
Post on 21-Mar-2020

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For at undgå stråling, skal nedenstående overholdes. (a) Benyt aldrig ovnen når lågen ikke er lukket.

(b) Pas på der ikke kommer objekter i klemme mellem ovn og låg.

Pas på at tætningslister på anden måde udsættes for overlast.

(c) ADVARSEL: Brug aldrig ovnen hvis denne på nogen måde er defekt.

Al service, justering eller reparation, skal foretages på autoriseret værksted.


Sørg altid for at holde oven ren.

Tør jævnligt tætningslister og låg af.



Spænding: 230V~50Hz

Mikrobølger (Input effekt): 1500W

Mikrobølger (Ouput effekt): 900W

Grill (Input power): 1400W

Konvektion (Input effekt): 2400W

Kapacitet: 25L

Tallerken - diameter: 315mm

Dimensioner (L x B x H): 51 x 4 x mm

Vægt: Ca. 16, kg

3 305






SIKKERHED 1. Ovnen skal placeres plant.

2. Drejetallerken og rullerne, skal

være monteret under brug. Kontroller

at beholder/emballagen er tæt.

3. Vær forsigtig ved brug af bruningsskål,

forkert brug kan ødelægge


4. Brug den korrekte størrelse på posen,

ved tilberedning af popcorn.

5. Lågen er forsynet med flere

sikkerhedslåse, som forhindrer

at ovnen kan startes, når lågen er


Foretag aldrig justeringer eller

ændringer af disse.

6. Brug aldrig ovnen uden indhold.

Brug af ovn uden indhold eller med

indhold, som har meget lav fugtighed,

kan forårsage brand.

7. Tilbered aldrig maden direkte på

drejetallerkenen, dette kan forårsage

skader på denne.

8. Varm aldrig babymad eller sutteflasker i

ovnen. Dette kan forårsage skader på


9. Benyt aldrig beholdere med smal hals.

10. Lav aldrig friturestegning i ovnen.

11. Brug aldrig ovnen til kogning i

forbindelse med syltning.

Det er ikke muligt at sikre at hele

indholdet når kogepunktet.

12. Denne ovn er kun til hjemmebrug,

benyt den ikke til erhvervsmæssige


13. For at forhindre "forsinket kogning" af

væsker, rør i væsken

før opvarmning og igen halvvejs i


Forsinket kogning kan forårsage


14. Hold altid øje under tilberedning.

For lang tilberedningstid kan forårsage



SIKKERHED 1. Læs venligst hele vejledningen før brug af ovnen 2. Vær opmærksom på afsnittet omkring sikkerhed og advarsler. 3. Som ved al anden tilberedning, skal der altid holdes opsyn så længe tilberedning finder sted, for at forhindre evt. brand. I tilfælde af brand: 1. Hold lågen lukket. 2. Sluk ovnen og frakobl ovnen fra stikkontakten. 3. Sluk evt. for strømmen ved hovedrelæ. 4. Tilkald hjælp hvis branden ikke hurtigt kan kontrolleres. Vær altid opmærksom på følgende: 1. Varm aldrig for længe. Hold ekstra øje med papir, plast eller andre let antændelige materialer. 2. Brug aldrig ovnen til opbevaring. Ved f.eks. lynnedslag, kan ovnen tænde af sig selv og indholdet 3. Fjern altid metal fra emballage, f.eks. lukkeclips og lign. 4. Denne ovn skal tilsluttet jord vis stikkontakten. 5. Læs vejledningen omkring installation for brug. 6. Lukkede beholdere, æg og vand med olie eller fedt, kan eksplodere

og bør ikke tilberedes i en mikrobølgeovn. Brug i stedet en alm. ovn. 7. Brug kun ovnen som foreskrevet i denne vejledning. Benyt aldrig kemikalier eller opløsningsmidler. Denne ovn er ikke beregnet til Erhvervsmæssig brug. 8. Vær særlig opmærksom i Nærheden af børn.

9. Brug aldrig ovnen, hvis denne eller stik og ledninger er beskadiget. 10. Al service skal foretages af autoriseret personale. Forsøg ALDRIG selv at justere, reparere eller åbne ovnen. 11. Bloker aldrig ovnens udluftning- kanaler og åbninger. 12. Opbevar og benyt aldrig ovnen udendørs. 13. Benyt aldrig ovnen i fugtige omgivelser eller nær vask. 14. Kom aldrig ledning, ovn eller dele derfra i vand. 15. Hold ledninger fra varme- kilder, som f.eks. komfur. 16. Placer ledning sikkert og forsvarligt. 17. Ved rengøring, brug mild sæbe og en blød klud eller s vamp.



Materialer ADVARSEL

Se herunder for beskrivelse af hvilke materialer

som kan benyttes i ovnen.

Lukkede beholdere Nogle ikke metalholdige materialer egner sig

heller kan eksplodere. ikke til brug i mikrobølgeovne. I tilfælde af tvivl,

Disse skal altid åbners kan nedenstående test foretages:

eller punkteres. Test 1. Fyld en beholder med 250ml vand og sæt materialer i denne. 2. Varm på max. i 1 minut. 3. Føl meget forsigtigt. Hvis materialer, som der er tvivl om, er varm bør det ikke benyttes. 4. Varm aldrig længere en 1 minut.

Se herunder for beskrivelse af hvilke materialer, der kan benyttes: Materiale Bemærkninger Aluminiums folie Kan kun benyttes til afskærmning i små stykker. Skal holde en afstand på min. 2,5cm til ovnens vægge. Bagepapir For at forhindre sprøjt. Hold grundig opsyn. Bruningsskål Følg producentens anvisninger. Skålen skal holde en afstand på min. 5mm til ovnens glastallerken. Tallerkener, Kun hvis disse er beregnet til brug i mikrobølgeovn. kopper og lign. Brug ikke genstande som er skadede. Glasbeholdere Kontroller at der ikke sidder rester af metal folie. Fjern altid låget. Kogeposer Følg altid producentens anvisninger. Luk ikke posen med spænder af metal. Sørg for at der er huller så dampen kan slippe ud. Køkkenrulle Til opsugning af fedt eller for at forhindre sprøjt. Kun til kortvarig opvarmning. Hold grundig opsyn. Papirtallerkener Kun til kortvarig opvarmning. Hold grundig opsyn. Plastik Kun hvis disse er beregnet til brug i mikrobølge- ovne. Følg altid producentens anvisninger. Plastic som ikke er beregnet til mikrobølgeovne, kan smelte under tilberedning. Koge- og stegeposer, se afsnittet om kogeposer. Plastfolie (wrap) Kun hvis dette er beregnet til brug i mikrobølgeovne. Sørg for at folien ikke berører madvarerne. Termometer Brug kun termometer i ovnen, hvis dette er beregnet til brug i mikrobølgeovn. Vokspapir Benyttes for at forhindre sprøjt eller for at bevare saft.


Se herunder for beskrivelse af hvilke materialer, der IKKE kan benyttes: Materiale Bemærkninger Aluminiumsbakker Kan forårsage gnister. Benyt et andet materiale. Emballage med Kan forårsage gnister. Benyt et andet materiale. metalhåndtag Metal og emballage Metal skærmer for energien.. med metal Kan forårsage gnister. Benyt et andet materiale. Posselukker med Kan forårsage gnister. Benyt et andet materiale. metal Papirposer Kan antænde. Benyt et andet materiale. Plastik Kan smelte hvis det ikke er beregnet til mikrobølgeovn. Træ Træ vil udtørre og splintre eller slå revner.

Klargøring Ovnens dele

Løft ovnen ud af kassen og fjern

delene fra ovnen.

Følgende dele følger med:

Drejetallerken af glas

1 stk.

Drejering med ruller

1 stk.


1 stk.

A Betjeningspanel B Aksel til drejetallerken C Drejering D Drejetallerken E Rude F Låge G Sikkerhedslåse Forhindrer at ovnen er tændt når lågen er åben.





Grillrist (kun nogle modeller)


Installation af drejetallerken a. Vend drejetallerkenen med den rigtige side op. Overside b. Både drejetallerken og drejering, skal benyttes under brug af ovnen. Glas- c. Emner som skal tilberedes, skal altid placeres tallerken på drejetallerkenen. d. Hvis drejetallerkenen eller drejeringen beskadiges, kontakt forhandleren. Aksel Benyt ikke ovnen uden disse. Drejering

Ibrugtagning Kontroller ovnen for evt. skader. Tilslut ikke ovnen hvis der er tegn på skader. Fjern beskyttelsesfilmen fra kabinettet.

Kabinet: Fjern al beskyttelsesfilm på ovnens kabinet. Fjern IKKE det lysebrune eller grålige Mica beskyttelse som sidder indvendigt på ovnens side. Dette er for at beskytte magnetronen.

Installation 1. Vælg en plan overflade med tilstrækkelig luft omkring.

Hold en afstand til vægge på min 7,5cm og hold en side fri. (1) Hold en afstand på min. 30cm

over ovnen. (2) Fjern aldring benene på ovnen.

(3) Bloker aldrig åbninger til ventilation (4) Placer ikke ovnen nær TV eller Radio. Mikrobølgerne kan forstyrre disse. 2. Tilslut ovnen til en stikkontakt. Kontroller at stikkontakten er forsynet med jord. Advarsel: Installer ikke ovnen over komfur eller andre varmekilder. Benyttes ovnen nær en varmekilde, skal der sørges for tilstrækkelig afskærmning. Enheden kan blive varm under brug.

Tilslut kun til 230V~ 50Hz.

3.0 inch(7.5cm)

12 inch(30cm)


placeres imod væg.Bagsiden overflade af apparatet skal


Betjening Denne ovn benytter moderne elektronisk betjening til styring af funktioner. 1. Indstilling af ur Når ovnen tilsluttes, vil display vise "0:00", højttaleren afgiver et bip. 1) Tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET " timer vil nu blinke. Uret kan indstille i 24timer eller 12timer. 2) Drej " " for at justere timer, enten 0--23(24-timer) eller 1---12(12-timer). 3) Tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", minutter vil nu blinke.

4) Drej " " for at justere minutter, mellem 0 og 59. 5) Tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET" for at afslutte og gemme. ":" vil nu blinke. Note: 1) Hvis uret ikke indstilles, vil display vise “0:00”. 2) Under indstilling af ur, kan der vendes tilbage til forrige punkt. Tryk " STOP/CLEAR ", ovnen vender til forrige punkt. 2. Tilberedning - Mikrobølger Tryk " MICROWAVE "gentagne gange, for at vælge den ønskede funktion. Drej" " for at justere tiden. Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at starte tilberedning. Eksempel: Hvis der ønskes 80% mikrobølge i 20 minutter, kan det gøres som følger: 1) Tryk " MICROWAVE " en gang, display viser "P100". 2) Tryk " MICROWAVE " igen for at vælge 80% af styrke på mikrobølger, display viser ny "P80". ) Drej " " for at justere tiden, indstil display viser"20:00" (Den maksimale tid er 95 minutter.) ) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at starte tilberedning NOTE: Intervallerne ved indstilling af tid, er som nedenstående skema. 0 - 1 min : 5 sekunder 1 - 5 min : 10 sekunder 5 - 10 min : 30 sekunder 10 - 30 min : 1 minut 30 - 95 min : 5 minutter

) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM "

5 43


Mikrobølger – styrke Antal tryk 1 2 3 4 5 Mikrobølge-styrke 100% 80% 50% 30% 10%

3. Tilberedning - Grill

1) Tryk " GRILL/COMBI. " en gang , " G-1 " vil nu blinke. Dette indikerer grillfunktion.

Drej " " for at justere tiden. (Maksimum er er 95 minutter).

Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at starte tilberedning. Note: Når halvtiden at den valgte tid er passseret, vil der lyde 2 bip. Dette er normalt og giver

mulighed for at vende fødevarerne. For at fortsætte, luk lågen og tryk

"START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" for at fortsætte.

4. Tilberedning - Kombination 1) Tryk "GRILL/COMBI." en gang, " G-1 " vil nu blinke.

2) Tryk "GRILL/COMBI." igen, for at vælge en kombination.(C-1,C-2,C-3 eller C-4)

Drej " " for at justere tiden. (Maksimum er e r 95 minutter).

Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for, at starte tilberedningen.

Note: Tabel over kombinationer. Nr. Display Mikrobølger Grill Konvektion 1 C-1 • • 2 C-2 • • 3 C-3 • • 4 C-4 • • •

5. Tilberedning – Konvektion (Med forvarmning)

Konvektion er en varmluftsfunktion, som benyttes til at efterligne en almindelig ovn.

Der benyttes ikke mikrobølger. Det anbefales at forvarme ovnen, inden tilberedningen.

Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " . 2)



Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " . 3)




1) Tryk "CONVECTION " en gang, “150” vil blinke I display.

2) Tryk "CONVECTION " gentagne gange for at vælge temperatur.

Note: Der kan vælges temperaturer fra 150 til 240 grader.

START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at stare forvarmning. Når den valgte temperatur er opnået, vil der efter 5 min lyde 2 bip, som påmindelse for isætning af maden. Den valgte temperatur vil blinke i display.

” for at justere den ønskede tid. (Maksimum er er 95 minutter).

START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at starte tilberedningen. Note: Tilberedningstiden kan ikke vælges før temperaturen er opnået. Hvis intet foretages 5 minutter efter maden skulle være sat ind, vil ovnen gå tilbage til ventestatus. Der vil lyde 4 bip. Hvis temperaturen ikke er opnået efter mere end 30 min., vil der lyde 2 bip. Foretages der ikke valg, inden for 5 min., vil funktionen stoppe og oven vende tilbage til ventestatus.

6. Tilberedning – Konvektion (Uden forvarmning) 1) Tryk "CONVECTION " en gang, “ ” vil blinke I display. 2) Tryk "CONVECTION " gentagne gange for at vælge temperatur. Note: Der kan vælges temperaturer fra til grader. ” for at justere den ønskede tid. (Maksimum er er 95 minutter). Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at starte tilberedningen.

7. Tilberedning – Multi-funktion Det er muligt at programmere op til funktioner efter hinanden. Hvis optøning er en af disse, bør denne være første funktion. Efter hver funktion vil der lyde et bip og næste funktion vil starte. Note: Autofunktionerne (A1 – A10) kan ikke benyttes til dette. Eksempel: Hvis der ønskes 100% mikrobølger I 10 minutter og 80% mikrobølger i 5 minutter. Benyt nedenstående eksempel: 1) Tryk "MICROWAVE" en gang for at vælge mikrobølger med % styrke; ) Drej " " for at justere tiden til minutter;


150 240




) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM "



3) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM "

4) Tryk "

5) Sæt maden i ovnen og luk lågen. Drej “

6) Tryk "


4) Drej “




Tryk "MICROWAVE" 2 gange for at vælge mikrobølger med 80% styrke.

Drej " " for at justere tiden til 5 minutter.

Tryk for at starte tilberedning 8. Quick funktion

Ved standby, tryk for at starte tilberedning med mikrobølger ved 100% styrke I 30 sekunder. Hver tryk forlænger tiden med 30 sekunder. Maksimum er 95 minutter.

Note: Denne funktion virker ikke ved optøning (defrost), autofunktion og multi-funktion

9. Timerfunktion

1) Kontroller at uret er indstillet. (Se tidligere afsnit vedr. indstilling af ur).

2) Vælg den ønskede funktion. Der kan max. vælges 2 funktioner, dog kun 1

funktion ved brug af autofunktion (A1-A10). Brug ikke optøning (defrost), sammen

med timerfunktionen.

3) Tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", timer vil nu blinke;

4) Drej " " for at justere timer, 0--23 (24-timer) eller 1--12(12-timer).

5) Tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", minutter vil nu blinke flash.

6) Drej " " for at justere minutter, mellem 0--59.

7) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " for at gemme indstilling. Der vil lyde 2 bip, når den valgte tid er gået og tilberedningen starter automatisk med de valgte funktioner.

Note: Der vil lyde 2 bip, når den valgte tid er gået og tilberedningen starter automatisk med de valgte funktioner. Funktionen virker kun, hvis uret er indstillet korrekt.

10. Optøning - Vægt

1) Tryk "W.T./TIME DEFROST" en gang, display viser "dEF1".

2) Drej " " for at vælge vægt på fødevaren. Der kan vælges fra 100 til 2000g.

3) Tryk "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" starte optøning. 11. Optøning - Tidsstyret

1) Tryk " W.T./TIME DEFROST " to gange, display viser "dEF2".

2) Drej “ “ for at vælge tid for optøning. Maksimum er 95 minutter.

3) Tryk " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" for at starte optøning.

5) Tryk .







12. Tilberedning – Hurtigvalg

I standby drej " " mod uret for at vælge tiden, tryk "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" for at starte tilberedningen.

Note: Dette kan vælges som et trin I multi-funktion.

13. Børnelås

Lås: I standby, tryk "STOP/CLEAR" i 3 sekunder, der vil lyde en lang tone og indikator for børnelås vises i display, sammen med den aktuelle tid eller 0:00.

Fjern lås: Tryk "STOP/CLEAR" i 3 sekunder, der vil lyde en lang tone og indikator for børnelås forsvinder i display.

14. Tilberedning - Autofunktion

1) I standby, drej “ ” for at vælge den ønskede autofunktion A1,A2...A10.

2) Tryk "START/ +30 SEC./CONFIRM" for at bekræfte.

3) Drej “ ” for at vælge vægten.

4) Tryk "START/ +30 SEC./CONFIRM" for at starte tilberedning.

15. Forespørgsel

1) Under tilberedning, tryk " MICROWAVE " eller " GRILL/COMBI", den valgte styrke vises. Blinker i 2-3 sekunder.

2) Med I timer aktiveret, tryk " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", tiden til den forsinkede start vises. Blinker i 2-3 sekunder.

3) Under tilberedning, tryk "CLOCK/PRE-SET" for at vise den aktuelle tid. Blinker i 2-3 sekunder.

4) Under tilberedning , tryk "CONVECTION", den tidligere valgte temperatur vises i 2-3 sekunder og den aktuelle temperatur vises derefter i 2-3 sekunder.

16. Andet

1) Der vil lyde et bip, hver gang drejeknappen aktiveres.

2) "START/+30 SEC./CONFIRM" skal aktiveres for at fortsætte tilberedning, hvis lågen har været åbnet under tilberedning.

3) Efter valg af funktion, skal "START/+30 SEC./CONFIRM" aktiveres inden for 5 minutter. Ellers vil funktionen blive annulleret. 4) Der vil lyde et bip for hvert korrekt tryk. 5) Der vil lyde 5 bip når tilberedningen er færdig.

(se skema side 12)



Funktion Vægt (g) eller stk. Display

150 150

250 250

350 350

450 450



600 600

1 (ca. 230g) 1

2 (ca. 460g) 2 A2

Kartoffel 3 (ca. 690g) 3

150 150

300 300

450 450


Kød 600 600

150 150

350 350 A4

Grøntsager 500 500

150 150

250 250

350 350

450 450



650 650


100 A6

Pasta 150

200 200

400 400 A7

Suppe 600 600

A8 Kage 475 475

200 200

300 300 A9

Pizza 400 400

500 500

750 750

1000 1000


Kylling 1200 1200

Note: Autofunktionen for kage benytter konvektion med 160 graders for-varmning. Tillad derfor at ovnen først forvarmes. Dette er sket når der lyder et bip og ovnen stopper for at vente på kagen sættes ind, tryk derefter "Start/+30Sec./Confirm" for at starte tilberedningen.

100 (med vand 800g)

50 (med vand 450g)

150 (med vand 1200g)


Fejlsøgning Normal Ovn forstyrrer TV eller radio

Dette er normalt, især hvor afstanden mellem ovn og disse apparater er kort.

Svag lys Ved nogle programmer kan lyset i ovn blive dæmpet. Dette er normalt.

Damp på låge eller ved ventilation.

Ved brug er dette normalt, da fødevarerne ved opvarmning kan afgive damp.

Ovn startet uden fødevarer

Ovnen må ikke benyttes uden fødevarer.

Problem Mulig fejl Løsning

1) Stik ikke isat korrekt

Kontroller stik og stikkontakt

2) Sikring defekt Serviceres af fagpersonale

Ovn kan ikke tænde

3) Ingen strøm Problemer med husets installationer.

Ovn varmer ikke 4) Låge ikke lukket korrekt

Luk låge.

Glastallerken larmer ved drift.

5) Tallerken eller ovn snavset.

Rengør ovn og tallerken.

I henhold til Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) direktivet, skal WEEE produkter samles og behandles. Hvis dette apparat på noget tidspunkt skal bortskaffes, må det ikke bortskaffes sammen hed husholdningsaffald, Aflever det venligst til nærmeste WEEE indsamlingsstation.

Service eller reparation - kontakt Knau service på telefon 70 44 42 00




Microwave Oven


Rated Voltage:

Rated Input Power(Microwave):

Rated Output Power(Microwave):

Oven Capacity:

Turntable Diameter:

External Dimensions:

Net Weight:

PRECAUTIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURETO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY(a) Do not attempt to operate this oven with the door open since this can

result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to

break or tamper with the safety interlocks.

(b) Do not place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow

soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.

(c) WARNING: If the door or door seals are damaged, the oven must not

be operated until it has been repaired by a competent person.


Rated Input Power(Grill):

Rated Input Power(Convection):




25L 315mm

Approx. 16.5 kg513 4 305mm

1 00W2400W

If the apparatus is not maintained in a good state of cleanliness, its surface could

be degraded and affect the lifespan of the apparatus and lead to a dangerous







IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWARNING To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, injury to persons

or exposure to excessive microwave oven energy whenusing your appliance, follow basic precautions, includingthe following:

1. Warning: Liquids and other foods must not be heated in sealed containers since they are liable to explode.2. Warning: It is hazardous for anyone other than a competent person to carry out any service or repair operation that involves the removal of a cover which gives protection against exposure to microwave energy.3. Warning: Only allow children to use the oven without supervision when adequate instructions have been given so that the child is able to use the oven in a safe way and understand the hazards of improper use.4. Warning: When the appliance is operated in the combination mode, children should only use the oven under adult supervision due to the temperatures generated. (only for grill series)5. Only use utensils suitable for use in microwave ovens.6. The oven should be cleaned regularly and any food deposits should be removed.7. Read and follow the specific:"PRECAU- TIONS TO AVOID POSSIBLE EXPOSURE TO EXCESSIVE MICROWAVE ENERGY".8. When heating food in plastic or paper containers, keep an eye on the oven due to the possibility of ignition.9. If smoke is observed, switch off or unplug the appliance and keep the door closed in order to stifle any flames.10. Do not overcook food.11. Do not use the oven cavity for storage purposes. Do not store items, such as bread, cookies, etc. inside the oven.12. Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or plastic containers/bags before placing them in the oven.

13. Install or locate this oven only in accordance with the installation instructions provided.14. Eggs in the shell and whole hard-boiled eggs should not be heated in microwave ovens since they may explode, even after microwave heating has ended.15. Use this appliance only for its intended uses as described in manual. Do not use corrosive chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This oven is especially designed to heat. It is not designed for industrial or laboratory use.16. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard.17. Do not store or use this appliance outdoors.18. Do not use this oven near water, in a wet basement or near a swimming pool.19. The temperature of accessible surfaces may be high when the appliance is operating. The surfaces are liable to get hot during use.Keep cord away from heated surface, and do not cover any events on the oven.20. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter.21. Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface that could adversely affect the life of the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.22. The contents of feeding bottles and baby food jars shall be stirred or shaken and the temperature checked before consumption, in order to avoid burns.


35.The rear surface of appliance shall be placed against a wall.

23. Microwave heating of beverages can result in delayed eruptive boiling, therefore care must be taken when handling the container.24.The appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical , sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.25.Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.26.The microwave oven shall not be placed in a cabinet unless it has been tested in a cabinet.27.The appliances are not intended to be operated by means of an external timer or separate remote-control system.28. WARNING: Ensure that the appliance is switched off before replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock.29. Accessible parts may become hot during use. Young children should be kept away.30.Steam cleaner is not to be used.31. Surface of a storage drawer can get hot.32. Do not use harsh abrasive cleaners or sharp metal scrapers to clean the oven door glass since they can scratch the surface, which may result in shattering of the glass.33. During use the appliance becomes hot. Care should be taken to avoid touching heating elements inside the oven.34. Only use the temperature probe recommended for this oven.(for ovens provided with a facility to use a temperature-sensing probe.)


DANGERElectric Shock HazardTouching some of the internalcomponents can cause seriouspersonal injury or death. Do notdisassemble this appliance.

WARNINGElectric Shock HazardImproper use of the groundingcan result in electric shock. Donot plug into an outlet untilappliance is properly installedand grounded.

To Reduce the Risk of Injury to PersonsGrounding Installation

CLEANINGBe sure to unplug theappliance from the power supply.1. Clean the inside of the oven after using with a slightly damp cloth.2. Clean the accessories in the usual way in soapy water.3. The door frame and seal and neighbouring parts must be cleaned carefully with a damp cloth when they are dirty.

Two-round-pin plug

1. A short power-supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting from becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.2. If a long cord set or extension cord is used: 1)The marked electrical rating of the cord set or extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance. 2)The extension cord must be a grounding- type 3-wire cord. 3)The long cord should be arranged so that it will not drape over the counter top or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.

This appliance must be grounded. In the event ofan electrical short circuit, grounding reduces therisk of electric shock by providing an escape wirefor the electric current. This appliance is equippedwith a cord having a grounding wire with agrounding plug. The plug must be plugged into anoutlet that is properly installed and grounded.

Consult a qualified electrician or serviceman if thegrounding instructions are not completelyunderstood or if doubt exists as to whether theappliance is properly grounded. If it is necessaryto use an extension cord , use only a 3-wireextension cord.


CAUTIONPersonal Injury HazardIt is hazardous for anyoneother than a compentent personto carry out any service or repairoperation that involves the removalof a cover which gives protectionagainst exposure to microwaveenergy.

Utensil Test:1. Fill a microwave-safe container with 1 cup of cold water (250ml) along with the utensil in question.2. Cook on maximum power for 1 minute.3. Carefully feel the utensil. If the empty utensil is warm, do not use it for microwave cooking.4. Do not exceed 1 minute cooking time.

Materials you can use in microwave ovenUtensils Remarks

Aluminum foil Shielding only. Small smooth pieces can be used to cover thin parts ofmeat or poultry to prevent overcooking. Arcing can occur if foil is tooclose to oven walls. The foil should be at least 1 inch (2.5cm) away fromoven walls.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. The bottom of browning dish must beat least 3/16 inch (5mm) above the turntable. Incorrect usage may causethe turntable to break.Microwave-safe only. Follow manufacturer's instructions. Do not usecracked or chipped dishes.Always remove lid. Use only to heat food until just warm. Most glass jarsare not heat resistant and may break.Heat-resistant oven glassware only. Make sure there is no metallic trim.Do not use cracked or chipped dishes.Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Do not close with metal tie. Makeslits to allow steam to escape.Use for short–term cooking/warming only. Do not leave oven unattendedwhile cooking.Use to cover food for reheating and absorbing fat. Use with supervisionfor a short-term cooking only.Use as a cover to prevent splattering or a wrap for steaming.

Microwave-safe only. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Should belabeled "Microwave Safe". Some plastic containers soften, as the foodinside gets hot. "Boiling bags" and tightly closed plastic bags should beslit, pierced or vented as directed by package.Microwave-safe only. Use to cover food during cooking to retainmoisture. Do not allow plastic wrap to touch food.

Thermometers Microwave-safe only (meat and candy thermometers).Wax paper Use as a cover to prevent splattering and retain moisture.

Browning dish

Glass jars


UTENSILS See the instructions on "Materials you can use inmicrowave oven or to be avoided in microwave oven."There may be certain non-metallic utensils that are notsafe to use for microwaving. If in doubt, you can test theutensil in question following the procedure below.

Oven cookingbagsPaper platesand cupsPaper towels


Plastic wrap



A) Control panelB) Turntable shaftC) Turntable ring assemblyD) Glass trayE) Observation windowF) Door assemblyG) Safety interlock system

Materials to be avoided in microwave ovenUtensils RemarksAluminum trayFood carton withmetal handleMetal or metal-trimmed utensilsMetal twist tiesPaper bagsPlastic foam






SETTING UP YOUR OVENNames of Oven Parts and AccessoriesRemove the oven and all materials from the carton and oven cavity.Your oven comes with the following accessories:Glass tray 1Turntable ring assembly 1Instruction Manual 1

Metal shields the food from microwave energy. Metal trim maycause arcing.

May cause a fire in the oven.Plastic foam may melt or contaminate the liquid inside when exposedto high temperature.Wood will dry out when used in the microwave oven and may splitor crack.

May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.May cause arcing. Transfer food into microwave-safe dish.

May cause arcing and could cause a fire in the oven.

Grill Rack( Only for Grill series )


Remove all packing material and accessories.Examine the oven for any damage such asdents or broken door. Do not install if oven isdamaged.

Countertop InstallationCabinet: Remove any protective film foundon the microwave oven cabinet surface.Do not remove the light brown Mica coverthat is attached to the oven cavity toprotect the magnetron.

Installation1. Select a level surface that provide enough open space for the intake and/or outlet vents.

(3) Blocking the intake and/or outlet openings can damage the oven.(4) Place the oven as far away from radios and TV as possible. Operation of microwave oven may cause interference to your radio or TV reception.2. Plug your oven into a standard household outlet. Be sure the voltage and the frequency is the same as the voltage and the frequency on the rating label.

WARNING: Do not install oven over arange cooktop or other heat-producingappliance. If installed near or over a heatsource, the oven could be damaged andthe warranty would be void.

Hub (underside)

Glass tray

Turntable ring assembly

a. Never place the glass tray upside down. The glass tray should never be restricted.b. Both glass tray and turntable ring assembly must always be used during cooking.c. All food and containers of food are always placed on the glass tray for cooking.d. If glass tray or turntable ring assembly cracks or breaks, contact your nearest authorized service center.

Turntable Installation

Turntable shaft

The accessible surfacemay be hot duringoperation.




A minimum clearance of 3.0 inches(7.5cm) is required between the oven andany adjacent walls. One side must be open.(1) Leave a minimum clearance of 12 inches (30cm) above the oven.(2) Do not remove the legs from the bottom of the oven.

The rear surface of appliance shall beplaced against a wall.


2. Microwave Cooking

This microwave oven uses modern electronic control to adjust cooking parametersto meet your needs better for cooking.

When the microwave oven is electrified,the oven will display "0:00", buzzer will ringonce.

2) Turn " " to adjust the hour figures, the input time should be within 0--23(24-hour) or 1--12(12-hour).

3) Press " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", the minute figures will flash.

5) Press " CLOCK/PRE-SET" to finish clock setting. ":" will flash.Note: 1) If the clock is not set, it would not function when powered. 2) During the process of clock setting, if you press " STOP/CLEAR ", the oven will go back to the previous status automatically.

1) Press " CLOCK/PRE-SET " to choose 12-hour or 24-hour.


NOTE: the step quantities for the adjustment time of the coding switch are as follow: 0---1 min : 5 seconds 1---5 min : 10 seconds 5---10 min : 30 seconds 10---30 min : 1 minute 30---95 min : 5 minutes

Microwave Power ChartPress

Microwave Power

Once Twice Thrice 4 times 5 times

80% 50% 30% 10%100%

4) Turn " " to adjust the minute figures, the input time should be within 0--59.

1) Press the "MICROWAVE " key once, and "P100" display.

2) Press " MICROWAVE" for times or turn " " to select the microwave

power from 100% to 10%. "P100", "P80", "P50", "P30", "P10" will display in order.

3) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to confirm.

4)Turn " " to adjust the cooking time. (The time setting should be 0:05- 95:00.)

5) Press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to start cooking.

1.Clock Setting


3. Grill Cooking

4. Combination Cooking

5. Convection Cooking(With preheating funtion)

1) Press the "GRILL/COMBI. " key once, and "G-1" display.

2) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to confirm.

3)Turn " " to adjust the cooking time. (The time setting should be 0:05- 95:00.)

4) Press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to start cooking.

Instructions Microwave GrillDisplay Convection





1) Press the "GRILL/COMBI. " key once, and "G-1" display.

2) Press " GRILL/COMBI." for times or turn " " to select the grill power.

Stop turning when "C-1","C-2","C-3" or "C-4" displays.

3) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to confirm.

4)Turn " " to adjust the cooking time. (The time setting should be 0:05- 95:00.)

5) Press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to start cooking.





The convection cooking can let you to cook the food as a traditional oven. Microwave is not

used. It is recommended that you should preheat the oven to the appropriate temperature

before placing the food in the oven.

Note: Combination instructions

Note: If half the grill time passes, the oven sounds twice to tell you to turn the food over. You can just leave continue working. But in order to have a better effect of grilling food, you should turn the food over, close the door, and then press"START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" to continue cooking. If no operation, the oven will work automatically and sound once.


6. Convection Cooking( Without pre-heating function)

7.Multi-Stage CookingT stages can be maximumly set. If one stages is defrosting, it should be put in the firststage. The buzzer will ring once after each stage and the next stage will begin.Note: Auto menu and preheating cannot be set as one of the multi-stage.

1) Press the "CONVECTION " key once, "150" flash.

2) Keep pressing "CONVECTION" or turn " " to select the convection function.

3) Press the " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to confirm the temperature.

4) Press the " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to start preheating.When the

preheating temperature arrives, the buzzer will sound twice to remind you to

put the food into the oven. And the preheated temperature is displayed and flash.

5) Put the food into the oven and close the door.

Turn " " to adjust the cooking time. (The maximum setting time is 95 minutes.)

6) Press the " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " key to start cooking.

Note:the temperature can be chosen from 150 degrees to 240 degrees.

Note: a. Cooking time cannot be input until the preheating temperature arrives. If the temperature arrives, door must be opened to input the cooking time. b. If the time not input in 5 minutes, the oven will stop preheating. The buzzer sound five times and turn back to waiting states.

Example: if you want to defrost the food for 5 minutes, then to cook with 80%microwave power for 7 minutes. The steps are as following:

1) Press "W.T./TIME DEFROST " twice, the screen will display "dEF2";

2) Turn " " to adjust the defrost time of 5 minutes;

3) Press"MICROWAVE" once;

4) Turn " " to choose 80% microwave power till "P80" display;

1) Press the "CONVECTION " key once, "150" flash.

2) Keep pressing "CONVECTION" or turn " " to select the convection function.

3) Press the " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to confirm the temperature

4) Turn " " to adjust the cooking time. (The maximum setting time is 95 minutes.)

5) Press the " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " key to start cooking.

Note:the temperature can be chosen from 150 degrees to 240 degrees.



9. Auto Menu

8. Pre-set Function1) Set the clock first. (Consult the instruction of clock setting.)2) Input the cooking program. Three stages can be set at most. Defrosting should not be set in preset function.Auto menu can be set single stage only.

Note: Cake menu is under convection cooking with 160 -warm-up function,and you should preheat first following the auto menu operation, when the ovenreaches the temperature, it will stop working and sound to remind openingthe door to put cake in, then press "Start/+30Sec./Confirm" to start cooking.

5) Press " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", the minute figures will flash.

6) Turn " " to adjust the minute figures, the input time should be within 0--59.

4) Turn " " to adjust the hour figures, the input time should be within 0--23(24-hour)

or 1--12(12-hour).

7) Press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM " to finish setting. ":" will light, buzzer will ring twice when the time arrives, then cooking will start automatically.

3) Press " CLOCK/PRE-SET ", current time displays and the hour figures flash.

1) In waiting state, turn " " right to choose the function wanted,

and "A1","A2","A3"...."A10" will be displayed.

2) Press "START/ +30 SEC./CONFIRM" to confirm the menu you need.

3) Turn " " to choose the weight of menu,and "g" indicator will light.4) Press "START/ +30 SEC./CONFIRM" to start cooking.

Example: if you want to cook with 80% microwave power for 7 minutes.a. Press"MICROWAVE" once;

b. Turn " " to choose 80% microwave power till "P80" display;

c. Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" to confirm;

d. Turn " " to adjust the cooking time of 7 minutes;After the above steps, please do not press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM ". Thendo as following:

Note: clock must be set first. Otherwise,pre-set function will not work.

5) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" to confirm;

6) Turn " " to adjust the cooking time of 7 minutes;

7) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" to start cooking.


Auto menu ChartMenu Weight(g) Power













1 (about 230g)

2 (about 460g)

3 (about 690g)













50(with water 450g)

100(with water 800g)

150(with water 1200g)












A8 Cake








































Preheat at 160 degrees









12. Speedy Cooking

11. Defrost by Time

10. Defrost by W.T.

13. Speedy Microwave Cooking

14. Inquiring Function(1) In cooking state, press"MICROWAVE","GRILL/ COMBI." or " CONVECTION", the current power will be displayed for 2-3 seconds.(2) In pre-set state, press " CLOCK/PRE-SET " to inquire the time for delay start cooking. The pre-set time will flash for 2-3 seconds, then the oven will turn back to the clock display.(3) During cooking state, press "CLOCK/PRE-SET" to check the current time. It will be displayed for 2-3 seconds.

1) In waiting state, press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" key to cook with 100% powerlevel for 30 seconds. Each press on the same key can increase 30 seconds. Themaximum cooking time is 95 minutes.

1) Press " W.T./TIME DEFROST " key twice, the oven will display "dEF2"

2) Turn " " to select the cooking time. The maximum setting time is 95 minutes.

3) Press " START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" key to start defrosting. " " and " " indicators will flash .

1) Press "W.T./TIME DEFROST" pad once,the oven will display "dEF1",.

3) Press "START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" key to start defrosting" " and " " indicators will flash and "g" indicator will go out.

2) Turn " " to select the weight of food.At the same time, "g" will lights, The weight should be 100-2000g.

2) During microwave,grill,convection and combination states, press"START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" key to cook with 100% power level for 30 seconds.Each press on the same key can increase 30 seconds.

In waiting state, turn " " left to choose cooking time directly then press"START/+30SEC./CONFIRM" key to cook with 100% microwave power.This program can be set as one of multi-stage.

Note: this function cannot work under defrost, auto menu and multi-stagecooking.

Note:if the food weight is no more than 200 grams,please place the food at the edge of theglass turntable but not the center to be defrosted.


16. Specification(1) The buzzer will sound once when turning the knob at the beginning;(2) "START/+30 SEC./CONFIRM" must be pressed to continue cooking if the door is openedduring cooking;(3) Once the cooking programme has been set , "START/+30 SEC./CONFIRM" is not pressedin 5 minutes. The current time will be displayed. The setting will be cancelled.(4) The buzzer sounds once by efficient press, inefficient press will be no responce.(5) The buzzer will sound five times to remind you when cooking is finished.

15. Lock-out Function for ChildrenLock: In waiting state, press "STOP/CLEAR" for 3 seconds, there will be a long "beep"denoting entering into the children-lock state and " " indicator will light. LED will displaycurrent time or 0:00.

Lock quitting: In locked state, press "STOP/CLEAR" for 3 seconds, there will be a long "beep"denoting that the lock is released, and " " indicator will disapear.


Trouble shooting

According to Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE) directive, WEEE should be separately collected andtreated. If at any time in future you need to dispose of thisproduct please do NOT dispose of this product with householdwaste. Please send this product to WEEE collecting pointswhere available.

It is forbidden to run the unit without any food inside.It is very dangerous.







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Service number for Knau:+457 0444200
