Monthly Bulletin - Annunciation Greek Orthodox...

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Transcript of Monthly Bulletin - Annunciation Greek Orthodox...

From Father Anthony


Greek Message


Youth News



Parish News

Inside this issue:

Monthly Bulletin

September 2015


Church Services

Saturday Great Vespers 6:00pm

Sunday Orthros 8:45am

Divine Liturgy 10:00am

Weekdays Orthros 9:00am

Divine Liturgy 10:00am







Elevation Of The Holy Cross


Executive Board

John Kolentsas, President

Joanna Stellakis, 1st Vice President Administration

Theodore Ntakoulas, 2nd Vice President Maintenance

Ethel Savas, Secretary

George Terzakis, Treasurer

Nicholas Babanikas, Assistant Treasurer

Members of the Board

George Alexis Nicholas Alexiou Konstantina Boutas

Dino Constantinou John Papadopoulos Stephen Passias

Spyros Savas Themi Stamboulidis Philip Tsionis

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Reverend Presbyter Anthony Evangelatos

George Stavropoulos, Chanter

Ona Calogrias, Organist


Sunday School

Tina Boutas

Rhoda Economos

Greek School

Ioanna Andreopoulou

Katerina Tsiantoulas Tina Boutas


Jon Buterbaugh

J.O.Y. & H.O.P.E.

Irena Mroz

Paula Tsitsopoulos

OPA! Group

Pegi Ciulla


Ladies Philoptochos

Coffee Hour

Tina Boutas

Shut-In Visitations

Ladies Philoptochos


Stephen Passias

Dance Group

Jon & Penny Buterbaugh

Junior Choir

Corinne & Heidi Mason

Oratorical Festival

Rhoda Economos


Pegi Ciulla

Chris Kotsiopoulos

Linda Sakelaris Poole

Stephen Savas Joanna Stellakis


George Theodossiou


Executive Board

Heido Barbas, President

Tina Tsarhopoulos, Vice President

Pegi Ciulla, Recording Secretary

Tina Boutas, Corresponding Secretary

Lori Stasiewski, Treasurer

Erlinda Anthony, Assistant Treasurer

Despina Papadopoulos, Advisor

Members of the Board

Helen Holevas Ann Marie Horne Liz Karolemeas

Penny Kazis Ethel Savas Sophia Terzakis


Father Anthony

Liz Karolemeas

Beloved in Christ, As you well know, September 1st is the commencement of the new ecclesiasti-cal year. This particular month has two major feast days – the Nativity of the Theotokos on 9/8, and the Universal Elevation of the Holy Cross on 9/14. Each ecclesiastical year is a repetition

of our annual spiritual journey toward Holy Pascha, which is the liturgical climax of the year. After Pascha, we prepare for the feasts of the Ascension and Pente-cost, and continue through the summer months bringing us to the end of the ecclesiastical year on 8/31. Each year we relive our salvation history liturgically, as pre-sented by our Holy Orthodox Church. As we enter the new ecclesiastical year, let us pick up our own crosses if we have spiritually laid them aside, and begin a new journey following Christ toward Golgotha, the Tomb, and life eternal.

So just what do we mean by taking up our cross and following the Lord? Let us begin by reflecting on what Holy Scripture says about this… “And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me.” (Mt 10:38). “Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and fol-low Me.” (Mk 8:34). In the first passage from Matthew, we see an emphasis on worthiness. To follow Christ, we must be worthy of Him; there must be obedience toward His divine command to follow Him. Obviously, following Christ is a life-long calling – not something approached superficially.

In the second quote from Mark, the emphasis is on self denial. We can’t truly follow Christ if we are married to the things of this world. To follow Christ, one must continually have one’s eye on the goal of eter-nal life, while simultaneously living a sacrificial life to Christ while on the journey to the Kingdom. To carry one’s cross in the Christian sense, is to share in the suf-ferings of Christ. Whatever we have to deal with in this life is by the will of God, and for our spiritual benefit, even though that may not be clear to us. The carrying of our cross is not meant to be punitive, but salvific, for Christ never seeks to destroy and punish His children, but to bring them to salvation in His Kingdom.

