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Міністерство освіти і науки УкраїниUkrajna Oktatási és Tudományos Minisztériuma

Закарпатський Угорський Iнститут ім. Ф. Ракоці ІІ.II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola

Filológia Tanszék

“ЗАТВЕРДЖУЮ”/ JÓVÁHAGYOM Проректор з навчальної роботи

Tanulmányi rektorhelyettes

______________________ "______" _______________ 2015 p.


Nyelvi gyakorlat (назва навчальної дисципліни / a tantárgy neve)

напрям підготовки/ szak 6.020303 Філологія. Англійська мова і література/ 6.020303 Filológia. Angol nyelv és irodalom

галузь знань/ szakirány 0203 Гуманітарні науки/ 0203 Humán tudományok

2015 рік

Tantárgyi program Nyelvi gyakorlat c. tárgyból 1. évfolyamos angol szakos hallgatók számára.(назва навчальної дисципліни)

„31” augusztus, 2015. - old.

Розробники /Kidolgozók:Lőrinc M. , a pedagógiai tudományok kandidátusa, docens, filológia tanszék Lizák K., adjunktus, filológia tanszék Jablonyko T. oktató, filológia tanszék (вказати авторів, їхні посади, наукові ступені та вчені звання / szerzők neve, beosztása, tudományos címe, fokozata)

Робоча програма затверджена на засіданні кафедри філологіїA tantárgyi programot elfogadta a tanszékértekezlet (tantárgyi bizottság)

Протокол від / Jegyzőkönyv dátuma “27” augusztus 2015, № 1 száma.

Завідувач кафедри філології/ Tanszékvezető

_________________ Kótyuk I., fil.tud.kand.

"27” ___ augusztus _______ 2015

Ó Lőrinc M., Lizák K., M., Jablonyko T.Nyelvi gyakorlat, 2015

1. A tantárgy leírása/ Description of the Subject

Найменування показників A jellemzők megnevezése

Галузь знань, напрям підготовки, освітньо-

кваліфікаційний рівеньSzakirány, szak, képzettségi


Характеристика навчальної дисципліни

денна форма навчання

заочна форма навчання

Кількість кредитів – 6Kreditértéke - 6

Галузь знаньKépzési ág

0203 Humán tudományok(шифр і назва / kód, név) Нормативна

(за вибором)Normatív


Напрям підготовки Szakirány

6.020303 Filológia. Angol nyelv és irodalom

(шифр і назва / kód, név)

Модулів – 3Modulok száma - 3

Спеціальність (професійнеспрямування):

Szak (szakosodás)

Рік підготовки// Képzési évek:

Змістових модулів – 5Tartalmi modulok -5 4-й 4-й

Індивідуальне науково-дослідне завдання - Egyéni tudományos-kutatói feladat: _______________ (назва / megnevezve)

Семестр/ Félév

Загальна кількість годин: 216/216Összóraszám: 216/216

7-й, 8-й 7-й, 8-й

Лекції/ Előadások

Тижневих годин для денної форми навчання:аудиторних – 6/6самостійної роботи студента – 8/8A nappali tagozatos hallgató heti óraszáma:– kontaktóra: 6– önálló munka: 8

Освітньо-кваліфікаційний рівень:


Képzési szint:

alapképzés (BA)

- - Практичні, семінарськіGyakorlati, szemináriumi

54/54 год./ óra 12/12 год./ óra

Самостійна робота/ Önálló munka

162/162 год./ óra

204/204 год./ óra

Вид контролю/ Az ellenőrzés formája:

beszámoló/vizsgaПримітка:Співвідношення кількості годин аудиторних занять до самостійної і індивідуальної роботи становить:

2. A tárgy célja és feladatai/ The Aim and Tasks of the Discipline

Cél/The aim: The fourth year syllabus aims at: - developing trainees' communicative competence in the target language to a degree which will

enable them to use the language accurately and confidently in a wide variety of peal-life situations in personal, occupational and educational domains;

- developing trainees' 4 major skills to the target level;- helping trainees acquire language and a meta-language which will enable them to

hypothesize about, discuss, analyze and research the usage and use of the English language in various types of discourse;

- fostering the abilities of the trainees as autonomous language learners with a particular emphasis on strategies for on-going development in their future careers;

- focusing trainees' attention on professionally-oriented aspects of English in order to contribute to their preparation for their language teaching practice and for reflecting on its results;

- developing an understanding of the English-speaking peoples' culture and foster their willingness and readiness to explore various aspects of social and cultural life using the target language as a medium.

