panalainceputulanilor'80 - · Imperiului Otoman, trecand prin interbelic...

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Impactul schimbarilor geopolitice din 011 ientul

Mijlociu asupra 11 elafiilo1· politico-diplomatice

romano-si1·iene dupa al Doilea Razboi Mondial ~i





Prof.univ.dr. Ion CALAFETEANU






Continut '

• Cuprinsul tezei de doctorat p.2

• Cuvinte cheie p.3

• Rezumat p.3

• Bibliografie p.16

• CV-romana p.34

• Lista publicatiilor p.38

• Summary p.41

• Keywords p.42

• Abstract p.42

• CV-engleza p.54



Lista ab1·e,rie1·ilo1· ..................................................................................................................... 2

Inti·oduce1·e ............................................................................................................................... 3

Capitolul 1- Conside1·api generale p1ivind evolupa istorica a Orientului Mijlociu (Siria)

················································································································································· 15 l .a.Precizari terminologice ......................... ......................................................................... 15

l.b.Interactiuni culturale Occident-Orient pe parcursul istoriei .......................................... 18

l .c.Orientul Mijlociu - lntre mo~tenirea otomana ~i spiritul francez ................................... 25

l .d.Relevanta situatiei internationale pentru Orientul Mijlociu pana la mandatul francez ... 34

l.e.lnfluenta franceza in Orientul Mijlociu ~i consecintele sale (1923-1946) ..................... 45

Capitolul 2- Statutul independent al Siriei ~i obtinerea recunoa~ter·ii internaponale ..... 56 2.a.lnceputurile istorice ale relatiilor romano-siriene ............. .............................. ...... ......... 56

2.b.Proiectul Siriei Mari dupa ca~tigarea independentei ........ ........................ .................. ... 61

2.c.Stabilirea de relatii diplomatice intre Romania si Siria ................................................. 66 ' '

2.d.Criza Canalului de Suez (1956) ~i implicarea Siriei ~i Romaniei .................................. 70

2.e.Criza din Liban din 1958 si reactia Siriei si Romaniei .... .............................................. 78 ' ' >

2.f.Eforturile de consolidare interna ale Siriei ........... .......................................................... 81

2.g.Consolidarea relatiilor diplomatice romano-siriene ...................................................... 88

2.h.Reactia siriana la politica romaneasca in contextul R.azboiului din 1967 ..................... 93

2.i.Consecintele politicii siriene la sla.rsitul R.azboiului din 1967 ..................................... 100 • >

Capitolul 3- Evolnfia relatiilor romano-siriene in anii '70- '80 ai secolului al XX-lea ... 102 3.a.lntensificarea relatiilor diplomatice dintre Romania si Siria ....................................... 102

• >

3.b.Reactii romano-siriene la razboiul din 1973 ................................................................ 106

3.c.Bunele relatii romano-siriene ~i raporturile dintre pre~edintii Ceau~escu-Assad ........ 111

3.d.Romania ~i Siria in contextul negocierilor de pace Egipt-Israel. ................................. 119

3 R 1 . . . R A • s. . A •• '70 126 .e. e atu econom1ce oman1a- ir1a m anu ............................................................ ..

3.f.Relatii culturale Romania- Siria in anii '70 .................................................................. 135

3.g.Criza din Liban de la inceputul anilor '80 ~i reactia Romaniei ................................... 142 A

In Joe de concluzii .................. ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ..................................................... 149

Lista doc11mentelo1· din Anexe ............................................................................................ 159

~~ ································································································································· 1()1

Bibliog.1·afie ........................................................................................................................... 201


Cuvinte cheie

Siria, Romania, Levant, Orient Mijlociu, Orient Apropiat, Hafez Al Assad, Nicolae

Ceau~escu, diplomatie, cultura, schimburi comerciale, tratat de pace, colaborare, uniune araba,

negociere, relatii externe, educatie, influen1e exteme, parteneriat, Egipt, Israel, Liban, criza

interna, consolidare intema, conflictul arabo-israelian, vizita oficiala.


Lucrarea intitulata ,,lmpactul schimbarilor geopolitice din Orientul Mijlociu asupra

relapilor politico-diplomatice romano-siriene dupa al Doilea Razboi Mondial ~i pana la

Inceputul anilor '80" urmare~te evolupa rela!iilor dintre Romania ~i Siria, Incepand cu perioada

Imperiului Otoman, trecand prin interbelic ~i sf~ind cu ceea ce este cunoscut ca fiind Razboiul

Rece. De~i informatiile sunt concentrate pe segmentul temporal de la sf'~itul eel de-al Doilea

Razboi Mondial ~i 'inceputul anilor '80, am considerat mai mult decat necesare incursiunile

istorico- istoriografice, anterioare perioadei menponate, pentru a illtelege irnportanta

demersului In Intreaga sa esenpalitate.

Perioadei de dinaintea independen!ei Siriei i-a fost dedicat un numar consistent de

pagini datorita complexitatii acesteia, care poate genera o multitudine de lucrari de specialitate.

Acest interval de timp, Incadrat Intre ultirnii ani de existenta ai Imperiului Otoman ~i

sfar~itul celui de-al Doilea Ra.zboi Mondial, a fost tratat prin prisma legaturilor ~i raporturilor

romano-siriene, subiect care nu a fost pe deplin exploatat In literatura de specialitate

romaneasca. Astfel, introducerea In unele aspecte ale politicii interne siriene de dinainte de

independenta ~i evidentierea elementelor comune sau a diferentelor dintre societatea

sirianalaraba ~i romaneasca au aparut ca fiind necesare, mai ales In contextul In care prezenta

lucrare dore~te sa informeze cititonll interesat despre mai multe planuri ale relatiei Romania­

Siria, precum ~i despre unele evenimente sau comportamente care vor influenta politica extema

a Siriei, dupa obtinerea independentei.


Limita superioara a intervalului de timp analizat In lucrare este reprezentata de lnceputul

anilor '80. Este necesar sa se aiba In vedere cadrul international In care se desfa~urau relatiile

romano-siriene, aici fiind vorba, In primul rand, de schimbarea regimurilor totalitare In Europa,

fapt ce a avut consecinte dintre cele mai diverse asupra relatiilor Romiinia-Siria. Venirea la

putere a pre~edintelui Mihail Gorbaciov a Insemnat nu numai o alta abordare sovietica asupra

conflictului arabo-israelian, care lasa Siria cu mult dezavantajata In raport cu Israelul, ci ~i

facilitarea imploziei UR.SS ~i a schimbarii de regimuri In sfera de influenta sovietica. Astfel, se

poate observa o diluare treptata a informatiei cu privire la relatiile Ron1ania-Siria, o densitate

mai mica a documentelor, unde unele contin date tehnice !ara Incarcatura istorica. Dat fiind

subiectul lucrarii, care nu a fost foarte abordat in literatura romaneasca, dar nici In cea

siriana/araba, cercetarea a fost bazatii pe documentele de arhiva.

Obiectivul principal acestei teze este de a face cunoscutii istoria Siriei ~ i a relatiilor

acesteia cu Romania, In toata diversitatea lor. Teza i~i propune sa demonstreze ill ce miisura

relatiile diplomatice dintre cele doua tari au ajutat la bunastarea lor, ce rol au jucat acestea In

dinamica regiunii Orientului Mijlociu, cum au influentat ele cursul evenimentelor din regiune,

factorii care au condus spre o apropiere romano-siriana mai accentuata, cum a influentat

conflictul arabo-israelian imaginea ~i politica celor doua state ~i. nu In ultimul rand, cum a

evoluat Siria In contextul existentei conflictului arabo-israelian ~i al implicarii Romaniei In

regiunea Orientului Mijlociu.

Importanta acestui demers este sustinuta de cadrul contemporan, de criza prelungita din

Siria ~i. In general, de situatia conflictuala din Orientul Mijlociu. Totodata, cercetarea se poate

dovedi utila cititorului preocupat de evolutia politica a Siriei - ~i pe plan extins de interactiunea

cu statele arabe - ~i de modalitatile diplomatice pe care Romania le-a promovat pentru a se

putea ajunge la pace ~i stabilitate, dar Ii poate oferi ~i raspunsuri la intrebarile legate de

caracteristicile societatii siriene ~i a leadership-ului politic.

De ase1nenea, nivelul ,,subtire" al cunoa~terii Levantului1 (inteles In lucrare ca fiind

estul Mediteranei, teritoriul Siriei ~i Libanului de astazi), sau chiar a corespondentului din limba

araba ,, Shan1 ", a oferit lucrarii un motiv In plus de a exista.

Interesul manifestat de Franta pentn1 regiunea Siriei ~i a Libanului a facut ca, In fmal,

aceasta regiune sa se desprinda de conceptul mai larg de Orient Mijlociu ~i sa fie cunoscuta pe

1 Vezi Levant in Dumibu Chican, Mic Lexicon al Orientului 1\11jlociu, Baia Mare, Editura Proema, 2011 ~i in A.MAE., Dosar I, Problema 20 I 1945 Liban (statutul intemafional al Siriei), f. 2, unde Siria ~i Liban sunt cunoscute ,,sub denumirea generica de Statele Levantului".


parcursul mandatului francez ca regiunea Levantului2. Astfel, pe parcursul lucrarii se va vorbi

despre malul estic al Mediteranei, respectiv Siria ~i Liban, ca fiind spatiul Levantului. in limba

arabii exista tm echivalent al acestui termen. Sharn3 sau Bi/ad Al Shmn4 desemneaza practic

aceea~i regiune a Siriei sau uneori a Siriei Mari sau doar a Damascului. Bi/ad Al Sha111, tradus

prin farile Sha1111i/11i sau Siria Mare, face referire la teritoriile Siriei, Libanului, Palestinei5 ~i

Transiordaniei, practic la o uniune intre statele din regiune. Se considera chiar ca palestinienii

sau libanezii flind nurniti arabi din Shani, puteau fi prin urmare considerati sirieni6.

Lucrarea se concentreazii ~i pe alte aspecte ale relapilor romano-siriene: aspectele de

politicii interna ale Siriei ~i cele privind evolutia statalitiitii, precum ~i raporturile sale cu alte

tiifi arabe sau cu state din afara lurnii arabe, au fost necesare pentru a completa imaginea despre

statutul Siriei in regiune ~i pentru a ilustra in ce miisurii a putut sii se concentreze asupra politicii

externe. Pana in 1971, cand Hafez Al Assad, acel taniir student ambitios ~i preocupat de

respectarea institutiilor nu numai cii se remarcii in cercurile conducatoare, ci chiar devine

pre~edinte, Siria avea preocupari legate in principal de stabilizarea situatiei interne, fiind inca -prinsii in mrejele ideii de unitate arabii ca mijloc de a se remarca 'in regiune ca pilon. In acest

sens, stii ~i exemplu scurtei existente a Republicii Arabe Unite, 1958-1961. Odata ce Assad

reu~e~te sa i~i consolideze regimul, statul sirian va ciipiita o voce in probleme regittnii, rarii insii

a abandona sustinerea planurilor de unitate arabii. Statul sirian va cunoa~te in timpul lui Assad

o consolidare a instufiilor statului la care oamenii puteau participa, pr~edintele sirian insistand

ca exercipul puterii era colectiv.

Penetrarea regiunii Orientului Mijlociu de ciitre misiunile URSS sau de catre misiunile

altor mari puteri, se cauta a fi evitatii de ciitre guvernele locale ale statelor arabe, odata ce

acestea ~i-au obtinut iudependenta, orientiindu-se spre ciiutarea de experti $i speciali$ti din alte

state mai mici, fiira ca prin aceasta sa nu se aibii in vedere importanta recunoa$terii

independentei de catre URSS, strategie care putea pune in dificultate statele cu interese in

regiuue, care se opuneau independentei arabe7.

