März 2014 – neu in der Sammlung: Like, Love, Zero von Dadara › file › 1110 ›...

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    März 2014 – neu in der Sammlung:

    Like, Love, Zero von Dadara

    Drei der 2013 emittierten Künstlergeld-Währungen der Exchanghibition Bank sind aktuelle Neuerwerbungen der Sammlung. Das Motto des 2010 vom niederländischen Künstler Dadara gegründeten Geldinstituts, welches neben einem Online-Shop übrigens reale Filialen in Amsterdam unterhält und zu diversen Kunst-Events, so im September 2011 auf dem Burning Man Festival in der Wüste von Nevada gastierte, lautet: »The Art of turning Art into Money«. Sein Anliegen, die Kunstwährung im Tausch gegen gültige Banknoten in Umlauf zu bringen, umschreibt der 1969 geborene Künstler wie folgt: »In der heutigen Finanzkrise ist Kunst häufig als alternative Anlageform genannt worden. Doch sagen die Millionen von Dollars, die man für einen Hirst, einen Koons oder einen Picasso zahlen müsste, etwas über den sozialen oder künstlerischen Wert oder das Potential der Veränderung aus? Wie immer man darüber auch denken mag - die Exchanghibition Bank ist angetreten, der Kunst zu dienen: Der Kunst, aus Kunst Geld zu machen.« Speziell zu »Like« mit den visualisierten Anspielungen auf allgegenwärtige facebook-Icons heißt es: »Dankbarkeit und Wertschätzung zu zeigen, war schon immer ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer menschlichen Interaktionen. Seit wir den sozialen Medien erlaubt haben, das ›Gefallen‹ in Geld umzusetzen und unsere monetären Transaktionen immer anonymer geworden sind, scheint es schwieriger geworden zu sein, solche Gefühle auszudrücken.« Grundlage der Exchanghibition-Bank-Noten, gedruckt in Sonderfarben mit währungsspe-zifischen Silbereffekt-Elementen, sind jeweils akribisch in Öl auf Leinwand realisierte Gemälde von 55 x 120 cm Größe.

    oben: Exchanghibition Bank, Central Station, Amsterdam, Foto: The Hospages links: Dadara beim Malen des Like-Motivs Foto: © Dadara

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    Dadara über die Like-Scheine Quelle: Arts as Money - Blog http://blog.artasmoney.com/bank/the-like-banknote-like-4-real-value/

    Like 4 Real Value Like Banknote What are our most important values? Financial values? Or is it something else? Could money ever express our true appreciation of social, moral, or spiritual values as well? Those values can’t be easily quantified or expressed with a click of a button. Even though nowadays it seems everything is just a click away. Showing gratitude and appreciation has always been an essential part of our human interactions. Since we have allowed social media to hijack and monetize the Like, and our monetary transactions have become increasingly anonymous though it seems to have become more difficult to express those feelings. We ask stores to gift-wrap the stuff we buy, but don’t really seem to have a way to gift-wrap the money we give in return. Until now, because now there’s the Like banknote - a tangible token of appreciation which we can add to our payments in order to show our real Like for other people and initiatives. Because money can not only be used to acquire more material possessions, but can also enable those people and initiatives we Like to keep doing what they Like. When was the last time you said “Thank You” when someone Liked you on Facebook? Wouldn’t it be great if we could gift-wrap our Likes on social media as well to indicate that we did not just click a button, but truly Liked someone or something? Couldn’t we add value not only to our money, but to our Likes as well? Perhaps in this way we can begin giving Likes to those we Like 4 Real rather than collecting Likes, as if we collect stamps, in order to impress others. Dadara CEO and Founder Exchanghibition Bank By Exchanghibition Bank on November 10, 2013

    Dadara: Like, 2013, Offsetdruck mit Details aus holographischer Folie, 5,9 × 14 cm (Vorderseite/Rückseite) © Dadara / Repro: Hermann Büchner

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    Dadara über die Love-Scheine Quelle: Arts as Money - Blog http://blog.artasmoney.com/bank/can-love-be-the-root-of-all-money/

    Love as the Root of all Money? We all have heard that: “Money is the Root of all Evil”. In fact, this phrase has its origins in the Bible, which says: “For the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil.” Somehow Love vanished with the passage of time. But what would happen if Love would return to the equation, and we would start asking ourselves: “What is the Root of All Money?” Wouldn’t Love be a great answer?! We are involved in exchange each and every day in our society. But instead of loving our exchange and each other, we started loving the material means of exchange: Money. And instead of using those Exchanges to make beautiful things happen around the world, we use them to earn more money. And we hoard that money, not backed by any tangible asset, created as debt by just a click of a button, on our bank accounts. Instead, we could use it to make the things we love happen, and the places and people we love thrive. In the process of spending money, and buying things we think we need, we tend to forget that buying is actually an exchange, and not just a one-way transaction. We don’t just obtain something material, but we give something in return: money. Money does still have value as an agreement between people. Moreover it also has its energy, propelling its future use. And by giving money back with love to the people, and initiatives we love, and of whom we know that they use that same energy with love as well, we change the world. Money can be a token of appreciation to that small corner store, which gives back so much to the neighborhood, to that cool coffee shop, where you always seem to make amazing connections, to the record store, which has those rare vinyl records and people behind the counter who love music. So pay by adding some love to your payment. Not because of your love for money, but because of your love for the person you’re dealing with! Some might argue that love should not be used as a currency, because Love is priceless. But shouldn’t we start appreciating more those values that can’t be quantified in our society?

