Npdp 新產品開發流程

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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新產品開發是可以找出其法則的, 而目前這套法則讓所有的人較容易開發創新. 作者:Richard Pei裴有恆/專長主管流程改善創新,產品創新,商業模式創新,專案管理

Transcript of Npdp 新產品開發流程


New Product Process


� 講師:裴有恆 Richard Pei

� Email:

� NPD經驗: 5.5年RD經驗,11.5年產品經理,專案經理,流程管理經理


� 現職:元創意資深產品經理暨執行董事

� 資歷: Alcatel台灣分公司,甲尚科技,台灣大哥大.仁寶電腦,神達電腦

� 學歷:

� 南加大電腦工程碩士

� 外貿協會ITI第六期行銷班,第一期品牌班結業

� 生產力中心PMP國際專案管理實務班結業(2008/10)

� NPDP認證 2009年10月1日

� ISO9001, TS16949, ISO/IEC 17025, ISO13485合格內部稽核員

About New Product Process

� Understand the characteristics of product

processes including:

� Phases from concept to launch

� Lifecycles

� Decision points and gates

� Required activities for each phase

� A good new product process increases

chances of success and cuts losses from

losing products early

Product Life Cycle

� A way to trace the stage of a product’s acceptance

from its introduction to its demise.

� A tool to help marketers understand, where their

product is now, what may happen, which strategies product is now, what may happen, which strategies

are normally appropriate.

Product Life Cycle




Introduction Stage

� Cost are high

� Slow sales volumes to start

� Little or no competition

� Demand has to be created� Demand has to be created

� Customers have to be prompted to try the product

Growth Stage

� Cost reduced due to economies of scale

� Sales volume increases significantly

� Profitability begins to rise

� Public awareness increases� Public awareness increases

� Competition begins to increase with few new

players in establishing market

� Increased competition leads to price decreases.

Mature Stage

� Costs are lowered as a result of production volume increasing and experience curve effects

� Sales volume peaks and market saturation is reached

� Increase in competitors entering the market� Increase in competitors entering the market

� Price tend to drop due to the proliferation of competing product

� Brand differentiation and feature diversification is emphasized to maintain or increase market share

� Industrial profits go down

Decline Stage

� Costs become counter-optimal

� Sales volume decline or stabilize

� Price, profitability diminish

� Profit become more a challenge of � Profit become more a challenge of

production/distribution efficiency than increases

The Life Cycle and Consumers

� At the market level, the new product is first in the

marketplace:2.5% of the market.

� Early adoptors:13.5% of the market

� Early majority: 34% of the market� Early majority: 34% of the market

� Late majority: 34% of the market

� The laggards: 16%

Five gambling rules:

� Step 1: When the uncertainties of the new product

project are high (that is, when the prospects of

success are fuzzy), keep the amounts at stake low.

When you don’t know where you’re going, take small steps. 當不確定性高時,別賭太大

Five gambling rules:

� Step 2: As the uncertainties decrease, let the

amounts at stake increase. As you. Learn more

about where you are going, take bigger and bigger steps. 當風險降時,逐漸加碼

Five gambling rules:

� Step 3: Incrementalize the new product process

into a series of steps or stages. Treat it as a series

of options purchases. Each step should be more costly than the one before. 分批加注

Five gambling rules:

� Step 4: View each stage as a means of reducing

uncertainty. Remember that information is the key

to uncertainty reduction. Each step in the process

that creates an expenditure must reduce .

uncertainty by an equivalent amount. “Buy a series of looks” at the project‘s outcome. 看每個階段逐漸



Five gambling rules:

� Step 5: Provide for timely evaluation, decision, and

bail-out points. These decision points pull together

all the new information from the previous stage

and pose the questions, “Are you still in the game? .

Should you proceed to the next stage, or kill the project now?” 設定停損點,適時退場


Product Development

� It is the overall process of strategy, organization,

concept generation, product and marketing plan

creation and evaluation, and commercialization of a new product.一種新產品的整個流程的策略、組織、


New Product Process

� A disciplined and defined set of tasks and steps

that describe the normal means by which a

company repetitively converts embryonic ideas

into salable products or services.

Seven Goals of a New Product Process

� Goal #1: Quality of Execution

� Goal #2: Sharper Focus, Better Prioritization

� Goal #3: Fast-Paced Parallel Processing

� Goal #4: A True Cross-functional Team � Goal #4: A True Cross-functional Team


� Goal #5: A Strong Market Orientation with

Voice of the Customer Built In

Seven Goals of a New Product Process

� Goal #6: Better Homework Up-Front

� Goal #7: Products with Competitive Advantage

Goal #1: Quality of Execution

� There exists the need for a more systematic and

quality approach to the way firms conceive,

develop, and launch new products.