Feladatok/The tasks:Practical: To develop the students’ competence and fluency in English by forming and

consolidating their linguistic, communicative and socio-cultural knowledgeCognitive: To foster the students’ academic activities and develop their cognitive abilities.Educational: To facilitate in the trainees powers of self-evauation and a capacity for

autonomous learning which will enable them to develop professionally after graduation.Professional: In the course of their language learning to expose the students to a wide range of

language learning and teaching practices, and by their reflecting on the learning processes involved, to contribute to their development as future teachers.

Social: To promote and develop in the trainees self-awareness and interpersonal skills that will enable them to function better in and outside the school.

A negyedik év végére a hallgatónak tudnia kell/ /By the end of the fourth year the students will know : about 4,500 words in their oral and written communication. The words are specified in the Basic Thematic Word List for English Language Students (Kyiv, 1998, pp.94-122).

képesnek kell lennie/ be able to: Be ready to develop their own linguistic development autonomously through interaction in the target language;- use the target language to communicate with:

high grammatical accuracy and a wide range of structural and intonation patterns with few systematic errors;

a good command of a broad lexical repertoire, including idiomatic expressions and colloquialisms;

almost effortless fluency and spontaneity; effective adjustments of expression appropriate to different situations and levels of

formality in professional and non-professional spheres;- listen selectively, attend to and understand argument, digression and implication within

all but very idiomatic usage; to follow extended speech on familiar and unfamiliar abstract and complex topics, although at times needing to confirm occasional details especially if the accent is unfamiliar;

- read texts of different styles on familiar and unfamiliar topics and understand hypothesis, argumentation, supposed opinions, viewpoints and reflections;

- be able to write well-structured, cohesive texts of the types listed below:

essays and reports which develop an argument, giving reasons and support for or against a particular point of view;clear detailed descriptions and reviews of their experiences and observations and of a variety of subjects related to their professional and personal interests;demonstrate the level of skills of academic writing necessary for producing the graduation paper;- make independent and effective use of all available reference resources and sources of input

to further their language learning development;- show a wide-ranging familiarity with socio-cultural background of the English-speaking

world and be able to use this knowledge appropriately for communicating in both professional and non-professional contexts.

3. A tárgy programja/ Curriculum

Modul Tartalmi modul A téma száma és megnevezése

Modul 1

Tartalmi modul 1:Finding your way to


Unit 1: Getting the message across

Unit 2: The happiest days of your life?

Tartalmi modul 2:Broaden your mind

Unit 3: Mass media

Unit 4: Travellers and tourists

Tartalmi modul 3:Be healthy, be happy

Unit 5: The science of life

Modul 2

Unit 6: Entertainment

Tartalmi modul 4:No pain, no gain

Unit 7: Sport

Unit 8: Social issuesTartalmi modul 5:

Fight your way to a better world

Unit 9: Work and business

Unit 10: Our planet, our home

Modul/ Module 1Tartalmi modul/ Subject matter module 1. Finding your way to knowledgeТема 1. Unit 1: Getting the message acrossТема 2. Unit 2: The happiest days of your life?

