Passive voice

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Passive voice

Oleh : Kelompok 6

ChandraDesty AlvinaFaisal JufrizalMelia Juniarti

Passive Voice Passive voice adalah suatu

kalimat dimana subject dikenai tindakan/pekerjaan/ perbuatan.

Secara umum kalimat passive dalam bahasa inggris di bentuk oleh ‘to be’ yang diikuti past participle, kata kerja bentuk ketiga(verb-3). Bentuk ‘to be’ menyesuaikan dengan pola kalimat yang dimasuki

Pola : to be + Verb 3 (past pariciple)

is/am/are (present)was/were (past)be (setelah ‘to’ dan ‘modal’)being (setelah preposisi dan pola ‘gerund’)been (setelah have/has/had) been

Perubahan active menjadi passive

Active : Subject + Verb + Object

Passive : Subject + to be + Verb 3 + (by + object)

Next Example

Present :

Active : I + eat + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + is + eaten + (by me)

Past :

Active : I + ate + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + was + eaten + ( by me)

With ‘modal’ :

Active : I + will ate + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + will be + eaten + (by me)

With ‘to’ :

Active : I + need to ate + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + needs to be + eaten + (by me)

With ‘have/has/had’ :

Active : I + have eaten + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + has been + eaten + (by me)

With ‘cotinous form’ :

Active : I + am + eating + popcorn

Passive : popcorn + is + being + eaten + (by me)

Perubahan dari kalimat aktif menjadi pasif tidak mengubah tense yang digunakan kalimat tersebut; dengan kata lain, tense kalimat pasif akan mengikuti pola pada kalimat aktifnya.

Terdapat beberapa hal yang harus diindahkan dalam mengubah pola aktif ke dalam pasif, antara lain : Subject pada kalimat pasif berasal dari object

pada kalimat aktif.‘’ dalam kalimat aktif menjadi ‘being’

dalam bentuk pasifnya.Tense pada kalimat pasif mengikuti bentuk

kalimat aktifnya.Verb 3 pada kalimat pasif dibentuk dari verb

pada kalimat aktifnya.Hanya kalimat transitif-kalimat yang

mengandung object-yang bisa dirubah kedalam bentuk pasif dan atau kalimat pasif hanya barlakau bagi kata kerja transitif.

Kalimat pasif digunakan tatkala ingin menonjolkan hasil tindakan daripada pelaku tindakan tersebut.

Pola untuk mengubah active kedalam passive :

Tenses Active Passive

Simpel present tenseS + V1 + O

Ratu writes a letterS + is/am/are + V3

A letter is written by Ratu

Present continuous tense S + to be + Ving + O

Ratu is writing a letterS + to be + being + V3

A letter is being written by Ratu

Simple past tense S + V2 + O

Ratu wrote a letterS + was/were + V3

A letter was written by Ratu

Present perfect tenseS + have/has + V3 + O

Ratu has written a letterS + have/has + been + V3

A letter has been written by Ratu

Simple future tense S + will + V1 + O

Ratu will write a letterS + will + be + V3

A letter will be written by Ratu

Amati proses perubahan kalimat active menjadi passive berikut ini :

Simple present tense

Active : My mother cooks the meal everyday.

Passive : The meal is cooked by mother everyday.

Present continuous tense

Active : My mother is cooking the meal

Passive : The meal is being cooked by mother

Simple past tense

Active : My mother cooked the meal yesterday.

Passive : The meal was cooked by mother yesterday.

Present perfect tense

Active : My mother has cooked the meal.

Passive : The meal has been cooked by mother.

Simple future tense

Active : My mother will cook the meal this afternoon.

Passive : The meal will be cooked by mother this afternoon.