NMCSD PT/Sports Medicine/Chiropractic Wet-side Brief.pdf · Technique . Appointment Booking ......

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Transcript of NMCSD PT/Sports Medicine/Chiropractic Wet-side Brief.pdf · Technique . Appointment Booking ......

NMCSD PT/Sports Medicine/Chiropractic

Naval Base SD Clinic


Clinic Hours: 0700-1200; 1300-1600 M-F **Closed for Training:

2rd & 3rd Thursday from 1300-COB for Departmental All Staff

Current Staff: ADH: LCDR Shawn Weber 3 PTs: LCDR Weber, Dr. Angela Tognoni, Dr. Mike Coller, 3 Army-

Baylor Interns 1 Chiropractor: Dr. Kim Khauv 7 PTA/PTTs: HM2 Elliot Pereira, HM3 Kevin Wilson (LPO), HM3

Dani Gray, HM3 Amanda Reyes, Ms. Heather Alie, Mr. Sid Soriano, Mr. Mike Sims

MSA: Ms. Erin Van Asch


Post-Op Care

Collaboration with Total Joint Clinic

Orthopedic MSK Care for AD

Physical Therapy Core Privileges:

Manual Therapy (Grade V manipulations) Chiropractor Consult Management

Order Consults, Imaging, Labs

SIQ 72 hours/Light Duty 30 Days (No PRT Waivers)

Supplemental Privileges:

Order Medications, Trigger Point Dry Needling, Active Release Technique

Appointment Booking Process

Consult Driven Specialty **Recommend Patient Walks Over to Front Desk to Book

Appointment Same Day** (Preferred option) May get same day cancellation appointment

Patient can call Front Desk NAVSTA to Book (Secondary option) Physical Therapy Front Desk: 619-556-8096 LEAVE A MSG!!

Appointment Booking Flyers Given by PCM to patient: implementation TBD

No-shows: 2 Consecutive / 3 during course of care PT care will be discontinued

Appointment Booking Process

Direct Access Acute Spine (onset w/in 7 days)

M-F 0700-0900

No previous h/o injury or pain to region (acute-on-chronic on case by case basis)

No referral needed **

If you have seen the member for the MSK complaint please place a consult

Appointment Booking Process


Do not duplicate PT & Chiro consults

Avoid Chiropractic consults for “maintenance”

Phone: (619) 556-5936

**Recommend Patient Walks Over to Front Desk to Book Appointment Same Day**

Appointment Booking Process

MSK Spine patients – either Chiro or PT referrals

Indicate “SPINE TEAM” in consult body

Allows for maximizing Access to Care and multidisciplinary spine care (PT and Chiro can coordinate care as needed)

Inform pnt that we will book first available PT vs Chiro

Avoids duplicate consults**





Previously successful or failed PT for same issue

Pnt contact

SMART Centers Sports Medicine and Reconditioning Team


CDR(ret) Kelly Skanchy M.D. FAAFP

Keith Stumpf AT-C CSCS

Anthony Banaag AT-C CSCS

HM3 Andrikis

Sports Medicine Clinic

Naval Branch Health Clinic

Naval Station San Diego

2450 Craven Street

San Diego, CA


Phone: (619) 556-5936

Fax: (619) 556-9869


NBSD PT: Wet-side Education Brief

LTJG Bob McNeal

LTJG James Harris Maxfield III

LTJG Anne Sidwell

Low Back Pain

Anterior Knee Pain

Atraumatic Shoulder Pain


Most common diagnosis seen at NAVSTA

Often chronic, although sometimes acute

Acute Fast-track Spine Clinic

Chronic self-manage; PT or chiropractic

Many low back patients with similar impairments who could benefit from simple interventions

Some cases where red flag symptoms/significant systemic symptoms have been overlooked

#1 Low Back Pain

Evidence Biopsychosocial approach (Kamper et al 2014)

Better outcomes with early PT vs delayed referral (Fritz et al 2017)

