Merchandise Imported: Quantities and Values, by Articles · :B.!'a.~, .o.nd manufactures Of: . f (...

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Transcript of Merchandise Imported: Quantities and Values, by Articles · :B.!'a.~, .o.nd manufactures Of: . f (...


~ . . ArtiCles.. 118911 ; 1897._ 1898 I 1899 1900! 190; 11902 : 1903 190{ I 1UU;;

.... . I l' 1 t {free .. doIlS... 5,022 i 11,469 .....•....•• ' ..••••....•.....•.•..••. ! ......................•. 1 .•...................... 1 .•......••..

Q ..l~rlCU tura Imp ClllPU S ...••••••••••• dut ... dolls .. ~ ...... ____ .. .l. ______ ..... :_. ______ ..... 4,s.j21-- .. --- .. ---1 .... -.. -......... ~.-.- .. -- ... -.t ... -.-- .. -.0 ___ ._o_. ___ .. ! .. __ .... ___ . ~It Animale: {xo .... i n4 2(J.! I' ;-- . 62·1 ," 1,045' 1:~4D i 1,928!~ 1,.181\ 684"\ 2 .. 314 Cuttle ... _ ... __________ .. _____ .... ____ frec_. \' • II • I I r-' doll;::! __ ; 1:S,OOl . :!·J,3IiO I '16 , 631 9.'),:3;:'13: 2021 615: 2'13,723 ~ 375,096' 22;1,875. 7iIJ98~. 93,084

00 no d t {~o.... 217,002 328,773 2!l1,012'1 199,128: 179,91l1, 1-14,773; 94,009, ti-!,69! 15,372: 2-5,541 ••• -0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• u •• dOUs .. \ 1,-\9'\,765 ~,505J497 2;830,592 I 2,22;),000 j 2,055,079 i 1,057,70;) l 1'~&~Jf126 i 9;-)5,0';-3 230,7511 SO'J,4R8

rro'"'''s ............................. Ircc .. {xn .... i 1,070 699 i 800· 1,067· 1,2~·1 i 1,910 2,9~~ , 2,RO'J 2,63,1:\ ~,R03 flolls .. : 210,081 m,oos: llo,4;;G 2~6,2:;2 357,2i2 i ,1~,r,~3l 1,2i3,607' 1,lUl,tlll 1,090,596. 1,lliY.011

DO .................... ~_ ..... __ ... l111t._{NO·! ... i K,U21 0,399: ~,~S5 1.975 1,818 ir~,5! 11 8&31 2,196: 2,092 I 2,327 4101 S .. : '1;)~.;jl0 :107,750 ~i;\),·H~3 2:i-l/i9S 2:19,:l20 i 271,115: 303,027 3-H,6R5 SGIJ,61J1\' <122,072

{X,,: !t, 9:;0 ~, ·.fI.IO.;'.~ :. :',01-, 2, i)~1fj '_',4'_'-,· II 'J, O~,2 ! 'l_,0,59 I 1, ", :1-, 1,o:;IJ "'_,2'00

Sheep .............................. frec .. • .... i -" - - - ""vu <tolls .. i ·12, 848 3~, 1140 ·12,805 ·lti,l:12 48,32·[ . ·18, 9S~ ! .J.6, 61;~ 38,037 23,298 4:;,319

Do ........................... , .. rlut .• {:>!o,!, ··1 S18,'i4~ 4U~, 251 I 389,267 343,01.:; ;179, 3m I 3~9, ·1,>6 ; 2tU,894 299, S~H 236,8<.Ll lR4,742 0101 S •• ' 81O,GS2 987,028, 1,063,51.7 l,lM,9·19 J.3Hi,702 1,ls·;,2R31 91.U,U47 \)98,897 791,991. tii>9,402

All other, including fov,.·ls _ .••••.... frp.p. .. flo11~ .. ; 15S,OS7 1.4.(i, ~~78 \ ]1)5,967 lSS, 173 19419S0 I 1~3J 330 I ~'n'.l7 098 :J16.173/' a6;),05:1 H!)], 3i,l

All other, includingliYepoultry .... ilut .. dolls .. ! .~S.'H:I\ IlJ,744\ 83,711 __ 8~,55D : __ 1~~.'.U581 127,1771~9,767 ' .• 182:891, 178,242 191,70:1

[frec .. <1011" •. ! 426,107\ ~OO"1361 120,<>59 fj\!1,210', RO:>,19111,23:;,670, 1,9'J7,·16·1 1,771,696! 1,;J58,9:l-J. l,098,789 Totn1·· .... ··•· .. ·•••• ...... ····•·1c1nt..dOll;-!..' ~,8~n,370 a.9~i;,o191 4,253,~66 3,715,315 3,727,759 a,243,2f1.'i i 2,r.27,007 2.762.1491 1,570,675 1,638,666

AnbmOIl'-: - .=:----,. I' . ':=. ==== Ore '\~lt 'IS regulus or met.ILI ....... frec .. t'"· "', 4.~7,:~;) ·1, !6.1,GOS : ............ :-· ...... ·· .. 1·· .............................................. : ............ j ........... . " . ,;~~~~:: .... ~~~: ~~~ ..... ~~~: ~~~r;,: ~~~: ~~~·I· ·:~,-I~;~: ~~~ '1' .;: ;~;: ~~; ... ~:;.~: ;~~·I· .~: ~;~: ~7~' .. ~: ;~~: ~~; 'j! .. ;: ~~;: ~~; ., ••• ;:~~~: ;:;~

Or .................................. rrce .. I<101l> .............. 1 ............ 1 ,.~,filO 40,~o~ I 6;;,7.15 .10,14;; 26,:116 90,";;'! 41,702 r.O,904

! I {llm .... \I ........................ [ 2.~OO,OO2 2,316,728 I' 3,illt!,751 3,704,4851 4,G78,409 6,15U,'17I; 1 3,9;)0,870 4,W:l,:.!H1

A~rf~gll11!iorJlletH .......... ~_._ .. Ilut.. . I - nO I ),002 -07Q !!OfJ,908 312,332 dulls •• , ........... _.............. 1~l,11ri ~ )7U,a,a I 27;'1,7;·1) 2iu,9(H I -'O.!t kO a, l ~7:

Article" t,he gmwt-h, prorlU!'e, 11,(1(1 mllnulnctum (If I I I I I I : L.h~ Unill:tl l'ctnrnen, not clsewlw~; ::;p(>c~· .,..,( . _ _ l . _!, I 1ie<l .................................... r""~ .. dOll"··1 3,434, , 90 1 3,3,0,101

1 3,183,241, 3,;;41,:121/ 4,:,04,5 .. ;.,;. 1i,.I:\1,Mri7 ',I ;i,R1~,6:l1l 7,17u,573.


9,~99,4iO Article. specillllr imported: I !

Articlc~ io! n~n usc of rc1igfol1~1 e.dl1cational~ I I ' I I I '. I elc.,lIl!:itltutlOns. ................... rrce .. don.s··

I' 4~,091} 6R4,102 r{ 1)4:7,550;} 68J.,216 U51,5-.ili

All othcr ............................ lrcIl .. dolls.. 185,OY8 I i .U,861! 807,321

1 1,960,910 088, 1ti~ 1,674,701

IJ,Oi9, l~-.f:



No. "'~.-i\funcrrANDIsE IMPORTED: QUANTITIES· AND VALUEH, ETC., Y1'l.~ns E:s'DEll JUNE 30, 1806 TO 1905· ·Continued.

-----.-.-.-~~;~les. 11>96 I ~;1--- '1~;~ - r J'~~'-JO~-- 11)01 1002 1IlO;-\-~~O~ ,,··~;o;-·

.Art;~;~:~dUCtiOnOfA!IWri,~anB.rtistLrrr'~ .. elu~J •.. 4,RJ!I:14,.J24.158 701,20H I 41H,~ti7 SH,un 481,1021 336,623 29fi'~2~1- 604.,S11 •. '-3:: All other - --." ----- -_ .. -. ____ . -._ •..• dut .. dolls .• _ •.. ~. - -. ---I 375 1, 502,2]1.) ~,O-jO, 121 ?',264,21S 2,823, 'Hl: 3, fill, 913 4,013,680 \ 2,6!:n, mn I a, 996, Ofi6

A"hcstos, unmanuiacture'l ............. Irec .. doU'.. 219,[;18 hn,OU7 8U~,U50 296 ssa 293347 40 7 qg" I '!5q 075 709 697\ 671 850 I 70604'.

ABP~:~1~~n:.':~I~~i.t~~(~1.1: ............... free··{{~E_~:~. __ ~:~ ~:~;::L~f;i:;~i=,;i::;~:;~I:i:i:~. DO .............................. <Iut . i ' ) 0 .~ "

dolls .. · .... · ...... 1.··· ..... ·.. 260,765 i ~34,·120 3r,'l.~91 1~7,194 4.8,811 129,488 r,H,29" 038,573 . {tons .. 1 •••••••.•... 1 ............ 1............. 9,mm 30 .. 11-1 18,289 14,304 2:J,7~:; 22.374\' 20,035

Nork, drIed or Itelnmeed, ctc. " •... dut.. dolls ............. .!. .... " I i '19,O~0 10:" un.[ i 99,6;)3 i 62, 50G 1~3, 02'2 129,488 111,G31

. [cor,k. ~:],9G;; 1 2~:~~;r .. ·;;:;I:;:~·1 ]7,815 22,5HO I 16,7U~ I 2·J,971 17,040 1-1,111 \ 13,611 Dark, hemlock ........................ iree··1Llo1l8.. 211,~52 1;;3,0511 lW,~061 62,50·1 86,U30 Ho,dS 103,930 7f>,2RH 63,·160 64,181

Beadsllnd hcadofnamrnts .............. <luL.elolls.. 492,OS3 U7Y,~~3 11 813,29111,03.'j,08~ 1,177,070 800,1441 919,4Cl5 812,07(; 742,6401 "07,74.

{lbS .. ..I 273, ·10 I 174, 017 ~n, U9i I ·152, Ol~ :!13,1l1:l ~!~, :731 408,701; 408, l,71l 425,168 . 373.569

B(>eswax .......... _ .................... free .. dull" I 7;"9711,' .13,:3:1'J;, 72,17:> 'I lilli, 95; ,.1,M" .on,SRi lJfl,93i 127,220 116,878 \ 101.121 Bc,"erao-os.· , - ... -I'


0...... Je.oz. bots.. :]54,311, ..t1J~!O(jO I ~JO,;)6G, am~,j9j I :137,\);7 ~:jOI5uO I 318,78-1 il50, 94.6 3u'2,770 34·!,7~7

Glllger IlJe nllel glllger heer •.... dnt. 'ldOJl~ ...... \ 217, 32~ I 199, .no ' 11;;,2'15 1 ~GS, 3S:l, ~.!9, .l,.6 279, 873 ~jj, 18X 26R,158 270,673 25G,103

{fl'ee .. dOllS.. 43,407 34,573/. ........... 1 ............ , ................................... """""" ........... .1. ......... ..

All other ........................... dut..doIlS .. ! &7,817 \ 90,0;;R! S:;,3a7 Sti,u~~ I 100,790 ~~,710 n4,700 %,109 90,726 !i7,232

IIIJS .... ' 1~\', IG~ \' 103, IOU I 1:10, ta91 In, $02 1 18i,681 156, aS2 l!i~, 7~~ lS$, ~G8 1uI,240 1[;3, (joB BisllHII.h ............................... il'ee·· 1doll,.. lUI,59', 1SH,tiS:! 1.;'1.794 20),47:1 I 2~5;88·1 251,101 202,0.:'7 211,[167, ~Y5,200 30",471

lll:l<'king ................................ llut..doll".. la7,GIl L 13G,['un. \'o,';;;~' 53.8~O. f,(),U4~ G9,,,20 tj1.75~ 70,090 I 'ID,50a '10,'i.%

noltingeloth ............................ frcc .. ll,.n'.1 2~~.46~ I ~12,3~~ i 'S7,~UV! 20i,4~O I 2:11,0l1 1~9.OS1 217.~14 204,032 i lUlI,215 198,R~fi !~::::: Cf~:~:~: .. ~~~ ... ~~~;;: .. ~~;,;~;1~~~:~;,~~~~'~·1 1'", 'J.jO 221,039,.: .......... : ............ j ........... T········ "'J'" .... , ................ , .. , ......... , .......... "

....................................... frce .. dulls .......................... 1 .j~2,.j4.1' '04,n.W I 830,OG31 674,:;iO~' l'n,r.~·1 1l':l,~:19, I\3G,~6U 926,500

Bone ancl horn, manufllCltllres of. ....... dut. .dOll •.. , 16·1, b13 1017 0157 I 174, 1H91 1,~1, 718 1 :m, 39;1 ~fJl </It; 281. ~94 2·12, om i 2-19, :;151 21G,20;;

Bouk~, Illuoic, runpH, engravings .. etch. }fxee .• dolls. _ 2,015,404 1,800, 4;7u I 1,538,907 1, t)89, R12; 2, 01~. 06U 1 2,2(14,1,4" 2. ~G2: ·H3 i 0 4X3 801· 2,621,570 I 2,609,181

.. ~;;,&h:~~~~~~:.~~'.~~~~t!~~~.~~l.~~~~. <llll •• doll" __ 1 1,477,607 1,373,~80 1,315,085 l,3~3,50\'1 l,foii1,9G6 i 1,587,890 1,1';0,772 \ ;; 8-10; J37 1 1.907,617 1,980,577


:B.!'a.~, .o.nd manufactures Of: . f ( I Old brass, clippinF,a from bTItGaor llutohJlbs ... - ............. , •..•••• -••..• - ......• - .. :

metals, .. ldOlls .. ! .................. __ ._ .... _ . __ ...... ' :.rannro.oture"or. ...... __ .... _ ..... _.dut .. dons .. \ 1aS,MO! 1-l7,1.'3U 35,096:

Brelldstuil's: 1 ' B I {bU>h.. 837,33·1 I 1,271,7871 124,80-1'

nr cy .............................. dut .. dolls.. 317,209 3[)'!, 749 '1~, S63

{bush I ~11 33..9 11, ':!.I)..! 3,.n 7

Corn ..... _ .... _ ... _ .................... __ I1i1L. dOllH~~1 1,877 !!,070 1,4'19

{bll<.!h ·17,506 4n, <159 U,09.';

Oats ................................ dut .• doil~:: 13,039 12,071 3.368:

Olltmeal ... _ ........................ dut .. {lbS.... 3.Jll,732 1,525,40'J I 257;910 I doEs.. lQ,uSO 3~, 742 1.116971

Rye_ .................... _ .... _ ...... rllll .. dO~!s:: 2U1 170 1:1,323 {bUqh I 15<1 .2 32,935

wheltt.. ............................ c1ut .. {~~~::~:: ~:~~~:~:~ ~:~~~:!!~ ~:~~~:~:~ I \\'1 tfi {bbIS.. 1,394 2,250 2,744i

tea· our ....................... _dut •. dolls.. 6,&18, !l,914 12,230 I

.Ihl.rillnCeOu~ sllbstances, ana prel)llrll.t.ions of (sugo, tapioca, ctc.} •• _ .. _ •.••..... frec .. dolls ..

.A II other, a.nd preparations of, used as tood, not 24!l, G35 19G,S29

2,192,151 ! 2;:'[',028 i 5.\ 1M \

110,475 53,69a




-1,·1:,2 298,764

ti, 740 402


1, ~71, 101 1,407, (i~5


203, III 5

'1, 593, 894 f "flO,186\ 24,8i6 !

189,757 i 91,040 ! ~,4SD I ],942 I

41,5~3 ! 1.8,300


13, ·199 330

3IlG 316,968 2·10, .:19a


3,7il 1

-111, 029 1


433, ·160 i 26, 917 \

171,004 R4,073


3,418 20, 135

S,f+95 204,094

11,667 .J.U

33 600,212 418,32i



443, ~33

8,238,G18 1 ·1,S67,049 \ Ql~,l521 556,5111 4",234 4u: 7·16 I

57, 406 1 33,2'21

18,~7S I 13,MS 25,,';12

12,085 i 23u,II81 I 13,628 I


97 :

118, 61~ i 7.'3,6·10

420 2,610

==:::=" 56,462 30,201

10,919 '29,966


45,899 I 227,681 I 13,68i) 1

838 130

1, Oi7, -12:1 669,.n9

G01 .1,489


2,302,701 I 283,RS2

56,7'J() I 0,787, G50


80,731 ,'-'-"===

~O, 7081

45,245 I

16,033 \

10. 837 1 170,882

fl7,S02 1 235,819 ;

14,201 32,512


(j,852 7,.)17

46,851 lU4,loo



15,4.4H ]0,623

38, 773


~U·l, 668

16,361 20,55.1. 13,o7fl.

3,1.02,585 2,769,317

10,801 I71i,513


elsewhore tt!Jcciftcll- , :

l\[~~~;~~~t~;rs~~I~:.l~~,.~~~.~:l.~~ili~i~'~{~l~~i~~~ ~~~~~~:~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~:~~~~~~~~ :~~:~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~:~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~12~:~~~:~~~, 4~:~~~:~~~ All other ........... _____________ dllL.clOlh:i .. ! 778,126: 807.075 m7,O~9 851,000 1,023,226; 1,0;3,995 1.380,6;)8 ·133,P113 i V13,916 607, 427

, --.- -----.----. -----1----'-----



Toro.L, ___ •...•..•...••....•. _ ..•••.. do1l5 .. :. 2,'i80,8H \. 2,774,~1l3 3,152,007 2,5-14,71;" 1,803,7291 2,052,271 2,O~ll,~U51~~ 3,217,503 6,557,3-17 Bri.8tle~: I ----.--.--

Crude, not sorted, bUllchc(l, 01" pre-{lb~ .•.. 1 7~G: G30 1,203 !,H,".l21 27,1·10 fJl,5:.m 40,53"7 3-1.~t:!) 11,2,111 8,122 pared ................................... fl'cc .. dOlls".'1 1,020. :JS5 ~IlG 12,3t)1.J 21,3~O ~2,310 !.!B,4.:1u )~,lJm) 101 976 4,05--.1

", t db h 1 1 1 jl1>E .... 1,,;71,8(H 1,~47,270 1,583,$7 1,&35,1'-,0 2,00:1,018 1,633,036 1,~72,5n 3,UlJ'J,&J6 2,'-',6,610 1 2,'1G1,4114 ::;or e , une el, ofI)repnrel ...... ( ut.. 1,.1""'-"'8 - 1,-,0-.,8,0'. 'l,OlS,Jo,lor:. "'11 -". I .) ~-. 3~· "3664'.' dolls. "'I ViJI _ 1,21jj,7B-l 1,2"'::;,70:~ 1. 'Ui',R;,a 2,130,037 'J _ I.lihI ~,.)' ,tl .. il _,:l;JU, ... i) ..o, , ..... .c:

Bronze, manufnC'lurc6 of ................. dut ... doJIs... 519,619 : 5H.I,45t:1 480, ~1 i 5;jS, 472 7i~, ti:H ~G;j, ~~'i~. ~jl, 53~ 7tllJ, 'J:~ I 7.j·l,302 8()41, 32":; Hrushcs _ ............... __ ............... _ ... _ .. _ .. tlut .. do1l8 ... 1 753.9281' 7g~,8U~ 7.,~,2(j71 SUO:U2U I U77,513 l,l'12,38511,li,I.0]6 '::J.ifl,071 1,a72,'227 1,301.31 4-1.0

Eurrstone, l'Ollgh Or,1l1lJIIUllllIuc.tlll'cll __ free .. dolls .. : 28, »:13 23, r.Ct9 ~3: O~ ~ 1~), {JUS 21, tiS7 I 38,515 26, 2t1~ I 10, r)'2.~ ~4, 77;) 33,100

.. Incluc1ed unucr l'An othol' nrticlcs" prior to IS!:'\£!. b Sel! H lIoofH, horJ.l~, etc.," prior to 1898.


No. '2'2. ~fERCHANDIEE brpORTJm: QUA:<ITITIES AND VALU.I!lS, h'TC., YEARS ENDED JL"NE 30,1896 '1.'0 1905-Continued. -----_ .. ----.-_._----

. _____ Artic~8._. ]891; I 1897 1398 I IS119 lllOO--I--l~'U02 1--J~~~-G~~-IUOr.

ButLons .md button fnrlll" ............... dnt .. dolls .. l,·12.~.910 I 950,061 435,66l! 1 451,3311 59'2,501' 5;;1.492:- 9M,020 1--;::-;:90.20:":--892,612 --;6~1~~ Cem.c. .. ut: ,Roman, PurLlmlll, nnd OLhorrl)bIS·r..'i 2,989,597 2,3·17.752 1,994,120 2,08610531 ~,356,122 ~,596,92G \ l.~~JI(j~? 2,:76,730 1,5~5,7:1i 9561885

Il j draulw ............................ dut •• \dOIlS,·1 3,839,321 2.972,350 2,ij~S'28212'7i6'336 I 3,270.916 2,1~8.891 1,'1/~,·1il21 3.M7,911l1,993,:103 1,276,597

Chalk UUllill! -"ctu e-' fre ItollS.. Ill, \l\l71 (m, m61 8'1,3'J3 5!1,267 'I 92,615 97,72G 79.899 I 106,600 121.5'i!1 88 .. 859 • lllI~ . r u ................. e .. 1· I doIl~&. G7,3tH .. \==- 48.0<).~_~.' I _. 1)3,125 ._47,2.1.9. 1. __ ~6,5111 Hf), ',_ 7;,,2.1.; !, __ \l8,_().j~. 11'1, 27H. R~,81.o

VhelIlit!ut'3 l drug-B. and tlY{'!-i: i===== _ - _ _

c\.ljz,uin ,,,,,1 ulizllrin co](,rs or Ilres·llb, I 6',1".r.'2,~7tl I 0,1.,1,.8,.2_6,81 G,sn,o:,'" 5,=~7,09.·,~·t-;;'; .. ·.·.,99.111 .. 1,_.'i17 .. , 722 II" (\.5.0'_D, 9,3',8. li~-'3 .. 11,~.,;~I' 4'fi70.=5~ - 4,073,933 utLfuTul or nrtHicit11, including e~trul'tl . - .. ',1., .. .. .. ,. _ ~ llfmadder _____ ._ ...... _ .. __ .. _ ... __ .ll"l!(~ •• doll~._ J.l.J.,.3U 1,(}_ .... ,9IU ~S6,3;)2 IOO,48[! ,U8"j6'1 108,&'11 \ 1,U2/10~t)! b;,~),~3"'1 636,/02 6'15,O'i6

fcb' ! "8 481 665 I :!3 ·1'i7 '"A 1 "41 1 CO ! Arglil,ol'iLl',gol,orerudenutar_ .. .:free._ ~.- .. "" I " ,UI, '-1"") --·-·· .. ·-··-i·-----·.··.- ... ·----·- .. I .. --- ... ----·I.--. __ .. ___ ., .. _~._ .. _ .......... _ .... _

don, .. j 2,m.70U 1 1,967, 0421 ,~,';.1~1 .,;,:.: ... ~~ .. '.;~ .. ,: ...... ·:··: .. ::· .. i,;:·.;::· .. ·· :~"·~";·~T~:·;:":"· ........... .

A W'i" o· 'il '1 ,< I t {lhH .... , ............ , ............ i~.41)1,4,9 _,>,.~OO,"'2 21,309,~S9 ~8,n9S,,81 _U,_/b.H8 _O,9tifi,ool, ~."lIl.'30, ~ij,2Rl.~;n r,_ -1 J"" 10 eo ... _____ . ________ .l n .. dOllS_.I .. _ ...... _ .. ·/ ..... ___ ..... 1 J,f}2i),H73 1,91.1,450 2,388,693 2,'116, 482 1' 2:~63158S! 2

j'j'34.,0"2.'j' !12~OOO':!231 '2,2!ll,D.;1

J:\"l"1\S,. CiIlCholl!t, or other, from '='hiC11{lhS .... ~. 2, G9~, 7:10. 2. 5;;~, 4991 2,93,\ JOO I 0,281,977 'J,107.3;;8 4. MS. UOl 3,723,303: 3,978,3511 3, ma, 131: '1.261,569 qlunlllc mar oe extracted ..... -- .lree. - dolls .. l lIJ5,699\ 1-:1.2, 5J~ I 273, '128 I 34.6,fi7ij 563

1 (}f'.J5 1,025, fl-lG l u.t\l, 'j'6-1 ; :J-l9, 7~R [lOl, '375 1 070,7".!n

Coal.tarcOIOI'SIllldtlres ............. dut .. c101ls··I' 3,07~,915, 3 .. 196.'171;! H,1l8~,21·.1 II 3.7W.353 4,890,072 3,8.~1,o.·1i\ [. 4,!151,3'iG i 5,304,6951 ,I,9IS,E.Q3! 5.705,OUl.

fll 1"J "'u 1 14" ''''1 1 1"0 Oc- 0- . "j r- 91- ll' "'I 1"8 s~· I' 112 "14 I 10" ~6'> Xl "3'> Cochineal. ... _~ ___ . __ ..... ~_ ..... _ ... free •• 1:") •••• ; V ,,)0.:1 \ .... ~.:..u· 'IV, ·]n· ',;)0. D/, I. . .,:'..... ,,) , ...... 1. .,'. "'J' _ \·.,ll.~

lJrewoo<J,;.-- \<10118 .. \_ 5O.~S.<; ~~! __ 4~, if>2\_. 2~,~!O: .. ', ___ 3!.?11! 20,'114! 2·1,8ll"> ~_""::~:21ii _~'2lG ~,R76 stons .. 1 6;;,756 ~;;,31i'J ·10,,391; I :17,37,; {~,188 fi Gl,7~31 W,liil7! ,jl.Oo.~ JS,491! H~,"U

LOgWOOU ••.•..• ~.rr ......... --.lrcc··lCiOll~ .. ·1 i,:iHl,:3;J5 t)11,OJO! .41,455 i iJ~lti,214 6~R,·HH .~G·t,nR{i 7741380: 748::;50 G63,572: -14·.£,81·.1,

• . {1l)S .... 1 83911L 5,562,~1lH I 'J,O::'i-1,tli':! I :1, 1F:l t Sli-l 3,3;';0,768 2,9~2,111! 2,gOl,6S111 3,i13,l:13 3,1,10,770 :J,·1:m,6n £,,-tracts aIHl decoctIons 01 ..... Ilut.. '. ., I,

• doll" .. 1 :~8~,O~9 2H'1,~6: ' 2~r., 1:6 :.nO.1:: ~:~.JR21 ~.~~.~4: ' 2:3,4l'1 : 2r:7,~7l I 2~9, 7~7 2~9,~~6 Allother ........................ lrce .. dolls ... Jl,I.9/8 110,/1r.! l;-l.a~G 222.9u/, 20,l.WS

J 2.1.1,8U: LI[,12.0i 4.Ul.1H9 5S8,9~-l .7",,1

Total Llyewumls ..................... llOllS..! 1,-ol~. 5~2Tl:-0i:0\9.1·i-l. 172, on i ~S8, 'J:;:l 1'1',003, IlH'!' 1, 274. 4.ir1.iis, 90.("1;417,';70. .. 1. ,22, 283 821,6:1

GIYCeMn~ .............. __ .. _ ... _ ....• dUt._{l!.)~\ .. --{ ~11,158,S?'~) i 1:!li17:098l12'27..1:'9i71·]fi:·~i05~_i~~ I ?7'9-l3'lC$I·20'36~\7i21· 28,570,400! 35'2!i5'i)7:i1'31~'07HI'455 -27~UO,25[; GlunS- dnll!l_·i~~2,H02 \ 1.1S2,O~U. 774,709 _1~02~,la~ .. 2,1~).41<1_1._~,.'i22,SS2 2'3.J~J32fj'I~.937'8~_.21;'l.q~I?'70!_ ?,052,<Jl1

A b · I' {lbs .... 1 1,550.R23 USU,G70 i 9'12' 239 1 928,089 UtiJ,806 2,31:i,lii~! ·1,269,251 :1,005,053 2,8g0,05l 3,651.,5<11 r& W ......................... ICC..· _ . ,

dolls • .I lfi8,908 8:>,8<\, I lU,943 llG,382 11.3, on 241,660 , 341,714. i 2th~, 3R6 186.623 190,132 Camphor. crude ............... frcc .. {lb" .... / 045,6:!9 1,169,6011 2,047,234 1,607,8I!9 1,789,580 2,1.70.7&1! 1,~31,058: 2,472,·,\40 2,819,673 1.904,002

dolls.. 328,457 332, 748 ) 365,652 1 322,100 '185,071 , 735,875 ) 576,405 I 764,403 874,665 J 638,744


• b fcbs .... I· .......... · ············'············1 2'44,1'f161 I 2,297,99'11 3,1.10, 768 1 ·1,57·1,605 ·1,282,24.7: 5,081,5801 5,060,166 Chicle ••••••••.•..••• _ ••••••... dut.. 1 -. doEs··1 ___ ............. __ ....... ____ ........ 3G3,051 35·1,720 7D3, 696 9:16,0Ii;, !)~l,;189 i 1,308,510 1,3:)7,458

1 '. I, I.' flh'-- .. J .......................... - ... - ..... 18,126.228 i 23,829,3·12 18.16!i,29G ~0.52-3,109 27,6.;3.028 i 20.5G5,507 2G,687,7611 Copa_, COWElP., IlUf. ~ R,mm~l.T •• Trcc·,l(lOliS __ i __ .... _______ ____________ ~ ____________ 1,&1-1,779. 2.598.19 . .1 1,923,2[)1 2,2131J~OG 2, t'38, 754 2,12;,2"18 2,493,438

G b' • ..... f. [Ju, .... t :12,338.26-1 SI. 349, 545!42.33J. 590! R8, ]23. 478 " 28; &'-'2: 940 26,81;],587 28,4;3,802 4.2.537,348; 27, S57, mifi 32,1\12,731 pom lOr, or ,crra J"l'0mrll ..... rce"ldolls.. 1,108.611! 959, fJ01 1,0'21,311: 754,497 910.639 824,530 1.162,233 2, o;A. iHl '\' 1, 251, 78~ 1,112,660

Shellac ......... ______ ......... free . .Pb ..... 6,056,P;)7 \7,151,4..';9 '1 6'UM,3()j 19,530,111 10,6~1,4.jl 9,008,745 9,OM,7:;9 11,;,90,7~;; 10,933,41311 10,700,817 ldolls __ 11~lU,802 1,082,401 939,3Gl l,3\)7,{j35 1,-108,103 1, 277,12R l,605,06M 2,71!:)~68i 3,605,229 3,743,180

A.11. other ........................ iree •. dol:~.. '~.1~~'3331 ~,~~~,7~~_! 2,59g,.~~~ I 1,070,321 1.0H,936 8i9,m)0 861,'192: 9'23.!i17; 917,815 i 1,091,RH9

'Iolalguuls ____ ............ _. __ ._ . ___ rlolis.. 6, ~t ... l.l11 n, mn,2'%, I 5,040, CbS I 5: SuS, 7l.i5 ?_,'i.:l9J-l~9·· ~~II0,594: 047 10,1;1,882 :---W:-GB""'O,48i

Ind;[!o _ ............................ free .. {lb3 .... 13,:140,(IOi ! 3.[,22.016! 3,097.310 3,127.3:;; 1 2.7·16,9<4 I 3.139,063 3.0;;1,(;';3! 4,R]2,4r18: G. 0·16. 6H I 4.~30,9aO . rio,],;.. 1.,073,170 1, 6DG. 6·11 1.,81.5.111 1. 6llS, 5~:1 1, 44fl, 490 1,102. 81ll 1,035, 9S0 I ],202,451 1,282. ·197 873, i~l

L' .' • . JlbL .. , 87.123.161 : 62,370, :l37 I 70.136,591. 98, 4S·J. :119!106. 333.199 '100,11].1, ti34 109, Oi7. 323 i 88,580.'111 89,463.1g2 lOS, <H3, 892 lConceroot ................. """rree,,!dOIlS .. !I,.101,7.1S' 1,022,65O! 1,171,621 1, 5V6, B30 1.667,2G611,737.0~i 1, 926, !IW 1 1,5-1,j,167 , 1,472.3231 ],780,109

Limo, uhloride oI, or lJleachlng p~Wrlrr{lbS····II04)C.)~,87i 199~274~13B! 6,720,638 -·--------·-1-·····-···-·:·---········ ···········-1···-·····-··:-····-······,·····-······ .... -.-- .... - .. ------------.- ..... Iree __ dollR .. 1 1)57~:t.358 l,3'iJ,560: 92,(!87 .... - .... --- .- .......... ! ........................ 1' ....................... 1 ••••••••••••

nO .............................. <1Ul..{lhS ... -\- ........... ·I ............ :1107,511,9JO 11~,10i,~50 118tl"103,1,;1 1110,960.523 130,~;'1,6!l6 ·1107 •. ~27.117199.08;;,3861 \)(;,119,7n clolls __ :......................... 1,m9,4B3 J.J59,27111,~OJ.019! 1.371..0~S 1,71;8,:);'·1 1..1~6,6l16 ~ 772.5R2 1 776,1IS1

lIIineral w"ters, all not nrtificial ... free"!~::~:~::11 2.~~~: ~~: ,. 2, ~~~: :~~ : ~~: ~~~ ............ 1 ...... "-" -I ........................ I .. · ......... , ......... "'1" ........ ..

'.' . 1 t· 1 . jgall,; .......................... 1 1 •. 1"8.410 ";:I;~~:'~~' .. ~:~;;:;·~~·I···;:~;;,.-~;;····~.-~:;;.-:,·~~·,··;:;~;··~~'I";:~~I~,';~;'J'''';:;;~:;;; ~;:~:~W'11 CI~ ..................... ' ut .. lclOllS .. jl ............ "''''''''''. 141,0.}8 5!lli,3:J7 6fo2,O~2 i 7lllJ,S771 7ill'2~51 80:!,767' 8(;0,678! 847,097

CrLllle or ullmanufacturcu... ... irc" .. {;;~~~~:: ~~;: ~~~ ~: ~~:: ~~~ ~~:~~~ :::::::::::f:::: ::::::i: :::::: ::::f ::::::::::i: ::::: ::::::;: :::::: :::: :1:::::: :::::: Jlhs 109,4al fi13,.m9! .144,!J38[ flRH,:!OR i :i3·t~189: 516,;;70 I 573,05;;; ,j94,fl8O Du .......................... <lm .. l(l;,l;~::j:::::::::::: ::::::::::::' ~33,207, 1,~23.951: 1,12:l.756: 1,~;;9.726 i 1.216,202 1.019.909 i 1,20;;,11n I ],102,461

I'rcl?n~cd {or smoking, and othe! CO!l-}l1J~""1 lIS 715 157,OC,1 100,258 124,214 ; H2, .1791 117, ;>81 1 160,4151 212, H31' 14~, 813 I 150,380 ill ulIng less than U per cent or mor· ' ...J i ... •• , "., ~ ,_ ." ~.,. l'! :phia ....... __ ................. dut .. dOlls __ \ 7n~,]~4 1,132,8,ll G02,3,n 828,.03 .. 1,06'J,96D. D,~,.".,~ 1,1 .. 9 •. 5 .. ,; ],.1.0,.,., . 1,094,IiSS 1 1,4U9,IH8

Pot~=:raleOf. ................... _frec .. \llbS .. --IJ 5,1\[7,913 fi,~''l5,2n I 630,340 ............ I=~:· .... li ............ ············1············:············:== {~~~~:: .... ~~~:~~~ ..... ~~:~~~.I 4, ~~:~~: .. ;: ~~;:7~~· .. ~:~~~:;;; ... ~:~~~.-;~; ..... ~~: ~~;·I; .... ~~~:;;~·I· ... ~~~::;~;.!. "'''.;~:;~

Do .............. __ • ......... dut .. <10115 .................. _______ .. 263,432 171,202 93,532 62,7-1-11 63,263 gS,7nI 11,960 I 2,992

-Of 400 pouuds. bNot enumerated prior to 1899, but included in ".A.11 other chemicaIA."


No. '7'2.-MERGHANDISE IMPORTED: QUANl'rrillS AND V ll.LUES, !I."l'C., YIilA.R8 ENDED JUNE 30, 18!l6 TO 1!l05-Continlle<1.

Articles, 1896 18\)1 1898 _~899.... 11100 loOt lllO:! l~;;--\i--' 1~~--"-1--~ Chemicals, drugs, and dyes-Continucd.

Pot.n~h· ··Continued. Murillte of ". _ .. __ '" _____ . __ . _fnH~ __ {lOS. -... BI,/HI, BIO S9,560,·113 1118, oue, 204 UO, 85u, 263 11::i,276,906 135,9;><;,222 137,00[;,721 1.72,4.')2,331 11,?8, H13, 110 \20316WI 099

(lon~ __ 1.HHO,9~m 1,400rfiO~ ',RI7,~21 1,309,915 1,RO",2fH. 2, 04fi,2Rf! 2,131,:328 2,62·1,006 \ 2,40'i',957 a,2B9,04·l . d flb~. _ .. 1 1--1:, 'j"[),.';, 971 1~: 719, S7t) :!2, 9~O, ~)Rn 19, ~~~5, 50:1 10, 332, 8~ltj 11,301: 113; 9,387,979 11,790"U5 13,518,301 "13,200,.S4G

Xltrate of, or;'altpeter, ern c .. free"ldOlls .. ' 389,52'1 40S,7Ul 270,201 409,R"IS: 2U9, 739 ~88,897 ~'J.I,.130 318,515 , ~66'U261 8G8, 887

r . flbs .... ~ 31,016,176 25,1:i3~,028 3J,90J,oI15, 3~,828,207 '1' 54,552,598 56,leG,GOG 7·1,9~3, 733 79,790,264171,079,219 81,039,521 .A. I other ... '" ................. free. 'ldoll • ..! Sm,840 032,203 393, 132 'I 892, GJ1 1,269,635 1,472,081 I, 61l', 934 1,025,036 1,617,351! 1,834,779

·rotalpotlLSh .••••••.•....•.•..••.... dollR •. ! :J,0':!7,302 \ 2,899,662 I) ~,:!I>9,102 2,986,48(; '1····S'437'16ll \3,8";0,011 4,076,505 1,6\lU,9-1S \4;403'-794'\ 5,446,6\)2

Quinia, sulphate of,ltncl r.11 alkllloills orfOzs ... J 3,a;;9,818. 3,517,844 "'4,372,4'77- 3,978,121 -3~3;:3,749 -s;·utio,<Y.:21 2,88G,265 3,373,381


1 3,884,921\ 3,039,44.0 saltsofemchona bark ........... free·.ldolls .. 1 78G,887' :;'~~,901.'; 896,908: 9·19,lIH .. _~,..!9~. 1,128,G67. 80.1,400 752,172. 852,1(;,11 671,310

SOda~ . {lbS. __ .161,713.011 il GIl,oI;6,l;;~ \2\l,r.97, 1S.~ 1118'4(),~'272111'429'9S9 ! '5,119,099 \ 4,2\l7,~50 2'657'75~'\~'945'7\l\l \ 2,100,S20 Callshc ............. _ •..••. __ ..• dut.. d 11- 0"11'n 11'" ~'" I 4-' 0"" 25" on-, J"7 8"-' 10' 9'8' IOU, "5", "" 1"6 74072'1 -'1,4"'4 o ::;; __ 1 1, I .I (hJ. J -t/,/h.) _11), ,;)-'-' ~1-J' , , ,)1 I bl-~ I r.I vUJ I , I oJ

•. ftons"11 127,557 1

1 ~~,3:n II 125,081 1:'2,31~ 'I IM,24; I 203,009 I 1m,321 ~52,OS4, 293,5H 282,229

Nllruteuf ............. _ ...••.•. free··l l II ~ S-O -"I ') '40 SS9 0 ~"!I"'O I "0'·1!«)3 4 "S' 80-1 . -"~ '661 0 '6' "61 ""3" 405' 9 ')5~ 650 9 683 "96 cO i':I __ .,1' ,1_ 1 -'Ili, , .. ,1- ,1.11

_, <JJ' j ,J 0, I 0111',,' I _,vll,':' 1,1 i: ,-.. ~,: I ,i)

S,,1 sod" and '1"1,, ".h .......... dut •. {~~~;;~:t~:~:~:~! !18~: :~:~~! i:: ::::: ::::: ': ::::: ::::: :'::::::: ::::: : ::::: ::::: :':: :::::: :::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: :::::j:::::::::::: I jIbS .... 1 ............ : ..•.•.• '" .. 1 8,851, all 4, 2:!4, 680 G, 624, 3H 5,191,3;,0 i a,mo, ·160 ·1,O~3, 961 3,705, fl"JO, 2,901,54,1

SalsClda ........................ tll1l .. d 'I', I .10 .,... "0 "0" 31079 ; 0" 2~9' ','I O~4 23298 208351 18344

, Il~~--.::;::::::::::::C::::::J ~7,,'«~9:~~: " .1;i,.!~4:;O~ 78,5il:87~ I ~4,4~~:~ I ::!7JQ~6:7571 ~~41f)f~8:m!f) 1~IJOlili:34.£l J71930:3~6 SOdflItS1L. ...................... tlul,,"!d 1'< i I "89 ~14. "10 -.j" 648450 I :'0" 293 i "6~ iO'" ~a~:!Ul 1$,750 166,279

{11;_~:~~i--~:~~~:-:~~;·I··~:~~~:~~~·1 ~1:~OI):~8;:; 1'2~'~Ol:~3; 23 .. 63~:~7-1 IB,;5;:S.::,.t' 1!),~~2:28~ i 171 iU;.i:tn5 10,550,404 10,01-1,341 AllolllerF.a1tsof •.• _ ........... duL. d'll" "0918 "" ('o, '>9" 6')0 "1" 0"91 "1' .'0" 1"00-- 0'" "30 ~ol "0' ,_,",.0,,0',':' 230,570 os... 1-.t ... ,_" UI, Iq-.: I __ .J, ,-,-, .\_1, <.J ..... t u -J,"l_.) I lu,_l}.j ",'V,- .:J _.O.,H" 0 '}')'J

'l'otal~oda ........................... dOll" .. i 7,12Ii,f>l51 fl,liU,852! !,OG1,3~O r 2, 955,7Sl\ 5,900,U11 6,a9l;,5-16" 6,22';,* 8,340,5S5 ~ii'G i 1U,103,063

S l' . b' l d f" {[Uu, .. J--WO,'1S7 1~O'1:l::i'I'--172':l~U I nil,D8.1 1.'>-5,399 159,711 J87,48.;'·-- JM,]30 169,172 91,·1U'J ~ U p.:uu, Or runs one, Crll c ...... .Lee ... dOH::J .. ,1 1,930,293 2,lS3,G07 !i,193,i328 i ~J~70,449 2,711,91~ 2,875,104 3,582tS.~~ 3,5-!9J~170 3,231,623 1,680,197

Sumac, Around .• __ ._ ••• _ .•••••.•.•. dut_. fIbS .... 13,432,O'li 18, GSS,G35) 8,301,235, 12,975,970 10,33;;,980 7,339,606 9, ]82, 917 12,858,547 18,604,G44 15,5&'3,33'1 ldOlI"_. 232,0',0 2.j6,W~ 1~0,2U5 163,136 228,1',', 133,303 145,776 18/,186 276,891 225,036


pbs.... 235,763, J65,OOl I 63. 997 1 2~2.1741 20ti,9661 2·1!!,9&~ r 361,739 Ii 521,6891 ."J50,32R Vaullla lJeRns .••••.•••••••••••..... free··ldOlls.. 1,013,G08' 884,865 2/9,755 I 1,235,412, 1,20Y,S;"" 875,2291 859.899, 1,Ua~,65<1, 1,424-,64.7



8~266, 701 AllothCl' ........................... {ircc .. dOllS .. 6,5S1J.',17: 5,504.434 II 5,~91.5S41 5,131',511' U,[;.J3,75!i I' 6.O'lij,3~'I·1 r.,!io.~,29.8: ,;,074,4~31 7,mm,7l7

duL..dolls.. 4,728,967 i 5,057,068 ii,080'4:!~ .. : .".125,0;,0 1~f>.~n,03j ...2!~~1~. 7,4.68,801 I ,;,565,5601 7,963,42Q

1 I {free •• dolls.. 3·1,;;30,168 II 31,307,867 'I 2;;,773,522 i 25.170,201 '13[, 3~5, 759 I 3~, 347, 150 i 33,718,670 139, 4R6,i129 '1' 40, SGG. C>4!l' 39,8[>3,829

Total chem cn fl, etc .. ------- ... ~ I"" I -dut __ rlolls.- 13, ,SO, ... 08 j 13,tHO,~5_.:_]5ro97J ,e9 !~,511.,.3U3 2~1_~.j9,39:t 12]: Wl,OOi 23,974,952 24,e6-1,8iO 24,'127,916 24,92ii,780

Totalfree and dutiable ............. dol!;.. ~8, 3[.0,866 I 44, 9-1S~7;;2J !1. '!il, 2m !-4,;. 6~1, 50~J~! ,iJ5,152i 53, 50S, Hi7 ' 57, 723, ~:.!'=-I-;;:i,-3,.;:;-:-1G!l[O~.~iJ:1.i\58 Gl, 7{9, b5~ Chicor), root: fll ,. .]n .·n 9:' ! I" mo 1 .,-, 1 1"62'0 1 Iii" -I - ,'" .

Raw, ungrOlmd ......••............ frcc.. , ... :. .. ';1 '~:o i "'~n~' 0_ I 9' 1'~ ............ 1 ............ 1

............ ; ..... -.-. - -·1 .... ·••••••• ....................... . dolL.. .0, __ 6 i ",,_,494. -, .7 1' ........... ············1 .... ········, .... ········;·········· ......................... .

D l' t;bS ............... - .. -.. · .... ··'1 139,497 1 159,269 1,216,518' ['il,693!' 238.2721 1,411,202 4.·[3S,2-1S 3,340,UlS 0 •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •• f \1. •• d '] ,I ., Uuo I ., 3-3 ' 1- 7 ., I 9 sn. ..~ I 01 ~ __ I_._ ..... __ .. I .• _ •• _...... -,po. LI J ... , ;J: I, G.... JUS 4,(}S./ 27,96; I3~J312 fi9,589

Roas~ed, ground, or othcT.l1rise. pre_{lbS. - - - 47~1 9331 S9!), OO~ ~ ... 362,5~~O 1 335.3·17 I 384,957 ! ::H.8,597 298, Oil! ~!·12,311 534,26; 596,095 paled ............................ dl1t.. floll~.. 1",849 13,89) i 11.299 1 11.0ill i 1~. 9.Jl ! 11,098 10,451 ' :.7.493 ! 20,175 22,395

C~o(;olatc, prep~~'erl o~ J~H111nfactllrcd, not{lbS. -."[ 1, ~4~, 4fi7 1, ~~7, 9';7 ~ 99~, 2~~ i 1, 12~, 515; 1,209,012 nS,8J8 I 52.i,221. 690, 8~·1 1 J, 784, 064 ~,692, 2fil Hlcilluing conr~ctioner~ ............. dut.. doll;... 198,·117 2.,~, ~19 149. SGG : ~Ol. '13g' 2·10.141 141, S9~ 101, we : 1l!,8:12 : ·126.18G 617,377

. . {lnllS •• 1 13,006 i lU,liSU ' 10,7H i 1~" li7a 21,830 \ 12,350 I 33.077 i 28, om " 27,9·13 sa, 783 ChIOIlllcoreorcbromaleof Iron ...... frcc .. dOllS .. ! lE3,700, lUR.393 IHti.l7a: 2(,!,122 378,0991 214,7621 JJ2i',;7G1 I -10'J.731; 393,234 5(1a,OUS

1 . {tons .. 1


102,094 ~ 9~.455 J06;266 1 n6, ,ii7 138.62'; i IGO,217 1S7,158 i 203,857, 19.;'125 200,44~ Caysore'nllis ..••....••..•.••.••.•.•• dut .. III -'65-"S' ~O"1'11 ' "1.22".,".1~ {O ~ .. ' Iv,.O/. (~~I~~.~::...-=_./.~~~::.....:...I 78{j, 926~~llI1,03(j,977. IJ214lfitHJ ],285,097i 1, 191,:.:mt ":;L~--'

Clocksandwatclw>"llllflpllrtsof: I 1 --I I I .-. -- '==;=='="'I"~'=== Clock •• and part" of. .............. _.dl1t .. dollH .. [ 5~,1.3~ 4~R,GOO 276,766 27,1.023 3-H,4'10 359.146' ,150,890 I 489,6261 621.239 480,76-5

Wutchcs, and parts of. .............. <lut .. tlolls"i..2::. 098, 900 ,..2::.~, 3~9 ! __ 689, !I.'iG 1.061,969, 1.4Uti.1l1 1, (;79, 093 L.2~?~~ :~!_1_?~~~2. 681J-=~ 369, 235 J~' 479, 730

TotILl. ............................. dut .. doll ••. 1 1,623.222 1,' 91;6.422 1.3a5,982 i 1.700.-5.'H I ~',038,239 i 2,460,3~'1 2,672.310 1 2.900,'1711 2,966.495

Coal and coke: i I I I' Coal- I, I ,I A th . . {tons •. 1 H9:1~~ &i, u.s I' fJ,ot>l 601 1 Inc. 1 ; :102 ' 2U7.66-1 : 30,073 1H,812

n raclte. ___ .. _____ . ____ ...... 1tec __ dull::;o.! 340,420 202,923 1.1,72\) ~J(jH-l 701 li i 1,K-o i 913,021 1 llH,Oia l~aJOOfi. J tons 133, ~O, I ........................ .

Do .......................... <1ut.. ldon;::!: ::::::: ::::'::: :::::: ::: ,::::: :::::::1: :::::: ::::: I::: :::: ::::: :::::::::~:: :::::: ::::::. GU.1U7' .......•.••. 1 ..•.....•.•. • • .:;:: .,1. {lOIlS.-, 1/1·1~IS3') I l,:.!H7,!!77! 1'27:)lallI112riS77S'111'70710it~ .lIU77.~3811 1,f).Il"l22: ~~til0,~8J I .I,!'}.J(i,323: 1,ii2~J152

BltumlllOtl .......... ••••••••••• • (:~,~~: .~~:::::! 3. fh:~: ~~~ il' 3, o~~:~~~ r ~, -10~::~~ __ ~:~~5,.~~~ 'I"~:~~~: ~~~ .j .. ~: ~~~:~~~. i •• ~: ~~~:'~~~'" .~{~:'~I:~:~~~. I .. ~:~~~:~~'~.I ... ~:~~~:~~~

charcoal········· .. ····--·--- .. {dut .. UOllS . .i. ........................ !.. .......... : ............ , ........................ ~ ............ , ............ ! H,i:>H I 478 a ],'rom imports for COH""mpt.ion.



----1'\ -1-8-9-6-'I-I-8-0-,,-71-1-8-0-S-7'-1-8-0-0--;---1-0-0-0--:-' -1-0-0-1--'---10-0-2--:--1-00-3---1-00-4,--"-----;9-0-5 --------------------------- j I 1 _________

1 _________ .

1 _______

1 _________ .

1 _______ __

Ooal and coke-Continued. I I I Coke ......... _" _ .... __ .......... <1ut .. {tdool111~o '.'.11

, 4·1,812 27,293 !I 37,490 I 51,435 56,448 \ 7;), 104. ~m, 480 1!:!2, GaO '" 11,,361 n,B!):! 112,;')22 172,540 232,555 309,594 359,370 41.1,017

Cocoa. or cacao, crude, and lelwcs IUld{lbS ... -; 23,276,597 31,406,612125,717,404 35,512,36-1 141,746,872 '14[i, 924, B!'i3 i 51,379, 3SG Ga, 3f)1, 29·1 chclls of. .........•...... " ....... : .frec .. dolls"1 2,887,078 I 2, 9<J7, 8li6 3, '192, 033 I 5,064,703 5,657,283 6, ·172, 829, G, 656, 501! 7,820,087

Cocoa, prepared or mallufacturcd .... tlut. .{lbS. ···1 I, 24.4, ~09 I,4!J5,459 \ 815,824 , !J~6, 219 1,012, 3G8 9ii, DO!! \ 973, !l70 1, OM, 766

dO~lS .. ,_ ;1~, 24: ~" 44~, 6~1 I ~ ;90, g.~4.I., 2~~, 413 I 313,5Ul i 1S8, ~.1O : 2()5,9:I 2()2,522

Coffee .•..... _." .. , ... ", .. ", .. ,." .free. '~dIbo~--' '1080, ~9~, 9~0 /u7, 6·,b, ~/o ,\!8/~, o~:, 4~5 \8,):, ~:~, 063 787,991,OU 85<1,871,.:.10 11,~91,004,2~: 915,086,380 l lls ..• 84, /9u, 124 81,5H,u84 65,OB/,6u1 5 .. 1,2./0,470 5'2.,467.943 62,861,0\19) 10,982,100 59,200,749

C · d pbS __ .. ! 2,366,962 2,373,245/1 857,810 I \)92,395 1,262,059 875,420 I' 400,527


·150,6-13 offee, SubstItutes ...... _ ..... _ ....... ut.'l llolls .. ) !.l0,532 j 87,679 ; 29,56'2. 36,370 49,029 33,35-1 ! 20,499 23,613

Coins, metals, and other metallic articles bestowecl ' : I' ,! I as trophies or prizes a ••••••••••••••• free .. dolls .. i 4.98,384 1 300,116, 29,14-1 I 8,590 92,453 II 6,379 :, 0,162 5,762

Collodion, ::mdm:mufacturesoL .•.... dut..dolIs .. ! 337,862 i 262,675! 160,836 249,619 378,583 1 ~177"161! 213,663 178,1401

Copper, and mnnllfactufcS of: I ! 1 i I rons gross weight.. __ .; 7,977 i 3,421 : 4,648\ 10,292 36,205 : 75,6·15 ' 98,5171 260,196

Ore and regulus .. free. '1~~~~~~ ~.~r~~~~.t~~ .~~~::!"" ~~~~ ~~; '1"" ~~~~ ~~~-!"" ;~~~~~~ .. -~~;~~~~~~·I··;~ ~:~;: ~~~. i' ~~:~~~: ;;;.! .. ~.~~ ~;~: ~~~. !_. '_~_~ 3_' ~_;_~~_);_~_'I . ___ ~_~_--------J>ig"" bars, ingots. plates, old, and otherflbR.... 12,593, '1171' 11,504,382 .10,722,94.5 3!l, 812, 6G7 84, (iSS, 79·1 161,161,345: 7-1,802,891 1141,161, ,262

llllDlilnuiilctured ....... , ....... free··1 dollg.. 1, 1:!3, 083 999,82·1 3,077,835 4,793,695 12, ·119, 901! 9,909,481 i 10,923,013 i 17, -179, 284

l'I:mufactures of. .................. dut. . dolls. . 72,2:31 I 80,81·1 42,730 39,058 37,569 I 30,982 ' ·15,935 i 25,963

Total, not including ore ....... _ .. dolls .. Ws5.i'4:i 1,080,638 3,120,565 4, 832, 7531~7:.l7D'I!,i 9, !)40, 463 10,968,948 !-1-7-, 5-0-5-, 2-4-7 -\-------

Cork wood, or cork bark: ; r Unmnnnfactured ................ _frcc •. doll.-; •. 1,209,450 j: 1,323,4.09 1,152,325 1,147,802 j 1,444,825: 1,729,912 i 1,816,107 I 1,737,366 :Manufactures of cork bttrk .. __ .... dut..dolls.. ·109,887 428,243 291,863 ::194,565 464,{i58: 541,083 j MS,827 I 830,214

Cotton, and lUllnufactures of: i' Ii, ==<1'=====1======;:===== U f d [Ibs ..•. 5::i,350,520151,898,926 52, 660,3{i3 50,158,1581' 67,398,521 ! 16,631,283,: 98,715,680 74,874,426

nmanu acture - .. -'.' .•.. """ free. old II -~S 2 I - 8 1 6 5 0 ·0" - 1- ~ 10 9? 59 o 3'_16.,0)/_,,121,1, 0,8-,22 ,19,::1 u D,013,14G 7,960,9';) I 6,781,8281 11,712,170, ,5 _, 1

{II, 01 "0 - ~ 90 I 111 3')3 ~'5 ! I)" I)O~ -"0 nr us.... 6, "," 0 I <>,310,242 6,128,2 6,022,424 I' 7,899,328


' li,182,177 ., - ,i) .. 1 ,,"u,_ 1,0_ Haste or flocks ..........••.. .... frec .• do lIs.. 205,015 I 171,696 152,455 210,856 I 24.4,447! 189,020. 496, 061 __ 8_0_6)_06~2 _/ _____ 1. ___ _


t-.:J 00 o


Malmillcmre.of- I 1 I \ I Cloth,<- I

Xot .ble';Lclwu, dyed, COIPred,}sq. ylls .. 2,136,657 S,177,2<il; ',520,108 ',250,932 3:061.,90 ',nJ2,267 772,011 j lJ:j~2,007 ',4.1f),012 1. 309t3ti8

"tameli, pnlnted, or pnnted 1 11 I - "t'" - 54' 67 ~. / 0 ' dilL (0" 119," " 21.~, (i,: l\~O, i lU7, v~3 ;;'57,6 1 196,!l40 So1,386 1[,6,545 159,102 155, GY5

HI~~·~;~;';;'~):~l~:~~~~~~~'~~~ine~:{Sq. y~~:: ·n, lfil,B~2 1\.5, 937, 9i~ I· 43,2505,291 51,196,286 61, 9..~6, 063 I 39,150,760 Ii 45, 4~o,3141 ;;fl, 99S, IS;; ; iiO,032, 691 I 46,210,012

palllted, or printed ..••• d ut .• doll..... 4,921, 0110 '1,40'1,0'20 5, HU, C.S.3 6,649,014 I 8, lOG, 301 I ii, 9~, 1;:;3 G, g31, 393 9, 01:), O~21 H, H.I, 3S3 7.794,179

Totalclolhs ......•.•....•• dut .• !lo\ls .• ~i·I-1,U77~679 i ~,43.I.:tr.Or--;i:·ifi6,0H7 -~,~ 6,1:l5, 60'2 :---'7,020,779: !1,169,637 /l,303,48-5-1' 7,919,874

Clothing, renrly-made, '\1111 other wearing I I I:: · .. --'------,----nl'l'ltml, not ineludinp, knit goods I' 1 ' ' ~ •• n :

....••...•...•....••.....•...••. dut..dolk. 2,683,St5 2,627,2~21 1,050,liGol, 1,02;,sooI1,2m,'l31 1,G'.~~,mi6 1,UM,G13 :1' 2,2'1;,903 .,,)(la,O,,:;, :!,;1W,u58 Knit goods; Stockings, hose, half 1.osc, ,; sWrt~, UrRl'lp.1'!', ,mel a·1I goods made, Ia~h· ! I ion ed, unrrowcd, or shp.pcd ou knitting .lUuchilles or fmmes, or knit by hand . ....•.................•....... . dut .. doils.. 6,190,672 5, 5%, 70~ I 4,034,483 4,335,2CU 1 4: 715, i62! 5,462,217

Laces, e~~ings. emhroideries, in~ertin!:.~, neck Inrnings, rucbings, trimlning8, tuck~ lugs, hwe lV"indow cnrtain:-:, aud olher 1- /'

similar t'L1l1ooured ILrticlps ~ ~ ... duL .dolhoJ. _ 10,878,934 12, filS, '207 1.1) ';68, 70-1 14, 550,015 19,208,165 2(1! ~35J 299

Thrend (not 011 sp41ols), yarn, Wf\..rps.rlbs~_ .. 2,431,3:)51 1,664,217 1,81.7,970 2, 32il,9i4 ~).2i2,401 I 3,72i\2-56 or warp ya.rn. __ - .... --_ ...... dut··ldolh.. 872,067 647,388 (}8jJ'.)~9 8·1~l,RJ9 '2,098,fKl~ \ l,7.Jf),j2:f

5,363,511) v,157,74·1 I

6,014, mn !

22, HIl, 314 i 25,110, OS1 24, &18, 7641 2;',911,684

fi, OOli, 190 "I' il, in .... , U!Ji ;}, 060. 53S I ii, 023, 331

~,921, ::~ :' 4:~, ~~9 ;" :~lJ 9'2: 2, 20~J 1~4 _\11 otiwL ............. , ......... dllt..dolis .. 6,712,0721 R,307,16.J 4,291,110 '1,535.988 fi,;'~S,218' ;;,147,]~>i!

1, t 1ft I t I 11 3" -'"7 5(. J' ·'-:;-;--';;;9 "a" .11

0- ?a- 300 '''J O· ~-1" [- . -'I 2-1G -;;-9/ '0 " 'ti' ,'0' I Earthen, ~1.:l:~,:~~l::~:::~~; ........ (U .. (0 s .. ",,":Ii) I :t i .-:t-:t",:. ,l)UIJ _dl_IJ~ __ u"" U':I,"-' _ '. ' ~ ,~ _ ~ ,.v.t. !t1.>o) I

China, purcelain, parian, nnll bisque- I I I!

",(HS,l~1 .,3,j;.',Uhl 0,000,3-11/ 4,32u , 08'2

·14,'J60,126 i 5i,1~1~2-l,246i !:~.9~!;,936

Notdecoratedorornamented ... <iut...dolls .. 1,RO'I,425 1,513,474 83,1,22G 1,012829: 1.0~1,6% I 1,000,896'

Deeomted or O'fllumcJlteU ....... flllt..rlollli.. 8, 3H, 9961 8,087,-1-13 5,579,107 u,270,10" I 7, liG, li59 1 X, um, 687 Allot.her ... __ ........... ____________ cll'lt .• dolls._ -186,.HO 376,3&,1 2'j3,72; 3'::!1~02f), 3.')0,921. 4C8,286

Totlll .......................... dut..doIls .. 10,605,S6l I 9,97;,297 6,587,360 1""7,60~'! 8,fi~5,265 i 9,472,S6!1

{doz .. , 917,1~Z f>80,G81 166,319' 225,180! 135,038/126,520

F.ggs ................... ---- ............. -- ..... dut.. Ilolis__ 88,6.:;;1 .17l

7uO 8,078 21,300! S,7-11 10,St5

Ell1ery: I

{CWl:... 100,440 11Y, ~ SR, "SO loU,9HO I 197,540 298,180

Ore ..................... __ ..................... frcc •. doll~_. ~H,l~S 122,676 8-1,.:132 ~~S,89: 1 162,056 2::18,096

GrniU~,Ii.llIJ ground, pulveri.1.p,d, Tf~finedJ{nm...... 794,91:1 583,253 -fi5,771 107,18Q, 7Q3,73i1 71H,7i1 lIrmn.nllfuctllrcu._ .............. _.dlJt .. dolls.. 28,799 21,5&1 20,700 2'i,99~ 2R,3t'i 30,337

9ii5,fi]711,072,7'H 1 1,S37, S81 11,171,G-14 S, :109,:11 9,003, 8.:i2 10; 1~3, 072 10,033,072

.. 1,1'(, ,.28 I 4;;,i,,45{) \ 4.74,.ilil 4.50,007

__ ~), 6,,0, 1,,(; 1_:0, fJ12, 0,';2 r. 1~, 005, 014 i 11, li59, i23

iJ,Il,I,070 ! - SuS, ,J~2 : ~96; 825 i 3.';2,303 ~- 13" : 29 _.- 1 "1 1.0 ' 0", r"'l .:;.,.-: . ..6; ... ,/;");1 u,';)'-'I VO'U"';I.

120, 420 ; H3,960 I m,7,10 I 136,698 131,840 : 163,021 !

1, ij~al ',41 3, 198, 1(f.! i !!, U9UJ 885! 2, 67R, 195 56,8'17 : Hi, 2M \ 90,932 : 1.20, GM



.Prior to 1898 this class embraced coins, old medals, and other autiquitic •.


'.. ... Arl.ido". . ___ .... _1_1896 \ ··1!!-;;-7----1S;·- If!~~'--' ·HIOO- 1901. lU-0-:l-~-1~03 1110<i 190;;

.Ifaru, "xc"'pt pn.1m.lcnL ................ dnt .. dollS •• i

~H,1121 35D,·188 344,20';6 \ 3'3,UIl5 486,053 ' .. 399,5.7 '. fi~7~~;' I. m6,~oo 5:~7~735·\'- .J24,9li4. F~.'lthcrs, etc .• natural an'1 arttiicial: ; I

F,J~~~;~,~]erea,r,~:';.a:;~~~~tu~~J{~~~ __ --~~;;:::! .. ~:~~~'. ~~\.~~~~'.~~~.! 2,~~:: ~~ '\!.'~: ;~~:~~~ ... ~: ~;~:~~ ... ;:;;~:~;~.\ .. ;:~;;: ;~~.\ .. ;:~;~: ~.: .. ;:;~;:~~~·i···;:~~~:;;~ Feathers and clowns, n.unral, dre;;.<ed, ealared, i I ! " I i I I

or manufactured, iLnd drc>sc.l and finiRhed ' I' I \ i birds ....•.•..•••••.......••..•.... dUt..dollS •• \ 859,0S! 712,610 77-1.,21i!! i

l I':ZS, 457 111,:.l65 73,973 307,61\2' 266,121


, 171,339\ Featherf', fluwers, fruits, grains, and leu.ves:, I .

ILrtitlciaL •••...•••....•....•....•.. dnt •. dolls .. 1 1,~~1,9181' 2,13R,21fi I' 2,2·18,1f.3 1,D:27,62:l 2,225,202 2,07;),552 2,770,7051 2,122,1211 2,,132,496\ 2,369,015


Felt, adhesive, for she\llhiug yessels •••• frce •• dolls .. 1 '~H, l\~1 . 10,387. 17,951 : ~3, 709 26, ~~3 ~6, 21~ 32,6·lf> ! 32,517 , 26,IHi : 32,342 F'ertllizers: .\ -1====1 ; .,,-

{tODS.. 'J,875 7,103 4.,5031 8,700 16,2.'\7' 23,8'i2.1

Guano ••.••..............•......... free .. dolls.. 4!J,~891 D1,R~G 56,8(o/j! 144,000 201,416\ 319,793. 3~,4.9{} -1,210 1, 756 4,590 1

43,610 56,91;6 30, 617 1 516,851.

{tons.. 18,m>;) i 9,931 ~,lHO ! 160,8~i 1ii2,703: 11O,240! 128,~67

Phosphates, crude •................ free .. <1011,.. F,l), ~67 ! no, 420 59, 7~\; I 791,451.' 630,008: 608,4061 750,218 1l~, 954 110,065 1·11, i70 I

'J89,226 504,4':.12 ci16 0.11 1 1,3';6:977 I Allothur ................................ free ... dolls ..

t 90fi.::WO I 951,2'i1i 1,2:»,001.! 1, .. 190,708! 2,2..')tJ,852j 2,575,527 3,207,631

TOt"'L .•...•...•.....••..•..•. rree •. dOlls .. I~~i~~\ 1,370,53~ i-.I-,{-O-2-,0-iol:uo7,9.;l6 2,230,2-%' 2,426,7581 3,100,:17u I 3,~03,726 i 4,524,700

0;)0,183 1,ISu,52H

Fibers, vegetable, and textile grasses, :lod maDn· factures 01, not elsewh~re ~pecill,,<1:

Unmanufactured- rtons .. Flux ••••.•••.••.••.••••••.....• Iree •• l

tlo1b ..

{tons __ I

Do ...............•....•..... dut.. doll" . .i Iton8 "1 Remp ..•....•.•................ free.·tdoU •..

{tODS .•

Do ....•.......•..•.......... dut .. dolls ..

{tl1n~ __

IatIe, or Tumpico tiber ......... Iroo •. doUa •.

J t d . f ltons ·-1 n e lin Jute butt.. ••.....•...• lee .• dolls .•

I ,,},::: ::~: :_:::::; :::::::::::i:: ::::::::1:::::: ::::::1 :::::::: :::::::: :::;:::: I:::::::::: 3,7.10 • u, 47·1 6,967\ ' 6, ,~7R ! 7,7721 8,1551 10, 1~3 8,089

Y·l~, i",si, 1, :l06, ;;~O 1,641\ 27..1- J ,8S0) 717 i ~,U94, 915 I 2,028,012 I 2,5·11, S';·-' 2, 2till, 421

29~ •...•.••••••.•••.•••••. .1. .......... .1. ........... : ........................ 1 ....••.•....

'1~: ;:~ ' ..... ':;'-~~~' ...... ~:.~~/ ..... ~: ~~;.! ...... ~'-~~·ll ...... ~,- ~~~. i"" .. ;,-~;/ ...... ;,- ~~; ;;[i),(i{)o 177,10H 4.10,269 622,81-1' 1,OlR,9J.:1 1'21,261 ~ 8<l9,2r.o 638,S25

:!,ijfj3 -1,'119 f,,748 2,33.11

7,S1U 1-1,070! "I3,o2~ 15,607

130,:!~1 284,177 47~,090 163,560)1 4Yil,2i>1! 1,08u,Gl:'2i 1,199,011 1,400,1S4

112,306 83,161 102,693 103,140 1~~, f!G~ I ~9, 70~ I 96,735 98,215 2,54a,400, 2,296,189 3,956,413 4"ll2,482 4,441,981; 3,358,82" 4,104,570 I .1,500,0'23

6,58.':: 7,·180

1, li1, fitJ3 J. 25(3, 717

1, ~9;j I 1,710 b~32, if,;' i bjj-tl, 2~10

8,356 1

6, OOG 1, 0·IG,G56 633,2SS

94 24 u22,ll-J7 b6,569

12,207 6,3]3 717,535 335,8H

88,nD2 68,U"O

2,001,206 1,G40,484


47,?44 'W,2nO I 50,270 I 53, 195 1 42'624.1 43,,35 00,453: r.l,'14l'1l mi,Hf,(; I m,m\! 3,604,5E5 3,408,322 R,23!),:~,n 6,211,-175 ~I 7,ljJ,S68 7,115,·116 lO,555,:i2 'll1'88:'51~ 1 11 .. 42.3,395 12,065.270

52,130 63,266 I G9, :;Z2 71,898 76, Y~l 70,076 89, u83 8,,021 I 109,214 , 100,30l.

3,412,760 :1,~l!.t,7:{~. 5,10il,900 9,211,3Ti 11,782,263, 7,972,564 1l,9~1,213 13,289,444! 15,935,555 'I' 15,256,8.)Y

6,336 8,73-1 9,7~J. 7,400 1 10,n~~ 1 R,01:l n,Oi\.~ I lR,07;;, 14,01118 17,149

~GO,G2, 5,~,206 609,222 513,2-17 8\)1,128. 76-1,917 \lil,·no 1 1,r,'J2,779 1,740,317 1,991,989

J • d {iree .. dons .. '1 TI,2N,082' 11,68.S:WO 1l,~SO,nU6 18,516, 405 1 ~4,?77,~6~ I' ~O,4?S,975 ?S,4:l7,136 i ~1,613,?40: 34,403,1.:'11' 35,?19,3?;;

'Iotn umnannmcturc ...... d • II "" '" ut. .,.0 ~ .. , Il,)~, ilL (HI,823 1, 4(l:j, 190 1,783,628 2,096,543 2,503,531 3,108,826! 2, 84\), 273 i 3,411, 134. ~,898, 746 -----1.----,,------1.---- ---. '; .----

Total free and dUtiabIe ............. <JOlls .. 112,8/0,C94 .I.~,~,4.16, 1S.,! 20. ROO, 093 I 26. 37S,805 1 22,S32,;;061 :n,54f>,9621 S4,462,fi1:l137,81~,2&'i: 38,118,071

r.T!lllUlacturcH of·.. I I' .; i . Bags for grain,mac1e of burlnps{free .. rlOll""I· J,5.'il,Sr.:.. ~,01a,856' I ~:~,20~ ....... -- ... ' ...... -- ................ ( ...................... ; ............ 1 ........... .

dut .. dolls .. , ................. --...... utifi,64.. ........... I ............................................................. .1. ......... ..,gunnyclolh,nnrl Rirn'}fl'ce __ .dOl!s .. i 67,8'>9' ~94,4091 ~·1.Y07 ............ , .......... __ ............ i .. __ ........ '. __ ......... ·. __ ......... ' ........... .

ilar material suitable forcov- I ,r,' ;". . ,.. .... . ~. I ,.,.,_ ! 1)1) ... r ')"" i ," -eringcotton ................. clut .. dOllS ..


.... · ...... · ........... -: ·U~,G14 i ,j.~.Ul,) 31l!,·111 'l,fi,OD~ 1 l,,,,,S.i~ I __ 1,96"! _63.6l:i0: 348,501

llugsofjute ...... __ ............. dut .. dolls .......................... : ............ 1 WI,749 1,327,215 2,120,1l70 12,m2,10a 2,0ti1.un I 1,307,2n' 1,745,680

. {lbS .. ..1 S91\,93H 195,161 ~ ,m],I061 45;;,001 436,'117 235,508 W4,571 873,136 i 1,(j'J8,'i55 II 2,052,229 Cables. cordage. and twme' .... dut .. 1 11: .. ". "0'"" ' «g 9"1 ~. S· oO,so_O . - e- '_',cO,·11,1, "g' "9 oU·.'.'61 '1 481,1'," . (OS.,! 30,.)06 ~13H'1 .,.il ,.11 ]'°. u\:, .1.):0Ili'1 i)l,Ov .;JQ-:I; ~

. • d f"q·,-dS .............. 1' ............ ·............ 2i'>4.~27 ; 1~2,S,j4 1';;'1~3; 2r.O.484 1 2CO.17Y 207,G46 I 233.421 CnrpeL<;llndctlql ellng ._--_ .. dut'-ldOllS ... 1 ..... ___ .... ___ ._ .... __ .1. ____ .... __ ... 74:078 4:{.~G4 2~,~S5 i kil,917 I lD,4:n 61,944 1 80,07'1

. {lb~_ ...... II 4,854., 03G -I, 702, 8~ 3,928,501 2, [,30, 01·! S, YUI, ~&1 4, G5-1, 4.7·1 i 7,030,118 {" 593, SG7 (i, 5]~, 003 11, 9Gl, 7·16 COlry"rn __ .. __ ................ frl'l' __ dolk. lO.I,SO:; ]]S,:J'!~ 131,4r,~ 95,9()S H1,,~"O 14;;.409: :]57,958 19U, 289 242,960 184,946

FlLorics, woven, HoL elsewhere rpcciHcd- I ! or plain woven fll.1Jrlr~ of Hingle! I I

jutcynrn ..... __ ........... frec __ dollH.. 6,Hn.r.W 9, 24:1.02f, 1 459,4.12 ------------1 .... ·----.. · .. -- .. ------ ----0 .. ----· --.......... ------... --. -- ... ---- .. . P" .............. -- ...... <h,t .. {lb' ... --; .... -- ...... ; ............ : .. :'1--:' ~l's:'I"~' ~;:. ~~;).! .~~. ~:, :'1' J·

1·,; '6'0'6" .~~. ~.;:. ;,,~~' ~I~·'I·~';·~;~·~;~· '~,;' ~;~. (.~;. 2~~, ~~:' ~~:

doll~ __ . ______ ... __ ., .. _. ___ .. _ .. ,)~ Ki,l <.:, .• " ... ,vvU, (1.) I'" , ;, .:l,)" J' I' 'J

Oth<.!r, of flux, lWIIIl'. HI' J'i.uuic {~(l' yclr-: __ i ____ .... 0." ___ I ...... ~ ...... ! ............. j ................... ~ ............•.. _ ............... lOU,'i'io, 312 ilOa, 4H8,47:1 tiD,S!,:@3

tT ['Ili Hfr.j.~l~ j1Htc yUI'1l- ... -.dut

1 ..

t""11!!ijj-- .! ............ 1···· .. ······;--·· .. -- ----(~. ;.~~' ~;,~.: .. ~,-~;~, ... ,;;:/ .. ~. ~~. ~ ;~T;·.-,~~· ~~;-: J~, ~~' ~~~ l~, ~~.~~~ I:~. ~~'~~~

rl.Ulll ;;:ercl1Cls' ....•....... _ .... (U •• tQ H ••.••• __ .•......•.•••••••• I •.. _ .... ___ ., ,);)1,' -j ... , I" 1 .-'~'" J;o,', ...... ,... -,.

{Sq.:rd.d_.I ............ I ......... ........ ___ .. 41H,t);-h'i I 8~2J.Io.j 1,:iO(j,2:!2, l,H2.tJ)i9 i 3,3;';B,G!:iii 3,381,53·1 :J,flOS.,%5

()ll('lotli."I,I._ ...... _ ...... _ .. dUL. :!LI;,~lO ,'U'"UU'o 5'!? 1")";:- I r~l 1"1' 1.]U;),,'0;9-1 l,~Ol,070 1,~.m,Hj2 dllE~ .. + ____ ....... 1 .... ________ , .... ______ .. 1 ~ Q ,,_,_0') 1 ... ,'1> i . . . 1111;'; .. "1 1,S.17,ft:u 1,:J~i·l.31'i 11~~li,O;=';} l,8H),5:l.71 f',HJ:i,OOn O,(i3u:·t . .!l SJfi3J,~lf) i !l.5:36,037 S,89(js3~1 3J~15,3tHJ

TWl1lC, lIlUdlllg' __ .... __ ........ Ice" __ llolls.. l09,lW 7~,:::;~ I 34,sn 1 l~~.lJl~ 113,,187 il10,l'M' 708,199; ~J2.!)Ofi &H,18~ 295,106

{LOnS .. I 'MlUliIa. ____ ..... ________ ... ____ free __ '1' 1 {oo ,~ ..

1tons .. !

SisalP.'ras~ ... ..... _._ ....... _ .. rree._ I dolls .. ,

(tons __ I All other .. -- -- .......... -- ..... rrpe"ldOlls •• 1

1\ ll'ro~n imports for ('(]ll~\llnpLIoll. c Illclm1.('s threa.d after] SUi. . . ,. Includes" .l:'lILX and lWllll' hackled" only. " Inoluded in "All other IlllLnuIl1ctuN." prIor tu :S!!9.


No. 72'-'}!ERrIHXmSl!: hlPoRTlm: QU.Df'1'lTIEH AND VAT,rES, ETO., Y"l!:ARS ENmm JU)ll!: :lO, 1896 'l"Q 190f)-Continnrrl •

A .. rtieles. . __ !18UG 'f'ibl'~, ,ep,-etable, and te:diJe grasses, fLlHi manll­

fac.tutel! of~ not else\.\-herc spc'Ci1i~\J ··Continued.



T I t 1 d f {lb., ....

... 0)8 eTA, Cll.UlU!( or unco.nnc _ ree ... dulls .•

S.tlmon .: ........•......•...•.. free .. {lb" .... doU •..

Do ....•.••••.....••...•.•... dut .. [llm""i ldoI1s .. !

{free, .(loUe .. ·

All otlwr .•.......•.......•..... I . , Ilt .• 1101ls ..

Gnrcll or prc!-leTYml- ~

Anchovies nnd f:n.rfliII C:-:, pucked jn oil or i otllerwhH~ .- - - - -. __ _ ... " _____ . _dut.. .. dolJ~; __ . 970,.347

1 COd. jlllddock. ~lakp. loud 1)[!1l0Ck'fIUS .... ' 1~ 2~3 210

uried, f..IlH\kcd, saIted, or plckled I I ,

.... . ........................ dul.. clOll, __ \ ·](i7.0.-.9

ITF:rring-" I Dl'il'cl or 51unkl',1 __ ... _ ... __ dlll.. __ {rf,~: __ - ~,C9"i.ti:):!

claIM •. , /<J.·J(;O

rickl~d or "allelL .... ' ..... dUt..{JoblS --I 1.iO,1133 doll~ __ 1 1, 1t3, 69:\

Mackel'el, pickled or slllted ____ dut __ jbbIS --I 74,531 doll!)_.. J,Ot;3,4.76

902. 74~ \ J • 1].0, 671 ~ l~ 1:;2, flR1

H, 3~1, l~~ I Iii, 011'\ 507 I: 11,382. ,jW ·l;Jl,ti.jl I ;)~[),1j6S ·j25,'114 , I

4, ;):-)7 , lG2 l'), '1~',~, ~~6;j I 3, u90, 339

10;,8,(0 I 1~7T 23-1

&~11,6n I 102, iiial


14U,U~O ! 1, 05:1, 050 i

81, 2091'


87, !!'i9

lnO, 0ri3 \ 1, 077,1~S ;

81.().jo I 1,1{l~, 0'27

5,130,813 i ~1121~,514

1!!7,:;;;:; 0 8~.~7·f i

1~,~01 ' 156. :!1, 0

1,355,013 ! 1, If>3, Ull

9" "!)3[ 87, 'i2~ I _,1 ... ·

l,27li,WIl sti,7\l\) !

~,7i;.t, 043 130,9·1-) , I!!'J,111

1,313,59, ;

9·1. 6~G I 1,003,854

1, -133, uQti 1, r.()1 ,5-1.0 :

o· "n" "00 ' ry., n4~ c.ry I "':.', 0;/,': ,~. I _tl, '" -.. , o.J~

1, O~l, 212! 1, lU1, oml !

2. ~28, 9~ I 2,521. iila I U~, 666 G7, 520 I

".3.\ 488 i 23R aiO i 1,734,48i 1, ni5: ~41 I

75, nu ' 120, 090

1,118,408! 1,672,812











Jlbs .... Salmon. pickled or So.1tcd ...... dut .. ldolls ..

919.277 I 63, gal ~


33.665 954.194 I \I03.!l\.lIJ 1 521, 9O! I 736,658 662,752 I 683,9"J 1 -103,859 424.916! 67,175 65.693 41,·Wi : ~1. ~6 ·10,930 'I ~J., ~2'2 : 30,:\16 33,590

. 56.·-,3 ! .Fi~hEound!'!~~a_ ........ _ ..... _ .. ___ free._dolls__ '1!3.92i! 63:~6S I 91,&15 I lil,170 ;-,1.606, 11).5,2.=)9 t U3T 798; 120~634 ... " 78,369

AIlothcr •••.••••..••••...•••... .rlllL.dolls.. 442.30'2. 4.l4,4661_:~~,712! H~1,ii72: 3-10,631 729,173 i G31.524 i mil. 991 776.699 904.608

{irce .. dolls •. i 1. P67, 4r,~: ~. 006,i"hl3\' 960,372 : ~:{" 67U 1,0.n:2.10·j 1.0110,63·1: 1.115.725 T 1, 117, UlS i 1. ~7~. O<J-J: 1, r>3.~. 3,,(

Total fi"h ....... ........ ... •• I': , I·' , dut __ dun~ •• , 4,3~3,!u3 4,1fi.5,529 5:116,313 ~ :l,~7,'16fJ; 6:-l26,817 i O,20fJ,7i"'i: 7,411,372; 7Ji17!9f'J5 t 8,610,6.53! R,959, 692

Total free mlllilniinble ............. <lolls.. U. ;;U6. 226 I 6.172.082 6. 076. 6~ul'. i 7.47£tmi 7. 2;;1·~4111~7,097:10i35,':'=.s3 ('9.889.6971 10.498.076

Fruits and nuts: II' j=~! -i Fruito- 1 [

Hananas ........................ frce .. nolls .. 4.502.7461 4.QSO.32D 4,2BU.418 I 5.6&5.5AA I fi.S77.83j I 6';>51.1.186 7.31.17,437: S,5-11,156 i 7,7Q9.97U: 9.897.8~1

Cl1rrants ....................... free .. !~~~~~:: SQ, !~~: !~~ ; 7~:~: ::::::: ::::: i: :::::::::::i: ::::::: ::::i:::: ::::: :::::::::::: ::::':::: ::::::::j:::: ::::::::':::::::::::: DO .......................... du(, .. Jlb~ .... 2.7~1,:l80' 29,188.571.1 II 3D.S49,:!.">3 II 36.251,779 i lG.f>-l!),198 : 36.2.18,970 33.878.209,' 38.347,649 i 31.7·12.919

lrlolls... -ifJ,575 ,')92: ·185 837~ 987 7m~, 357 916,90S I !)liJ,9t14: I, 23R, 756 743, U4.4 U4J7,430 i 76-1,289

{lbS .... 13.6~.D.~:1. 11.~4".'.2_79. 13.~~1.4S,.1 12.943.;;0.,;" 19.!102 •. 5J .. 2,' 18,4,3.·.4.917120.01.3.'1~1. ~1,681.1U.·9: 21,05a._.l~'(.' 19.:57,251.1.

Du.t,," ........................... <111t .. doUs.. 273.·1u6 2B4.05(, ;;Il.~91 324.081 I ,nO,34ll I 31~.·IO(), ~H,8;<.l .ISH.1.,l, '163.4"9/ ;;60,·lR.~ Figs _____________ ._ .... _ ... _______ dl1t._[lb~ .. _- 11,~:710 8,::~,i62 9,~!!8,42:)! 7,~4,~~8! 8J81:,4~: 9,9:3,~:~ 111108~:=~~ lfi,:::,14:! 13,1;8,;61. 13,3u4,1?~

c1011~"1 1>39.512, ,,&),380 509.0021 3~6.1f.21 5J3.S~.J ... 10R.;:10 .4~~.:33!'1 6~O,~~Oi 6~7.~;' fIb .................. , ........................ I. ........... 160.19~.O''Jb I.I~.,'I~.IJH ,164.0.D.3091J.., •• 00.I,21.1 171.n.~. ___ 1! Ian. 084. 3_1

Lemons ........................ llut .. 1 ··\ . 1 oOS 0 •. d. •• I .. , , . . dolIs~_1 5,040,344. 4,013,822 ~,g...j..."J l~O ~l,d.;,O -l 3,66(",..,,'31 3,:).16,8')(1 ~ i".l .... lO,3;J9 H,079,2'.:n 3,G59,5U8 ::?:90.),08~

_ pb); ____ ! •• ____ •• ___________ •• __ J .. __ ... ____ .L ___________ 68,(j)~:nHS uO,m;2, 914 : u2, 7·12,,176 5n,R7~,ViO 35:R9J,~fjU j ~8J880,fl75 Orullge~ .. _-_ ... _ ....... _-_ ... ___ nut_-ldOllS_.!1 2,69.1,131, 2,324,90i I' ~R6,7:..!21110tJ7J;Y.){j 1,O~7,O·n 71G,4!l71 78.1,6.101 818,780 fi25,·1{iH / 374,08S

'1:1 pbs._._, ·J8:l J !)58I 710,028 :103,092 600,31,0 4 .. 13:4;17 74.'),97·.1: I (j22,-178 : (iX~:,8H~' 49-1,10;'; fi71,fiU4 I Ull1" nm prunes .............. 'lUt. .. ·[1 ' 68 8"2 " . "9 G'O G" '·1 • ·00 : "'.'. °80 '1".0·,-, '0 "18 46.97G • (i,3. ['.17 COU~--l In, 1;.i,303 ~ u 1 6 '-'11)/' .b,'; v_ n ~ 110,__ _ I R - - d Jlb!1 ___ - 10,820,094 -11~_650,m)8 Ci,DU3,83S II 4,9'~a,201 10: aOH, ,198 'I 3,8GO,R36 (J,US::;,iJ-j!1 \ li,71fi,H7:i G,f:1J7,1i17 r 4,()'ll,(j~D

ILlHlII" ......................... nt"ldolls .. 1 '160.200 ',>67.039 3~1.8.~9 2:l~,·100 53J..121 1 297.831 ::9J.973 , ·176.SH a;;:;.IJ4~ i 27:1.031

Pr"pllrNlorl'rCoerye't ........... tlllt .. dol1, .. 1 ;'98.928! oo;,.or;3 922.35711,020.641 1.2·Ul,·179 1.:J66,bOl 1.'I.'i~.7x8' 1.521.4-13 1,796.2091 1.:;99.·1."~ AI1IJtllcr ...................... {fl.C"' .. d01ls .. 1 '96.~021 6i2.5,m 421,6,07 I 6.13.3ti1/! 662.510! 6B1,832 308.391: r,~;'.8~6 ,,;48,:40 I 3;;0.802

d~lt._._d~lJS __ 1 ~.33~ •• ~~ J, ~~~.258 ~3,19S! 1.036.~91 1.~27.m6 [ 1.~77.298. 1. 7.l;;.194: ] _.301.,,30, 2.573.385

To!",lfruits .................. [lroe .. d01l8 .. , ".8Q~.~I~ 1 4.,u •• 46H 4.658.075 i 6.:WH.U49I n.540.345 , 7.23~,018! 7.Ul~.S311 9.0til;.m1 ~.l'·'H.l\1l i lllnt . _dolls ... 1 11, 11) ... , ~6... 10, Iii", au~ 7,670,937 f 9,377,715 9,744:. 413: H, ORfi, sao; 9, R~O, 3fJ3; 9,793,2'.17 10, 81m, 5;2 j 9, fl30, 490

a Y o..1'ns only o.fter 1897_ b From imports for consumption. ~ Includes frco nuts not 8p~cifil.!d prior to 190'2. t~ 00

, at


No. ?'2.-MEIlcrr.uwIsE I~rpol\TED; Q.UAN·l'ITIE.'l A)lD Y.-I.LUEll, ETC., YRA.nS l!l~\)ED JlJ~ !lO, 18\)6 '1'0 UI05-ContillUUll . ... _--_.

Arlic1c,. , tRIl6 1 IRS? -T-~81)8_\I~~\I--l~00 --[ 1!l~;----~~--' 111011 Fruits lind lInls-Continued. j------ '-----..... .---.----


"N'lIts- I Almollfi~ ..••..•...... __ •....•..• ClllL_{lh" ..•. \ 7,78~,681 9,(i<U,:;:~8 fl,746,oti2 9,957,427: li,317,633 5, 1·1U, 232 g,sf.g,n9~ S,U2,lC'1 \ 0,83~,8W' 11,7.15,081

dolls.. 7U3,594 R80,2G3 \i5~,G,~\) 1,22'1,fi!l7'


949,083 9tn,1a.~ 1,2·10,886 1,337,71;, 1,',!-1f1,1741 1,520,003

cocoanutg ...... _ ...........•• :.ffree .. dolls .. ,.--- ....... ..•.•..•.•.. ;;~I,OG1 !l2~,789 7U2,947 i 80·1,233 ~~2,3SS 908,!l-l2' 971,6~2 1, 08U, 473

(dut..dolls .. \ 442,789\ 471,387 21,874 r--········.:· .. ···>·····,············ ....... -- ............... 1············1 ... ·.······. W'llnuts 1 t fbS ............................. 1 ............ 1 .... -....... 1 ............ ' .•.••.....• -1".-......... 12,~62,567; 2.3,670,761 21,U84,1()'1

All othe: __ .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·;i~C~: .~~~~:: ::::::::::: :::\::::::::: ::r:::::::::: ::::: ::: ::::\:::::: ::: :::':::: ::::::::r ... ~~;:;~;- l,~~:~~~ 'I '1, ~:s~:~~:! ~:~:::~: ldllt..dOll"··i-'--::'6~, 799 ;~8, ,\1} i.....2°02,3441_ S7!),lG~-' 1,3~6, RQ.1 1,518,484! 1, 5h5, 860. 8iO, 591 9~7, G76 __ i~59, ~05

T t I f't d t JfI;'l!C .. dolls .. 1 !l, ~0-5, U45: 1,762, 468 1 5, 21~, :!.36 6, R:l4, 7)1.'31 71 243,292 &,036: 251 I 8,833, ·126 10, 61.9, 04.~ 9,715, 7fi41 12, 8G8, 235

o H fln san llU:-:········· l ' , I dut. . (lolls .. ~ 13, 227, ~94 ! 12,36-1,464; 9,304,814 11,479,1611, 1.2,020,300 1.1,:;50, ·152 12, (H7, 099 13,107, oRS 14,720,100 13,579,221

'I'otn.l free and du~htbh' .. __ ......... dolls .. i2~,1l3:;:-4391 17, 12(;~3~.i~~ ~~1_19, 2G3, 092 19,586, 7_03J. :n, 180, 525 I 23,720,636_ ';1,']35, 8ii~ \ 2.), g~~~~ FUJ:>! ,md fur skins, undressed .....•.... free .. dolls .. · "0,:>1.1,70U. '2,93R,979 1 3,832,503 u,61ij,7~11 6,U-I6,807 6,~38,S421 9,787,013 i 8,815,1081 9,005,873. 10,602,907

Fllrs,andmnn1l1a.clurcsoL ....••..•.... c1ul •. dolls .. ! ii,7n7,6nS' 3,07~125 L~~ 5,215,5311. ;;,413,317 4,780,816 _.5,836,5.'38\ 6,480,804 5,707,129 .. 1 7,803,395

Gla~s and gln"""ijre; ,--.. \ 1-· ---.--\ -'. 1 -- i Bott1e~, vials, demijohns, carboys, find jnl's, ; I I I I

...................•..•.•........... tlut .. dolls .. · 382, lUI 600,3011 II 3;1.~,8r.1 3il,aU·]; <j6-1,4~:1 505,283 408,41>11 193,712 5-10,460 671,699

C}'linder, ero~\"n, llnd common \\ !udov.;flbs .... ; 53,182,301 fin,9G1,S13 38, UU3: 99~ ·n, ~O2.,2(\7 \ 51 1 3-:1.3,339 27/:!85,OO7 &1,312,346 fl3,56:i,012 bl,~~'1O, 91fi 17,859,'148 glIl8s,nnpoh"hpd ................ dut..l(loIl" .. ' 1,U{j7,~UU' 1,131,690 [ 9.;3,1'16 1,275.1~4 1,555,924 008,0·14 1,S~7,'198 1,762,767! 1,3SI,IO'l 627,618

<iylirH1Qr and Cro.,\vll gla~, polisliC'd- I \ ;

_ s. .. . ,["'I.fect..! ';·19,·122 1,232,8-19 2,810,,,11 ~,651,fl~·t I' 2,5-17,688 1,038,100 1,878,888 I! 2,4.4G,U7111,516,O~ un .. J!\urcil ..........•........ rlIJL-"!dOU> .••• ! lUIl,701 :101,,112\ jjOH,aBO 521.9j7 539,OS2 ~fi{j,~7 ::J56,u18 ;)2.:S~:l.~O :1~~,·m2 . . {''1.fCCL., H,R~9,flR3 2,63:~,01~ ~44,0-l4 &% till IiH~ l,ro5 r.,003 35,733

Bllverco ___ . __ . __ ._ ........ __ ._ullt ... dolI~ ..... i J,158,3:!1 'i'i2 .. 29G I i1G~~(i:; (1~~ 28fi ~188 0-11 1,i):~2 7,001

Plate glnss-'- I I . {"l.rl"'t... 466,7;l(i 420,H~ r" YH11 2In,m!1 n9,~J!,i 6:],5;2 14H,ti-l:l!

Fluted, rolled, orronglL _____ cltd ... llolltL._J 23~-jSfi l'3J~.JEJ '~:~~ 91528 '7,915 5,1:l:U 1:l,fi..Q1 :

.. {r,q.rcr.t··l 3.3~9.201 l,O!I9,7ti:i G5611~3 U'.~H,27j 9·1l,37Y 3,2:J7,:Hi '1,185,762



Cast, pollsliecl, nnsJIYOrod .... dut .. doll..... 77~,~50 265,'185. 161,6"7 ~3,100 220,295 ?!!7,4liO, 009,934

:',~9, r:24 ~06, Gi3 57, O~O ; 28,140

6,690,829' J, ~17, nO? .

1,432,297 I 945,048 [

289, 'iO~


2, 393

275J 510 2S, (i57

U,008, !HG



57, 3.."8 ! 519 s:'J8 I 45,997 I 21,870 ; 50:! 419 I 1~, 413 1

I· h d '1 {Sq.feet .• ! Cast,pa lS e ,51 vered •.••.•• <lul... 11 ' do s .... ; 77,738 53,98-1 J6,G31

18,819 6,528 3.J,119

Glass. plR~es .or dh:iks, rough or 11llwrought, ,for j o?tlCul JIl!!lrrllments ________ .... ____ free._dOdS._,'

All other ....••.......••.••••.••.••.• dut •• dolls ••

161,!i12 19l, U89 94, ~4!! i 107,572 n9,832 I 12;:;,4,191 'l,3'.!ll,314: 1.574,841 1,771,534 I 2,lOO,OH

5,603,865 ::~ =a,,;,=7=R~,,;,,=6=17~j,=',.:I,~30c=3=.=G=GO=I~7,9;n j'----GIUP. .... __ ............ __ . ___ . __ ............ dut .. j1lJs. __ .! 6,~76J9261· 4,92nJ 620 j 4;103,814 5.~5S,063 II 5,'fi77,1l::2

! Total ....••.•.•.....••.•...••••.•.... dall~ •. :

2, 106, ~Ol I 2, 3-jl:~ ii,r>J.O,675 ! 6,205,0;;2


92,028 : 3,8l);J,~12 ;

7~ [)2S, 420 l

ldoll •.. · 555, 97!J -172,:)12 I 428,507 47~,'I;,n 537,492

Grease and oils, .. dalls •• 1 1,11)(1,3031 976,3061 431, ORO 4~n,1T1.! Grease, not elsewhere specified ......... dIlL.a.olls .. ! 41,69B / ~,(\'l6 16~, 159 260,fIOal Gunpowder and all explo~ve Sllbstnnccs: I 'I 1

d IIbR •... \ 08,9113'1 ~,lm'l 08,708 4cl,40:,1

GUllpOW er and other Cl<plos,""o .• dIlL·'1d ' I ~ a.]s.. 49,8571 63,722 i 79,992 2.0,S24 Iii,S:!"

4, 540, ~51 I -1,787,762 473,341 477,036 '175, [,6.1 i 5(l1,OOl

~~U,8891 4~'O, 493

7tl ,5:j6 70,'i76 3S,!U4 55,9UB

~, 6lU,(i96 ,1,'1[)till196



27,16.1 I 6,991. :


2,757,598 ! '·7,$5,579j

5,[>60, 616 i ~0'2, 077 ! 5iS,9i4


71j~ 'Inn 59,,·78

fi,O~6J 9::!3 Firecr!L"ke,>; .................•..... dot .. {l,bSI·I··· ........................................... ······1 ,1,001, 17G

1..10 S •• I 410.6in rlO9,381: HH,73t1 18~,U90 I U}8,!H2 An orher . ____ ..... __ .. ______________ .dUt._dOl1S._! TI.l\)2 ; 00.727 : 6;), 1~3 H:O~(j~O; lLl9,fnfl !!12,S9fi ~li8, i~M :W5,4tl! !

Gut: ! Unmanufactured ...••.•....•.•..... free .. dOlls •. , IP5,3lj2


18o,7~11 4!l,ll7Y 15,11051

13,13il 1,820 1;},F~6 101,827 I

28:1,4RB 22;), 7:~:) ~78J 724 :

lIanl.lfllcture::iUr. ______ • ____ . _____ • __ dt1t_~(]Qlls~- _____ ••• ___ .1 ..... _ .. _ ..... 1 ..... _ .... ____ 32,b2U i (jlj.,tao 'i7,lJ5 KI.U28 Dr>,uuG

15,:m, 15~ 522

6, li3l i 4,096

215583 ! 177,457

3,13G,'1~ 2, 9H.Q, 123

6,ii83,168 I 5,9-18,839

5,798,330 10- 7,139,7;::;5 598,54.6



8·iS,681 H59,fJ69 3H,242 I 310,941;

64, ~69 73,24" 53,37<) a5,9,U

4, !i'JO, 543 , 'I, 704, 6~i ;v."l, 8~2 ! 316,0116

00,3'il 62,630

59,079 53,292

Hnir: I!! L I nnmn.nufacture(L ... __ ....... _._ ••• _._"frp.e __ doll~_. ·1~2.1·1,o771 1,~30.6;~2; 1,839,1I01)! 1.!'n·1,9tH I' :..!,4.tfi,tlijJ I l,Ull,424 ]:U80,31~ 2,,02,73-1 2,U!l9,,j::!O 3,32.'3,4';1

~{n.nuit\ctnregof_ .... _._ .. __________ . __ dnt __ <lo11s__ ~H;,'j~6 II 'i21,572.\ :!8U,69.~ II !;,IJ,om, ':!·i~/226 G.'-::\,'i21 ... r),·.~17 I 7~,350 ! 87, 476 1 99,00'3

HlLts,bonnet~,.anclh::)()ils! material,dor, lfrcc .. do11s.. ~, 709, 99;~ I 1,1190,735. ;16,30S ............ 1 ......... , ..................... ·····i· .. · .. , .... ·1 .... ·· ...... j ........... . rci~~p,~~fl~~-~~)~i~~:,(~~l~fL,,~~:~~~,.:~_l~_l_Jdut--d0])5." .---- _______ ----- .. -----; J,fi2.t,047 1,~O/,3.1ij L ~,O~12,8[H! l,70:1,n08 1,603!r,.!li: 2!:nH,:m7j ~,725,.:c..o;~ I a,10'l,H~4

II.t b I't< fUll] ood U L 111< I············i············/ iiH:!,Ut'l. 6~\),~70: 7:.\.1,0:13 i 1,094,G01 J,~~o,m~ I 1,4Ul,Ull i 1,237, 155 1 1,2U,6.1~ .. L'J,onn." {I !-I.-------------- ll-(~O~l~:~\ 302,ofJ2! 11 U,tl,12\ 3'~871 ItJ,87~: ].IB,OIJU\ 14~,(j~U 48,,115: ~\J::I,11~; 114,3&"( 4G,2l4

lIiL~ ----- ... - •• -------.-_.---.-.--------uul..-laons._ 2,773,535 I 1,030,497 :U.'659 11;,,409: 1,019,743. 1,12~,{jl0 :Un,,117 2,'l:lSI10U: Ol,!,t!·12 i 359,515

Hidc cuttings, mW,ltlldothcl' glucftl1ck.frf'e •• dolls. '1' 270, ~:l2 .! ~89, (i.'<lj ': 40~, 262 I ... 70~, 9fiR, 1, 'Cl3,rm .' .. 1: 0,,7, ~31 mu, 'J:l9 ..... ~!, j~.l.;, .... 8-'>'1, 4~:J I 1,120,070

RidE-s nnd skin!;!, otlleL' than rur l"i'killH: \! 1 ' . I flu".... '16, H7, 029 \ .1\1, SG~, 0'2() , 61,92<1, 'IM7 \ ti9, 7~~, 915 I ~1, 09~, 818 7;;,74;', ,i9(i 88, 03X, ,iHl ~;;, Jl.1, 070 : 86,3:11>, f>.I7 /\ 97,803,571

GlY.l.t~k..in8 __ • _____ • _______ • ___ .. _._ ... ree·-tdol1~_ .. 10,im.l,:~g:; 11.H~~,lG:'! ~ 15,77(J,li01 lS,4:-:8,:t~tj 1 ~1,~)~'j,()7·t' :"!O,.i7'j,O:~3 ~5:.1i~J179 :,H,9~~,7:m 1 ~JU71.'i31 !!6,9·15,/21

• Inclucles dressell rIm fOl' hatte!'s' us~.


No. '72.-JlrIlmllRA..."mISE bIPORTED: QU.Al!iTI'l'nJS .AND VALLES, :E.'TC., YEARS ENDED .T l.'NE :10, 1896 'ro lOO5-Continued,


________ "_"-_rL_iC_,l_e"_._..,_ J_lSllS I ~~lJ1 _-,\_~ ~;8;;;;-, 1;00 \--11101 , 11)02 \"~'-I-l_lJO'l-'-_I_ 1110;; __ _

Hides 1111<1 !:Jkins, otllcr thnn :rur skins-Couiinued. ~ I· I;' H

·,' • ·,1 d t tbS ............................. :126,24~,;)95 13'J,396,020 163,S65,11l5 12\),174,62,1 HR,627,907 '131,r.40,3~;" &,,370,168 110,177.&57 lut::soreUl. '1 .• ___________ .• ______ u... 1 I

.1011s ....... _ ..... , ............ , 13,624,989 13,621,916 19,408,217 14,G17,413 17,474,039 lti,159,\)O~ 10,989,03~ 11,9,19,6'&1

A 11 other ..... , ......... ', __ ........ fmc .. fIbs, .. }Q3,650, 982 1ml, 232, 824 1 01,607,53-1 66,96.\ 785 100,070,795 I 77, 989,<i17 1 0\1,457,680 102, S40, 303 1108,024.752 , 126, S93, 93·1 . 1clOlls._! 20,11G,782 16,.134,864 7,667,3-12 9, 877,771 16,u39,807: ]2t~mb,b(i71 ]5,054,400 I 16.942,982117.045,:1041 22,SHR,'i97

'1'ota1.." __ .......... __ .. "'" r[ree __ 'l<lllS .. \ 311,520,177 27,863,026 i 2<1,443,1)43\ ~8'366'OO713R'fm'481 1 33,572,600 1'10,532,579'1'-41,871,711 i 41,017,035;1 ~O,8H,518 ldut..tlollS __ ,.:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::. "''''''' __ ', 13,624,liH9 la, 621, 916 19,40d,217 14,M7,·U3 17,174,039 16,159,002_; 1_0,989,0:15 14,949,(;28

. rgllll" .. :--7U,\l85\--OO"13Z 1- 9(\,60-1 '\ 1~6,~17 l4r.,8BO ].o~,l!)B 167,301 \ 237,696'1 206,2U2; 198,617 Ronc) .................................. c1nl.·idOllS .. : 30,609 27,599, 38,1;;8 ;'1,599 70,857 83,599 56,3E3 115,400 69, om I 76,719

Hoofs. horns, and part'i of, unmlln~fIUmH'Cfl:L l r.:' _ _ \ l ....................................... rrce .. dolls" j uti~,·14n 1.iO,l34 ............ ! ............................................................ 1 ........ · .. ·: .......... ..

. Jibs .. _.! 2,772,045 il, 017, 821 : 2, 37." 92~ 111 3U~, 319 ~,uon, 725 2,606,708 2, SOn, 203 G, 012, 510 ~l 758, 163\ 4,339,379 nOp" ................................... llnt .. lrJoIIL' 600,419' 6:ID,9~7 i tHS,l5f> ii91,7r.,~ i 713,7D1 851,008 E3S, 702 l,ROS,.f91 1.3i4,327. 1,9aO,80{

HOllsehold and pcrsonal effects, and wearing IIp- i' . parel in use, etc., of person .... ttrriving from for- , . cigneonntrie8 .......... __ .......... __ .free .. dolL-..: .. : 2,585,74D 2,4;~~,~lla' .1,779,0551 3J :as, 107 2,00,,805 2,366,737 !!,U34,2,H !:!, 856, 007 3,040,5Z~

India rubber and guLl-u.,pcl'cll.l, audmunlliactnresof: ! ,

l'nmannf,lCturerJ- I I {lbS.... 3,843,8,,1 I 1,117,66,; I 1)36.·1;7 MS,9:19 427, 678 2~O,fJ!jO ;;2,'5,767 316,29[) 424,617

GnttlL-percha ................... frcc •. dOllS .. ' 178,513 \ 100,187' 159:1!81 167,~77 178,616 130,9~7 252,329 ~2~,400: 174,953

Glltta.joolatong or EaRt l11diall{lbs .... /, ............ I ...... · .. · .. I· .. · ...... · .. 6,473,882 8,701,753 9,371,0~7 1U,S;;O,8~1 13,U84,~17; 1-1,887,416 guID ............. __ ........... freu .. dolls ............. '............ ............ 16G,-119 237,2H 24H,8~8 iiOl,418 iJ.!.i,431 ·130,231

',. . pbS .... \ 31l,774,1GC i 3.'0,57,1, ·blg 46, am;' 497 51,063,066 49,377,138 55,275,529 .50,413, 4S1 05,010,571 39,01:;,551 IncliaruLhcr ................. -.flce .. lrlOllS .. ! lfi,/iOa, 020 , 17,457,976 25,386,010' 31,707,6:JO 131,376,8117 28,455,383: 2·1,899,230 30,436,710 40,444,250

Manufactures of- I 1 I J

Gutta.percha .................... duLdnlls .. : 85,231: 97,1\14 i 156.997 115,582! ~54,332 India rubher .................... dnt .. dolls .. · 294, 2~8 I 29'i,953 \' 309, 2~7 379,30H \ 56~, 089

Old and scrap or minsc, fit only forllbs .... ,' 3,761,310! 3,653,945 9,4ilR,A27 10,013,604 19,09:1,047 remallufuctnrc ............... free .. ll1011... 123,068 11.3,722 I :~39,374 '162,04,1 i J, 2·19, ?.31

:ok and ink powilers ........... __ • ___ ••• do.t •• doUS..i3 679 : 66,670 I 100,601 '12,423 j 'il,236

163,337 ' 478,663




127,780 2'25,19R a:15,480

4-:19, 756 665, 97~ 1l:!1, fJ62

22, S94, 900 ; 21, 659, 394 I 20, 2iO, DiO

J, 437, 9611 \1 1,516,137' 1,164,785!

71,910 83,2i2 , 60,583 :

66;-;, ~17


Ill, 104, 911 O.n,319

oi J 2:1,1, 256 ,19, 87S, 366

117, ~'35 J,389,OCo-l





lro~::;lO~:~~,.~~~(~.~t:~~~~~~~~.~~: ••• dUi •• {todoIllllIS'·''1 776,28-3 ~,",:.',20:~ I,.. 302,4,\.5 269,013'1. Q-ifi,19.J.! 771,.157 1 1,189,';32 \1,043,565 1,22.0,m2 c O'::t 470,081J 401,595, 1,407J O"12; 1,1!~,271 2,362,54.4. I 2,3-jl,278

"" ' ---., : ---··-1-----·-~ . _ _ {lOllS •. i 88,125 :!:!,lu9 , 25.640 2? 316 fil, 100 I ::9, :!2; ! 158.961 i 9;;6,198 ,.- I'lgHon __ ..... __ . __ ..... ___ ........ dnt .. 1 II 4 • I . 1--1 CO 8~_. :1:031,'27 520,7.4.) I 67f):&~S ill,OSS ~,I09J'-)(Jl 1,3.;nr~::n I' 3,367,172 ~ Hi;830,.!192 '1,0.17,167 2,989,069

8 S"rnp iron and steel. fit oni), to b" re-l tons .. ; 10.147 3,.110 1,50:'. 4,6-12 25,.131 ~O.11-1 , 49.1881 136,4511 28,014 12,650 vt man1lfu.ctnred _____ .... ____________ duL. dolls . .! 15;;,tiU- 72,~;;:; 14,931 ClfJ,185 5{i~,6Fj51 340,732! 768;753 ~.O'l;-,Olm I '13'2190~ 174,238 1 Bariron ......... _ ................. _dllL.{lbS .... 1·1R,901,:?-9 30,1-18,571 33,996,958 44,741\,118 47,G02,4~: 11 39,7~~,~:: 1119,110,;lij6196,69~,208 tiS,89.'i,5~8 59,738,989 <0 Ilolls.. 8G1, nO:~ 59R, ~S2 (183, ·129 907,4.95 1, 02.~, 8/1 1, fJoo, 2~2 .1, on. 581 1, M-., ·1M 1,366,097 1,116,460

Bal's, To.ilway, of iron ur fitccl, or in parL{tons ~"I 1,006 7, i7i 529 112·1 'l,1S7 t 1,091 I ]0,017 I 122,444. 53,35R 17,015 oisteel. ... --- .................... dnL.·110lls.. 21,661\ 208,OIH J8,82.J. ~O,:Ji"J3 83,738 48,650 I 301,452 2,866,397 1,190,5:l6 i 387,97:1

H b d II {lbS ... _\ 8'_;,689 ~,58·i 69,4.4~ 19,800 1,r,29,6M 768,117: 11,723,203 3.-193,165 ·i,O!'S, 776 I' 4,Z90,IHi3

oop, on ,or ~(~ro •.•.•.•.•...... uut. . . 1 dolls.. 6,659 1,930: 3.0~7 s,n91 31,749 22,526! ]78.202 9~,696 I 7iJ,21>1 GI,Ol1 blooms, ~l~bSr' billets, and b~lrs Oijlb9 .... ~,H31,9(jli m~,ntJO,628 I 30 8:n,'l57 2a,7!J7,994. I 32,2'23.218 19'~J64n' 0 ·:202,'.: •. 55_·.4~_-.' '18f1O,026.,997.120;;,9.,7,j,:43 2J,953, 028 Rtc{~ t and steel III Qrms not elseWhcrer I' , J " ._ . "pecified .. _ ...................... _duk. dollS .. ; l,r45,150 I,u54"138-i 1,202,0;'5 l,a88,R-l;-II,i~sa,02.~ 1,281,029. S •• JI}6,1I'iJ 9,834,236 3,.Uil,H!12 1,041,549

Sheet, plate. and taKgers iron or ~tcclll"" .... : 22, M7, 320 9. ~,"3, 2:;a 1 5, ~99, 9UO 4,213,296 23,002,157 ,1. ~91,;;2:) i 17, 96.~, 383 1117,947,064 22.8<12,616 -1,721,650 ......•.•. ~ ........................... dllt.·ldolls_.: 4.96,2flR ti,"},·110 I 18H,402 17b,S92! 6CiS, ().;'j" 'J.liti,403. IiOl,2-Hl 480, 985 508,S65 216,401

{ll" " RO· -1"0 1" "6·' "Oc. :! I : T'~ n 1'1' rr tt b f... . ..... ',' I, - v,~ ;),.) v •...•. ~ ..... ······-·····l···· .. ·~···-·\··········-·,··-'········ .................................... .