� The way to deal with the quality problem is to � The way to deal with the quality problem is to

visualize product innovation as a process and to

apply process management and quality

management techniques to this process.

� Note that any process in business can be

managed, and thus it can be managed with a view

to quality.

Goal#2: Sharper Focus, Better Prioritization

� A “new product funnel” builds in tough go/kill

decision points;

� One funneling method is to build the new product

process around a set of gates or go/kill decision process around a set of gates or go/kill decision


� These gates are the bail-out points where we ask,

"Are we still in the game?"

� Gates are analogous to the quality-control

checkpoints in the new product process

Goal #3 Fast-Paced Parallel Processing

� In marked contrast to the relay or sequential

approach, with parallel processing many activities

are undertaken concurrently rather than in a series.

� Due to cross-functional and multidisciplinary in

entire NPD process, players run down the field

with much interaction, constantly passing the ball


Goal #4 A True Cross-functional Team Approach

� The multifunctional nature of innovation coupled

with the desire for parallel processing means that a

true cross-functional team approach is mandatory

in order to win at new products.

� The project team is cross-functional to release

time from their normal jobs to spend on the project

is provided to team members.

� The project team has a clearly defined team

captain or leader.

Goal #5 A Strong Market Orientation with Voice of

the Customer built in

� If superb new product success rates are the goal,

then a market orientation executing the key

marketing activities in a quality fashion must be

built into the new product process as a matter of

routine, rather than by exception.

� Marketing inputs must play a decisive role from

beginning to end of the project.

Goal #6 Better Up-Front Homework

� The up-front homework helps to define the product

and to build the business case for development.

� The ideal new product process ensures that these � The ideal new product process ensures that these

early stages are carried out before the project is

allowed to proceed before the project enters full

fledged Development.

Goal #7 Products with Competitive Advantage

� Ensure that at least some of the criteria at every gate focus on product superiority.

� Require that certain key actions designed to deliver product superiority be included in each stage of the product superiority be included in each stage of the process.

� Demand that project teams deliver evidence of product superiority to project go/kill reviews; make product superiority an important deliverable and issue at such meetings

8 points of A Systematic New Product Process

1. The new product process must be a quality process.

There is a dear need for a systematic new product

process to guide and facilitate the new product project

from idea to launch.

2. The process or game plan must be designed to manage 2. The process or game plan must be designed to manage

risk; a multistage and gate framework is most


3. Gates are central to the new product process.

4. Parallel processing balances the need for a complete

and quality process with the desire for a speedier process.

8 points of A Systematic New Product Process

5. The process requires a cross-functional, empowered team headed by a team leader with authority.

6. The process is market-driven and customer-focused.

7. Up-front or predevelopment homework is crucial to

success, and these activities must be built into the game success, and these activities must be built into the game

plan in a consistent and systematic way.

8. The quest must be for superior differentiated products

that offer value to the user.

Essential up-front activities

� Initial screening 初步篩選

� Preliminary technical assessment 初步技術評估

� Preliminary marketing assessment 初步行銷評估

� Detailed technical assessment 詳細的技術評估

� Manufacturing or operations assessment製造或業務評估

� Detailed market studies詳細的市場研究

� Resource and capabilities assessment資源和能力的評估

� Financial and business analysis 金融和商業分析

� Product definition and business case產品的定義和業務案例

� Decision on business case決定商業案例

Nine integral and mandatory marketing actions

� Customer-based idea generation

� Preliminary market assessment

� Market research to determine user needs and wants

Competitive analysis: an assessment of competitors� Competitive analysis: an assessment of competitors

� Concept testing

� Customer reaction during development

� User tests

� Test market or trial sell

� Market launch

New Product Process

PDMA Process


Phase Process











Stage-Gate Process



Go to












LaunchGoto LaunchTesting and

ValidationGoto Testing

Phase 1: Opportunity Identification and Selection

� Generate new product opportunities as spinouts of

the ongoing business operation, new product

suggestions, changes in marketing plan, resource

changes, and new needs/wants in the marketplace.

Research, evaluate, validate, and rank them (as

opportunities, not specific product concepts). Give

major ones a preliminary strategic statement to

guide further work on them.

Phase 2: Concept Generation

� Select a high potential/urgency opportunity, and

begin customer involvement. Collect available new

product concepts that fit the opportunity and

generate new ones as well.

