ODD: Extending Requirements Analysis 2

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Obstacle Driven Development

Extending Requirements Analysis 2



Obstacle Driven Development

26/02/2015 ©odd.enterprises 2

ODD Circle Model

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ODD Process

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Ideas of Obstacle Driven Development (ODD) are based on numerous development processes including:

• ISO V-model

• Test Driven Development

• ISO specifications

• Requirements analysis

• Agile principles

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About Requirements Analysis

Requirements analysis encompasses tasks that determine the needs or conditions necessary for a new or altered product.

Tasks necessary for requirements analysis include:

• Analysing, documenting, validating and managing software or system requirements

• Identify and resolve conflicting requirements of stakeholders

• Identifying business needs or opportunities using testable and traceable processes

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Requirements Analysis 1

Requirements analysis spiral and Safety Integrity Levels are adapted to give ODD processes.

Requirements analysis is performed in numerous ways

• Spiral model

• Use case analysis

• Safety integrity Levels (SILs)

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Requirements Analysis 2

A spiral model is superimposed with an M-model and adaptions made.

• Agreed Behaviours substitutes Agreed Requirements

• Quality Assurance equivalent to Testing

• Negotiation similar to Verification

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Requirements Analysis 3

Further adaption leads to an ODD model for requirements analysis.

• Product, Consolidated Requirements and Documents are checkpoints

• Verification substituted for Negotiation

• Validation substitutes Evaluation

• Testing substitutes Quality Assurance

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ODD Analysis

Requirements analysis is adapted to allow for ODD and combined with the first stages of an M-model.

• Safety Integrity Levels used to measure and process hazards

• Decision tree approach used to create situations

• Verification and validation of specification

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ODD M-model

Adding Solution and Production stages of development results in an ODD M-model.

• ODD process is linked from start to finish, and beyond

• Verification and validation between all stages

• Tests are ran as additions and editing occurs

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ODD M-model Checkpoints 1

Checkpoints are determined for the solution and production stages.

• Prototype created from integrated solution

• Product is result of production

• Linked to other checkpoints horizontally

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ODD M-model Checkpoints 2

Checkpoints allow linking and testing of results to previous stages.

• Each checkpoint links another

• Prototype fulfils identified requirements

• Product should behave as described in documents

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Fire Triangle 1

A fire triangle is an educational tool for understanding and preventing fires.

• If the fire triangle is completed then a fire will occur

• Preventing one situation from occurring will prevent a fire

• Requirements often regard preventing fires

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Fire Triangle 2

Using a reordered fire triangle it is seen that components combine to create a hazard.

• Process is adaptable to all fire hazards and environments

• Extendible to any number of fire hazard situations

• Components can be given SIL ratings for Probability, Severity and Controllability

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Fire Triangle 3

Reordering again gives a decision tree for fire prevention.

• Investigated for requirements of a situation

• Each branch is analysed and processed

• Useful for any and all fire hazards

• To simplify oxygen is assumed present

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Fire Triangle 4

Decision tree shows the hazards of each situation.

• Top branch ignites a fire

• Next 2 branches are fire hazards

• Each situation is analysed separately

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Probability Tree 1

Probability trees measure likelihood of an event occurring from a defined situation.

• A common example is probability of coin tosses

• Probability of heads occurring assumed to be 50%

• Each branch gives an individual situation

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Heads 50%

Heads 50%

Tails 50%

Tails 50%

Heads 50%

Tails 50%

Binomial Distribution 1

Binomial distributions determine probability for any number of events with 2 possible outcomes.

• Binomial process illustrates how decision trees can be extended

• Potential use to model complex interactions

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Binomial Distribution 2

Binomial distributions determines probability for any number of events with 2 possible outcomes.

• Decision trees can be extended for infinite number of events

• Only used to model true or false experiments

𝑃 𝑋 = 𝑘 =𝑛𝑘

𝑝𝑘(1 − 𝑝)𝑛−𝑘

𝑃 𝑋 = 𝑘 = Probability of Event

𝑘 = Number of Events

𝑛 = Number of Trials

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Probability Tree 2

Coin toss example is extended into engineering by substituting system components.

