Milena Canonero

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Milena Canonero


  • Vida

    Nascida em 01 de janeiro de 1946.

    Figurinista italiana.

    Estudou arte, histria do design e

    gurino em Gnova.

    Primeiros trabalhos para teatro e

    propaganda na Inglaterra (anos 60).

    Conheceu Kubrick no set de 2001: Uma

    Odissia no Espao e foi convidada por ele

    para trabalhar em Laranja Mecnica.

    Milena Canonero no set de "Barry Lyndon"

  • Carreira

    Indicaes ao Oscar (Best Costume Design)

    1976 Barry Lyndon (dividido com Ulla-Britt Sderlund)

    1982 Chariots of Fire

    1986 Out of Africa

    1989 Tucker: The Man and His Dream

    1991 Dick Tracy

    2000 Titus

    2002 The Affair of the Necklace

    2007 Marie Antoinette

    2015 The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Oscar, 1976 Oscar, 1982 Oscar, 2007 Oscar, 2015

  • Carreira

    Indicaes ao British Academy Film

    Awards (Best Costume Design)

    1976 Barry Lyndon

    1982 Chariots of Fire

    1986 Cotton Club

    1987 Out of Africa

    1991 Dick Tracy

    2007 Marie Antoinette

    2015 The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Raffaella Fantasia accept the award on behalf of Milena Canonero (2015)

  • Carreira

    Indicaes ao Costume Designers Guild


    Career Achievement Award


    Excellence in Contemporary Film

    2005 The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

    2005 Ocean's Twelve

    Excellence in Period Film

    2007 Marie Antoinette

    2015 The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Milena Canonero at 2015 Costume Designers Guild Awards

  • 1971 1975 1977 O Desaparecimento 1978 O Laranja Mecnica Barry Lyndon

    Expresso da Meia-Noite 1980 1981 Carruagens de Fogo 1983 Fome de O Iluminado

    Viver 1984 Give My Regards to Broad Street 1984 Cotton Club 1985 Entre Dois

    Amores 1987 Bary - Condenados Pelo Vcio 1988 Tucker - Um Homem E Seu Sonho

    1990 Coraes Covardes 1990 Dick Tracy 1990 O Poderoso Chefo III 1992 Mulher

    Solteira Procura... 1992 Perdas e Danos 1994 S Voc 1994 Segredos do Corao

    1994 Camilla 1994 A Morte e a Donzela 1998 Politicamente Incorreto 1999 Titus

    2001 O Enigma do Colar 2002 Solaris 2004 Eros (segment "Equilibrium") 2004 A

    Vida Marinha com Steve Zissou 2004 Doze Homens e Outro Segredo 2006 Belle

    toujours 2006 2007 Viagem a Darjeeling 2007 I vicer 2010 O Maria Antonieta

    Lobisomem 2010 C'tait Marie-Antoinette (TV Movie) 2011 Deus da Carnicina

    2013 Castello Cavalcanti (Short) 2014 2015 Last SummerO Grande Hotel Budapeste

  • Carruagens de Fogo Cotton Club

  • Entre Dois Amores Tucker - Um Homem E Seu Sonho

  • A Vida Marinha com Steve Zissou O Lobisomem

  • Laranja Mecnica 1971

    Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

    Production Design by: John Barry

    Art Direction by: Russell Hagg, Peter Sheilds.

    Gnero: Fico cientca, Drama, Policial

    No futuro, o violento Alex (Malcolm McDowell), lder de uma gangue de delinquentes que matam,

    roubam e estupram, cai nas mos da polcia. Preso, ele recebe a opo de participar em um

    programa que pode reduzir o seu tempo na cadeia. Alex vira cobaia de experimentos destinados a

    refrear os impulsos destrutivos do ser humano, mas acaba se tornando impotente para lidar com a

    violncia que o cerca.

  • (...) pelcula cheia de dualidades

    (...) cuecas usadas por cima das calas, que continham enchimento para, supostamente, aumentar seus

    rgos genitais; simbolizando a sexualidade explcita.