Another important aspect of carrying one’s cross in imitation of Christ, is that the Holy Cross of Christ is the destroyer of passions. As a weapon of great spiritual benefit, we must take up our cross in order to fight the enemy of souls – Satan and his host of demons who hate mankind, and wish to see us lose our way on the journey toward salvation. Hear the beautiful words of the ex-apolsteilarion hymn from the feast of the Holy Cross:

The Cross is the guardian of the whole world;

the Cross is the support and staff of the faithful; the Cross is the beauty of the Church of Christ; the Cross is


the mighty strength of kings; the Cross is the glory of Angels; it is the wounding of demons.

Beloved in Christ, with God on our side we have

nothing to fear. This is why it is important to carry the cross in life that Christ gave us, and to follow Him, our Lord and Savior. If we constantly pick up other sym-bols of this world and not our cross, how can we expect the Lord to be there for us, and to guide us along the straight and narrow path toward salvation? We may think that it is too difficult to bear the cross God gave us; that it is just too heavy a burden, so we simply put it down, so to speak, and begin following other paths in life.

I would like to share a short quote that has been circulating in the recent past, which beautifully sums up the perceived difficulty of many regarding bearing one’s cross:

A young monk had been struggling in the spiritu-

al life. His cross, he thought, was too heavy, too diffi-cult to bear. He complained about it endlessly. One night he had a dream. God came to him in this dream and said, “Come, if this is too hard, choose a new cross to carry.”

The monk walked into a room filled with crosses (imagine that room of chalices from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade). He looked around for a while—many were huge, some were metal, some wooden and carved, some had nails sticking out from their cross beams, some were even covered in blood. He was taken aback. He looked around, sizing them up, mentally comparing their weight. Finally, he found it – the per-fect little cross tucked away in a corner. It was silver, finely carved, and he picked it up easily.

“I found one,” he called out. God simply replied, “But that’s the cross you

came here with.”


Spiritual Wisdom

Reflections on the Holy Cross

(The following is taken from “Orthodox Dogmatic Theology,” by Fr. Michael Pomazansky, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, 1994.)

It is clear that in the mystery of redemption the Cross and Resurrection of the Lord are inseparable. In the consciousness of the Church this truth is expressed in full measure in the Paschal hymns, which confess the power of the Resurrection of Christ not only for the personal salvation of the Christian, but also in the final, complete justification of the world… By the Cross has been accom-plished the cleansing of the sins of the world, the reconciliation with God; by the Resurrection new life has been brought into the world. The Orthodox path of the Christian is the path of the cross and of struggle. In other words, it is the path of patience, of the bearing of sorrows, persecutions for the name of Christ, and dangers from the enemies of Christ, of despising the goods of the world for the sake of Christ, of battling against one’s passions and lusts. Such a path of following Christ was taken by His Apostle. ‘I am crucified with Christ,’ writes the Apostle Paul (Gal. 2:20). ‘God forbid that I should glory, save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world (Gal. 6:14)…’ All believers are called to struggle according to their strength: ‘They that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the pas-sions and lusts (Gal. 5:24).’ The moral life cannot exist without inward battle, without self-restraint. The Apostle writes: ‘For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is de-struction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things (Phil. 3:18-19)…

New Altar Boy Registration As we do each year, we will be accepting new boys who would like to serve in the holy altar. In accord-ance with Archdiocesan guidelines, we ask that only boys 9 years of age or older sign up. Parents, please call the office and give us the name of your son(s), his (their) age, as well as your address, phone num-ber, and e-mail address as soon as possible. Before the end of September we will assign your son to an altar team and provide a schedule and guidelines by mail. PLEASE NOTE: continuing altar boys do not need to sign up again. We will mail them schedules and guidelines as well.

