Patent: B2 US No.: Patent Al...

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Transcript of Patent: B2 US No.: Patent Al...

(i2) United States PatentSingh et al.

I lllll ililil til u] ilil ull llll lllil lllll llll lill lilll ril ril ll]us010037826I12

(ro) Patent No.: US 10,037,826 B2(4s) Date of Patent: .Iuì.31,2018


(71) Applicant: Holtoc InternafionâÌ, Marltor), NJ (US)

(72) Inventorr: Krishna P. Singh, Hobe Sound, Ft,(US); P. StefaD Ânton, South¿mpton,Ni (us)

(73) Assignee: HOUr¡lC INTI'RNÀIIONAL

( * ) Notice: Subject lo âny disclaìmcr, the tcrm of thispatolt is extended or âdjustod undor 35U.S.C. 154(b) by 714 days.

(21) ^ppl.

No.: l4l811,454

(22) Filedr .Iùl.2lt,2015

(65) Prior Publication Dâta

US 201í0027.538 Al Jan. 28, 2016

Relâted U.S. Appl¡cation Dâtâ

(60) hovision¿rl application No. 62:/029,931, lìlcd on Jul.28, 2014.

(51) Int. Cl.G21C t9/07 (2006.01)G2rC 19/40 (2m6.01)

(s2) u.s. cl.CPC ............. G2lC 19/07 (2013.01); G2tC t9/,10

(2013.01)(58) Field of Classilication Se¡rch

CPC ...,............................ G21C l9/O7: C2IC 19140usPc ...............,.......................................... 3',7612't2See âpplicatìon fìle Ior comp¡ctc soarch history.

(56) Rcferences Citcd


6,665,365 ¡12 l2l2003 Dâlbngeville ct al.1,715,517 ll2 5/21)f0 Srngh cr rl.,ì, Lì9,7nri B2 ì/2012 Singh r'r 1l8,158,962 ul 4/2012 Rosenbaurn ct âl-1i,570.y?ö 82 lll)01.ì SinËh r'l ä1.

2u08/02ô008ri Al lo/)otrtl Singlì cr rl.2000/01i5404 Ai 7/20{)9 Sinsh cr rì.2010/0)12563

^l 9/2010 S¡nEh Lì ai.

2olll0l42l89 Al 6/2011 Foussârd et â1.

2013/00'7'7728 l\l 3/2013 ¡ìcaglroûc ct ô1.



cN 1208495 2^999cN 1020fJ4433 6t20uw0 20t309ó9ó6 6t20t3


Cor¡tspondrug Omcc Aclion aûd Search Rcport issucd by the SIPOdâtcd Scp. 29, 2017.


Prirnaty F,xttniner Jack 'iy' KcithAssistaüt Exanin¿t -- Danicl ì,Vasil

(14) Attorney, Agent, or I,inn The llclles Croup, PC.

(57) ^lrsTR.{CT

A liol rack apparatus ì¡cludcs: a base plate having an uppc.surfaco and â lower surlhce; and a pÌuralily of $torâgg tubescouplcd to alld oxtending upwârd tìoln thc upper sùrface 01'

thc base pl¿te, thc storagc tubcs âlrangcd in a sidc-by-sidcaffangement to lbrm an ârray o[ the stolagc tùbos. Each ol'tho stolagc tubcs cxteûd abng a longitudinal àxis ándincludc: an outcl tubo having an i[ncr su¡läce dcfìning ârìi¡ner câvity; and an inne¡ plal.c as$omblago positionedwilhin lhc or¡t(r luhr' that diviJr's lh( inncr cavily intr' ¡r

plurality ol interior flùx tlap chambcr$ and a fucl stolagecell.

14 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets

4,857,263 A. + 8/1989 Mrchâdo .

5,384,813 A l/1995 Loftis ot âl

c2tc l9t0't316t212

us 10,037,826 Iì2Page 2

(56) Refcrenccs Cited


2013/0343503 Al lZ2013 A,tâce cr ât.)014/010\{47 AI 4/i0t4 Singh cr al.

olt tEIì Ptiut-IC^t'toNs

Concsponding Intcrnationâl Scarch lìcpol1 and Wriucn Opi0ìon forPCUUS15/42502 dalcd Ocr. 2{ì. 20t5.

* cited by cxamincr

U.S. Patemt .[¡rX.3{,20nE Sheet n of'trZ

FIG" 1

us tr0,037,826 I12

U"S" Fatenat "I"t" 3tr,2org



{.JS 1û,037,826 nì2


FIG. 2

{-LS" X}atemt .nu[. 3 !, 2û 18 Sher:t -] ol' ! 2


us 10,037,826 trìz

{J.S. Fatenú Ju[" .ì Í, 2{} ! 8 Sheeú 4 of l 2 us 10,037,826 I32





FIG" 3 E

FtG. 3e

{J.S. Fatemú Jun.3n,20n8 Shq¡et 5 of {2 us 10,037,826 tr32


{J"S. FatemÉ "luX.3n,20tE Sfr¡eeû 5 of tr2 us 10,037,826 Ì32


fJ.S. Patent Jul.3l,2018 Sheet 6 of t2




us 10,037,926 B2


161 151

)r0z$163 \





{JS 10,037,826 tszLI.S. Fatexet ,lu[.3[" 20nE Sheeü: '7 of'X2




ilFlG" 4ß

{J.S. Paternt .luå. 31, 2018





us 1{},{}37,82{i I}2






F[G" 4e

IJ,S. Patent Jul. 31,2018 Sheet 9 of 12



1 93b

1 05 --r\






us 10,037,826 B2


LJ.S. Patemt "üui. 31,2${S Sheet tr0 <¡f 12 us 1û,037,826 Ti2

FIG" 5


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\,-a-ô-Õ O Õ Õ ôñ;-ã-Ã-À-Ã? ¿7" \\-Ô Õ è <) ez l






LI.S. trmtemt "IuÍ. 31,20tr{È SE¡ea¡t tr2 of X2 us 10,037,826 trÌz







FIG" 7




Thc p'cscnt âpplicatioI c]aiûts the bcnclìt ol tJ.S. p¡.ovi-sioral Patenl Applicarioû Ser. No. 62/029.931, lìled Jut.2g,2034, thc disclosu¡c ol which is incorporated hercin byiclèrenco in its eûtircty.


'I'hc fìcld ol the plescnt invcntioû rel¿tes to.acks lbr thcstoragc of nüclear fuel, and particularly lin. storil1g spcntnucleâr liel


us 10,037,826 Il22

asser¡blics that can be st(ncd iu ¿ single r¡ck, the lilcl ,Ììcksfbi lhese hcxagon¿l tubcs are lixrncd by ¡ honeyconb ar.rayol- the hcxagonal tübes.

Ilegardlcss ol wlrether-the stolaÈ{r cclls âre squarc tubcs or5 hexàgonal tubes, the sk¡¿gc cclls ol somc lìcl racks rnay

i¡clude doubìc wâlls tha( cân serve two lrìnctions 'l'he lìrs{finctjon ol à doublc ccli w¿ll may be to cncapsulâtc ocr!tr.orlshield shects to protcct thc ncuLr.oD shicld lì.or¡ corrlsioû orotllcr detcdoration rcsûlting Iiorn contact with wâtcrl Thc

l0 sccond lìrnctjonoladoublcccll w¿ill rnây bc to provide fluxtr'¿rps lo bcÍ.er prcvcnt undesirable heât build-up within theaùây ol storÌìge cells. Whcr both ol thesc double_w¿llfì¡nctions are incor'porated into a lúcl ,Írcl( allây, it neccs-salily dccrcases tlìe stot.agc dctìsity cap¿bility. .l.lÌus,

l5 implovcments arc dcsilcd in design a fucl racks that providcbolh thesc fioctions and ¡tqn!ve the ovorâll storagc dc0$iLycaDabiliry.

