Na Yingyu/Our Homeland! Gone Just Like

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Our Homeland! Gone Just Like That was shot in the villages of the Jade Dragon Naxi Autonomous Prefecture of Lijiang, Yunnan, China from November 2006 toMarch 2007.

Transcript of Na Yingyu/Our Homeland! Gone Just Like

Na Yingyu

Our Homeland! Gone Just Like




HDV/2006~2009/1920x1080 Pixel/PAL/5Hrs.53Min.42Sec


作品以3220分钟HDV磁带,3000张数码照片,百万字地方史料为素材,最终作品时长353分钟,杂糅了视频、图片、文本的混合录像。 作品的后期剪辑合成自2007年6月开始,定稿完成于2009年5月。

作者以拓扑学入门媾和中国章回体小说体例, 拓扑为体,章回为用, 确定作品结构,制作了一部59个章节回目的录像作品。

每个章节皆为拓扑学中莫比乌斯带上的任意一点,在作品局部看似结构相近的两个章节,整体却可能有不同的结构。每个章节皆为独立的纤维丛,章节之间互为中心,互为犄角。 章回体小说“讲史”的方式体现在作品中,则是在每一章节的讲说以前,用标题向听众揭示主要内容。内容从劳作、歌唱、植物动物、民族史碎片、民族关系、民间外交、舞蹈、游戏、主观访谈、旅途偶遇、风物、祭祀、婚丧、工艺制造中随机抽取,不一而足。

Our Homeland! Gone Just Like That was shot in the vil-lages of the Jade Dragon Naxi Autonomous Prefecture of Liji-ang, Yunnan, China from November 2006 toMarch 2007. The three main locations are Lashihai and Huangshan, both Naxivillages near the high and sandy Lijiang valley; and Tacheng, a grouping ofNaxi villages in the forested mountains west of the first bend of the GoldenSand river (a section of the upper Yangtze). The project materials started from 3220 minutes of HDV tape, 3000 digitalphotos, and millions of words of local historical ma-terials. In the end, itbecame 353 minutes of video, stills, and text. The postproduction ran from June 2007 to May 2009. The director builds the video starting with an interest based in mathematicaltopology - that is, the study of the qualities that are preserved despite deforming, twisting, tearing and stretch-ing. The chapter structure is conceived of in the Zhang-Hui chap-ter structure of Chinese serial fiction, where the narrative is delivered as short chapters with informative chapter headings. Taking each of the 59 chapters as any topological section on a Möbius strip, the structures of any two chapters seem similar in their details, but are syntactically different. Chapters set up this way mutually focus and support each other the way fibers do when bundled together. Farming, singing, propagation, fragmentary ethnic history, relationships between ethnicities, folk diplomacy, dancing, games, casual interviews,encounters while traveling, scenery, sacrifice, marriages & funerals, and craftproduction are all ran-domly presented.

楔子 00:02:38:24 [时:分:秒:帧]The Library Index

英文标题“The Library Index”意为“图书馆索引系统”。此章节从组成作品的全部3421个镜头中,每个镜头截取1帧(1/25秒),构成全片索引。

章一 A00:00:45:10Chapter1 A


This chapter takes one frame from each of the 3421 scenes in thevideo to serve as an index.

My first time to the house of the Naxi dongba He Xiudong in Tacheng. I had my own room, and slept when it got dark. All Icould see was the Han style court lan-tern on the ceiling.

章二 雾路游翠郭

00:10:01:22Chapter2 Wandering on a Misty Road in the Green Mountains


章三 农事:拉松毛Chapter3 Farm work: Getting Pine Needles 00:04:28:01


Wandering on a Misty Road in the Green Mountains, is translated into Chinese from Naxi, by the Naxi scholar Yang Fuquan. It refers to the third king-dom of Yulong, a place of freedom where the souls of Naxi couples who have committed love-suicide aim to go.

In fall, the Naxi farmers collect the pine needles in the surrounding hills for fuel and livestock bedding.

