Parshat Toldos - 5772

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Transcript of Parshat Toldos - 5772

  • 7/30/2019 Parshat Toldos - 5772


  • 7/30/2019 Parshat Toldos - 5772



    thought that Esau would inherit all of his

    blessings as well as the inheritance of the

    land, also because Esau appeared to be

    brave and fierce and he would often tell his

    father about his hunting expeditions, and so

    Yitzchak respected and loved him. Some

    explain that he would bring the hunt into the

    mouth of Isaac, and the Sages said that he

    would trick Isaac with his mouth.






    What kind of home does Yaakov grow up in? One of conditional love.

    He sees that his father loves his brother because he is strong and

    confident, a good hunter, all of the qualities which he personally does

    not have.

    Yaakov, from a young and vulnerable age perceives that if he wishes to

    please his father, he ought to have some of Esavs qualities. He must

    be strong and fearsome; he has to have a proclivity and a talent for

    hunting. And so what does Yaakov decide to do in order to impress his

    father? Yaakov goes out and hunts a deer, his fathers favorite. With

    the delectable venison in hand, he too can be a , he can feed

    the mouth of his father.

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    And how does he accomplish this feat? He does so through a ruse, by

    being a and using his mouth to ensnare and trick others. In a

    sad and ironic twist, the , the wholesome and modest young

    man who could never tell a lie, learns to manipulate and to employ

    dishonesty in order to gain the love and affection of others.

    The lie wasnt even such a good lie, after all, soon enough Esav would

    return home with venison in hand, and all would be discovered, Yaakov

    would be revealed as the imposter he was. But the illogic is not

    something Yaakov is attentive to, for the pain for being ignored and

    having to play second fiddle his entire life was too great. What he

    wouldnt do for some face time with his father! Yaakov would do

    anything to make him proud, but the only thing he ever knew which

    gave his father joy was to mimic his older brother.

    Children yearn for a parents adulation and they will forever search for

    something to draw out the favor in their eyes and to win their approval.

    I read a story recently which may elucidate this unfulfilled need which

    caused emptiness in Yaakovs heart. This is a story which talks to the

    anxiety and sadness of any child who feels unwanted by the person

    who matters most (Rabbi Riskin Torah Lights, page 168-169):

    There is a certain women, we will call her Sarah, many years after the

    who would reminisce about her childhood and she would confess

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    that the happiest day in her life was the day in which she was forcibly

    removed from her home and taken by the Nazis to an extermination

    camp. She would describe that in her family, her older sister was the

    favored daughter, a frum girl, and that she was the rejected and

    rebellious one. If there was a pat of butter and a pat of margarine, her

    sister would inevitably receive the butter, and she would get the

    margarine, after all her mother would explain Miriam is exhausted

    from davening with such concentration, whereas you skipped a few

    corners in your prayer book, so you can do with less.

    What was even more painful was the mothers complaint whenever she

    was angered by her younger daughters conduct she would say You

    probably arent my biological daughter! Your sister was born at home

    and you at the clinic The doctors proabely switched you with my

    real daughter

    The sting of those words still reverberates to this very day.

    In 1942 the Nazis came to her hometown of Bendine, and rounded up

    the children. Only she and her parents were at home. Her father tried

    to steady his trembling hands by writing a kvittel to the Gerrer Rebbe;

    her mother threw herself at the feet of the Nazi beasts, begging them

    to take her and spare the life of her precious child.

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    At that moment Sarah described how she felt absolutely no fear, even

    when they loaded her into the cattle car; she could feel only joy, joy in

    the knowledge that her mother truly loved her after all, joy in the

    confirmation that she was indeed her parents own, that she was

    accepted and not rejected by her mother.

    This is what Yaakov so desperately wanted to confirm but never was

    able to. He uttered the words"...-,--,


    The damage done though extends beyond this moment Yaakov never

    develops a healthy relationship with his father, and so he struggles his

    entire life with anxiety and apprehension whenever he has to

    encounter a battle with another man be it Esav, Lavan and one may

    even argue, Shechem.

    Esav though is the exact opposite, he has a loving and supporting

    father, but a mother who ignores him and bad mouths him.

    One cant help but be pained by the scene of Esavs return from the field

    in the beginning of the parsha:

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    ; ,

    -. ,

    29 And Jacob sod pottage; and Esau came

    in from the field, and he was faint.



    --; ,-

    -. ,

    30 And Esau said to Jacob: 'Let me

    swallow, I pray thee, some of this red, red

    pottage; for I am faint.' Therefore was his

    name called Edom.

    Esav was tired he had been out working and hunting the entire day, in

    his eyes he was taking care of the family and who should greet him

    when he arrived at home?

    His brother, Yaakov. Where was with a smile and a warm cup of

    hot cocoa, why didnt Esav deserve the loving embrace of a mother

    which Yaakov enjoyed?

    We notice that when Yaakov is preparing to act as Esav, it is who

    dresses him! Hes an adult and yet his mother is laying out his clothing,

    and pairing his socks. Did Esav ever receive such treatment!?

    And so Esav grows up to be a man of great strength and courage, but

    he has no positive female role model. Thus he treats women with

    grave disrespect, raping and objectifying the . And without a

    mother there is no one to instruct a child in the ways of mercy, and so

    he becomes a cold blooded killer, vengeful and spiteful.

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    All children want is someone to look up to, to admire and most

    importantly to admire them.

    I always say that when children who come home from school and show

    their projects off and tell us about their day those are some of the

    most critical moments in parenting. In that 15 minute period focus,

    shut off the outside world, prepare the hot cocoa!

    My wife has a can of whipped cream in the refrigerator, each morning

    the children put on their coats and shoes and pack their school bags.

    But right before they step out the door and into the van, they extend

    their little hands and receive a tiny squirt of whipped cream. Those

    moments in the morning are so stressful for families, its so easy to

    forget to let people know that you love them. We have to make the

    time for the little squirt of whipped cream; there are very few things in

    the world which convey I love you as does that tiny gesture.

    And if we let them know, they will not run elsewhere for approval, they

    will not have to resort to cheap tricks to impress us and those in their


    How many times do we let our husbands and wives start their hectic

    days without making it absolutely clear that we love them and that we

    adore them. It goes a long way to just start the car for your wife in the

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    morning, or to make a cup of coffee for your husband even if there is

    no time, make the time!

    Because if we dont make this a habit, we will still seek love, but in the

    wrong ways and from the wrong people.

    Our families are the greatest gifts in the world jobs and meetings, and

    play dates will come and go, but to the people who matter most, we

    have to make a better effort to be there and to make our love known.