Totu~i, faptu l ca nu beneficiau de o experientii statalii, a racut ca statele Orientului

Mijlociu sa se confrunte cu situatii care le cereau sii stabileascii relatii diplomatice cu

2 Dumitru Chican, Mic Lexicon al Orientului M!jlociu, Baia Mare, Editura Proerna, 201 1, p.187. 3 rl.ill - Sham tradus prin Levant. 4 rl.ill ->::li - Bilad Al Sham tradus prin '{iirile Shamului !ii chiar Siria Mare. s Nadia Anghelescu, Jdentitatea arabii lstorie, limbii §i culturii, l~i, Editura Polirom, 2009, p. 7. 6 N~ir al-Din ' Ali, HIJkadhlJ kunnii nakrub v.l, Bayrut, Matba' at al-Itti.bad, 1952, p. 15. 1 National Archives UK, FO 954/15C/488, Middle East: Beirut telegram No 511. Maintenance of some degree of French control in the Levant, 16th August 1944, f 489.


majoritatea statelor ill vederea consolidarii din interior, dar ~i in vederea recuno~terii lor pe

plan international8.

in ceea ce prive~te relatiile romano-siriene, acestea au fost sustinute de dorinta mutuala

de a obtine beneficii economice, eel mai important obiectiv in colaborarea celor doua tfui.

Bunele relatii si colaborarea romano-siriana vor fi stimulate ulterior de atitudinea fata de ' ' '

constituirea statului Israel ill Orientul Mijlociu ~i de politica de pace prin promovarea

constituirii unui stat palestinian9.

Colaborarea cu statele arabe, precum ~i cu URSS sau Romania, a adus avantaje Siriei

nu doar in ceea ce prive~te aprovizionarea cu arme sau obfinerea fondurilor pentru

infrastn1cturii., ci ~i ill dezvoltarea tebnologica ~i specializarea studenfilor sirieni la universitafi

de inalta calitate, acestea doua din urma fiind bazele colaborarii romano-siriene.

Motivatia alegerii temei o constituie interesul ~i chiar implicarea constanta a Romaniei

In problemele Orientului Mijlociu, care a avut consecinte dintre cele mai diverse. Atat

Romania, cat ~i Siria imp~esc elemente comune determinate de aceea~i influenfii otomana,

ceea ce a fiicut ca evolutia statala sa sufere o evolutie asemanatoare. La nivelul societatii s-a ' ' '

putut constata o acee~i mentalitate imperturbabila, specifica Orientului arab, sau chiar acea

,,lene orientala", In ceea ce prive~te viaµ de zi cu zi, romanii ~i arabii de rand aveau In comun

aceleasi activitati, dar si acelasi stil vestimentar. ' , ) )

Desigur ca religia diferita, clima substantial distincta, precum ~i influenfa franceza a

fi'icut ca statul roman sa beneficieze de alte modele ~i sa se raporteze tot mai mult la spatiul

cre~tinatafii care era echivalat cu ceea ce reprezenta lumea moderna. Siria s-a bucurat de o

aceea~i influenfii franceza, care s-a dovedit utila pentru ca a stimulat, ill mod paradoxal,

raportarea arabilor la timpurile glorioase ale imperiilor arabe ~i, pe cale de consecinfii, dorinµ

de a forma o elita capabila sa conduca Siria nu doar spre independenfa, ci spre obfinerea unui

rol predominant in regiune.

Evolufia ulterioara a celor doua a fiicut ca asemanarile sa se diminueze pana la disparifie,

fi'ira ca prin aceasta sa se aduca atingere bunelor relafii.

Interacfiunile romano-siriene au existat illca din perioada interbelica atunci cand acestea

erau mai mult de natura economica, ~i s-au pronunfat chiar ~i dupa obfinerea independenfei

siriene, independent de faptul ca Siria ~i Romania nu stabilisera illca relafii diplomatice. Chiar

s A.MA.E., fond Dosare speciale/Siria, Problemele 210/220, f. 18. 9 Sub auspiciile fnfelegerii ii cooperiirii interna/ionale Vizita tovarii§ului Nicolae Ceau~escu, secretarul general al Partidului Comunist Roman, preiedintele Republicii Socialiste Romania, in Libia, Liban, Siria ii lrak 12-21 februarie 1974, Bucure~ti, Editura politica, 1974, pp. 142-143.


~i scurta perioada in care Siria a rupt relatiile diplomatice cu stattll roman, nu a periclitat buna

des~urare a relatiilor, dovada fiind faptul ca anii '70 ai secolului al XX-lea a fost caracterizat

de numeroase vizite oficiale la nivel 1nalt intre presedintele roman si eel sirian, dar si de alte ' ' '

contacte care au permis denllarea, cu ajutor romanesc, a mai multor proiecte industriale pe

teritoriul sirian.

Dupa eel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, incepand cu anii '60, Romania a fost privita cu

simpatie de comunitatea internationala pentru politica de independenta care o individualizeaza

In cadrul celorlalte state ale blocului sovietic, dar ~i cu Incredere din partea statelor arabe care

au privit Romania ca mediator in problemele regiunii, prin faptul ca se identifica prin elementul

de echilibn1 1ntre partea araba ~i partea israeliana, in contextul existentei conflictului arabo­


Lucrarea este structurata In trei capitole aranjate, In general, cronologic cu mentiunea

ca s-a insistat asupra acelor evenimente care au marcat istoria regiunii ~i au impus o reactie

romaneasca sau siriana la acestea. Am avut In vedere afmnatia pre~edintelui sirian, Hafez Al

Assad, care intr-o convorbire cu Mircea Malita declara: ,,Avem relatii vechi, am stat In aceeasi ' ' '

sfera otomana, am dus lupte in acela~i timp pentn1 independenta, iar regiunile noastre sunt

Invecinate ~i aceasta este foarte important"10.

in cateva cuvinte, Assad a conturat o identitate cu elemente comune celor doua state,

datorata atat influentei otomane, cat ~i apropierii geografice ~i culturale care au fi'icut posibila

o relatie solid.a intre acestea.

Primul capitol al lucrarii, ,,Consideratii generale privind evolutia istorica a Orientului

Mijlociu (Siria)", abordeaza subiecte cultt1rale, politice ~i chiar antropologice, cu privire la

situatia politica de pana la independenµ Siriei, dar face ~i o serie de referiri la aspecte din

societate care au influenµt nu numai modul de viata al locuitorilor, dar ~i artele, politica etc.

Este abordata evolutia conceptului de Orient Mijlociu, In diversele sale dimensiuni, 1ncercand

prin aceasta o mai profunda cuno~tere a regiunii. Aceea~i influenta otomana ~i franceza au

constituit elemente comune ale istoriei celor doua regiuni, dar influenta spafiului cre~tinatatii,

clima temperata, apropierea de statele occidentale au contribuit la formarea unei impresii despre

Romania, diferita de imaginile orientale 1n care haremurile, beduinii, desertul si camilele sunt ' '

simboluri ale spafiului arab. in continuare, istoria Siriei ocupa o parte semnificativa a lucrarii,

fiind necesara pentru a Infelege diviziunile interne, bazate pe religie, etnie ~i idealuri politice,

modul In care a fost perceput mandatul francez ~i consecintele acestuia.

10 S.A.N.LC., dosar 38/ vol. I, C.C. al P.C.R. Sec~a Rela!ii Externe- Nicolae Ceau~escu, ff. 23-24.


Capitolul al doilea, intitulat ,,Statutul independent al Siriei ~i obtinerea recuno~terii

internationale" evidenfiaza necesitatea recuno~terii independentei siriene de cat mai multe

state ~i relatia amicala pe care o intretine cu Romania, in pofida recuno~terii statului Israel de

catre Romania.

Structurat in noua subcapitole care puncteaza cele mai reprezentative momente de pana

1n anii '70 ~i reactia romaneasca la acestea, eel de-al doilea capitol apare necesar in contextul

1n care lumea araba era traversata de existenta unor planuri de uniune araba, ca eel al Siriei

Mari sau alte formule, precum ~i de influente ale statelor din afara regiunii, unde Criza

Canalului de Suez sau Criza din Liban din 1958 sunt cateva exemple.

Acest capitol aduce un plus de cunoa~tere in ceea ce prive~te atmosfera generala din

Siria, precum ~i aspecte ale politicii interne tensionate care vizau atat eforturile pentru educarea

unei noi elite politice, cat ~i eforturile statului sirian de a elirnina influentele externe ~i de a

deveni un factor decisiv in regiune.

Dupa sfar~itul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, schimburile comerciale ale Romaniei

cu Orientul Mijlociu erau sporadice ~i se fi'iceau adesea prin intermediari turci sau bulgari ceea

ce provoca pierderi suplimentare econorniei romane~ti, acestea fiind posibile pentn1 ca nu

puteau avea loc tratative directe intre piifti. Aceastii situatie i~i putea afla rezolvarea prin

normalizarea legaturilor politice ~i stabilirea reprezentanfelor diplomatice romane~ti 11 .

in iulie 194 7, 1n urma vizitelor de prezentare, Consulul General al Consulatului General

roman din Istanbul, Petre Ionescu, descopera interesul manifestat de reprezentanfii consulari ai

Egiptului, Argentinei, Libanului in ceea ce prive~te schimburile comerciale cu Romania.

Consulul libanez reitera relatia apropiatii a Romaniei cu statele Orientului Apropiat, acestea

fiind dintotdeauna un debu~eu pentn1 produsele lemnoase ale Romaniei. Acesta a subliniat ~i

dificultatea procedurii de obfinere a vizei de intrare in Romania, ca obstacol 1n caiea contactelor

dintre firmele libaneze ~i siriene care doresc sa intretina legaturi cu firme importante din

Romania, situafie ce putea fi remediata prin reprezentante directe12.

Aceste informatii devin utile in conditiile in care acesta este momentul 1n care se vor . '

stabili relafiile diplomatice ale Romaniei cu Siria.

in continuare, cercetarea se concentreaza pe reacfia Siriei ~i a Romaniei la conflictul

arabo-israelian, in condifiile in care acesta afecta de o maniera categorica fie direct, fie indirect

toate statele regiunii.

11 A.MA.E., Dosar 5, Problema 200 I 1947 Liban (articole de presa), f. 18. 12 Ibidem, f. 16.


Aici se surprinde exact natura relatiei romano-siriene care nu vor fi supuse unui proces

de degradare, 1n pofida razboiului din 1967 ~i a faptului ca Romania nu a semnat Declaratia de

la Moscova. Ajutoarele oferite Siriei ~i faptul ca presa araba a interpretat politica extema

romaneasca ca fiind independenta ~i constructiva sunt factori care vor contribui ca relatia dintre

cele doua state sa nu fie afectata.

Pozifia romaneasca 1n conflict a fost 1nfeleasa ~i apreciata corespunzator ~i a constituit

un subiect de actualitate in cercurile politico-economice ~i in presa din Liban ~i Siria, mai mult

ca niciodata13. S-a retinut, In special, ca Romania este o tara prietena tarilor arabe. Obiectivele

politice principale promovate de Romania, care vizau dreptul poporului palestinian la

autodeterminare ~i la constituire a unui stat palestinian14, retragerea trupelor israeliene,

Incetarea ostilitafilor, rezolvarea pe cale pa~nica a conflictului, eliminarea influentei externe au

constituit nucleul de idei Infelese ~i apreciate din ce Ince mai mult15.