章四 秣度山下Chapter4 Under Modu Mountain00:20:41:10

17世纪初, 藏传佛教——白教中的一支噶玛噶举派,在纳西木氏土司支持下于滇西北广为传播。指云寺即为总管滇川大香格里拉地区十五座噶玛噶举寺院的东宝活佛的主寺。寺中喇嘛多来自四川藏区。

章五 掠Chapter5 Wheeling00:06:07:23


In the early 7th century, through the support of the local Naxi chieftain, the Karma Kagyu School of the White Hat Sect of Tibetan Buddhism flourished in Northwest Yunnan. The Zhiyun temple is the main temple managing the Dongbao Rinpoches of the 15 Karma Kagyu temples in the Greater Shangri-La (Yunnan and Sichuan) area. Most of the lamas at Zhiyun temple are from Tibetan parts of Sichuan.

Lashi lake is a high plateau wetland (2400 meters elevation), an important habitat for about 57 species of migratory birds. Roughly 30,000 birds come each winter. Flocks of birds shift at dusk, honking and squawking.

章六 乡村即景:拉市乡海南村吉祥一社Chapter6 Village scene: Jixiang First Commune, Hainan Village, Lashi00:07:44:19


章七 美国高中旅行团向拉市乡海南村民提问


Chapter7 An American high school tourist group questioning the farmers of the Lashi Hainan Township


Jixiang First Commune of Hainan Village of Lashi, is a Naxi farming village in a faulted basin with a lake, common to the high valleys of the Yunnan-Gui-zhou Plateau. The area is fertile and prosperous.

One side is a group of American high school students, whose average age is about fifteen. The other side is Naxi farmers, whose average age is around 35. The two interpreters are American teachers, both are about 28.

章八 农事:补路

00:02:54:11Chapter8 Farm Work: Maintaining the Road


章九 天高星崖

00:03:52:04Chapter9 Sky High Above, Stars, Cliffs


The mountain Naxi farmers maintain their road before a major dongba ritual.

Sky high above. Stars, cliffs, some Naxi talk, the name of a place. The dong-ba sorcerer Sangni got the sacred stone here.

章十 农事:织布

00:00:58:17Chapter10 Farm Work: Weaving


章十一 功夫:少年,少年,祖国的春天

00:00:01:10Chapter11 Kung Fu: Youngster, Youngster, Spring of Our Motherland

成年人聚会喝酒,少年在一边游戏,模仿着功夫电影。 The highland Naxi people make capes and felt caps from wool. While the men drink beer, the boys play around as in kung fu movies.

章十二 嘶马出门思旧乡

00:02:20:07Chapter12 Travelling on a Neighing Horse, Homesick


章十三 十万神魔十万雪·除秽


Chapter13 One Hundred Thousand Gods and Ghosts, One Hundred Thousand Snowflakes:Purification


Up the hill in a meadow behind Zhiyun temple, there is just some dried grass left. A solitary horse with a white blaze grazes up there.

Dongba He Xiudong is holding a traditional dongba ceremony at his own home on the eve of the lunar New Year.

章十四 和志华:和秀东的父亲

00:04:24:21Chapter14 He Zhihua:He Xiudong’s Father


章十五 堂大风冷

00:03:22:23Chapter15 Grand Hall, Chilly Wind

一个老人去世做头七,邻居们带来鸡蛋和大米,大家一起吃了饭。 On an old man’s seventh day in the coffin, the neighbors bring eggs and rice, and everybody has a meal together.

He is the father of He Xiudong. His father, He Shun, was a Dongba, too. He has been in city of Lijiang working in the “dongba” tourism development areas before returning to the mountains.

章十六 麽些安魂曲:笃

00:04:18:14Chapter16 Naxi Requiem: Du


章十七 欢迎来世间:全功率超级赛亚人

00:02:17:07Chapter17 Welcome to the World:Super Saiyan FullPower


DU is the first movement of the Naxi mortuary music suite BAI SHA XI YUE.

KOSEIDON appears from a dense pine thicket.

章十八 吴积仁

00:00:44:09Chapter18 Mr.Wu


章十九 绵绵瓜瓞

00:00:32:04Chapter19 The next generation

造小人。 Born in 1928, the former head of the Prefectural Cultural Center. Have a baby.