Phase 3: Concept/Project Evaluation

� Evaluate new product concepts (as they begin to

come in) on technical, marketing, and financial

criteria. Rank them and select the best two or

three. Request project proposal authorization

when have product definition, team, budget,

skeleton of development plan, and final PIC.

Phase 4: Development

� A. Technical tasks

� Specify the full development process and its deliverables. Undertake to design prototypes; test and validate prototypes against protocol; design and validate

• B. Marketing tasks• Prepare strategy, tactics,

and launch details for marketing plan, prepare proposed business plan and get approval for it, stipulate product augmentation (service, design and validate

production process for the best prototype; slowly scale up production as necessary for product and market testing.

augmentation (service, packaging, branding, etc.) and prepare for it.

Phase 5: Launch

� Commercialize the plans and prototypes from

development phase; begin distribution and sale of

the new product (maybe on a limited basis); and

manage the launch program to achieve the goals

and objectives set in the PIC (as modified in the

final business plan).

Phase Process

Funnel rather than tunnel


� The point is at which a management decision is

made to allow the product development project

to proceed to the next stage, to recycle back

into the current stage to better complete some of into the current stage to better complete some of

the tasks, or to terminate. The number of gates

varies by company.

Gate Input

� Gates serve as quality-control check points, as

go/kill and prioritization decisions points.

� 1. A set of required deliverables :This is what the

project leader and team must bring to the decision project leader and team must bring to the decision

point (for example, the results of a set of completed

activities). These deliverables are visible, are based

on a standard menu for each gate, and are decided

at the output of the previous gate. Management's

expectations for project teams are thus made very


Gate Criteria and Output

� 2.Criteria against which the project is judged: These

include "must-meet" or "knock-out" questions (a checklist)

designed to weed out misfit projects quickly. There are also

"should-meet" criteria or desirable factors, which are

scored (a point count) and used to prioritize projects.scored (a point count) and used to prioritize projects.

� 3. Defined outputs: These include a decision

(go/kill/hold/recycle), an approved action plan for the next

stage (complete with people required, money and person-

days committed, and an agreed time line), and a list of

deliverables and date for the next gate.

Stage V.S. Gate


� The group of management serves as advisors, decision-makers and investors in a Stage-Gate process. Using established business criteria, this multifunctional group reviews new product opportunities and project progress, and allocates opportunities and project progress, and allocates resources accordingly at each gate. This group is also commonly called a Product Approval Committee or Portfolio Management Team.

� Gatekeepers include Banker, Enforcer, Quality Assurors, Mentors and Godfather.

Stage 0: Discovery

� Discovery Stage builds in a defined, proactive idea

generation and capture system. Activities in the

Discovery Stage include undertaking directed but

fundamental technical research, seeking new

technological possibilities;

Gate 1: Idea Screen

� The first decision to commit resources to the project: The project is born at this point.

� Criteria often deal with strategic alignment策略, project feasibility可行性, magnitude of opportunity 市project feasibility可行性, magnitude of opportunity 市場機會and market attractiveness市場吸引力, product advantage產品優勢, ability to leverage the firm's resources, and fit with company policies.

� Financial criteria are typically not part of this first screen

Stage 1: Scoping

� This first and inexpensive homework stage:

objective of determining the project's technical and

marketplace merits

� Concurrently a preliminary technical assessment is

carried out, involving a quick and preliminary in-

house appraisal of the proposed product.

Gate 2: Second Screen

� Project is subjected to a second and somewhat

more rigorous screen at Gate 2.

� The project is reevaluated in the light of the new � The project is reevaluated in the light of the new

information obtained in Stage 1.

Stage 2: Build Business Case

� opens the door to product development. It is also the

critical homework stage

� The elements of this definition include target market � The elements of this definition include target market

definition; delineation of the product concept;

specification of a product positioning strategy, the

product benefits to be delivered, and the value

proposition; and the spelling out of essential and

desired product features, attributes, requirements,

and specifications.

Business Case

� Business Case: The results of the market, technical and financial analyses, or up-front homework市場,技術和財務分析,或前期功課的結果. Ideally defined just prior to the "go to development" decision (gate), the case defines the product and project, including the case defines the product and project, including the project justification and the action or business plan 構想的定義是在“走到發展”的決定(門)之前,確定了專案的產品和項目,包括項目正當性和專案計劃.

� Key deliverable to Gate 3, the decision point that opens the door to a full-fledged development project

Gate 3: Go to Development

� This is the final gate prior to the Development

Stage, the last point at which the project can be

killed before entering heavy spending. Once past

Gate 3, financial commitments are substantial. In

effect, Gate 3 means "go to a heavy spend." Gate

3 also yields a "sign off" of the product and project


Stage 3: Development

� Witnesses the implementation of the development

plan and the physical development of the product.