    As roupas so, de certa forma, futuristas. Porm, foram inspiradas no pr punk, na esttica do m dos

    anos 60, no incio dos anos 70 e na cultura do pop art (...) movimento artstico que usava do

    colorido para ironizar a vida materialista. (...) No podemos nos esquecer tambm das formas


    (...) ar psicodlico

    (...) transmitir a atmosfera das contradies e da juventude transviada

  • The costumes in ''A Clockwork Orange'' were inspired by then-current London street styles. Malcolm

    McDowell, the lm's star, and his gang of stylized rufans wore black boots known in England's youth cults

    as ''bovver'' - meaning bother - boots. After ''A Clockwork Orange,'' a new cult, Bovver Boys, reviled for

    their tendency to cause ''a spot of bovver,'' as in ''Clockwork Orange,'' sprang up in London. Rock musicians

    began sporting the lm's white pants with suspenders, black bowlers and bovver boots. Young women

    in the lm wore color-streaked hair, a style that would resurface in punk rock and new wave circles.

    Laranja Mecnica supostamente transcorre em um futuro prximo, o que explica a escolha das casas (a do

    personagem escritor) e dos edifcios (a priso) mais modernas, quase futuristas. O lme tambm muito

    marcado pela esttica de m dos anos 60 e de incio dos anos 70, da pop art: cores muito vivas, quadros

    psicodlicos, moda pr-punk, msica pop e eletrnica.

    Antoine de Gaudemar

  • Campbell's Soup Cans (1962)

    Andy Warhol

    Marilyn Silkscreen Prints

    Andy Warhol

  • Barry Lyndon 1975

    Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

    Production Design by: Ken Adam

    Art Direction by: Roy Walker

    Costume Design by: Milena Canonero, Ulla-Britt Sderlund

    Gnero: Histrico, Aventura, Drama

    No sculo XVIII, Barry (Ryan O'Neal), um aventureiro irlands, transgride a lei e obrigado a deixar

    sua cidade. Junta-se ao exrcito para logo em seguida tornar-se espio e traidor. Seu principal

    objetivo chegar at a aristocracia atravs do casamento. Ele consegue, mas aps um breve

    perodo de felicidade, um triste destino o aguarda.

  • A myth grew that the Academy Award-winning costumes used in the lm were genuine antique

    clothes, but this is only partly correct. Some of the costumes were genuine antiques bought at auction

    by costume designer Milena Canonero, while others were custom-made specically for the lm and

    were based on clothing of the period and costumes seen in period paintings.

    (...) gurinos absolutamente impecveis e primorosos em relao pesquisa, uso de materiais - alguns

    tecidos originais do sculo XVIII ou fabricados e tingidos de acordo com a tecnologia da poca

  • Many of the shots were composed and lmed

    in order to evoke certain eighteenth century

    paintings, especially those by Thomas


    Canonero declares she was inspired by

    painting, unveiling her penchant for tableaux-

    vivants, and 18th century minor painters: by

    Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds

    for the British atmosphere, by German painters

    such as Menzel for the candle-lit scenes. The

    resulting costumes are of extraordinary richness.

    Mr and Mrs Andrews (about 1750)

    Thomas Gainsborough

  • Captain George K. H.

    Coussmaker (1759-1801)

    Sir Joshua Reynolds

    Many of the shots were composed and lmed

    in order to evoke certain eighteenth century

    paintings, especially those by Thomas


    Canonero declares she was inspired by

    painting, unveiling her penchant for tableaux-

    vivants, and 18th century minor painters: by

    Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds

    for the British atmosphere, by German painters

    such as Menzel for the candle-lit scenes. The

    resulting costumes are of extraordinary richness.

  • Flute Concert with Frederick the Great in Sanssouci (1850-1852)

    Adolph Menzel

    Many of the shots were composed and lmed

    in order to evoke certain eighteenth century

    paintings, especially those by Thomas


    Canonero declares she was inspired by

    painting, unveiling her penchant for tableaux-

    vivants, and 18th century minor painters: by

    Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds

    for the British atmosphere, by German painters

    such as Menzel for the candle-lit scenes. The

    resulting costumes are of extraordinary richness.

