between the king and emperor penguins shown here? Slide 9 When a penguin is swimming, its shape looks like the shape of a submarine! Submarines and torpedoes were designed after the model of observing a fast swimming penguin! The King penguin catches fish in its beak and holds it still with its rough, spiny tongue. This penguin is capable of staying under water for up to 15 minutes! Slide 10 Adelie penguins grow very quickly. When they are 2 months old, they are ready to head out to sea! They are the fastest growing of all penguins! Slide 11 These are adelie penguins and a new chick in a rookery. Adelies dont drink water but eat snow instead! They have a gland in their nose that takes salt out of ocean water that they swallow when catching fish! Isnt our God amazing in how he provides for the needs of all penguins! Slide 12 Adelie penguins greet each other with a bit of noise, raising their beaks, and wing flapping. Slide 13 The Chinstrap penguin was given this name because of the thin line of black feathers under its chin that seem like a strap from a party hat! Slide 14 Chinstraps are the most numerous of all penguins in the world (about 14 million)! Slide 15 Here is a molting chinstrap penguin. It is called a molting penguin because it is changing its feathers from when it was first born to adult penguin feathers. Slide 16 Macaroni penguins * They are similar to Royal penguins and in the Crested penguins group. * They have colonies found in Southern America, South Georgia Island, and Africa. * Macaronis are named after a group of young men wearing flashy feathers in their hats during the Revolutionary War. The yellow feathers on the head of the macaroni look like the hats of these men. Slide 17 You know the song. Yankee Doodle went to town, riding on a pony. Stuck a feather in his cap and called it. MACARONI! Slide 18 Here is what that macaroni style hat looked like during the Revolutionary War! Slide 19 Rockhopper penguin Rockhoppers make nests by scraping a hole in ground and lining it with dried grass. They are called rockhoppers because they jump up and down from rocks instead of waddling like other penguins. Rockhoppers usually lay two eggs but often only one survives. They are loud, noisy and feisty birds that fight often with each other! Rockhoppers will quickly attack anything that bothers them. They have feathery yellow crests on their heads, a red beak and red eyes! Slide 20 Rockhopper penguins Both male and female rockhoppers guard eggs for 32 days. Parents spend time warming the egg for 10 day shifts. After 4 weeks, chicks huddle together in groups called creches to keep warm. Rockhopper chicks molt and head to the open sea when they are about 65 days old. A predator is the blue whale. This penguin lives in slightly warmer regions than the Antarctic. It is one of the smallest penguins. They drink plenty of natural spring water in the area. Slide 21 Little blue penguins are the smallest of all penguins. Some grow to only 10-12 inches. They are nicknamed the fairy penguinand are native to Australia. Slide 22 Little Blues are shy and like to hide in caves. They are the only nocturnal penguin. Slide 23 Gentoo penguins are the fastest swimmer of all penguins. Each has a wide white stripe that goes across the top of their heads and a bright orange beak. They live off islands in the Antarctic region. They live in large and noisy colonies. Slide 24 Gentoo penguins Gentoos carry and pile stones, pebbles, grass, sticks and anything that can make a circle. They can be aggressive when they fight over a stone! Slide 25 African (Blackfooted) penguins live in south and Southwest Africa. They have a broad black band that runs in an inverted horseshoe shape around their front. Slide 26 African (Blackfooted Penguins) adults are very noisy. They have habitats damaged by oil spills from tankers. Slide 27 Here is a Magellanic penguin singing (or braying) like a donkey. Slide 28 The Magellanic penguin is named after the explorer, Magellan, who discovered these penguins on an expedition. Slide 29 This leopard seal is a predator of the penguin. A predator is something that seeks to attack another animal. Slide 30 Another predator is the Skua bird. It is known to steal penguin chicks and even battle adult penguins to get them! Slide 31 Krill and fish found in the ocean are the main foods of many penguins. Slide 32 Can you now tell the difference between the King and the Emperor penguins below? Which is which? Slide 33 Answer: the King penguin is on the left, and the Emperor penguin is on the right. Slide 34 Can you tell the difference between a Black- footed penguin and the Magellanic? Slide 35 Answer: the Magellanic is on the left and the Black Footed is on the right! Slide 36 Rockhopper and macaroni: which is which? Slide 37 Answer: the Macaroni is on the left and the Rockhopper is on the right! Slide 38 There are 17 kinds of penguins that God created. Now you have learned about ten of them. You are becoming a Penguin Expert!