Modulo Ingles i - 2014 Unidad i Nociones Basicas y Tiempos Verbales

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Transcript of Modulo Ingles i - 2014 Unidad i Nociones Basicas y Tiempos Verbales




APRIL, 2014.




Pronombres: Pronombres subjetivos:

Pronombres Objetivos:

Pronombres Posesivos:

Pronombres Reflexivos:

Pronombres Interrogativos:


Simple present

Verbo TO BE - Ser o Estar El verbo TO BE, que en castellano se traduce como SER o ESTAR, en el idioma ingls goza de una particular importancia. Su significado depende del sentido de la oracin. Por ejemplo:I am a doctor. Soy un doctor. (Se aplica como verbo ser)I am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. (Se aplica como verbo estar)En el siguiente cuadro se puede observar su declinacin en el modo indicativo del Presente Simple:

To be form

Un detalle a tener en cuenta, es que las contracciones generalmente se usan durante una conversacin y no as en la escritura, salvo que se trate de un texto informal o que transcriba un dilogo.Cabe destacar que el verbo TO BE tambin se utiliza en algunos casos especiales que difieren de idioma espaol, como por ejemplo: Sirve para expresar la edad y tambin sensaciones, en cuyo caso se traduce como 'tener':John is 15 years old. John tiene 15 aos.Peter is hungry. Pedro tiene hambre. Otro caso particular es cuando se habla del clima y entonces se traducir como "hacer":It is hot. Hace calor.

Utiliza el verbo TO BE en su forma correcta.

______Jane a teacher? No, she__________. She _____a doctor. ______you American? No, I _________. I _____ Australian. _____John and Paul at home? No, they______. They _______at the university._______the book on the table? No, it________. It _____ on the chair.______your father from Madrid? No, he________. He ____from Barcelona. Transforma las siguientes frases en frases interrogativas o negativas, segn se pide en las instrucciones entre parntesis.1. Your brother's a doctor. (frase negativa)____________________________________________________.2. Teachers are on holiday in August. (frase interrogativa)_______________________________________________?3. It's late. (frase interrogativa)________________________________________________?4. You're from Denmark. (frase negativa)________________________________________________.5. They're my friends. (frase negativa)________________________________________________.6. I'm late for class. (frase interrogativa)_________________________________________________?7. You're at home this weekend. (frase interrogativa)__________________________________________________?8. This seat's free. (frase interrogativa)__________________________________________________?9. She's married. (frase negativa)___________________________________________________.10. Mary's happy here. (frase negativa)___________________________________________________.PRESENTE SIMPLEI FORMAEn el afirmativo, se usa la forma base del verbo para todas personas menos para la tercera singular (he, she, it), en la que se aade s es.Para formar el negativo o interrogativo se emplea el verbo auxiliar do (does para la tercera persona singular) ms la forma base del verbo.

Los verbos que terminan en s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z aaden es en la tercera persona singular. WashWashes FixFixes CatchCatches

Los verbos que terminan en consonante + y cambian la y por i y aaden es en tercera persona. Study Studies CryCries

Los verbos que terminan en vocal + y no cambian la y solo aaden s en tercera persona. Play Plays StayStays EnjoyEnjoys

Se aade es en tercera persona a los verbos go y do. Go Goes Do Does

Pon los verbos entre parantesis en la forma correcta del Presente Simple, segn sean afirmativos, interrogativos o negativos.A: __________you ______________(live) in Barcelona?B: No, I ____________(not live) in Barcelona. I __________(live) in Cerdanyola. But my sister ____________(live) there. A: And ____________she _________(like) it?B: Yes, she ___________(love) Barcelona. She _________(work) in a bank in the mornings. In the afternoons, she _____________(play) tennis with her boyfriend or she ___________(watch) TV at home. In the evenings, she usually ____________(go) for a walk on the beach or she _____________(do) her English homework. She _____________(study) English on Saturdays. A: _______________she ___________(visit) you in Cerdanyola?B: She ___________(not come) to Cerdanyola very often. I usually _________(visit) her in Barcelona.Complete los espacios en blanco usando verbos en presente simple.

Tom _________ English once a weekTom ___________ footballI __________ English songs.

Any _________a book.

We _________ Christmas songsShe _________ a motorcycle.She _________ T.V after lunchShe _________ a hamburger

Responda de forma afirmativa. a. Do you get up early?b. Does he has a sister?c. Do they come to school?d. Does she watch T.V?e. Do I buy my shoes this week?Subraye el verbo correcto. a. Robert (works, worked, workes) here.b. She (studys, studies, studied) at the library.c. Pedro and Carlos (play, plays, playes) football.d. I dont (go,went,goes) to the party. 1.- Complete los espacios en blanco con el verbo apropiado para cada uno, recuerde el cambio que sufre el verbo cuando est acompaado por una tercera persona, luego complete el crucigramaanswer / sell / type/ do/ serve/ work / get/ start/ write/ go/ take







Across1. Lauren _________ work at 5:00 P.M.4. Brandon ________ in a restaurant.5. Ellen ________ up early in the morning.7. The Elephant Restaurant __________ good Thai food.9. Rodney _______ to be after midnight.10. Andrea is a receptionist. She ___________ the phone.Down:2. Linda is a tour guide. She ________ people on tours.3. She ________ 100 words a minute on her computer.4. Julia ________ about five letters a week.6. My father works in a bookstore. He _________ books.8. What _______ your sister do?