Acestea sunt obiectivele politicii romane~ti care au consolidat relafia de colaborare cu

Siria, Zakaria Ismail, adjunct al ministrului sirian al afacerilor externe, aprecia chiar ca

sublinierea de catre pre~edintele roman a importanfei retragerii tnipelor israeliene din teritoriile

arabe ocupate ~i apelul constant pentru reglementarea situa~ei poporului palestinian constituie

un ajutor pretios dat luptei arabe pentn1 instaurarea legalitafii 1n zona16.

Totodata, acesta este momentul 1n care Siria nu va mai apela la planurile de uniune araba

pentru ca odata cu venirea la putere a Partidului Baath situafia intema se stabilizase, iar Siria se

putea concentra acum pe afirmarea statului pe plan regional. Interventiile Romaniei 1n regiune

au acela~i obiectiv ca eel al Siriei, ambele state dorind sa capete putere de decizie 1n relatiile

internationale. Pe langa aceasta, un alt punct comun intre cele doua state ar fi colaborarea cu

URSS, protecfia unei superputeri fiind o necesitate in timpul Razboiului Rece.

Un moment tensionat In relatiile dintre cele doua state va fi marcat de anul 1969, in care '

Romania ridica nivelul de reprezentare diplomatica cu lsraelul. Aceasta fisura in relafia

romano-siriana s-a extins la nivelul relatiilor Romaniei cu majoritatea statelor arabe care erau

implicate in conflictul arabo-israelian. Siria va rupe relafiile diplomatice cu Romania, iar presa

araba va dezaproba actiunea romaneasca17.

13 A.MA.E., Oosar 108, problema 200 200A 2000/1967, Liban, f. 100. 14 Sub semnul solidaritiifii romano-siriene- Vizita oficialii de prietenie a tovariiyului Nicolae Ceauyescu, preyedintele republic ii Socialiste Romania, fmpreunii cu tovariiya Elena Ceauyescu, fn Republica Arabii Sirianii, 13-17 august 1979, Bucure~ti, Editura politica, 1980, pp. 47-48. 1; A.MA.E., Oosar 108, problema 200 200A 2000/1967, Liban, f. 100. 16 A.MA.E., dosarul 3549, problema 20/B/1973, R.A. Siria, f. 10. 11 A.MA.E., Oosar 176, problema 20/1969, Liban, f. 23.


Cel de-al treilea capitol ~i ultimul, intitulat ,,Evolutia relatiilor romano-siriene in anii

'70-'80 ai secolului al XX-lea", se concentreaza asupra celei mai fructuoase perioade din

relaf:iile bilaterale, marcate de consolidarea continua a statului sirian prin venirea la putere a

pre~edintelui Al Assad. Elementele de noutate rezida in sublinierea unor aspecte ce tin de relatia

personalii dintre pre~edintele roman ~i eel sirian, sustinuta de modul asemiiniitor de a privi

situaf:ia regionalii, in necesitatea mentinerii relatiilor diplomatice cu Siria (~i cu Libanul), dar ~i

in identificarea diverselor aspecte care au consolidat relatiile dintre cele douii state, ~i care au

depa~it sfera politicului. Este vorba atilt de colaborarea culturala, cat ~i de detalii care privesc

organizatiile de studenti sirieni sau straini sau preferinta studentilor arabi de a ramane in

Romania dupii finalizarea studiilor.

Sii remarciim faptul ca, in general, Romania, In tirnpul pre~edintelui Nicolae Ceau~escu

nu numai cii s-a bucurat de popularitate In randul statelor din regiune, ci a ridicat dezvoltarea

relaf:iilor cu statele arabe la un nivel mult superior fata de perioada anterioarii18.

Relatiile cu Siria s-au mentinut apropiate indeosebi din ratiuni economice, fapt care,

totu~i. permitea Romaniei o penetrare politica in Levant ~i. In general, in Orientul Mijlociu.

Apropierea romano-siriana era mentinuta ~i perpetuata pe baza vizitelor reciproce ale

reprezentantilor celor doua tari19.

incepand cu venirea la putere a pr~edintelui Assad, s-a observat o schimbare pozitiva

in atitudinea Siriei fatii de Romania20 ~i nu a trecut mult pana cand relaf:iile diplomatice au fost


Assad se referea la momentul restabilirii relatiilor diplomatice in termeni dintre cei mai

favorabili, fiind ,,bucuros de prezenta la Damasc a unui ambasador ron1an" ~i ,,recunosciitor

pre~edintelui Ceau~escu pentn1 tot ceea ce a !acut ca norii ce au intunecat relatiile dintre Siria

~i Romania sii fie risipiti", Iara a pronunta ruperea relafiilor, el a conchis cii ,,cele intamplate

In trecut, n-au fost In interesul popoarelor noastre"21.

Romania trebt1ia sa acorde in continuare importanta Siriei. Aceasta este ideea principala

expusa in discutia fostu lt1i ambasador ~i director al Directiei protocol din MAE sirian, Bahyat

Fansa, neagreat insii de regirnul de la Damasc. Acesta solicitase o intrevedere cu un diplomat

de la ambasada romana, motivand solicitarea prin faptul ca dore~te sii-~i exprirne unele opinii.

Cu titlul personal, acesta ~i-a exprimat opinia ca Siria, ~i nu Egiph1l, este cea care are de jucat

is Lavinia I. Betea, I se spunea Machiavelli- $tefan Andrei In dialog cu Lavinia Betea, Bucure~ti, Adevarul Holding, 2011, p. 214. 19 A.MA.E., fond Dosare speciale/Siria, Problemele 210/220, f.n_ 20 A-MA.E., dosar 23 13, problema 220/ 1972, Siria, f. 17. 21 A-MA.E., dosar 3565, problema 220/1973, RA Siria-R.S.R, f. 4.


rolul eel mai de seama in regiune ~i subliniaza avantajele pe care le-ar avea Romania daca nu

ar neglija-022.

Relatia de prietenie cu statul roman va capata o dimensiune personala, prin faptul ca

Assad il va numi pe pre~edintele roman, Nicolae Ceau~escu, ,,prietenul sau" pentru care are o

deosebita stima.

Relatia Siriei cu Romiinia este eel mai bine ilustrata de faptul ca, de~i se deplasa rar in

strainatate, pre~edintele Assad a fost de acord sa intreprinda o vizita in Romiinia In 1974.

Vizitele reciproce ale celor doi pre~edinti au devenit o modalitate de a dezvolta continuu

relapile de prietenie dintre cele doua state23.

Relatiile economice, culturale ~i politice vor cunoa~te o intensificare care va supravietui

razboiului din 1973, negocierilor de pace dintre Israel ~i Egipt facilitate ~i cu ajutonll

pre~edintelui roman, deciziei unilaterale a Egiptului de a incheia pacea cu Israelul, pe care Siria

o considera ca fiind nejustificata in contextul in care nevoile poporului palestinian erau cele

care puteau dicta sfiir~itul conflictului ~i -nu in ultilnul rand- a supravietuit desfa~tuarii crizei

din Liban care a debutat In 1976.

0 pace a Siriei cu lsraelul ar fi scos Siria din tabara araba, dar ar fi putut duce ~ i la

sfar~itul regimului Assad24. lar, pe cale de consecinµ exista ~i opinia ca acesta era singurul

capabil sa confere stabilitate lntr-un stat care este supus provocarilor din interior, iar flira Assad,

statul Sirian, ill forma sa actuala, nu ar fi putut supravietui25.

incheierea pacii cu Israelul era un obiectiv ce nu se regasea pe agenda politica a Siriei.

inca din 1968, in urma hotararii Israelului din 29 februarie 1968, data la care ministrul afacerilor

interne ~i ministrul justitiei din Israel au publicat un decret potrivit caruia teritoriile Sinai,

Cisiordania, Gaza ~i Golan nu mai erau considerate, din punct de vedere juridic, ,,teritorii

inamice"26, pre~edintele Siriei, Nmeddin Atassi, aprecia aceasta ca fiind un pas lnainte pentru

planurile externe favorabile lsraelului27, iar lupta armatii putea fi justificata pentru eliberarea

teri toriilor28.

• • In conhnuare, caracten1l politicii siriene se poate '.lntelege din cele comunicate Jui

Ceausescu de catre Assad, la incheierea lucriirilor celei de-a 9-a Conferinte arabe la nivel inalt ' '

22 A.MA.E., Dosar 210, problema 220/1970, Liban, f_ 2. 23 A.MA.E. , dosar 4436, problema 220/1975 Siria-Romarua, f_ 5. 24 Robert G. Rabil, Embattled Neighbors: Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, Boulder, CO, Lynne Rienner, 2003, p. 123. 2s Patrick Seale, ,,Assad: Behveen Institutions and Autocracy", m Richard T. Antoun, Donald Quataert, Syria: Society, Culture, and Polity, Albany, NY, State Uni,·ersity of)le\v York Press, 1991, f. 110. 26 S.AN.I.C., dosar 74/1968, C.C,. al P.C.R- Sec1ia Cancelarie, f_ 27. 21 Ibidem, f_ 32. 28 Ibidem.


de la Bagdad, (2-5 noiembrie 1978). Este vorba de faptul ca cele doua acorduri de la Camp

David contraveneau Cartei Ligii Statelor Arabe ~i pre~edintele Assad facea cunoscuta starea

generala de insatisfacpe cu privire la politica separatista egipteana, care actiona ill mod

individual intr-o chestiune de interes pentru toate statele arabe. Ca raspuns la politica egipteana,

firmele egiptene au fost boicotate ~i capitala Ligii Arabe a fost mutata de la Cairo. De asemenea,

Siria s-a pronuntat pentru continuarea demersurilor ill vederea illcheierii unei paci corecte, care

sa apere ,,drepturile legitime ale natiunii arabe, onoarea ~i demnitatea acesteia", pentru ca nu

Egiptul era acela care decidea cum ar trebui sa se illcheie pacea ~i sub ce conditii29.

De~i dedicata cauzei arabe, prin faptul ca nu a acceptat sa semneze un tratat cu lsraelul, " pentru reglementarea statutului lnalti.inilor Golan, asemanator cu Tratatul de pace al Egiptului

cu lsraelul, politica siriana a fost acuzata ca illclina in favoarea interesului national in unele

momente tensionate din regiune. Acesta ar fi cazul pozitionarii de partea statului non-arab Iran,

in razboiul lran-lrak (1980-1988) 30, dar ~i sprijinul acordat maronitilor din Liban in contextul

crizei din Liban din 1976.

in continuare, acest capitol face referire ~i la relatiile Romaniei cu Organizapa pentru

Eliberarea Palestinei ~i cu liderul acesteia, Yasser Arafat, o relatie care a adus beneficii mutuale,

pentru OEP recunoa~terea acesteia ca reprezentant al statului palestinian ~i deschiderea primei

reprezentante a OEP illtr-o tara non-araba (care putea fi asi.inilata cu o misiune diplomatica),

dar ~i ca intermediar ill relatiile Romaniei cu lumea araba, Yasser Arafat fiind cunoscut pentru

faptul ca a facilitat dialogul romano-arab ori de cate ori se inregistrau tensiuni. Romania va

recunoaste oficial Statul Palestina la data de 16 noiembrie 1988, fiind dedicata cauzei pacii si ' '

colaborarii intre state.