I]I{IEF SiIMMAI¡Yln IhL. nucl( i¡r p,rwr.r inJrrslry. rh. n'(.lc,,r'(ncrAy souri'r.


is iû rhc ro.'" of.horrow zircaroy ,"il;irì;;;ì;'i,,;ì;:; .,,;fi,]lü.,ilT"TliliiTil iì"î"3"r""ii,,,Ji,i,ll ;,fi,iiliîî"lïlu'.alìirlrÌ, k own as lueiassernblies lJpon brinË dcplclL,J a' ",r'ri,i""'ii".

i¡gh density stor¿gc olsperL nuclcirr lirol.a ccrt¿in level, spent fuel a$sernblies are removcd from a --ii -r-Àã ,"porut" aspcct ol thc invcntion, ¿l li¡c¡ rackreactor At this tinìc. thc li¡cl asser¡blie.s not n,tly e,nit zs appo,.otus i,i"luà"s: a base plato having an uppe,. su.tirce andextrcmcly dàngerou$ lcvels ol neutons and gatntrìa photons a'lowct. surlàco; and â plurality ol-storagc tubcs coupled to(i.e., noutlon and gâr¡tna rûdiatiorù but.âlso ptoduce con- thc upper sürlãce ol. th" bo." piut" in o .iî" by_.ri,t" o,,,r¡g"

siderabie âmounts ol heat that must be djssipated. menitl lo¡n a rectilincat amiy ol Llre stor.agc tubes. Each ol.[t is necessâry that the n()ulron and gâmrnâ râdiation tho storâgc tubes extends aiong a longiiu.linai axis andcmiltcd tioln thc spent l'uel assernblies bc adequately con- l0 includcs: i¡ rccta¡gulâr outer tubc havin"g ân inrìcr surlâcet¿incd at âll times upon boing removcd lrom.the roactor'. tt dclìuing an inncr òavity; â lìrst chevl.on ilatc conplising ois also necerìsary tlì¿lt the spcn( l'ucl âssemblics be cooled. lìmL waìl plate ancl a scconcl w¡ll pl¡tc; anä a seconjchev|onIlecausc watcr is an exce¡lenl râdiâriô¡ absolbo.. spent lucl plate cornplising a lìNt wall plaie anct a sccond wall platc.asscmLtios arc typically submcl€ed undel wa(cl in a pool îhe ftst in¿ second chevr.on plates ârc positioucd jn thcplomptly ¿ìller boilìg rer¡oved lioln the reacto¡-. 'Ihc pool :ts in¡lcr cavity il opposing ¡el¿rion to cliviilc the inner uavrtywâtcr also servcs to cool the spcnt Iuel assemblics by into: (l)a iìrst châtnbc¡. lìrrurccl betwceu tho lißl wall pla;drawing lhe heat load away I'tom thc luel assernt¡lics. Thò ol thc fìrst chevrol plate ând a fiÍst comer scction ol thcwatcr may al$o conf¿in a dissdvcd ncutlorÌ shie¡cling sub- rcctangulâÍ ouLer Lubc; (2) a second chamber lin.rnedslânce betwccu the sccond wâll plaLc of thc liist chcvron plate aûd'lÏe submergcd Iuel assenblies ate typicitlly sulìpo cd in 40 a second curncr scction ol the rectangular our". iiù, (¡) othe fìrel pools in a gencrally upright oricntation in rack third chamber fonned betwecn the iirst wall platc ot thcstiúcturcs, comlnonly relèr'¡cd to as fì¡el lacks. It is well scconcl chcvron platc and â third cotîer secìion ol thcknown that neutlonic irìteraction betwcc0 lucl assernblies rcctangulal oul{ir tube; (4) a lburth châ¡nbcr- lormecl betweenincrcases when thc distaoce bel-wcen lhe lìrcl assclnblies is the scðond wäl¡ plrtc ot thc sec,r¡rtl ,:¡.,"r," pl*,.'rn¿ .reduccd 'l'hus, in order lo avoid criticality (or the danger 45 fourth corner secùoo of lhe rcctangLrl¡rr outer [;be; ând (5)thereoÐ fhat c¿rn lcsult lìom the mìrtlral inlcr-reaction ol â lìrol storagc cell haviug a hcxigonnl lr¿ cross-adj¿tccnt liel âssernblics in thc lâcks, it is necessaly that the scction and ionfigulerl to r"cceivc a l'icl asscrnbly contarrungIuel racks suppolt the lucl assernblies in a spaceã rnanncr- spent nuclcar fuc¡.lhat ¿llow$ sulììcicnt ncuûon ab$oúing material to exist Iû a s(jcoûd $eparate ¿spect ol'fhc invention, a luel rackbctwcen adj¿ccnt liel ¿ssemblics.'fhe neùûon absolbing 50 ¿ìpparatùs lÌx stor ing speuLìruclcar Íìel inchrdes: a basc platcmatcrial cûn be the pool wâter, a sl¡uctuic

.contairirÌg i triuing on upp"r'st äaic ancl a lowcl surlàcc; and a plurirtityneutlon ab¡jorbjng nlatcrial, or cor¡binatiors thcrcol. of str:iagc tuùes coul]ied to ¿nd cxtending u¡rwnrtl iìorn the

Ft¡el rucks lbÌ high density storage ol' lìel assenblics arc uppcl surlàco ol rhe ôase pìatc, tho stolag! tribes a¡angccl l¡colnmonly ol ccllular oonsliuction wilh neutlorì absolbing à side-by-$idc arrange,ncirt to lir.m an iÍr'ay ol thc sroragcplâtc.stluctutes (ic, shjclds) plâccd hrtwcL'n thu sli,rxBL' ss rL¡hes. Ei.h of Lhc stiolagc tullcs extcna alorig a tiniiìudinatcells in the lin.trr 01'solid shcets. F'or luel asscrnblies thit axis and inclùde: nn u"ut"r. tub" hauing aí inn",:,surlìrcchave a square horizontal cross-sectional_ prolìlc, rhc stoagc <lofìning an ionsr cavity; anil an in¡eì: pl¿ìte-assonblagecclls arc usrtally ìong .r'cltical squalc tubes which arc opJu positio;cd withi¡ì thc oL¡tcl tubc thal divide; lhc rnnercaviLyâl lhc top lhrough which thc flel elcrncnts are inseflctl. ln into a plurality ol inrcriù flux t."¡,r

"rrrnìt"'.t ,,,iü o ri,"r

ordcrto ¡naxinìize thc nutnbel ol fucl assenÌblics thât cÍìn bc ó0 stoÌàr¡c c{illstored in a $ingle racl(, thc luc¡ racks fol lhesc squarc tubcs [D ¿ thi.d scpaÌate âspoct ol thc invcntion, r licl ¡.ack

1t: .1j".."q by a rectilineat Ârl'ây ol the squiìre tùbcs. appalltus inclucìcs: a basò ptate havìng an upp"i ruiLo" "*tsirnilârly' lin lucl ¿sscnrltics thât hiÌvc a ltexigorral lroli- a lowel sullàce; ancl a pluiality ot striage i,itl()s co,rpìca LirzoÍl{Ðl cross-sectiolìal profìlc, the sto¡agc cclls ârl usually thc uppcr surlììce olthc base piatc in a såe-by-siclc air.angc-lor'Ì8 vcr¿ical hexagonal tubos wbich arc opcn at thc toi) 65 nentLl li¡rn a roct.ililca. arr;y of thc storagc Lúbes. flach oithrough which thc Iuel elcnÌcnts ¡r'e inscrte<J. I'Ì¡ sucir rhc stûâgc rùL)cs oxtcnds uúurg n r,lngiinriuri

-n*iì r*t

stûage cells, in otdel lcl maxirni2c the rìumber ol lìrel inclucìcs:ì ùlctangulal outer tuùe havini ân inncr surlìcc

3d0li i¡g an inncl cavity; arìd â plur'¡lity ol wâll pl¿tespositioncd iù thc iùncl cavity thât dividc the in¡rcr câvityrnto: (l) ¿ first interior flux châInltùr lìn1ìed bctween d fìrstonc of thc wall pl¿tes and a lìrst corncr scction of- therccl¿nguiar outcl tubc; (2) a secoud illfcrior flux chamberlin,Ìred betwecú a tcc(nrd one of the wall plâfes ¿Llld â sccondcolner Sectioll ol thc rcctângulù outer tube; (3) a thirt¡uteú(' tltrx chÙìbcr fi)rìned bctwccn a third o¡e ol the wallplatcs and a third colllcr soctiolì of tltc rcctângular oulertube; (4) a lourth irtcrio llux chârìber lbrmcd bctwccu alburlh one of wall platcs ard ¡ tbulh colner scction ol thcrccta¡ìgular oùter lubc; and (5) a l-uel storagc cell having â

hcxagonal tl ansversc cr'oss-scctjolì and conligurcd to lcccivea l!¡cì assembly contâinjng spent Duclca| lircl.

Fu,lhcr arcas of applicâbility of lhc prcsent ìnvcntton willbecornc appdrclrl l|on] the detailed dcscription proviclcdhcrcjnâflcr. It $hould lle underst(rcd th¿t thc detâiled dcscrip-tion ând speojlic exar\)lcs. whilc i¡dicâtrng thc Plcl¡ ede¡Ìbodimcnt of thc iûvcntion, ârc jntended lir.purposcs ol'illustfation only arìd ¡rc not intondcd to lirnit the scope ol-thciovcntion.