T:s :::t::, t:C~:Pl::e".- ~~ ~. 't~~~~:se::~l~o:~~:: [385. ~~~: :~~ ~30, :~: ~~~ :~ ~~: ~~;: ;~;. ~~~: ,~~: ~;~'I ;~~: ~~~: ~;~ -! ;;;: ~~; ;~;. ;~~~: ~;~: ~~~ -i~~: ~~~:;;; -~;~; ~;; ~'I-~~~: ~;~; ~~~ ..... __ .. _ .................... __ ._dnt .. do]1.i .. 1 8,9.)0,656 I :;,344,638 I 3,S09,148: 2,6lH,M/1 ·1,799,791i :1,770,0(;1 I 6,Oilf,,62-1 I 3.209,91;; :I,173,4',·I! 4,i'iMl.S75


''_ d 1 . {·lll' ... .1 GO, 174, ti02 ,I 33,1,,3, 17S ' 39,601, 6R9 i 34, 610, 606 47, (196. i,(i5 4.1, 5SS, 192 : 38, ·180. 3;;3 51, -197, V19 -11, 482, 393



34,232,034 y!rcro ~ ........................... (nt._ I I ,.,' .

dolls .. , I,009o,76i, I (i~2,803· 114.(,8411 ISO,~OS 1,111,1-15 1,082,827 I ~0'2.2nu 1,137,370 88'1,777 Il~O,9.m

,Y' I t'l d f d t {lbS .... ! 10,fiG",Om I: Ii. 328. 11.0 I 5,31S,1!J3 :;,~7!!,OH ·1, 114,07R 0,242,J6O: 9,40;;,330 x.580,308 11,095,720 8,625,241 Ire, 'LlI( nr 1C os laB e rom ..... - n _. doll" .. I 616,9711 XH9,297 :loIS. P5.1 II :HS. O~O ~~I.i. 3111 ! .1.88,30-1 I 633. ~101 (;44,4(;9 72'l, 'i80 1 1i3S, 980

.ManujuetuIc~ 01- i" , "1' t flllS .... 1 1,!J.i8,99{ I TJ3,1~2' m,903. 530,IH I 5RO,4:lR 52;;,67;1! ·j48,079 40tl,982 W7,S09( 393,503 "un s ................. _._ .... -.dtl· .. l I I . " dons.. 63,310 -\4,7Hl \ .t7,797 32, HUC; 36,"'20 a;). :172 2R,77:) j _G. 4.0;) ai',460 i 2·1,332

B~~~~f:h~C;er;~tt~3 f~~ U~~;l.~l:.~~~~:{~~~;~::I:::::::: ::::1: ::::::::::: ':::: ::::::::i:::: ::::::::1:::::: :::::: ::::::: :::::1: ::::: :::::::1: :::::: ::::: 32,~~:~~; 7, ~~~:~: Ct

. , t {lbS .... i 1,097,()'i~ I' tl98,4~11 171i,346 II 31\2,~:;5: 639,0'20 322,390' 6fii,972 1.·111,588 R.H,fylO 623,·1.;0 IUIllS _ .......... _ ........... _.c1n· .. d I • 0' 0'9 ."9,""(', 14"9 "I O()6 I 2" ""3 I' ""0 I r~ n"o ."'·,.l~o -'1,944 oJ:; .. ' l·J, •. n'l il_lIU 1,.:..) .... , I 4:~,720 .;),~ 'J,IIc 1~lii.lUo'" Co" '1.

Cutlery ....................... _ •• dll!..<loll~. _: 2,1,,8, 2381 ~,:139, 963 \).1-1,05611,188, 91ti: 1, 5~4, 382 1.596,668 1,706,.151 I 1.782,070 1,896,213 I 1,800, '70-[

JliJes, lile blanks, r:u;ps, find floats 1 1 I 67,202 .............................. _.dut..do1ls ..

t tvf,226 .ii,40i 35:344 421 760 59,'107 59,779 72,293] S2,48,; 67,812

• Included in "Bone~, hoofs. etc.," aIter 1897. b Included in "All other mnnuiRctures of iron nnd steel" after 18U7.

684,1261 757, 323 1,59:1,279 j...!,67U, 68:{

191,135 122, !J77


No. ?'2.-~IERCHA~DlSE h[I'OIn~;(): QUAN'IITlF.R ,,-:0.'1) YALI)F.R, me., YEARS ENDEI) JUNE 30, 1896 TO 1!J05-Conlinued.

---A-::.. I 1896 _~~;-·---_._lH~ _1,_' l~I'~~~~-I---;'.O~-··I-I'_~-~~~ --i,'-"~-~~-'--- "~_o~_I,_ -1~~---JTon nnd steel, and mant11nctllT(~S of-Continllrn.. I

~Ia1l11factuTcs of-Contimll'll. I \ rirt~urms"" • .:.l ............. ___ ._. __ •• _.lluL_t.lol1.~ __ 1 lH7,235 753,J.1~? 409,032! 7.j8,fl7.') I 8:1,~,!j2o; ~2~,4'!7 \ 1.1il5,088 '428,077 G51,3'1'3 fJil,7,OS1

)Ilichinery .......................................... dnL .dolls.. 2,816, '7:m) 1,289,600 1,875,2:12 1 1,630,542\' 3, fllm, 09G: S~ iJ24, ';"60 I 3, ti4u, 5i~ ·1, OS;>, 825 8.184,968 2,9·13, SOO See-dIes, han{l sewing una clu,rning 1 I I! I

--.-.--------._" __ • _____ .. _ .... free .. doll>__ aJ2,2Y81 30U, 751 362,GOli I 'J()7,740 367,57S, :183,03.11 4U8,9n 442.887 ·joo,76~ 406,201

rough-bort·,1 .. __ .. _ .. _______ .. lfep. .,loll._ _ 69,216 33,080 .1M,385 138,871 182,900 I :!U;;, 276 2S2.979 232,I>H 1/2,652 218, sIg 811O\gl111 bnrre18. ill sillgle tu~es. forged, I I II I I I All other ........................ dllt. .• 101l0"1 2, ~G9, 9~~. 1, 3S6, 66tl 1,IOl,5DO 1, 2~0,~271_ 1,671,6Q9 I. 1,5iO-,--~9-'_2, 316,327 5,201,966 3,976,250: _ 4,8-14, S18

Totul, notinclucUngol'e .. __ .... ____ dollo;... 25,338,lU~ll~il9'I,"571_12,626,4~~! 1~,100,440J 20,47~~~_:.!'.~~O\,i8U 127,180'~4i-' 51.617,812! 27,O~8,S12_ 23,510,164

Ivory, ~nc\mILnllf"t:lllreil 01: {lbL .. '----;;3,IGI-I-173, .lHO - 244, 13;i--3:1~:'~1~r -- 853,423 i,--------.;-;;,so;; 1- ~5H~2~~-! 538,8i5 \ ;9;; ~80 ' 627,720

.. ·\1I111l1l .... ____ • ___ ._ .... _________ .free_. 11011;;._ ,5~~,9~: I 4,,~,'lGl __ 5:0,5~~ \ ~~O,~~~ \ ~~5,~8~ . 8~2,2~3: . ~:O,~'J~ ~,~!,6:!!. 1,~7",~~1 l,G42,~58 _ • > . fibS .... S,Oo.,2.a 14,44",100 10, [o6,1.~ I 8,~6·1,.J. 1 lG,0,3,50~' 1'''4''1,~11[ I U,!>99,21i) li,1J4,4,yl .. 15, /.10, d~ 19,688,913

\eget.lblc--- .. ----------- .. , .... ----lrce--·!dOllS__ ~O,fi·l~ 44,011:1 155,9:H i ~8.4i91 2'1:~,5'18! 179 .. 7il3 i lfi5,4!\9 192,09:) 1 22~,~4.4 HQ,l«~ )lanufaetnre"oL .......... __ .... ___ duLllo1l8_J 32,13~ ~~,771 .29,2~61 .J~,G23: 49,4181 51,794! . G4,314 72,75". 7·1,'197 7:l,.940

Jewel,y, IDanufuctlIrtlS .)f go1([ flnu silYer, and pre- I-'==="===---~i I' '-I'~-='=' cioll" st01les: ! : I

Dinmohd" unrut, including millet"', ghLZiers', ' ! I I I un r1 engrn:'V(~l's', not sc·t ___ . _ .. ___ .ll'm.L _ do]]s. < "113, :;;;,sS b 4i r SC5 ~ 2, 517, 759 3, j3i.'V2Iifi 3, ~91, :.!:l6 6, 574, 630 6, 154,853 10, 933~ 188

~iam,onr~~,.cutl ~ut~otset-.- ___ - ... -~J.ILt __ (I().II~_- .. ----- ..• --- <:1,9:3,,9-1-1 ;(4,4,,3~,'O;;o I. S,497,2~-! 718~OI~~ I rl,6~~ .. ,~::!:{ .l2, 7:12, 67U 1£),;{.·>I,598 Ut111.!rpr\!ClOUSF.tune~711DCUt_. _____ .dee __ doU~- . .............. -- ________ ; __ ,:;0'2 i 31J,lJ:.!S iJl,~li/. o.l:"Jt::Wg 36,783 ·i(i,::!.RR I

R, 'i76,4U~

Hi, 028, 452 89,190 '

OLlwI' llrCeiQllS stones, {~I1~, hur. not ~(!t. inclwl- I \ I I 1 illgTl.l.lturnlpeHrl~ __ . ____ . __ ._. ___ __ ~dli,i)tll:I, :j:!7! ct,St,~7:;fI el:gS2,4~161 2,I-U.JOU 2,·103tO·1~: 2.1~H,U,~U 4,40~.4;)1CJ ·1,92!),OO\J 4,Ofi!J:75D

10, 89{), tlll



.f·17,5/5 Diamolli\dustJ orbort .• _ .. _____ .... rn\lL.don~ .. : IGR,2f<fJ! l;~,~51 I 1~d,8njj l ·Ho,·fIO G?l,832; 7SH,i~(j 7R;;,IH9 827:!.iYG I 66!!,469

Jewelry and ItmnuInctnTcs of gold :tncl FU- : , . Y01" ... ___ •• ____ ._ •••.• __ . ___ . ___ ._.dut .. dOlltl .. i l,l?3,a28 1 __ ~~ii,9ml _1_,427,ims. ._.~.:.:\}~,tl29 3.M.i,R90 ~ S,igO.Oil _. 2.().i:::!,~'1;;. 2;OOl,4;J3 .. 2,()'1.8,~2~_~~.r_I~.~

'l'otal. __ . ___ .. _ .... ____ .• " .. ,, _____ .. ______ 1 7.911,0:;21 3,1i~~l.\Il~ IO,~77,6~(\ 1 i.~,Om,~~2 IS"!O'I,9DR: ~",OO~,l:m 12Ii,77(j.~19 i :14.314,052 i ~5.675.·J20. 3;;,000, i5H Lead, and manufactures of: i~'" . =. ---- ... i== ==-----===, . . !=--==:.~.-=

Pigs. bal'S .. old ",,,1 ot.her, in On, II.lIrI {11JS .... ;187, 5~2. 2G71lfi9, 003, ~UO 11S.1, 770, 070 1192, 3{5, 318 /Uo, 37H, U61 1'201, 1~3,83r !~106, 750, ~ij7 ~J2, 85.\ 762 i:~~O, .J1i,H21 I 217, ~:~l, 031 bllsebulllou_ ............ __ ........ dll! .. dolls'-I 2,433,234 1,9·13,700 I 2,59Ii,5~!U. ~,7il,OS6 H,142,4;,;~ 4,832,7371 4,G32,770 4,105,7oJ7! ::I,M38,734 3,904,839

ManuillcLure!tli __ .. ____ " .... _ .. ____ (lut •. rlr;ll~_-:_ 14,3·11 :_ 4,521)! 4,2.1O! 10,5751

1:I,.7Hl, ;J,:J;Ji! ~,9~ lU,_83'!.,i 2,(88 ___ ... ~

1905,:1", nnd Inn.n'lfa~mTcSi of: I Lellther-

n1l'Hlor h~lii ng, lInd "ole IPlllllP r . d ilL . doll". . 71, 702 , en liski'nE, tunned, or tanned nnd llressed.

nnd patellt~ enameled, and japannecl I I ................................ f1uL.dolls.. 496,051 I 132,674' {i9, 691

Skins for morocco ..•. , .......... dut..dolls.. 3, 14!i, 9X9 i. ~,131, 11571 2,703,101:

47,218 I 31, Ins

170, \/fi3




2, l1i1, 88.'; 772,610


UO", USO 2,416,481

rl'lier lentller, drcc,ocll, !lnll skins dreosect 1 . 'I lLn(l finished, not elsc,vhcre specified I I ................................ l1ul..(l')JJs .. 2,38,1,~63 1-----

1- 3,21).1,623, 2,S04,20:1, 2,1)16,00.1 1,\l7~,21ii I 2,20Ul311 2,4eS,122

Total leather .................. dllLr1011.,.. H. 098, 005 i 6,1;19,172, 5.700,193: ;;, 0'21, 84~! 5, 17B, 50il I", 4 .. 909, 2:H I' (;, Ul2; 642 11anufuctures 0[- '1----;-------1-----1.-- '1--·'-'-"-'

(Ho:rc..'S, of kid or other leather __ duL_doll~_ _ 6, ~~:3, o~: 1 G,406,813 0, :11U, 1G8 5, ~9:;, 1~5: fl, l.~:, .i~5 5, ~~:I, :591 5,366, ~;1 'I' ~3, 029, 2'j"~ I' 01: 095, 337. 4: 72i, 489 All other ........................ <111, .. (1011 ... \ DOD,ODD. 4."8,69·1 -':"'0.1,812 _ ,:!SO,~l;;!. GG,),lo9 i hol,~60 i 9'2~")il8 1,Om,3"~$ 1,09f),047 I' 1,326,102

Totnlll1lulllfd.uturc~. ______ • ___ dut_.dblJs.. 7,:162,1:;7! ll, g-l5, 507 I fJ, 'iS8, 9HO il, 878, 9:!U 1._ .~, 773.024 !--·tiJ-1-8-~--·_,.-~-~~-f.~:a=,-,:2=P-.,=5-;=9=·;3=9-=~~=C,;,~'.,~c~~'U=,=(j=Ol=;_6_, -_lri_O,_9_84 __ . ~u3,5g1

{lb~_ _ _ _ -18,792,107132, 6:')6, .=.:~o . 3i, 072, l)ll -16, 53!), 157 4d,793,1'}88 I ·17,772, 2!JD til, fi62, 573 69, 7flO, 142 r)~, 973, 6171 4ti, 10:>, 288 Lime ................. _ .................. lnt .. doll~.. 7!i, 21:1 50,317 ~O,IH ~8,OnG 6:1,900 I 05,399 111,785 103,381 90,388 87,7.j3

Lithographic ::::tones, not ellgru,yed ~ •. __ 3TCC __ doll~_ _ '9u, U;-)31 ti3,50·! 51.,730 iti,OIJ:! 7:-l,f,.n I 123~ 50a l:~(j, LiiO 131,015 150,072 : lui,Oil6

luilsh.. !i,579 .ll,OM 4,7W 4,9~~ 4,3~'J I ,j,r,~O :1,019 2,468 3,465! :1,298 :Malt,barley --.-.-------.----- ..••. -•... dut·· lt1011:::__ .L7/-t. II 9,3...tt4. ·1,.112 -1,4-t7 "l,l~7 4, 63f, 2,929 3,0.29 3,2')0' 3,580

. . . _ . p.omJ __ 1 U:.~,70fJ 97,145 112,8&11 1111,On4 B33,UHil 134,211 20S,5li8 17.1:,,8451 105,927 225,.174 ~rflngullC~e,oreancloxldeOf-_-._-- .. --rrC{'--ll 11- '6- 3S~ .803,1)(',0 o~3·,",·1". U-,ti,4-,'u '1,1:9:',OU)3, 1,160,O:;'?' 1,-,-,9, "13

(0 ""'\ .) " _I - I o. v ==v==o=I'=_'''~' v_ ==~=·=,1==1=,"=1=7=,~='.1=7= 90n,31U 1,6[;1,299 ~ial'ble and slolle, uull mu.nll.fuctnl'e~ of; ==r ~ =-====-=:.:.:..:....:..

1,hublc, u.nd maniliactlll'c:o:; 01. •.. _ ... aut. _aoll!:l_ < m.l, U4H! 872, 169 t.~,)9, 'liB liSO, ;':;;1

~tonC',and malll1fnctnres aL •••.••••. auL_doll!4 __ I 416, JUU 1 ;12.1, 039 I 24H, 502 ~O:l, ~HH

'rotul _ .•.... __ • ___ 0 ___________ Jlllt._doll~_ -~~28--:t39il: i'97, ~08 1--1W-,S'-,-t,t-5t-i '1--~-.S-3-,8-· 0-2-1

)[n.tches ... : ........ _ .................... <1UI..(10]]8 .. j 157,4~ti II 207,671' 135,611 128,873 =====!,==,==

:0;12, UOI'i i 1,02-1,087 J, 4015, <15~ 1. 513, ~13 i l,.ltJR, ~a:i 1,2UO, ~91

215,9H I :..!61,9l.5 2132;5:~a 23U,969 263,941 ~'i9, ii~

1, O~8, [j;)O 1,276,602 1, U·I1,3~8 l! 7;X),.7R2.1 J,672,374 1,569,'103

1[;(i,70u 165,113 184,819 161,197 I ~3U, 867 187,95l

.l\Iuttillg find illuL~ fur flum's, 1!utnuftlctllred from I roun<1 or split ~truw, including Chinese, Juill.lll-p~(', H.llrl Tllf'iiU ~truw .tnatting --. -- -. -_rl·~e •• 11011:3_ -I ~, 777, 417 H, U2~, 003 tH,S99 ·3·; .,~~~,-~~:~- -,.:,q.' " ~,O.-,/~,·l-;'~1'1"':'~' ,",~GG-'-'-, ~l-:./: -:1~."· ~,~.~,. ~,~~;' ,- ~;., ~;~,- ~~~-. -~~,- ~;~,- ~~;(-} - • -~;,. ~;~-~ .,~~~

{."l.ydS . .I. ....................... 1Y,7UZ,4;'1 "" V' "0

T>cL ___ •• _._. ____________________ uut •• c1011H_. __ ; ________________ ._ •• ____ 111 •• i'i5~~7~ ~7G;}1,(i!JO ~r(J717!Jll ~,!}I)X,-Iml ~..;,H17,R[jG I ;~,7.'ill,OnU I 3,609,795 3,6I}O,O.,. ... ~

)frcrSt'jmllI11, crl1de •• __ •• o_o~ •• ________ .free •• (lol1~ __ 1 2;'),975 ~:J,S~9 21,'.1991 S.1,fjlti 3;,'15» I 39,266 5:J,H),I~ 5~,U6G 85,4721 83.253 I I - I I I

.1. Ill~ludt.'~ nl! <liu.mond:-:; il.Tld. precious :;toncs,l.incnt, and wutch jewels, b Inclurles only miners' and gluzie.r!'!' n!lu Wlltch jewelfl..

vllichules diflinlHHls, cut or uncut, dIllclude~ an diamonds and precious stones :lnll irnit!ltiolls of, Nit.

e TIl('1ude~ inl1t,l.tioIlS of. -


No. '12.-MEHcaANDI~E brpOnTRD: QUANTITIES AND YALITER, ETC., YRAn8 ENDED JUNE 30, 1896 TO 1905--Continued. - 1'-- ----------[ I

~l~~~~lS~\~'~~r~o.~gc~;;~;;;~,~~,~~,,~,~~~Ift~i~I~~~l~!~.: '1,:::,6336 . -~q,:~~~~,II~~:"'" ,.::~.n ~::'" "::~~! ,,::," .,~:J:~'·'~;--61-':-:-';;'-7: Mineral 5;ubstances, not elsewhere ~p(!dficd! I . . !

______________________________________ ... dUL.llolls __ . 2R-t,7(j3, 229,880 ~ 132,730 2'12,"132 333,1.10 399,52; ~ 40:J,i"ifi -t~71518l :~6::\,54;J \ 868,22=1

}-loss, sellweed~, Ilnd ,eget.1ble ~uh.{frcc .. (1011,~ •• ! lU",~&1 i 196,46~" 189,lfi7 :n,192 24,203 aU,9M~ I ~8,910 Ij5,OS~' 52,O~11 60,15; "tiLances, notclsewhcrespecified, crude dut .. . doll::; . . : .• ___ . _ ... ___ ..• _____ • ___ '0_ •• _______ .. IU,033 fil,194 -lU,3U71 57,88:1 WI-, 300 JJ9,151 : 53,2.29

Musical instruments, Ilnd partsof. ...... dut .. dolt~ .. ! 1,30;,154! 1,14~,::l~ 22~'~J411,n;8'424 1,090,041 UU,7~6 I 1,OOO,~9 1,1'20,283 1,366,'l85 \ 1,2SO,125 .' k t' . rlOllS .. 9,80·\ , IS, ,Ui Itl, ~41 ~O, 884 I 23,5-17 11,833 I 2'\,:'>f>9 1[j,636 12,101 I 10,560 ~le~el0reandmn.Lc. _____ .. ___ . ______ Cl·cc_·l . I I '

dolls . .' 612,7ii5 I 537,128 056,0;;9, 1,lS3,92~ '1,0';0,080 1,338,60;) ~,4?0,O~:J 1,182,919 1,196,186 i '1,205,1>73 . rIbS_._., 7, 473,016 I 3.0\lij,3U4. ~,lnU)S09 I 1,885,648 2Qi),657 4·l~; 2,b14,0:)9 I 3,82.7,0\4 1,79i,.~;'13 \ 1,129,01.3

0,\ cu-ke ................................ rree··i 11' 61: 30,2e6 , 9 'OIl~: do :S_.:==_!5,72~! 20,::na ~,'i~~_I=~~.~>3 1.,437 20,7.:10' 18,592, 12, 68

Animlll or rendercd- i rgalls··l

Whale Ilnd fish ................. dllt..ldOllS .. :

1 [gIL])"'i Other ........................... < ut"ldOllS ..

. , {gllllS .. ! lIfmelal ................•.... "'" .. free .. rlolt~ .. :

Do .......•....•..•. "'" ........ dut..{gnJ1l1S"i rio "'" Vegetable- :

Fixed or cxprcsscd-[galis •. ,

Oliyc •................. ' ... .ant .. J(dOlls .. i {Il'e" .. dOlk.i

OLher ....................... lint .. lIolk.,

Volatile or cssential [lnd (1is.liree .. dolls .. ; tll1cd .- ..... """" -., .... --' hut .. doilR .. ;

T . {fre.c .. dolls .. i

,olIL] O1ls ........ -............ d 11' ut .. rIo ~_.!

~l'ota.l free and dntiable ............. dolls .. 1

202,731 i

223,812/ ,,- 3"0 '\ 0)/.0)

12,213 I


n,361 i


179,879 ' 3f!,334 ,


21,980 i

20,~71 l'

~12J2g5 .

H73,!H1 221,$30


5,715 1,:J76,147

1, 053, a5·j ,

27,39;> 11,611 ! 3,114

9,t!,598 (J28,5071 736,87; Ii

9S,25:!. 15,430

1,10,,0-19 1,131,077·1 ~23,~l

1,923,707 I,Wi,OoU I 1,~03,S7S I li:;~, ;~19 i 72.';, 99R I ",lU, alH I

:i,l::;':!,7U3!1,li2-1,in3/ 1,133.;nl 37],5~1 21.11,210 .:177,707

;1, 117,8391' R, 272, 270 3,125,5011 2. 37u, [lOO 2,321,841 2, 07~, n01

5,,193,:W; 1::5,:5:0'1:':11:1::::~:, 1:08:,:00:2:1

198,110 9,056


1, iS9,514

140,143 \

2,775\' uIJ7

851,372 I ~j3,3G7


3,2i5 2, 35-1, 7~O

2l7,405 ,

19. ;:>091 ., NO) I 0): ....

967,70'2 / 9;10,042 ,

1, U9(1, ,~.';O I 1,170, lI71 I 1,907, n~31 2, 1':0:), 990 i

lill, ~;1-1 I is], 666 i 1, :llil. 2G~. 1, ·187, 111 ~

a09,991 i 372,0';3!

3,129,329 !1, 213,506

2,211,8:;·1 i 2,1;().J,2,4!

n, 641, 1.<;3 I 0, R17, 7RO !

~~~:~: 1

5U,1::n \

12,Bfili I 1,101,280

11~'I,R39 !

1li,G;:;'~ I 3,1.i~1j \

~83, ().W I 1. 2\i~, 29~ I 2J'1:::~.a9:'! I

9~~, 7'j~ : 1, -lOG, li~2 I

55~,7ti:J 1

-i,Ul3,S63 I 3,OS3,;)6S

7,OOi,481 j

1,150,026 :359,47l


29,000 :

~, UOl,6S4'

H9,4f>6 I G3a, 788

·la,620 ,

1, :l;,9, O~7


31;2,·108 2u1,421

50, 6~1 I 3,64l t 79G


00,331 ! 16,133 I

1,49-1,132 i 1,c,;~).409 1:7~6,~~S i i"J,,7Rt},48u

j t.1,-I3·1.o,8

1, :lIn, :t~r, ~ 1, iUlj,13-:1. ,

1,500, .:1(i5, 1, 450, ~ao : 5t1> V06 "Of DOl I , _1 ___ .'·' i

638,091 I

171,M~ \

84,83U I 4,020,691 '

2!7,\lOO 6~2,817



1, 713, 5~0 \

1, ~";~, ~2.: ·1 .• /3;".:>·1,

1. 21U,355 \ 1, 57tl. 992


5, 521, 4.07\ H, U\}~jl 992; 6, 5,')8, 245 I 3,778,791 I 4! lSi 1965: 4~ 021, 19i !

0,300, J98 11:.!, 283, 057 ' 11,179,4.42 I , ,


417, 6G~



;,364,467 403, fillS

2, G36,o.~ii

90, 6~3


2, 1C>8,i'\9~

5, 102,.~12


1,532,449 9521 2i4



11, 59'J, 5W


. . Ifree .. doUs •• ! 80,504 1I0,H7 ' ~,.170 ' ••••.....•..••••....••.•..•••.•...... : ..••.....••.....••..•••• 1 .••••••••••.•••••••••••• Paml", pigDlents, aud colors ....•.•... '11 till I 1 ~19 'R7 I ~~6 90"; 1 0'6 "18' 1 ~O- 110' ' _n_ '61 1 '0_ nOl 11 60" 1"[ ] =7 ]10 - "" 1 - 4 _ (ll .. f I) M __ ; ...... ,m '"""~ '" n I ,;; ," I ,_ {,. ....,.ntj:,,":1 ,:!'OI,.;., J • ." " ,n;:;, I, 0/4, 1:h-' ,;,2,301 Palm leaf. DlanllIactures of: 1 • I 8~9 150

Fan •.......................•....•.• fme • .JdOZ •.. ! ......... : .............. I •••••••••••. ! 937.610 1 1.:176.&~2 795.666 I 905,509 ].130.280 1,471.678 -. [dOlls •. ' 19,602 28,06'. I 38,W7

j' 1-1.;;10, ;'9.191 39.669, 4.'i,n63 69,403 B2,436 60.993

Other lllmmIactures .........•.....•• dut .. dolls .. : 127.4.6.". 1~O"119! '19,MB ' .... _9.411.1 ".277.. 7,:W i 7.01R I 7.41" . JO,220 11,121

Paper. and manufacturcs oi: 1---' ,- ---:-_._-! , , ' Paper. I1ne] manufacture" of h •••••••• dur ••• doll" •• ! 3.169.480 3.1n.530; 2.838.738! ............ : .•....•••... 1 ............ II ............................................... . Lithog raphiclabelsand p rints ...... dut .. dol19 .. / .................................... ! 799,·175 905.609 II 917,6~1 1. 052. 961i J,2~9,733 1,451,491 1,506,723

h t 1 {lhS •... j ••••••••••••••..•••••••• 1. ........... ; 750.4u9 1,061.11~ 1~3.~171 2f10.27-1 ~O.:H9 301",98: 261,721 Pare men.po.pers __________________ (uL. dolls __ ~ ___ - .. --.-- ... ___ ... ___ .~-.-.--------; ti6~1.j3 7.1J27~ 31.SR2 47,4.~5 49,04~J 47,04.2: 39~7a7

All othcr •.. _ ...•..•••............... dut .. dOlls .. i.:..:..:..:..:::~ .................. ; ............ ; 2.335.661 2.B10,758,:I, 023,476 3.122.704. :1.434.2.14 3,819,953 i ·1.0i7,178

To'" ...... """""""""""""""""""""'"'"""'"""! UOO,,,,," ',m,,", !" ',"",", I """'~ '",M' I <""'~·I- '''''''' ,,,",",, I '~',"" I 5.623,638 Papel' stock, crud.e: I I I

n' h h 'I f {lbS .... ·!2.19~,OS8 51.181.009 ·19,800.209 0~,596.560 92,~82,107 55,669,311 73.3H.499 103,&;3.329 i 99,403,763 i 149.519,018 Rnos.ot ert an"ooen ........... rcc .. doll ... 1 730.63:3 G68.385 699.981' ~05.[j.l:; :.372.1561 8io1,.Ul 1,25~.20~ 1.640,927i l.aI1.Sa5: 2,184.863

"\11 oi.her ............................ free .. dolls .. 1 2.715,090 2,403,320 2.170.3'12j 1.809,369 1.889,622 1.309.2-12 1. 51~, 050 1.374,1;;7' 1,388. 87S I 1,611.732

Total. .•.•..............••.••.. fre" .. rlolls .• I~:::~ 3,0~.705.1 ~.871l.a2B 1




a.~m.77812.183,(;8(; ~.77U.25n 3.01ii.084 i 2'.!lOO.7131·~~ Pcncils: I

o~ pllper or wood liUed with Icad. and pencil "- : 1 I I .eads ............................... (lut •. dolls .. , 171,.>0", 182.GR7 lCo9.0.'H 197,·100 2R9.00a 31,1.993 3.56.;;12; '187.290 '} . {gros~'_1 ;;9(),]2;~ ~ fJOa,Q08 23-:>,24<l 177,501 2!)5,Ol~ 270,730 !lIS,70R I 159,542 I 518,772

S]ale ................................ (lut .. doli~... 40,734' 38.838 13,6391 1H.298 17.8811 20.,171 19.629 I 12903 i

I 8· '.'1,' '13-3 ,I l'~rfumCrics, !I,m] "~ltui.]eLPreparatiOlls .• dut •. dolis.. li;i7.002 : B2R.09.; ·J32. OO~ I .,14. (j(jQ ,,3:3. HI 6'J5. ~~21 709.614 1 8o~.1.:J5 p,PC" !lml "mukerO' 'nLlClo ••••••..•.••..• clut. .(lulls... 334,004 : 371.072 269,854 ! 281,002 301. ~:;91' 366.760 , 4~1. 290 I 572,.129. 704,031

Plants. trees, shrubs, m1(1 .illes: I I' i.'

Fruit plnnts. tropiclLI lind semitropical, ior· i I! propnglltioll.elc ................... free .. doll"··1 6S9.4i;~ I 702,84;; 32.r058 I ... 019 7.011\ 1 41i31 f>.J7 i 1.GI0 j ~~.638 1,631

All OLher ............................ (lul:..rlnll>..' 2G;;,SIH! 261.632 729,500 763.968 \)fo5,369: I,O!lS,469 1,172,023 i 1.371,588 I 1,,193.789 1.510.435

rlaMh.~l' rm.'.k, Ht gyp~'nlIll: '-,3,900' I I l:ngrO\l\l(L .......................•• free .. {~'O~ls.. 199,2·n· 22.ii38 , ............ / ............. ; .....•......•... ········1············.············/· .. ······· .. ·

{~~~;":: ~2:~:~~~ j J8~:~~~ I 1!!:~~~ I .... ~~~:~;~· · .. ·;~~:~;~·I'····~~~:~~;· -···~~~:~~~:I-·-·~~~:;;~·~···-;~~:t~~;- .- .. -~~;:~~ Grow"l , ......•.•••.•.....••••.....• dut •• clo1l8.. 22,871 18.1li3 192,896: 208.084 2.12,898 228. H70 270, (;.'i6 1 325.685 I 3~~. 591 361.119


936. 40~

71F. G37

a. Sn.lIl.(l uil only lI.ritJf Lo 1898. L Nut enumcmtcd in <1duil'l'rior to 1899. 'Inclndes " Unground" after 1898.


No. '72.-lIiEECIIANDTRF. T,[T'OnTRD: QC-.,I'<'L'I'1'IER AND VAU:1£S, B'TC., YEAltS ENTlEO JVNE 30,1896 TO 1905-Continller1.

Article.. ._I~ 1.807 1_ l~OI:l I 18!)!) ... "1\)00 pl

{U,. .•.. , 5,7&1 6, 357 ~,00'.l I 6,307 7,70; I n,776

Platinum ••.•.•..••...•.•.••..•••...•. .fn''' .. "011"__ ,R60, 1'_'-, 1,O'9,',R,0 I 1 11 u ~ ':to 1,032, D2 .: 9:3,475 1,770,617 1,641),4.79

I'latinulll mses, rdot·[", "It, .. --. ----. --. ';r", ... ·(llo()L11~'·.·.:1 -1'Sl,.18~il1 I 4112',~10' ~ I 'iI, :;03 1 33,681 62,101 I 17,4~9


0 " ~ " 11,15<1 15, 970 20,li07 J 13,Oii .pllJI~bng(J ---- .-- - - -- .. _., . -.-- - -----. -free __ doll~_ -I 3S~~ 5~ 1_ 321,355 472, ~Ol 1: OHI, S59 2,345,294! 02!J, USG

l'toyisions, Cfllllllf;,ing ment Itnel Oniry product": i' _. i'==~' ===Ii==-~="--=, lIIeat products- ;) I

1I1eat. (t1ll1 me"t ext""·I:~ __ . ____ .dut __ dOCls __ 1 403,393 I 601,808 I 3-16,108 263,845 365,089 407,003 464, 7~5 ! 711),250

1902 1903 190<1, 1906

6,695 7,727 7,390 v,usa 1, ~85r IIU 1,962, ,.159 1,8IG,037 1,851, 2~5

16,0'27 I 61,ma 118,699 108,0'20 lii,081 ' 1b,354 13,302 13,67()

n63,356 I 1, 247, nS·l nn,134 915,306

8H,3U 30,019

67·1,441 52, 2'~3 Allothcl' ____ ....... ____ •. ______ .(lut..tloll~ __ ! llU,I~ll i 49,48'11 80,031 109,617 105,726 f>.1,tir.i I :lllO,4Q3 I 7Oti,802

Dairy prouuct,;- I· I' \ . JIb:J.... 5'2,OG7 \ :17. \til:::'. . ~~l, \1M 2~/iOO 49,791 93, Bag '153, ';;l78. ~071 u07. 15 . .1,.157 59:l,10.1

Rlltter __ . __ ... __ ...... ____ . ____ .'ll1t··[d 11" ~ ~"." I' 0-'-1 c "-, 3 9"') 9,~,"O 1 80,-"9,,! 1 3,,",6' 12',1"6 o :::.__ ~ .. ·)tli.l : [), II ;J, .I-:J: , U... .... 9,441 _ 51,.,64 -:t "f: _._~.::.

{lb~_. __ 10, i2S, 397 12J3H>:1~~ 10,012,188 11,826,175 13,4.55,990 1,1),329,099 17,067,711! 20:671.384! Z'l,707,103 23,095, 706 Chee"e • ________ . ______ •. __ •.• __ uut.. dolls __ 1,~91,3:JB 1,668.796 1,M3,173 1,563,128 1,761,613 'l,1~U,293 2,551,366, 3,183,nt I 3,284,811 3,379,600

)Iilk __________ . __________________ tluf...do1l8__ am,622 "1)8.4U7 6~,729 03,603 42,U86 48,062 :)8.457, ,12,6961

32,981 23,014

Totlil ____ .. __ . __ .... __ . ________ diil..dOl1:; __ I. 2,09;;,015 2,381,~32 .. __ ~:~51~~ll,993,lX;; I 2,2S~,;JHa 2,6'19,·166 I. a,r,10,696.1 __ :~7.0a,5361 4,197,.4~~. 4,2~3,'11~ [free. don~ __ ' __ ____ __ __ __ 65.930 1 ______ • ____ . __________ . .1 __________ " .. __ " __________________ I. ______ . __ ",'" __ .. ____ .. ____ . __ .. __

PUUliceandPumiec.tonc .. ··---- .. ···ldut.:dOllS __ I. __ . ____ . __ ... ____ .'. __ .. 30,}:17I, ;;1,281 54,4.78 5~,?'03! ·IS,·m 1 62,3621 90,646 81,452

Rennets ... ____ .............. ____ . __ .• __ .free __ doll' .. ; fil,OiS.. 60,026 90,7'i7 93,2.~·! _.~6:9~'.._ ~S,74! 1 Q~,:lf'~L ... 7~'7851 U4,43Hi ?,9,481

Riee 1.lreu undm reciprocity treaty with J1\)~-- --I 'i, ;~;~,;;W 5,8~1, UOO, 4-,414, ffi'J', ~,fi9;;, 000 fil)r.,100 ---- .. ------;. ---- -- -- --·1· .. -- .... ''',' -- -- .. -- -- .1 .... ---- .... Hawaii) .... __ . ____________ . __ ... ____ lree __ ldolls __ 1 16;1,5711 231,511 J~H,ti30 135,Q33\ 29,:106 .--.:---- ... 1--:--------.,----------.-1".: ... , .. --.:.1----.--·.:--

. pbS __ ..1 78,835, .sS1 ,1:!S, DoS, 3:10 I.!!J, om, 3:;0 151, :Ul, 421; , 03.052,351 74, uUB, 061 : 70,674, 7iG i 7R, H17, ~IO I 7",1l2~, 10, '13,.10l!,o09 l)O-- ..... ------ ... --------------.--.dut.· l(]ol1>..1 1,IlI.nu31 ?,R2'I,-H9 2,fiM,fl7~ ~,U1;,o.~l!· ),875,009 1,588,()'H i l,596,~!O; 1,732,2381 1,869,335. 1,097,099

'. ·It''. __ .16S,fi3~:273 63,87';,201 6U,4i!,o.% 50,3Jll,20'11 23,031,.J.10 -U,COl,Ii·1!J 1 Rl.U84,llS 191,338,974' 78,898,6151 63, Oi.;, 006

R1Cc !lour, .:rlcemeal,fLlld hrokellric"--dUL--{~OllS __ i ~ !i1~'~~ I ~6:,~~) ,:(j~,1:~ ,'7~,378 1 ., ~~(1,1~1 ., 7;16,~~J.L ~,3~~,7~1 I ~,a2U~~~~!.~,.2~~,092 ~13,8~~ Totlll. ... __ .• __ ......... " __________ .un!!" .. , ... ,J~\ o.~ 3, 'J~', .IGO 3, I·!ti, 8:l8 il, gaO,UD I _, 2,~,O~G \ _,324, S981 :I. 9_ti, 9_1 I_ ,3,G61~L~ 0,3, ~O'I ", OW, Yb6

. {lllL --iSJ6, 753, lSI 1!j~:;,13'1, 510 21;,05~,89a I' ---- ... --.~\I ... ---- ---- •.. -- ... ------1--...... ---- =-:-:-~I=~--·--·· =-:-:-~'----' Salt. ______ ... _____________ .. ________ ... frec .. dolls .. i 74u,7.i31 734,719 34,168 .. __ .... ____ ....... __ . ____________ .. 1" .......... 1 ..... " ........................ ____ •


~b" •••• I 6, E26, 319 15,223,837 316,200,216 363, ;82,9.'13 \410, 7D2,440 [407,92.1, GH2 13131,87'1,8-1[; \342,14.1,546 342,149,502 SOl!, 57'2, 020.

Do ... _ .......•...............•..... _dllt .. d 11 I ~'3 9"9 4"'" --S '0 - " o R..I • ~~; :~.. _1 ; 1/ ~ .~' .J.:" uil ,9'~~ 62", ~~3 I 636,767. ~, ~6g 5~~, 966 51~. 23~ 496,734

Sausage cilsings ......................... free. _dnll""!1 nl,~, I'~. 5-I~, 8l, 031,8,1 622, gig 1 r,·m,80.9 : r,·~, 212 1 i04, ;J~8 Oti3,495 8&'), (yJo 88&,323

Sausages, bologna ...... _ ............ _ .. free .• floll,.. SO,8S7 76,303 H2,.i-lli Ha,7l.l, 95,944 i 8°1605 I 100,701 J 111,647 1~1,143 i47,li9

sec~s.:.. fbllSh..! 7ij4.ijO;·I-··1~;'.Z!~·! llili,0l18!' RJ,9ii3! 67:~79'; 1,1131, 726'j .J.i7,~37 129,O~g! 2J3'2;oi'::6~~8~' .Lln8eed, or fhtxseed ..•.•... --------rlUL-1(1011:o: .. 1 ::;~,9-!O 1 l08,R7i i l:iO,!l.iO ~7,'i02 I c~HJ126: 2:09S

1207 72~,OS2 19-1,024; 201,~~'J: 318,687

. {[rep __ clO\h: __ . 1,290,"j03 ~I 8~9 .. 195.51 .~98.,,3&.7 ~4~IOb8_ \ 1J1j3,521 \ 1,'200: 1192 l,GGG.7(j1J 1,624,864 I 2,259,562·, 2,0-:12,423 Allother· .. ·········· .. · .. · ........ dt dll': -~n,_· 4- U . I 00' 5 I ~7- : 80 .. 1·, .. 0.1.1_. ___ _ _ u .. -" E .• : __ u.~", ',D~ , ''',W . I ~82, 86-1 I ""D,1 .' I ,0 ,.IUI. I 740,495 "_. 1,012,391 1,126; 6P.3 1,096,509

Total. ............................... flO]]8..: ~,6S3, 15'~:, 1.'1,23,920 ;"""1.231,71iG-I- 1, 221, 8'151 I, i95, C.l,q. 4,m~, 19·1 3, 252,15~ I~~ S, 587, '109 I 3,457,619

Shells, and ma'-luiacture< of: 1---- --I .. - r UnmfLllufn.ctured- ~ I I

}'Ct~'~~"l~~~~.~~. ~~~ .J~~'~. ~:'-.:~~. ~Ir~~~';l~~:.! ............ j .. , ..... , .. .' ................................... .i 335, 377 8~I'17211~.1~2,.O~8 805,508 All other,; ___ .. _._. ___ ._ ....•. __ .11·ee __ doll~_. 704,145! 9..J9,G~(} J 90tl,8:J2 973,911 l,OI9,731! 552,w:~ 633,723 [.s;,22~ &11,327

u;)(J,243 351,335

127,3H 1\f~lIl1rfllctl1resoi. ________________ .. _.dut._dons_. __ ~:~~H21 7tt,140,- ]03,651 75,gB!) 87,~:H, 9;;,14:-1 10-l,28U! 116,86.S I lS9,5!:iG.!

Bilk, .ulI1 inuuufnctures of: 1·,=00' '- I' i !,= ==== lirtintluuf,lclureu-. I i I

' {lbS.... 279'O(i71............ ]0,·192 la,53i ~O,004 i ]3:l 4,118


' 2.59 ~9,759 28,546 Cneoons __________ ._ ........... _.lree __ (lolls__ 112,900 _____ ..... __ S,Y9;) 2,288 1,~,~:3;;! ]39 1,6Yfl 1["''3, 10)6\17 7,870

Hnw,01' as :reeled from the_ ep- JIu!:: .... 8,OOll,I}~1. li,613,61~ 10, 31fi: 1t12 9,'.i91,1.J;} 11~'l.ijU,31U. 9~1391111: 12:6:">O,(i8:l 13,O:17,~06 12,000:8."3-3 17J812:1~jj eOII1l ___ • ___ • __ •••• ___ •• _ •• _ •• frl'I,:· __ l(1011~._1 ~H,2.J.{j,9lY2. lS:.19u:9.l.j.! 31,·JUi,BOO 81,827,Oli1 41,:j-.W,(j72. 2f1::~=)3,'177 .J.1,7i.J,3.Q1 149'O.()~J5;' 144"I(:l,5j~ I 5~J;'.j?,6Y2

Wa"''' .......................... fro.c .. {l'l.)~·"· 1,084, 1UU 1, 47U, ~:;21 1, 762, 2~7 1,545,701 11, il>l, '10·[ 1 J, 21ili, SOIl 1,610, 02f1 1, n,m, 3.14


4,062, DO. I 'J, "JO, 028 (olh:_. '103,li~fj 42~.~33U 1·_. 13~9,2G7 ~O,2'iH _~~~.85a L.~~_~.~_. nln::~25 .. i~~,2~~~ l,G2R,2!m __ ~~~U.:?~~

TOLal ul1IJlnllufucinrml __ ..... free .. dons.. 2tJ, 763, 4:::!8 lH, 918, ~~~3 32,] JO, om; 3:':':~~ 627 , '15, :t.:m. 7/iO i 30,051, BilS 42,6:.1;;,351 50, (1]1, o;iO 46J IOU, 000 Bl, 0-10: o.~q

:1>IaTIttfllc.tures 0[- I \ .,'----Clothing, ready-made, and other wcs.ring i

[l.'ppa.l'~I. ___ ••••••..•• _ ••• __ .• __ dllt •. d(}lIs •• H,U(j,S06


2,~8:j,0t2 1,855,279 I,G1B,B02 1,(.57,611! l,R9S,014 2,fi74,261 3,:U5,826 , 2,80;'j,80~1; 2, 787,4!1'7

Dre8~ and piece goods ........... (Jut..f1oll"... 8, 06~, 3,';0 7, 5iu, 001 11Q,405, 057 J3,f~~2, 369 15, 4~5, 9Y7 1 11, 9i7, 8i4 1a,025,276 11,005,7.171 1-1,228,32" 15,120, f>15

J;acf.'~ UIHI cnlbroit1eric~ __ • _ .. ___ dut. _dol1~. 'Ii 1,991, 318 II 2 .. 15·;,9i7 3, :14.9, 46'1 2, b77, [)'j8 3, 201\ ~;j7 3,189,3:17 4,544. 000 151 ()'15, {lOS I 4,864, ~18 .1, 6~8, 397

IUbhon.~ ........... : ............... dut .. rlO~IS .. 1,H3,IUu 903,glmj2,035,4Jl 1,'727,543 1,811,611 i 1,~39,379 2,850,226 4,ar.~,fi99 1, 978,01B l,920,&}1 spun sllk,lllbkclns,COPd,1\-:.L]-P~,o..r JIbS_- ..

j-..... -.. -.. ---- .. ------ ... ------.-- lr7~7,710 2,-t~0,5;)~~ I J,7H}:OB7 2:171,2·15 1,995.012 ~,U.1~,274 2,Y5~,.IOO

011 henlllS" ..... _ .............. dut..[flo1J8 .....• _ ••••. _ ................. __ ._ .. _. 1,975,0111 3,na, 348 2,:;sa,7J6 3,30!1,521 2,994i&n I 3,047,817 3,~7,M2 • COJldensetl milk OllJy. 1. IuclU!i~ll in "Ail other IUlluufllc,ttlrC" of mIlt" prior to 1890.



Articles. 1 1896 1897 1898 I 1899 1 1900 : 1901 1902 1903! 1904 1906

Silk, anr1 manufactures of-Continued. I' ,I II, i 1>Ianufactures of-Continued. I

Velye~s, plushes, and other Pile{lbs····\ .. ···· .. ···l··········· ............ ( ,178,21)5 708,35-1 8i3,082 001,924 963,2321 551,393 fabrICS" ...................... dut .. dolls .. , ......................... , ............ ! 1,553,6.';7 I !!,316,1l5 3,259,S(](l 3'157'6961 3,265,764 i 1,7!Y.!,486

Allother ........................ dut .. dollS .. ! 12,338,103112,216,1281 5,788,<1541 2,274,07!)! 2,752,771! 2,093,952 2,581,569 2,947,8571 3,346,9H

Totul IDunllfactures ........... flut .. dolls .. j 26, 6i:i2, 768125, 199, 06712;3, 523, 665 ! 25,109,0(.1 i 30,894,373\26,842,138 ! 32, fi40, 242 , 35,963,552 ( 31,973,680 Soap: I : ' I -! I \ ;====1====

:Ftm~Y.pcrf;ml('1l,I1'l1dalldcscriptionsor51uS .... ; SG1,905 il: 1,095,007 Ii 592,692\ 793,9-10! 809,299 i 973,673! 984,616 1,069,424\ l,087,77!)

t011et.. ........................... dut..ldolls .. , 25fi,379 352,309. 254,443 j 327,9311 331,6921 411,724. I 417, 949 1 461,12.1\ 469,75~ I All other. ........................... dnL-dolls .. :~9, 5091~4, 067\ 244,069 I :!48,266 I 291,452 I :!74,197\ 429,599 \ 472,648 I 431,OSn I

Total .......................... duLdolls .. ! 821,8881 766,376, 49S,51:! I 576,U17! 623,1441 685,921! 8.:17,5481 933,772! 900,&11 j Spicc;:: .\ . i J i ! I -- i

Cngrounc1- Ii: : I - ~ . . flbS·· .. ll,~;;5,420 1,669,740 1,213,994/ ],5:30,102' 1,590,811 i 1,836,417! 1, iH1, 614 , 2,365,(J24 i 1,498,600 i );utmegs ............. _ ......... frce .. ld }] '')3 1°6 4"1614 ""1"3-' 36~ "'6-' n-1 383 r 'l60 ~89 ' 339 6~- 1 444643' "88388 os... '::io ,. r,.) .l , I) • ., ,k !) ( '-t I :) . uO ,I..: t., f.,. ., (lJ If! ... I !

. {lbS ... ". 16,644, 7G3 15,0:33,452 I H, 080, 13G i 12,332,747 : 13, OS;:>, 3;}3116, OSl, 849 16,046,179 21,832,675 i 18,615,186 , Pepper, black or whIte ........ free.. "11 l "-0 861 -11 4-" ! 90" "'11! 1 0'''' 100 I 1 "SO ".,- 1 °06 16"', 1 "'5'~ 34;; 2 ')96 2"1' ') 069 051 I (LO s ... : \);:), I ,;)~ I ~, I I ! Oil, . , .... u), lhJtl I 1 n , , h _,'J J"'" - -, " •

{lbS .... i 1'4,193':»''<,) 20,411,-iW 113,78-1,689 \ 1;~,S51,05;j II 19. 6W, 7m \ 13.506,848 15,13-1,481 22,·164,19"2 17,7~5,806 \

All other ............... ........ Irce .. d 11 ' 99" ')')6' 1 0-6 9('" , 89° 99'} 1 q9- '"S" 1 n-6 ')43' 1001 ·18') 1 14.6 ')46 1,590,778 1,169587 I o S .... : t'J -- I J j , ).") I . (.; o! - t ow I, I t) I , ill , ~! I I ,.... , ,- , J I

flbs .... 1 :!, 618, ~H i 3,030,03.1 2, G58, lOG I 3,346,925 i 4 516 709 I 3,786,623 4,460,841 4,538,688 5,414,804\ All other dut I I I I ' '~90', 004 :1 . ........................... "ldolls .. i 294,996' 336,686 ; 264,6!1l 332,fi5a v 394,571! 4.46,966 483,483 538,982,

Total. ............................... dOllS .. I' 2,378,519 i 2,576,716; !!,404,629 i 2,782,301i 3,401,265 i 3,56:3,109! 3,(j85,~42 !'4.S1~ 4,366,008 1

Spirits, wines, nnd malt liqnors: Iii I . :Malt liquors- I . I I 1, O,Ql, 818,' I I . {gnl1s .. \ 1,038,6-11 j 1,0<18,9941 733,5351 918,5621" 1,151,891; 1,198,406 1,292,475 1,4G7,756

In bottles or Jug~ ............... !lnt .. dolls .. , 1,007,146/· 1,025,867 (i95, I02 1 917,186. 1,079,723 1,166,123: 1,161,965 1, ::l52, 047 1,385,818

. {gallS.. 2,244,703 1,915,050 I 1,777,202, 1,928,672 I 2,228,502 i 2,447,555 1 2,553,105 2,966,343 3,197,955 I

Inotherco'erlllgs ........... _.clllt.. dolls.. 657,870! fi34,426! 506, 428 1 570,692 i 647,5331 719,092 718,3831 835,6941 927,507'

Tolalmaltliquors ............ clut..dolls .. 1,665,016 ( 1,560,293 ( 1,201,53011,487,878! 1,727,256[11885,21511,880,3481 2,087,741 2,313,3251 ___ _

377,029 1,325,537 H 3,564,118 ~

I-'d 32,614,54.0 0

l;d H

1,010,119 til

446 586 I 421,226

£, q

8!l7,812 > l:?;

~ 1-3

2,394,OHl H. t>;j

347,721 OJ

19,'113,387 >-1,969,521 ~

~6, 115,130 C;

1,731,895 <1 5,106,179 p..

534,219 t-I d

4,583,356 t.".l r:p

1, 3()2, 089






Spirits, diRtllled- I or domestic maT1llfe,etu1"p., re- }Pf. galls __

turned (.ubject to intcmal- dolls ____ . revenueta,x) _._._. ____ ... _frp.e._ I

' [pf.galIs_. Brandy .... _ -' --- -' -- ----. - _.dlll. -l<lull" •.... !

[pf.galls._! All other --.-- ... -..... -- .. -.olUl.·ld 11. i

o ...... 1

Tot .. l 'pirH" dl"tllled._ ...... ___ .. _.<10118 .. 1


Chlimpn.gne IllUl IIlher 'PILrklillg{dUZ. 1>018_. _ •.• _ •• _ •• ,_. - •. -.- ___ --- __ tIllt._ dolls. ___ ..

sun wlnes-

k {gallS._

In cas -s -- .. -- - .. --- ..... -- .dut .. dolls ..

. {dOZ. bots _ . In other cO\'crmgs ___ ._<1I1L. doll ______ _

Total wines_ ... _. __ ... ____ .'1I1l •. '101ls._

875, 099 1 805,212

79·1,594 749,087 290,301 , 3IG,22'l

843,31S I 911,419

5.,712,156 I 1.,9C>!J,887

2,524.,2371 2,7&1,0-18

1,{),29.653 1 956,760 854,&86. 998,178 6S7,0'l! 9~0, 060 R63, ilf,g 7st,901 8a4,948 !i30, 574.

. 259,704 , 337,595 137, 90~ 219, 96l! ~H, 100

690,7tH i 911,721 395, 758 6~6, 8,5 696,040

1,2.1:,8:5 i ~'r:ill~~ 7iO,830 1,227,8:2-1 1 1,550,896 1,444),8,::4 :_ 2, 0,4, R3;~_LI _1_,_0_0,_1,_1_35_,._1,_6_83_,_2_0_6 i_2_,28_2~! :1_ ....:..._....:..._

3, 077, 69-1 1 3, 8,>0, 114 ~,1::>!, 7U4 1 3,1-15,079 3, 009 l E31 ~ 4,1G~,149 ! .1,44.5, 15-1-

216,3931 223,1>2H-


31~'H91 ·1,110, 9o.~

,-----, 3U,073 I 335,2f>6

4, G.~9, 19·1 1 ·1,930,768 3,628, 3B) :1,~MR,OO!

i 22a,827 1 262,371

3, '264, 323 I 3, 668, 71J1





2, Dul, 0.57 2,987,179







],104,410. 1, 13~, 129

9 938 8,1') 2, 361>, ,luG

;: ;13: 7~~ 1 3,539,0-1:1

-----+-4-,-D~--7-,-50-7 i 5,005,058 4,8~!,580

407,W4 -=" 9'- j--S-l 811' ·.J;)V, .. ·.J.u Ii, .

5, 861,6:~9 4., 9(j9, 635· U, 7'13, 76-1

2,831,898 1,950,770


I, [-,~7, !JIG

" e,- O)() 1 3,300,026 ~, 753,211 ""',iO[):L': 2, 99i, 952 1,030,870 2, 2nR, 2~Ll 2, ,')33, 828 4, 007, 691 :1,973,919

1, !}12, 322 I 2,1-13,·133 2,292,.297 2, (}.'19, 2-50 1,392,710 1,573,57:3 1,744, 'i3fi. 2,387,018 2,3;")2,48;j 373,832 I 397,818 4,--10,869 309,28.1. 268,9'21 274, SiS 31,;' 920 471,1,,3 488,77l!

1,6fW,!~O 1,8·16,937 '2, U95,360 . __ .1 ~~.~~:.:~ ~.1_1~,_3_12~,_1_'1~_' _1 __ 1_, a_4_7 ,_~_I) 1,560, 851 _':'_~_+-':'_":"'_!_"':""-':' __ 1 __ 2~,_03_' 5~,_2_r_, : __ 2,_16_'5_, _67_2

7,107,005 6,8G2,465 5,969,180 r.,590, 206 7,421,49'; 1 8,219,2.Q(l .~,921,1;18110,2.19,296 9,391,870_!~!'11,921 Total spirits, wines, tlnO malt 11q- ,-, ,.

uors ................ ___ ... ____ .dolll:l ... 11,849,715 12,272,872 9,Mm;,504 11,223,163 12,i·6..'),5H~. 1..!,2GG,tl00 15,2<16,640 17,171,617 16,662,702 li,652,S23

Sponges _ ... ____ . _____ ._ .. _ .... __ ... __ ... tlUL.,101l" __ I==4=go=. ,=7=60=' '1=='1=8=7,=1='1=3 40~; 72fi 430,231 1i;\(],303 717, 550 I' 607,81>9 570,710 olD,340 ' 5~2, 712

fib". _ -. 3, 467, 3~19 2, gH, 25:~ 6,120,9241 8,542, 8Y7 11,71)7,92-1 7, B02, 5Ul 11,71-1,931 10,540,905


' 7,4:10,383 6,140,7;',3 Starch.-- .... ---.-------.-- ............. dnt·-lrlOlls.. 62,7nli ~11812 10~7S0 14n.5~R 2~2,296 li9,340 235,G'15 205,9-19 191,-150 ISO. ,Hi.')

Stl"llwandgras~: {tons __ I 7,R79 9, 3R6 1 1,4'18 1 2,075! 0,195 9,6:13! 2,np.r. 3,303 10,833 2,825 "C"llIlll111u(actured .... __ ... ______ . ___ <!nt._ dolls__ 31,140 31, 768 1 4163 4,:;64! 1~,7"1J s,),SW I 11,7~ I 12,832 ~,1,7~4 12,700

~la.nufact.lIrc...sof.. __ .... ___ ... __ •. __ .clnt..dollH._ 1,Hm,~84 1,006,201 260:487: 259,185 300,287 33G,730 L. 382,932.: -130,584 5~8,3.~ __ . 576,938

Sllgn.r,mola~sc~, nnci confcctionery; _ {galls_.1 3S8,:llS 2M,627I 49,27n'! 15,300: 14 4'51 .1 ___ ... _..1.. ___ . ____ ... ----- ... --:.! .. == .l\loln.s..c:c5_ .... _____________ ... _____ .1.rcc __ dolls._; 2tj ()75 18376· 2346 1 5-1" ',;\:'i9 _·_-------1" - I • I'

{galls I ~,2(19:3-I~ 3,41~:~41 3,554:272 0,8U6,~5~; 7,010,~~3_' !·~~~,;;;~~56.-· ';~~;~_~:;~~.- '~;:;.\.'~:~~~' ~~:~;~:~~~- .. ~~:~;~:~;&

Do .......... ___ . ____ .... __ . __ .. _<ll1t.. ;10115::. 710,590 563,137 I ,,41,670 i 789,03-1' 890,16;) 1 1,123,.9'l.! 1,03,,696 I,U~,'ilO 1,01R,198. 1,13/,844

[gnll • ..! 'J, U87, 6M 3, :0:, ~71 I 3, ~O~, 54~-1 n, 1'21, "or" I, 025, ~r,811l' ·153, 15~ '1 ].i, ~9~, 2i[; -17,2.10,:99 1 18,828,530! ID, 477, 885 'l'otl11mOla~scs·-···· .. ·-- ...... -· .. ldOllS __ 1 737,265 ;>su,a13 i 044,0161 789,571>! 890,,,2·1 1,123,92a 1,03;,696 1,124,/10 1,018,198 I 1,137,844

I I, I I

• Included in "All olher lllanufacture. of silk" prior to 189~.


No. '72.-JlrIERC'HANDTsm Il\!l'ORTED: QUA:-ITI'rIES AND VALt.'ES, ET<1.; Y];lARS ENDED Jl'NE 30, 189(; TO 1905-Continued.

Artldc". I~._. 1897._.


18118 ~1I~1 19~--- 19~1 -~;;;-- _ 1IlO;--I_-_l_D_O_! __ I __ :_ID_O_ii_

F-tngn:r, mola~se3. 0.11(1 conf('ctionery-Continul'u. I \

SUgr;;_.~:~~lc ~~::'~~~ in color- I . _._ ,,__ -J o~ _." " ,1_ _ _. ! _ _, ._ _, _ 0 _.

, , pbs.... liOl, 086, 98~ 1,86",UII ,49"1 140, M1, 4 _·JI,_3, 3:1",3521 101, D3~, 401, 91),~, G83. 0,8 2,,5,030,219\ X" 130, 80"1 1,414,40'1 22..,944,916 ill (t .... ----.- ............. -(1nt.·l,1011~ .. , H.OIS,9B ~3.e39,lGll 2,71,,9>151 15,2(1),S97, 14,800,6001 20.028,57;; 'J.20~,1I44 1,223,023 50,D~D, 4,797,278

C '. jibs .... I ~1i3,17i\,2G9 431, 196, 980i 499,766,79b 162.299,88UI

I50·J.713, 10iL ............... _ .................. , ... _._._ .. ___ .......... .

ane ............... - ....... lree .. \d II' I 11 H3r -,. 131;4 ·-9 .• 100 - ~o_ ••• , ') I I' o ::'i.. ." 1,/!:l01 : ( ,U{, lti,6uO, 41, IJ,_ol,(iuUj ... 0,392,1:10. __ ._ ..... _._ -.----- ... -.,---.;. _____ 1" ______ .. ___ _ .. _ .... __ ~~_

I) 1 ut {! us •... ~. 7u:!,012, 512,.2,.122, ~95,US91·1, 9-18,423,9051,2,731,8<\8,,)74'12,800,3701,69) ?, 95l>,58tl, 1.0'l2, 685, iI¥.!, 007: 4,07;,,(;35,121


3,681,91}1,2t'l 3,434,186,471 0 ____________ . ___ ...... ( --.' j. , -.01"0 '90 .- 'J"' 191 "~·'O 7"4 "0 -I' 0"0 - - - ,." . ""47"'· "07-' - ~1 ""0 111 9 943" , . uO lB .. : ;"', .1 ,"1:. 'J.I,~,I. I .:>,.,0 ...... , U I IJ,I '%, ·""!·jl 6-:1.1 067,21/'1 (1/,50,,':1.3\.0 4H,v,,-, ~ HJ· \J;I, "t.OjOr"ll "";),,," 1, ,09S

• _ 1 {lbS __ - '1' 187,41;3,791 199,136,1691

101, 088, Gr.~i 62,745, 76E'1 1I , 459, ~~ 109,736, IiliO 91,092, 71\)1 53,342, 180i 16,304,940 22,801,5lil Abo\e ~o.16 ____________ ... ___ .rnt.. ,toU"__ '-,,3~3,:;7~: 4,028,1501 2,13-1,9211 1,u\l"J,95l B90,U9S 2,9;;1,786 2,174,278; 1,12<;,899 500,114 001,773

rllJ~- ___ i3.)-~Y61:3aSIfJ.i7111'91R'~J05'733:2,(jgg'4J20'851 B,9gO,250~;j69 -J,OlX,OAG;530 i9'i':'IOOJ,~4D B,Oal,91;:J,8,5 4,21li,l 08,106'3,700,623.(11:1 3.(;80,\)132,998

Total "u::;ar ·- .. ------ .... ·--- .. --··ldolls..! o9,~19,773 £09,066,181 GO, 47:2,74nLH.l, 961,UO\ lon, 250, 9H _90,,187,800 ;;.i,om,m7, 72,_:8o,9i31 71,!ll5,n~ 9~~6~5,449 Cmlipctinllt::ry. ____________ . ___ ...... chtt..d(Jl).-L_' 2~,D'inJ 2.:1,752 27,133. 31,;97 ~R,lOO 31,Ulr:-: 43.2231 60,201\ 82,2:"">9 8~,~46

{tons .. i 170,4021 2~1,3.n 25'2,77:1' 2U6,2Wj ~ti7,3~8 ~39,217 429,G06' 126.798 390,306 4.77.171

SulphurofO._ .... _._. _____ .. __ ... ______ free __ (lolls .. : WS,497: G87,297j 717,8131 ~iO,80J 1.221,711 1,l(j6,ti~1 1,571,577 1,,'i91,07, 1,48t.7~O 1,69:1,002

• J fhb]::; -·i 144,49'1" 112'50~~1 9O,'li4 ~>(j,u'2tl 'i7,21':i 40,Q()(j 33,717 57,985 41,705, 47Jl~3 TIITttnd PltCll---- ... --------- .. ----.- .. free .. ld IJ' "9~ -'111 ,,"., ~2< I"" -"1 66 '3-! 1-" 1"- 11~ 561 9:; 090 145 ng- 8971'" 118583 o So .. ! .... ,.~ / .. 1 ... u.... .... .. vo, I... ,D 'I I ..... , I. .... • , ,.::. I ,-, I

COl1J·tarprcpardioIlH,lIotmcdicinal' free.dolls __ ' :nl, O~6 H07, Iii; ... -- ..... -- ---- --------!------ -- ... ' -- ..... -. -.. -.... ------. ------ ..... , .. --- -.,- · .. 1·· .... "-'--[Ih" __ .. : 9;\,99.~,3721113,S47,17ij, 69;·155,tH' ___ ._ ...... _1 .... _ .. _________ .. ____ .1 __ ... ______ 27,233,107 112,~O~),U41: 102,7U6,599

Te;:L -- .... -- ... -.------------- ..... -- ... fr"e··jd 11 : 1" "".-1 '1'1)' I' 03' 8u'" "V'-3 ""ry. i I 4 "0" 4"11 18.229 91°/16 ~30 858 o ~.- ~,Il' ,.~. '".n, "I .,0 ,vl_I .. ____ · ____ ·, .. __ · .. __ ·_· .. · .. ·-·-· .. 1·--- .. ·----· ,- .. , - ., " [lh" .... ! ... ------ ...... __ ... __ .. 2,.iOl,8GS' 74,lIS9,1:i~~ !H, 8Jf>, Ill, S~,F06,433j 75,579,125\8l,~,1l,7U8 .. -- ........ , ... -- .. --- ..

Du-------------- .. ---- ..... -- .... --.dut.· ld·n , . 1006111 Q [T OSI 1U '-8110 11 01~ ~-r' <l i\\lIJ 1". 114..l!l 809 \

Tin.+in bl.\1's, 1Jlo(~k8, p.igs, or grain 01' gl'a.l.!U-{I~"~: :I--~;: ~~;: ~;; --;~: ~~~: ~~~! RH, ~~~: 8~9! 6;: ~~: ~~~I Ii: ~~~: ;,15 7:: ~~~: :~~Ii 7~: ~~~: 3~~ !~: 01R: 0;;:1" ~;I: ;~~: ~~~I' . ~~: ~~s: ~j~~ laLed .. _ .. __ .. __ ... __________ ....... _.frcl.j .. dOn~._! 6.161.;161 6.D3.1,~:-)2. f.-l,1t6,lul: 11'~!."~.'~:)/f ... l.I,.a·.,3Ul !J .... O."., . .Il; Ll •. l~)l.S50! _H,Gl8,PoO'_, ... l,":U:i6,~n11 _3,3l8,!.1

Tobacco, and manufactures of; 'I :! 1: I· I Le;J.~-·t bi _. .'d {lbS_ ... 5,211,85211 6,057,268: 3,988,5611' 4,H7,U4H I 5,561,068 6,574,58615,729,879 6,31-1,359 7,387,300 II /,109;095

ill IL e lor clg .. r w.rappets ..... ut .. dolls._ 5,596,778 5,6U3,2l4. I 3,913,29,,[ 4,349,03.1 i 5,l22,359 5,'MO,~57 5,084,006 4,66!l,93~ 5,U-ii,124 5,270,0:,'2


{1b~ ••. -' 27, n3, lUi 7,747,959'1 G,.1S8,M7! 9,588, 781'1 14,058,55~1 20, 27G,G071 23,098,9581 27, 702, [;9i1 23,775,2'161 26,178,783 Allother ......... __ ._ ......•... rlllt.. dll: S'?' "909 3--" '1" r.r.-l'l"" Rl-'S·' 10°"9-"01 1010-00' l'-G4 n o3 8"00 1 12 7'°61-o ~'" 10,906, "-' ", 2, 11, •• n,;,,~ ~i .'.",J ,-b!,~~i ,i>'< ,0;, i ,~/, ". ~,o ,;rO'":...2:~29 ,V''' _ .... ~_~~

"----, I, ;, 1 flbs .... : ~:~, 9:~4, gUOi 13. ~u5, 2'271 10, t77, lORI' 14, O~15, S29,' 19,619, Q27 2ii, 851,2;;31 2!l, 4.28, 837,; 3<1,016,956


31,162,6361 33,288,378 'l'ota - ................... _ .... uut .. l,lollS .. ' 16,503,1301 'J,5SJ,155! 7,188,608 9,900,2-;3 13,297,223 IG, 290, 387, 15,211,071 17, 234,9U, 1fi,939,4X7: 13,038,677

:ThlnnUllleLufI""f- ,i-----'----I'---' i 'I I I I _ . , [Ibs .... : .iOO,94'i1 455,697 331,9U~ 41R,634i 460,5;;9 4S1'~~!1 451),075; 588,39[,; 68,1,4.9S; HOi,521

C:gaTs, cIgarettes, and ehero(lt~.I.lLLL -ldolls __ 1 j,141,36-! 2,0.10, 1HI 1: 551, 000 21082, .i;j0j 2,299,923 2. -1m, 21Uj 2,411, 7S:1i B, 271, 9561 ~, 054

1 011 4,028,107

A11 other ..•. __ .................. dut •• Llnlls .• !: ___ ._,~_,_44_8i 57,103L.. [;2,'1971 61,5491 64,21.1 'i8,8661 83,U39; 72,2~gl 79,8,18 79,062

T l 1 . t d tIll I .) 200 8-1"1 .) O~· ..... -' .... 1 16 .. ,0 'UU "1'3 999! ') "-'11"" -2180 '1"9!-'-' 1'9' -;;:;1' 3,.1'1'~!";::,li· -9 41071Uo on Wd:.lllUlt(.~.uroo;: _________ ._ 11 •. (0 ''S __ I -. ,': .. :-:1 -, ttl .•• J..t1 , \}u,il ___ ~I ... ::J. J t ..... 'U~!_.~ ,. J d! .... , . .... ,'--~t ... _Vu ~,133,8.1 " Ii'

'fo:;-s ...................... __ ...... ___ . ___ 'lut .. dolls __ ! ~,516,,110, 3,295,0;;71 2,2J..!,4~~1 2,265';,12; 2,923,9g,1 3,830,3111 4,02S,6ici

l' '1,232,0741 4,97;,38f 4:9~~:4m

Uillurell,,", pllmsols, and sUll~hade" __ ... dut. . dolls .. I lS,502! j7,3USI

i!!,6071 21,9331

:!2,412 26,9471

34,141 ,1O,2SHI

23,5IlU 27,022

{gll.!1"__ ·lU, 64,11 62, OOU, 3~, S4~', 33, om; 43 743 '16,030

1, 47, 703/ ~9, 7301 39,7711 41, DRI]

Varnishes .................. _ ........... dl1l •. d 11 ' ' ' i I' o .~.. 10.'>,;;;;1, lii'),m{ 7~, 702" 79,1Iil:. lOB, 98i; 1l!l,8SSi 127,583j _1~l,lHI 105,8\)8 1U3,22t __ _ _ 1=-0-"""""""=

4~'!., 9Mi 11iS, aool--l&l,.J.yyl WI7, (I~11 1, 0!J9, 6:101 881, mi6! 1,088, 1l65! - 978,187\ 47;,572

~~~: ~~~I_ .... ~~~'. ~~~ ..... ~~~: ~~~! ... ~: ~ ~~': ~~~! ... ~'. ;~~~;~ ~~~!, .. ~: ~~~: :~~: ... ~~.~~: ~~~: ... ~:~~: ~~~I"'" ~~~~~~ G~~: ~~~i'" --.;~~'-~;~ . ·---:,7~; ~~~i'" ",~~;': :,~.~: ..... ;;~: ~-;;: ..... ;~,;'- ~;~: --, --~;;:;,;;I" '~:i:'~'-~~~ . --. '~5;i:3;;~ ,"'- ?"\' "'<' 1""1 '99 ·"0' "1'- "011 "09 ~«'I "U" 67"' "')" 0--- 91' 41"1 ')4" "07 lJ •• I, .. f., ~ .• ~I, 1;)1 .... ~.l ..... i . '.Jlj ~' .J: :.;~- l.J 0, ill n. :', 011 ~,., ~J 0),,,-

~4~, ~ 7"1 1, 1~1, 37H ,;30, :120i~ ;;~, S611 371, nu: 7, li.~ii, lIi~i ~~s, 50.'i! 3, 1~6, ;;811 181,199 14",,,,,11 -1.3,154 29-1,391

j ;,1/, HolD 2'14,750 3,1100, ROt .io~, 440! I, 8,0, UO-I WH,004

:m~, 2,d 21:1, :1541 352,022 :lOr., 223 :J.~8,.tHr, 4HO,342! 1i:17,350: /jtr., Rr,H ii78, '1119

2;;6, 752 ~!39, 733; :r~_2, r.7~li an, Dn3! 306,971 5:16, 581 4f1~, 1iI:6/ 7"0,761 MII,736

~20,8~ ,j99,gug 5M,3U2 ~02,1~~i 923,506 1, 101,2G\_...2!I:\' ,8.; 1,[,;0.257 ~17.971

2, 1110, R;;~i 2, O~4, 60ul 2,178, 7381 ~, VJ", 0771 3, 71l1, 679 7, 039, ~3;;1 4, fiRl, 3;"i 7.008,f.tJ'1 3,983,272

7t;,1~;)! &'i,fiii6i-- o3,.wi: 1~2,479: 13;;,~83 168,19:; 152,524i JRl'294/' 1m,7oS

~(), 011'1 ~2, 313~ 23,53-11 ao, n-1 34,222 '1:,,75-11 42, t~'ili: .j(;, ~;;G ·16,434

~;;, 484 11·1, a1'~i.~ _ ~~~~: .. ~.~~:_. __ . (iill, ~mo' .~~H. f)Y~1 iiO~, '1221

·t9H, 9:ml ~S!), gil{ 494,215

Ye:>;elaule,;: 1 - lhU~h- - 613. 001

1 BealLl3.Hud dried Jlen!'c._ --- ... ---- _.dut.. ':='8 '''>0 dolls._ ,," ,.:;1_ I

{i'io""11.~61'5811 Cabbage"b . __ .......... ______ .. __ . .1I'C" .. rlollS__ [.,';,U4J

. jbush •. ____ ... ____ _ Omons •.......•..•••...•........ __ .dut··-[l 11' , ro s. ______ ._.' __ _

fIJUsh .. , 17r>, 210 Potatoes ......... -.................. dut. 'ldnlls .. ! 127,59.,

Pickles nnd sallre~ .................. tlut .• dolls .• 1 :l2·1, Bi7

All other-:-, I In lliclrllldurul smte ______ . ____ .'lIlL_'lTJlJ~ __ 1 fiR3,117 l'repared u~ lll'ese:rved. ______ ... _,lnL.(\ulll-l."! 7'!7,·j~\

Totul. ................ , .............. doil£ .. 1 ~,57ti, 850i

T' rg-alls--I 81,-U75 I' \meg/lr. _______ ...... ___________ ... __ .. <1Ilf __

1d 1_ I ." --."

DIS •• , -~, 0"_1 \\~H~tl'. not e1~l'Whl·rl' ~pl·(·ilit.'(t _____ ____ .rhlt. .doll.o.: .. ' ~7, H;~:li

' 1==== aln(~lutlefl ill 10.-\11 or.lH.'r dlCmiCHl~'~ nfter .1807. L III d11l1e,1 ill "All other yegetlLblc~" nitel' 1~97.


No. 7j!.-,iVTERCIIAKDISE IMroRTlm: QUAX'l'ITIES Axn YALUES, ETf'., YEARS RNDED ,Tmm 30,1896 TO HI05-Continued.

Articles. 181)(1 I 1897

"·00(.1, aBci. manl1taclurcs of: --1--" T:lilllanufnctured-

Cabinet woods- I )'I h {lIrfe(!t.. 17,367 I ... a ognnr_·····_·_··· ...... frec .. (lulls ... 813,On~ ]

All other .................... free .. do'l".. 886,103 ;

. . {M feet.. 315,·169 : Logs-and round tlUlher._._ ... frce.. I

<loU" • . . ~, 5&1,138

Timber, hewn, squared, or SidedrUb.lect..! ,,~,010 ,

" ~~::::::::::::::::::::: :~~~~:;h~:':~:~;l;~: :1 ..... ~~'.~~~.j



5H,,190 '\ 333,727


4, 7~~ 1 ~)3, 777


LlIllIlmr- I B~'tl·~", plo.lIkH, (ler,ls, and oLherl'[ 1 .. ,,,1.., IB6,198 I: R8:I, n~ ~al,cd lumbec ........... free .. doll:::; .... R,.jO;),'2tJ3 9,07~,2(i"2

Do ....•............... dllt .. {~~~~:~:: 3~~: 3,7~: I Shillgles' ...............••• flul ... {1f I'I' ··T····· .. ···· ............ i

do .......................... .

All other ...•.......•........ <I11t •• clolls •• 1 21. 7~;; 1~,97n , ffrce .. dolls .. 1 4, 1~1:289 4,70~,031

All other unmallll[Rctnrcd . ···(,lut..dOllS .. 1 l,26r. I ~~ i lIanufactures of- . I I

CahinC!twnreorholixolurniture .(lnt..jlOllS .. ! ~68!:-)22 2t.iJ.,240 i {loll •... ; 40, 14:1 I ·11, iill ~

'Yond PUJI). -.- -- ......... _._._clul. - (lolls .. J 1,0;)2, R'29 SOO, &So I

Al!other ....••... __ •......•.... .flllt..<i()l1~ .. : 2,09.~,25Q i 1,769,62'1 I

Total wood IIIld maIllllac.{free .. doll". 'Ii 17, U~O, 2081''17:" 685,9331 tare ••.....•................ ,11It..fIOil •.. , 3,5·:l2,7fl9 2,857,877

1S9~' "--'~~~' 11100 I 1901'! -;~-T--;'o;-- -:--~;~~---- .. ~-~~;_ i·----;----I-- t---- I --1------. ____ _

"J ".'" ~.~ ,,=: ".'" ... .,,1 """,! M.'" 790: 149 I 1,244,92] 1 J, 5;2: ;691 1. 752: 612 2, anJ., 4.83 2, 7Sa, 67!.' 2, 690, 38~! ],077.894 uoo,l:);l 846,356 \ 85R,-t33 t 1,~HOJ73"7 U!m"U2 1,2~l,6~ 1 l,..c;4t2'l9 \ 11 077,723

275,5<17 i J.98,19~·1 101,397! 8~,985 100,171 7:\,836 I oll,03H: ~7,306

2, J30,:~ t .. ~'.~~~'.~'\ ... ~~~'.~~~L--~~~~~~ .. __ .~~~'.~~~.l.. .. ~~~'.~~~ .: .... ~~~'.~~~ L ... ~~'.~~~ ~2,·.116 ' ..... _ ..• -- .. : .•.• -- •.•.•. 1 •• _ .... _ ....... _ ........ ___ ! ............. -.i .......... _ ... _ .. ' ..... . 17,118 , 18, OU:> \! ·16, 5·,0 l~, 810 18,027 ' 11,131 I ~3, 357 , 28,912 Ii' " .

1'~~~:~~: i:::::: ::::::C::::: ::::1: ::::::::::: ::::::::: ::: ;:::::::: ::::!::::::: :::::~:::::::::::: 245, :lIYl \ 423,9'28 i USO, ?16 : ·100,820 I Bc5,1103 720,9:17 ! 5M,23:l : 710, [>38

2,4-5,1,092, 4,20U,168 , 7,475,n<m 6,361,423 9,271,090: 10,673,317, ~,878,474' 10,906,61H

·mG,421 I ·171, 5941 MI. 040 555,853 I 707, fM ' 724,l~1 I 770,373 758,725

71l0,98-1 I 827, SSG I I, Oll, 23,1 1,1)28,18,1 I' :I, ;]62, 821 1,494, 9()" i I, 1l0'2, 999 I, 58J, -121

796,~43 ' 9R7,139 1 1,3·12,593 1,UG,;;OU, 1,~XO,973, 1,753,532 I 1,5-1;;,3&1 1,rrl9,314

~,200,lRS I 1,U72,2~31 2,l345,HIO 3,14!),l~J \ 8:300.622, 3,6Ui, 764 I 3",J2,058 ·1,087,21;;

14,57S , 20,110 I ", ailS 7, ·1-12 I (1,836 ! 5,018 i 10,01,; 1.;, 2~1 : ~ I ,

27·l,I;J3 i ~n;;,(H1 I 3n9,Ol.:J II 60R,~1.14 ; 71<1.,8;)71

9-t!,fJti7 712/i65 ·7a.~,22CJ 29,84(;! 33,319 82,44.1 46,7571 ii7,41ti lHi,~Hl, Hi, 796 167,50-1

'601, (;~2 I 071,500 I 2. ·10;;,1130 J, 086, 402 2. ow, 092' :1, S.~7, ;-;0, 3, j)(\2, 6681 J,500, g""

~::::~:: I ~:::::::: . ~:::::::~ I: ~::::::: ~::::~:: [I ::~:::::-;-:::::::~: I-'-~:-~-~:-:-::-~ (;,364,768\ 8,672,053 14,63~,34.0 12,811,rt2·i i.26~~":,534. 2O,4.5Ii,:l2": 18,56,1,180 I 21,698,798

c:.o o o


Wool, hnir of t.Ile clmlcl, goat, alpaca, nnd other 'I r 'I ' I like animals, ann ma.nufacttlres of.: ' II I .-,

UnmauuInctllrcil- I: Class I-Clothing .•......•..... free .. {~:~~;::t~::~~:::~ !2~~: ~~~: ~~: l~:~~~::~~, ::::::: ::::::: ::::::: ::::C::::::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::i: :::::: :::::!: ::::::: ::::

l)o .............•..........•• uut..?,jbOS1·1S.: ..• :I .... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.'1·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. 32,266,672' 12,~76,999137,404,243 iI

30,631,'175 66,131,670 142'?'02'1~1 :145.575,9931 ]O\J,888.~58 ClaES 2-Combing ........•..•.. ir"().·{~:~;~::i l~: ~~: ~~~ I :1:': ~!: :~~ ~:~~~: ~~~ : :~:~;~:~~: : :~:~~~':~~>:~:~~~:~~;: ::~:~~~:~~~:I::~:'~~~:~~~l:~:~;~:~~~J:~~:~~~:~~

nO .......................... dnL.{ldb,O"I--I.: .... il· ....................... : ........................ 1,107,917 2,15,';,-119 12,631,283 u,484,264. 6'091,024115'2a3'1~~'1 J2'931'~4312~:~;~:~;~ o 224,4521 587,061 2,633,721 1,Oi4,701 1,071,866 2,SBa, 435 , 2,R19,822 6,521,171

Cla.s~-Carpet •.•.••........... tree .. !lbS'··"1 9i, WI, 715 112, HI, .J1)7 5,188',313', ... ' .•.•... \ .•••..•.....••..•...............•.•• \ ......•..••• 1, ............ j. """"'" . dolls .. 9,·193,m;; 11,773,915 4i10"...8 ············i····· .. ····· ... -- .... -.. ·········· .. 1······-·····, .. ······ .. ··,········.··.

llo .... _ ..................... dnt .. fibs .•.. ' .•.•.........•..•...•... 77,843,029 Bl,6OS,7m 1105.M92.929 67,-117,766 94,354,272 119,70'2,5(;2111[',2.12,698 r lli,695,864 ldolIS"I"""''''''.~'-.~':':':':':'':'' 7,480,4'" 5,781i,8b2 9,G17!31l ~~~9~.9RG 8,712,003111,8.11,132 13,420.275 H,9-ll,70r,

T- j- 1 u[ t d f {lbs __ ··1230,\)11,47311350'85~,026 21,577,5&1

1 ........ -- •. 1 ............ , .. -- ........ ,'-- .... --.--. · .. -- ...... ·1 ........ ·--· .. ---- ..... . O.U lmman no·urc ____ ._ ree.. I do]]s __ 32,·J.jI,242 1)::l,243

JIUl 3,593, iG7 -------- .. -- .. -----.-.-- ... _________ , ... ________ . 1 ____________ 1 _______________________ _

n d CbS __ .. i··_· __ ····_·I·· .. __ · .... ·1l1,217,61S,' 76,7ofi,~09 . 155, ll'2S,45lJ 10:1,OMo,505 11fi6'~76'966 !177,137,796 _173,742,834 2~9,135,74ti

0 .. __ .... _ ... ___ • ........ ut.. I - 3?> 0- 1 - I 1 dolls.- i ...• ______ ••.••• ___ • _____ IS, 18iJ, 92.:> l 8, ....:..,8 .. 1 I ~OJ260,936 12,529,881 11,711,7881

2'2,152,961 24,813,591 46,2"2Ii:5fiB J..ID.llUfact.urcsof- ;----1------------,· .------.- , .

d."' j {"'J.Yl1R .. , 626,597 470,757 OM9,745 Ii 631,547

1 904-,206 8;;8,9.'il I 999,91~ I 1,079, 731 1' I'H,n321 818,850

Carpets an carpeLwg ........ , OJ t_. ' 1 dol!~ __ .. 893,91~1 782,955 1,79<.\ 13'2 l,759,fl(1li 2,748]79~) 2,705,659 3,-i4.7,7iG t 3:758,u16' 2,707,308,' 2,877,093

Clothing, ren.dy·made, find other we;]f-! _ i· ing apparel, except .hawl. alld kniL i'l ,- I tt,brics ....... __ .... ____ . __ ..... rluL..dollo .. 1,296,006 - 9&1,68!) 76),181 832,668 9J2,619 l,lifl,126 I 1,330,219 1.922,484 1,300,O'J5 1,372,14;;

{ lb~ __ .. 3tl,7S1,572 27,8.;0,311 5,06'! .• 261 , ·1,092,Sil8 .1,924,106 3,781,207 4,7:lH,Ulm 4,7IH,223 '1,046,099 3,746,6U7 C]oths ........ ___ .. __ ........ __ .dnt .. dolls .. 21,886,528 17,OOi,2n 3,965,677 3,909,466 5,129,529 3,968,ZlS 4,800,838 4,864,099 'J,1r.s,fiOi, 3,977,Dii9

Dr,,", ,goods, women" and Chil.{Sq. ydd __ "20.350, 835 b22,()~8, 5~l6 29,125,529 1 27,098,584 25,343,998 25,379,909 32,81;8,042 41.438,596 43,857,599 4;,170,270 drens __ ... __ .... _ .... __ .... dnt.. dOllS .... , 19,920,925 16,787,241 G,03ri,OSO 5,905,5oIS r>,~n,0~5 5,:179,251 6,404,017 I 7,:>13,725 8,205,835 8,612,663

Kniti;thrics ... __ . ____ ... __ .. __ .. duLdolls .. 2,541,6n 2.ij31,O,'Q \ 38;,2691 1;25,793\ 495,961 111,127 .571,565 ~ 670,';71 ,>15,7'17 224,383

ltlnngo, Jlorks, slit>l1dy, noils, WOOl{l])S .... I ........ ·--· ... -- ..... -- 1,574,2621 :lH,r,40 I 4~j,R51 581,266 249,638 I 333,686 218,618 277,223 ('xtrncts, I'ags, and wa~tc _____ duL_ dollS_.I_ ... --------1-------- ____ i .14.a

l813 7~),22-! Su,H87 18J,6;12 m~,U53 I 9"2,328 52,697 8G:978

'j t {lb< __ .. ,i 16,770,1176 '4.1,24M,1I0 I 1.721,4.89 1 .......... -- ........ ---- ·-----··· .. ·1· .. --...... ·1 .... ---·-··· --.-- ........... -... ----Rags. IJOJ ~, and wa::: ft _________ frce__ I . ~ ,

Do .............. - ••.• -. -- .•. dut. -d~~~~::1 ~: :~!:!: I ~: ~:~:~~ i: :::~~~::;~:; ::::::::: :::1: ::::: ~:: ::: :: ::::: :::: :!: ::::: ::::::1: :::::: ::::: I::::::: :::: :i: :::::: ::::: • Not separllLcly specified for 18DG and 1897. b Pounds.


No. 'r2.-!\]ERCHANDISE IMPORTED: QUA.N1·ITIES ANn VALU],l~, ETC., YEARS ENDlm JUNE 30, 1896 ~ro 1905-Continlled.

Ao·ticle.. ! 1896 I IS!'; ! tS!lS HI!I9 1900 I 1901 [. 11102 1903 1004 1906

W<!o;'-. -h-a-:ir-o-r-t-h-e-ca-m-e-1.-gm.t. alpaca. and 'other! /" '-I 1---'·' like ILmma1s, and manuIaCIUI'es oI-Continueil. ,I I

'1Ianufactul'es of-Conenllcd. ,'I

:~,'.:;;:,~~;;: ::: ::~::'l::: ;~: I ~:: i::::~~: :~~~:~: I~~:i ::~7: ,:~':?: :?:: ~': ,r {lbS.... 2'023'009Il'84~'~f>'3 331,889 I 1i3,R70 185,262 \ 2Si,355 402,150' 361,885 159,739 183,211 "urns .......................... dut.. dolls .. i ~,~~,::-1 ry ~56,:.!~ I ;~o,~7 i ;011,6:1 1~I),688 :~\l,54() ~96,48G I 190,110 !12,925 12g,7!16 Another .. , ..................... dut .. doUs .. ! ~, 14",239 _,699,_1 JDG, I~O, 564,30-1 628,9~9 008,103 n20,405 472,177 .l7il,600 547,li11

ToW =nofu_~"""""""" '''''"'''I~-r ,",m, m 1-","'"' m i;;;",,-.u~i H, ",", '00 I n, ,"", '00 ",~,"" n, 'M, ".1 n, ~', 00.

zm~::::~"?~~==,""~:::gJ,:,',j,'t~":I,:,:,,,,,','~:·:~t,.~.j,,':".':':.,:.:·::",' ~E . {lbS.... 688,707' 1,602,;:'0',- 3;250,960' 2,lU,g28\ 2,998, 116 1' 1,362,5191 1,028,033 7:!4,928 'l 920,315: 935,618

In blocks or p'g", llTH1 old .......... dut.. dolls.. ~2, 7fi~ ;\7, 3.:16 1~7, 033 90, 004 lr.~, :!7S 5~, 2-1.1/ 39,377 23,700 .n,030 i '1'1,882

ManuIacturesof.. ................... dUt..dolIs .. L .. ~3,99~ _----=1,0;;41 11,69-1 16,6~7! 19,639 _ .. 44,m21 45,910 ~:!,HS! 12, OM I lii,41S:

. TotlL1, 1101 illelmling o"e ....... dut..dolls .. ' 36,749 78,400 ! 13S,727 115,641 nt,9121 103,156 I 85,287 53.Z3i:I I ;;s, (m I 60.:lO0

. Jfree .. doI!s .. : 869,7661 m5,470-I' 1>J!),921 i ~73,~il2 075,3941 1,314,680" 1,903,!l22 2, GSO,7ii'il 1,329,47911-·-:!~37-7;4iiO All otherll,rtlCleq ............ · .. · ...... ·lctut .. dullg.. 1,02;;,R08, 7Q.l,917 ,~g, 770: 1,181,707 ' .. 1~OU'l,242 '- , .. ~ 1,.J.08,420 2,190,240, 1,Og9.2.~6 1,260.612

Tot.H.I vnlnc of imports or merchandise: : I---~ .- --1-·· ---I f r I' F f "' . d'll' "69' "-- 4"0 0°1 nss "1" '2"1 1111-' "0" "-9 ~10 36'- ""G 8"G 'J3n "0'0 "an sna ~1~ ~'-1 '.,.. 180 n-9 .-. 1"0 "'0 "I" 'j? 309 .reoo (...I.IUY ••••. ________ •• ____ •• __ •• _____ I) .... ;) '1,;:)1, I ()o,'-' , ... ·0 i1,' 'l I;) ~ i.J,_J ILl r I,_v I I)) ,' •• ."V",U,'I.I " l;,.r ,I.,; '_Il.:l 'i ... v, Jill '':IQ':t, iJ ,~':t (1/,':lt .... , 6J

Dutiable .................................. dolls .. ,109, YB7, 204 382,;92,160 324, G35, 479. 896.868,679 ,482, ml, 31R '183.51.;;), ,196 [50G, 502, on 599,538,258 1536.957,131 GOO, OiO, 7G9

GY3.nd total .......... __ ................. tlOI!S .. \77;;:72~,i&l, 730,412 ~~9,05~1G!i7,148.4;}-II\4~.1823, 172, 1()5 :903, 3'~O, 948 1,025,719,237:991, 081, ~il 11,117,513,071'

Per cent of lJ:ee .... ____ .. -- ... __ .. --~ .. ~~ ...... · .. · .. 1 47, 421 4Y. ~4 47. SO 43.07 '13.21 I 41.26 i 43. ~3 '11.55 i 15.821 '16.30



Article". ---------- 189. 1_1898 i 180~--~---~~-1--·· "" I ''''' I >OM r'~-_-i_1_906_

~:7~::ral impiements --- ---. -- ----l~~~----,;,~~~:>. ---. ~~:~~~-::: ::::::~~J -.. ~:~:~;/:::::::: ::::: :::::::::::;: ::::::::: :: :::::::::): :::::::: :::1::: ::::::::: ::::::::;:::. C,~t'tl" .••••. _ ........ _ ..... _______ ._free __ {NO-l--'· 204 62·1 1,(115


' 1,2·19. 1,928 1 1,481' 6f;..! 2,314, ~u do] ~_. 24,360 76,631 95,353 20'2,615 273,728 375,091) I 1:l5r S75I 79,986 93,084: 118,iW8

DO ....... --- ....... --- .... -... --dllt.-Fct~;~:: 2,~:,::~~ 2,~~:~~~ 2,!~:~~~ 2,~;::~~~ Il.::~~~ 1 1,2::~~: i 9~:~~~' 2~~:~~~ 3~:!~; 4::: Horses ...... __ ._ .•....•...•.••• _ ... free . .fN0 .. -- 69~ 800 1,ot,; 1,284.1 1,910 2,9-14: 2,803 2,6M 2,853' 3,377

. 1,lu.1l>.. 97,058 145,4[,6 2~G,252 357,272\ 714,623 1,273,607' 1,191,611 1,0'.Hl,5UU 1,lti9 011, 1,266,987

{No _ .. _I 6, 299 1 2,!l85 1. 975 1,818 I 1,875 1,888 I 2,196 2,092 .; 3071 2, 644

Do •.•....•••••••••.•...••....••• dnt .. ,tolls .. ' 367,.5U 269,443. 254,79S 23\.>,320, 271,115 :103,627 344,685 369,691 40~'0;2 ~19,688

Sheep- ....................... -..... fl'ee··{~:I-I~::1 3~::~~ I' 4:::~ '1~:~:~ 4:::~:! 4~:~: 4::~~: i g!:~!~ ~::~~ I ~~::~ I 5~:~~~ Do ....... __ ..... _ ...... _ ....•. __ UllL.{No .... 1


403,251 38D,267 343,515 379,365! 329,456 261,894' 299,8~6 236,841 j' 184,7'121 2:l~,Uti8 dolls.. 957,028, 1,063,517 1,153,949 1,316,702, 1,187,288 910,047 !l\l8, Be7 791,991! 65\J,402 OUG,408

All other,inclucling-fowl"-_ ........ rrPH •. do!ls .. 1 141\'3,81 155,967 183,4731 1\).1,980! 198,330 30'2,098 i 316,173 365,0(;4' 391,:175, 422,2:17 AlloLhel·.ilU'llldiuglh·epou!try •. __ dnL.dolls .. j 61,744 I '~3,7141' 81,rhi91 116,6581 127,177 179,767' 182,891 176,2421 191,7031 '206,721

TotIlL .......... _ ..........•...•.. {free.-d01l8.-IWO,43f1 420,009\-----;;21,210 I 800,191 ],2:1.>;,671l11,997,464

1 1,771,696 j,55S,931I: 1,fi98,789 ---;:;861,51il

Antimony: r1llLdOlk'l 3,985,019, ~,253,2fi6 _ 3,715,315 U,~~7~ 3,~43,2~S~,y~U67 2:~6~,149 ~~~~~75 _~,~3~,ti651 2,O~2~87~ Ore null. as regnlus liT lIu-l,d . _ ..... free_ ·fbS""1 1,464.60S: ... -.•. - -... 1--- -.. --.... J. --' -.. --···1-.···· -. --. -I" -.... -. "'.' .. -........... -. -.... ", .... -"""'i" '" --..••.

f {~~:~:::! .... ~~, -~; ~;~; ~~~- .. ~;~;~;~;~t·;:;~;;~~;- .;;;~;;~~. "~:~;;:~;~'i -.~:;~;.-~~ ... ;:~~~:~~; ... ;; ~~: ;;~"( -~:;;~:;;; Ore .........•.. __ .. __ .. _ ........... _ ""e._ 1 II I . "63]' '1 "92 I

, (> S_. ___ • __ ..... _, 78,510 40,362 1l5, H5 '10,140 _ " .U ; 95, 554 ~ ,I !iO,95·1 . 53,4.87

o. 1 '11 It {lhH ... _ -····· .. ····1 2,230,902 2,310,728 3,538,751 3,70.1,.185 1 4,6,8,·199 0,15U,-176 :1,930,879 'l,523,2~1 7,OIll,SlS A,,,,legu us Of me ·a ~ .. -------------( 11 -- d II I 1 • 1"\1 "78 ""- ~7-' 276 (164 '180') 2S'J 1")-0 -Q7 ~U5,rIHL' ., , os _______________ 121,'10 I,i) """V,I'i. " -"""'1 ''''',f... ONO i)12,":;2i 795,39R

Artielu8 the growth, produce, anll manufacture of II III til" United ~tates returned. not elsewhere sppei· . , li:'ln_ ...... .- __ .. .- ... ___ .. _.:._ ......... frep. .. dOlK.!· 3,370,107 I 3,7H3,241 0,541,3211 '1,5<14,1i65 6,431,867 [,,815,628, 7,170,573 9,899,'170 9,079,12,1'1 11,134,912

ArLlclcsspecmllYlIDported .c........................ 684,1021 5-17,550 62ti,~4Q: 032,141 ~W,386 1,960,0171 965,037 1,038,370: 1,C,47,357 1,300,527

-See" Spirit.3, di><tilled."


No. S2.-l\IRRCIlANlJlHll hIPOR1'lW: QI'AKTI'l'LE::l AXD V,ILVES, ETC., YJ~Al!S EKDED ;rmm 30, lS!li TO HlOfi-Conlinueu.

ArUde". ! _ 189tr '1091:1 11>99 II 11100 ! 111(;1 "\' .~~~.~- T 1!I03 i ;~H-' ';--;'000-'-:--1-;;;--

~~: -. ! '- 1--- - 1-'-' -',- -'--'," --- r--- --_. --.-Thel'l'Odt1CtiOIlOfATI'CriCUllsrnst, .. free .. <lOllg .. 1 .(,.124,lii81 'jOl!208 'IV~,8f)7/ 344,1l7a I 481,102 8:-)6,623 2~G,{j211 001,311 I 385,258 7Gt),t13B .Allolher __ .... __ ..... __ ............. <1l1L.dOliS .. , 375 l,fJ62,219 2,040,12J 2,2(j1,2181 2,R28,4:14.' 3,17r',U131 'l,oi3,tj89! 2 ti::)],t'nl ~ a,9-JIJ,066 4,1-J1.849

~:;:~~l~;~::~'~~~::::~~d ............. frce .. dOlls .. i 191,09. 30:,0;'0 I 2\)(),R88 i 2g3,3'17: 427,2\),~ 752,0751 '09,6~7! 071,050' 706,015



GrUde .............................. frce .. {tong .. i ~2:,~:2 1~,44~ j ...... • .... ·I .. · ...... · .. 1 ........................ , ............ ······· .... ·1··· .. ··· .... 1 .......... ..

Do .............................. (lut .. ~~O~~~:: " .. ~~~: ~~.~. ~:~:~ / .... '~~:,~;,~':"" ~~: ~~;l' .. ~;;~:.;~~ ..... ~~;: ~;~ ..... ~~; .. ~.~;':"" ~~,;~: ;~;i';'" ·~;~:;~l .. ' .. · ;~:;~ {dOllS.. ............ 26U,765 . 2~4, J20 I sua,201. ·197,10·! I 428,8i7 I 12~, 4&l : 51-1, ~g7' 538, 57~ I 317,09-1

lJrierlOl.Il'IVllllCC'I,filldfOCk" ...... dllt .. ltons .... · ......... I ............ 1 9,3~g, 30,41<11 1~,2S91 14'30~1 23,74';' 22,374: 20,030, 7,385 ., . ldolls .......................... 1 • 40,U2() I 105,f!94, 99,O~3. 62,505 1~3.1i'22 12f!,4~R 111.(;31 . 74.699

A"':::~?~~":'O:_::::-::'::;s::: •• ::.:.:.I.....i: ••• : •..• :. : •• ::..:; •• ::::: •. : ••..• ::::::....:\ •••••• -..:.........: '::E Bllrk,hCmlOCk ........................ f'.C" .. Jcon]s .. ! 28,983' 27,()3~; J:,~j5 2~,~01 ~~,7941 2:'9~11! 17,040 1~,1~1! 13,511! 7,41l7

[dolls .. , I~S,O~l 100,3061 62,004 ~~,~:o I ,,,,,418: 103,9.,0 75,283 ~~3,460! .~,:811 35,860 BCIl(lRfl.Ddbeadornllments .............. dUL.'lOllS ..

1 9,O,2b3 813,294 1,O~5,OS8 1,111,6,0 I 800,H~. 919,405 812,076 1>2,614: 60'",-151 867,277

'Ib- 1701,017 2;2,09., ·!52,OLliI 21~'~131' 213,773! ·IOB,,061 48R,5;6 425,1681 3i3,5Ii9! 587,617 ~:~::::.e~; .... · ............ · .......... ·ire: .. td~l;~::: ·13,339 72,m' 10Q,Q;ji I 51,526 55,E8·1· 1l5,03i I 12i,220 116,8i8! 101,1~1' 168,014

•. ' l' I r,loz.bots .. ! 4D3'O~91 210_,r,~r, I 36,,8, •. :;9 .. , 33i,9~7.. 3.-_/O,O.-,G_·~ I 3._18,784 1 .3,~O.,.~r. ',3,r..,2,7:0, Ii R,~.,7fJ·.' r :18,460 GUlgcrn_e()rglflgerl1p~r ______ (llt __ 'l".OII'· .•••.. : .. 1"94-0 l' "'-- 2"°383 2'9 f ""- ;')u ··1 '188 "H" 06" '6163 1 "30091 , ", I ~"';';)" I '00, .~ ,~OU I .",0<.' _II,.: .U',.I..", -, , '0' _i>, : 0',

All oth~r ........................... {~;::::~::::::I ~~:~~~ ! ..... ~~:~~~.\ ..... ~I;:~;~· .... ~~~:;~'!' .. "~~:;~~'I"'" ;~: ;;~.: ..... ~;:~~;·l ..... ~~:;;~ .1 ..... ~~: ~;'I' ..... ;~:~~ {lb~ .... : lti3, 100 ; 1;;O,104n: 1 i3, ,"(}~ 1 l.~i, 681 I' 151.i, 652 1 .162,739 ISS, ~()8 ! 161,240 15;3, fi68/ 247,0.56

Bismuth ............................... free.. I I , no' ~!I [l'- )n- "(I() '0' 4-1 <> 8 (10]S __ ) 18S,1233 , 15·t:791 20·1,473 ~:!Z),r:~-t 251,101 2U2,.57, _·~·,~o'l :":"1;),,,- ~;), 1_) 1)7,65~

Blacking ................................ dut..ilO]]s .. : 13ii,~09 9u, 7~4: 5,,~~O I Ou,642 I 69,5~O I Gl"ii9: 70,590 i 45,5Ii~ I 40,7~'1 31,881

~:~~~~c~~~~:~:::::: ::::::::: ::: :::: :::: :;;~~: :~~~~:::: ~~~:~;~ : .... ~.~~: ~~~.:., .. ~~:'.~~~. 'I···· ~~~'. ~~~.: .... ~'~~: :~~ .11

" .. ~~:: ~~~.' · .. ·~:~:r.~~·I .... ~~:'.~~~.: .... ~~~'. ~~~.: ..... ~~~'. ~~~ nou~s, '"orus, a.nd hoo!", ']l,m,mnfl\ct'H~(P: I .

....................................... iree .. d[1n"...............m,~,l-l '~04,9;;9. ~30.06.3 674,:;68 I l1~,634' 1319,230 536,~G61 9~6,505 i 1,0l,'!,,~51 Bonc""'lhmn,lnll.".nitlo.i.nrc,IJL ....... unt..(loll;< .. ; 1·1,,111:7 J.7~,~19: lSl,il~ i ~71,SIJ3 ~0l,.116! ·!~n,8tl.l 2·12,0I;1! ~·J9,;;15 ~1Ii,205: ~61,74t)


1, ROo, 471., I

1, ;17:1, :230

1,.;33,907 1,3,15,085

'BrSl.!,;,3, n.nd mnnufnctures oi: .

R1"fl~8, fit only for TcmanUfaCtllrc .. frce .. {~:;~~~~ ~~~~~~.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. ManuIllcture.or. .................... dut..dolls.. 147,130 35,096


1,3~3,30~ I 2,192,151 I

255,028 ! 55.185 :

2,010,660 ' 1,551.!)fm;

~, 204, (i-!tj 1,5S"fl'90

4 51.13 8'1-1 i 3, 36i1, 893

, 500: 1~6 ! .j?,::;, ·lftO 21, 81~ : 2tl,~17

2,621,570 1 2,609,lS1 i 17~)(r;lG17 i 1.930,6i7 1

2,~6::!,'!13 2,153,801 1, ,70, 772 1,.'310,1:17

8,28S,G-tM .J.,R67,6!9 2 n-., ~m 1 I~~,I. f>,767,0,;"1

283, 832 1 68;,544

56,796 I dO, i31 Y16,152 .1:)11,531

·17,23·1 4:},746 Brp.ar1st.nff~: t --- _. r

. -' :--:-:-==:-=--:-:-:1

, {bU<;:.h I 1,271,;87 12-!,80;' 110,475 18!},/Ct7' 1"71,00'11 llarle)' .............................. dClt .. 110;1"::1 39-1,740 43,863 53,696' 91,040 8-1,073

corn ................................ dut .. {~:~~::i ~:~~~ ~:~~~ ~:~~~ i ~::~~ I ~:~~: oats ................................ dUl.·{~~;~::1 ~~:~~~ ~:~:~ I~:!~~ I ~~:: 1 2~:;'~: i Oatmeal ............................ rlul, .. {lbS.... 1,525, ,109 287,910 298,764 23-1, 9591 ~O~, filI4

dolls.. 32,742 15, G97 17,740 1 13,499 i 11,56;

{bll"h 72 32, 938 402 ; 330 1 46

Ry!) ................................. dut •. dO;iS::


liO 13,323 982 I 366 33

wheat. ............................. dnt..{llll"h .. 1,53'1,117 2,Ot6,590 I 1,871,101 316,968 600,212 dolls.. 1,1.6,337 1,948, 28U 1 1,107,625 240,496 .Jl8,327

{bhIS I 2~ 260 2,744 . 905 717 (1.12 Wheat flour ........................ (lut.. "I doll, .. , 9,91-1 12,230 4,057 3,771 3,430 I"

FurjrJUce01~R ~nhsl.mlces, awl preparations of I (sago, l.u.piocu, e~e,), riot elsewhere speciJierl I ................................... free .. doll~.. 249,()35I 19n,829 20:i,515 411,029 443,333

All other, anrl prepamtionsof, used a" iou<l, not cl,cwhel'e "I'ecifierl- I

};I~~:~;~~~t;~~~~i:.e.I~~~~~~.~~~~~t~~{~~;~:: :::::: :::::: :::::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::::::: : ::::::::: ::::.: :::::. ::: 2~:~~~::~~ ~:~~~:~~ All OLlie' ........................ tlllt .. rlolls .. 1 897,0751 917,~g9 851,000 1,02:1,226 1,078,9%, 1,3RO,6M 438,~63 613,916,

Total. ................ ,' .............. dolls. ~1:y~7:1~~-:-3.lii2.007--;:544.7G5!l;so3,729T-2,05~:· 'i~295 r3,~3,!60. ", 3,247,5031

llri5tlcs: 1-,', I' I .-Crude, not wrled, Imnchcd, or pre·JIb ..... : G30 1,203 21,421\ 27,140 51,539 40,537 34,239 11,Z.U

Plll'ed ............................ frec .. lclOIlS .. 1 385 1 416 12,399i 22,3301 22,810 28"J.(6 13,069 10,976

d 1 t J1h~.... 1,H'17,270 1,533,887, 1,,~35,15(; I ., 503,01S 'I' 1,633,036 1 1,~72,572 3,009,806 2,576,615 Rorted, bunched,orpreparc ----.-(u·--ldoll~ .. J 1,216,7~11 112'18,70:~ i 1,·!.!5,~3 ;:1;\0,537 l,707~8S71 2,018,885 2:641. , 53;' J '~,3;j6,3%

IJO,708 b'l,O~W I 45, ~45 3U,546

16,633 1.5,..1.43

1 10,837 10,623

170,881 3S,773/ 5"7,802 18,626

235,819 3Q.1,668

14,201 16,361 32,512 20,,;:)51

20,329 : 13,576

6,852 S: 10'2:,585

7,517 2,769,317

46,851 40,SOl

164,100 176,513

695,9'22 701,525

57,406 : 56,462 33,~'21 : ~O, 201 18, ~78 ' '10,919

13,'118 : 29,966

25,812 : 1~7,41G

12,085 ; 45, 8~9 236,931 I 227,1)81

13,628 13,685 88 838

'iJ7 430

118,612 1,077: 424

78,64.0 669, .Jl9

·120 601 2,610 ; 4,489

54.i,938 618,221


2,083, R:l3


6,557,34.7 i I

~:I 2,461,464

2,366, H'l

• Included uuder "All other "fLicks" prior to M99. b See" Hoofs, horns, etc.," prior to 1698.

3,000,326 2,599,O~ .


