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targeted therapy, immunotherapy, hormonal therapy,







人工裝置(以終生計)Prosthetic Device (Each life)

° 必須連續受保於此合約12個月或以上方可獲得賠償

° This Benefit is payable provided that the Member has been continuously covered under the Contract for 12 months or more

每項目 100,000 each item




懷孕併發症(每合約年度計)Complications of Pregnancy (Each Contract Year)

100,00019 善終服務及緩和治療(以終生計)Hospice and Palliative Care (Each life)

在住院、日症或診所手術的「住院及膳食費」、「外科醫生費及巡房費」或「癌症治療及洗腎」的醫療費用可獲賠償的情況下,項目A20�-�A24�將支付出院、日症或診所手術後90日內的跟進門診費用。Provided that the Room and Board, Surgeon and Attendance Fees or Cancer Treatment and Kidney Dialysis is payable with respect to medical expenses for a Hospital Confinement, Day Case or Clinical Operation, items A20 - A24 will cover the expenses of follow-up out-patient visits within 90 days after discharge from Hospital, Day Case or Clinical Operation.

額外出院後門診護理 Additional Post-hospitalisation Out-patient Care







° 須獲主診註冊西醫書面轉介(13)及由心理學家進行

° Subject to written referral(13) from the attending Registered Medical Practitioner and must be performed by a Psychologist

20 出院後心理輔導(只限診症費)Post-hospitalisation Psychological Counselling (Consultation fee only) 每次 1,500 each visit

(每合約年度最多10次 Up to 10 visits each Contract Year)

° 須獲主診註冊西醫書面轉介(13)及由營養師進行

° Subject to written referral(13) from the attending Registered Medical Practitioner and must be performed by a Dietitian

21 出院後營養諮詢(只限診症費)Post-hospitalisation Dietetic Consultation (Consultation fee only) 每次 700 each visit

(每合約年度最多10次 Up to 10 visits each Contract Year)

° 須獲主診註冊西醫書面轉介(13)及由職業治療師進行

° Subject to written referral (13) from the attending Registered Medical Practitioner and must be performed by an Occupational Therapist

22 出院後職業治療(只限診療費)Post-hospitalisation Occupational Therapy (Treatment fee only) 每次 600 each visit

(每合約年度最多10次 Up to 10 visits each Contract Year)

° 須獲主診註冊西醫書面轉介(13)及由言語治療師進行

° Subject to written referral(13) from the attending Registered Medical Practitioner and must be performed by a Speech Therapist

23 出院後言語治療(只限診療費)Post-hospitalisation Speech Therapy (Treatment fee only) 每次 1,000 each visit

(每合約年度最多5次 Up to 5 visits each Contract Year)

° 賠償診症及針灸治療費用 (包括於診治當日由註冊中醫在診所處方並由合法來源取得的基本醫療必需中藥費用)

° Covers consultation and acupuncture fees (including basic Medically Necessary Chinese Medicines prescribed at the Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner's clinic on the same day of consultation and obtained from a legitimate source)

24 出院後中醫師診治及針灸Post-hospitalisation Chinese Herbalist Consultation and Acupuncture

每次 600 each visit(每合約年度最多20次

Up to 20 visits each Contract Year)



每合約年度內有關上文B1至B8項之診治次數上限合共為60次,其中項目B6至B7之診治次數上限為每合約年度合共20次。每一項目以每日最多一次為限。Maximum number of visits per Contract Year for items B1 – B8 above in aggregate is 60 in total, with a sub-limit of 20 visits per Contract Year for items B6 – B7. Subject to a maximum of one visit per item per day.

由第二個合約年度開始提供,每名會員每年可於指定之健康檢查中心接受免費身體檢查一次,或自由選擇及換領價值港幣4,000元的身體檢查,助你及早察覺可能出現的健康問題。有關檢查詳情,請參考換領券。指定健康檢查中心的免費身體檢查只適用於18歲或以上會員。Each Member can enjoy a complimentary medical check-up provided by the designated health screening centres or redeem up to HK$4,000 worth of medical check-up of your own choice once a year starting from the second Contract Year. This can help you identify potential health problems.Please refer to the redemption coupon for full details. Complimentary medical check-up provided by designated health screening centres is applicable to Members ages 18 or above.