'l'hc prcsenl inventior will becomc morc fully undeisk)odliom thc dctailed description ând the âccomp¿rying dlaw-jûgs, whcrein:

IrtG. I is â $chema(ic view of a lucl râck witlli¡1 a lìelslolagc pool.

FIC. 2 is â perspective vicw ol a lìrst e tbodi¡ncnt oi âfucl rack l(n rìtoriDg fucl ¿lsscnblics.

FIC. 3,A, is a toP oìcvatiorì view of the lucl rack ol t'lcì.2

FIC. 3ll ìs a lìrst sidc elovation view of thc lìrcl racl( ol'Ftc. 2.

Irlci. 3C is â sccond sidc elcvâtion view ol thc licl i¡ckol t,lc. 2.

tslc. lD is ¿ detail vicw ol the portion lllD ol'Ftc. 3^.FIG. 4A is an explodcd pcrspective vicw of'a singlc

stolage cell.FIC.48 is ân exploded pcrspcctivc view ol â singlc

chcvron p¡ate.FtG. 4C is crorjs-scctional vjew ol r singlo storage cell

¿long thc linc fVC-lVC 01-lilc. 4,4.FIG. 4D is a cross-section.ìl vicw ol â $inglc storugc ceìl

aloúg thc linc IVI)-lVl) ol FIC.4C.F'lC. 5 ¡s a peópcctive vìew ol tlìc bottotÌ pìifc ol thc lì¡cl

rack of FIC. LFIG. 6 is â perspoclive view ol'thc bottorìt sÙì)polt ol f.hc

licl rack of IilG. I.FIC.7 is a pcrspcctive view of a sccond cmboditnclìt ol'

â lr¡cl mcl( lor sloûng fiel âsscìllblies.

us 10.037.826 Il24

llc,ì1. .ìtìovC. nClow. Up, Oown. t(ìp t,lo llôt|"fi¡âs wcll ¿rs dcrivatives f.hcrcol (c.g., "llol.izot)lalìy," "down-wârdly," "upwardly," ctc.) should bo constlued lo relèr to lheorientation as thcn dcscribed or rs showû in lhc drawing

5 undq discussiorì. 'l'hese rclative terms are lì)l convcniclìcco, dcscripliofl orlly ând do not rcquire th¡l thc âpparatus bcconslir¡cted or opcrated in a pâ iculâr oriclll¡tioD unlesscxplicilly indicâted âs such. 'Iorms such as "attâchcd,""itllìxcLj.'i\'ntìrctcJ. ir'u¡rl..rl.' ¡ t(.r'rr'njrúctcu,' an!jI'i ,ir¡rillrr' Ict, r l,' a li.luliunsllip wh..rtilr \lruùlutc{ ¡tru s(.currJor att¡chcd 1o orìo iìnothel cither directly or indtrcctlythrough intcNcning structLllcs, as well as bolh rnovablc orIigid ¿rttâchmerts o relâtiouships, u¡lcss exprcssly

ì.i dcscribcd dhclwjsc. Morcovcr'. the leatùÍcs and benclìts ofthe irìvention arc rllustratcd by relcreûce to thc exenplifìedcnrbodimcnls. Acco|clingly, the invention exprcssly shouldnol be Iiìnitcd 10 such cxcrlrplary cInbodil,llcnts illust¡ati0gsor¡c possiblc non-limitilìg colnbiûâtion ol leàturcs that rn¿y

20 exist alo¡c or in o{her cotnbioatioÛ$ ol fèaturcs; thc scope ol'the invcntion bcrng dclincd lly the clâints âpDendcd hcrcte.

'lìurìiug in detaiì to thc drawin¡Ls, [ìlC. 1 sche¡ùaticallyshows a lìrel rack 101, according to o¡e errìlodimeDt of thcinvenlion, pl¿ccd in ¿ cooliig pool 103 lìn thc stotage ol'

25 spenl nuclear luel. As is known iu (he ¿rt, the coolìng pool10:l may includc trcâlcd water to aid in neut.orì ab$orplionand heâL dispcrsiorì, with {]xalnPlcs inchtdiDg dcmin0ra¡izedwâtcr ând boratcd water. 'l hc fuel rack 101, as shown in IrfC.2. in( Iu(h s ,r r'ur'lilincrr ur'rr) | '[ h.\JÈunrl fu(l \t, 't rÈù crlls

"' 105. th,i tucl r¡ìck l0l is a u,.llular'. rrp|ighr. ¡r'isrn;rtícrnoclulc. Thc illùjitr'âtod cmL)oditncnt ol'the luel rack 10tr isspecjfìcally designcd to âccorùrrodatc hex¡gonal luelassctnblics, such as VVEII 1000 lüel asscrìblics.'lb rhis

¡5 cxtcrtl. (r(h lìr(l 5t,,rirtc iLll ll)5,r1 rhc lì¡el |rtl l0l rlr,rlrrs lt ftr'n:t¡nrrrl ùr,'s:' sr'(.ti,'rl:r¡ I'ß,til( \¡' $ Lr g(.,'¡nrtfi-cally accornlnodatc no morc (han ¿ sitÌgle lÌexagoll¿Ìl fìtelasserùb¡y. l¡ì ceúailì cmbodilncnts, lhc hcx¡go[dl cross-scctionâl prolìlc ol the slolage c{)¡l l0l tnây havc a shzrpc

.10 llìât is othcr thân a regul¿tr hcxâgon. It is to be undcrstoodth¿rt thc conccpts ol the Þresc¡t invontion can be rnodilìc<l to¿ocornrnodate nny shapecl lìrcl âsscmbly, including ¡cctan-guìar', octagonal, roulìd, a¡nong olhers.

'l'he lìlcl rack l0l includcs â biìsc plate lltr, supportls Dcdostals l-ll, and a plurality ol storâge tubcs l5I pl¡ccd

togcther in a sidc-by-side afla¡ìgerìtctlt to f(nln ¡ì rcctilincârafiây âs shown in FlG. -ìA. lhe suppoÍ pcdcstâls l3l ârTaliìxed to a bottorn $urlûc0 1l:ì ol lhc base platc ll l, ¿nd tlìcarray of stol¿ge tubes 151 ârc âl1ìxcd to thc top surlàce l[5

50 ol tbc bâse plâtc 1ll ìrì a suhst¿Dtially vcrtical odentâtiqt.Ejach storage tube l5l exteûds âlo0g its own longitu(linalåxis l,A, and in ¿dditiou to bcing subsfantialìy vcrticâj, câchlongìludinal axis t,A is also súbsta¡tially perpcndicular tolhc t()p surlìce 115 of lhe base pl¡tc l-ll. llì(' connectiot)ËIAI..ED DËSCRIP ()N

5-5 betwee e¿ch ol thc storagc tubcs 151 and the b¿sc plate 11tr]'hc lbllowing dcscriplion ol lhe prclorrcd cnrbodirùerìt(s) is rchicved by weldiDg thc botto¡r cdgc ol cach ol thc

is rÌlcreìy excmpl¿1ry i¡ natúrc aDd is ir) no way ìnlcndod to stolage tubcs l5l to thc top sr¡rlhcc 115 ol the bâse plâto lll.limrt thc iûvcr'ìt¡on, its âppìication, o. uses. SiûrilâÍly, tlìc conncclior) bctween each of the supllort pcd

'l'hc dùscriPtion of illustlativc e¡nbodirncr]ts ¿ccord¡ng to cstals 131 a d thc bâsc pl¿ìtc 111 is âchjevcd by wclding cach

colìlìeotiorl witlì lhc accoùpânying drawi¡gs, wlrich ârc lo basc platc 111. lJy welding tlìc storagc tubes 151 to lhc bâscbc considcred parl of lhc crttilc wriltcn descriptiolì. l¡ lhc Dlâtc lll, thc flexurâì strcnglh ol'the b{se plâtc ll may bcdcscüptlon of- cr)Ìbodinlcnts ol thc invcntiorÌ disclo$ed incrc¿scd. thcrcby rnaking it possiblc to sLrppol't the con..hcroin, àny rele¡cnce lo directioû oI o¡-ic,rlalion rs lnercly bincd weight ol thc fi¡ol mcl( iì¡ìd licl âssoml)lics witlì (hci0tcnclcd Iìlr convcrìience ol description ân(l is not inlcndcd 65 support pede¡rtâls lJl locatcd only nc0r the cdges of lhc bÂscjìl a y w¿ry to linril the scopc ol thc prcscnl inventi(nl. pl;ìtc ltrl. Ol cou,-sc, oLber conncclioo tcchniq¡rcs c¿ìn bù

us 10,037,826 82

suPport pcdcstâls l3l with minor nÌodilìcation, includirìg opposing wall platcs lli7, 169. 1'h0 oulcr wâlls ol thc fìrslr¡cchanical con cclions such as bolting, clarnping, thr()âd- pair ol wall plates 163, 165 âro plâccd inlo surl¿cc coûtactirì8, aDd lhe lil(c with rcspectivc outcl walls ol wâll plâtcs 163, 165 ol'