章二十 猪,都是要死的:篡自西蒙娜·德·波伏娃

00:14:18:23Chapter20 All the Pigs Are Destined to Die (Interpolated from Simone de Beauvoir)


章二十一 回声:血肉之犬

00:02:48:15Chapter21 Echo: Dog of Flesh and Blood

坝子纳西人杀猪,有妇人十字绣,有白狗食下水。 The mountain Naxi men killed two pigs for the new year. The valley Naxi men are killing pigs, the women are cross-stitching, and a

white dog drinks drink the blood-red water.

章二十二 醓醢乎

00:01:56:02Chapter22 Minced Meat

纳西米灌肠制作方法。 醓醢tǎn hǎi: 带汁肉酱。

章二十三 剑川

00:03:23:24Chapter23 Sword River

剑川县,丽江城东南。白族聚居地。 Making the Naxi blood-and-rice sausage. Sword River (Jianchuan county), southeast of Lijiang. An ethnically Bai area.

章二十四 远古的时候,人死的今天,你应唱着笑着跟他去呀


Chapter24 In Ancient Times, Today Someone Dies, You Should Follow Him Singing and Laughing


章二十五 和明与和驯

00:07:52:12Chapter25 Mr. He Ming and Mr.He Xun

两个老东巴。纳西人的东巴信仰日渐式微。 Phrase from the dongba funeral dance KUA CUO, which means White Cranes Dancing.

Two old dongbas. They believe that Naxi dongbas are dying out.

章二十六 酴醾也

00:04:12:24Chapter26 Strong Liquor

拜访纳西贤达,屡屡大醉。酴醾tú mí 。

章二十七 兔崽子:人类之友

00:03:42:23Chapter27 Fucking Bunnies: Friends of Humans

昌都匠人造佛的寺庙后院,几个静谧的下午。 Visiting the Naxi saints, so drunk. The backyard of the temple where the Changdu craftsmen make joss,

some silent afternoons.

章二十八 第一次描摹山势练习

00:04:17:15Chapter28 The First Time to Practice Drawing the Mountains


章二十九 乡村即景:塔城乡依陇村署明四社

00:07:26:17Chapter29 Village scene: Shuming Fourth Commune, Yilong Village, Tacheng


The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain hiding behind the blue-black peaks, ap-peared when the thick clouds gone.

There are two kinds of Naxi habitations in Lijiang, mountain and basin. Com-pared to those in the lower lands, the mountain Naxi are poor, but have kept more of their cultural traditions.

章三十 科普小知识:如何帮助小猪绝育

00:01:40:18Chapter30 Common Scientific Knowledge: How to Help the Little Pigs Get Sterilized


章三十 一 热吉师傅为李丽莎念诵的平安经

00:08:57:11Chapter31 Scripture of Peace that Master Reji Recites for Li Lisha

热吉不贪财。诵经毕,手不接钱,示意供奉佛前。 Castration. ReJi is not greedy for money. After reciting scriptures, he did not take the

money, but suggested it be put on the altar.

章三十二 夜间的女儿

00:01:48:21Chapter32 Daughter at Night


章三十三 柏拉图《苏格拉底的自辩书》

00:01:01:14Chapter33 The Apology of Socrates by Plato

《长水》章的药引。 Boys practice kung fu, girls dance. The episode of the CHANG SHUI chanpter .

章三十四 熹光

00:00:44:24Chapter34 Morning Rays of Light


章三十五 署明东巴学校

00:02:49:05Chapter35 Shuming Dongba School

2006年在署明四社建立的东巴文化传承点学校,位于村小学旁边。人去楼空。 Shuming Fourth Commune’s Dongba Cultural Heritage School was built in 2006, next to the village primary school. Empty chairs at empty tables.

Morning rays touch meat.

章三十六 谁没个三亲四戚,五朋六友

00:03:53:08Chapter36 Who in the World Doesn’t Have a Couple of Friends and Relatives


章三十七 依陇少年先锋队

00:05:52:17Chapter37 Yilong Young Pioneers

三个教师。高寒山地小学。 The valley Naxi family party with four generations. Three teachers. Alpine primary school.