取消合約權益你有權於合約生效日起計的 21 天內以書面通知保柏取消合約,唯有關通知必須由你簽署。若你並無獲得任何賠償或有應付賠償,將可獲全數退還已繳保費及徵費。取消合約權益並不適用於續保之合約。

終止合約權益你可於合約週年日前最少 10 天以書面通知保柏終止合約。


索償步驟任何索償須按照保柏所訂的索償程序進行。所有有關該索償的所須文件正本須於求診、診所手術、日症或出院後 90 天內遞交,否則保柏有權在不提供任何理由下拒絕你的賠償。


墊底費墊底費指每合約年度在保柏應付賠償金額前,必須由你承擔的合資格醫療費用。本計劃設有四項墊底費選擇:HK$0、HK$12,000、HK$40,000 或 HK$80,000。墊底費不適用於任何自選保障,如門診保障。若你使用醫療卡支付費用,你須於稍後向保柏付還墊底費金額。若你沒有使用醫療卡,有關墊底費金額將在保柏應賠償支付的費用中扣除。


不受保障項目已存在病症,除非有關病症已於申請表披露並獲保柏接納為承保範圍內(並以書面通知調升保費,如適用)。為避免疑慮,即使任何已存在病症已被接納為承保範圍,合約內「免費保柏國際援助計劃」一節中所述之不受保障項目仍然生效。不是醫療必需的治療、醫療服務、藥物或檢驗。任何在法例下或其他保險計劃內或從其他途徑可獲賠償之治療疾病或損傷費用,除非此等費用未能在該等補償、保險計劃或途徑獲得賠償。在水療中心、天然治療中心、康復院、療養院、老人院或類似機構所提供之住宿、護理或服務的費用。手術性或非手術性整容或整形治療、聽覺測驗、常規驗血、例行檢驗、預防注射或接種疫苗、毛髮礦物質含量分析、健康補品或體重控制,及因視力不正常而引致之治療,包括但不限於常規視力測驗或所需之眼鏡或鏡片費用(計劃內已包括之保障除外)。先天性疾病、發育異常或遺傳性疾病。由保障開始日起首 5 年內,因感染人體免疫力缺損病毒所引致的治療。性病及其後遺症。與懷孕有關的治療,包括診斷性產科檢查、生育、墮胎或小產(計劃內已包括之保障除外);與男女任何一方的節育或絕育有關的治療;由於不育而直接或間接進行的治療,包括體外受孕,任何非自然受孕或人工受孕;與性機能失常有關之治療,包括但不限於陽萎、不舉及早泄(不論任何原因導致)。誤用或服用過量藥物或受酒精影響、蓄意自傷身體或意圖自殺而直接或間接引致的治療。任何因參與犯罪活動而引致之疾病或損傷。另類治療,包括但不限於中藥治療、針灸、穴位按摩、推拿、催眠治療、羅爾夫按摩療法、按摩治療、香薰治療(計劃內已包括之保障除外)。老年性痴呆(包括亞爾茲海默氏病)、帕金森氏病。心理病或精神病症,包括但不限於精神病、神經機能病、抑鬱、焦慮、神經性厭食、精神分裂、行為失常、譫妄症、失眠、神經衰弱等直接或間接引致的治療(計劃內已包括之保障除外)。購買或使用輔助器具,包括但不限於眼鏡、助聽器及其他設備例如輪椅、枴杖的費用(計劃內已包括之保障除外)。任何與牙齒或牙肉疾病有關的治療或檢查(計劃內已包括之保障除外),因意外引致緊急入院治療或住院脫除阻生智慧齒則除外。但不包括該住院後之跟進治療。因戰爭、入侵、外敵行動、開戰(不論是否已宣戰)、內戰、暴動、革命、叛亂或軍人奪權、恐怖活動等直接或間接引致的治療。非醫療性服務,包括但不限於客人膳食、收音機、電話、影印、稅項(就醫療服務所徵收的增值稅或商品及服務稅除外)、醫療報告等費用。所有未經保柏批准之實驗性及 / 或最新治療。任何因核反應或放射性沉降物直接引致的後果或損失。任何下列傳統中藥:冬蟲夏草、靈芝、鹿茸、燕窩、阿膠、海馬、人參、紅參、花旗參、野山參、羚羊角尖粉、紫河車、姫松茸、麝香及珍珠粉。


Important informationWe want to help you understand the Global Supreme Health Insurance Scheme before you enrol. Please read the information below carefully.

Cancellation rightsYou have the right to cancel your contract by giving Bupa a signed written notice within 21 days from the contract effective date. You’ll receive a refund of all the subscription and levy paid, provided that no benefit has been paid or is payable. Cancellation rights aren’t applicable to renewed contracts.

Termination rightsYou can request to terminate your contract by giving at least 10 days written notice to Bupa before the contract anniversary date.

Disclosure of information for underwritingDuring the insurance application process, it’s important that you act with utmost good faith and disclose all material facts to Bupa. If you fail to disclose or misrepresent a material fact and this causes Bupa to accept the risk, this will raise questions about your entitlement to insurance benefits. Consequences may include cancellation of your policy or reduction of entitlement to claims payments.

Claims procedureAny claim must be made following Bupa’s claim procedures. All necessary original documents must be submitted within 90 days after your clinical visit, clinical operation, day case or discharge from hospital. Otherwise, Bupa may reject your claim without providing any reason.

Subscription adjustmentBupa may review and adjust subscription rates from time to time based on factors including but not limited to claim costs, medical trends, inflation and operating expenses, subject to prior written notice to the subscriber. Any changes will be effective from the contract anniversary date.