Tartalmi modul/Subject matter module 2. Broaden your mindТема 3. Unit 3: Mass mediaТема 4. Unit 4: Travellers and tourists

.Tartalmi modul/ Subject matter module 3. Be healthy, be happyUnit 5: The science of life

Modul/ Module 2Tartalmi modul/ Subject matter module 3. Be healthy, be happyUnit 6: Entertainment

Tartalmi modul/ Subject matter module 4. No pain, no gain Unit 7: SportUnit 8: Social issues

Tartalmi modul/ Subject matter module 5. Fight your way to a better worldUnit 9: Work and businessUnit 10: Our planet, our home

4. A tárgy struktúrája/Structure of the Subject

Tartalmi modulok.


MindösszesenNappali tagozat Levelező tagozat

összesen ebből összesen ebbőlelőadás gyak. önálló előadás gyak. önálló

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Modul/ Module 1

Tartalmi modul 1. Finding your way to knowledgeUnit 1: 44 12 32 42,5 2,5 40Unit 2: 42 10 32 42,5 2,5 40Összesen tartalmi modul 1 86 22 64 85 5 80

Tartalmi modul 2. Broaden your mindUnit 3: 44 12 32 42,5 2,5 40Unit4: 42 10 32 42,5 2,5 40Összesen tartalmi modul 2 86 22 64 85 5 80

Tartalmi modul 3. Be healthy, be happyUnit5: 44 10 34 46 2 44Összesen tartalmi modul 3 44 10 34 46 2 44

Összesen 216 54 162 216 12 204Modul/ Module 2

Tartalmi modul 3. Be healthy, be happyUnit6: 44 10 34 46 2 44Összesen tartalmi modul 3 44 10 34 46 2 44

Tartalmi modul 4. No pain, no gainUnit7: 44 12 32 42,5 2,5 40Unit8: 42 10 32 42,5 2,5 40Összesen tartalmi modul 4 86 22 64 85 5 80

Tartalmi modul 5. Fight your way to a better worldUnit9: 44 12 32 42,5 2,5 40Unit10: 42 10 32 42,5 2,5 40Összesen tartalmi modul 5 86 22 64 85 5 80

Összesen 216 54 162 216 12 204Mindösszesen 432 108 324 432 24 408

5. Az előadások témája

№ A téma megnevezése

Óraszám (nap./lev.)

6. A gyakorlati foglalkozások témája/Topics of the practical lessons

№ A téma megnevezése

Óraszám (nap./lev.)

1. Getting the message across 2. Means of communication 4 13. Facial expressions, ways of speaking. 2 0,54. The happiest days of your life? 5. Education, literacy. 4 0,56. University studies; educational systems. 4 17. Teaching practice. Reflecting on the teaching experience 2 0,58. Mass media9. Keeping up to date. 4 0,510. The press. 4 111. Radio and television 2 0,512. New information technologies and modern means of communication 2 0,513. Travellers and tourists 14. How to be a traveller not a tourist? 4 0,515. Best destinations in the world 4 116. Sustainable tourism 2 0,517. The science of life.18. Hi-tech diagnostic equipment vs simple diagnostic tools 4 0,519. Holistic medicine 2 120. Alternative therapies 2 0,521. Entertainment22. The art of entertainment 4 123. American movies vs European films 4 124. Man and music 4 125. Trends and genres in music. Festivals 4 0,526. Youth and music. 2 0,527. My preferences in music. 2 0,528. Sport29. Born to win! Sports personalities. 4 0,530. The business of sport 2 0,531. World sport events 2 132. Social issues 33. Global issues: social, political, economic and environmental 4 134. Understanding social problems 4 0,535. Tackling social problems 2 0,536. Work and business

37. Workplace challenges 4 138. Women at work: perspectives and experiences 4 0,539. Dropping out of the fast lane 2 0,540. Our planet, our home41. The old-age conflict between development and environment 4 142. Industrial development vs environmental protection 4 143. Changing attitude 4 0,544. Saving the wilderness 2 145. 108 24

7. Az önálló foglalkozások témája/Topics for the independent work

№ A téma megnevezése

Óraszám (nap./lev.)

