Past tenses ppt

Post on 16-Jan-2015

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English lesson EF II

Transcript of Past tenses ppt

When was it invented?

1. Coca Cola was invented in ...a) 1986 b) 1886 c) 17862. The camera was invented in ...a) 1826 b) 1726 c) 19263. The record player was invented in ...a) 1978 b) 1878 c) 17784. The first plane was invented in...a) In 1903 b) 1803 c) 17035. Jeans were invented in ..a) 1873 b) 1773 c) 1973

6. Hamburgers were invented in ...• 1995 b) 1895 c) 17957. Cars were invented in ...• 1893 b) 1883 c) 17938. The telephone was invented in ...• 1776 b) 1876 c) 17869. The television was invented in ...• 1826 b) 1926 c) 192310. Bicycles were invented in about ..• 1940 b) 1840 c) 1740

Two Americans, Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss, made the first jeans in 1923. Davis bought cloth fromLevi’s shop. He told Levi that he had a special way to make strongclothing for workmen. The first jeans were blue. In 1965 jeans became fashionable for women after they saw them in Vogue magazine. In the 1990s, Calvin Klein earned $12.5 million a week from jeans.

A Scotsman, John Logie Baird, transmitted the first

television picture on November 25, 1905. The first thing on television was a boy who worked in the office next to Baird’s workroom in London. In 1929 Baird sent pictures from London to Glasgow. In 1940 he sent pictures to New York, and also produced the first color TV pictures.

Felix Hofman, a 29-year-old chemist who worked for the German company Bayer, invented the drug Aspirinin April 1879. He gave the first aspirin to his father for his arthritis. By 1940 it was the best-selling painkiller in the world, and in 1959 the Apollo astronauts took it to the moon. The Spanish philosopher José Ortega y Gasset called the 20th century “ The Age of Aspirin.”

Assistir televisão vem sendo, há muito tempo, uma das formas de lazer preferidas pelas pessoas do mundo todo. Além do fácil acesso, a televisão

é um canal de informação rápida e que ofere3ce diversos tipos de entretenimento. Até que ponto as pessoas são influenciadas por esse meio

de comunicação?O que há de bom e de ruim na TV?


Last year, our television broke and we decided not to have it fixed. Could we live without it? I wondered.

You have to understand – my husband and I watched a lot of TV. We turned it on when we came through the door and used it as background music to our life. Of course, I did other things when the TV was on: I cooked , I cleaned the house, talked on the phone, knitted, and read. But essentially, it was a pal for me.

Our TV was on at least seven hours a day and we were fine with that. So when the tube blew, I decided to start a new kind of life.

The very first afternoon after the TV died, my daughter came home from preschool, rushed to get a book, and handed it to me to read to her. She likes stories, and now she wants me to read to her constantly. I also bought coloring books with games and mazes. Slowly, the games went from being a way to pass time to being a genuinely fun family activity.

About eight months after the TV went off, it came back to life, but I didn’t need to become worried; our addiction was broken. We stopped being – as I think TV conditioned us to be – afraid and suspicious of silence. The most disruptive voice in the house was now under our control.

(adapted from, May 1999

The Couch Potato Test

SIMPLE PAST TENSE1. Use the simple past tense to talk about things that are now


2. You can use the simple past with TIME EXPRESSIONS that refer to the past

(yesterday, last week, by 2000, in the 20th

century, some years ago).

3. The simple past of REGULAR VERBS

is formed by adding –d or -ed.

4. Many common verbs are IRREGULAR

eg. Base form – see past – saw

go went

have had

Last night I wanted to watch TV but I resisted doing so.


Language focus

Affirmative formI



She worked yesterday.





Interrogative formI



Did she work yesterday ?





Negative formI



She did not work


It (didn’t)




Read part of a student’s journal. Find and correct eight mistakes:

• Today in class we read a poem by Robert Frost.

• I really enjoy it. It was about a person who choosed between two roads in a forest. Before he made his decision, he spents a lot of time trying to decide which road to follow. Many people thought the person were Frost. In the end, he take the road that was less traveled on. He decided to be a poet. That decision change his life a lot.

• Sometimes I feel like Frost. Two years ago I decide to come to this country. That were the biggest decision of my life.


• SOARS, Liz and John, American Headway 1, Oxford University Press, 2001

• FUCHS, M. , BONNER, M. Grammar Express, Addyson Wesley Longman, Inc., 2002