Siria se va mentine de asemenea constanta Tn ceea ce priveste acelea<:i obiective si se va ' , ,.. )

alatura celorlalte state arabe In demersul acestora de a refuza planurile de pace propuse din

exterior, atat de catre pre~edintele american Ronald Reagan, cat ~ i de eel sovietic, propus de

Leonid Brejnev. Venirea la conducerea URSS a lui Mihail Gorbaciov va a.duce transformari

radicale in relatia cu stah1l sirian, Assad fiind incredintat Inca dupa prima intalnire cu acesta ca

este timpul sa se indrepte spre un alt parteneriat. Acest fapt a permis Egiphllui sa revina ca

membru activ ill Liga Araba ~i a condus spre o reconfigurare completa a relatiilor inter-statale,

dar si a situatiei i.i1ten1e a statelor din sfera sovietica. ' .

29 S.A.N.I.C., dosar 3 S \"Ol. 11, C.C. al P.C.R- Sectia Relaµi Exteme Nicolae CealJl!escu, ff. 36-38. 30 Raymond Hinnebusch, Syria: Revolution from Above, Ne\v York, Routledge, 2001, p. 141.


Urmarind evolutia raporturilor romano-siriene In perioada de la sfa11itul celui de-al

Doilea Razboi Mondial 1946~i1nceputul anilor '80 nu putem sa nu constatam evolufia sinuoasa

a celor doua.

Altfel spus, sunt perioade de accentuata activitate - cum ar fi momentele 1956-Criza

Canalului de Suez, 1958- Criza interna din Liban, Razboiul din 1967, 1972- reluarea relatiilor '

diplomatice romano-siriene, Razboiul din 1973- ~i altele de relativa acalmie pe linia

comunicarii sub toate formele: diplomatice, economice, culturale. Din aceasta perspectiva este

dificila realizarea unei imagini lntotdeauna complete ~i nelndoielnic echilibrate a raporturilor

pe diverse planuri.

Concluziile ce se desprind ca rezultat al cercetarilor In arhiva, al lucrarilor speciaie,

precum ~i al celor generale, surprind relafiile romano-siriene In continua evolufie, pornind

timid, de la contacte economice, In perioada mandatului francez, ~i continuand pana la stabilirea

de relafii diplomatice la nivel de ambasada.

Relafiile economice cu Siria, dar ~i cu Libanul, avantajau Romania, prin faptul ca

exporturile sale pe continentul asiatic, sau in state precum Kuweit ~i Arabia Saudita, erau

securizate de o buna relatie cu Siria si Liban, dar si o buna relatie intre acestea. ' ' ' '

Totodata, Siria reprezenta, inca dinainte de stabilirea de relatii diplomatice, un

important debu~eu pentn1 produsele lemnoase romane~ti, iar, mai tarziu, pentn1 produsele

industriale. Romania contribuise substantial la educatia viitorilor specialisti ai Siriei, scoala ' ' ' '

superioara romaneasca fiind frecventata de un numar mereu in cre~tere de studenti sirieni, ~i in

general contribuise la dezvoltarea economica a Siriei datorita speciali~tilor ~i utilajelor

romanesti care au reusit materializarea unor proiecte industriale, cum este si cazul Minei de ' ' '

fosfati de la Kneiffis, portul Tartous, principalul centru al activita~i comerciale siriene, unde a

fost constn1it de tehnicienii romani un complex modem de insilozare ~i 1ncarcare pe nave, in

vederea valorificarii fosfatilor, mina de petrol de la Banias, regiunea Hassake unde intra in

funcfiune o prima sonda de fabricatie romaneasca In domeniul explorarii ~i exploatarii

petrolului. Pana in anii 1975, Romania era deja principalul partener extern al Siriei, iar limba

romana putea fi auzita 1n diverse localitati siriene.

Principala preocupare a statului sirian In anii de dupa obtinerea independentei a fost

aceea de a-~i asigura recuno~terea internationala, ceea ce impunea stabilirea de relatii

diplomatice cu un numar cat mai mare de state. Cand a inceput apropierea de URSS, Siria s-a

lndreptat natural spre celelalte state socialiste pentru a obtine atat recuno~tere diplomatica, cat

si spriJ"in politic si economic, asa cum Romania incercase - si obtinuse - in anii '60 un dublu ' ' ' ' '

suport international, atiit din partea URSS, cat ~i din partea SUA, iar Siria incercase de


asemenea aceasta strategie, !ara succes 1nsa, pentru ca politica americana de sprijin pentru Israel

fi'icea imposibila orice apropiere de SUA.

0 a doua concluzie este legata de unitatea de actiune in randul lumii arabe, dictara de

existenta statului Israel In regiune. intreaga politica a Siriei s-a concentrat In junil conflictului

arabo-israelian pentru ca nu a ramas niciun moment In afara acestuia. Abia in anul 1971, odata

cu venirea la conducere a presedintelui Hafez Al Assad, Siria reuseste sa devina un lider , ' '

regional, capabil sa induca schimbari in exterior. Acesta a reu~it consolidarea statului ~i a

regimului sau totodata, fapt ce i-a pennis sa se poata concentra pe afirmarea Siriei pe plan

extern, de~i exista opinii ca supravieµiirea regimului Assad depindea de existenta conflictului

arabo-israelian, prin faptul ca astfel se obfinea legitimitatea regimului in fata cetatenilor sirieni.

Daca In primele doua decenii dupa sfa~itul celui de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, statele

arabe erau animate de dorinta de unitate araba, de proiecte de uniuni, de intoarcere la trecutul

glorios din perioada imperiilor arabe, e~ecul inregistrat de cele mai multe ori in confruntarile

militare cu lsraelul a schimbat aceasta viziune. Evolufia regiunii Orientului Mijlociu era

modelata de planurile de realizare ale Siriei Mari, de existenta statului israelian ~i problema

palestiniana ~i de organizatia Ligii Arabe. Dupa razboiul din 1967, o principala consecinta a

fost ca acest ideal al unitatii arabe a fost diluat ca intensitate, ceea ce totu~i nu a impiedicat

Partidul Baath sirian ~i pe pre~edintele sirian Hafez Al Assad sa faca apel la identitatea araba

comuna. in mod paradoxal, unitatea de decizie din randul statelor arabe a fost posibila in

contextul existentei statului Israel ~i a atitudinii impotriva acestuia.

0 a treia concluzie subliniaza o apropiere de Moscova atilt din partea Siriei, cat ~i a

Romaniei, fapt ce permite infiltrarea URSS In regiunea Orientului Mijlociu. in contextul Crizei

Canalului de Suez, Romania a manifestat o atitudine in acord cu cea de la Moscova, privind

decizia Egiptului de a nationaliza Canalul de Suez. Interventia altor state in regiune era un

subiect inca sensibil care trezea amintiri neplacute din perioada mandatelor. Siria era in special

afectata de interventia externa. Aceasta va sprijini Egiptul ~i va rupe relafiile diplomatice cu

Marea Britanie ~i Franta ~i va hotarI doi ani mai tarziu sa intre intr-o uniune cu Egiptul. Aceasta

uniune a fost posibila datorita idealului de unitate araba promovat de Siria, care spera ~i credea

ca aceasta uniune va atrage ~i alte state arabe, dar ~i datorita influentelor externe la care era

supusa Siria, in condifiile In care, pe fondul apropierii de URSS, statele occidentale aveau in

vedere o lovitura de stat care sa dea jos guvernul sirian pentn1 a indeparta Siria de URSS, dar

~i pericolul comunist.

0 ultima concluzie scoate in evidenta bunele relatii dintre Romania si Siria, sustinute, ' ' ) '

~i la un nivel mai personal, de prietenia dintre cei doi pre~edinfi. Momentul venirii la


conducerea Siriei a lui Hafez Al Assad a contribuit la intensificarea relatiilor romano-siriene, '

In diverse domenii, dar ~i la o apropiere personala a acestuia de pre~edintele roman, Nicolae

Cea~escu. Romania a susfinut dreptul poporului palestinian la autodeterminare ~i la

constituirea unui stat palestinian, retragerea trupelor israeliene din teritoriile arabe ocupate dupa

Razboiul din 1967, incetarea ostilitatilor, rezolvarea pe cale pa~nica a conflictului ~i eliminarea

influentei externe, dar, de asemenea, dreptul la existenta a tuturor statelor din regiune, implicit

~i In ceea ce prive~te lsraelul. Din acest punct de vedere, politica romaneasca coincidea cu cea

siriana, care sustinuse neincetat retragerea israeliana din teritoriile ocupate ~i rezolvarea

problemei palestiniene prin constituirea unui stat palestinian ca ~i condifii !ara de care nu se

putea vorbi de instaurarea pacii in regiune.

Exprimarea constanta a acestor obiective, de catre pre~edintele roman, la care se adauga

permanentul apel pentru desla~urarea de tratative 1n detrimentul conflictului militar, a

determinat ca acesta sa fie situat pe o pozitie de neutralitate ~i sa fie acceptat ca mediator atat

de partea araba, cat ~i de cea israeliana. Faptul ca pre~edintele roman a sustinut aceste deziderate

ale lumii arabe, a lacut ca Siria sa treaca peste faptul ca Romania nu a semnat Declarafia de la

Moscova din 1967, care defmea statul Israel drept stat agresor, ~i nu a rupt relatiile diplomatice

cu acesta, dar ~i peste faptul ca doi ani mai tarziu, este ridicat nivelul de reprezentare

diplomatica cu lsraelul la nivel de ambasada.

Contributiile pozitive ale statului roman in dezvoltarea regiunii au mentinut nealterata

imaginea Romaniei, iar sprijinul pentru acele~i obiective pe care le dorea inlaptuite ~i Siria a

asigurat perpetuarea bunelor relafii romano-siriene ~i chiar prietenia dintre Hafez Al Assad ~i

Nicolae Ceausescu. ,



1 lzvoare

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Jindi-Alexandru Sibel

9 strada Suceava nr. 2A, bl.ASS, sc.B, ap. 21 900456 Constanta (Romania)

Iii 0734405845


Sexul Feminin I Data ~terii 18/12/1991

2015-2018 Doctorand In Istorie, $coala doctorala de $tiinte Economice ~i Umaniste Universitatea ,,Valahia" din Targovi~e, cu lucrarea - ,,Impactul schimbarilor geopolitice din Orientul Mijlociu asupra relafiilor politico-diplomatice romano-siriene dupa al Doilea R.azboi Mondial ~i pana la Inceputul anilor '80"

Iunie 2016 Arabic- International General Certificate of Secondary Education­Diploma de limba araba Cambridge International Examinations, Constanta

20-23 aprilie 2015 Protocol Applied Intensive Training The International School of Protocol & Diplomacy in Brussels, Belgium

2014- 2015 Curs facultativ- ,,Istoria ~i civiliz.atia tatarilor" Facultatea de Istorie ~i $tiinte Politice- Universitatea ,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Uniunea Democrata a Tatarilor Turco-Musulmani din Romania

2013-2015 Master - Relcqii Intern$onale in secolele XlX- XXI. Istorie ~i Diplom$e Universitatea ,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Facultatea de Istorie $i $tiinte Politice, Constanta (Romania),





2009- 2010


Limba(i) materna(e)

Alte limbi straine cunoscute

Engleza Spaniola

Araba Turca

cu lucrarea de disertatie- ,,Relatiile politice ale Romfuliei cu Es Sharq El A1vsat , de la independenta Siriei ~i Libanului la ciiderea comunismului romanesc"

Licenta- Relatii Internationale ~i Studii Europene Universitatea ,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Facultatea de Istorie ~i $tiinte Politice, Constanta (Romfulia) cu lucrarea de licenta- ,, Aspecte privind rolul dreptului international in mentinerea Romfuliei Mari ~i semnificatia viziunii diplornatice a lui Nicolae Titulescu"

Liceul International de Informatica Constanta, specializarea filologie intensiv- engleza, Constanta (Romania)

Diploma de Espanol como lengua extranjera DELE (nivel B2)­Diploma de limba spaniola Instituto Cervantes, Madrid (Spania)

Certificat ECDL Complet, Permisul european de conducere a computerului Complet Centrul ECDL Romfulia, Constanta (Romfulia)

. ~



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Niveluri: Al/ Al: Utilizator elementar - B l/B2: Utilizator independent -Cl/C2: Utilizator experimentat Cadrul european oonnm de reteriip pentru limbi sriine


Disciplinele principale studiate I competente

profesionale dobandite

Domeniul de interes

Experienta profesionala





Participare sesiune . ~ .