Escriba el verbo en tercera persona:

Subraye el verbo en cada una de las oraciones1. We live in an apartment on the boulevard.2. Some children learn very fast.3. We go for swimming lessons on Sunday.4. I like my new bike.5. Babies sometimes sleep during the day.6. My dad buys a newspaper every morning.7. These dolls belong to Kathleen.8. I often walk to school with my dad.9. My sister plays the piano very well.10. Sarah sometimes reads in bed at night.

Complete la conversacin con el verbo correcto.


To be wereFue /era /estaba / tenia

To be past form Affirmative :Pronombre personal + verbo to be + complementoExample: I was in the schoolNegative:Pronombre personal + verbo to be + not + complementoExample: I was not in the schoolInterrogative:Verbo to be + pronombre personal + complementoExample: Was I in the school? Wasnt I in the school?

To be past form

To be used Para describir sucesos del pasadoHe was tired yesterday We were happy .

Have past form

Simple past form Para la forma afirmativa la mayora de los verbos aaden ed (o simplemente d si terminan en e) a la forma base.Walk =>walkedCare =>cared

Simple past form Stop =>stopped Los verbos regulares que terminan en una sola vocal + consonante doblan su ltima consonante.Rub =>rubbed Plan =>planned Los verbos regulares que terminan en consonante + Y cambian sta ultima por i antes de agregar -ed.Hurry => hurriedCopy => copied

Fill in each sentence with to be past verb : You ________ in the shopping center yesterday.How old ________ she last year?Kevin _______ thirsty last night__________ you hot on saturdy?__________ it your book?

Fill in each sentence with simple past tense : They ________ the game yesterday. (to win) She __________ a dog. (to buy)Did he _______ wine last Friday? (to drink)John ______ the exercise last class. (to copy)

RELACIONE LAS FORMAS DEL PASADO SON LAS FORMAS BASE DE LOS VERBOS.Swambeganran wokecostlostredKeptbroughtfought hitfell flew sat11. Begin _________12. Cost __________13. Fight__________14. Hit ___________15. lose __________

1. fall ____________2. sit ____________3. run ___________4. read ___________5. swim __________

6. wake __________7. bring __________8. win ___________9. fly ____________10. keep ___________


Jane: Last week we 1) ___________________ Caracas.Mary: What day 2) ____________________?Jane: On Sunday. But we got there very late because our plane 3) ____________ at Valencia and Maracay.Mary: 4) ___________________ Caracas?Jane: Oh yes, very much. We 5) _______________ it! We 6) ______________ to leave!

SELECCIONE LA OPCION CORRECTA: 1.What did they do?a. They are playing with toys.b. They are played with toys.c.They plaied with toys.d.They played with toys.

2.What did he do?a. He eating a sandwich.b.He eat asandwich.c.He ate a sandwhich.d.He eated a sandwich.

3.What did she do?a.She cooking.b.She is cooking.c.She cooked.d.She cook.

4.What did he do?a. He drove a car.b. He was driving a car.c. He driving a car.d. He was drive a car.

5.What did they do?a. They reading a book.b. They read a book.c. They are reading a book.d. They red a book.

Suelen ir acompaados por los adverbios de tiempo: Next week, tomorrow, next year, next month. Simple future used Es usado para hablar sobre hechos que ocurrirn en un futuro. She will buy some gifts They are going to play tomorrow


Uses Examples

Future plans and intentionsPlanes e intenciones (normalmente decisiones ya tomadas)I'm going to buy a new mobile phone next week. (comprare un telefono Nuevo la proxima semana)

Predictions based on what we can see at that momentPrediciones basadas en lo que se ve venir en ese momentoLook at that car! it is going to crash into the lamp post. (mira ese carro va a chocar con el poste)


Uses Examples

Instant decisions Decisiones en el momento en que se tomanOk, I'll see you on Friday (ok te vere el viernes)

Predictions based on what we think or imaginePredicciones basadas en lo que pensamos o creemos que va a pasar.The prices of petrol will rise by the end of the year. (el precio del petrleo caera a finales del ao) Tomorrow will be sunny and hot (maana estara soleado y caluroso)

Promises and offersPromesas y ofrecimientos Don't worry, I have time, I' ll go and buy some food for you (no te preocupes yo ire y comprare algo de comida para ti)

Simple future form Will To be + Going to

Translate the sentences in future tense : Maana comprar un carro. I will tomorrow buy a car Ganar el juego el prximo sbado? Winer will the play to next saturday comeremos manzanas? They are going to eat Apple Ella tomar te. She will take tea La prxima semana llover.