1,763,380 143,UM

18,049 ' 9,803






16,625 5














27 686,357



Articles. 1189'1 1898---'1899 1 19~1- 1901--1-'1902 ~;~)-:~-. 190,1 11105 "'j- l~)Ot)

Iim,"", mann'ae t~'ffi of _ - --______ -_____ dnt __ dol1,--, --;;9, ,;;. - ---~O-:;'81- -- 558, 4721 778, ';;;---~~7~- - 871, ,.;1- ,." 938 7&1, "" BOG, ''''' --;19,912

Brushcs ................................. IlUL.dOllS .. ' 782,802 745,267 890,629! 977,51311,1(12,38;) 1 1. 151,OlG ! 1,245,671 1,372,227 1,306,,146 1,357,114 BUrrstone, rough or unmanufactured .. free .. dolls .. I 23,509 23,00S 19,9681 21,687 38,515 26,292 I 10,528 24,775 33,160 35,162

Buttons and button forms ............... (lut .. dolls. '1 950,061 I 435,669 ,151, 3~n i 592,501 5;:;1. ·1\12 951,020 I 1,190,207 S!J2, 012 ~O(j, 178 873,211

Cement: .Roman, Purtlaml, and othed1bs .... 939, JOO, 8G6 1797,648,183 ,834,421,118


,942,568,687 638,7',0, cl!}!) '42;], ~H-1, 1.W '.1,110,522,7G1 tHO, 291. '%.'1 ~182'754'1361;)92' 963,827 hydraullc ............................ dut.·ldolIs .. 2,972,350 I 2,578,2821 2,776,336 3,270,916 2,198,.Sm 1,478,-1521 3,5·17,914. 1,!J9a,:~03 1,27G,597 1,302,239

Chalk, unmanufactured ............... free .. {tons. '1' 63, ;:6 ! ~:, 3!~. I.. 5:, ~67 92,615 9:, 7~!i ~~' ~\:l: 1 106, ~~~ 124, ~~9 ~8, s.~: 110, !55 dolls.. 48,.)04/ Gi>,]~o, 4,,2191 86,511 flG,9G6 1'),210 98,6a2 114.,,,/8, ,,4.,:'5111 I 110,<111

Ch 1 {free .. dolls .. \ 32,10G i 2,404\ ............ · .. ··· .. · .. ·1· .. ••• .. ··•· ····• .. • .. ··1 .. ·· ...... •· .............. , ........... \ .......... . arC~!l ............................... dut .. doUs .. ! ............ :............ .................... .... ............. ............ ............ l'1,S44 478 42,856

ChemlCals, drugs, and dyes: I' , . .-----------: ' .·U.izarin. and alizari!l colors or dycs;{IbS.... 6,148,268:1 5,872,015. I 5,227,0981 5,984,991 4,517,722 G, 509, 938 I 4,311, 01G 4,670, 259 1 4,078,933 3,882, '178

mcludlllg extmct 01 madder .... frec .. dolls .. 1 1,022,970! 886,332, 700,485 I 768,464 708, SSl 1,027, 02G I (l59,835 Ga6,702 G25,076 625,491

Argal, or argol, or crmle tartar .... free. '{~~~~~~II 2~: ~:~:~~~ : 7:~: ~:~ i~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~:I::::::: ::::: :::: :::::::: : :::: ::~::: :!:::::~::: ::: :::::::: :::::T::::::: ::: ::: :::::::: A I.. . 1 ' d {IbS ............... -; IS, 461, 479123, 300, 762 I 27,339,489 28, .'i98, 7S1 i 29,276,1·18 ,! 29, 9B6, 557 24,571,730 26,281,931 ! 28, HO, 835 .':>.rgo~,orwlne ees ................ nt .. d II- I' -,,- ~91 -? nss "~6 4'" .) ')"3 "~. "~,, O"~ I ..,". oJ') .) "( "I r o s ............ :. 1,0_0,8Iv 1,914,4;)0: _,i> ,693 _,4" 8.;. 1 _,_ti ,;)u~, _, ,,,4, -I ~,,);)0, __ 3 _,.o.J1,9.)1 2, 3D8, 061

Bark.s,.cinchona, or other, from whichPb:-:· .. · i 2,532,499 2,935,100, 3,281,977: -l,107,358 4,858,90,1, 3,723,303: 3,978,850 3,605,131 4,251,869 ,1,Oi6,:i53 qumme may be extracted ....... frce .. [dolls .. 'I 142,512 273,228 i 346,5iG 1 563,065 1,025,546 i 6-l9,764 ; 549,753 I 501, ai5 570,725 383,7213

Coal·tarcolorsllnddyes ............. dut..dolls .. 3,196,478 3,689,21413,799,358: 4,890,072 3,881,045 i 4,~)51,;)4G 5,30-1,tl95 i 4,918,503 5,705,091 I 5,755,596

cOChineaL ......................... free .. {lbS.... 142,261 158,055 • 97,563: 157,917 114,·U4 i 188,821 1l2,7~41 1G2,3G2 84,3321

111,007 dOlls .. ! 41,9·13 45,762 23,207 I, 31,211 20, '114 I 24,865 24,215 ! 64,246 1 36,876 I 53,4-1G

Dyewoods- ,---- ,

{tons .. I :33,362 4G,596 I 37,375 I 48,188 54,793 [,2,657 51,008 4.-;,491 3:1, 5B i 37, a13

Logwood ....................... free .. dOllS"1 611,010 . 741,455\ 546,2741 628,464 864,986 774,380 748,550 I 663,572 444,82-l 496,551

{lb~.... 5,562,264 4,084,672 I a, 183, 864 3,350,768 2,9'22,141 2,991,631 3,723,133 i 3,145,770 3,436,642 3,390,316 Extracts and decoctions of. .... dut.. (lolls .. , 21l4,8/38 256,176! 219,192 221,182 195,647 213, -1.04 267',371 ! 269,777 299,036 290,179

Allother ........................ free .. dOllS .. 1 119,716 17-1.,3,'16: 222,967! 233,998 213,812 171,120 401,819! 5SS,.93-! 77,751 109,515

Totaldyewoods ..................... dol1s .. 1,015,594 1,172,017 i 988,"33 1,083,644 1,274,4·15 1,158,904 1,417,770 i 1,522,2S3' 821,6111 896,245

. {IbS .... 112,717,098 12,~74,987!15,G05,252 27,943,106 20,369,712 28,576,400 35,295,575' :>1,078,·155 ;27,010,2551'34.122,953 G1ycenn ............................ r1ut .. d 11 '118') 0"9 ~~4 ~Ol\ I 102' 1<)1 ·_),1.".).~.) ... 14 1 "'7) n"" ') 'v., "']. 2,\.I:'!~/:8()2.1 > -'3 "~O I > 0-" 011 n 30 83 a ~.-l __ ' _~ __ ,_,_,_1_"_ ' '-t, " :t, 1 .... :..,.cO_ .... ,l);)O,I):...:J _ .. ~ _ :"",08 ,-( :...., D ... : :::, 2,1"


Gums- / 1 I I hI b' [lbS.... 686.670 942.23D 928.0-59/ ~tll.36ti 2.315,079 4.209.251: 3.9m.oo3 ~,8IiO.O"1 3.6i",1,u.H I 4.055.233 - a ,e •..••••.•••.••.••••••.... free .. dolls .. · 85,807 1l4,94a i 116,382 lla,Oll 241,660 3·ll.71-1 265,306 186.623 190.1m ! 232,715

Camphor, crude ______________ frec._{·lb" .... 1 1.469,601 2, U47, 234 1 1,807,8891 1,789,580 2.175.784. J,S3l,o.'i8 2,4.72,440' 2,819,673 1.90[,0021 1,668.7-1-1 dolls .. : 332,748 365. 6521 3~1. 100 : 485.071 738,875 57G,405 764,403 !'74, 695 638,744 I 608, 440

Chiel & d {lbS ..•. , .........•...•.••....••. 2.445, 061 12,2()7,992 :1,140,768 4,574,605 ·1,232,217 5,081.680. ::.,060.1661 5,641,508 e ......................... uL .. dolls .. !............ ............ 36.1,051 :1.i4,720 753,696 936,065 i 951,389 1,308,540 I 1,357,458 1,495,366

Copa!, co"rie. and dammar& .. iree .. PbS .... : .............. -...... --., 18,126, 228 23,8~9. 342 18,166,296 20,5'23,109127.653, 9":!8 ~O, 5G5, 507 , 25, 6S7, 762/ 20, 44R, 703 luolls. -1- -0 ____ • __ ._ '. _______ 0_ __ 1,844,779 I 2,598,194 I, D~, 251 2, 261, ~OO 2,938,75-1- 2, 127. ~8 I 2,493,438 1 .. 91:1,668

G b" .. r flb~._._~ 31,3-::1:9,5-15 j 42,3.'Y, 590 38,123,478; 38,882,9-10! 26:813,587 ~ 2SJ4-53~S021 -12,537,3-18 ~7,857~05ri ~ 32.192,731 31, 278,-185 am lel·,orterraJajJolllc"" ..... ree··\dolls .. ' 959,501 1,021,341 754,49, 1 910,639: 824,539' I, [62'233


' 2.03t.511 1,231,782' 1,112,660 1,llB,mO

Shellac ........................ free.y"s .... ! 7.151,.159 6.984,395 I 9,~30,111110,621,~5J' 9,ft08,7,1f> 9,IlM,7R9 11.590,725 1O,U3S,41~ 110,700,817 15,780,090 • lrlOlk.ll.082,401 939,361/1,397,635 1.408,103 1,277,123 1;605,068 2.713,687 3,505,2291 3.743,180 5,107, 54?

All other ........................ free .. dol1s ..


3.~:~,790 2,599,391 1,070.321, 1.014,936 879,990 861,49"J., 923,517 917,81;;: 1.091,869, 1,423,088

Total gums .......................... dolls.. 0, ,,,,,.2-17 1 5. 040, 6~8 i n, 868, 765 6,884.704 6, fi39.13~ 7. 74'J.183 \10. ,19·1, 6~7 : ]0. 171;i:i82 ' 10,630,481 i'""""ll.9OO,7:l4 Indigo ..................... __ ...... Iree .. {lbs····1-3,522.oio·: 3.097,340: 3,127,31'i7 I 2.746,9H I 3.139,063 3.007,673 4.532,458: 5.046,014 4,S:0,:30 / 7.3~~,~~3

do1l8 .. 1,mr,,641·


1,815.411: 1,698.583 I 1,·146,·190 1,102,891 1,035,9S0 1.202.451: 1,282,4()7 x,3,181: 1,0".,1-.8 J '. '.. f " {lbS .... \ 62,370, 337 70.1~6: 591 , 91:>.432.319 ! L06, 333.199 100,10;).654 109,077,323 : 88.5-"0, un I SU, 4[;3, ],';2 10~, -113.892 ' 102,1;'1, 969 ,1corICe root .... ,_ .................. r"' ... dollH_. 1.022.6;;0 1 1•101,621 1.566,830: L.66;,256j1,7S7,097 1,926.903: 1.3,u;,1671 1.47~.3~3 1,71>0,109: 1,661,-15-1

Lime. chloride of, or bleaching pow<lerl1hs .... UV,274.138 6.720.638' ............ ' .......................... ··· .... ···1· ...... ··· .. ·1. .. ····· .. ·· ............ , .......... .. ............................... - .. frce··ldolls '1375560 9Q 487 I I I

D 1 {lbS.·.::i .. .' __ .. · ..... 107,51~:9-;0 ~~;:~~;:;;~. ~;~:~~~:~~~·I~~~:;~~:;;;· ~;~:;;~:~~~. ~~~:~;;:~~; .. ~~:~~~:~~~ .. ~~:~~~:~~~ .. ;~;:;;~:;~~ 0 .................. _ •.•.•....... ( ut.. dOIiS_.I ............ '11'329,433 1,1.19,271 1,46.[,019 1,~71,.Q28 1,788.354 1 1'126'666


772,532 776,28J 879,260

lIIinera; waters. all not artincia! ... free .. {gall._ .[ 2,':19,fl04 73, fi~~ ! ........... + ........... 1 ......................... ' ................................ • .. ·i .... -- ..... . ~ r~:::::: :: .... ~~~:~: 1 4!!':~~~ i' .~. ~~;;~~~.' .. ;: ~;,~: ~';~'I";: ~;~:;;; ... ;:;;;:;~ ... ;:;;;:~; .. '!;:~;I;I:;~;' .. ;: ;;;;: ;;~T' ~.'~;;:~~~

)Eneral'''-uten;b. ___________ .... ____ uUL...... I • . , I I ' . .. _ ... ... ....: .....

l'lolls._............. 441,058: 596,337. GG2,022 700.8i7 710,220 804,76,! ~60.618 i 8·11,097: 9,8.6~j

OjJi~%~e or unmannfRctnre'l. .... rree .. {Il'"····: 1.07~.n'1 14,414 :········ .... 1··· .. ·· .. ·--1· ...... ····· .................................... j ........... + .. -...... .. .'lolls_·1 2,184,72; I 32,340 ............ ' ....................................................................... , .......... ..

flu, .... , ............ } 109,.131· :;13,'1W, 544,9381 583,208 531,189 516,570 573.0fi~ 5!).I,680 i ,169,387 Do····· .... ·· .... ····-····-·'.1I1t.·lcIOlls .. ' ....... _ .... ' 233,267 1.223.951 1,123.756 1,250,726 1,216,202 1.01.9,909 1,2w.1l5 1,162,46111,1013,683

Prcl?n~cdfor slUoking, nndothercon.}lb, .... 1 D7 061 I 100,258 124,214: 142 479: 117,581 160,415 212,1<13 142,813 159,380 138,649

~~l~~1~.I~~~.I~I~~,~1.:).~1~.':~~~~~~J~?~: d0I1" .. :~2:8G1 i~2,341 R29,203: 1,065:9651 972,582 1.139,_557, 1,320,527 1,09!._9~~, 1.169,9-18: 1.296.G~9 110 Sot enUDleratcd prior to IB9!?, but included in ·'All otlIer chemicals." bQl1u,ntity ulLer H.l05 stated in d07.f..m qUllrL'i.


No, S2.-jHElH_'lTAlmISR JNPo.RTlm: QGANl'TTIES AND VALUl!:~, ETC., YB.\HS ENDED ,Tu~Jj; 30, 1807 TO 1906-Continued.

---- -- ----------

CIlemicals, drug;, "n<l':t~:~~:onlinlled. 18117 -I - ~8;'~ 1800 1900 "~"~~Ol -~li-~90~_' ,-~9-~3 I 190( 'I 190il 1906

Potnsh-- . JIbs .... ~,985,212 630,340/ ................................ _ ... ,' ....................... .1. .......... _ ..... _ .... ..l, ........... . Chlomt"ol.._ - .. -.... - .... !fce·· ldoll" .. ! '1;;'~,095 ,

Do ... _ ........ _ : .......... Aut. . {IbS .... i ............ ! 4, 2~~:~~: .. ;;~~;:;~~ ... ~; ~~;;;;;' i "~;03~;~;;~'I\' .. ·~~O;3~:,· " "'~~;:;~~l' "~~o;;~;'II"'" ~~:;~~+ ..... ~;:3;~ dolls .•• ----- .••• --1 268,4::;2 174-, 21.)2 93,532 62,74.4 63,263 :=;8,791 I 11,960 I 2,992 4~41JO

. f .' __ . _ .... 1're~ .. [lb ..... ! S\), 560, 413


'118, 000, 20,1, %, 856, 26~ 115,276, gOO 1~ii, 956, 2'12 'L37, ami, 72l L72, 452, 331 1158,313,110 ;203,094, 090 211,87G,8G9 ~rl>rmt" 0 ........ -. - - 1 I 1

ldOll""11,1.00,GO~ 1,817,~21 1,309,915 1,80-J,2fi4 2,046,286 2,1:ll,R28 'l,624,606, 2,407,957 I 3,239,044 3,360,7-71

M't L • ,"t t 'd f [lb, .. - 19,719,876 1~,92o,9861' 19,98i\,fi();i 10,B32, 836 11,361,113 9,387,079 11,790,·115 I 13,518,301,' 13,200,816 1~,'J92,5;;6 ",1 ra e 01, or 0;1) pe l'r, em c .. tee. '-1' I \ dO:k' l n" ,108,7:1 _ 270,29~ I, 4~;9,81: _ :~~,739 . 288;897 i ~ 2~1,:30 :lR,n:," ~ '?~6,52.6 i 368,~7 ~"'1(l(\,4"~

Allother ....... __ ....... _ ... __ .free .. {Lb-- ... , _il,83f!,0'48 i 3D,90~,41D 39,8_8,201 I ;}j, DO_, fj98I 06,105,606 1·1,923,13, 79,190,264, d., fi19, 219 181,039,5_1 : .. ,9&1,692 dOlk_1 632,203 _, 893,132 f_ ..!~~,fiijl, 1,269,63-5. 1,'17~,084 J,616,084. 1,625,036 i 1,617,351 i 1,8:1-1,779 :~12,015

TotalpoLllsh ___ ... __ ..•... _ ......... dolls .. ; 2,899,U6:l', 3,289,10'l i 2,~8G,4~6 i 3,437,160 I 3,870,01.1 4,0;6;505 4,606,9481 4,403,794\ 5,446,602, 5,583,739

QUinia, ~IlI,phate 0[, Itnd all "Ikaloid~ or{ozs "'1' 3,517,8-J,l i 4,372,477 ,-3,978,421 i3.313,"19\ 3,660,022 2,~:265 3,373,3811"3.88-1,9211' 3,039,440 4,750,692 ~altsofcmchona bark ........... frc" .. dolls.. 5S2,945 , 896,008! 9-19,1041 !lSl,300 1,12~,;jtii 801,400 752,172 852,104. 671,310 740,331

SUd:US!-iC ............... ___ ....... dllL-PbS .... ! 66, -17';, 1;;2 ! 29,697,185 ! 18,405, 2n 1 11,429, 989"!" ii, :_;9,O~9 4,297,850 2,657,751 ,j 2, 94~, 70g'l 2,190,820, 2,212,899

ldollg .. 1,147,763! 476,032' 253,297 177,857; 106,:!4~ 100,557! 66,176 74,0721 ~U74 \ 56,286

,-- t L • f Jtona .. ; ," ,A3,3n - ~25, ~~1 I , 1:2.' ~l~ :84, 24~ _ • :~, ~09 • ~9:, :121 1 ~ :~:, OM ::3, ~:4 I 282, 229 ~73, 986 ... 'lraeOI---.------------.----.l'ee--ldlJll~ .. ! ~,(j-lO,3..'391 2,720,750 2,OoJ-.t,80.J ·1,/36.80,; ,0,1'16,566 .'l,u6D,361 1,,3,,405 9,2oD,0iJ61 9.683, 396 1 J3,117,887

'" L 1 1 h t JLb" ... .olSl,4,lU_I03 .-._ ......... 1 .............. - .... : .... ! ............ _ ••••••••• __ i .................. ·····1···········-'-······ .. ··· •. a ~oc lLan( ~O(lafiS • ___ • ____ .du --l nil ~ I I \ I I

dolls··1 1, "A,OI~ -" .......................................... --.( ..••••... "1' .......... ' .......... --: -. -.... ··--T· ......... . Sa] .odn .. ____ .. __ .. _. _" _ .. _._ .dllt.JIbs ... ·i· ........... , ~, Pol, 011 : 4,2.'1,\,650 6,624,314';), 191, il~O i 3,ii60,4(iO! 4,083, ~lGl, 3, 705, 93~! 2,001,54>1 \ 1,5~3,0'1"

ldo115 .. ·.·· .•.••.. __ 1 4U,2611, 20,~mi ~1,Oi2 i 2.'l,~~9 i 21,6R4 ~ 23,2981 20,850 I 18,3M! 1:1,794

SOllali~h .......•... _. __ ......... rlnt_JlhS·- .. l--- .. ····- .. ' 8'j,~09,(jlg I 45,-14-1,:10;,) i 73,ii71,870 I 3·1.4~1,~~ ~ ::!7,6Bu,7.)7 . 2·L688,62j i 19,663,34:9117.930:3761 9,527,238

l<lO_ll~ •. >.~_ .. ~.:,.:;_: () ~~91~!: I.). 310,7~: I'~' ~~:~,4~O ~ ~~~,::S j .' ~U~,:Oj ~ ~ :o:,20~ I· 1:8:7;j~! lG6:~i9! 92,2'~1 "'-Il -I n- '-1- fIt {1l,, ____ 1 <',91..""," i _1,"OO,Q~D. _d,Rm,"';) _;\ io-J._, 3,4 I 16, "",""111",42~,281; 1/,IOil,fi1" JO,5,,0,4'1~ '10,0·4-1,341, 11,999,50'2 - O • .I ...... h~11 .. 0 • __ .•••• _ •.•• _.(u._ ~11-.1 p.- ... ~!I .J.,;- "1 i ,"- () n "-1 - .j- .... ., I· • -,_. ("]- ... .,) • - .. 1 ... - ..

no ~"i __ .~~;_ .-=~~~.!.~/.03... ,)1-1:·:1-0 :_ .. ~~_O:...!~6,_:=m ._~~l,;}L:) . __ -_/R'3ut.:.I_ .~O,a/O ... .J2,20u

Il'ntnls0d~1. ____ ...... _ .. _ •. _ •.. _ .•• _ •. c.lon"i •• ! 5.1i~).R:;,~ : __ ~~.~~11:390 1 2,9;,r).7~1 I ;).DIl."l.til11 G,a;')(j.~-I6! 6.~2~,:J~7 \....:._3-1.o.5~5.i 9.:-;~J.(ili~.J ,~J."!n3,(JG:l ]~:;:;;2"1l'1


. . {tons .. , 130,1331 172,R89 1~8,68~ I 155,399 159,7111 lSi,4S0! ISt,IS0 169,172 91,464\ 88,808 Sulphur, o~bnmstone, crude ...... rrec .. dolls .. 2,183,G07 3,193,528 2,370,.1.19 2,711,912 2,875,104 3,;)82,881 3,519,370 3,231,023 1,686,197 1,597,003

f. h" .•. 'llS, 6l>'l, am; I S, 301, 23!i 12,975,970 10,335,980 7, ~~9, 606 9,182,917 12,858, 5'!7 18,604,644. 15,58:;,334 15,131, G39 SumaC'., ground •.................... dut.. dolls.. (1·j8,OA8 'I '00,20" I i

_. ~ u 183,136 228,17i HlH,mS 145,776 1&7,186 276,801 225,031l I 2~7,309

., til b jlbs.... 16~,001 63,997 272,174 25!J,W6 248,988 361,739 521,689 550,328 608,116 I 852,505 \aD a eans ..••....••............ frCe··ldOllS .. ;,· 881,81i5, 279,755 1,23,5,412 1,209, 334 1 875,229 8.59,399 1,032,054 1,424,647 871,442 1,321,550

Allothcr.~~ ________________________ {free._dOlls_- 5,59-1.43-11 5,291,584 5, 137,u11 6,053,756 6,025, 344! 6,508,228 7,074,·193 7,633,72i 7,S15J 709 ]1,411,07~ dut. .dOllS"I"' 057, 068 5,080,421 5,125,050 6,530, OS7 7, OIl, 015 I 7,468,861 I 7, 5iJ5, 560_ ._.7~9fi.1, 429 8,266,701 8,749,512

T • 1 h . 1 t [free .. dolls.. 31,307,867 2(;,773,522 25,170,201 131,35-5, 75\) 32,347,150 r S3, 748, 670 [ 39,486,329 40,866,042 39,853, &.>9 48, M7, 325 o"e. c ellllca St e c ........... 1, _ 13, G40, BE.:> 15,697,709 17,511,803. 22,349,393 21,161,007 23,974,952 24,86-1,870 24,427,016 24,025,730 25,905,339

TotRlfr.ce RIllI duUable ............. <10115 .. 44,048,752 41,471,201. 42~ 681,.~.1 r,:l, 70fl, l~~. 53,508,157 . 57,723,622164,351,199 .65,?\14,558 64,779, ;,,9 74,452,664

'''';::.::;",'''''' -- ---- ----I:,;;: '", :::: I "::: :::::-:~ -:!:~::: ::::::: :::::1:: ::::::: ::::::: ::: :::::: :::: ::: :::1 ::: ::::::: DO ••.....••......••.....•...... dut .• {ldbols.lS •••••.•••.•.....•••••.••..• '. 139?",4906~3i 159,269 1,216,518 511,093 238,272 1,411,202 1,138,218 3,340,913 3,4.01,066

_ ~B ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~m .~ •• Roasted, ground, or otherwiEe pre.{lbs ....

pnTe,l ............................ dut .. dolls .. ;

Chocoln.te, prepared or maTIllfactureo. not{lb~ .... 1 including confectionery .............. dut .. dolls ..

399,008 • 362, 520 335,347 384,957 442,311 845,597 298,671 631,267

13,899 11,299 11,061. 12,941 17,493 11,0(;8 10,~51 20,176

992,288 1,124,615 149,800 201,439 10,7;·1 15,673

196,173 264,122 lOG, 260 116,757

738,819 786,514

1,209,012 69!),824 718,84B I 525,221 1,78·1,061 141,892 101, 5~'l I 12,350 83,077

214,7G2 62.),761 160,217 187,158

1,036,977 1,211,66-1

Hl,832 28,002

409,731 203,8'<;;


420,480 27,943

393,23-! 195,125


489,626 621,239 2,182,684 2,369,235

2,672,810 I 2,990,474

30,878 10·1,073

690,095 516,809 22, 395 20,560

2,692,251 2,9M,504 617,377 702,717 36, i83 67,290

608,968 19.3,396 200,4.45 240,699

1,222,814 1t 483,278

486, 766 539, 793 2,479,730 2,565,313

2,966, 495 I 3,105,136


1Y3,005 36,708

113,526 207,OM

943,021 133,201 62f,107

. . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .................. ~ ............... ..


No, !il2.-MERCHA'I;"DISE T,\lPORTED: QlTANTITIES AND VALUES, :ere" YEARa ENDblIJ JUNE 3D, 1897 TO 1906-Continued,

Art.i.clc,~. 1897 18118 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 lOOn 1906

Ooal and coke-Continued. -----------1-------1------.1------1·------.1------1·-------1------1-------1--------1-------


1 umlnous .. __ ... _. ___ .. ____ .dut __ B 'l . {toU".. 1,287,977 1,273, 3'll 1,258,784 1,707,076 1,977,238 1,9-11,422 3,61D,285 1,946,323 1,522,152 1,820,U87

4,367,750 158,262

dolls.. 3,553,876 S, 401, 3111 3,595,793 4,476,032 0.381,471 'I 5,310,450 10,562, 18.'i 5,043,824 3,713,748

Coke ............................. dut .. ftons.. 27,293 37,100 51,435 "6,'148 75,104 99,485 122,,,:;0 123, 1.24 831~~,'408018 ldoUs.. 71,692 112,022 172,540 I 232,555 309,594 359,370 414,017 493,570 u 086,484

nbs .... 31,·100, GJ,2 25, 7l7"1~4.·. 85,51.2, ~(j,4. 41.,74.6,872, 15,9:',1,,35,3, 1 51,379,396 63,351,294 72, 27.7,~ 73,815,895 80,117,102 Cocoa,,CtUde,andShell~Of .. frGc·_JI- '1 '" ~ ~ r'

dolls .. 2, 997,8uu 3,'I92,O"D fi,06·1,IU3 O'6~7'2S316'41_'82U I 6,656,504. 7,820,0!l7 8,873,IU9 8,li77,649, 8,697,515

Cocoa prepared or Illilllufnctured .... dut .. tfll!s.... 1,4110,'159 I 8:15,824 I 1I~6, ~19' 1,012,368 977,003 973,970 1,00!, 76611, 0011,082 87-1,87S 1,055,031 , ,JaIls.. 413,60-1' 2'JO, 844. 1 295, '113 1 ~13, liB] 288,840 29,),921 292, 6~2 300,409 259, OS7 290,141

Coffee ....................... __ .. " __ .frce,J1bs .... 737,645, G70 870, 5~4, 15b \8~~, 827, 063 7~7, 901, 9~1 :854,871,310 11,om,00t,2:: 191J, 086, ~~o \9'JO, O!3, :84 ] ,047,792,98·1 861,668,933 ldoIlM.. 81,5-14,384 65,067,63] 150,275, 4iO : 02,467,9.3 I 62,861,3991 70,982, 1D" 159, 200, ,~9 G9,501, 199 84,6501,002 73,256, lSi

, • ] {lbS.... 2,373,245 857,810 I 992,39n: 1,262,659 I 875,420, 400,527 , 450, fH3 ·162,378 244,327 439,2'27 Cofi'ee, .. " ................ l ut" d I I 09 2 ~ "o,~,05 ,oils.. 87,670 29,562 36,370 4!),029 88,3541 20,4. I 23,613 I. '3,483 15,40 I <0

Coins, me<ial~, and nthe, m ela llie Itrtieles bestowed 1 ns trophies or prizes' ...... ", ...... iree .. dollH.. 300,116 29,141 8,5901 !l2,4-53: 6,3791 9,102 5,762 i 10,5,860 8,637 17,486

Colloction, amlnHluufucturcsof ....... dut..dolls.. 262,615 160,836 2'19,619 i 378,.583: 27::,.161_;_ 213,6631

178,144.1 _. 2·10,501 166,479 272,426

Copper, and mnnuf,wtul'cs of: - I ._-\ )'------------{

tonsgroOsweight"... 3,'121 &,64B 10,292 36,2051 75'0451 98,617 i 269,126 295,451 286,755 242,367 or}e, malte, !tnd ,regu, coppercomeJlt~, lbs .............. "" ...... " "'.""'."1'"'''' __ ''' __ ............................ __ ...... 132,699,456 44,131,S60 52,932,308

us ............. ,ree.. 1 I

dolls ............ , ..... ; 541,868 71S,4~1l, 1,9~4,30~1. 3,032,133.J

]0,641,253: 14,003,840! 3,3H5,524: 3,466,3611--.:,892,96= 6,727,861

Pigs, ilar8, inl!'0rs. phltcs, old, and .o,ther{lbS .... , 11,501, ~H2 . 4~,7::, 9~~ ! 30, ~12,66: 184, 6B3, 7941 61, ]61, 3451' 74,80~, on IH~,l~l, 262 i142,~9':rs I 146,g03,S~ 171,001,9.57 unmullufactnred""" ......... uc"" dolls.. 9D9,8~41 3,011,830' ·1,,93,69;:> 12'410'90119,909'481 JO,923,0l311,,4,9,284iI8,],9,QtSI19,84J.,561 25,764,515

;lfanu[acturesof ..... "." ... " .... dut .. dolls.. m,8U 42,730 I 39,O;;S 37,560 30,932 4~,93fo 25,9631 S5,S2~ 100,9H 70,957

Cork ... .-oo;:':~l~:r~ ~:~::ding are .......... doUs .. ~~I'_~=~~~~li' ~2,7illil' ]~,.~7, 470, 9,9.10,46:1 '1 10,968, 9.Jll ':1!,-1" 505, 2'~! 1R, 215, 4.12_1_19, 942, 511 ~~ Unmanufactured ................ .:rree .• dolls .. \ 1,313,40~. 1.152,~25 1,1.4.,802 1,.11-1,825 l,72!l, 912 1,816,107 1,'737,366 i 1,484,{051 1,729,113 1,837,134

:loIanufacturcs of. ....... " ......... dut .. d.olls ... =.~28,243J_. ~l 394,5Gfi=.~~~., 541,0S.~ . (;48,827 830,2141.. 810, 733 _~:'O()~ 1,4~~.17: Cotton and Ulallnlactures of: " I '. - I I ; I

' {lbS ..... 1 ulJ 8,;)S,02G 52,G60,2f.i3 fiO,lGS,HiS I ()'7,S9B:021 4G.631,~ 9g,7IG,6BO 74, 8i4, 42G 48,840,590 I 60,(j08,M~, 70,903,633 UlllIlanuinctured .............. , .. ITee .. dolle .. \ 5,88-1,21;2 6, 019, W3 5,013,116 i, \)60, t'45 0,787,828 ll,712,170 I 10,892,591 S,5H,MO 9,'U<l,750 1 10,8i9,592


W fI k f {iU •••. asteor uc·s ~ ______ . ____________ roc __ doll •.

Manufactures of-Gloths-

Not .bleache~, dyed, col~Jrell'lEq. yd •. stamed, pamt&d, or prmtcd ............•............ dut .. J dolls ...

Bleaehe'l,dYCd,colored,stained,!Sq. yd •. pllinted, or printed ..... dut .. doIl5 ...

Total cloth •...•........... dut .. dolls.

Clothing, ready·made, m\{l oLher wearing appl1rt!l, not including knit goods

:i 57 ~:n()= 242 :

17],691) I

3,177,241 273,654

'13:;' 937, l)i~ . 4,404,02'1 -------

_ 4= 677, 070

6,728,290 , 6,022,42-1 I 7,899, 328 1 152,455 210, S56 214,447

1,520, lOS 1,250,932 3,061,790 .120,767 107,023 357,604

43,258,291 51,196,236 61,9SG,003 5,313,683 6,649,014 8,1[;6,301

.. 5,434,450 6,756,037 8,6;t3,005

u,182,177 J.4,S23,M.5 23,207,520 20,857,3S9 24.,S02,860 26,0111 667 189,020 496,061 806.062 845.82J 1,241,874 1,856,042 ----.

1,612,267 772,011 1,322.007 1,415,612 1,309,308 1.878.628 1911, \149 86.386 .156.545 159.102 155.695 216.711

39,150,760 45,440.314 59.998.185 50,032,691 46,210,012 72.778.701 5, 92R, 658 6.934,393 9,013,092 8.144.383 7,794,179 11,719.880

6,126.602 U. 169. 637 &.303.485 7.949.874 11.936.591 -----I

...•............................ dnt .. dolls. 2,627,222 I 1.050,554 1,027,306, 1.231,231 i 1.529.966

7. 020, 7791

1,656,513 2.247.903 2.605,035 2,380,658 .i 2.910,382 Knit goods: Stocking"-, hose. hali hasp..

shirl.". omwers, and all good:; madp., in.sl1· ioned, nllrrowecl, or shaped on knitting machines or frames, 01' knit by hand ................................ dut .. dolls.

Laces, edgings, embroideries, in'seJ'1.ings. neck ruiliing8. l'llcl1j[)g:::, tri.mmings, tuck­ings, In,ce \'r' i ndow curtain8, and other similar tamboured artidcs .... dut .. dolls.

Threncl (noL on spoolsj, yarn, wal'l's,{lbS ... or warp yal'u ................. dut .. doll5.

All other ........................ uut .. dolls.

Total manufacture. of ......... dut .. dolls. Dinmono" "nd other precious stones:

Diamon(]s7 lIDcut, inelllding miners', glazlt~rsJ I

0,596,703 ·1.034.483 4,336.269 . 4,71:;,762

. ]2,573,207 i 11,768.704114.650.015 1.9.208.]65

·1 1.titi4,217 I 1,817.970 2,3~15,974 5.272.491

·1 6.J.7,38~ 687,9991 849.819 2.098,058

'1 8,307,1601 4.291,110; 4.53;;.988 5.528,218

.! 31'42~,363J2;,267,300 132.054.434 41..296.239

and engravers', notset ........... lree .. doils. '17,865 b2.517,769 3,678.266 3,891.226

DiHIUOJld~, cut butIlo~'et ........... dut .. dolJs. '1,937,944 '4,438,030 8,497,:lli4 7,590,045 Diamond dust orbort ............... free .. dollE.. 83'3'51


. 1~8,80r. 415,479 621,832

Other precious stones, uncut ........ ire~ .. tioll~.. ...... ...... 22,802 39.928 61,907 Othcrprcciol1s HtOT1l1H, cut but notf:ct, iIlclmling

na.tural pearls ..................... dut .. dolls .. _ d 686. 780 ~_~~, 456 2.141.106 2.403.048

Total ...................................... 1_2,75.0.9491. 9.149.85. 14,772,063 14.B59,018

-Prior to 1898 tb,is clnss embr;"~ced (,Dins, old, nnd other allLiquiti~s. b Iuclwle8 (Jut di!LIllOllds !lud J eW\l!s for wntchea and CLocks.


20.235.209 3.725.256

1.746.723 5.147,138

40,246.935 ..


11,680,823 788,726

M.a03 !

2,134,080 I 21 •. 2~.4. 462 .

5,363,~15 6,157.744 6.044,691

22,·119.311 25.ll0.081 24.848,764 0,006.190 6. 76!. 937 6,000.638

1,921.71S 2,421,729 2.261..924 6,0-18.25; 7.355.661 6.560.347

44.460.126 52,462.755 49.62-1.216

6. 1M, 853 10,933.188 8,776.418

12,73"2,670 16,574,698 10,028,462 785. 649 ; 827, 996 I 662, 489

66. 783 ! 46. 368 ! 89. 490

6,150,481 7,218,897

26.011.684 34.022.460 5,025.331 6,111.644

2.204,1M 2.598.724 4.323.082 4.351.269

-----------48,919.9SG I

10. ~~O. 91;

17,019,530 447,575 278.783

63, (J.l3, 322

10, 570, 65d

2·1,282,897 133,752


4,403,919 4,926,069 i 4.069.759 6,624,701 6,258,412 ~-'--I·---'--

24.1S.~, 87'~ 32,307,219123.626, (jOB , B3, 761. 606 I 40,330,76=

-Includes diamonds not elsewhere specified, cut or uncut. dIncludes uncut Bud imitations of, cut or uncut.


No. S2.-]\1ERCHA~ISE hIPORTETl: Qr.AN'l·I'l'IFJ~ AND VALUER, };'I'C., YEARS ENDED .TUNE 30, 1897 '1'0 1906-Continlled. -----_. --._-- ---.'

Articles. \ 1897 1R98 .. ..1 1R99 1900 1901 190' I 1903 I I 1906 1906

E th --. -_.., I ._-""- 1.,_1~~.~ -I

ar en, stone, and china warp.: I .. China, porcelain, parilln, and bisql1e- I I

Not decorated or Orn!lUlentco ... ont •• dolls.. 1,,;13,474 834,226 1,012,829: 1,081, 6B5 1,OOO,BOO 955, n17, i, 072,744 1,337,381 I 1,171, M4 1,113,690

Decoraterlorornam"nlCd ....... dllt •. dOIIS •• ! 8,0Si,H3i n,f>'i\l,4Oi II 6,270,105 \1 7,176,6-50 i 8,003,687 8,309,011 I 9,003,8;;2 10,193,072110,038,072 11,401,3[;7

Allother. ........................... \illt .. dolls.. 370,380: 273,727! 321,025, 386,921 I 408,286 414,72.8_:_ 135,11i6,~[j61 !.~0,OO7 __ 362,475

Tut!Ll. ......................... dnL.oollLI 9,977,:~97 i 6,687,3601 7,60a,miOT 8,615,265! 9,472,869 9,6~O.1!l6110,512,052! 12'O!J~,O~4_! 1l,65Y,723. 12,S?7,52.~ E d {dO' "'Ii 580,1181 I '166,alg·1 225,180 1

0 ··~1-:1;(O:'!!l=1 126,520 3S~,07~ I 36S,:8~ I,' 40.6,8'2" I 35,2,303 241,034 E::;;;· .. ····,······· .. ················ ut .. dolls.. 47,760 'I' 8,078 \ 21,300 8,741\ 10,515 3,,43~ 20,,57 '1' 61,4.58 1 38,541 21,200

ore ................................. Iree . .Jldtoonll"9·:·I 5,961 '1,429 7,999) 9,S77 14,909 6,'1.71 7,198 8,037 10,629 9,817 -- 122,6711 i 8-1,1321 138,81l1. 162056

1' 288,5!J8 136,mS 131,&15, 163,021 .]69,484 227,4.01

Grain", /Lnu ground, llulvcrizeo. reflned,{Jbs.... 583,253 I 17.;,771 707,lS5 i 703';:;9 71].1,771 1,1>20,741 3,198'10212'090,8851 2,67B,191; 4,112,004 ormannfactured ....... __ ........ dut.. ooll... 21,584 i 20,700 I 27,9921 28:3171 30,337 56,817 87,264 90,932 I 12U,600 I 186,008

FalL" ! I' \ Cornmonp~lmlellr .. --. ........... Iree .. '{OO;I··· ............... -- ....... ' 9~7,fllO, ],376,682' 7:~',66~69 905,50911

1,130,:1'0; 1,471,678 829,150 I 71,197 do s .............. , ............ ; 4.1,510 fi9,19-1 y 4.7,063 69,403: 82,4361 60,9931 5,693

A1lother ... _ ........................ dnLdolls.. 359,4bSi 311,266! ,3i3,095 ,186,053 399,547 5~i,197 5213,4.00 I 547,73,'; I 424,964, 461,542

Feather" cte., natural and artificial: , I ' I I F~:!~~,~~~r~~'6~~ai;:f~~tll~~J{!;~: ____ ~~:::: l.~'. ~:~~'. ~~~ -I 2, ~~:: !~~ : .. ;: ;~~: ~~ '\"~: ;~~: ~~ ... ~: ;;~:~;~ .. -~; 0;;; ;~~ ... ;; ~~: ~~':";: ;~: o~~'\'--;: O~~;;~~· 1\" -;:~;o; ;~O Feathers !lno downs, natural, (Irmsed, COloreo'

j ur manufactureo, Ilnd dre~seo and fini,hed birds .............................. dnt .• dolls... 712,610 /7·1, ~59 i, 828,457 I 117, 265 7~, 9i3


SO;, 6ii2 266,121 171,339


' 138,621 ; 927,8i2

Feat.hers, ilowcr8, fruits, grains, and ICtt,es, I i I I artir.~ial. ........... : .............. ont .. dolls .. 1 2,13S,215 2,2-1R,1~3' 1,927,':;23, 2,225,202 2,075,552 2,770,705 2,422,121 2.·182,496 2,369,015

1 3, 090, D80

Felt,tLdheSl,e,forslleathlllgv6sSels .... free .. (!0Ils .. · In, as; 17,951; ~I 26,8g3~~; 32,645,_32,5l2..j

26,847! 32,3tl, 26,275

Fertilizers: • (tons.. 7,103 .\,563\ 4.,210 4,756 4.,(;90 \ R.7® 16,'2a7' '.!!~,S'i2' :13,400 II 18,147 Gnano ................ - .... -.... ---Iree .. l.lonS.. 91,836 ;;6,806 43,610! 56,966 36,&171 H-l;599 201,416/ 319,793 516,851, 208,560

. {tons.. 9,931 9,810 1 114,954 t 110,065 141,7iO: 100,59, 152,703 I 110,2-10 128,967 i 20,027 Pllosphate., crude ....... __ . ___ .... Irce .. dolls.. 65,420 59,726 409,226: 504,492 81.6,641 'I 791,45J 639,OOS! 608,406 750,21R,' 10"2,170

hllotner ............................ free .. (lOllS .. \ 954,'276 1,25-1,001 \ 959,18S \1,136,528 1,376,9;7 1,490,708 2,2";9,852 i 2,5i5,52i 3,257,631, 4,135,630

'l'O~\1\. .................. _ ...... i!e\.\ .. d\}n~ .. , 1,1l1'\)~;!,1 ;,.~~,~~~\ ~,.\<Jl,\)l\l\ 1,\i\)';,\l8\j._~l,~~\),n"i. 2,12fl,75ll, 3,1l10,2i6\ 3,503,726 4,524,700.1. 4,446,360


"l:~~~~~:~~~:d_~;;: ,,"'::::: I U::~~ :::::::::::::1::::::::::::1:::::::::::: ::::::::::::i:::::::::::J::::::::::::i::::::::::::i: ::::::::::: - {tons.. 1.710 3.750 6.174 6.967 , 6.878 7.772 8.155 10,123 8,OS9 8.729 DO •••••••..•.••••..........• duL. 'lolls.. "64.1.250 948.585 1,306,520 1,U46,274 1.880,717 2,094,915 :.1.028,012 2,541,874 2,260,421 2.327.300

Hcmp .......................... free··{~:~;s:: 63~:~:~ I 13.~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::1::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: DO •.... _ .................... dut .. {[ons.. '6 •• 2649 i 3,718 _3,941 3,400 4,057 6,054 4.9191 5,S71 3.987 6,317

dolls.. " 516.605 477.108 450,269 622.814 1.013,911 I 821.261 I E69.260 638.325 906.808 I t1 'J . fib f {tons.. 6,313 2,56S ·1,419 5,7'18 2,334 7,819 14,670 13,622 1?,607 13,914 .8 e, or nrnplco er ......... ree .. dolls.. 335,841 130,>:94 28.:1,177 475,090. 163,566 495,254: 1,086,6~2 1,100,014 1,405.184 1,283,311

J t d . b t . {lOllS.. uS, 550 112,306 83,161 I 102,693 103.14.0 128,963 -I 79,703 96.735 98,215 103,946 u ean Jule·u t8 ___________ .ITce __ doUs __ 1,6:10,4.84. 2,u43,498 2,296,189! 3,956,41.3 4.:412,482 4,447,987 I B,SGS,S25 4.,10.1,870 4,500,023 6:4.49,684

:Manilil ......................... frce .. {tons.. 46,260 50,2iO 53.195 '\- 42,624 43,735 06.453 I 61,648 65,666 61,562 68, Td8 clolls.. 3, 40t3, 322 3,239,341 6,211,·175 7,172,358 7,11u,446 10,555,272 11,885,510 11, '.123,395 12,065,270 11,036,567

. I [tom;.. 63,266 69,322 71,898 76,921 i 70,076 89,583 87,025 109,214 100,301 98,03-7 Sisa grass ..................... Ire~··l I' ~ 1 5 ? dolls.. 3, 834, 7~~ 5,169, YOU 9,211. 377 ~ 11, ,82,263 7,972, ,_ 64 11,961,213 13,289,444 15. 935,555 15.256,859 15, 28~, 208

I ] !tons.. 8,734 9.701 7,466 -Ii 10,953 S, 01a 9,083 16.0i', 11 .. 128 17,149 18,603 A I olICr ....................... frce. ·ldolls .. 1 579.200 009.2221 filS. 247 891,128 7G4,917! 977,410 1,9\)2,779 1.740,317 1,991,989 2,074,312

Ttl I tIl d {free .. doll~ .. , 11. 688, 590 11,980,996 '118,516, 466 124, 277, 262 20, 42d, 975 28,437,130 \ 81,613,240 34,403,151 35,219,325 36,126,182 o a UlllUilnu '''' Ie ...... u"t..f1011s .. 1 . 6-17, 828 I 1, ~65, 190 1, 78~, O'le 2,000, [j43 2,503, [j31 3,108,826 2,819,273 S, HI, 134 :.1,1>98,740 3,231, lOR

Totalfree and until'blc ............. dolls .. 12,335,418! 13,440,186 20,300,093 26,373,805 22,932,506 31,545,962! 34,462,513 3i, 814, 285 BS,118,071 39.360,290

~Ianufactures of- I ----

Bags ror grain, made or bUr1ap.{:::::~~:::::I .. ~:~~~'. ~~~. :~~::! :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::::::,:::::::::::: : ::::::::::: : ::: :::::::: ::: ::::::::: B~gging.gul:lnyc!oth,aml Sim.lfree .. dOll •.. , 394109 24.907 .......••...•.••..•.•.•.................••..•.. .1. .............................................. .

Illlr lllli.Lt~rnt.l fiUltl1.blc rorcov-Jl . ' eringcotton •.•.•••••..••..•. dut •• dD] .... '............ 449,614 ;;18,015 318,417 470,053 037,848 221,965 263,680 348,551 619,800

n f · t d t d II I' 1 ~,- 015 21006-0 2 012103 20610-- 1,307,231 1-4- 6"0 2 430 38~ c::;e~, Jc:r:~~~:~~~~;~:~~'~··l~~.iJ~e~{·lb:.~:: .... ~~;~:;~~ ..... ~~~:;~~. ::::~~ '~~~::17 '2;G:ii~8 '~94:5i1 'S73:1~~ 1,018,755 2:~5;:2;9 1:7~~:47;

••••••••••••••••.•..•..••••••• dut •. dolls .. 1 20,373 69,951 75,130 68,920 45,077 2RO, 414 391,569 38·1,961 481,174 870,534

-Includes" Flax >lUll hemp hackled" only. bInclndes thrcad after 1897.


No. S2.-}\'hmcrr.uIIHSE IlIU'OB'rED: QliANTITIES .1ND VALUER, ETC., YEAn~ F.YDED JCNE 30, 1897 TO 1906-ContillllCll. --_._-- -._--_._--- ... ---. ---

Articles. 1891 1!l9S

-----------------1-----1----FIber.;, vcge.table, und textile grasses, UTlll IDnnu·

factures of, not eisewl!erc specified-Continued. 1tluultiactnfC!'1of-ConLinued.

Curpet' nd' ct·ng.. d t {.q.Y:1S ........................ .. ~ a carp I ....... n-.. dolls ......................... __

1, 702, 809 3, 928, 501 118,3'.lS 131,-153

. {lhS .... COIr yarn .. __________ .... ____ •. fre,, __ , dolls __

1699 11100

254,827 132,354 74.078 13,254

2,530,911 3,901,384 95,96S 141,850

1001 1902 11)03 190 .. 190"

95,133 260,481 200,179 207,646 233,421 29,285 81, OJ7 1 lJl, ·137 In,\'44 80,671

4,654,474 7,030,ll8 5,593,867 0,518,063 4,961,74.6 140,409 257,958 196,289 242,960 184,946


214,677 76,569

5,90'1,034 214,243

Fabrics, woven, not elsewhere ~p(~cifl(~d­Buril1ps or plain woven fabric" of "inglc

jU:o~~~~~-_~·_~~· .. _~-.~-.-.~-.-.·.-.~::~:{:~~:: ::~: ~~:~~~: __ ~: :~~:~~~. :: ~:~~;; ~~~: :~~: ~~: ~~;: : ~;;~~~: ~~;: : ~~: ~~~,:~~;: \: ~~:~~~; ~~~: : ~~:~~~: ~;;: I;~~: ~~;:~~:' .;~~: ~~: :~~ Ot!,'iri~~r~ftDiyhk~W~rll~f~:}Sq. yd ...... -- .... - ......... --- ..... - -- .. ----1 .. ---- -----... --.- .. --.- .... -.... __ ·I]OO,776,31~! 103,·188,172 99,817,093 1 124, !l88,S47

ens" ............ ____ .... dnt __ dolls --- -__ .. _____ .... __ ..... ___ ...... --- __ . ______________ .. __ .. ______________ ._ 15,037,695 15,606,315 15,565,808 118,839,826

H!tlldkerchiefs' .... _ .. __ •• ____ .. dut __ dolls __ .. ______ . _ --I'" -- .. -- ___ II, 657, 712 2,122,776 2, ~01, 740 2,218,029 2,35-1,11-11 \ 2,405,727 2,364,550 Z,5-1S,mO

Oilcloths- ... __ .. __ .. __ .... __ .dut .. {Sq.ydS .. ------------r------- .. ·--1

416,658 832,105 1,~06,~: 1,821,579 3, 358,G55 3,381,534 3,508,85.~ 6,4.70,460 dolls - .. --- .. -- ..... ____________ 1 :nO,210 407,008 v32,2Dv 681,·164 1,105,891 \1,201,070 1,220,372 1,744,539

. .. phs .... 1,374,3471 426,055 1,819.527 5,193,009 l\6S5,421 8,531,215 3,536,037 8,800,324 3,215,30\1 3,828,837 TWUle, bmdmg .---- ...... -----free--ldollS.. 79,356 34,391 182,0-12 443,487' 510,174 708,199 312,1105' 8·14.,183 29n,13(j 312,829

Yarns'or threiLds" _____ .. _______ dut .. f1bs .... 1,859,37311,956,88.11- 1,911,2~5 2,857, 675 1 2,240,121 2,138,182 4, H3, 122 I ,1,585,209 _ 1,717,341 B,709,13u ldolls.. 517,617 I 3S3,018 406,809 559,\)81, 002,930 4-10,716 381,3'251 3i2,269 \ 196,643 423,888

Allothur _______________________ .i.lut_.dolls .. , 20,153,903, H,249,05O 1 J2,79~,a62 15,510,278 13,592,610 j 15,280,211 2,831,101; i 2,987,850 I 2,948.690 3,715,972

" {frCC __ dOlls __ i 11,8;;4,974 I 1,000,3e41 278,010! 685,337 i-055,583\--96C,15,11--;;g:19-l 1,087,143\' 480,082\ 557,072 TotnlmanUIll.ciures()L _____ . Ilut __ doJl3 __ 1 20,691,893 !20,S99,430 1 24,879,584 30,~74,03-1l32,107,021i; &!,070,2Uij 38,825,327 39,221,694, 39, (j45,324 50,880,509

'----1---- I I' I· Total free and dutiE..ble ____ • _______ .dolls __ : 32,046, 867 ~ 21,899,79-1 i 25,157,604 31,559,371 1_32,762, GOO I 39,036,362 _ .. ?9, 334,;;21 40,308,837.! 40,125,4061 51,137,681.

FiSl~resh_ I I -_. -----·--1 {!hs ___ .I·s,219f233j6,595,SD9 O,8~7,32817,49i,2271 6,982,36717,202,758! 11,947,691 7,704,24l1 9,121,]52/ 9,006,100

LolJsters, cannedorulIca.nn€cLrr€c .. dolls .. - '791,602 699.577 730,460 931,219 Sii;i,7138 877,8012 83i1,lO-t 1,057,6% 1,223,70&; 1,218,608


Salmon ................ ........ Iree. '1'"UO .•.. ! dolld ..

{lbS ....

Do .......................... dut .. dollo ..

Shrimpg, and other shellfish and turtles ....................... ,. """ free .. dolls ..

All othcr. ....................... dut .. dolls .. Cured or prcserved­

Ancho,ies and sardincs, ]lacked in oil or othenvise ............ "'.'." .clut .. uolls ..

<1ried, smOked, salted, or pi .. ,kled ..... . Cod, haddock, huke,_ and POllOCk,}lb'

............................ ... dut .. dolls ..

Herring-Dricu or smoked ........... flllL.{lbS .. ..

dolls ..

Pickled 01' salted ........... <.lut. . Jbhls .. ldolls ..

Mackerel, pickled or "ultcd .... dut .. lbbIS .. dolls ..

Sal . kl d d d {lbS .... man, plC e or salte ...... ut.. dolls ..

Sounds, fish ..................... Iree .. dolls .. All othcr ........................ dut .. dolls ..

.I.,V'%u: LIUtJI r .J.UU,uotJ

163,106 ]u,37!)

269 983,969

27 85,304

988, '177 252, 771

lGO,300 907,255

Y02,'!,j2 1,110,674

14,321,139 16,062,597 4[;1,65-1 525,968

1,587,162 I 5,432,265

88,085 107,340 127,234 HO,050

S86,6..17 1,053,050

102,573 81,209 1,164,424 992,822

954,194 903, \l90 6;,175 65,693

63,Hij8 91,645 1H,'166· 2G7,712

::::::::::::f:::::::::::: :::::: :::::: :::::::: ::: t::::: ::::: :i:::::::::::: :::::::::::t:::::::::: 1,224,000 11'l~U'07U 1,328,156 1.442,97211,10.,,28111,141,432 1,040,1ij6 '1,7il3,057

113,360 115,069 127,563 141,532


127,315 111,669 103,602 170,376

46,031 I 62,415 ~9,587 14.4,08-5 I 310,218 16J, .176/ I 158,880 230,249 903,28.3

1 1,130,473 1,220, 517 1,341,992 1,5971 804 r 1,257,064 ~,577,484 I 1,551,838 I


1,152,981' 1,·j83,768 1,32-2,252 1,710,774. 2,058,253 1,438,506 1,691,MO 2,283,358

11,382,41l2 14,395,483 425,414 [,4S,l72

3,590,889 5,130,813

87, 279 1 ]27,5.';5 160,053 1.56,217

I,077.1l:l:8 1,3-j5,013

8.1.,045 92,733 1,105,02"7 1,276,900

521, \l'J4 730,658

41, 415 1 5-1,236

1 61,176 : 51,606





28,274 155,201


87,725 837: 790

062,702 43,930

105,259 72!J,J73

26,669, 784


4,734, ill5

130,941 190,111



1,003,854 6S3,9'21 41,8~

93,7[18 631,52"-

I i

25,595,SOO 23,948,852

1,021,212 l,l!H,098

2, 928, ~28 2,521,753

68,666 67,520 235,138 239,370

1,7:14,487 1,575,241

75,916 120,690 1,11S,408 1,072,812

403,859 424,91G 30,316 33,590

120,634 56,873 61)1,991 776,699



2, 51l,568

GO, 301 239,401

I, ff" 009 117,625


334,61U 33 665 ,

g~:::: !



• 3,210,325

82,440 283,819


138,931 1,693,01,

633,870 06,2(12

65,311 1,095,953

1--------1-------1-------1 i 340, G,I !

1, OJ5, 240 I 1,000, 634 1 {free .. dolls ..

Total fish ...... ~ ............. dut .. dolls .. 1,117,618 ],279,044 1,538,364 : -7,517,965 H, 610, G53 8,95U,692 '

2,006,553 960,Sn 837,670 1,115,725 4, 165,52\) 5,116,31S 5,227,169 6,426,817 6,200,777 7,·nl~372

1-------11--------1-------:·-------:--------Totalfree and dutiable ............. ilo~I" ..

------! 8,635,583 \),889,697 1O,493,07G I 6,172,082 0,076,690 6,005,13\) 1 7,47'2,057 i 7, 251, 4~lJ. 8, 527, ocn

Fruits and nuts, Fruils-

Bananas ........................ free .. dolls ..

Currants ....... _ ... __ ._._ ........ frcc._{IbS. _.-11011s ..

4,080,320 4,236,418 77,191 ....... --- ... 3,599 ... _--_ .. __ .-

DO .......................... dllt .. l1bs .... 29,188,070.; 25,186,210 <ioll, .. , 692, ')85 837,987

"Inclnded in HAll other mHnuiact1.1re~" prior to leUO.

0,6G5,588 5,877,835 6,550,186

..... - ........ ... -----_ .. _- ...... __ .. -_ .

... -_ .. _ ..... .............. ............ 30,8-19,253 86,251,779 16,0·19,198

798,3,;7 916, 90S 916,904 , b Yllms only uiter 1897.


. -_.----- ..

.............. 3G,2'J8,976 1,238,766

. i

8,6-11,156 7,709,976 i 9,897,821 ............. ...... · .... ·1 .... · .... · ... .. ~: ~;~:~; .. ~~: ~.~;: ~;; T ~~: ;,;;: ~~~ ..

743,04-1 997,430 764,289

o From imports for consUD1ption.

1,59·1,137 10,013,165



37,078,311 1,119,146


Woo §2.-MERCHANDISR IMl'onTED: QCANTITIES .o\.ND VAl.T!F.S, ETC., YEAllll E'IDF.n Jc:~m 30, 189i TO 1906-,Continued.

Articles. __ 1_8_9_'_1 __ 1_89_8 ___ 1--1-8-9-9_'1-_1-11°-°_-1-_1-9-°-1-_- __ 1_11_0_2 __ 1 __ 1_9_0_3_+_1_0_0_~-__ 1 __ 19_0_r, ______ 1_11_06 __

63,218 46,976

6, i15, 675 I 6,867,617

476,844 i 35-~, 542 1,o'Jl,443 1,796,209

525,835 ·14l!,110 1,828,029 2,301,530

9,066,991 8, 1ii8, 116 9,793,247 10,806,572


jIbs .... (),644,338 5,746,362 9,957,427 6,317,633 0,1<10,232 9,808,982 8,142,1641 !),838,852 Ll,745,081 15,009,326 Almond8 •...................... dut .. rloll~.. 880,263 650,G50 1,222,587 949,083 9-16,138 1,2·10,886 1,337,717 1,246,474 1,520,003 1,825,475

Cocoanuts .. __ ......••. ______ . __ {:~~~::~~::::: -- --~;~:~~;- 5~~:~~! ___ . ~~~:~~~ ___ .. ~~~~~~~ ..... ~~~:~~~. __ .. ~~~:~~~ ..... ~~~:~~ .. __ .~~~:~~. __ ~:~~~:~~~ .... ~:~~~:~~~

:~.:-~~~~~~-~---~~~~~~;:rEE::I-::-:-:i-~8-:~-~Ll-::-:i:~~,L :~,L ::~i::,_::l_:~ 5_: ~_i'_:~_:'_i_: :_~_~~_:~_;_~:_-i_~_:II-----I-----.l-----!.----12,362,567 23,670,761 21,6&1,104 2'(,917,028

1,106,033 1,729,:378 1,469,463 2.193,653

643,815 585, '786 1,023,139 818,128

870,591 937.676 1,059,205 1,237,429


. {Il-ee--dOllS--r 4,762,4081 0,212,136 'l'otnlfnllts and nuts_ ---. ---- duL _dolls_ _ 12, 3!H, 464, 9,351,814

Total free and dutiable _____________ dolls __ ! 17,126,932 I 14,566,950

FLUS, and. man ufuctures of: I Furs and fur skins, undressed ______ free __ dol1s __ 1 h 2, 938, 979 S,832,6m Furs, and manufactures of __________ dut __ dolls__ 3,076,125 4,048,569

mailS aIllI glassware: BOltleH, vials, demijohns, carboys, and jars,

.... _. _ .. ______ . _. __ . __ . _____ . _______ dut. Aolls._

Cylinder, crown, and common window (lbs __ .. glass, nnpolisbecl .... ____ . ____ . ___ duL_ 1dol1s_.

Cylinder nnd crown glass, poliohed-n'l d d {Sq. feet.., . nSl vere ----._---._.-._ .... nt-. dolls __ ..

S'l d 1 {"'I' fccL_ 1 vere .... ___ ..... _____ . ___ .t" ut .... dolls __ ..

Plate glass--FI d I 1 d {sq. Ieet._ , ute, rol ca, or rough _____ . ut .. do115 ___ _

. . . {Sq. feet_.1 Cast,pohshed, unsllvered ___ .dut __ rlolls ___ .

.. . {sq. feet __ Cast,pobshcd,sllvcred __ • ____ dut_. dolls ___ _

600, SO.~ 338,861

55,001,813 38, 9US, 992

1, lSI, 696 953,116



2,632,012 772,296



I,O():, 78~ I 280. ·J80 I 57,3~8


2,810,ii-11 569,380




9,880 li5G,183

161,637 1)19


Glass plates or disks, rough, cut, or unwrougbt, for opticnl instruments _ .. _. __ ._._froe .. <1olls__ 94,242 107,572

All other .. ______ .. __ ._ .. ____________ dut._dolls__ 2,328,314 1,571,841

Totl1l ... ___ ._ .. ____ . __ . __ .. _________ .dOlls··I~~ ~~

Gllle_ . _____ . : ___ .. _____ . _____ ------ :: __ .rlllt_ -{!1~~~~::1 4, ~~~: ~~~ I 4, !~:: :~~ Grease nndoils, not else,;-here ~peClherL frC<L _doll •. _I 9i6,306 ·131,080 Grea~e, not el~ewhere specified ________ .dut __ dolls __ , 8,026 162,159

Gunpowder and all explosive substances; i


6,834,7381 7,243,2021 8,036,251 '1 8,8~3,4~U 110,610,048 I 9,715,754 12,358,235'1 12,754,431 11,179,168 12, ~~,_300 .. !-~, ~r:O~452 _~-,-~7~o~n _1;l-,-1~7,5R8-! ~!'2~0~~00 _ 13,579,221, 16,161,316

18'S14'?~61_19'''::6S~592_: 19.586,703, 21,480,!i~5 I 2a,726,r,36 i 24,435,8.54 ~7,456J 2S,915,747

5,64;;,731. I 5,215,581 !

371,3941 47,202,267

I, 27/i, 184



896 622


9,528 U28,273

233, HIO 853


119,832 1,77J,53·1 --_ .... -. J,303.060


479, '150

-136,171 2m,50S .

I ' i I 9,005,873 10,502,907113,116,716

5,757, 129 ~, R03. :l9~ R, 738, 966 6,640,807 I 6,238,842 : 9,787,013 S, 815, 108

5,413,317 4,780,816 5, 8.36, 58R 6,486,804 .-

464,-183 50;:;,2!!3 ·158,·154

51,343,339 27, 28fi,607 ;;J,312,346

1,5.55,924 90S,OU, 1,827, ·198

2,517,688 I, 9SS, 1091 1,878,888 5S9,082 -156, !M7 3.'i6,518

571 588 1,095 286 188 60ll

119,242 6::;,572 146, 642 1

7,91& 5,031 12, GS1 1 9H,B79 3,237,3-17 4,185,762

226,295 787,450 I 999,93·1 I 45,997 53,98<1 1 16,631 1

12,413 18,819 I 6,528

125,449 161,512 191, 089 1

2,106,084 2,166,201 : 2,351,80n i

6,205,052 : 6,037,031 i 5,010,075 ' , 5,577,082 I 4,540,951 4,787,762

537,492 473,3·11 -177,036

556,723 475,564 i 561.001 222,943 ~80, 8R9 I 120,<193





2,446.071 .5251 380




57,91l0 (i, 6~.IO, 829






7,255,870 -

n, r,60~ (nli




----: I i 510,460



671,699 ;

17,859, 748 1



1,306,723 1,381,101

1,526,012 322,492

35,733 7,004

296, (;73


627,618 ,

i 1, 428, -112 1





2~, 657 ~,GD8, 8J6

1,326,903 291,087

5,521 1,371


55,934 7,392,227 ·1,917,007




1,18·1,088 i 1,57;;,376 [ii, 522 ! 2{, 145

6,817 4'096



215. 583 177, 457 190, 500

3,136,706 _1 __ 2, 9~3-,-~.:~ ~, W5, 314

6,58a,WH 5,!H~,8391 7,507,~23 I==~-·~··I .

ii, 798. 330 \ 7, 439, 7:~5 698, /i4G 701,847

843,681 859,flR9

314,242 310,945


6, 5r,~, 1H8




4,919,122 - ._---_ ... ---Firecrackers •.... ____ . ______ . ___ ... dut. -{~~~;;::I-" -;~;,-~~~- --- -~~~:;~~ :

182,99U I 5,001,176 5,610,696 i 4,456,496 I 0,026,923 '1,930,5-13

283, -188 I 225,735 I 27R,72·1 358,892 198,242 3-16,066 366,.776

• Includes free nuls not specified prior to 1~02. "Includes dressed furs for hatters' u~e .

~ f-l. ~


No. S2.-::\IERCn ..... !WISE IMPORTED: QUANTI1'IE.'l AND VALUES, b'TC., YJoJADS RNnRD JUNE 30, lR97 TO 1906---Continued.

Article". I 189; I 1898 1809 --- 1900 1-- ~90~

Gunpowder amI nil e-.;plo;ive 5ub~tanceil-Cont'd. ,- 1- ---Gunpowder and other "ub.tance u.e<l[lbs .... 1 87,921 I 08,708

for mining, blasting, etc - -- '" ... ,IHt'·.ldolls.:' GR,722, 79,992

All other ............................ dut .. dOll ... ! ~8, 727 , 65,123

Gut: i I Unmauufactured ............ .-...... free .. dons .. 1 180,721 42,879


1<1,105 29.824


]5,905 32,H29 Manufactures of. .....••............. duL.dolls··i····· ....... 'I' ........... .

Unmanufactured ................... ir"" .. dolls.. 1,330,632 i 1,839,668 1,814,964 Manufactures of •.. ' .... , _ ........... dut .. dolls.. 721,5721 2-86,fjUS

Hau=, bonnel~~ lL!lIl JJOflds, and Dlutel'ials for. ('om-posed uf straw, chip, gra's, palm lellf, willow. I osier, or rattan ...........•...•.. , ..... free_.dol!s.. 1,990,735 31l.308



15.835 169,on


1 60.4\10

2,445,964 248,2'26




1.826 77,1-15

1.611,'12-1 68,721

1~1 __ 1_90_S __ 1


70,7761 55.998

268.788 I , 15.826 ! 84,928

1,980,319 70,217

76,766 59,778



65.5u6 \


Hats: I'

Bonnets, llnd hoods ... , .. ,., ... " ... dut .. dolls.. ............ 083,99,1 619.370 734,633 1,094,601 1,1-16,932 1,491,911 Materials for ......................... dut .. doll~ .............. ; 1,624,047 I 1,807.356 !!, V92.81Jl 1,703.008, 1,603, J-1R 2,379,367

[tons.. 119.9121 3,8S71 .19,872 143.890 142,620 48.4151


11104- I 1906

I i 1

&1,569 i 73.245

03,370 I 05.979

318,599 311.527

60.351 62,630 \ 59,Oi9 53,292

2,639: ijE.6 3,328,471.

87,476 ~9,933

1,237~ 155 1.274,64,9 2,725, S&'J 3,104,824

11-1,388 46,214

914.842 359.515









2.197,995 2.373,189

68,540 502,051 Hay .- .................................. dut..ldOllS .. :~~0.497 , 34,650 i~~g_ 1.019.743 1,128,610 I 381,-117 i 2.23B,log

Hides '~nd skins. other thllll fur skins: ;--- , -, r'=====I=~=== , , {lbS .. "149, 868, 020 64.923. '18i 69.728.915 81,998,818 73,-745,596 88. 03.~, 516 : 85, .114, 070 86,338,1>17 97.803,571 111.079,391

GOlltskins .......................... Iree .. ilolls .. 11,328,162 15.776.601: 18. 48-" ~26 21.987.674 20. 577.m3 25,478.1.9 I 2,1,928.729 23. ~71, 731 26.9-15.721 3l, 773. 009

, {lb ..... 'I .. ' .. ", .... ,126, 24;3. 595 ,130, 3g0, O~O 1163.861i,16a 129,174,624 148.627.9071131.040,325 85.370,168 ;213.177.357 156. 155,3UO Hides of cattle ....... : ............. <lui.. (lolls .............. : 13.624,989 ! 13.621.946 19.408,217 14.647,413 17.474,0.19! 16.159,902 10.989,035 i 14, 9~9, 628 21.862,060

All othel', .......................... free .. {lhS .. "1156, 232.824 ,j 5,!, 6Oi. 5341: 6:;, 9C5, 7~5 100,070,795 77, 98~,~.l~ 8=,4~7, uSO i10'2.340. 803 lOa, U24. 752 1126, 893, 931 : 158, U-15.119

dolls.. 16,5301.86-1 j 7.667.342, 9,877,711 i W. 539. 807 12.990, Dr. I 10.01>1.400: 16. £4~, !)82 17.045.30-1 22. 8GS. 797 I 30.2,16.19H

{Iree .. dull, .. 127,863:02G: 23.443.943 'I' 28,366.097 '1'-38,i)27.481 1 33.572.600 '1 40,532,579, 41.871,711 41.017.035--4-9-,S-1-4-.5-1S'!-62-,-020,iii7

Total~._._. ____ .. ~. ___ ........ 1 I ""'"1 0 ' <.ut .. dons .. :. __ ..... ____ 1:3,~2.1,989 13,62~,9.16 .19,40.~,~.11 I 14,fi47.413 17,474,039 r 16,15U,JO.2 lO,9S!\035 14.!94i),6~8 j 21,8621060

HideCUUiUI,lS.TIlW'.UUil.oth(!rglllp.stock,frec .. dolls..I 289,686 408,-2621 70!i;961i-] 1,223,5ii I 1,057.931 696.439. 834.421 854,183 - 1:120,07U ;--i,16o,683


rr~~.~:. ~~~~.s: .. ~~.~ .. ~~.~t~ . . ~:: .. ~~~~nf~~:~~~~t.1

{galls ..

IIolley ••••••••.••••...•••.•••..•••..•.•• dut •• dolls ..

H {lhS .••.

I::!:: j ..... ~~,.~~~ ..... ~~.-~J ... ;~~.-~~~. ····~~;.-~~·I· ···~~;._~~/···;~;._~~~·II. ···;~.-;;;·l· ... ;~.-~~;.' ..... ~~~.-~; 27,599 • 38,15S 51,599 70,857 83,f>99 66,383 115,400 69,053 76,719 50,651

3,017,821\ 2,3751 9'12! 1,319~319 2,589,725 2,606,708 2,805,293 6,012,510 I 2,75S,163 4,339,379 10,113,989 ops .••.....••.•....•...•••......•..••. dut •• dolls .•

629,987 MS,155 u91,75;; 713,701 851,008 833,702 1, SOS, 491 1, :174, 327 }, 980, S04 2,326,982 Household and personal effects. etc .. !lnll in use,

and iillplement.~, und tools of trude of pcr!;ons arriving from foreign conntric;, and of citizens of the United Sta.tes dying abroadp ... h'ee .. dolls. _ 2,t!38,363 1,7;9,055 3.113,10; 2,007,805 \ 2,366,727 2,934,24.4 2,856,OOi 3,040,523 3,263,384

India rubber and gutta·perch!t, IIn(\ IDu.nuillcllllcS of: Unmanufacrured- b .••.....•....••.•.....•.. dut .. {lhS ....•..•.•...•••....•••.•••..••••••••••..•••••••.•••...••.•••••..•••••••••••..••••••••••••••••....•.•...•...•.••

GuLla. erclll1 ...•••.......••.•.• free .. ~:~~:: ··~:~~:.:~~;·I .. ··~~~:~;;· .... ~~~:~~~.1····~;7:~7~· .... ~~:;~~. ····;;;:7~7r··~~~:~~~· .... ~.-~~; ..... ~~;:;~~. P {llOllH.. 100,187 159, aSl 167,577 178,616 130,957 252,329 i 222,400 174, 9ii.~ 210, 18~

Gntta.joolatong (or East Indian{lbS.... ............ ............ 6,473,882 8,701,753 9,371,087 16,850,821 iI3,9s:,817 14,887,416 19,104,911 gum! ......................... frcc •. dolls.. ••••........ .....•...... 166,419 237,21-1 248,838 501,418 310,,131 130,231 641,319

Indio. r\1bber •.....•.•••••.•..•• free •• {lbS.... 35, ,.7·:, 149 40,055,407 fil, 1163, om; 40,377,138 55,275,520 50,413,481 55, OlD, 571 59,015,551 67,231,2;;6 .. dolls.. 17,157,976 25,386,010 31,707,630 31, 37G, 8G1 28,455,383 24,809,230 30, 43G, 710 40,44.4,250 49,878,366

MallUIELcLures Oi- \ I I



152,689 600,770 18S, 161

21,390,116 738,074

57, 844, 34.5


El:';itig~~:.~~.~ :~::~~ .~~'~~~~~~~~l~r.'.J~ft~~ ......................... 1 ............ 1 ........................ :.... .... .... . ... .... .... .... ........ . ........ ... 54,432 Guttn..percha •..•.•••.•••...•.•.• dnt..rlolls.. 97,1~·1 1,;0,997

1 115,582' 254,332 163,337 127,780 22;;,198 335,480 117,735 208,172

TlUli'J,<ubber .................... dnt..dolls.. 297,U53 309,247 1


379,309 fi6-J,088 4.78,063 ·H9,756 665,972 821,562 1,389,064 1,992,4lS

Indio. rnbber, old scrap, til only ior{lbs····1

3,653,045 9,488,327. JO,5J8,60-1 19,003,fi47 15,23';,236 22,894,900 24,059,394 20,270,970 15,575,214 2·1,766,486 rcmnnufucture ............... frue .. dolls.. 113,722 339,374' 462,044 1,2·19,231 988,316 1, 437, ~60 1, 516, ~37 1, 1M, 71151 953. '139 1,721.. G78

Ink o.nd ink pOwders .....•....•.•......• dut .. <lUn8 •• 1 66,670 lUO, 601 I 72,418 ~1~ 74,317 71,910 83,272 60,fi83 6i,D91. 75,,134 Iron and, Ilnu mannfactures of: i---·- '1=====

[tons.. 543,2.11 352,455 i 269,01sl 916,194 771,457 1,189, 'iS2 1,043,565 684,126 757, ~23 981,026

Iron ore ••••.••••••• ••••••••••••••• • dut. ·ldalls.. 778,OS.l -170,089 ! 401,595, 1, ,197, 022 _1_,1_3_5,_2_7~ _.?, ~r.~,.~1_.1_1--2..:.,-35-1-,-27-8-1.-l-,-5-93-,-2-79-1.-l,_6_70_,_6_83 ___ 2_, ~2_8_,_85_.1

{tons.. 22,159 25,640 I 23, 316 1 61,100 39,325 15S.901 95G, 198 191,135 122,977

Pigiron ...........••.....••........ dut.. dnll".. 520,7.15 675,883/ 711,088


9.,)00,501 1,355,231 3,367,172 i 16,880,592 4,017,167 2,\I~U,OG9

Scmp iron "-nd steel, fit Dilly tu he re.{tons.. 3,410 1,002 4,642 28,43l 20,414 49, IE8 1 136,151 28,6B l2,650 I manufactured ... ______________ ... dut.. llo11:;.. 72,258 I 14,9;Jll 6:),11;5 562,685 340,732 '1G8,753 1 2,027,049 43~,003 174,238

• Included in "Rono", hoofs, etc.," after 1897. b Includuu ill "All uLlier articles·' prior to lUU,.


7, ;'is,SSt 20,810



No. §2.-l'tfERCHANIJISE hlPOTITED: QUANTrrIJ<'8 AKD VA),l~J~S, ETC., YEARS ENDED JUN~] 30, 18!J7 TO 190G-Oontim -----

AIticles. _____ 1 18!)7 1898 I 1899 . ]9~~ HI01 I 1\l02 Ii 190~ _ 1904,

Iron and steel, and mn.TIILfllctures of-Continued. - ---1---------- I Bar iron .......... "'''' ........... _d~t . .Ph ..... 30.118.571 33.996. n58 44.7·1:;.118 47. 663.46; 3~. 747. 497 _ 49,110.15& 96.695.208 68,895,B88 59. 71lS. 989 &1.934,030

lcloll~.. 598,352 68H.;20 _ 907.49" 1,028.877 1.03;;.232' 1.0'J'2.581 1. 8'U, ,186 1,366,007 1.116.460 1,624.186 Bars. railway. of iron or steel. orin Plut{tOIl".. 7,777 5291 6241 2,487 1,091\- • 15,017 12~.444 53.:158 17,02' 9,685 ofsteel ........................... dUl. .. dolL,.. 2'38,051 18.8211 20.353 83,788 48,650 871.452 2.8G6.397 1.190.036 387.978 230.374

{IDs.... ii,584 69.143 m.soo 1.529,61;1 768.117 : 11.723,203 3.49S,lf>5 4. 098. 77ii 4, 296,663 2[j.O~1. 711

Hoop, band, or scrolL ... ______ • ____ dut. __ d Jl 19...... 1 1 ·OORl 1 • . 0 s__ • • N 3.0971 3. 9~9 ~1. 749 22.526 175,202 92.696 , • _L 61.01 273.812

Ingots. bloom .• , .18;bs! hill ets, and bar. OI}lbS____ SQ, 5f>O. 62t1 30.521.167 2i1. 7117. 991 32,223,218 Ill. 84.-\, 61.0 -;202.565.407\800, 026. ~ni 205,97.1,01·13 21. O~3, 028 14,001.4.17 steel, o.nd steel m lOnna not "l.mvhel·e 11 J. I - . I "--" r specifiud .. ____ . ________ . ___ ..... __ dut __ rIo 5 __


1.554.4311 1.202.055 1.389.028 ].291.329 3,wa,S", 1 9.8.4,236 3.398.69'2 1.6fJ.549 2.672.668

Sl~:~:, .. ~I.~:~ .. ~~i.l~l .. :~~~.e.~s .. i.r~~.~~~~~~~{::~~::ll::~:::E .. ~~;~:;~~ ... ~~;~~:~~; .. ~~:~~;:~~~ ... ~:;~~:~~.!.~~'.~~~:~~~.I.~~·.~~~:~~ .. ~:~~:~~ ... ~:~~~~~.I ... ~:;:~~ 'l'ws 101' ba me. cotton ' .. ". ---- __ nee __ {dO])S __ 1 239,498 __ .... __ ._. __________ ' __ 1 ________ ..... __ .... __ ... 1.. .. ______ .-!- .. ____ ... __ ... ______ . ____ . __ . ______ 1 ____ • ______ •

Tin plates, terncplatcs, and t[tggers tin [lb3 .. "123~. 073, 68~ \171.662. 34.51108. 4S4.82~ ,111, 963,~4 117. 8~0, 311l !198, 996, 086 '11O~,fll3,29~ 125. ~9,3~0 161.066.820 1120,819,732 .. -- ............................ __ dlH··l<lolls .. a,~44,638 3.809.U8 2,613,5641 4,799./96 3.710,062, 6.065,62-1, ~,209.91a 3.413.4a4 ·1.558.875 8,412,243

__ fIbs.... 33.153.178139.601.639 I 34.610,655 I- 47,096,55.5 41.5.98,1\)2! 38,436.353 I 51,497,919 41,482.893 34,232,034 41,428.885 ~hmrod ........ -- .................. llllt-·l<lOl,S.. 6~2.803 844.841 i 7:0,g,'j8 1 1.111,..1:5 1.08~.8271 ~~'2~611,:S7.370 P8~.7i7 690.9·19 870.929

" {lbS.... 6,328,110 I 5,318,193 I 5,218, 044 1 4,111.018 6,242,160 9,4!ln, 330 8,586.398 11,09a.720 8.625,241 10.355,672 Wire. and artlclef made frolll ... __ .tlllt .. dolls.. 380,2'J7 US.85-1 1 848,080 386.316 4.88,304 6.13. :i01 1 644.459 722.1i80 638, 980 82.~. gal

ManQillclurcs of- . {lbS .. __ 733,482/ '777,903 : 530,111> 580.438 525, 673 44~. 079 406.982 1i57.809 B93,fi03 548.499 An"Us ...... __ • __ ............... dllt .. d 11 I H 7811 ..- ~<>- I n2 <06 1 364..9() 31' 3"9 28 7-8 2" 4051 3' 460 24.332 34.054 OR.. ':t:2., I 'J./,I •• I 0 -v / J [.I, (... I (I 0, .oj

Building forms and [til other struc·flbs-- .. · .. -- .. ·----1'--.. · ...... .:. .. ----··-·-- ----.-- ............. ----1 .. ----.-- ... :-- .. -- ...... 32.C55.123 7.072.099 79.740,312 tural .hapes fitted for usc .... dut .. lrlOlls __ i ____ . ______ ... __ .. ____ . ,I .. __ '"'' __ .! __ .. __________ ..... ____ ... ____ ...... i ........ ____ 405.7R2 110,540 912.125

{It' ____ ' 6\lS.4Bl 176,M6 \ SS2.~55 639,0001 322.390 657.972 1.411.588 854.,640 623.450 696,896

Chains . ______ . __ ... __ ... ____ ... <111t .. 'lolls .. I 52,666 11,129 I 21.006 .4~,720 1 23.8;>3 45.778 65.968 57,188 41,944. 47.357

Cutk'ry .. __ ... __ .. ____ .... __ ..... <lut .. dollS __ : 2,330,963 944.056 i 1,188,916 1. 534. BS2 1 1.596,668 1.706.454 1. 7S2.970! 1,806,213 1,800.704 1.892.278 Files, file bhlnk", r1lsp", lind llolll:s \ 1\

. --" -- -- ..... -- .. -- -- -- ..... --. dllt __ <loll~.. ~7. 407 35,34.4 42, ito 69.707 59.779 72.293 82,405 67.812 87,2921 59.708 Fireorms ... _ .. __ ... __ ... __ .. ____ <lut..<lol:. __ 1 ~5~,ll'! 109,032: 758,575 R38,h2S 9:U,H7 1.105,088 72S,0i7 1181.373 &07,032 505.546 !!-Iaeb1ncry ________________ .. ____ dIIL.dolhl . .I 1,2S9 1 6G6 1,875,2~2 t 1.630,u12· 3,569,000) 3,324,765 3,6-16,572 I 4.0S5,8~!j} 3,ISI.l,968 2,943,300, 3,655,402

11106 1906


33,089 18,885 138,871 182,006 i 26~, 276 282,979 232, M4 ] 72, (ifi2

N~~~:~: .. ~.~ ... ~:~~i.~ ... ~::dfrCC~~.fu~~ '.1 Shotgun barrels, in single tubes, iorged.

rough-bored ............. _ .... frec_.dolls. All othet .................. _ ..... llut._(}olls.

309.754 407,7.16 I 367,1\7l\ I 362,606 403,973 442,837 455, i62

1,386: 666 1,107: fi96 1,210,827 I, G71. 899 i J, 570,269 2,346,327 5,201, ~6{j 3,9",-61 200

1-1-r,-,,-OO-.;-,-55-7-1--12-,-6-26-· '-'1-31-1'-1-2,-1-0-0,-4-4.0-1'-2-0-,4-,-8-: 7-28-117, 874~ 789.127,i80,247-1 51,617,312 27,028, :112

'. !' I Total, lJoL including oro .. ______ . ___ doIl3_

Ivory. Ilnd manufacturcs of: . {lbS .. _

.A.nimal ... -•. -------- ......... ___ .-'ro..,_. dolls.

V bl {lbg ... egeta e __ ._._. __ .. _ .. _. ___ .. ____ .free .. dolls.

Manufactures of. ...•.... _. ___ .• ___ .. duL .doU".

,lewelry and manufactures of gold and ~ilvcr ........................................ dut .. dolls.

Letld, and m,mllitlCtllres of:

173,480 452,461

4,445,100 4-1,618 32,771


2~4, 138 321,31 fi 353,423 424,305 ! 458,202 538,875 I 495,180

520,518 690,980 805,4~6 842,233 986,3'17 1,204,62S I 1,075,592 15,1;;11,128 8,86·1,257 16,073,505 13,461,461 14,699,215 17, 194, ~34 15,740,792

155, g34 83, 479 24~, 1i48 I 179,735 11l5,489 1 92, 09~ 229,944 29,296 48,623 4g,418 51,79<1 64,314 72,755 74, ~97

1,427,833' 3,293,829 3,545,800 a, 790, 671 2,6·12,345 2,007,433 2, MR, 821


218,376 4,84·1,818


627,~20 -I 1,642, 958 1

19, 5&;, 913 !

410,883 :



Pigs, bars, old and other, in ore and {lbS .... 1IJO.008,200 184,770,070 192,345,318 196,378,901 251,183,&16 206,750,~67 212,855,7621220,417,8~1 217,831,331 base bullion ...................... dur .. dolls. 1, 9·1~, 70;) 2,596,529 2,774,036 3,142.469 ,l,832,7a7 4,632,770 4,105,747 3,S3S,734 3,m4,839

1fllnufacturesof .. _ ............. _ ... dllt .. dolls. 4,525 4,250 10,571\ 13,781 3,337 8,996 19.83·:1 2,788 7,919

Leather, and manufacture. of: Leathcr-

157,128 Btll1cl or belting, and~olQlellther .dut •• dolls. Calfskine. tanned. or tanned and dre~sed,

ano PILLenl, enameled, and japanned ... ___ .... _ ............. __ , ..... dut •• dolls. 53,395

1fi~,860 I 176, 578 1

3,08.1,770 !


258,846 2,455,332



3,134.657 Skinsfotmoroeco ....... _ ....... dut .. dolls. I 3,716,259\ Uppflr I~ather. dressc(l, anel skins dres"erl I

and finished, not elsewhere "pcPifie<l ;

34} 1.98 73,914 I

69,691 170.963

2,763,101 1,860.905


fi64..044 2, IIrl, 8R5



1; 88Y, 015






260,449 2,855,024



1,~78, 937 21,076,508

615,607 82,247

185,002,292 1,302,307





S,187,460 •... _ ..... __ ....... ".' ......... dut .. dOllS .. II __ 2_,_11_1l_,_IW_,2_

1 __ 2_._2_1O_,_9_37_

1._2_. 4_7_0,_841_.: __ 3 __ , 2 __ W_, 6 __ 2 __ 3-11-2:-, ::-8&::1_, 2::-:0::-3 J 2,916,004 2, 16R, 122

·l'otn.lleather .................. dnt .. rlolls. 6,337,644 5,625,145 ;;,2~7,707 6,519,172. 5.701,193 5,021,846 ~,900,2al 5,012,6421 6,670,848 Manufactur~s of- -----+----1-· --- --1'-----1-----


1-----·I-----!·---- ----



Gloves. of Idel Or other leather .• dul .• <lolls. 0,480.813 5,384,168 5.398,125 6,107, 7G5 5,534,259 5, 36G, 381 6.029,278 5,095.3-37 ·1.727.489 6,812,719 .All.other .... _ ............... __ .. dnt .. dOllS_._1 458.694 404.812 4~0.815 665,259 651,560 929,55i! 1,091,323 1,095.6-17 1, a2G,lO? 1,657,359

Totalmanufacturc8 ......... _ .dut .. dolls_ I 6,945, 507 5. 788, 9~O I 5.878,940 I 6,778.02·1 '=0,;,, =lR=I'i=, 8=1=9=,==6=.=29=5=,=93=9=1=6=, =1 2",D=,Iitl=.~I~",I~, ~_6~,.~100=, =9R=4 =6=, 0",5,=3=, o='~=I=I==8=, 4=7=0=, 0=7=8

• Includecl in ".All other mannfILelures of iron and steel" after 1897.



Atticles. --------.-.. ---.----] --.---- -----1,---.. -- -.. j------- ... ----

1897 1898 1899 1900 I 1901 1002 1903 1901 I 190a 1906 .---. ----- ----1----/----/--'----/----/·_-_·- ----

Lime ........... __ .... __ . __ ............. dut. . {ldbOSl·lS--.·. 32,656,530 37,072,011 46,539,157 48,793, 888 47, 772, 296 61, (ili2, 573 69,790,1<12 52,973,617 46,165,288 40,661,617 56,317 60,114 58,066 63,90u 65,399 91,786 103,381 90,388 87,743 78,671

Lithographic stones, not engraved ... __ . free .. dolls.. OS, 504 51,730 76,6\12 78,541 123, fl03 136,670 131,015 150,072 161,056 13-1,645

Malt,bl1r1eY •• __ ........................ dUt..{bUSh .. 11,084 4,769 4,984 4,399 4,580 3,019 2,468 3,465 3,298 2,458 dolls.. 9,384 -1,412 4,447 '1,127 4,635 2,929 3,029 3,250 3,580 2,711

Ma d 'd' f {tons.. 97,145 112,864 115,094 333,916 13'1,211 208,568 175,845 105,927 225,174 225,962 nganese,orean oX! cO! .... ____ ... rec .. dolls.. 803,060 883,716 876,178 2,093,003 1,100,052 1,779,473 1,517,3-17 909,319 1,661,299 1,785,662

~~~~~~m~~~~~ ~===4====-~===~I====-~===~I====~===~====~I'====~=== :Marble, and manufactures of .. · ...... dut .. dolls. . 872,169 689,454 680,533 812,606 1,024,687 1,408,855 1,513,813 1,4.08,4.33 1,290,291 1,293,198 Stone, and manufactures of, including slate

............... '"'' ...... """'" . dut .. dolls.. 325,039 i 249,502 203,319 215,944 251,915 I 232,533 239,969\ 263,941 279,112 \ 343,590

Total .... ____ -................. c1ut .. dol1s.. 1,197,208 1--9-3'8--,9-5-6-1--8-8-3-,8-5-2-1--1-, 0-2-8--, 0-'5-0-1


'-1-,2-7'6--, 6-0-21 1,641,388! 1,753,782 1,672,374 I 1,569,403 I, 1,636,788

Matches ................................. dut .. dolls .. i=========I=========I:~=======I=========

207,671 135,611 128,873 156,705 165,113 184,819 161,197 230,867 187,951 193,802 MattiDg and mats for 11oors, manufactured from

round or split straw or other vegetable sub-stances, including Chinese, Japanese, and India straw matting ......................... free .. dolIs .. i 3,922,003 61,899 ............................................................................................... .

{sq. yds . ·1 ........... '119, 792, 451 37,925,149 38,730,104 37,366,918148,71.4,52&: 52,975,131 50,025,490, 47,983,317 46,127,926

Do .............................. dut •. dolls ................ 1,375,272 2,651,690 2,674,9111 2,908,4.69


3,817,766-1 3,780,050 3,609,7951 3,600,0881 3,831,436 Meat and dairy products: ==:==:::~)====:::I=====I======I===:== =====1=====:=====:=====:========

:IlIea!; products-Meats and mcat extracts ........ dut..dolls.. 601,808 345,108 263,845 365,589 407,003\1 464,745 719,250 All other ........................ dut .. dolls.. 49,484 80,031 109,647 105,726 54,667 380,4.03 706,802

Dai.ry products- I I {lbS.... 37,963 31,984 23,700 49,791 93,669. 453,978 207,007

Butter ................... - "" .. dut.. dolls.. 6,077 5,474 3,962 9,769 19,441 I 80,725 51,564

Cheese ........... __ ......... __ .dut .. dolls .. 1,!l6S.796 1,343,11':> 1,563,128 1,761,613 2,120,293 2,551,366 3,183,224

814,341 67-1,441 30,619 52,223

154,4.57 593,104 34,764 124,136 ,

22,707,103123,095,7051 3,2-84,811 I 3,379,600

32,931 23,014

675,568 68,843

196,6<12 57,955

27,286,866 4,303,830


{lbS .... 12,~19,~22 \1 10,012,l~8n 11,826,175113,455,990 15,329,099 \ 17,067,714 20,671,384

~mk .......................... _ .. dut .• dol1s .. ~8,467 , 67,729 52,603 42,686 ; 48,062 1 33,157 42,696

Total ................ __ ..... __ .dilLdolls .. ~~\ 1,811,515 \ 1,993,185\ 2,285,383 \ 2,649,466 \ 3,510,696 I~~l 4,197,4661 4,253,414 1-----



Meerschaum, crude ..................... free .. dollS .. 1, metal eompo:=::.itions, and DlllllUfap.turc~ ufo

not clsc\\'here :;!lH~<:ifi(!d ___ • ____ 0_ •••••• duL .. dolls. Mincral 81.1h~blnc('s, llut elsewhere ,:;;pecificd

................•....................... dUl .. dono.

Moss, seaweeds, anfl ,eget •. ble Sllb.{free .. dolls. stance:;;, not elr,ewherc specified, c-rmlc dut .. clolls .

Musical instrlllllents, and parts of. ... _ .. dut .. dolls.

Kiekel ore and mdlc .................. IrEe .. {~:~;s:

Oil k flhs ... ea e ................................ free .. ldolls


23,839 21,·199 I

3,599,140 3,340,787

• \ 229,880 132,730

•. 196,4651 189,187 . : .......................... .! 1, H7, ftlG i ftLIJ,094 . 0,718 Hi,6.11


537,128 956,059 3, [1.)8, 3f4 2,159,809

20,313 8.799

Oils: Animal or l'~nc1crcd­

.... 'h 1 {gallS. " aellndlish ........ __ •...... dnt .. doiJ~. 202,308 673,2441 179,879 221,830

All ~th~r ....................... dnt .. {gj'UIIII"·

(0 s. 38,334 J4,163

6,OG6 5,7J5

Mineral ...•.................. _ ..... free .. {!~~::: 21,980 1,376,147 20,571 98,252

Do .............................. dUt .• {~:~:: Veget"ble-

212,295 :15,439

B,611 \ 3,114




31,192 44,033

J,05S,4U I

~'O,8841 1,1&3,924 i 1,885, f.48 i

9,553 !


198,110 9,056

1,569 1,789,514

140,1-13 2,775


37,·159 I I

4, 7m, 493 I


24,203 51,:194

l,aw,641 ~3,54i

1,070,980 .

208, 057 1

1,437 i


273,367 18,050

3,255 2,354,720

217,405 19,509





36, 989 10,30;

991, '1"16


1, sas, 655

4.48 64


2134,250 t


12,858 2,101,280

168,839 4.6,6(;8






5i,8S3 1, aoo,4Sg


1,426,083 2,61<1,059



359,471 16.1,306

29,000 2,601,684

149,456 633,783


. Fixed Or cxprc",ed-Oli"e, otlwr than !Onmmufactur-{gans. I 983,059 1,339,097

ingormechl1l1im.ll'urpose.b.dut. ~olls .. 'll'13J,(j17 923,804· 1,090,250 1,170,871; ],266,293 1, 57D,40n

O~;~:Jho~~?:'~1~~;~~~~~1~~e~:{~~~~::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::;:::::: ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: ::::::::::: 9~S,5G7 'i'S6,877 000,04'2 91l7,702


l.ll liree .. dOll'··11'62;'O~6 1,800,378 1,907,mB '1.,5C8,9\lO 2,438,392 3,785,{S6 .. other. ....... ···· .... ·.·tdut .. doll".. 725,998 5-10,331 611,234 781,666 9S3,778 1,201,325

Volatile or essential and djS.Jlree .. doll9.. 1,624,3131 1,133,371 1,381,263 2,487,111 1,106,1;32 1,586,465 t1l1ecl ......................... [dut. .dolls..· 201,210 377,707 309,994 372,073 5.';2,763 liOii, U06

{free .. do1l3.. 3,272,270 S, 12.;' 001 3,429,329

Totaloils ..................... dllt..dolls .. 2,321,841 2,072,501 2,211,854 4,213, 506 1 2,604,274

4,013, &,R 5,521,407

3, OS3, 568 3,778,791




65,082 6·1,30g

1,125,288 15,636

1,182,919 3,827,014

30,2I:l6 I


362,408 261,421

60,641 3,&11,796

211,OS·j 66,331


1, '1.9,1, 132

1,736, GiS . ......... _--. .......... --

G,·134, 578 1,310,134 1,450,330


8, 1195, \t~~ ; 4, '87,965

~J.'ot"l free and dutiablc ............. dolls .. -5-,f-'O-4,-lii-1-ii-,-,-gS-',-0-02-,I--',3,-il-4-'1,-1-S3-Ii 6, 8J7, 780 i -. 7,097,431 9,300,198 ~ 12, 283, 957


85,472 8a,253

6,3~7,823 6,243,7W

363,&15 363,2:21 52,621 60,457 69,151 53,229

1,86G,285 1,28(),1Z5

12,101 10,560

1,196,136 1,205,873 1,794,873 1,120,013

18,5'J2 12,008

795,935 725,470

G38,591 417,692 171,044 175,620

84,830 ~7,559

4,020,691 7,304,167

2,j7, \)U6 403,598 632,817 2, GSO,03ti

32,840 00,623

1,713,590 1,923,174

1, 875:R25 2,108,893 ........... ~ .... -.- ..... .......... ~ - ............

4,730,347 ii,l0'2,812 1,219,355 907,620 1, 57G, 092 1,682,449

810,756 r 9l)~t274

6,558,245 7,088,859

·1,G~1, 197 11,504,661

11,170,442 11,593,5,m

• Condensed milk only. b Sal ",1 oil oilly prior 101898. • Includ~d in all other irec vegetable prior to 1906 .




99,363 69,689

1,2i7,435 13,676

1,673,879 5,454,941

54,144 ..


369,397 160,85-1

23,914 l3,265,217

GUO,l08 2,187,402


2,417,131 2,566,994 2,538,366

1,105,876 4, 77i" 103 1,240,300 :>',933,040

929,965 '-"'-_._.-


5,219,821 --- ... ' .. -

13, 'i23, 94B



1897 'ro 1906-Continued.

-------,-----~---- -------- ---.-- ----------- ---

'"". ~~"n" =, :::~__i-'"".-- ::.',,, ":,: ~",,-'~=---'~':'=I::~='=--=~=:::~=--[dUL_dolls .. 1, 27u, 006 1,056,618 1,207,4.40 1,535,401 1.487,381 1,003,181 1,82'7,110 1,6701,193 1.524,3011 1,696,808 11m ]Pai, manufactures of, not elsewhere Fpeei- 1 Iled ................................... tlut .. doUs.. 120,oU9 49,516 I 9.411 5,2'77 7,324 7,018 7,445 10,220 11,1211 1,871

'perstock,crnde: 1=·' :=~ R ·1 th] {lbS .... 51,181,009 4H,800,209 ;;li,596,500 92,382,167 55,689,31] 73,311,499 103,853,329 1 OO,~03,763 149,619,018 1 14.0,207,3-93

agE, OL let an woo cn ........ _ .. frco .. dolls.. 668,385 699,981 805,045 1,372,156 '\ 87.1,«4 1,252,205 1,640,927 \ 1,511,835 2,184,863: 2,118,762

All other ............................ frce .. dolls .. 2,ot03,32U 2,liO,342 1,M09,369 1,889,622 1,309,242 1,518,050 1,374,157 1,!!88,S78 1,611,732! 2,255,702

'l'oU'.I .......................... froe .. dolls .. 3,Oil,7% 2,870,3"21l 2,61~ 3,261,77R; 2,183,686 2,770,2~ 3,Oi5,ooif2,!iOO;713- 3,79~,59[j I ·1,374,4.61

i'aper, and manufacLurcs of: ;-----. --.. -- i -----1-----Pu.per, nnd mnnuitLf...:f..l1rcso{a. _. _____ du:._.(}ons~_1 3.121,530 2183817381 __ ." ..... --- --_ .. _ .. _- --- ·1- .. ------- ._- .- .. --. ------ ------ _._--'" .. ---- ..... ----1--- .. _0 .--.0- .-.---- .. ---Litbographic labels !lnd prints ...... dut .. dollH ............. , ........ .... 7W,470 905,609 947,631 1,052,9£08 1,249,733 1,4iil,491 1,506,723 2, 2OIi,!l21

~1._ " d CbS .... , ................ · ...... ·1 750,~U9 1,061,113 183,217 260,2;4 280,3-19 304,698 26J,721 I 281,877 Par'-"-""'-entp~pers .................. lit .. 1 1\ ; li6 ~ Zl8 47,455 47,642 855 to s .... : .... _____ . __ ., ... __ ........... ,4.53 14,.. 31,882 40,049 39:737 4A, All other ................ _ ........... dut .. dolls •• i· ........... :::.:.: .. ..:.:..:..:..:.:.: 2,335,~61 2,815,758 3,0'23,176 3,1220"0-1 3,434,2U4 ~~':'5.:'... 4,077,178 ~,91i5

Towl .......................... dnLdolls .. , 3, ~~I,fi~O .1 2, ~3S, 738 :I,lQl,589 3, 7~5,645 -1,002,9S9 -1,223,125 4, iSS, 036 5,319,086 6,623,638 I 6,U~S, 761

Pencils: 1 I Of paper or wood filled with lead, ,!nd pe~cl il I

314,9931 270,730 I 20, I

i leads .............................. aut..dol s.. 150S23',fiOO~: . {gross.. 0

Slate ................................ dut .. dolls.. 38,838 ! Perfumeries, cosmetics, and all toilet preparations

........................................ dut .. dolls .. Pipes and smokers' articles ........ __ ., .. dut. .,10\1s ..

Plants, trees, ShTUhs, and YinQs: Fruit pln.uts, tropical and semitJ"opical, ior

propagation, ct" ............... ·· .. frcC_ • dolls .. .AJI other ........................... dnt .. dOlls ..

1:'la~ter rock, or gypsum:

{tons ..

Unground ............ __ .. -.. _ .. _ .. '<ee .. doll ...



702,345 261,(;:-12 i

l~~, 900 I 185,101


235,240 13,639



32,653 729,500

22,535 2::!,67S

197,406 177,001 13,298




255,012 17,381

533 411 I 801: 959 :


605,8321 366,769






'(s7,290 i} 159,54.2 I

12,923 : , 821,13,'1 I 572,429 I


853,135 704,631








.{tons .. Ground or calcined b ••••••••••••••• dut .. doll •..

rn Platinum •.•••••••.................... .free •. {IbS .•.. >- dolls ..

2,858 18,153



10n,725 !

192, 896 1 G,003


182,979 20-l,8;;0 lS9,447

208,081 212,898 228,670 G,357 7~ 767 0,7.6

1,193,4.75 1,770,617 1, fi4~,479

259,695 2~S,778 2fl1,022 312,63,'; 394,940

279,656 325,685 322,591 361,119 166,563 6,695 7,';27 7,3~0 6,980 9,269

],885,71!l 1,962,459 1,816,037 1,851,2&5 2,678,54.6

flOll!:) .~

Plumbago ...•......•.................. frec .. dolls ..

41,,113 71,503 33,681 62,101 17,409 'I 15,027 61,603 118,699 108,020 190,000 12,459 11,154 1;;,970 20,597 I 13,077 ] 6,081 18,354 13, 3m 13,676 21,038

... . ~~~:.~~ ..... ~~:: ~~~ ... ~:~:: ~~~'I"~::: :~·ll···· ~:: ~~~'I"" ~:::. :. ~:~~~: ~~~ ..... ~:: ~~~ ..... ~~~::~ .... ~:~~~::~ . d . {Iree .. dOIIS .. l'umlCe an p1llll.lce stone ••••......... dut .. doIls •.

Rennets .•••.••.•.•.....•......•......... frc" .. dolls.. 60,026 90,757 93,284 66,907 88,74.4. 1 93,358 76,78:; 94,·139 99,481 ~3,2S8


Rice (rr~.e unrler reciprocity treaty with ft.".... 5,881,600 l:lawall) ••.•.......•.....••••.••• Irec .. 1doils.. 231,511

Do •••.......•................... dut .. {1bS .... 128,058,330 dolls.. 2,324,449

Riceflour,ricemeal,ltnd brokenrice.dut .. {lbS.... 63,876,204 dolle.. \l61,200

TotaL .......................•....... dolls.. R,517,160

S H • {lbS .... 583,134,5.19 lL ............................................................... lr~e ... dolls... 73.1



{li)"'" 15, 2:la, 837

Do ••••.•............................ dut.. dolls.. 10,179

SaU"8.ges, bologna .•.....•.............. free •• dolla .. Sausage casings .......•................. free .. dolls ..

Seeds: {'bush .•

Lin"eecl, or flaxseed ................ dut •. ldOII


All other ........................... {dfree .. dd

oIlS ..

ut •• olls ..









29,306 125,396,330 151,241,426 93,052,351 74,598,061 .15,674,776 78,317,310 75,823,157 43,408,509 58,468,791

2,604,572 3,017,088 1,875,609 1,588,044 1,596,210 1,732,238 1,869,338 1, 097, 099 1,465,487 60,474,685 50,310,267 23,031,440 42,601,619 81,984,118 91,338, 974 78,898,615 63, 07[j, 006 ! 108,079,100

953,722 777,378 374,121 7gB,Hi>! 1,330,711 1,329,235 1,21).1,092 913,867 i 1,616,716

3,746,833 3,930,149 2,279,0361 2,32~,898 2,926,921 3,061,473 3,073,1ao 2,010,9661 3,082,203

26,O:~:~:~ I:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::" :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: 316,200,2161363,782,933 410,792,110 107, 92.J, 632 381,87'1,84.5 312,1-13,516 3·i\!,149,502 308,572,020 ! 329,795,849

490,493' 558,922 625,863 63ti,767 688,369 564,966 folo,230 '196,731 ' >i90,986

82, 546 1 93,714 I 95,9·14 SO, G05 109,791 111,617 121,143 147,119 , 14.9,593

537,871 622, 949 6-16,889 642,212 754,5S8 063,405 885,615 836,323 . H71,29;1

213,270 I 2PG, 184. 52,2lO

201,224 318,687 73,423 67,379 1,631,726 4.77,157 129,089

94,126 2,098,207 724,082 194,024

W31 021 1,200,492 1,666,769 1,624,864 2,2.;9,502 2, (H2,423 1,078,760

707,4.01 740,495 861,301 1,012,391 1,126,6SS 1,096,50\) 1,235,860 -- ---."-- ----

1,79;;,0·18 i Total .....................•. " ... " •••. dolls .. ~~~I-~~-I=~~=I=====

4,039,194- 3,252,152 2,831,279 3,587,469 3,457,619 5,338,403

• K 0. cIlllllleruted in detail prior to 1899. b Includes "U nground " after 1898,


No. §2. -l'tIERcrrxNDIsE llIIPORTED: QUANTITIES AND Y ALVES, ETC., YF.ARS ENDED JUNE 30, 1897 TO 190B-Continued.

Articles. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 190-1 1905 1906

Shells, and manuiactures of: "Gnmanufacturcd-

Pearl, mother of, not l"awed or manufac-tured _ ........................ free .. dolls ........................ __ ....................... .

All other ........................ free .. dolls.. 949,626 906,852 973,944 1,019,731 Manufactures of ;Shell and mother-oI·pearl

.................................... dut..dO~]s .. 1 76,14.0 103,651! 75,889 87,934

Silk, and manufactures of: II


Cocoons ........................ free. '{~:l;~: :j:::::::::::: 1~: ::: 1:: ~:~ ~~: ~~: Raw, or as reeled from the co- {lbS.... r.,513,612 10,315,162 9,691,145 11,259,310

coon ......................... free .. dolls.. 18,496,944 31,446,800 1 31,827,061 I' ,(4,549,672

{lbS. ... 1,479,832 1,762,297! 1,545,701 1,784,404

Waste .......................... free .. dolls.. 421,339 659,267 650,278 761,853

Total unmanufactured ....... free .. doUs.. 18,918,283 32, no, Oli6 I 32,479,627 -II 45,329,760 30,051,365 42,635,351 50,011,050 46,100,500 I (n, 040, 053

Manufactures of- I \-----1-----Clothing, ready-made, and other wearing 1 I

appareL ....................... dut. . dolls.. 2,285,042 1,855,279 1,618,802 1,657,641 1,898,014 2,574,261 3,345,826 2,805,804 2,737,427

Dress and piece goods ........... dut .. dolls.. 7,576,001 10,495,057 I 13,082,369 15,425,997 11,977,87-1 13,625,276 14,005,747 \14,228,328 1 15,120,615

Laces and embroideries ......... dut .. dolls.. 2,157,9:27 3,349, ·164 t 2,877,578 3,206,857 3,189,337 4,544,690 5, 0:5, ODS I 4,8~4, 318, 4, 6~8, 397

Ribbons ......................... dut .. dolls.. 963,969 :2,035,411 I 1,727,5·13 1,811,644 1,839,379 2,850,226 ,1,358,69911,918,013 1,9.:.0,804

Spun silk, in skeins, cops, warps, or fIbs ............................ j 1,727,710 2,420,552 1,715,067 2,171,245 .1,995,012 2,053,274 2,352,406 on beams ...................... dut .. ldolls .......................... 1 1,975,016 3,723,3'18 2,583,716 3,306,524 2,994,651 3,047,817 3,287,642

Velye~s, plushes, and other Pile{lbS ... -1- ...................... .i 478,285 708,35-1 873,082 901,924 963,232 \ 551,393 I 377,029 fabrICS" ...................... dut .. dOllS .. , ............ , ............ ! 1,553,()S7 2,316,115 3,259,866 3,157,696 3,265,764: 1,702,48611,325,5371

All other ........................ dut .. dolls .. _ 12,216,128 5,788,454 ( 2,274,079 2,752,771 2,093,952 2,581,569 2,947,8571 S, 346, 914, 3,564,118

335,377 831,172 1,472,098 805,568 650,243 552,942 633,723 537,229 341,327 351,335

95,143 104,289 116,865 139,596 127,344

132 4,118 259 ~9J 759 28,546 139 1,G95 158 10,697 7,875

9, J39, 617 12,620,682 13,637,206 12,630, S8S 17,812,133 29,353,777 ·n,714,331 ·19,002,597 44,461,564 ! 59,542,892

1,265,806 1,610,026 1,633,394 4,062,067\ 4,516,628 697,449 919,325 1,008,295 1,628,239 I 1,489,286

890,432 H

356,080 IS: ~ 0

121,644 t;d r-3 {Zl

33,592 I &;

11,452 q 14,505,324. l> 52,855,611 ~

1-3 2,813,105 H

1,213,441 ~ tzj

5<1,080,504 UJ

~ ~

3,'177,298 t:;

14,045,823 <1 4,694,810 ~ 2,125,832 d 2,257,260 ttj

3,227,920 !1l 430,76 2

1,555,740 3,783,167

Totul manufactures of. ........ dut. .dolls.. 25,199,067 I 23,523,665 I 25,109,074 30,894, 3iS 26,842,138 32,640,242 i 35,963,552 I 31,973,680 I 32,614,540 ! Soap: i \ \' 1==\:= =:\'= =:'= =\!= ======1\=

Fancy, perfumed, and all descriptions of pbS.... 1,090,0071 592,692 793,940 809,2!)9 973,673 984,616 1,069,424 1,087,779 1,010,119 toilet ............................ .dut .. dolls.. 352309 I 254,443 327,931 331,692 411,724. ·il79·19 461124' 4()97561 446586


i, 114, 34 ° 477 ,695


Tott'L ......................... duL.doll... 766,376' ·198,512 576,'19-7-1" 623,144

Sp;ccs: I==='I==~=I UngroUlld-

• T {lbS.... 1,66_9,740 1,2.1 .. 3, ',J~-_~ 1, 5n

:lO, ~02_ 1, 5\"_~O, 8, 11., !':utmegs ....................... im~ .. dollo.. . "

w 1~1, 014 I ~~I, 230 368, ,n" . ~"I.:l8~

P "1 k hi {Ihil. .... 15,O~3,·!521 14,080,135 1~,a32,747! 13,085;333 ,olls.. 711,15il 909,711. 1,033,100 1,283,635 epper, ""-C'Ot,, te ........ free .. '1 1 I

{lb~ "0 411 490 13 78-1 689 13,851,055: 19,652,762

dulls.. 1,076,963 8U8, g'l2 997,783 1,376,243 .All other ....................... fl'oc.. .. .. -" " I th . {lh..... 3,030,031, 2,658,706 3,3·16,925 4,516,700

All 0; er ........................... dut .. dolls.. 336,686 I 264,691 332,6531 890,001

Total ................................. dolls.. 2, ;;76, 716: 2,.10'1,629 I 2,782,301! 3,401,205

Spirits, wines, >Lud malt liquors: --'--1'-" I'

Man liquors-

1 . rg!111s ..

ll, 048, 094 733,535

In butt es or Jugs ............... dut .. \. 1 •• 1 . I l G.O ls ~ ~ 1,020, l.67 090,102

In other coverings .......... '" dut .. {gall~ .. , 1,915,650 1.,777,20'2 I

918, 562 1'

917,186 1,928,672 ,


1,079,723 2, 22B, 502

647,533 doll... 534,426 I 506,128 i 570, 69:.1

Total mnlt liquors ............ dut .. doll>.. 1, ~OO, 293Il,201,5301-1-, -48-7-, 8-.7-8+-1-,-:-72-7-,-25-0-

Spirits, distme,l·· . ----·1 I Of dome.,tic .m[],UUrltC~urc, re-lpLgalb .. ~56,760 854,5eO 998,17a 687,024

;~~~~~C~~)~J.~~~.~~ ... '.~:1~~~: fdolls..... 863,558, 734,001 8:-14,948 680,074

d {Pf.gans._/ 337,5951' 137,902 219,968 244,100 Bran y ____ ...... ___ .. _ .. ___ . ___ dut .. _ dolls_____ 911.,7~] 895,758 626,875 696,&40

All othe~ .... _ ............... 'll1t."{Pf.gaUS .. , !,7:7,11~ I 7~O,8~O 1,227,~~ i 1,650,896 dOllS _____ I"""O,.lI83tJ 1,00.1.135 1,G..<;R, :loh i 2,2821 "717

TotlLl~pirit~, dfsti11ed .. _______ ... ___ dolls __ ~rul 2,13'1,791: i 3,14~,079 3,609,831

Wine;;-. I '1--1---

Clmmpngne Itnd other BPllrkliIlff{110Z, bots.. 225,628 223,8271' 262,371 310,149 ........................... Llut .. dolls...... :1,~48,00-1. 3,2u . .I,:1~3 3,668,791 -1,115,908

---- 933,772 j---;-OO,Ml 1"-867,812\

._---685,921 847,648 903,039


1,836 1 41.7 1,&1.1,611 2, 365, 62411, 498, 600 2, 394, 061 t 2,626,005

Sr.O,SS9 339,685 -ll.4,6-I.3 2S8,ll8!I 3-t7,721 S42,S78 16,081,849 16,046,1';9 ~1,832,6i5 18,615,186 19,413,387 26,635,834

1,806,167 1.,752,345 2,296,221 2,069,051 1,969,521. 2,733,137 13,506,8'18 15,134,481 22,464,192 17,745,800 26,115,130 20,037,435

1,001,482 1,146,2·16 1,590,778 1,469,587 1,731,895 1,429,008 H, 786,623 ·1,460,841 1,538,688 5,414,804 5,106,179 7,047;685

304,571 , 446,906 483,483 538,982 534,219 683,593

3,603,109 1 3, oS:;; 2·12 ; 4,815,125 1,366,008 .. 4, 583, 356/ 5, 1S8, 116 '. i

1,151,891 1,198,106 1,292,475 1,407,756 ],362,089 1,082,619

1,166,123 1,161,965 1,252,047 1,385,818 1,285,576 1,166,228

2, 4.-17, m:m 2, !i5S, 105 2,Y66,343 3,197,955 3,836,487 4,395,032

719, 0'l2 713,383 I 8:>5,691, 927,5D7 1,119,708 1,272,627

1, "885: 210 1 1,IlSO,3J8 , .-


2,313,825 2,405,3<14 2,738,866

875,099 ! 805,212 819,591 471,696 316,459 177,499 794,59'1 7-]9,687 816,4.04 539,362 :J:W,S85 211,129

290,R01 I 316,222 3J8,878 390,988 ·i03,38G '.fm,433 8!13,318 91.1,·119 1,000,997 1,104,410 1.,j3~,l29 1,$0,:170

1,712,156 1,909,887 2,061,057 2,238, &.i2 2,300,'166 2,639,680 2, 52-1., 237 ! 2,784,048 2,987,179 3,313,736 3, Ga9, 04·1 Ij,1)27,308

---'--·1,162,149 ' ,l,.M5,154 4,83"-,580 , 4,957,507 5,005,058 :i,6!:!4, ·767 ,._ ... _ .... _)------

311,Oi8 i 335,256 , 407,9-14 330,2·15 371, ~1l n5,3U! 4 mIg '194. I .\ 9:10,768, 5,861 G39 ·1, 9G9, GaG u, ';23, 7\)-1- fi 127 062

"lncluclcd in "All other lUllnufl1cturcs uf .ilk" priur to 189P.


No. S2.-i-"IEUCITAXmSE hIPOH'rED: QUANTITIES AND 'V.U.UF.S, ETC., YEARS J,;!-IlJED Jmm 30, 11\97 1'0 190G-Contiuued.

_________ A_I_Li_cl_e_s_. ___ ---. -_--~S~7 _. 1808 _ .~I'- ~;;;;;; -·-I_-__ 1_!lO_l __ I __ 1!l_. 0_2_-_ ·_·-_;0_0_:1_-' =:lO~~' '--1-11-0'-0--;--1-9-0-6-

Spirits, wines, and malt llquor,-Continlltlfl. j Wines-Continlled.

Stil~:c:::- • t {gallS.. 2,007,952 ],930, &70 2,253,226 2,533,828 . __________ ~---------nl1". dOllS __ 1 2,03!l,25J 1,392)710 1,573,:17. 1,'1.14,786

In otl",r "ovcringg ..... dut .• {dOZ. bots.. 309,281


268' 9211 274'8 315,920 dOIl~._. ___ 11 1,475,211 1,3]~JH7 1,347,") ],560,85].1 ____ _

Totlll wincs ....... __ ....... dut •. dolls.. 6,862,4r.IiI~SoI 6,.'OO,2061~2l,495 8,210, 236[ 8,921,138 10,219,206 9,391,870 10,241,921 10,993,068

Total spirits, wines, and malt Jiq. I I i-·-----------uOl ............... :._ ........... dOlls ... _ 12,272,8721_ 9,~,5I)4i 11,223,103 _1~1,'i58,re~ 14,266,6001 15,2411.6·10 17,1~.61?:. 16,662,702 17,652,323 1.9,257,590

Sponge" ................................. dut .. dolls.. 487,143\ 40l,725 430,231 536,303 717,5501 60;,369 57'0-;-71.0\ 519,340 54? 712'1 5134,098 h " {lb.'.... 2,9-11,253 6,120,921 8,542,R97[ 11,767,924 7,302,501\1 11,714,931 10,540,905


7,4::10,383 6, 14~: 753 5,422,267 Stare ...................... - ........... du, •• dolls.. 5l,8J.:!! 103,780 140,528

1 2'22,296

1 170,340 235,645 2011, &.1~ 191,150 180,465\ l56,176

Straw and grass: ? .,

{tons.. 9,3R6 1,-H8·

1. _,07J

1 .5, 495j' 9,6SS

1 2,986 8,80SI 10,833 2,825

1' 4,317

Unmanufactured ................... clut .. doJ1~ .. ! 31,71)8i 4,,!o,'i 4,5641 ]5,750 33,8L6 11,723 J.:!,832 81, 794! 12,700 16,539

i'llll.nuIaetures of. .................... dut .. doll ... _:'~6, 20lL 260, J37, 259,185 336,2871 S3G,7301 382,9:12 430, /.k."41 508,3re 676,938\ 636,277

Sugal', mola.sses, aO/] confectionery: i· i I - - ·"1 . '\1 ..

Molasse~ ........................... free .. {{E:~:: 3']:~~: 3,5~:~~:i 5'R::~~ 7,0:::E:I::~~:~~;:~;~ ::~~:~~~:;~~ ::;;;;~~:~~~I::~~:~;~:~~~ ::~;:.~;;;: ::~~:::~;~ Do .............................. dul, .. dolls.. 50R, 137 _ 541,670 789,034 890, 165 ~23, 923 ~~~~._ 1,12·1, 710[ 1,018,198 .-.!, 137, 844 __ 690,718

2,785,8,10 3,300,026 3,753,211 ,1,007,691 3,973,919 4,482,499 1,!H2,3~'2\ 2,143,433 2,2"J2,297 2,387,018 2,352,·185 2,667.71'2

373,8.')2' 397,818 '1-10,SG9 471,163 486, ,'is 54G,G88 1,687,420; 1: 84(1.u37 2,095,R60 2,030,217 '2,165,572 2,'I.\l~,lg,.


rgalls.. 3,702,47] 3,603,547 6,821,556 1,025,068 ll,453,L;6 1.4,301,215 17'24.°'399'118'828,5:>'0 19,4.7"7,885 16,021,071\ Tob,l molasses ....... -......... '''·)doll!!.. 5S6,51a 544,016 789,570 890,524 1, 123,\I2~ 1,037,096 1,124,710 1,013,198 1,137,844 690,718

Sugar, Dutch standard ill color-Not "hove No. 111-- pb" .... 1,865,577,4.95 HO, &U, 485/ 723,336,352 701,539,4021 908, Il8,q, OiS 255, o.~O, 219 87,130, 805i 2,414,454 223, 9>Y, 976 48,548,919

Bcct .. -- .... --- ............. ,luL·ldolls .. 83,689,158 2,717,955\ 15,269,397\ 14,800,609 20,02.~,57ijl 4,20'2,011\ ~,22S,023, IiO,525 4,797,278 1,032,010

llbS .... 4.3.1.,196,980\ 499, 7r.6, 79SI4.6Z,2lI9,880 oM, 718, 10.'; .... --. -- ... 11, -- ................... · .. 1· .............. ",,,,,, ............ .

Cane .. ___ .. _______________ .irec... . \....... ,..,.., I) (} ... I do\1a .. 13,164,0>19 16,660,109 11,2S.,68\ 2O.u~_,1liO ............ ............ ' .......... ·1· .. · ............................... .

Do .. _ ....... _ .......... -,lll~. J1b •.•.. ·~,4V.,\l\\;;,\l8'(\ \,'MS,423,005.'l,7:·\l,1I5S,57'112,SQO,374,69: 2,9:6,586,10'212,ti~5, '02,937:4,Oifi,fi:lfi,12J 3,US1,904,214 a,434.186,4.71j'3,921.G05,729

tclol1~. ~ -17,28·1,40-1 38, Gf1U, 76 .. d 60,7]-1,039' (i/!, G07, !!ll ul,50" .J~ul 4~,11'3:.j., 7751 GO,7'..I:0; 0.")11 71,3:X>,ll·1 91,0.13,398 &1,Ofl6, 8R:J


{~ rn~~lm~~/~7.~~_31~_~w.~m_~~."·~~_~~I~y_,~,~g_M"~'I~~~_1'1~'~'~ __ Above No.IG __________________ .dut.. ---- " " • ~ . dolls__ 4,928,150 2,434,9211 1,~1/"2,9"1i 300,D98 ~~9J~ ISO: 2,1t-1,2~~ 1,12'~R991" iiO~li: 9~,t, 113" ~ HI:1,}8i>

'l'otll.hugo.r ________________________ {lbS-- -- 4,918,905,733 2,689,920.S513,980,250'n:914,018,~6,~ 3,9m,OO~,R40 3,0:1 ,915,8/~1~,:~6,lo;;'10~13, ~JO,6~>':~O'3,O~,9o:,99SQ\.>,9~9,3"1,430 dolls__ 99,066,181 60,472,7.19/ 94, 96i, 120

1 100,~:)(),9'4 90,-181,800. 5",061,09, ~88,97o! ,1,91.0, 15319"64"'~'L 8D,460,088

Confectionery _______________________ dut __ dolls__ 24,752 27,lM31

31,;971 28,100 31,948 43,2231 60,20]1 82,259 82,2461 96,456

Sulphur ore cont.e.ining in exce"~ of 2/\ per{lOnS -- 231,3.37' 252,7731 296,216 367, 328' ~.~9,217 429, 6061i 426,798: 390,3061 477,171[ finS, 129 centofsulphur ______________________ fr·cc __ dolls__ 687,297 717,813.1, 970,8M 1,224,711 1,lroo,GSO 1, fi71, 577 1'591'677


: 1,482,780 1,m,4,fifi2! 1,9M,517

Tanning materials, not elsewhere specifierl I ------------------------.-------.------ free __ doll"__ 25,331 31,6951 13,~9 :~,~9 46,477 47'~~i ~,101 194,201 9~,9!91 1,11:,96=

'fn.rnndpitch __________________________ iree_)bbls -- li2,50a 90,27'11 26,~_: '~'_~~ 40,~6 3~,/ll DI,985 44,~95 4,,~431 4D,1~D

coal-tarpreparation8,notmediCinal.rl'ee~~~::: ::~:~~: -----~~~~~~~ ------~~'-~: -----~~~~~~: -----~~~'-~~ ------~~:~~~ -----~'~~:~~l-----~~::~~ .----~~~:~~~ -----~~~:~~ Tea _______________________ .. _______ . ___ frcc_.{lb>---- 113,347,175 69,455,84.7 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 27,233,107/112,905,541 1O'J.,706,509 93,621,750

dolls __ 14,835,862 9,653,672._. ___________________________ ._____ ____________ 4,209,420j 18,229,310 16,230,858 14,580,878

DO __________________________________ dnL{~:~~:: :::::::::::: 2':~:~~~JI7!:~::: ~~:::~~~I ~~:~~~::~: 7:::~~:~: ~:!~:~~:I:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: Tin, in bars, blocks, pig~, or grain or gro.uu-{lbS--- _ 60,460,123 63, 93.~, R89 67,342,107 70,158,9151 73,091,890 79,3G2,M6 88,018,036 80,764,530 84,868,662 92,822,635

lated __________ .. __ . __________________ frcc __ dolls__ 6,G35,802 8,776,151 118433.'.7 19101301 10 805 '>51 194.61 MO 23,618,802 n,486,311 23,378,471 30,932,998

T ... ~~~:~~n:'""'~:"' ........ tre"'I{~:' :::;:~;:~ :::;:~j<;:,.:::;~;~.: <~;;~: :::;'~~;~ :::"::;~: :::;:~.;~ ::;:;~.~ :::: Ul R e orCIga.rwrappcrs _____ dut_; dolls__ 5:663:214 3:913:2!J.11 4,349,034 5,122,359 5,940,857 5,084,606 4,669,932 5,641,124 5,270,032 6,475,226

Allother _______________________ dut._{lbS---- 7,747,959 6,488,547: 0,888,781 11,058,559 20,276,657 23,698,958 27,702,597 2R,775,2·16 26,178,783 30,622,703 <1011s__ ~, 920, 941, 3,575, 3ul. 6, ",1, ~~9 8'174'861


10' 849,530 10,127,065 ]'l, 564, 983 11,298,363 12,768,64n 15, ~;?, 288

TOta.I_. _______________________ <1IlL_{lbS- .. - 13.805,227! 10,177,108


14,0.35,829 19,61.9,627 26,851,253 29,428,837 34,016,956 S1,162,63~ 33,288,378 37,355,477 doils ___ 9,534~~~i 7,488,608 9,900.,2.;3 13,297,223 1~,290,387 15,211,671 17,234,915 16,939,48, ]R,Oae,677 22,117,514

Manufactures ol- I I 1 ' C' . tt d h d pbs____ 455,697 ~31,9021 418,634 460,fJ~9 481,371 450.,675 588,395 684,498 807,621


809,580. Ig!lr8,clgare es,an c eroots_ ut"l!lolls__ 2,OiO,H'i 1'551'009


' 2,OS2,'i50 2,299,923 2,401,273 2,411,'183 3,271,956 3,054,011 ·1,028,1.07 4,031,264 Aliotber ________ . _______________ dut._dolls__ 57, 103


__ °2, (U7 61,549


64,214 78,866 83,039 72,249 79,1>48 79,062 ill,92S

'L'oto.l manufactures of ___ ._. ___ dut __ dolls__ 2,097,547 1,603,505 2,143,999. 2,364,137 2,480.,139 2,494,822 3,344,20:; 3,133,8,;9 4,1.07,160\ '1,143,192

-Included in "All other chemicals" after 1897.



----,----- '--".--- _____ .. -----i'. ___ ._ •.... ___ cr:: Articles. 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906

Toys - - _ - -________________________________ dut. _dolls __ 3,295,057 2,214,482 2,265,5-12 2,923,984 3,830,311 4,023,670 4,232,074 4,977,389 4,964,457 5,887,863

Umbrellas, parasols, and sunshades, except p,lper-covered ___________________________ .' ___ dut. _dolls __ 17,368 12,637 21,933 22,412 26,9-1.7 34,141 40,288 23,586 27,022 42,287

Varnishes ______________________________ dUt..{~~~~:~~ 62,665 32,848 33,227 43,743 -16,030 47,703 49,730 i 39,771 41,536 44,970 159,024 79,702 79,461 103,985 119,888 127,583 131,11'1 i 105,898 103,224 116,613 ~

Vegetables; l-d 0

II d d . tUSh-- 482,984 163,560 184,499 9Gi,031 1,099,640 881,966 1,088,665 978,187 ·172,572 458,041 :;d cans an . rLed pease ______________ dut._

489,274 1,049,443 1,306,405 1,152,177 r-3 dolls __ 149,227 165,830 1,420,334 1,223,309 628,775 667,214 m ro---- 711,033 .. -_ .................. ----_ .... ----- .. -------- ..... - ...................... -_ ....... _ ....... --_ .............. ................. _ .. --_ ... - .... -- .-- ........ _- ..... I Cabbages a _________________________ free __

dolls __ 38,906 .. - ........ _ .......... --_ .. _--- ....... ...... -_ ............... --- .... __ ..... _- .. ...... -.... - ... - ................... ....................... .. .. _--_ .......... .... _-- ....... __ .. 10 o . rUSh.- 560,138 488,853 771,960 546,798 774,042 796,316 925,599 1,171,242 856,366 872,566 q

mons - --- -- - -- -- -- - --- - --. - -- . - -- -dut_ - dons __ 627,273 429,173 499,520 357,901 509,552 608,673 699,657 914,413 643,207 615,584 I> ~ tUSh _- 246,178 1,171,378 530,-120 155,861 371,911 7,656,162 358,505 3,166,581 181,199 1,948,160 8

Potatoes --- --- - -- --- --- - ------ - --- - _dut._ dolls __ 145,584 473,154 294,391 147,349 224,759 3,160,801 238,445 1,870,004 168,094 853,063 H 8

Pickles and sauces __________________ dut._dolls __ 332,243 243,354 352,022 306,223 388,486 480,342 537,356 646,858 578,489 706,050 H l::;1

All other- CD

In their natural state ____________ dut._dolls __ 256,752 239,733 I 312,673 371,963 366,971 536,581 497,666 780,761 646,736 815,068 l> Prepared or preserved ___________ dut_ ,dolls __ 720,822 I 499,959 I 554, 302 1 702,198


1 1,101,261 1,187, 897 1 1,573,257 1,317,971 1,435,953 'Z

t1 TotaL _______________________________ dolls __ 2,610, 854 1 2,034,600 i 2,178, 7B8 1 2,935,077 3,719,679 7,039,835 4,581,355 7,008,6021 3,1183,272 5,092,932

<j [gallS __ "61"" I 85; 556

1 93,"" I 122,479 135,883 I 168,195 152,524 181,


91,768 198,5~1 I> C J .... u Vinegar - ----- --- -- - -- - ---- - --- --- ______ dut __ dolls __ 20,519 22,313 23,534 30,124 34,222 45,754 42,656 46,856 146,434 49,319 t"i

~ Wallte, not elsewhere specified. __________ dut __ dolls __ 45,484 114,372 I 265,682 661,250 5i8,599 I 592,122 498,935 385,948 ,194,215 920,086 ttj

I 'f1 \Yood, and manufactures of:

Unmanufactured-Cabinet woods-

{Mfeet __ 15,129 14,679 21,714 28,228 32,281 ·14,795 48,387 50,370 31,844 36,619 l\fahogany ________________ iree __ d 11 656,976 799,149 1,24:1,921 1,572,269 1.752,612 2,361,483 2,783,679 2,690,382 ',1,977,894 2,470,072 o s ___

All other ____________________ free __ dOllS._\ 544,490 !.lOO,187 8,16,35G 858,433 1,240,737 999,792 1,251,621 1,434,229 1,077,723 1,334,748 er feet __ 333,727 273,5·17 1!.lS,195 101,397 82,985 106,171 73,836 66,033 97,306 100,592 Logs and.round timber ____ ~ __ free __ d 1 2,6113,397 2, '130,089 1, 76G, 294 879,956 80·1,188 907,168 637,881 552,50-1 722,693 773,260 01 s ___


Ti~~~~,. ~~~:. ~~~~~~~~: .~~ i~i!~~ {~~~~f~~~:: r 9;: ~:,; r

{""b.feet. ............ .

Do ...................... dut .. doll •..... 1 395'


BO"rns, planks, deals, and .other!M feet.. 883,735 sawed lumber .......... Tree .. \lolls ... 9,072,262

{M feeL. 40

Do .................... dut .. dolls ... 3,71~

8h' . {:ll ..... I ........... . mglc8 b

•••••••••••••••••• dut .. dolls . .1 ........... . All ,,!lwr .................... dut .. dolls .. ' 18,979

All th r t d {free .. dol k . I 4, 70'2, 031 i o er Ulllllan n ac llre .... <l u t. . dolls.. at I

]'Ianufn.ctnrcs of-Cabinet ware or house fnmihITc .dut .. dolls.. 20·1, ~·10

W d ftons ... ! ·n,770 00 pilIp ..................... dut. '\dol13.. 300,835

2~, ~~~ [: ::::::::: ::1: ::::: ::::: :f::::: :::::: :': :::: ::: :::: ::::: ::::::: :::: :::::: ::1:::::::: :::: : ::::::: :::: 1~8, 786 133,792 561,789 112,653 129, IR3 207, n04 nO,180 184,742 256,180 17,U8 18,OG8 1G,550 18,810 18,027 41,nl 33,857 28,912 46,770


1,055,126 245,2{j2


·1~;;, 421.


796, F.43

2,290,183 H,578



601,042 1,1·11,758


·1, 20Q, 161\




1,9;2,2:11 20,110

315,611 ~3,31!1

671,506 1,632,0!)5

630, ~26 490,820 7,4'"i5,;)OO 6,361,423

541, 040 555, &~3

1,0.11,234 1, O:!~,l84 1,342,593 1.216,509

2, 64.1, 9~? I 3,145,144

66n, 60~



1, 362J 821


3,309,622 9,836

720, t)37



1,494,906 1,758,5..'i2

3,Gl6,764 5,018

589, 232 710, 538 S, 8';8, 1i4 10,906,661

770,373 1,602,999 1,545,384

3,742.058 10,015


1,581,421 I 1,649,314

4,087,215. 15,221

9-:19,717 1>l,813,733

900,856 1,8..12,612

2,700,505 4,184,671

168,363 4,8,:,;; 7,442

399,013 OOS, 954 I 714,857 942,967 712,565 738,229 1,011,335 82,441 46,757 67,416 116,881 144,796 167,504 157,224

2.405.630 1.586, ·102 2.059,092 3,387,770 3,602: 668 4,500,900 4,584, \f42 1,919,923 1,953,800 2, 050, 838 2, 1m, 685 2, .179, 1lS8 2,278,065 2,591,695 All other " ............... " ..... rlut .. dolls.. 1,769,62'1

<Total wood Hnd InUnUiu.c-{frcc •• dOllS ... 117,6~;1,H~~ 7,·197,1[)'i 5, 829, OO:l 5,956,008 6, H42, 681 7,578,065 8,.280,04.0 8, 41t), 173 7,86J,fJ25 8,762,751 tures .... ____ .. ______ .. ____ . (jut ... dolb.. 2,8;)7,811 6,364,768 8,672,553 14,035,340 12,811,524 16,867,531 20,'156,326 18,565,180 21,698,798 27,769,956