• Working component replaces heads

• Failing component replaces tails

• Potential hazards of a series of failures can be determined

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Component 1Pass 99%

Component 2Pass 98%

Component 2Fail 2%

Component 1Fail 1%

Component 2Pass 98%

Component 2Tails 2%

Binomial Distribution 3

Binomial distributions used to determine probability for components failing.

• Commonly used for measuring probabilities in manufacturing

• Extendible to model failure in the field

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Component 1Pass 99%

Component 2Pass 98%

Component 2Fail 2%

Component 1Fail 1%

Component 2Pass 98%

Component 2Tails 2%

Probability Tree 3

Probability trees are easily extended to other situations.

• Coins may also land on their side

• Landing on sider assigned a probability of 0.017 % (1 per 6000 tosses)

• Probability tree has exponentially more branches

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Head ≈ 50%

Head ≈ 50%

Tails ≈ 50%

Side ≈ 1 / 6000

Tails ≈ 50%

Head ≈ 50%

Tails ≈ 50%

Side ≈ 1 / 6000

Side ≈ 1 / 6000

Head ≈ 50%

Tails ≈ 50%

Side ≈ 1 / 6000

Probability Tree 4

Probability trees can be used to ensure all possible situations are modelled.

• Systems have unknown states between pass and fail

• Unknown states include loss of communication or wear

• Unknown states investigated for effects

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Component 1Pass 98%

Component 2Pass 96%

Component 2Fail 2%

Component 2Unknown 2%

Component 1Fail 1%

Component 2Pass 96%

Component 2Fail 2%

Component 2Unknown 2%

Component 1Unknown 1%

Component 2Pass 96%

Component 2Fail 2%

Component 2Unknown 2%

Safety Integrity Levels 1

Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) are used to measure potential hazards of a situation.

• Situation is analysed for Probability, Severity and Controllability

• Estimates for a risk of hazards occurring from the situation

𝑆𝐼𝐿 = 𝑃 𝐸 ∗ 𝑆 𝐸 ∗ 𝐶 𝐸

𝑃 𝐸 = Probability of Event

𝑆 𝐸 = Severity of Event

𝐶 𝐸 = Controllability of Event

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Safety Integrity Levels 2

Safety Integrity Levels are used for a wide range of safety critical analysis.

• Probability is how likely a situation will occur

• Severity is potential damage of a situation

• Controllability is ability to effect change in a situation

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𝑆𝐼𝐿 = 𝑃 𝐸 ∗ 𝑆 𝐸 ∗ 𝐶 𝐸

Safety Integrity Levels 3

Coin toss example is extended to provide example of SILs.

• Probability of result is different for each coin

• Severity of outcome measured by hazards

• Controllability determined by who flips coin and stakes

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Safety Integrity Levels 4

Probability tree and SILs are combined to form a decision tree.

• Measures added for severity and controllability

• Each branch is a situation with SIL ratings and requirements to be found

• SIL ratings are applied and found for each situation

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ODD Decision Tree 1

A decision tree creates situations and processes requirements.

• Severity and Controllability are added to each event

• Requirements are found with SIL processes using branches

• Facilitates a unit testing approach for situations

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ODD Decision Tree 2

Adding SIL components to a Probability Tree allows requirement identification from a decision tree.

• Structure is a branching probability tree with SILs

• SILs are found by multiplying along branches of a decision tree

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ODD Decision Tree 3

Processing resulting decision tree is similar to a probability tree.

• SIL ratings processed by multiplying probability, severity and controllability

• SIL rating multiplied along branches

• SIL result between 1 and 4, with 4 being best

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Component 1Pass


Component 2Pass


Component 2Fail


Component 1Fail


Component 2Pass


Component 2Fail


ODD Decision Tree 4

Using a decision tree and SILs gives numerous advantages.

• Branches are used to ensure predictable situations are found

• Extendible and adaptable to new situations

• Each branch is a situation

• Situations are found from combining component situations

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Component 1Pass

Component 2Pass

Situation A

Component 2Fail

Situation B

Component 1Fail

Component 2Pass

Situation C

Component 2Fail

Situation D

Processing Decision Trees

Situation A defines a situation where both components have passed.