In Appreciation

We would like to take this opportunity to thank Ste-ve Passias, once again, for his singled-handed chair-ing of this year’s golf tournament. Going forward, it is clear that Steve needs a solid committee assisting with the various facets of this major fundraiser. With the assistance of others, this event can be ex-panded and become even more successful than it has been historically. Let us all thank Steve, and may those so moved consider getting involved next year (our 100th anniversary!).

Special Requests

In the July/August edition, I had made a special ap-peal for volunteers to assist with our very important JOY/HOPE ministry (our grammar school-age chil-dren). As I had mentioned, Barbara Mantalos is more than willing to assist again if she has the sup-port of a committee, so all can share the duties. To the best of my knowledge, no one has come forward yet (if I have not been made aware of a new volun-teer, please forgive the oversight). Parents, please prayerfully consider volunteering so we can see this ministry thrive!

Of course, September is also “festival month.” We ask those who have not historically volunteered with any aspect of the festival, to consider “jumping in” this year. It’s a lot of work, but the burden becomes lighter when it is shared by many. The entire church family is called to support this major fundraiser, so let’s heed the call any way we can.

Thank you all and God bless.

September Calendar


Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος χαιρετίζει το κλίμα σύμπνοιας μετά το Δημοψήφισμα και την σύσκεψη των Πολιτικών αρχηγών της Ελλάδος

ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ – Όπως ανεφέρετο σε προχθεσινή ανακοίνωση Τύπου της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής, ο Σεβασμιώτατος Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής κ. Δημήτριος, στη συνομιλία του με τον Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας κ. Προκόπη Παυλόπουλο, στις 1 και 2 Ιουλίου, είχε διατυπώσει την παράκληση για την διαφύλαξη της ομοψυχίας και συμπορείας όλων των πολιτικών πλευρών της Ελλάδος στην προσπάθεια υπερνικήσεως της κρίσεως που αντιμετωπίζει η Γενέτειρα. Μετά την διενέργεια του δημοψηφίσματος και την έκφραση της ετυμηγορίας του Ελληνικού Λαού, η Ιερά Αρχιεπισκοπή Αμερικής χαιρετίζει σήμερα με ικανοποίηση την πραγματοποίηση μακράς συσκέψεως των πολιτικών αρχηγών υπό τον Πρόεδρο της Δημοκρατίας, με σκοπό την σύγκλιση και σύμπραξη των πολιτικών δυνάμεων της Χώρας. Χαιρετίζει επίσης το σημερινό κοινό ανακοινωθέν των πολιτικών αρχηγών, στο οποίο τονίζεται ότι «Η πρόσφατη ετυμηγορία του Ελληνικού Λαού δεν συνιστά εντολή ρήξης, αλλά εντολή συνέχισης και ενίσχυσης της προσπάθειας για την επίτευξη μιας κοινωνικώς δίκαιης και οικονομικώς βιώσιμης συμφωνίας». Εν’ όψει των ημερών που ακολουθούν, ημερών αναμφισβήτητα δυσκόλων, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος ετόνισε και πάλι, την ανάγκη επαγρυπνήσεως, σύμπνοιας και ενότητος του δοκιμαζόμενου Ελληνικού Λαού, ενώ ταυτοχρόνως διαβεβαίωσε ότι από πλευράς Ομογενείας υπάρχει πλήρης η διάθεση συμπαραστάσεως, συνοδευόμενη από εκτενείς δεήσεις και ικεσίες υπέρ επεμβάσεως του Θεού σ’ αυτή την δύσκολη ώρα για την Ελλάδα.

Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος Δημήτριος εκφράζει την αγωνία του στον Πρόεδρο Ομπάμα και στον Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας Προκόπη Παυλόπουλο

ΝΕΑ ΥΟΡΚΗ – Ο Σεβασμιώτατος Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής κ. Δημήτριος απηύθυνε σήμερα επιστολή προς τον Πρόεδρο των Η.Π.Α κ. Barack Obama, διά της οποίας τον ευχαριστεί για την έως τώρα συμπαράσταση προς την Ελλάδα κατά την περίοδο της οικονομικής κρίσεως και τον καλεί να συνεχίσει και να εντείνει τις ευγενείς προσπάθειες του προς όλες τις πλευρές, για την υπέρβαση της κρίσεως και την επίτευξη συμφωνίας. Εξ’ άλλου, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος με δική του πρωτοβουλία, επικοινώνησε χθες, και πάλι σήμερα, τηλεφωνικά με τον Πρόεδρο της Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας κ. Προκόπη Παυλόπουλο στον οποίο εξέφρασε την δική του προσωπική αγωνία αλλά και τα αισθήματα της Ομογένειας για την μεγάλη κρίση που διέρχεται η γενέτειρα. Στις ανωτέρω δύο συνομιλίες του με τον ανώτατο άρχοντα της χώρας κ. Παυλόπουλο, ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος αναφέρθηκε με πολλή εκτίμηση προς το πρόσωπό του και διετύπωσε την παράκληση για την με κάθε δυνατό τρόπο διαφύλαξη της ομοψυχίας και συμπορείας όλων των πολιτικών πλευρών με σκοπό την υπερνίκηση των τεραστίων εν προκειμένω δυσκολιών. Επιπλέον ο Σεβασμιώτατος τόνισε ότι είναι αδιανόητο να βρεθεί η Ελλάς εκτός Ευρώπης, διότι η Ελλάς δεν είναι απλώς ένα μέλος της Ευρώπης, αλλά είναι αυτή που γέννησε την Ευρώπη, έδωσε το όνομά της στην Ευρώπη και επί χιλιάδες χρόνια υπήρξε αυτή μόνη Ευρώπη, προσφέροντας δημοκρατία, πολιτισμό, τέχνες, επιστήμη και σεβασμό προς τον άνθρωπο.


BAPTISMS July 5th Georgia, daughter of Ricardo & Haralampia Baldissera Sponsor: Olga Panagopoulos July 8th Elleni, daughter of Eugene & Jennifer Sullivan Sponsor: Catherine Covett

FUNERALS July 9th Harry Kalivas July 24th Kiriakos Papadopoulos August 12th Helen Polisson August 24th Dimitrios Ginis

May Their Memory Be Eternal


Donations as of June 18, 2015


Elias Papadopoulos

Penny, Andrea, Maria, Steve & Kathy Papadopoulos $ 100

George Theofilou

Maria Theofilou $ 100

Helen Bourlogiannis

Mr. and Mrs. Themis Tsoumas $ 100

Peter Giannaros $7,500

Harry Kalivas $ 700

Kiriakos Papadopoulos $ 295

Other Donations

Christos Kotsiopoulos—$100

For Radio Ad

Mr. and Mrs. Ilias Potsis—$100

IMO Aretis Potsis and Health for Family

David Goodman—$100

Hungry Friend Raffle Donation

Cynthia Banks—$150

Hungry Friend Raffle Donation

Chicken Kabobs for August 15th Cookout

The Arvanitidis Family

Flowers for the Nativity of Theotokos Mr. & Mrs. George Petropoulos—$60

Flowers for the Elevation of the Holy Cross Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Costarellos—$60



If our time capsule was dated 1916 and was opened, we would find that a group of Greek immi-grants who settled in Brockton, decided to band together and establish a place to worship, a place to congregate, and a place to live their heritage. All those brave people left their homeland as they knew it, for a better life. They understood then what was important, and brought those things to their new country.

The first “church” was a rented room on 59 Cen-

ter Street in Brockton, where they would meet, plan, and worship. As they grew in numbers they moved to a bigger building on 57 Spring Street. For years the fami-lies worshiped and came together at what we now call the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church of Brockton.

In that time capsule we would find photos of

those pioneers of our church. We would also find finan-cial and other important documents, including newspa-per clips announcing the coming of World War I. We may even find recipes and, yes, a tavli board. Perhaps even some komboloi (worry beads) and maybe some type of clothing like a hat or scarf worn in those days. The most important items found would be a gold Cross and a Bible, written in Greek.