章三十八 十万神魔十万雪·祭天


Chapter38 One Hundred Thousand Gods and Ghosts, One Hundred Thousand Snowflakes:Sacrifice to Heaven

正月初五,由东巴和秀东主持,和杨两姓共同参加的祭祀仪式。 自称“纳西美布诺”(意为“纳西人是祭天的子民”)的纳西族,将祭天视为民族标志。祭天也由此成为东巴教中民俗性大道场和最隆重的庆典之一。祭天有春祭和秋祭。秋祭在七月,称小祭天; 春祭在正月,称大祭天。

章三十九 生牛勿近

00:03:36:13Chapter39 Don’t Get Close to the Mother Cow


On the fifth day of the first lunar month, with dongba He Xiudong presiding, the He and Yang families gather for the ritual sacrifice.Naxi people describe themselves NA XI MEI BU NUO (Naxi who sacrifice to heav-en) and take this worship of heaven as a symbol of their culture. The ritual of sac-rificing to heaven is the site where the Naxi’s own popular conception of dongba religion is produced. This ritual includes a spring (minor) sacrifice in the first lunar month and an autumn (major) sacrifice in the seventh lunar month.

A calf was born unto the He family’s barnyard. Everyone went to see. But the calf’s father has an awful temper, and injured the grandmother just a few days later.

章四十 和合

00:17:41:16Chapter40 The Shaman’s Wedding


章四十一 弦子

00:02:24:16Chapter41 Xianzi(Tibetan Musical Instruments)


After the mourning period in his father-in-law’s family came to an end, He Xiudong held his marriage in the proper traditional way.

The villagers in the wedding are from the border between Yunnan and Tibet. Naxi villagers wearing Tibetan finery, choking Tibetan instruments.

章四十二 福国残照:纪念徐霞客

00:02:28:07Chapter42 The Blessed Country’s Sunset Glow: In Memory of Xu Xiake

福国寺旧名解脱林, 丽江土知府木曾在这里接待过旅行家徐霞客。未几,徐足疾加重。木曾使纳西精壮轿行一百五十天送其回乡。

章四十三 佛说造像量度经入门


Chapter43 Introduction to Buddha Statue Proportions Scripture (sku—gzugs—kyi—tshad—kyi—mtshan—nyid)

《佛说造像量度经》中,佛严格规定了各种佛菩萨像的画法、制法,而且有相应的传承。 匠人来自西藏昌都造佛世家。为指云寺制造佛像。

Fuguo temple used to be called Escape Grove, where the Lijiang’s Lord Mu Zeng received the traveler Xu Xiake. Soon after, Xu Xiake’s foot diseases became severe. Mu Zeng send Naxi laborers to carried him home by sedan chair for 150 days.

In UTTERANCES ON IMAGE-MAKING AND ICONOMETRY, the Buddha strictly rules the way of painting and making of each kind of joss, and has corre-sponding heritage.The craftsmen are from the joss forging aristocratic familys in Changdu,Tibet. They forge the joss for the Zhiyun temple.

章四十四 农事:舂 椒

00:01:11:22Chapter44 Farm Work: Crushing Peppers


章四十五 农事:整修院落

00:01:35:20Chapter45 Farm Work: Maintaining the Courtyard


Naxi people love Chillie, they pestle the chillie in stone mortar for chilli sauce.

Naxi people always renovate the yard with natural materials. The pitching is the pebble on the riverbank of the Changjiang River. Some old ladies are specially choosing the right size ones on the rock patch.

章四十六 三代

00:00:59:10Chapter46 Three generations


章四十七 弯单

00:05:42:02Chapter47 Wang Dan

弯单:纳西语,瑞香科荛花,取其皮,制造东巴纸。 The four menkind in three generations of He family. Wang Dan is the Naxi name for Wikstroemia. The bark is used for making

dongba paper.