  • O Iluminado 1980

    Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

    Production Design by: Roy Walker

    Art Direction by: Leslie Tomkins

    Gnero: Terror

    Durante o inverno, um homem (Jack Nicholson) contratado para car como vigia em um hotel no

    Colorado e vai para l com a mulher (Shelley Duvall) e seu lho (Danny Lloyd). Porm, o contnuo

    isolamento comea a lhe causar problemas mentais srios e ele vai se tornado cada vez mais

    agressivo e perigoso, ao mesmo tempo que seu lho passa a ter vises de acontecimentos

    ocorridos no passado, que tambm foram causados pelo isolamento excessivo.

  • Titus 1990

    Directed by: Julie Taymor

    Production Design by: Dante Ferretti

    Art Direction by: Massimo Razzi, Domenico Sica (co-art director), Pier Luigi Basile

    (supervising art director).

    Gnero: Histrico, Drama

    Titus Andronicus (Anthony Hopkins) um bem-sucedido general romano que est de volta sua terra

    natal, aps vrias vitrias sobre os inimigos do Imprio Romano. Junto consigo traz Tamora (Jessica

    Lange), a rainha dos godos, povo inimigo aos romanos, que se torna prisioneira, juntamente com

    seus trs lhos. Buscando vingana da morte de 21 de seus 25 lhos na guerra, Titus decide por

    matar em nome de sua honra o primognito de Tamora. As consequncias de tal ato se

    desencadearo mais tarde, quando Tamora se tornar a nova rainha do Imprio Romano.

  • In Titus, (...) widely divergent epochs are represented throughout the

    lm, existing side by side without any commentary on why, or how.

    Costume, paraphernalia, horses or chariots or cars; these represent

    the essence of a character, as opposed to placing it in a specic

    time. This is a lm that takes place from the year 1 to the year 2000.

    Julie Taymor

    It's retro-contemporary-futuristic. Everything was interpreted,

    nothing was exact. It's like a comic strip. It's much easier to do a

    movie in a specic period. Here, all the costumes mean something

    more than just dress-up. It's a very difcult way of doing a movie.

    Milena Canonero

  • None of the characters wear green at any point during the lm. Director Julie Taymor felt that green

    suggests safety and comfort and told costume designer Milena Canonero that costumes could only

    be colored metallic, red, blue, gray, black or white.

    Director Julie Taymor used anachronistic props and clothes throughout the lm (eg chariots and tanks;

    swords and machine guns) because she wanted to symbolically depict 2,000 years of warfare and


    Milena Canonero's costume designs incorporate strains of historical periods ranging from ancient to

    modern, evoking past and present associations of historical memory to play further on the

    borderline of the real/surreal.

    STARKS, Lisa; LEHMANN, Courtney. The Reel Shakespeare: alternative cinema and theory. Cranbury: Rosemont Publishing & Printing Corp., 2002.

  • During both the off-Broadway production of the play and the shooting of the lm, director Julie Taymor

    used the work of Joel-Peter Witkin as inspiration.

    Gods of Earth & Heaven (1988)

    Joel-Peter Witkin

    The Birth of Venus (1486)


  • During both the off-Broadway production of the play and the shooting of the lm, director Julie Taymor

    used the work of Joel-Peter Witkin as inspiration.

    Woman Once a Bird (1990)

    Joel-Peter Witkin

    Le Violon d'Ingres (1924)

    Man Ray

  • During both the off-Broadway production of the play and the shooting of the lm, director Julie Taymor

    used the work of Joel-Peter Witkin as inspiration.