^s shown in FICS. :lA-D, thc slor'¿gc tr¡bcs 151 Íue adjacenl storâge tubcs 151 to li)l]Ì lhe colu'nns 155 ol the

coûnected to the bâse Plâte ll1 to lìnm.r plurality ol rows 5 Íectihncal a ay, ¡s discüsscd al]ovc. l'hc storagc tube 151l5.l ând a plurality of colurnrìs 155. Thc storage tûbes l5l dclìtes a longitudinal axis l-4, which is thc ccnter point ol'withrn cach row 15:ì arc plâccd iD a spaccd âpart maùncr, thc rectangular cross,section, and thc wall plarcs 16-1, 165,wilh the spâcing bctween ¿djacent stor agc tubes 151 in â , ow 167, 1{í9 c¡ch hâvc ân ovcl.all hcight IIl.l5-l being mâintaincd by spaccrs 157. Spacers 157 ¡rc Thetopol eiìch ol the sccdrd pair of opposirìg wall platcsplaced betwcen all adjaccnt stor'àgc tubes tr51 withir a row r0 167, 169 includcs a guide pl¡tc 171.'fhe guide platc 171 fìrr153, with sevcúl späcers 157 being used to sepalate lwo each wall plate 167, 169 cxtends al an alÌgle up fìurì theadiacelìt slorage tul)es 151.'I'bg spaceß 157 ¿rlc weldcd in icspcctivc wall platc 167, 1ó9 and away tìoln tlÌe lotìgitu-piacc to each oi the adjaccnt storâgc tubos I-51. Several .linal axis LA ol tlìo sto¡gc tubc tr51. 'l'hc guidc plates l7tsp¡cers 157 alc placcd between eâch o1-lhe aljgncd longi- pr'ovidc à surlâcc Lo aid in guiding a lucl ¡s$ombLy into tlÌetudinâledgesofadiâcclr{.storagetubes151,withsp¿ccrs157 r5 fuolslo¡agece]1105fbr¡redwithjnthestoragctubc151.'l'hcbcing placed at llìc toD aûd botto¡r ol âligned Ìongitudin¡l guidc plâtes 17tr .rlso lìclp rcducc thc a,nount ol weiìr and/oredges, and thc other spirccrs being spaced âlong the aligocd danage caused to tlÌe klp edge ol the wall plaLes 167, 169ìongitudiìriìl edges. 'l'hc numbc| o1'sp¡ccrs 157 includcd drìr'ing thc Llroccss ol'loacling a licl asscmbly into the luclbctwccn.rdircent stolage lubes 151 may v¡r'y dcpendìng on storage cell 105- Thc gujdc plâtcs 171 mây bc intcgrallylãclols s0ch ås thc dcsired {luid llow between âdjacent 20 finrnedwilhthcwâll pl¿ìles I67, 169, or lhcy bc mountod asslorâge {ubcs 151 ¡nd/ol b0twoon adjacent columns 155, p¿ut ofa scpal.alc slructurc lo lhc cxteÍìal walis ol the walispace coDsidcrâtions, ând weight ol thc cntirc liel rack, plaLes 167, 169.among other oorìsiderations The outer walls of the seooûd pair oI opposing wâ¡l l)lates

Ily having the spacers 157 distribuled in lhis ¡¡ânncr, thc 167, 169 each have a neutlon-aLrso|bing platc 173 couplùdspacc botwcen adìaccrÌt colunns 155 lbrl¡s flux trâps 159, 25 thereto, â¡d Lhc neutton-âbsorbing plate 173 is securcd intol only between adjaocnl oncs of lhe st()lage lubes 151 place against lhc or¡tcr w¿l¡s ol the second pair ol op¡rosiDgwilhin each row 153, but also betwee entitc colurnDs 155. wall plates lfi, 169 by an outcr s hcath 175. 'l'hc outcr s heathThesefluxhaps159årcextoriortoeachoi lhe stol¿rgc t-ubcs 175 o'tcloscs lho neutron-¿bsorbing plate 173 in a pockct151, âtìd bgcause thc fìux trâp 159 01 ono ¡ow 153 is not 177, which is also shown ill trlC. 4C, to protect the poolpaltiti(nled 1ìolìr thc flux trap 159 ol ân adj¿ccnt row tr53, l0 warer 1Ìoù possible deterio|ation ol'the neùtr.()l-absorbìrgadjacent oncs ol'the llux traps 159 cllèctively sepalatc onc platc 173. The nculron-absorbing plale 173 and tlì(j olrtcrco¡umn 155 liorù anothcr.'Ilìc width ol lhe sp¿ìcers 157, ãnd sheâth 175 extcnd ¿r hcight tl2, which is lcss than thc heighl.thus thc width oi tho llux traps 159, nìay be soloctcd to tâil(n Hl. 'l'he hcight H2 may be the cquivrlcnt ol thc heighr ol a

thc âbilily to contld criticality of thc nucìear liel stored lucl as$cmbly positioncd lìr stuago within thc lilel stofagcwilhin tho fic¡ ück 101. ls cell 105. Oi coursc, thc hcight Il2 ol tho ncutron-absolbing

Tbe storage lubes 151 withjn cach coll¡ûirì 155 arc placcct platc 173 ând the oùrc¡ sheath 175 rnây, in ccrtâin cmbodi-adiaccut each olher $o that thc outcr walls o[ adjaccnt monts, be as great as the height III ol thc outer tubc tubcs l5l within thc rcspcctivc colu¡nn 155 arc in

^r in¡cr plâtc-âssc¡Ìblago 19t is positioDed within lho

surlace colìtâct with one ânolher ll¿ch ol thc aligned lon- outer tube 16I to help lorm tlìc fìlel stûâge cell 105. 'fhcgitudirìal edge$ oi âdjacont st(,âge tube$ 151 within a 40 inncl plate-âsscrnblage 191 include$ two chcvron plalescolumn 155 ¡nay be co[tiguously welded together to provide 193a, 193ù, whìch rnay be ol idcrltical design. An oxol¡plalyadditional stability to thc ovclïll s(luoture of the fucl ruck chcvron platc 193, rcplcsentiìtive ol'both chevrotì pl¡tos101. 193a, 193b, is shown in FlG. 3tl. Tho clrevron plaLe 193

With thc rcctilincar ârray ol tlÌe lucl râck 1()1 loÙned with inclùcles two w¿ll plato$ 195 adjoincd ât an apex edgc 197,lhe plurâlity ol rows 153 and columns 155 âs described 45 ¿ìud eaoh w¿Ìil pìate 195 ûray havc â height H3, which jsabove, lhc longiludin¿l axes LA of oach of the stomge tubcs s¡ightly ¡oss thâ,t thc height I I I of thc walì plates 163, 165,151 ineâch olthe rows 153ând incach ol'the colrlutns 155 167, I69 ol'the storage tubo l5l.align to fbrm rel'olcuce plane$ IìP Àlso, thc bngiludinal 'fhe top of eâclÌ wîll plâtc 195 includcs iì guido plale 199.axes l,^ ofadjacenl storâge lubes 151 in orc ol thc ¡clws 153 The guidc plalc 199 lì)l each wali plûtc tr95 extc¡ds ât Íìllnlây bg scpalatcd lìom onc anotherby ¿ disl¿nce Dl, ¿nd tho 50 angle up from thc rcspcctive wall plate 195, such that wheaIongilüdin¿l âxcs f,A ol adjacent stolagc tubos 151 ¡û ore ol the chcvron p¡¿¡te 193 is in phcc within thc outer tube 161(he colurnns 155 may bc sepalaled lìom onc ¿lnolher by a ol thc stor¿rge lube 151, lhc guidc platcs 199 ¡l$o cxtcnddist¿tnce D2, which r¡ay dillcrcnt, and cven glcater, tharì thc awry fì1)ûì the hngiludinâl ¡xis L,A of lhe sto[agc tube 15[.distalìcc Dl. Thc distancc Dl scparaling adjacent stor¿ge 'I'lìe guide Dl¿rtcs 199 providc a surface to ¡id in guiding .r

luhes 151 within a row lsJ may b0 controlled within a 55 luel assembly into the lüel slorâgc ceìl 105 Iì ncd wìthindesìgn by approp|iatc sclcction ol cither the width oi thc the storagc tubc 15tr. Thc guide plates 199 also hcl¡r recluccstuagc tubcs 151 o| the width ol lhe spâccrs 157. I'hc tho arnount of wgar â'rcl/o| clamage caused to the top edge ofdista¡ce D2 scparating adjâcent storâgc tubes l5l withiû a the wåll pl¡tcs 195 du.irg thc proccss d loadi¡lg a liclcolulr l55 rnay bc controlled within a design hy approp - âsscrnbly iDto the Iucl slorage cell 105.'l'hc guidc pldtos 199âlo scìcc{ion of thc length ol'thc storage tubes 151. 60 lÌây bc i¡ttcgr'âlly lìn ùtcd will) {he wâll pl¿rtes 195, or thcy