Istoria Relatii:J.or Internationale, Politica Externa ~i Diplomatie, Analiza Conflictului International, Istoria Orientului Mijlociu, RelatiiJ.e politice ~i diplomatice romiino-siriene, Relatiile politice ~i diplomatice romiino-libaneze

Detinerea notiuniJ.or de comunicare non-verbala, Public Speaking;

Sub Indrumarea maestrului ~i confuniv.dr. Radu Gabriel (la UNATC Bucur~ti), dobandirea de notiuni privitoare la discursul public: pregatirea discursului, organizarea materialului, adaptarea limbajului ~i a structurii prezentarii In functie de receptivitatea publicului, controlarea emotiilor negative;

Orientul Mijlociu ~i Africa de Nord- Politica Extema ~i Diplomatie, Securitate Intemationala

Editorial executive assistant - Analele Universitatii ,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Seria ~tiinte Politice

Pregatirea volumului ,,Generalul Adjutant Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu (1881-1981) Vocatia Creativitatii" pentru tipar

Membru al Centrului Cultural European Ro111iino-Panm·ab

Membru al Cenll11l11i de Cerr:etare a Istoriei, Relatiilor •

Intema(ionale ~i Studii Culh1rale Grigore Gafencu

7-9 iunie 2012, Bucure~ti - ,,Conferinta de prezentare a rezultatelor Barometului Cercetarii Social Politice", co1nunicare sustinuta: Rolul organi:afiilor internafionale ~;al diplo111a/iei nzultilaterale fn gestionarea cri=elor Ra:boiului Rece

28 mai 2013, Constanta - Sesiune de comunicari ~tiintifice a studentilor Facultatii de Istorie ~i ~tiinte Politice - editia I- ,,Istorie. Politica. Societate'', comunicare sustinuta: Aspecte ale dreptului intemafional interbelic in abordarea ltti Nicolae 1it11/escn

28-29 ii.mie 2013, Arhiepiscopia Rfunnicului, Mi!ni!stirea Dintr-un Lemn, - ,,Lansarea vollunului ,,Generalul Adjutant Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu (1881-1981) Vocatia Creativitatii'', comunicare


Membru in comitetele de organizare a urmatoarelor

manifestari ~tiintifice

sustinuta: Generalul Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu on1agiul colaboratorilor Ji prietenilor

17- 19 octombrie 2013, Constanta, Sesitmea Nationala de Comtmicari $tiintifice a Muzeului Marinei Romane ,,Dunarea ~i Marea Neagra in spatiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relatii Politice ~i Diplomatie'', comunicare sustinuta: Considerafii privind cooperarea balcanica fn perioada interbelica- inf elegerea Balcanica

29-30 mai 2014, Constanta, Conferinta Nationala ,,Dunarea ~i Marea Neagra In Spatiul Euroasiatic. lstorie, Relatii Politice ~i Diplomatie" editia a XVIII-a, comunicare sustinuta: Sudul Mediteranei - fntre Primctvara Araba Ji vi:iunea marilor actori internafionali

22-23 octombrie 2015, Constanta, Conferinta Nationala de Comunicari ~tiintifice ,,Dunarea ~i Marea Neagra in spatiul euroasiatic. lstorie, Relatii Politice ~i Diplomatice" editia a XIX-a, comunicare sustinuta: Siria- de la perioada mandatului france: pana la fncercarile de a se i1npune ca lider regional

27-29 octombrie 2016, Constanta, Conferinta Nationala de Comtmicari ~tiintifice ,,Dunarea ~i Marea Neagra in spatiul euroasiatic. lstorie, Relatii Politice ~i Diplomatice" editia XX, comunicare sustinura: Evolufia Siriei $i Libanului sub influenfa fi·ance:a

11-13 octombrie 2018, Constanta, Conferinta Nationala de Comtmicari ~tiintifice ,,Dunarea ~i Marea Neagra in spatiul euroasiatic. lstorie, Relatii Politice ~i Diplomatice" editia XXII, comuniciiri: Cri:a din Liban de la inceputul anilor '80 $i reactia Ron1aniei ; Roniania $i Siria fn contextul negocierilor de pace Egipt-lsrael

,,Comisia bilaterala a istoricilor din Romania ~i Federatia Rusa", Sesiunea a XVII- a, 10- 14 septembrie 2012, Constanta

,,Empire-Building and Region-Building in the Baltic, North and Black Sea Areas", The Fourth International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania, may 24-26, 2013, Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania

,,Historical Memory, The politics of Memory and Cultural Identity: Romania, Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region in Comparison", The Sixth International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania, 22-23 may, 2015, ,,Ovidius" University of Constanta, Romania


Lista publicap.ilor


Valentin Ciorbea, Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Generalul Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu- Omagiu

colaboratorilor ~i prietenilor", ill Generalul Adjutant Paul (Pcn1el) Teodorescu (1881 -1981) Vocafia

O·eativitiifii (coord. Prof Univ. D1: Valentin Ciorbea, PS. ch: E111ilian Lovijtean.u, Co111andor dr

Marian. Mo:jneagu), F,x Ponto, Constanta, 2013, pp. 354- 368.

Valentin Ciorbea, Flavia Alexandra Petrov, Sibel Jindi-Alexandn1, ,,Generalul Paul (Pavel)

Teodorescu in arhivele C.N. S.A.S. ", ill Generalul Adjutant Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu (1881-1981)

Voca/ia Creativitafii (coord. Pro£ Univ. Dr. Valentin Ciorbea, P.S. dr. Emilian Lovi~teanu,

Comandor dr. Marian Mo~neagu), Ex Ponto, Constanta, 2013, pp. 325- 353.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandn1, ,,Consideratii privind cooperarea balcanica ill perioada interbelica­

lntelegerea Balcanica", in Dunarea !ji Marro Neagra fn spafiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relafii

Politice ji Diplomafie II, (coord. dr. Andreea Atanasiu- Croitoru, dr. Florin C. Stan), Editura

Sitech, Craiova, 2014, pp. 194- 202.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandn1, ,,Sudul Mediteranei - illtre Pri.mavara Araba ~i viziunea marilor actori

intemationali" ill Dun.area !ji Morea Neagra fn spafiul lstorie, Relafii Politice !ji

Diplomafie II, (coord. Dr. Andreea Atanasiu-Croitoru), Editura Muzeului Marinei Ro.m.fule,

Constanta, 2014, pp. 321-330.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Romania - Levant- Interac!iuni permanente de-a lungul secolelor", ill

Anumul Mu::eului Marinei Romane 2015, tom XVIII, Editura Muzeului Marinei Ro.m.fule,

Constanta, 2015, pp. 416-427.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandn1, ,,Siria- de la perioada mandatului francez pana la illcercarile de a se impune

ca lider regional", in Dun.Orea !ji Morea Neagra fn spafiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relafii Politice !ji


DiplomaJie III, (coord. Dr. Andreea Atanasiu-Croitoru), Editura Muzeului Marinei Romane,

Constanta, 2015, pp. 493-502.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Syria and Lebanon under the Political Tutelage of a European Power:

France and the Levant, ill Analele Universitafii ,, Ovidius ", Seria $tiinfe Politice, nr. 4/2015, pp.


Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Orientul Mijlociu- concept geografic, politic sau cultural?", ill Analele

Universitafii ,, Ovidius" din Constanta, Serialstorie, vol. 12-13/ 2015-2016, pp. 357- 368.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Evolufia Siriei ~i Libanului sub influenfA franceza", ill DunCo-ea $i Morea

Neagra fn spaJiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relafii Politice $i DiplomaJie .Iv, (coord Dr. Andreea

Atanasiu-Croiton1), Editura Muzeului Marinei Romane, Constanta, 2016, pp. 257-272.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Syria's evolution before the Independence", ill Revista Romana de Studii

Eurasiatice, AnulXll, nr. 1-212016,pp. 215-225.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Romania ~i Siria vazute din perspectiva calatorilor - la illceput de secol

XX", ill Dunarea $i Morea Neagra fn spaJiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relaf ii Politice $i DiplomaJie V,

(coord. Dr. AndreeaAtanasiu-Croitoru), Editura Muzeului Marinei Romane, Constanta, 2017, pp.


Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Siria ill primul deceniu de independenta", ill Anuarul Mu=eului Marinei

Ronu1ne, to111 XX, 2017, Editura Muzeului Marinei Romane, Constanta, 2017, pp. 234-243.

Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Criza din Liban de la illceputul anilor '80 ~i reactia Romaniei",

SI ' Sibel Jindi-Alexandru, ,,Romania ~i Siria ill contexhll negocierilor de pace Egipt-lsra.el"

in curs de aparifie la Constanta, Anucn11l Mu=eului Marinei Romane, 2018 ~i Dunarea $i Morea

Neagra fn spafiul euro-asiatic. lstorie, Relafii Politice $i Diplon1afie "VI, 2018.


Prezenta1i de carte:

Joshua Stacher, Adaptable Autocrats: Regilne pcnver in Egypt and Syria, Analele Universitatii

,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Seria lstorie, Vol. 9/2012, (prezentare de carte), pp. 235-236.

Florin C. Stan, La. situacion de los Judios de Run1ania entre 1940-1944, Analele Universitatii

,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Seria $tiinte Politice, nr. 2/2013, Ovidius University Press, Constanta,

2013, pp. 241- 244, (prezentare de carte).

Lucian Boia, Why is Romania different?, Revista Romana de Studii Eurasiatice, anul IX, nr. 1-

2/2013, Ovidius University Press, Constanta, 2013, (prezentare de carte), pp. 315-317.

Albert Camus, Algerian Chronicles, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge,

Massachusetts, 2013, 240 pagini, 1nAnalele Universitatii ,,Ovidius" din Constanta, Seria lstorie

vol. 10-11/ 2013-2014, (prezentare de carte).

Mohamed ElBaradei, Epoca de:amagirii. Diplo1nafie nucleara fn vremuri de cwnpana, Bucure~ti,

Editura RAO, 2012, 379 pagini, 1nAnalele Universita{ii,, Ovidius" din Constanta, Serio lstorie,

vol. 10-11/ 2013-2014 (prezentare de carte);

,, Is There a Middle East? The evolution of a geopolitical concept" edited by Michael E. Bonine,

Abbas Amanat and Michael Ezekiel Gasper, Stanford University Press, Stanford CA, 2012,

319 pagini, in Analele Universitatii ,,Ovidius", Seria $tiinte Politice, nr. 3/2014, (prezentare de

carte), pp. 189-191.

Dumitru Chican, Emanuel Peterliceanu, Noul Orient Mljlociu - intJ'e "Prin1avara cn·aba"

~i "Haosul consfl11ctiv", Baia Mare, Editura Proema, 2013, 300 pagini, 1n Analele Universitafii

,, Ovidius" din Constanta, Serio lstorie, vol. 10-11/ 2013-2014, (prezentare de carte).