Lab tests, in-house tests, or alpha tests ensure that

the product meets requirements under controlled


� The emphasis in stage 3 is on technical work, but

parallel marketing and operations activities are also


Gate 4: Go to Testing

� This post-development review is a check on the

progress and the continued attractiveness of the product and project. 開發階段後的檢視

� Development work is reviewed and checked,

ensuring that the work has been completed in a

quality fashion and that the developed product is

indeed consistent with the original definitionspecified at Gate 3. 確認開發工作的產出品質,及


Stage 4: Testing & Validation

� This stage tests and validates the entire viability of

the project: the product itself, the production

process, customer acceptance, and the economics

of the project.

� Provide final and total validation of the entire

project: the commercial product, production, and


Gate 5: Go to Launch

� This is the final gate opens the door to full

commercialization-market launch and full

production or operations start-up. It is the final

point at which the project can still be killed.

Stage 5: Launch

� This final stage involves implementation of both

the marketing launch plan and the production or

operations plan.

� The post-Launch monitoring plan kicks in early in

the Launch stage, while the project’s performance

on key metrics takes place, and the project team

responds with necessary action.


Discovery Market Action

� Customer-based idea generation: working with

lead users and key customers is to identify

problems, and to conduct strategic planning

exercises to uncover disruptions and gaps in the

marketplace leading to significant and emerging

opportunities for new solution.


Scope Market Action

� preliminary market assessment: an early,

relatively inexpensive step design to assess

market attractiveness and to test market

acceptance for the proposed new product with an

Internet search, a library search, contacting with

key users, focus groups, and even a quick concept test with a handful of potential users.透過市場研究


Build Business Case Market Action

� market research to determine user needs, wants,

and preferences: in-depth, face to face, and on-

site interviews with customers to determine

customer needs, wants, preference, likes, dislikes,

and buying criteria, as input to the design of the new product. 透過市場研究找出需要,想要,和偏好,


Development Market Acton

� Customer reaction during development: Continuing

concept and product testing through the

development phase, using rapid prototypes,

models, and partially completed products to gauge

customer reaction and seek feedback.


Test & Validation Market Action

� User tests: Field trials or beta tests using the finished

product (or commercial prototype) with users to verify the

performance of the product under customer conditions

and to confirm intent to purchase and market acceptance

. 到使用者所在地真實測試看效能/市場接受度. 到使用者所在地真實測試看效能/市場接受度

� Test market, or trial sells : A mini-launch or “soft launch”

of the product is a limited geographic regions or single

sales territory as a test of all elements of the marketing

mix in a very controlled manner, and measuring

consumer response to the product and its launch.


Launch Market Action

� Market launch: a proficient launch, based on solid

marketing plan, and backed up by sufficient resource. 在完善的上市計畫及足夠資源下上市

The lifecycle of a concept

Feature of 3rd Generation of stage-gate


� Flexibility

� Fuzzy (conditional) gates

� Fluidity

� Focus (project prioritization and portfolio management)

� Facilitation

� Forever green-always regenerating and improving

Nexgen Stage Gate

The Design and Implementation of A New

Product Process

� Stage 1: The Foundation: Defining the Process


� Stage 2: Designing the Stage-Gate New Product

Process Process

� Stage 3: Implementation of Stage-Gate

Stage 1: The Foundation: Defining the Process


� 1. Seek senior management commitment

� 2. Assemble a task force.

� 3. Hold a "kick-off" seminar/workshop.

� 4. Conduct an internal audit of current practices. � 4. Conduct an internal audit of current practices.

� 5. Benchmark other firms.

� 6. Conduct a thorough literature review.

� 7. Map the next steps.

� 8. Secure senior management sign-off.

Stage 2: Designing the Stage-Gate New Product


� addressed as your detailed Stage-Gate model

takes shape

1. Stage descriptions

2. Deliverables 2. Deliverables

3. Gate descriptions

4. Gate procedures

5. Organization

6. What’s "in" the process?

Stage 3: Implementation

� Bringing Projects into the NPP

� Getting Commitment and Buy-In

� Communicating your NP Process

� Provide Training� Provide Training

� Develop IT Support for the Process

� Metrics-How Well Are You Doing?

� A Process Manager





會議kickoff EVT





EVT DVT PVTDiscovery





� Cooper, Robert G., Winning at New Products

� Crawford, C. Merle and Anthony DiBenedetto, New

Products ManagementProducts Management

� McQuarrie, Edward F.: The Market Research

Toolbox A concise Guide for Beginners