章四十八 黄山哨起义

00:02:42:13Chapter48 Huangshanshao Uprising


章四十九 和秀山要求拍摄的MTV

00:04:25:08Chapter49 MTV Shot at the Request of He Xiushan

和秀山,跟爷爷和驯学习过东巴,之后在北京中华民族园为游客表演歌舞。现在他回到山上,准备做个本土歌星。 Naxi people have a smooth temper, the Huangshanshao uprisings in 1911

is one of a few resistances in the folk history. He Xiushan learned dongba from grandpa He Xun, then he showed songs and dances to the tourists in Beijing Chinese Ethnic Culture Park. Now he is back to the mountain, planning to be a local singer.

章五十 穿越阿美西斯耳道的巨大孤独

00:01:58:10Chapter50 Through the Great Solitude of the Ear Canal of Amosis


章五十一 光荣已随鹰背苍茫远去

00:01:25:15Chapter51 The Glory Has Gone Far Away on the Eagle’s Back

噶玛云登喇嘛,纳西族,藏传佛教普济寺的主持。纳西、藏民歌均擅长。 Going though the narrow Tiger-leaping Gorge.

Gama Yundeng lama is Naxi and the emcee of Puji temple of Tibetan Buddha. And both good at Naxi and Tibetan folk song.

章五十二 磔鲸齿,银作骨

00:07:22:23Chapter52 Tear Up the Whale’s Teeth, Make Bones Out of Silver

引自元·王沂·《麽些诏》:“亦有善刀舞,众锋磔鲸齿”。 引自清· 杨惟昶:“马齿天成银作骨,龙鳞日积玉为胎”。

章五十三 许多年以后,光线四斜

00:06:26:15Chapter53 After Many Years, Light Beams Spreading Everywhere


Tear Up the Whale’s Teeth is quoted from the poem of Wang Yi of Yuan Dy-nasty. Make Bones Out of Silver is quoted from the poem of Yang Weichang of Qing Dynasty.

After Many Years, Light Beams Spreading Everywhere, the chillie and garlic is so bitter and so sad.

章五十四 长水:纪念和茂根先生

00:55:13:10Chapter54 Long Water: In Memory of Mr. He Maogen

和茂根先生,白沙细乐第七代传人,2006年逝世。白沙细乐是纳西民族民间传统的丧葬音乐。人多不喜。 音乐现由其长子,二子两个家庭继续传承。组织十几人乐队在丽江城内广场上演出,每日收入二百元左右。

章五十五 孤旅

00:04:05:24Chapter55 A Lonely Trip


Sir He Maogen, is the seventh generation inheritor of Bai Sha Xi Yue and died in 2006. Bai Sha Xi Yue is the folk traditional mortuary music of Naxi. Not many people like it. The music now is inherited by the two families of his two sons. They organize a band with more than 10 people showing on the square in Lijiang city, about 200yuan per day income.

The wranglers by the Lashi Lake back home.

章五十六 误入白虎堂:不遇识者屈沉了我这口宝刀


Chapter56 Mistakenly Entering the White Tiger Hall: If I Don’t Encounter Someone Appreciative, That Would Be a Loss for This Precious Blade


章五十七 悲歌:我是你胸口沉默的一团金蛙

00:05:01:01Chapter57 Elegaic: I Am an Enormous Golden Frog at Your Bosom

和万元,纳西退伍老兵。酩酊当歌。 金蛙是纳西人的图腾。

The Bai Sha Xi Yue Band showing on the square has been invited to give a show on the party of the franchiser by a multi-level marketing organization.

He Wanyuan is a Naxi veteran. Drunken singing. Ancestors of the Naxi ethnic group had a golden frog as a totem.

章五十八 十万神魔十万雪·祭家神(五谷丰登)


Chapter58 One Hundred Thousand Gods and Ghosts, One Hundred Thousand Snowflakes:Sacrifice to the House God



无伴奏民歌杨诚晟 和志华 杨新忠 和明

A Cappella Naxi Folksongs byYang Chengsheng&He Zhihua&Yang Xinzhong&He Ming


A Cappella Naxi Folksongs chorus byKarma yundeng&Tacheng VillagerDatiao Dance Group of Lashi Hainan, Yulong CountyDatiao Dance Group of Huangshan Changshui, Yulong County

