Name : First name - e-monsite

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Transcript of Name : First name - e-monsite

Name : First name :

My English Book

Date Pages

A. Rappel sur les pronoms: relie le pronom à sa traduction.

I ◊ ◊ Ils / elles

They ◊ ◊ Il (pour un animal ou une chose)

We ◊ ◊ Elle

She ◊ ◊ Je

It ◊ ◊ Il

You ◊ ◊ Tu, vous

He ◊ ◊ Nous

B. Rappel sur les pronoms: associe chaque sujet au pronom qui correspond.

Complète à l’aide de HE / SHE / IT / WE / YOU / THEY.

Mary = …………………………………… John = …………………………………….

The rabbit = ……………………………… Sam and Pam = ……………………………

Mike and I = ……………………………… The table = ……………………………

Jennifer = …………………………………… Steve and you = ……………………………

Mark = ……………………………… Leslie and me = ………………………………


I am

You are

He/She/It is

We/You/They are

I am not

You aren’t

He/She/It isn’t

We/You/They aren’t

Am I?

Are you?

Is he/she/it?

Are we/you/they?


C. Relis le tableau de conjugaison du verbe BE (être) à la forme affirmative

ATTENTIVEMENT et complète le texte en conjuguant correctement.

Hello! I ………… Maria and I ………… from Madrid in Spain. I ……… 11 years old and

I love music. I’ve got two sisters and one brother. My brother ………… Alberto,

he ………… tall and thin and he loves computer games. My two sisters …………

younger than me and my brother. I ………… the oldest of my sisters. My sisters

………… 3 and 4 years old. They like playing with dolls. I ……… very funny, I usually

go out with my friends Marta and Noelia on Saturdays. They ………… 11 and 12

years old. My mum loves cinema and my dad loves sport and nature. I ……… very


D. Complète les phrases avec le verbe BE conjugué (forme affirmative).

1 . My teacher ……………………… American.

2. We ………………… at school.

3. Where …………… my dictionary?

4. What ………… it?

5. I ………… eleven years old.

6. ………… you OK?

7. We ………… students.

8. Murray ………… my brother.

9. Susan and Sarah ………… my friends.

10. I …………… from Spain.

11. John ………… English.

How are




E. Relis le tableau de conjugaison de BE forme négative ATTENTIVEMENT.

Mets les phrases suivantes à la forme NEGATIVE.

1) Relie chaque forme affirmative à sa forme négative.

I am

You are

He is

She is

It is

We are

You are

They are

2) Pour chaque phrase, entoure la forme de BE.

Puis, remplace le sujet souligné par un pronom (He/She/It/They) et mets la

phrase à la forme négative.

- John is twenty years old.


- Mike and Peter are American.


- The dog is black.


- I am from Marseille.


F. Remets les mots dans l’ordre pour former une phrase avec be.

1. I / not / a teacher. / am ......................................................................................................

2. She / my mother. / is ............................................................................................................

3. The boys / playful. / are ......................................................................................................

4. The girl / in the room. / is ...................................................................................................

5. We / not / are / at home. .....................................................................................................

6. My dad / smart. / is ..............................................................................................................

7. My mother / a housewife. / is .............................................................................................




Ecris à la forme négative : have not got / has not got

1. We _________ got any cheese in the fridge.

2. She ________ got blue eyes.

3. Nick ____ got karate lesson today.

4. My sisters ________ got bike.

5. Kate and Zoe _________ got a pet.

6. I_________ got scarf.

7. They __________ got favourite music.

8. He __________ got new baseball cap.

9. Snowhite ________ eight dwarfs.

10. My friend ________ any brothers.

11. His father _______ got black hair.

12. Mary _______got favourite pet.

13. It __________got big ears.

14. You __________ got nice collection.

15.Angels _____________ tail.

Choisir la forme correcte : have/has got

1. We ____________ three balls.

2.She ________ long brown hair.

3.Alan _____________ a new car.

4. Mark and Leo _________ a camera.

5.Jane _________ a little puppy.

6.It ___________a long tail.

7.I____________ some apples in my bag.

8.My parents _________ a big garden.

9.They __________ two sons.

10.We _____________ good teachers.

11.Nick, Jack and Leo __________ two

hamsters in the cage.

12.My sister ______ a new boyfriend.

13.They_______ good video films.

14. My friend _______ a super PC


J’utilise ’have got’ pour dire ce que je possède

J’utilise ’have got’ pour parler des membres de la famille


Forme affirmative

I have got= I’ ve got

You have got= You’ve got

He has got = He ’s got

She has got= She’s got

It has got = It’ s got

We have got= We’ve got

Forme négative

I have not got= I haven’t got

You have not got= You haven’t got

He has not got= He hasn’t got

She has not got= She hasn’t got

It has not got= It hasn’t got

We have not got = We haven’t got

Attention : à la 3ème personne du singulier : have got has got


- A camera = un appareil photo

- a puppy = un chiot

- a tail = une queue

- a boyfriend = un petit ami

- a friend = un ami

- a dwarf = un nain

- 7 dwarfs = 7 nains

- a scarf = une écharpe

- a cap = une casquette

- an angel = un ange

- angels = des anges

HOBBIES John is the reporter of a school newspaper. Here is his article about pupils of his school. Read the article. (Lis l’article)

Ex 1 : Complete the chart. (Complète le tableau)




School subject(s) he or she likes

(matière scolaire qu’il / elle apprécie)

Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old. She likes writing poems and painting pictures.