    Las Menias (1987)

    Joel-Peter Witkin

    Las Meninas (1656)

    Diego Velzquez

  • Maria Antonieta 2006

    Directed by: Soa Coppola

    Production Design by: K.K. Barrett

    Art Direction by: Pierre du Boisberranger, Anne Seibel

    Gnero: Histrico, Biograa, Drama

    A princesa austraca Maria Antonieta (Kirsten Dunst) enviada ainda adolescente Frana para se

    casar com o prncipe Luis XVI (Jason Schwartzman), como parte de um acordo entre os pases. Na

    corte de Versalles ela envolvida em rgidas regras de etiqueta, ferrenhas disputas familiares e

    fofocas insuportveis, mundo em que nunca se sentiu confortvel. Praticamente exilada, decide

    criar um universo parte dentro daquela corte, no qual pode se divertir e aproveitar sua

    juventude. S que, fora das paredes do palcio, a revoluo no pode mais esperar para explodir.

  • (...) a modern and contemporary take on the character of the whimsical Austrian

    Canoneros costumes were mostly based on historical silhouettes, but made with brighter, more modern

    colors and lower necklines. Most of the historical inspiration for Canoneros costumes was reected in colors,

    rather than extreme detail or copied style - (...) Canonero designed a blue costume with pink accessories

    that was visually inspired by a portrait of Marie Antoinette in a blue dress with pink bows. Canonero also

    follows a distinct timeline with her costumes which not only charts Marie Antoinettes character growth but

    reects the changing fashion of the era - from large pannier dresses to simple country dresses and beyond.

    I got to take this counter-age sort of story about a girl who is a fashion victim in a way. She starts out very

    young and innocent. But we get to watch her grow through the movie. I started by throwing pieces of

    material at Kirsten [Dunst] to see what colors suited her best.

    Milena Canonero

  • Soas portrait of Marie Antoinette in the lm is accurate, but human. To me, Marie

    Antoinette was very unlucky. She lacked the right upbringing for such a role. She was the

    sweet playful girl of the family. Soa has grasped the lightness and superciality of the

    young Marie Antoinette, but also the dignity of the woman. She has done it by using

    light brush strokes and not too much dialogue.

    Milena Canonero

    I would get bored when it would get sort of too detailed. I didnt want to get bogged

    down with history, but to focus on the personal relations between these people.

    Milena Canonero

  • Soa [Coppola] gave me a box of macaroons from Ladure. We looked at

    them and the beautiful colors and they became a guideline in a way. We

    didnt do everything based off of them, but they were denitely an inspiration.

    Milena Canonero

    [At the start of pre-production, Coppola handed Canonero a box of pastel-

    coloured macaroons from the Ladure pastry house.] She told me These are

    the colors I love. I used them as a palette. Soa was clear about the

    coloration, but left the rest to me. We squeezed the essence of the period,

    without reproducing it. Even if you think you know a lot about it, you always

    have to look for a new angle. I simplied the very heavy look of the 18th

    century. I wanted it to be believable, but more stylized.

    Milena Canonero

  • When Marie-Antoinette is going

    through her shoes while preparing for

    a big party you see a pair of blue

    Converse All Star 1923 Chuck Taylor

    basketball shoes for about one and a

    half seconds. While these shoes were

    denitely not in existence at the time

    of Marie-Antoinette, their inclusion

    in the lm was intentional, to portray

    Marie-Antoinette as a typical teenage

    girl despite the time she lived in.

  • Soa Coppola had Spanish footwear designer Manolo

    Blahnik create hundreds of specially made shoes for

    the lm.

  • O Grande Hotel Budapeste 2014

    Directed by: Wes Anderson

    Production Design by: Adam Stockhausen

    Art Direction by: Stephan Gessler (lead art director), Gerald Sullivan ( supervising art

    director), Steve Summersgill

    Gnero: Comdia, Drama, Policial

    No perodo entre as duas guerras mundiais, o famoso gerente de um hotel europeu conhece um

    jovem empregado e os dois tornam-se melhores amigos. Entre as aventuras vividas pelos dois,

    constam o roubo de um famoso quadro do Renascimento, a batalha pela grande fortuna de

    uma famlia e as transformaes histricas durante a primeira metade do sculo XX.

  • We had meetings and also exchanges of ideas and

    references not just for the costumes themselves, but

    the total look of the principal characters from

    head to toe, she [Milena Canonero] says.