Using a decision tree we can find a SIL rating for the situation.

𝑆𝐼𝐿 𝐴= 𝑃 𝑃1 ∗ 𝑆 𝑃1 ∗ 𝐶 𝑃1 ∗𝑃 𝑃2 ∗ 𝑆 𝑃2 ∗ 𝐶(𝑃2)

Situation D defines a situation where both components have failed.

Using the decision tree we can find a SIL rating for the situation.

𝑆𝐼𝐿 𝐷= 𝑃 𝐹1 ∗ 𝑆 𝐹1 ∗ 𝐶 𝐹1 ∗𝑃 𝐹2 ∗ 𝑆 𝐹2 ∗ 𝐶(𝐹2)

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ODD Decision Tree 5

Decision tree gives potential for an infinite range of situations.

• Events can be comprehensively modelled and extended

• New situations added as branches

• Models complexity of expected situations

• Software implementation

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ODD Decision Tree 6

Component 1Pass

Component 2Pass

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 2Fail

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 3Unknown

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 1 Fail

Component 2Pass

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 2 Fail

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 2Unknown

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 1Unknown

Component 2 Pass

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 2Fail

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

Component 2Unknown

Component 3 Pass

Component 3 Fail

Component 3 Unknown

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A decision tree to illustrate complexity of modelling situations and software will be necessary to facilitate this. Modelled are 3 components with 3 different states: Pass, Fail and Unknown.

Creating Unit Tests 1

Unit testing is used to link requirements with behaviours.

• Each branch represents a situation which a behaviour should cover

• Requirements are found from situations

• Unit tests are created for each branch of a decision tree

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Creating Unit Tests 2

Each requirement creates a test which is solved by describing a behaviour.

• Test is created to ensure requirement is covered

• Specification describes all expected behaviours of a product

• Allows cross examination of behaviours against situations

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Creating Unit Tests 3

1. Requirement is chosen from branch on a decision tree.

2. Behaviour verification test is created directly from requirement.

3. Behaviour is described to cover requirement.

4. Behaviour is validated by passing test.

5. Repeat for all requirements.26/02/2015 ©odd.enterprises 38

Creating Unit Tests 4

Unit tests link situations and requirements with behaviours through creating and solving a test.

• Verification through creation of test

• Validation through passing test

• Situations are combined to produce complex situations

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Linking Tests 1

Each situation is linked to a behaviour contained in a specification.

• Behaviour A covers normal operation

• Behaviour B and C cover single failures of components

• Behaviour D covers total failure of components

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Linking Tests 2

Each situation creates a unit test to link analysis with specification.

• Diagrams shows various stages of completeness

• Once unit test is passed it becomes green

• Tests are implemented as a suite and ran when editing occurs

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Linking Tests 3

Each situation is linked to a behaviour contained in a specification.

• Behaviour A covers normal operation

• Behaviour B and C cover single failures of components

• Behaviour D covers total failure of components

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Linking Tests 4

When using a waterfall type development then analysis is complete when all tests are passed.

• Tests run when any changes in analysis or specification

• Ensures expected situations are covered

• Potential for infinite situations

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ODD Combined Model

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The testing process is similar throughout ODD with adaptions between stages.

• Each set of traffic light demonstrates unit testing

• Tests begin with an element from previous stage

Linking Tests 5

Tests link product features with analysis through utilisation and elicitation.

• Requirements are found from analysing each feature

• Each feature is a single aspect of the product

• Unit testing is applied

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Linking Tests 6

Requirements analysis is the most difficult and important stage to link.

• Utilisation and elicitation should concern situations resulting from product features

• Customers are involved for utilisation and elicitation

• Each situation encountered is covered by a requirement

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Further Information and Questions

• Website

• Presentations

• Facebook

• Twitter

• Email

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Legal Stuff

ReferencesTest Driven Development for Embedded C

James Grenning, 2011

Requirements Analysis


Safety Integrity Level


Decision Tree


Requirements Spiral Model


Unit Testing


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