Tom is 15 years old and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, designing Internet sites and playing the piano.

Robert is almost 13 years old. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. Our pupils do many interesting things and they are very busy.

They also love different subjects. Tom is the best pupil at maths. Lara is good at art and literature and Robert is one of the best pupils at sport. Their hobbies help them study well too.

Ex 2 : Answer the questions. (Réponds aux questions)

1. How old is Robert? ...........................................................................................................

2. Who has the most hobbies? (Qui a le plus de passe-temps)

Copy the sentence that helped you decide. (Justifie)


3. Is Tom older than Robert? (Est-ce que Tom est plus vieux que Robert ?)


4. Who likes playing football? (Qui aime le foot?)


5. Is playing the piano Lara’s hobby? YES NO

6. Who writes the article about hobbies? (Qui écrit l’article?)


7. Who is the best pupil at maths? (Qui est le meilleur en maths ?)


8. Who is almost 13 years old ? (Qui a presque 13 ans?)

Ex 3 : Complete the sentences. (Complète les phrases en t’aidant du texte)

1. Lara is ………………………………………years old.

2. Tom likes designing ………………………………………

3. Robert is the best pupil at ………………………………………

4. The hobbies help them ………………………………………

5. Lara likes …………………………… poems and …………………………

6. Reading ………………………………………stories is Robert’s hobby.

Ex 4: Write T(true) (VRAI) or F(false) (FAUX).

Lara’s hobby is maths. …………………………….

Playing football is Robert’s hobby. …………………………….

Lara is good at art. …………………………….

Robert is 15 years old. ………………………….

Tom is good at literature. …………………………….

Ex 5: Circle the correct word(s). (Entoure le(s) mot(s) correct(s))

John is a teacher / reporter.

Tom, Robert and Lara are reporters / teachers / pupils.

Lara likes art / music / football.

Tom’s hobby is football/poems.

Tom is 15 / 13 / 11 years old.

Lara is good at art and literature / football and maths.

Trouve les mots cachés dans la grille (ils sont notés dessous).

Puis, sur ton cahier, observe chaque image et note quel mot correspond.

Corrigez les erreurs ( “mistakes”) avec une phrase négative comme :

Mike hasn’t got a big nose ou : Jane isn’t wearing glasses

George has got short curly hair. He´s wearing glasses. He´s got round eyes and a

small nose. He´s got a big mouth.



Paul has got long straight hair. He´s wearing glasses. He´s got small eyes and a

big mouth. He´s got big ears.



Chris has got a beard. He´s wearing glasses. He´s got big ears. He´s got long straight

hair. He´s got black curly hair.



Tim has got a small nose. He´s wearing glasses. He´s got big eyes and big ears. He´s got

long black hair. He´s got a big mouth.



Bill has got a moustache. He´s wearing glasses. He´s got small eyes. He´s

got straight hair. He´s got a big mouth



jump run fly swim

This is a frog .

It can jump .

This is a …………….……….. .

It can ……………………….

This is a ……………………….. .

It can ……………………….

This is a ……………..……… .

It can ……………………….

This is a …………………… .

It can ……………………….

This is a ………….………….. .

It can ……………………….

This is a ……………..…… .

It can ……………………….

This is a ……………..……. .

It can ………………………..

This is a …………………… .

It can ……………………….

turtle frog fish tiger bird rabbit lion monkey dolphin


Monkeys are interesting

animals. They have got hair on

their body and they have got a

tail. They have a face similar

to human face.

They are generally vegetarian so they like fruits and vegatables.They like bananas very much. But they can eat


They are intelligent animals. They can use stones and they can peel fruits. Scientists teach

them human language and they can understand it but they can’t speak it.

They are social animals. They have got tribes. They live in the rainforest and they sleep on the trees. They work together and they get their food. Sometimes, they work together and they steal their food from humans! They are intelligent, funny and amazing animals.

A) What are the meanings of the darker words in the text?

(Trouve la signification des mots en gras dans le texte)


Interesting Tail

Similar to Generally

Insects İntelligent

Stone To peel

Social Tribe

Rainforest Together

To steal Amazing

B) Answer the questions below.

Have monkeys got hair on their body?


Can monkeys eat meat?


Can monkeys peel fruits?


Can a monkey speak human languages?


Where do they live in?


Where do they sleep?


Can they steal food?