These are the items that are the beginning of a

100 year journey to 2016. Please follow this journey through our section of the monthly bulletin that will en-compass the many celebratory events planned in the coming year. We invite all parishioners to join the vari-ous committees, and attend our monthly meetings post-ed in the bulletin. We are also looking for any infor-mation that you may have that may be included in a CD being created, such as photographs, articles, or just re-membrances that had been passed down through the years. Please contact the church office to be directed to the committee contact persons, if you have any such items.

NOTEPlease remember that since each month’s bulletin is printed & mailed before the end of the prior month, sacra-ments & funerals that occur after going to print will be includ-ed in the subsequent month’s edition. Also note that all Food Festival donations will be listed in the October bulletin.

2015 Floral Needs

Following is a list of remaining icons for feasts during the year which have yet to be sponsored. To sponsor the decoration of one or more of these icons, please call the office directly during the week. As a re-minder, the cost for decorating any of the festal icons listed below is $60. (Please note that during the time of printing and mailing this bulletin, some of the items listed may have already been sponsored. If so, please consider a second choice.)

Feasts of Christ & the Theotokos

1/6/2016 – Holy Theophany

We thank all our donors in advance, and ask God’s blessings upon them. Please note that as usual, donors will be acknowledged in the bulletin at the appropriate time.


2015 Calendar of Events

Annual Food Festival Thursday, September 17th to 20th

AHEPA Fall Dance Saturday, November 7th

Fall General Assembly Sunday, November 15th

Parish Council Elections Sunday, December 6th

Parish Council Oath & Election of Officers Sunday, December 20th

2015 Parish Council Meetings

September 1st November 10th

October 13th December 8th

Dear Parishioners,

On behalf of Father Anthony and the Parish Council, we want to thank all of you for your support and partici-

pation during the summer months. As we near our Food Festival, we want to remind everyone that we still need donations for the festival. Our Festival covers a large part of our operating budget. And dona-tions are much appreciated and help differ our costs. Please see the list in this bulle-tin.

I would also like to remind everyone about our 100 year anniversary in 2016. On Thursday, December 31st we will launch off with a New Year’s Eve celebration so please save the date? We invite all parishioners to join us as we begin to celebrate with many events planned through out the year.

In closing, thank you for your continued support and lets not forget the needy and less fortunate and do not hesitate to reach out. Lets remain united and committed with all of our endeavors and we will prevail.

God Bless

John Kolentsas Parish Council President

Church Scholarship Application

forms in the Church office.

Food Festival

If anyone is interested in placing a lawn sign at their place of business or their home please contact Ernest Antoniou at 508-846-6446 or call the church office.


Grape Leaves Have you ever wondered how our

church sells over 10,000 dolmades during our fall Food Festival?

Well, It is definitely due to the hard work of our community

and the Ladies Philoptochos society. The process starts in

May. It takes many days for the ladies to go out and hand

pick each leaf, sort them in stacks of 50, boil and freeze them.

In September, they can use these leaves to prepare our

delicious Dolmades.

We would like to start growing our own grapevines on the hill

by the newly cleared area of the church. We are asking our

community to bring in or plant any grape vines on the hill.

There will be a pail by the back door for the vines you would

like to be drop off thru the beginning of October.

For more information call

Pegi @ 508-857-9551


If you are planning a memorial service and

would like to order koliva, please call the

Church office at 508-559-0910 at least one

week in advance of the memorial service.

The cost is $85 and checks should be made

payable to the

Ladies Philoptochos Society.


If you are interested in sponsoring a coffee

hour, please contact Tina Boutas at

508-588-8891 or call the Church office

at 508-559-0910.


Anyone who would like a visit from the

Ladies Philoptochos, please contact the

Church office at 508-559-0910.