~~~~=I~~~==I==~~=I=~~==,I==~~=F~====,I=~~-=:,,=======I=======I==~~ Wool.. of the camel, goat, ;1lpncn, and other;

.. --·"":"""":""-1--"':'--1·"":"""":""- ----·-1----

like Itnimrus, find manufactures of: Unmallufactnred-

C' 1 Cl tho I f1b~ .... 200, 750, 079 . ass - 0 mg .............. ree--ldol1~.. 3.1, 2S1, 656

{lbS .............. ..

Do ........... __ .... ____ .. __ .dut .. dolls ............ __

la .. J ,'. f- {Ib, .... ~7, 951,490 C SS_-COlrltIlUS ............ __ .~e .. dolls .. 7,18';,6'20

n d t pbs .... ! .......... "

01 : .. --.: .. ---- .. ---- .... ~ u .. }~~~~::I~~;:~~~:~;;· ass nrpe -- ...... " ....... rec--jdoll, .. 1.l,~73,915.

1~,176, M15

2,484,592 32, ~G6, 672


3,212,956 63[;:147

1,107,917 224,452



.............................................................................................................. _- .

12, 9i6, 999 37, ~04, 24~ 30,681,475 66,131,670 42,202,121. 45,575,99.1 100,888,258

1,948,951 8,009,985 5,025,194 7,927,919 7,488,3\14 8,573, 40·i 24,762,682



.............. __ ..... --- ----_ .. -.--- ----- .. _-.-- .. _- .... -- ... - _ .... _------ ---_._ .. __ .. ----- ..... ----_ .. - ..... --_._- ....... - ........ _ .......... --- ...... _ ............ - ... ---_. --------- .. _- ------ .... __ .. - ........ - ..

-lncludell in "A.ll other Tcgetablea" after 1897. b Not ""p .. ,ately >pecified for lS97.


No. S2.-MRRCHAXDTSE hrl'OR'JElJ: QCANTITIF.S AND VAJ.lJE.S, ETC., YEARS ENDED ;rUNr-: 30, 1897 '1'0 1906-ContillUed.

Articles. 1897 11101 1902 1903 19001, 1[106 1906 I 18118 -·-~~;--·--;~OO --------1-----,-----------·---1-----·1----- ----1-------------_·- -----

Woni, hair of the came], gotH, n.lpnca., g,nd othnr like animals, and manufactures of-Conl.inutad.

Unmanufactnred-ContinUed. f • _ {lb~. ___ _ . ____ .... ___ 77,843:02.9,61,003,701 10.1,892,929 67.4.17,71)0 91,354.272 119,702,6G2 11=1,232,698 112,695,864 99,G74,107 Cla_s 8-CarneL ............... dUL •. 1 11 I 5" 9 fil~ 230 r. 4"9 "36 • "19 0'3 ' .. [0 s ..... _ .......... 7,4.80,454 ,/86,882 I " UJ ... ,::I I ... ,'''', :, 11,881,]32 1::J,420,275 14,941,705 J.3,917,414

Totalllnmanl1fr.ct.ured .••• free •• rbS ...• 3~~,852,(126 21,57:,5~l •...•..... l ........ ·:: ·· .. ···· .. ··I··········_·II~====:-:-::==I===

Do ........ _ ............. dnt .. ;~:~~:: . ~~'.~~~'.~~~. 11~::~~: ~~ " ;,~: ;~~: ;~;·I~~< ~;~: ~;~. ~;)~:~~:~~. ~~~: ~;~: ~~~ .. ~;;: ~:;;:;~~·I~;~:;~;:;~~· . ;~~:~~;: ;~~ .. ;~~; ~~~: ~~~ [dolI.. .....•....... ll~,lB9,925 8,522,397120,200,936112,529,8.31 17,nl,788 22.152,961 2·J,813,1iV1 46, 2'".10, 1i58 39,06S,S72

ManufactUres oI- ----,---- 1 ! I .-. ---I I 1----C t d t · d t {Sq.YdS.. 470,757 5SU,745 i 631. 547 1 901,296 858,%1 999,913: 1,079,731 844,932 818,850 1,182,005 nrpcsan carpe !!lg~ .. _ .. U'__ I' I

. . dolls.... '182,955 1,7fJO,l3"2 I 1,i59,5nn· 2,'i48/i931 2,705,659 8,4·.17,776 3,758.016, 2,797,308 2,877,993 4,6:13,520 Clothing, ready-made, and other W(!aI- I

jng apparel, except sbawls and knit _ I -. fabrics ....................... dut •• doll~.. 984,689 765,181 832,668 9n,619\' 1,175,126 1,330,219 l,U22,4I:l4 1,309,gU5 1,372,145 1,626,279

Clotbs ........................ dut .. {ldh·l .. •· 27,859,311 0,062,261 4,092,898 d5-,921249,!~6 3,781,207 4.,736,999 - 44'"8'~~'2231 ~,01:6S,09\)597 33',"9'~/~I',~~9i : __ 4,870,818 018 .. 11,007,273 3,965,077 3,909,466 J' .,a ... 9 '3,968,2..t8 4,800,83Sl J u-t,099 '.t. 0,.. vv 0,157,420

Dre~s goods, women's and ClJil-{SQ.YdS._ "-22,04.8,526 29,125,529 2;,098,584. 25.343,998 25.379,909 32,858,042 i 41.4.33,596. ·i3,R.=l7,599 45,170.270 52,830,9-J.2 drcIt's .................... dut .. rloE ..... 16,787,2011 6,036,080 h,905,MR 5,872,085 5,379,251 6,4.Q4,617 7,513,725 8,205,835 8,612,663 10,049,686

Knit fabrics ......... "'" ..... dut .. dolJs.. 2,;:;31,0.;8 387,269 625, 793 ·~95, ~61 411, 1~7 671,565 670,7i<l 515,747 , 22,j,:I83 265,188

Mungo, flocks, shoddy, noil.s, wooIIlba ... - .. _ .. __ . .... 1.57'1,262. 311,540 . 435,854. 581,266 240,638 333,688 218,618\ 277,223 1,171,O~)7 extract.'!, rags, and wasLe .•• dlli .. [dol!s ... """'"'' 443,84.3 7u,224 86,8117 181.,632 63,053 92,328 1i2,697' 86,971\ 433,863

Rags, nOils, and waste ....... frec .. {~:~i~:: 4;:~~~:~~~ 1'!~::;~ :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: fIbS ....

Do ........................ dl1t. 'ldolls ..

Sbawls ........................ dIlL.dolis ..

Wool, '!I"bonized ............. dllt .. fibs ... . ldolIs ..

.;,670,.592 ___ .......... _ .............. ___ . ____ ..... __ ...... __ ........ _ ..... __ - ....... ___ ..... - ... - ... ---- .- ........... - .............. .

"~E !--~,:----~~;-~::t:,,':I---~':_ : __ ~;~-'~: ____ -:~:: __ -__ ~~


Yarns ........................ dUL{::;~::/ 1,::::: I ~~:~~ ~~!:::,~ 'I ~::~: , ~~:: I ~~~:~~~ ! ~:~::~~ I ~~~:~: .All other ....••...••.••....•••. uut •. dull>! •• 1 2,699,227.1. ... 956,78~ .. _ 561,854 I 628, 949 1. 538,103 520,40.'; L. __ 4_,_2,_1_7_7.,: __ "_·2_:;_,6_,O_0_1 _____ + ___ _

Total manufacturesoL ......•.•.. dolls .. 19,162,992114,823,771 13,832,621, 16,1r.4,446 I 14,1i85,H<I" 117,l\84,46a lU,546,a~51 17,733,788

~:::.~:":nd:~~~~=,,~::g---:--I-::--:-:---:-::IG~T~:i]~~i::--~_~~I=~=~~~~=~:=:~~~=~~;,,~=~II= ";;';;;;;';;';=i==~;"';';";" . I Id {lbS.... 1, 662, 3U61· 3,250,'965 2,12-1,928' 2,998,116 I 1,362,519 1, 0'.!8, 033 :. 724,928 'I· ~20, S15 Inblocksoqllgs,nmo ........ dut.. I

doll".. 57,346 127,033 99,01H . 152,273 i 58,24.1 39,377 . 2.3,790 41,030 ManuracturesoL .................. duL.doll... 21,05{ 11,694 16,637! 19,6391 44,912 45,910 24,1-18 I 12,0-1-1

Tot",1, not including ore ..... dut .. dolls.. 78,400 '_ _1~~~~1 mi,641 i 171,912 1-----;:Q3;I5G"f--s.;:;;7,----5-S-,-2s-g-il--~53-,-0-i4-:-1-----.:--1·----AllotherUrlicle" ..................... {free .. dOlls.r- 900:139, ~61,090 915,15a i M71,;;SO 1,276,138 1,857,315


; 1,125"127/ 1,149,561 dllt._dolls .. ! 794,917 989,770 1,181,707, 1,002,2<12 866,888 1,408,420 2,190,2·10 I 1,089.256

'l.'otalvalueofimpor!soimerciuLlldi."" 1 -1-----·-···· ···-----1···--···- -- -. -- =~='l'='====:==~~=ol==~~= Free of duty ..••...•••...•••............ <l()l1s .. 1381,D:l~'2431~m,414,I7" SOU, 279,810 ;36/,231l,8061339,008,66D ISVU'SlS'SIl 420,18U,979 1454,HO,240 517,442,302 549,62a,8"iR

Dutinble ................................ dolls ... 382, 792,169 324,635, 47f1 3n6, 868, 679


'182, 704,318 483,563, ·196 506,502,077 599,538,258 536,957,131 600,070,769 676,938,568

Grand total ........................... dOllS.J64, 730,4J2IiWi~o.19.6M ~~~'~41,~~1~3,17:~IGi) 903,.3!~,9i8 1,025,719,237 991,087,3il 1,117,513,071 ,1,220,51;2,446

rerceuLOffree ....•....•........•................. 1 49.U41 47.30 43.071 ·13.21 41.26' -13.93 41.55 . - -;15.-82-1 40.30' 4.1.81

lSa,211 .108,601

129,736 156,b'29 547,.;21 702,609

17,893,663 2:1,080,683

5.'i3 8,190

8,42"- 109,376

1-1,256 1,510

221,174 ! 27,870

935,618 4,577,191

44,882 2.19,267 1;;,418 11',528

60,300 274,795

1,480,858 1,785,836 1,260.612 1,489,300

• Pounds


No. 161.---MERCHANDISE IMPORTED: QU'\N1·I1·)E.~ A.);D YAL1.a-:S, BY AR1'l~:LES, Y1HH:-i E');DED .Jc');ll 30, 1898 TO 1907."

!;~::::U"' 'm'''ID:~~'~_ ---~~~''''"'''~!~ -',,'J -":",-I",'~: "": ~'.::j:::~::J'=:~c -~:=::;'=-~~'~:-=1--,",,~ , {NO .•.. : 577 62·1 1,0461 1,249 1 1928 i I,'IXI 1 68~ I 2,S14 1 R291 835

CaLtle ...........•.......•.......... lree .. <lOlls •. '1 20'),",1 .. '.) I ' 1 . 76,631 95,353 i _ " 273,728 375,096


' 225, ~ijj : 7U, USG , \)3,084! 118,368 J 122, ?30 D 1 {NO .... · 291,012 19\),128 17<'9611 1-14,773 9·1,099 G4,1i\l·I: 1\372: 25,5-11' 28,J90: 31,567

0 ... ______ . __ ._. ______________ .( nl.. tiolls __ 2, 836, 5U2 2,226,009 2, O{);: 079 l,l.itii,705 1,233,626 i !M5,tii:-3; ::!:10,'{UI! :Ui;>"l88! '130,062' .1"'2,M)2 ............................. frec . .J"I''']·]··· 800; 1,067 1,28·1 1,910 2,944 2,80:1! 2,6:14. i 2,85H: 3,3i7 3,6·1-.1 ho H__ 1.15,456 296,252 :=k)i,272 71-.1:,623: 1,27:1,607 l,lUl,Hl1: l,OnO,fJ06: 1,Hi9,OIl' .1,261),987: l,f)('!,mw

DO ____ . __ ........... __ ... __ . __ .. ,lut··{:~I~~:: 26~:~~~ 15~:~~~ 2:l~:~~~ 2i~:~~~ I 30~::~ 34~:~~~: :;6~:~~~ , 42~:~~~: '1-1~:~~~ i 40~:~~~ Sheep free JNO····


3,0'li 2,396 2,4'27 2,032 2,059 1,737 1,253 ' 2,200 i 2, Gi9 3,081 , .............................. . ·jdollR.. 42, 805 ~li, 132 ·18,32.1 ,18,989 46,663 38,0:17 28,2\)8 4;;,319 I 53,95'1 67,555

{NO""I :l8U, ~ti7 343,51!) 379,3li5 329,456 264,894 2\)9,88(1 2H6,841 184,742 2:;8,068 22l,717 Do .............................. <lut .. (lolls.. 1,0113, 51i 1, 1!;3, 9.19 1, 31G, 702 1 1,187,288 910,017 998,897 791,991 659, ~02 906,'108 1,052,870

All other, including fowls .. - - - - - - - .1rccL. dons. -' 1;)5 9G7 183, .n8 H)!, 980 ~ 198,330 B02,O'-J8 31G,17:-1 :JUG, 0;)·1 :3~.n, 3,il 422,2371 -J91,257

All other, indudiug live ponltry .... ([ul. .dolls .. 1 sa: ili 81,55\) 116.658 i 127,177 179,7fi7 482, 89·1 17~. 2-12 Hll,70:! 206,721 189,3n 1.--.. --._- '_'_'_', __________ ._ .. ____ ,. . ___ _ TotaL ........... __ ... " __ ........ {ire" .. c.lnlls .. i -120, cloD (i'21,210 I' 803,191 i 1,235, 6iO '11' U9'1, ,164 II 1,771,1;90 I I, ;;:,8, \'3.l: 1,698,789 '1' 1, Sill. 5.131 2,2')5,062

c.lut _ .dolls. -I ·1,25:3, 2G6_ ~,_~~~15 ._.~~~7, 75U _ __ .:·~~'~B,28.1. ~~~,~~ ... 2, 7(~~_~.~ ' . .. ~.'~~.O,G>i;) !~~~8! GGu !_ .. ~.~~~~il,) .. _ 2,QS9,22~

'l'otal nninulls ..... o •••••••••••••••••••••• _ •••• • 1_~~·l,12;j .~~~~~, 526 I_~ ~O, U~~_! . ....:.l~~8, 9;j~ __ ~, ~~~ ~~.~.J- 4, 5~3, 845 ;~'.!~:~~ nOI) i :J, ::137, '1f)~J_~, U~'l,4~~ . .. _.'1, :I~14, 282

Antimony' {lI.," .... !-~, :)'_-'-:-.),f_:-il~):O' DIG I 0, iO~ :1;': 2, i4~, ~4:-I-~I:~7~:-~~~~~:~T,~.'I~~:~Ui 1"'2, 08~,~(;r~~~~9, ~9~:'i--:I~'053, 082

Ore ................................. frpe .. (1011' .. 1 18,,,\0, ~0,362 O'i,i.15: '10,145' 26,316 . 9r),53'11 '1I,792! 30,95.1' 53,.ISi6 217,00·1

jibs..... 2,230,902 2, B1G, 728 3, (;38, 751 3,70-1,48,,: .J, 678, ,199 6 1r,0 ·\i(l 3,930,879: 4,523,281 7 091 31S ~,810, 197 A~Teg~lusor111ctnl .... __ .......... duL. dolls .. ' 121,1113 179,373 ~ri;1,774: 275,9{i4 282,~2 '3;0:727' '-'05908· 312,332 '79f,:39S l,m5,ati~

Articles the gl'owth, produee, and mtlIlufllctur(~ oi . .., I'

the United ~ tntes l'eturJlcd, not elsewhere !-:Ipct'i. i fled l,. _ ................................. frt'e dolls .. ! :.\,78:1,2·11 H, 54"1,321 -1,50·1, 6H5 6, .1:il, 8tl"i 5,815,628 7,170,573 0, 8~)!), 470. 0, 07U, 1~~-1 1J, 134, 9]2 ]1,8:13,983

Article" specially imported ............. [ree .. (lo!ls... 5·17,5;)0 1 626,~·1G 632,H11 ";09,386 1,000,01'1 9G5,OSi l,ij3R,:170· 1,G·17,:r;71 1,300,527 2,502,730

... See exphulH.tory notCH on pnge 415. bSee "Spirit:.:, distilled."


No. 161.-]\'h;RCHANlHSIl IlIU'OUT.F.D: QUAN'l'ITI)!;S .HiD VAT,FIlS, .1l'J'c., YI'AHH ]'Nmm .TUNE 30, :181)8 TO lU1I7-Continued. --- - ..• - •. _- ----- -----,-"':-----"- . .,..,-:".'-"":-"- ---.:....:....- •. -=-=: -_-:" ••• __ .• ---:..--:....--=-_:...=---_. __ . .,.---: -- .. _-

Article.. 1898 1899 1000 1\J01 I' 1902 HIO:I I 1901 190.. i 19~~-~c-~';;1~

~T~~~:~~(lt~'tiOIl OL\U1eri"nH~'r:st~ .. ~,.~e .. ll~II~~· 701,208' -~1R,857 --a41'~:' - ,181,1:- - 336,62al" :0, 620! --604, 011 RH5, 25811'- ~;6':: - 706, foUO

All O(lWf ........................... <111I .. <10IlS .. \· 1,062,2191 2,1).10,121 2,26'1,218 2,823,4H 3,179,91314,013,GR9 I. 2.681,951 3,990,0"6. 4,1.\1,84\). 5,11;0,;;69 .·\slwstos: \ I

~lanuf;tdlll't.~s()fn_._ ... _ ._._._. ____ .<inL.dolls __ ------------1 V,UaG 15,720 ~6,lU6 21J,·1-U I B7,U;)(j j 89,187 5:1,911 , t\·2..7~8 100,313

PllllHUlU[".l'l'LI·"rl ................... h-oe .. clolk.. '\020',0 ' "Uo 3R8 293,347 .127,292 7'>207'>' 70961)7 ,,71800 "00 O~,' 91' IS" \1 Oll'lf>

ASP~::,~;~n: .':~':~ .l~i.L:~'::'::'~ .............. [1'(", .. r;:;~::[ . ~~~~~~ !::::;:: ~ ~:::!:: ::::::::: :1: :::::::: :::1: ::: :': :':::J: ::::::: ~: J::::::~ :'::: ::::::: ': :J::: :~:';':':: ~: :: ::':: :':~;:; UO .............................. ,111t..{ltll'R .. 1 70,000 i 73,.l\I·~ I 101;,lU21 130,·].10 1 l.lU,I;~'; I LlU,lH! 1;;:1,21;,; 120,ii·H '\ 7·1,7UU I IIl,OI5

d()lk.· 2nO,in;, '23·1,·120 i 3ti:I,291 I 497,)\)·1 i 4'l8,R77 I 1~9,·.188: ',.14,~97 li38,;;73 317,094 \ .161,L,98 . {LOllR .. : .•.•. - ... _ .. ' 0, ~~HO j 30, -n-t 1~, ~89 14, :mJ ; 23,7·15 ! 22, :\j., :10 o:m i 7 aSG U~ -.n5

Drwfl orJldvnnoecl,HlHl roek11. ____ .dllt._ I i I I I " J I ' dolls .............. , ·19,O~() i 1()'i,g9J \)9,"0:3 ,i2,"0" 1 123,On I 121),4HH J.ll,li:n ~ 7·1,fi!)9 118,194

Alltolllollile.', awl /lnrls (1[: . I " i I

;:,:~11::;~'~1:~~~::::::::::::::::::::: ::~~',t,;:!E:::: t:::::: ::::::::::::::::!: :::: ::::::t::: :::::::': :::::::::: F: ::::: ::::111

: ::: :::::::: ::::::::::: :il ::, ~~~,:~~~ i 4, ~~,~: ~~~ . . fC{)T(l~"'1 ~!"():~:{; 17,~lf)' ~·l.,i)~! "\f.i,7SH 2i,~)i1 : 17,040 1·1,ll1 J9,n]1 7,'Hi7 I 13,7-1-1 BILI'k, hemlock ....... ---- .... ------- .. 'rcIP--ll . . 1 ,. . 1 .

tolls .. , lU(),aO/i' Ii~':'{)l: ~(j,tiao· H;},·llf): 'I08,!XW 7;),!l83 G3,·lbO 04,181 :15,0(;0. :..IO,7[t7

Bca<1sHrtd h(',lflorrmment.o.! ..........•... dlll .. <1nl1H .. 1 ,I.;1i1,2!H 1,O;r;,OF:~' 1,li7,670 I ~OO,1..j.f 919,·105 i f\l2,OiU 7·12, (j<j.1 607,7·15 Xtli,277; 7If),7tiG

. j1h;.; •... , ~7:2,()!I7 ·1'-t~,(JlIi; :!t:i,Hli); 21H,773 I .J08,70(l! ·(M)!l7<1 "'2f),lGB :fjg,5fm 687,611 I m.i,O~R Bt'l·~wax ................. _ ............. ln·e •. (l()I1s .. ~ 72,.17:': ~ IOn,!.).,)7 I ;Jl,;'):'!(j I 5;),F-S'! I .1.1:\!187 1:!7,2~O llfl,R7f; 101,'121 lfiK,Ol,' ~(H,(ia7 .Ik·\·pl':l.!W:-:. 1I0( f.'I~('wliere ~peeiJi('d ..... dlll. .(folls .. ! :-:ll, 8:~7 ; fiji, ti!).~ 100, 7~IO H.i,. 'iTO . \.IJ, ,fiO Of). 109 t)f),72H Hi .. 232 m~ .. "7:~ 11[), ~1~2

, '_ ph~ .... i l:m, g.g) ! J ;:~, X02 ; 1~7, tiS L: lilli, H.':2 1{.2, -;:30 .1B~,2tlX IOl,2·1O lrl3,fiG8 2·1i, !)fitl ~l(\, OR7 Hn:mllth ................. -- ............ II't·e .. ldol1~ .. : 1;).' .. 79·L ~1).I"i7:~· ~l;\:-:.'q 2;")1,101 i ~O:l,O;)7 ~l-I,g67 ~95,'200 :)05,·17L 37R,6f)~ 2fi2,775

11lnckilll:{ ................................ Ilut. .f11.>lIs .. 1 9H, 7:')4 ;l~ ... ,-;ao (iIi, (; t:! I;!l, ;)~O ; (il, 'i';JH 70,090 I ·1!i, fil)~ ·10, 7R·l ~~l,88·t :10, fi7S

BoltiJlg(~l()th~ .......... , ................ rret' .. df)lI~ .. i lK'j,:~Hl 107,,1.'010: :.!!JI,n·j IS!l,mn :!n,:n·1 ·'O·j ,")'1') 11)9,21:1 H18,325 I'. :..!~7,():!6 :!ICJ,'iR9 Hnnl'~" hnrll~, .awl hoof~, IIl1m:l~lnru.dllr('(1 1 - , ..... ,

............ -'" ................... 1 i"L'e .. dn11~. 'I ·Hl~. f,l·t 70 I, !);l(j : I{;m. (ilia lii·l, alit-{ fiD:!, fi:14 (iflJ, 1:m fl:~(), HI;t) n~li, 50:-, [ 1,01:1, :\fl1 K lil, 2;'):)

BOZH'UlHlllOfll, m:uJllfartlln~s()r. ....... dlJl..(l()lIs .. : ]7·1,,'"'10 'I:-n,'il:-:'; :!71,~!'~ :~Ol,·llI) :!;~l,RHll :..!·l:LOGl :..!1O,r,i:") :..!lfl,:~Of); :..!HI,'i·IO i :~!J2,n73

n~:}')k!-\.H\m:i( •• l1';,ql:-\,~'\\e:r\\dng:.: .. ~kh.}frpl' .. I'{)n:-i .. 1 1,;I~O,~t1i 1.liX\·I,~~~:!\ ~,Oln.t;t:() :..!.'.::Lll.t:W '~,:$:!,:I:~ 2"('{3:f:OI \ :!,fi:.!1.t;70 :!.Ii(lU,J.'-:.1. ;l .. O(lO.:·:); ::.::)7~),1S2 !~~~';tJ~!1.(~l.(:I:~1~~I.I~~ .. I~.~I~~~).t.I~(.'~·.1~1~1.1~~t,,~I. <lut... dolll-l __ i I,al;),o~r) 1,~!1:~,;)ml. 1,r'f)1,~l!ll) 1,::'.Q7,~~ln· i,770,77:..! l,SlO,l::7 I i,!JOI,liti' I,USO,fii7 j :!,;iIJD.6~~ j i1,(:i:~,l:.!7


. fr",' .. 'If(1]1('','J''8', .... : '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '.11, ~,191., 151 '[ 4, f'~B, 89·1 ;;, 3UG, 893 8,288, 6·jR I ,j, H1l7, U.fl I 2, a52, 701 ;', 7f,7, (j~ll) 1'3' 120, 338 1 11 ' 193, 840 Brnss, lit ullly foJ.' reU1u .. llllflt('lllr(~_ ~-. I ~C)5,028 ;;GO,lEfi I -1:1:1,,160 m6,1~)2 i)!3G,i):n 283,832 GS7,.l14 1,76:1,380 J,850,5L9

)lu.Ilufnc\.nTl~s()f·l_ .. ________ . __ . ____ dtlt __ d()ll:-;._. B;;,09u! f)i),18:> 1 2·J,816 j 26,917 47,2.3·1 ·j::;,7·Hi I 56,796 80,7.~] 1·Ja,9H4 ~'='==~=

RreI~:~l'(~i~~:. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. dilL. {:;:;~:: :; ~ ] ~~::~~-! -l~~ ~~: f':~~:Oil- -l:f~~ =-~~: ~i~' --- E: ~~~ ~~:~~f ~:~:~~~ I-~r ~~: '1'

BragA, and ulanufnctuTcs of:

{btl"It..1 :1,4.17 I' 1,17] 2,480 ;"lfo9 18,278 , 40, ~19 In, n:131 ].r" ·.1-13 I 10,127 ,

Corn. ___________ . _____ . ___________ .dnl.. dOlls_-1 1,479 1,61M J,H·12 3"JlB 13,41.81 2U,tl (jn 10,8:37 lO,6~~3 H,-t5S j

OlLIs .........................•...... (lllt..{bll'b .. , 9,098 11,;'00 l'I,~,'3~~o;11 20,7:15 21i,012


1~7,-1lG ]70,~82 38,773 22,67:, , doll~_.: 3, B68 ·1, ·1::J2 ,"l U 8, PH5 ]2,OS,1j ·J5, RD9 ;>7, so~ 'IS, 6~H 10,72ll

Oatmeal ............................ (ilLt. . {::~~;~:: i 2~~: ~~~ ~~~~: ~:~ 2~~: :~~ I 2~11: ~~; 2~~: ::! II 2~~: ~:~ ?~':: ~~~ 3~:': :~~ 3~~: ~~~ {b,mh... ~2, 938 . "02 330 46 88 B:IS 3~, 512 20,r,51

Rye ................................. dut .. dOllS .. ! l~l,~I:~:I i (182 BG6 33 97 ,130 :'0,:120 l3,mn ,j

. {hIlHIl .. , 2,0,1(i,;,90: ], B71, 101 3](i, llOR 600,212 118,612' 1,077, ,121 ';,8,,2 a, .1.02, 585 07,995 )\,hCltt .............................. <lllt.. dollo .. ' 1,9,'8, 289 1' 1,407,1125 :~.JO,4\l(i 418,3~7 78,MO HG~,</l\l ';,fl17 2,7G9,n17 53,291

{bhlS . ,I 2,744. 905 71.7 6:l2 4?O 130.1 ·W, ~51 40, HOl IjO, 314

Whclttflour ............•.........•. dut.. <lnll" .. 1 1~,2~0, ,1-,057 :;,771 3,.\30 2,610 '],·.189 liil,]OO 176,513 177,239

11'n.rinn.(~e()118 F:UhstiltlCeR, m1(l pl'(lpllrfl.tion~ of L I . ~!-!ngo, tapioea., c~c.) ........... ___ rnXL.doIlS"1 H);;,f;?H' 203,61.5 411,O:W .1<I33:JH 54:1,938! 61R, 221 7n1,f)2fi 830,4.7U





7·1,5f>2 :'6,/;3-.1





375, ,133 237, O~~ '17,70?


1,432,082 All ~)t.hCl', nn.d prf;:'p:~.r;\li~)ns of, llsl;'(.l u~ 1'00(1 :' I 'j

MacafOIll.YCJ'lllH,'plh, and all f-;1Il1l1ar{lhs .... ,............ ............ ............ . .................... 28,787,8~H ·10,~~~·1.:~t)2 5a,441,080 77,~J?'(i,0:l91 87,720,7:.10 pI'Cparo.llOl'"' ........•........ t1ut.. doll" .. I ...•......................................................... , 1,171,R87 1,617,(;34 ~,083,~33 2,9H,20J.1 3,479,82·1

All other ........................ tllll..<101lB..1 917,9~9: h~l,OOO I 1,0;~3,2~'; I 1.078,0% 1,380,658' ,138,908 6l3,m6 667,427 465,838 020,256 '_._.. .._---_._-----.- _._---,_ .. _._ ...... _. ---' ... ----_.- -- .. ~.---,.--.- ... - ... _._--

Tol,,1. ........ , ...................... (lolls .. i 8,11',2, ()li7 i 2, ;;·14, 7G5 i ], SO:>, 7~!l: 2.0"2, 2"il. I 2, ORO, 295 I 3,023,100 I 3, 2.Ji, ,ioa 0,1)57,3'17 I 'I, ii13, 11U'1 i ii, sn, 90H llrisll"8: 1~_~c~=_=~ .. 7.~C"I~~·_'=·'~-"=-7~_-~'. =~,~=·=~~~·~~=I=·=='===,=~

Crnlie, not ""teel, ImncllOd, or. pre.{lb,.... ],2031 21,,12l I :>7, 1JO I ,71,539' .JO,.r;87! 3<1,230 11,2·11 I H,122 13,,13;; I 11,(i2() pnrc(l ............................ lret· .. dOlIS"1 ·l1H I l~, :"',330 ~~,310 I 28,4wl 13,069 10,97G' ·1,0.;:1 9,:~Rg I r),325

" 'I' I "j ....., 1 1 I 11Ils.... 1, :jB3, 887! 1, &35, ViI1 I 2, oOB, OJ 8 1,633, oao· 1,972, b72 I 3,009, H06 2, m6, (H;; I 2,401,404 2,728,11·]: ii, ·133, 941 SortEc, H1JlC lC( , or IHepnlC( ...... ( II .. . I I doll,.. 1, ~J.8, 703 i 1, ,1-Ir" ~!i3 2,130, ;;37


' I, 707, 8~7 ; _2.,_0_18_, .. 8_R_5.l._2.,_foH.,535. 2,3;;6,32', 2,366,·14'1 2, HS6, SIi"i: :1, :';;6, ,,52

TottlL ...........•...............•.......... i "l:2J!\l19--i,;I~s, ?">211--:l,l~2,",~(;7 --;-:7:io, i!l7' 2, lHi, 331 I 2, HM, 001 . :~, 307, :\0'1"1'-2:;0,4\;;] 2, ,'9f>, 7161-3~'~01, 877

Bronze, lnIlIlufll('tl1resof ................ dnt...(lolI~ .. , ·J80,281! 558,·t7~ 778,63-1 865,B7:~ I 871,532 799,9:~8; 7fJ·l,302 80(),W~8; 9tO,912 971.,389

n. In<.'lwled ill ".-\11 other nl'lielp~" (,lul.iilhlc pri(.r II) IBHD. " Inclll(lt',l tttlClcl' ,. ,\ II otller ILltit.'ll'S ,. priot' [0 lR9fl. C] Ilt'luclpi."l in ",r\ II other ]1111 nUllletnreH of il'lHl alld Ht.eeJ " prior to 1906.

d Inelncicclllllrier .. )fetals, mctn.l eOlllp()~ll.i())Hi, ' to.," after 1906. • Inclucled ill "AU otber" prior to 1903.


No. 161.-'\.fJ.mcllA:\,l>IKli: hu'om'r,m: l~UAN'I'J'l'n;s ANIJ \TALII.R>l. F.'fe .• Y~~Aml IIlNlJli:D .Tl;Nl,} 30. 1808 'ro 1907-Coutinneu,

-_----c --~:;~J:,--.=-:=- _____ . __ ~~.B [.IS!!U 1900 1901 _ i '1902 '=~~19~~- r_--~~:~~7~1--::~~---~;~;·r 19~;~ Bru:-:;hm~ .•.. _ .. __ ... .............. __ .... duL.dolls.. 7,15,267 8~U,62CJ 977,5UJ .1.1.12,38<>; 1,U;1,016 1,~HfJ,6il! 1.,372,227 '1,30GI4'1~--1,'3i)7,-~~1-1 "'1:6~~~5f)~ .Bun.stotu·, r01Jgh or UHrl'lu.lLUf .. u:fm't'd . . free . . dolls. 'I 23,008 1!J,968 21,G87 38,5151 2(;, 2U!! lO,lj~~ i 2-1,775 33,lfiO au, 15~ 1 26, a2.:l Butloll" !LillI ])UtlOll forms ............... dut. .dollH.. ,135,0(m "[;1, 3~1 092,501 ,,51, -!92 95<1,020 1, lUO,207 l\92,012 866. 178 1 873,211 936,08r,

Candle piteh ........... _ ...... _ .... _ .... dnL.dollH .. 1 ,1,808 5.328 7,930 ·1,265 90.601i n'l,5~17 1~n.'167 IO<J,072 lUl'OIII 162,35\1

(' lJ f J t' ]' 1 ' c1 {hUnds .. 1-........... ~G. 61W 105.527 m.637 ! 67.430 1I8,2U8 4G.421 30. 28~ 71,152 82,246 Jar ow", 01' C eeTlf' 19'1lIuga

________ nt.. 1]1 i 7:1.553· I ~,_j .'107 ""r: 2r:<j (;mnont: (0 8·--'l------------ 82,2'20 <:1.7,972. i 0":1. ~ "v, ' ~l 08,0'i\) 41


17&1 lil9,516

Romnn, f'orl,lnllll, IIno other IiY<lraUli,,{llm .. "1797, 6'18, 183 83'~, -W, U8 9·12, 568, 0~7 63~, Till, 4(H9\'423' ~~' 1~~, 1.,110,522.761 1iI0. 291,961 382,' 7~1':,3~l 392:gIi3,_8,~271'J'J~3, :~i<:l,1i04 ··---··---- .... ---- .. ________ . ____ .cluL. dolls._ 2,57g,~82 2,77G,3B6 3,270,016 ~,198,891 1,4,8,·1.1 .... B,ri

'17,91'1 1,993,303 1,27h,iJ.), 1,.\O'l, .. ~90 .1,fl()l),9'2G

AI! otlier ............................ (lut. . (lolls.. -16,568 -1-1, 121 47, [.22 71.136 fil,5,\O 59,752 59,6{9 79,099 1 92,2UH i 108, 188

nl lk f t 1 . {lOnS .. I 84, 313 ~,9, 207 92, Glr, 97.726 'I' 79.890 106,600 124, G59 88,8591 110, lUG I 103.616 \J IU .. , llnmllllU lW n1'<.~i .- ____________ .trcc._

Cl Ib {rrel' .. ~~:;::: 6~:,~~~ ..... ~~:~~~ ...... ~~:~~~ ...... ~~'.~ ...... ":~ •• ~~~ ...... ~~:~~~ ....... ~~~'.~~ ..... ~~:~~~ .... ~~~'.~~~ ...... ~~'~'.~~~ CI:::~~C:I": '~~:l~H', ',;;,~ '(~;,~~;"""'"'' dut .. dolls .. :.: .. : .... ~_:.~ ..... ~:~c~:; ,:,:..:.:.:.: ...... :'_:_~ __ O::' __ ~J ...... ;;: .. ~,-:: ... .:.: .... '==-__ 14.84~L=__ '17~ ..... ~12. 86!ic ~~_c. 8, 51~

A~iznril1. llnd Illi7.H1'i!l eolof< 01' ,dy~s,{I])" .... 6,872,015 5.227,008 :;'984,991 1,517,n21' 6,509,U38I 4,311,016 ,1,670.259 4,073.933 3,882,478 ,1,049,813 IncllldlIlg' extraet o[ lllnddcr. -'. free. - tlolhL. 8~1i. 332 700, .fHfi 76H, .1.6.1 708,881 1,027, 02C> G04J,835 BBli,702 G2i),076 62:1, -191 \ 674, .1.l4.

:::::~~::o:~~~:~.,~"" ••.•.• ::: .f~i:.ilr 'i.:;;".I: tJ .1 •••••••••••• 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1


•• "::.~: ~ . {lb ..... ]8, ,lIH,-J7\l I 23, 3UO. 7u~ 27, H:l9.48U ~8.5n8, 781 '129,270,1-18 29,9uu,lifi7 24. :;71, 730 2u, 281 .• 931 28, HO, 8oG, 30. MO, 893

Argol", or \\'llle ll'l's ......... - ...... <lnt .. <lo]], .. : 1,525, 87:3' I, 9U. J;iO 2,38S,un3: 2, ,176, ,182 2,203, US8 2,734.027 2';,50,223 2.291,95.1 1 2, BoS, 061: 2, flf,2. 3HI

Ha.rks, ci""hoIlU, or otl1er, from WhiCh!I"" .... 2,935,1001 :>,281,977 ·1,107,35H 1 1,~5S,90'1 3.723,303: :1,\178.8.')0 :1,605,131 -1,251,81)9 I.07G,r)~'31 3.515.%8 quinilw ll111Y ue extrncted .... -" free. - <l()11~.. 27:1,2::!8 I aw, f)'ili 5lt:1, on,) 1, 02,j, 5-!H tjl9,7tH [)-W, 75:1 ,101,375 n70,725 I :-J~3, i26 :380,552

~~~:j;i;;~~:~~~~~:'~,~~)~~~·~~;.;~~~,.;~;.·~~~~1:,~~:t:iil:~~~: .. ::'. U~g,. ~~~.: .. ~: ~~~: ~'~~. ( .. I'.~~:~'.~~~.! .. ~'. ~~l'. ~:~ ... ':'. ~~1'. ::~~, .. fl', ~~~'. ~~~. i .... ~'. ~~~: ~:)~. i. ~'.~~l~'. ~~:.I. ~'.~~~'. ~~~.I 5, :::: ~::


C~~~lt~em~g;~~\'~~~~':~ ~l .. ~'~'t. ~~'I~~~.'~;l:)l.~~i~\l~(~ ........................ J ........... 1 ......... ...1 ........... J ......... ..!. ............. ' ........... ! ............ i 9~9, 1-17

C h · , I- l' {lbS.... Jt>S,05,j !I',5(i:·! 157,m7" 1[.1,.(14. 138,H21 I 11~,7[.j I l'i~,:;Ii~, H~:!~ I 111,00; ' ........... . uc III en .. __ ... __ ................ rec._ Dyewoods- dolls._ .1/), iti2 23,207 .. __ ~_1~~.~1 .. _____ 2~'~~i~.~(i5 __ ~~~! __ .... til,2·1Ij .:_ .. ~,j.,S7G 'I 53,'i-lt> 1·········_--

{tons.. 40, fiOG 37,375 ·IS, 188 : &1,793 ; 5~, li57 51,00H 1 .[,~, m I 35;514 ----:l7. 3131---38, 230

Logwood ....................... free.. I I 4 80 ' dolls__ Hl,455 Mf>,274 628,.16·1 864,986 77 ,3 7,18,5"U G6:!, i;7:~ .J44,8U 49(i,551 478,636

. {Il'". __ . 4,084,612 3,183, 81H 3, 35U, 768

12, 922, 141 2,991,631 a, 7~3, 13:J 1 3, Hr., 77U ! <I, ·1:16, 6·1~ ~,39U, 316 1 '1,7\10, 6f,5

1<;xtructsllmldcco,,tlOllBOL. __ .<lut __ r1011s __ 256,176 219,192 221.182 195,(;4.7. 213,101 267,3.1 269,777, 299,036 290,1791 379,927

All othel' ........................ frce .. dollH.. 174,386 222,\)07 23~,nn8, 213,812 i 1il,120 .101, 819 1 5Hx,113·1 i 7.,7,,1 10n,;;1',' .,·1,1102

Totul f1yewtlo<l"-- ................... ,Iolls .. 1.172-:o17'1--·DRS,I:t:l I,U~3,().ll-i-1,271.4Jr,·!1,lf>H,9o.1"· i~4i7, 7;;o!--i,f'~2,~~:J I 821,1i1l!-S96,245 1--913"165

. {IllS.... 12, ~7·1, 987 ; I." 1>(;5, 2f~2 27, U 13, 100: 20, ;16\1, 7 12 ;-2~, 576;4'1'10 35,2\15, r;7f'-I---:n:oii,15;) '27, U10, 2;);; '3,1,122,953 I il7, 1m2 ·133 Hlyeunu ___ . ______ . ___ ...... _______ .dut .. d(JlI~__ 774,709 i l,024,HH :!.,l:)f),·U,! I "',722,882) 2,358,325 2,93i,80~ i :~,583,~,O, 2,052,011 2,302,1.83 ~ 2,.J09:408

Gums- {Ih"-- .. --~~~1~ -·~;OHU-:1~1'3IiGr 2,315,1;7!) ~,269,251 3,90~,0531~;0,0;;1 13,tifJ1,~~--4.05;,,2331~~~~6~ Arahic ......................... Iree ... 1011... 1H,913 116,382 11:1,011 211,660 3011,714 265,386 IHti,t123 'I 190,132 232,715 393,3S]

Camphor, ('rude _______________ Ircpo.{lfJjo:._-- ~,()47,234 1,807,8S!) 1,789,0,,0 2,175,781 J,831,058 2,'lij"l.1O! ~,81t),1i7B 1,901,002 1,668,7'.101 3,13B,070

doll". '1 36;\ 0,,2 322, 100 I 1~1i, U71 7:18,875 571i,405 764, ·103 I 87.1,693' u3X,7.(.1 G08, ·1<10 1, [172, 863

,. " {lbS ................ ~,·1-15,0(il ~,297,9!12 3,BO, 768 '1,574,005 4,2R2,2.J71 ,,,081,5HO 1 [',060,1(\6 i>,Ml,fi08 li,'i32,GHI Ch,cl ......................... dut.. A II 51 "80 4

tlQ R •• I ______ ...... 3G3,O[)J' a5-l,720 753,696 936,065 !.I. ,,, I 1,:108,.'HO 1,S;)7,58 1,'Jt);J,3G(j 2,139,204

. {lbS ...... '''''''''llS'126'~S! ~3,82U.3121IS,IG6,296 20,523,109 27'053,nSI ~U",65,507 :2i),087,71i2 20,448,70:1, ~1i,081,7ali Uopfll, ('U\Vl'le. lLnd Clu.lIlIllur K .• frl'u .. I II 1 8117"9 J () r:n 1 ' 201206 n II'J8 "'4 2 '127 .)1)0 I " It lOJ 138 1 01' ('Go 11,0""",33" (0 S. _ .... _ .. _.... ,", J _, ,),,8, 94 'I ] I 9~3, 251 2, ., .:o,;}o) ,I,Y ,., __ D ':',' ..,.~, I.. ," "'I, ) .; ~ 0" .:.

. .. r {lbS .... 1

,12,3H4,iiUO 38, 123,'17H I :18,882,910 2/;,813587 28,153,802 42,537,3'18 27,857,0[,3 ;32,192,731 31,278,185 28,8H5,G'l7 GUlnlHer, or Lena JapoIlICtL .. - _. "ce .. dolhi.. 1,021,311; 7G-l,497 910, uSCJ ~:!.t' 53U 1, J62, :l33 2,03'1,011 J,251, 7b~ 1 1,112,61)0 1,118,910 !>77,009

Shellac ........................ Iree .. {lb" .... U.U81.~95 I n,830,]111 10,U21, 151: 9,U08:7.(5! 9,0(;1,780 11",90,7201 10,933,413 110.7(X),817 15,780,000 J7,78f',960 don~.. IJ:W, ::W] / 1,397, u:~5 I, 'L08, 103: 1,277,] 2S I 1, (j05, 068 2,713, ll87 I H, OOf), 229 3, 7,13, l~O ;),107,5·12 5,821, ()SR

Allothpl· ........................ frce .. tlolls .. 2,G99,391! 1,OiO,321 , 1,011,9361~9,990 !_~~.0921_~:3,517! __ :17,81~.~~~1~69 ~.123,08~.~~,m 'folnl gnms .......................... oolls. '15, 1)·1Il, 6~8 LIi,868, 76:, ! ~,.88'1, 7U~ 1_ ~, li3~13:..L 7, 744~8~ ~,-5:~~ .1_ ?O, 171, ~82 10, 630,181 l:':':'~' 7201 14, n~!:.I~'~

IIUhgo ............................ l'ec.. I " " I

. ,loll... 1,816 .. 111 1,698,583 1, .(.16, IUU I 1,402, 8UJ 1,035,980 1,202,451 I 1,282,407 S7:l.781 1,0·.14, H8 1,233,541 . I' {II'"- ... B,0\17,310 I a,J27,357 'I' :~.7~6,\1111 :l 139 06B I B 0;;7 G73 4,532,158' ",Q.jG,GlI 1,~30,930 7,3U2,803 7,170,057

lorline, crude' ..................... IrC(l .. !:;~~·I~: :i: ::::::: ::::1:::::::::: ::,::::::::::: r:::::: ::: 1::::: :::::: : ::::::::: ::1:::::::::::::: ::::::::::: :::::: ::::: 1, ~~~: ~~~ • Included in "All olher ttrtide"," clnlillhll', prior to 1~9\l. b Inellldc(l in "A11 oth,~r o.rticlc~," dllt.itlhh~, in ~·"~Ilrf.; f()1' which < ul'e!:?}IOWll. \! lneluded jn "All oth<.'r (~hemi('llls," dutioble. prior to 1907, d Incluucrl in "All other cheIIlielll~, I, f[(~e. prior to HIO'.

o!llcludcd in "All other dHmticnh-1," free. o.ft(!r 1906. lIncluded in "_'\}1 otlH"r dl('miell.l~," dllLill.hlP., prior to 1 Bnn. gIncluded in IIAll other cllemicnls," free, prior to 1899.


No. It)1.- -nIRHcHANJ)!sE hIPOHTl':n: QUANT.lTI.ES .\ND 'VAI.U.ES, l'Tl'., YE .. \HS m'WRD .JUNE RO, 1808 TO 1907--Continucd.

~ ~~___~ __ A_rt~~c~, "J __ 1~ __ I_: ~9~_1_ --~~~I __ ~~ _>_!l_O~ ___ [ ~90~ __ ~~~4_1_~~o~ J~~~~- '-I=;~o1 Chemic,,]' •• <1rnITR. tlml dycs-ContiDlwd. 1 I 1 1 1

'. '" ., {lbS. _. _ 70,136.591 9S. '132, 31V 106,333,199 I]()O, 105, 654 109, 0i7, 323 ; ,~8, DBO, 611 811, ·163, 182 108,440,8112 1102, Iiil, 969 GG, 115, 863 LworlCC rooL ______ ... ______ .. _____ f1.,e._ dOllS..! 1. 17l.()21 ! 1. 56G. 830 , l,66'i,2061 1,737,097 1.926.900 1,Mb,W7 1,472,323 1,780,109 i 1.661.4541 1.,140./i-1]

Li~~:. ~)~'l_~l:i~~(:_ ~:: ~~_ !~l~'~~~l_i~'.(( _~I~'~~~~{~~~;I~::! G. 7~~:~~~ \:::::::: ::::1:::::::::: ::C:::::: ::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::: :::::::: -. -' --.. ---:- ..... -. -.. -J, .......... . {ll". _ .. ;107, 1j1], 940 ,US. 10'i, 250 \13(;,403,151 1'110, 91i0. 523 130,251.696 107,827,117 99. 08i), 38G '~:;;;: ;~; 'I'~~~: ;;;1: ~~~ .. ;~~: ;:~,~: ~~

Do ........................... _ .. dnt.. dOllH .. ; 1.329,'133 1.159.2i1: 1.464.019

1 1,371.,028 1,78S,3f>! 1,126,66G 772,f)32 776,281

1 879,260 880.:1601

Mineral walers, all not "rliftei .. !. .. free .. {~~~::::i :~: ~~: ::::::::::::::::::::::: r::::: :::: t::::::::: :1: ::::: :::::: I:: :::::::::: :::: ::::::::l::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: :~:',~:::~Wlll",""" __ ............... eM .. {~::~~::! 1, ~:::::: .. :~ ~~~: ~~~ ... ~'.~~~:.~~~.i .. ~·.~~~:_~~~_I_ .2'?~:.~~~.1, .~'.~~:.~~~.Ii .. ~:~~~:.~~~.I .. 2,_~~~:.~~~_ .. ~'.~~~:.~~~ .... ~:.~~~?~

Cl'Ilclr. or IJJJmnullfacLllI'e<l. .... .free .. {~:.:~~::I 1~~: ~~~ , .... ;~;: ~;; .. , -. ~;~: ;:~~- -. -. ~~~: ;~~'I"" ;;~: ~~;.! .... ;~~: ;;~. i -." ;;;: ~;;.\ .... ~;I~:~~~r"~~;: ~~; ...... ~~~: ;~; DO.- .. -----.-- .. - .. - ....... -clut··{uOll8..; 233,2671 1,223,95111.123,756 ],259,7213! 1,:)16,~02; 1.019,909 +_1,?55,llfi 1,162,461' 1,H3,683 1,482,6'19

l''!'COll-lll)"_._. lOO'2ii~\ 124,2]1. 142,479 117,5811 .lGO.44;;! 212,143' 142,813\ 159,3801 138,619 16a,278

~t~~;~l~ _l~~~' _ ~l~~l~~:. p~.r. ~~~'~~t_ ~~d~?r.J don~ __ : 652, 8.11. 8~8, 2031 1, 06ii, 965 !l72, f)82 r 1, l:m, fj;)7 I ], :120, 527 1,094,988 1,169,948 \ 1,296, 539 l~ 585, ,177

~'~~::::::::":'O'L:::1~::~~;;I:~ :ji~:: ;;,t/ ~I: !i~:ii):;::i:: :::: )~:~I ~u/:~ ,::: ?:~ {Ills .... ' 4,2SI.6"b i 2.HOI.118, 1,.J99, "'" 1.0.>9.183\ 990,3171 819.996. .nO,382 48,101 61,018._ .......... .

Do. ____ .. _ .... ___ .. _ ........ <lllL_ dOHS .. 1 '21;a,432 i

l 17·\,2~2 i 9:~,,>3'l m,744 6:~,26:1 i 38,791: 1l,950 2,992 i ·1,4UI) : .• -.- ...... .

l'b~-- .. ,'1.K,O;)6,20.' 9\8;)G,~G3 115,?76,HOG 135,H;jG,:~22 11;)7,00.5,721 :172,·1i)2,:~31 If)..'3,:n:3,110 12(la.6~H,()O!J 'll.l.,K7ci,669 I '..!31,~\)7,809

~lllriateof ........ ____ .. __ ..... free .. d()11~ __ ll,81'i,221 .. 1,-")0\\91.). 1,80~,?:}..f ~\O.IG,2SG: ~\J.:"n,R~~X: ?:(i~~4IfiOG ~~ . .J07,n:)7' 3,289,0.1-1 ::;,3fiO,J'71: :~,f.iliO':l;)5 X'I - I· I 1 f Ph;,. .. , .I:!,\)~(I,\lBli IIU.U8~.:i05: 10.3~~,,~3Ii Ill.:1Iil,1l3' 9.:1~7,\l'i9: 1l,'i\l0.41,) 1:IJ)18.:JOlll:l.2tiO,8~6 1~,~\):\"c.G I l:l,~,Xli,950 ,I nIt,,(),. <1">-" IP,,'(,,'.('r\H e_. l'(·('''l,1011s._! ~70,~91; .10\).M181 269.'i:>9 ~S8,S(I'i 1 ~til,.I~O! ~18,f)lo, :lli6,5~6 \ 368,'-18',' ·l.UG,.ltiH .100,'200


Sulphate of b •••.•••••••.•.••••• f!'l'C •• rbS .... : ........................ ' ............ : ........... '\"" ........ ·1··········· ·1··········· -!- ....................... [ 57,538,014

II I {;~:~.IH:: . ~~: ~~;:;~;:, ',' ~;: ~~~: ~~;.: ',;;: ~;;; ~;~'.' ;';i: ;~;; ~~~. ';.;; ;~~; ;;1:/[' ;;; ;;~: ;;;,; 'I";~; ;;;: ;;; .. ~~ .. ~;;: ;~~ .. ;;: ;~~: ~~) .. ~'. ~~~'. ~~~ A ol1cr ......... __ .... __ ...... frcc.. I 1

,loll... 8\):1,1321 892,5~1! 1,26!I,m'i. 1,472,084


1,616,98'\ .1,112;;,1136 l,fI17,3;;1 1,H3,1,779 1,812,01G .......... . ----".-----~-~--.--.- - '- --."-- ---_._,----._. --_._- ------ - -- --

Totut potash ........................ dolls"1

3, 289, 1021_'::'~G, 186 1_ :1,4:37,160 ,_.s, 870, 011 4,076,505 1 'I, G06,!J.l8.1 .1,403, 79·\ ~~6, 60:_ fl, 583, 7:!:.L~i~9, 342

Q,ucbTlu,llo, "xtraeL of , ............ (lul. '{~~~i~:::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::I::::::::::J :::::::: :::1::::::: ::::: : ::::: ::::::1::::::.::::: ::.::::::::: ::::::: :::::! 7~: ~~~: ~:~ Quinill., 8uJphate of, ltI)(l 1111 IlJku.h.J~(ls or{oz~ ... I ·l, 37:l, ·177 I a, 978, ,j2J 3, :na, 749 ~ 3, OliO, O~!2 I[ 2,886, 20;"; :~, 373, HSl 1 3, 88·t, D~l 3,039,,110 ,1, 7;:)0 .. m~~: ,j, (j~1, R10 salt~ofclllChona burk. ........... tl'Ce .. <1()nH_.~ 890,908 I 9·19,10·1 I g3t,a90 I l,128,56i 801,1.100 7i12,17:~ I S;)2,ltj.l. {,i1,HIO 7'IO,~131 I G51,5f)8

Sodu- . {lbB .... i 2U,H97, 1~~;118,,1U::27~ 11, 12!l,U89 [";>,119,099 -;,29~8..'i() /2,{i;;7,7;;1 i 2,~.;~~~~~--:.IUO,:- 2,~2'R\I\1 i=~~~": C.lustlCd ........................ dul-.. dolls.. "(i6,Oa~' 2f,2,2U7 li7,Rf)i 1 100,248 100,5;)7 On,l70 I 74,072 .=).1,,17·1 ,.!:,)~:',~.!J,~{G,.I'·····,:I.·,2·,·0·~,3· .' f [tOTl" .. , 12o, O~l I 12<1, :n·1 184,21, 203, flOg .l92,321 252,OS·[ 2(1:!,57·1 2H2,229 ., co"

t\lt.ratco ...................... rrcc··lc1ol1~ .. : ~,7'l.fJ,7ilO i ~."O!).I,~O;) .1,7:11\,~07 fl,77(i,!)6() £),56[;,361 I 7,7H7,40;) i tl,2[)U,n:lli U,()83,396 lH'117'~R71' 1,1,0·11,20'1.

S 1 1 I jlbs····1 R,H51,01l 1 J,22·1,1l80 1i'621, a11 1 ;"),191,350 3,ij60,1{j() 1,083,%1 B,705,!iaO z,UOJ,f,·i'\ 1,523,02:; ........... .

n. ~o(a' .........•...........•. dnL. (1()1l~... .lO,261i :20,90;-) :31,072 2':;,229 21,08·l· 28,:WI) II 20, 8;):) 18, 31.1 J3,7U·l, ........... .

1 sl {lbS .... 1

Hi,H09,IIlU .1;'"),.Hl,:mfl 7:-l .. -)71,R70 :U,.IG1,22H !<!7,6:Ui,7:J7; ~1,IiH8,U~~;) H',;)fi3,a·H) 17.9:30,37G !\ 527, 2:18 1 i1,7Iti.1,2·10 (lolls.. ;1~m,711 :·nO,7-.l2 ti IS, ,mo :;07,298 2G2,IOli ~'~, 0 188,7;)0 lGH,279 92,!Wl 7~,0i1~

So(an.I. ....................... c!nt.. I [3'2JI

All otl,er.ltltsor ............... <lIlt..{lhS .... ; ~1,.100,r>% :m,~Ul,I:;~, ~:I,ti82,:171 1(i,7"7,~i! 15,.J22,2BII17,705,~1:.1 10,0,;0,10,1 1O,(HI,3ll il,UU9,:;02116'Uil,WI doll •.. 1 'l2;;,O~H :1l7,0::'1 :OI,.J,'.; 178,205, 27G,23() I ~81,,,O., 1 ~78,3:J:l 2aO,f>70 i 2;)2,200 3Ui.'J8G

'i'otlll"'"llt ........................... c1ollH..1 'J,~L::q~., ~.\I;,5,,81-;~~~~11 Ll,::~~~.~~r6.22fi,:M71_8,310,~~ ....?,8:;1,(;(;;i··l~i:~H.or.a 1 la, ,532. ,j 14 I. 1';~XI,7111 . [tOll" .. 1 1n,38U 1~H,(j8:! : 1;;0.399 li,U 711 1 187,4801 181,130 HlU,ln UI,IM 88'S081 :\~).:l2G

Su]phllr nr brJJTlstollc ('clirle ...... frec"I' ',' . , , <IOlls"1 :~' ~\)a, :'):)~! ;\, :l:~, .I~\) 1 2.:~~, 912 ~,875, 101 3, 58~, 88·1 i 3, M9, a70 ::, 2:1I, (i~:l :' ~8~, ~~7 ~,5~7, ~~3 U38,222

, • n {lbS .... ~,.101,13., 1 U,91."UI0 110";3,,,[180 7,:!3U,60(i U.182,9J7


12,858,M7 18,(iIH,6.J.! 1.".,8.!,,,,H 10,13J.",;)9 12,4g7,IO:l SUIDll.{,/;"ITounll. .................... dut .. dolls .. 1 120,20;) lS:1,la6 I ::!~S,17'; 1:1:1,a03 j 145,776 187,186 27G,891 22;\036 I 237,309' 1G7,2:m

r '11 I . f {lbS .... 1 (;3,9\)71 272,174 2;);;'%6 218,\188: :ml,7a9 i 521,689 550,328 (;OR,11f1 1 8.12.50:'1 9(iV,:!~V

'nIH n )eamL ..................... ree.. ' 1 - \' "I'" U-1 [42 13215"0 '1 ')'II"G

t bl . 1 f {~~~.I~~ ~I. ... ~7~,.~~~ .. ' ~J. ~:~~J. ~~~ ... ~~~~~~ :~:~~ ..... ~~~}. ~~~.I •••• ~~~'_~~~.II .. ~~~:.~~). ~~~ ... ~ ~'. ~'~'. ~.~ ..... ~~. ' ....... .. ~ ... ~. ~.. 8: ::~~~: ~~X \VI1X, vcgc a t' ()I I1lIll('rll 0 ••••••• me .. (lon~ . .1 ............ 1. ................................... 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ",.,. ••••• 1,464,411

/I, QUH.JlIHy ~tll.t(!d in (LOZOII qllllrts nft!"!,' J!)Oi). Llllelllflcd ill "1\.11 other p()tn~h" prior to 19()i. Qlnclurled in "1\11 olhcr chewicals, etc.," dutiahk, prior to 1907.

d IIlC'ln(]('(l ill ",:\11 other!-l of" nrter 1906. c :rncllldcd jn .IAll other chemicnls, cte .• " free, prior to 1907.


No. JOI.-lI'1BIH.'HANI'lISN bIP()In'~:D: QeAN'rJ'rlE:> AND YALl:~:H, ETC., Y),ARti ENDED JU);B 30, 1898 TO 1907-ContiIlllcd .

...... -.~=~-~ .. ~--.=~ ... -=~ = ==",--==~-=--~-.. = ~ -==--·=--_' .. ~~~·=··_"I~=c-~_7_ .. _~~-"=.==~ ..

~\~li~C~~ __ .. ____ ._._. __ 1. 1.898 __ I~.U.\_) _\ __ ~O~jl._~901 lU02 .. .1


'. _.~!IO:{ __ .. _ .. l90~ __ 1!lOi. __ 1._ ~:~.J 1907

Chemicals, dl'llg~, lIUlI clyeS-COlltiIllWd.. I . Allother .. _. __ .... __ ............... {rree .. dOll:-:i .. f-','.!9!,:3g·1 fi,137,511 ~ 6,553,i56 6,025,34·1. 6,E)OS,2:28: 7,074,493 7,G3S,7i/[ 7,815,709 11,411,07'1 7,a68, 291

dut .. d()1Is .. ·~,_OSO,-l21 _;)12~~l050 !~~_~O'~~~_I 7,011,01.:>,560 _~9G3,42f) 8,2~lf.j,7m I 8,7'!O1512 8,142.)orJ2.

Tom] ('hemi""I", l'll' ......... jlrec .. dOIlS .. : ~:\77a,5~2 2;'i,170,20l I :H,:iii;),759 . 32,3-l7, 150 I :1:J,7.IS,ti70: 39,·ISfi,3:19 i .10,8r.6,tYl21"39,853~S2!11·.lS,5!7,3;r;-·5;:,06(),(17ti dnt . . doll~ .. !.~~i?i".~fj:_.! ~.', 511, ~~: .. ~~ ~'~~J_:_:l.~I!~,_o~.I .. ~' .. ~~~'.:?-=-.i 2-1, ~tH, 870 ~~ ~~.~2~~~~·~'1_ 2·1, 9~5, '130 I ~;), 905, s:m I 3.1,937, '238

. 'rotnl free nnd dlltiuble ............. doIls .. !~~.~t71,~i .J:!, ~~~1, GO·l :~:~~.~5~.~.~?_\ ~3, 508,157 5;, 7:!~~.~=_! .. ~.~, 351, UJIJ I 65, ~U4,r~, 6l~7j9·: !j59 ~74~~~~·R2,'~ 014

Chl;:~~~~:~~r(lllni\ .................... fre~ .. rbS ... r- 176, ;10 r'~=~I':""'~: :~:i·~·=:~~:·~~~~~· :::'.~~~= ~:~-:~~~r:~~~~~··~~ ... :~ ... ~ ............. . Do ..................... _ ....... dlll .. I~~~~~::\ 13~',:~; j .... ;;~: ~~~r ~:;;~: ~~~'i' "-;;~:;I;;' ..... ;~~: ~;;.:. ';:'I~~:~~;' .. ~: ~~<;.'I~'i' "~:;.;~: ~;; ... ~:.;~;: ~~;,' .. ;: ~;;:~~;

t<lOIl£ .. ; 2,963' 2,353' 17,7112 i 9,838 4,GS7 27,%i 68,:112 i r,U,,,89 f,8,i>02 1\ 41,(180 Rous~~'d, grolllul, I If otlll'l'wi~c prt" fIhs .... [ :I ali:.:!, 520 a3.5, Rt7 38-1, 957 ~ 848,597 2U8, Gil ·1·12, an I :)34, ~~ I 6~)(j, 095 f)-itt, ~O\) 6.1;),2t17

lm,e{\ ··················· .. ·· .... ·<II1L··t<loIK., 11,~~9 11,061 l2,9~1 I 11,{)\)8 lil,·I;ll l7,~~3 2O,lw 2'2,395 20,u60 2[j,7~1l Cl~ocolut.(', pn'pl.L.~(:'~~ or, l~U111llfar.tl1red, I!O{{HJS .... ! aCJCJ~,28S i 1,12~,515 1,~ . .w9,012 I 718,8t8 r,251~21 090,824 1,784,Of~: 2,6t)2,251 2,CJfj·~,59·i I 3,511,9Iil

lIlcludlllgCf)!lICtlIOIlCr) ............. dllt·.<Iolts··1 l-Hl,8W' ~01,·139 240,14.1 H1,892 .L01,fl36 HI,8H2 4211 .. 1861 6·J7,377 71~2,717[ 830,(111

'h . f' f ltOllS ··1 10,774 ! 1~,5i31 21,830 12,350 33,077 ~8,0(),l 27,U43 '\ 36,783 57,290 , :l0,865 C ramie are or ehroll\ate [) Hall ...... fl'l' .• ciollR .. 1 196, liS 26.1,122 3';8,099 2H,7112 53", 7tH .109,731 393,2:1.1 508,968 I 728,396 382, .lii5

Clays or ctJ,rth~: !, I CommOl~ blut', for the lllanufacture of {tOll> ··i 4,787 .I0.U9~ I 8,975 5,4~H i 6,26tl 8,..198 7,501 ,1,1l75 6,·W4 10,0(i'!

crucibles ........................ .iree .. nolls .. : 5:;, &ji 76, ~:: 1 l?:,.:~~ I l:7, :6~ ! 7~, 0:51 , 9~, ~~~ u~, [j~6 , 4\1, 70~ I, ' 62, ~l:J ~~7, ~:\2 {

tOllR •• ! lOG,2G6 nfo""'1 IH~,(,2" 1(,[1.211' 18,,1:)8. 20.3,&" .l90,12n l 200,H,l. 240,699 2,6,.1,)0

All other ........................... <lul.. (lolls .. : 70S, 819


786~ 514.1'_:211:~ll_! .. =~~~~~'..~.:~4, 5tH "I_~ 2~ ~~i!=~?!' 291 )=:~22, 8~'1' ~~~~i~~I~~8'lIl. ~8~ Clocks llJld watches, and purts of: .

Clocks, nml par!~ of. ................• .lUL .. doll~ . .1 276, j6(j , 27-1,020 3H,.HO i 0,;9,116 i 158,890 I '189,626 ; 6~1, 239 '186,765 1 539, 7~3 I !11O,000

Wutehcs,ttndpnrtsoi. .............. (lut..doll." .. ! fj89,65611,06J,959 I .1,40.1.111.' 1, G7!J,OllS , ~,OO1,·J:H ~,]82,(181, 2,869,235 2,479,730 \2,5(i5,313 \ 2.!lS~,1I3 Totul. ............................. dllL .<Iolls .. :-=9~~.42':'i.l. 385, 98<1.' 750, 55~i -~',0:l8, 239 ,- ~G0:324, 2, 672, ~_: --2,990, 4i4 1 2, :06, 495 g, lo~i~;~~~~ ~:07~

cO"~::;~Ok": . {tons.f -:851-11!--··~O~-·---:I! 11' 302 :'-'l07:1- 80,8:1"-- :~:I--:;:~o~'!" -'~::~ AllthraClle ..... _ ............... lree .• dolls .. ! 14,n!l 2,G$·1 701 61 1,91>8 i ~~:1,021 1 104,073 ]03,005 113,5261 78,751


mtl:~i:\~\~~::: -_::::::::::::::: ::::::: :{{:~:~:::;::;, ;;;: ~~; :11: :;,:;~~: ;~;: ::;, ;~;,: ~;/ :;: ;;;,: ;~~:!:::~: ~~~,:·;JI' 3, ::~~: ~~~ III:: ;,;;;;,::~~~:!:::;, ;,~;: ~;;:Ii: :~,: ~;!~,: ~;: : :~: ~~;: ~~~ dOUR. _ 3~ ;lOl, aOl 3,595,79:1 .1, <1"76, 032 G, B81, 474 5,310,4:-'>0 10,062,185 5,0·13,814 a, 713, 7·18 4,31;7,750 4,184,541

Coke ____________ ._ .. _ ......... __ ... dllL.{tOIls "Ii 37,490 5.l,·13~ 56,448 7",104 99,485 122,630 12:>,12·1 196,008 108,262 129,163 dollf'!... 112,322 172,5-10 232, 555 :~09, 5D·1 S59,370 .n.1,0.171 ·J93,570 835,481, 6~6, 484 [l63,492

Cocou-, or cacao:, j

d 1 · {lb .... -I 2." 7J7, 404 35,512,361 -n, 74G, 872 , 'J5, 92-1,:153 51, 379, :{~6 63,351,294. I 7~, 277, 600 73,815,89" i 80,IL7, 402 \)2, ?49, 819 ern e, an( SlH~]]H oL._._._. ___ .... free... I I I L1olls... a, 492, 033 5,064,703 5,657, 28a 1 6, '172, 829


G, (;56, 50·1 7,820, OS7


H, 873, 709 8,51'7, GJO! 8, 6l'7, DIG: 13,376,562

{lbS .... 1


815,8~4' 9~6,219 l,012,31i8 -I 977,003 973,970 1,004,71i6 1,009,082 87'1,878: 1,055,031! 1,267,733 Prepared or 11l1l11Ufaclurcd ....•• __ .dnt.. I I

dolls.. 290, 844 ~\lf>, ·1l3 313,5(;1 288,8-10 295,921 292,522 300, ·10\) , 2:,9,0:17 21)9, HI 371,816

Coffee .......... _ ....................... frec .. {lb' .... 1[870, 514, ·1f," 831,827, OGa 787,991. 911 11854'871' B1U ),091,004,252 -1915' 08H, 380 :9U~, 0-13, 28-1 II,O-17,792,9S1 Sf,l, ntiS, 933 19sr" 321, ,17S

<loll;.. 65,067,6:n [;5,275,470 52,467.9-13 62,861,39911 70,982,1,15 59,200,7-19169,531,799 84,654,062,73,256,1301; '18,231,902

Coffee, substitutes._ ..... ___ .. _ ....... _(llll._flbS·-·1 8:,7.810 992,39,; 1,2tl:!,6.59 875,420 400,527 ·150,6,13 -1132,378 2-1-1,327 .1:19,227! 3-Jl,·186 [dolls.. 29,562; 36,370 49,029 38,354 I 20,499 23,613' 26,'183 15,407 28,70" I 23,385

()()i~lS, lIIl'~~l.H, ltnd o~~ler Illc(tlilic article' b;stowc~l I . -, , 1 1 I, . I _- - .. H - •

us trophICs or prlze' ................... frc( .. dolls.. 29,144 8, n90 I 92,'1.,3 _ 6,379 9,162 v, 762 1O.),8DO 8, G,j, 17,480 1 20,952 Collodion, ILm[lII!1nufuctnr"H of ___ -..... (lut. . doll, . _ !G0,83G 249,019 378.583 i 2i7, ·j61 213,663 178,144 I 2-10,501 I 166,.1'/9 2'i2,.126 871, iS6

COP:~;~'~~~.t;~':l~;~;~:~;;~:({)~~)~~~~l~·~:l;;:~l~~!:t;b~: : : : 1'-: .... ~~; ~~ ~ . ~~'. ~~~[ .. ~~'. ~~~ .i~ .. -.:~-~'~~ 'I~~'~~" ~~~r .. ~~~~-~-~~ .1;' ~~, ~~~':~~~'!'---~:,~~~~~-'! ·::.~;~Ei:~~~~~~~~ <lolls. - ......... - ........ 1


748,446 i 1,98-1,303 :1,032,1.3:1 i 10, O.Jl, 2m 1 1-1,093,840 1 3,385,52.1 3,406,381 I 4, 8g~, 961 1 6, 72i, Sill 1 8,2%,328

Pig_, burs, .ingot", \liL,te", 01<1, anti other fl IJ_< - • - - 40, 7~2, 9-lf, 1 39, 81~~;i;;: 84, Gas. 79·1 im,iiii~3:1:,-!-;i, 802, 891-!I:il-:J61,262- -[,12, 539, 4Ja 1l4ii, 303, 305 'i~7] 98, .l-l2:-m; UlllllflllU IItclured ..... - -. - - - - ..... fl'o,,_ -[doll, .. 1 :l, 077, S3e, I ·l, 793, 69,-, 1~, .J19. 901 : 9,909,481 10, 923, 0~3117' 479, 28-1 18,1i!I, [,lB. 19, 8-11,5671 ~'" 76-1, &i5 39,3-.16, U5

l\hmulucturcsof.. ................... ilnt..doll" .. ' ·12,730; 39,058 37,569! 30,9821 '15,935 25,963 35,929; 100,91-1: 70,9571 82,512

Totul, not including ore ............ <iull". f:i:-12o-,Ii(;51-:I.83Z, 75:1 ];:-4G7~:liur-9,91i), 46:ITio,-;;ii8: 948T17 ;505,2.1718;21:0..1.12 119, 942, 511i2.~, i:i5~-5Ii2T39~:1?'8,-687 Cork wood, or cork h1lrk, Ullllllllluf""tnre<l :~c=~=~I==~~~ =c="·I=-=-~'=:~--==='i==~=~c =-==c_7_""':=~='==I==-'~=I=

................................... -... frel' .. clolb"j l'lw,3~51 ],1<I7, 8U2 1 1,4-.(.I,82:, I J,729,912! J,SHi,1071

1,737,366 1,'18-1,'105 ~ 1,729,14:_I! 1,837, [3'11 ~,3:'!i,();)2

Cork, lJl£Ullliaetllres of - _ .... - _ .. - .... - -. (luL. doBs. -j .. 2~~~~~,~_-':~-1,_~~~ __ ~~'" ti~~. _. __ ~~~_~~i_. ___ ~~~~~:_~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~.!._J~~~;~~ Cott.on, an<1 IDllnnf,,,,turcs of: I --I --- ---- -------,-----_.- ---1-- 1 I _. {lb"_"1 5~,(iOO'3(i315n'158'158 67,:lIJH,IW' ·16,(i31,~~3 J 98,715,680 I' 71,8'14,·126 48,840,0\'(1: 60,608,'->48: 'iO, 963,<>33 IW.I,7m,?S_1

Lnmnnll[HC[med ......... - ......... froe .. (1011, __ ! 5,019, [,03 0, 01n, J..t6 7, !l60, 9.lf, I ti,707,828! 11,712,170: ]0, 892,09.1 ~, 5·11, 5W! 9,41.1, i()() llU, 879, (in 119,930,988

, _ .. " flb ... -.: 0,728,290 _ 0,022,·12-1 ,/,899,328! O,182,177! J.J, 323, 5-1" , 23,207,b~0 20,S:;"389 _ ~)1,302,850 120,011,1l67 22, 954, 671l Wtlste or flock~ _. - _. - •.. _ •.•• _ ••.• - free'"l dolls .. : ]52, . .lilfi! 2]0,8;IU 2.I.J, .147 I 189,020; 4Un,001 i HOO, 062 8·,1.5,821 I 1, 2,U, b74 1, 35G, 0,",2: 1, O·l'!, 207

1 ____ ,.----- ____________________________ • ____ • __ • _________ ._____________ ! _____ _

Po FroJll imports for cOIlsumptiun.


No. 161.-l\1EI(()IIANIHS~' hiPOItTIW: qT.TA"'TITU':; AND VALU];S, BTC., Y~]ARS ENDED .TUN!, 30, lSDS '1'0 l[107--Cout.inued. - -.. _--------= --=---:-:-:-_---.------=--:=------ :-"-


Cotton, 1111(1 DULIllLfllctures of-Continued.

MlLlIufacture~ of­ClothO'-

189M 18[19

Not .blenche(~. dyed. col?re.d'lSq. ycl:-i •• ! l"j20,108! 1,2fJO,932

~~l~~~~~,. _I~:_l~J_I~~~i-,. _~~ _ I_)~g~1tt~(~J dollH. __ .: 120,7G7 ( 107,0'2:;

BI("n~hCd,clYCcl,(:OIOTcd,~tahlPd,f~q· ydH. - '13, 25R, :!Hl : f>1 t in6, ~aH pUll1ted, orpl.'lntccL •... dnt.. ((()1I~"", 5,:na,lifi:5 Ci,u49,OB

i ____ .

Total ('!Ilths ............... dut .. t\oll' .. :

1,0.,0,55-1 i 1,O'l1,:106

Clothing. !'olldy-made, I1.nd othPf wcnrjng ! H.ppa,rel, llot illOludillg knit. good~ i ................ -- .............. <lnt. .do1ls .. ·

lnlwhine"S Or rH\.mc~, or knit hy 11:1n(l

.----'--:~-.. -- .. ---=-==---=-.=-. .-.-....:--:-=.:........:.==----=--:....:----- .-. ----

1900 19(/1 1902 1903 1904 1906 1006 1907 ---._---- ---- 1-------. ___ . ________ _

;),061,7~O J,612,21i7 772,01111,322,007 i 1,'115,v12 1,309,358 1,878,528 i 2,10G,91O

357, 1m I 196, \J.i!) 86, aSG lOG, 5J5 1 1"\\,10'1. \i\5,G\)f> 216,"111 280,2\18

(iI,U~(),()(i:J j39,150,7HO .1!),4·1O,314: ;)U,9!1S, 185 130,032,H91 'U;,210,0121 72,778,701 80,23B .. ~121 ~1~G,olll.!_f),-=---28,G:;3 6,g3~!:II __ 9,01~1,m)2_._~,144,38;)J 7,7fll, 179 11,m,!\~0 12,7'27,769

8, fil~, 901, i~ t~I', IiO=- __ ~:~~~I~~l~ G~7 L 8, 30~, 48:,) .. 7, IN.:, 874 rn,9s6;Wl::_~;I' lio8,-007

1,231,231 1,52'.),956 1, 606, 513 2,2-17,903 2,505,035 2, RHO, 658 2,915,382 :\,771,188 Kuit gOl.H.h:: Stocking::;, hORt."lo, huH hose, I

~hirt.~, drJlw(~r~, nnd 1111 gooe!:;:: TIIll0l\. ru:sh-101H'd, IIHTrowcc1, Or Hhappc} 011 knJthTlg'

................................ flut .. (lulls .. · 4,nB'I,4R3 ,1,3aii,25n ,1,715,702 fi,4G~,2l7 5, 3G3, 515 6,J57,711 6,041,691 6,150,484 7,218,897 Ln(\es. edgjng-~, mnb1'oi(lerir~, in~p.rtirq.{~, I 8,671,848

~I(wk 1'IIfl1ing~. rur,hillgs. t.1:iml1lings, I IIck-lng.l:l, lU(le WIndow el1rtn111~, and othpr;

l'l::~;'.:~;r t:.~:;~~(;~r::.~(~rl:.~~~:~;,~:,~~~;t;~:l~:::: l ~~: ~:i~: ~~:I ... ~:I: ~>~~: ~~~' .. ~:): ~~~: :~~.I. ~:I: 2~~: ~~~ ... ~~: ~~:): ~~l ~~: ~ ~:): ~8~. i .. ~:: ~~~ ~~~ . ~:5: ~::: ~~~.I. ~~: ~~~.' ":~~I 3~: :~:: .~~~ ~~~~o~_~~('~.I~~I.P~ i.~~,~~,:",_ c~~~~·.i,~~>~·:fdl)l;" ... -, -... ',' ~.: ~ .. j .... ::,:" ~. ·1··:.: ~,: ''-:,' -j-. ~ -~. ~. ,;: .. 'i .. : ........ 'j": -~" ... : .. ; .. ~ ..... ; ..... ; .. ~: ...... \ .. ~ ......... ; ,tina, :,~"

Thf't'fHt (nf)loll spool~), yarl1, warp!':.{lbg-- .. L,Sl/,.)/O I 2,::Ln,9d 1 :),21 .... ,1..,1. .),/2.), ..... ;:)6: ",006,190: ,1,/hl,937: .),060,.)3R I .),0_.),331. D,J11,G4.t. h,9lO,_td or warp ~·~un ..... _ ... ____ .... r1ut._ don~.. {k~7,\)U~l \ 8·1IJ,t'lU; ~,O'J::';!~)5~! 1,746,i':!:} \ 1,921,i·1B: ~,42\!72~) 2,2tH,'J.H I 2,~O.~,1;)'1 j 2,5U8,72-l. 3,1)8.1,027

All olhN ............ ____ ........ (lnt..<loliH.. ,1,291,110 j_~'1'3~:_~~..I ;',fi2S,21S 1~1-li:138' (),0.1~,2"7 :_7,S5~6~:~,f,00,3-17 4,a2::oo21 4,3;'>1,259 1~19,tiS9 To(ulmnllufaetnrps of .... -.. _ .. ]ut. .doll' .. \_27, ~{j7, 300 1 S2, 0,,1, '::l-1j~], ~?, 2:1\J_ .:!,O, 2,)1;' \J3,; i..:14, 4liO, n6 ;!>2.-I?~,!_;i~ __ i 49, fi2~, 2461_:~~, 91U,.:3_~ _63,043,32~J...2~'2:()J, 63~

DhLUlOIHls ana olher prr.C'iom; stones: i ! 1----'·· -1-··---- -.- ----·-1-· ----.-.! --- -' .. ---____ A. ···'1-·-··----· . JJinmOlll]', Ill1l.'ut, ineillfling miners', glaziers', i 1 \ I I I I

lllHI cllgnn-('l'~', not set. ____ ...... free __ el(lll~. _\ 11 2,517, 75H S, (;78, 21m 3, :0;\)1,226 1 6, :171,u30 \ 6,1;-,.1. F.;J3 1 ]0, 933,18~ 8,776,418 ]0,390,917 JO,57U,()f)·j ~ 11, 154, ir)2

lJiillllOlllb, 1'111 hlllllo( ,PI .... _ ... _ .. tlnl..'lolJ' .. , "·\,438,030, R,J9i,2&-I/ 7,~~O,9J:; 11J,6~O,~23 12,7:;2,1)7°


' 1fi, 571. 59H 110'02~.4f'2 .l7,OlU,ii:lO 2·!,282,S1l7 I 23,065,'.I:lS

Jli:llT10Ild du:-( .. r'fl('r(_,. __ .. _, ... _.,rl·\'~\.,dolls._! 1~8,RO() I ·fl.\·1,!) (j')I,HS2 i 'iSS,'j~() 78.1,1119 ,~27,n9n 662,489 i ·1·17,575 133,7td ~ 1,s9,121

(Hhpr prl'doll:-::-;jolH'~. lInt'lll ..... _ .. fn't'_.Il'lll~_.' :1:..!,~;():l ! H!1,9'21::1 ~ ,')},OG; ~~;-i,:\03 .1t~J'j:-.::~ ll),:1.GR P-U,.{YO: ~7f.,7t-:3 1~6,O:\7 \ tflt),:~27


Othcrprccions Htonc~, cnt hut n()t~ct., indu<1illg I 1 I 1 natul'al pearlx .... ______ ..... _ ..... (lllt.. dolls .. ' '11, 9S~, 4~16 2,141., J06 i 2,403,0-1'3 2,134, 9f.;O 'i, 403, 919: 4, fY.~5, OG9 It, OG9, 751J j 5,62·1,701. 5,258,4]2 I 7,002, URi

'l'olal ........................... -......... (:;~~~..:, 2~!7;:,.0~BJ~!,!:j9,()~~ ?~~l;i~~l~£ ~~, ~J:J'.~:.:J~~,30~m) -~:;,~~~~13;l, ~61~5~ri~-40,:i80:762,~·42~~8~~~ Enrlhell, ~LoTle, unci cbjJHl. ware: I I •. -. -_ ... ---

China, porcelain, parian, ftlHl hisqne- I 'Notdecoratc(ior ()rntlITIcntrd ... dut .. dolls.. gB.J,22G 1,012,829 1:081,68;) 1,000.896 95."',51i 1,072,7·'·1 1,3:n,381 1,171,64·1 1,113,69{) ],2'-(;,0;.1 Decora ted or ornamented. ___ ... <..lul. .dolls .. : ':), fl70, ,.107 Ii: :!70, 105\ "l7G, ()!:',9 8,063, OS7. 8, B09, 911 I 0, ooa, 8:)2 10, HlB, 07'.? ·10, 03S, 072 11, ·101, :357 [ 11, 8R:), ti80

AI] oUH'r .... _ .. _ ............ _ .... _ .. <tnt .. <1on~.. 273,727 I :121,025 :.lBu,921 '10S,286: -n·.1,728 i ·13;), ·1·)6 'j7·1, ijGl 4nO,007 362, '17;' , f>lH,059

TotH.l .. , _ .. _. _" _ .. _ ..... __ . _' .dllt_.doll~ .. -(>, 687 t :lno-I-'7·,·603, 95~)'j 8,645. 2(i5 ·-9,472t 869 !--9.680 .. 156-i-iO,512~:)211~~, 005, ON 11~650,7~3 '12.87·7,G2.q-!--13, 7(lli, 790

Eggs .................................... dUt..{~~~J~:: ~ 16~:~~~ !~~f~TI=i~:~:~f ~}~~::~-!=:~~:~~1="3~~:~~;1[- i~~~~~= - 3!~:;'~~- =~~2~t~~~ 1----2~~~ EweQ·: : 1

ore ..............•.............•..•. frec .. {tons .. ' ·1,·J2V 7,~!)9 ~,H77 1-1,909 6,471 i,l!)8 ·1' X,G3i 10,5:'91 9,817! 12,G·1O don~ .. 1 S/l, ·182 las, 891 IG2, O;)G ~~88, f)U6 136,698 1.31, ~"'5 168,021 lon, M':·1 I ~~27, ,WI: 223, SB8

Grain" and ground, pulverized, refine,\ {lh"_ ... 1 475,771 707,185 'i03,n9 71l,J,771 1,520,7H 3, 19R,102 I 2,090,83" 2,6i8,19fi: 4,112'00'11 '1,629,278 or IDmlllfnetnrcd ................. <Jut.. doll" . .1 20,700 :!i,992 28,317 30,337 56,847 87,2(j·l 90,932 120, OliO 1~6, %8 216,01i1.

\\"he~h;, file:.;, tl.lld other nlHIlUinctlll'C:'l of 0 1 ................................•.•. dllL.dolls.. ............ 7,!l6·[ 11,.185 lO,737 13,087 Hi, 1m 12,hJ7 12,~92 ~O,\)n 17,7'19

Fans: I 1

ldoz ... ,............ 937,010 .1,3711,082 i 798,666 905,009 1,130,2110 1,'171.,li';8 829,150 71,197 i il-l?,161 Common palm Ie,,[ ................ [rco .. dOlls .. :_._ .... _.... <14';)10 59,19-1! 39,669 47,563, 6D,'I03 82,.136 60,993 ",m):;: 22,1-10

.-\11 olh,.'· ................•........... duL.dolls .. ' 3H,?GG' 373,0!);; .186,0531 390,547 1;27,197 i 5?6,400 ;;.17,n;;! 424,96-1 461,542 I! 521,88:1

FeiLthers, f..~tc., lHllnra.llLTlfl nrt.iJ1eial· I ~ ; , FpHtbers RUn dowllS, ernne, Ilol,Jrr(~e .. dolls... U;),-!4H I ···-··-··1" ... ... -_ .. - 1 dressed,eolored,()rlll[lnllraetlll"e(l)dul..cloll~ .. 1 2,O~;l.507 .~:;~~:~~; ..• ;:;;~~:~;<.;:~;,;:~~~ ... ;:~;;:~;\~. ··;,476,659, ·2.7~2,0;~· 2,0~~:;;;· .. ;:;;~:;~~ .... ,~:~~~,;;.\; li'eathers R,?-ci dO\\'n8, naturul, dre::.:sc(l, ~o).ol'ed, 1

or 1l1lluutueturcd, and drei-l~ell ilull inwi1ipd bird •..•....•....•••. _ ............. dnL.<1011s._. 'i74,'!~,\1 32R,·lf,7 117,?lii\ 1.1 ';;;,!l7:J,' B07,60~ 266,121:, 171,33IJ 'I' IB~,(i~l, 927,3,:! I' 1, 772,;ISO

Fenther,<":, 110"\\·01'9, .fruits, grnin~, mal h')l\,l!~:, ! fLl'tHlcinl .... _ .. " ................... dut. .. do]ls .. : 2, ~·J8, JS3 1, U~7, tl23 ~~, 22:;, ?O~ i 2,07:-" :,52 ~, 770, 705 2, ,,(22, 121: ~, "'3~, -191i ~,3un, 015 I a, 090, ut\o' a: :~a2, 00·1

FeH.Ilc1hp'SiYC,forshcathingyesscls .... rrl'e __ don~ .. : ·17,Dnl: ~~3,7Gf) 2(i,~rl:~! 2ti,~1?'! a~,6-15 i 32,5J7 ~W,S.J7: 32,:1·n 1 ~n,2'i;)! 31,'i~)O

Fcr~~l:,~:;;;~: ............................. free .. !~~~;~,: :' -_~~~~~·:I-=·==~~~~'='_:~::C i~·CO 3;:: ~~~.-=~::: ~:~r~~~~~l~· _~~~~~7!~~:~~: :~i~2~f5~~I·· .-~ 3~~~~~

ItOI1... 9,8·[0 11-1,9;,4 110,06:; I' 1~1,770 IGO,897 , lii~,703: 110,2.10.1

1~8,9H7, 20,027' 21,350 })ho~phales, ('rlld~\ _ ... - .... " _. - - - .free. - dolls .. 1 f)~). 7:W ! .1~9, 216 504,41J1 816,6,11 791,451. I (j;}!), om~ i (jO.~, 406 (;"}O,218 : ·102, J70 I 16.5,60S

!l.Inclndcd ill "A]1 other," prior 101007. t.lneltH1L'~ ('lit rllnmouo:-: ullfl jPwl'ls forwatch~~~ and docks. o Includes dinmOI)(:ls not cl~ewh('w f::f1ccificd, en!. or uncut.

d Lllcluc1es llIleut Ilnd irnitu.tiom; of, ('Ilt or HIleut. • Included in "All other nrtielcH," llutinlJle, prior to 1899,


No, HIl.-l\flmcrrANDlsE hI1'0H1'};D: QUAN'l'I'l'IE8 AND VAWES, ~;TC., YrURS ENDED JITNt1 30, 1898 TO 1907- -Continned.

~'crl~:rR_~:t-i:~~~tiCI~~~ _ ----JI-~;~:s rC~8~9 _--_ I~O--~_~_~~O~~-~~~:~;- -=~~~~a---~~~~~=~;~ ~~l~;--~~-~~O~ __ All olhpr .. ____________ . ___________ .. lree .. dollA._ 1,25",001 I !);)9, L83 1,136,528 1,371),977 ],490,708 2,2["'19,852 I 2, tJ75, 527 3,207,631 'l,13f.1,INO. 4,833,627

TotaL. __________ ., ____ ... _____ frce:.dolls .. ! 1,370, 533 ~1., OJ9! 1,697,986~, 230, 2;36 -2,:[;6:758' :\,-illO, 276 -1-:i:503:726- - ;1~524~700- --j, 'l.i'J,360 15; :i:n,:jW I~==-=-=~~=~.=--~=.- ,=~~.~--==_,~~~=_'_'_______=_~~=-=c-~~~__.o_=~=_=_--

li"i!)ers, vege~ab]e, ltud textile g~n:::Hf.'H, :llld mnuu, I I ' lactures 01, not e),cwherc Hpe(,lfied; i

Unmanufacture,d- l

FIt,:_ ------- .. -- --- -- -- -.. --- --f:ec--l~E'::: 2'1~: ~I~ i:::::: ~:~;,}:::: :(~,:;~;: :::::: ~:~;~:i:::: ::;:;;;: ::::::~: ;~; :;::::: ;~: ~;;: ::::: :~:;I~;: :::::: ~:;;;: ::: ::: :~:~;;l o------- .. _----------------oILldollH __ 1 94R,5S;, I 1.30 (],520 1 1,646,27·1 1,880,717 I 2,OY·I,YI5 2,028,012! 2,5-11,87·j 2,2GO,421 2,327,300 2,254,112

Rcmp __ -........ - -.. -- ......... free"{:I:l\:::! 43, ~~: !: :::::::::: ~ -:::: ::::::: : ::: ::::::: :1::::::.::::: :::::::::: :\::: ::: ::::: :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::: :::::: :::::: DO __________________ .. ___ .. .dUL_rOllH..I 3,7181 3,941 3,400 4,0571 6,0~>4 1,919 5,871 3,987 6,317 8,718

{~(~l~~~::: f)I~: ~~: i 47:: ~~: 45~: ~~: 62~: ~~~ 11' 01~: :~~ 8~~: :~~ 8~:: :~~ 6~: ~~~ i 9~~: ~~: 1, r,~!: ~~~ I"tle, or T'lIDpico filwr - - - - - - - - _free __ ,lolls __ . 1311, ~9.j 2&1,177 475,090> 103, GU6 495,251 1,086,682 1,199,014 1,40;;, IS-! I 1,28:1,311 ], au9, 20n

{tOIlS' 1I2,HOn 83,161 102,693 103, HO ,128,963 79,703 I 96,735 98,215 103,9irl 104,489

Jule'mdjlllebults .. ___ .. _____ [""e __ <lolls::\ 2,5-13,498 2,296,189 3,956,413 '1,.112,482! 4,447,987 8,3;k~,8251 4,10-1,870 ,1,DOO,023: (l,'B9,684 8,9flO,918

{IOnS ' __ 1 flO,270 53,1% 42,62·1 4:1,735 56, ·lG3 61, (148 i 65,666 61,562 58,738 54,513

)[auilu_ -- -- -...... - .. --- -.... _. free -- dolls__ 3,239, 3.Jl: 6,211, -1.75 7,172,368 7,115,416 10,555,272 11,885,510 111,423,395 12,065,270 11,035,667 10,876,107

. {lOllS.. 69,322 i 71,898 7(l,9~l. 70,076 8,9,0,-83, II, 087,025'1 _ l()<Jc,2_1,._11 c 100, ,30_1, ".98,.,037, 99,061 Sl!:1nl grnRH __ ... _____ .. ___ ..•.•. frep.. I

dolls __ 5,169,900: 9,211,377 1l,782,2113 7,972,564 11,961,213.13,_89,4-14.10,930,0,),) \1,),2,)6,8.0.1 \ 1.),282,208 14,959,41,1

{tons __ 9,7U1 : 7,166 10,933 8,013 9,083 i 16,075 : 14,428 17,14.9 18,603 22,580 All other ________ .. _____________ lree__, I , 0 " .

c1olls.. _~9, 222 , __ ~3, 247 __89~,~ __ ~~!:91_'_._ 977, .nO ;_1, 9'~2,?79 1 ___ 1,_':0,317. 1, 991, 9H9.~: 074, 3L: _____ ~, 2_9:~, 2'2~ , {Iree __ c10113 __ 11,980,996 j 18,~16,¥J5 21,277,~lj:~ I ~O,-128,97ij 28,437,136; hl,G1.3,240: 34,403,151 ',' 05,219,025,,36,126,1821 88,'150,875

Total uIllllanllfarturul ...... 1: I I

d1lL _dolls_ _ 1, 46f), lHO: 1,783,6:18: ~,O\)6, 5j:l 2,50;),531 S.lOS, 8~16' 2, 8i9, 2i3 3,411,13·1 I !1, 898, 746 I a,23j,108 3, 788, ·1~;1

ToLullree lind t1utiatJle ... _________ .t1o!Js __ -i3::j4~~'!..I~~300,09~~=' 26, ;)7:i-,SO;Li3~~::.~o~ :ii; i0:l1!i2~:!4, 462~5i~.-~:81~285i~~, 118. 07~1~~ 360, 290T42~239: ii~ MaTlui""t.nres 01 .. -

Ifree. _doUR __ Bags for grain, mude of blIrliLPSlc1lI! __ doll •.. ~~~: ~~~ '::::::::::::::::::::::::: I: : :: : : : : : : : : i: :: : : : : :: : :::: ::: :: : : :: :: :::::::::::: I: :: : : : : : : : : : i: :: ::: : ::::: i:: : :: : : : : :: :


Uirii~!l~t::i!~~~~l~it(:~re 'f~~ ~~_::~=}rl'el~_ .lll.lll!:; • .! :.!4.Y071_· ---- -.---. :--- ------ ---1--· -------. -\---- -------- "1- :-- - - -- - --- i-·· ----- -- --I- ---- --___ a_ i---- --__ a ---:. -- - -- - -----

erillgcuttO!.l .. _. _____ . _______ IhIt. __ dolls__ 4:49,(3]4 518,015 I 813,4171 47G,0531 m17J 81S !!!.!],Y/.i..'} I 20.3,680 \ 348,551 I f.J!),801) 1 J,218,a-Hi

BllgsOfjnt'l ...•................ AuL.dolk. ••••........ 99~, 74!l 1,3~7,215 2,120,6'70 2,m2,IOS 2,(K\1,07711,307,2?1: 1,74.5,680: 2,.132,383 {,330,530

Cable8, cordage, threads, Dnd t,wine[lbs.... 493,100 i '155,001 436,·117 235,5081 004,r,n l 873,lH6 1,018,755/ 2,052,22911,763,478 1,384,227

Jlot"lsewhereSpeCltied ..•.. .dUt.·tdoll~.. 69,%1' .:5,130 ~~,920 \' 4~,07'i' ;80,4141 ~91,5~9 i ~8{'9611 181,1~{ I !70,~3= I ~07,997 . fSll.yds.. ..•......••• 2l~,S27 132,351, \1.,,133 _60,484 .00,1,9. .07,G.6 233,4211 .14,67, I············

Carpet9aDdcllIpetmga ••..•.. dllL.", II "10-81' "'3 ',<.' I "9 '2"51' "I ~'I- 01 ·1"" I 61 "·'4 80 ('"4 "(' 569 .. lUO I:l ~_. ................. ,", I "t"1: 1 _UJ: ..... r.:, r.' ,'lJ , , "" .;;:.I~ . ,II II, . ~~. _____ ..

JibS .... 3,928,501 ~,fi30,9H 3,901,384 4,6M,47'1 7,030,U8 5,503,86; 6,518.063 ,1.961,716: 5,904,034 1,430,4.,1 CoirYILrn .•...•....••.•......•. rrec··[dOUS.. 131,.153. 95,968/ 1-1I,S:;o 115,·109 257,g58 19~'2891 2.12,960! 184,910 214,243 I' WG,997

Fabric3, woven, not pl!"ewhcre speciticu-, I Bj~t~e~;;,~~~~~.~~~~~~~:~~:~jl~~g::~~fi;~. ·189,112 ....•.....•. \ .••..••......••.............•...••• .' ••....••..•. , ........••......•••.•...••••...... ··1···········'

• {ILS ............•......•.•...... 1 .................................... ' ............ ' ............. 26~,067,1891~J.l'1111,257 i 356,5!9,G85

DO ••..•••..•••.....•.... d:lt... dolls .. 5,181,718 8,137,519 10,006,185,12,600,405 15,531,503 11-1,~~8,316114,6~O,~7! 14,69:,17: :O,003,93~ I ~~,113,8:7 Other, (,f II!'-x, hemI', or =~e,}sq. ylls .............. j ........................ , ............ , ............ 100, lIu,312 ,103,488, '112199, 81/, 09" i1:A, flSS, 84, ! 1!',825,·1/3

r.omml'rclally known as 111]]1- . I . 1- on ... fi9:"" I 5 on "15 1~ 1:6l"" 808 I 1($ 8"9 8""1 ')1 Ot8 sr.? ens"b •....••••....•..... dut .. dolls ............... i ........... l .... · .... ··/···.·······.; .. ··· ....... 5, ''',," 1,6 ,~< D," D, , ,'" _0 -,', D~ HandkarchieIs· ................. duL.dolls •.....••....•. , 1,657,7~2 \ 2,1:2,;7~ I 2,20~,740 2,218,::9 :,3~,U44! 2,405,:27 ~,aG4,5~: I :,~~3,~GO. ::,734,9::

. {Sq.YdS •.••..••...... 1 416,6.)81 832.4.0·, 1,30u,222. 1,821,DI9 <>,808,0501 3, 381,D34 1 .>,508,San D,410,160 1 1,109,OUI OllcloLhs' ...••.•.• .- •..•••.•.. dut •. dolls ... ............ 216,210 407;0081 532,255: 681,·:16<1 1,105,894.: 1,201,070 1,220,312, 1,7H,uS9, 2,313,772

"\ . .,. flhs.... '126, Quu 1, In~, 52; \ 6,193,009 G, 685, 421 i g, 531,215 3,536,037 1 S, 8%, 321 :I,215,309! 3, &28,837 / 2, 4i\6, 570 rw ne, blnumg •....... -- ...... free··ldOlls.. 34,391 18'l,U42 i 4-13,187 510,17,11 ;08,1991 312,905 i 1\44,183

1 295,1361 312,829! 22.,400

ya.rns .. ~ _________ ._. __ . _________ dut __ pl.m---- l,U56,sgg 1/911,2~~5 ~ 2,.R5;,075 2,240,121 2.,138,182! 4,443,122 -1,585:209 i 1,74.;,341! 3, 709,43["1 I 5,07;),1»75 ldol\s.. 3~,043 405,80\) \ 56\1,981 [.02,\130 UB,711l 1 381,3251 372,269. 190,M3 ·123,8&3: 6,;"P;,iO

Allother .•.•..•........ _ ....... _dut .. ilolls .. 14,249,050 12,799,362115,510,278 13,592,mO 1n, 280, 21.1 , ~,831,10" '~,98;,850 1 2,048,0901 3,745,972 i u,203,20~

Ttl f t r {In.c .• dollS .. 1,000,361-1 ~i8,OI0\ 585,337 \ 655,5~31-966,1571--509,i94\ I,OS7,143! '180.08~' 557,072 '1' o9-1,4~7 O·R IflltllH Ite ures 0 ------- 1 1 I

dut .• dolls.. 20, ~9g, 430 21, 879, 5~4 30,974, eSI 32,1(17,025 38,0.0.205 38,815.327, 39,221.694 , 39,015,32·1 50.8S0,r,W 1 67, 02~, 070

Tolalfreeanddutiable ....••.....•. aon ••. :~~:~~~::125,157-,~94i 31,559,371! 32,762,60g! 39,O~0,3G2' ~9,33~,f>2l140,308,~37.!~125,.j0(j 1 ii1.43i,5Rl.' .r.7,422~5,7 Fi"h~reSh_ ,--.--., 1--1-··-,--1-)---

Salmon. free JIbS.... 160,083 , ....•... , ......................... J ....................... ···········l .. ······ ··1-···········1············ Do ....... ~ .. ~~ .. ~~ ..... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·~.·.·.·.·.'h!t: j~:l~:: 9~: ;~~ '. ~:;;1: OO~· .. ~: ;;i;:07g· .. j: 3;8; ~5J· i: M2: 972"\"· i:iai: ;si· .. i: l~i: ~~;·l··;: oio: i~6'1"~: 7:~: 057')··· i: ;a6: ;li9

ldollR.. 85,30·:1 ;,]3,360 11i;,0"9, 127,563/ 141,532'/ 127,3151 111,llm, 103,60~' 170,87(1 J~i) •• IS!; An otner ......... ____ . ____ ...... dut .. dolls__ 007,255 903,283 1.130t -fiR I 1,220,G17. 1,31J,t)t)~ 1,~B7,064 l,577,-IRt I 1,[\.:11,3:381 1,597,801 1,t~79:227

"Illelud~ in ·jAII other" prior to lli99 (lud after 1'006. blncluded ill "_\11 other" prior 101903. eIllc]mlec1 in . '.All other IJ pl"tor lo 189~1.


No, 161.-Jr"'''''IIA:>:IlH·;j; J)Il'OH1'lm: QITAl':"'l'1"I'I1<~ ANn VALUES, ETC., YEARS 1~:O;[)BIl ,Iu:>:r, :-;0, l::Hl.~ TO IOUi'-Contiuued.

=~=7=----='" ,~.~~

, .. I '"" ... ,.~~=,~=.~. - 1 .....

Articles. 1808 180U 1000 1901 1004. 1006 190ti I 1!I07

- .. - .. ·------·----1----Fbdl-Coutinllcrl.

Cnr(!d or prcscrt"cd-Anchovies ann ~nrllinc~, packed in oil or

othHrwisH ••.••..••••••...••••• dut •. <1011_ •.

Cool. 11I1Ctdock, ho kc, nnd p<?lInck.}lbS ....