A.D cxerrplâry skÌagc luL)o 151 ìs shown iu IrlC.4A. l'hc b0 mountcd âs parl of ¿l seParalc slructr¡rc to thc cxtoÍralstoa8c lube l5l inclldos ¿rn outcr tube 161 having a walls ol'the wall plate$ 195.rectarìgular cro$s-section, ¡¡$ can b0 rjccn io FIC. 4lì. The Lqr 'lhe outùI. walls ol thc w¡ll pl¡tcs 195 oach havc ä

end of the st(nâgc lubc l5l rcnìains opcn so thar a llcl Deutlon-al)solbing plâlc 20tr coup¡cd thcrelo, ard the neu-asscmbly carì be inscrled into the hcxago âl fuel storagc ccll cs uon-absorbing plrtc 20i is scculcd in place agâinst the outer105 lìmncd thercin.'I'he sl¡n'ago lube 151 includos a lìr'st pair walls ol thc w¿ll platos 195 by an outer sheath 203. Eachol opposing wall plâtes 163, 165 and û secorld pâit of outcr sheâth 20-l enclosos thc rcspcctive ncutlon-¿rbsort)ing


us 10,037.826 82

plâtc 201 in a pocket 205, which i$ ¿lso shown in l.-lc. 4C, storage cell 105. In the rectilincù array oL lhe slorage tubesto protect the po(t watcr lioln possiblc detelioration 01'the 151, theso flux trâp charnbeß 2l5a-d serve as interiol Rux

neut.on-absoibing plâtc 201. 'l'he neuhon-ab$ofbíng platc tlap chambcrs betwce¡ the fuel storage colls 105 ofadjaccnt201 and thc outeÍ shearhs 203 extend a hojght H2, which is storâgc tübes 151 in the fuel rack l0l. 'lhus, storâgc tübcsless lh¿n tho hoight H3 oithc wall platcs 195. The height H2 s l5l thât arc adjaccnt within a row h¿vc their respeclive lielmay be the equivâlont of tho height of a fuol asselnbly storago cells 105 separated by Íour llux l¡ap chambels, twopositioned for storâgc within the fuel storagc cell 105. Of tìom oach ol'lhe adjacent storage tr¡bes 151.courso, thc height H2 oflhe neutron-âbsolbing plrte 201 ând Thc inner plate-assornblage 191 includes two chcvlonthe outer sheâths 203 rnay, in ccrtàin enbodimcnts, be as platcs 193a, 193å. Êach chevron plate 193.¡, 1931, includcsgrcat as the height H3 of {he wall plates 195. l0 two wâll plâtes 195a-¿l, ¡nd each wall plate l95a-d is

Tho djmonsion and position of thc neutron-absorbing obliquc to and extends belween adjacc[t sides of thc outeÌplate 173 on the wâll plåtes 167, 16t ol the outer tube 161, trbo 16l to lorm the plurality ol interior llux trap chambc$and the ncutron-absorbing platc 201 on tho wâll plâtes 195 2l5a-d wirhin the inncr cavity 213.ol'tho chevron platcs 193, rDay be detcrmined by the position Spccilìcally, the wall plate 195¿ of thc chcvr on plate 193¿¡

and dimension of â fuel asscmbly poriitidled for storage f5 cxtcnds between the wrllplatc 167 olthe outer tubc 161arìdwilhin the fuel storage cell 105, and more particularly by thc lhc wall plate 163 of'the outer tube 161 to lbrm the inþriorposition ând dimcnsion of llel rods contained within ¿¡y fh¡x l¡âp châr¡bor'215¿z. With thc wall plàtc l95a posilioncdsr¡ch lùel storage asscmbly. The rìeutrorì-âbsolbing platcs in this nÌânner, the interior flux trap châmber 215¿¿ is lormcd173, 201 are goncrally plâcsd on the rospoctivc wâll plâtes between the wall plato l95d of the chevron plate I93a and167,161),195 and dimen$ioned so thal úe hcight H2 is at 20 a corncrscction lormed âLthc intcfscction ol'wallplates 163,least as greal as the height of storcd fucl rods wilhìn thc lxel 167 ofthc outer tùbe 161. The wâll platc 1951, ol the chcvronstoragc ccll 105. Such dimensioning ol ths noutron-absorb- plate l93d exte ds bctwooo the wall platc 169 ol'the outering plåtes 173, 201 hclps cnsure thât neutron emi$sions, tube 16l arìd lhe wâll plâte 163 ol lhe outcr fubc 161 to fo¡mdirected toward iìny ofthe wall plates 167, 169, 195 fiom the the interior llux trap chaûìbcr 2151r. With thc wall plate 195ófuel asscmbly within tho fuel storago cell 105, are incidcnt 25 positioned in this manncl; thc interior flux trap chamberon the neùtron-âbsorbing plâtos 173, 201. The oùler sheaths 215¿t is lin med botwoen the wall platc 195à oI tho chevron175, 203 on the wâll plâtcs 167, 169, 195 âre dimensioned plate 193a and a coflror secfior lormed at tho intorsection of'lo provide a sulìiciently large enclosure to secure the neu- wall plalcs 163, 169 of the outer tubo 16l. 'l'hc wall platetron-absorbing platcs 173, 201 to thc rcspoctivo wall platcs 195¿ and the wall plate 1951, are.joined at an apex edge 197a167, L69,195. 30 ol the chevrou plate 193¿. Thc edges ofthe wall plalcs 195d,

'Ihe neutron-ab$orbing pl¿te 173, 201 may be formed ()1 195¿r that ârc positioned against thc wall plates 167, 169,a matcrial contâìning a neut¡on absorber isotope ernbedded rcspectively, alc contiguously woldcd fo the inncr sulfaccilì tho rnicrostructurc, such as olcmcntal boron ol boron 21I of the rcctângular outcr tubc 161. Similarly, lhc wâllcaùide. Metarnic, produced by Metamic, LLC, which is pl¿tc 195c ol the chevron plate 193å oxtend$ bctwc{ìfl thomade oI an âluminu¡n alloy matrix with enbcddcd boron 35 wall plate 169 oI thc outo,: tubc 161 ând the wall plafe 165ca¡bide, is an exâmple ol ¿ìn âcceptable matetial- [n certain of thc outcl tubc 16l to lorm lhe inlerìor flux tr'âp chaûìberembodiments, fhe oulcr sheaths 175, 203 rnay be fbrmed of 215c. With th{ì wâll plate 195c positioned in this man¡c! lhcmatori¿rls such as stainless stecl, boratcd stainl0ss stccl, or intcrior flùx tr'âp chamber 215c is lormed bctwcen tho wallany othcr lypo of stccl appropriato for usc in tho long tcrm pl¿te 195(r ot the chovron plâte 193ó and a co¡ner $ection$k)rage environrnenf for npenL nûcjeâr fuel. 40 formcd at thc intorsoction of wall plates 165, 169 of the outer

In certain embodiments, pârficulârly tho$e in which the tube 161. Tho wall plâte l95d ol the chevron plate 193,neutron-absorbing platcs 173, 201 arc not lormed of â extc'rds betwcen thc wâll plate 167 of thc outcr tube 16l andmatl)riâl which is br¡ttlc ol bccomes briltlc ovcr timg, the wall plate 165 ol the outcr tube 161 to form thc inleriorthereby present¡lìg â risk of dctcrior¿tìon ând contaminâtion flux trap chambcr 2151. With tho wâll plafc 195¿ posif.ioncdof the pool watcr, the ncütron-absoùing platcs 173, 201 may 45 in lhis mannot thc intcrior fìux trâp chamber 215¿l is lormedbe sccured dircctly to the respective wall platcs 167, 169, bctwocn thc wall plate l95l ol' the chcvron plato 193i, and195. ln such embodirnents, thc oule¡ shcaths 175, 203 rnay acomsr scction formed at thc intersection ofwall plates 165,bc omittcd, o¡: altornativcly, tho outcr shoaths 175, 203 may 167 of thc outcr fube 16l. Thc wall plate 195c ¿rìd the waìlbc configurcd lo couplo thc routron-¿b$orbiDg plâle$ 173, platc I95/ arc joined ât an apcx edge 1971, of the chcvt.on201 lo thc respective wall plâtcs 167, 169, 195 without 50 plate 193¿.'Iho odgcs ol'the wall plates 195c, 195¿l that arccncbsing thc nouhon-absorbilg platos 173, 201 in an enve- po$itioncd against Lhe wall platos 167, 169, respcctivcly, ¿rc

lope. contiguously wclded to tho inncr st¡rface 2ll of the rcctan-FIC. 4C slìows a cross-sectiorÌ oi aD excmplary storagc gulâr outor tubc 16l.