藏传佛教经文唱诵指云寺众喇嘛 热吉喇嘛 噶玛云登喇嘛

Tibetan Buddhism Chanted byZhiyun Temple’s Lama&Reji&Karma yundeng


Tibetan Buddhism Drum&CymbalsKarma Xiangqiu

东巴经文唱诵和秀东 和明 和桂华 陈四才 杨玉华 和秀山

Dongba Chanted byHe Xiudong&He Ming&He GuihuaChen Sicai&Yang Yuhua&He Xiushan

笛子独奏杨泽民 和凛毅弦子独奏陈四才波波独奏和举毅吉他独奏和凛毅

Flute Solo by Yang Zemin&He LinyiXianzi Solo by Chen SicaiBobo Solo by He JuyiGuitar Solo by He Linyi

He Xiushan backed from Beijing, made a Dongba Blessing Ceremony for Yang Chengsheng family.


洞经古乐演奏乐手杨泽民 王朝信 和凌汉和占环 牛世光 李国群

Naxi Ahcient MusicYang Zemin&Wang Chaoxin&He LinghanHe Zhanhuang&Niu Shiguang$Li Guoqun

白沙细乐演奏乐手和凛毅 和举毅 和英红和伶玉 高建文 和志生和仕满 和宝成 高建彪

Baishaxiyue MusicHe Linyi&He Juyi&He YinghongHe Lingyu&Gao Jianwen &He zhishengHe Siman&He Baocheng &Gao Jianbiao

独唱张亦文 和秀山 和举毅 和万元

Vocal SoloZhang Yiwen&He Xiushan&He Juyi&He Wangyuan


Electronicmusic ProducerRAFF aka CYBERSKUM


Naxi DanceDatiao Dance Group of Huangshan Changshui, Yulong County


Dongba DanceNaxi Dongba Research Center of the City of Lijiang (NDRC)


制片人 郭晓彦Producer Guo Xiaoyan

出品人 惠玮Presented by Hui Wei

联合制片人 正杰 马骏Co-Producer Jay Brown&Ma Jun

执行制片 郭晓晖 郭小力Executive Producer Guo Xiaohui&Guo Xiaoli

摄影/剪辑/视频技术 那颖禹Cinematography/Cutter/Digital Effect Na Yingyu

英文字幕翻译胡嘉岷 王絜姝[丽江工作室]

English subtitle translationHu Jiamin&Wang Xieshu[Lijiang Studio]


English subtitle proofreadingJay Brown[Lijiang Studio]


Naxi-Chinese translation (spoken)He Jiali[LiJiang Studio]

纳西语字幕翻译和学光 和恒光 和丽清和立文 和红武 和玉女丽江工作室

Naxi-Chinese translation (written)He Xueguang&He Hengguang&He LiqingHe Liwen&He Hongwu&He YunvLijiang Studio

本地制片李丽莎 露丝[丽江工作室]

Assistant ProducerLi Lisha&Lucille Enel[Lijiang Studio]


和仕元 和淑芬 和恒光 和雪梅 和卫东 和凛毅 和秀东 郝彬 周巧 李丽莎 郭红雨 董冰峰 刘传宏 黄君辉 张大伟 于艾君 莫妮卡·德玛黛 罗永进 Emily Bates&Mariana BacelarJoybrata Sarker&Enrica&Raff&Lisa&Ernesto Salmeron

He Shiyuan&He Shufeng&He HengguangHe Xunmei&He Weidong&He Linyi&He XiudongHao Bin&Zhou Qiao&Li Lisa&Guo Hongyu&Liu ChuanhongDong Bingfeng&Huang Junhui&Zhang Dawei&Yu AijunMonica Dematte&Emily Bates&Mariana BacelarJoybrata Sarker&Enrica&Raff&Lisa &Luo yongjin&Ernesto Salmeron







The stars behind the Jiguan hill declined,The water of the Lashi Lake dried,

The peak of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain collapsed,The blue sky graied,

Our host!It’s already in the past.

quoted from Naxi folk song, Nan Xi Gu Qi Melody

Translation for PDF Li LishaProofreading for PDFJay Brown