James L. Gelvin, The Arab Uprisings What Eve1yone Needs To Kno1v, Oxford University Press,

Nevv York, 2012, 185 pagini, Revista Romana de Studii Eurasiatice, Anul X, nr. 1-2/2014,

(prezentare de carte), pp. 235-237.


Table of Contents

Abb1·eviations List .................................................................................................................... 2

11lt1·0<111<:tio11 ............................................................................................................................... :J

Chapte1· 1 -~neral Overview on Middle East History (Syria) ......................................... 15 l.a. Terminology specifications ........................................................................................... 15 l.b. Cultural interactions between West and East throughout history ................................ 18 l .c. The Middle East benveen Ottoman heritage and French spirit. .................................... 25 l .d. The relevance of the international situation for the Middle East until the French Mai1date ............................... ......................................... .......................... 34 l.e. French influence in the Middle East and its consequences (1923-1946) ...................... 45

Chapter 2- Independent State of Syria and its International Recognition ........................ 56 2.a. The beginnings of the Romanian-Syrian relations ....... .......... ....................................... 56 2.b. The Greater Syria project after gaining independence ...................... ....... .................... 61 2.c. Establishing diplomatic relations between Romania and Syria .................................... 66 2.d. The involvement of Syria and Romania in the Suez Crisis (1956) .............................. 70 2.e. Syria and Romania's reaction to the 1958 Lebanon Crisis ........................................... 78 2.f. Syria's internal consolidation efforts .............................. ............................ .. 81 2.g. Strengthening the Romanian-Syrian diplomatic relations ............................................ 88 2.h. Syria' s reaction to Romanian politics in the context of the 1967 War .......................... 93 2.i. Consequences of Syria's policy at the end of the 1967 War ....................................... 100

Chapter 3- The development of Romanian - Syiian relationships du1·ing the ' 70s and the '80s of the 20tb centu1y ......................................................................................................... 102

3.a. The intensification of the Romania-Syria diplomatic relations .................................. 102 3.b. The reactions of Romania and Syria to the 1973 war ................................................. 106 3.c. Outstanding Romanian-Syrian relations and the tie-in between Presidents Ceau$escu and Assad ........................................................................................................................... 111 3.d. Romania and Syria in the context of Egypt-Israel peace talks ................................... 119 3.e. Economic relations between Romania and Syria in the '70s ...................................... 126 3.f. Culttual relations between Romania and Syria in the '70s ............ . .. ...... . .. ......... 135 3.g. The crisis in Lebanon in the early '80s and Romania's reaction ................................ 142

Instead of concl11ding ........................................................................................................... 149