Please remember to send in your

Philoptochos membership

($25.00 annually) for 2015 & 2016

Thank you!


GREEK SCHOOL 2015-2016

Registration for the Greek School 2015-2016 school year, will take place on Saturday, September 12, 2015 between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm at our Greek School. Classes will start on Friday, September 25.

The Greek School Teachers and the children of the Greek School would, once again, like to express a sincere

thank you and appreciation to those who supported the Greek School during the 2014-2015 school year.

Your support has helped the Greek School children achieve great success in learning the Greek language.

Greek School 2015-2016 Schedule

On Saturday: 9:00 - 10:30 Kindergarten

On Saturday: 8:00 - 9:00 - Level 7

9:00 - 10:30 - Level 2

10:30 - 12:00 - Level 1

12:00 - 3:30 - Level 5-6

On Friday: 4:00 - 5:30 - Level 3

5:30 - 7:00 - Level 4-5

Note: Please do not hesitate to contact our teacher, Mrs Ioanna Andreopoulou, should you have any questions regarding the

Greek School. The kindergarten will accept children 5 years and up.

Greek School 2014-2015 The Greek School graduation ceremony took place on Sunday, June 7, 2015. Thank you to all the children and their families for their commitment to learn-ing the Greek language, history and culture. Many thanks to Father Antony and the Parish Council for their support of the Greek School


Congratulations to Antonia Ginis that graduated after 6 years of Greek School. She was also honored by Eminence Metro-politanMethodios at the Cultural Center of Agiou Nektariou, MA and was awarded a certificate and a beautiful icon of Panagia.


SUNDAY SCHOOL 2015-2016 Classes will begin on September 13th. New students will be able to register in their classrooms. Students returning will automatically be registered.

Sunday School classes normally begin in the participation of the Divine Liturgy and after Holy Communion teachers and students proceed to their classrooms for their lesson. There are a few days in which we hold classes at 10:15 to enable the Sunday School to participate in special feast days.

Schedule 2015-2016

SEPTEMBER September 13th Regular Classes First day of classes/registration

September 20th Regular Classes

September 27th Regular Classes

OCTOBER October 4th Regular Classes

October 11th Family Worship

October 18th Regular Classes

October 25th Regular Classes Toy drive begins

NOVEMBER November 1st Regular Classes

November 8th Regular Classes

November 15th Regular Classes

November 22nd Regular Classes

November 29th Family Worship

DECEMBER December 6th Regular Classes Toy drive ends

December 13th Regular Classes

December 20th Regular Classes Christmas Pageant 10:15

December 27th Family Worship

JANUARY January 3rd Regular Classes

January 10th Regular Classes

January 17th Family Worship

January 24th Regular Classes

FEBRUARY February 7th Regular Classes

February 14th Family Worship

February 21st Regular Classes

MARCH March 6th Regular Classes March 13th Regular Classes

March 20th Sunday of Orthodoxy Children participate in procession 10:15 March 27th Regular Classes

APRIL April 3rd Sunday of the Holy Cross 10:15

April 10th Regular Classes

April 17th Family Worship

April 24th Palm Sunday


May 8th Regular Classes




Mandatory practice and rehearsal schedule in advance of this year's festival: FRIDAYS, Aug 21 and 28 from 6-8:30PM (6-7 for pee-wees) (these practices are extended from original schedule due to lost practice time over the summer) ALL DANCERS: FULL REHEARSAL: SUNDAY Sept. 13, following Liturgy ALL DANCERS: REHEARSAL UNDER THE TENT: WEDNESDAY Sept. 16 5PM SHARP - 6PM (this is not a drop off event, need parents to supervise the dancers) FESTIVAL PERFORMANCES ON SATURDAY 9/19 at 7PM AND SUNDAY 9/20 at 1:30PM Our fall practices will begin again on Sunday October 18 following Liturgy - new members will be welcome to join at that time.



