Pechaka cha

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Pechaka cha

200+ arrested at Occupy Los Angeles, 50 in Philly

People protesting occupy wall street

Became serious concern for people who live close

Over the past two months, thousands of citizens have banded together in major cities across America, including Los Angeles, Dallas, Portland, and New York to protest a number of grievances

They are protesting for health care and they want to tax wall street

Over the last month many occupations have been evicted from their encampments, as cities cracked down on demonstrations that had lasted for several weeks.

A sub-group known simply as "crack" enters and secures vacant properties, before "a lot of people with skills" take over and renovate, Morales said.

Set up in response to the housing crisis, o4o has infiltrated roughly a dozen buildings in the city since June.

People flooding into occupy