tubc 151. The outcr tube 161 has a width W in thc row With thi$ configurlrtion o[ the chevron plates l93ct,l93hdircction allcl a lcngth L in the column dilcction, ¿nd the 55 within the outer lûbe 16l, the hexagonal lì¡el storagc celllgngth L in thc column diroction is grcâtcr th¿n the width w 105 is defincd by: thc inner sullacc 217a ol the lìrst walljn lhe row direction. The in¡or surlâce 211 ol thc outor Lubc plato 195¿¡ ol the fìrsl chevron plâte 193r.¡; the innol surlàce16l of thc stu ago tubc 151 delìnes an inncr cavity 213, and 217b of the second wall plato 195å ol the liÍst ohevlon plate

a hexâgonâl Itol storâge cell 105 is tbù¡cd within thc inncr l93d; the inner surfäcc 217( ol'the first wâll plate 195.- olcavity 213 ol the storâge tube 151. The prolìle of a hcxago- ó0 thc sccond chcvron platc 19.ì¿r; the innor surfãce 217.1ol thenâl fu(jl assembly 109 is slìowlì lor rolèrcnce wilhin thc fucl sccond wall plate 195¿1ol'the second chevidì platc 193å; a

storage cell 105. ln ccrtain embodiments, the gap botwcon poúion of tho inner surltce 211 ol lhc wall pl¿tc 167 ol lhùthc lucl assembly 109 and the walls lonning thg fucl storâge outcr tùbe 16l; and â po¡1iùì ol tlìe innel surlice 2lI ol'thcccll 105 is Iess than about 4 mm arou[d all sidcs ol-the fuel wall plate 169 ol' the outer tube 16l. B¿¡ch of the flux trap

asscrnbly 109. Thc innc,: plate-asscmblagc 191 is positiùred ós chambcrs 215¿-¿1 lormed by this configurâtion o[ thc chcv-within the oùter tube 161 k) dividc thc inncr cavity 213 into ,on platcs 193d, l93b hâve triângulâI lllnsvcrse cross-

- pluralily of iúerior llùx triìp chambors 215¿¡-¿l at)d the lûel scctions.'llhe sizc and hexlgooâlcross-scctionâl$hapc d'thc

Ilìrcl stomgc cell 105 is designed and co|rstlucted so that theluel $torâgc ccll 105 can acconÙrìodale no nlor'c lh¿r1 o|rolucl asselnbly 109. Duc l.o thc difïcrent cross-seclional shapeof thc f'lux tiâp chambers 215û ¿, as conparcd to thecross-secliorìâl shâpe d the lypica¡ lue¡ stor¿gc ¡sscmbly,the llux tiâp chalnbcrs 21Sa-l atc nol âblc to accotn{nodatca lucl assornbly that hás â squâre oì hexagonal tÍansverserlross-scctio0.

'l'hc âpcx edgcs 197a,197b ol c¿ch ol the chevron plates193¿¡, 193¿, ârc loc¡ted in a relrrcncc plano llP that is dclìncdby irìcludirg the Iongiludinal âxis I-^ ol thc storagc trb0 151and being peeendiculâr lo thc wall plates l{i3, 165 ol theoutcr tube 161. l'he apex edges 197a, l97h rr¿y loùn ¿r¡r

anglc ol l20", so lhat the resulting hcxâgoDal cross-scctionâl$hapc ot lhc lucl storage cell 105 lb ns a regulâr'hexâgorì.In alterr¿rlivc embodimcnts, the âpcx cdges l97e,l97b ri.aylbrm âD ¿inglc o of slightly less thân I20", within thc Ë¡rgcol âbor¡t 120",11-5", so llùt ¿hc rcsultiitg hexagonrl oross-scctional shapc ol'the liel storage cell 105 varics slightlyâway from thc lbrm of a rcgular hexagon. When the hex-¿ìgonal lucl asscrnbly is pLaccd wìthin lhe luel stoÍage cell105, lhe fuel assellìb¡y m¿y.attlc undcsirably duliDg iÌscisrnic or othc, r"ttljng cvent. fly lÌaving thc ¿rpex edgcs197a,.1,97 b lb|rììing an ânglc of sìightly less than 120", theacutc cdgcs oi the liel assembly thât liìcc th(] ¿ìpcx cdgcs197a, lVl lt â¡c pr-ovenled lìoln jlnpactiùg the apcx cdgcsl91a,l97b dudng a seisnic ol other rattling cvenl

A cross-section ol thc storage tubc 151 is shown in IrlC.4D with a schematic reprcsentation ol a lìrcl asscrnbly 109disposcd \'r'itlìin the lìcl slorage ceìl 105. Simil¡r to hexagonal luel assernblies cornrnonly in use, the Iiel âssembly109 includcs a top handlc 233, a body po(io0 235, in whjcha plurality ol nuclear luel rods (not shown) are housed, aùda tapcrcd botlom porlion 237. 'llìe handlc 2:ì3 ând lhetåpered botto,n portion 237 làcilitale in¡ierling tlÌe luelasscûbly 109 into thc fucl sto[¡rge cell 105 ol lhe stùagetubc 151. When thc fucl asscrrbly 109 is bcing insc(cd intothe stolago tube 151, the tâpered botlonl poü.iolt 237 lnayengagc tho guidc p¡ates 171, 199 to aid i¡ cenreriog rhe liclasseurbly 109 within Lhc tucl storâgc cell 105. As shown,with the luel âssenrb¡y 109 lì¡lly irserted into lhc luelstorage cell 105, thc heighr Hl d-thc oùter tube 16l ìsg.cätel than thc ov0rull height Ij4 ol'thc Iuel âssemL)ly 109.'l'he height H3 ol thc chcvroû plales 193¿, 193i2 is âlso le¡is

lh¿n the heighl Hl ol'thc outcr tubc 161.'fhe lowcr edges oltbc chevron plates 193d, 193, ib not extcncl to thc lowcredgc ol tbe outcr tubc 16l, so that ¡ gap is lbrnlcd at thclowel eùd ol thc storagc tube 151 lbr cooling lluid to fìowinto the flux tlap châurhers 2lSa-d. In coltain elnbodiment¡,,thc chcvron p¡ates 193¿¿, 193i, mây includc aporturcs ¿t tlìeirbottom edg0s Íbr cooli g lluid lo lìow into thc flux trapchambers 2l5a-¿, ¿ncl in such ernbodimcnls, thc hcight fl3ol lhe chevron platef, 193d, 193¿r bc tho same as thcheight IIl ol thc ourer rubc 16l.

'l'he height II2 ol the neution-absorbing pl¿rtc$ 201couplcd to thc chevr'on Platcs 19-ld, I931, (¿¡nd thc ner¡tron-absolbìng plates 173 coupled to the outcI hlbo l6l as show'lir FIC. 4C) is substantially lhe sâmc as thc heiglìt ol-thchody polion 235 ol' thc tiel asserÌrbly l(D. In certaincnìbodime ts, the hcight tl2 ol'thc ol'thc neutfon-absoÍbingplatcs 201 (¿nd 173) rnay bc lcss than the height ol tlìc bodypoltion 235 of lhe iicl ¡sscmbly 109. I'hc height ll2 ol thcû(jût&)Èabsollrirg pìates 201 (aùd 173) may bc dc$igncd 1o

provide app,opiale shielcling ol adjacent ficl ¿rsscmblicsliom olìe aDother. l-bis is bccâuse ¿djaccnt spert nûc¡car li¡clÌods r¡ay nol extend lhc cntirc length ol lhe body porlioÛ2.15 ol thc liel a$$embly 109, aDd thc hcight ol lhe ,lcrfron-

us r0,037,826 8210

absorbing pl¿rlcs 201 (rÌnd 173) (jcd only be high as fhenucloal lircl rods wlìen thc li¡el ¿rsserùbly 109 is positjonedwithin thc stor'âgc tube 151.