Tartalmi modul 1.1. Getting the message across2. Means of communication 6 63. Body language 6 84. Body language in different cultures 8 85. Internet as a means of communication 6 86. The happiest days of your life?7. Education, literacy. 8 68. University studies; educational systems. 6 89. Teaching practice. Reflecting on the teaching experience 6 810. What makes a good teacher? 6 611. Class management. Problem children 6 812. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 1. alapján 4 8

Tartalmi modul 2.13. Mass media 14. The press 8 8 15. British newspapers. The language of the British newspapers 8 816. Radio and television 8 617. New information technologies and modern means of communication 6 618. Keeping up to date. 6 819. Travellers and tourists20. How to be a traveller not a tourist? 6 621. Best destinations in the world 8 822. Sustainable tourism 6 823. The harmful effects of tourism 6 824. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 2. alapján 4 8

Tartalmi modul 3. 25. The science of life. 26. Hi-tech diagnostic equipment vs simple diagnostic tools 6 827. Holistic medicine 6 828. Alternative therapies 8 8

29. Diseases of modern civilisation 6 830. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 3. alapján 4 831. Előkészület a vizsgához 4 8

1.SZEMESZTER 162 204

2.szemeszterModul 2.

Tartalmi modul 31. Entertainment2. The art of entertainment 8 63. American movies vs European films 8 84. Man and music 6 65. Trends and genres in music. Festivals 6 86. Youth and music. 6 67. My preferences in music. 6 68. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 3. alapján 4 10

Tartalmi modul 49. Sport10. Born to win! Sports personalities. 6 811. The business of sport 6 612. World sport events 8 813. Social issues14. Global issues: social, political, economic and environmental 8 815. Understanding social problems 6 816. Tackling social problems 6 817. Internet social networking risks 6 818. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 4. alapján 4 10

Tartalmi modul 519. Work and business20. Workplace challenges 8 821. Women at work: perspectives and experiences 6 822. Dropping out of the fast lane 6 8 23. The teacher’s profession 6 824. Our planet, our home25. The old-age conflict between development and environment 8 8 26. Industrial development vs environmental protection 6 827. Changing attitude 6 828. Saving the wilderness 6 829. Environment and sustainable development 8 630. Előkészület a ZH megírásához a Modul 2. alapján 4 1031. Előkészület a vizsgához 4 10

2. SZEMESZTER 162 204ÖSSZESEN 324 408

8. Egyéni feladat/Individual Task

Make a presentation on one of the following topics: Most spoken languages in the world The problems of modern education World university rankings Career prospects Successful job hunting The use of smart phones in language learning Politically correct language of the British newspapers Globalization pros and cons The world health organization

Music festivals in Britain The British school of painting The Chernobyl disaster The role of social networks in my life International organizations The European Union The United Nations The world Health Organization Religions of the world

9. Az oktatás módszerei/ Methods of teaching

Methods of teaching include: communicative, thematic, task-based languge teaching, content-based instruction, classroom interaction, discussions, reporting, role plays, conversations, simulations, brainstorming, storytelling, story completion, oral assessments, individual work and exercises.

10. Az ellenőrzés formái /Methods of Control

1. Oral/written testing 2. Examination.

A tantárgyból szerezhető osztályzatok a nemzetközi (ECTS) és nemzeti értékelés skálája alapján/ National and ECTS Scale of

Evaluating Students’ Knowledge

Osztályzat100 pontos

skála szerint



Az értékelés minősítése

діяльності Vizsga, évfolyammunka, gyakorlat minősítésére


90 – 100 А jeles

megfelelt82-89 В jó74-81 С64-73 D elégséges60-63 Е

35-59 FX elégtelen, de ismételt vizsgát tehet

nem felelt meg, a pótbeszámoló lehetőségével

0-34 F elégtelen, a hallgatónak tantárgyat újra fel kell vennie

nem felelt meg, a hallgatónak tantárgyat újra fel kell vennie

Methodology – the grading system will be done by calculating the points you have earned out of the total points possible. Points are earned through:Sectional test – After each unit you are expected to write a test. These are each worth 100 points.Module test – This is a test at the end of the subject module (three in number during the semester) which will cover material of two units. The test will assess your achievement in three skills, i.e. reading, writing, and speaking. The module test is worth 100 points.