    Dadara: Love, 2013, Offsetdruck mit Details aus holographischer Folie, 5,9 × 14 cm (Vorderseite/Rückseite) © Dadara / Repro: Hermann Büchner

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    That’s why the love banknote has no number: it’s not one Love, or one Hundred Love, it is just Love. Pure Love. Just as the exchange itself has no absolute value, also the value you give to this banknote is personal. And this value will be clear to all involved in the exchange, even though it is not explicitly quantified. It might not be legal tender, but definitely is personal and loving tender for all exchanges private or public executed with love. Dadara CEO and Founder Exchanghibition Bank By Exchanghibition Bank on February 4, 2013

    Dadara: Zero, 2013, Offsetdruck mit Details aus holographischer Folie, 9,1 × 20 cm (Vorderseite/Rückseite) © Dadara / Repro: Hermann Büchner

    Dadara (bgl. Daniel Rozenberg) wurde am 8. Februar 1969 im polnischen Łódź geboren. Nach dem Abitur im Jahr 1986 studierte er kurzzeitig Maschinenbau an der Technischen Universität Delft, anschließend Kunst an der Freien Akademie Psychopolis in Den Haag, der Akademie für Industriedesign in Eindho- ven und der Akademie der Bilddesign in Genk (Belgien). 1992 graduierte er an der Willem de Kooning Akademie in Rotterdam. Quelle und weitere biografische Details, Informationen zu Projekte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dadara Dadara im Atelier mit Zero-Bildern und Pool of Plenty-Modell Anzug: Thera Hillenaar, Foto: Vincent Adolfse

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    Ausstellungen und Projekte (2000 - 2009)


    Einzelausstellung: In Search of Better Planets, Reflex Modern Art Gallery, Amsterdam (catalogue) Gruppenausstellung: Sculpture Biennale, Reflex Modern Art Gallery, Amsterdam (catalogue) Greyman “Statue of No Liberty”, 8 meter high steel, concrete, bronze Creation big wooden totem with Thai sculptor Kham Ai Dedjuangtae 2001

    Gruppenausstellungen: Heroes Square, Over-het-IJ Festival, Amsterdam R.A.V.E. expo, Rotterdam Animated film “Greyman:The Evolution” on 35 mm. pre-movie for 4 feature films of the “No More Heroes” Project, Motel Films. VJ-act Virtual Freaxow. Performances in a.o. Now&Wow (R’dam), Mazzo, Melkweg, Panama, Supperclub (A’dam), Museumsparty (Dortmund),, Café d’Anvers (Antwerpen), La Mania (Rumania) (bis 2004) 2002

    Einzelausstellung: Fools Ark, Famous, Amsterdam Gruppenausstellungen: Liquid, Addictlab, Brussels Fools Ark at the Over-het-IJ festival, Burning Man and Mysteryland 2003

    Einzelausstellung: Unknown Territories, Reflex Modern Art Gallery, Amsterdam Gruppenausstellung: Urban Explorers, Planet Art, Enschede Burning Greyman installation at Burning Man, Nevada. USA Fools Ark installation at Oerol, netherlands 2004

    Einzelausstellung: Love,Peace and Terror, Reflex New Art Gallery, Amsterdam

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    Gruppenausstellung: Characters at War, Pictoplasma, Berlijn 70 meter long digital wall painting for the Leiden University 2005

    Einzelausstellungen: Retrospective, Dialekt, Stuttgart, Duitsland Schwimm doch einfach weiter, LV Showroom, Stuttgart, Duitsland Gruppenausstellung: Dance is More than Music, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam 2006 Einzelausstellungen: File Not Found, Reflex Modern Art Gallery, Amsterdam (catalogus) Munnification, Famous, Amsterdam Gruppenausstellungen: Dakart Off, Biennale Dakart, Dakar, Senegal Design Warriors, Butter Factory, Singapore 2007

    Gruppenausstellung: Kunst van Geld, Geldmuseum, Amsterdam (catalogus) Love, Peace en Terror Project Januar: installation on the roof of L43, Amsterdam Februar: explosion near Ruigoord Juli: release performance DVD (living Color Entertainment) My Bar is Your Bar interactive installation at various festivals 2008

    Gruppenausstellung: False Space and the Time of the Apartment, Central Track, Dallas, USA Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia Project: August, Burning Man, Nevada, USA April und Juli-Januar (2009), Artist in Residence Centraltrak, Dallas, USA Vortrag: Desert Arts preview – BRAF – San Francisco

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    Einzelausstellung: Guantanamo Brain, Famous, Amsterdam Gruppenausstellungen: Salon de l'amitié, Arti et Amicitia, Amsterdam Art car parade, Orange Show center for Visionary Art, Houston, USA States of Exception, Centraltrak, Dallas, USA This is the end of the world, MOHS exhibit, Copenhagen, Denmark Ostrale, Dresden, Germany Checkpoint Dreamyourtopia Project: Januar, Centraltrak, Dallas, USA August, Lowlands, Biddinghuizen November, Stadtbad Wedding Vorträge: Dreamyourtopia, Dallas Museum of Art Architecture Slam, TU Delft Pecha Kucha, Mediamatic, Amsterdam Pecha Kucha, IMA Design village, Berlin Informationen im Internet

    Websites Dadara

    www.dadara.nl www.artasmoney.com Videos

    »The Art of turning Art into Money« http://www.youtube.com/v/g6d0CvhFSto Dadara on Art of Money (Vimeo) http://vimeo.com/67041319 Dadara, Pecha Kucha-Vortrag, Berlin, 16.4.2013 http://pechakucha.de/berlin/player/?event=PK_33&position=06&presenter=Dadara&presentation=rt%20as%20Money

    Zusammenstellung auf der Grundlage von Texten und Informationen des Künstlers: Dr. Hermann Büchner, Kurator der Sammlung Haupt, hb@sammlung-haupt.de Stand: 2.3.2014