'l'lìc base plate 111, which is shown in IrlG.5, includes.t5 plufality ol flow holos 117 extcrìding througlì the bâsc pl¡tc

lll lìor¡ thc bott(nì $urlac0 ll.l to thc l(4r sulf¡cc ll5. l'hcbase plâtc ltrI âlso includes four oblong holes 119 (sccond

row rr lìorÌr the com(jrs) lb lilÌing and installirg the tìrcl

, . r':rcl, !lll willì¡n th.. lucl p,,ul l0-1. Tyl'iLrlly. r.l',r(i.¡l Iillinf"' hc¡ll uith lour lonA rùrlch r,rLls is u\uLl l{' inltra(l !r,ilh lhù

oblong holcs 119 to glapple the lueì rack 101 lor transl¡rirìto or out ol, ol. r¡ovenÌcnl wilhin. the pool l0-1.

Thc flow holos 1i7 (¿nd oblong holes 1.t9) crcale pas-

l5 sâgewâys fìol¡ bolow thc b.ìse platc 111 inlo lhe hollrnÌ1 en(ls

ol thc l¡el stolage cells 105 lorfted by lhe slor¿rge ¡jjscnrblics 151. As shown, ¡ sirìgle llow hole 117 is provided lbrcach ljlor-¿tgc îsscmbly 151. In ccrl¡i¡ cmbodiûìcnts, mrìl-tiplc llow holcs ll7 mây be provided lbr e¿ch st(xagc

':o ¿rsscmhly tr51 to providc cooling llùid to {he luel storâgc ce¡l105 àrìd each ol'thc llux lrap chambcrs 215d-.1. Ihe flowholcs 1tr7 sclvc as fluid inlcts lo licilitatc nûtuml thclnlo-siphon llow ol pool walcr lhror]gh the fuel slorage cclls l{}5when fììcl asser¡bìjos havi g â heat load ârc posilioncd

25 thorein. Moro spccilìcâlly. wlìoo hcatcd lucl assenbljes arcpositioned in the l'uel stùage cclls 105 i¡ a submergedenvi|onlììellt, the water within the lÌel slorage cells 105, ardwilhjn thc Ilux liap chambers 215a-rl, sulrounding thc l'!¡el¡sscmblics bocorncs hc¡tcd, thcrgby rising dùc to incrcascd

30 buoyâncy. As lhis hcatcd w¿ter riscs ard cxits the stqagcassernblies l5l via lheir open top ends, cooì waleÍ is dr'âwrìnlo the bottoûì ol thc lìrcl stoage ccl¡s 105 a¡d thc lìux hâPchàmbers 2154-¿ vi.r the flow holcs 117.'l'his heat irìducùdwâte, lìow .ì¡ong lhc Iìlel âssorÌlblics then conlinucs 0âtu-

3s rally.

^ suppo.t pedcstal 131 Ibr thc fircl rack 101 is shown in

FIG. 6. 'l'hc slìpÌx)r( pedcstals 131 alTixed to thc bottotnsur lìrcc 113 of thc t)asc platc ltr1 cnsurc that a spaco cxistsbetwcen the floor ol thc pool 10J ¿nd thc boltorn surlace l13

40 ol lhc basc plate lll, lhereby crealing alì inlet plcnurn fblwater lo llow thlor¡gh lhe flow holos 117. The supporlpedestal l3l incLudos a biìsc puti(nr 13.ì ¡nd â riser portion135 loùncd âboul ân ûrtcdol llow spr¡ce 139. llÌe riscrportion 135 includes fìow aperturcs 141 through which

,l-5 walei lìollì lhe pool 10-] rnay pâss lion a spacc cxtcrnal totlrc suppoÍ pcdcslal l.Ìl rnlo the intcriu flow spâcc 139.Watcr passiug llìto thc iûlorior llow spacc 139 ûây th() pâss

up through a fìow holc 117 in thc bâse plâtc lll lo enable lhccoo¡i0g process described ¡rbove. Although thc riscr porlion

50 l-15 js depictcd 1)s beiDg anDular; in cettain cmbodimonts thcriser portion tr35 rnay have any gcolììct|ical conlìgurati(¡rwhich supports the base platc 1tr1 abovc thc floor oi thc püt10.1 and pclmits watci. lrom thc pool 103 to tow into anyllow holcs ll7 iD thc b4sc pl¡tc 111 ncar which thc support

55 pcdestal 13tr rnay bc lllixcd.Thc firel rack l0[ desc¡ibcd âbove with rcf¡rclìco k)

FICS. l-6 is inlended to be placcd I'reo stiìndiùg in â pool103, witlìoùt bcirìg coupled lo sides or thc bottom of thcpoo¡. Ilowcvcr. in ccúain cmbodirncnls. a couplcr nray bc

ó0 r¡scd to aicl in sccuiing thc position ol'lhc fucl râck l{}lwilhin lhc pml l{}.3 during a scismic or othcr rattLing cvlj t.

Othcr th¿rn lhc ncutron ¡bsorbing mâtolial doscribed ¿bovc,thc fucl rack rnay hc fìriûrcd ertiroly liom aùstenjtic st¿iû-lc$s steel.

^llhough o(hor rnateri¿ls nl¿y be usod, sornc

65 îì¿tedûls, such ¿s boraled sl¿inlcss stcel, arc nol prclìlïedfbì a lìee staDding fue¡ r'ack 10[ withrrì a pü)l 1{}3, as lhegrealcr weighl ol rn¿tcri¡ls such as bord{ed stce¡ aggr¿vatc

us 10,037,826 B2l1 12

thc seislnic response ol the luel râck l0l, thus fbrcing the p¡âte; ân inner surÍacc ol lhe second wall pl¿te ol the fìrstlucl ück l0l to bo anchorcd. chevron plate; an inner su¡faco d,thc fìßt wall plâtc of the

An ûltelnative embodimeiÌt of â luel râck 301 is shown in socond chevron platc; an innor surface ol' the second wallFIC. 7.'lhis Iuel rack 301 includes a plurality ol $tolago plâte ol tho socond chevron plâto; ¿r po¡tion o[ an innerlubos 303 alììxed to the top surlàce ol'a basc plate 309, and 5 surlhce ol the fìrst wall plate ol the rectangulâr outer tube;suppol1 pcdestals 3ll amxed to thc boltom st¡rfaco of the and â po.tion of an inner su¡facc of the second wâll platc ofba$e plato 309. The storage tr¡bos 303 eâch inclurle a luel the rectangulâr outer cell 305, and lhey alc placed together in â sidc-by- 4.'l'he lùel r¡ck ¿ppârâtus âccord¡ng to claim 2, whor,:insidc anângement to form a pllnality ol |ows 305 and a for cach of the stotage tubes, the fìrsL chevron plate com-plurality ofcolutnns30Tasparlofalectilineararray, in the t0 priscs â lì¡st âpex cdgc and thc sccond chevron pìatemanncr desc¡ibed abovc. A plurality oi auxilìary lìow apet- comprises a second apcx edgc; ând whercin tbr each of thctures 313 are included in thc storâge tubes 30.J al. or ncar storagc tubes, the fìrst and second apex edges arc located ilìtheir bottom cdges. In ceitain embodirrìerìts, at leâst onc a rctbrence plâne thât comprises the loflgitudìnal axis and isauxiliary flow apcúure 313 is included in each face of tho porpondiculd to thc third and I'oufth wall plato$ of thestoragc tubes 303, cvcn those face¡i ofst(nage tubcs -ì03 that 15 rcctangula. outer tube.arc placed in sutface contact wifh thc läce ol an adjácoût 5. ]'he fùcl râck app¿ratus according to claim l, whcrcinstoragc tube 303. ]'hc auxiliary flow apcftu¡es 313 act as cach of the storage tubelj lùrlhcr comp¡iscsladditionâl inlct openirtgti (when cornbined with flow holcs in â lìlst neullon âbsorbing plate coupled to ân outcr surläcethc base platc 309) fbr incoming pool watcr to läcilitâtc thc ol the lirst wâll plâtc of thc first chovron platc, thc fìßtthel.mosiphoû flow during thc cooling procoss. While ¿n 20 ncutron absorbing plate located within tho firsf châm-âuxiliâry {ìow aperture 31.Ì is shown in each facc of eûch and bcr;evely slorâgc l.ubc 303 in thc lùel rack 301, in coú.ain a second neutron absoúing plate coupled to an outercmbodilnents the auxiljary flow apc¡turc 313 may be omil- surläce of the sccond wáll platc of the lìrsl chcvronled from a selcct su b¡iel 01'lãces lbÍ se]ecl storago tubes 303. plâtc, thc sccond neutron absorbing pl¿tc bcated wi(hin