Class participation – Regular preparation for class and active participation in discussions is highly appreciated. Your grade may suffer if you do not prepare for the lesson and decide not to participate in class discussion.Reports on individual reading – each week you are expected to make brief and accurate reports on your reading. Anything written in original English, either fiction or non-fiction will serve the purpose. Final exam – you sit a final exam at the end of the semester, which will cover material from the entire semester. Classroom policies and proceduresAttendance policy – The student is expected to attend every lesson. You will be permitted two absences that are previously excused. If the student is not present in a lesson for whatever reason (including illness) it is necessary to pass the missed material in a week’s time. Evaluation and grading scale

To earn an A the student must demonstrate profound knowledge of the material. Earning at least 90% of the total points possible will result in an A

For a B the student will be above average and show comprehensive knowledge. Earning between 82% and 89% of the total points possible will result in a B.

For a C the student will demonstrate only a minimal knowledge of the material. Earning between 74% and 81 of the total points possible will result in a C.

For a D the student will show little knowledge of the material. Earning between 64% and 73% of the total points possible will result in a D.

For an E the student will show limited knowledge of the material. Earning between 60% and 63% of the total points possible will result in an E.

Watching films and reading in English is greatly encouraged!

12. Módszertani ellátottság/ Documents on the Methods of Teaching

1. Curriculum2. Coursebook3. Tests4. Module tests

13. Ajánlott szakirodalom/ Recommended Literature

Tan- és segédkönyvek/ Obligatory Literature

1. Аракин В.Д. И.А. Новикова, Г.В. Аксенова-Пашковская и др. Практический курс английского языка для IV курса: Учеб. для педвузов - М.: Высш. школа, 1999. – 335 с.

2. Beskrovnaya L. From Analytical Reading to Analytical Writing: Навч. посібник для студ. вищих навч. закладів: К.: Видав. Дім “Скарби”, 2004. – 247 с.

3. Тучина Н.В., Меркулова Т.К., Кузьміна В.С. Speak English with pleasure. Torsing, Харків 20

4. Cullingford Cedric, Szabo Tibor. British Culture: An Exercise in Understanding. Budapest:Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 2003

5. Evans V. – Jenny Dooley, Upstream (Proficiency) Student’s Book, Express Publishing, 2002

6. Evans V. – Jenny Dooley, Upstream (Proficiency) Workbook, Express Publishing, 2002

7. PolupanV.L., Polupan A.P, Makhova V.V. A cultural reader. English – speaking countries. Akademia 2000

8. Sheerin Susan, Seath Jonathan, White Gilliam. Spotlight on Britain, 1999. Yanson V., Svistun L. A Practical guide for learners of English. Kyiv: Logos 2002

Kiegészítő olvasmányok/ Secondary1. Crowther, J. (Ed.) Oxford Guide to British and American Culture for Learners of English.

OUP, 1999.2. Cullingford Cedric, Szabo Tibor British Culture: An Exercise in Understanding.

Budapest:Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó 20033. Foreign and Commonwealth Office Editions on related topics4. Harrison, M. Word Perfect. Vocabulary for fluency. Thomas Nelson Ltd., 1992.5. Illés Éva. Ways and Words in England. Budapest: Corvina 20026. Jobbágy Ilona, Katona Lucia, Kevin Shepland, General Communication Skills and

Exercises, 19977. Kingsbury Roy, Longman First Certificate Practice Exams, 1983 8. McCarthy М., Felicity O’Dell, English Vocabulary in Use, 19949. McDowell, D. Britain in Close-Up (New edition). Addison Wesley / Longman, 1998.10. Misztal M. , Thematic Vocabulary 1, 199611. Misztal M. , Thematic Vocabulary 2, 199612. PolupanV.L., Polupan A.P, Makhova V.V. A cultural reader. English – speaking countries.