Inclusion of cognitive aspect (mindfulness or cognitive behavioral therapy) has better results at 1-2 years post-tx (Cherkin et al 2017)

Strength/resistance training and coordination/stabilization training both show improvements (Searle et al 2015)

Low Back Pain

< 7 days

Screen for red flags

If new issue (has not had back pain or injury before) can utilize direct access spine clinic

Treatment: Relative rest, pain control, modalities (heat/ice), controlled motion

Neurological deficits (b/b, saddle paresthesia, etc.) to specialist or ED

ACUTE Low Back Pain


Saddle anesthesia

Bowel/bladder dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction

Progressive neurological changes (most notably weakness vs pain)

Low Back Pain

Factors to consider Correlation between chronic pain & depression1

Correlation between nonspecific low back pain and smoking2

Activity level & job requirements

Sleep & nutrition habits

Ergonomics vs motion

Treatment: encourage activity, not immobilization, and strengthen weak areas

Chronic Low Back Pain

Low Back Exam


Ears over shoulders over hips over knees over ankles

Commonly see increased lumbar lordosis (especially in body types with increased abdominal circumference)

Low Back Exam

Functional testing

Gait – limited trunk rotation, hip drop, trunk lean

Double leg squat form

SL stance

Ipsilateral hip drop glute med deficit

Low Back Exam, cont.

Repeated motions

Flexion in standing

Extension in standing

Flexion in lying

Aka knees to chest

Extension in lying

Aka prone press-ups

Identify, test, re-test

Low Back Exam, cont.

Hip & thoracic spine ROM

Neurologic testing as indicated

Strength testing

Hip extension and ABD often weak

TFL substitution for glute med

Back Pain Therapeutic Exercise

Common Impairments Interventions

Impaired glute strength Prone hip extensions, glute bridges, clamshells

Poor core stability/control

Planks, quadruped reaching, diaphragmatic breathing, lower trunk rotations

Decreased hip mobility Pigeon stretch, hamstring stretch, hip flexor stretch, child’s pose/prayer stretch

Limited thoracic spine mobility

Sidelying rotations, extensions on foam roller, seated thoracic extensions/rotations/sidebending

Core stability/motor control is impaired in most patients with low back pain, and well-meaning websites instruct them to “strengthen your core”

Common misconception: sit-ups, flutter kicks, and knee raises are great for the core Most of these exercises generally encourage over-

activation of the hip flexors

Most people with low back pain already have over-active hip flexors...

Core Training Considerations

Core Training: Better Choices


Side planks

Glute bridges

Especially with hip ADD or ABD

Paloff press


For a patient with pain that radiates down either lower extremity Centralization = symptoms consolidate up into low back

Peripheralization = symptoms radiate down into lower extremities

With centralization, the pain in the low back may be more intense but should be less widespread

Flexion or extension commonly centralize or peripheralize pain Centralized pain is the goal


Yoga for LBP

Some evidence suggests a yoga program is as effective as physical therapy for non-specific low back pain

Yoga classes offered through MWR and Health & Wellness

Our clinic uses several yoga poses in many low back pain treatment programs

Chronic Low Back Pain


Treat Your Own Back HEP2go.com


Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

Patellofemoral Syndrome (PFS)

Retropatellar Pain Syndrome (RPPS)


#2 Anterior Knee Pain

Common symptoms:

Insidious onset, no mechanism of injury

Pain peripatellar and retropatellar

Relief with rest

Aggravating factors:

ladder wells

prolonged sitting



Anterior Knee Pain

Common signs:

Tenderness to palpation of patellar facets, femoral condyles

Possible crepitus

Pain and/or apprehension when asked to squat

(+) patellar grind

Anterior Knee Pain

Rule out:

1) Instability, especially with traumatic etiology

2) Fracture

Ottawa Knee Rules

Pittsburgh Knee Rules

3) Infectious/inflammatory process

septic joint, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Anterior Knee Pain

No consensus regarding etiology i.e. there is no magic pill

Biomechanical factors? Q-angle Patellar lateral displacement and tilt

Muscles & soft tissues?