~~~~~~ ..•• ~'.~~~~: •• S~.l.t~~, .. ~~ .:~~~,1;~ dolls •.

1,110,674/, 1,152,981 16,062,597 11,382,462

520,9(i8 '126,11<1


14, 31J5, 4RR



17,613,267 6U7,(l6';

1,710,774 111

,438,506 1,691, MO 2,283,358 i 2,058,253

2G, 6G9, 784. 25,595,800 23,948,852 10,467,057 I 19,670,0'10

1,095,336 I 1,021,212 l,10·1,0\l~ 1,(Hl,9','oS I 1,1:m,349 I

2,92.8,028 2,521,103 2, ~1I ,568 I Herring-Dried or smoked •.......••. dnt .• {lh, ....

dolls ..

Pickle.d or sailed .....•.•... dut .. tfhblS .. dolls ..

Mackerel, pickleil or salted ..•. dnt .. {bbIS •. dolls ..

{lbS ..•.

Solmon, pickled or snlteil ...... dut .. dolls ..

All other ........................ dut .. dolls .. :

Lob!!tecH, ca.nned or Ullcanned .free.. i

5, ,132, 265 3,690,339 :

107,840 H7,270 I 140,050 160,053 I

1,0.;3,050 , 1,077,138 I 81,2m 8~,04~ I

992,822 I 1,100,[)2, I 903,990 ! 52l, 004 ~

6[;,693 41,410 I 267,712 321,572

6,596,&;9 6,897,328 I

5,130,813 3,212,614 4, 734, 9-15 I 127,555 88,274 130,911 ,

106,217 155,201 190.111 I 1,355,013 1,163,611 1,31.3,[0\)7

92,733 I 87,725 ' 94,696

1, 27G, 900 I 837,7DO 1,003,354

7;~,6;)8 662,752 68.1,921

51,236 43,930 41,822

g,10, SRI 729,173 631,524 7,4.'¥1,2'1.; . 6,982, SGi 7,202,758

{lbS .... ;

dolls .• '

S~~i~:,~' .. ~~.~.~.~~~.~~:I.l~~~.~~~.~·d~tl~~.1 2-12,771 46,034: 62,415' 99,587; 144,ORii \

!'nunds, fish ..................... £ree .• dolls •. : 91,6J5 r.l,17~ j 51,606 I 105,2591 Qa,7(lS

59Q,577 730,460 i 931,2191 ~'>.\7S.s 877,842 !

,. Jfree .. dolls .. ! 960,:172: 837,6';0! l,045,2fO! 1,060,G311l,1i;;;725 Totalfi.<h ·····•····· .. ·······['ll1t .. dolls .. ' • 11" 318 - 99- '69' ,'An' °1- 6200 .". I .411 0 "0 ~~_ 0, __ ','.1 ! ___ ~~i_' __ .. f~l· I, ,i'I ....

'l'otalfreeallddutiable ............. dolls •• 6,076,fo90 i 6,065,1391 7,47?,O,'i7 i 7~261,411, 8,527,097

Flint and Ilint "tones, nng:round a ••••••• freo .. dolls ......... · .... i 27,766 i 40, ·175 /-. 6~, 5,';-1 I 55,174

FrU~;I~~~liU<: • " .. '1 I Banaulls .........••••.••...•.••. rmc .. dolls.. 4,2.16,418 5,66,,588\ ,,877,835 6,000,186 7,307,437

Currant" .••..........•.......... dnt . .JIb" ... '1 25, lSll, 210 ' 30,819,2.'iR 36,251, 77911f>,()49, It'~ ~6, 238, 97G l'lolls.. S37, (l87 I 798, S57 916,OOS 916,99·1 I 1, 238, 7~fo

68,(jm; 67,520 6U,SOJ 1 235,488 I 239, 370 2~9, 40'. .

1,731,487: 1,;;75,241 1,555,009! 75,916 l 120,G90 l1i,62.~ I

1, 118'4.~811'672'812 1,425,873, 403,359 424,910 381,619 I 30, 316 , H3, WO I 33, 65~ ,

691, 991 i 7i(j, 699 i 904, 008 i

3, ZIf), 32;); I s') 4~O 2~:819 i

2,120,011 '

138,931 I 1,G9R,Ol'1

GSS, 870 u6~ 262 I

1,OWl,953I ~,00G,400 ' 6,M7,GUlI 7,76·1,241 i 9,124,1;;2\

888,101 \ 1, O~7, fm5 r 1,223,7(j(j 1,218, 60S i , ,

158,880 164,476 ' 286,2491 al0 218 i 120,684 1~6,S73 1_.~S,369 ,~811--'

1,117,618 I 1,279,0-U 1 l,'.:l.'I,lIM i 1,5\1!,137 \

7, 617, 91~5 1 8, GID, G53; 8,959,092110,013,465 \

8,03-5,= i,~,88!\,6!l7110,198,076 i 11,607,602,

106,197 r VI, 964 ! 133,874 I 21ii,890 I I I r-' I

8,511,156; 7,709,976 \ 0, ~97, 8~1 10, 3m, 30'? I 33. ~~8J ~09 ! 38, 34:', 6~O 1311 ~~2~ ~H1 3'1 GiR, 311 ~

1_3,644 I 9gl,4aO .61,_89 1,11~1~14G I

2, ·100,703 lfl, H18, '27'1


1,769,869 ~1, 334



l:l1,114 ~,6\.)9,m:,{;

790,356 73,90S




3\15,6'10 80,037

1,5:;;;,"'1';1 to, 7S0, 075



11 , AA'1. ).(;8

38,3C1::!J 7i9


H :0:: '"d 0 ~ I-'l 1D

I .c C\ I»-~ ,." .... >'l h E1 00.

::.-~ t::i

<i. I»-t'i c:: I;::i P


lilJ:-..---.13,;.,il,-i31 l:2,O-l3,3C) '119.uo.~,h12 18,4al,917 20, 0.13 .. fi81 I ~1,mn'l;'91 ~U,Oij8, Ifi·j i IfJ,257,?50 I 2~.43;),672 :n,?iO,8!)!) DIlles ........................ /Illt '10Ils .. 1 :)71, 992 1 :321,0~7 410, 349 1 372,100 3-14,83:1 .j~,.i, 1;;1. 4t.i~,·ji;9' BtlO,48B; ·179,142 S;,iO, 5[,8

FigH. __________ ...... ______ . __ clut __ pbs .. -- 9,1)28,·126 7,2S~,O!)S 8,81~~,4S7 I 0,933,8"11 ]1,087,~31 16,~~:,1.12: 1:~,1';8,061. 1~~,3G.!,107! 17,5G2,8;jS ?-l,:H6,173 ldolls.. 509,002: a56, 7W~ 513,89;,) 4!)8, [)13 487, {S3 I IIj, 917 660,360 617,027 I 722,967 l, 13G, fl24

Gmpe"" ....................... (\1It. .{;;~:~:~:: :: :::::::::: ::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::: ::: ::1: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: :!:::::.:::::: ;: ~~~: ~~~ fIh:;;, ... ,._---------- . ___________ :160,108,0:)6 1'18,5.1.4,61.4 HitJ.,075,a09 152,00J,~na 1171 ,92:3,221 13!J,OS·J:,321 :108,717,21)2 157,859,906

:.,::~':::{;::~i'~:"':'"I: :':': ~~~': ~~~: : :3: ~6~':~;:, ::~: ~:~': ~~~: :: ~:~~~': ~~~:i: :~: ~~~: ~~~:l::~: ~~~':~~~: : :~:~~;~: ~~~: I::~: ~~:~: ~~~: :: ~~~:~~~ O I t (lb~""",."""", .......•.... 6R,618,0:38 50,332,9]4 52,742,'176 I! 56,872,070 35,f>93,2GO ~:-;,~80J)75 31,1:H,a·1l 21.,?,G7,:Hfi rfi.nge~ ........................ ( U .. I

<lolls .. : 886,722


1,097,596 1,OS7,01J '1l6,4fJ7 7M,640 818,780 ~,2;;,46.s 37-1-,088 4:;6,72(; 3,,4,405

Pill t 111>8 •••• 1

303,9[\2 GOO, 360 44:l, ,1:;7 745,974 522,.178 GH3,819 49·1,105 071, G01 ,197,19·1 32H,377 UIIlH nYU prlllW:-:i ......••...... ( U .. dolls .. 1 30,660 HS,074 . .17.700 62,880 44,('77 63,218 46,976 63,617 53,348 ,.15,3SG

R " I t fIbS····1 u.5na,SH3 I ·1,~133,201 lO,809,·HJS 3,~60,836 (i,683J15 6,715,(;75 G,867,fU7 '~,o·nJmm 12,·n·j,855 I 3,007, 1:)1 ,tlSIJ1" •••••••.•••.••••••••••••• <. 11 --\<1011s .. : . 381,FS9 282,,100 ;'31,124 297,63.1 39!),"13 476,8-1-1 355,0·12 27:>,03.1. ')~'l,f>9()' 364,·.IOH

l)rcpo.redorpre~crvcd ........... dnt..dolI!.i .. : 922,357 .1,020, (H·l J,2·13,4i9 ],366,801 ]".t54.,7~;8 1,521"1-13 1,79G,209 1,599,488 2,437,7Gt, 1,272,·1·15

{frcc' .. (Iolls .. i ·121. tl"i b·13, om. Gtl2,510 ti81,832 308,' 94 525,83;; 448, J...l0 3:;0,802 307,261. 2!17, Ol5

All olhel' ............... _ ...... 1 tIll'; 0",3, J",o 4 1 828 0')9 2 "01 C' 2 -7" °85 177 a I 0('(' '1-2 t u .. .< 0 S .. ! (l il,) "1,03t1,~ml 1,a~7,036 1,377,298 1,745,J.9 " .... I ,,) ,,).10 ,0,)," 2" 84 ,)), D

Toll,1 fmils ........... _ ...... {In'c .. (10Us . .I"· 4:m;X,Q751-ii, ~U;, 9,1; 6,;'40,8151 7,232,018' 7;6)i;:;iSl9,066:-W1! 8, IG8,'iW W,248, 623- '10:637,563 !-i"2;Jio,.i~ dut .. <lolls .. ' 7, G70, 11:17 9, 377,71 r; ~, 7-H,.J13 9,085,830 9,820, ;-',,3 9,793,247 1 10, S06, 67~ 9, ;'30, 4!)0 10,90,1,759: 13,9'11, 0!1,1

Nut8~ <l 1 jlhS .... :·~)~7:;3621- !1,:5-;,"1271- fi:317,fi:I~I'--i;,1.1O,232 -:::68:982 -8:~42,lM (~:'83~~:~' ~~~:;,,~:~lr~,009,B2(i·'-~a3,6.1:1 A mall" ....................... ( at.. rlo]]s .. ; 05ll,65!) 1,222,5S71 g.m,OS:.l 9.j(i,138 1,2JO,886 1,337,717; 1,216,,17,11 1,020,0!i3 1,82:),475 i 2,331,XlIi

::::::~:::s. :~~:::," ;,:,~'~~::' ::,: }~r'~~:l'~::::! ~ :::1 ,,;, ~J ~ ""I ',,' ,,' '~' ,,' I ?'" I ~':~Il:::: ~~~: ~~~: I: :~: ~~~: ~ ~~: I ... :: ~~~: ~~~ eop"", no!. ,hrcll<l"il, desie· (fl'(,l" ,I 1 I 1 " '" ""ted, or prepared" .. ,....... l':~:~;" ·1·····'····· ·1······,····· ........... "i" ....................................... _, ................. ·1···· ....... , ~~~:~:~

:~~:~':,:::l~::.::~ill,:~; ~:~:';:~1::';: :::::~,: .;:~;:::::I::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :!::: ::::::: ::i::::::::: ::: :::::::::: :::: :::: ::::: ::1::: :::::::::':::::::::: ::1::::: ::: ::::1 6~~: ~~~ 111nellLclpcl"in ".\ll OUll'1' ILrti<-l{'~." free J)I'im' to lH!.m. "Inelut.led in" ,,-\.11 other" dutiable prior lo t90i.

oJ 1,H'11l<le~ .fJ'ee nuts not ~pp.t~i ne(l prior t.o 1\)02. 'l]ucllldedillli Al1 olher," free, prior to HlO7.


No. 161 .• ·-.J.\l.glll·IlA.'Ilwm l-'IPOHTED: QUA~TI'I'J"S AND \'AI,IJEfl, }JTC., Y}JAHS HN!)Jm JUl'>E 30, 18fJ8 ']'0 HIOr.-Continucd.

1898 1900 Artic1eH. H!99 1901 11)02 loor. 1907 W06 -_._---_ .... _-_ ... _--_ ... _ .... _._--- 100a \ 100-1

'-'-- - .... -- -'-"--'- -"-' ·_·-1·_·--··_·· .. -.-- .. -'---'-'--- --.--Nllts-· ·Uontinncd.

:::1::::: ................................... -.......... :::~:~~=::::: ::::::::::}:::::::::::I:::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::<~~,:~~;: 1~:~~~:~~:: 2~:~~~:;:: i T~~:~:: 2~:~~~:: .. ~~:.~~~:~~ Fruits Itnd nutH--<.:onlinucd.

{<lUt..dOIlS .. I,OU:~,3·1.1; 8''-9,161>; I,B26,804 1,518,484 1,585,860 870,591: 937,671l1 1,059 205 12.17,~29 2,100,2U

'fO;'1l fruits all(1 ntIl' ......... {free .. dolls .. "f,~TI2,la6 i'il,831',7:lR1;' 7,1.J3,2fr218,~36, 251


i 8,833,426-j 10,619,048 r 9, 715, 75/112'3fi8~2!!:; 12: 71;4,43; 14,521,327

dut .. <lolls. '..2~~~8~J.:~m, 0168 _12,020,300. ~~,v~U, 45=- _12, (j<~~,~9~: .. ~3, lU7, 5.9~J ~~0'':0~,~:~''79, 221_. ~6, l~~~ _2'115, 8:l~ TOlu\ [reClIllclrlutiable ............. <lolls .. H,566,950 IIR,:l14,206' 19,263,on J9;f)86,703\21,<J80.525 i 2:1,726,636 1 24,,135,854 i 25,937,<156 21\,9]5,747 35,867,150

-----. ---.,_ •.. ---::.:------ •• --. '--- --.• ---.-.-•.• ----•..•• ~ ... '-- _. ___ .. __ 1_ .. _- _ .. __ • ___ •• ____ ". ___ ••• ___ ._. __ _

~'ur~I:::~:~'~~~::~~~::~~,~:~;reS"ed ...... fl'ee .. (lolJ~ ... 3, 832~6~J -~,64", 7:J:~i,:~, 807·1-·~~~:~:2·:- 9, 787,013" n, ~l:' 1-0~!-9, 00;87~1~, 502, 90~ -:-:~6, 716 ~:'~11'434 ]1'11r8, and IlHl.nufnotures of . -... - -. _ .dut. _dolls.. ,1, O·!8, 5G9! 5,215,531. 0,41a,317 4,780,816 I [l,836,588 o,4f1.6,80·J I 5,757,129 \ 7,803, 3!)5 8, 7as, 966 8, 97'.l, GOO

G' I . {dOZ. pt. botH.. 210,500 i 31;8,595 ~37,977 370,560 II 318,78<1 350,9'16! 362,'i70 I 344,797 -148,'160 467,705 'mger II e or gmger heel' ...... flnt.. doll".......... 1.15,205: 268,383 2-19,0106 279,873 277,188 26H,I;;8 ; 270,678 256,168 330,091 348,698

:7'--::-:-.~.-:..-::::=.-::=::::-=--===-':; .-:::::.=-==::.:-::: -==.'_-=:::--= :--==-==.=.:..=:.:..= ~_-:. -=.::::==::"~-:='=": ~-;:::....:===.~..=---::::::= =-___ ._ Gla!-1s und ghtss\vnre: I

Bottles, vil1iH, d(,Inij()hn~. ('nrbpy:" flnd jnr:-o., .................................... tlut .. c\oJls.. 3:]8,861 I 371,394 ·16J,4H3

CYJin<.:der, et'o~\'n, and eOlllrnon \\"il.HIOWPb~.· .• 1 H~,9?~,9~~ 47,:~:,2f.)7, 5.1,~~~)3~9 glll .. s, unpolIshed - - - .... - - - - - - - •.. (Int. -\(10118 __ ! 9.13,1 Hi 1,21il,IM.j I, Dill), 92.1


27,285, 607

908,OH Cylinder llnd crown gIHs~, poIi9he(1- I I

.' [Hq.fel'l .. i 2,810,5H ~,(;lil,im: 2,547,688 1,938,109 Ullsllvered ................... tlll[..·11 J. ! .'6n.,,00.0 5 7 "3"0~1 l(ol :-; __ ·_1 ,,;1.>0 .21,95: i),'),8 ...

{'<t. {('Pt..! 2H,044 896 571

Silvercc1. ..................... tInt .. dOll' .... ' (i6,7G8 622 281;

Plate gl",,_ {''t. feet..i 179,981 219,099 119,2·12 Fluted, rolled, or rough ...... dut.. 1 11 I 9,B80 ~~, 5'28 ; 7,915 to S_ ••• ·

{"q. feet. 656,188 : 928,27:1 ' 941,879 Cllst, polisher!, IInsil\'el'l'tI .... <lut.. 1 lis

161, li37 233,IVO I :?2H,2g,) (0. _. __




63, ;",2


a, 2;17.:).17


·158,4i>t 41)3, 712

51, :U2, 3·\6 I 63,563,812

1,827,198 I 1,762,'i67

J, 878, &;8 I 2, 44G, 071 :

856,518 ;)25,380 ! 1,095 6,003 ;

(;41 1,5H2

H6,M2 389,624

12,581 57, £190 4, 'ISr), 762 D, 690, ~29

999,9Stl ! .1,482,297

540,460 671,699 805,752 997,291; 51,340,9]6 17, Sml,7118 :34,25:1,00ll HI, 809, 987

1, 38J., 104 627,618 1,306,723 1,037, TiO

1, (;26, 012 .I, 42H, 412 1,326,903 L,472,717 322,·,Hn 289,708 291,037 343,20H 35, '/;;3 11,077 h,521 1,056 7,00·1 2, B93 (,371 582

23tiJ 673 I 275,516 4;U, 545 9.J.l,099

28,140 i 28,657 ! 5:),934 107,343 4,017.067 i li,t;OS,S-W I 7,392,217 6, 72i, 546

H·i;), HIH I 1, 1~·1, 088 1, 57f), 376 1,420,109


Ca!'il,poh~lll'<1,:-;lh(,l'l'(l ....... (llll .. dolls._._ 5n~! .,lIB 12.,113 IR,SID 1 16,li:n i (),il~~ :

n,w:] {l,mn

1!l,a27 I (j,li:31

1.[),522 2.1,].15/ 13, H.I'i


11, 02~

.. {~q. fCPl'_


019 I 3;)81 45, mJ7 1 h3,BX-I I

G11\:-;:-; phLtCi or IliHk~, rongh,t'ut,or UIl\YTonghl, I I I I iOl'opti('nl ill!-ltl·\lIIwnt~_ ... _ •..... f['~!e .. dol1s_ I 107, "()7'2 119,H:m 1'25,4-1.9 HiLJ>J2 HH,08D [' :21i,t)1:"! 215,M33 li7,'1[)7 1.99,500 i ~18,·J!n

All otlwr ............................ dnt..dollH .. 1~57.1,8~,.~ 771,~"31 ~1O(j,~8~. -..:.~~~,.20~,--=-,.351,~~._~ 7ii~~~. _2:~G,7.0':' 2,963,123 3, 2n5,3H: S,·lIlO,BIl

'rot"I. ....... · .. v ................... doll~ .. 1 3,782,617/ ,1,303,G60! 6.037,93115,010,675 16,205,0521 7,~,);"x70 (j,f)S3.Hi~ l .. ci:\HH.~:;9-i7,507:H2::;:-··7,'f)\)(i.(j:U . {I bs .... · ,1:103. 8lA'r5~ &is. 063' =5.577~82· -.J.Mo. 901 1'=4,787. 7liz' f)~;;I;O. lilli' c ·fi:798,':l30cl=7.~IJ9. 735" (J.5i\8~ ltiH I Ii. ~ti6: 312

Glue .................................... duL. doIlR.. 428,5071 479.150 537.402 ,.178.3-11 477 .• 036 602,077 5U8,M61 701,&17 6:32,700' !iU6,Go7

GrenscttIlCloil' .......................... frcc .. dolls.. 431,080 436,J71 556,723 '175,564 ii61,CJOl 378,9H 8,)3.681 850.560 1,OO2,.)H7 1,07-1,247 Gre'nRe ............ __ .. __ ............... t1nt..dolls.. 162,159 260,503 222,9·13 280,889 420,493 297,272 31<1,2.121 310.9·15 293,368 281.492 Gnnpowder (l,nd all explosive Hul>~tn.nccs: I

<'I1rtri<1gl's" .......................... dllt .. dolls.. ............ 20,7:131 37,304 ,17,906 72,791 H9,4.l4 108,330 108,2<J9 121,<J55 102,lf)X

FireefIL('kers ....................... <lIIt..{II11Sj·I .. ·I······· .. :3·9·· ············1 5,001,176 5,610,696 ,1. 4f)6, 496 6,026,923 4,9~O,;;·13 '1.704,627 4,919,122 6,7i8,528 (0 "', 161, I 182.090 19X,N2 '28:1,·188 225,735 278,724 358.~U2 I 3-16,066 366,776 551,381

FulminlttcR and ulllike IirticJes ..... llllt .. dOIlS.·1 6;;'J23 110,0771

107.613 .121,269 15'J,iil" .192,8r>8 181.,104 13·.1,4'15 1n'J,006 275,138 GUllpowdt'l' nn(] otlH'r ~\lh::.t1nn(p USl:'tl{lbS .. 4o 98,708 44,4.05 31,212 79,556 70,7"16 76,706 lH,ii69 73,246 16J.,864 ~"7,313

fOl'lllinillg, hlll,tiug. et<' ...... __ .dut.. doll".. 7'J,992 29,8241 15,835 38,644 55,998 59,778 53.a70 55,979 128,451 21:~,597 All other ............................ duL .dulls .. l. ........... 20,810 24.156 '10.720 36,381 33 • .132 28. B65 68,81.3 ·1Il,236 70, 03~

Gut: TOhll.. ..................................... I=~~Rr,l. ~i4!!.!" ~]~~~I~' ~i':..0~~I __ .. ~~52£ _ ~~3,\l061' ~3U:-~H1 t=- 2i~·~):~~:~.:sr,~~~c:.:.'.Hl,H~~ Vnmann!£lC[llrell ................... frec .. do]]s.. 42,879 15.905 I 1:l.1:18 1,82(; I 15,826 101,8271 60, Br)l liZ, 630 8f),f>H7 J03"jX!) )Ianliftteturesof. ..... __ . ____ ........ dnL.dolls .. ' ......... _.- 32,820 I 66,430 77,145 j 84,928 65,566! 59,079 53,292 62,601 67, lUI;

Hair: , . . I ! Unllllllluhulllled .................. lrce .. (lolI'. 1,839,668 1,SH,9M' 2,.J.I;),964 1.,611,124 1,980,319

MllilUfaclurcs of. .................... dut. .dOlls"1 286, fi9S 159. 049 ~'1~, 226 Hilts, bonnets, nnd hoods, nnd rnntcri!ll~ for, ~Olll'

E~i~r~\~fr::[~~~, .. ~I~~~: .~~I:~~ ... ~~~~ .. 1~1~~c~~~{~y~~:.1 36,308 .................................................................................... 1 ................. .

II~~~o~O~f~~t~:a~;~(~I~~~diir~~~? ~~~r1~~f,t~~"ig~~: I ' I osi(lr. or faUlt": !

68,72J. 99,933 , 14U,362 75,217

2,701,73·:1 I 2, 63n, 5~ft n.350 I 87"j76

3, 328,oliJ 3,71).1.987 5()5,603

Bonnols, Illldhoods ................. dut..dolls .. 1 583,994 619,370 73.1.6831 1,094,tl01 [1,44.6,932 1.491.911 1,237,155 1.274,6'19, 2.197,995: 2.832,226 Matcrialsfor ......................... dllL.dolls .. , 1,11'.!4,0~7 LB07,H56. 2,U92.801 1,70a,G08 1,603,540: 2,a79,367: ~!,725.88R :1.101,824; 2,373,189 i 8,988,033

·Included in " All other" <lllliltble prior 101903, "lllcluclec1 in "Fulminates and all like articles" prior (0 1899.


No. 161.-MJmCIIAXDI~J' IMI'OI1TF.D: QI~A:;TlTIt:S AND VALUES, ETC., YEAH::; ENDED JU~E 30, 1898 TO 190T-.. Continued.

===::..--=..:....:..=.:..:..-===-.:......==:..::.:......:.... .,--::-==....-=:;-- ----:-::----.. -~~ ===-======-===-=-==---=---:-_----=-: --:-=-::-.==- -_. • I ", .----. T"

Articles. 1808 IS!)!): 1900 1901; 1902 i 100a 190-1 1905 1906 190'1

... --.. ----.- ------.-... -.-:-.- .. --'--.--.- -·--1-----1- - .- .----.---.--.- .--.--..

Hlty .. ____ . ____ .. ____ .. ____ ............. dllt. . {tons .. ! a, 887 ~ W.8i2 \ 1-13,890 H2. r,20 I ·i8.415


293,112 114, a88 46,21.4. 68,5'.10 61, J.1G dolls... 3.,609 : Wi, ·J09 i 1. 019. 7·13 1, 1~8, GI0 381 .. 117 2,238.109 91-1,8-12 ! 350,515 502,051 501., f)07

Hjd~' a:,,~ ,kin •• othcr than fur "killo:. {lhS .. J;;:;~;~.IS7 '~;, 728~~ ;;: SI, 99;,~~18 ~;;~~.~~~! 8I>.038,f)If> i ~;,~H, ~7';1::~"~8. f>;li~~~':~3' 57;- ~l~~:';~T~Ol, ;~~, :i9~ 00.. S 11lS ............. ___ ... _ .• ___ ... tree .. (lolJ~._i lfi,77(i .. GOL 11S,'lB8,3~() ' 2l ,987,tri4 20,r'l77,mm! ~;},.178,179! 24,92H,729 23,971.,731 16,945,721 31,77H,909 I 31,71f),2D~

HidesofCltttle ..................... <lllL.{lh ..... ,126,2 . .I;;,ii90 !1.3U,:196,02U '163,~()~,165 1?,9,174,6~4 :1.l~,627,907 !131,1).J0.:l2f) 1 8ii.370,168 1113,177,357 156,151;,300 Il:14'6'il'0~U dO.IIS .. : ~3,~2:1,~~911~,6~:,:1~ . JO.4~,:I: ~4.6.17,.~l~ 117,4:~,~:~911~.~59'r~ 10,089,~~ 14,949,628 :1,&,2,000 2~,649,2i;~

AlIother ..... ____ .......... _ ....... frce .. {~lb . ._ ... ! o~'~~~':}"'~ I (j6,U~~I~~') :LOU,~:O'I~J~ 1:,9~,~,~1~ 18~,4~~,oso .lO~,.H~1303 ,103,0'2,j,'D2 L2~,8~R,:3.1 1~,~15,419. l~<),lJ.l,:~)9 dOli, .. ; ',III1I,H·I" I 9,8>1,,11,16,,)39,807 .12,9;),)",6" 1;).0.;4,·100 1.l6,94~,082117.045,3().1 22.868,,97 30,246.1981 aO,SII.USO

TotaL ........................ {free .. dOllS .. ; 23,1 . .13, (lts'i '28. 3fifi:097 i 38, o:i:~181 '38':)72:000'1' 'lO,5:';-Z.;ii~ i 41,871, 7111··41,ITi7.O:i5"T49,sH, 513 . 62:020, 107f62;'';:>7. 2;; dill .. dolls .. : 1~,6?-t,9K9 : 13,1)21.\'·16 19,40B,?17, "I4,fi·17,4"13 . 17 •. 17.1,039; 16,1;;9,902 10,989,035: H,9·19,628 21,862,060, 20.6-19.,'>;)8

Hidc cuttings, IlL w, "",I oth"r gluc,loek .frce.{.~=:;:: r- ·.i~:: ~~il~i~~:~~~ ··I-J"~~~:~~TI;·-l' ~~~:'=i=~~~::C:~~:~ :~il'~-~~~~: ~:fi\: ~~~ ~~~ 1. ~~~:'~: 1, ;:,;: :~~ lloney .................................. «nL. (lolls... a~, 1',8 51,5n~ . 70,R57 ~8,59V! ,10,aS3 i 115.,100 69.053! 76,719 50,651. 70,&'>-[

HOlles alltl ,,'hel,tOIlCS .......•.......... free . .clolls .. : 31),811 BO,698 i 3~, 778 'I' -17, HI I 59,731 ! 114, ·j;;8 57,038 : 65,ltlO 6;;,493 88, ·103

II I {ll" .... ~ 2, 37ii, 922 1,319.310 '1.';>&9. ,~;; 2, <lOG. 708 1 ?, SOG, 29:; G, 01'2. 510. 2,758,163', ,1,33\1.379 10,113,981> 6,211., &\J:J op, ................................. .<tll.· dolls .. ' 618,15;; ~'~1,7G,;I; 713,70'11 ~,)1.008 ~33,702 1.808,491 1.374,3~711,\J~O'80'1'12'326.9~2 1.9iol,900

Hon~eholc1 nod per~()Jlnl etfcets, et(' .. in use, imp]e­l1l(;'nt~, il1fitruluent.s, and toolR of tnule of per!'on:-o: lU'ri\ ing il'OlH ion·ign \~o\]ntrie~. null of citizens 3,21'",,'>"1 'I'

o[ tlw Cnited ~IHtps d~ ing abI'ond .... fr\?c .. dons., I, 7i!l, O.5b 3, l]:~, 1\)7' ~,007,805 2, 3tlli, 7!.i !?, 9.101, ~H 2,8,36,007 I :i,040,l.i23 i IV·JV .), ~H.1, Si'5 .1,8:15,3:1-1

'''''~;':;::~~'~:,,~,,"~ ",,""':::"';:~:;' ..•••••• .1 ••••••••• !.....,...... .......:1: IJ :~: ~ ,::: Gunyule

b ......... : ............. frec .. {:~~~~~:: :::'::.::::: j::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~::::::::::: :1::' ::::::: .. ' .................................. J .. · .... · .. ·


~.j, 61a

'. ., , fIbs.... 1l3H, ii', I ')l~,!J:l:11 I:'i.ti'." :")~O.,5IiO ;):.!), i(ii 310,:"'f.lO. .12-!,6l7: uti:,,::!I," .')00, 7',0 546,8~IO (.ntta.peHho. ................... frl.c·· l ·· c ,,,. I -- --.. . ... , '--I .c., "., .• ,"> : 1-1 (C'l' 0' 0 1" I IF'I'1 2,')1.3'39 rloll:--.. 1.)~),':lxl. i ]h/,·)11 ];."i,blh i l:10.J.)1 1,)~,,J_!) ., __ ,-:1-00 J.~J;). I _1,.oS :); h I _

Glltla-jooluLong (or Ei.l~t ITl.~1ia.llllhs····\I··········-·11 t),·rj";~,~;-;:~· ,':\,iLll,'j"G:J ~1,:~il,O:':" Lli,:·:::;:;O,f.::!l 1::~,9s.I,Bri. ].i,887,.1ll): lV,JOt,Oll.! 11,:390,1111 I ::!8"W'i,G60 glllll) ......................... lI'~'e __ 11011-;.. ............ .lGG,·ll9: :!:~·i,:~.L·l; '2·t:-),~;;~ ':.)Ol,~118 3·15, I ·130,2;)1 ti.11,:Un r 738,07·1 1,085,m)8



"Ib:,;; •... . 16,O'-)i),.H)71 i)l,OH~,O()G '10,3,7,1:18 55,~~75,529 50,~113,'l81 [f.,5,01O,117] 59,0]5,5511 H7,2:H,256 57,81.1,345 76,963,838 Tndin rnhhor ................... iree .. <lolls .. : ~5, 38G, 010 31,707,680, 31,3.6, Sli? 28, 'l,i5, 38;) 2·1.,899,230 30, ·Iatl, 710 .10, ,(·14, 2:,0 ,19 .. '·i8, :l66 45, lB, '150 58,919,981

Indin ruh~)er, old ,,,rap, fit on!, ior{lhs .... D.488.:J271110,iiI3,604119,093,5.!7 15,235,2:36 22.89-1,900! 24,H5!1,3\).j 20,270,970 15.5.5,11.4 U.756,486 ~m,335,193 l'Clllftll111ncl:urc ............... lrCc._ <101h._ 839,37-1 462,04·1 ~ .1.,249,2;)1 9B8,alG 1,437,960 1,f,16,lH7 l,Hi!,7Sf) ~l;-,a,·139 1,721,678 2,608,987

Total UlllTIHnllincl tlre(l c . _. __ .fn'lJ .. (lo11R .. 2~884,-7~~ .32,503:"67°1 38,041, fl2S-I-29, 8?~, 494 27,000, 937 '~,-[;201()i8- '42, 21,1, ~-~?~ _ ;=,_i~-6S3, 312 47~9iO,®2" Ha, 145,05!)

M"~~~~;~~\~~;;.;;;.~ ~~~I.~'~."U~)~'~~~~'~~dl~;).r .• 1:;i1~fL ......... ' .. ' ............ 1 ........... .1..... ....... ......... ... ............ ............ ............ 54,432· (l5, ~11 Guttf\.~perChH .................... dut .. (:OIl<.l .. ! 156,OH7 lli>,582 I :l:i4, 332 1 16H,:JS7 127,780 225,]98 3:15,480 ]17,735 208,172 191,064

IncH" rubher .................... ,Jnt. .<.1 oils.. Hon, 217 :"9,309 : 56-1,088 478, GG3 ·119,756 005, 972 8~1. 'i6". 1,38(1.0641 1, 99~. ·11B :1,262.783

Totnl nlnnllf[l.(~ture:'j ........... dnl..doll::l.';_ 'l()~\ 2·:1-1 __ ._19~~f):_ ~ ~lR,'~~I-' ····6~12~OO =it~~.3_~I __ ~~~~:~~I. 1, 1.~~.~~1_~,_~{)6.~~~~]_2, ~55,~017 ... i 2,[)1U,661

Ink Ilnrl ink POw.lere.. .................. <lnt..dOlk.:==-~O}OJ --. 72,~12~,~~_~1-'~!:lU - 7.[;3~2:.C~. i~92§ I· R:l,?7? J~60;f>82.!~ -_~1,9lii~.f=-·-75.:;3,1·1~~6.1,289 Iron U!l([ ,teel, IlmlmILIlulnctures of: 1·--- --:--. -- ----. -1---'--1-- .-- -- --. '-1--- --1- .-.. ---,- ·---1-- -.-


tOHti.. a;)~, l;j[) I ~69,013 916, UH Tj"1,1~7 l,189,732 1,O·13,fiO:l 684,126 757,323: 9S1,02G 1,096,717 Il'onol'e ............................ <ll1t.. 'I I 'I

dolls"i '170,OSO, ·101. 59.j 1 •. 19.,(1:'2, 1,135,271 2,362,544 2,351,278: 1,r)9:\,~l79 1,670,683 2,n8,80,j 3.360,449

. . 1 t Itons .. :--- ~;;, 0·10 1- 2~:ul(;,- 61: 100i :19,:i~:)" -u'8, 901' 950:1US-" 191, 13.; !~2:-;;77· '-271, 790 ' fiG-i, &lIi PI!:: Hon ............................ < n "ldOll" .. '1 670, Sgg 'l1,OSS 2,100, :j01 1, 3,,~, 231 3,367,172 16,830.592 ·1,On,lu7 i 2,98(1,069! 7,778,88'1 15.654,767

Scrnp iron lind "teel, /\1, only to I", re.{toUR ", 1,602 ·1,012 ; 28, ·181 20, '111 ·19,188 136, '15J : ~!8, fiB 1 12,650 1 25,810 21,430 uHLtluf(l('t1.lI'cc..L ....... ___ ....... _.al1L. aoll~ .. ; l-t,l):n 65,.l8[) I r)G~,6H:) :14U,7B2 ';68,753 2,027,().I9: ·!a~,UU3 17'(,238 I -101,810 290,011

Jl bH. - . -: a;), 9~IG, 9ilH ·14,7·15,118 ·Ii, l)(i:~, '167 a~\ in, <:lU7 49, 110,456 96,69.1,208, HH, 8~)5, [,88 59,738, 08U ! X-I, U:H, 030 ~(j, 4G:~, (t~!) Bllr iron ............................ ,luI.. [dolls .. ! 683,429 907 • .(g .• , 1,0:'8,877 1.035,232 1,002,581 I. 8H, 486! 1, HOIi, 007! 1, Uti •. 1HO· 1..62·1, 18H 1, 6u9, 11ii;

liars, milwn)", of i1'On or HI cel, or in Jllll'l{tons .. 520 62,1 2, ~~7 1, 0\)1 J.5,017 122, ~H II 53,35S I 17,020 ' 9.635 4,610 ofHteel ........................... <lnt .. dolls__ 18,8~4 20,3;;a 83,7:~8 ,18,650 :171.,4:)2 2,866,397, 1,190,fi36 387,H73: 280,374 13:1,936

pbs. __ . 69,·1,13 1.9,800 l,;)~tl,G::'J. i 708,117 11,723,20:1 ~~,49B,1l.i5! 4,O!)8,77() -i,.29G,G63 ~ 2.1,081,7'11 '.),786,227 Hoop, band,orscroll ............... rlllL.·lrloll".. 3,097 3,929 :1I,7.(o' 22,526 178.202 92.69(; i 70,281 61,011, 273,812 129,100

Ingots, hlooms, ,Inh,! bill~t", un<1 b,H" Oi}lh' .... , :)0 821 1!i7 n. 797, 9\1·1 8:l, 22:3, ns HI,SH, ti'1O 202,555,407 8W, 020, 997 ,'?lJii, \17·1, +13


21' 9;;:). 028 . 4~, 001, 417, ,n. 481, 776 ~toel, ttTld flteel lJ} formf.! Hot l~lso\\'here I" . "pCcine'l. ......................... <llH .. dolls .. : 1,:!O2,0"" J,088,8·17 1,3R9,028 1.281,829 3,506,37<;! 9,83.1,23°1 a,398,t;92 l.(iH,549: 2,672,tiGS: 3,033,928

~hect, pin Ie, and (nggel's iron or steel!lbR .. --: 5,800,900 ·1, 2·m, 290 2:3, OG2, 1,,7 ·1, 0U1. 523 17,968, 3S8 117,9'17,06'1 ! 22, s·n, lilti ,I, nl, 600; 7, oSf), 227' 7,680,7'16 .................................. <Int .. <lolls .. ' 1'<;0.·102 17~,80J. ti68.tio·; 26G, 403 tiOI,249 180,985 i 50S.365 I 2lG,'Hi1.; S2'1,391



Tin platc>, tcrnepll1t"R, I1n([ tug!::erH tin{lb'" .. It'~, (ili2, 3·1" 109, 48-1, 82ti q . .Ji, OliB, 80-1 117,880,312 198,996,086 109,913, 20B ;126, 009, 3~0 ;lIil, 0il6, 82~ :120.819,782 ; H2, 5~9, 401; ... - - -" _ ........ _ ... - _ .. _. _ ... -' .dut. - dolls .. , .l, Rll<J, l·:lB ?O, 613, 56'.1 I -1, 709, ·i~lIi 3, '1';-0, OI"t! 6,00;), Ii:..!·! I a, 20U, HJ.5 :), :l73, ·J:..d, -.1,5:):),87;). a, :112, 2·13 I 4., 6;)L, 332

a Not H(''pa.l'l~tcly enUlllm'atec} prior t~) 1HO(i; .1nehuleH :174,220 pounrl:-l value ~1r;2,tl.~iJ. jn HHl6, nnd 5()5,3t)G pounu!;, vulue ~~11,~.8.i, ill IU07, repol'tecills dulilLlJJe. b [lIdncicriul "All othl'!' 111'1.101('"." Ire,,, 1'1"101' 10 1907. • olnelnde" llnlntiL, valu('cl HI. ~l:':!.IiX\). in 1 !lilli, 1111(1 ~~H.285, in lU07, l'eJlort('(lll~ tlulittble. 11 Ineludcd in ",-\,11 ~1her Hrti(')P~," dutitthlc, prior to 1906.


No, 161.--l\IgHl'IIA1WISE hlPOR1'RD: QUANl'ITn:S AND VAr.T]F.~, 1,'!'C" YBARS ENDED JUNB ao, 1898 1'0 1907--Continned,

902, 3~)6 l, .137,3,0 881,777 690,949 \),~()f),8:{O 8,580,:.198 11,095,720 8,625,241

633, :lUI ()'14,4fi9 722,580 638,980 -1-1ti,079 40G,IJ82 557,809 393,503 28,778 26,-105 35,460 24,382

._---_.---- 32,055,12:1 7,072,099

Shotgun borrels, in single tube", forged, rough-bored _ .. __ .. _ ... _ ........... _ .. _ .. frcc .. doll" ..

All other manufactures of .......... dut .. dolls ..

Ivory. and manuinctures of: l!11111nnllfaeturpd-

Animu.l . _____ . _. __ . ____ ... __ ___ free~ _{IbS_ .. _ dolls ..

VegHtllble .. ___ .... __ .......... _free .. {lbS .. .. dolls ..


Lead, and lI1anufuetnrc:-I of:

Pigs, bars, old BlId othl~r, in orc nnd{lbS .. - )8-1,770,070 basebullioll ..................... .dUl.. dolls .. ' 2,59G,f)~9

11anufnctures of .................... <lut. . dolls .. 1 '1,200

I L91, ~H5, 318 '196,378, !J6l

2, 77-J, 036 i a, 142, 1U9 10,575 I l3,7Hi

2,;1,183,8;16 1206,750, 9671212, 8,;[., 7(;2 !220, '1J7, 821 1217, 8~1, Hal IB5, 002, 2~2 -:i:, 8:J2, 737 '1,032,770 -1,105,747, 3, 83~, 734 I 3, \)04, 83IJ '.1,301,307

B,337 8,996 19,834 I 2,7HS 7,919 9,702

150,686, ,168 ,1,3tH,890


Tot"l ........... __ ......................... 'I>~~O~ nu' -2:~~~.iT ~'i:i·56,250. ';1, 836,074 4, 64i:766' ~0il:3;s11, 5221-i;m~, ,;;8 "4,312,009-1- 4',88", 722 Leather, find lTItlUufnctures of: --.- ._ ... -.-. ---- "- ------ .-. =:-:·--:-;-::::-·--·.:..~··...;i=--=:-:-:--:-= ===-_=-:::-:::-1=--==-....:....:...7.:.:

LClllher- ;

Band 01' belting, and "ole lenther .<lut. .dolls. 'j' 155,860 52,688 ,r;,218 3·1,198 7:1,914 68 .. 121 '16,2751 92,079 U6, 927 !.' 5!,-107 Ca1fskin~, tn,nned, or tanned and drc~!o:led, !

~~~(~ .. p~'.t:'.'~~, .. ~~:'~'.~~~~:l: .. 1~~l:\I~,~:.':l~Sr.,~.; 176,578 I 2':;8,846 132,67,1 69,69] )70,963 9(U, OM 7'i2, (ilO I GOo, 960 au6,39'( i 51l7, 4-19

Skins for morocco ... __ ... _. _ .... duL .d()l1~. _I 3,081, 7iO 2,455.332 3,134,6:)7 2,763,101 1,860,965 2, IlH,RR5 1,88~., 015 :!,·.[·.t6,481 2,740,O()7 3, 2(iO, o,tO

Upper leather, dre~'-1ed, and Hkins dre:-:sed I 1 u,nd 1inishefl, not elljewherc HpceiJjpd I I

................................ dut..doll... 2,210, 9B7, ._2, 470, R.I~a, 201~in :,,8a~~o~ ... :~.:)16, 00: . __ !: 979, 21~,!"":"~1, ~~~ -.:.~~,.12'\ . ..2~~:17:.~~0 __ ~~50, 3~q

u 'frotnl leallrler .................. <Jut. .,lOll· .. 1 5, 1125.'.~1:~ 5, 237, 70~ .. ~J'IU, 1 7~.1 ~, 701, 19:11·_ 5,021,846 II' 6, 17~ ~ti6 ; .. :~09, :~31 I~ (il2, (i:~ ~,67~.048 _~?~~~ .I."I.1I\,11n t'Lclnl'cs 0 - I' I

GlOYl'S, of kid or other Jt>llther .. <lllt..<lOll."'I· ;',3M,HiS ii,a98,1~;, 1 li,107,7(i5 i ;',53-1,250, 5,36ti,381II [',029,278: ii,OU;;,:l37 .1,'i27,·18U 1;,812,711) .1O,6Ba,li08 All other ......................... 1(1\..<10118.. ,JO·I,812 4~O,81;i i (;(i;., 2;;9 I 6;;1,560 i 929,f,58 1,091,323 I I,OU5,n·n i 1,326,102 J,G57,35U 1.,(i88,580

1'otal mallufnctures oi ........ dut. .dolls. 'I'~' 7HS:-!J;O~ ',~87H'.~I~ ~.'.7i:l:0:2il 6, 1~~ H19"16,~9~:~~[6, 1~?~6(ii!· . 6;~~~.~H1j~i'.~;l:~:~ __ :~,.47~ 078 ,.i2i~;i~ Totnl leather llnel lJ1Hn(l[nelurcs of •.•...•• n, 41-1, 12Tli;llu;-Gfi'13,2\12-iU"u II, iis7-;-oI2=11,il"7;--iiiij ll,291,1G7Til: loo.ii:;'lI,()(i(i, 233' 15, lAO. 926-20, :;u:i, [.33

Lime ........ _ .. ___ .. ___ ... __ .. _____ .... <lllt .. {lh~ ... _1---37, o7ro7L~ 4ft, 539, .1.57 -~8, 7U:~~~=;8- -17,772, 296 61,·662~573:' 69, 700,·J42i-i2-:-U7ii~ G17-·46,~i65~88- ~40~661,m.7·:· =--3U;056, XU9 . do1l8 .. j 60,lH 68,061) 68,900 65,399 91.785 103,381 1 90,388 87,7'Ja 78,671 U5,2,15

Lithogl"lll'llie stones, not engnn-!"!. ..... ff'"!. . doll'.. 01,730 76,692\ 7H, ~'J1 128,503'1 1:,6.670 13:,015 160,072 16:1, 05~ 181, 6~5 )74,808

{bush.. 4,769 4,984 .1,;j99 4580. 3,019 2,468 3,·165 3,298 2,408 3,;)62

:Malt,un.rlev ___ ................ __ ....... duL. ' i . (lolls .. 4,4)2 -1,417 ·1,127 4,630' 2,929 a,029 3,200 3,580 2,711 8,917

., r {lOnS .. llZ,8M 115,09·1 I :l33,9ltl I 13,1,21J 1 208,568 175,815 105,927 225, J.7.1 22:;, Ull? ~07, 068 l\raJlgnne~e, ore n .. nu OXIde of -. - - _ .. - - - - ree.. 1 11' I I

(0 s.. 883, 716 ._87~._47_8 2,698.,.003 1,160,052 1,779,473 I 1_,517,3_,17 __ ._9_09.'.~,...!:.'..Oljl, 29!) I, 78~~6~, __ 1,~~,.~5~ :lJarble and stOIlC, "'ld nlfillUlnell1res of: . -- - -- ' -

Marble, und IDllnuhwtllre. of ........ llllL .(Iolls.. (j89, '15J ···~0:5;~··~~~,t~-:I·-;:,02:,c~~,;r··;, '10~~5;r 1,513,81~-11-; .. ;~~~·,1~;- ·~;;o, 2o~'I--;' ~;B, 19S' --;-,~6!),.j76 Stone, uud lllUIlufnctul'cs of, including !-=:Inle I

... _____ . _____ .. ____ ..... _ ... __ .. ___ dll&._dolh·:__ 2·J9,Ij02 208,319: 2J.5,U·U ~ 251,9J51 2H2,533 I 239,9(;9 i 263,!,Hl 27H,1l2 I :143,590 376,786

Total .. _____ .. _________ . _ .... _ .dut. .dOIl;-l .. : gaS, !K)li "--~;1,8~:i' ,-'-~)28~5,jO 1- '1,-;;6, (jO~-:~.,·3R8 ·:-1~i53.782r-.i:G72, :3·7.111.~;;~~·1O:J-;--1, (;:1li, 788 --'i:94G, ~G2 === =-=-=--=---= ====.=,..=-..:.=..:.:.:.... --=-= :.-:-:.-:-:::::....:::::=-=== ;:::::....--==--:-...:.::.:-== ~--=:..=:'~-=-=--:"::::= :== :"--==.:::: ;....::=;;::....:::....::.:..:.:....-: .

alllclude<l .ill "All otlH.·r IllltllUfaetnl't..'H oi Jl nfter 1906. b Included ill " All other llltU1Ufudures of" prior to 1904,

e Included in ",\ 11 othcr 1lllluIIltwtnres 01" prior to 1907.


No. JI.611 .• -:\:[EHcnA~lJl~E blPoR'rED: QUAN'l'I'l·.lES AND VALUES, ETC., YEAHS B".J>ElJ J·U1<Fl 30,1898 TO I(I07-Continued.

M.:"~;;:'.m'~ ,:::'~~C~~~~:,~:J~~:~n L ::,~,: :~~~:~~~~~:~;~~~:~r";:;~~::7M~-- :~= ~~ '::,; )[attmg I1ml ronls for floors, manllflldurcd from I

round 01' "plit H(raw or other ye~ctahl" sub-~tIt11(.~.e!-;:, ill.~!IlJ.(l.illg Ch~Ile8e, Jnpl.l,I1l';';C!, RJIld lIHli,ll l strnw lllattmg __ .. _. _____ . _.' _. _. ___ ... Iree. _dolls .. : 61,809 _ .. __ ........... _ .... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _____ ....... _ ...... __ ... _ .. _ .. ___ .. __ ...... _

Do .......... __ .. _ .... _ ......... <lut .. {"'J.)"'h .. , 10,7g2,4'ij 37,920, 119 i ~8, 730,10·1 :J7,36G,I)1S ·J~,'~4,;;2G 1 ;'2,975, [:11 ! 5O,025,·1n0 4i,9~~:~;;' .~~:;;;:~;~. --~~:;~~:.~~~ doll, .. __ , 1,3,;;,2721 2. 651.ti90 . 2,G7[,gll ?,9lJS,4(;91 :{,Kli,';tilj I 3,'~0,0;;lll 3,609,795 i 3,600,0~8 3,8~1,436 3,769,202

M~:,;~:;"E::E:::,,~""~~~~~~~'"L'"'"~I~:-'?' I~:,,~l '"'~] -""oo:r~"",~~" ,~~~~:r~:: ~ ="..: ~~: All otllel_ .. _ ....... ____ .. _ ...... <l1It..'1011s .. 1 MO,O"11 109,641 10il,/26 M,601 I 880,403 'iOG,H02 30,619 52,223 f,~,8·13 <lx, ISS

Uairy prorlucts- 1 .

jlll"__ __ :11,98·[ 23, ';00 49,791 93,669 ·153,9,8 i 207,007 li>l, ~ii7 593,104 196,642 >141,755 Bntter .. -- - - .... -- -- .... - - .. -- __ <Jut .. doll" __ . :>,47.1 ' 3,9!i2 9, .fi9 1~, 4.11 80, 7~51 51.,56J 34,76·1 12.1, 136 57,055 117,835

llus __ ~_i lO,tU'l,lf)}-) 11,826,175 l3,45f>,990 1;),329,099 17,00;,714 20,0;1,384 2Il,707,103 23,09:;,705 27,286,866 :~3,848,766 Chee"c -- ... ---------------- .. --dut..['10]]3 .. ; 1,34:l,17:J ],,)03, 128 1 ],761,613 2,120,293 2,551,366 I 3,183,224 3,284,811 3,379,600 ·1, 303, B30 5,70·1,012

Milk ____________ ._. ______________ clnt..(lollR __ ; H'i,729 52,003 42,686 48,OG2 83,457! 42,1196 I 32,931 2~{,Ol·1 10,808 J.O,188

Totlll ..... __ .... __ .... ____ ... __ diii. .doll' .. :i., Mi: 51GTl,\liis: 11l;\T·i~85,383· 2, (,49, '!G6-1 H, ;;10. 69tl 1 4,-708, 5:1nI4.l!l7,:ifi6-i-J:·;5H·::i14r5,U:7~-Of>16:768,.132 Meersebnllll1, erude ___ : : ___ .. __ .... __ ... free __ dolh __ -- 2i~".ffi~r=35, ,,16 ! -3;'4",;;' - 39,26(i i~5;' ]\ii\ -- . 58,06(i I~ 85~t21-== 83, 253 ,cc-;12,963\= 134;62J ~rctn.1~, ~H.~.ta~ ,CO_TD~)~~S~~lOn~, t1.111"1 manllf~ctl1r{'~ o~. ., ...... ~ , ~~ . _ " ,_ 01:- :- ':- ~ :-_', ~ • "0" I)' I . .,.. .. () . .

llolelsc"heleslll.elhc'l. ............ __ .dllt..<lolis .. :3,.H0, ,81 I 3.<>09,811 ·1,/g1,4g,) ,>,J"l.,o91 ,),d.,I,S"l. 6,?,.)I,261; U,,,,,1,8.,ll 6,24.3,/90 7,888,065. 10,3-5,4·16

. fll,i'.... 1>25,0.08 i 1,616,:lI), 2,0:);,421) 2,022,673 1,806,5841,1J.l5, 19~ 1, 38!i,:l28 1).SB,449 ?,H2,261·1 3,·fI8,4'J2 lhen ............... -.............. - .. --.r1ut.·[dOllS .. ! 9 . .I'~u.1.1 2W,228 :lH,Ii~2 3tia,6H; aS4,818 414,0,,3 306,1137[1 ;'96,362 731,484. 1,29;;,601;

Mineral~, not ehmwhcrc speeificc1, crude i ....................................... fl'ec .. rlolls .. : ~7,127 U;3,4ti2 4S,ij~7 I 79,·109 i 12t3,7H7 IH5,:180 ~1'l,571 407,275, 583,2119 5;)(,,5]8

Mineral f:l1lwtuncl's advllncl"'fi in value hy L"ctlnillg I 18 "')8 ! I I or grinding, ete ....................... dllt..dolh:i .. : a8,4:~{) I ]3,20'[1 ,~_, I 6fi,8~: ,0,3,., 97,0£)3

}Io!;~, foiea"..,.eec1~, and. Yegetn,hlc f'l1h·ffree .. dollH.. 1M), lSi! :U,1!}2 l ::!4,~~:jB [ 60,4.;)f 99,3fl3 91,702 stances, llotelscwherespccified, ('rucle1<lut .. cloll~ .... _ ... _ ..... < -11,0:38 ' bl,l~H i 5;),229, {)9, (j8U· 7:i,421

MuskalimtI"lLlnenli',"m1pnrtsof. ...... dnt..'lolls.. 1)20,0[\4! 1,058,42·1 I,OllO,ii·lI i 1,:)80,1:';' [ .I,2'i,.l:l.; I 1,49B,7:)4

I ~. . rg.ross weight. .. tons.. lu,6H ' 20,~~1 . 28,:i.J.7 i 10:;)(}O i j~1,G7{) i ]0,12·1

~lcket ore and matt" .. Hee .. ) Illel\:l'l ('ontent!i'"lh:, ....... ,..... ..... ......... ........ 19, il!]:~, 1·18

1. ............... <1n1J~·.. \):)13,O;j~ 1,1~;1.ft!·1' 'l.O·;O,D~f) I 1,~~05.8i3 \ l.G7:>,87D \ 1,897.78·'

~~, S~3 i 20,958 32,5G5 fif),G08 , ·18,916

I li;;,O~~ 52,621 36,9S9 , ,

·10, :lOi i 57,8~:J 6·1,309 Ga,I;,1

u~n~ 7:.'!lJ ! 1, 000, 48\J I, 12ii, 283 I, :1136, 285 ·n,g;:;~ ~~.'), ;;;;V 15,636 ]:!,101

............ ........... ...........

1,J:1~,tl;·,;.) ],4211,083 .I, IH~!, DI!) I,IUIi,1Rtl


Oil en.kc ... _


Anlnlll.l or relltlcreu-

'''hale Hl1rl fj . ..:11 .......... .

..... frf''' .. pbs .... : ~,1;_)9'~0911'S8G'G-l81 208,6:'71 4.18 1 ~,6J.l,059 i 3,827, 014 1 1,79.[,873' [,1~9,01:J 1 ,),454, 911 1 tdoll.-: .. : ~\7D9 9,i);)a 1,'la7 6·1 20,7·10 30,2R6 lS,!)H2 12,f.lLi~ nJ,l.1-l

512, CXi4

5,342 1=_" "'~'7~=.7' .. '-= --'_=C== .. =='===. ==-- -- -..... ----- -1--' ..... "",, .. {gH.,1S··1 673,2·H iJ31,9:12 851,3i~ I 733,200 J,150,~li 7n,OUO 7US,V3;; i~;'~'~io-I-:)8~"C'!):) ---·1,028,051

(10118 .. , 2~1,S30 19K,110 273,:1671

26'1,250. 350,171 a(j~,'1OH 6~8,[)91 ·117,692 I :mn,S~J7 3·11,358

r!;llll·'···1 1-1,16:1 V,O;)Ii. 180;)1), ;;9,131 I J61,3oo 2111"121 171.MI l;ii,n~o'l 100,85-1' '132,8-13 All other .......... - .......... -.'1111.·)1 II . ','2-- : ' 1

l( 0 1':1. 'I ;), 71;) 1 1, f)()n <>, .).) I :l2,8fJ8 29,OGO ilU, n·1l ' :H, :-lao '27,5!)!J , 23,1)1·1 ::::G, Gil l\r' fg-Il11~ .. "1,:nH,lt7 .I,IHU,f)H ~.:~;j17~O I 1,10L,280' 2.nOJ,WH a,(i·t!,'!)(j l.O~O,ml!' 7,afil,·167 i ]a,~W,),2J7 ~2,7'1i',I{i~ '[1l1Cra1 ... - ....... - ................ fr"e .. )ololis.. UK,1W HU,1l:1 117, [OJ i 16K,H39 1>1U,,106 ~1l,O,t 217.9061 ·lIm,GUH 1 UUU,10R 1,HO,7;H

. {gnl 1:-;"1 1;), 'lim 2, 77;') 1~1, :)0\) 4.(\, Gfhq li33,78a nG, 3:U 1)3~, H] j; :1, ()3li, oaf>! 2,187, ·102 :i, a88, GOG ])o ................. _ ............ 'l"t... ']011".. 3,1J.1 Wi :1,OJ2\ 3,t;26 ,J3,620 lG,133 :12, RIO 00,0231 89,2;'1 lfi5,132

Vegctttbk-Fjxl'(l or cxprp:-:sefl- I

:;;:;~:;;:c:;:;::;;~~;:,:~;;"l;~i\.!.·.·· •• : ••••.• : ••••••••• ·1: •• ::.: ••••• 1: •••••••••••• : •••••• :.: ••••••••••••• ! ••••• :: ••••••••••••••••• 1 •• :;~;;,: Ii. § ~ O~iYl'.,ollwl'th:~n fl)rIlIlLTlI1f~II'I'1Ll".rg-nll:-l··1 ~;;n,,"77 9;10,Q.t2! ~llji,702 ~ Dsa,or,9 l,~3g,OC-J7 l"HJ.1,J32I 1 .. 713,fl~lO 1,023,1'1,11 ~"l·17,I:H a,'H9,517

JIIg01' 11-",,'1111 Ill"" 11I1lrP()""S .. dlll.l:~:~~~:: .... ~l~;~, ~~'~ ... ~:~~~: ~~~ ... ~: ~~~:~~~ .... ~:~~~: ~~~_, .. ~'. ~~~:4~~.1 .. 1:~~~,. ~~~.!..~: ~~~'. R~~.I. _~: ~O~, Hn~. i- .~: ')~~1: ~U'~.I 2~: :~~~: ~~~ 1 'u1 III ".: .................. "II';:::;': ::~~~~::: I .. ;: ~;l;;: ~;~ ... ;: ;l~;: ~~~'I"~: ;,;)~: ~;)(~.:. -;:.;~~: ~;;!·II. ';;~ ;~<.;~~' .. ;i:,;;,;: ~);/- -.;: ;;:;: ;;;; '11 .. ;,: ;~;; ~;;.;. '.;; .;';;,; ;~:~.. 1, ~~~: ~~~ All other ... _ .......... __ . __ ) I I I ' - . '), " - '-') [')10

I IIl.,f 01 s.. a lQ,3:H Gll,~:3·1 7RI,fltio I ~~~a,7;B I 1,2(i1::\2f; i,31G,13'J. l,~.I.),.}5il I JO/,h~O , ..... ,3UO 1,71)'1,075

Vo!ntilc 01' es:-;{'ntinlarHl di~.JfI'<.:(' .. cll)II:-: .. ; 1,1~~:~,aij 1,:ti"i1.26;~· 1,·lxl,111 I.,.~~(i,~~~ :1' J,f>RG,.t/ii> 1,·150,aaO l,f17Ii,:~~: 1,:)~~,:1~U 1,11:33,0'10 ~,tl~2,2~:~ tllled·························ldllt. .. f!Oll:-: .. ! ~~77.707 :~O!I,mH! ~'j~.,(Jia ;):l~.jb:1 f)Oil,90ii 706,001 H1U,lo() !),)2.2{·1 92!),!Hj;") 1,Oa9,9Ix

....... , Jfrl'c __ 'loll' __ i a, 1~0, '-;0;-1- ;>'-:;:;;~~~\)-I' ·.I-:21:;:-~()t; I' 1.01:1, Htia :"'[',521, ,107 ~, U9,), un 1- ij~-;:;:;~, 2'J5 1' 7, O~;;, Ron I 8,004, 12i '''10,196, 8~;; tllll .. doll:-: .. j ~t(}'j~,rlfll ~,:!I1 •. "l;d I 'LfiO',:!i(: :{,(J,,",:~,;)(i~ ;1,7'iH,7U.1 4,1~7,~J();) ·,.(j:n,lf)i ·l,fiO·f,()(il 5,2]Q,S21 (;,R71,HtlH

Tot II 1 oill-i........... t I 'rotal fn'l'. und dutial.)h~ . _ ..... , .. ,flldl:-; .. 1" ;1."PJ<~ji)i·10, (ii~i'~~i-- ti: Sl7,7~oi--~~l7~1:31~ "0~300, lUH l"i,"'iS3,'gr,7' '-i1';'17;" '14~ . "":11, ;,03, !;20 -1:1;'723, ~HH 17~o6R-; 77-7

Paint,. pigm"lIlo. "nd ,·0101'0 .......... ·r;,~:·: ::;::~::: ::~:;'~~~~I~;',~ ;~~;';;I;:I"~:;;~I;~l~':;:;::;~~~I";; ~~;;:;~;~ -. ~:;:;~J~'; ;;;~:-~;l;'i'-';: ;);,;::'l~; ·r;::~;~:;~-~··~: ~:.~~'~ n ~ol. sUllpc.l prior to IBO';'. hlnelll(l('ll jlJ II .\11 ollwr lixP/ll1r l'xpn'~:-:("\f1." 11'1.'1'. prior to H1U7. (. IllClllcl(,l.1 ill "All (lUII'I" fn'p yt.'gelahlp" PI'jOf to U)Ofi.


No. 161.-MERCflANDISE hrpOR'l'ED: QU,IN'I'l'I'TEH AND V AL];ES, E're., Y1MHS E:mrm .TCNH 30, 1808 '1'0 le07·-Continued.

Articles. 189S I --;-~~!I----~~~~- 1001 l!l()~ 1003 -,"--~-~o~ "1'-1!1O~~1 • -19~:~"" 190'1

Palm hml: -------··-··-.. ·----------i- -------1---.. · .. , .--\--------.----- .---.---NatLlml· ..................... _ ...... fret' .. rlolls............... 10,·183 J5.1?.8 7.0&')! 10,905 ".339 5.610 9,·134 8,114 .14,779

lI[nnllf!lcturc~ of. not elsel\'hel'C specified! . 1 . 1 ..................................... llIL.doll" .. : ·19.5·16! 9 • .Jl1 ".277 7.324! 7.018. ' .... 1.15: 10.220 11,121 1.871 9.900

papeR'" "tOCk). (:rul'l·e

: I . {lbS ..•. '~9. 8~. ~~-;;-l~;,.~·f>60 '-~~~~2, .107 -'~~~.3;~·,--7~3~~4, 499 11~~~53. 3~9~r~:.:~-;:1:9-~;~~\.1O ;;7-~:1 ~9~;il ~~~ ags,ot lerturn woo en __________ .lrpp._ I I ~... ; .. I I ' .. \ 'I • 0'

(1oH!-L _ 699,981 801), ;)·15 1,3/2, lflG 87·t, 4·1<1 ~ 1,252,205 1,6·10,92, 'I 1, 51J I B:15 2,184, 80a 2, l1S, 762 2,335, I')UO All other ............................ free .. r!olls .. ' 2.170.3121 1.809,3(;9 1.889,62~l 1..309.2·12' [.518,05O!. 1.37·J,l'i7 1.388,878! 1,611,732. 'J,255,702\ 0,244,\)38

Total .......................... free .. (lolls. /=2.~o;323r_-~;ii~:i;~~· .3. :W~. 2?l!... 2. Ui3: BB6e;;. 770. 2;5T3.o~5:os:;j>~~~7i~[3~96, 595"'i. 4. SU. ~6~._ 5. iso. 528

pap~;:~:.~\,~~I;I':I~'~~:~:;~;~l~~"O[b ... _. __ .dllt .. rlO]Is ... ?.8~~:sJ:-.. · ... =~·.·.:~.~~.~~.~.·.~:~:·.~.~·.·:.· .. :-.T.~~~·.·]I:~.~~.~ .. [~~~.-.-.T.~~.~~::: .. \I::.:._-_·~_~ Lithogfllphie ilthe]sflllo pl'inls ...... (lul..dolls .............. : 7\)\),·175 \103.609 9·17.631 I 1.052.9116· 1.249,738 1.'1~1,491 [ 1.W6,7n: 2.205.921. 3.968.542

{II ' I ',"0. ·16" 0 080 3 I "1 ' . I' )s ................. ; v " 1, 61.11:1 18:3.217 I ~~60, 274 -,' 49 1 304, G98 201,721 281,877 .......... .. Pltrchmcnt pllpel" .................. ( ut .. dOllS .. : ............ i 56.453 7.1.278. 31,802 l -17,·155, 49,049 47,642, 39,737 I H.885 .......... ..

All other ............................ dut. .dolls. ":_:.:.::":':":':':':':';. 2. 33~. 661 ....:.8~~.25~_ 3. 02~17~_i 3.122.704 '._,,::. 4~14. 25.:.J~~8J~ .• 958 '.4 •. 077, [78 I '1._7~7. 955 ~59. ~~ Total .......................... dut..<lo1l8 .. 2.838.138. ;).19J.089 3.7\);i,6·1". ·1.002.\)89 ·!.~2B.125 1.733.0:16 ",B1I),086 I ii.623,688 I 6.998.7611 10,727.885

,"===1":' -== .. -:= -:-==:-...=.= =~--:-=:=-::::-= ::::-=---=----=:-"-:-- =--= ===-----=..::....:..::·=-;-=:-::-==-=-.....:.:....:..:.·7.-:-~·:==-_ -::-::::::..:....::-=:::=:=..:.....--:: '. 0 ", {lb!oL ... :. _______ . __ .! 166,519 367,f)u2 255,ti03 ,;)4,'>.6;): 1,~-\t)7,\)05: ·H8,148 285,579 I 518,316 1,027,730

Puraffin ............................... frel ... 1 11 I !. 4'-1 r· . 43,9·J() ,- . 25,';46 U' 874 '32660 58,763 PenciL..;: (0 s··I:············! 8, .J" 1,3.)9 13,009 liJ,U60 ),. ,

Of pupcr or wood filled with lend. I1UlI pencil : . leads .............................. '111l..(\01l8 ..

1 10\).051. i Ul7,400' 28\).008 3H.\)9:J' 3,,6,5t2 ·187.290

{gros,.. 23f,.21G; 177.501, 25;;'012 ?iO.730, 218.708; 1;",9.542

Slate ................................ dllt .. do1l8 .. ! 13039: .I:l.2<J8 i J7,8S1 20,,171 19.629, 12,923

Perfumel'ies, co!:nnetics, and all toilet preparations i 'II \ I

........................................ dut..dOIl" .. 1 4H2,OOa. 5U.660 [)33,'1ll 605.8H2 709. Ill<! 821,43B:

Plants, trees, shrubs. nnrl vines: 1


8;;3.185 I'


50i.965 ,

93G.408 71~. 637

1. OO\), 4~G ' 809.9:;0 ,


l,250,8i;;) 1,126.635 Pipeg I1nel smokers' artic.ies .............. dut. .dOllS"


259.8:'>4 i. 281.002 . 301.959 :l66.769 'I ·141.290 ;'72. ·129 :

ll'ruit plants, tropieal find semitropiclll, ior i :).019 7.016 468! f.di: 1.610 2.0;3.':: 1.631 , ]8,570 ]1,328 propuglltion, ('te ................... free .. doHs .. ' 32.658 Allolher ............................ rlllL.rlolls .. 1 729,500: 703.90:> 965.3m1 1.098 •. 1691 1.172.023! 1.371.588 1.'193.789 1.;')0,'135' 1.5\)9.052' 1,841,206

Plaotcl' roek, or gypsurn: i! I I U d . {tOllS .. , 22,538, .......... _ ......................... , ............ : ........................................................... .

Ilgroun ..••..................... iret' .. 11011::-:.... 2~, 678 ~ .................................... " ............ 0 •••••••••••••••••••• ,. • •••••• i ••....•.••••••.••••• _ •• _


{tollS"1 155,72,) I 1H2, 979 1' 204, H50 199,447 259. (i95 I 288, ii8 2~1:022 : 312,635 : 39·1,940 ' 39:1,037 Gro11ll(l or ('1l1cined o

•• ______ •••• ___ rlnt .. tlolJs._ 192,890 I ~08J084 2·12,898 2:.!8,670 279,656; :t'!5,li85 :j2~,591 3lH,llO, 4011,5133 479,G'J3

PlatinulII .............................. iree .. f1 b8····1

6,00:11 6,357 7,7m 6,776 6,695 l,n7 7,SI)0, 6,9S0 9,269 i 8,681 ldol1H"1 1,032,192 i .1,193,'175 1,7'70,IH7 J,649,'179 1,885,719 1,962,459 1 H1H 037 1 1,851,285 2,U78,r>16 3,26fi,961

Platinulll vn~eg, retorts, ve!'isels, etc., for ehcmieal I I ' , r nses ................................... free .. doJlH.. 71,503 33,t181 62,101 17,499 15,027 Gl,liOa 118,099 108,020 190,000 152,588


tOilS .. I 11,15-1 15,970 20,597 13,077 16,081 18,3,,4 13, a02 13,076 2J,OB8 20,7ti7 Pluwbago ............................. frce .. dolls.. 472,40111,081,8591 2,:14;;,29,1 929,986 963,356 1,2,17,58-1 !191 , 13·1 915,306 .I,291,16fi 1,626,666

pumicc!-ltolle ......... __ ................ tlnt .. dolls .. 1 30,137 5'J,2Rl ~j1,478 i 54,203! 48,1J1.; I 62,3U~. 'JO,fl-lti 8t,4.5~ 77,091'1 108,410 RI)lJIIPts ................................. fl'ce .. dolls .. ! 90,757 9:3,284! GU,I)O;: 88,744' 93,358. '/u,78;); 9~,4:J9 99,'181 93,288 117,344

m"~;;;,~:;" "~~~~ ~C"~~U, ." .• :~'C~:~" .I:~,;; •. ' <, :~~::: !c~:~: I~~~.: ,~c .. ~ •. ~ c.= '~IC~;C~I •••.•• · •••• F ~.:~: ••..•••.................. D {

Ills .... ,12:), 3UIi, 330 lUi!, 2H, '1~r.19a, 052, H,,1 74,598,061 /75,674,776 1 78, :n7, 310 75, 3n, 1m I ·18, ·IOS, 500 52, '168, 791 71,287, 11i1 o .............................. <.lut.. 1 I ... . I ""'J ,. I

clol ""1 2, iiOJ, 0/2 : :J,017,0~8 1,87f),liOO lJ)~H,O,14 1,596,210 I, 10I_,2:J8, 1,Rn9, 338 I 1,097,099 1,46:),487. 2, J]S,J.l'i

I" tl ' I 1 . 1 {Ib" .... (j0"[7;[,/iH5


50,H40,2(j7 23,031,,[40 '1~,liOl,t).j9181,984,1l8 91,388,97,1 1 71l ,H9H,GlG '1 6;l,07fJ,llO/i 108,079,1U6; 138,316,O~!1 .\.lce onr ncemen. lLIlt urOkCnl'H~e.f nt.. ' I

" doJl:-; .. 1 \)53,722 . 777,378 I 37'1,121 7aO,854 I :I, aao, 711 1,329,235, 1,20·1,092 9J3,867 1, fao, 7IH 2, 273, ~H)H

Salt ..... ~'OI~:::::::::::::::::::::::::·~:.~e::~;~::~:::~~c~;,~~~:~c:;~~~~;:'~~·-.I~~~~~~~;l~~~~~~~~~.i.~·.~'~~~;~~.;~'~:~:~i?~~~::~~~~~.~:~~~'.~~·~.' •. ~~.~!~~.~:~~~:1:~ Do.: ................................ <lu!.. };::l~>316' 2~~: ~~~ !~~~:;~;,'~~;' ~~~:;~~:~~I~'II~~;:~~;";'~~ 'i~~;:~;,;:~~~' ~~;:~,;;:~~~';~,;~: ~~;:;~;. !~~~ .. ~;~: ~,~~' ;,;;:;;;,: ~~~"I:'~;';: ;;~:;!;,;

[doll, .. ' {gO, ,In \ 558,922 625,86a 6RI) 767 1 688,369 fi64,91lU "15,2:10' 'l!lG,7~·1 ,190,986 471,987 Sll.usl\gcs,bologIlIL .............. _ ....... ir"''''dolls.. 82,5,1(; 9:1,714' 95,9HI 80:605

1 109,791 111,647 1~11,U3, H7,1l9 J.l9,[;931 121,205

Sausage clt!;ings ......................... free .. doll:;.. 537,871 I 622,949 641i,889 1142,2]2! 754,588 963,495: 885,(;·1;;: ~3G,3'.!3: 874,298. ],288,92?

see(~q:overd .... f1 ........ I .... · ........... farce .. t[r::~ C:~:i.···· ;:: :I~·· ~" d··:.~:: ,} .. ;;;::~ .~. :;;, 2[·~~. ~.I· ~~",,;,I····~~ ~,I~; i:: LIIlfieed, or (lX!:Iee( .......... _ .. _ .. ut.. '

dolls.. 150,515 , 87,602 94,126,~, 09S, 207, 724,082 194,02'1 I 201. 224 ! 31H,6.'i7; 78,42:1 124, '194

All other ........................... {frcc .. uOIl" .. : 698,3871

' 7<19,0881

!19:1,521 I ],200,'1!):" 1,0611,769[1,62.1,86,1 2,259,f)n:l


' 2,OI2;12~! 4,1:7~, 7~0 ~,~3~,:-~)9 Ilut..dolk. 382,801, 38'>, 1;)5 707,41H 1 7,10,,195 861.:101. 1,012,3911 1,121i,r,83 1'09G'f)0911'~;h,8l>O 1, .. 1-,.1.19

Tota\. ........................... " .. dolls .. '_~:23~:f'IG~'=_lc~l, H45 ic_~'.7I~~~~~-:-0~:-.~9.11~!ii2~~.:12,~~:!79_!·-:l, 58~,4~~_i::~~~ lii\Jc_~~~,:I~)-=-, .. ~20<l. 77~ alnchuled iII .. All ntlHH' Hl'tiole!-l," frne. prior to IH99. IJNot enumeraled in prior to 18UH.

clnclndrs "Ung-ronnel" nitPI' 1 RlJR. dlncludcd in "Al] other," fret', ]Jrlor to 1UO'i.


No. 1(;1. ····J;lF':RcnANDls}o, hu'oHnm: (.lUAN·ITJ'lE~ AND VAI.UBS, ETC'., YEAHS millR!) ;YuNE 30, 1898 TO 1!J07-Contiuuec1.

Artides. IS9/l 1/lUD

---- - --- --"---'--'---Shellfi, and mnIlufnctures of:

FnJuanufneWrecl-Penrl, mother of, not ,!olILwed or mnnufne-

tured a ••.• _______ •• ______ . ___ .free. .. dollf5 .. ; ____ '" ___ . _ .' _____ ., __ ., ..... ______ .. " 335,Si7 831, li? 1,472, O!J8 I 80fl,568

All othN ..... _._ ..... _._ ........ frt''' .. dolls-.i g06,~:12 i 973,944 i "1,019,7311. 552,9·12 633,723 53i,2~9 I 311.,327 050,2'13 890,4H2

356,080 1,085,500

40'J,8H !:<hcll allli mother-of'pearl, maIlll!IIetllre" (~f I ' ... o. ! I. . 'c . "

................. _ ................. dut..dolk_ 103.001 I I.".RO, 87,934 I 9;',143 lIH,"R91 116,8U,,! 1R9,o96 127,3014 1 121,(;44 HO,On

Silk~r~~'::~~~:;~~!:,:~~l~q of: I~~~~I ~co··--~=I=--~~·=~~ ~~ j== o=-_="~ ====~ ~~~.= ~~~ cocoons .. __ .................... free_.{lbS····1 10,0192 I 13.537 I 30,001 1:12 '1, llS! 2591 '..'\l,759 28,5016 33,592 7V'~3

!lolls.. 3, [lUU ! 2, ~~8 . lR, ~35 189 1,093 . 158 10,6tl7 7,875 11,4521 23,807 Ra"'l, or ns rH{-~led from the co- {lhS .. - - 10, :nfi, 162; \'I, mn,] 1r> : 1.1, '2:)9,31.0 9, J39, 617 12, (j~m, (jR~ ! 13,637,206 ]2,630,883 17,812; ]33 14,f)O;),32·1 IU, 722, 20'1

coon ......................... frcc .. dolls .. 1 Hl,Ho,800 I 31.827,01,1: 41,5W,672 \'9,3;3,777 41,714,331 I' '19,002,;'97 4-1,·161,5{H \ 59,542,802 fJ2,855,611 \70,229,518

WH,te .......................... rrcc .. {lbS.... 1,702,297 [ 1, r,45, 701 1, ·i8·1,404 ],2li5,806 1,610,0"6 1,6H3,3114 4,0!l2,007 '1,516,628 2,813,105 1,();,o, ,17'( clolls .. · 0;:'9,2!l7! 650,'~7~ .61, B5a 697,149 919, 3~o 1,008,29.; 1,628,239 1,489,286 1,213,441 I, lh8, 574

Total unnHtllufacturcd .•....• free .. doJb.. ~~~~,-0~~~11~~2' '179:-(1:; 'li~'8:f), '6~. ~H_0~o;;1.365[ 12,H3i!5) in, 01 ~ 050~1}6.~~ 500 ":'1~ {HO, 053' 54,~_~0, 504' _ 7l~1l,899 MIIlIufaetures of-

Clotbing, ready··mndo, nIHl other ,renring! I I : "ppltTe!..: ..................... ([nt. . ([ollg .. , 1,855, 2711 I 1. 618, 80~ 1,1;,,7, B.Jl 1,898,014' 2,57-1,261 3,345,826 2,80';,804 2,737,'127 i 3,477,298 5,218,620

Drc8s (lilel pIece goods ........... tlut..dolls. _, JO, 4()5, 0,')7 ! 1;1. OB~, 309 1;;' ·.I~5, 9U7 Il, 977, 874 : J 3, 625, 276 ].1,005,7,17: H, 228,328 15,120,615 I 14, O,If" 823 13, ·185, 5U8

Laces IIIld embroidcrie" ......... dul. _do]]s .. : 3,3·19, 4{1·1 ?, 877, 578 3, 201l, 85'/ H, IS\), 3:17! 4, "H,!i90 I 5,0-15,008 4,864, :n8 .j, 658,397 I 4,694,810 6,0-1.6, £02

Ribboll' ......................... llUl..<10Jls .. i 2,O:J.'i.411 1,727,0!:.I 1,811,6H 1,839,:179! 2,850.226 ,1,3';8,(,90 ],978,013 1,920,80·1 i 2,125,832 1,RW,58~ Spun ~ilk, ill skeins, cop', ""np>. or {lib ... _ . _....... 1,727, au 2,420,552 1, 7lii, 067: 2, 171, 21~ I 1,995.012 2,0;>3,274 2,35'2, ·106 2,257, '1.60 2,479,364

on heamsb~ •.••..•.......... _.dllL doll!' .. : ... __ ....... 1,97;),OH; 3,723,3'18 2,5H;{,716: 3,306,5'2J [2,99J,G;Jl 3,047,817 8,287,642 a,227,9W 3,775,'i411

Velvels, plushes, and other pile[1IJS .... [-_.......... ,178,28.') 70X,35·j 873,082 I 901,924: 963,232 551,393 i 377,029 480,762 7)3,579 fabries ll

••••.••••.• _ .•...•.•.• dut.·lrlo11s . ." ............ ],5:13,(;~71 2,31fJ,tl:) 3,~;)O,86(); H,157,u9n I ~,26~,7~: i :.,~O~,48~ [1,32:),537 ll~~:>,il~~ 2,652,934

All other ........................ r1ut..<lolb._' ;',788,40-1' 2,271.07\), :~,7f,2,i71 2,093,952 I 2,5S1,569 2,9-11,8,,, I 0,346,914 I 3,:50·1,118 3, IS3,161. 5,0;;;',861

Totll11nnnl1faet.ure~ oi. ____ .... <l1lt. .dolls. _ 3~~.~~j, Gl)~'!~~-io~~ 07~J}~~_O .. ~~~:~._ .. ~~L&2·, i!~ 1~2, (HO, 2~i213.;~G3~ 55·2-~31,9;'3,U80i3~, 6l:j~-5;o 32,-910,590j-:~8;··(i5:3, 25.1

soar~,:tUle),. perfllllw<l, nnel ,,11 d,,,eriptiolls of fllJs.... ii\):~, 69:1 : 79;;. !l40 : R09,2\)(1 9/3, fi7R: "--~;~16 [ -, 1,06~:2'~!--'1' o~~,';'~-i 1, Ol:~~OI"~:~:-~:~-:' 1, 21~, ~:; tOilet. .. __ ........................ dl!l.··lrlons.. ~51,'!1a, 3~7,9:H I a:U,tiQ2 411,7:~i 4.17,9·H.I 40l,12·11 ·169,75G 4.Jfi,')S6 .!'i7,fi9.j: ~i23}726


All other ... _ .... _ ..... __ ....... _. _ .. dut. .dolls. _: :~-14, 009 I 2-:1~, ~()(i I 2~n, -152 27-1, "(97 I 42v, f.~JIJ ~ ·l72, (1·18! 431,085 I 421,226 425,344 I ·149,560

Totat ............... _______ .... duL.dolls_.' ·-.J9~,;-J!:~ \ 57G,MI--M.~~:-141;··-.-··--68;\~)2I:-··8.i.7,!),1:-;-,·----;a~-7?·-(Uoo'·B41r 867,812 903,030 [ ~)7a,28G

SPiC~~gr_OUllcl_ phS--.. ~ 1-, :.1:,99~:--~,::~0~ -I-~"r:o, ~~~·~1~8~G,.U7 - .1 1, ~~~:~i-:', ::~:: -- :~:8~60~!~,~9.:, 06~' -~,-:~:~: 0= 2'~75' 181:

l'<utmcgH ....................... free .. l·1 II·' I OOl ?'j' I 0"8 "" '''] 0''''; 3'08°9 33968- ·1·1·1 "·1" . "4"1,"191. 3'12,3"18 (0 s.. ,-,,). , .. , ,) ,IV I IU~) ,.,) "")'''.") .. b , 0, " • i) I\) ."J 288, aRB; i) _ 321.,719

'J, . _ • . . . " f11J~ .... ; 1'1,080,136 12,382,7-17 13} 08;\ 3:J:J : Hi, O,'H, 8'19 I 16, O-Hi, [79 21, H3~, fi/;) lS, tH5, lRH ; 19, '.1:13, 387 20, 5a5, 834 24,320, 80u lepper, hInd,. Or ,\Jlltc ........ fnc.·ldOlJ::.;. .. ~ '.)09,711 l,Of\3,100 .I,18H,G;Ji:), 1,806,167 1,7;)2, 34;j 2,2tJu,~~n ~,OG9,O;)1: 1,90tJ,f,21 2,73a,137 2,282,'i?-~

. {III" .. __ ' 13, iS~. G89 , IH, 851, 0,,;' ro, ti5~. 7(l:~ : 13,500,848 J5, 134, ·181 22,4(i4,lU2 17. 74~, ~O~ i 2(i, ~:::;, 13~ ?o, 037,43;; ·~o, 37,1,8-12 Allothcr ........................ rree .. dolls .. ! 8tJ8,U92· nU/,7S8 1,37H,2·m: 1,001,'182 1,1,16,2·16 1,500,77R 1,,109,;)81 I 1,/':)1,89,) l".t29,OOR i 1,8H8,r)12

{ Ih~ .•.. : 2,(h8,70() i H,3Hi,9~!) -t,,)lfJ,'iO'J' ~~,78(),62a 4,4GO,tHl 4,f,38,{j~H u,414,80.l! ;),10(),l'in 7,O,f/,(i85' u,'1!)0,0-18 All olhcr . ____ .... _ ..... _ ... __ ...... <1111 .. lIoll' .. ' 2ti.j,6Ul i 3H2,1;;;:J 390,00.1! 3901.571 446,960 483,'183 I 538,\)82 i r,a,.l,219 1;83.593 719,995

Spirits. w::)~:I,: :,',; -,:;,;;: ; i',; ;';r:'~ .. -..... , ..... clollR, .II'}~ !O~~~~:~-i, 782. il()~~li-·· 3~ .IOi~~~I~?·~~:·I:.~O~II~_~' 6~~ 242 _ :_ 1. 81~ ~i~-~~~~O~+--4 • .?~3. 356 - 5c.~8: lI6 _ = 6, 1 ~~-'-OO~ Mltlt liquoro- ! I :

. {gUll:-J.. 7:m,h::;:1 i U18,ii62 l,mn,818 l,Ir>1,89t 1,198,400 1,2U2,476 1,'U)7,{;)0 1,ao2,089 1,;'82,010 2,0J1,68R TnhnW"sor)ug" ............... dut .. dOllg .. : 1\9",1021 917.186 1,Oi9,7n Il,LGO.123 1.161,065 1,2fi?.0·17 1,3~;;,~18\I,28r"f)7Ii 1.·11)6,228 1,90~,r.;;5

. {RH l~f-l... 1, 777, ~W2 I 1. fl2R, 67~ 2, 2~~8, 502 2, 4·!7, 555; 2,653,105 2, 90G, :H3 3, 19i, {};>o 3,83G, ,187 4,305,032 5,165,029 In other eo\,crn'g"" - ........ - .. -rluL. - <loll,. -J- flO(; •. 118! 570, ()92 M7. 5:;~ i '11!),0921 718,383 1 8:15, ()94 U~7, 507 1, n9, 768 1.272,627 1 1, fJ()(j. lOS

TolallJlalt- liquor" .......... ;. ,lilt. .ilOll" .. I~j~~)1,~3U_II.~~-0~ ->,i2~~6_T i.8~~21fj-r1:'.880,348r2-,~87, 741_ 2,31~;_;i2(i ~_~-' __ 1~5,3+1l~.2:~~,~i;_I ___ 3,:IOR, 7~3 Spirits, distillecl--· I I 1 I

Of rlolllc,lic .llltlnnfa('!nre. re- } ~:)-(.586 ·1' 99S.I7:1 'I 687,024 87f) OU9 805,212 819,591. -171,596 316"j(i911 177,4U9\ JM,IO(; 1"111'1lP(f (:~i1lhJcct to Int(~rnnl... I • . ... ' " r.: ,> • '-e,'CHtIe tt'x) ...... ____ .... lree _ _ <loll, .. - .. I 73<1,9Dl 8:11.9'11l I 1130,[)74 ,U4.594 I 7·19.687 8'16,40'1 539, :)62 326, 88~ _11,129 11i2. on,i 1:17,90~ 219,l)68 ·1 244.100 2UO 301 31.6,222 348,878 gUO.\)~8 ·1O:l.3~6 ·170,·1iI3 I 61.9.:-\3:1 B1'ltl1cly ...................... (lUt.·1· I ' ( I .. 1

cloIlR ..... ' 3tlf',7:,8 1i:!Ii. S'", WIi, :>10 8·13, il18 I)l.l, .flU 1,000,99711,] U4, 410 1.1~19.129 1, 2~6, 210 1,687, ·1'i3

A. I [pI. gnll, .. 1 770, ~:10 "1. 227, ~2.1' l, :,~,O, SUIl 11. 71~, ·1:;(\ 1.909,887 2.06.1.,057 2,238, 8-12 :~. 366, 4661 2. 63U, 680 I 3, 2iO, 226

11 othor .............. ' ..... ( ut.·1 · 1 1 ... . • • ...... ,~. ( , ... , ,. 1 ' -

d()l1H ..... ~ ~)'::.l:Jr) 1, 1i83.~i~ _:~,~8~~ ~!, 52.J, :~37 2, 784,048 .~~~(,179_, 3,al~~~_ .. _.~,.:~~~.O.H.,_~~~/.,_;~.~)~ .. .... .'~~.~~~~~ Tolnl spirit". rli"tiUt1rl. ...... ____ .. __ .lJJlk .. 2,J3·1,7UI i 3.J.1:'.079; :l,IJOI).S:J11 .i:".IG2:-:t:ill-l- .j.Hi>:].".1 4,8~H,5HO! 4,957,507 r;,OO~,058 i f>.f>24,7G71 G,HRJi,G91

Will~~~ml'n!!l'" "".\ ."h"r '1",,·kliJlg-Jdo". '1ts ... :-:~:;:~27 i----~~2.3~-II--3~O.1~-J-·-:;~~R-i----:~G(j -~1;~;:-:~6,~.1i) -:1,Xll :---=5,:19(-!1-- .Jl\)"I0~ ............. ' ............. Ii Ilt. ·ld()Il~ ...... : :~. ~(j·l, :.\~~a I :1, 668, 7~H 4, llb, 90H I -t, 58!), ,H)·l' 4~ 9:10, 763 0,861, mm I ·L, 9tl9, 03;=', :>, 72:l, 764 I 6,127,062 6,228,281

;\ Illt'lwh'(l ill , .. All OtllPl''' priol' to 11,)01, \) Included .1n "All other" prior lo .l89~).


No, l(jI.--_l\lEHClIA;'<WbE hu'o!t'!']m: {-llJAX1'lTIE::; ,\~n VALUES, ETC" Y-~:ARS ]'NJ.)]m .TUNE 30, I8ll8 1'0 1907---Continlletl, --- ---- -_... -=-==--:-=-: -·=I··==:-:-:---·----:--;:-::---==- -=-=r-:==-'-=~'------:-:-:-:=:----:----:--:---:-=::":::;:---".-.-:--:-.=-:::--=--=- :-:-:::-:--.-:--" -:----" .--:=::--=:-..:,=.---_._--

Articles. i 189M 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 100'!' 190i> 1906 1907 --------- -------------- ---1------ --- --- -- --- ------ ---- ------- - ----- -__________ .. _____ _ Spirit" willes, and lllult liquo,..-Con'inue<1, \

'Vines-Continued. !

SLiII wines- I In cllsks ... _._ ........ _ ..... <1\1t._{~~~::::;

. {dOZ. qtS .. 1

In other coverJllgs ...... dut.. doll, .....


, , , pbS .... i ,199,766, 798i ,w2,299, 880I50'j,713,10f'I··· .. ·· .... ·I ............ I .... · .... · .. I .... · ...... ·I············\······· .. ··-!"··········· Cane ....................... free .. \tlOlls"

l Hi,660,J09

1 17,287,683 20, 3n, 1501 ........................ 1 .... ~ .......................................... 1 ........... .

Do ...................... <lIl1.. Y bs .... ,I ,9·18.423, 90"I'Z' 7:11,81i8,5i4 ~,800,37-l,691 i2,956,586,10212,685, 792,93:



3,fJ81, \)0,1.21·1;3.434.186,471,3, 921,li05.72\)I:.I, 9;';6,510,021

[dolls .. 1 38, 6~9, ~~'I ~~, ~1;, ~89 6-1, 6~?~:1 67, ~07, ~391 48, 6~1, 7701 ~~' :10, Or.l 7~, :,;9, ~l'~i g~, 913, ~:8; 8·1, o~~, 863 8~, 273, 071 Aboy~ :;';0. 1/i, ])utch RltUl(lUl'(1 ill pbs .... 1101, 088, 653


62, '""', ,63 11, 40J, 282j 109, 13G, 1>601' 91,092,719 ,,3, H.Jl, 1~01 !G, 30·1, g.I"i 21,801,001 9, 1/0, 7~2 1,584,908

color ......................... <lnt..\,!olk.j 2,434,921 .1,692,951 390,1)98, 2,951,786, 2,174,278\' 1,12ii.8U\) 506,114. 901,773: a6J,185! 329,873

, \11"- ... ::2f,H\l ,iiio~8;;i:ii,Wio:2;;0,fim;\'4 ,018,086:;::;01' 3':05 ,005,8;;0 3':03 l-:9i5,87ii ,1. 2ltj :lOb, lOG!I:i :';)()~i2:;,ti 1 :q ,GOO. 932, ml!I' :l:\)79~3ii,4ll():1, gm ,83~,Ui5 Total sugar .. - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - . - . - - "1 clol hI. _! GO, 472, 7-191 94,964, 120, 100~ 2:)(), 97.1, 90,487,800; 55, 061, 09~. 7'!., O~S. t)i:~ _.:~'. ~~~:\ 7G:~; t)7, G·m, ,j.19: 85, ·100, 088; 92, ~mn, 2rh{

'""::~::o::~;.::~,::.::::~::,~:":::l::;·~i;~C:~::~::~~*~::?:~!~i~::::· ~~~I::: t:~:.,·~~~!~:::~J~: ~ ~ centof8U)Phur ...................... frt''' .. {dOllR .. ' 7.1.7,8131 970,80.11 1,~2.1,7Ll, l.lGG,c.8G" 1,.'m,fi77: 1.~,Ul,G7';; 1.·IS~,'i~1l I. 004, 51i2: ),9',I,.:>17i 2 • .J92.n08

{lbS ___ .; .. __________ 1,!.m·i,7J.ii 402,100! 1.1;3R,a5G! 6, 237, 30!i (i"lHO,25r,1 :l:..J23,22:l: ',,653,505' 7J 857

J s::ml Hi,0:35,887

Tlllc,grollndOl·pn~pnrecl" _________ . ____ dl1L_ 1 JJ' I 12093'" I 36,lQ · 1 .!() ')0" 2"I,S'll i :- .... • 0 ,.. •••.•••••••• • '.'" 'j. '''I ~.", , ~ ," .. ,W "'. '" "". ~

T~::::o::~'" "'~"'''," ",,':: .1[r:0:'~::·1 31,6\);; ]3,099 26,219 .!G,477j

47,500 56, ,101 19,1,201 923,9,19 1, ,119, 962 ! ,,~~: :~! doll", I i 840,779

All other in It Nude "tate ........... free .. dolls .. 1 I • ..1 8~, ,100

{bhlH .. 9.0, =.7,1' ~'.?~! ~"." 2~= 40, ,0,6.61 3:,717 57,9851 '[.(,79,,, ,17,0431 4:"W"1 27, [;71

~'arttn<l pitch .......................... frcc .. I'll" IUS ~n IU '3"1 j" r' 9" 090 145, 397! 89,712 118,583; 103413 68,633

f I~~~'~:: (i9"I,,~:~;71 ...... :.'.~.' .••... :~:.:: ..... ~:~'.~~~' ....... ~' .... 27,233,107 112,90:;,.';11 ](J:~,701;,bU9, 9:l.I;~~:750: 8U,368,'190 Tea .................................... rl'Cl.. dolls.. 9.6:,3,6721 ............ ' ..... ..... ............ ............ 4,209.'120 1X,2:m.:nO Hi,230,HiiO' J.l, 580, 878' )3,915,514

Do ................••...•....•..••... dllt..{lbS.... ~, 501, RllS! 71,1:8:, S9\1' R-I.~:5, 107 8l1, ~0t1, ,11>3, 75, (,79, 1;5 81, a.Jl, 79~'..... .. .. I .... · .... · ............ . doll".. '100,lill 9,fi7."081

110,,,.'S,1l0In'0l'i,8i6 9,390,128 11,.119,809[ ................ · .. ·.· .. 1 .. · .... ·· .. · ..

Tin,in bu,rs, blockl';, pig~,()r grnin 01' grunu r1bR .... , 1i::~,~~\8,H891 1i7,a:l2,JOi! 70,lfJH,915 7H,O!)1,~mol 79,352,356 88101810361 80,7G4,:130 H-!IH6~,0621 92,822,635 H6,013,005 lated ................................. 1ree .. [dollH .. : 8,770, 1i)I, 11,813,3ml 19,10·1,301 19,805,5,,] 19,.lIiI.8W 23.618,802 21,.IRIi.:l1l 2:J.3i8,1il, 30,9S2,9\)H 38,117,'1;'9

1=_-=_-==. -:.==-=:-=---=- = -=; ~ --=.--=--_= ~-:::...-=:-_---=-=====-= :::---:-.:........==...-: =====:::.::........=::: -.-=--=-====== Tob,WC'O, '~nd mannf,lcturesof: 1Ibs ................ \ ............ \ ............ \ ........... 1 ............ \ ............ ! ....................... \ 3,770,.193\ 1, Sr,8, 486

SteID .............................. froe .. d 11 . : I 15,954 4,737

I,cltf -. '. [I:'.~: :: ... :~~~~~,.~~;, ... ,~,.;~.;,. ~~:" .~:;,~; ~ ;)~I" .~~ ~~.~. ;,~r'~' ;~~~ ~~~I"';': :;;,;: ~J .. ~: ~~~: ~:~I;"'~: ~~~:~~~! G, 732, 7711 7, 57G,325 SlutalJleior(,lgnrwrnppers .... <1nL_1 . I ... (' • . - I).) "1':(1 _ '_ I.' ., 'l (. I -, ') t: " .... )'

dolls.. .>, Ul3, 2.)4. ·1,349,031 .), L~, oog, ",9-10,0.,7. D, 081, OOu ·1, GO,), 932. 0,041,1-1. ", _,0, 03_ 6,.17;',221i 8,617, (;75

Blucllldcd in ";\11 olhf!f ll1'ticlt-'s," dlltiubJe, prior to lSY9. bluclndl1(l ill °A11 otiler nrlieies," free, prior to 1906.


No. 161.-:HEHC1U/·;DH;I, hII'OIlTBV: Ql1A:>l'I'l'IBS .\~IJ \'ALn]8, B'l'C" YEA-Ril F.NVEll.TCNE 30, 1898 'II) 19()7--Continlled. '=-'.·C=~===-=-_-:-~-.. -.. --. ,.. "~"~'" =~:o=-

Arlicle". 1898 . T 18911 . 1900 ( 190 I

trOb.~l-{~ nlanUfl~~-~ures Of=(-~:~lUe(I. ·----1'--· ---1- --- -·-1---J,mf.-·Colltinued. '.

All other ....................... <lllt..{lb···· 1 f>'.1~8"?!71 9,888,781, ].1,0<>8,,,->9; 20,270,667 !'3,1)93,P;'8, 27,702,597, 23,775,2~6 26,178,783,30,622,703 I ,n,96S,9!l6 (]oll, .. ' 3,b7".:ll! 5,001,2]91 ~,1'd,HG4 110,349,5:l0 10,117,Ofio i 12,064,983 11, 298,:l60 1 12,768,640 11<>,972,288; 17,437,6i3

." .,llll .. {1bS. - • .110, -!(7~ lQ;-'r-li,03\ H291 19, 619~ 6~7 I 2ti, ;;~'l,-!!W-I !W, 12S~ 8:;1 11-3J: 016, 956 31~JD2, 6:36 ~-J, 288,378-1-37,3['.\477 -1--:;0:;:-1.0,3'; '1'ot"I ................... .

~rnnufa('tUJ.cs of- dolls .. i·· '/, .1~~.60~ 1_ I), 9~~?~\!~~:.:.fI! ~?:'3\ '! _1 G, 29°087 ~fi, 21l'.~7:_11 2'.' ~ 915 i~l~ 9a9, ,187 i


18, O:IR, 677 ; ~?'.I!~'.bl~~.I...:~~' 05~:.O'~8 C,· . tt ] I 1 {lb" .... 1 331,902 4!R,63{ ,IGO, 5;;1) ~81,3il '100,675 588,395 'I 681,498 807621 809580 77',078 ,Ig-url', (IJg:ll'e l'S, ant t' 1C1"oolf.:.( ut . I I' 1 'I 'I ' ,

dolls .. , 1, D51, OU9, 2, OS:\ 4:;0 2,299,923 I 2, <101, 273 2, 111, 783 3,271, U5ti' 3,054, Oil {, 028, 107 '1,08],264, a, 995, 56-l .\11 other ........................ t111t .. dOIlS •. \ 52,'197 i til,i;!!) I 01,2141 7H,~fili 1 83,089 : n,24~ 79,848· 79,0\\'21 111,9281 141,51)3

Tolal TluLTll,ia('(ures

o[ ........ (IIlI..cloll, .. -=l'(\03'D?.£I~:::24;;, 911~1'_~3_~: ~~D 2'~~,i~9':. 2,~~822r :l,~IL~).·:_3:~~,8i>~I-=-~~7,_1~.i ~~~~~, -=~i:l~~,'I~ Toye ..................................... (llll .. dOIl, .. 12,2U,.182 2,2ti5,542 2,9'2:1,98-1 \ 3,830,311 '4,023,670 -1,232,0711 4,9'i7,3b'\ll 4,961,·157 I 5,887,863 (\,9~3,GGJ l;m.brel1il~, pftl"U'::o1s, /1.1\(1 ~l1l1'-llul(h)~, eXl'(''IJt IMppr~ I "

cOI'c,·eel ........................ Jlu~ .. a()JJs. 12,637 2),93:) 22,4)2 i 26,!Jn 3~,141 40,2881 2:l,lillfi 27,022 42,287 5fi,04'i

\'nrllishcs .............................. dnt .. {galls··'I· 3:!,~lS 33,227 ·IB,743 ·16,030 .)7,703 '19,730, 39,771 11,536 \ 11,970 3?, 19·1 dolls.. 79, 102 . 71), 461 I loa, 985 1.19, 8~8 127, iiS3 : 1al, 11-1 'I 105,898 103,22'1 110,613 70,550

Ycgetabl".,·: . lbllSh .. -- l(i~::r"'~:~49: -'-~~7 :03~ '-~,09;,:: .~~~~ \I(i~ 1-- I, o:s:o~ ~~'9::~- -~72, 572 'c~:8, O~~ 0=. '.:;~: lienns :mel clnccl pense .............. c1uL. 'F" i 1",'), e.3· 0 1.,0.1", '[·1,'> I"') -.. ,,, 1, "2,'l, 3(l9 (i2" 7"" 6"-',21' dolI:::;.. 14U, ~2, I U ('! ;,.r i") I, :106, (105 1, ;) .. ,11' I, ·J20, t>3..f: _ ) 0, Ii) u "t f);)(), R98

. jbush.. 488,85B 771,960 MG,798 774,042 79G, :lJn 925,5991, 171,242 8;,6,3GG 872,566 1,126,1\.1 Onions ·· .. · .. ···· .. ·· .. ·· ...... ····<Il1t.· l(!OllS .. \ .12\],173 499,520 307,901 ~09,552 .. 08,673 OW,ln7 YI4,'1J3 6-l3,W, 615,,;84 026,115

. {bUSh ... 1,17\,378' ;',30,'120 15,i,861 , 37l,911 7,656,162 3:'S,fiO;, 3,1~6,581 I; 181,199 I,O·IS,lUO no,OI7 Potatoes ............................ ,]nt .. clOlls .. i -173,1.51 :!94,891 1-17,3·19 224,759 3,160,801 238,445 1,8/0,00·1 168,O!H R5g, 06,1 192,635

Pickles Hnd ~n·uc(':-:; ............ _ ..... d II L .. doll~ .. · 243, 3.!j·~ 352,022 30G, 2~3 388, ·186 -1S0,342 537,36(i 64(i,858\ 578, '.L89 706,050 934, ROa

~~~ i i

III their HlttllI'al "tHtC ............ dllL .<lolIs"i 2::9,7:;:1 ! 31?,673 371,9il:J 366,971 536,581 497,661l 780,761 I (ilo,736 815,Ot\S 1,0'2.\, 2G2<l or preSl~rye(.l. ...... ' ... 1l1LL .dolls .. : ·l9~1, 059 I f);j-l.,302 i 702, Hr1'3 I 9:!3, :106 I I, lOl, 2Gl 1, l87, 897 1, ;.173, 257 1, 317,971 1.,435: 953 1, H9S, ';;.)9

Total .......................... ,1llL .cllllio. ·i·2,0:I1"~?T!;:1,b, ·i3~.(~;:J:\o7iT3, 7;~ii7U·:_~,.~j9, 8::;r~l, 58i~i'~ -·7,OO8.:~~j·30i~:1~_~,.~~2,·!i~~f-:\:~,1~

1902 11l(]& 101)1 .1903 190,l 190(1


\ me",ll ...........•...•....••.••....•.. (hlt .. <1olls.. 22, :n3 i 23,5:14 30,724 34,222 45,754 42, (l;;6 46,856 1-16,43>1 '.19, ~19 230,072

05.:l82 1,157,391

r' ~,. {gaIlR", 85, [,5U ! U3,443 1 122,4791 135,883 1.68, 195 1 102,;;2-1 1 181,2\1-1 91,7Ug 198,591

t-.:> ,,'astc, no/. ('lsewhere spceil1ed - - - -- ... _.dut._doll~_ _ _ 1.1.4~?~;_~5, 68~_,_~~_,_~~OJ ._.~].~~~~ __ 092, !22 _._~~ 935 . .. -----..:.~~~~ . _.'j~~l, 215 ___ 920, 08~ . ~ "-OO(l. nnd manuInetures of: . =:.--- -- .. - "-- .- --." --_._--- .-----.. --_._-_ .... _-- - -"'--, - .:.:........:..---==--= .. - . .:;.:==..:;=-.~---==-= -J o I cr.