Akademia 200013. Redman, S. & Ellis, R. A way with Words. Vocabulary development activities for learners

of English. Book 2. CUP, 1990.14. Redman, S. & Ellis, R. A way with Words. Vocabulary development activities for learners

of English. Book 3. CUP, 1991.15. Redman, S. & Shaw, E. Vocabulary in Use. Intermediate. CUP, 199916. Sheerin Susan, Seath Jonathan, White Gilliam. Spotlight on Britain, 199917. Vince M. First Certificate Language Practice. - N.Y., 2003, 309p.

Szótárak/Dictionaries1. Alexander L.G. Right Word Wrong Word,19972. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 19953. Longman Exams Dictionary. England: Pearson 2006 4. Oxford Collocations Dictionary. Oxford: University Press 2002

14. Kérdéssor (vizsgára vagy beszámolóra) / The List of Questions for the Exam1. Means of communication2. Education, literacy.3. The press.4. Radio and television5. Sustainable tourism6. Hi-tech diagnostic equipment vs simple diagnostic tools7. The art of entertainment8. American movies vs European films9. Trends and genres in music. Festivals10. The business of sport11. World sport events12. Global issues: social, political, economic and environmental

13. Understanding social problems14. Tackling social problems15. Workplace challenges16.Women at work: perspectives and experiences17. Dropping out of the fast lane18. The old-age conflict between development and environment19.Industrial development vs environmental protection20.Changing attitude21. Saving the wilderness22. Body language in different cultures23. Internet social networking risks24. Globalization pros and cons25. Music festivals in Britain 26. International organizations27. Body language in different cultures28. Environment and sustainable development29. British newspapers. The language of the British newspapers30. Tackling social problems

15. Mintateszt /Fourth -Year Language Practice Test Sample

Total score: _______ / 100


Part One – Use of EnglishSection A – Rewrite the following sentences. You have to change the original sentence to accommodate the word given. The form of the word must not be changed in any way.

1 When African grasses were introduced, this lead to more frequent fires.

RESULTEDIt was the ___________________________________________________ more frequent fires.

2 The result of isolation has often been the creation of new species. LEADSFrequently, ___________________________________________________ created.

3 Pollution may be responsible for the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus. BLAMEPollution may ___________________________________________________ the dolphins’ loss of immunity to the virus.

4 Hunting is thought to have resulted in the extinction of the dodo.

BROUGHTThe extinction of the dodo___________________________________________________ by


5 A large wasp distracted the students from the lecture. BYThe ___________________________________________________ during the lecture.

6 Everyone believes that the wrong man was accused of the murder.

WIDELYThe ___________________________________________________ been accused of the murder.

7 It’s not often that one’s lucky enough to meet such a famous writer.

CHANCESeldom ___________________________________________________ meet such a famous


8 Whether or not there’s a strong wind, we’ll go sailing tomorrow.

STRENGTHRegardless ___________________________________________________, we’ll go sailing


9 If you’d planned your journey in advance, this problem wouldn’t have arisen.

AVOIDEDHad you planned ___________________________________________________ this problem.

10 If nobody asks to see your passport, say nothing. UNLESSDon’t ___________________________________________________ your passport.

Score: _____ / 20

Section B – For questions 1-15, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space.

Desktop PublishingWith just a computer, appropriate software and a printer, anyone can become a home-based

publisher. All you need, (1) ________________ from the equipment, is a good idea. Take the example of Janice West, a former teacher from Newcastle, who saw a gap

(2) ________________ the market for a free newsletter for local parents telling them about children’s events in the area. As a mother at home with young children, Janice realized that it wasn’t easy getting out (3) ________________ about with them and that (4) ________________ was a need for a guide to local child-friendly events.

(5) ________________ started was fairly straightforward for Janice. She had an Acorn computer, a simple publishing software package and made a deal (6) ________________ A local painter who agreed to run (7) ________________ 5,000 copies of her new publication, which she called Kids Direct.