Friday Sept. 4th 6:30 pm—9:00 pm

Sunday Sept. 27th 12:00 pm—1:15 pm

Sunday Oct. 11th 12:00 pm—1:15 pm

Sunday Nov. 8th 12:00 pm—1:15 pm

Sunday Dec. 6th 12:00 pm—1:15 pm


Harvest Party Friday, Oct. 23rd

Bake Sale Sunday, Nov. 22nd

Christmas Retreat Friday, Dec. 18th

Community Service Projects

Catholic Charities Food Drive

September 17, 18, 19, & 20

Our annual Greek Food Festival is just around the corner! As we all know, the single biggest factor contributing to the success of our Festival is the

commitment from over 150 of our parishioners that work long hours prior to and during the Festival.

Many other parishioners that are unable to work during the Festival have, over the years, generously

donated merchandise or made monetary donations to help defray the costs that we incur. For those of our parishioners that would like to donate merchandise, we have prepared

a list of items that we utilize at the Festival.


Fresh Chicken Kabobs 700 lbs Rice 50 bags

Fresh Legs of Lamb 1400 lbs Pita Bread – Large 16 cases ½ Chicken 375 lbs Dinner Rolls 375 doz Fresh Ground Hamburger 400 lbs Filo Dough 5 cases 24” Gyro 18 cones Spinach Frozen Chopped 120 lbs Loucanico 5 cases Cottage Cheese 150/32 oz Cucumbers 8 cases Unsalted Butter 300 lbs Red Onions 6 cases Eggs – Large 150 doz Green Peppers 250 lbs Granulated Sugar 800 lbs Iceburg Lettuce 35 cases Flour 1000 lbs Tomatoes 20 cases Walnuts Chopped Fine 125 lbs/4 cases Green Beans 30 cases Wesson Oil 5 gallons Olives 2 kgs Baking Cups 3 cases Tsatziki 16 cases Ice 40/30lb bags Crumbled Feta Cheese Soda 100/24 pks Lemon Juice Large 5 btls Wine 10 cases Tomato Sauce & Puree 10 cases Beer 60 cases Chicken Broth 5 cases 46 oz cans Bottled Water 50 cases

If you wish to make a monetary donation to help in defraying the costs of our Annual Greek Food Festival,

Please return this portion of the page along with your donation. All donations are welcome!

$25 $50 $100 Other_________

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Full Address:_____________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________E-mail: __________________________________________

How would you like your donation listed in the bulletin? __________________________________________________





Taking Christ From Home to A New Place

Young people leaving home can take our faith along, with small folding icons, icon magnets and

downloadable prayer books.

Folding icons provide privacy, with carved wood on the outside. You can stay close in your own way.

A tapestry pouch for jewelry or personal items. 4” x 5.5”

Prayer books, to read on paper or download to your

Paper pocket pray-er book, if you need a quick pray-er idea.

Download a variety of prayer helpers


We have




books and

more, to

borrow or


What Are You Going to Do With Your Life?

Christ at Work

An Orthodox Perspective on Vocation

What should I major in? What career do I want? What if I can’t find a job, or what if I don’t like it?

Difficult decisions face young Christians. Eastern theologians discuss this topic, offering suggestions for those who want a compelling career but still want to keep Christ active in their lives.

Please visit our collection on Sundays after Church

Email us,

Or call the office at 508-559-0910

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

457 Oak Street

Brockton, MA 02301






We’re on the Web!



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BABANIKAS, ZIEDMAN & KING, P.C. 1247 Belmont Street

Brockton, MA 02301-4432

Phone (508) 588-7000 - Fax (508) 559-2775

Nicholas H. Babanikas

Stephen S. Ziedman

John J. King

Konstantinos J. Babanikas

Thomas J. Dinopoulos*

Praven Shency

Louis deBenedictis

Aleksandra Magdziak Lopes

*Also admitted to Rhode Island and Florida

Concentrating in:

Personal Injury Law - Social Security - Workmen’s Compensation

Wills & Trusts - Product Liability - Real Estate Law

Richard T. Mallen

Of Counsel