:>->-' CD o

T t-:J CD

UnmUllufactured-Callinet woods-

~. h {~Ife()t.. 14,6'/9 2·1,714 23,228 32,?8l 44,795 ,18 a87 flO, 370 31,844 36,619 51.,899 .r" og\l,ny ....••........•. lree .. <lolls .. .1 799,1-19 1,241,921 l,iJn,21i9 1,7."2,612 2,361,483 2,'i83',(170! 2,690,382 1,9"17,894 2,.170,072 0,263,718

All oUler ____ ....• __ .. __ ..... frec .. <lol1.. 900,187 8-16,35" R:i8,.133 1,240,737 999,792 1.,251,6211 J,13·1,229 1, 077, 72a 1,:13·1,7.18 2,091,882 . {M fect. _ 275,5·17 198,] 95 101,397 82, \185 106,171 7:{,83G : 611,033 97,306 100,592 97,573

Logs and round hmbm' ....... frec .. cl~ll~... :', ~ao, 0,~9 I 1 ,'iOu, 2~)4 879,9'-;0 801,188 907, t68 637,881! 55~, ;;04 722,693 '173, 200 ~~8, ~01

:;.:~~::~~; ;:::;;:;;~~;:;::~~~: I",~: --1- -1- - - - -.! _- - -- ::7:'~: . {Cllb.reet .. / 188,780 133,'19'2' 064,78\> i 112,61;3 l29,}83 207",:;4 139,180 184,7·12 256,1.80

Do ...................... dut.., 118 r;:-! 18,810 027 ,11 131 33,357 46,770 ........... . dOlls ____ ·


17,. 18,01l8 .16,.,,0 I 18,., ,.. 28,912 ..... __ ... __

1 1 {free .. dO]]" .• 2,290,188 1,972,231 2,6·15,910 I B,145,1401 3,aOO,622 3,(HG,7M 3,7'12,058 '1,087,215 4, 184, li71 2,30(),b43 All ot ",.rnumn,nllfacturo, ..... uuL.tlolIs__ 1-1., f>78 20,110 ,.t,BB8 7, 4'12 ~,~36 5,018 1O,OJ5 15,221 168,363 78,200


'"~:: l:~~" '~'~"~'~~::"g:1 ::;~ E" ili:~!;: ~:~l., :~:: ,,;: ~ ",;,: ~;:., £~ ,jf ~I: ~,~,: ~.~~: ii~: :: ~~~ ~~~: ~~~ 81' 'I" 1 {~L --.. 43,), -In 471,09·1 5.Jl,040 : r,55,853 707,614 72,1,1:11 770,373 708,725 900,856 881,003 , ling leS . __ • __ ............. fut .• dolls.. 760,98 . .1 827,886 .I,OJ.1,nl ~ 1,028,18-1 1, 362, 82J :1.,194,906 1,602,999 1,581,421 1.,8,';2,612 1,9.10,001

All ol-hcr ........ ____ . __ ..... fluL.rlolls.. 796,848 987,139 1,:H2,ti\lii I 1,24li,509 1,380,973 1,753,532 1,545,H!!-J 1,649,31-1 I 2,700,505 2,76·1,015

Cahilll'l. '\rum or hOll'(' furni.t.urc.<1uLclol1s.. 27·1,153 :115,611 399,013 I HOB, 9.';-\ 714,857 9'.12,967 71.2, [)65 7:18,229 I,Oll,335 1,182,667

• 1 1 '. f1ons... 29, S46 sa, 3J 9 B~, ·1·11 , 'W,757 67,416 116,881 144,796 167, 5041 157,224 213,110 \\'OOf pl1 P •....... -- ..•.•• -- ••• <iIlI--\,)OllS.. OIn,M2'1 on,nOIi I 2,-1I)",mo \ 1,ij86,40~ ~~,O;;9,09? 3,387,770 3,60'l,r,G8 'I,WO,9no 4,084,942 0,348,80'1

All other __ .............. ____ .. __ tllll..<lolls.. 1,41-1,758,. 1,G32,065 .. I~:I~:2~~ 1 1,953,800 2,050,838 2,m,G85 2,179,688 ,_ 2,27~0~5 .. 2,59=-(;?~L_'~,~~7,.~~6 'fntnl,.'''''.o0d and mn.l1urnc·{frep .. c10iJ;;; .. ':!-!:7,~551 518=:,~~; ( U,~i1(),~6H I 6,942,681 7,h78,O(ii) 1- 8,289,9·j[) -8;'n,~IJ3- ,7,~65,525 f ,8,~(:2,7~! I ~1,3~~,:95

[nrcso/. ...... -- ........ -- .. flul .. dollH.. b, 364, 168' 8,612,0,-,.1 I 14,630. 3,10 1.2,811, [,2·1 Hi, 867, 634 20,456,326 18,565,180 2J, ()9a, 798 i 27, Ib9, DiY) I 3J., 51U, ,)'16 =...=:..::====I=::-::::....:..=:::== ===-_-=-::-:= __ . -:.~.:.=::.... --=-==: ==:--==-===--.:::::-:--~-;- == =:..:...:....:..:...:::..:=. =-...=._.=-_-==

p,lnclmll!d ill "All other llIlll1Hllulnetllrl:>(l," free, prior to 1907. b Indu(led in " • .\.II olher unmallllfReturc(l," duth\blo, Rilcr 1906,


No, 161.-IIlERCHANDlSI, hrpOR'l'IW: QUAN'fI'.rmS AND VALUES. B'I'C .• YHAHS ENOED JUN.1!1 30. 18\J8 1'0 1907-",Contillued,

ArLicieH, 1808 . 111911 1900 1901 H102 1903 190! 1110u. 1906 til\)7

~~lair of tI~~t:'~l~gOtLt.~;C~:ltndothcr - ---·-·i-----,--- --- - -'. ---- ----1'- -- -.. -.--like> animals, H.nd UlUllufnctl1re::J of: I

t;llJ~~:,~f;~~;;::::,g ............ free .. r~;~: ... 13.176.315 ............ \ ...................................••..•..............•...... , ............ .1 ....•....•......• _ ...•...

{~:.,.~:: 3~: :~~: ~~~ II' ~~: ~;~: ;;~. i'~;: ~~~: ;~:~',' ~;): ;,~~: ;;;. ;;;;: ~:);: ;;;~'I'" .;;: ;~;: ;;,;. ',;~: ;,;;: ;;~ .. ~~;: ~~~: ;;~.: .. ~~: ~;~: ~~; ... ~;: ~~;: ~~~ Do ........................ dut.. (lolls .. 5.185.019 1.~48.9')J: 8,00\1,V'"/ 5.02.-.,191. 7,927,!n9 7,'188.;)91 8.!i73,·J9~ 24,762.0R2! 20,9:ltl,934 21.378.304

Cln"~2-COmbing ............ frce .. {\bS .... 3.2~:,U5~ 1············1.···········,········· .. '\'···········\····· ................................. : ....................... .

{;~~~~:: 1. ~~~: :';; I";: ;~~: ~~; l ;;: ~;~: ;~~ ... ;): ~~.;: ;~~ .. " ,;: ~~;: ~;~ T' ;;: ;~;:;~; .. ~;: ;~~: L';~',' .;~: ;;~: ~;~'I'" ~;: ;~~: ;~~ .... ;~: ~.;;: ~;~ DO ........................ dut.. 'lolls ..• 22'1.'1521 [>87,001. i 2,63;),121 1.074,701 1,071,86°1 2,833.435 2,819,822 i ".521.171 4, 2H, 02·1 3,235,~.81

"&:::e"~';::I,;:~:~ l·i:,·~.;~H:~:~·I·,::~~·±·,~·;~·d;::::~~· ;:::~:~···;:~d:I::~:::~I;~:£~ Toe", ""m"me ••• """ ... ,~". !:,::;;h::: ;: ! •••• :~J ••••••••• } •• :: •••• ~l~ .:::~.. ...: : ••••.•••••.• ' ••.• :: •••••••••• :: ••• :1 •• :::::.

DO ...................... <lut .. / 1bS .... '11l.217,11181' 76,'i8H.209 :155,928 •. 155 :103.5S:l,505111G0,57U,Y061177, 137,7YU 173.7;12,88·1! 2J9,.L35,74G 201,688,(;(;8 1 20B, 847. ".5 dolk.' 13,189, 9?5. 8, :122, S97 ; ~O, 260, 9:111 i 12, 5~9, 881 17,711,788 22,152,961 2·1,813, fi91! 46.225.558


' 39,068,372! n, 531, 028

~{ItIl( °If- t' d {Sq. Ylk. -089, 7-I~r--~;~:~47 i 9(H, 291~1-&'>8, 9M -"~~l-; 1, 079, ~~: ~ 932 !' .--: .. ~:- ~, 182, ()(I'j 1-1,1168,010 ,. rJ,e Sttll( carpe lUg .. ____ ut.. . I ;

do]]:-;.... 1,790,1:1:1: 1,759, 56G ~ 2,748,793 2,705,659 3, ·H7, 776! 3,758,516 2, 797, 308


' ~,877, 99~1 .i, (Ha, 5~W ·l, ·!Ha, Oli, Clothing. reauy-nllldc, and ol,h(;'1' wear-

illg npJltlrcl, except shnwls nnd knit 1 I , flllJri,," ...................... .dnt.{.;~:~~~:: i 5, ~~~: ~~:. .1, ~:~: :~: 4, :~~: ~~~ i ~: ~:~: ~~~ ~: ~~~: ~~:. ~: ~~: ~~~ ~: ~~:: ~::, ~: ~:::.:;:~ :: ~~~: :~~ ~: :::~: ~::

Cloth ......................... <lllt.. dOll" .. i :l, 91i5, 577 B, 909, 106 5,1'29,529. 3,908,218 ·1,800,838 4, 80~, 099 4,158.597! 3,977.059! 6, ]57, ·120 5,732,200

Dress good", women', Hrlll Chil-!S<],Yd~"'I' 29 • .120,52\1 27,098,08..1 2;;,343.908125,:179,909 a2.8~8.0·12; ·n,1!lS.59G 4:1.857,599 J5,170,270: ;;2.8:10.9-12 .16.m·\.917 ,It'en's .................... dllt.. dOlls .... 0,0:lO.080 ;),\1O[i, [)·18 ,0,812,085 5,37\),251/ 6.404.1i171 7,:i13,725 8,~05,835 8,012,OG3: 10, om, usn 9.:~.1D,2.15

Knit f"brkR ................... dlli. ,'1011" .. 1 387,209 G25,793 i 495, !I61 411,127 571,565 G70,774 iilf,,747 : 2201, ;)83 1 265,133 210.856


110 Included hI preeecling e1H~~ :JfteJ' 1898. blncludec.l in "All oU",r" !liter 1906.

~InC]l1ded in ".All otherarticlcH," free, prior to 190;=;, "Included ill "All other article"," dutiahle, pl'ior to 190.1.



[The term" tOil," as UJled in this table, signifies the long ton of 2,240 pounds.] 00

Articles. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 19Q4. 190;; 1\106 1907 1908

Animals: {NO .•.. 624 1,045 1,249 1,928 1,481 68·1 2,314 829 835 3,188 Cattle .............................. free .. dolls ..

95,353 202,615 273,728 375,096 225,875 79,986 93,081 118,368 122,230 149,142

Do ........... " ................ ,dut··ra~i~:: 199,128 179,961 1014,773 94,099 64,694 10,3';'2 25,iHl 28,190 31,567 ~9,168 H

~ 2,225,009 2,055,079 1, 65i, 705 1,~33,626 935,673 230,751 3115,·188 430,062 442,89"2 1,358,168 '" Horses ......... , ................... free··g~l~:: 1,06, 1,2&1 ! 1,910 2,91-1 2,803 21 63-1 2,853 3,377 3,644 3)562 0

p;j 296,252 357,272 714,623 1,273,607 1,191,611 ! 1,090,596 1,169,011 1,266; 987 1,574,020 1,325,7&1 >'l


Do .............................. dut··0:1~~:: 1,975 1,818 1,875 1,888 2, 196


2,0&2 2,327 2,644 2, 436 1 1,925 I 25·1,798 239,320 271,115 303,627 344,68-5 369,691 422,072 449,688 4(J.I,085 . 278,608

3,0811 ~

r"'"o .... 2,3flfi 2,'127 2,032 2,059 1~ 737 1,253 2,200 2,679 5,609 q Sheep .............................. free .. 1 dolls ..

46,132 '18,324 43,989 46,663 38,037 2:1,298 45,319 53,951 67,555 104,509 p,.. !2l

Do .......................... ' ... (lut .. f'o~ ... 34::l,515 379,365 329,456 2&1,891 299,886 236,541 184,742 238,068 221,717 219,156 >'l dol s __ 1,158,949 1,316,702 i, 187, 288 910,0·17 998,897 'i'!H,991 659,402 066,408 1,052,8iO 978,097 H

>'l All other, incluuillg fuwls .......... frcc .. dolls .. lS3,<1i3 19-1,980 lUg, 330 302,098 316, liS 3c.5,054 391,375 ! 422,237 491,257 407,6'16 H

206,721 I tg All other, including liYe poultry .... (1llt...ilOII, .. ! 81,559 l16,658 127,177 I 179,767 482,89·1 178 l'J.j·2 19),703 : 189,373 175,605 a; ,- !

Tottt!. ............................ frcc .. dolls .. 1 621,210 803,191 1,235,6.0 I l,997,4M I 1, 771,096 1,558, !i3-1 I 1, 69S, 789 I 1,861,543 i 2,255, 062 1 1,987,081 p,.. dut .. dolls .. a, 715, 315 3, 72i, 759 . 3,243.285, 2, G27, 067 2,762,1-19 1,570,675 1,638,6651 2,052,879 2,089,2..'>0 2,790,378 !2i


Antm::~;: "niIIlllls .................................. / 4, ~3G,5~5 ·1, 530, 950 I 4,478,955 ·1,624, 531 I 4,533,&15 3, 129, G09 3,337,4541 3,914,422 '1,344,282 4,7ii,459 <l t> fb< .... ' 3,020,016 5,707,112 ; 2,745,341 1,691,870 '.1,735,541 2,409,897 2,087,136 1,759,295 3,053,082 1,682,774 t-t

Ore ................................. free .. dolls .. ' 40,362 65,745 ' 40,145 26,316 95,554 41,792 50,954 534,876 217,004 91,527

q tg

{lbS .... 2,316,728 3,538,751 3,704,485 ·1,678,499 6,150,476 5,930,879 4,523,281 7,091,318 8,810,197 S, 0-16, 116 ~ As regulus or IIlcbll ............... .aut.. 1 11 179,373 275,774. 275,96-1 282,282 3iO,727 205,908 312,332 795, S98 1.915,362 672,934 (0 s.~

A.rticles the growth, producc, "1ll1 IIltl.nufttcture of 9,079,12-1 16,599,766 the United ~tu.tes I'eturncdb ___ ._~ ____ Iree __ dons __ S,541,321 4.504,565 6,431,867 5, S15, 628 I 'i. 170, £)73 9,899,·170 11,134,912 11,833,983

Art~e1eS]'OrLl~e us~of the United Slde> .. frec .. dollS"1

54,370 22,405 7,935 923 ' 23,132 14,286 rxi,347 24,922 103,358 ·12,167

Arhcles specml1:pmportcd .............. free .. £10115 .. / 626,8·10 632,141 799,386 1,960,017 965, 037 1,538,370 1, (j·17,857 1,300,527 2,502,730 1,637,a66

Art works: Thc Production of American t1.rtist •.. free .. dolls,. 118,857 34·1,673 481,102 336,623 296,626 604,311 385,258 766,932 706,696 399,642 All other ............................ o.ut .. dolls . .I 2,040,121 2,264,218 2,823,444 3,179, ~13 4,013,689 2,681,951 3,996,066 4,141,84£ 5,160,569 3,911,125


Asbestos: 1 Fnmnnnfacturc<i ... ________________ fi'ee __ dolis__ 296,338 293,317 427,2921 752,Oi5

29 ,411


37,956 671,850 39,187

706,045 53,9U )[anufacturesoL ____________________ dut __ doll"__ 9,936 15,720 26,106 I

ABphltltum and bitumen: ~,3,4(_'4

{tons _ _ 106,162 1. 36,440 119,625 149,147 153,266 120,5-14

Crude _____________________________ .dut._ dolls__ 234,420 363,291 497,191 I 428,877 462,843 514,297 538,573

_ I tons _ - 9,399 30, 414 18,289 i 14,304 23,745 22,374 20,035 DrIed or advanced, and rock-------dUt.-LdOllS__ 49,020 105,991 99, 653 1 62,505 123,02-2 129,488 111,631

Automobiles, anrl parts of: I

Automobiles' ---- -- ____ - ------ - --- _dUL{~~;~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::C::::: :::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::: ::::::::! Parts of' ------ ____________________ :_dnL!~~::: -----~;:~~~- -----;;:~~~- -----~~:~~J----;~:~~~- -----~;:~~~- -----~~:~~. --"';~:~~-l

Bark, hemlock ----.--.--.-------------trec--{dOllS __ 62,51H 86,630 65,418 103,930 75,283 63,460 64,181

Beads and beadornament" ______________ dut._dolls __ ' 1,035,088 1,177,670 800,1-14 919,405 812,076 742,6·H 607,745

JIbs-.-­Beeswax ._ ..••• -.- ••• ----.- -- -.-- ---- - .free-'LdollS __

Be,erages, not elsewhere "Pecified _____ duL_dolls __


lbS ___ _ Bismuth._ ...• - -'-'-- -.. -.- -.---- - -- ___ free __ dolls __ Blacking __________ . _____ . __ . ____________ dut __ dolls __

Bolting cloths ___________ • ______________ .iree_.dolls •.

~m ~m _~ ~~ m-218,773 ,108,706

109,957 51,526

86,698 100,790

173,802 187,681

20'.1:,4.73 225,884

58,830 66,642

207,480 234,644

704,959 830,053

181,718 271,893

1,689,892 2,019,660

1,393,509 1,551.966

2,192,151 4,593,894

255,028 560,186

55,185 2.1,816 I

110, 475 1 189, 757 1 5..~,G96 91.O.JO

55,8&1 115,937 85,710 94,750

156,682 162,739

251,101 202,05;-69,520 61 1 759

lS9,081 247,314

G74,368 692,634 2G1,416 231,894

2,20·1.,645 2,362,'H3

1,587,890 1,7,0,772 !

3,aou, 893 S,2eS,G48/ 433,·160 916, 152 1

26,917 47,23-1

127,220 116,878 101,121 95,109 96,726 87,232

188,268 161,240 153,668

2M, 967 295,200 305,471 70,590 45,563 40,784

204,532 199, 215 198,325

619,239 242,061

536,366 2-:19,515

926,505 216,205

945~487 1,Ol4,M6 1,115,800 82,788 150,313 lOOt 74.8

74,700 1l1,015 141,482

317,094 461,698 566,5G6

7,385 13,·U5 8,866 74,699 118,194 86,369

1,106 1,176 1,045 .... ::::

3,8-1.4,505 4,041,025 2,500,13,1, '"d 400,514 801,254 490,905 a

~ 7,407 6,744 8,868 1-3

35,860 30,757 4'~,890 Ul

867,277 715,766 542,812 I 587,617 917,088 671,526 £J

168,0101 264,637 194,769 ~ 98,473 U5,922 109,545 2l

>-3 247,956 216,087 217,851 ....

>-'3 378,652 262,775 317,464 ....

I:>;j 31,884 30,673 21,8·17 (0

227,626 249,789 250,206 ~

1,013,351 845,255 733,798 ~ t:1

251,740 292,073 248,275 <:

3,000,326 3,379,152 3,071,173 ~ 2,599,6221 3,072,127 2,955,520 t't

Cl 2,640,258

I:>;j 13,120,338 , 11,493,840 ~

1, ~~~: !~~ 1 __ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ______ ~~:~~~




11103 ) 100 ~ i .Articles_


{bush ..

Corn ................................ dut .. dolls ..

{bn'h ..

Ottls ....................... · .. · .... · clut .. (~~:~~::I

Oatmeal ............................ dllt.·fdO])s..l

Rye .................. ' ..... ' ....... .<\ut. . {~~:~:: i {bnSh .. 1

Wheat. .................... -- ....... <I nt .. dolls ..

. jbbJs .. Wheat flonr ........................ clut .. ldolls ..




11.500 , 4,432 !

208,764 l 17,740 !


982 1.871,101 1, -107, 625

905 ·1,057


2,·180 1.942

41.523 IS, ~GO




3G6 316. n68 240,496


1901 1902

1---,1---'---1 5,169 18, ~78 10, 919 1 IG. 633 'I 3,1181 13,418 29, DOD 10. E37

20,735 25,812 J37, .110! 170, &~2 8, P95 12,085

204,694 236,981

11, 66. 13, 628 1 46 88

1 331 97 , 600,212 ' 118.612

418.327/ 78, &10 6<12 I ,120

3,430 2,610

45,899 227,681

13.085 S3E.

430 1:077"j:24


601 1 4,48n

57,802 235,819 14.201

32, 51:!


:'~": 1 I,all i ·16,851

1M,l00 Farinllceous. !==ub::-!t.anCG5T and prcparat.iOTIR of

(~[lgo, hlpiocn., etc.) .............. irce .. dolls.. 203,615\ 411,029 -143,333 545,938 613,221 All other, [lnd prepamtions of, used as food- : '


1905 1906 1907 IHOS

1".·143 10,127 10,818 20,812

10,623 8,458 8,337 15,536

38,7i3 22:fJ75 74,552 3(H,307

18,626 10,726 26,63·1 179,714

304,6GS 312 S06 301,266 3H,003

16.361 lG,625 15,581 19,876

20,551 5 158 17

13,5.6 4. 126 16

3,10'2,585 j 57,995 375,4.33 311,617

2, lOt" 317 ! 53,291 237,0,19 329,7f,6

40.801 45,314 47,702 39,593

176,5-13 177,239 159,0.16 179,2~5

761,525 830,479 1,·132,082 1,574,835

53,4·11,080 77,926,029 87,720,7aO 97,233,708

2,083,833 2,941.204 3,479,82·1 4,009,995 )I'lCIITOni, yermicelli, and all similarfll:>"-- .. , ............ 1............ ............ ...... ...... 28,787,821 1. 40,221,202 ,

prep[lmtJOllS' ................ dllt .. ldOllS .. i ............ I ................................ : .. 1,171,837 1,617,634,

All other .................. _ ..... dut. .dolls",~l, 000 1,023,226 1,078,995 1,330,658 I '.138, %3 __ 6_1_3_,9_1_6_1 _____ II _____ i _____ .I ____ _

Total. .... _ ...... _ ................ _ .. dOllS .. I~~ 1,803.729 2.052,271 2,080.2951 3,023.1liO! 3.247,503

667,427 465,838 520.256 685, 77~1

4.513.667 5,892,968 7,138,214 6.557,347 Bristle": I =====,=====;=====1'===='1=====1=====1=====

Crude. not sorted, bnnched, or pre-{Ibs .... : 21,421 27,140 51.539 40,537 34.239 pared .... _ ....................... frcc .. dolls .. , 12,399 22,330 22.3lO 28,'146 13,069

" _ llbs .... 1 1,835,156 2.503.018 1,033.036 1,972,572 8,009,806 2.576,615 -.;;ortcd, bunched, or pTt;parcu . ____ .duL. dolls_.: 1,445,8.")3 2,130,537' 1,707,887 2,018.8,,1) 2,6.11,535 2


Totlll ................. _ .... _ ......... dOll ... !1 •. J58,2;;2 2.15~,8G7 1.730,197 2.0-17,331 2.654,604 -2-,S-ij--·7-,:,-'0-)-I-----

Bronze, manufacturcs of .• _ ... ____ ... _ .. dut .. don~.. 558,,172 778,634 SOD,an 871,532 799,~38 754,302 Brushes .............. ______ • ___ .... ___ .. dnt __ d0J1~ __ 11 S90,G2!1 977,513 1.H2,385 1,151,OlG 1.245.671 1,372,227

Burrstonc. rongh or unmanufactured __ frcc .. dolls.. 19,9GS 21,687 38,515 21j,292 10.528 2·1,775

Buttons and button iorIllll_ ... ____ ._ .. __ .dut .. dolls.. '151,331 502,501 551, ·192 954,020 1,190,207 892,612



8,122 13,435 11,620 7,710

4,054. 9.389 5,325 7,620

2, '161, 46-1 2,728,114 3, '133, 9·11 2,614,783

2,366,4·11 2,686, H57 3,256,552 2, (}£IO,157

2.370.498 I 2, GtJ5 l 7-16 3,261,877 ------------

SOG, 32~ ~liJ, fl12 971.389 1 ~3', 632

1,30':;, .J.\G 1.:;57.114 1.~G:5561 1.681,6·10

33,160 35,1&2 26,32-1 211 293

866,178 873,211 936,085 652,961

~ o o

.... .... q 0 ~ >-3 (JJ

I t::) q > !.2! >-3 ...... >-3 H t::I (JJ

> '2( ti

<l > t'I q t;:j



Candle pitcb, plllm, and other vegetable steaT- 4,~_65! " ine •...•......•..•.................... dut .. dolls.. 5,a28 7,936 90,606 112,5371 131,·J67\ 109,072

Cnndlcsllndffipcrs •••••................. dut .. dolls.. 17,296 24,416 25,508 I 31,392 82,5l5 2a,J90' 28,145 I

o. . . I' h' d t Jhunds.. 96,666 105,527 57,637, 57,430 58,208 'I' 46,421 30, 252 1 :§ CaTbons rOr electric 19 ting ........• u ··ldolls ... _ 71,553' 82,220 47,972 54,127 55/!59 58,079 'U,612 71,152

161,611 28,021


162,359 44,663 82,246


129,477 55,540

&1,829 172,944

'" Cement: I I l Roma·n, Portland, and other hydraulic [lbs. _ .. 83·1,421,118 942,568,68'7 638,770,499 ,423, &14,160 1,110,522,761.510,291,961 .382,754,136 392,963,827 1,123,763,604 573,437,777 .. -- .............................. _dut.·ldolls __ 2,776,336 3,270,916 2,198,891 1,478,452 3,5·17,9B I 1,ga:;,30sl 1, 27G, 597 1,3U2,239 3,669,9"26 1,973,'172

I-J Al1othcl" ______ ..... : ______________ .... dut_ .. dolls__ 44,121 47,52.2 71,436 51,54.0 59.75~ 59,649 79,099 92,2OS lOS, 188 127,126

~'k . . {tons.. 59,267 92,615 97,726 79,899 106,600 I 12·1,559 88,859 ilO,I.55 103,646 125,4G6

I eta, , uumanuraetur€d •...••...••..•. free.. 4- ~ ,

~ Charcoal u ••••••••• _ ••••••• _ •••••••••••• dut .. {~~~::)::::::~:~~~: :::::~~:~~~: :::::~~':~~~:I:::::~~:~~~: :::::~~:~] ~~!::~! ~::!~: . ~:~::~~ ~~::~~ f ~~:~;,~ Chemicals, drugs, and dJcs: ,: ' .----/

"1~gl~:hn~n~xt~~~:~inID;:tg~~ .• ~: :6~~S~'~~~;~:: 5,:,~~:~:: 5,~::!:~: 4,~~:~: ~:~~~:~~! 4,:~:~~ I 4,~~~::,: 4,~~::~~~ 3,!~~::~~ . 4,~;~:~.~~ 3,~::~~

=,::::~o~:--_-_-~ __ ~:g-)::::---:- :-:_:-~~: -_:_-:--__-- ::--:-:1-:::--_:-: ::~:---: __ -:-::_' !~:E T§§ • 1 . {lbS. ___ 23,300,762 27,339,489 28,598,781 29,276,U8 20,966,557: 2·1,571,730 26,231,931 28,1·10,835 30,540,sm 26,738,831

dolls. _ 1,91-1,400 2, as.s, 693 2, .176, ·182 2,263, 588 2,73·1,027 i 2; 550, 223 2,291,951 2,358,061 2,562,384 2,305,185 J),rgo 8, or Wille lees ...... ______ . ___ duL. I Bar];:." cinchona, or other. from Wl1iCh{lbs .. -. 3,281, gi7 4,107,358 ·1, S58, 901 3,723,303 3, g78, 850 13'605'131 '1,251,869 '1.076,553 3,515,958 3,983,820

quinincmo.y be cxtrnctcd __ .. ____ freo __ dolls__ 34UI576/ 5()..3I




54G (,49,7134 549,753 501,3';5 670,725 383,726 380,552 368,·119

COIlI·tnr colors ,md dyes __ ...... _ .. __ dut_.dolls.. 3,799,353 4,890,072 3,881,045 4,951,3-16 5,301,695 4,918,503 5,705,091 5,7.55,596 5,635,001 4,S83,675

Cmll-tnr pToduct~, not medicinal, and not colors

C::I~~;~;;~~;;;~ti~~~t:~~~~;i~,:;~;~~;.~O~!Sr;r--·---···- ........... -, .. -........ -... --- ... --. --·-·-· .. -··1··········-- ...... -..... '---"""" 551,222 596,618

co::::~:~:~~.l.~ ................................... _~~::~~{.~::-1~~ ~I"'" ~;:~;';' ... -~;;: ~~;"l" ... ~~ ;:.~~' .... ~~~: ~~ '1--" ~;:;~.~ -, .... ~~;: ~~; .. --" ~~:~;; -i -... ~~: ~~J. __ ~~~: ~~. -- -~: ~~~: ~~ dolls.. 23,207 31,2111 20,411 24,865 24,215 61,2·16 36,876 53,4401 .. __ ..• __ .. _ .. ____ •.•• __

Dyewoods-L d . {tons"1 37, 375 1 48, 188 1 54,793 52,657) 51,Oosl 'IS,-int I 30,5B 37,313 [ 38,230 21,591

ogwoo ._ ... _ .... _ ..... __ .... ___ ~. __ .1ree .. ~ dolls .. ' 5.16.27'1 628,.161 561,986 771, 380 748.550 663,572 44.4,824 496:~51 4.78,636 244,160

'Includen in "All other" prior to lUOg. bInclud~n in "All other articles." dutiable. in veaTS for which data are not shown. 'Included in "All other Chemicals," duiilLble, prior to 1907.

'!Inclucled in "All other chemica]"," free, prior to 1907. c Included in "..;\11 other chemicah:,17 iree, after 1906 ..



Articles. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 BI04 1900 1906 1901 1908

Chemicals, drugs, nnd dyes-Continued. Dyewoods-Continued.

phi-; 3, lS3~ S6-I 3,350,768 2, ~2,141 2,991, ti31 3,72.3,133 3,145, i70 Extructsnnd decoctions oL .... dnt"lcl;I~~:: 219,192 2"21.182 195,6,17 213,4.04 267,371 269,7i7

All other ....................... 3rec .. dolk. 222,967 233,998 213,812 171,120 401,8J9 588,93-1 ,--~~~~~~~-~~~,·------J------~-----~------J·~--~II------.'------TotltL _______________________________ doUs__ 988,433 1,083,644 1,274,445 1,158,904 1,417,770 1,522,283 221,61.1 896,2·15 , . , ~--~·I-------'---~-rJs ... ·1 15,665, 252 1 27,943,106 i 20,36~,712 28,576,400 35,295,575' 31,078,155 27,010,2;5 3-1,122,9.;3

:::::::--:-~---:-::::~:I ":::1 ';:::1 :::: ::;:; :::: :::: ::::: :::: Camphor, crude .••...........• free .. {lbg .... 1,807, 889 1 1,789,580 I 2,175,784 1,831,058 2,472,·140 2,819,673 1,904,002 1,668,744

doll".. 322,100 185,Oil 738,875 576,405 764,'103 874,695, 638,74·1 608"HO

. {lbS.... 2,445,061 I' 2,297,992 'I 3,140,768 4,574,605 4,282,2-17 5, 08!, 580 I 5,060,166 5,6011,508 CbicJe .•....•••.....•....••..... dnt .. dolls.. 363,051 351,720 753,696 936,065 95i,3S~ 1,308,540 1,357,458 1,'195,366

. {lbS .... 18,126,228 23,829,342 18,166,296120,523,109 27,653,928 20,565,507 25,687,762 20,448,703 CopRI, cowne, find clammar ... free .. dolls .. 1,844, 779 1 2,598,194' 1,9'23,251 2,261,206 2,~3S,7~4 2,127,228 2,493,438 i 1,914,663

. " JIbs ... '1' 38,123,478 3S, 882, 940 26,813,587 28,453,802 42,537,3·18 27,857,055 32,192,731 31,2.8,485 Gambler, or terrIL JlLpOI1lCIl ..... frcc. 'ld01ls.. 75-1,497 910,639 821,539 1,162,233 2,034,511 1,251,782 1,112,660 1,118,910

{lbS .... 9,830,111110,621,451 9,tlOS,745 9,064,789 11,590,725 10,933,413 10,700,817 15,780,090

Shellac .•..•................... free .. dolls .. 1,397,635 1,408,103 1,2i7,128: 1,605,068 2,713,GS7 3,505,229 3,7·j3,1~0 5,107,542

All other ........................ free .. dolls .. 1 1,070,321/1,014,936 879,990 I 861,492 923,517 917,815 1,094,869 1,,123,088

Totul ••••••••••.••••..•.....•...•••.. dOllS .. ! 5,868,765 6,834,704 6,639,139 i 7,7·14,183 10,594,&17 10,171,882 10,6:1O,481 11;900,72-1

{IIlS ••.. 1 3,127,3571' 2,746,9·14 3,139,063 i 3,0"7,673 ·1,532,'158 5,046,61·1 4,830,930 7,392,8531

Indigo ...••••.••.•..••............. frcc .. dOlls .. 1 1,698,583, 1,446,490 1,402,894 i 1,03-;,980 1,202,451 1,282,497 873,781 1,044,148 I

Iodine, crude" •...• _ .........•.••.. frce .. {~~~;~:: : ::::: ::::: :/::::::::: ::: ::: :::: :::::!:::::::: :::: : ::::: :::::: :: ::::: ::::: : ::: :::::::::::::::: ::::: . . . JIbs.... 98,432,319 : lOG, 333,1991100, 105, 654


109,077,323 S8, 580, 611 89, '163,182 :108,443,892 ;102,151,969 LiCOIlce root ........•.............. Iree··ldolls .• 1,566,830! 1,667,256 1,737,097 1,926,903 1,545,167 1,472,323 i 1,780,1091 1,661,4.54

3,436,642 3,390,316 299, 036 2~O,179

7i,751 t 109,515

4,796,655 3,~5~,049

379,927 238,6-19 H

51,902 55,!HO is: '-d

913, 465 1 539,019 0 ~

37, ~)92~ :133 32,481,068 8 CD

2,459,458 2,470,178 1

7,068,066 4,890,897 ~ c::t

393,581 348,883 ~ 3,138,070 2,814,299 !:2j 1,572,863 1,365,269 8


6,732,581 6, 08~,607 8 H

2,139,204 2,027,148 t>:1 CD

2G, 681, 736 , 24,966,693 >-2,835,332 : 2,813,515 !:2j

28, 86;j, Q17 : 26,681,791 tJ-977,009 I 894,752 .q

17,785,960 I 13,361,932 ~ 5,821,688 4,143,974 t'i 1,23-1,479 939,952

c:j l;l

14,974,156 H,533,493 ?"

7,170:057 6,078,073

1,233,541 1,058,354

52D,080 li5,929

l,085,5116 3,12,777



109, 355, 720

1, 1 ~O, 541 1,864, 436


Lime, chloride of, or bleacbing- POWdCI{lbS .... 113,lOi,2liO ?3G,403,151 1110,960,523 1130,251,696 .•............................... _.dut .. dolls .. 1,159,211 1,.161,019 1 1,3i1,028I 1,788,35·1

107,827,117: 99,085,386 I 96,119, ill IIOB,556,316 '106,234,544 1 90,23;),515

1,126,666 772, ;;32 776,2SI l S7n,260 880, 3tH 7M,501

1, 60S, 468 1,972,3'19 2,076,122 2,247,988 d {gallS .. Mineml waters b •••••••••••••••••••• ut.. dolis .. 596,337 662,022 700,877 770,225












1,132,786 OpiUID-

. d d {lbS.... 513,499 5-14,938 583,208 584,189 516,570 573,055 594,680 469,387 565,252 285,845 Crude or unmanUJacturc ..... ut .. dolls.. 1,223,951 1,123,756 1,259,726 1,216,202 1,019,909 1,255,115 1,162,·161 1,143,683 1,482,649 1,151,207

Prcpared ior smoking, and oLhcr con'}lbS 124,214 142,479 117,5S1 160,445 212,143 142,813 159,380 13S,6-19 163,278 . 147,021 ta.ining- Ics" than Y per cent of mor· .... I phia._ ........................ dUI •. dolls.. 828,203 1,065,965 I 972,582 1,139,557 1,320,527 1,091,988 1,469,9-18 1,296,539 1,585,477. 1,336,703

PO::,:: :::::~-:::: _::g:~-:-~::~~::: :~:---: :~J--:::)-::: :_-::~::-:::-:~:~:- ~::~-:: __ ~~~~-: --____ ~~:---:~: ': ~:~. ': § E hl t f d {lbS._ .. 2,807,718 1,499,752 1,039,783 990,317 819,995 310,382 48,78·1 67,378 .•• - ...••••..•.••.••.•••

C _ora eo ..................... ut .. dolls.. 17.1,202 93,532 62,744 63,263 38,791 11,960 2,992 4,490 ..••.....••..•••••. _ .••.

. f f J1bs.... 95,856,268 115,276,906 135,956,222 137,005,721 172,452,331 158,313, 110 20~, 694, 099 ~11, S7D, 869 231,297, 809 2~7, 037, 158 lInnate 0 --------------------- rec_-!dolls__ 1,509,915 1,804,254 2,046,286 2,131,528 '2, G2·1,60G 2,407,957 3,239,94·.1, 3,360,771 3,860,555 3,883,61;)

fibS ... 19,985,m5 10,332,836 11,361,113 9,<187,979 11,790,-115 13,518,301 13,260,&16 12,492,556 12,886,950 16,790,857 Nitrate oi, or ~Illtpcter, crude .. rree"ldOl~S.. 409,818 269,739 288,897 264,.130 318,515 366,526 368,887 ·106,463 400,200 517,334

Sulphate Oic ••..••••••••••• _ ••• frce .. {lbS ........••.....• ··-········-i·········--· ...................... -......... 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 57,538,014 55,366,035

tb . ~:~~:: .~~:~~:;~;. ·~~:;;;:;~~·I'·;~:~~;:~~~· .;~:~;~:~;; .. ;~:;;~:;~~ .. ;~:~;;:;~~ .. ~~:~;;:;;~ .. ;;:~~~:~;; ... ~:~~~:~~~ .... ~:~~~:~~~ All 0 cr ...... --........ -...... Irec··ldolls .. 892,551 1,209.635 I 1,.172,084 1,616,9&1 1,625,036 1,617,851 1, 8M, 779 1,,~12,015 .•...........•••.•...•••

I----;----I~-~--~......:...-----I----I-:.....---I·-......:...--I----·I----TotaL ........... _ .... _ ... _ ........•. dolls .. 2, 986, 4H6 3,·137,160· 3,870,011 4,076,5051 4,6OG,948 ,1,403,79·1 5,4<16,602 5,583,739 6,289.342 6,495,550

Qucbracho, extract of d ............ dUt..{:o~~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::1::::::::::::1::::::.::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: 7~:~~:~:~ 7::~~~:~: Quinia, sulphatc of, and all alkaloids or{ozs ... 3, 978, '!21 3,313,740 3,G60,0"..2 2,886,2651 3,373,381 3,8s.t,921 3,039,440 4,750,692 4,621,810, 2,.fifi,4.05

salt. ofcinchonlL bark ........... frce .. dolls.. 049,104 0:)1,390 l,l~S,f>fi7 801,·100 752,172 852,164 671,310 7·10.331 651,558 I '103,474

Soda- I I I I . pbs .... 18,4~,27: 11"1:9,9~: I 5,119,099 4,297,850 2,657,751 2,945,709 2,190,820 2,242,899 .•...••••...••....••.• -. calLc;tlce~.----- .. -.--- .. ----. ___ .. _dUt.·tdOll.3__ 2a2~29i 1/7,851 106,248 100,557 66,176 74,072 54,ll7·1 56,236 ------.-.---J------------

R Include,l in ".All other chemicals." free, prior to 1907. d Included in "All other chemicals, etc.," dutiable, prior to 1907. b Qur.ntity stated in dozen qur.rts fifter 1.905. eIncluded in "All other salts of" after 1906. -Included in" All other Iloto.oh" prior to 1907.



A.rticlc~. IS!)!) 1900 1901 1902 1903 190J 190ii 1906 11101 1908

----------------1----1----1--------/----/-----1-----1-----1----1---Chemicals, drug., find dyes-Continued.

12~J314 18-1,247 203,009 192,321 2,05-1,805 ·1,736,807 5,7iu, 566 5,565,361 .j, 224, 680 6, 6~4, 311 5,191,350 3,560,460


7,737,·105 4,083,9Gl



2, ~Ol,54-1 )8,31-1

3n,986 1:>,117,887

1,5'23,025 )3, 7~'1

17.930,376 9,527,238 If-5, 279 92, 291

10,04-1,3u 11,999,502 230,570 252,206

10,153,063 I 13,532, ,U4

342,073 330,090 14,1).11,202 12, 5-16, 611

_ .... _----.- .--- ....... ... ------_ .. ---- ... -._.

6,745,2-10 3,959,207 73,052_ 41,612

16,164,10-1 8,209,163 3137,,:186 : 247,71<1

14,481,1-10 I 12,835,937

35,326 26,319 638,222 430,840

12,487,103 8,576,091

267,239 227,611

969,249 571,9i7

1,523,156 1,1701 135 8,6.52,878 6,302, 722

1,46<1,·111 93'1,.199

7,368,291 6,361,605

8,142,052 6: 773,124.

51,060, 676 144,595,766 31, 937,238 28,641, 267

H ~ I-d 0

~ 'Jl

I .0 q II>-!:<i .., H J-3 .... t=:1 m

>-!:<i t;!

~ >-t-J q t=:1 ?J


Chocolate, prcpnrerl or manu facturecl., not flbs ----' including confcetionery --- -- ___ ._. __ dut - -ldOl1~_.r

Chromic are or chromate of iron ______ free __ {tons --I dolls __

1,124,515 , 1,209,012 718,

848 1 525,221 1 20i,439 240~141 141,892 101,536

15,573 21,830 12,350 33,077

26-1,122 3~8,099 214,762- 525: 761

690,821 1,78-1,054

144,832 426,486

28,002 27,943

409,731 3D3,234

Cla,-s or earths: ~Common blue, for t.he manwacLurc Oi{tons_-

cr1.lcil>lcs. _____________________ . _ .frec __ dolls._

,HI other ___________________________ dut __ {tons--dolls __

10,OSll 8,975 5,423 6,266 76,014. 1O~,4S3 67,763 73,095

116,7G7 138,625 160,217 ' 187,158

786,51-1 926,111 1,036,9i7 1,214,564 ---- ------,

8,4~S 7~501

99_560 . 93,506

203:857\ 195,125

1,285,09'; 1,191,291

Clocks and watches, and p:crls oi: Clocks, and parl; oL ________________ dut._dolls __ 274,023 3H,440 359,1-16 458,890 I 489,626 621,239 Watchcs, and parts oL ______________ c1uL._cl.oll> __ 1,061,951,) 1,406,111 1,679,003 2,001,43'1 . 2,182, G&l 2: 369,235

TotaL ___________________________________ d01l5 __ 1,335,9.,,2 ],750,551 2,038,239 2,460,32·1 I 2,672, 310 2~ 990, 474 Coal fiDd coke: ---- I j---

COtll- {tons _ _ 601 I 156 1 302 I 207,661 Anthracitc _____________________ free__ I "In, 6 I

dOllS __ 1 2,G34 I "-, 1,9;,S: 9-13,021

_ DO_-------------------------.dut.-{~:~~,::I\::~:;~:;~~: ::~:;~;::~: ::~:~;;:~~: :::~:~~:::;I 3':~:~: BltumlnOus .. _________ . ______ ..... __ dUt..{ - " 1.' 5

clolls. .. 3,590,79;;, . , 'ii6. 032 I SSI, 47·1 0,310,450 10,562,185

51, ·133 56, -148 75,104. 99,483 122,630 {tons __

Coke - - -- ---- --- -- - --------- ---- ____ chlt._ dolls __ 172,5-10 232,555 359,370 309,594 'lH, 017 Cocoa, or CilC8.0;

{IbS....... 35,512, 3{H 41,7'113,872 4.5,924,353

Crude, n.Ildshell~or _____ .. _________ frce -- dolls __ 0,06.1,,03 5,657,283 0,472,829 51,379,396 63,351,29-1

G, 656, 501 7,820,087

{lbS_ _ _ _ 926,219 1,012,368 977,003

Prepare!l or manufacturt::d .. ________ dnt __ dolls__ 295,413 313,.561 288,8-10 973,970 1. ~04, 766 295,9'21 2U2,522

{IU, ____ 831, 827, 063 1787,991,911 ISM, 871, 310

Coftec __________________________________ frce__ II' -- "7- -"0 I 59

0<- n13 62 S- 300 do s •. :);),::: ;:),11 _:':WJ~.. f 61, "'_

_ {lbH_ _ _ _ 992,395 I, ~62, G59 875,420

1,091,004,2-52 915, 086, 380 70,982,.155 59,200,749

400,527 450,643

20,'199 23,613



1, ~4.6,323





8,873,709 1,009,082

300, <l09 9~15, 043, 284

6~,551, 799


26,483 CofieesllbstItutc, _______________________ dut._ dOllS __ ) 36,370 49,029 38,35-1

Coin.::, mcd<t1~, amI otller r.nctu.Ilic articles 1JcstolYed I as r,rophiesorpri7.cs _______ ~ ___________ frcc. __ dolls __ : 8,51J0 92,453 6,379 9,162 o,7fi2 105,850

Collodion, nlld manllftletll~es of. ________ dUt._don, __ j 2-19, 610 1==3=78..;',=5=8=3.,J"'==2-=17~,=,16=ld,==2=1=3~,6=6=3=1===1=78,;,~1=J='1 !~~,

2,692, 2:;1 647,377 36,783




1 200,445

1,222, 81<1

,186, 765 1 ? ... _n _,4,9 l itlO

2,966,495 ,



1,522,152 3,713,748

1D6,OOS 835,,181




2;j9: oa7

2,95·1,5D4 3,541,961

702,717 830,611

57,290 30,865

728,396 382,465

6,494 10,0!}1

62,113 107,832

240,699 276,390 1,4S3,278 1,8-16,289

539, .93 610,060 I 2,565, 3.13 2, 983; 113

3. lOn, 136 3,593 l 17H!

36,708 23,113 113,526 78,751

1,820,687 1,689,E6v 4,367,750 'J, 184, 5·11

158,262 129,163 686,48-1 563, 49~

80,11i:40:.! 92, 24~,819

1,055,031 1,2G7,733 2\"}n,l'11 371, SIt")


715,131 43,862



75,983 243,817



2,151, 009











851, G68, 933 IJB5, 321. 473

1·1,257,250 1,016,990


890, !}1O, 057




&1, G54~062



8,637 166_479

73, 2i)u, 13·1





78,231; 2'02





21, ~ll 1, ~'08, 051

• Included in "All other salts oi" after 190G. blncluded in "All other chemical~, etc," free, prior to ISO; .




Copper, a.nd manufactures of:

rross weight, tons ...... Ore, ... matte, and regn- copper contents, lbs._ .. _

lm ............. frec.. . do11 .....................

CbS .... Pigs, bnrs, ingots, plntes, and old •. free .. d 11 o s._

All other manufactures oi ........... dut .. dolls ..

Totni, not including arc ............ dolls ..

Cork wooc1, or cork bark, unmanufnchJrec1 ....................................... frec .. c1011s ..

·ork, manufactures of .................. dut .. dolls .. c C otton, and manui!l.Ctures of:

fbs .... 1:"nmanufaetured ................... free .. d 11 os ..

• fi irfb ..... >'iaste or ocks ............. -...... ee .. dolls ..

Manufactures of-Clotb.s-

Not .bleached, dyed, Col?red,}sq. yds ..

~~~~~~~, .. ~~~~:~~,. _~~.:%\~~ dolls ....

Blell~hed,dYec1,~olored,stained.{Sq. ycls .. pamtcd, orprllltec1 ..... clut .. dolls ....

Total cloths ..................... dolls ..

Clothing. reac1y·mnde, and other wearing I npparcl-

Knit goods: Stockings, hose, hali hose, shirts, drawers, anr! all goods made, fashioned, narrowed, or shnped on I knitting machines. or flnmes~ or knit b hund ................... dut .. dolls .. , y

18119 I 1900 , ,

10,292 36,205 .---_ ... _---- -----._-----

1,984,303 3,032,133

39,812,667 84,638,794 'i,7Q3,69:j 12,419,901

39,058 37,569

4,832,753 12, 4-5i J 470

1,147,802 1 1,444,825

394,565- 4!H,658

50,158,158 I 67,398,521 5, 013, 146 7'96°'945


6,022,424 7,899,328

210,856 244,447

1,250,932 3,061,790

107,023 357,004

51,196,236 61,986,063

6,649,014 8,156,301

6,756,037 8,513,905 I I I I I

4335269 4 7li) 762 I

1901 1902 1903

I 19M 1905 1906 1907 1908

75,645 9g,517 269,196 295,451 286,755 242,367 278,488 271,017 ------------ -._ .. _------- -.-,,----.--- 82,699,456 44,131,360 52,932,308 56,732,916 49,434,121 10,641,253 14,093.840 3,385,524 3,466.381 4,892,961 6,727,861 8,296,328 7,057,080

61,161,315/74,802,891 141,161,262 142,539,413 1·16,.303,305 171, 001, 957 198, 442, TID 145, 033, 236 9,909,481 . 10,923.013 17, '179, 28-1 18,179,513 19,5.ll,567 25,76-1,54-5 39,346,145 24.,SGl,902

30, 982 1 45,935 25,963 ! 35,929 100,944 70,957 82,542 100,761

g, 940, 463 110, 968, 948 17,505,2-17 , 18,215,442 . 19,942, 5ll ! 25, S3.5, 502 39,428,687 24,462,663

i 1,729,143 \1,837,134 2,356,052


1,729, 912 1 1,816,107 1,737,366 1,·18-1,405 2,092,732

5·11,083 6~8, 827 830,214 810,733 1,009,176. 1,476,172! 1,707, gaO 2,156,274

48,840,590 160,508,548 ! 70, 963, 633 1104,791,78-1 46,6.31,283 98,715,680 74,874,·:126 71,072,855 6,787,828 11,712,170 10,892,591 8, 5-~, 510 I oJ 9, ;14, 7~0 i 10.879, 59: 11~' 9~0, ~~ 14,172,241

6,182,177 14,323,545 23,207, ;;20 20, 8.'H, 389 \_.j, ,,02, 850 2G, on, 66, 2_,954, 6,u 10,66-1,171

189,020 496.061 806,062 845,821 1,241,874 1,356,042 1, (J.12, 267 445,493 ,

I ' 1,612,267 772,011 1,322,007 1,·115,512 1,309,358 \ 1,8;8,528 2,406,910 3,609,469

196,949 86,SS6 156,545 159,102 1.';5, 69& ~ 216,711 280,298 344,941

39,150,760 45,440,314 . 59,998,185 50,032,691 'Hi, 210, 012 ~ '72,778,701 80,233,421 75,876,055 , 7,79-1,179 In. 719, 880 5,928,653 6,934,393 i 9,013,092 8,101·j,383 12,727,769 12,079,919

6,126, 602 1 7,020,779 9,169,637 8,303,485 7,949,874 11,936,591 13,008,067 I 12,424,860

5162217 5363 515 6157744 6 ().14.G91 6 150 4S\l 7~218 8ft7 is till 848 9032574


All other ••................•. dnt .. dolls .. ! l,027,SOG 1,231,231 1,529,956 Laces, edgings, embroideries, insertings, I

neck rufllings, ruchings, trimmings, tllck­ing8. Iuce Tdndo\v cnrtaill8, nnd other Eimilar tamboured articleE .... duL.dolls .. 14,550,015 19,208,160 20,235,299

I, lJ.5G, 5131 2,247, 903

22,449,314 ' 25,110,081

2,505,035 2,380,658 2,915,382

24,848,764 25,911,684 34,022,4.60

-P~~;~t~~~~~~t~~~~~~:~~~~~!~?;:}~~l~~~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::

3,7i1,ISS I




6, 9'10, 2th 3,683,627 3,949,659

73, 704, 636 i

Thread (not on spools), yarn, wllrps,{lbS.... 2,325,974 5,272,4.91 3,725,256 ii, 006, 190 5,76-1,937 5, OW, 533 5,025,331 5,111,644 or warp yarn ................. dut.. dolls.. 849,819 2,098,958 1,74.6,723 1,921,748 2,421,729 2,261,92-1 2,201,154/2,508,724

Allother ........................ dut .• dOllS .. ! 4,535,9B8/ 5,528,218 5,147,138 6,048,257 7,355,661 5,560,347 4,323,082 _4_,_35_1_,_2_59_1. ____ _

Total manufactures of. ............. dolls .. ' 32,054,43-1 41, 296, 23~ 40,246,935 44,460,126 I 52,462,755 49,524,246 48,919,936 63,043,322

Diamonds and other precious stones: Diamonds-

Uncu t, includjng miners', glaziers', and engravers', notsct ............ free .. dolls .. 3,678,266 3,891,226 6,574,630 6,154,853 10,933,183 8,776,418 10,390,917 10,579,654 11,1&1,152

Cutbutnotset •..•••....•....... dut .. dolls .. 8,497,284 7,890,9·15 11,680,823 12,732,670 15,574,598 10,028,452 17,019,530 24,282,&97 23,965,438

Diamonddustorbort .............. .irec .. dolls.. 415,479 621,832 ·788,726 785,6-19 527,0961

662,489 447,575, 133,752 189,121

~~- I I Uncut .......••..........•.....•. fre .... dolls.. 39,928 51,967 35,303 56,783 46,365 I 89,490 278,783 126,047 156,327 Cut, but not set, andiInitations of, including I

nllturlLl pearls ................. dut .. dolls ... 2,1-11,106


2,-103,0481 2,134,980 4,403,9191 4,925,069 4.,069,759 I 5,624,.701: 5258 ,112 7,002,984,

Total. ............................. dolls .. 14,772,003 14,850,018121,211,-162 24,133,874 32,307,219 - 23,626,608133,761,506! 40,380,762: 42,4frS,022!

China, porcelrLin, pari un, !lJ1d bisque- 1









4,·152,320 9,312,095




Earthen, stone, and china ware: I I I . I Not decorated or ornam.entcd ... dut . . dolls . . : 1,012,829 1,081,685 1,000,896 9,;5, ;317 1,072,744 1,337: 381 1,171,644 1,113, G9G 1, 2;3i r 051 1,264, 7fi8 DeCOrtttedororDnmcnted. __ .. __ dut_.dOlls._~ G,270,105 7,176,6591 .:3,063,687 8,309,911 9,003,852 10,193,072 10,038,072 11,'101,357 11,885,680 11,780,'125

Allother ............................ dut .. uolls .. · 321,025\ 386,921! 40R,286 41-1,728 435,456 474,561 4.50,007 362,-175 5€4,059 382,756

Total_ ...... __ .. ______ .. __ . __ . __ dut..dOlls .. ! 7,603,959" 8,&15,205 1 9,472,869 9,680,156 10,512,052 12:005,014 11,659,723 12,8i7,523113,iOG~790 13,427,969

E~i~~~.~~~~~~~:.e~ ... ~~~ .. ~~:::~~:: .. ~~~'1&f.~~~!I~:: ····;;;.-~~~·)····~;~:~~·i'· .. ·~;~:;;/···;~~:~~· .... ~~;:~~;. ····4~~:~;· .... ;;;:~~;. 2!~::~ 1==2~=~=":=~=:.~=1,=""'=23=7=~,;",~=,,=9 Eggs .................................... dut··ldolls .. 21,300 I 8,7-11 10,5151 37,432 _ 29,757 I 61,458 38,M1 ,21,200 26,276 25,850

a Included in "All other" prior to 1907. blnclnded in ",All other articles," dutiable, prior to 190fj.



Articles. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 190(; 1907

Emery and corundum: Emert"-

o;e ..........•.......•.......... frec .. {:~:: 7,\199 9,877 14,909 6,1il 7,198 8,637 ]0,529 9,817 138,591 162,056 288,596 13G,698 131,845\ 163,0~1, 16\1,48·1 227,461

Gmin5, und ground, pu1'\'"erb:ed, re~ pbs. - - - 707,1&5 703,739 \ 76-1,771 1:520,741 3,198, lO:! 2,090, $;j I 2, 67~, 105 4,112,004 4,629,273 Jincd,ormanufactured •...... dut··ldolls.. ~7,9~~ 2S,317 30,337 56, 847 1 87, 261 1, 90,93~ 126,650 186,968 216,061


:;~.;~~~;;;:;.1t;J~".,I.....':',,·":". __ ::::. .__' •••••••••••• "'..:, •• '.' __ :, "--:,i 223,333 12,649


12,420 220,505 812,667 3'1,007

167 6,592

1,597,691 79,738

,nmels, files, and other mnnuin.ctures of .....................•........•..... dut. .dolls. '1===7,=9=6=1=1===11~,=4=S=5,!==,,1=0=,=7=37=1,=~1;;;3,;,' 0;8;7=!,=~1;;;6,;;9;;2;;1=!==~12";',,&=1"~' '1===1=2,;,=gt='2=1'==~~0=, 9=7=1=1,==1=7':,,7=.1=9=1===1=2,;,=50=0

Explosiyes: I Cartridge •.........•..•.••••.••••.... dut..dolls.. 29,733 37,301 47,906 72,791 1-1\1,414 10S,330 I 108,299 124,955 102,158

. k d flbs ................ 5,001,176 5,610,696 4,456,496, 5,026,923 4,930,&13 4,704,627 4.,919,122 6,778,528 FlreCfac ~crs_. - - - - - - - - ................ ~........ ut. -1 dolls... 182,990 108,24.2 283,488 22.1,735 I 278,724 :.358,892 3·j6,06G 3iJ6, i713 551,381

:Fulmimttes and all like articles .... dut..dolls.. 110,077 107,613 124,2G9 159,616 192,85S 181, ·104 134, ·115 199,095 275,138

Gl!npo,!d~r and o~her 8ubstancef:l llSCdtnbS---- 4·1,405 31,212 79,5.1)6 70,7i'6 76,766 64:,669 ;3,245 161,864. 277,313 lormllllllg, ulnstzng, etc .. ________ dut __ dolls__ 29,824 1.:;,SS.=:' 38,64-1 55,998 5~\77S 53,370 I 55,1379 128,4&1 212


62,817 6,069,983



206,077 1&8,936 87,001 All other .......•.......•.....•...... dut .. dolls.. 20,810 2·1,156 40,720 36,381 33,132 23,8651 68,813 ·15,236 70,031

Total. ........••.•.•••.....•.•......• doll,; .. 1--3-7-3-, 4-3-'1+--3-.53-,-1-,';-0'1---53- 5-,-0-18-1---5-50-,-5-21-·!----11-a-, -90-6-' ';,'--7-3'0'-,8-'6-1- ---71-3-'-"--,2-1'--8-0-,5-, :;-1-6-1--1-, 2-1-1-, 3-0-8-1:' --9-02-,-1-98-


Fau", (dOZ •.. Common palm leaf ...•......•..... irce .. doll" ..

All other .........•.....•......•..... dut..dolls .. Fcathcni, etc., natural and artHicial:

FcathcI'Snni.l down~, crude, not dressed, colorC"d, or manuiacturod '.,. """"" .... dut. .dolls ..

Fej,lhers amI downs, natuml, clrei'sefl, colored, or manufactured, and drc~sed and jini"iled birds .....••....................... dut •• do1l8 ..

937, G10 I 1,376,682 -1-1,510 I

vlv, 09~ I 59,HH 486,053

1, 7CoS, 09211' 736, 458

828,457 117,26-5

i 798, G6G ' 905,509

39, liu9 47,503 399, 547 527 J 197

1,524,859 !!, 032, 566

'i3, D73 307, 652


69,<103 526,400








829,IW 60,993





5,693 461,542




22,1'10 521,883

'1, '101, 131


31,842 378,817



ft:o. o 00


Feathcr~, fl.owcr~, fruits, grains, aI].d leates, artltlci!lL .........•................ (lut .. dolls.

Fclt, adhesive, Ior shcathing yessclH .... free .. dolls.

Fcrtilizers: {tons. GU!lno .........•..•......••.•...... Iree •• dolls.

r :1

:1 [tons ..

Pho,phates, crude ••...........•... frce··)dOIl8. i All othcr .......•.................... iree .. doll •.

Tolal .........•...................... dolls. Fibers, vegetab1e, and textile grasses, and manu­

factures ai, not elsewhere speciiicd: UnmllTlufactnred- {t

l'lax ....................•...•... dut .. d:::

Hemp ...........•............•. dUt..{~~~;::

Istl T . fib • [tons. . e, or amplco er •...•.... rree .. ldollS.

d.t. {tons. Jute an JU e butts .•......•••• froo .. dolls.

Manila .••..••.....•..••.•...... free··{~:~s:

. I {tons. SIS" gras •...........•......... froe .. dolls.


All other ..........•.... ' ...... .frec.. dolls.

TotaL .. "." ................. {:ree .. dolls. aUl; __ dolls_

Total unmanufactured ...........•. dolls. Manufactures of­

:Ba.gging, gunny clot.h, nncl ~imilnr fabrics suit"ble for cO"ering cottoll ... dut .. dolls.


Bags of jute ..................... dut .. dol1s ..

Cnble_, cordage, thre!'.ds, and tWine{lbS ••• not elsewhere specified ...... dut .. dolls"l

2,2~~:~~~ I ,

1,027,623 r ~ 0-- --~ f 2,770, 705 1 2,4:.'2,121 [ _, I;),;);) ...

23,769 26,212 32,645 32,51;

4,210 I 4,756 4,590 i 8,790 16,237

43,610 56,90G 36,617 144,599 201,416

114,951 110,065 141, ;70 160,897 1:}2,703 .189,226 504,492 816,641 791,451 639,008

959,183 1,136,528 1,376,977 1, '190, 708 2,259,852

1,492,019 1,697, g86 2,230,~;m 2, .126, 758 I 3,100, 276 1 ,. ! I

6,·17<1 , 6,967 G,87S I 7,772 S~ 155 1,306,520 I 1,646,27,1 1,880,717 2,OQ1,915 2,028,012

3,9H 3,400 4,057 6,05{ 4,919 477,108 ·150,269 622,811 1,013,911 821,261

4,419 5,748 2,331 7,819 14,670

284,177 475,090 163,566 4!l5,25·1 1,08G,682

83,161 102,693 103,1-10 128,963 79,703

2,296,189 3,956,113 -1,412,482 'i, 4.47,987 3,358,825 53,195 ·12,621 43,735 5G,453 61,648

6,211,475 7,172,368 7,115,446 10,555,272 11,885,510 71,898 ~6, 921 70,Oi6 89,583 87,025

9,211,377 I 11,782,263 . 7,972,56'1 111,961,213 13,289,4.14

7466\ 10, 953 1 S,013 9,0831 16,075 513: ~47 891,128 I 76~1 917 977,410 1,992,779

-, - I l) I) ...... 96') 20,428,976! 28,437,136 ;n,613,2'!0 1':;,516,46..") 1 ..... 4'_"' __ 2,503,531 I 3.108,826 2,84g,273 1, 7S3, 6:28 I 2, 096, 5·13

22,932, flOG I 31,545,962 . -----

20,300, 093 I 26,373,805 3·1, ,162, 513

I 518, 015 1 318,417 176,053 i 637,848 221,963 994,7,19 1,327,215 2,120, G70 I 2,912,103 2,061,077

'155,001 I '136,417 235 508 . 9' .. ).1,571 873,136 75 130 6S 920 .:1:;3' 077 I 280.411 3~1 5G9

& Included under" Emery n prior to 1908.

2,432,496 2,300,015 3,000,g80 I 3,332,004 3,7·17,021 2G,847 32,342 26,275 31,790 26,135

23,872 33,490 18,H7 2'2,681 27,665

319,793 516,851 208,560 342,295 352,350

110,2JO 128,967 20,027 2'1,350 28,170

~~~':~~ I 750,218 102,170 165,608 164,335

2,Dla,D_' 3,25;,631 4,135,630 4,833,527 4, ·153, 776

3,503,726 4,524,700 4,446,360 I 5,341,430 i ·1,970,401

i 10,123 8,US9 8,729 8,656 9,528

2,541,874 2,260,421 2,327,300 2,2,.5.1,112 2,514,680 5,871 3,987 5,317 S.718 6,213

869,260 6:18,325 006, 80s 1,534,371 1,086,805

13,622 15,607 13,914 14,9G6 10,174

1,199,014 1,405,184 1,283,3ll 1,369,206 893,273

96,735 98,215 103,915 104,.189 107,533

4,104,870 4,500,023 6,449,684 8, g50, 918 6,504,920

65,666 61,562 58,738 54,513 52,467

11,423,395 12,005,270 11,036,667 10,87G,107 8,97·1,617

109,214 100,301 98,037 99,051 103, g94

15: 935,555 lu,256,859 i.';, 282,208 14, g59, 415 14, O·Ji, 360

1<1,428 1

17,14~ 18,603 22,580 13,575

1,7·10,317 1,991,939 2,.07.1,312 2, 295,~9 1,471,419 -

34,403,151 35,219,325 36~12(i,1S2 38:450,.875 31,.891,598 3, <111, 134 2,898,74G 3,2H,108 3,788,,183 3,601,485 ---- "-----

37,814,285 as,llS,071 39,3GO, 290 '..12, 23~I, 3;),5 35,·1!.)S,OE3 ... _--_.

r 263,680 348,551 619,800 , l,218,S·!(j 1.,068,,097

1,307,231 I 1,743,680 2, ·132, 3~3 ( -1,330,530 3,9.Jl,381

1,018,755 I 2,052,229 1,763,478 I 1,38-1,227 1,051,140 38·1 961 481 174 370,53-1 407 U97 360 gil



Articles. 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 190-1 19{)u 1906 1907

Fj?ers, vegetable, and textile grasses, nnd manu­Iactures of, not elsewhcre specificd-Continued.

Manufactures of-Continued.


C d · {Sq.;VdS .. arpets an eltrpeting· ....... dut.. d I 01 s ...

. JIbs.- .. COlryarn .............. --.----.iree .. ldolls_.

Fabrics, wo,en, not elsewhere speeified-


74,078 2,530,914


132,354 43,25·1



95,133 29,285



260,484 81,917



200,179 61,437



207,646 23.'3,421

61,9-14 80,674

6,518,063 ·1,961,746

2,12,960 184,9-16

214,677 76,569





Burlaps or plain woven fabric" Of{lbS ............................................ __ .... __ ................... _ .. _. 269,067,189 311,118,2.';7 356,049,685 single jute yarn .......... dut.. dolls.. 8,137,519 10,606,185 12,606,405 15,531,503 B,378,316 14,630,647 14,693,173 20,083,938 29,113,847

O~'irin':~r~fcli,~~~0~\~~,~':;Yf~:}8q. yds ..................... -.- .... -.- .. - .. -..... -.. _ .... 100,776,312 i103,488,472I 99,817,093 124,9S8,847 125,825,473 ens"b ..... __ : __________ .dut __ dolls -.- ____________ ------------ ----- ___________________ 15,037,695! 15,606,315 15,565,808 18:839,826 21,048,352

Handkerchiefs __________________ dut .. dolls __ 1,G5i,712 2,122,776 2,201,740 2,218,029 2,35-1,9-1-1 21405,7'271 2,36'.1:,.5.59 2:543,060 2,73t,971 ~

_ _. pbs. _ _ _ 1,819,527 5,193,009 6, 685, ·121 S, 534, 215 3,536,037 8,896,324 3, 215,809 3: 828, S37 2, t186, 5iO i Twme, blUding .. -............. free .. ldOllS .. 1 182,0.12 443,487 510,171 708,199 312,905 8H,183 295,136 342,829 227,490 i

yarns .. _ .................. _ .... dUt..{~~~~:: 1,~~~:~~: 2,::~::~~ 2,~~~:~~ 2,~~:~~: 4,:~:~~ 4,::~~: 1,;:~:~~ 3,::::: 5,~~~:~~~ I Allothcr ........................ dut .. dolls .. 12,799,302 15,.';10,278 13,592,610 15,280,211, 2,831,105 2,987,850 2,9·18,690 3,7·15,972 I 5,203,205!

Totlil ......................... {free .. dOl!s.. 278,010 585,337 509,194 1,087,143 -180,082 557, 0721' 39·1,487 i

dut .. dolls .. 24,663,374 30,567,026 37,719,433 38,020,624 38,424,952 49,135,970, 64,714,298 '

Total mlinufuctnres of .............. dolls .. 24,9<11,38'1 31,152,363 38,228,627 39,107,767 33,905,034; 'J9,693,0421 6-5,108,785 i

Fresh- I SId [lbs_._. 1,224, om

a mon._ .. _. ____ ... _ ........ _._ ut.·idO]]S __ I' 1]3,360 1,199,0.9

115,069 1,130,,173



1,141,432 1,040,166 1.733,057 1,236, 419 1

All other_ ......... __ ...... _ ..... dut .. dolls._ 90J,283

Cured or preserved- ! Anchovies and sardines, pa.cked in oil or

otherwise .. ~~~_~ ..... _ ....... __ .. dllt __ dolJs_. 1:152,981

Cod,. haddock, hake, and p~llOCk,}lbs_ ... lll,3S2,462 dried, smoked, suited, Or plcklcd ___ ..... _ ............. _._ .. _._.dut .. dolls._ 425,414


14,395,483 543,172




127,315 111,669 1,287,064 1,577,484

1,438,506 1,691,540

26,669,784 25,595,800 I 23,9-18,852 1,095,336 I 1,021,212 1,104,098

103,602 1,551,338



1, ()Oll, 938

170,376 120,485

1,597,804 1,679,2271

2,058,253 2, -100, 703

19, GiO, 920 16,138,272

1,139,349 i 90-!,188




311, 785, 529 23,224,&<;9

97, 728, ·181 17,101,639

2,592,184 12,692,166



448,111 4,284,917




1,140,381 120,032






Rer.:ing-3,590,339 5,130,813 3,212,514 4,734,9451 2,928,928 ~,5~1~ 753 2,511,568 3,216,325 2,035,135 D . d k ddt PcbS •... 1, ifia,SGO

ne or smo'c ........... u .. dolls .. Si,279 12i,555 88,274 130,941 68,666 67,520 60,301 82,410 51,334 67,788

Pickled or .a!ted ........... dut .. tb15 .. 160,053 156,217 155,201 190,111 235,488 239,370 239,.101 283,819 314,229 355,644

dolls .. 1 1, on, 138 1,3.55,013 1,163,611 1,313,597 1,73·1,487 1,575,241 1,555,009 2,120,011 2,3.57,011 2,411,485

Mackerel, pickled or EaltCd .... dUt.·tbIS ..

81,0'15 92,733 87~ 725 94,696 75,916 ! 120,600 117,625 138,931 131,114 WI, 785

dolls .. 1,105,027 1,276,900 83.,790 1,003,854 1'118'


1,672,812 1,425, S73 1,693,017 1,609,986 1,139,359

Salmon, pickled or "alted ...... dut..~~~;~:: 521,904 736,658 662,752 683,921 403,859 ·124,916 3S4,619 633,870 790,3-56 1,079,168

·11,'115 54,236 43,930 41,&22 30,316 33,590 33,665 56,262 73,903 100,849 H

All other ........................ dut..dolls .. 321,572 3·10,631 729, li3 631,524. ,,,.,, 1 776,699 904,608 1,095,953 1,583,238 1,553,089 is; t-;:

Lobsters, canned or .. ~~;~:: 6, 807, 32b 7,4137,227 6,982,367 7,202,758 6,9·17,691 7,7&1,241 9,124,152 9,006,100 6,827,988 8,212,945 0 ~

730,·160 931,219 855,788 877,8·12 838,101 1,057,695 1,223,766 1,218,608 1,080,226 1,401,449 1-3 Shrimps, and other shellfish and turtles IJJ

............................... frce .. dolls .. 46,034 62,415 99,587 1-14,085 158,880 I 1&1,476 . 236,2'19 310,218 395,650 333,606 I Sounds, fish ..................... free .. dolls .. 61,176 51,606 105,259 93,798 120,634 56,873 78,369 65,311 SO, 037 113,675 C

1,117, fil8 i C1 eree .. dolls .. 837,670 1,045,240 1,060,63·! 1:115,725 1,279,044 1,538,384 1,594,137 1,055,913 1, 8I8, 730 >-

Total. ........................ d d 11 Z ut .. 0 s ... 5,227,1169 6,426,817 6,200,777 7:411,372 7,517,9135 [ 8,610,653 8,959,692 10,013,465 10,780,075 10,-141,040 ;.;: Total fish ............................ dolls .. 6,065,139 7,472,057 7,261,·111 8,527,097 8, 63.515~3 j 9,889,697 10, ·198, 07u 11,607,602 12,335,988 12,292,770 H ;.;:

...... Flint and flint .tones, unground ........ free .. dolls .. 27,766 40,4.75 62,55·1 55,174 106, 197 1 97,961 133,874 215,899 2i.:i,392 283,746 ~

IJJ Flowers, Dlltural, preser,,-ed or frcsh ____ dut_.doll~L_ ]9,392 30,621 21,268 30,382 31,577 42,612 I 29,080 27,275 32,729 42,821

>-Fruits and nuts: Z

F·ruils- tunches .. 37,003,388 0

Bananns' ................... free .. 1 II ------------ ----_ ... --_ .. - ----------_. ------- .... _- -_ ... __ .- .... -_ ......... _-- ----_._ .. _ .. _- ---- .... -.---- ------------

c. 0 S _____ 5,665,588 5,877,835 6, 550,1~6 7,307,437 8,&11,156 "7, 709~ 976 9,897,821 10,330,302 11, 883, lC,~ 11,391,211 <:

Curnlnts .. __ . _. _____ .. ____ ...... dl1t. _{l1J~_ --- 30,8'19,2;;3 30: 251,770 lr., 049, 198 au, ~38, 976 33,878,209 38, 3·J7, lH9 31,7-12,919 37,078,311 38,391,774,) 38,652,656 >-t-<

doll,_. 798,357 916, 90S 9IG, 9~1I 1,235,756 743,.64.4 997,430 76·1,289 1,119,1-I6 i 1, 74G, 941 1,592,018 q rbS ....

12,9·13,305 19,!J0'2,512 18,4:J.1,917 20, 013,6~1 21,681,159 21,058,164 19,257,250 22'435'672131'270'899 24,958,343 t:=J Dntcs ........................... clut.. d ll' ra

I) H_. 32-1,087 ·110,349 372, ·100 344,833 ·186,151 ,j63,45~ 360,483 .J79,112 850,558 689,190

. Ilbs .... 7,284,058 B,S12,·187 9,933,871 11,087,131 16,182,142 13,178,061 13,364,107 17,562,358 24,346,173 18,886,574 Figs _ ........................... clut.·l

dolls ..

356,762 513,895 453,513 ·187,733 775,917 GUO,3GO 617,027 722,967 . 1,136,924 867,523

{CUb. It .. :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::1::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: 1,298, ·169 2,234,508 Grapes J ...................... <lut.. cl 11

os .... 1,575,521 2,743,356

Llnclnded in ".-1..11 otl!er" nftcr 1906. b Included in "All other" prior to 1903.

'Quuntitr not stuted prior to 1907_ dIncluded in Ii All other,!: dutiu,ble, prior to 1907.



Articles. -T' ~~U9 .' -~900 Fruit. and nuts-Continued. 11-----1-----1.-----1-----1-----1-----1-----1-----

Fruits-Continued. I I Lemons ... __ . __ . __ .. __ .• _ .••• __ dnt .. {lbS- ............... 16~,19:,056 1148,~14,6:4 IG4,075,309 152,00·1,213 171,923,221 13~,OS4,32~ 1~8,71:,252 .157,8~~,906

dolls __ ! -1, 3()S, C04 il, GGo, 881 I 3, lJ16,8iJU 3,320, :359 3,079,221 3, {j5~,.19S 2, 9a5,OS~ 2,933,990 \ "J, 2;:h)1 296

Olives •....•.......•.••.......•. dut .. {;;:tllS··I· ...... " .. '," ........... ; ....... " .. ' ......................... J ...... ""·r ........... ! ............ / 2, 2:8, '1~U

0" , d t {:.:~~::I::::::::::::I·~~:~~~:;~~·i.~~:;;;:;~.~. '~;:;.~:~;~' .~~:~;;:~;~. ·~,;:;;;:;~~·I·~~:~~~:~;;·i·;~:~;~:~~~·li 2~:~~~:~~: .anges ........................ u.. I I

dolls.. 1,097: 59G I, OS7, on 716~ 457 78'1, &.10 818~ 780 525, ,168: 374: 088 ·156,726 \ 35·i, ·195

PI ' . ddt {lbS..... 600,3GO . 4·13, ·1.57 745,97·1 522, ,178 633, 819 4~·L 106 ~ 671,604 497,494 ; 323,377 umsnn prunes _____________ . u .. __ 1 . ,

dolls __ 63,57'1,4.,,700 62,880 ~14,Oi7 63,218 -16,!J76( 63,617 53,3-1S 45,386

Ra:i8ins ___________________ .. _____ duL_f1bs----: 4~P33,201110,30!}"198: 3,&J0~836 G, 6S3, 5-15 6,7]5,675 i 6,867~1317 4,o.n,6f.1) 12,414,855 ~ 3,967,151 1 dolls.. 282,400 : 531, 12·1 ' 207,631 399,973 .176. 844 I 355,542 273, 031' 524,5DO 364,403 or prescrved ........... dut .. dol1... 1,020, 6H 1 1,243,479! 1,366,801 11,45-1, 78S 1,521; ·143 1, 7~5, 209 1,599, 4~S i 2,437,766 1,2.2,4015

All th f 't {freeb .. rlOllS.. 5.13,3il1·


662,510: 681,832 30.S, 394 525,835 4'18,1·10 350,8oZI 307,261 297,015 o er rUl S. _____ ........... ___ . dllt ___ dolls_. i,036,2!Jl 1,327,036) 1,377,298 1,745,194. 1,82S,O:!9 2,301,530 I 2.573,3~51 2,177,O~1 1:06G


Total fruits .................. {frec .. dOll, .. 6,:~,:4: \' (j,~.10,31~ I' 7,232,018 i 7,615,831 9,066,991 8,158,:~~ i110,;!8,623 i 10'637'~~3112'180'1;31 dut __ dolls __ 9,.:11/,11:) 9,14-1,41.:> 9,085,830 9,820~3;;3 ~7!)3,247 10, 806, DI... 9, .. 1,-,0,.190! 10,904,/')9 . 13 1 9.J.4,mt4.

Nut:~ d- 1 ' {lbS·.··1 9,957,,1271 6,317,6331°,140,232 9,868,982 8.142,164 9,838,852 11,745,081: 15,009,326 I 1-1,233,G13 .... mon s .................... ; .• < u ... doll ... 1 1,22~,5871 949,083 946,138 1,210,886 1,337,717 1,2{6,'174 1,520,003111825,,175 2,331,816

Cocoanuts ...................... free ... dolb .. o 625, i89. 702,9·17 801,233 832,383 908,242 971,852 1, OS6, 473 1, 2%, i~O: 1,349,56:2

Cocoanut meat, broken or} 'lbS .... I ............ ~ ........... .l. ....................... 1............ ............ ............ ............ 7,064 532 ~~r:3' ~roptre~ph~reeddd~d, dei'ic- frec·ldo!ls •. ' ............ 11 ............................................................. 1............ ............ 302,132

, ~ .... -..... 1 I I C db "le f {bUSh .. ·· .. •· .. ····1···· ...... ·· ............ · .. ·· .... · .. 1···· ...... ·· ......................... ............ 2,52,538! reaman raZI .- ... -.-- ..... - rec... "I Palm and palm·nut kernels .... free .. ~~~:::: ::::::::::::11:::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::1::::::::::::: ::::::::::::' ::::::::::::;:::::::::::: 6~::~~ ; \Y 1 t d d {IbS_ ... _ ------.----- ....... ----.--- ----------_. ----_ .... ---- 1~,362,567 23,670,761 21,684,104/24,917,028) 32,50i,59~ t

anu s ....................... ,nt .. dolls .......................... ' ........................ 1 1,106,033 1,729,378 1,'Jfi9,463 2,193,653: 2,9G~,ti-19!

. ___ __==____ _._ •• _~ --=-,~o~.-~~(

1901 1901 1906 1902 190-1 1906 190:; 1908

178,490,003 ·1,388,53Q l-I

3,121,788 ~ 1,358,807 0

~ 18,397,429 >-:3 275,060 UJ

335,089 1 4iJ~ 322 ~

9,132,353 ... 554,633 ~

'"3 1,5-50,246 l-I

>-:3 622,890 H

1,627,92.3 l::j CD

12,014,101 >-15,696,698 Z


17,111;968 -<l 2,410,648 >-

t< 1,439,770 Cl

1·1,121,570 t::1 ~


310,'!20 'i[J1,155

2,277 28,887,110

2,765, '186



1, 5S3, SGO



585,786 1,023,I3!} 818,128 i ............ 937,676

All other nu~q .............•.•.. {fIde: .. ddo:Jls .. ····8·:9··1·6·~· . '1"3'~ ..•••. "1"~1'8' '4';:' UII __ o. s.. ',) ,_6,804 ,0),0':1:

I-------I--------II--------I-------I·-------I·-------I---~---I--------1,059,203 1,237,429! 2,1.00,274

12,754,431 i 14,521,327 {free .. dollS.. 6,834,738 7,243,292 8,036,251 S, 833, 426

Totalfruitsand nuts ......... duL.dolls .. 11,479,468 12,020,300 11,550,452.12,0.17,099 i

Tota1.. ______________ ._. _____________ dolls __ 18,:114,206 19,263,592 HJ1 5S6, 703 21,480,525

Furs, and manufactures 0[:

Furs and [urskins, undrcsscd ...... free .. dollE .. 5,645,731 6,646,807 6,238,842 9, i87,013

Furs, aud manufactures of .......... dut .. doll, .. 5: 215, 531 5,413,317 4,780,816 5,836,5...((8

Gallalith (artificial iyory) , manuiactures ofc ........................................ dut. .dolh .. ------------ - ----------- ------ ______ 1.- ____ ------

. . roz, pt. bots .. 368,595 337,977 370,560 I 318,78·1 Gmgerale and gillger bcer ..... dut..

doH" .......... 268,383 :!19, 456 279,373 277,188

GlaH" and glassware: Bottles, 'Vials, demijohns, carboys, and jars,

.............. _ ..................... dut. .dolls .. 371,39·1 464,483 505,283 ·15...;;;,454

Cylinder, CrO\Vll, und common window fcbS+ - --

47,202,267 51, 3·13, 339 27,285,607 fil,312~:H(i

glass, unpolished ................. dut.. dolls .. 1,27.5,184. 1, 5.'j5~ 92'1 908,044 1,827: ,198

Cylinder nnd crown glass, polished-:!,651,52·t 2,5-17,688 1,938,109 T' d [sq. Ieee .. 1,878,888

UnsJlvere ................... dut .. ldOllS .... 521, !J57 539,082 4.;6,947 356,518

. {"q. ieet.. 896 571 588 1,095 S,lycred ...................... dut .. d II 622 286 488 641 os ....

Plate glass-219,099 119,2·12 {Sq. feeL"1 63,572 H6,642

Fluted, rolled, or rough ...... dut .. d 11 9,528 7,915 5,031 12,581 o s. ___

., {Sq. ieet .. 928,2i3 94.1,879 3,237,347 4, lSD, 762 Cast,pollshed, unsllvered .... dut .. dolls .... 233,190 226,295 787, 450 I 9g1,934

.. rq·ieet .. 358 45,D9i 53,98·1 16,631 Cast,polIshed,sllvered ....... dut.. d II ,119 1~, 413 18,819 0,528 a s ....

Gla::s plates or disks, rough, eut, or unwrought, 119,832 12;),'1-19 161, 512 1 io~ optical instruments, etc ....... frcc .. dolls .. U)l10S9 !

All other ............................ <lut.. dolls .. 1,771,53·j 2,106,084 2,166,201 2,351, aoo I

Total ................................ dolls .. I 4,303,660 6,037,931 5,010, U751 6,205,052 :

10,619, ().is 9,715,75-1 12,358,235 13,107,588 14,720,100 13,579,221 16,161,316 21,345,833

23,726,636 24,435,854 I 25,937,456 2R, 915, 747 I 3~, Hr.7, 160

8,815,108 9,005,873 10,502: 907 13,116,716 12,911,434.

6,486,80J I 5,757,129 7,803,395 8,738,966 8,972,600

.. ";~~~~~l'" ~~;~;;~ ..... ;~'~~;~;'I'''' ~~~~~~ ----~~~:7~;-1 34S,698 I 268,158 270,673 256,163 330,091

,193,7121 540,460 671,699 805,753 997,295

63,563,812 51,340,916 17,859,7'18 34,253,006 31, SOg, 9Si

1,762,767 1,381,10·1 627,618 1,306,723 1,037,770

2,-1-16,071 1,526, i1l2 1, ·128,412 1,326,903 1,472,717

5~5,380 32'2,492 289,708 291, 03i 313,208

6,003 35,733 11,077 5, ,;21 1,0,;6

1,532 7,O()Ol 2,393 1,371 582

389,624 296,673 275,516 431, ,,]b 9H,099

57,990 28,HO I 28,657 55,9~1 107,:,43

G,690,829 4,917,067 ' 6, GOS, 8-16 ;,392,2:27 6, 7~7,.546

1~ 432, 29; 915,048 1,184,OS8 1: 575, 3i5 1,420,109

27,163 I iv, 327 1;1,522 24,145 32,581

6, !l91 6,631 4,096 6,817 11,022

217,012 210,583 177,457 199,0100 216,'191

2, 75/f 50S 3,136,70G 2,963,123 , 3,255,314 3,460,811

7,255,8"79 6,583,lG8 5, D48, 830 i 7,507,823 7,596,631

....... ------.--1,790,375

H,691,535 22,663,207


9,580,323 6,337,826


444, '159 332,937

904,773 20,·.1-5·1,324


1,080,123 265,281

6,5S·1 2,784




805,656 H,939



3, 284,944


'Included in "All other," dutiable, prior to 1907. clncludedin "All other," free, prior to 1907. ofucluded fn "All otlIer articles," uutil1blc, prior t{) 1908. 1, Inclndes fIee nuts not specified prior to 1902. dlncludecl in "All other," dutiable, prior to 1903.

H is: '"d 0 ~ }oj (tl

I ;0 q P-!:;i }oj ...... }oj H t-=J UJ

~ !:;i t:

<l ~ t-t d t-=J rn

~ I-" O;J



Articles. 1899 1 __ 19_0_0_ 1901 1902;

I Glue .................................... dut .. JIbS····i


5,358,0631 5,577,082 --1-'-54-0-'9-5-1-1--4-'-7~-7-'-7fi-: I ,179,450 537,492 473,341 417,036 i

Gold and silYcr sweepings .............. free .• dolls .. Gr~ase and oils ........... : .............. iree .. dolls .. Grease ................................... dut .. dolls .. Gut:

Unmanufactured ................... free .. dolls .. ~lc.nufllctures of. .................... dut .. dolls ..

Hair: Unmanuiactured ................... free .. dolls ..

h . .. . I JIbs .... Horse mr, artificIa ................ dut .. ldolls ..

Manuiactures of. .................... dut .. dolls .. Hats, bonnets, r.nd hoods, and materials for:

Materials for ......................... dut .. dolls .. Hats, bonnets, and hoods composed of strllW,

chip, grass, palm leaI, willow, osier, or rat-tan ................................ dnt .. dolls ..

{tons ..

Hay .................................... dnt .. dolls ..

Hides and skins, other than fur skins: k' . {lbS .... Goats IllS .......................... rree .. dolls ..

. fIbs .... HIdes of cattle ..................... dnt .. ldOlls ..

{!b ..... All other ........................... free.. 11

do s ..

Tota1. ........................ {~:::::~:::::

I 21i,600 I 43,258 51, 208 1 47.27·1

136,171 . 556,723 475,561 , 561,001


260,508 222,943 280,889 ,120,493

15,905 13,138 1,826 15,826 32,829 OH,<130 7;,145 8-1,928

1,814,964 .2,·:145,964 1,611,424 1,980,319 ----------_. ------ ..... - .. - -------- .... _- ------_ .. _------_ .. _-- .. _-- ------ .... __ . ---------_ .. - . _----- .. _---

159,049 248,226 68,721 75,217


"w'~1 2,092,801 1, ';03,008 1,603,54.6


I 619,370 1,094,601 1,446,932

19,872) B3,890 I 142,620 48,415

1 115,409 , 1,019,743 1,128,610 381,,117 . ,

169,728,945 1 81,998,818 :3, ~:~, 5;61 ~~' O~' 5:6 18,488,326 21,987 J 674 20,811,033 i _l>,4k,l/9

,130,396,020 163,86.5,165 129,174,624 :148,627,907

13,621,946 19,408,217 1<1,6-17,413117,'174.039 , 66,965,785 100,070,7951 77,989,617 89,457; 680

9,877,771 . 16,539, 807112, 995, 567 i 15,054,400

28,366,097/33, 027, 481 33,572,600 i 40,532,579

13,621,946 19,408,217.14,6-17,413117,,174,039 ,

1903 1 __ 1_9o_4 __ 1 __ 1_9_°° __ 1 __ 1_9_0_6_1 __ 1_9_o_1_\1 __ 1_9_o8 __

5,560,616. 5,798,330 7,439,735 6,558, l(J.S 6,466,3121 6,731,943 602,077 ) 598,546 701,847 632,700 596,667 629,032

85,781 92,39G 72,085 97,661 116,976 69,440

578,974 ,1343,681 859,569 1,002,487 1,07-1,2-17 77'1,249

29i,272 314,242 310,9-15 293,368 281,492 328,832

101,827 nO, 351 62,630 85,587 103,489 113,861

65,566 59,079 53,292 62,604 67,156 86,656

2,702,734 2,639,586 3,328,,171 3,704,987 3,038,996 2,.770,658

.----------- .----------- --------_ .. _- -_._ .... ----- .. • .. · ...... 1 233,026

------.----- ............ , ............ ---- .... _ ....... -_ ..... ------- 356,133

72,350 87,476 ! 99,933 149,362 565,603 4g,1,221

2,379,367 2,725,888 3,104,824 2~ 373,189 3,988,033 2,369,636

, 1,491,911 1,237,155 1,274,13-19 2,197,995 2,832,226 2,482,912

293,112 114,388 46,214 68,5.10 61,116 10,063

2,238,109 91·1,842 359,51.; 502,051 501,507 89,808

85,114,070 86,338, 547 1 97,803,571 111,079,391 101,201,596 63,640,758

24,928,729 2~1 9:?-, 731 2~, 9:~, 7:~ 31, ;73, 909 31,715,298 17,325,126

131,640,32.5 S".3/0,168 111",111,301 156, 155,300 134, 671, 020 98,3-53,2-19

16,159,902 10, 989,035 1-1,949,628 21,862,060 20,649,258 12,044,435

102,340,303 103,02,1,7521126,893,934 158,045,419 135,111,199 120,770,918

16,942,982 17,045,304 22,868,797 30,246,198 30,841,989 25,400,575

41,871, ill 41,017,035149,81-1,518 62,020,107 G2,557,287 42,725,701

16,1.59,902 10,989,035 14,949,628 21,852,060 20,6-19,258 12,0401,435


Hide cuttings, raw, and other .. dolls. '1 708,968 1,223,521 1,057,931 696, 439 1 834,421 I 85-1,-183 1,120,0i0 - 1,160,683 1,473,188 \ Hones and whctEtones _____ . ___ . ________ irec __ dolls __ 30,698 3S,773 47,'1-11 59,734 64,458 57,038 65,020 65,'193 88,403

Hone, •....... _ .... __ ....... _ ........... duL _{gaJ~S .. 126,217 146,860 182,196 167,301 287,696 206,292 198,617 138,221 175,6721

. {:"I 51,599 70,857 83,599 56,383 115,400 - 69,053 76,719 50,651 70,8-54 [ 1,319,319


2,589,725 2,60IJ,708 2,805,293 6,012,510 I 2,758,163 '1,339,379 , 10,113,989 6,211,893 Hops ........ _ .................. -....... dut.. dolls ..

591,756 713,701 S-H,OOS 833,702 1,808,·191 1,374,327 1,980,8041 2,326,982 1,9H,900 Household Ilnd personal effects, etc., in use, imple·

ments, instruments, and tools of trade of persons arriving irom foreign conntries, and of citizens of the United States dying abroad .... free .. dolls .. 3,113,107 2,007,80il 2,3GG,727 2, !X)4~24.4 2,856,007 3,040,523 3,263,3S-1 3,941,875 3,835,3-54

India rnbber, gutta·pereha, and substitutes for, and manufactures oi:


-~~:.:::':g,.....:::.:.:...........:...:j::::;~: ~E GUaY~I~ plant· ...... __ ........ frcc .. {~~~:: ::::~~~:~;;: ::: :.~;:~;~: ::::;~~:~~~: ::::~~;:;~;:Ir ::::;~~:;;~: ::::~~:~~;:I:: ::~~~:;~;: ::::~~:;;~: I, :;::E~ Gutta pcrcha __ ....... __ ........ free .. JId II 11l- .~- 1~8 616 130 nc- n"., 3?Q 222" 4 ~4 9'3 ; "10 log 10 8 '61 leo .:::i~~ I,;)" I, ,;;"')J ~J_, ..... ,00 11, L> / ... ,..... c ,.1 201,339

Gnltn'joohLtong (or East Indian{lbs .. -- 6,4:3,882 8, :0:, :53 9,3i1,a.:' 16,~'j0, 821 i 13, 9~,817 H,8?7,416' 19,104,911 21, :~~,1~6 28,437,660 gum, ____ .......... ____ .. ____ .free .. dolls.. 166,419 23,,214 248,638 nOl,418 1 3-10,431 430,231 641,319 ."",0,.1 1,08-5,098

_ {IbS____ 51,063,066 49,377,138 55,275,529 50,413,-481 55, DID, ,571 59,015,551 67,234, 2;j6 57,814,345 'i6,963,838 Indin.rubbcr. __________________ free .... dolls __ 31,707,630 31,376,867 28,455:38:1 2-1789~1,230: 30,436,710 40:,14.4,250 49,878,366 45,114,450 58,919,981

India rubber, old .emp. fit only for{lbS .. " 10,518, GO~ 19,093, iil, 15,235,236122, 89!, 900 24,659,391 20,270,970 15, 57~,214 24,756, -186 29,335,193 remanui~lcture ___________ .. __ f:rec .. _ dolls__ 462,04-1 1,219,2311 9~;-l,316 1,437,£;60! 1,516,137 1,16;1,785 9,53,4ag It 721,678 2,608,987

1,205,382 65,151


98,425 8,.193,265 1,989,261


584,552 276,756

1,52·1,401 28,583

188,610 100,305

22,803,303 1,039,776

62,233,160 36,613,185 16,331,035 1,496,822

39,555,427 Total unmanufactured " __ .... __ " .. dolls ___ 32,503,670 33,011,928 I 29,823,49'1 \27,000,937 : 32, 520, 6~8 42,214,219 51,683,312 47,910,052 i 63,145,059

Na;~~;;;.;;~.s~~~.:~~.s.t:~~~~J?'~J~8~'~.I ............ _ ........... ! __ ........ "1 ____ -- .. -- .. I .................. " .. ____ .. ________ 5.],43'2 \-----1------- Gutta'percha ____ .......... __ .... dut •• dOlls .. 1 n5,582 1 254,33: I 1~3, 337 I 12;,7.:30 2'25,198 335,480 117,735 208,172

65,1;1·! 27,909 191,06-1 9S,5J5

Indi" ruhber __ .. _ .......... __ ... dut •• do119"i 379,309 r 56-1,OSS 4,8,663 '1-19,756 665,972 821,562 1, 3S9, 064 1,992, <113

Total manufactures ...... _ .. ____ •••• dollB.'l 494,091 i S18, ·120 &12,000 1 577,536 891,170 1,157,042 I 1,506,799 2,2.';5,017

2,262,783 1, CJ56,590

2,519,661 2,078,0401

• Included in ",)Innuiuelures or" prior to 1908. b Not separately enumerated prior to 1906.

'Included in "All other article"," [me, prior to 1007. • Jncluded in " AU other articles," dutiable, Ilrior to lUOu . dlnClude8 bnlata, valued at $152,689, in 1906, Itnd 5214,285, in 1907, reported as dutiable.


No, lSS.-l'rIERCHANDISE blPoR'um: QU,u.'lTITIES Al'D " .... LUI,S, BY ARl'ICLES, YEAP.s ENDED JUNE 30, 1899 TO 1908-Continued.

Articles. I 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 I 1901

I Ink Ilnd ink powders .................... clut .. dalls .. ! 72,428 71,236 74,317 71,910 83,2i2 I 60,583

l~O;; 1906 1901



m.,991 7.'i"I3<1 6·1,289 I 45,136

Iron mel steel, and manufactures uf: rons

.. I 269,013 9·16,lM 771, t157 1,189, 732 1 1,043,565 6S·1,126

Iron are ............................ dut.. d II" ; 401,595 1,407,022 1,135,271 2,362,51·1 2,351,278 1,593,279 .0 , .. ! rons

.. 2g,31G 61,100 39,325 158,961 955,198 191,135

Pig iron ... -----.----- ______________ dnL. dolls .. TIl,OH8 2,lm,50l 1,355,231 3,367,172 16,830,592 ·1,0:1:7, lui

Scrap iron Rnd steel, fit only- to be re- ftons - - 4., 6.J~ 28,431 20, '11·1 '19,188 IBG, ·151 28,61·1 mlLnuiaetured .................... dut .. lclolls.. 65,185._ ~?2,~8~ I. ~4~,73:' 7G8,7~3 2,027,0491 43:!,IJ03

JIbs---- 44, 745,118 '1,,1j~,3,.,.~: 39) 1:~~149,( 14.9 1 110.::)6 96,695,208 68,895:588 Bar iroIl_ -- ---- -- - - - -- -- - --.-- - - --- _duL -lc1011s._ 907,495 1,028,8(1 1, Ovu, 232 1,092! a81 1: ~H4.J 486 l,36G~0'J7

Bars, railway, of iron or steel, or in part{tons.. 62'1 2,487 }, 091 I 15,017 122,4'14 ;;3,358 oisteel_ .... _____ .. _. _____________ dut._ dolls__ 20,353 83,738 '18,650 371,452 2,866,397 1,190,536

[lbs.... 19,800 1,529,651 768,117 11,723,203 3, ·193, 165 4, 0~8, 776 Hoop, band, or seroll ............... dut..ldolls .. 3, 929 1 31,'719 22,526 178.202/ 92696. 70,281

Ingots, blooms, "lab.! biIlet~, anil bars Of}lb" 2" ~~- 90.1 3" ."," 218 10844 640 (')02 55- 40- 850 ru,: n9~ 20' 9-4 '1'3 steel. and steel mroITll.:5notc!sewhere ::i ____ ,'),h',... _,~o), .. ,' - ~ <1. I I'. ,1..'_O, ... I I ,,~ , l "i

speeiJicd .......................... dIlL .. doll ... },OS8,R.1711,889,028, 1,281,329 3,506,3i5 9,834.236 3,39S,69~

Sheet., plr,tc, and tuggers iron or .tcel)lbs.... 4,2'18,296 23,062,1571' 1,591,523: 17,968,383 17,917,064 I 22,842,616 .................................. rlllt .. ldoIIS .. ! 178,892 668,65i 266,403 I 601,2·19' 480,985 i 508,365

Tin pllltes, terne plates, and lagger. tiupbS .... llOS' 4S·1, 826 '147,963,80-.1 1117,880,312 11~8,996,0861109,913,293 126,m9,360 ---------- .. --.---------------.---dUt.-ldOllS __ , 2~613,56·1 '1:7~m, i!J6 I 3,770,062 6,065~1i24 3,209,915 3"173,454

,. n {Ib5 ____ 3-1:tnO,656 47,096,565! 41,588,102 38,48(j~353 51,49i,919 41,482,393 Vlucrods ........................... dut.. dolls.. 7aO,95S 1,111,1451' 1,082,827 £'02,296 1,13i,370 88'1,777

.. .. . i'lbS.... 5,278, M4 4,11-1,078 6,242,160 9,465,330 8,586,398 11,095,720 WIre, ana IlrLIeles marIe !rom' .... duL. <lolls.. 3.1S,080 I' 356,316 4S8,304 633, SOl 644,4.'i9 722,580

"ill'l'iIsb ............................ CilIt .. {lb~.... 530,113 580,138! 525,673 I' '148,079 406,982 55i,SOU .' . do!! ... 1 32,8061 36, ·120 I 35,372 28,778 26,405 35,460

Rluldmg forms "nd ,,11 other stmctuml {lb3 .... j ............ , ........... 'I' ........... , ........................ 32,055,123 shapes ntted Ior use' ............ Ant .. ilolls.. ............ ............................. ......... ............ 405,782

Chainsb ............................ dut .. J1bs.... 362,855 639,020 I 322,3m I 657,972 1,·111,588 8.5-I,t'lO . ldolls .. ' 21,006 43,720, 23,883 45,778 65,~68 57,188

757, 323 1 9S1,026 1,096,717 958,378 1,670,683 2, i28, 854 3,300,419 2, (149, 462 H

122,9'ji ! 271,790 ---- p::::

56·1, !l<16 204,092 I-d 15,UM,767 6,2Q1,808 0 2,989,Oli9 i 7, liS, 881 ~

12,650 I 25,81U 21,·139 17,614 1-'3 rJ].

174,238 ·101,810 290,511 215,149 \ ,j!), 738, 9S9 84,931,030 86,4.63,629 72,809,939

1,116,'160 1,62·1,186 1,669,165 1,457,813 § 17,025 9,635 4,610 2,839 p..

387,973 2;·W,374 133,936 85,519 ~ ~ 4,296,663 25, OSI, 711 9, 786,22i 1,060,520 ,.,

61,011 273,812 129,100 77,515 H t;;

21, 9fi3, 028. 44,001,117 41,484,776 36,958,859 rJ].

1,6-11,549 2,672, G68 3,033,928 2,172,916 p.. 4,721,650 7,385,227 7,680,746 5,875,252 ~

216,·161 324,391 31.1, 675 33.~,977 Ij

161, 056, ~20 j120, 819, 732 142,529,406 1.40,739,972 <1 p..

iJ,5;JS: 875 3,·112,243 4,651,332 '1,291,953 t-t :H,232~ 03-1 ·11, 428, 885 40,110,672 30,39S,27<J q

690,M9 870,929 896,101 663,69·1 t;I :n

8,625,2·[1 10,355, G72 19, 66S, ,185 .-----------638,980 823,931 1,330,852 1,332,973

3~3,503 5·13,499 -._--------- _ ... '_ ... ".-24,3:l2 34,054 ------_.---- -------_ ... --

7,072,099 70,740,312 20,839,301 3,427,82-1

110,5-10 912,125 328,353 80,8n 628,,150 696,896 ------------ ------------41,9-14 47,357 - ... _ .. --_ .. ---_ ..........



"" o

i ""

Cutler' .•.•.•.•..•........•....•...•. dut .• dOllS··1 1'188,916/1,534,382 1,596,668 1,706,454' 1,782,9;0 1,896,213 r I,SOD,7M i I,Sn2,278 Files,fileblank.,rasps,andlloll.tsb ... dut..dolls.. 42,760 I 59,707 59,779 7~,293 82, 48ii 67,812 87,292 59,70il

Firearms •...••..........••.......... dut .. do1l6.. 75S,5'5 8SS,528 92·1,4.47 1,155, oSS 728,077 681,373 , 557,032 505,546

Machiuery ...••......••.••••••...... dut..dolls.. 1,630,542 3,569,096 3,324,765 3,646.572 '1,085,825 3,18,1, 968 I! 2,943,300 3,655,402 Needles, hand sewing and darning •• frec .• dolls.. 4.07,746 367,578 383, 034 408, 973 442,887 455,762 406,261 418,816

Sheets, plates, wares, or articlcsof iron, steel, or /

g~~~~~~:\:~'. ~~.\:~~ :~~.~~ .~I.~~:~.~'.IJ~~~~~f~~ ......................................................................... ' ....................... . Shotgun barrels, in single tubcs, forged, rough·

bored •...••..••....••...•.....•••. ircc .. dolls .. All other manufactures of ....•..... dut .. dolis ..

I I 188,871 182,906 265,276 282,979 i 232,54<1 172,652 218,376 260,449:

1,210,827 1: 671,899 1,570,269 2, 3·j6, 327 0,201, 966 3,976,250 4, 8·J·1, 818 2,855,024

Total, nociDcludiDgore~ .. _ .. _______ dolls_. 12,100,440 20,,178,728 17.S74Ii89127~180,247 51,617:312 27,028,312 23,510,164129,053,987

2,263,107 ' 2,018,143 _ ....... _-_ .. .. _.----_ .. -

306,085 287,679

,1,963,429 3,646,480 4,92,637 414,998

8iS, 248 784,017

193,190 169,445 3,057,449 3,367,939

27~GOi, 909

538, S~51 4=~, ~~ 627,720 579,222

-..:r Ivory, and manufactures of: ,10,587,865/

i Unmnnuiactured-

. {lbS ••.. Ammal ..•.•....•.•...•......•• free •. dolls ..

{lbS •.•.

Vegetable ......••.••...•....... frec· .. dolls ..

Manufactures of.. .. _. __ .... _ .. _ ...... __ .dut_ .. dolls._

Jewclry and manufactures of gold and silver .................................•...... dut .. dolls ..

321,315 690,9S0


88,479 4~,523


353,423 424,30.1

805,486 842,233

16,073,505 13, ·161, 461

2431 548 179,735 49,418 51,7Q·l

3,545,890 3,790,671


;15S,202 64tl,9~i) 371,344 9i:6,3·1i I,20·1,6z8 1: 0,0, m.r~ 1,6·12,958 1,478,937 2,005, ·J7·1 1,148,620

14,699,215 , 17,194,43-1 15,740,792 19,688,913 I 21,076,508 16, 602~ ~29 14,536,288

165, ·189 192,093 229,944 410, SS3 I 516,607 464,931 375,535

6-1,3H 72,7ij5 7·1,4.9i 73,9·10 82: 2·17 69,1>14 59,681

2,6·12,34.5 2,007,.133 1, 3OS, 552 1,739,953 1,779,527 ,

~~!~~~~;::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~>~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~i~: ~ ~: ~: :~~:::: :::::::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::::!::: :::: :::::,: :::::: :::::1:::: :::::: ::,::::::: ::::: ,: ::::::::::: 725,873 Lead, and manufacLurcs of: f· I =====I'===~=


. . •. {lbS... 191,931,295\195,931, 735 ~50, 812, 375 201,486,935 i211, 703, 50S 203,441,900 207, OOS, 197 ?54, 132, 497 127,196,540 187,607,786 Lead In ore una Ilnd base Dulholl .. dut .. dolI!:!__ 2,763,381 3,128.675 4,820, .100 . .1, .197= 3GO I 4,073, 099 3,374, G61 3,616, ·176 1 3,531,,876 3,352,534. 4.,147,720

. pbS. _ _ _ 414,023 ·1·17,226 371, ·161 5,26-1,031 1,152,154 10,975,921 10, 823, 134 20, S59, 795 23,489, 928 7,354,261 PIgS, bars, and old - ... ---- ........... dUL-ldollS_. 1016521 13,7<;)4 12,331 13-5,410 32,618 46 . .1:,073 288,3(03 767,·131 1,012,356 305,63.5

.Allothermnnufllcturesof ..... _. __ .dut .. flolls.. 10,.;75 13,781 a,33i 8,996 19,834 2 .. 7881

7,919 9,702! __ 2_0_,_C_32_;. ___ 2_9~,-_/9_3

Total.~ ... _ ......... _._. __ ..... _. __ .... dol1s._ 2!,R-l,611. 3,1f.,6,2;)0 I 4,F36,07·! 4,G41,7(j1j !~~. 3~:;:;·n,51~ I 3,912,758 4,312,0091 4~3t;";li221 4,483,1·18

.aQl1nntit~- not given after June 30.1007. . b Includc>d in ".All othcr Illllnuiaclnrcs of" alter 1906. C Included in " An other manufactures of" prior to 1904:.

d Included in .. All other mfLUufactures of" prior to 1907 . (I Not separately stated prior to July 1, 1907.