Janice distributed the free magazine through nurseries, libraries, schools and playgrounds. She also got in touch with private schools and local companies to see (8) ________________ they wanted to advertise. It was the income from this advertising that paid for the production of the magazine and (9) ________________ Janice with a source of income.

The magazine now (10) ________________ out once a school term and each issue (11) ________________ Janice about 60 hours to produce. Although demand for the magazine was high from (12) ________________ outset, Janice had to work hard to build (13) her advertising revenue. Now the magazine (14) ________________her in around $10,000 a year net profit, and she has recently (15) ________________ on a deputy.

Score: _____ / 15


Section A – Fill each of the blanks in the following sentences with a suitable word .

1 That sister of yours! She __________________ be really annoying, you know!2 The crack in the beams resulted __________________ the collapse of the ceiling.3 The block of flats was built __________________ money lent by the local authority.4 The children are so __________________ forward to the party, they can hardly wait!5 Have you insured the car __________________ fire?6 I wish grandfather __________________ be here to see all the children.7 I wouldn’t be surprise if Mary __________________ come first after all.8 __________________ this really be the right address? The house is for sale.9 The spokesperson refused to elaborate __________________ the plans any further.10 If you __________________ see Judith, would you give her my love?

Score: _____ / 10

Section B – Circle the correct item.

1 She ahs been taken to hospital suffering from a ………………. disc.A torn B slipped C broken D sprained

2 From time to time he …………… himself to a weekend in a five-star hotel.A craves B indulges C benefits D treats

3 He’s on his own now – he’ll have to ……………… his own canoe!A row B steer C paddle D ride

4 The performance was spoilt by the leading actor losing his train of thought and ……… over his words in the full scene.A stammering B stuttering C spluttering D stumbling

5 At her trial in 1431 Joan of Arc was accused of being in ………… with the devil.A cooperation B association C league D conjunction

6 During the First World War, an ……….. 5 million people lost their lives.A assumed B estimated C envisaged D approximated

7 Many students find the concept of a fourth dimension difficult to ………….. .A hold B clutch C grab D grasp

8 I hope you won’t take it …………… if I suggest an alternative remedy.A offence B amiss C upset D heart

9 Now’s a… time to tell me you’re going out this evening – I’ve spent the whole day preparing supper for you.A suitable B reasonable C right D fine

10. My cousin obviously didn’t……… much of an impression on you if you can’t remember meeting her.

A create B do C make D build

Score: _____ / 10

Section C – Fill in the correct word derived from the word in bold.

A MODERN ITALIAN ARTISTAmedeo Modigliani was an Italian painter and sculptor whose

(0) ________original_________ paintings, which were characterized by asymmetry of composition, (1) _________________________ of figure, and simple but (2) _________________________ use of line, are among the most important of the 20th century. They have also gained (3) _________________________ for the entirely personal atmosphere with which they are invested: a kind of mute (4) _________________________ between the artist and sitter that implicates the spectator in a truly (5) _________________________ way.

After suffering from serious illnesses as a child, he was forced to give up (6) _________________________ education, and it was then that he began to study painting. After his studies in Italy, Modigliani left for Paris. There, he was overwhelmed by the painting of Paul Cezanne, which exerted an (7) _________________________ influence on the earliest phase of his








work. Furthermore, his (8) _________________________ study of African sculpture made a profound impression on his painting style.

Modigliani was not a professional portraitist in the strict sense of the word. His paintings are almost always portraits of relatives, (9) _________________________ of the Parisian literary scene of his times and the contemporary artistic world, along with many portraits of (10) _________________________ persons.

Score: _____ / 20


You are going to read an article about holidays in Ireland. Six paragraphs have been removed from the article. Choose from the paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which you do not need to use.

On four legs you can take foreverThere is no doubt about it, there can be few better countries to explore by road than Ireland.