Various othcr modifìcations of tho embodímcnts of tho 25 the second châmbor;Prcsent invenfion will rcadily be âppârcnt to thosc skiilcd in a third neùtron absorbiig plâte couplod to an outer sultäcethc a and are encompassed within thc scope ol the invcn, of the l'irst wall plâtc of thc second chcvron platc, thetion âs dofìned io tho appcnded claims. third ncuÍon absorbing plâte locâtcd withir the third

WhaL is clâirncd is: chamber:l. A lucl rack ¿pparatus complising:â b¿tsc platc having ân upper sürfâcg and a lower surlàce;a plurality ol storage tubos coupled to the uppcr surtàcc of

the bâsc plate i¡ a sidc-by-sido arrangcmcnt to lorm arectilincal âl.ray ol'lhe storagc tubes, eâch ol tho stotagctubes extcnding along a longitudi al axis and compris-irg:a rectangular oùtcr tube having an innel surlàce defìn,

ing an inDer câvity;a fìrst chevron plate comprising a fìlst wall plate ¿nd a

sccond wall plate;a second chevlon plate cemprising a 1ìßt wall plate and

a second wall platc;the IìNt and second chevron plates positioDcd in the

inner cavity in opposing rglation to divide thc inncrcavity intoi (1) â filst cha¡nbeÌ lbrmed between lhcfìrst wall plate of tho lìlst ohevlon plâto and a firstcomer seclion of the rectangular outer tubc; (2) asecond ch¿mber formcd between the second wallplate of llìe filst chevron plate and a second cotûerscction ol' the rectangular oùfer tubo; (3) a thirdchâmbcr tbflncd bctween thc fìrsL wall platc oi thcsecond chevron platc and a third co tc,. sect¡on of fhercctangular outcr tube; (4) a tbuftlÌ cha¡ììber l'ormcdbotwecn the Íiecond wall platc ol thc scco,ld chcvronplâto and a Iìu¡th comer section d the rcctângulârouter tubo; ând (5) â Íìcl stomge ccll having ¿r

hcxagonâl trânsvcrsc cro$s,soction and conlìgurcd torcccive a luel âssembly containing spgnt nuclcal1ùcl.

2. The tucl rack apparatus acco|diog to claim l, whcrein 60Io. each ol thc storagc tubes, thc lectangular outcr tubecomÞdsos a fìr$t wall plate, a sccond wall plate opposite thclìr'st wâll plate, a third wall plate, ¿ùd â fiurth wô¡l plâteopposite thc third wall platc.

3.'l'he luel lâck app¿Ìrâ aooolding to claim 2, whcreirì 65

tbr cach ol tlìo stoagc tûbcs, thc ticl stolagc cell is delìncdby: an inner surl'¿cc ol thc lìNt walj plate ol the lìt st chcvro't

30 a lourth neuhon absorbing plate coupled to au outersurfàce ol the second wall plate of the second chevlonplatc, the fburth reutro¡ âbsorbi¡tg plato located withitrthe lbulth chatnber;

a lìllh ncuhon absorbing plalc couplcd (o an outer surlìce35 of a fìrst wâll plate of the rccta¡gulâr outct tube; and

a sixth neutlon absorbing plate coupled to an outor sudaceof a second wall platc 01 th¡j outcr tube, the lìÍìt wallplato of tho outer lube opposite tlÌe seco[d wall plâtg ofthe reclangular outol tube.

a0 6. The fucl råck apparatus according to claim 1, for eachol the storâge tùbes, cach of the lìrst aûd second wall plafes01'tho first chevron plâte havo a side cdge that is contigu-ously woldcd to the i¡ner surfâco of tho rcctangulà outertubc; and wherciu fìlr each of the storage tubcs, cach of (hc

45 lìrst ând sccond wall plat-cs oltho second chevron platc havea side cdgc that is contiguoûsly weldcd to the irner su¡lìaccof tho rcctangulaf outel tube.

7. Tho lucl rack appalatus according to claitn l, whereinthc rectili¡eår ârray oI lhc storage lùbes comprises a plu-

50 rality ofrows ofthe storågc tubos and a plurality ofcolumlsof the stor¿ge tubes; wherein for cach of thc rows of thestorage tubes, tho longitudi¡Ì¿rl âxes o[ adjacenl. ones of thestorage tubes in the row ¡re scpafated liom one ânothcr bya fìßt distancet and wherein li)l câch of'lhe colu¡nns ol thc

55 stomgc tubcs, thc longitudinal axes of âdjâcont ones ol thcstorage tubc¡i in tho column arc sepatated lÌom one anotherby â sccond dista¡cc, thc second distance being grcâtet thanthc fìrst distâncc.

8, The licl lack apparatus accordiûg to claim 7, whereintbreach ofthe tows oftho stotilge tubcs, adjacent onos ofthestûage lubes in thc row âa0 spaced apart fron onc anolherby an extcÌior lìrlx tlâp fqlned botwecn thc ol¡teÍ tubes ol:lhe adjaccut ones of the storfige tubcs in the l'ow

9. Thc fucl ruck appzuatùs accofding k] clnirn 7, wherojn1¡r e¿ch o[ tho colurnns, the outcr tuhes of adjilco[t oncs ofthc storagc tubcs in thc column arc in surläce coulact withone ânolher

us 10,037,826 B213

10.'l'bc lr¡cl rack appâratlrs ¿rccording to clitin 9, whcrcinlìn e¿lch of ll're coluùrns. lbe fìr'.sl, second, thìrd, âlìd lbu.thch¿ùbcrs ol thc sto!-âgc lubcs in thc colunrn act âs hteriorfìux Lr'âp chârnbers bclween {hc licl stolage colls ol'thcadjâccDt oncs ol lhe stuage tubes iû thc column. 5

Itr- l'hc liret racl( ¿ppar¿rtus âccording to cl¿riro 10,whcrcin fin cach ol tl'rc slolâge tubes. the fìrst chcvr'o¡ platcconlprises a lìrst âpex cdgc and lhc scco|d chcvron plâteconrpriscs a sccond apex cdßc; and whefciu lì¡r'cach ol'lhccolum s, the lirst ¿nd sccond ¿pcx cdgcs ol thc st<lragc tubcs |0

io the column ârc alignùd âlong a co¡u,ntìar'rei¡rercc plarcthal includcs thc lo gitudinâl .Ìxcs ol'thc slolage tubes in thecoìuillrì.

12.'l'hc luel mck âpparatus accordidg to claim 7, whercir) t5lbi each ol the stoùge lubcs, lhe aectiìtìgr¡laa outer'trìbcsb¿ve â width ilr ¿r row directron and a lcngth iÙ ¿t oolumndircction, thc lcngth l)(ring groa(cr Lhan the widlh.

13. fhc lùcl râck rìppâtatus âccording Lo cl¿inl 1, whereiufbi each ol {he storage lubùs, thc fìrst, sccoDd, third, ¡ocl 20lburth cha0lbcrs havc â tr-iângul¿lr t¡â0sversc cr'oss-scclioD.

i4. A lr¡, 1 |r. k irlìtrrJlr¡:\ (t,tìlIri$inË:a ba$c pl¿tc haviDll âD uppcr surlace and â lower surfaceì

14a plurâlily o, slorâgc tl¡Lrcs coupled to lhe üpper su.lììcc ol

thc bâse plate in a sicìe-by-side âr'â¡ì8clÌ1erìl to l_orrrì ilrcctilineâr arlay ol lhc storagc tubes, cach ol lhc stûagctubcs cxlcnding along a longitudital axis atd comprising:a rectângular oûlcr Lube haviÍg an inrÌcr surlacc dcfì11-

ing ¡n inner cavjly;l plulality ol wall platcs positioncd in the in0er cavity

lhat dividc thc inncr c¡rvity iDto: (l) a fìßt inLcriorllux cha¡nber lirmed bctween a lirst onc of thc wallplates and a fisl corncr scction of thc rcctangularoutct tube; (2) a sccond intcrior llux chanìbol fì)i mcdbetwecn ¿ì $econd one ()1'lhe woll plales and a secondcolner section 01'the rcclaugulâr outer tube; (3) â

third rnte¡ior llux charnber liJrmed betwcerì â thirdone ol thc wall platcs alrd â third cornc[ scction ol thcrcctangular outci tube; (4) a lbùùh intcûor Iìuxchômbcr lìn-mcd betwecn a lbûrlh one ol wâll platcs¿ìrd a lburlh c()lrìcr sectioû oi lhe rcctaùgùìar outerlut)o; ând (5) Â lìrcl s{or¡ge ccll hâving a hexagoìaìtfânsvelsc closs-section and collfìgürcd to reccive ¿ì

liel assembly conlaiDing spcnt nuolear lìel