________ M_ti_cl_e_s. _______ +_l_S_9_9_.�--19-0-0-- �--1-90_1_+_1_9_02 __ II! __ 1_9_0_3_1_-l-9-0-4_1_~905-._:i __ 1_9_°_6_1 __ 1_9_0_7_



__ 1_9_°_8_

Leather, and manUillctures of: Leathcr-

Band or bclting, and.olclcather -dUL-dOllS-'1 Calfskin!::!, tn.nned, or ta.nned and drcEsed,

~~~ •• ~~_t_e_l=~I __ ~~t~~=::~l: __ ~~~d~~~_~~~fs{:_ 52,68S 47,218

lS2,6i4 3,13'1,657


69,691 2,763,101

73,914 68,421 '16,275

170,963 964,0"1-1 772,610

1,860,965 2,161,885 1, 8S9, 015


605,960 2,446,481

96, 927 54, 407

696,394 597,4-19 2,740,067 3,260,040



1,987,465 Skins for morocco._ •••.•• ___ •• _.dut •. dOllS __ /2.155.332 Upper leather, drc~sed~ and ekins dressed

~~~ __ :i~~~".~~~: __ '.'~: __ ~!~~~~~~_r_dU~::.i~J;;~_ 2, .170, 8·ll 3,204,623 2,834,203 2.916,004 1.979,216 2,201,331 2,468,122 1 3,137,460 4,159,389 2,180,235

T~~~~her _____ . ______ .• _______ . __ dOllS __ 1~5-,2=3=7~,-=~=,~,I~O=~=M=9=,=~=,2~~-5=,=7=m~,-w=3=~-~-0-2~~-M-6-~-5~'1-7-3~,5-fi-6~1-4~'9-0-9~,2-3-1~-~5~'=6u='-,=64=2~1--6=,=6=m=,=M=8=~-s=,-0=n-,=2=M=~-4=,=8=~=,~(~~ Mannfacturcs of- 1------1-----1-----1-----1 1----+----.1-----

Glo,es, of kid or otherleathcr __ dnt __ dolls __ 1 5,398,125 6,107,765 5,534,259 5,S66,381 1 5,029,278 1 5,095,337 4,727,489 6,812,719 10,633,668 7,826,719 All other ___________________ . ____ duL-dolls. _I 480,813 665,259 651,560 929,558 1. 091, 323 !_1,:.' _09_5~, _64_7+_1_,_32_6_,_10_2_

1 __ 1_,_63_--_, ,_35_-9_1 __ 1,_68_8,_5_8_°_1 __ 1,_4_4_8,_2_19

TotalmanufacturesoL _____________ dolls __ , 5,878,9·10 6,773,024 6,185,819 6,295,939 6,120,6011 6,100,984 6,053,591 8,'170,078 12,322,2·18 9,274,938

Total lenther Ilnd manufactures of. _dolls __ In, 116, IH7 13,292 196 11,887,012 11. 317, 785111, 294, IG7 1-1-1-,1-0-0-, 2-1-5+-n-,-66-6-,-23-3-1--1D--,-1-40-,-9-26-1--2-0,-3-9-3,-5-3-3-1--1-:-4,-1-27-, ,-34--:--7

. JIbs- - - _j 46,539,157 48,793, 8SS 47,772,296 61. 662,573 69,790,1421 52,973,617. -16,165,288 -10, 61ll, 617 39,056,899 21,202,611 LlDle-----------------------------------dut.-ldOl!s_.· 58,066 63,900 65,399 91,785 103,381, 90,388 87,U3 78,671 95,245 66,890

Lithographic stones, not cngrm'ed ______ tree __ doJ!s_./ 76,69'2 78,541 123,503 136,670 131,015 . 150,072 161,056 134,645 174,808 134,534

MIllt,barle'----------------------------dut--{bUSh-. 4,984 4,399 ·1,580 3,019 2,-168 3,·165 3,298 2,458 3,362 2,625 - dolls_ _ 4,447 4,127 4,635 2,929 3,029 3,250 3,580 2,711 3,917 3, ~O

{lOnS _ _ 115,094 333,916 1:J.1,211 208,568 175,845 105,927 225,174 225,962 207,068 218, ·194

Manganese, ore and oxide oL __________ free __ dolls__ 876,478 2,693,003 1,160,032 1,779,473! 1,517, :J.17 ! 909,319 1,661,299 1,785,662 1,672,654 1,773,018 Marble and stone, and manufactures of: 1=====>====cl=====II=====i~====;====~I====='I======!~~=~=,:===~=

Marble,andmannfaeturesoL-------dm--doll9-- 680,533 II 812,606 1,02.J,687 1,408,855 1,513,813 I 1,408,433 1,290,291 1,293,198 i Stone, and manufactures of, including slate 1

•••••••••••••••• _________ ••••••• ____ dut __ doll._ _ 203,319 __ 2_1_5,_9_'1;_1_1 __ 2_51_,_9_15_1 ___ 23_2_, _53_3_

1 __ 2_3_9_, 9_6_9_

1 __ 2_6_3,_9_41_

1 __ 2_7.9_,_1_1_2 _1 __ 3_43_,_5_9°_1 __ 3_7_6,_786 __ 1 ___ 350_, ~_,8_3

TotllL _______________________________ doll~ __ 1 883,8521 1,028,550 1,276,602 1,G41,388 1,753,782 1,672,374 1,569,403 1,636,,88 1,946,262 1,585,152

Matche., friction or lucifer ______ . ________ dut __ dOlls..l==1=2S";,=S-='3=i =~1=5=6~, '=03=-=II=~1=6=5=, 1=1=3=1=~=18=4=.=Sl=9=1,~=1=61,,;,=1=97=i[' ==23=0,~S=6=7=1===1=8=7=, 9=5=1 1 193, 802 ,1==2O=1~, =92=,=11= =~2=2=O~, 7=0=8

1,569,476 1,234,369


from round ur split ~trnw or other Ye;!l'- ~'1. yds .. 3" g2il,H9 38, 130, 10~ I ",,300,918 48,1:l4,n26 4'1, 2..tG, 485 51,114,112 Mattingantlrnatsf(\rflOOrS,manUiactured} 1- ." I· I ~-" I ~ " table ~ub~t.allce~~ inelllding Chille!=;e. dolls.... 2, 1if>1, G90 2,674, un 2T 908, 4G9 3,817, SGG Japanese,andlndiastrawmatting.duL ! ' =='!=====I=====.=====':=====:'=====I=~==='I-===~

Meat and dai ry products: I'

52,975,131 150,025,490 147,983,317146,127,926 3,780,050 I 3,609,795 3, GOO, OSS 3,831,436 3,769,202 4,333,044

IIIcat products-Meats and meat extrncts ...••.•. uut .. doll".. 263,845 365,589 407,003

Sausages, bolognn ..........•• _ •• frce .. dolls.. 93,i14 95,9'14 80,605

1 Sausage cllsings •.... _ .......••.• irec .• dolls .. 1 622,9·19 64G,8S9 642,212

All other ..•. _ ................... uut. _dolls. '/' 109, &17 105,726 54,667 Dair,- products--

{lbS.... 23.700

Butter ................... _ .. _ ... dut.. dolls .. [ 3;902

Ch {Ib" .... 11,826,175 eese ________________________ .dut.. dolls __ , 1,563.128

49,791 93,669

9,769 19,441

13,455,990 15, 32<J, 099

I, "761, 613 2,120,293

Mllk ....................... _ ..... dut .. dolls .. ! 52,603 4::!,686 ·18,062




3S0, 403 I 453,978 I



2, 551~ 366 33,.157






51,564. 20,671,384

3,183, 224 1 42,696



885.6'15 1 30,619

154,457 34,764




Total.. .............................. dOIls .. ! 2,709,845 i 4.,37.5,075

3=;,=5=1=6'·====~=I:========I=~==-3~,9=S=I,===~==,i=~= v 0,-Meerschaum, crude ............... -- .... free .. doll'. '1"

3,028,216 3,372.283

3,,459 39,266

5,7'78,878 I 5r 204,2.5-1

5S,066 85,472 .b[ctll]~~ metal compo:;itiOl1s, and I!lunu.facturc!:: of.

not elsewhere apecilicd ................ dut .. dolls .. :

. {IbS __ ··I' }lIe" .......... -.-- ........ -- •.•••.••.••. uut .. dolls ..

),UncIah, not elsewhere speciHed, crude ..... _ ...... __ ......................... iree .. dalls ..


1,616,397 25~1, 228


4, 'i91~ ·193

2,037".120 3H,8S2







1,806,584 38'1,818

D,2~7,264 6,337,823

1,945,190 1,386,328 414,953 306,937

135,380 212,571

67-1,441 675,568 888,209 7i5,71.3

147,119 149,593 121,205 108,367

836,323 874,293 1,288,922 2,182,036

52,223 68,R13 48,188 29,9G8

593,104 196,642 4·11,755 780,608 124,136 57,955 117,835 ' 182,897

23,095,705 27,286,866 33,848,7136 32,5;)0,830

3,379,600 '1,303,830 5,7(>1,012 5,586,706 23,014 10,858 10,188 11,496

5,236,856 6,140,940 8,178,559 8,877,183

83,253 112,963 134, 6241 164,188

6, Zt13, 790 7, 8SS, 565 1O,3~5,446 , 6,768,637

1,188,449 2"j12,261 3,448,452 1: 310,87i 296,362 731,48'1 1,295,606 567,550

40i,275 583,269 556,518 367,382

)Iineral substances advanced in value by refining or grinding, CtC _______________________ duL_dolls__ 13.204 18,228 29,883 20,958 32,565 5G,608 66,862 70,373 97,053 54,5';6

Mo~s, !:!eaweeds, and Tcgctablc Sl1b-{free. _dol1~__ 31'192


2,.1,253 36,989 48, <J16 G5,082 52,621 (iO,457 9<J,3(i3 91,702 66,883 stances, notelsewherespecificu, c:rude dut __ doUs__ 4:l,O'-m 51,l!J4. 40,807 57,883 G4,309 69,151 t 53,229 69,689 73,,121 (,)4.)1719

::::~~:~:::lm~::~~ ~~:e:~~{~=:::;:L~::: ':~~; 1_': ~:~:I~: ~~ I ':'~ ~L-': '~: ~ _ ':~: ~':'~::;':'~:~ ,::]::~ i ,: ~: ........... ____ .dolls .. 1.1S~'92411'~70'~~~! 1,3:lS,G55 1 ~..126,O~3 ~,lS:,919 1,:96,1~~ I,Z05,8,? 1 :,6i3,8,9[ 1,897,784 2,391,140

0'1 k [lbs .. -- 1,P8~,618 ~08,6", I 448


' 2,6U,0~9 v,821,OB [1,,9'1,813 1,129,0131

Q,·1(>1,9,n I 512,654 2,84.8,291 1 ca·e ..... -- •••.. -- •••..... - ....... -.frce··ldoll .__ 9,553. 1, 437 1 64 20,7.jO 30,2861 __ 18,.592 12,968, 5-1,H41 5,342 27,513

0'1 I tll {sa. \'ds.. 416,~5S I 83:,4m: I 1,:106,222 II 1,82·1,579 3,350, 655 1' 3,381,5:4 3,508, 855 1 5,:70,:~0 1:=c7:=,=1":"0~:=,=:0=:6::7'1==6=,1=1='1=,~=-6==8 1 cos .------------- _______________ dui __ d~ljs ___ . 216,210 .to" OO~; 532,255 :~~.:.. 1:105,894. ;~~ 1,220,372', 1,/44,;)39 1.=2=,=3",13=,=,=72=1==2=,1=02=_=,3=1=3

• Kat stated prior to 1907.



Articles. I 1899 I 1900 1901 r 1902 1903 190·1 1905 HJ06 1907

Oi1S~ .... n;mal or rendered- {g-nns..l 531,93~ ! 851,372/ 733,260 11'150'0~6 723,090 795,935 72~,4iO 988,395 1,028,0.51 Whale nnd fish ...... ____ ....... flllt .. dolls..! 198,110 I ~73,367 264,250 359,471 362,408 638,5Dl 417,692 369,397 3'1-1,358

_ [g-allS .. / 9,056 18,050/i 59,131 161,306 i 261,421 171,5ll 175,620 160,854 132,843 Allother ..................... -.uat .. ldOllS .. i 1,;;69 3,255, 12,858 29,060 I 50,611 3-1,830 27,5-59 23,914 26,671

{g'all~ .. ; 1, 7S9~ 514 2,3-54,720 i 2,101,280 2,601,6&1! 3, &11, 7Do 4.,02.0; Gnl. 7,313-1,467 13, 2G5, 217 22,747,8,::;2 :l.linernlo ........................... free .. dOIlS .. / HO,143 217,405 IG8,839 149,456 211,0&1 247,906 403,598 690,10S 1,110,73-1

:,":::,":~~~~_m'.: :::::::::!;~I.._ ._-... • .-___ .-:: •• :-_: •••• -:_-- • ::__-.1-_--.--_ -... •• : ___ :

{gnHs .. I 2,775 19,509 II 'lti,658 633, '183 6(\ 331 632,817 2, &36, 035 2,187,402 3,388,606:

Do ................. - ............ dllt .. d 11"\ 69- " 04') 3 ""6 ,13 600 1- 133 "0 0 '0 90 6°" 89 0-1 1"<,13? Vegetllble- 0 0..:__ • ;:), -. I\J_ 1 - I), . u_,O":I: : _."l , ... <> vu_

fu~;;~~;~;;;~;:,~~.I •••••••••••• ! ••••••••••• :1 •••••••••••• ' •••••••••••• i ••••••• : •• • .i •••••••••••• :.: •••••••••• --:.;~: '1,~ffi Olive, other than iormanUfactur·fgall~.. 930,042 967,702 i 983,059 1,339,097 1,494,132 1,713,590 1,9"23,17·1 I 2,-117,131 3,449,517

;ngormech,lnical purposcs.dut. dolls.. 1,090,250 1,170,871 1,266,293 1,579,409 1,736,648 1,875,825 2,108,893 2,566,994 3,523,725



408,113 S5,964 ... 16,965 ~

'd .----------- 0 ------------ ~

22,0::13,16..,,) 1-3 1Jl

1,·105,912 I 395,392 iO 13,671 q

~ S,935,198 2l

433,232 ~ 45,422,575 ~

\;:j 3,267,685 1Jl

1,869,120 tl> 882,983 2l

1,565,253 t1 703,829 <l

3, 7~9, 112 ~ 3,876,901 t<


palm' ... _ .................. iree .. ~bo~;;:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: 2~::::~~~ J iree .. doIl8.. 1,907,923/ 2,508,990 2,438,392 3,78.5, ·J86 6,43·1,578 4,733,347 5,102,812 4,775,103 173,225

All other ................... \<Iut .. doll,.. 611,234 I 781,666 983,778 1,261,325 1,316,134 1,219,35.5 907,620 1,2-10,300 1,752,075

30,614,875 l?:J 1,849,611 ~



Vo!atilc or essential Ilnd dis-{iree .. d<.,lls .. / 1,381,2631' 1,487,111 1,406,632 1,586,46-5 1,450,330 1,576,992 1,582,449 1,933,040 2,64..2,242 trlled ............ ...... .. ..... dut .. dolls.. 309, 994 372,073 552,763 505,906 706.001 81,9,756 952. ~i. 929,965 1,0.19,978

Total. ...................... {irec .. c1011s..) 3,;9,3~91 4,213,506' 4,OI3,8G8/ 5,521,'107 8,095,992 6,558,2·15 7,088,859 8,50·1,127 10,196,838 I dllL.dOllS .. I_~'=l1'S:~ 2,60-1,274, 3,083,568 3,778,791 4,187,965 4,621,197 '1,504,"61 5,219,821 6,871,939

'l'otaloHs .... _ ........ _ .... __ ..... dolls_.\ 5,GH,l831 6,817,780 I 7,097,431 !9;300~-i9s /12,283,957 11,179,442111,593,520113,723,9,13 17,068,777 ~====

2, (\50,835


101 782,999 7,509,394



Paints, pigments, nnd ('olors ____________ dut __ doUs __ 1,207,·140 1,535,461 f 1,487,381 i 1, G03, 181 I 1,S27,110 L,57·1,193 1,52<1,301 1,696,808 I 2,013,481 1,738,257 Palm leaf:

7,0~51 KatumL .. __ . _______________________ ircc __ dolls __ 10,483 Iii, 128 1 10, D05 5,339 5,tilO 9,43'1 8,


14,779 36,855 ~ranufucturcs of, n. c. sL _____________ dut._doll~ __ 9,·111 fi,277 7,32·1 i 7,018 7,145 10,210 11,121 l,8il 9,900 5,670

Paper stock, crude: filS 155 cOO -60 i g., :is') ]r,- : ;j;j eG9 311 73, 31·1,4nn 103, 853, 329 99,403,763 r9, 519, 018 140, 257, 3831159' 861, 027 113, 596, 603 I -- -- • ," u, ~ -,' -, "I' ,", Rags, other than woo en_ -- -- -- -- --frce-- l <lolls__ S05, 545 1,372,156 87.1, H.l 1,252,205 1,640,927 1,511,835 2,184,863 2,118,762 2, 33.=), 590 1,715,942 All other ____________________________ frec __ dolls.. 1,809,369 1,889,622 1,309,2·[2 1,518,050 , 1,37-1,157 1,388,878 1, fill, 732 2, 2;J;" 702 a, 24-1, 938 1,959,98-1

TotaL _ ...... _ ... ___ ' ____ .... ____ ... _dons __ 2,614,014 3,261,778 I 2, IS3, 686 2: 770,255 : 3,015,08·1 2; !?OO, 713 i 3, iOf),5tJ5 ·1,37·j,·16.! I 5,.180,528 3,675,926 H

Paper, and rnnnuincturcH of:

~:9, 47~ \ 9·17,631 \ 3'968'5-121~1l'102 i'::

1, om, 966 I '"d Lithographic label, and prints .. ____ duL _dolls .. 905,609 1,249,733 1,·151,491 1,506,723 2,205,921 0

{lbS ____ 1,061,113 260,27·j I 280,3-19 304,698 261.-721 281, 87; ~ Parchmcntpnpcr.sQ~~._._._. __ .. _ .. _duL_ d 11 1.)0,46. I 183,217 '


8 o s __

56.'1;;3 ! 74,278 31,882 47,455 ·19,049 47,6·12 39,737 44,~85 m All other __________________ . _________ dut. .uolls __ 2,335,661 2,815,758 3,023,476 3,122,70-1 3,43·1,254 3,819,953 4,077,178 4,747,955 G, 759, 3·13 I 7,311,956 I

t:) Tol-aL _________________________ . _____ dolls __ 3,191,589 3 ~oo 6"- I 4,002,989 4.,223,125 .1,733,036 5,319,086 5,623,638 6,9£18,761 10, 7:27~ 88.5 I 12,223,058 0 ,' .... >, ,.,.1)

fbS---- IG6, 519 367, 562 1 255, G03 75·1,265 1,3f)7, [J(l5 285,579 513,316 1,0'27,730 '1 958,232 ~

448, [.18 !Z Paraffin.:!. ----. ----- .. ----. ------ .. ---- __ Iree __ dolls __ 8,455

17, 3091 13,009 43,9·10 75,6GO 25,746 15,87·1 32, (i60 58,763 I 61,685 8

1-1 Parchment and vcllum ____ . ____ .. ______ irec __ dolls __ 35,974. 36,963 5~,S20 46,736 63,572 58,290 53,151 43,158 7·:1: 058 I 66,690 8 , I H Pencils: to:l

Of paper or wood filled with lead, and pencil Ul

lends. ___________ .. _________ ' ______ dut. .dolls __ 197"J061 28~,0081 314,993 356,5·12 487,290

} > {gross __ 177,501 255,012 2iO,730 .::!18,708 159,5·12 518,772 507,965 G-19,735 628,200 619,789 ~ Slate ________________________________ dut __ - 11-

13,298 , 17,881 1 20,471 19,629 12,923 tj • ao ___ Perfumeries, cQl;mctics, and all toilet prcpnrations

936,403 1,050,426 1, 250,R'i.'i 1,120,396 <l ... __ .. ____ .. _ .. _. _____ ........ _ .. __ .... uut. _do1ls._ 5lot,660 533.411 . G05,832 70D,Gl1 821,·133 853,135 > Pipes anu "mokers' artick8. ____ . ________ dut __ dolls __ ~81, 002 301: 9591 366,769 ·1-11,:190 57:l, 429 704,631 7lE,637 SO~, 050 1,126,635 1,032,825 t-t I'!r..ntfi, trees, 8hrubfi, and vine::::

q !?:f

Fruit plants, tropical [ind 5cmit.ropicu.l, for 1,631 18,570

f£ propagation, etc ........ __ •... ____ .frec __ dolls .. 5,019 7,016 ·163 5t7 1,610 2,038 11,328 1,912

All other __________________________ .. duL __ dolls __ 763, ~63 065,360 1,098,469 1,172,0:23 1,371,588 1,·103,759 1,510,·135 1,59!),O52 1,841,206 2,003,973


Electrotype, stereotype, etc., engrnyer1 or litho· graphed for printing-. _____________ duL .. dolls __ 54,726 56,892 41,883 3S,598 37,653 29,118 26,945 ,13,682 45,9-U 34,480

Photographic, or film, dry _________ .duLdolls __ 8,999 5,265 4,351 3,137 S,903 6,628 7,S41 11,319 ·n,3l0 67,625

• " Dutiable" if imported from countries which impose duty on like artieics imported from the United c Included in ".'1.11 ot·her fixed or expre>sed," free, prior to 1907 . 1-1>--Stntes. otherwim fcee. d Includpd jn " All otber free Ycgetnblc" prior to 1906. to

"InCluded in "Mineral oil," frec, prior to 1907. • Incluucd ill "AU otber" a[tcr 1906. t--:-'



1899 1 ___ l_90_0 ___ I ______________ i. ______ ,: __ 1_9_0_4 ___ I _______ I ________ 1, _______ .1 ___ 1_!)0_8 __ _

182, n.91 2().!,850 261,022 352,610 208,08-1 242,898 322,591 435,636

G, 3;:i7 7, 767 7 ~ 390 4, 1559

1. 193, 4751 1,770,617 1, S16, 037 1,645,844

33, GS1 i 62,101 118,on9 215,945

~ml ~~ ~D ~~ 1, 081, 8591' 2,345,29·1 991,134 1,200,016

Polishing powders . _____ ... __ .. __ ..... __ dut .. cloU •. - 8,377 6,007 22,952 44,532

Pumice stone ____ ._. __ .. __ .. _ ...... _. ___ dut .. dolls-. 54,281, 5-1,478 54,203 48,'Ur, 62,362 90,640 81,452 77,091 108,410 88,225 Rennet.s~rtLworprepared _____________ free __ dolIs__ 93,2.~'!! 66,907 88,74.4 93,358 76,785 94,439 99,481 93,288 117,344 151,028

Rice: I I' , R~~~~ri) ~~~~~~.~:i:.~~~~t.j:.t.r.e.n.t.~:;~~~~. {~~l~~:: 2,~:::~~~ I 5~~: ~~~ :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::r::::::::::C:::::::::I:::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::

D d t flbs. - - - ,151. 2·:1:1, 426 1931052,351 ,.:..1:, 5c~8, OU1 75, 67-1, ~.'7G 78, ~17, 31, 0 75,323: 1.,571-13, 4.0~1 509 1,1 58,468_,79= ",:,287,15, = 8~J 6_19, 20: 0 .. _ .... __ ._ ... _._ .. __ ......... u "ldOlk'l 3:017,088 1,8,5,609 1,u88,OM 1,596,210 1,732,238 l,869,u38 1,09.,099 i I,.16~,487 ~,nB,147 :<,54S,.U7

Riceilollr,rice meal,andbrokcnrire.dut .. 1rIb..... 50,340,267123,031.0140 42,601,649 81,984,118 91,388,974 78,898,615 63, 07,';, 000 110S, 079, 166 '138,316,029 125, 1GJ, 1£<0 dol]~_ _ 777.378 374,121 736,854 I, S30, 711 1.,329,235 1,204,092 913! 867 1.616,716 2,273,999 2,255,136

TotaL._ .. ____ ._ ...... ___ .. ___ ...... dOllS·_1 3,930,149 i 2,279,036 2,324,898 2,926,921 ~I' 3,061,'173.! 3,073,430 2,010,966 3,082,208

Snlt._ ..... _ .. __ .. _ .. _ ..... __ ._ .......... dllL)lbs.--.'363,782,933loUO,792,.140 407,924,632 381,874,845 3-12,143,546 '1342,149,502308,572,020 329,795,849 1 dolls.. 558,922 ' 625,8G3 636,767 688,369 564, 966 515.230 496,734 490,986

Sand ........... _ ... _ ..... _ ..... __ . __ . __ .free_.dolls._ 29,3,171 41,1018 45,226 57,082 59,·196 02,748 57,3,16 74,004

see~l:o\'er ..... __ .... ___ .. _ ............ free .. fibs .... ·- .. - .. ----·1:·-· ...... ·-· ..... ---.- .. ---- .. -.---- - .... -.-- ... - .. -.-- .... + .... --...... -......... . L' d fl d d )~~~~::T·-·~~,-~.;~· .. -.. ~;:~;;.:.-~:~~~:;;~ .. -.-~;;:~;;. ----~;;:~~;. -.-.;~~:;;~ .. -.. ;;~:~~. -- ... ;;:;~~.

lllsee ,or nxsee .. -. - ... -.... ... nt. -) doll,.. 87,602 , 94,126 i 2,098,207 724,082 19,1,0'24 201,2U 318,687 73, .123

I Articles. I

Plnster rock, or gypsum, crude,nnel ground {tons __ Or calcincd_ ._. __ .. _. ___ .... _ ... _ ..... dut .. dOllS __ 1

PInt' - {lbS .. _. mum ______________________________ ITCC_ .. c1011f:: __

Platinum vases, retort~, vessels, etc_, Lor c.hcmico.l uses_. ____ .. _ . ___ . _. _ .... __ ... _ .. _ ..... free .. doll ...

{tons ._

Plumbago ______ .. ____ ... _._. __ ....... _iree_. dolls __

1905 1900 1907

312,635 394,910 393,037 301,119 465,563 793,693

6,980 9,269 8,681 1,8.51,285 ~,678,&16 3,266,9Gl

108,020 190,000 152,588 13,676 21,038 20,767

U15,306 1,291,166 1,626,666 32,940 65,645 68,267

4,392,146 '1,798,553

324,721,294 354,426,565

471,98; 480,468

81,773 9·1,985

22,849,115 20,659,396 2,385,734 2,323,699

90,35G 57,419

124,494 71,625

All other_ .......... _ .. _ ... __ .... __ .{iree.-dolls.- ~4~,O~81· :9~,521 i 1,200,492 1,666,769 1'6201,86'1'1 2,259,562 2,()'12,4231 41.'23°:'!.'876060 dut __ dolI... "S.,,105 ',0,,401 i 7'10,495. 861,301 1,012,391 1,126,683 1,096,.109 , u. ,

TotnL. .. _ .............. ___ .. _ ... _ ... dolls_. l,221,S·I,i l,'i9;;,O'1~! 4,039,194! 3,252,152 2,831,279 3,587,469 3,.157,619: 5,388,4031 ==='====

2,652,209 2,523,604

1,242,339 1,452,642

6,404,776 6,371,470


Shells, and manufactures 01:

I I I "".,.,1 I unmanufactured- .

p~~(~~~~l:.r .. ~~' .. ~~~. ~~ :~:~ .. ~&~~~~1~;~ .1 ........................ 335, 377 1 831,172 l,472,OQ8 805,568 890.,432 1,0.85,500 831,843

all other ........................ free .. dolls .. 97:1,9·14 1,019,731 552,942 633,723 53,,229 341,327 351,335 356,0.90 403,814 300,672

Shell and mother·of·penr], mnnuiucture:; of g5,1431 .........••.........•............... dut .. dolls .. 75,889 87,934 lOt, 289 116,865 139,596 127,344 121,644 140,073 147,962

Silk, aud manufactures of: Unmanuiactured- ,


rs····1 13,53i 30,OM 132 ·1,118 259 :.!9,759 28,546 33,592 il,223 187

Cocoons ..............•......... free .. dolls .. ts: 2,288 18,235 139 1,695 158 10,697 7,875 11,452 23,807 292 ,."

Raw, or a" reeled from the ca· fbS .... 9,691, 145/11,259,310 9,139,617 12,620,682 13,637,2.06 12,630,883 17,812,133 1-1,505,324 Hi, 722, 207 15,.124,041 0 ~

coon ....•••..•..•............ iree .. dolls .. 31,827,061 4<1,549, fl72 29,353, 'iii r 41, 714r 331 49,002,597 M, 461, 56·1 59,542,892 52,855,611 70,229,518 63,665,53<1 "l

fcbS .... 1,545,701. 1,784,404 I 1,265,806, 1,610,026 '1,062,067 {I,516,628 2,813,105 1,950,474 00

Waste .......................... free .. d II 1,633,39-1

1,213,441 I 1, 23i, 904 I as .. 650.278 761,853 ; 697,449 919,325 1,008,295 1,628,239 1,48D,286 1,158,574 881,077 .c

Totl11 unml1nuiactured ............. dolls .. 32,479.627 45,329,760 30,051,365 42,635,351 50,011,050 46,100,500 61,0·10,053 54,080,501 71, '111, 899 64,546,903 q ~

Manufactures of- Z Clothing, ready-made, and other wearing "l

apparcl. '" .................•.. dut .. dalls .. 1,618,802 1,657, 1111 1,898,014 2,574~ 261 3,345,826 2,800,804 2,737,427 S, ~177, 298 5,218,620 '1,268,890 I-f 1-'3

Dress and picce goods ........... dut .. dolls .. 13,082,369 15, 4~5, 997 11,9;7,874 13,625,276 1'..1:,005,747 14,228,328 15,120,615 14,045,823 13,485,508 11,026,148 H t<i

Lllces and cmbroidcries ......... dut .. dolls .• 2,877,578 3,206,857 I 3,189,337 4,54'1,6DO 5,015, 008 1 4,864,318 4,658,397 4,694,810 6,6<16,902 5,718,25·1 00

Ribbon" ......................... dnt-.dolls·· 1 1~ iTl, 5.j3 1,811,644 I 1,839,379 2,850,226 ·1,358,699 1,978,013 1,920,804 2,125,832 1,816,582 1,300,250 >-Spun silk, in skeins, cops, ",ups, or fIbS. ···1 1,727,710 2,420,5,52 . 1,715,067 2,lil,245 1,995,012 I 2,053,274 2,352,-106 2,257,260 2, .179, 364 2,140,848 Z

OD belLms _________ - ---- ______ -dut.-ldolls __ ' 1,975,016 3, 723~ 3·18 I 2,583,716 3! 306,52·1: 2,99'1,6.51 I 3,O·17,81i! 3, 28i, 642 3,2'1.7,920 3, 7iil, 74·1 3,702,232 lj

Velvets, plnshes, and other PilcfcbS .... 478,285 7U8,354 : 873,082 001,924 963,232 551,393 [ 37i,029 '130,762 713,579 521,328 <l fabrics ....................... dut .. llolls .. 1,553, G87 2,316,115 i 3,251.),8GB I 3,157,69G 3,265,76·1 1,702,486 [ 1,325,537 1,555,740 2,652,034/ 2,013,978 >-

t"' All other ........................ dut .. dolls .. 2,27-:1:,079 2,752,771 2, OI,.~3, 952 2,581,569 2~ £1·17, 857 3, 3116 l 014 I 3,56·1,118 3, 7S3, 167 n, 057, 861 [ 4, 6S7, 916 q

30,89·1,373 i 26,8-12,138 32.6·10,242 i 35,963,552 31,973, 680 i 3'2,614,540 I to!

Total manuiactures of .............. dolls .. 25,109,0701 32,910,590 38,653,251 I 32,717, G611 :.a Soap: i

F"n~y, perfumed, nndnll descriptions oi Jibs ..•. 793,9·10 80D,299 973,673 98-1,616 1,069, ,1201 1,087,779 I 1,010,119 1,114,340 1, 219'3~71 973,143 tOIlet ........................... ,. duL'ldolls .. 327,931 3S1~GD2 411,724 417,040 461,12·1 '169, 756 1 416,586 477, 605 1 523,726 .109,885

All other ............................ duL.dolls .. 248,2G6 291, ·152 :.:!7i,197 ·129,5!Ji1 472~ 618 ·t31,OS5 421,226 425,SH 4·19,560 . 351,860

900,841 I 867,812 [ 903, 039 1 I

1'otal. ............................... dolls .. 576,197 623,14-1.[ 685,921 847, ,>48 933,77'2 973, 256 1 761,745

'Included in "All otber" free seeds prior ta 1907, blnclnded in "All other" prior to 1901.




Spices: C"nground-

_ . Jlbs .. -N ntmcgs ....................... HCC. 'ldo]]s.

{lbS ...

Pcpper, black or white ________ frcc __ dolls.

f1bo-- . All othcr. -- --. -- --. -- -- -- --. -- .frec--ldO!ls.

flbs __ . All other -- .. --. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----dnt..laolls.

TotaL ____ . ______ . __ .. ______ . ____ .. __ dolls.

Spiritsy 'Yines~ nnd malt liquors: liquoTs-

Jgalls. In bottles or jugs __ -- -- -- -- -- -- .clut--ldolls.

. . {gallS. In othercovcl'mgs. ____________ out __ dolls.

Total malt liquors. ______ . ____ . ____ .dolls.

Spirit'l, distilled-

Oi domcstic manufacture, rc· }Pf galls. turnf:d (subject to int~rnal- d '11.3 revenuetax) ______________ lIce __ a ----

Brandy. ____ . ________________ dut __ {dPf.lglnlls. o s ___ _

{pi. galls. All othcr __________________ . .dut __ dolls __ __

Total spirits. di.tilled ______________ .dolls. Wincs-

C~~~~.~~~~ .. ~l~~ •• :~~~.r .. ~~~:~~~.~ {~~;;s:~~:

-181111 j

I 1,5;m,102!

:1 36S,765;

.) 12,332, 747J

'1 1,083,100'

:1 13,85110~j





.i 2,782,301



1 1,928,672


·1 1,487,878

I , .) 998,173



626,875 1,227,82'1





1900 I 11)01 I

I 1, 590, 8ul 1,836,417

351,3831 360,889

13,085, 8331 10,081,849 1,283,63;' 1,806,167

19,652,762; 13,506,848 1,376,213 1,001,482

4,516,709 3,786: 623 390,00·1 39-1,571

3,401, 265\ 3,563, 1091

1,081,81S\ , 1,151,891

1,079,723: 1,166,123

2,2"28,502/ 2,447,555 M7,533 719,092

1,727,256 1,885,215;

687,024 875,0991

630,574 7Q4,594;

24·1,100 290,3011

696,5-10 8'13,318

1,550,896 1,712,156

2~282, 717 2,524,23i

3,609,831 4,162,149

i 310, 1491

4,115,90S, 311,078

1 4,589,49-1,

.... -1902 11)03 11)0-1 lUO;; I lU06 I 1901

I 2'3Q'l,oJ

I 1,841,614 2,365,624 1,498,600 2,626,005 2,375,139

339,685 -14-1,643, 288,388 3.17,7211 342,3;8 321,719

16,0-16,179 21,832, 6751 18,615, I~G 19,113,387: 26,535,834 24,320,865

It 752, S45j 2,2.')6: 221[ 2,069,051 ""9 2,733,137 1 2,232,774

15, 134, 4811 22,46-1,192. 17,745,806 26,115,130 20,037, 435j 20,374, 8421 1,1-16,2-16 1,590,778, 1,·If09,587 1,731,895 1,429,008 1, 8:{s, 5121 4, 460, 8-U, 4,538, G881 5,4H,8O·1 5,106,179


7,047,685 6,490,048

4·i6,9661 483,·183 538,982 534,~19 683,593 719, 9951

3,685,2·12 4,815,125 4,366,008 4,583,356 5,188,116 5,113,000

1 i

1,198,406 1,292,-175 1, ·167,756 1,362,089 1, r,g2, 619\ 2,041,688

1,161,965 1,252,047\ 1,385,81S 1,285,576 1,466, 2281 1,902,655

2,553, 1051 2,966,343 3,197,9Jl5 3,336,487 4,395,032



718,333 835,694\ 927,507 1,119,768 1,272,627 1,506, !OS

1,880,348j 2,087,7.ul 2,313,325 2,405,344 2,738,855 3,408,763

805,212 819,591 471,596 316,469 177,.199 15-1,106

749,687 846,40-1 ii39,362 326,885 211,129 162.072

316,222 348,878 390,988 403,386 470,.133 629,333

911,419 1,000,997 1,104,-110 1,139,129 1,286,270 1,687,4.73

1,909,887) 2,061,057 2,238,&:12 2,366, '166 2,639,680 3,270,226

2,78·1,048 2,987,179 3,313,735 3,5-39,044 4,027,368 5,037,146

"'~"1 4,834, 5801 4,957,507 :;,00,5,058 5,524, 'i6i 6,886,691

I 415 39<11 335,256 407, 9441 336.2'15) 371,811 , I 419,403

4,930,768 ii,861,639 4,969,635 5,723,7&1 6,127,062, 6,228,281




20,335,G93 1,532,901


1,194,798 5,414,493


















Still wincs- r g>llls __ In cask;; ------ ------ --------dUt.-{dOllS __

_ ,{dOZ. qts~.! InothcrcoYcTll1g5 .. ____ c ... ut __ d II )

Total wines ________________ dut~d~ij;::1

2,253,226 2,533, 828' ~, 785, 650 3,300,0'26 3, ';53, 211 4,007, 6<Jl 3,973, gln( 1: -182, 499! 5,213,458 5,4.43,782

1,573,573 1,741,736 1,912,322 2,143, ·133 2,292,297 2,387,018 2,352,4851 2,567, 712[ 2: 966,151 3,008,996 ~m ~~ ~_ ~m ~_ ~m _m ~~ _~ _-

1,3·17, S4:! l,560,:;~1 _1,_687,420 _I, ~i6, 937 2, 095,3~~, 035, 21"i _2,165, ~721 2,299,19·1 2, 6B, 346 2,516,461 6,590,206 7,421,495 8,219,236 8, 921,138 10,249,296 9,391,870; 10,241, 921j 10,993,968 11,808,781 10,746,527

Total !"-pirits, wine::::, and liq-uors ___________________________ dolls __ 1l,.2:!3, 163 12, 75S, 582 _14,266,~Oq 15,246,610 ]7,171,617 16,662, 7021 Ii, 6-;2,323 19,257,!,>~; 22,104, 23.'; ~~~ Sponges _________________________________ dut._dolls __


lbS ___ _ Starch ------ ------ ------ ---- ------ -_____ dut-_ dolls __

430,231536,303 717,550 60,;869· 540,7iii 519,3·10 54:2,712-· 56{ 098 4.88,426 391,208

8,512,897 11, ·767, 9'24 7,302,501 11, il'i, 931 10,510, 905j 7, '130, 383 6,140,753 5,422,267/ 6,330,493 5,284,050 ~_ ~_ ~m ~_ ~~ ~6 ~~ ~~ ~~ _~

~ . flbs ... _ 1,865, !l77 1, .'52·1, 722 3,684, 720 ,~634, 293 10,481, SOi 1, ·19:2, 407 2, sao, 54.0 1,700,1771

" 1,184,287 1.434.,845 dcarm---------------------------------rlut--ldolls__ 25,546 27,895 67,686 .192,287 1,097,·150 no, 606 191,06°1 131,196

1 93,388 135,739

Straw and graf=.s: _ uf • [tons -- 2,07.; 5,495; 9,633 2,986 3,303 10,833 2,825 4,317: 1, ·197 1,462

"(nman acturccL------------------dUL--l£lOllS__ 4,564\ ]-;,750; 35,816' 11,723 12,832 81,794. 12,7001 16,5391

6,147 7,659

lIIanuiacture.oL ____________________ dut._dolls__ 259,185, 336,2671 336,i301 382,932 430,5841 50S, 358 576,938' 586,277, 725,861 748,855

SUg~~~:~~::~~~'_~~~_~~~_r~~_t~~~_~~~~ ___ free __ rgall~L_, 15, ~OOI 14: :~51_ -----. ----- ---._. ____ e. __________ e. ______ ------ . ------ ----- ____ e. - -----!---------_.- _ ----- ------

{l:::::::: 5'80G'~~~I' 7,OlO,~~I--~~~~;~~~;~ --~.~~~~~:;;; --~;~;~~~~;; --~;~~;;:;;~ --~;:~;;:;;; --~~:~;~:~;~Ii-;,;:~~~.-;;;- --~;._;;;._;;~ Do ______________________________ <lut._ d JI I ~80 0"1 8n O 10 -/ II?" no" 10·- ., ~1 10181nS 113n "1·' 6"0 ilS 919 RO' ~·)1 86-o S __ I I ..... , V- ;.)', utJ ,_.Jo.;.)' .. ,-} • ,""}/.696 1,12 ...... /0 , . o.oc ,1,0':'::1 ... ,I. "I..; t), I ..... , I

fguJ1s __ ~s2i;oT6 7~02.?, OUHi 11: -:153,156 I·L, mH, 215 i7, 2:io~-399 --rs.·8~8, 6:m 19,477,88516; 021,-076; 24,630: 935; 18,8S2~75G Total molasses---------------------ldoIlS __ 780,576· 890,524 1,123,923 1,037,696 1,12'1,710 ],018,198 1,137,844 690, il8 919,806: 721,867

Sllgar- I Not above Xo. Hi, Dutch standaTd in color-

fIbs_ _ _ _ 723,336, 35.2 701,53g~ 152 00.5: 683, OiR 255: 030~ 219 hl,130,805 2,4.14,4.5-1 223, 9.,H, 976 48,648,919 897, 7·1,?, fJ.16 221,036,900 Bect------------------------dut.-ldol1s __ 15,2G!J, 39, 11,800,609 20, O:!S, 575 ·1,202,04.4 1,223,023 50,525 4.797,278 1,032,0·10 8,203,3091 5,401,378

Cane _______________________ frcc __ {~~~~~::/ 4~~:~.~~::; 5~~: ~~~: ~~~f:::::: :::::: :::::::::::: : :::::-::::: :::::::::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: ::::::::::::'::::::: ::~:: 51bs- __ .1-2,731,868,574 Q,800,37·1,691 ~,95G,586,102 2,685,792,937 .1,075,635,12113,681,904,214 3,43·1,18G,4.ilS,921,G05,729 3,986,5lO,0213,14-1,O22,·123

IJo----------------------dllt.-[(lOlls_-' 60,714,089 6-1,667,217 67,507,439 .18,68.1,775 69,7.10,051 71'359,114191'9.13'398 8'1,065,863 S·1,273,Oil 74,509,970

AboVQ Xu. Jr., Dllteh stantl!trd iIlPbs----j 62, 74~, 7~3 11, '159, 202 10~, :~6, :6~ 9~, 0:2, ,:n 53, ~j:,IS0 16, ~04, 915 22,801,~~1 9,m, 7~~ 7, 5~J, ~~I 6, 937, ~S9 coJOf. ____________ ------------duLldolls__ l,69n, 901 ~_9.g~i .. _~' .1.)1, ISh _,ll'!,2IS l,Uv,S99 nO~llJ __ U~,_,.'3 361,18.) _.:~:.9~~31_.'!4G!_/~9

Tntal ",lgar _______________________ -llbS---_1'3;%O'2~O,5~~ .1,01o,.O:'6,5~OI:;,U75,OO~,~.ili :r,o~1~l.li5,S751·I,216,10?'l06 3,700,62~I,~~~ 3,6~,~:J'2,~a8 3,9.~~,331 .. 130 4,3n,83~,~~5j3,371,a97,l1: c10~llS. _ 94.911·1, 1..:.0 100~ 2nO, 9/-:l1 .. ~~,.1.s/,ROO [H, 1)61., o~n. 7~, OSS! 9.?? 71. ~JiJ, In..> 91 ~ 6,15, 449 Su, 460, O:=:R 92, ~O~. 7~~1 SO, :~S, ]4~

Confectioncrr" __ --- - -- ------- -- ____ lluL :~~~::[- --;~~3 ~---;~,-~.~~C_----;~;,;~~ -~~::- ~;: ;;;(-- --~:;~~ 1- -----~;:;~; ------~;:;~~ ---.---~~:.~~~ u~~:~~~1 u:::::~ • QUILIlLity IlOt stated prior to 1907_



________________ AI __ t_ic_l_e_s· _______________ II ___ l_S_9_9 __ .

I ___ l_90_0 ___

1 ___ 1_9_0_1 ___ ill ___ l_9_0_2 ___ I ___ l_90_3 ___ 1 __ 1_9_0_4 ___ 1 ___ 1_9_0_° ___ 1 ___ 1_9_06 ___ 1 ___ 1_90_7 ___ 1 ___ 1_9_08 __ _

Sulphur orc containing in exec.s of 2;; per {ton. .. 296,216 367,328 339,217 429,606 426,798 390,306 477,171 558,129 628,625 713,788 cent of sulphur _ .... _ .... _ ........ _ .. free .. dolls. _ 970,804 1,224,711 1,166,686 1,571,57·7 1,591, G77 I, .182, 780 1,694,562 1,954,517 2,492, G08 2,687,626

f,bS---- 1,~J9·1,715 402,100 1,138,356 6,237,309 6,586,255 3,423,222 7,653,505 7,857,325 16,03.5,887 I 18,903,299 Tslc,groundorpreparecl'.-. __ .. _ ... _ .. duL. d 11 I? 093 1 o>~_ ~ - A~ 4-0 "1,171 1oo,5?' 11",,8~17 o !'i__ _'. ,""" 1,<>74 36,184. 39,504 24,&:1-:1 ~(, 'I OJ ,;r..t

Tanning makr;"l., not elsewhere speCified: :, .. I==~==I=====I'=='~=

::::::~.~".::.:::.: :::l~::i: :::::::::.:1 ::::::::::: :::::::-:~: ::::::,:::: :::::!:::::: -:::::: :.:::1::::::::::::1:::::: •• ':0 ~E i ~E ~ot"L ...... ____ ... __ ... _. __ ._ ..... Hec._do1L._ 13,09_ , 26,219 4.6,4 .. ! 4.,,500 ~6,4.01 19·:1,_01 923,94.9 I 1,0119,_6_ 1,3-11,616 1 1,049,094

'l • ~ fb bls - - 26, 629 77 J 21,1 40, OG6 33: 717 57, 985 4-1, 795 ·17, 043 45, 165 27, 571 37, 692 Taranc.Pltcll.- ...... --.----.--- .. -.. -.Hce-·ldOIlS.. 66,537 li2,177 112,564 95.090 145,397 89,712 118,583 103,0113 68,633 81,027

Tea . ___ ..... , ... ____ ._. ___ . __ . __ .. _. __ .free .. {~:;~~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::"::::: ~:~~~:~~~ 1~~::~~:: 1::~~~:::: :!:~:~:~~~ ~~::~~:: ::~:::~ DO_ •• _ •• _ ••••••• _. ______ • ____ •• _._ •• dut_.{lbS.--- 74,0~:,899184,8.15,lo.7 189,80~,4~3 75,5i9,125 81,3tl,798 .-----.---- .. -- ..... ---- .----- .. ---- .--.---.---. ------.-----

dolls.. 9,61~,081 10,558,110 11,01/,8,6 9,390,128 11,449,809 . _____ ._. ___ ,. _______ . _______________ ,. __ ._ .. __ . __ . _____ . __ . __

Tin. in bars. blocks, pigs, or grain or granu-{Ibs- .. - 67,342,10.7/70,158,915 73,091,890 79,352,356 88,018,036 80., 76-l,530 84.,868,662 92,822,635 96,013,005 77,296,059 l"tecL._ ... __ ..... _ ...... _ .. __ ..... __ .Iree .. dolls_. 11,84.3,357, 19,HH,301 19,805,551 ]9,461,850 23,618,802 21,486,3U 23.378,471 ,30,932.998 38.117,459 25,295,061

Tobacco, and manufactnres of: I I Lnmnnufnctured- • Jlb~-- .. ____ ._ ..... _1_ ... ___ .. __ . --.--.--.--- -----.---.-- -.. -- ... -- ..... ---.---- .. ------- .. -. 3,770,493 1,358,486

Stcms:l.-------------------------lrce_-!dOIIS _________ . __ . ____________________________________________________________ .___________ 15,954 4,737

L"af-" {lbS._.. 4,1017,018

SUltable for CIgar wrappers __ .. .c.lnt __ dolls.. 4,3.l9,03.l

flbs __ .. 9, ss.~, 781 All other __________________ . __ .. <lut .. j ldOllS __ , 5,651,219

5,561,OOS 6, 57·i, 586 5,729,879 5,122, SG9 5,940, S57 5,08-1 1 606

14,0.58,559 20,276, 667 23,693,958

S, li4, 864 10,349,530 10,127,065




5,6H, 124

7,109,595 5,270,032

27,702,597 23,775,246 26,178,783

12,5601,983 11,298,363 12,768,645

6,732,77'1 7,576,32-5 G, ·175, 226 8,617,575

30,622,703 31,963,996

15,972,288 17,437,673



5,943,714 6,312,023



32,056,043 T I

• rlbS ____ 1 H,o.35.829 1~,(j19,627 26,851,2;;3 29,428,837 otal esl-----·-----·-----·-- .... --jd U. Q '~-n

l 0 s__ 9,_00,~o" 13,297,223 16,290,:387 15,211,671 3·1,016,956 31,162, G36 33, 28S, 378 37,355,411 I' 39 .. 5<10, 321

17,231,915 16,939,487 18,038,677 i 22,447,514 ._2_6,_0_5f_,,_24_8_. __ 2_2,_8_70_, _328_


lIanufactures of- 1 I

fcbR- ... ' 418,634 460,559 4S1,~'i1 450,675 5S~,395 684,498 807,621 809,580 775,078

Ci6"ar~,dgarcLtcs,and cheroots.dut .. dOII, •.. /: ?,08.",.,l"O 23 '73? 411 ~8S -6 30" 011 40 4,031,2"4 399 54. _ . " 2,2DD,9? 2,401,~1 ., ,I 3,2n,90 , lr>, ,'28,107 ",5,6

.W other ._ •••..•••..••••••...•.. dut •• dolls •• , 61,549 6,j, 214 78,866 83,039 72,2·19 79,848 79,062 111,928 141,563

I'· -2-'-I-'13-,-9-99-!:'::2=,-3:&!=,-=,-I:3:7~11::2:'=4-8:'0:'=1-3:9~,II=~="=4=94=,=8=2'_=) '1==3'=344=,~2=0=5=i'11~~3~,-I=b-'=3~,-8=5~9~:=4=, =10=7,;,,' =16=9=1=='1=,=I~='3='=1=92=:I, =4='=137'1271

Umbrellas, parasols, sunshades, (lud slicks for

lJ.'otal manufactures of ____ . _________ dolls_

758,068 4,245,451



7,206,423 Toys .................................•... dut..dolls .• 2,265,5-12\; 2,£<23,984 3,830,311 4,0'23,670 4,232,074 4,977,389 4,964,'157 5,887,863 6,993,561

........................................ duLdolls. 21,933 22,412 26,94.7 3~,141 40,288 23,586 27,022 42,287 56,047 51,624

{U(lllS .1 33,227 43,743 40,030 47,703 49,730 39,771 41,036 44,970 J2,194 23,044

VarnisheR .......... _ .........•......... dut •. ~olls:.1 79.>161 1 103,985 119,888 127,583 131,114 105,898 103,224 116,613 70,556 49,620 Vegetables: ==:;:,====1===:;====

, {bUEh. 184,499 967,031 1,099,640 881,966 I 1,088,61>5 978,187 I .172,572 458,041 ·106,679 I! 657,.101 Bcansanddrledpease ............ _.dut.. dolls. 165,830 1,049,44311,306,,105 1,152, 177 1 1,420,33,1 1,223,309 628,775 667,214 656,898 2,406,935

Onions ............................. dut .. {~:~: :~!:~~~ ~~~:~~~ ~~::~:" ~::~~~ i :~::~:~ 1,!~:: ~~~::~~ :~::~: I,~~~:~: 1,::::: {hush 530,420 155,861 3il,911 7, G5G,lG~ 303,505 3,166,581 181,199 l,9.J8,160 176,917 403,952

Potatocs ...................•...... _.uut .. dolls: 204,391 147,349 224,7591 3,160,801 238,<145 1,870,004 168,09'1 853,063 192,635 283,032

All other- ) Pieklesandsauces .............. _ ... dUt..dOllS.·_

I' 3;;2,022 306,2~3 388,486' '180,3'12 537,356 646,8-58 578,489 706,050 934,803 816,245

III their natural slute ............ dut .. dolls. 312,673 3il,963 366,971 I 536,581 497,666 780,761 &16,736 816,068 1,02,1,262 l,lS8, ~9 Prepared or prcBcr'.d ........... <luL .dolls. SM, 302I' __ ~_'O_2_,l_9_8+ __ 9'._'3_, 5_0_6 1,101,261 I 1,187,897 1,673,257 1,317, 971 1_1_,_43_5_,_95_3+_1_,_9_93_,_7_59_1._2_,_7_i7_,_76_4

'rotaL ______________________________ .dol1s. 2,178,738 2,985,077 3,719,670 I 7,039,8351 4,581,355 7,008,602 3,983,272 5,092,932 5,728,472 8,289,068

"incgar ................................ dut .. rg,laollll,s.· 9,33

, ::~ ; 1~3~02, ;~: 13~, ~:31'=":1:=:68::==, 1::9':'5='=~1=5=2;,5"'2=4=1=~~1!'::11=,;;:28~~;"'I===194::'61"',;:~41~;;8,;=!===;1;;:89;;=''::53::'9119;=1'==;2:;;~;;'~,=;o,;:~~~II==;;2:;;5046';',':;'6!';;;~'13 t ~. ,00' I "".. :{-,,~e2 , ·15,754- 42,656 ,16, Ov , U'. ., , "o,~o2 I

"rastc, not elsewhere specified. ____ . ___ .dnt .. doBs. ~65, 682 !I 6G1,250 518,5t19 ! 592,1.22 49S, 935 385: 9-18 494,215 920,086 1,157 J 391 55G,492

"'ax, and illnnl1factllre~. oi: . I l\Iineral, ndVil,J1ccd - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .duL .dOllS __ .

I· ----I· ~,- ~~~ -1- ----~;.,- ~~.~- -- ---1-;,·41··?-· - - _. - "9·,·0";'.;- ---- _. (_;,-,:.:~. -- .... -1-~,·6-;;- -- .... -~~,- ;~~ .. .. ---";~', .~~;- -- .... ';~,-~~~-

~Ianuillelures oL .................... dut .. <1<llls. " ~'v "

{lh9 , ... 1' 7,669 I 16,31>-1 I 16,313/' 5,857 75 3,209 16,951 10,909 13,178

\\~ht11ebonc: llnm~tnlliil.ctllreu ~ -. _. - - - - .free ... don~... IG,360 I 23,826 ! 36,695 5, niB 151 4,608 72,007 58,10'1 55,277 'Vood, anll manuiacture=:l of:

C .. binet woods- I I I [M feet c 24,714 2g,228 32,281 44,795 48,387 ~[n.hOganY _____ --------- ______ frCC_-ldOI1S__ 1)244,921


1,572,2G9 1>752,612/ 2!361,483 2,783,679

.All other ________________________ free __ dolls. 846,356 Sfi8,'la.~ 1,210,737 9!J9,792 1,251,621

Po Included in II An other articles," free, prior to 1906. bNot separately sl"t~d prior to 1907,


2,690,382 1,434,229

31, 8M ! 1,977, 894 1

1,077,723 1


2,470,072 1,33·1, 7~S

3,2fia,718 2,091,882

c See explanation of terms, page 18.

57,15S 02,435

9,054 43,633

41,678 2,566,95<1 1,464,907



All other manl1iacturcs of. .......... dut .. doll" ..

Total ",.om] and mnnl1rac.{frCC .. dOll~··1 Lures 01. .................... (lut .. dolls ..

Wool, hair (Ii the camel, goat, I1Ipl1ca, unclother like I animals, and manuiilctlll:e~ of:

Unm,mufncturcd- lbs .... Class I-Clothing ... __ .... __ .... dut .. {

dolls ..

. {lbS .... Claf's ::!-Comblng .. _. __________ clut-. dolls ..

Class 3-CarpeL ................ chit .. jIbs ....

dolls ..

n· t 1 f ·fcb5 .... .LOH unnlanu ucturod ___________ _ dolls ..

608,954 714,857

46,757 67,4l6

1,.586,402 2,059,092

1,953, SOD 2,050,8.38

6, 9·12, 681/ 7,578]065

12,811,5241 16,867,534


Ma~fil.ct:lre:~f:;- erng d t {Sq. yds.. 631,5471 90J,296 858,951 999, glS: 1,079,731 844, gS21 818,850 1,182,005: nrpo sa arp I •• ---- U -- dolls____ 1,759

1566 2,748,793 2,705:659 3,447,776: 3,758,516 2,797,308 2, 877, £1m 4,643,5:20, ..

Clot-hing. rcady-mr..dc, ann other wearing appareL ............. '" ..... flut .. dolls.. 832,668

1 992,619 1,175,126 1,330,219 1,922,484 1,309,995 1,372,1-15 1,626,2791

{lb..... 4, (}J2, 898


4,924,106 3,781,207 4,736,999 .J, 75·1, 223 4, OJ6, 099 3,746,697 4,870,818 Cloths ........................ dut.. dolls.. 3,909, .166 5,129,529 3, gaS, 218 4,500,838 .1,861,099 ·1,158,597 3,977,059 5,157,4201

Dress goods, women', and Chil.{Sq. yd... 27,098,58J 25,343,998 25,379,909 32,8..'>8,042 41,438,596 43,857,599 45,170,270 52,830,9-121 drcn'-s ___________________ .duL. dolls_a_a. 5,905,048 5,872,085 5,379, 251 6,4.04:617 7,513,725 8




8,612,663 10,049,686

Kuit fabrics ................... dUL .. dOlls .. ,: 625,793 495,961 411,127 571,565 670,77j 515,747 224,383 265,1331

)Iungo, flocks, shoddy, nail" WOOl{lbS.... 314,540 435, 854 5~1, 266 249, 53~ 333,688 218,6181

277,222 1,171,0971

1,068,010\ 686,781

4,.135,0671 2,795,066

1,674,915 1,620,270

5,836,546 4,443,248 5,732,200 4,859,796

46,924,917 45,035,142 9,240,215 9, 217! 804

210,856 3-5,635

674,289 1,265,038

271,116 125,80·1 . extracts, rags, p.nd wa~te ... dut .. dolls .. I 70,224 86,887 181,632 63,053 92,328 52,6971

86,075 4.33, E63

Shawls" ....................... dut..doll... 55,3311

70,935 76,650 49,504. 56,872 54,084


65,185 ·15,544. ...................... .

{lbS.... 173,87°


185,262 237,355 '102,1,,0 361,885 159,730 133,211 198,601 105,797 192,826 Yarn., ........................ dut .. dolls.. 109,671 129, 6881 149,5-10 196,.J86 195,410 112,925 129,736 156,629 154,668 151,035

,VI other ...................... dut .. dolls.. .5(i-1,3~! 62.9.949,. 538,103 _.320, .~ 472,177 1i2V, 6~ 5n,521 __ 7D2,6.£l~ E02,39g 582,568 Total manufactures or. ........... dolls.. 13,832, 621j ]6, IG4, ,1461 14,585,306 17,384,463 19,546,305.5 17, ;:13, 7S8 17,893,663 23,080,683 22.321,·160 19,387,978

~';:'o:~:,,'~~~~-'~~~:~,,'::::l{f~~!~S::I:::::::::::t:::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::: :::::::::::: 1~:!~ 10~:!~~ l'2~H~~ 5~~::! d ld

'~~:~~j~t~~;~ ... ;:;~~:~~~ "·~~;-~~:;~;I···~:~;~:~~~ ...... ;;~:;~ ..... ;;~:;~; ~~~:~:~ 4,5ii:~~~ 1':~:~~~ 3,~~:::~ In hlocksorpigs, an 0 ........ dut.·fdOll... 99;004 152,273 58,24.1 39,377 28,790 41;030 44,882 259,267 86,326 172,428

All other manufactures of. ........ duL dolls.. 16,637 19,630 4':,912i ·15, OlD 2'1,448 12, (}j.j, 1.5,418 15,528 12,0681 11,72<1 Total, not including oro .......... dolls. . 115, G·ll 171,012/i 103,15,1; &0,$7 ---5:i,233 ~3,074i---6ri,300 --27.1,795 08,39·1' 164,152

{free .. dolls.. 535,624 ·134,235 80.), ·li31 1,329, OS7 106,701 434,7.Jl 517,736 520, ·139 661,914 455,040

Allotherarticlcs ________________ .". ___ dnt __ dolls._ 886,77! 67l,!)54 ·1i·1,358 :j38,178 560,&13 506,055 682,7f>6 578,721 732,340 731,370

Totnl Yalue of imports oI merchandise:" / J:'rcc of duty ............................ dolls .. 300,279,810 361,236, StiG 339, 60S, 609 39G,818,871 426, ISO, 979 454,130,24.0 517,4'12,302 5'lD,623,878 644,029,761 525,603,308 Dutiable ________ . ___________ . __ . ______ _ .dolls. _ ~1~~{\ R6~,.~? .. ~~~, .. ?O·1, ~1~ _4fi3. fin3, 49f1 _ fiO~ ;;02. 077 _ 50C),53~, 258 _ 5~6, 95i, 131 (-.(}(), O'iQ. 769 "§7~93.q,!1?~ 700,301. GG t 668,738,4.04

Gmnd total ........................... <lolls.. fi9;, 1-18, 4RO 840, 9H, 1."4 82'3,172,11;:;1903, S20, 9.18i 1,025.719,237 991,087,371 1,117,513,0711.:2'26,5']2,4-16,1 434.421,4Zil1,104,341,792

pcrccnt.~f.f:~~= ... ~ .. :.......................... 43.07 ___ 4~:' ._00, 41.26 43.931 '11.55 45.82 46.30' 41. 811 '11.90) M.01

-Sec cxpln.nn.lion of tcnn~. page 18. h .Tncludl"o' in '"All other nnnmnufnctn'tcd," free, prior to 1907. "Included in "All other nnmanufactured," dutiable, after 1906.

ulnclndefl in HAll other" nftcrlt106. elneludcfl in "All other nrticlcR," frc(lo, prior to InD.;. 'Included in "All other articles," dutiable, prior to 1005.


No. 199.-11IERCHANDISE IMPORTED: QUANTITIES Al\'D ,\TAJXES, 111' ARTJCLES, YEM!8 E..'1DED Jmm 30, 1900 TO 1909.a

[The tenn .. tDn," os used ill thlli to.blc, !-=ignifies the long- tnn of 2,2-1.Q ponlld~.]

==-~~~ .. -Ar[i~::.-·'·-~·=-~'--==--==~~-~~~"'~'~1=9=O=O===7===1!=1O=1==~===1=90=2==~===1=O~O=~======1~~---=O=!~--~I--~-=1~~=O=U==~==1=9=O=6===f[~1=9=O=7==~===1=90=S==~,===1=g=OO====

,\niDlIlh: [NO ..•. ! j,045 1,249 1,92S 1,·lSI I 681 I 2,314 8291 S35; 3,IR8 I 3,L1J9 CuUlc ••••••.•..•....•......•..•.••• Ircc' •• )dOlls •• i 202,615 273,728 375,0['6 ~5.8751 79,98~ 93,054 11R,36S I ~,2:m H9,1~2 140.71~

[Ko.... 1;9,961 14-1,773 9i,U99 61 69·1. 1.; 372 23.5·11 2B,190 I 31,ii,37 8n.16S 13G,jS5 Do.-- ....... --.-------- ... ---- .... dut .... ldolls ... 2,O.j5,0i9

j 1,657,705 1,2:13,62G U,Ci5:G73j'. 230:7Gl/' 36<-188 4~\O,OG21 4·12,892 1,:>58,168 1, S58, 709

{KO 1.2104 j.~IO 2.944 2,803. 2,/;3·1 2,S53 3,377! 3,6H 3",62 4..95:1

Hor'c" ... · ............ · ........ · .... free .. ~Ol;~:: 3§7.2i2 ,l-1,G23 1,273,607 1,191,f,111 1,090,596 1,169,011 1,266.9871 1,574,020 1,32';,78·.1 1,65-~.li4U . {NO.... 1,818 1,8,;' 1,SSg 2,1961 2,On2 2.32i 2,6H! 2.·j3G 1,925 i 2,131

Do. __ ............. -_. __ . __ ··· ..... c1uL. dolls.. 239,320 2i1,115 S03,6:!7 3-l41685 3{i<J~G!il ·12"2,0,2 -1-19,6SS .104,085 27Stoo.~ I 34.8,636

[No..... 2,4271 2, OS:.! 2,059 1,7'"J7 1,253 2,200 2.,G7t1 3,081 5,609 r 4,860 Shcep ................ - .............. Irec .. ld()J]s.. 48,324'1 48. 989 1' 46,663 38,037 23,298 45,319 53,951 67,[';;5 1.04.509 89,2i2

• [Nil.... 379.365 - 329.456 2L14,891 299,886 236,841 184,7-12 238,068 221,717 219,I511 97,8U3 Do ..................... -- ....... dut·-lc1olls __ I.3IH,7Co21 1,187.288 910,0-17 998.897 791,991 659,402 966.4C8 1,052,870 9;8,097 -113,308

All other, jr",]uding fowl •. __ ....... frcc .. dolIs.. 19-1,980 I ltlS;300 1 302,098 316,1;3 365,0.)1 391,37ii _ 412,237! '191,257! ·10;,646 369,883

All other. including liye poultt)' .... dut .. doIIs.. 116,658 127.177 179,7G; I' 482,894 178,2i2 1 191.7C3 i 200,721 I 18(1,373 I 175,505 158,4,,0

Totnl. ............................ [frcc .. dollS .. I--SO-S-,-19-1-/1,235,670 /1,99;.464 1,771,6~lG 1,[,58.93-1/i 1,G9S,78~ Il.8G1,G-1312.~;J-'i,OG21'-1-,9-."-.7-,08-1-1--2-.2-5-S-.5-O-S dut e .dolls. _I .:>, J 2" 1;:>9. 3,243,285 I 2, "27, (,!G7 2,762,1·19 1,570,675 1,638, 6t15 ~. 0.')2, 870 2,089,220 2, "iVO, 378 :1~ 779, 11)::

Tollllnnj11lJlIs .................................. 4. 530. 95D j 4.478,955 i~~~ __ ~:J_:~~~ 3,]~9,r,091 3.337,1511--;,m4,m! 1,3J4.282,-4-.-77-i-.--j'-'u-;I--5-,-O~-'i-,r,-'7-1 Antimony: il' ,.========:======

O • {lbS .... 5,707. 112 Ii 2.745,341 1,691,870 I 4,735,841 2,409,897 2.087,136 1.759,295 3,053,082 1,682,774 .6.021,877

re .. __ ............................. fre~ .. dolls.. 65.74.1 40.115 26.316 I 95,5."4 -11,;92 5U.9&1 53.487 217,004 m,527 170,H3

{lbS .... .i 3,538,751 3,70·1,485 4.,678,499 6,150, 4iG 3, 930~ 879 4,523,281 7, rol, 318 8,810,197 i 8,04.6,116 9,580,767

Anegulusormctal ................ dut .. dolls .. ! 275,7741

275,964 282,282 3iO,n7 205,903 312.332 795.398 1.915,362 672,934. 6-14,734

"utic1es the grmvth. produce. and manufacture of . / i the Unitcd States returncdb .......... frcc .. doll~.. 4.504,565! 6,431,867 5,815.628 ' 7,170,573 9,899.'170 9.079,124 1l,13·1,912 11.833,983

