#PDR15 - Awesome Appstore Assets

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of #PDR15 - Awesome Appstore Assets

2015 Pebble Developer Retreat

Building a Great Appstore Page

Aaron Cannon, Product Management

The App Store Page

•The name •The banner •The screenshots •The description

Don’t be like me…

A good App Store page has…

•The name and banner - get their attention •The screenshots - show them what it does •The description - tell them what it does

The name

Smartwatch tools for Pebble

The name

Nav Me

The banner

The banner

This is where you get their attention…

-Focus on the use case -Don’t explain your app -Only show screenshots when it adds to the “pitch” (like watchfaces) -As little text as possible, but keep it big

Aim to get clicks.

The banner Find another good one

Appealing screenshots

This is where you SHOW what it does…

-The first screenshot should tell the most compelling story (gifs are great for this)

-The collection of screenshots should show everything the app can do

Appealing screenshots

A compelling description

This is where you TELL everyone what it does…

A few suggestions: -Tell users what problem you’re solving -Simply describe the set of features (in human speak) -Highlight timeline integration -Easy to read -Keep it concise

So you’ve built a great page…

now what?

Let us know what you’ve built!

@davidsven @shobeir @xlinale @jisforjoe @pebble