My favourite dish 5 Form N.F.Bugir “Live not to eat but eat to live”

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Transcript of My favourite dish 5 Form N.F.Bugir “Live not to eat but eat to live”

My favourite


5 FormN.F.Bugir

“Live not to eat but eat to live”

Мета: перевірити рівень умінь і навичок у застосуванні вивченого матеріалу; розвивати комунікативно-пізнавальну діяльність учнів; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання та письма, усного діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; виховувати потребу вести здоровий спосіб життя.

Обладнання:підручники, робочі зошити, роздатковий матеріал (картки з словами, текстом, завданнями).

Тип уроку: Комбінований

Методи, форми і прийоми навчання: індивідуальна(самостійна), групова та парна роботи(поділити слова на групи, скласти діалог, читання та переклад тексту, доповнити речення відповідними граматичними та лексичними одиницями).

Очікувані результати: Розширити словниковий запас учнів; вдосконалити навички читання, письма, говоріння.

1) Answer the questionsWhat is your favourite

dish?How often do you cook it?How often do you eat it?

2)Work in groupsCountable nouns Uncountable nouns




A pizza







A sandwich


Ice cream

A piece of cake



A toast






Orange Juice


Countable UncountableFruits RiceA pizza MeatPotatoes SaladVegetables BreadA sandwich CheeseA piece of cake ChocolateBiscuits PastaCrisps Ice-creamA toast JamSausages Tea  Coffee  Orange juice  Milk

Reading3)Read the article and correct the statements below.Fast Food is very bad for your healthA lot of people eat fast food almost every day because they find it very tasty.

Sometimes they eat it because they are busy and don't have time, or are too tired to cook.

Firstly, fast food such as burgers and chips contain a lot of fat and salt. People shouldn't eat fast food very often as this is bad for their health. We need to eat a plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as fish and meat.

Secondly, fast food is very expensive. The money some people spend on fast food in one week is enough to buy fresh food for two weeks.

On the other hand, some people say that eating fast food saves time. They can cook during the weekend so that they have enough food for the whole week and so it's a way busy people can avoid cooking during the working week.

Although fast food is usually tasty and convenient, people should try to prepare their own meals and eat meat which is full of protein and other healthy products, all these items of food will make their lives long and healthy.

1.A small number of people eat fast food every day.2.Fast food is full of vitamins.3.It is not harmful for our health.4.Fast food is rather cheap.5.Burger and chips are full of protein.

4)Work in groups

- Поділити дієслова на 2 групи: інфінітив і ІІ форма правильних і неправильних дієслів.

5) Write, complete the text and translate.

Ex. 6, p. 64

Home taskEx. 6, p. 64 – письмово

- Повторити ІІ форму неправильних дієслів

Thank you!!!