    Photographers like Man Ray and George Hurrell,

    and painters like Gustav Klimt, Kees van Dongen,

    Tamara de Lempicka, and George Grosz served as

    inspiration points. One also is stimulated by

    looking not only at the real people of that time,

    but also at other images and literature that are

    unrelated to the period and the setting of the

    story, she says. The look of each actor has to

    have its raison dtre.

    Man Ray

  • George Hurrell

    We had meetings and also exchanges of ideas and

    references not just for the costumes themselves, but

    the total look of the principal characters from

    head to toe, she [Milena Canonero] says.

    Photographers like Man Ray and George Hurrell,

    and painters like Gustav Klimt, Kees van Dongen,

    Tamara de Lempicka, and George Grosz served as

    inspiration points. One also is stimulated by

    looking not only at the real people of that time,

    but also at other images and literature that are

    unrelated to the period and the setting of the

    story, she says. The look of each actor has to

    have its raison dtre.

  • Egyptienne au

    Collier de Perles


    Kees Van Dongen

    We had meetings and also exchanges of ideas and

    references not just for the costumes themselves, but

    the total look of the principal characters from

    head to toe, she [Milena Canonero] says.

    Photographers like Man Ray and George Hurrell,

    and painters like Gustav Klimt, Kees van Dongen,

    Tamara de Lempicka, and George Grosz served as

    inspiration points. One also is stimulated by

    looking not only at the real people of that time,

    but also at other images and literature that are

    unrelated to the period and the setting of the

    story, she says. The look of each actor has to

    have its raison dtre.

  • Kizette On The Balcony


    Tamara de Lempicka

    We had meetings and also exchanges of ideas and

    references not just for the costumes themselves, but

    the total look of the principal characters from

    head to toe, she [Milena Canonero] says.

    Photographers like Man Ray and George Hurrell,

    and painters like Gustav Klimt, Kees van Dongen,

    Tamara de Lempicka, and George Grosz served as

    inspiration points. One also is stimulated by

    looking not only at the real people of that time,

    but also at other images and literature that are

    unrelated to the period and the setting of the

    story, she says. The look of each actor has to

    have its raison dtre.

  • Vor der Kaserne (1918)

    George Grosz

    We had meetings and also exchanges of ideas and

    references not just for the costumes themselves, but

    the total look of the principal characters from

    head to toe, she [Milena Canonero] says.

    Photographers like Man Ray and George Hurrell,

    and painters like Gustav Klimt, Kees van Dongen,

    Tamara de Lempicka, and George Grosz served as

    inspiration points. One also is stimulated by

    looking not only at the real people of that time,

    but also at other images and literature that are

    unrelated to the period and the setting of the

    story, she says. The look of each actor has to

    have its raison dtre.

  • O desao no consistiu apenas em recriar

    um perodo histrico, mais especicamente

    os anos entre guerras, na ctcia Repplica

    de Zubrowka, onde se desenrola a trama.

    Milena precisou imergir no universo muito

    particular do diretor Wes Anderson, cuja

    preocupao esttica atinge um nvel de

    detalhamento maior a cada novo lme. Para

    compor a direo de arte complexa, ela

    desenhou as roupas levando em conta no

    somente os personagens, como tambm os

    tons do cenrio e dos objetos.

  • Anderson envisioned Tilda Swintons

    Madame D, a wealthy art collector nearly

    90 years old, as someone who was a fan of

    symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. With that

    in mind, Canonero printed a Klimt-inspired

    pattern for Swintons velvet costumes.

  • Um dos vestidos de veludo de Tilda Swinton, que

    interpreta uma colecionadora de arte de mais de 80 anos,

    tem as cores e desenhos de uma das mais famosas

    pinturas do artista, o Retrato de Adele Bloch-Bauer 1.

  • Though Edward Norton plays the stern

    captain of the Lutz military police, set

    in Andersons ctional Eastern European

    nation called Zubrowka, his style was

    arresting. Canonero used her connections

    with Fendi to have a gray Astrakhan

    coat designed for the character.