List of doc11ments in Annexes ............................................... .............................................. 159

~~~ ···························································································································· l(il

Bibliog1·aphy ......................................................................................................................... 201



Syria, Romania, Levant, Middle East, Near East, Hafez Al Assad, Nicolae Ceausescu,

diplomacy, culture, comercial exchanges, peace treaty, collaboration, arab union, negotiation,

foreign relations, education, external influences, partnership, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, internal

crisis, arab-israeli conflict, official visit.


The work called "The impact made by the Middle East geopolitical changes on

Syrian - Romanian political and diplomatic relations, behveen the end of 2nd World War

and the beginning of the 80's "focuses on the development of relations betvveen Romania and

Syria, starting with the Ottoman Empire, passing through interwar time and ending with the

Cold War. Despite the fact that the vvork envisages the time between the end of the 2nd World

War and the beginning of the 80's, vve thought it more than necessary to stress out the historical

environment previous to that time so that the readers could understand the complete essence of

this approach.

There are plenty of pages that locate and describe the complex atmosphere of Syria

before obtaining its independence, offering the chance to generate many other specialized


This time betvveen the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the end of the 2 nd World

War has been also analyzed from the point of view of the Romanian - Syrian relations - a

subject vvhich hasn't been entirely mastered by specialized Romanian works. Thus, introducing

some of the Syrian home affairs issues, vvhich took place before its independence, and stressing

out similarities or differences between Romanian and Syrian culture, appeared to be considered

more than necessary, given the fact that the vvork wants to inform the interested reader on many

levels of the relationship betvveen the two countries and, at the same time, on some events or

attitudes which would influence the Syrian foreign affairs after becoming independent.


The analyzed time goes up to the beginning of the 80's and it is important to understand

the environment of the development of Romanian - Syrian political relations, with all the

changes of dictatorial regimes in Europe and their impact on it. The election of ~

~as president led to more than a Soviet approach on Arab- Israeli conflict, leaving

Syria aside in the relationship with Israel, and helping USSR to implode and change the regimes

\.Vhich \.Vere under the Soviet influence. Therefore, we have a slowly dilution of the information

on Romanian-Syrian relationships, a reduced density of the documents, some with technical

data without any trace of historical significance. Given the subject of this work, a premiere in

the Romanian and Syrian I Arab literature, the research was based on archives documents.

The main objective of this book is to make known the history of Syrian relationships

\.Vith Romania, in all their diversity. This thesis wants to prove how diplomatic relations

supported the progress of the two countries and the role they played in the Middle East

dynamics; the \.Vork also wants to show how much they influenced what happened in this region,

the key elements that led to a closer alliance between Syria and Romania and how the Arab -

Israeli conflict had an impact on their image and policy.

The importance of this approach is proved by the current state of things - the extended

crisis of Syrian State, and generally, by the tensioned situation of Middle East. At the same

time, its content might be useful to people which are interested in the Syrian political

development - on \.Vider level, in the relationship with the Arab States - and in the diplomatic

solutions adopted by Romania in order to reach a Peace and Stability Treaty; on the other hand,

this work might offer answers to questions related to particularities of the Syrian society and its

political leadership.

Moreover the "superficial" level of knowing the Levant31 (meaning the East of

Mediterranean Sea, the territory currently occupied by Syria and Lebanon), or even its

corresponding term in Arab language "Shain", became extra reasons for this \.vork to exist.

During the French mandate, this territory became the Levant32 region, due to the high

interest of France in Syria and Lebanon. Thus, the work will make references to the Eastern

Mediterranean, meaning Syria and Lebanon, as Levant territory. The Arab language has an

equivalent for it: Sha11133 or ~Al Sham34 referring practically at the same region occupied

31 See Levant in Dumitru Chican, j\1ic Lexicon al Orientului Mijlociu, Baia Mare, Proema Publishing House, 2011 and A.M.A.E., File 1, Issue 20 / 1945 Lebanon (Syrian international status), f.2, \vhere Syrian and Lebanon are kno\vn as "States of Levant" . 32 Dumitru Chican, j\1ic Lexicon al Orientului Mijlociu, Baia Mare, Editura Proema, 2011, p.187. 33r\..;J1 - Sham translated by Levant 34r\..;J1 o)l,i - Bilad Al Sham translated as Sham's Countries and even Greater Syria.


by Syria and sometimes Greater Syria or just Damask. &k!;:lAl Sham, translated as Shcnn 's

Countries or Greater Syria, refers to lands occupied by Syria, Lebanon, Palestine35 and

Transjordan, practically a union of the states of the region. It was thought that Palestinians or

Lebanese, known as Shain Arabs, can be considered as Syrians36.

The thesis concentrates also on other aspects related to the Romanian - Syrian relations:

on issues regarding the Syrian national and international policy with Arab and non Arab States,

trying to obtain a complete image of Syria and its external political interests. By 1971, when

Hafez Al Assad, the ambitious young student always respectful tovvards institutions, not only

is he noticed by the leading parties, but he also becomes president, Syria is more preoccupied

by internal stability, being enchanted by the idea of Arab unity as a way to be known as a solid

base in the region. For this, we have the short history of the United Arab Republic, betvveen

1958 and 1961. Once Assad succeeds in consolidating the regime, Syria has another attitude in

the region, without abandoning the plans for Arab unity. During Assad, Syria sees its

institutions consolidated, with people participating to them and vvith the president who insists

on a collectively exercised power.

After obtaining their independence, the local governments of the Arab States in the

region were trying to avoid the presence of missions of USSR or other important Sates in the

area. They were more interested in fmding experts and specialists originate from smaller states,

paying special attention to USSR recognition of Syrian independence, a strategy meant to make

it difficult for the states vvith interests in the region, which were against the Arab

independence3 7•

Yet, the absence of a State experience put the Middle East countries into situations

vvhere they were forced to have diplomatic relationships with most of the States in order to

achieve both internal consolidation and international recognition38.

The Romanian - Syrian relations were based on mutual economic interests as their most

important objective. This good partnership would be fully encouraged afterwards by the attitude

tovvards the foundation of the State of Israel in the Middle East and by the peace policy by

promoting the creation of the Palestinian State39.

35 Nadia Anghelescu, Identitatea arabii Istorie, limbii ~i culturii,, Ia~i, Polirom Publishing House, 2009, p. 7. 36Na$ir al-Din ' All, Hakadha kunnti naktub v.l, Bayrut, Matba'at al-Ittibad, 1952, p. 15. 37 National Archives UK, FO 954/15C/488, Middle East: Beirut telegram No 511. Maintenance of some degree of French control in the Levant, 16th August 1944, f. 489. 38 A.MA.E., Special Files/Syria, Issues 210/220, page 18. 39Sub auspiciile fnfelegerii ii cooperiirii internafionale Vizita tovariiiului Nicolae CeaUiescu, secretarul general al Partidului Comunist Roman, preiedintele Republicii Socialiste Romania, in Libia, Liban, Siria ii Irak 12-21 februarie 1974, Bucure~ti, Editura politica, 1974, pp. 142-143.


The partnership with the Arab States, USSR or Romania proved to be very propitious

to Syria because they got vveapons, infrastn1cture funds, technological development and

students specialized in high standard universities, the last two being the basis of the good

relationship with Romania.

The reason for choosing such theme was by the constant involvement of Romania in

the Middle East issues, leading to the most diverse consequences. Both Romania and Syria have

common features determined by the Ottoman influence, which caused a similar development

of the nation. The society registered the same self-satisfied mentality, the "oriental laziness",

typical for Arabian Orient; for their everyday life, Romanian and Arabs shared the same daily

basis activities and even the same clothing style.

Surely, the different religion, the weather conditions together vvith the French influence

made Romania to get more and more close to western civilization which \Vas considered the

modern world. Syria enjoyed the same French influence, very useful for the Arabs in their

referring to their glorious times and, therefore, in their wish to have a competent ruling elite

party leading Syria not only tovvards independence but also to becoming an important player in

the region.

The subsequent evolution caused the slowly disappearance of the similarities betvveen

Syria and Romania, without endangering their good relations.

Romania and Syria began their relations during the interwar time, when both of them

vvere focused on economic changes; they continued after the proclamation of Syrian

independence, even though they had no diplomatic relationships officially established. And

they went on even when Syria stopped for a short time its diplomatic partnership vvith Romania,

as it is proved by the numerous official visits paid by Romanian and Syrian presidents, in the

70's of the 20th century, together with other actions which allovved the development of several

industrial projects on Syrian territory with Romanian help.

After the 2nd World War, starting vvith the 60's, Romania vvas highly regarded by the

international community for its independent policy promoted inside block of USSR influenced

countries; at the same time, Romania became for the Arab states a reliable mediator because it

vvas a symbol of balance in the conflict between the Arabs and the State of Israel.

Our vvork is divided into three chronological chapters stressing out the relevant events

that made history in the region and that caused a Romanian or a Syrian reaction. We took into

account the vvords of President Hafez Al Assad who told~~: "We share history


together, we were under the same Ottoman influence, we led the same fight for independence

and \.Ve have ~regions which is very important"40.

Using fe\.v words, Assad described the conunon features of the unique identity of the

two countries, due both to Ottoman conquest and to geographical and cultural proximity that

made possible such solid relationships between them.

The first chapter, called "General Ove1,Jimv on Middle East Histo1y (Syria) ", deals with

cultural, political and even anthropological subjects regarding the political situation by the time

Syria becomes independent; nevertheless, it refers to several social aspects that marked not only

the people living way but also arts, policy and others. It talks about the concept of Middle East,

through its diverse faces, trying to get a more accurate understanding of the region. Both regions

\.Vere controlled by the Ottomans and the French, but the influence of Christians, the temperate

\.Veather and the closeness to the western countries created a different image of Romania without

harems, Bedouins, deserts and camels typical of the Arab space. Most part of the work focuses

on Syrian history as we consider it necessary to have a right idea about the internal divisions

caused by religion, ethnicity and political ideals together with the way the French Mandate was

understood and its consequences.

The second chapter called "Independent State of Syria and its International

Recognition" points out Syria's need to be internationally accepted, and also the partnership

\.Vith Romania despite the fact that Romania officially expressed its agreement with the creation

of the State of Israel.

Being divided into nine subchapters and dealing with the most representative moments

up to the 70's together with the Romanian position towards them, the second chapter is

fundamental as the Arab world was making plans about Arab unification, such as Greater Syria

or others, and because of the influences of certain States outside the region, with some

significant examples such as Suez Canal Crisis or the Lebanon Crisis of 1958.

It is a chapter that brings more information about the general atmosphere in Syria and

about its tensioned internal political aspects, envisaging both the efforts for training new ruling

elite and the efforts of the Syrian State to get rid of the external influences, wishing, at the same

time, to become an important key player in the region.

At the end of the 2nd World War, Romania rarely had trading activities \.Vith Middle East

countries and they \.Vere carried out by intermediaries such as Turks or Bulgarians causing

Romania supplementary costs as there were no direct negotiations bet\.veen parties. The

4os.A.N.I.C., file 3S/ vol. I, C.C. of Romanian Communist Party, Foreign Affairs- Nicolae Ceausescu, ff. 23-24.


situation could be solved by establishing normal diplomatic relationships and their presence on

the Romanian territory41.

In July 1947, after paying official visits, ~~ the General Consul of the

Romanian General Consulate in Istanbul, discovers the interest expressed by the representatives

of Egypt, Argentine and Lebanon regarding commercial trading activities with Romania. The

Lebanese envoy underlined the close relationship between Romania and the Middle East

countries, representing ah.vays a reliable destination for Romanian wood products. He also

talked about hovv difficult it was to obtain a visa for Romania as that was, in his opinion, a real

obstacle for Lebanese and Syrian companies willing to do business with important Romanian

entities; it was a situation that could be remedied by opening a direct delegation42.

These data are important as they represent the starting point of diplomatic relations

between the two countries.

Then, our study continues with the Syrian and Romanian reactions to the Arab-Israeli

conflict, given that it clearly affected all the States in the region.

Here we have the true nature of the relationship between the two countries, despite the

vvar of 1967 and the fact that Romania didn' t sign the Moscow declaration. Romania helped

Syria and the Arab press qualified as independent and constn1ctive the Romanian foreign

policy, two key elements which would not allow their relation to be affected.

The politicians, the economical entities and the press of Syria and Lebanon understood

very well the position of Romania in that conflict and they appreciated it accordingly. It soon

became a subject of debate in Syria and Lebanon, more than ever before43. They all talked about

Romania as a friend of the Arab countries. Romania had some main objectives focused on the

Palestinian people right to self-determination and to foundation of a Palestinian State44; then it

vvas the retreat of Israeli troops, the cease of violence, the peaceful solution of the conflict,

together with the removal of the external influence. All those represented the core of more and

more appreciated and understood ideas4s.

The Romanian alliance with Syria was based on these objectives and ~Ismail,

deputy of the Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, considered that the position of the Romanian

President who constantly asked for Israeli troops retreat from Arab territory and for settling the

4 1A.M.A.E., File 5, Issue 200 / 1947 Lebanon (press articles), f. 18. 42Jbidem, f. 16. 43A.M.A.E., File 108, issue 200 200A 2000/1967, Lebanon, f. 100. 44 Sub semnul solidaritiifii romano-siriene- Vizita oficialii de prietenie a tovarii~ului Nicolae Ceau~escu, pre~edintele republic ii Socialiste Romania, fmpreunii cu tovarii~a Elena Ceau~escu, fn Republica Arabii Sirianii, 13-17 august 1979, Bucure~ti, Editura politica, 1980, pp. 47-48. 45A.M.A.E., File 108, issue 200 200A 2000/1967, Lebanon, f. 100.


case of Palestinian people represented a precious help in their fight for the justice restoration in

the region46.

At the same time, that was the moment when Syria \vould not concentrate on the plans

for Arab union because when Baath party came to power, the national situation \Vas stabilized

and Syria could concentrate on the affirmation of the state in the region. Romania shared the

same goals as Syria and both States wished for more power in their decisions internationally.

Besides, both States had partnerships with USSR, enjoying the protection offered by a super

po\ver during the Cold War.

There was a moment of great tension between the two States and that was 1969 \Vhen

Roma11.ia improved diplomatic relationships with Israel. That was a disagreement expressed

also by other Arab States, participants to the conflict. Syria would cease diplomatic relations

\Vith Romania and the Arabic press would clearly underline its disapproval47.

The third and last chapter, called "The develop1nent of Ron1anian -Syrian relationships

during the '70s and the '80s of the 20th century', studies the most successful time of the bilateral

partnership. This was characterized by constant consolidation of Syrian State especially after

Al Assad became President. There are new aspects residing in the personal relation between

the t\vo presidents, strongly supported by the similar \Vay to consider the situation in the region

and the necessity to maintain diplomatic relationships with Syria (and with Lebanon), and also

to identify several aspects \Vhich built the friendship between the hvo countries. We are talking

about cultural exchanges, more exactly, the Syrian students associations or other Arabic

students willing to remain here in Romania after they finished their studies.

We have to point out that Romania enjoyed a very good image during the Presidency of

~Ceausescu; moreover, the alliances knew a higher level of development compared to

other periods48.

The partnership with Syria was supported mainly by economic reasons which allowed

Romania a political penetration in Levant and in the Middle East. This close association was

maintained and promoted by mutual and regular visits paid by both presidents one to another49•