DeductibleA deductible is the amount of eligible expenses that you must pay each year before Bupa will reimburse your eligible medical expenses. With this plan, you can choose from 4 deductible options: HK$0, HK$12,000, HK$40,000, HK$80,000. The deductible won’t apply to any optional benefits such as Clinical Benefit. If you use your medical card to pay your expenses, you’ll need to reimburse Bupa for the deductible amount afterwards. If you don’t use your medical card, then Bupa will reimburse your eligible medical expenses after subtracting the deductible amount.

Product features revisionBupa reserves the right to revise the contract terms and conditions from time to time subject to prior written notice to the subscriber upon renewal.

General exclusionsPre-existing conditions (unless such conditions have been disclosed in the application and accepted by Bupa to be covered under the contract and, if applicable, with an upward adjustment to the amount of subscription which shall be notified in writing). For the avoidance of doubt, the General Exclusions under the Free Bupa Worldwide Assistance Program Clause of the contract applies notwithstanding any pre-existing conditions covered under the contract.

Treatment, medical service, medication or investigation which is not medically necessary.Any illness or injury for which compensation is payable under any laws or regulations or any other insurance policy or any other sources except to the extent that such charges are not reimbursed by any such compensation, insurance policy or sources.Any charges for accommodation, nursing and services received in health hydros, nature cure clinics, convalescent home, rest home, home for the aged or similar establishments.Any charges in respect of surgical or non-surgical cosmetic treatment, or hearing tests, routine blood tests, general check-ups, vaccinations or inoculations, Hair Mineral Analysis (HMA), health supplements or body weight control, eye refraction including but not limited to routine eye tests or any costs of fitting of spectacles or lens (unless benefit is available).Congenital conditions, developmental conditions or hereditary conditions.Treatment that commenced during the first five years of the member’s coverage commencement date of the contract and which in any way arises from, is attributable to, or is consequential upon Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection.Sexually transmitted (venereal) diseases or their sequel.Treatment relating to pregnancy, including diagnostic tests for pregnancy or resulting childbirth, abortion or miscarriage (unless benefit is available); birth control or sterilisation of either sex; infertility including in-vitro fertilisation or any other artificial method of inducing pregnancy; sexual dysfunction including but not limited to impotence, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, regardless of cause.Misuse or overdose of drugs or being under the influence of alcohol, self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide.Treatment relating to any illness or injury resulting from participation in criminal activities.Alternative treatment including but not limited to Chinese medicines treatment, acupuncture, acupressure, Tui Na, hypnotism, rolfing, massage therapy, aromatherapy (unless benefit is available).Senile Dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease), Parkinson’s disease.Psychological or psychiatric condition(s) of any and all kinds, including but not limited to psychoses, neuroses, depression, anxiety, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia, behavioural disorders, delirium, insomnia, neurasthenia (unless benefit is available).Any charges for the procurement or use of special braces and appliances, including but not limited to spectacles, hearing aids and other equipment such as wheel chairs and crutches (unless benefit is available).Any treatment or investigation related to dental or gum conditions (unless benefit is available) except for emergency treatment arising from accidents or the extraction of impacted wisdom teeth during hospital confinement. Follow-up treatment from such hospital confinement shall not be covered.Treatment arising from war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power or terrorist acts.Non-medical services, including but not limited to guest meals, radio, telephone, photocopy, taxes (except the Value-Added Tax or Goods and Services Tax for medical services), medical report charges and the like.Experimental and/or new medical technology or procedure not yet approved by Bupa.Any consequence or loss which is a direct result of nuclear reactions or radioactive fallout.Any of the following traditional Chinese medicines: cordyceps, ganoderma, antler, cubilose, donkey-hide gelatin, hippocampus, Ginseng, red ginseng, American Ginseng, Radix Ginseng Silvestris, antelopehorn powder, placenta hominis, Agaricus blazei murill, musk and pearl powder.

資料披露�Disclosure of information


本冊子乃資料摘要,僅供參考之用。有關計劃之詳盡保障範圍、不受保障項目、條款及細則,請參閱合約。中、英文之意思如有任何差別,概以英文為準。This scheme is underwritten by Bupa which is authorised and regulated by the Insurance Authority in Hong Kong. Hang Seng Bank is an insurance agent authorised by Bupa for the exclusive distribution of this scheme. Subscription will be payable to Bupa upon enrolment in this scheme. Bupa will provide Hang Seng Bank the relevant commission and performance bonus in accordance with the selling of this scheme. The existing sales staff remuneration policy offered by Hang Seng Bank will take into account various aspects of staff performance but not solely the sales amount. HealthPro Concierge Service is provided by Bupa. In respect of an eligible dispute arising between Hang Seng Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, Hang Seng Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the policy terms or performance (claims and service) of the product should be resolved directly between Bupa and the customer.

This brochure is a product summary for reference only. Please refer to the contract for detailed coverage, exclusions, terms and conditions. In the event of any discrepancy in respect of the meaning between the Chinese version and the English version, the English version shall prevail.