Many of the roads are wide, the traffic light, and governed for the most part by a courtesy long forgotten throughout the rest of Europe. But the slower you go, the more you can enjoy Ireland, so the obvious choice is to swap four wheels for four legs. I decided to hire a horse caravan to take from site to site and the gaily-painted red and yellow vehicle became my home for a week; transport and company provided by a grey called Born.

( 1 / ___ )Several inquisitive drivers also asked to look inside. What they saw may have put them off.

These wagons are a long way from the comforts of the modern caravan. They are cosy for one, but can supposedly be occupied by up to five. Bedding, pots and pans, knives and forks, and a bottle-gas cooker are the only concessions to modernity.

( 2 / ___ )Horses, for example, will always try to take the shortest arc round the corner, something a

wheeled vehicle will not do. They then sell you some insurance in case you leave half the caravan behind in your hurry to get out of the campsite. And so to the road.

( 3 / ___ )After feeding and brushing the horse, you put on its bridle and all other strange bits of kit, and

set off, usually stopping the caravan half a mile down the road to run back and collect all the stuff that’s fallen out of the cupboard which you forgot to close. You than travel eight to ten miles with horse and caravan, finally arriving at a campsite, where you feed, water and brush the horse again before putting it in a field until tomorrow.

( 4 / ___ )Nice as that might be, it’s actually all you can do to get these horses walking away from the

campsite. To the known equestrian gaits of walk, trot, canter and gallop, these animals have added the trudge. But that’s probably because they are perfectly happy just to amble along with a caravan behind them. Well, most of them are.

( 5 / ___ )If your horse accepts the fiction that you are in charge, however, you are soon lulled into the

delights of traveling at horse pace. Sitting on the caravan in the sun, with the rumble of the wheels beneath and the lullaby of the horses hooves on tarmac, it’s all too easy to let the eyelids droop.

( 6 / ___ )On the final leg, I took a wrong turning and we found ourselves slipping and sliding down a 1

in 8. I had no alternative but to find a turning place and then put my own back into helping the horse back up the hill again. But that, as they say, is all part of the fun.

A When you begin one of these trips, you spend the first night in the stable yard getting used to the caravan. School starts at 9.30 in the morning. The mysteries of bridles bits, collars and other paraphernalia are explained to the uninitiated an d a few basic rules are outlined.

B One family seemed to have the Irish cousin of a Derby winner pulling them along. I would start out on the road ahead of them each day, only to hear them coming up behind a couple of hours later. I would swerve to the side of the road as they swept past, three faces in a rictus of terror, hands clinging on to the reins in a vain bid to slow down.

C It was a strange sensation to be a holidaymaker and yet become part of the tourist landscape, with cameras pointed at me at all times of the day. Coaches full of flashing lenses passed slowly, occasionally frightening the horse to a standstill.

D You do not really need any equestrian experience; the horse are, for the most part, quiet and compliant animals, and you soon get into a routine: get up, go to field, run round field hopefully waving a carrot, and then watch while some known-it-all collects your horse with a few quiet words.

E We progressed in neat formation, a merry charge along the path with no one left behind or suffering with their horses. It was the sort of riding about which any enthusiast dreams, but so rarely finds.

F If you asked the campsite staff really nicely, they’d no doubt lend you a saddle so you could take your horse for a gallop along the beach. Imagine it. The sea breeze ruffling your hair, the hooves kicking up wet sand and surf.

G The answer to this, of course, is to walk. And that is really the only way to get the most out of it. Probably the most important lesson is to keep to the route you are given. Take it from me, horde caravans and hills do not a good mix make.

Score: _____ / 5


You are the chairperson of your local residents’ committee. A multinational company would like to build a shopping centre in your neighbourhood. Your neighbours have asked you to write a report to the local council summarizing the advantages and disadvantages from the residents’ point of view (approx. 250-300 words).

Score: _____ / 20Content: …… / 5 pointsVocabulary: ....... / 5 pointsLanguage use: …… / 5 pointsCoherence: …… / 5 points

Total: 100 Your total: