Missie - NWU · vermoëns het en bereid sal wees om op te staan vir dit waarin hy glo. 'n Man wat...

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Transcript of Missie - NWU · vermoëns het en bereid sal wees om op te staan vir dit waarin hy glo. 'n Man wat...


Eenheid, Trots, Respek en Broederskap


Gebalanseerde inwoners

Akademiese Voortreflikheid



Welkom by die Huis van die Ridders Dit is met trots dat ons jou verwelkom by Excelsior Manskoshuis vanaf 2016. Ek en Hendrina (Tannie Coach) hoop dat jy gereed sal wees vir die nuwe lewe as student aan die NWU-Potchefstroomkampus. Hier gaan ons saam bou aan ʼn fase van jou lewe wat onvergeetlik sal wees, waar jy nuwe vriendskappe sal vorm en jou tyd as student 100% sal uitleef. As a first year you will see how a ‘gentleman’ should behave, and the House Committee will set you through your paces from day 1. Remember, it is not an extended holiday that awaits you. You are coming here to study, but also to have a memorable time on our campus. Excelsior is definitely the place for young men to grow and become the adult that the world needs to make a difference. We are looking forward to meeting you and showing you the ropes. It is exciting times that waits. Groete Conrad de Swardt (Coach) 0825707639 Huisvader

EXCELSIOR: ADMINISTRASIE, FISIESE FASILITEITE EN VEILIGHEID. Dagsê, eerstejaar Welkom en geluk met jou plek hier en dankie dat jy hier wil woon. Mag jou verblyf aangenaam wees. Ek is verantwoordelik vir jou koshuisadministrasie, die instandhouding van fisiese fasiliteite en veiligheid daarvan. Sonder jou medewerking kan ek egter niks vermag nie. Saam werk en presteer ons. Hier is 'n paar wenke om jou lewe rondom instandhouding in die koshuis makliker te maak: (INSTANDHOUDING dui op skoon, netjies, heel en alles in werkende toestand.) Dit is 'n plesier om in EXCELSIOR te woon en te werk. Ons vertrou jy sal dit ook so ervaar. Indien jy enige vrae of probleme het, is jy welkom om my te kontak of te besoek. My kantoor is by die ingang van Knights-gang. Mag 2016 die beste jaar van jou lewe wees. Ek sien daarna uit om jou te ontmoet. Daleen van Rooyen. Inwoningsbeampte. 072 932 1292

Primarius Toekomstige Ridder Ek wil jou hartlik gelukwens met jou keuring tot Excelsior Manskoshuis. Die Huis van die Ridders. Ek begin met 'n aanhaling uit John Eldredge se Wild at Heart: "Let's say it's June 6, 1944, about 07:10. You are a soldier in the third wave onto Omaha Beach. Thousands of men have gone before you and now it is your turn. As you jump out of the Higgins boat and wade to the beach, you see the bodies of fallen soldiers everywhere - floating in the water, tossing in the surf, lying on the beach. Moving up the sand you encounter hundreds of wounded men. Some are limping toward the bluffs with you, looking for shelter. Others are barely crawling. Snipers on the cliffs above continue to take them out. The damage is almost overwhelming. When you reach the cliffs, the only point of safety, you find squads of men with no leader. They are shell-shocked, stunned and frightened. Many have lost their weapons; most of them refuse to move. They are paralyzed with fear." Die boonste aanhaling is 'n metafoor vir die wêreld daar buite. Ons beleef terugslae, ons kry seer en is baie keer bang vir wat die toekoms inhou. By Excelsior wil ons jou help ontwikkel in die persoon wat leiding sal neem in die bogenoemde situasie. 'n Persoon wat sal aanhou beweeg, aanhou veg, maak nie saak hoe hopeloos die situasie dalk lyk of hoe groot die oormag is nie. Iemand wat vertoue in sy vermoëns het en bereid sal wees om op te staan vir dit waarin hy glo. 'n Man wat na die toekoms kan kyk wat die universiteit en die wêreld met durf en ywer sal kan aanpak al lyk dit dalk oorweldigend. Wat sal veg vir sy gesin, vir sy toekoms en vir sy God. 'n Man wat, ten spyte van vrees, ywerig sal soek na sy roeping. 'n Ridder kan as volg gedefinieer word: "A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire. A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle. The devoted champion of a lady and a man belonging to an order or brotherhood". Hierdie definisie is waarvan jy nou deel gaan raak. Ons wil jou toerus om jou beginsels te verdedig, 'n gentleman-soldier te wees. Ek sien uit daarna om die nuwe jaar saam met jou aan te pak en om 'n broer by te kry. Ek sluit af met Efesiërs 6:13-17

“Trek daarom die wapenrusting aan wat God julle gee, sodat julle weerstand kan bied in die dag van onheil en, nadat julle die stryd tot die einde gevoer het, nog op julle pos kan bly staan. Bly dan op julle pos, toegerus met die waarheid as gordel om julle heupe, die vryspraak deur God as borsharnas, en die bereidheid om die evangelie te verkondig as skoene aan die voete. Daarby moet julle altyd die geloof as skild in die hand hê, want daarmee sal julle al die brandpyle van die Bose kan afweer. Sit verlossing as helm op en vat die swaard van die Gees, dit is die woord van God”.

Viribus Excelsior Hanno Degenaar Primarius 2015/2016 071 868 252


Baie welkom by Excelsior Manskoshuis, Huis van die Ridders.

Jy as nuwe Ridder het die voorreg om deel te wees van ʼn familie, broederbond en vriendekring wat in die lekker, swaar en snaakse tye deur dik en dun by jou sal staan. Baie geluk en welkom by die begin van die res van jou lewe. Jy as nuwe eerstejaar gaan ook die voorreg en die plig op jou skouers dra om ons unieke koshuis na nuwe hoogtes te neem. Hier gaan ons van jou ‘n man maak.

“If size mattered then the elephant would be the king of the jungle.”

Dit is die houding wat ek wil hê jy as Excelsior-inwoner moet hê die dag wat jy in die koshuis instap.

Ek sien uit om saam met julle manne te werk. Sien jou in 2016! Viribus Excelsior Hans Gildenhuys Eerstejaars en tug 082 495 2035 gildenhuyshans@gmail.com Volg die skakel vir volledige R&O program https://www.facebook.com/NWU-Pukke-Eerstejaars-2016-NWU-Pukke-First-years-2016-788011167941738/timeline/

Finansies Die volgende word ingesluit in koshuisdrag: 1x Custom Golfer 1x Custom T-Shirt 1x Ovie 1x Rugsak 1x Trucker pet 1x Kortbroek 1x Black Blazer 1x Excelsior Das 1x Sleephemp 1x Windbrekerbaadjie Daar word vereis van elke eerstejaar om vir hom `n lang roomkleurige-chino met ‘n wit knopies-hemp aan te skaf en dit saam te bring na die koshuis op die eerste dag van R&O (Registrasie en Oriëntering). Opsies vir betaling:

OPSIE 1: EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer/ Internet oorbetaling)

Gelde word reeds voor aankoms in die Universiteit se hoofrekening oorbetaal en die bewys van betaling word via epos aan Kevin Nkhobo, die Finansies HK-lid, gestuur by nkhobokevin@gmail.com

Bankbesonderhede van die NWU:

- NWU Diverse - ABSA - Tjek Rekening - 670 642 313 - Verwysing: Excelsior, Naam en Van, Studentenommer. Die verwysing is uiters belangrik, sodat die gelde na die korrekte koshuise gestuur word.

OPSIE 2: Gelde word betaal by die koshuis met aankoms

Dit kan kontant of per tjek (Tjeks moet asb soos volg uitgemaak wees: Noordwes Universiteit Dit mag nie aan die koshuis uitgemaak word nie. Namibiese en buitelandse tjeks word ongelukkig nie meer aanvaar nie.) betaal word in die aangewese lokaal by die koshuis. Dring asb. aan op `n kwitansie aangesien dit dien as bewys.

OPSIE 3: Gelde word betaal by kassiere in gebou F1 in Lovers Lane.

`n Kwitansie word vir u uitgedruk en moet dan by die koshuis ingedien word as bewys van betaling.

Ons raai u aan om nie die prosedure te volg nie aangesien die rye lank is en om vir kassiere te vra om twee kwitansies uit te druk aangesien u die een gaan indien by die koshuis en dan self nie `n bewys het nie.

OPSIE 4: Vorms word geteken by die koshuis met aankoms waar die gelde op die studenterekening gehef word.

Alle beurshouers (veral NSFAS) moet hierdie vorm teken, mits anders gestel deur beursooreenkoms.

Die volgende pakkette is te koop: Pakket A (Volle pakket) R2520

Koshuisdrag R1260

Koshuiskasgelde R750

Joolkaartjie en oorpak R 340

Eerstejaarsdineekaartjie R170

Pakket B (Basies) R2010

Koshuisdrag R1260

Koshuiskasgelde R750

Pakket C (Basies + dinee) 2180

Koshuisdrag R1260

Koshuiskasgelde R750

Eerstejaarsdineekaartjie R170

Pakket D (Basies + jool) R2350

Koshuisdrag R1260

Koshuiskasgelde R750

Joolkaartjie en oorpak R 340

Pakket E (Basies + oorpak) R 2180

Koshuisdrag R1260

Koshuiskasgelde R750

Oorpak R170

Benodighede: • Ketel (meeste dames gebruik die

warmwater “boiler” op die gange). • Waspoeier, versagmiddel en strykyster. • Bekers, glase, borde, papbakkies en

eetgerei. • Bed- /studielampie. • Twee slotte, een vir jou kas en een vir julle

kamerdeur. • Beddegoed (Duvet, lakens en kussings –

dit laat jou sommer dadelik tuis voel). • Yskas en mikrogolfoond (Jy sal in die

middel van Desember jou kamermaat se kontakinligting ontvang sodat julle kan besluit wie watter item gaan koop. Jy en jou kamermaat kan met julle aankoms ook besluit wie wat gaan koop, want in die eerste 3 weke het jy nie een van die twee regtig nodig nie).

• Indien jy ʼn rekenaar het is jy welkom om dit saam te bring. Die kamers is toegerus met netwerk en internetpunte. Die koshuis het egter ook ʼn rekenaarlokaal waarvan jy gebruik kan maak.


Uit die naggloed van die vuurreën Blits ‘n ridder na die lig Magtig peil hy roem beseën Met die lans na bo gerig Surgimus unitates Ad belles Ad mortes Ad infinitum Viribus Excelsior Kragtig kring ons uit in die kalklig Suiwer swaarde flits van vêr Reik ons hande hoër ewig Na die helder morêster Surgimus unitates Ad belles Ad mortes Ad infinitum Viribus Excelsior •Musiek: 9de Simfonie van Ludwig von Beethov

Welcome to Excelsior - “Huis van die Ridders” It is with honour that we welcome you to Excelsior Mens Hostel from 2016. Hendrina and I hope that you are ready for the new chapter of your life as a student at the NWU Potchefstroom Campus. Together we will build this new chapter of your life and to make it unforgettable. Here you will build new friendships and we will help you enjoy your student life to the fullest. As a first year you will see how a ‘gentleman’ should behave, and the House Committee will set you through your paces from day 1. Remember, it is not an extended holiday that awaits you. You are coming here to study, but also to have a memorable time on our campus. Excelsior is definitely the place for young men to grow and become the adult that the world needs to make a difference. We are looking forward to meeting you and showing you the ropes. It is exciting times that awaits you. Regards Conrad de Swardt (Coach) 0825707639 House Master EXCELSIOR: ADMINISTRATION, FACILITIES AND SAFETY Good day First Year Welcome and congratulations with your placement and thank you for wanting to stay here. May your stay be pleasurable. I am responsible for your hostel admin, maintenance of the facilities and general safety. With your cooperation we can achieve our goals. Together we will work and perform. It is a pleasure to stay and work at Excelsior. We believe that you will have the same experience. If you have any further questions or other problems, feel free to contact or visit me. My office is at the entrance of The Knights corridor. May 2016 be the best year of your life. I look forward to meeting you. Daleen van Rooyen. Residence Manager 072 932 1292

Head of House Aspiring Knight I want to congratulate you with your acceptance into Excelsior Men's Hostel. The House of the Knights. I am going to start with a quote from John Eldridge's Wild at Heart: "Let's say it's June 6, 1944, about 0710. You are a soldier in the third wave onto Omaha Beach. Thousands of men have gone before you and now it is your turn. As you jump out of the Higgins boat and wade to the beach, you see the bodies of fallen soldiers everywhere - floating in the water, tossing in the surf, lying on the beach. Moving up the sand you encounter hundreds of wounded men. Some are limping toward the bluffs with you, looking for shelter. Others are barely crawling. Snipers on the cliffs above continue to take them out. The damage is almost overwhelming. When you reach the cliffs, the only point of safety, you find squads of men with no leader. They are shell-shocked, stunned and frightened. Many have lost their weapons; most of them refuse to move. They are paralyzed with fear." Apply the quote above to the world around you. We are going to experience setbacks, we are going to get hurt and most of the time we are afraid of what the future holds for us. At Excelsior we want to help you develop into the man that will take the lead in the situation described above. A man that will continue to move, continue to fight, regardless of how hopeless a situation may seem or by how many you may be outnumbered. Someone who trusts in his abilities and is willing to stand for what he believes in. A man that can look at the future after university and that can take the world head on, even if it seems overwhelming. That will fight for his family, for his future and for his God. A man that, despite having fear, tenaciously searches for his calling. A Knight can be defined as: "A medieval gentleman-soldier, usually high-born, raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire. A defender, champion, or zealous upholder of a cause or principle. The devoted champion of a lady and a man belonging to an order or brotherhood". This definition is what you are going to be part of. We want to equip you to defend your principles, to be a gentleman-soldier. I am looking forward to start the year with you and in getting a new brother. I conclude with Ephesians 6:13-17 "Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Viribus Excelsior! Hanno Degenaar Primarius 2015/2016 071 868 2528

First Years

Welcome at Excelsior Mens Hostel – Home of the Knights.

Congratulations and Welcome to the beginning of the rest of your life. You as a new First Year has the honour to be part of a family, brotherhood and circle of friends, where you will have good, bad and unforgettable times together. You as a new First Year will carry the responsibility on your shoulders to excel and take our hostel to higher heights. Here you will become a man.

“If size mattered then the elephant would be the king of the jungle.”

This is the attitude that I would like you to have the day you become a part of Excelsior Mens Hostel.

I look forward to working with you. See you in 2016! Viribus Excelsior Hans Gildenhuys Eerstejaars en tug 2015/2016 082 495 2035 gildenhuyshans@gmail.com


The following is included in hostel wear: 1x Custom Golfer 1x Custom T-Shirt 1x Ovie 1x Back Pack 1x Trucker custom cap 1x Short 1x Black Blazer 1x Excelsior Tie 1x Sleephemp 1x Padded Wind breaker It is required that each First Year should have a long, cream coloured chino, with a plain white button shirt on the first day of R&O (Registration and Orientation).

The following packages are available:

Package A (Full package) R2520 Hostel wear R1260 Residence fee R750 RAG ticket and overall R340 First-years dine ticket R170 Package B (Basic) R2010 Hostel wear R1260 Residence fee R750 Package C (Basic and dine) R2180 Hostel wear R1260 Residence fee R750 First-years dine ticket R170 Package D (Basic and RAG) R2350 Hostel wear R1260 Residence fee R750 RAG ticket and overall R340 Package E (Basic and overall) R2180 Hostel wear R1260 Residence fee R750 Overall R170 Follow this link for the complete R&O Program: https://www.facebook.com/NWU-Pukke-Eerstejaars-2016-NWU-Pukke-First-years-2016-788011167941738/timeline/

Necessities • Kettle (most of the ladies use the warm water

boilers on each corridor.) • Washing powder, fabric softener and iron. • Mugs, glasses, plates, bowls and cutlery. • Bed and/or study lamps. • Two locks, one for your room and one for your

closet. • Bedding ( Duvet, sheets and pillows – it makes

you feel at home) • Any ornaments or things you like to decorate

your room. (Take note that nothing may be stuck to the walls.)

• Fridge and microwave (you will receive your roommate’s contact details in the middle of December and you can decide who will bring the fridge and who will bring the microwave. You can also purchase these items when you arrive in Potchefstroom as you won’t need these items during the Registration and Orientation programme.

• If you have a computer or laptop, feel free to bring it with. Each room is equipped with network points. The residence however has a computer lab which you can use whenever you need the facility.