Pbs Reading

Post on 20-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Pbs Reading




Bahasa Inggeris

PBS Tingkatan 1

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1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 5 tugasan2. Jawab semua soalan.3. Sila jawab diruangan yang disediakan di dalam buku ini.Bahagian


(/)Pencapaian Tertinggi :

Reading Skills2BAND :





Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 9 halaman bercetak

Task 1 : Band 2Study the following poster. Then, answer all the questions by filling in the blanks.

1. Gunung Gading National Park is popularly known as ________________________________.

2. The height of Mount Gading is ____________________metres.

3. At the park, visitors can stay at _______________, _____________ or __________________.

4. Gunung Gading National Park is situated in _______________________.

5. Visitors can go to the park by __________________ or ________________ an express bus.

6. To reach the park, visitors should take a ________________ from Lundu.

7. Visitors must bring their own food because ________________is not available at the park.

8. Two challenging activities offered at the park are ________________ and ______________.

9. Other than plants, visitors can also watch various kinds of ____________________.

10. One of the attractions of the park is the ___________________ where people can

watch the biggest flower in the world.[ Lihat halaman sebelah]

Task 2 : Band 3

Read the following dialogue and answer the questions below.

[ Lihat halaman sebelah ]Part 1 Read these sentences. Write T for True or F for False statements in the boxes provided.

1. Amirul telephoned the receptionist to book the rooms at the resort.

2. Amirul learnt about the special promotion through the advertisement.

3. The special rate offered for weekends and public holidays is only for a limited time.

4. Amirul wants to stay in the resort for five days.

5. The room rates are not inclusive of all meals.

Part 2

Choose and write the meanings of the words given below.

Example : information -details1. book


2. pleasant


3. include


4. wish


5. state

-_____________________ [ Lihat halaman sebelah ]Task 3 : Band 4Read the following passage below. Then, answer the following questions.

On 28 February, SMK Seri Pelangi hosted a gathering to entertain 40 orphans from Damai Orphanage. The children arrived in two buses hired by the school. Their ages ranged from 5 to 12.

The students put up bright and colorful balloons along the corridor to the school hall to welcome and cheer the children. The children were first treated to a delicious breakfast. After that they were taken to the school hall for activities.

A fun-filled day of activities had been conducted. The first exciting activity was designing T-shirts. Another activity was making key chains from recycled materials. The purpose of the activities was to bring out creativity in the children.

The students were divided into groups. They were assigned different responsibilities. Some looked after the younger children, some guided the older children in the creative activities while others took charge of food and drinks.

At the end of the day when the orphans had left, the students felt delighted. They had made the orphans happy. They believed that they could make a difference in others lives.

This community service has enabled the students to appreciate the less fortunate people. Through the activities they have learnt to be more responsible and caring.

[ Lihat halaman sebelah ]Part 1 You must answer these questions in complete sentences.1. What event had taken place on February 28?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. How old were the orphans?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. How did the students decorate the corridor?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2 Answer the questions in complete compound sentences using 'and' or 'because'.1. Why did they decorate the corridor?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. What were the activities that encouraged creativity in the children?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. State two duties assigned to the students.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[ Lihat halaman sebelah ]Task 4 : Band 5 Read the passage below and complete the following task.Road accidents are on the rise. Often, road accidents are the results of carelessness. Therefore, precautions should be taken by road users to avoid accidents from occurring. First, wear seatbelts while in a moving car especially when the vehicle is moving fast. This is to prevent you from being thrown forward in case it stops suddenly.

Check both sides of the road carefully before you cross it. Look left, right and left again before crossing because it helps save your life. Do not cross the road behind a stationary bus, lorry or van. When you are behind these big vehicles, you will not be able to see oncoming vehicles. Neither will the driver of the moving vehicles see you in time. This can cause accidents.

When riding bicycles, ride in a single file. Keep to the side of the road at all times. Never cycle side by side with your friends because it is dangerous.

Before you get into the bus, make sure that the bus has come to a complete stop. Always allow the passengers in the bus to alight first before you get into it. Do not push each other when getting into the bus. Instead, you must queue up.

Remember, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Write a summary on What one should do when on the road.

When writing the summary, remember to : state at least four relevant ideas from the passage

use suitable sentence connectors to link ideas

write in one paragraph use your own words as far as possible

[ Lihat halaman sebelah ]You may begin your summary as follows:

When you are on the road you should follow these rules...










___________________________________________________________________[ Lihat halaman sebelah]

Task 5 : Band 6 Read the following poem. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Based on your understanding of the poem answer the following questions. You must answer in complete sentences.1. What do you think would happen if we do not take care of our rivers? Give reasons for your answer.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Should we keep our rivers clean? Suggest two things we should do to keep the rivers clean. Elaborate on each suggestion.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT


Home of the Rafflesia

965 metres high



Location :

Lundu, Sarawak.

Accommodation :

- Chalets & hostels.

- Campsites

( visitors have to bring

their own camping gear.)

Food :

- There is no canteen in the park.

- Visitors need to pack

their own food or go to

restaurants in Lundu Town.

Attractions :

Flora and Fauna


Rafflesia sites

Activities :


Jungle trekking

Mountain climbing

How To Get There :

: Drive from Kuching.

: Take an express bus

- 1 hours from Lundu.

: Take a van / taxi to the

park office.

Reading Skills

Receptionist : Pantai Pelangi Resort. Good afternoon.

Amirul : Hello, Id like to get some information about your resort.

Receptionist : How may I help you?

Amirul : According to your advertisement, your resort offers rooms with double and twin sharing beds. Can you provide an extra bed in one of the rooms?

Receptionist : Yes, But we charge RM20 for an extra bed.

Amirul : Okay. The advertisement also states that you have a special package for three days and two nights. The rate is RM100 per person. Is the rate the same on weekends and public holidays?

Receptionist : Yes.Its the same throughout the year.

Amirul : How much do you charge if we stay for five days?

Receptionist : For every two days we charge RM100. For an extra day we charge RM70.

Amirul : I see. Are meals included in the room rates?

Receptionist : Only the buffet breakfast is included. We charge separately for all other meals at our restaurant.

Amirul : What do you mean by organised tours?

Receptionist : Well, every morning, a tour bus leaves the resort to take tourists to all the places of interest found on the island. The bus returns to the resort at about 4.00 p.m. A fare of RM10.00 is charged per passenger.

Amirul : That sounds good! Thank you for the information. Ill let you know if we wish to book rooms at your resort.

Receptionist : Youre welcome. We hope you will visit our resort. Thank you.

Reading Skills






Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Reading Skills

Reading Skills

The River

The rivers a wanderer,A nomad, a tramp.

He doesn't choose any one place

To set up his camp.

The rivers a winder,

Through valley and hill

He twists and he turns,

He just cannot be still.

The rivers a hoarder,

And he buries down deep

Those little treasures

That he wants to keep.

The rivers a baby,

He gurgles and hums,

And sounds like hes happily

Sucking his thumbs.

The rivers a singer,

As he dances along,

The countryside echoes

The notes of his song.

The rivers a monster,

Hungry and vexed,

Hes gobbled up trees

And hell swallow you next

Valerie Bloom

Reading Skills

PBS 2012 Hak Cipta JPNT


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