Weak quadriceps Weak gluteus maximus/medius Tight ITB/lateral retinaculum or HS Tight hip flexors

Regional interdependence

Hip, ankle mobility deficits

Anterior Knee Pain


Hip strengthening and knee strengthening protocols improve function and decrease pain (Ferber et al, 2015)

Exercise therapy can be stand-alone intervention or combined with taping, foot orthotics (Crossley, et al 2016)

Anterior knee pain with no red flags should be treated conservatively first, prior to considering surgery (author recommends 3 months) (Werner 2014)

Anterior Knee Pain

Go-to first line exercises:

Strengthen: gluteus medius/maximus, quadriceps

Stretch: hamstrings, calves, quadriceps, hip flexors

Activity modification:

Avoid running, jumping, impact

Warm up before activity

Promote non-compressive exercise

elliptical, bike, swimming

Anterior Knee Pain


Sidelying hip abduction

Glute bridge

Wall squat Hip hikes


Squat form



Non-specific Shoulder Pain (Impingement, RTC tendinosis, etc.)

• Third most common referral to NAVSTA clinic

• Chronic/overuse injuries vs trauma • Progressive pain of insidious onset • Dislocation, FOOSH, direct trauma

• Navy specifics – Seagoing rates • Tight engineering spaces • Deck Department • Overhead manual labor

Trauma – When to Refer and to Who

• FOOSH – Potential AC joint pathology • Point tenderness -> no imaging • Palpable step off -> plain films • Grades 1&2, attempt HEP before referral

• No improvement after 4-6 weeks -> PT

• Grades 3-6 – Orthopedic referral • Clavicle only connection UE to axial skeleton • With AC, CC and Conoid ligaments, unstable

• HEP to consist of PRICE -> RTC strength

Trauma – When to Refer and to Who

• Glenohumeral Dislocations

• TUBS vs AMBRI • “Born Loose” • History of previous dislocations/subluxations • Beighton Score 0-9 • HEP -> Referral to PT • “Torn Loose” • Bankart Lesion – Tear of anterior inferior glenoid labrum, likely GH

ligaments • Neuro – Axillary > Radial nerves • Warrants further imaging – MRI without contrast • Orthopedics referral

Trauma – When to Refer and to Who

• Miscellaneous Trauma – ALWAYS CLEAR C-SPINE!! • Scapular Fractures

• TTP -> Imaging • Potential neurovascular involvement

• RTC tears • Drop arm test to rule out full thickness tears • If negative – HEP before PT referral

• Humeral shaft fractures • Very often emergencies!

• Radial Nerve in spiral groove – Check wrist extension / sensation

• Brachial artery potentially compromised – Check distal pulses

Atraumatic Shoulder Pain

• Impingement

• Irritation/inflammation of tendons in subacromial space

• Painful Arc

• Most commonly irritation of supraspinatus tendon

• Various causes

• Overuse

• Repetitive overhead actives

• Poor scapular mechanics

• Attempt HEP prior to PT referral

• With significant scapular dyskinesia, immediate PT referral warranted

Atraumatic Shoulder Pain

• RTC Tendinosis • Over 40, manual labor, repetitive tasks

• Likely present with partial thickness tears - NOT surgically indicated

• Pain with resisted motions • Pain with passive ROM at EOR

• Attempt HEP prior to PT referral unless: • Significant strength loss • Progressing ROM deficits not easily explained

Atraumatic Shoulder Pain

• Adhesive Capsulitis aka “Frozen Shoulder” • Unknown etiology

• Possibly secondary to trauma or infection

• 40-60 years old • Progressive loss of ROM in capsular pattern

• ER, abduction, IR, flexion

• Immediate PT referral • Freezing, frozen, thawing

• Sooner treatment –> better prognosis

Scapular Dyskinesia - Winging

Scapular Dyskinesia - Tipping

Scapular Dyskinesia - Protraction

HEP Exercises

ELASTIC BAND SHOULDER EXTERNAL ROTATION - While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand near your stomach and then pull the band away. Keep your elbow at your side the entire time.