After Assad became President there was a positive change in the Syrian attitude towards

Romania50 and the diplomatic activity started again shortly afterwards.

46A.MAE., file 3549, issue 20/B/ 1973, Syrian Arab Republic, f. 10. 47A.MAE., File 176, issue 20/ 1969, Lebanon, f. 23. 48 Lavinia I. Betea, I se spunea Machiavelli- $fefan Andrei In dialog cu Lavinia Betea, Bucure~ti, Adevarul Holding, 2011, p. 214. 49 A.MA.E., series: Special Files /Syria, Issues 210/220, no page. so A.M.A.E., file 2313, issue 220/ 1972, Syria, f. 17.


When this took place, Assad expressed his joy by saying "I'm happy to have at Damask

a Romanian ambassador" and "I'm grateful to President Ceausescu for everything he has done

in order to have harmony in our relationships with Romania". When he mentioned the past

events, he avoided the words broken relationships. Instead, he chose to say "1~1hat happened in

the past lVOS not in our countries' best interest"51 .

Romania had to pay more attention to Syria - this was the main idea of the discussion

between the ex ambassador and Protocol Director of Syrian Foreign Affairs Ministry,~

~. disapproved yet by Damask regime. He had asked for a meeting vvith a Romanian

diplomat from the Romanian embassy saying that he wanted to express some opinions. He

expressed his personal opinion that Syria, and not Egypt, was the main player in the region and

he underlined the advantages Romania would have by preferring it52.

Romania and Syria would become more than partners because of the close relationship

of their representatives; Assad would call President~ Ceausescu "my friend" expressing

his respect tovvards the Romanian leader.

The best vvay to illustrate this is to present the situation vvhen President Assad, who

almost never went on official visits, agreed to pay one in Romania in 1974. From that moment

on, mutual visits of the two presidents became a way to develop and improve the friendship of

the two states53.

All the economic, cultural and political actions would become more intense and they

vvould be able to continue even after the war of 1973, after the peace negotiations bet\.veen Israel

and Egypt, strongly supported by the Romanian President; they would survive even the

unilateral decision of Egypt to sign a peace treaty with Israel, that Syria found ungrounded,

thinking that the needs of Palestinian people were the ones to decide the end of the conflict, and

finally they could survive the Lebanon crisis which started in 1976.

A peace treaty signed with Israel would have eliminated Syria from a Arab Union and

vvould also end up the Assad regime54. And, therefore, it was thought that he was the only one

able to provide stability while there were constant internal and external challenges; without

Assad, Syria couldn' t have survived in the form it is today55.

51A.M.A.E., file 3565, issue 220/ 1973, R.A. Syria-R.S.R., f. 4. 52A.M.A.E., file 210, issue 220/1970, Lebanon, f. 2. 53A.M.A.E., file 4436, issue 220/ 1975 Syria-Romania, f. 5. 54 Robert G. Rabil, Embattled Neighbors: Syria, Israel, and Lebanon, Boulder, CO, Lynne Rienner, 2003, p. 123. 55 Patrick Seale, ,,Assad: Beti.veen Institutions and Autocracy", In Richard T. Antoun, Donald Quataert, Syria: Society, Culture, and Polity, Albany, NY, State University ofNe\v York Press, 1991, f. 110.


A peace with Israel was not a point on the Syrian political agenda. The Decision of

Israel of Febn1ary 29th 1968, when the Israeli Minister of Home Affairs together with the

minister of Justice published a Decree where the lands of Sinai, West Bank, Gaza and Golan

vvere no longer considered legally "hostile territories"56. Syrian President, ~ ~

considered it vvas a step fonvard for the favorable external plans of lsrael57, vvhile the armed

fight was justified in order to free the lands58.

The Syrian policy character can be easily understood from the communications between

Ceausescu and Assad, at the end of the vvorks of the 9th Arabic Conference of Bagdad

(November 2nd - 5th 1978). We are talking about the two agreements of Camp David which

vvere opposed to the Charter of the League of Arab States and about President Assad who

expressed his general discontent regarding the Egypt separatist policy with individual actions

in a situation of common interest for all Arab States. As a result, all Egyptian companies were

boycotted and the capital of the League vvas no longer Cairo. Also, Syria kept on promoting

signing a correct peace treaty so it should defend "the Arabs legitimate rights, their honor and

dignity", because it was not right that Egypt set the terms for the peace treaty59.

Although its policy has always supported the Arab cause, Syria vvas accused for

defending the national interest in the most tensioned moments in the region. That would be the

case of taking side of the non Arab state Iran, during the war between Iran and Iraqi (1980-

1988)60, but also when it helped the 1976 Lebanon~· crisis. But Syria remained

attached to the~ interests (and to those of the Arab world) by not signing a Peace

Treaty with Israel, regulating the status of Golan Heights, just like the one signed by Egypt with


Also, this chapter describes the relations between Romania and Palestine Liberation

Organization, with its leader Y asser Arafat; it was an alliance with mutual benefits, useful for

recognition of PLO as representative of the Palestinian State and for opening the first PLO

delegation in a non Arab country (easily assimilated with a diplomatic mission), but also as

middle party betvveen Romania and the Arab world. Yasser Arafat was known for having

facilitated the dialogue any time there were difficulties. Romania would officially recognize the

Palestinian State on November 16th 1988, always supporting the fight for peace and

understanding between nations.

;6S.A.N.I.C., file 74/1968, C.C,. of P.C.R.- Section Chancellery , f. 27. ;1 Ibidem, f. 32. ;s Ibidem. ;9 S.A.N.I.C., file 3 S vol. II, C.C. of P.C.R- Section Foreign Affairs Nicolae Ceausescu, ff. 36-38. 60 Raymond Hinnebusch, Syria: Revolution from Above, Ne>v York, Routledge, 2001, p. 141.


Syria would continue to have the same objectives and it would join the other two States

in their fight to refuse the peace plans proposed from outside both by USA President Ronald

Reagan and by USSR President Leonid~- When~~ became the USSR

President, there were significant changes in the relation with Syria. Right after the first meeting

vvith President ~ Assad was thinking it was high time to change the partner. That

allovved Egypt to become again an active member of the Arab League and completely reshape

the inter-state relations together vvith a change of internal state of countries placed under the

influence of USSR.

At the end of the 2nd World War, the development of the Romanian-Syrian relations was

not very smooth.

In other vvords, sometimes there were intense moments - such as 1956 - Suez Canal

Crisis, 1958 - Lebanon national Crisis, the 1967 war, 1972 - marking the beginning of new

diplomatic relations between Romania and Syria, the war of 1973- and there were moments

characterized by quite calm communications on all levels: diplomatic, economic, cultural. So

vve fmd it difficult to define a complete and balanced image of the process.

Researches carried out in the archives help us draw the conclusions that Romania and

Syria have been constantly developing their partnership, from a timid point of economic

exchange, during the French Mandate, arriving to have diplomatic relationships and embassies.

Based on good economic exchanges with Syrian and Lebanon, it vvas possible for

Romania to have secured exports in Asia or even in states such as Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.

Also, Syria has always been a good destination for Romanian wood products and later

for industrial products. Moreover, Romania played a major role in training the future Syrian

specialists, with a large number of Syrian students attending Romanian Universities. So, most

part of Syrian developed economy was possible due to specialists trained in Romania and with

tools and ~made in Romania used for important industrial projects. Here are some

examples: phosphate mine of~~~- the main ~of Syrian trading

activities, where Romanian specialists built a modern warehouse and ship loading facility in

order to value phosphates, the oil mine of~ the ~region with the first Romanian

drilling equipment becomes functional for oil exploitation. By 1975, Romania had already

become the main foreign partner of Syria, and Romanian language could be heard in many

places in Syria.

The main concern for the Syrian State, after the proclamation of its independence, was

to get international recognition meaning the creation of diplomatic relations with as many

countries as possible. When they began to get close to USSR, automatically the interest was


also directed towards States placed under the influence of such super power, among them

Romania, which had tried and obtained in the '60s the support of both USA and USSR. Syria

tried to get the same thing but unfortunately the American support for Israel had made

impossible any intention to make SUA its allied.

A second conclusion is based on the unity in action of Arab world, as a reaction to the

presence of the State of Israel in the region. Syria's entire policy focused on the conflict between

the Arabs and the Israeli and it has always been part ofit. In 1971, after Hafez Al Assad becomes

President, Syria finally is recognized as a leader in the region, able to n1ake changes on

international level. President Hafez Al Assad could consolidate the State and his regime and,

thus, he could concentrate on the role of Syria played internationally, despite the fact that there

\.Vere opinions saying that the existence of the Arabic-Israeli conflict was the ele1nent for the

survival and legitilnacy of his regime in the eyes of Syrian people.

The first two decades after the end of the 2nd World War are enflamed by the wish for

Arab unity, for reanimating the glorious past of Arab empires. But, after the repeated failure of

military fights against Israel, this wish changed. Middle East was a place where some wanted

to have a Greater Syria, where the State of Israel was born, where there was a Palestinian issue

and where Arab League Organization was founded. One of the major consequences of the \.Var

of 1967 \Vas the diminished ideal for Arab unity. And yet, this was not an obstacle for Baath

Party and President Hafez Al Assad to call for the common Arab identity. Surprisingly, the key

element in preserving this unity ideal of the Arab world has al\vays been represented by the

State of Israel itself and the constant opposition towards it.

A third conclusion underlines the affinity for Moscow showed both by Syria and

Romania, which allows filsertion of USSR in Middle East. In case of Suez Canal Crisis,

Romania shared the sa1ne position with Moscow. Other states in the region were not welcomed

because of the sad memories from the time of Mandates. Syrian suffered the most from external

interference. It would support Egypt and terminate the diplomatic relations with Great Britain

and France and 'vvould decide, two years later, to join Egypt in a 1Inion - United Arab Republic.

This \.Vas possible due to Syrian ideal for Arab unity. They believed other Arab States would

join them given that \.vestern countries were planning a coup d'etat, uncomfortable with the

close relations with USSR and other external influences.

A fmal conclusion points out the good partnership bet\.veen Romania and Syria strongly

supported by the friendship bet\.veen the two Presidents. President Hafez Al Assad felt very

close to President ~ Ceausescu and the two countries kne\V a very intense alliance.

Romania helped Palestinians in gaining self determination and founding their State; Romania


insisted the Israeli troops leave the Arab territories occupied after the war of 1967; it also

pleaded for the cease of hostilities, for the amicably solution of the conflict and for the absence

of the external influence together vvith obtaining the right to existence of all States in the region,

including the State of Israel. From this perspective, Romanian policy vvas the same as the Syrian

one, alvvays fighting for peace in the region.

The Romanian President constantly reiterated these objectives together with the appeal

for treaty signing rather than fighting in military conflicts; thus, he placed himself in neutral

position with a mediator role, between Arabs and Israel. Joining and expressing the same ideals,

common to the Arab vvorld, persuaded Syria to overlook the fact that Romania refused to sign

the Moscovv Declaration in 1967, vvhich named the State of Israel aggressor, and also the fact

that tvvo years later Romania and Israel had diplomatic relations at embassy level.

Romanian positive contributions to development of the region helped at preserving its

good image and the support offered to Syrian people in order to achieve their major goals, made

it possible for the two countries, and even for their Presidents, to develop friendship based






9 ~Street, ~- 2A, bl.ASS, ~. ap. 21 900456 Constanta (Romania) Q 0734405845


Sex female I Date of birth December 18th 1991

2015-2018 PhD candidate, History ·~~~· University of~ thesis "TI1e impact made by the Middle East geopolitical changes on Syrian - Romanian political and diplomatic relations, between the end of 200 World War and the beginning of the 80's"

June 2016 Arabic - International General Certificate of Secondary Education­Certificate for Arabic Language Canlbridge International Examinations, Constanta

April 2~ 23rd 2015 Protocol Applied Intensive Training The International School of Protocol & Diplomacy in Brussels, Belgium

2014- 2015 Optional Class- "Tatars' History and Civilization" Faculty of History and Political Sciences - "~'University of Constanta, Democratic Union of Turkish-Muslim Tatars of Romania

2013-2015 Master Degree- International relations during 19tl! - 21st centuries. History and Diplomacy Faculty of History and Political Sciences - "~" University of Constanta (Romania)- thesis : "Romania's political relationships with ~El~ from the proclamation of Syrian and Lebanon independence until the end of the Romanian Communist regime"


20l0-2013 Bachelor's Degree - International relations and European Studies Faculty of History and Political Sciences - "~" University of Constanta (Romania) - thesis "Aspects regarding the contribution of the International Law in maintaining Greater Romania and the importance of~~ diplomatic vision"

2006-2010 International Computer High School of Constanta, specialized in intensive philology - English Constanta (Romania)

2009-2010 D iploma de ~~~DELE (B2 level)-· h Language Diploma Sparus

~ .

Cervantes, Madrid (Spain)

2009- 2010 Full ECDL Certificate (European Computer Driving License)

E CDL Romania, Constanta (Romania)


Mother Language

Other Known Languages

English Spanish Arabic


Main subjects I Acquired professional skills


Comprehension Speaking Writing Listening Reading Conversation Speech

Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl B2 B2 B2 Bl Bl Bl Bl Bl A2 A2 A2 A2 A2

Level: Al/A2: Elementary- Bl/B2: Independent- Cl/C2: Advanced

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

History of International Relations, International Policy and Diplomacy, Analysis of International Conflict, History of Middle East, Political and Diplomatic Relations bet\veen Romania and Syria, Political and Diplomatic Relations between Romania and Lebanon


Non verbal Skills, Public Speaking;

Coordinated by Master and University :i;;>t-~Gabriel (from UN ATC Bucharest), acquired knowledge about public speech: preparation, material synthesis, language and presentation adjustment according to public, control of negative emotions;

Area of interest Middle East and Northern Africa - Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, International Security

Professional Experience

2011-2016 Editorial executive assistant -Annals of "~' University of Constanta, series of Political Sciences

2013 Preparation of the volume "Deputy General Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu ( 1881-1981) Vocation of Creation" for publishing

2014 Member of ~ Cultural European fWJ.1J<-~;/:XJ'l!PJjWb (ROMANIAN - PANARAB EUROPEAN CULTIJRAL CEN1RE )


Conferences Attendance June 7th _9th 2012, Bucharest - "Conference on the results obtained by

the Research Centre for Political Sciences", communication thesis The role of international organi;ations and the n1ultinational diplon1acy in n1anaging Cold War crisis

May 28th 2013, Constanta- Scientific Conference held by the students of the Faculty of History and Political Sciences - 1st edition- "History. Policy. Society'', thesis: Aspects on International Law and the role of ~~betlveen the f\110 World Wars

June 28th - 29th 2013, Archbishop of~ One Wood Monastery, -launch session of"Deputy General Paul (Pavel) Teodorescu (1881-1981)


Member of the organizing committees of the following

scientific conferences

Vocation of Creation'', thesis: General Paul (Pcn1el) Teodorescu homage to pcn1ners and.friends

October 1 ?th - 19th 2013, Constanta, National Scientific Conference held at the National Marine Museum "Danube River and Black Sea in the European - Asian Region. History, Political Sciences and Diplomacy", thesis: Study on Balkan Cooperation bet.veen the nvo World Wars -~Agreement

May 29th -30th 2014, Constanta, National Conference: "Danube River and Black Sea in the European - Asian Region History, Political Sciences and Diplomacy" 18th edition, thesis: Southern Mediterranean - betiveen Arabic Spring and vision of great international actors

October 22nd -23rd 2015, Constanta, Danube River and Black Sea in the European - Asian Region History, Political Sciences and Diplomacy" 19th edition, thesis: Syria - fro1n the French Mandate till her efforts to becon1e regional leader

October 27th -29th 2016, Constanta, Danube River and Black Sea in the European -Asian Region History, Political Sciences and Diplomacy 20th edition, thesis: Syria and Lebanon under the French influence

October 11t11-13th2018, Constanta, Danube River and Black Sea in the European -Asian Region History, Political Sciences and Diplomacy 22nd edition, Romania and Syria in the midst of Egypt-Israel negotiations, and Lebanons sf/11ggles in the earl;y '80s and Ron1anias reaction

"Bilateral Commission of Romanian and Russian Historians", 1 ?th edition, September 1 Oth - 14th 2012, Constanta

"Empire-Building and Region-Building in the Baltic, North and Black Sea Areas", The Fourth International Conference on Nordic and Baltic Studies in Romania, May 24-26, 2013, ~University of Constanta, Romania

"Historical Memory, The politics of Memory and Cultural Identity: Romania, Scandinavia and the Baltic Sea Region in Comparison", The Sixth International Conference on Baltic and Nordic Studies in Romania, 22-23 may, 2015, .~"University of Constanta, Romania