ORDENE LAS SIGUIENTES ORACIONES. 1. am/ early/sleep/ I/ to/ night/ going/ I am going to early sleep 1. going/ car/ buy/ she/ to/ new/ is/ a . she is going to new a car 1. apple/ not/ eat/ to/ I/ going/ am/ . I am not going to eat apple 1. pay/ will/ you/ I/ Friday/ on/ . I will pay on Friday 1. close/ you/ will/ door/?/ the/ . you will close the door 1. quiet/ be/ you/ please/ will/ ?/ you will be quiet please

RESPONDE LAS SIGUIENTES PREGUNTAS:1. Are you going to the cinema now? (cinema) .. yes I am go to the cinema 1. Will she buy a skirt? (dress) . No she wont buy a skirt1. Is she going to the theater? (beach) yes she is going to the theater / no she arent going to the theater 1. Where will she travel to next vacation? (New York) she will travel to next vacation in new York

Complete con Will o going to ms las palabras de la figura

Jump be a doctorcrashbe sicka. Look at that man on the bridge! I think he __he will that at look on the bridge jump b. I dont feel well. I think I _ I will dont feel well I think be a doctor c. That man is driving too fast. He _crash __ he will that is driving to fast crash d. My sister is five years old. He __ I am going to sisters is five year old

Present continuous

Past continuous

Present Perfect

Past Perfect

EJERCICIOS1.- Cambie a presente continuo las siguientes oraciones. a) Jonh calls by phoneb) The engineer Works in the building. c) The housewife washes the dishesd) The boy buys a balle) The teacher writes a letter 2.- Cambie a pasado continuo las siguientes oraciones. a) The men sold diamondsb) The writer wrote some booksc) Children broke the windowd) The pilot flew an airplanee) I have an exam3.- Subraye el verbo correcto usando el tiempo verbal presente y pasado perfecto.a) She has ( put-puts-putted) the apple on the table b) The singer has ( sing- sung- singed) Christmas songsc) He has ( saw-seen-see- siked) the movie.d) She has ( learned- learnt- learning) Frenche) You had ( haved-had-haven) a problem4.- Responder a) Where had you traveled last vacations?b) Have they taken an English Course?c) What have you listened?d) What have you dreamed about?e) Have you read Cien aos de Soledad5.- Traduzca las siguientes oraciones. a) Shes already seen that movieb) Bill has bought two cars this yearc) I have stayed there every year since 1990d) Weve done a lot of work this morninge) Ive known her for years6.- CAMBIE A PRESENTE PERFECTO LAS SIGUIENTES ORACIONES. a.- My sister was driving her new car.b.- My mother bought a beautiful picture.c.- The Engineer is building a building.d.- These Christmas vacations I will go to my grandparents house.7.- ORDENE LAS SIGUIENTES ORACIONES. a.- television/ wasnt/ the child/ watching.b.- spoken/ Chinese/ the student/ hasc.- have/ had/ I/ a headached.- party/ I/ enjoyed/ have/ the8.- responda utilizando el pasado continuo. a. What was Susan doing? (play records)b. What were you doing? (do my homework)c. What was the cat doing? (sleep)d. What was Peter doing yesterday? (swim in the pool)e. What were Any and Carol doing? (run in the park) Exercise 1: Escriba la forma ing de estos verbos.1.- talk ______________ 2.- dry __________________3.- come _____________4.- make _________________5.- cut _______________6.- slip __________________7.- admit _____________8.- cancel ________________

Exercise 2: Complete las oraciones adaptando el verbo en parntesis.1.- We want to go for a picnic but it ____________________ ( rain).2.- Look! John ________________ (wear) his new sweater.3.- What are you doing? I ______________________ (make) a poster.4.- Can you two come out? Sorry. We _________________ (study).5.- Where are the boys? They _______________________ (swim)

Exercise 1: Escriba la forma- ing de estos verbos.1 Look_________________ 2 Feel___________________ 3 take _________________ 4 Write__________________5 Win_________________ 6 Dig ____________________7 Sing _________________ 8 Laugh___________________EXCERSICES 2: Vea lo que hicieron los Johnson y lo que hizo el sbado pasado. Contine las oraciones que siguen despus del cuadro.


1) 8-8:30 ate breakfast2) 9-10:30 swam3) 11-12:30 shopped4) 3-5:30 watched a baseball Game at the stadium

1) 9-9:15 took a shower2) 10-noon placed tennis3) 2-5 studied at the library4) 8-11 listened to music with friends

1. At 8:15 in the morning, Mr and Mrs Johnson ____________________________________________________2. Susan Johnson telephoned at 9:10 but no one answered because _____________________________and_____________________3. At 11:30 Mr and Mrs Johnson _________________________and Pete_______________________________________

EXERCISE 1: Relacione los participios pasados en el cuadro con los verbos irregulares en la listawonbrokenworncutwrittenboughtsungforgottensoldgiven

1.sell ____________2.wear____________3.break__________4.write____________5.buy____________6.win______________7.give____________ 8.forget____________9.cut____________10.sing____________