ELASTIC BAND SHOULDER INTERNAL ROTATION - While holding an elastic band at your side with your elbow bent, start with your hand away from your stomach, then pull the band towards your stomach. Keep your elbow near your side the entire time.

HEP Exercises

ELASTIC BAND SCAPULAR RETRACTIONS WITH MINI SHOULDER EXTENSIONS - While holding an elastic band with both arms in front of you with your elbows straight, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band back. Be sure your shoulders do not raise up.

Rows with Scapular Retraction - Facing elastic band with arms out as shown, pull elbows backwards squeezing shoulder blades together. Keep upright posture and shoulder back.

HEP Exercises

Upper Trapezius Stretch - Sit at front edge of chair and hold onto edge of seat. Turn chin towards armpit, and reach over head to hold head to one side. Lean body away from anchored arm.

Doorway Pec Stretch- Place hands on either side of doorway as shown. Step one foot forward and gently lean chest forward to feel a mild-moderate sense of stretch across the chest.

HEP Exercises

IR SLEEPER STRETCH - Start by lying on your side with the affected arm on the bottom. Your affected arm should be bent at the elbow and forearm pointed upwards towards the ceiling as shown. Next, use your unaffected arm to gently draw your affected forearm towards the table or bed.

INTERNAL ROTATION TOWEL STRETCH - pull up your affected arm behind your back with the assist of a towel


Cherkin DC, Anderson ML, Sherman KJ, Balderson BH, Cook AJ, Hansen KE, Turner JA. Two-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Usual Care for Chronic Low Back Pain. JAMA. 2017;317(6):642-644. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.17814

Crossley KM, van Middelkoop M, Callaghan MJ, et al 2016 Patellofemoral pain consensus statement from the 4th International Patellofemoral Pain Research Retreat, Manchester. Part 2: recommended physical interventions (exercise, taping, bracing, foot orthoses and combined interventions) Br J Sports Med Published Online First: 31 May 2016. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2016-096268

Fritz, J. M., Minchel, K., Magel, J. S., & Asche, C. V. (2017). Cost-Effectiveness of Primary Care Management With or Without Early Physical Therapy for Acute Low Back Pain: Economic Evaluation of a Randomized Clinical Trial. Spine, 42(5), 285–290. doi:10.1097/BRS.0000000000001729

Goldberg, M. S., Scott, S. C., & Mayo, N. E. (2000). A Review of the Association Between Cigarette Smoking and the Development of Nonspecific Back Pain and Related Outcomes. Spine, 25(8), 995–1014. Retrieved from http://journals.lww.com/spinejournal/Abstract/2000/04150/A_Review_of_the_Association_Between_Cigarette.16.aspx

Kamper SJ, Apeldoorn AT, Chiarotto A, Smeets RJ, Ostelo RWJG, Guzman J, van Tulder MW. Multidisciplinary biopsychosocial rehabilitation for chronic low back pain. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, Issue 9. Art. No.: CD000963. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD000963.pub3.

Reed Ferber, Lori Bolgla, Jennifer E. Earl-Boehm, Carolyn Emery, and Karrie Hamstra-Wright (2015) Strengthening of the Hip and Core Versus Knee Muscles for the Treatment of Patellofemoral Pain: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Athletic Training: April 2015, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 366-377.

Searle, A., Spink, M., Ho, A., & Chuter, V. (2015). Exercise interventions for the treatment of chronic low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical Rehabilitation, 29(12), 1155–1167. doi:10.1177/0269215515570379

Werner, S. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2014) 22: 2286. doi:10.1007/s00167-014-3150-y


PCMs Resources to MSK Care

NMCSD Patient Education Handouts

Limited to 4-6 exercise due to compliance

First line of defense for insidious onset conditions

USUHS website:


Section for patient and provider

Video clips and patient handouts for therex

Different stages of rehab: level 1, level 2, and level 3