Articles iorlli e use of tbel;nitedStatcs .. free .• don~.. 22,4051 7.9351 923 23,132 14,286 27,347 24.922 103.353 Articlesspecinllyimported .............. free .. dol!s.. 632,141 799,386 1,960.017 965,037 1,538,:\70 1,6·17,357 \ 1,300,527 2.502.730 I

~~~ i I TheprodncUOnOiA.mericlluartists .. irec .. dolls.. 3-14,673 1 481.102; 33G,623 296,626 60·1,311 385,258 / 756.933 ~ 70r..Wi; I

Allother ............................ dut .. dolls .. 2.284.218' 2.823.444 i 3.179.913 4,0~3,689 2.681,9_;1 ~.996.0G6 4.14J.&m ·5.160,569 I




399, u·t2 )J 911,l25

12, 43i, 501



557,995 3,2.19.168


Asb:::~nufucturcd • ••••••••••••..••• frec .. {~:~~:: .... ;;;:~.~; ..... ~;~:;;;., .... ;~;:~;J ... ;~~:~;; ..... ~;~:~;~- .. --;~:~.;- . :.-~;;:~;. h:~;~:~~~·I .. ~:;;;:~~~. 1, o:~:~~~ t?r Manufacturcsof._. ___ ._._ .• __ • ______ dut __ dolls__ 15,720 26,10G r 29,,141 1 37,9.j6 39,137 53,911 82,788 150,313 155,7-18

<=> Asphaltum and biLllmen: 1 ..... [lons .. 10G,162 136,4·10 119,625 119,1·17 153,2G6 120,51-1 74,700 111,015 141,482 1~8,050

606,096 It Crllde----------- .. --------.--------dut.-1doU,.. 363,291 4~7,19.111 428,877 462,8-13" 514,2971 538,573 317,091 4G1,698 56r.,506

rn _ .• {tons.. 30,411 lS,2S~ 14,30·1 23,7·m 2'1,37·1: 20,035 7J3-~5 J3,415 12,355 .. ____ . ___ ._ :>- Dnedoradvanced,alJdroek ______ .dut __ dOlls__ 105,99t 99,6-53


' 62,505 123,022 1::!9,-188 IJ1,631 7-1,699/" 11S,194 , 9~,834 _____ .. ____ _ f-L Automobiles, aud p"-rt.~ of:

8 Aniomobilesd

_______ .. _ .... _. ___ .. _dUt..{:~;~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::1:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: 3,8-1~:~~~ 14'04~:~~ 2,50~:~~: 2,OO~:~~~ I Ben:':::~:~~-~~;~~~~~:::::::::::::::~:::~~~~::: .. ~:~;;:~;~- ----;~~.-~~~-I!----~~~:~~/----~~~:~;~- ----;-~~:~~~r--~~;:;-;~- :~~::~~ I ~~~:~:~ ;~~:~~! I ~:~:~~; -.;J ~ fIbs____ 213,813 2]3,773 408,70n ·188,576 i ·125,168! 373,569 587,G17 I 917,088 671,526 7G4,9:)7 Beeswa..--.:--- .. -----.. ------------ .. -----lrec--ldOlls __ 51,526 \ 55,884 \ 115,937 127,220 I 116,8781 101,121 168,011" 264,637 194,769 231,559

Beverages, not elsewhere specified _____ <lnt ___ <lOlls .. j 100,790 85,710 . 94,750 G5,109 nll,726 87,232 98,473 115,922 109,5-15 I 104,236

_ • . _ pOs ____ 1 187,681 156,6821' 102,739 188,268 161,240 153,668 24.7,956 216,087 217,851 175,729 Bu;rnuth -------------------------------Iree--ldolJs__ 225,884 251,101 202,057 2:1·1,957 295:~OO ! 305,471 378,652 262,775 317,46·1 274,f3fi2 B1ltcking _______ .... _ .. __________ .. ______ duL.dolls __ 1 66,6·12 . 69,520! 61,759 70,590 45,563 I 40,78·1 3],8&1 30,673 21,847 22,674

B~~~: ___ ~~~~~,_ ~ __ ~~~ ___ :l_~~~: ___ ~~_~_IlIi~~~:~~If;:.. 536,3U6 i Bone and horn, manufactures of ________ dU!._dOllS .. ! 249,515 ! 830,063 671,3G8 , G~,G34 619,239

27I,893 201,416/ 231,894 I 242,061

~,019, 660 ~,204,6-46 I ~, 362, 4-13 2,488,801 1. ;')51, 90G 1';>87,890 I 1,770,772 1,840,137

926,505 1, 013, 3fil 8-15,255 733,798 777,357

216,~05 / 261,740 292,073/ 2.18,275/ 171,688

2,609,181 3!OOO, 3~6 H,379,lS2 3,Oil,li3 2,996,501

1. 980, 677 I 2~ 599, 6~~ 3, Oi2,127 ~ 2,965,520 i 2, G30, 123 I

Bqoks, music, IDnps, engrnTIngs, etch-] free--dOll"--l 2,621,570 "I"

~ilrrb_~~~~~:~~,_~~~ ~t~~:_~~i_~~:~.f dut __ dolls_ _ 1,907,617 \"

Bras::, and ;nunufaetures oi: {IbS_ _ _ _ 4,593, SDI 3, 3G6, 8!lS 8,288,648 4,867, 64P 2,352- 701 n, 767, G50 : 13,120,338 11,.193,840 /' 2,640,2;;8 I' 3,781,1;;0 Brass, j,t only for remanuiacturc_.free_ - d I 433, -100 qcn S'''} I I ~lanUia"tl1reSOf" ______ .. __ ..... ____ i1Ilt..<l~~~::: 5~~:~~~ 2G,m; !l~~:~~~ 1 5~~:~!~ -~:7~~ l;:~:~:~ 1,~~~:~~~ .. ~'-~~~'-~~~r--~~:'~~~- .. ___ ~~~:~~

Breadstuff" i I Bnr1ey _______________ ... ____________ <luL_ \buslt__ IS!),,,,7 1~~"OOO-,"3111 57,405 I," 56,·1G2 !l0,70S I ~l,O~O 18,0·19 38,81!1 199,711 2,644 ldoUs.. !il,O·lO '" 33,221 30,201 -15'~":31 3!l,5-Hl 9,803 14,033 1-13,407 1,440 [bus!' 2, ·IS0 5,159 18 073 I JO,919 1[;, Go3 l;i, ·143 10,127 10,818 20,312 !lflS,065

Corll- .. -------- .. ------ .. -- .. -------tlllL--ldOll~:: 1,9"12 3,418"1 1~:;]~ ~9,~GG 10,837 10,G23 8,-1;;8 I R,337 , 1,;,536 'I 189,465

oaL<{~ •••••.••• _._. __ . _____ ._~ __ . ___ .~l11t __ {b'U~b-- 41J)23 20,735 2..=),812 ]:~7r1H, 170,RS21

38,773 '2~,G75 74055211 :.~litl307 G,6C6~9S9 ,1ollH.. lR,~GO p,.r·CJ~) 12,0~r) ; 4;-).R~)<J r,:,f'02 I j)),G2.() lO,72B 2fi~G'31 l"i{j,71-l: 2,651,UUU

a Sec explnnntilin of t,::'rms::, page 20. bExccl't I' ::5{1il'it.o;;, di"ilillcd."·

-Quantity not statccl prior to 1!l09_ d TlJelnclecl in" All otlier m.lDufactures (If iron "'HI "leel" prior to 1906_ e Included ill "l\["tuls, !uctlll compo::,itions. etc., U nf(el' 1906.


No. 199.-M£RcIIA~DIsn I~[J'Oll.TED: QUANTITIES AND VALPES, BY AnnCLES, YE,lilS E~DED JU~E 30, 1000 'ru Hi09-Contillued.

, l' I ~ ' .. ~ _O-'~,-= ----!-l-~~~ --il--~~~l-I lUO~---l~l'~-- l()O-! -- -~~;;;'--;-I-~-~~~~I-~' w~,' ---=~!~;-I-~-!m;-= ".r 1(' CS. . I

:nrco.d!:'t,~~s--~ontinulld. {lbS •• ..1 234,959 20·1, ani 2:10,981 - 22;,OSI - 235, Sl9 - 30~, Gl: 1-~D, 30r. -- 301, ~GG ::·H, 003lll' --'1-41-,-8-01

OlltmouL. _______ . _________________ 31ut... uo]]..:: I 13,499 11,667 lS,G~8 1:\,GS5 11,201 10,3[11 1C,025 15,;)81 lO,8"7G :!·'1,G12

R:rc---------------------------------dllt--{lf:1 ~,,: ... £ "'~ ",,,,rE ~: ,,~E ",~ ~,~: "',~ I fl,li tVllcat. ___________________________ .. dut __ d01l3_-i 240,496 418,327 78,()'10 609,4191 '7,517 2, 769,317 53:2~ll :!:i/,om 3~D,'j(i!3 ! 36,741

. rbb1s .. 1 717 C42 420 601 J .1G,851 ·:iO,SOl ·i5,~n·1 47,702 S9,593 1 U:!,-!13 WhelLtfiollr .. -- ...... - ........ - .... r1ut .. luolls .. ' a,in 3,430 2,610 4,489./

1 104,100 170,513, 177,239 'I 159,04G 179, 295 1'

.FaJinaceou~ :::;:llbstnnce~, nnd pr~pnrntions oi J (s:::.go, tupioca, etc.) .............. _ frce __ doll~ __ I 4]1,029 4·13,333 5·:15,938 61S, 221 ; 695,922 I(}1,525 1 fi:;O, -1'1!) i 1, ·.132, 082 1, fii1, 835 j 1~ 3\16, 090

All allier, nnd prepllr:J.tions ur, used IlS ioo[1- I ,I' I )cncnroni,:vQrmiCelli,andaJlSlmil/lr{ll'·· .... i ............ -........... / ............ 2S,7S7,S21140,224,2UZ/53,Hl,I)SO 1·7,920,029! b7,720,7;]() I D7,23:;,708 85,lH,Oo;~

prepnrutiousn ........ __ .... __ UUL._ dons·_I_~._ .... _ ... -.-- .... -_ .. -.---.--.---. 1,!71l 8S7 1~Q1716341 2,083,833 2,~-1l,~O-11 :;,·170,824 .),000,9351 3,G7ii,7E(;

All other .. ___ ._ .... __ . ___ . __ .... dut..dolls .... 1,O~3,Z26 1,0;8,9951 1,380,0;)8 I 43S,9GSI 6131 916 CG7,.1271 4[i,J,E38I 52U:~5[j 1 6;-:;),,'J:! I 1,O:n,O~o TotaL __________ . ___ .. _. _____ . _______ dolls_·

1 1,803,7~9 2,052,271 2,080,2951 3, 023, l()U I 2,2.17,503! G,55i,347[ 4,iJ13,CiG7 i 5,HD2,9G8! 7,lHS,211 f 0,45-:1,4.1·1

Bristles: I ,I ' Crude, not sorted, bunched, or pre-JIbe.... 27,1-10 51,539 10,537 i 31,2G9 11,2,11 8,122 13,435 11,620 7,710 I' 10,120

pared -----.---------------------.!ree--ldons__ 22,3::!0 22,310 28,.146 i 13,OC9 lO,9i6 4~05·1 9,:!S9 5,3~5 i,C;:!O i,li:!7

Sorted, bunched, orprcpnred ______ dut.~f1bs .. --! 2,5D3,018 1,633,036 119;2,57213,0001806 ~,576,61;j 2,.1fil,·1Gl 2,'~8,1l·1 3,4SS,U·n :;,Gl~1,7S3 2., 534:3i2 \dOllS-"1-.2.:30,537_ 1'707'8~71 2,018,885. ~,641,535. 2,3;'6,325 2,3(j6!,g·t 2, GSG,BG7 i1,2.jG,;'5~. 2!u!)O,15i; 2,5S3~·182

'j"otal dl)11, ! oJ 1") 81·... 1 1-30 1r.~~ () 1\4'" ''>''1 / '} ~-1 ('/1' / 1)"'- 3"1 n °"0 'I I) ('n- ... ~ '.1 ;)., 1..-- I n .- ,....-- -. __ ._ •• __ :.. ______ • ____ • ________ •• _ "--j """, ... ' .. ,!{ _,I', ;;I{. ~,trJ.{, .. )oJ ""l,·]·, ,.::. ~,()I)I, v ~,).!. ,·HJ.~ ~~lI .... L>,du ._~:.....:..~~:_..:.!_~~~---=,~~~~

Bronzc-, mnnniacmres of _. ___________ . __ tlut._dons_.J 778,li~14 SG5,3i'2! bll,~~21 7U9,1J:~g I' 75-1,30:2. ·1"8JG'~l.~t; !1·-----m-~,I-H:lI~l,:.hU :~:.;!,u~:! ~--('.~n,8Gi.i Brushcs ___ • __ .. __ ~. _____ . ___ . __ .. __ ••• _.dut..dOlls __ 1 977,613 1,1·12,38f> i 1,]51,016 (1~2-:15,671 1,3i2,227 J,i~Ov,-j4(). 1,357,11·1 1,S~'(;,55G j 1, CSl,GlO ; 1 .. 13Q,~21 Buttonsanilbuttonfrlfms.. .. ___ .. _ .... _dut __ cJ:>lls __ i 592,001 551,4nzi 951,02U I 1,190,~07 B92,iJl~ Wi, liS I 873,211 9JG,OS5: l\i',~,nGl; ,,,",901

Candle. pitch, pDIm, ano other VegctublCPbS .... '------------,.- .. --------- ..... ---- .... :---- .. ----- 1- .. ----.---- ............. , ......... ---'------------:- .. --------·: 3,~7tl,mO ste"nnc1' .............. ____ .... _______ uULlaol1s.. 7,~~G -1,2G5 I 00,60sl 112,;;:171 1~1,'lrj7 10n,Q-721 1Gl,01-1 1 10~,:)G~ I l~ll,-m ~ 72,0-.16

"'''nelle" oncJ tUDer' (lu" u'oll' '" 11" ')C cO' °1 °0', .. 0" c-~ "" -r',' ,," 1'- 'I ')" n"l I " "C" I -- -10 n- nn, VU .:t~ t· ;s. ______ • ___ •• _____ •• __ • 1,,-- :'.l_. 10~:'~."); I ~,u·.:'I ~-~.~.:O-I ~:l~O'8" I ":":',;)",u ~:"f':~ I :'l"~:'~" ~~!'~l'~ ,. ;';';",D ':';),'0-.::.

f 1 "r t" JhU:::lc13._ D,v_1 vi,u87 D'J~ ... 0,- ·:W,.,1~i. .)(2,.:.n~. L,l.)_ ,-_,_u ~a,s~o 1~J.~016 Carbons ore cettlC 19-1Llng--- ........ uut··ldOlls_ .. _i 82,220 47,972 .:;4,127 55,259 5!i,()7~ -:lI,I3L! I· :i.17

l751 liJn,51G I l;:2,n·tt 2::ill



Cement; _ . fIT' 1,110 ro" GS· i"nn ·'04"" I..,,, "" lr,,!l 110 <"" ."11610 ",'1 9"'1 1050 ·'1 1.·-1 OM ",,0 c.,· IJ 10" -0" ,.J,." ,n_ .~.II"'} "·.1 r .. o

d t 1 ,.. "1 ~1 I 1 no. 0 1 f)-" rn .... I ) "'I? O"r-'q .~ ~'~'I I'll")" I 1 ~-? 4~1) "'11) t>[)O

TIomull, PortuLllll, and othr:r hydrnul,lc ).,~ -- -I'" -",'_",'" J. _' U .... ~, J J I :.:;) ... _..J, ll'_:l.~, ::V., 'I '-n ;<1 ....... ' tt' , '-, ;/~ I ,."n .~") -, Ii)' , '-,(/ , .J,,~ • .,.I.l:':'I_J I ' -,), (U,",,(J(.Po!:,.:Jh~, -1,,1, (. I I .. I ...... , ,)1 , loY-

• ___ ., •• _ •••• ___ ••••. -,-,_._,_. ___ • ll., doll::: .• 1 3,2JO.91tl 2,108,S01 1,·1,S,'.1,) ... I il,D' 1,.·1 , .. l;JtJlo ,J , .. /tl,""" .vl_._ .... I <.J.lltJ'J~-lI 1 ! .. ltJ, I... , .... ,U_,>

.A.notber ___ ..... ___________ .. _______ • __ c1nt._dO~lfl __ 1 47.522 71,-136 51,5-10' 59,75~ 59,(i49 'in,OUg lJ2,:!OS lOS, 188 127,126 lIH,lS{

{tons .. [ 92, GIG 97,726 79,899 ]06, GOO 12·1,550 88, 854,) 110,lr,1l 103, G·16 I 125, ·1GG I 1)6, :Ul

Chulk, unman"lfn.ctured .•..•••....•..• frec .. dons •. : 8G,511 66,9G6 73,215 98,G~2 114,278 81,810 110,~nl JO·j,OG21 110,75H 1 !j~;,~51

Ch[LrC~"tlC---.---.---.-.---- ... - .. ------<lut.-{~~;:~::i::::::::::::c::::::::: ::::::::::::,:::::::::::: 2~~:~~~ 5,~~! 7~~:~~~ 14::~~~ I ";'~:~;'~ [ s:~:~~~ ChemICal •. lln:g-" and dyes: I r I' I I I - :=='

AJiznrin and alizarin colors or dres, [lh!=;.p. 5,!}84,991 I 4, 517,'i22 ! (i,fiOO,93S 4,::Ul,016 r 4,11';"0,259: -1,Oi3,fl:)3 3,8S~.4i6 I ·!,O.J.9,81:J I ;:,~:,~:G I :),7-W~S(;) illCllldJnc;extI1tctofmaddcr ____ frec--ldolls._ 708.4.64 708,881\1,027,026 i b:;9,S3~ I G3o,7021 625,0.0 623,.i91; C7~,4H 'c''''v,] I 1,~1r.,7eo

-, I J!b3 ..•. "---'-"'-- ------.---.- - .. -- .• ----.'.--.- •• -.- .. -.- ••. --. ••.. -•. -.-- .. --1------------1 Gl,::28,ll~51 r.~,5!7,7~G I SO,3S3,~G8

Ammoma, >n,phlLtc of' -. -.---- ---.-dut--ldOllS._I _________________ . ____ ._1. _____ .. ____ '. ___ • _______ •. _ •. ____ ._.1 .. ___ . ____ ._ ·-·-. _______ 1 1, '~f.O,037 1, 7~S, ;'12 2, OS., 4,,7

{lbS .....•• _ •...•• _ ..•.•....•••. ! ............................. e ..................... ~ ............ 8,~7],O~8 5,407,7£10 {i,l~2,fll-:

An:i}jncsu.Itst'! ............ ~ __ ...•... ~irec .. doll~' 050,ilR ';fj2,~:;2 5·J3,:}2f)

. ir1bS • ~.::!. ~;: ~~:.~~~ .. ;;~~~~: ~~~'l" ;~: ;~~:~~~ .. ;~~~~~: ;~; .. ;~: ;;~: ;;~·I· ;~~ ;~~: ;~~'I' ;~: ~~~: ~:~;. 3D, 5tO~ 80~ 20, 7:}({, ~34 32,115, G·lti

Argols, or WIDe lees ................ dut .• o.ons __ 1 2,388,693 2,470, <182! 2. 2G3, 58S ~, 7.5-1, 027 2. :";-'0, 2~::; 2, ~tll,9;)1 2,35S,OfiI 2, 5G2. ;]~1 2, H05,1;~;, ~,l~·n, SG7 , ,

Barks, cinchona, or other, from which ilb~L... 4,107,358 4, 85S~ [II}::' 1 3,7::3,303 3, niS, 850 3,605,1:::1 4, :.:!51, gOO I ·1, 0';'6, ;-,;l.~ S, ~lr), 9:iB 3, nR3, 825 3, rl02~ ·123 f!UillinemeYbeextmcted .... _ •. iree··l<10]1~ .. 1 5(jB,OGJi 1,025,[>4.6 64.0.764 519,7f)3 501: 37r, [;70,';21) 0Ci:j,72t1 f 380,5;12 ?13~.·119' 2G3.112

Coal-tltr colors and dyes_ .. _____ .. ___ dUL_dolls..! 4,890,072 3,881,045 ·1,951,316 5, :lOt,G95 4,918,0(13 5,705,091 I 5, 735, !j~G I 5,(;:;5,001; ·j,883, (;751 [>, aDl,l'4!!

:~~~~~;:~::;~~i~:~:::~:i~:~;::~~~:~:!~l------.-- .. ,--------'-- -"--------- ----.-.---.- .- ....... --. --- .. -- .. --- .-------.. -- r>"1'2~21I' 5D6,[;181 708,0~'1 C:::::~:~~~~~ -~-.·.·--.-.·.·---·::-------·.·-·----i~::~:{·~~~~~~:I·· ~ ·~;;:~~;·I----~~~:~~~- --. -;;;,-~~ -. ---~;;:;~~f _. ;i;;: ;~;- --- --;;:;;- --. -~~~: ~;- ----~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~~-:- ---- -~~~~~~~

dolls.. 31,211 20,414 24,SGG 24,2]5\ (H,24() 36,8;6 53,·j,!11 ... __ ..... ~ ......................... .. l)yewoous- , I· ----'----------

T _ d f' {tons"l 48,)88 r>l'7-~31 &2,6:;7 51,008 I ~o,-mll ~"'5141 37,313 ~S,230 21,&~~ 17,874 ...... og\\OO ""." •.. "'~.'"'''''' ree.. M,n,4,""DO dOUR ... i 6'28, ·16·.1: £:.6-1, £,gG C"\ 748, [l50 6G3~ 57!! '.1·1·1, R:!4 ··mG,5,31 47.". liSa 2.1-:, ·1GO 1(;0, :Jil

"r"O.. . .. d ~. f 1 t {lb!-!oo -- j 3,350, 7G8 2, r.22, 1·j1; 2,901, GS! 3,723,133/ 3,145,770 3,,130, (H2 I :1,3!~O, 3JG 4, 7tH\ GG5 3 l fl5~, 0·19 3, 5IH, 733 ~xl.!'acts aua ceOCLlons 0 ..... r 11 -- uDllp .. ..! 22.1,182 19;', (i.j7 j 21:~1.104 2G7,371 269, 7'i'i 2~Wr O:JG I 200, 17~ 370, tl~7 238, {i·~9 232,879

All othcr.~ •.••.......•... ~~ ...• .frce .. dOlls··1 2:.~:;,9f1~ 21:1,R12! 17111~O ·j01,R'19 5~S,';.f3·t 7i;7~1 100,51;) [l·l,UOZ f 55,9·10. 45,700

TO!I1I. ___ •• __ .. ____ •• _ .. _._. _______ .. dollo __ 1,O"3,ti~! .~4.7151 1,J58,90t 11.,117,770 il:5~-;;:;:mlI_~'-"2i5: £ol3,'!65! 5Sg,0-19 L 4-15,010

IlIllCludNl in HAll other nne] pf('pnrations of, u!SE.'d I1H foou," :priot' to lU03. LQnuuthy nnt Rtnted prior to 190il. clncluc..letl in "All otber n.rtidc~/' dutiablc, llrior to 1904.

t Int'lUf]('d in "~\ 11 other ('h('m1eu]~." dutiable, prjor to 1907. c ]nclurl~d in " .. :\.11 (\thcr ehl',:' i"re~, prior to 1907. I.Illcluded ill "_·\11 utln'l' cJu'mku];.;, IJ in..!l', n.iter 1906.


No. 199.-l\!ERCIIANDJ8E I::.rrOIt'l'ED: QUMI·rrTIES .... ND VALUES, BY AHTIC'LRS, YEAnS ENDED .Tli~J!l 30, 1900 TO 1909-Continued.

""~~" 'ru~, oM :~~~uro r'''. . ... ':.'~'.. . __ ":~ ... I'""..,~ ....... :'" .1.',,'1 __ .. ',,:1..': .. 1

GCI"ti~ ••••••...•.....•...•....•..•• dut"i~:;~::: .;;:~~~:~~. ';~:~;:;i;' ';s:;;~:.~~' .3,;:;~;:;;;' '~:~;~:~;J;;:~~~:~;' .~:~:~~~. '~;:~:~;~"';;:~~;:;~'I Glycenn .••.•....••.........•....•.. dUt..) I '0 9 - • 9 ~ doll~.. 2,155,414 1,722, SS2 2, 358, 3~5 2,937,802 I ~,~S3, 270 2, (}~~, 011 I 2,302,183 _,409,408 _,4,0,178 GuIUS- ' .. __ -_i ____ ·~-----i------I·----i

. . fIbs.... 961,~66 2,315,079 4'269'251! 3,n05,053 2.,8GO,u51 3,651,54-1 4,055,233 7,068,066 4,890,897 ArabIC •..• , ..... , .•....•••..••. nce··ldOlls.. 113,0{1 241,660 ~.1, 71-1 205,;lS6 186,62& 190,132 232,715 393,581 :H8,8S3

Cllmphor-Crude .......•........••.•.• frec. fcbS ..•. 1,789,580 2,175,7S4 1,831,058, 2,·172,410 2,819,673 1,904,002 1,668,744 3,1~8,070 2,S14,2~9

Refined-.. , ... , .....•. "" .. dut.: {~~{~:: : ::: ;~:~~: : :::;;~: ~;~:)': ::: ~;~:;~;:I::::;~;:~~~:': ::: ~~~:;~;: ::: :~~~: ~~;: ::::~~~: ~~: : :~:~~~: ~~;: : :~: ~;~:~~;: Chiclc ..•..••.••..•...•.•..•.... dut •• f!bS ••.. 2,297,992 3,140,768 4,074,605 4,282,2-1715,084,580 5,060,166 5,641,508 6,732,581 6,089,607

l(]olls.~ 35<1,720 753,696! !J36, 065 !}54,3S9 1,308,5-10 1,357,458 1,495,366 2,lS!'J,20.f. 2,027,148

. {ibS 23,829,342 18,166,296 20, ra3, 109 27,653,928 20,665,507 25,687,762 20, ·14S. 703 2'3, U81, 736 24,966,693 CopaI, cowIIe, ILnd dammar .•. freB.. ""

dolls.. 2, 59S, 19.1 1,923,251 !l, 2iil, !lOG 2,938,754 2,127,228 2, ·193, 438 1,914,663 2, 8~5, 332 2,813, ,,15

Gambier, or terra japonico.. _. _ -free._ pbS. - - - 38,882,940 26,813,587 28.453,802 ';2,537,348 '27,8-57,05.5 32,192,781 31,278,485 28. Bu5! 617 26,681,791 ldoUs.. 910,639 824,539 1,162,233 2,034,511 1,251,782 1,112, 6UO; 1,118,910 977,009 ' 894,752

Shellac •••.••.................. fICC .• JlbS.... 10, 62l, 451 9,608,745 9,064,789 11,590, ';25 : 10, S33, 413 10,700, S17 : 15,780, aso 17, 7S.5, 960 13, B61, 932 ,dol]s.. 1,408,103 1,277,128 1,605,068 I 2,713,687: 3, li(),?,22~ 3,743,180 I' 5,107,512 5,821, C>Sa 4,143,974

All otber ........................ fIee •• dolls •. 1,011,9~6 879,990 I 8Gl,49~! 923,5171 917,815 ],094,869 1,423,083 1,23,1,4.9 939,952

Total. •••••.......•................•. rlolls .. 6,884,"704 6,639,139 17'744'183110'594'&17110'171'~8:1.. 10,630,481111,900,724 14.,974,]-56 I:!, 533, 493

Indigo ••.•••..••.•........•......•• frec •. {IbS .... 2,746,944 3,139,003 3,0;;7,673 4,532,4iiS 5,046,fi14 4,830,930 7,392,803 7,170,057 G,078, 073 dollg.. 1,446,490 1,402,894 1,035,980 1,202,4-51 1,282,497 873,781 1,044,148 1,233,541 1,0;;8,35·1

Iodine, crudcb ..•......•.......•..• frce··{~~;i~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: 1,~~:~:~ ~~:~~: L" t {lbS ...• lOO,333,199 100,105,&'i4 109,077,323 88,580,611

189,463,182 ~10S,443,892 102,151,969 66,115,8631109,355,720

lConCCIOO ••••• ,. •••••••••••••••• 1ree .• dolls .• 1,667,256 1,737,09; 1,926,9D3 1,545,167 I 1,472,323\ 1,780,109 1,661,454 1,140,541 1,864,436



387,232 36,248,421 H

3,021,272 ;::: >;j

4,158,958 0 ~

275~ gSi t-'3 r£l

1,900,499 I 602,530 ;:; 45!!352 q 158,297 ~

~ 5,450,139 H

H l,M'i',112 8

>-24,851,428 t=J

2,388,458 [J)

30,992,2:.15 ~

1: 313, 997 2:

19,18.';,]37 Ij

3, 88<J, 533 ..q ~

1,393,47G t-<

12,009,390 q t=J

8,249,972 'f' 1,400,286






Lime, chloride of, or blenching po;'der{lbS •••• ]36, 403, 151 1110,250,523 130,251, finS 107,827,117 on, OS5, 386 96,119,711 1108,556,316 !106, 23·1, ~'H 90,235,515 83,099,660 ••.....•..••.•••..•..•...••........ out .. <10115 •• /1,,164,019 I,Sil,02S 1,7S8,354 1,126,6G6 772,532 776,231 i 8.9,200 1 880,364 ,54,1\01 684,086

:Mineral waters .. __ ..... _______ dUt._{dOZ. {ItS.c __ 1,97213491 2,076,122 2,2-17,983 2,:215,1~3 2,40n,202 2,33:,1731

1,127,008 1,1~G,368 1,179,£165 1,173,540 dolls _____ . 662,022 700,877 770,225 804~'j'67 SGO,678 84,',097 978.t13! 1,0,,3,976 1,132,7813 1, 130,20R

Opium- {Ib -14 "'8 -0. ~OB I -'4 IS" -16 --0 -,. r.'- 59' 680 469 38- -65 "", "8- 81- 51- S"8 Crude or unmnnufacturcd. ___ .dut __ s____ ;:I. ,OJO)! .00..>,- au, OJ ,) ,t), t)''),vilil -:l:,) 1 I tI <.,~:.. - 0, tt I, Q

dolls.. 1,123,756' 1,259,726 1,216,202 1,019,909 1,255,115 1,162,461 1,143,683 1,482,049 1,151,207 1,951,518

Prel?a,e(Hor Sffih0J,.-ing , nnd otbereml·llbs. ... 142,4.79 I 117,581 160,445 ~12, 143 142,813 159,38.0 138,6-19 163,278 ! 117,!l21 tal~mglesst an9perccntofmOr-jdolls •• 1 06~ 9851 972 582 1,139,557 - 1,[094,9S8 14.69948 53 1,585,4771 1,336,703 phla._. __ .....••.•••.•.••..•.•• dut.. ';",' 1,320,,,27 ,,1,296, 9 843,061


Potash- I I I

:::.::~~~::;:::::::::g .. : .... J .. : .. J......:: .. : ... :::::: ..... :: .. :::::"'.:: ... :.::' ::s.~ :§ffi ::§~ ChI t

. [Ibs •... 1,499, 752 1 1 ,039,783 990,317 819,996 310,382 48,784 67,378 .....•.•.• -.. - .. - ..•• - ... --_ ••••.. _. ora C CoI •• _ •••••••••••••••••• dut .• 1 I dollS.-i 93,532 62,7·14. 63,263 38,791 11,960 2,992 4,490 ____ . ___________________ . __________ .

lIuric..teof _____________________ frce __ pbs----'115,27G,906 ?35,956,222 137,005,721 172,452,331 158,313,110\ b,1 03,694,099 211,87G,S()9 231.297,8091'237,037,158 297,325,2~5 ldolls_. 1,801,25-1 i 2,04G,2SG 2,131,828 2,6'24,(>06 2,407,9;)7 3,23919~'11 3,360,771 3,860,555 3,8S3,615 4,758,897

",. t - ltd f {I!>S .... 10,332,835! 11,361,113 9,387,979 1l,790,H5 13,518.301 13.2GO,8·16 12,4.92,556 12, S86, 9,;0 r 16,790.857 17,470,656 .:.:·ntra. COlor sa tpe cr ern c .. roe.. I

' , dol!s.. 200,739 288,897 264,4.~0 318,515 36G,5~6 368,887 406,1031 ·100,200 517,3~i 012,473

su1PhnteO{d ..... _ .......•.•... frcc •• {:::~~~:: ::::::::::::1:::::::::::: ::::::::::::',:::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::j5;:~::~~~ 5~:~~~:: 6::~!~::~: All tl f {lb •.... 54,552,59S ~ 56,II),';,c,oG 74,923,733 79,790,264 71,579,219181,039,521 77,98-1,692 ..•••.....•..... - .........• _ •...• _ .• ... 0 ler .... ___ ........ _____ ... rcc_. I

dolls_. 1,!!69,G35! 1,4.7~,084: 1,616,981 1,G25,03G 1,617,351, 1,831,';'79 1,812,015\. __ ......... __ .......... , ........... .

Total.._ ..•. : ••......••........••..•. dolls •• 0,437,160' 3,870,011. 4,07G,505j1,60G,9'18 4,403,794 i 5,44{;,602 ;;,583,7391 G,2R9,342 I 6,·195,550 I 7,H8,617

Q h h t t [ • , . lIb' ..•....• _ •....•. ··········_··,,·········_··Ii .•• --•................. 11 •..••..•......•...•••... \79,033,,;81 7~,IS6,781 1102,004,981 ue rae 0, ex .rue: 0 .... __ ...... unt.. I

Quinin, 8ulphl1te of, nnd 1111 nllmloid" or[~~!l~:: "';:;~;:;~~' .. ;:~~~:~;;. ";:;~:;~;-I"~:~;;:;;~' .. ~:;~ .. ~;~ r~"~;~:~~' .. ~:;;~ .. ~;;., !: ~~~: ~~~ I ~:~~~:~~: ~:~!~:::~ ~1l1t..~o[clnchol1n.l.Jn.rk .. _ .•.. _ ••. [ree··ldol1s.. 931,3Q{). 1.12R,;lG7 i 801,400 752,172 K12,lM: 671,310 7·10,313 G51.[l5S 403,474. 836,530

SOd~-:UStict ..•••.• _ •••••.•.•.• _ •.•• ,lut .• PbS····111,1=,9~91 5>119, 099 1 .1,297,850 1 2,~57,751 2,945,7091

1 2.190,820 2,2·12,899 ..••....• - •....• _ ••.• _- ...•• - ••• __ ._ luoUs.. 1111S~7 106,2·18 100,557. 66,176 74,072 54,474 56,235 ~ ... _ .. _~._. ____ ......... __ . _ .. _ ..... __ ._.

-Included in "All other ch~mi('nls," dutiable, prior t{) 1909. "Included in ",\11 oLlwrclwmienls," Iree pdor to 1~07. e Qua.ntity statc,! L'l gnlloDs prior to 1906. '

"Included iu "An other potn,h" prior to 1907. 'lncluded ~n "All other chemica,s, et.c.," dutinble, prior to 1907. !Included In "All (other salts of" nfter 1906.


No. 199.-~,IERCIUND!SE brpoR1'ED: QUAXTITIES AND Y . .n,t'ES, :BY AUTICLES, YEAH!' E~DED Jl'~E 80, lHOO TO ]gOO-Contlnucd.

Articles. 1000 .-~.;~~/-== --,I -l~;;-=-=::=;=r~=:_i~OG--~:~-~!)~~- 'I=~~- ~!,O~--

che:~~:~~~:i;:'u:~:l dyc~-contilllled. {ton... 18J, ~47 203,009 i 1_92_,3.!!1 I. _ =."j~. 0,5_1 I ~""9_3. 5"'_,.1 I ~~2, ::!) II' "37~1 ~.s~ : ~ 12, ~~~.,' 1 , ~2U,'.' 00 . .011

."' !~~J .19: Nitratoof .• ____ ....•.. __ ... __ ._.freo .. d 11' 47'680- - -7" -65 5 n 361 .. '- - 0 , n n 66/ 9 r~o ''''6 J J1- 8S- l' OJ1 "1' ]' 1 61 l' S3 11-a S._ r"" I D,I v,D ,uvv, r '~/u'I':i ~ :",::';):"", <J ,UOV',<J_~ i ,'I, J, I.J, -:I,' ..... -I _")'u,)J I _.0 ," ,

fll.J~ ____ 6,G24,314 5,191,350 3 .. 5GOr ·lCO I ·i,OS~,~Gl 3, 705, !:I3D i 2,901:5·g I 1~G2::;:O~5 l· ___________ I ___________ ·:· _________ _ SIl.lsoda

n----_ •• _ ••••• _- ••••• __ •

dllt·-idolls__ 31,072 23,229 r}- 2],~;: '"' ~3,2~; I _~~,~55! 18,3:4 .~~'~~:~ i .... :~:·,~ .. · ...... : ... ;::.i .... ~ ... ~ ..

fIbs--- .. 78,5i1.870 S4.,451,223 ~/,63G,ld' .:.-1,688,6 .... ,) 19.aSu,0)49 I 17.930,3/6 9,l}_J,_Uo, (j,I-_iJ~_4.0 3,Si)9, ... u, I -1,006, .... 06 sodanslL-- ..•• ------.----_.--- •• dut··-!uO]]s._ {j.18~450 307,298 262,100 232,~Ol ]~g,750 'I IGG,279 D2,!:!Dl \ 'i~~O;'2 41,D121 -1IJ,9S7

{IbS •••• 123, 632,37-1 16,757, 354. ]5,-1~, :2S1 17, ';0;::', 613110, 550, 40-1 I 10, Ot1, ~il II, 999, 50~ JIG, IG1, 1G4, 8, ~09, IG3 0,071,731

.A.Hotherf.,o.lt30f. ___ .••. ___ ._._dut._ daUs__ 31-1,425 175,205 27G,S39 2,~1.f,05 278.~33 230,;)';0 2;-)2,20G a(j7:·~~.(j I ~·1;.71·~ I 3:::!'!,2-::lG

Toml ... _ ..... _ .... _ ................ dOIlS .. J 5,908,611 6,396,5-16 6,225,347 8,340,;:,851 9.821,060! 10,153,063 13,53~,41·i 11-USl,740 i 1~,S35,937 1 I:!, 957,650

. - ftons ... 1 155,399 159,711 ]87,4.80 181,130 I IG!),172I 91,4.134 Ss,S08l 3ii,S2G I 26,SH) / 17,907 Sulphur, orbnDlstone, eruc1c.- .••. Ircc··"!uO])S •• 2,7]1,912 2,875,10.1 3,582,884 3,549,370 I· 3,231,G:!3 1~(j8G,19i 1.5')'j'.~l131 r.:1~,:2~':! I 430,810 SOi,2u7

... pbs_.... 10/335,980 7,339, GOG 9,1.92,917 12,855, 5·17 ]e~ G04, G·14 i 15,583,334 1':>,131,5:::9 12. 4~7 .103 8,5';1\ 0;)1 /1 10,97-1:, Gl3 Sumac,grounu-- ..• ----- .... -- •.... dUL.-·ldollS.. 228,li7 133,303 145,776 157,186 27G,891!. 2~,;,03G 2,'37,3091 267.~a~} 2:!7,611 2!}3,'249

V 'On b 1 f pbS._.. 255,9GG 248,988 361,739 5::!l,GS9 I 550,328! 608,11.61

8;=j2J~05 I 9t)~1,:!19 5'i1,ni7!1,1:21,4S[>

W"-Ul "- C:':: ...... ~ ..... : ........ frce .. {l::~~::I .. ~:~~~:~~.I .... ~~~: ~~~ ...... ~~~:~~~. ! .. ~:~~~:~~~.!..~:~~:~~~. ' ..... ~~~:·~~~.i .. ~:~~~:~~~. i ~::~~: ~~~ ~: ~~~:~~~ I ~:~:: :~~ ax, vege n .e or mlilera " ....... rec .. 'lOllS ........ ;~.:: ....... ~:.~ ....... _:.:.~;::; .. : .. : .. ;:~.: .. ~.:~~.~~: .... :_ .. :.~.:.!. ___ ..... ~ .. : 1,.ifi.1,m 9:14,'199 i I,m, SOl

AllOLher .... _ ..... _ ................ {lree .. dOlls .. ! 6,5,,,,.061 6,O_D,u·l-l 6,000,_"3 I .,0;·1,·.G3; .,bo",'-' I,Sb,IOO I 11.411,Od I 7,86[,,201 G,SGl,G05/ G,9~7,534 aUl._dOllS .. j 6,530,037 I 7,011,01"[' 7~~6~,~Gl ,2fii35,iif,O I 7.9G:3,4~9 8.2CU,701! R,7·m.f)1~ I 8,14~,052. 6,77:1,1::.1: 7~2r:,2s-!

TGtnl. __ ~ __ •••.• __ ....... ___ .... )f!'ce--d(Jns.~' 31,355,759! 3~,3-1:i:150 S:},;·lS:G70 ,. 3!J"lS:i,3::!9


·10.8GG:6'12 39,85i!,829 , -lS,.~I-:!7,32;' I L\1,GLiO,u7G i .1.!,595,7CU: -16:053,006 laut .. dolls •• 22,3-19 .• 393; 21 .. Hn~007 23,~74,95~ :!.1,SG4,S70. !!·.t,·127~01(j 2·!,tl21\730 I ~.),go!j,~:m) :.:n,~37,~3g I 2,'::;, Gll,2G7 . 32,325,G28

Total chcruicals, drng::;, and dyes_ .•. dolls .• ~~ 705, U)21 U;\;,OS,157 57, 723, G~'21 Gl,3~1,HKI I Gn,2U-t,5;jS GI,779,5;J1J; 74, ·152, (i(j·l ~ ~:2, U9i, 914 i 'i:1~i37! 033 , l.s~ :)78, (i31

Chicory root: . I"

{}!J.'1 .... J,216,518 I 51I.6~ 23B,2,2 I j,411,202/' 4,13R,2J8 RD:W, nnground ... __ ._ .• _______ . ___ unt -- 9 Q<"I"

dolls_ ~ 17, if.:! ~ 0,),:) 4, fiS'l 2;,9G7 GS, 31~ I Roastcrl, gronnG, or oUll'rn-i.~c pre- pbS. - -. ::;:34, Y57 3.J.S,5n7 298,671 44:!,311! 5SA, !:!G7

pllrud _ ........................... duL·_ldolls._1 12,911 I 11,098 10,451 17,·193 f 20,175

3,3·10,013 I 3, ·101, OGo " "n- - I ::!,1701 (:33 r., ]:]7, 30:~ -:.., ,~~ I, SO, I 59,589 , 53, [>02 I 41, G..~.O j 3-1,330 9n,389

506,Omj i n·1G:S09 I fili\ 2U7 1 502,702 6·L·l.4CG

2'2,395 I 20,[;00 I 25,';70 ~l, 311 2-j,94.7


Chocolate, prepnrcd ormnnufactured, llot{IbS ••.• /l,209,0l2/ 718,848' 525,221! (;90,824 r 1,78-1,064 2,692,2.51 r 2,954,59'1 [ S,r.11,9u1 f 2,756,452 including confecLioncry ...... _____ dllt -. dol1::1.. 2·10,141 1-l1,S!)2 101~5~5 11-1,832/ 42G,4SG &.1,,377 I 70'2:717 ~:.m1r,11 I 71:1,1:.;1

Cla,s or cnrtl!s: .1, ',',-, ,,_ ,I 1_" .. j",,' " la, 0".1 I Common blue, for the mnnrnuctnre off ton!=! --I S,97i) i 6,423 G,2GG 8,-108 7,501 ""7 l'u 7, '12·1

crucibles ................. _ .... _frcc .. lttolls._1 10~,4S3 67,763 7:3,OD5 99,5[10 " l'3,tiW 49, ~091 G~, 11:~ 1 la_, b3~ /1

II fton9 ! 133,62;) 160,217 18;,l[;S 203! Sfi7 195,125 200, .1.j[) 2H1,I1S0 I ~j"GI gnU ~1:). 8.17/ A other-----.--- •. -- ... -.-- ..•. -dut.-l<lO]]s~~! 926,111 1,03G~977 1,214,5n.l ],2~;j.(l97 1~i01,':Wl 1,~:!2~f";]'i ],,1~3,~i8 1,8~6.~~9, 1,tiS(I,lOO I

Clocks IlJld wiltchei', Il.nd parts ai:' 1 I 1'='=,==, I CI k 1 'f d t u II "" 4'0 "'g 1" 4'0. '''0 -'0Q G,,- 6"1 MO ' '"0 ~c' "'n -"3 S'O . '0 1-1 l"n I jf.' '07 oc-s~nn( par"so _.a_ .. ____ . ____ U·_. 0 :;-- u·d, '':'' va, 'i!.J 'L,~,.. _c", ,_0 1_ ,_<.J-.I 1 -:("o,'u[) ,),);),."., 'I 1,1..11,: '" Llv ·u~"tl .. •

lVatC]WFl, e.nd parts oL._._. ____ ._.uuL.uolI!=l __ : J,4013,1]1 1,6,0,093 2:001,43-1 2,132,(,81 2,3G9:235 2,479,';30 J :2,5Go,;H3 2,QS:~,1]3! 2,451,OOg ~~OSS,03·1 TotaL. ... _ ............................ dOllS .. j1,750,5511 2,088,239 2, 4GO, 32·1 2,672,310 i 2,!)90,·li-J.1 2,0(,6,495! 3,10;\1;)",1 3,5l':l,J7:l i 2,U~~,H2 ~,:;,iG,":;]

CO!l~~:~Ok€: . {tons --'I 1561 1 302 'I 207,GG4I'= ~0'873-1' G1,s121 3G,70S 23,113 t-- 24,0071 4,5% Anthra~ltc ................... free.. , _, _

DO._ ....... _ ••• _ .. _ •••.•. _dUt..l::~!~::I ........ :~~+ ......... ~ ........ ~'.~~~.' 9~3,021, 104,0i3 1 1D3,OC5, 113,W(i 7S,7:;l, lOG,~:161 20,1:;1

. . I~:~~<:: .. ~:;~;: ~;~f~: ;;;:;~ --"~,-; ;~:~;. 3, ~;~: ~~ : :~: ;~G": ~ ;,2.:,;,r: 1n::~;0.~ .. ,:~;2,~: I: :1,:: 8n:.;~':~g.:;r1,:.: ~,,~,;,: ~,~j:: ~:;~l,: .. : ~,~.-,-.:,: j: :::~,:;.;-.;,: ~.':~,~ Bitummous .. -- ............ -.. uut .. {dOllS .. I 4, 17G, 032: 5,381,404 5,310:4['0 10,502,185 0, 0"" S_·, I ~, ',I., ·,46 1, , .• G7, 7"D' .,10·1, ,,11 I D, Ie.;, 8,,_1 ~. , .. 9~, J,O

{tons ~I 55448 ! 7;\10·1 !)g,'IS5 l~JG3{) l:!S,l~·l lPG, DOS 1['.13,2021 1~Vlliilll lHI.,lg(i I IG9,H0'2

Cckc .. _._ .•••..• _ ................ dut .. r1011.:. 23~:555 309,59.11 359,370 414,017,. ,1gg, 570 83;;.,181 6S~,'1~4 ['G3,,!~~ [,19,OH 777,401

Cocoa, or cacnCl: j! I 'I' Crude, nndshclh .. of. ...... _ ... __ irce ._pbs.- .. 41,746,872 45,92,1,353 fil,:na,39G 63,351,294 ':?,27'i,GCO j;;,.~15,S9,j s8~"lG; .. I:,',,:D1;,") Il!\~',~~,.,u:·,L.:I~,~.1 ~,~l\,~~,::,.,'~·,~O~ 1120~S5.!~7.:!9

l(}ol1t;.. 5,65;,283 u,·17:l,829 o,65IJ,[lO:l 7,820,087 8,8'13,700 f"u7'i,Gt9 '-' u... U __ _ OJ __ 1·!.KiO~32B

P U f t I 1 t pbs ___ . 1,012,368 1 97-;,003 D73,fl';O 1,OJ~,7(jG 1,009,082 8,·1,878: 1,0;)5,0:].1 I 1:2:j71 7:j3: 1,UllJ,CJIJO I 1,~f,j',109

·rcpan· Orn1aTIU nc ure( _. _____ {.11 --, 1 I 1 'I' l~lOnl'L_ 31S.r>Gl 283, t·m ~'J5, !J21, 292, [i22 300,40g 2~,9. O:~7 I 2~t)1 141 1 371, gIG I ~11, (iGl ! 372. H):)

C (f i f1b~---~7S7,991,P!] S5-1,871,:nO 1,mn,UO·l.252 915.0SG,3S0 995,O·tl,~81 1,017.70"2,1J,s! ,E51,CGS:9~;3 'I'JS;;,3:2],17;1111.:!'O,ultJ,Q;")' 1],G.!.9,SG8,':'t"iS

0Iee ..... _ .... ___ . __ ... ~_ ... ___ . ____ rce-·ltlol1s .. 52,4G7.9.,}3! G2'8611399170'9~2.1f)5 I ;,9:200,740 I G9,5:::'l,7U!) 8-!;G54.,O:'~3I' i3.!::;jG'1:~.11 jS,~il1~(102 ti,;".G.S'!·'::10u I 7a,l1:!,1~!J

CoficCsuuS1itU.tCf;_ •.• _ .• ___ ._ •. _._ ••• _u.l1t_.Pb~ •••. l'2G~~(j591 875,420 4.00,[,27 ,150,613 '1G2,~i'H !!·H,~::!7 ·1:39.22.7 :al,·J8G 4:n,GO!J 4.U~,(;33 ldullH__ 49.02t) 38, :151 ~O, l.fJfJ 23,613 2li, ·.183 II 1[', ·107 I ~~, 705


~:~, 3S;J ~7, G21 2~, fin Coins, ml'dab, Rllrl {\thp.r lnptallic o.rticIe-= IJ4.~-

stowell u:-; lrol)hie~ or prlzc~ .• -. - .••• irel' __ dolls. "I ~2,·1;>3 6,379 ti,ln2 5, 7{j~ ]05. RJO ' 8, (j~7 I ] 7,·11:1) 20. ~);;'1 ~1. 911 2:!~ Of)~ Collodioll, nuu mc.llufacture~ of _" .. _(lnt . . {IllS_ - -. l~!), 6fl3 II iI'i,737 ':"0, 720 79,~31 I 1~6, :;O~ I (iI, ~:W : 87,lS1: ]17,270 ' ISS,2:!·I I 12,~;, 015

uol1~.. H7~. 5!-::) ~i7,·1Gl 2]~. flG3 17R, 1·1'1 2m,:i01 ] i;n,·j7!"J I 27'2.42':; i ~71, 73G 1 1: !:lO'"', or)1 I 1, 1-4~J Jj:l -.:-:-;;:- =-== ====- ::-;=-==:-..:..-:::=--==....:.:.: ---




a Included ill "All other sfLlt.~ of II after 11,)06_ blnclullc(l ill "All olher chmnietlh;, etc./' free, prior tu 1907.


Not .blench~q, dyed, COl!lred,}sq. rill.. 3 061 ~90 I 1 6 0 Ofl-stnmed, pmntcd, or prInted doH..... ' , I , 1~,_11 __ ....................... dut.. 357,604 j 19G,g49

Blc1J1!hed,dred,~olored,stnincrl. fsq. rds.. Gl, 9So, 063 3G, 150, if-O plLmted, orpnnted ..... dut.·ldolls .... ....§,.1r,r..30l

c. 5, [)28,fi53

Total cloths ..••........... "" .. dolls.. 8,513,905 6,125,f>02

Clothing, re!l.dy·mnde, nnd other wenring apparel-

Knit goods: stockings, bm:c, half hose, shirts, dro. wers, and nll good:; mnde, iushioncd, narrowed. or f;hupcd on knitting machines or flameg" or knit by hnnd ....•......•....... dut .. dolls .. . 4.,715,762 . 5,0162,217

I, ·115, 512 1, SQ9, 3iiS 1,878, ;=;28 2, 40G, 910 3,609,469 2,53:.,251

86, SSG l,"6,5·J5 159,10"2 155,6'J."i 216,711 280,2DS 344,941 I 280,8·13 45, 4:!O, 314 59,9£18,185 50, O'J2, 691 4ll, ',no, 012 72,778,701 SO, 233, 1~1 \ 75,876,055 65,8-11,357

6,934.3£13 9,013,0£12 n,1·U,3S;J 7,7£14.)';'9 11.719,f:~D 12,727,'1()9 i ]2,079,919 9,900,294

7 ;ow.779- 9:i69,637- S;-3-03,4s5 T 7."949, sri" J:C936~591 :i3, 008, DG7 \1i,424.860 lD,19D.i37

, I 5,363,515 I 6,157,7·14. 6,044,691 I 6,150,484 7,218,897 8,(;71,818) 9,032,574 6,917,628


AllothcL ....•.•••••.••••••• dut •• dolls .. 1,!l31,231 1,[,29,950 1,65G,51~ 2,21i,903 2,505,035 r 2,380,058 Z,91~,.3S2 3,771,188!) 4,185,314 I Laces. cdgingf', embroideries, inserting",

neck rlllllingH, ruchings, ttimmings, tuck· ! ings. lace w:indow cllTtain', ,mel other 1 1 similar tamboured aIticlcs. __ .duL.dolls __ la! 208,165 20,225,299 22,449,314 25,110,081 2·1,8-18, 76·j 2.\ 91],08& ~ . .1:, 022,4.69 3~, 756, 502)33,611,010

Plushc~, vel\-'cts and velvetcenR,}Sq_'ldS_.! ____ ._ ... _____ .. ____ . __ . ______ .. ___ . ____ ._. _________ ... ____ .' ... _____________________ 1 :!,575,,19;)! 2,7G4,GR6

d~~O~~~e~_l~~~:~~~~~: ~~~~:j~~~:. dolls_._. I •• _. __ 0 ___ .0 ",0 _0. ____ 0 • __ •• _0_' _' ••• ___ 0 ___ • _0 __ 0_. _ ._. ____ ,0 '.0 __ 0 __ 0 ________ • ___ ; 9G3, ;]5 I 1,035,536


S·1, 3(;S, 580 1:04:2,7:)9


6, g~(l, :!Q5

:~J aDo, 172

4~ 05-1, 977

Thread (not on EpoolE), yarn, wnrp~l{lb~--a_1 5,27~,4nl 3,725,256 .1,006,190 [">,';"61,937 .\060,533 5,02U,331 5,111,0411

6,!)40J2Gl/7,030:4.42 or warp yam .. --- .. -.... ---.-dut··lGoIls .. 2,0£.'-.8,958 1, 74.G,723 1,921,7-1~ 2,4.21,729 2,2Gl,921 ~:~04.'l.)4.I' 2,[;98,72·.1: I 3,["\93,627 :l,9:!!,111

Allothcr ___________________ . ____ dut .. dolls_.1 5,52~,218 5,14i,138 6.04fi,2:)7 7.355,£i61 o,fiGO,347 \ 4,323,O~2 4.351,259 3,949,689 -1:,169,34.6

TOU'; manufactures of. ............. elOll~ .. I4l,'2Uii:239 ,jO. 2·16, 935 1 4-!, 460, 125 52.·jin, 7551 ,1Q, 5:14, 246i 48,919,936163, (){3, 322 ""73,704.6361-6-8-,-3"-,9-,-,-81-1\.-----

Diam~ndsandotherpreciou"stonesanelimitationsof:l· I' 1 / \ DIamonds-


engnrl'(;rs', notsct ............ free .. aolls .. ! 3,891,226 6,574,630 6,151,853 10,933,188 8,776,418 I 10,390,917 10,579,6"4 11,151.152 Uneu!, inclnding miners', g][I.~rlcrs'. and I I I I

Cut but not set .................. elllt .. elOllS .. \ 7,890,945 11,680,823 12,732,6iO 15,574,598 10,02S,452 17,019,530 24,282,897 23,905,438

·i, 452, 320

9,312,095 il,503 Diamonel elust orbort ............... frcc .. dolls .. 1 621,832 ,SS,72il 785,6-19 827,996 662,489 ·147,5i5 IS3,752/ 189,121

Other precious stoues- I Uncut ........................... irce .. elolls.. 51,96i 35,303 56,783 46,368 89,490 278,783 126,017 156, 327 JJ~,4G2

Cut, lmtnot .et. anel imitations of. induding I

4, 7Gl, lIG 19,313:585



·1,842, ~29 natural poarls ................. <tut .. doll ... 2,.f03,D4S 2.134,9W 4,103,919, 4,925,069, 4,069,759 j 5.(,24,701) 5,258,412 I 7,002'~&11 2.761,757

Earthen, 8t~:~:'~·~~·~~·i~·~~~~;~; ...... ·• .. · .. dOIl3 .. i 14.,859,018 I 21,:!14,·io:! 24,]83,87~ 1 32,307,219\23.626,('08 I 33,761,506 ,JO,380.7621·12,468,022\-1-0-,-71'4·-.-1.-37-li.-----

Bricks anel tiles" ....... _ ................ dut .. doIlg .. " "'" .............................. , ........... .1. ........... I .................. "'" .1 ........................ 1


1GO,2G9 China, porcelain, pe.riu.n, and bisquc- . II I 1 I

Not elecorated or ornamented ... dut .. eloll.,..1 1, OSl, 6S5 1,000,8n6 955,517 1,072,7·14 1,337,381 1, lil, 6M 1, US, 696 1,25;,0,,1' 1,20.1, iSS

• DCC~ri'ted orornnmontcd ....... ,~l!t .. ~01l~ .. /7,176,659 8,063,6S7 8,309,~11 9,00~,8~2110,1:3,0:21· 10,~S,()7: 11,·101,357 11.&%,680! 11,780,425 Allotho;;r .. _ ••. ______ . ___ ~ •• ____ • ____ uut_.QoIl::_._ 3f:6.921 I .jOFi,~R6 4]4,.28 43.\,1·,6 4i-1,5ul ·bO, 00, 3(;2,475 564,059 "382,756

Toml .......................... elut .. dolk.' 8,645,2(;51 9,4'2,SG9 9,680.156' 10,~~~~~.-, 12,005,01<1 11,659,723 12,87i,528 1~;,706.790 ]3,·127,969

E~:~~~ ... ~~~~~~.c.~~ .. ~~~ .. ~:~ .. ~i~~l~~· .. :~~rli,~t~~d(;n:~.1. ......... ..1. ................................. ..1. ........... i ......... _" 50,490 S6,971 il,219

EggS .................................... <1ut .. {ilOZ ... ! 1~5,03.<; I 120,520 I 33,1,070 368, 482 1' 49G,825 \ 352,303 241,034 231,859 231,939 dolls __ 1 8,'141 10,515 S',43:! 29,757 ti1:,j;)$ J 38,541 21,200 I 26,276 25,850

1,053,822 8,420,809

174. 1~8


130,484 2SS,f>.jO 36,937

.. Includes WMntte nnc1 TC'glIlus" prior to laO~. dlncluded in 11_-\11 other earthen, stone. ann china ware" prior to 1909. blneludcd in "Ore" prior tu l00l1. elneluded jn "All oLlwr lirt.ic]c~," dULiable: prior to 1CJ06. oIncluued in 1:_\11 other mnnuiuclureso:[" prior to 19Q7.

H ~ I-j 0 ~ >-5 [f)

I (;) L1 :> \2l >-'l H >-'l H i?;l m

:> 'Z tJ

<l :> t-f q ~ Cf'

fl::.. "=' v ....


No. 199.-)IEllOII.:I.!WISE IMPORTED: QUA~ITIES .J.:!ID VALUES, RY :i.R'l'ICLES, YEAJlS ENDED Jl:N;;: 30, HlOO '1'0 1(lO!:l-Coniinncd.

ExpIosh-cs! ('artring-es ..•......•..•••..........•. dut .. dolls .. .' . {!iJs ....

l' rrecrnr.1:erB ..••................... Qut.. 1 11 (0 so_

Fulminates and all lil,l' Ilrtielcs .... <1ut .. dolls ..

Gunpo,~' Rnd o~her Rub"tances _nsedrb~ .... for llllIllDg, blllstlng, etc ----~----O'UL-ldolls __

All other ..•...• _ ••••........•••..... dut .. dolls ..

TotaL ...•.•.••.••..............•.... dolls ..



clOZ ••• Common palm loo,f ...•.......••... free ..

dolls .. All oiher ...•..•...•..•........••.•.. dut. .dolls ..

Feathers, etc., natural and artificial:

Feathe!"S Ilud downs, crude, not drcssc.u, co1orc~, 'I ormllI1ufactnred .....•......•...•. out •• do118 ..

Feathers and downs, naWra.), clre"scrl, colored, or manufactured, =d ul'csscd amI fini'h'~d birds •.....•.•••.•••..•..•••..•.... uut .. clolls ..

I 708, GGG I D05,509 1, laO, :2S0 39! 669 i 47,5G3 60,403

{SU, 053 399, 547 5~7,197 5~G, 400

1, 73G, 458

117, ~05

2,032,5r,e 2,476,6591

00" ".~ I " •• '0' I "'J'~1.IO_, ... Utl, .........

1,471,678 82,43G


2,7·12,01B I 171, ~30 I

829, liYJ



2,0~{j, 7"1 I l~S'G~




2, 970,2W


3·12,lG1 2:?,1'10


]2,420 2.:..!O .. fl05




:13~,S57 ! 31,842 I

3i8,817 I

i I 4, ,101, 131! 4, 3GO, 721 ,

: 'I 1, 77:2, S~~O l 2, &.!S: ~12

7,407 1·19,557

r.o1,984 ::!l,O'!2

], ~12, 871





IE-2, ·1E2 3;~3: ,·10

~GG~ 002

'ill 177

4~O, 972

27 ~ 7~8




Fenther~, flowers, fruits, grains, and le~tve6, I ? ??" ?O?' 2 0-" e-? ! I ' I j I I I llrtWClal ......................... __ ........ dllt ... uolls ... _, __ 0,- ~) ~ /L),iJiJ... ::!,770,705 2, .122, 121/ 2,·132,196 ~,3G!},015 3,OOO~980 3,3£2,0[1·1 ~;,7~7,O~~! 3,55(i,~50 Felt, ndltef:iyc, for sheathing ,-eS5:cl::! ...... frec .... dolls_.. 26, S~3 ! 26,212 I.. 32.,6·t5 32,517 ~{j, 847 3~. 3·1~ I :2f',27;; ! r.;l, 7~'O _G,13.) : ~!i, 73·1,

Fertilizers: {tDns.. 4,7;'0 4,590 I 8,,00 16,~~7 i ~;:,~n'i 3-3,:100 l-lS,l'J7,=:;:Z0i=II- !2~:-Zili;; 36,9!~~) ...................... ___ ._ .. ____ .ircc ... dolls.. 5H,9GG 36,Gli I 1·14,599 2.01,41(; I 310,793 i 516,851 \ ~08,;j(;O; 3·j~:21J;). :~;1'2,2rr0 I 5~U~~~~1

Itons nO,DGo Hl,770 1GO,S97 15~,703! 110.2.10' lOS 067: "00°7' 21350, "" 170 'I 1" ~05 hid i-cc . ~.. . I ~:'.., I -:' 1: i ~.' . , I ,~'/ ".~. .,'

Phosp a e.,"ru e .......... ·······, ··ldons.. 504,492 S16,G41 791,451 039,008 I 608,406, 1')0,"18, JO~",O lo",W~ I ]"'=,,,<>'J I ]:;,,006

All othcr ... __ ..... __ . __ . __ ........ __ .rrce ... c1o]ls-- 1,136,528 1,376,9;7 1,490, iOBI 2,2~9,Sf)2 J 2,[),5,ti~7! 31 257,631) 4,13~,[;:~O! 4,833,527 '1,4;j:';~'i761 ·::V27S,·~lj9 Tota' ...•. d01l3_·ll,il97,086j 2,230,235 2,4:6,7581 3,100,270 I 3,.i03,7~6 1 4,f.24,700 I 4,,}1G,3GU l~l,MOi ·1, 970"lii1 fi,ll~",&~9

Fibers, yegetablc, and textile g~~es, and manu· '1 I I I factures of, not. elsewhere sp€cilicd: r i,i

Unmanuiactured- [tons .. ! 6,967 6 8-8 , " -"~ I 8,155 10, 1~3 8,OSD 8, ,29 8. (;[>" ' 9, &28 I n,8,0 Flax.------ .... ----- ... --.-- ......

dut .. ·1dol1S . .l 1,B4.6,:H·! 11880:7~7 2JQ9~:~~~ 2,028,012 2,~1,8'i4. 2,260,·:1:21 !!,S2.7,300 2'~5'1~1121 ::!,51·1,6S0: 2.S.12,~5G

d t ron.'.j 3,,100, ,1,057 6 OM 4,919 5,871 3,987 5,317 S,,'" 0,213 i ",~r,s ilemp ....•••.•••••••••••••...•• n •. dol1B.. ,!50,269 622,814 1,0173,:801191; 821,261 809,260 688,325, 906,808 1,534,37], 1,OIS06,'18~,'.~.11 ,n9,lG·!

T . fib < {ton~ ··1 5,743 2,334 14,670 13,622 1",607' 13,9B l-l,C116 ± 9.(,10 IRtle, or amp'co er •.•..•.•. lIce .. dOllS .. , 475,090 163,566 495,2.54 1,086,6."2 1,]99,014 1,405,1&1 1,283,311 l,3GU,~OQ S93,~,3 G,;;, SRi

.' b I {tons .. 102,693, 103,140 128,9iJ~ 79,703 96,735 98,215 103,945 10·1,·1~9 107,,'3~l, loG,G'5 Juteanulute utts ........• _ •. ree.. I ' dolls__ 3, £150, 413 ·1,412,482 4,-117,987 3, 35S~ 825 I 4~ 10-i, 8-;0 ·1,500,023 G: 449, GS{ 8, fJ50, 918 G, 504·, 9~O! 7, ~lGJ 30i

},Innilu. _____ .................... __ frce __ {tons--; 4~J624 4~,735 ul3,·j5.'3 Ol,C18 f,5,o5G I Gl,56:! 5S,7U8 54,513; 52,'167' Gl,~O~ dolls .. , 7,172: 3GS 'i,115,4.46 10,555,272


111 885,510 11,423,385/ J::!, 06.5, ::!70 11,030, !1li7 10,876,107 1 E, 97·1, fii.'7 7, 15l3, 091

S' 1 [- {to"s"l 76,921) 70,076 89,55.3 87,025 100,214. 100, SOl 98,O~71 ~9,OG1 1 lOS.Oal, 91,·:;1 ... sa grass .... ~-- ........................... ... ce __ r 1 ~ l) or,'" ~ ... ? ~( .... n .... ~ - ntH- r:r-r: :-. - .. " , .. l)eo) I' " I -I' - (- ,,~[ I .10_1s... 11, ,S .... , ..!U.:iO I J 9~_, 5 .... ,.1. 11,961; 21.., lu, .:;....,9, 4.14 ];), .... ),), ,l,hl 1.),2;;0, SiJlJ ~i:», _ ... '_, .!.O:s 11-1,9;,,1, ·11;) 11, O-s I. ,}tJ9 lO, ~l~), t.-·~7

Allother ....................... iree .. {tons .. ! 10,953 ~ 8,013 9,083 1 16,075 11,.1"S, 17,na 1S,GOS 2~,;"a I 13.;",:;: ]0,<19 dOll""1~28 '~1H,917 _ __ ':~Y.~ _1,992,77? _1~~312.1~9n,g~g --=-.071,;11::':":::2~,222.'_1.l71,j~9!_ I~~.'(i~

Totnl ................ ____________ .... {frec .. doIls .. r 24,2i7,282 I ~O,4:28,97512a,437,136 I :'1~1J13,2·10 3-1.403,1:)1 I a;·,~n,a~j :';u,l:!{i:lS2 I 3S.·1·jO.8~6 ~a.84)1.~~)S I ~G.·10G,9:J~ flut._dons __ 1 :!,006,543 ~ ~.5031531 3.10S,8~6 2/S49/27~1 3,411,]31 f ~,Rf!g,7Hj_l :;,231,108 3,7PO::, 11;,3 I ::,GOl,-!t.3 J :::.~t1.·1:::U

M=.!:::::;':''"- . '" ......... ,,,", .. """'"i"'~ ,CU, ' ''''' 3', ,oi;,,~ ":-" ,,;r: _Oc.'.( "'1-""00,""! "~",'n'III£11 ~~O"3 1_:!.l,-7-:i~ ~~~';'n,e:. ~unny cloth, nncl flimilnr fnbriC'.'3

SUitab:C for covering cottOII_ a .dut. . doH.::;.. 818, ·117 47li, O;~3 G3/, 818 I ~~!, 9:i5 ~(j3, G80 I ~1~, :j~\l 619. ~GO I 1, :?lS, aiG I J: ODS. 097 4-,1 ~ 'Ie;; BagRofJute ..... _._ ... ___ ....... duL.dol1s __ 1, 327,21f) : 2,120,G70 2.!.l1~,103 2,0/;1,0;, 1,:XJ7.~,n 1,715,6S0 ~,.13:2,3S3 I 4.,~~~a:530 I 3,9.41.3Bl ~:l,n:!.1,1~[} C3.ble~~ cordn.gc, tbtend~, nnel h,inc fIbs .. - - 136,.;17


' 2::5. fiOg 9:)1,571 873,136]! 01~, ';';:.5. :2, 0:>2, 2~n 1,703, ·173 'I I! 3S1~ ~:2; I 1,051,110 7\11 I (lr.O notclseWllcl'espcci1icd ____ ._dut·_la~n'i__ OS:!>~O J\077 , 280,411 Z!Jl,5(;!) 3.~.JJf!~1} ~SI,17·1 :170,[13·1 J 407,!J!J7 36!J,971 S05;1:':'':!

• Included in .. Emer,-" prior to 1908.




Fibers ven-etnble, and textile grasses, and mnnu­factures of, uot elsewhere specillcd-Continue<l.


lfanufactures o!-C.ontinucd. I rsq."'t""dR_. 132,35:1 ~5,1::;3 2GO,484 200,171) 2lJ7,64.6 23::;,4~1 j 214.,677 ---------.-. ------------ _____ •.... __

Cnrpct.'nndcnrpeting ........ dut··lIlOlis ... 43,25-1 29,285 81,~17 61,~37 61'94-11 RO,67·1 i 76,569 ··· .. ·······1' .. ······ .. ·· .......... .. . (lb •.... / 3,901,38·1 4,6;;1,474 7,030,118 5,593,867 6,518, OG3 4,961, 7·j6, 5,901.034 1,435,464 7, HI, 322 6,933,167

COlIynrn -------- .. ----- .. ----_frec--l<lolls__ 1-11,850 145"j09 ;25;,%8 1!J6,!?89 242,960 lS!~94u II ~1.i,2131 IGu,9!l71 320,025 27.~\125 Fabrics, woycn, not elsewhere r-:.pccified- I I : I

Burlaps or plnin "Wo,en fnbric~ ofphs.~ ....... _ .. __ . _ . _ .• _ - .....•.... -_ .•. --- __ .. -_ .•..... - ..•.. ~- ... '269,067,189 311,118,257 \3;;6,519, G85 311,785,529 3:37, 16~, O;}l single jUto yurn b ......... d~t"ldolls .. 10,60G,185 12,600,.105 15,531,503 11,378,31G 14, 63Q, G·17 i 11, 6g;l,17SI ~O, 083, 9381 ~9'113,847123' 2~4.,(>59 1 H, 730, lSG

Other. of fi~x. hemp, or ra.m~("lsq.yds._ ..... _ .... _. _______________ . ___ .:_ .. 100,776,312 1103,4SS,<!72 I 99,817,003 112·1,1388,8-1'; )1::!fiJ S25,473 Q7,7~S,481 11l9,G711~06 g~~;';!::~:~:~:.~~I.~~~I~.~~d'~~~'JdOl1S ............... ' .......... ..1. ........... ]5,037,605 ]5,G06,315/15,565,80B) 18,839,826 2I,a·iS,35Z 17,101,63f} 18,109,1H9

Handkerchicfs. __ .. _. __ .... ____ .dut __ doll.!:l .. ~,122,776 2,201,740 I 2,218,029 2,35·j,944 ~,40i5,7271 ~,364,559 2,;)43,050 2,734:071 2,592,184 2,136,U·1t) . _. _ {IbS ___ . 5,193,009 01 68;.),421 j 8,534,.215 3,536,0:)7 8, 80fi, 324 3,215,309 3, S~Sr 837 2, ·186~ 5';0 12,692,166 13,558,323

Twme, bllldmg ......... '''''' .Ircc .. dolls.. .1.13,4S7 510,174 1 708,199 312,905 8·11,183 295,136 342,82U 227,490 l,l1G,588 084,914

yllrns.~_ ••• _. __ •• _. ___ •• ~ __ •• _.dut..Pbs •... 2, &::i7, 6i5 2,240,121 2,]38,18.2 ·l,4·i3,1?-2 4.,585,209 1,747,341 3,709,43.-5 5,075,675 2,417,916 I 3,367,8.,)2 ldolIs.. OG9,9Q 502, g30 '1·16,716 351,325 372,269 196,613 ·123,888 657,050 ·118, III I 453, S05

Allother ........................ dut..dolk. 15'510'278


13';'92'010 15,280,211. 2,831,103 2,987,R50 I 2,948,690 3,745,~7~ 1 5,203,205 4,~34,917 3,791,960

{frcc .. dolIS.. 585,337 655,553 -96G,157 1-509,m!1,0S7,143 I 4&0,0821 557,07:!\ 39,1,487, 1,4.36,613 l,2(i0,O~9

Tot .. 1. ........................ dut .. <'olls.. 0 'e- 0~6 " 4 SS I ,g' I 4 n 9 .1 ~ ';)~I("J~.J 3~,l)~ :~~~ ~7,~_ ,741 3i.~19,43~ ~~,D2~'~~~ ~S,42~,952 ,1.,13:,970 I ~~' ~1",,=9~ ~,D30.~~9 4~,O?;2.353

TotRlmn.Dufact1.lI'esof .. __ . __ .... _ ..... dolls __ .H,la2,.:J63 3 ... ,230,<>;),:1 I, <)8,vI)4,898 38.2"28162/10")9,10,,01)/ 10)8.£l0;).034! ·j9,(19.:.,042 6v,..:.Ot)"S51 ;)·1,·167,D12 49,.312,392 Fish:

Fresh- /' / .. " 1 d t pbs.... 1,199,079 1,328, ,156 1,442,972 l,lM,281 1,141,432 1,040,1G6 4.,733,057 1,236,419 1,140,381 ~ .. mon •.••••.•••••••.••••.••••• u ··[dolls.. 115,OG9 127,563 141,532 127,315 111,669 103,602 170,376 120,,185

All other ........................ dut .. dolls •. 1,130,473 1,220,517 I 1,341,992, 1,287,064 1,577,484;' 1,551,338 1,597,804, 1,679,227 1,652,132

Cured or preserved- I I I • ! i 'I Ancho'l'1es ancl f'lll'dineR, Pllckcd in oil or I

otherwise __ ~. __ ~ ___ ...... _._ .. dut •• dolls .. 1,483,768 I 1,3221 2;}2/' 1.710,77·1 J l,'13~J506 ~ 1,()91,5-10 ~,283,35g i 2,058~253 j 2:.100,7031 2:219,519 j 2,707,6·18

Coa, haddock,, o.ud pollock.)lbs .... 14,395,.IS:l!17,.j13,2G7 203,609,784125,595,800 ! 23,9'1S,8,'")21 19,467,0,)7 I H,670,920 I' 1G,13~,2721' 15,831,&10 26,205,229

~:~~~~ .. S.~.~~:~' .. s~~l::~, .. ~~ .1~~~~t:~fdOllS.. 543,172 6Bi,667 1,005, 33G 1,021,212. 1,101, Q9S 1,041,933 1,139,3·19 904,183 870,707 I, on, 09·1


120,082 680,307



lIerring- ! I I I Dried or smoked .•..•.•.••. dut . • flbS.... 5,130, R13 B. 21~. 51-1 I 4, ,;;\1, 9J~. 2,028,928 2,521. 7i;" 2,511, 5f,s 3,216,325 1,769,869 dolls.. 127,555 88.27'1 I '130, Dll 6~, 666 67,520 flO,301 82.140 fi1,33'1

{tlJlo 1-6 ~1- 1-- ~Ol 1"0.111 ~"- lOS "39 3"0 ~"n '01 ~_S3.<,·19 "II ~~" I Pickled Or sa.Ited ... ___ ....... _dut ... ) .:> .. - ,) .... I vt),~ OJ _u:),·;:,\....., " I -;"'1'~ '-J -u • , __ ;'1.

dolls.. 1.3;;0,013 1.163,611 1,313.5U7 1.73-1.·187 1.575,2·11 1,~~S,009 2,120.011 \ 2,357,011\

Mackerel, picklcd or salicd._ .. dUt."llbblS.. 92,733 87,725 94,696 75,916 120,690 117,62" J3R,931 I' 181.114 dolls.. 1. 27G. 900 S87,790 1, 003. 854 I.llS. ·l.OS 1,672,812 1,425,8'73 1.693, Oli 1,609,936

{lbs ... .! nc.,6$ G62,752 . (,8,'\,921 403,859 ·12.·1,916 I 381,619 6311,870 I 790,356

I 2,0.'>\1:151

67.78R I 3..'i.'i 6jJ I 2,41~:4~::; 101,785


1,079,168\ 108.849 I Salmon, pickled or salted ...... dut .. 1I01ls.. 5.1,2-36 43,930 I 011, SZ'! 30,316 33,590 I 33, GG5 56,262 73,903

All othc·r ........................ duLlIolls.. 310,6.11 729,173 631,5211 6nl,!)()l 776,690 I 904,508 1,095,0;.;31 1,583,238 1,553,080

L d f nbs ____ 7,.lQ7,227 G,9S2,307 7,202,758 6,917, 091 7,761,2-11 9,12'1,lfi2 9,006,400 6,827,988 8,212,94.7



293,01-:1 1, mm,lE7

U5,9W 1,527, 9G~

G84,823 GG,S,:O

9: D23,207

1~ 21f" 393 obstcl"S, canned or uncannc .. r(!e~., -' Q'" ... ~..,'" 'l? 11 ' 1 'I') [dolls.. _"1,219 855,788 8(7,,,~ \ 83~.10j 1,057,695· 1.223,766 1,218,608. 1,080,_26 ,~o ,"" ShrimpR, and othcr shellfish and t1lrtles

" . "~''';'~~'~' ..... __ ........ __ .. irc~.{.~::~~:: ____ . ~~:~~~.I .. --' ~~: ~~~ ... --~~~: ~~·I··" ~~~:~~. -- .. ~~~: ~:~ ..... ~~:~.~~ .. -- .~~~: ~~~. -- .. ~~~: ~~·I .. --~~~: ~~'I ~~~: ~~~ ,-,oun 8,1 ............................. uee __ dolls__ [)1,600 105,2j9 93,798 120,634 511,873 7f{,369 61),311 80,037 IJ~~,Gi5 69,411)

TotaI. ......... __ ............ .ffree .. doIls •. 1,01.;,2·10 I 1,000.031 'II 1,115,725 1, ll7, 618 I 1,27D,014 1,538,384 1,5~·1,137 1,[,55,913 1,818,730 I 1. 62S', 08·.1 ldut .. dolls.. 6,126,8171 6, ~OQ, 777 7 •. 111.372 7. 51~ S, 610. GoB 8,959,692 10,013.4035 10, ,RO, 075 10, ·1H. 0.0 10. /7·1, 9~S

Totlllfish ......................... _ .. dolls .. 7,47~.0f>7 7,2;;1.411 8,527,097 8,635,5R3 9,S~\),G97 10,49~,07!l 1l.GI}1.002 12.335,9:'8 12,292.7"70 I 12,'103,012

Flowers, naiurnl, presCr\'cd orfresh •••• dut .. dolIs.. aD, 621 21,2681 30,382-, 31, 577 1~, 612 ---"29;'080 27.275 32, 72~ I ·1.2.821 i 4.1.1;:.7

Fruits and nuts: I' --I' /. . l'mits-

BanauDS· .................. rrec .• {~:~~~~:: .. ;:~;;:;,;; .•. ~:;~~:~~~ ... ;: ;~;:~;; ... ~: ~~;:;~;" .. ;: ;~~: ~;~ ... ~:;~;:~;~·I·~~:~;~:;~;·I·~~:;~;:~~~·I ~~: :~::~~ ~~: ~;~:~~~ Currants ........................ dUt-..{lbS .... \36. 251, 779 16,019.198136'~'38' 97G 33,878. WD 38,34.7.6·j9 :n, 7·12. 919 37.078,311 38,392,779 38,602.656 32,482.111

dolls__ 916,9DS DlG,99·1 1.238.756 743, r,l1 997.430 764.2891 1, n~.146, 1,7·16, on 1,592,018 j, 185, lOll

Datcs~~_ ....................... _ ........ __ dnt_)Ibs_---r 19,902, 512 18,43·1,917 i 20,013.681 21,681,159 21,058,16·1 19,25;,250 22,435:672: R1,270,899 21,9J8,3-13 ~1,S6a,:!18 52G,7·17 ldOlls __ j 11O,;H9 372,100 / 344,833 4S6.1:il, 403,459 3f:o.1R31 179,142 8~'O,55S 689,190

l i':igs ..... __ •• __ .... ___ ......... ____ ..... dut .. {lb:L--- 8J~1:/4R~ 919?,~71 I 11108~,:31 16,48~,142 1;~,178,Of31 13,364,10i 171~6~,S58 ~·jJ34G,173 18,836,574 1:),235,513 dolls_' 1 .:Jl.>, SDIl -1.l8,0I13, 481 I 133 "i7D: ~n7 1360,360 617,027 ,22, ~J67 1,136,924 867,523 691,9S1

Grapes' dnt {CUh.£! .+ ... ----.... \ ........... -/- ........... """."'-- ............ 1 .... · .... · .. /............ 1,298,469 2,234,5081 1,203,419 ...................... ., <lolls .... , ............................... __ ....... __ ........ __ .. _ ... __ ... __ ...... __ .: ........ __ .. 1 1,575,,521 2,7~3,8561 1,575,620

-Included in "All other mUllllfu('/nresoI ,. aIter I~06. b Quantity ~)ot 81atcu prior to l~;Oil. -Included IU ".-\.11 othermauuIactures oi" prior to 1903.

d Quuntitr not ~tatcdprior t0190'J, e Qun.ntity not ~tlli.ed prior to 19Jr.. flnc1uded in "All other fruits," dutiablc, prior to 1907.


No. 199,-MERCIUXDlSE IMPORTED: Qt1.:'iTITIES A"D YALUES, BY ARTICLE:-, YEARS E:\DED JUNE 30, 1£100 TO 1909-Continnetl . .. _---_ ... ...... _-_. __ ... --.:=';;;' 11100 'l\l~l 10112 l!1Oll 19M'/ l!Wi! I 100S I; 1~D'7

Fmit~ and nut,~CODtjnlled. I: 1 I l'ruits-Cantinue(l. [Ib Ins 0"0 LAS "1' DIA 116A 0-' ~Oo 1'0 001 "' 'I" 9"3 "", 13° 00' 001 II'iS -r '"'' 11-- c-o "0" 1'-8 1"0 O"J s ____ 160,ti',Vl) Im,'')''2, ,.t ·..I:"o,o);J ,l_, ,21.") , .... ,._ ....... _ O1."-..I~u-' 1"!'/r_'l_I.JI''-''';;''''iJl~/,.~,t.<

LemOll''" ....................... 'lnt .. 11 II 3 6"0 S"l "' n'D 0"0 I "' 3"0 ..-" "0-" '>'1 I ~ 0-9 'OS o~" 0"" I ., '''l"' ""0 .j non '>nG • 'NO 5'l" to s._ • u, i:" I v, ... .1. ,ev ')t'- rvv;J u, 1:1,_ D: ..... • v." _,~I.J . .l, D_ I .... ,.,t.),;;",} ,_<<.J~_... ';I,.;lO·~1 IV

fml']S I 2,~~}ii:.1BO: 3.1~1,7SS

Ol~"es!l -- ... - .•. -- - ••• -....... _ ... dut. ·ldo;]~: ~ I~ :~~::: :~:::~: :::~:: ~ ~ ~~ ~ ': ~~ ~~~::::: ~ ~: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~~: 1~ ~ :::: ~~~::')~ ~:: ~ ::~:: ::!~ ::~:: ::::::! 1, Z77! 073: 1,358, St)7 i ] ... JlbSi ..• _ r OS, 618. DSS I 50,332,91·1 52,7·12, ,J76 fiG, S'j2, 070 3u, 8g~lr 2GO 2S, SSOJi75 i Bl, 13-1, :3-11 ! 21, ~(j7! 3,16 ~ IS, 397, "129 j

Oranges .................. - ... ---.-.-! llL-'ldOlls .. !l,087,O.1l i 71G,4.5i 784,6-10 818,780 5~j,·lG8 374,OSS i ·156,';:;G i ~~l-1!·W5; 27:>,OGO ~ • jIbS._._! 443,'1,;71 7·:W,V'i·1 522,,178 GS~,SlO ~tH,]O[) 671;604 i '19;,.194! :123.~77 I 335,OS9 I

Plum:; and prune;.; .............. - ••... nuL. , I' . - G~, "SO J"~~, ~1L' ,~ r. - ! ~.~ ... ~,..., i ·10", I~~," , ' ulIIJs. _ 4/,/00 _ c.~ ·14,077 u .... ~ 0 ·jG, BiG G.'), u1 j . i.)">, oJ,,;:; ... ~u ·19, 3~~ :

.' . .. d {ll" .... 10,309,.198 3,8liO,&:lG I G,C3:l,[l"1h 6, il5,07f> f.,BOI,G11 .1,0'J.l,6S9! 12,414,~,,5 ,! 3,DG7,lf)1 I 9,132,3~,3! R"JSlll, ....... .................. ut.. 'j 11 r.'" ]n41 2"·,. t,31 ngn 9-3 1-" S·' n" ·'0 0-3 '''1 I -" I -·0 "CA, ".03 ,I fi!"',~. ",,"," i (0 ~'-l DIl.L., ~ _;.J ~ oJ :"', : • IU, '"1".t .... D;)Ju':l... ...1 ,ULI D ... • ,;);:1. ~V'..I:. ~~ .. \.1 U

Prepared or prcscI'vccl •••• * ••• ~. ~c1ut •• dolls •• i 1,243,479 I 1,3667 801 11 '15·1, 7SS 1~ 521,143! 1,790, 2n9 1: 509,1.58: 2, 4~;7J iuG: 1.272, ·115 ~ 1: 550, ~'1G ~ \,11 . f ·t. {frrcr._.dO]]S_.: f;(j~,510 II G81,832 I 308,39·1 52;;,8~ii! ·1-J8,1·1O ~ ::::::.o,SO~ 20i,2m' ~!)i.015 1 1J2'2,8!JO 1

• other rUl , .............. -' d t I II I "M "0" ' ; I; I (] _ •. ( 0 ~ •• 1,327,03G I 1,uu,~ .. o I ],i·15,19..1: ],828,O~n i 2,:101,530 2,r.73,3S[l 2,l77,US,4: ],OGo,l.1)2 i 1,027,923

T . 1 f u"ts fCrec_ .dOlls··1 v"j4D,345 [, ';',2'J:'!~ QUi 1 7, G15, 831 Ii n, GGG, !}91 I S, 1[)S, lIt) : 10, 2-1.:3: G~3 ! 10, G37: fi{i3 ; I:!. 1::;0, J::;3 i 1~, 01·1,10J ;-----ow. r 1. ·•··•• .... _ .. •••· .... ··ldl1t dons I 074,1.113 9,OS5,S30 0:820:353. 9,7r.3,~-1i f :10,8003,572 ~ 9,ii30.·HiO. lO,HO·1,7fi9: 13.n4-:t!O~4 i l[i.69G,(i93 I

Nut~ .. "11 -, , '; , I ' I

.!. :lmonOs •..... _ ... _ ........ _ ... clllL_jlbS ...... 6,317,633 i 5,140.23~ I n,SGS,9S~ S,I·J2,lfi4 ~ 9.~.3.":R5~; 11,7-:1;\081' li),009,3~G: 1-1/?~3,G13 17,1-:1:4,'008 dOlls •• ! ~.J.g.~ OS3 l D4u, 1~!8 1, ~iO, SSG 1~ 3:J'i, 717 r 1. ~4.o, 474 1, [i~O, O(='3 I 1, S:!.:J, ,!7u ~, S::n,8Ifi :!~ ·110, (Hi) !

COcorllluts .... , ..... _ ..... _ ..... frec_ .. dolls .. j 702,9·17 i ~04,2331 1:'32,3<;3, n08'~121 r71,~52 i 1,080,-'73' 1,~9S,;!O ,1.:.~4~1,5G2 1,·1~9,7';'O i

c~~c;'r~~;lOf~l~~etll(feOd~e~esi~: }free.1~b~;·_+·- .... ·····I···-···--.. ·:·-' .. ·······! .... · ...... ·:._ .......... ' ........ _ .. -.. __ .... _ ... ",0(;.1 ;;32 H,12I,570 i

=::=:~::,;;::~~;~I·:.·i·:···"i..···.·i .. ~"j.[ •. ,.--:o.:y--i"": .. :.' ~:~ i ~:~ ! Vi 1 '. d t fbs_ ........... · .. .1. ...... ·····1··· .. ·······1 L"Ju_,'JG, I _o,G,U, ,Gl, _",GA,lU±, ",,_1,,0"8 ~~,'O;,5n, 28,SS7,110 \

e.nuts ......................... _ .. U .... {d01Js~ .. ! .... _.~.~ ...... ! ............... _ ... _ ...... l,lOG,DSJ I 1/7~n!37S \ 1,'1(W,4Gt; i ~,19:J,G~. 2,~GiJ,G·19 J 2,7G5~4~G:


l:~fl, 183, 5:,0

2., tt:!3: :~~1{1

~J ~lml~329

J,d~9. 023

~, 435,X73 137, ~'JO



5~ ,':N, 3~O



3~"j: !)~2

1, 56,j, 027

ll, :wo, O~2 lJ, OS",~OS


1,S52, f,~3 1,:252. E'J4

23, 8·12, 5~2


407, '119

761,21.D 4,079

2G, 1;J7, 7U:;;


...... .... ..... I"j 0 ~ H iJ)


""' ~

"'" !2: .., H H H

to: iJ1

t;.-~ C

<1 t;.-i:-t q l=J iJ1


firue .. dolls •.....•.....•. ,············1 3S;;. 21~ I All other nuts ..•.•.•...... ·····1-.· d II • n~, 00' i ] "jR nQ' 1 ror' 0'0 Odt._ 0 S •• ,!,.)_O"., oj, I I"~ ,., .... ·l .... ,\,.I,.~l)

6.13,815 I 8iO, ;;91 !

"QC "0'1 1 0"3 '00 lOIS ]M 1 I ' OJJ'J~ (L,lI , ... ,lULl l' " ::.:0 .............................................. , ..................... ..

9:-;;,(;70 1,O.j9,!!OG 1/~:rj,.1~a: 2.":(10,274, ],7f1~,;;73 !~17r37-1

f' , ., II- "'''3 '''I')', c' "n" 'F1 i ,0 S'''' A"" I' 1" '1<10'"' ~ -l r _c, I'o ."'0 .,0" 1° -c, j"l 11 c"l .'",- 0 "' '0] '''-, 1·J, 01.1,-,,','_' . . . .Iree •• "'-l.O ::i._ (,..-':l,',--- ""IU.:..IJ,-l.1 I .,': ..,oJ, __ U lJ,ti"1 "%0 I .. ,' D,I.u~ _..r..!.:.t1.~I,_.jL)! ... ,I=):t,'oJ_ i . ,oJ ... ,(1.;..1 ,1"1,h41 ,Ll'I'}, -

Total fl"wts and llutS ...... - .... ~ .. . ? ., .... :-~? 11) - ... '7 -Q I '""n I') -- ,',.) , '1 '), , ..... 1., 'r: 0.,.,. : .};) r..r" ;')-! 1- [ ...... o~9 'J.ut __ doll.~~_ l ... ,O_O,ur.o I 11,,),,0,45 ... __ ,fi·I/,mm ~ 1..J,10.,<)·,3 I 1·1,1.:.0,100 1 .... ,;)/9. __ 1. l(i,ll:.~_~ _"""]~''''':~~! . ;,IU:I, .. · ..

.. I d']" 1" ='3 :-1'/» I 19 :-,,~ "0" 91 -180 -.J-! I)'" -"1' "'j' i ')1 ,<:)1: c-:-4/?:- u ...... 11:"

,' $ 91~ ... ·1" 1 •. 1 :" !-:.·· ... lIiU I'·· .... I)r~ '7'1'): "111rt ·R·~ Tota. . __ . ________ . ____ . __ ..... _____ .. 0 L.~--_"_'"_"'~:J~~~I ... , ,,, ... t:1! "'''. '_','J.h 1~'"':"_'_"'_"_~~~~~ __ ,·_~_~._)~_', __ .~:::..'~ .) I l,b j)

Furs,andmnnnfllCturesof: ----.---- ,----j .1----1--------:

Furs and IuI' skins, undre!!lscd .. ____ .iree. _doll~_ _ li, 646, 807 6. ~38, 842 II 9,787,0131' S. 815, IDS I 9,003.873 10, .1Q~, 907 13,116, 71G ; 1~: illl, -13:\ 9.580, ;,)23 ii' 11. G5:3, 5~(j Furs, d~"ssed, (L!ld manufactures of. .dut. .dolIs.. 5,413,317 4,780,816' 5, 836, .i~8. 6,486, S041 5,757,129 7,803,395 I 8, 73~, 96,' I 8,9"12,600 6: ~37, .'32G, 9, ·j3~. 9[13

G~~I.~]:~~ .•• ~~:~~~~~~: •• ~~.~~~:' ... ~~~.~~~d~'r~~011~~ ......................... 1 ............ j ............ j ........................ /' ........... 1 ............ ; 5-1, ,,~H II 4H, G·15

. . {dOZ. pL bOt9~ _ ~3j' 7 97i 370,51;0 I 318,78·1 I 350, giG 3iJ~, 770 3'1-1,797 418, -leO -1G/,7:15 I ·ill, ,j5~) 4.Hl, t125 Glngerruc and gInger beer ....... dut __ dolls .. _ .. __ ...... _ 249,.156 2;0,373! 2i7,113S 26~,1;i8 :!70, 673 ~5G,1GS ~30,mn I 34fl.698! ~~~2!!Xj'j 85~,fI'lR Glat:s and glnsswf.I:re: . --.--'=:....:.-----

1 1 ' I 1---1-Do ttl C:!==, vhl.]~, demijohn!=l, carboys, and jnr..:;, ,

cUlpty or filled ___ ...... ______ ... ____ uuL.dolls__ 4G4,483 505,283 ·158,454 403, 71~ 5·1O,4GO G71,u99 : ~05! 752 l 997,29r, j !~04, 773 638, u~n

~' "1313 ""9 ?~ .,," "07 -I ,,"? "4" "'"'""''''' "]'.' "1 '''0 91'/1- ,.",. -18 101 ,,-.• OC'/' ','1 L')11 g,- I 'Ie j-l ""1 ,,0 "[") "0" Cylinder, cro" .. ?n, nntl common windo'w JS •• _ •• ) ,'" IV<) ... ,,:. ... :;J.v U , ... J .... , .... lJ Vi) vu C' ')_'0,)'1 ,L h Ir~:,:,J-. I .)" !:~I_.';~.'" ,,~~.:,~~I r _')',',~',l I~:-·.. _'J.")'~ .. I.I 0 glllS,,"i,Unpol1Hhcll_. ____________ •• _dut •• dolls._ 1,551),9:24. ~Og.01-1 1,827,498 1,76:1,767 1,.:.81,10-1 h_;,G18 J,,)00,,2.> I l,O.Hl/,O 1 .)_·tl~~I' ,GO,Hi-!

Cylinder and crown glass, polished- I Un silvered ...•.. ___ .. _ ...•.•• dut_Jsq.icct .. 2.fjl',m~8 I 1,938,109 1l878,88B 2,4·16.071 1.52G,Ol~ 1,4~~,412 1,3~G,9C:}. 1..172.7171 1,OSQ,1~g 905,,1,13

ldolls.... 5iW, OS~ 45G, flJ7 SfiG,518 ;-,25, :180 i:)22, 4~1~ 28~.l: 70S 21J1, C:j; : :H~, :20S I 2G\ 2cl . 21~, G'JO

{SCI fent 571 5HH 1,09~j G,OOS 35~ 7:,:) 11,077 5,5:n 1 ult)·:.I: •. __ • ______ _

Silyercdlt._ ..••••.•....••••.•. out .. ~"I 'II \.: .- I)",U'" .o!L:8' "0 J ~.. ' :--)~:) /. 1 "'.1 uQ 8.... ;,:.0 .. co 6·=1 1,;:'32 7,00·1 2

lil!.i..> ,:,,1 :., ,:-;;a. • ___ • __ •• _ ••

Phltc glllSil-Jt~lutcf,l. rOlled, or rough ..... __ dUt.r{Sq. iect. - II!), ~·t2 G3,572 140, 612 ~SO, G2,~ 2CD, (i7~ ~75l 51G ·1~31, f)·If, ~1·1, O~D I '71.1, nus 71'1, on

dons_... 7,~15 5,D31 1~'5S11 fii,990 28,]10 I ~~rGr)i' ;~,.j,!Xa, l07,~·l3 1!;\~~{I J11,3;;

Cll.."t,polishrd,unsilvcrcd ..... dut __ {Sq.,:cct-- 911,879 I ~~.2:n,:~·17 ti, 185l 762 G,G~tO:S~9 .!,t1l7. 0G7 1 (i,G08,~.·Hi .. Ii,,~.:,.~.):...:,',~ ... ,,:,·.·.~ i. (j.7~-;,;i·Hi 0,Gii';,S:")3 ~.~·5~,;-)~:5 UO~js .. _._ 22li,:m;) 'j1);~·150 mj·J,93·1. 1:432,2'.)7 g15,0~S 1,11..:·1,0:--:8 ,,], 121),1(~' Ki\G;lU 5]:),fjt~

C t Jj . d'r I d {"q.rect.. .J5.9U7j 53,USl 16,v:;] ~7.1G'\ I I~ ~:7 l:;.W~ ~:,!~3j ~~.5S11 I Lr.:;3 as ,po She ,FH ycrc( ........ _ nt.. 1 ., , .', ----.~-.----

dolls_ •• _ 1~,.113! 18,819 n,;-)2~ G,~!)l 0Jl::::! '1,01)0 f3:~r; I 11'O~21 r';UOl .--- •• -----. Pln1(~ fir dj~kr.;, Tong-h, f'ut, (lr nnwTrmght, fnr I I I

optical ill::;trulIlcnLs, Gtc ............. _ireu •• doHg_ _ 1~:;, ·1-10 I 1G1, 51~ I 191.039 217, G12 ~1;"j, r)~~ ; 177, ·1;-.-; ]~J, flOO I ~1t~, ·1~)} 3GO, ~';8 455, ~u7

All other ............................ <lnt..doll".. ~,IOG,O~I 2, lan, 201 2, ~~l,ROO 2, 7m, ;;GSI 3, I~;r., .0" ~. 9f;,\, 1~3 ~,?W;. ~1 t I 3, ·lGO, 811 ~~l, ~H 2. foG7,r,'6

r.ruta.l .••• _ .. __ ................ _ ..... _ •. _ •• dulis_. _~,~~:;~n::;"I~~~1_~.il7~L 6.~~~~_O~~~ . __ 7.:.~~.R7U-'_ (i.r,t-;·~,H.:-= '-1,_!.:~;~:.1~~:~~;~1 'j'~(i!i:~1 1'"fi7U,1:!31 r),2li:!.1~m ~ Qll:~llti~y I.l0~: ... tn.tpd 1J;ior to l~)p{l. . . ... II !neiunC'rl ~n :: All fit iJcr nllt~." frN', prior to l!":O'i. i fnl'lnue:.1 in " Al1 ,-,tiler r ..!es." dntin.lJlt\ prioT in l~lO~ In~ .. u~uJ .111 All otlH.r ITl1I.I~. du!ml~h:'. T1TIOr to EIO/. e lutluut.,u]Jl _\'11 uther nuts,·J uUthLu]e prior to 1DD~t gIllelm.1cti ill ".1i1 otJ.:.Jr glass ulid rr1u.<.: ·'nne 17 a.itt'r p.[,;-:;'

c InclllU~B Ul~C l!.uts llOt spccJ.twd ~Ir.lor t(,l!.m:?. ' ~- .... :':1, .. •. ,-,


No. 199.-l\IERcHAXI>I~E I)IrOItTlm: QI;ANTITIES .\:Im YAJ,\\E5, m.- ARTICLE:';, YEAR:> EXDED Jl!X[~ 30, 1900 TO 1909-Continued.

,----~~,-,----==~-,=-,~=~~~'=-~~~-~ .. -'~-=--"-~====~

Article._ _ __ 190~_ I~Ol ___ ~ 1903 _~~~__ 190;; __ 1~~~l HIM ! ___ 1~0~_-_ {

lb 5,577,US2 '1,540,951 4,787,7G2 5,560,G16 5,798,330 .,439,735 '1' 6,558,lGS 6,4_66,31:! 6,7S1,9,1;)

Gluc ___ .....................•... , ...... _duL. ;j~~;~:: 537,492 .1.3, S-U .177,OSr. 602, on 598, .5,16' .01, S-171 G32,700 ,,06,6(;', 629,032

Gold and silycrsweepings .... _ .......... ircc .. tlolls__ .13,'lr-.s 51,208 ·17,27·1 85,781. 02,396 ''j'~,085 97,661 116,976 (i9,-.1.40 GrcnscRndoils _________ .. --- .... --- ... - ....... rrcc .. -doll~-- 5.")6,723 ·175,5£i·l 561,001 578,974 8-13,681 859,569 1.OO~,487 1,074,247' 774)249

Grcnsc ____ ...... _____ ... ____ ............ - __ .... duL_dolIs.. ~22,94S 280,889 420,493 29ir~72 3H,Z·12 310,9-151 2!)3,3USj 2811492\ 328/832

Gut: I L:nmanulacturerl .•....••••••• _ •..•• frec •. tloUs.. 13,138 1,826 15,626/ 101,827


' 00,351 02,6;;0 I 85,587 103,'189 113,861 I1Ianufacturcsol. .................... dut •. dolls.. 66,430 77,145 S4,(J28 i G5,5a6 59,079 53,292 62,601 i 67,156 86,656

::;"'" """" ................. ·····-'~"··l;::;;:: :: ::::: :::::': :::::::: ::: ::::::::::::j: ::::::::::: : ::::::::::: : ::: :::::::f:: ::::::::: ,. '~:::: I "':::: Unmanufactured ................... lree .. dolls.. 2~445,964 1,611,424 1,980,319 2,702,734 2,639,586 3,328,·fil 3,704,9871 3,038,996 2,770,658

Horsehair, artifiCialb._ .••.•••.•••.• dut •. {~b:l;~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~~::~:~ lofunufacturcsof. .•.••.. _ ... _ .. __ ..•. dut..dolls.. ~18,226 68,721 75,217 72,350 87,476 99,933 14.9,362 565,603 -134,221



655,127 57,SG2

1,2.46,051 ~.H3 .. 710



945,789 lS .. 190

3,750,.524 379,990



Hats, bonnets, find hoods, and materials for: !rateria1sfor .... __ ~_ .. ____ ....• _._ ... dut._dolls._1 2,092I~Ol 1,,03,508 1,603,5·16 2,379,3Cii 2,725,883 3/ 104.,824 2,373,189 I 3,98B,0'3'3 2,369,(31) I· 3,365,650

Hal~, bonnct.s, and hoods composed of slra W I ~]1ip, g:-nss, palm. lCIi.f, wi]]ow, osier, Or rut: tan .... ___ ... __ ._. __ ..••. __ •..•..•. dut_.dOll" .• 1 734,633 1,094,601 1,446,932 1,491,911 1,237,155 1,274,619 2,197,~9,j 2,832,226 2,482,912 2,037,;)94


tons .. ' 143,890 142,620 48,4:15 293,112 114,38S 4G,214. 68,5-10 D1,116 10,063 6,712 H~l" •..•••... _-- ...................... - .• dut.. dOllS..! 1.01~,743 1,128,610! 381,417 2,238,109 014,842 359,515

1 5O-2,O~1 D01,507 89,808 iiO,S54

Hldes and skms, other tha.n fur skins: I ' ,", I ----,';,~-========"I, ==~~¥==~= Goa.tskins ......•.... _ ......... _._ •. irec .. {lbS.-.-. SI,g..J8,SlB 73,745, 596 1 Sa,D3S,5IG! 8';,1l4,OiD I 86,333,5J7 1 97,803,571 )1l1,079,3Plll'101,201,596 63,610,7;;8 HJ.l,048,244

dolls. & 21,987, fi74 20.577,033; 2.."1, 478J 179 24: 928, 729 2.'3,971: 731 20, !}45, 721 i 31: 773, 909 I 31,715,298 17,325, If612G' 023, 914

Hides of cattle •.•. __ .••••..••••..• _dut .. {lbS .... 163,S55,lG~ 129,174,62-1 1143,627,907 131,,640,325\ &;,370,168 1113,177,3.57 1156,155,300 ,134,671,020 98,353,249 192,252,083 c]ol1s.& 19,-103,21'; 14: G~'i, 413 17.474,039 16:159,902 10,989,035 1-1,949,628 I 21, 86~, 000 ! 20.6·19,258 12,04.4.,435 23,795,602

Sheepskins c ••••••••••••••••• _ ••••• free .. {~~~~~::f:::::::::::: :::::: :::::1::::: :::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::i::::::::::::i:::~:~:::::J:::::::::::i -4:: ~~!: !~~


{lbS ••.. :100, 070, 7~5 77,989,617 'I 89,457,680 102,340,303 1103, OZ,!, 702 Il26, sm, 934 '15S, 0·15, 110 IIS5,ill,199 '1120,770,918 99,3.17.672

Alloth.2r. __________________________ free .• d II 11" r-?980- I? 9n - '"~ I' 0'1400 169·'2 g<? I"" n'. 30.11' n., "6" ""~ I "0 ?·16]"S ~o S"l 9~9 ~- "DO r---o So_. U"N t I _, :1D,.IU. ~l ....... I • '.1 I ,._ .. /.\}";LI), __ , .... ,:\,1".11 I~").- •• 1 ,), -::I. 1 ~ .... :1, _ .<,/i) 2~!.~~!,171

{IreC __ dOlls..: -ii, 527, 481- 33.572, 600 ~jQ, 532. 579 41,871.71.1' '41,017;'035 49,814, 518 r~'2, 020;107' (;2".'557, 2S7 ' 42,725,710 54,691,722

l~ TotaL ______________________ . dllL.dOlls •• i~,·10~217 . ..!4,fiJ~m_ 17,471,0.39 16}fi_9'~2~ .10!9~9,0~ 2,1,919,628 i~62,O.~~_ 20,U~9,25S ..!.2,04'J,43~ 23,79;;,60~ ~ Hide cuttings,Iuw, andotller glue stock. free . . dolls .. i --··l~ 223, 521 ~57, 931 -696.439-'-834,'421- -- 81)4, .183' '--1-,120, 070-, -1~ 160,683 -"i,47:>.lSS" 1."265, 382- 1;3lH,956 It' d t [glllls __ : BG,S50 182,196 1G7,SOl 2S7,GUG 2U6,292 198.G17' l:lS,:m 175,672 211,992 145,G91 rn Honey ____ . _____________________________ u ''101olls__ 70.857 83,599\ 56,38;1 115,100 G~,053 76,719 50,651 70,R51 98,425 60,884

> {lbS__ __ 2,589,725 2,606. 70S 2, S05, 293 6,012,510 2.75S,lG3 4,339,3,9 10,113,989 6,211,893 8,493, 2G5 7,386,1\74 ~ Hops ______ ...... ____ • _________________ .dnt __ dolls.. 713,701 851,008 833,702, 1,S08,~91 1,37·1,327 1,G80,80·1 2,326,9S!! 1,97·1,900 1,989,261 1,337,099

o Household Ilnd personnl eITccts, etc., in Ilse, imrle· 1

0\" meritH, instruments, and tools of trade oi pcr;;oll~ I' I' ilrri'ving from foreign countrie~, Ilnd or citi7.en~

~ of tile United States dying abroad ____ free __ doll;,__ 2,007,805 2,356,727 2, 93~, 24<1 2,856,007 3,0-10,523 3,263,38-1 3,94.1,875 3,835,354 4,446, lSi

DO India rubber. guttll.perehn., and sllbstitlltes for, and mn.nufactuTcS oi:

=:::.~'"_'~------_~:::: 1;:;;:::::::::::::::::::::1:::::::::: ::::::::: ;;~:~ ~ r: 1_ ~:~_':;~: G tt I f kb~l.I~:: ----~;;:~~~. "--;.~;:;,;;' '--';;;:;~;'I"--;;~:;~'I----~;~:~;;' ----;~~:;~;. ~~~:~~~ ~~:~: ----~~~:;:.;~ .. ----;;;:;;~

u a-perCl& .......... _____ . ___ ree··ldOIls__ 17S,G16 130,957 252,329 222,.100 17.1,953 21011881 188,liJ1 201,339 100,305 82,136

Gutta·joolntong {or Ellst Indian{lbS ____ 8,701,753 ~,371,OH7 16,850,821113,9&1,817 H,SS7,41G 19,10·1,911 21,390,l1G 28,437,660, 22,803,303 2~,82(j,295 gum) ...... ______ .. __________ .free __ dolls__ 237,214 2·1S,833 501,418 3·15,·131 .130,231 O11,S19I 733,071 1,085,OgSI 1,039,77a S;;Z,3n

I d' bb . {!bS __ -- 49,377,138 55,275,529 50,413,.181 155,010,571 50,015.051 I (i7, 23·J, 256 ~7. 8U, :;43 76, 9G3, 8381 G~, 233, HiD 8~, 359, 895 n lo.rU er.~ ..... _. __ .. __ . ___ rrcc .. dons __ 31,376,867 12Sl~55,S~3 21.899,230 I aO,13G,710 10,441,250 ·19,H78,3f.iG ·!,j,lJ.1,450 /58,919,981 36,618,155/ 61,709,';13

India Tubber, 01_~ ~crnp, fit only for{lbS_ .. _ lU, 093, 547 15,233,230 I 22,894,900 21,65':1,3U! 20, ~70. 970 11,57;3,21'1 21,75'3, ·186 29,335,19:3 I In, 331, 0;]5 20,497, ml5 rcmD.nuIucturt;. ____ .~.~ ... _ .. irec_. dolls_. 1,249.2;]1 98S,31G I 1,437,96011,516.1:17 l,161.7S:-, O;)3,/!~m 1.7~116781 2. HOB,987 ! 1.196,812, 1.[\.13,257 Totnlunmanufuctured .. ______ ._ .... Qolls __ 3:>~o1GiS 2!)~~~\494 12,,000,037- ?.2,5~O,S;S 4£2i·t,21tl- hl:~l~ 47,-910,oii" 63:i20,446139:526~S4.4!61,-ilij~iio

Manufactures of- ----.---- --. - -- -----1 .----Elasticon, and similnr substitute. for ;mJ;" \ ' I

rl1bbCJ::b •••.•• _____ ._ ••• ___ • __ .dut_.doll~._i_ •• __ ~ •••• __ _ ........... _ ••• ____ •••• _ •• _ ••••••••. __ .•••• ___ • __ •• __ ._._... 54,43~ 65,ts14I 27,909 60,625

Glltta-percnn. __ . __ ...•..• __ .... __ dut..dOlls .. 1 25'1,332 1G3,337 127,780 225,198! 335,1S0 117,735 203,172 191,OG41 93,.515 71,819 Indiarubber ___ •••. __ ._._ •• _ •••{1oll~_. 5fl~!.~fl.~ _~.~._~~~ .. __ .l:l~,..75G .. ~5,{)72 _S.:!~~2 ~~S!J.OG-1 ....!._!~~~~:~~a_ :2,262,7831 1,956.59Q.. 1,3rJl,?~

Totn.lmnnulnctllre3 ..... __ ........ _.dolls._ ~ ~n~~.I~~~....:_._~!~~~.O ____ 5_~!!~:~61 .... _ ~.~.~,_17.~_ ],j.57"~~~:J .. ~~?~~2~ . 2.,.~~.~.~Ol?_ :....:~~~]?~.~~~, ~.,_~.~~,044 1,52-1,.21~ "Included i~" All other n.rti~~I(>."i." irec! prior to 190;. . clncluded in " A.n other hides and !::)kins" prior to 1909. b Included In "All other artlclcs," llutlablc, for years for ,yhich no data arc shown.



__ -_,._0"_--_~_-·_'~_--_-_-__ ._"-r_t_ic_le_3_· ________ i -~:/-10,~G·-II_:_:·,~~."-~:,'J:,~.j~ ;::'~II ~;:~ :,I! __ J_Il_'()_G_+_l_U_O_7_ 1 _____ I ____ _

Ink and ink powucrs ..•••••••••••• _ ••.•• dut .. uolls .. i _ 75,43-1 04,289

Iron ana steel, Ilnd mnnufactures oI:' / '! JtO:il!{~a 21,SBO 12,350 33,077 28,OU2 27,943 36,"7831 57,290 30, 805 Chromk Ol'\! or cbroL'ltlte 01 il'On •.• free.·l<1011s_. .3iS, 099 2U,762 525,761 I .109~ 731 3!:.13,234 508, {lGS !. 7~S, 3~(j 3~21·1C5

• . {tons.. 946,194 771,457 1, ISU, 732


1 1,043,565 6s.!,126 757,323 ! 981,026 1, ~UG, 717 IrOllorc ___ ..................... • .... ••· __ ·UUL . dolls_. l,4U7,02.2 1,135,271 2,:)62,5-1-1 2,3fil,2iS 1,593,279 1,670,683! 2,7'...8,854 j 31 8GO,/.i49 ..

. . d " {tons .. I~l,loo . 39,321; 1~'9V1' ~56,198 ; It>1,135 122,977; 371, 7~0 1 5G4,&16 PIg Iron ...•••.••••••••••••••••••••• ~., •. clolls .. j 2,109,501 1,355,231 3,367,172 16,030,592 4,0'17,167 2, %9, 009! 7,778, SSi 115, G,>4, 767

Scrap iron ILnd steel, flt only to be r~.{ton~ .. 1 28,·j31 20,414 49,158 1.W;,'J51 28,614 12,;;50 \ 25,810/ 21,430 manuIdciurro. _________ .... ____ .... dut ... dvlls__ 5C2,(i85 3-:::0,722 7130. 753 2~OZ7,049 432,903 17·:1:,238 \ 401,810 200,511

B . cl JIb" •... 14;, G53, 4Gi 3U, 7,17, 497 49,110,456 95, 6~5, 208 68, S~5, 588 59, ?gS, :89 i &4, 9:~;, 030 186, '~~;" G:~ 4l'rron .. _________ .. _________ .. _______ ut--ldOlls_ .. 1,0"'...8,877 1,035,$2 1,092,581 1,8·14,485 1,3Go,097 1,1.16,":1.1)0 l,G2"':!:.,lS& I 1,tJu~,loo

Bars,rllihVny,Ofironorsteel,orinpnrtftDns .. j 2,487 1,091 15,017 122,4·14 53,358 17,025 9,G35 1 4,C10 ofstecl ............................. --dut.-ldul1s ... 1 83,738 48,0.50 371,-152 2,S136,30i ],190,536 SSi,U7:J 2:jO,37.11 133,f':)o

b" 1 1 d . ~llJS ___ 'I' 1,529,651 768,117 11,723,203 3,493,lG5 4,098, 'j76 4,296,{iG3 25,081,'111 9,786,227 lioop, .-nl,orscrol~: ...... -~ ............. ut-· .. ldOlIs •. 31,749 22,5.2G 1,8,202 92,G:16 70,.281 61,011 2i3;812 l~!),lO(j Ingots, blo"m~, sl~bs, mlleL., and blll'!l offill ; 3"2 qq., ~18 19 o.j' ",10 "00 .," 40~ 850 Co· 907 "0- 9~4 ,1·13 . steel. and s[.Cel In forTInl not elsewhere s. __ -, ~ ,...,-0), _ : c ..... , \.: - -, .... ~i.l, - I .: _0, ~ :_.), I ,.- 21, £153, 028 f .1.·1.,001,417 41,484, ,76 SG, !l5R, 859 !lS, 255, 121

"Pecifieu ...••••••......••...•.••.• uut. .1UOlls •• ll, 3S9, 0~8 I 1, 281, 3~9 3,506, 3i5 9,834,2361 3,393,692 1,641,549! 2,672, GaS 3,033,928 2, In, DI6 1, !l-W, C30

Sheet, plate, and tuggers iron or st.eelpb9 ........ ZJ,Uli2,157 I 4,891,523 11: U5S, 3S3 17:9--17,0641 .22~&f.!,Gl() 4,7:l1,t.f)O·1 7,~~S5,.22i 7:680,746 5,875,252 7, 09il:17G

........•....••.....•.....•••...•• dut.·!dOlls •. I· 668,657' 2016,403 601,249 480,985! 508,365 916 1 .. 391 I I .... J 4{)1 u.!·j,.... SI5, G'i"5 B3S, 977 i 46·1,671

Tin plates, tCl'neplnte., and taggers tinflb3 .... ;14i,963,80! .117,880,S12,19S,99il,OS6


109,913,293 ·12Q,909,~GO 161,OGU,820 1120'81~'7S2 'H2,5~9,'10G /1.10,7:;9,972: 117,312,174 ... -- ........... - ...... --.-- •. _-- ... ---dut.-1d011s •• ! 4: i9?1796/ 3,770,062


G,OG5,G24 3,209,9151 :~.4i'3,454 4,558,875 8J=112,~~31 4,ti;31,3;3~ 4,!Wl,953/ 3,~25,S51 wirerod •••••••••.••••........•.•••. dut..{lbS .... i 47,09G,5G5 j·41,588,I!Y.! 38,486,353 51,497,919,41,452,393 3J,2S2,031 42,428,885 ,10,110,672/' ;lO,39S,~70 I' 2:;,.j;2,001

dol1s .. _ 1,114,145 I 1,082,82; 902: 296 1~ 137 ~ 370 884,777 G90, ~t91 870, H291 8~~6, ]01 I1GS,694 , [)59, ·153

Wire, and !lrtlciesmade from ••••.•. dut •• doJlo.. 386,316 ·1~8,3IH· f';3,3011 614,459 722,580 !i38,9BO o:2:l,~31 1,330,852! 1, 332, Si3I 979,998 iU! .1 • fIbs.... ;iSO,438 525,673 4·j8,079 ,1Of>,!JS2 5~7,S09 393,;,03, 543,·1~9 ! ............ ! ............ ; ........... .

'Yl SIL -~.-- ........ - ..... -.--- ..... ---.Ql1t·-ldons... 3GJ4~O 35,372 23,778 I 26:405 35,4QO :!-!,332r 34.,05411_ .. ______ • ___ 1 ___________ .1\" ______ ... ___ _

:Buildl!l;;!ormH.nuo. al:other s.:,uelural {lbS .••.•••••.••••••..•••••••••. ············1············,' 32,05[;,123 7,072,099,,79,740,312. 20,8S~,301: 3,,127,824. 12,2G3,179 ,hupe" lIttcd lOr USC ' .••...••.••••• dut •• do!ls.. . .•.•.•.•..• . •••••••. .•• •.•.•••.•... ......•.. ... 405, i~2 lIO, ,,40 , 912,125 , 328,353 : 80,891 I 171. G75

Cb . 11 t [lbs.... G39,(\~O 32l,3UO C57,9~2 1,411,[;88 S54.6-10 62:~,4i)O I GGG,SGG :············:············1······ .. :··· Il.l1lSI:. .. __ .~_ ........ _ .......... _ .. _ ....... _. U --lc.clls __ . 4~,7:.!O I ~3,8B3 J 45,7';S G5,!.IGS I 57~H:;S 41,9-.Lt '17,::)['i I ......... -..... ~ ............ ~ ................ ~ ..... ..

1908 1909

45,I3G 41;,403

4:1, 862 ~9, 792

53~)r 741 3·W,ilS4

95S,37~ 1,015,64.7

2,949, 4li2 2, 7}·1, 691

~{l4,092 10.1, (i55

G,201,80S 3, "09,OR6

17,014 5, IS:!

215.1·19 la,005

72, S09, 9~~9 33,806,320

1,457,813 G:)!;,{i31

2~ S39 1,292

Sf"~ "lG 3">, loU

I, O(jO~ 520 2,4::'0,314.

77,515 9i,59i


Cutlery •..•..••••..••••••...•..•••••.•• dut. .dolls. '11, 534,.382 I 1, li9G, G6S 1,706, '15·1 1,782,970 1,896, 213 1 1, SOD, 7l'1 I 1,592,278 I 2,263,107 2,018,143 i 1,733,874

l:t""'ile~,filebln.nk~,ru~ps,andfloatsb ___ duL_doIl~L_ 59,707 69~'i~~ 72,2[J3 S;;,4.:-;''j U7,S12 8';,29~ I r,~1,7{J3 1---·.-----·· -... -- .... _----;----- ...... ---P · d t d 11 ,°3°,"23 9?'''- 1 1'- 0"·' -')' 0-- ,'.' 'W', I ""~, 0'''' 50' "]" 1 3'1,·' a··'· 20" "-9 ?'I nj8 'lreal'lIlS .• _________ • ____ .. ______ ... ___ U __ 0 So_ 0.0 u ... "1,'.t':'l.1 I V"! .,::l '_'-". II I·_ .... ~ ... ( .... I ........ u , i'lo-'~ '-' I, ljlJ _I,vl _;)' ,0.

hlachincl'y ... __ . __ ... 5~_ .... _ ........ _.,,_ .. ___ dut __ dol1..; __ ; :J,5GV,O~() 3,324,765 3, (j·16, 5'i2 4,aS5~B~J 8,18-1:968 2!W$,300 3,6f..7"iD2 r ·1,!Hi3J·1~~ 3,&16f ,lSV 4:258,7,13

Needles, hand-scwingund darning ... irce ... dons. -f 367,578 [:83, 03·1 ~OS, 9iS 442,837 455,762 4.0n,2G1 418, E1G I 4~:!t 637 41·1, 9U8 431,147

Sbeets, plllteR., wllrcR, or articles o[ iroTI, ~t~~l, or II I

~;~5~~~~::~~.~~:~:~1.~:~1.~~:~.~\~£~t':~~~U'~~ ........................ '1' ............................................................ \ 878,248 781,017 6S9,837

Shotgun b:trrelF', in single tubes, forg-c:-d, rOll1!h-/ I uUl'ed . ______ ..• ____ • __ ._._ •....• __ iree __ doll=L_ 1821900 26B,276 282,97U 232,5440 172,652 218,376 2GO, 449 1 U13,190 1G9,145 1-13,152

All othermc.nufactl1res of ...... _ ••• _dut •• dOIIS __ \ 1.671,899 1,570,269, 2,316,327 5,201,066 3. 9iG, 250 4,814,SlR 2,815,024 3,057,449 2,367,939 !t 289, 7aO

Total. not iucluding are and chromate of i I ---- I i 1----iroll ____ ._ ..... _ .• _ ................ _ .. _ ... dolls •. 20~-178,723 Ii, 874, 'i'89 ~ 27,180,247 51,fi17,3l2 27,028,312 2:},510.1G-:!! 29.053,987. 40.r,t{7,8G5! :27,607,909 22,439.787

Imr" and manufuctures of: ,----~-= ~-==;---. .

1:nmnnuiactured- i I I ' 1 {IbS....... 353,423 42·1, 305 -1~S, 202 i 538,875 4!)G,180 627,720 5';9,222 ' (j·W, 9~!.j 371: 3·14 7GG.72G

fIb::!. _ ~. lu, 0'13, 505 13, ·161,4.61 14,699.215 17,194,434 1.5,7401 'itlj IH, {lB8~ 913 21, DiG, f1L18 Hi, G02! 2~9 ! 1-1,536, 2SS 20,00"2,909

AIDlnn •• _ ...... _.a.;. ....... _ ............ frcc •• dolls.. 805,486 8;12,233 986'3-17 1' 1,20-1,628 l,07i),5tJ2 l,u12,958 1,·178,O~7 2,OQa:-!74 l,l·18,G20 ~,077,500

Vegetuble- •• --- ........... - ........ --free--ldOllr-:.. 2.13,048 1,9,735 leu,':l89 1£1::::.093 2:!9.9';'! 410~S8::: 51G:GOi 4G'1~9~11 37;',5:\5 G{)!):Du~ ~I!1.nufnetUIe" of ............... •••••• dut .. dOlls"

l '19,41l! 51, 7~·1 04,314 I 72,755 7-1, Jil7 7~, 9:0 I 82,217 69,5-14 ! ag, G81 ·11,793

Jewelry and manuiactures of golcl anl1 .ilyer I I •••• _. __ .~ •••••• _ ... " .... _ •••• _h .. _ ••• _ •• _dut._do1l3._ 3,545.890 3,720,0;1 2,612,345 2,007,433 2,048,821 1, 303, G5::! 1,739,953 1,';79,5:1, __ .• _ •• __ ........... ___ .. .

~~;\.c~~~:;·~~~~~~~~~;;,.-·~; .. ~~i~ .. :~!·~~~:~· ........... + ....................... 1. ....................... / ............ ! ............ ······ .. ····1 916, 102 1 S1(;, 001

Le"~·;:;l:~~;'~~~~:~~;~;~;··~·~: ... ···~d:t.{.~::::::;~~~~:~~I~~II'~~::~~~:~~~· ~;:~'~~:~:a\~~~;'~~:;;I~·:~~;~~:.~~~·I:~~~:~~~:~:~·11~7'::::::: 2~G':~::::: ell !Il orc an all )n~e U Ion._ u •• dulls • .! 3, 12~. G75; .1~ 3:.:0, .lOt1 4, .19'i! 3110. 4, 0'i3, 099 3, ~';4~ tiGl; ~~ tile, .176! 3. ;'::;1, SiG 3. t:~2.J.3·i· 4. 1.n~ 7::m 4. 4t:G, 11[-;

{II, , • [" 00'6 > ''--1 461 '"61 0"1 'I 1 ] 0., F·' 11' w' n'" I IU 8"" 1" 1 ·1 "u 'l'q -~c ,)., ·'b" c,·,·, I ~ "'1 ""1

I,· I" 1 .. '1111 I"'" .. )~.-.-' , ... ·,'--)1 vi, ,I,.:.",.) ,.,)-,~)-.:. ), .. I<J'·· ..... _I , ..... ),0· .. , ... ) ... I~' _,.,· .... ,v_.ti J,u:J·, ..... t, 5,oH'3,HU8 19R, '.lrs, Il_r ... n •• - •• - ..... - ••••• -{ lll: .. _ 11 II'" - ..... -( ]') 3'''' '.~- .... , f -1 ... ~ 'h..;' .~., .. '.. .. ., ..... :-. ..:- " .. -o ::1._ J,), J~·1 -, 3L 1, .... "'),·110 I iJ_,Gl8 ·H, •. UI'J _,-;),,)l/l~ i 11I1,·1'}1! I,Ol_,u . .lt> <.,(1;),(,uv I 181,59:::;

All()therm!l.])l1f.l..ctlireSOr ......... _ ... uut •• don~. ___ 13,7Bl !-l,!J37 __ 8,U:W : __ ]!),H:;4. 2,7:::'.S I 7,tn~ \ 9,702 i !!lJ.1-:~~! 29,,03 i 52,S!)G

Tolu1.."._. __ .. _ ...... _ ...... _. ____ ~ ...... ~lion!: __ a.l;)!i,:fll)! .'.~~~:~ .. _4.l1.1-='jG61 ,1:1:!fj..:~~--.?!.:.~n.r)2:! ,~=~! .~_312,009! '1.:~~;;.'i:22_1 ,"",183.148 I 4~670,nl:'?;

all.wlurled i:i~ IIA11 oLhl'r nlll.Iluf:u,turPH of" nfter H)Of;. 11 Includcc.l in lI.All Other£uetufl'l:; of" I,rior 10 l~O'!.

e IllPindel1 in .. ~'~i1 t.l111(~1' mH.T11:;:in('tllre~ vf" prior to HmO;. d :,\,ot .!::l'lJ!Lratdy btUL'.!d priul' tu l!.iUS.


No. 19~.-l\r£RcHA~msE I~.rPORTED: QUANTITIES A),"'D VALDES, BY ARTICLES, YEAF.s El'."'DED JU;>;"E 30, 1900 TO l009-Continued.

lllO!' =~:...,.~::,~u_o,' W;;;--;,,7' "" ;;,;0-1' ,,., i ""-';;'~'T"'7~ Leather and tlLnned .kins- I

Bnndorbclting.nnd:-oleleat11cra-.duL.doll<:l.- 47, 218 34,1~8 73,'J14 fi,.R.,4-.U , 46 .. ~75 92,07~ 9G,~27 51,407 4g}202 ----- ___ ~ ...... Calfskins, tmmed. or tllnncd nnd dressed.

and potent, enameled, and japnnncd ________________________________ dl1L.dolls__ 13~,671 G9,G91 liO, nG3 flG-i.D·H I 77~,fj.l0 (3Oi),U60 I G95,3!J4. 597,449 335:007 .- •••. __ ..•.

::~~~f;~::§q.~~~:;;;;;:;::;: :;:;;;;;;c:;;::;;: :;;;;;;;: I;;;;:;;;;;; ;;;:;:;:;;1:; ;:;::1 ;;: :;;;:; ,:;;;:;J ;~ Upper leather, dressed, and skins, drc,,-<ed I

andfini......;ilicd .. __________________ dut .. uolln __ 8,204,623 2,834,203 2,916,004 1,979,216 2,201,331 2,468,122 t 3,137,460 01,159,3891 2,480,235 .. ---~ ______ _

~~~:;j~n;~~r~~ec~.e~~~~~~~::.d~~~:k~~l:~.( .......•.....................••.....•.........•....•..... ···········r·········· ............ ............ 1,·188,3-11

Sk~~~'f:c:Z!~~:.::~~l:~~:.~:~~.s::::: :~~;: :r- -3:i~i:657~! -·2: 76S;:ioi- -·i:SGO:965 -.. ·2:isi,-8S5· r ~i:S89: 015 -.. -2:446:48i· r ";: 7'10:067· . ~3:260:a40-1' "j: 987:465'1 i; F~: F~ A~;~~el:~~~'~; ;~~. ~~.~~~. ~;;;;;; __ ...•...•... ~~:~ ~'-=r;~ , .. ~::~~~:;~~ ... ~: ~;;: ~~.~-, ~~ ;~: ~~~: ~~-' .;: ~~;.-~~. j"~: ~;~.-~;~ .. -~: ~;~~~f .. ~: ~;;:.;~; 'l5ii~:{~i

Mnnlllncturesof- 1--.. --------------- "'--1-Gloves, of ldd or other lenther .. dut •• dolls.. 6,107,7651 5,534,259 5, 3liU, 381 5,029,278 5,09.0,337 -1,7'27,489 6,812,719 10,633, 6GS 7,826,7191 7,465,319 Allother_ ..... _ .............. _._ ....... _.du~._dolls_. 665,2.59 651,560 929,558 1,091,323 1,095,6·17 1.325,102 1,6;)7,359 ],GSS,5S0 1,4'18,210 1,154t67~

Total manufactures of.. _ .. _ .... _ ....... __ dolls.. 6, 773, 02·1 6:L%,8i9 ~Mi9-1~~60i- -(i~19(i:9&i- - G:-o~i- ~c;:47O,"oi:-;- 12,322,2.48 fJ, 2.7·1, 938 \ 8; G19, mn Total leather, etc., and manufactUres -- I' I -- -- I

oi __ ." __ .. ~ .. _____ .. _ ... ____ . __ .. _. ___ doll~.,, 13!.~92l19(j 111,887,012 11,317,785 ll,21J4,lG7 11.100,215 11,66G,233 15,140_~12G '2.O,S93,53H 1·1,127,317 13,93.'3,l:a

Ume .. _____ . ____ •. ____ .. __________ •.• __ dut __ {lbS---- 48,793:888 ' 4.7,772,2;;6' 6i:662,57S,,-G9:;;iO;1.i2 -52,973:617= '46:165, 2S8 ~10, of.i;G17 -SG,0.06, 89;" 21,202, 611' 13,451, oJ.! dolls__ 63. gOO 65,399 91.785 103,3S1 90, ass 87,7.13 78,671 95,245 6G,890 5(;,46;;

lrlalt,bnTlcy _______________________ •• ___ dut __ {bll5h-- 4,~: 4,580 ~.019. 2,16S 3,165 3,298 2,-158 3,3621 2,625 1,502 dolls .. ·1,1 .. 1 4,635 2,9291 ::),029 3,250 3,580 2,711 3,91i 3,090 ],m]~

Mfinganese,orenndOxideor. ______ ..... frea .. {tOllS.- 333,916 134,211 20S,5GS! 17.\815 105,92'1 ~2.;'174' 2~5,9ij2 20710081 218,-194. IG5,(ilil .. _ . dolls.. 2: 693: 003 1,160,052 ~~,:~731. __ ~~~~7,317 _ 909,3H\.l 1: 6ul,291J 1,7S[),66i 11672~6~~ _ l'.273,.O~~ 1, ~-13, li57 lI{arble nnd stone, and mlLnllInctures of. . _____ • ___ - -- .... ___ -___ __

Marble, nndml1nufacturesOf. ____ (freeb--dOllS--'I--·~------· ----------:. ------------ .17,504 33,733 ]8,136 50,197 20,100 20,120 35,373 (dnt ___ dolls__ 812,6U6 1,024,681 1,40S,855 1,013,813 1,408,133 1,290,291 1,203,198 1,569,4.76 1,23-1,3139 1,194.665

Stone, and manuiacrures oi, including ~lo.te, I _. __ .. ___ .. __ . ______________ .. ____ {~ree--.dolls-- ~~,~25 31O,9~3 2~:,478 ~21,018 339,S10 407,]47 462,G-50 r' 578,505 51 G, 105 407,782

(.ut __ .dolls__ ~ol, DiO 276,311 2<>0,356 _·18,628 271,911 286,241 355,2611 387, 888 3~9, 062 3&6 376 Toml ___________ . ____ . ____________ . __ dolls __ ! _l,2/0,Gil -X;612-;1ii!' =-1~~63.CS~i-=-f~s,ygO: 2'~~"i3,'jflii~ =:!.!.OO.1J.§l~ _ 2,i(n,--~:Q;:1~2. 555, ~~ 'y.J.~O~556 2,--Q24~196

Match"". friction orlllciIer ______________ dU!-._dolls..I 156,705 . 165,113 184,819 I .161,197 I .230,8<37 I .187,951 I 193,802 201, ~7 220,70S I 300,875


MattingandmntslC!rfloors,mnnUfRcturCd} ~'" 38,?3D 104137 366918148 7!!4 526! 529,51311' 50 025 ~90 /47 9S" 3171 "61"- ~'G 1 H "r '85 I e, 11' .", I .from rounel or splIt NLrnw or other Ycg-e- sq . .Y~-- 1 J J " 1 I 1 I 1 il, - , _I, ..... J- II, ';I r iJ_, ':0, J__ '1~,13,\ 7-1B tablo s\lbstRncc~, including Chine~e, dQlls.... 2,674,911. 2,!108 .. 169 3, 8i7, 866 3,780, (l50 I 3,609,795 I B,GOO,ORS :;,831,43(; :I,7r.!),202 I ,1,3:1.1,04·1' 3.290,5;;7 Japanese,llndlnllinstrlLwruaLting.dut.. 'I 'i """ , :., "" - -; ': :.

Meat and dltiry products: , 'I;:: lIeat products- I: : I I

Meats and meat cxtmcts" •.•• " •. dnt.{.7:.~~~::'I .... ~~:~~.I .... ~~::~~ ..... ~~~~:~~" .... ~~~:~~ ..... ~~~~~~ ..... ~~~:~~~.I ;~~:~~ ~~:~~~ : ~~~: ~~~ : ~~~:~~~ Sau.,ngcs, bologUlL .............. free .. dolls.. 90,941 80,605 109,791 Ill, fiH 121,1-13 14..7, 119 14~, 093 121, 2G~ i 10R,3671 len, nfiR

Sausage casings ............ __ ..... froc .. dolls.. 6·16,889 6·12,212 75·1,5R8 9Gil,495 885,(-)4.5 836,323 R7·i,2tJ8 ]12S.C:;,92~ I 2,1~,Ojtl 2, 25R,ti48

All other ........................ dut..doll~" 105,725 54,6G7 380,403 70G, 802 30,619 52,223 68,813 48,18S I' 2~, Ufi8 " M,722 Dairy products-

pbs_ - -- ·.1:9,791 93, 669 ~1;j3, PiS 207,007 154, -!f>7 593,10=1 196, G42 ·1-11, ';'55 ! iSO, liDS: 64:3, S~O Buttcr .......................... dULldOl!S" 9,7G9 19,441 80,72.5 51,5tH 31,iG,j 124,186 5i,95~ lli,~~5 i IS2,88i i 141,£17

pbs ____ 13,455,990 1fi,329, 090 17,OG'j,714 r 20, G71: 3&! 2~,707,103 23,095,705 27,286,866 33,8'J8,706: a2,5aO~830 I :m,5-48,1·13 Cheese ------- ... ----- ................. dnt· .. ldOllS __ 1,761,613 2,120,2~)3 2,551,3661 3, 1Sn

J 224. 3,284,811 3,379,000 4,303,830 5,70·1,012! 5, 5HG, iOn , [),~a~n,I;;-.1:

lIrilk ............................. duLdolJs.... ,J~,GSG 48,0621 33,·1:;7 42,696 32,931 I 2H,OH 10,8581 __ 10,188 ! ll,4~G : __ ~3,418 Total. ___________ .. ______ ....... _ ....... ____ <lolls __ 3,028,216 3,:172, 2831 4,37;),075 [j,7'i8,(i78 :),20-1,2;\:1: I 5,236,856 (;,110,9-10 ~ 8,178,559 S.877, lR3I fI,l:!l,,~.Ll.l

:lIlccrEchaum,cnldc ..................... frce .. do11s" 37,45D 39,260' 53,lg~ 1'----""5S'OGG i S5,472 ;83,253' 112,9GH -----r3.j,G2-!: 164,188 1- 18~,GOO Metals, metal composit.ions, and me.nufact,urc" of i

not elsewhercspecified ~ ______ ~~ _____ dut.._do]]s__ ·1,791.,4[13 5,131,591 5, 351! 851. G,257,2G4 6,~::~i,S23 6,243,79D 7,838,565 10,325,44G; G,7(jS,637. G,80i,3;J7 fibS 2,037,429 2,022,673 1, 80G: 5S-l I,9·l5,ID9 1,380,328 1,188,44£1 2,-112,2GI 3, :J18,4.1:? 'I' 1,310, Hi7 I S06,257

lIIica .. -------- ........ ------ .. ---- .. ----dnLld~l~~:: 314,882 309,614 384,818 i 414,953, 306,937 296,362 731,481 1,2D5,606; 567,550 I 31~,525 :Mincra]s, not elsewhere specificu, crude I !

_~ _____ ... ____ ~ _______ . ____ ~~ ________ ~ ___ frce .. doll!-;__ 4S,i)27 7!l,·169 126,i87 135,380 J 21~,5il 407,?i'5 583!269 5ilG.5lSI 367,382 545,lP·l

Mineral "ubstnnc~s n(1vnnccd in value by refining or grinding, etc ________________ ~_. ____ duL_c1011s_. 13,228 2iJ,8S3 :20,9[)8 32,56.1 50,608 65,862 70,373 97,053! 54,576 58,liG

Mos~, sCllwceu8, and "f'Cgetable'Sl.1b-{irCe __ dOllS__ 24,253. 36,989 .jP,Q1G ti5,082 5'1,621 I 6O,oii)7 \19,363 91,702 I l,G,88~ &5,4::;4

stances, not elsewhere specified, ('rude dut ",(lolls", 51, IDol I 40 ao, 57,883 61,309 69,Il,l 53,229 I 69,6sn 73,421 I 99,71\1 104,452 :Musical instruments, and pnrts oL. _____ uut __ dolls __ 1,090,.-,.11 I 991,72!i I,OOO:4S~ 1,125~2S3 1,3!m,~Sf) 1,280,125) 1,2;7"J35: I,4.!.lS,i2'! 1,400,213 1,243,8~5


gross wcight ___ tons__ 2~,;j·1'j" 41,S3~ 28,559 15,63(1 12,101 10,560 I 1~1167u I Hi, 124 16,843 J7,261

Nickel ore and matte. _frec", nickel contc,nt,'lJb"", --.-- '" --. '" -- "' .. --. "'. '" '" -- '" -- '" '" '" -- -- '" "'1--" -- .. -- "'. '" '" '" '" '" "',i", -- "' ... --.. 10,523,148 16,968,525 13,841, 2CS _ .. _ .. ____ .. _ .. __ .. _dolls .. 1,070,980 1, 33S,Gf,o 1,·126,083 1,182,919 1,H;fi,l:>fi : 1,~05.S73 1,673~879 1,897,7&.1 2,391,140 2,5'14,22~

. . r flbs--.. 208,657 ·1'18~, 61-1, 059 3,827,01-1 1, 70{, 8i3j' 1, 12~, 013, 5,454,941 512,65! 2,848,291 1,742,727 OllcI1ke ... ________ ... ____ .. ____ • __ ..... ree--ldolls... 1,437 64 20,7-10 30,286, IS,59!! 12,%8 M,l44 5,342' 2'7,513 111,456

Oilcloths .. __ .... ___ ........ __________ dUt..{'q· yds... S:3~;.jU,J' Caoo:!i£ -'i824;tM' 3,a5S:tifii;~(3;:iSl~f;341-3,50S;855·' 5,470~-lGO' 7;"'109-;-ot7; 6,ii4~56il 5,306,3~9 dolls ___ . .:~:: ~o~~ OO~ _.=-.:~~;~ ~iJ~_ d}!!-~~~ _ 1, ~·~~1~~I_2:.~~l,.~70 .. _1~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~.~~ :J~_~!3, 772 I 2~ 10'2! 313 I 1, 89~,8]O

• Included in "All other leather" after laOS. • Qllltntity not st.lltcd prior to 1906. b Included in " All other ILrticles," free, prior to 1U03. d Xickel contenw not stated prior to 1907.


No. 1991.-]\IEZClIANDlBE IMl'OIrrED: QU.!NTITI£S AKD VALl.:ES, ny Am'IC'LF.s, YE.\RS E~DEn Jl'NE 30, 1900 'fO lOOn-Continued.

on. - --~;;:. ~~----~ -~-I' ~-;;~~=C-'-lr-;"7~ r;;-;,,- i~:~I;;:~[~~~ ~;;; -llr-~~;---rl ~(;~' .. -~;; Ani~.t~! or r,endt'r,cd- fgt1lls __ 851, 3'j'~ hi3,200! 1,1:;0,026.' 7~3, 090 ' 11m, 935 72t>"J70 9R~, :-\95 I, O~8,Ojl l,221,Ouf> 1,303,170

11811 anu other ............... ~ ~. -- .(Int. -1(lollS. _ ~i3, :Ui7 21i1,250 1 :~::'!l, 471 II :!li2, .10S ! (;3S, G91 ~li, mt! 369,3::;7 l 344,358 ~ -108,113 [:54, Grg

, Igulls-- 18.030 ng,131 1 lfo1,::UG ~:'l.i21 I 171,541, J75,WO ll;o,~541 1:~2.,~431 85,901 - ••••. - ... -. AJI oiher ••••••••••••••••••••.•. uut.·ltl 11 ., 0". I" 8"8 .,n (('u , '0 G'1 I '" g"O "~ MO I' "3 ~l' 'W "71 I 1(' ",., () .!;!__ I~I-",J.' ,:;.. OJ ,,:.;.,t, I) u, 'J"' <1'%) i) _"u .... i1 _ ,'" ':l _ IV I I,"'U ... _._ ••• _____ _

Min('ral~ :ge.llR ............. , _ •.. _ ................... j_ ....... _ .. J .......... _,_ .......... .1. ........... 1 ..... _ ...... ' 22,043, Wii S9, ()9~, 186

Dead, or creosote OUb •••• - ••• _.frec··ldolls_ ......................... / ............ ""'" "_'-1- ........ _ .. 1 ............ ,. "'-" ..... 1 .. · -........ /1,405, 912 2,221,231

I jgall:.: •. 2,3;;j,7~D 2,lOl,2~O I 2,G01,(j~1 3,fill,o;9C I ·1,020.G91 7,SGt4G7 13,~.!U5,21i '2:l,j4.7,f5~ / 3~r),3g:! :!:2~ .A.lotl\Cr-.----- .. -.-.--- .. -.-----frcc··ldon~__ 217,405 l(jS,839 I 1~O,~5G i :.!11~OS41 2·1.?,nOa .~03.59S GHO,IOS l,140,7.H I 13, (j'j'l1 G!)

{KnJls__ 19} 509 40, Goo \ u33,783 I liG, m,l G~12, 817 2,636, 03il 2,15;,4021 3,388, GCt) I S, tK-;;), l~S 7,206,214

Do._ .••.•••.• _ •••.•.•••••• _ •••• _dllt •• d lJ' 30.1" n Q2Q I "n ('00 I 1" I'''' : "" 0"0 "0 m" I 80 "e}l' ],;513" ~ ,<"" "3" 3"9. "_"U Ve[;~t"uJe- 0 B.. ,~ •• I '0, ,- 1 v, "°


"~''''''. . ,U~ , -,-' , ,- i ,,,"J,_ - _'J

F1Xe? orcxpraessed- &. {lbS_ ••.•••• _ •••••• _ .................... _ ... 1 ............ _ .. -····.··J .. -· .. -··-T···-····-·· 1 3",5.J.1,35G ; 4;;,·1~'2,i>75 52,490,558

Cocoanut ................. ,rec .. ~Ol~ ••. _ •••••••.•.• ............ I'a.---------.!------.--.-- · __ . __ ~. ____ I._ .. _ ........... I----·_--_--.ll ~)'(j~:'~~: i S:~~7,[)~~ I 3l 0i<J,GB2

NlltoUoroil Oinu1sn ....•. frOC._{g"~~'·-,············ ............ /'.-.- ........ , ... -...... -..... -- ........ -... -... -............. _,·1"",,,~, f 1,8U9,120 I 2,!'12,9G5 . uo.: B __


____________ --.----- •• -- --.----_.--- - ___ .. _______ -- ........... -!- _____ .. ___ .. ... ~-:: .. :.:.j ]JO:O,:~~ ~~~'~;~: I 1.15~, lH~)

Ohw, Jlt onj~' !Or.:mlnur,ncturtng{ge.lls ...• -.- •....•. - .-•..•.•......... - •. -.. -/ ... -._.--- •..••...• - .••. · ••• · ....... 1' _,o,,8,06u! 1,·ll1, .. W 1,,,(0,~c., I' 369,979 ormcchmu.:s.lpurpo::.c::-\!e .. tlOllS __ I ______ ... ____ 1 _______ -----!- -------.-- -l------ --.--- -._--- ----a-I· ----- ... _--- 1,105,876) G~2l (iG6 70~7::'~9 133,983

0.1fn~. other {.h~~n for JnO,nUiactur-{lfll]l!io .. !W7,70"2


!J83, 059 I I, :13D, 097 I j, '!~)4, 132 1,71:;, 5tlO I 1,923, 1i-1 2, ·147, 1:)1, 3, -149, 517 3, ,flY, 112 4: 129, 45-1 l!lg or mCCilt'.llle:Ll pUrp{\EC;;'~ .<Int, dolls 1 170 871 1 Qua '~S 1\ 1 579 .. 'oa 1 'rG r; ~B , R75 8115; 2 lO~ ~t).. 2 5613 ('('4 3 ~,;)3 79 5 , .. !-, -G (01) 5, O':,)g, 655

Palma .......... _ ..... __ .... f,ee.>bs .. ::I ... :.-.: ...... .'.~- .'.~ ..... .' ... -'.: .. -.. .'··~.'··~··i· .~:~ .. :~~--! .. -' .... '. ~.~. i .. .'.' ... : ~:._! 2U: ~;G:Z~7 ; B~: ;;~.;:;7;' 5~, 976, 379 lcJolls •• I ............ I ............... _ ..... _ .............. , .. · .. _._ .... , ............ j .......... -.11,C~3,~85; 1,ti49,UUI 3,185.033

All()t.hi::r ••.•• __ •. _ .... _ .• _Jlrce ... .dDJ]S~.! j .. [)OB,990 2,438, 392 3,7H5~~!:;G 6,"C1,,=j78 4,733,347 5,102,812 4,';75,103 r 173,2:!5! 106,5i3 152,4.0,)

l:lllL . doll!\.. 781, GOU 983,778 1, 261, 3~5 1, 31G, 134\ 1, ~l9, 35~. l' G07,620 1, ~·lO, SUO: 1, ,W, 075 i 1, U79, 577/ 1, 7~2, 675 V~~atiJc or essential [Lnd diS.{lree- _dc.~lls __ jlr 4S'i',111 1,406, G32 I, fiBti, ·:1.(;5 1, ,~50, 330 I 1, £liG, 9Q2 1'[)R2,4-:19) 1, 93d, 040! 2, (jJ2,242 2, ~,GO, 835 i 2,3"7,813

,,!lIed ........... _ ................. _ .... duL.,}oUs._ 372.,0;31

5ffi,7t.i3 i 5011!90G 'iOO,001, &19,75G I H52.27,11 ~129,9G~, r ] ,C5H. 978 , 1,094,(j(lG I 55~tmm

{fl'Ce._llOlls .. 1 1.213,506,' '1,010,8631 5,521,..107 °'095'0921 G,5~8,:!4<; I ., ass, 1i,59 ! S,W4,l2i /' lll,lYLi,8~8; 10,782,99g /12,358,340

TolaL. ..•.••••••.• ____ ••••• dllt •• dOJlS._/2,Wl,274 a, osa, figS 3,778,7U1 4,lS7~~fo5 4.t:21,ltI7,' 4,f'O~,Uu1 i ,.,210,821/ (i,8i1,93Q I 7".09,39-1 -----'-~--i !----,---- '

m·t"j 01"· dolls - "1- '-co I -0'1-, "31, ",','.OO,lU" 1;' '283n 9"" I' 1"04'0 III "I" "'0 I' ]" ., ... n,'S 11- O"~ -,-,~, '18 ••.•. J n93/ ~O,4"S,('·JO 1\..' <M J..:j ~ ....... ~.~ ........... _ ........ ~ .. _ •• O,U, 1,1('1 ',~,~ .. _Q _, ,01, _, I~, OJ... ,l) ... tl,I..'-, "'~~_<l,~l: I, \.I ..... , : ,.<.:1_,,, _ OJ ;;)

I ! I I I


Pnints, pjgmcnt~, and colors •••••••••••• duL .dOllS,,/l, 535, ·161 Palm leuf:

NuturaL ______ .. ____ .. ______ .. ____ .. lrce __ dolls.. 15,128

:llnnuIacturcs of, Il, c.s ______ .. ______ dut .. dolls .. n,27i

1,4.87,381 I 1,603,181! 1,827, no: 1,674,193 I 1,524,301 1,696,808 I 2,013, 481 ~ 1,738,257

7,085 , 10,9051 5,339 : 5,610 : ~, 43·1 S,I11 ,I H, .79 ; 3G,855 7,32·1 I 7,018 7,4'15! lU,220! 11,121, 1,8,1 g,UDa' 5,670


17, S5! 1,5[1S

n, 382, 167 55,669,311 73,314,499 103, &,,3, :>29


' 99,403,763 1-19,519, O1S 1140, 257, 3S3115tl, 861, 027 :113,596, G03 , 130, GOS, un 1,372,156 g7·~,4.·!4 1,~5~,205 1,G:10,g27 1,511,83.; I 2,18-1,8(,3 2, nS,i62 ~J:J:5;),5UO! 1,7]5,012 i ],~(j2,o .. m

Allothcr._~ .. _ .. _________________ . ___ irec __ dolls __ l,S89,622 1,30D,2·j2 1,518,Q\jQ 1,37·1t 157! 1,388,878! 1,1311,732. ~,255,7U2 3,:nl,D3S i 1,059,981! 2,Oi5,975 1-------1-------1-------1-------,'-------" '

Pa.per stocl:, cru~e:. pbs .. __ Rllgs, o,ber t.lnn woolen ........ __ .frce .. [dOli' ..

Total.., •..• , ......••••.... , .•..•••.. dolls .. ! 3,261,778 2,183,6861 2,770,255 3,015,084 i 2,~OO,713 i 3,796,595 i ,),371,464! '\5~O,52813:G75,926! 3,(;38,034

Pa.per, and manuI,1cturcs of: I' I 1 1 I' I I

L 'tb b'c I b'I' , 1"'~ . .j... dut dol'g no' 60n 01'" I~nl 1 0"" 96fi 1 "~9 r-<)o: 1 451 4"1 I 1 ~06 ... .,3 2 ;")";:) 9::11 3 9CB 511'} -1 4111 10') 1 -150 0')') 1 ogrnp 1 a l l'5U .. H !,rm ........... _. '{'lbs"~"l ;.r;),;; 1"~3"~·lrJ ... I '9l:~';"1) '~S'·0·'3'~9,)! '30'1'6~81' -'~~'~ll, ~~~1 I '~~'1'8:'7 • .. -- .... --. - 1 • ,"" , .J_

Pnrcbmentp"poT.e ................. dut.. " 1'1'" 1,O~:,!~s~ ~ ': ~ / -,~,-,. ~1': ~ 1 .'~'6::' _u '7':.1 -4" '8~;' 1 ............ , .... · .... -............ .. (a0 S... {-J.,~I .. 1,~8_ 4,,455 '_:.1,0.19' ".ti, '1", r 39, til 4, !j<J r--""-"'- .-- ......... 1 .......... __

Pl~~;!~~.:~~:~ .:~~ .:)~.~:~.~'~~.:~~~;m~. {~~~;~:::: :~:::~ :~~:: ::,~::~ :::~:.:i::~::.: ~:~::: ::~:~~::~~~: ::,~:::~:;,)::~::~~::~:: ::~: ~:~:::J:::;:::,~~~:!: :~: ~::::~~:: 3:,~~~: ~~; All other __ .~ ___ ... _______ .;._. ___ .... dur .. dOlls __ 1 ... ,810,,0)8. ~'),O..:.3,·:lJl) I.D,12 .... /0:1 vl_D·i, .. :}: D,8LJ, .. a ... 1 'i,O/'sl,S '::1:, ,4.,9 .. 1[) j 6, t..;.9, •. ).1,1) I J,vll,9iJU ~ u,_18~8u·.r

Totru ............... __ .. __ ..... __ .... IlOllS .. J H,79o,fi45 I ,1,002,%91 4,223,1~:; ',1,7&3,036 r,,319,03sl 5,623,6~8 6,998,761 !~~.112,~23,05ll..; 1~32,571 f {lbS __ ··1 3G7,5G2 :!55,G03. I ;;11,205 l,3G7,905 4:t!:\149 I 1§I>,579 513.3113 Ill~e:.!7'7S0 I e5::::,:m~ 2,~22,7::W

{ ree .• __ dolls__ 17,35') 13,009' 43,9~O 75,£60 25,746 15,874 32,600 58,703 Gl,6S5 120,9"5

Parafflna .. a_ .. __ ................. __ .. dut:5I:_.flos ...... _.--- .. -.- ·-·--·_--- .. ·/------------11,286,S11 7,6,~,l{ 1,13a,4l15 1,2:11,018 2,U30,773! 1,164,·133 1,792,483

ldo11s __ I ______ .... __ ---- .. ------ ----------.. i 73,819 39,294 57,561 (i9,!J;)G I 162,871! 74,931 105,032 parchlnentnndvcllum .. _ .... ______ ._ .. frcc .. dol1s __

r 36,963 52,820! 4.0,730 I G3,572 58,280 53,151 43,158 7'1,0581 66,6!JO ·19.53-1

Pencils:' 1

or paper or wood filled with lend, and pendl I I leads ---- ____ . ___ ........ ________ .. <lnt..dollS __ \ 289,OOS 314,993 356,1>12 ·187,290 I} I I

SllltU .• ____ .••• ____ ... __ ............. (lUt..{~:~:::, 2~'~:~~~ 2~~::~~ 2~~:;: 1~:::~~ 1 518,772 j 50/,UG"I 64£',735



!:!OO I l'eriumcrics. co::::ructic~. nuu all toilet pl'~p.arnt:i0.n~ I 1

-.-.- ............. _ ......... _ •••• _ .•• _ ....... (JllL •• dolJs.. 11'13,411 (j(jj"t-::J2 709, Gl·l 821,433 f:-:[:::,l~m 93G,.fG3 ],C5:1 .. 42{j I 1,200,85;; 1,120,396

PipesnndsnlOkers' c.rtkles ... _ .... _ .... _.dut .. dol1s.. 301,9;)9 3G:"i,7G9 4.·11,~90 ;>72,·t!9 7Ltt,G:n jlF,G:~7 BO!),~~;)O J,1~G,6~15 1,032,285 Plants. trees, ~hrllbs, ElDti yine-3: I

Fruit plnl)ts, tropj~nl mHl semitropic:J.l, for 1 1,610 I' IS',~' -,U lIr{)png:auon,ete __ .a.~a .. __ ......... iree .. uolls.. 'i',tnG; ·1Ga 5Ji 2,{j:J8 1,031 '.... 11.328 I

G1~, 789 514, G~7

I, ,j25, GI3 !)(j.l,123

1,912 1,001 a "Dutiable U if iJ!ll'ortcd from conntrh~s which iml108e (lutyon like r..rlicll.!!"i illl- d .r!lc~nd.f'd ~n ':All (\iller VC[~l!i!llJle," free, priG!." to 1906.

ported from the UUltl,d 8t~tV.~~j, Gthcr"-r'i!-l.e fl'l'c. 1I1ncluilmI ]11" All OUll:f pn.per and nlll.UUfactluc!:;of II after 19C-G. u In(~lncled in "." n tithe!' lH!I1I~nil oil." il'c'.~. l)rior to lUGS. :r l1Wiudctl in II .... ...11 (,t.ll(~l· jJilp(~r un(11Jl:~llnine(.l1re-; of" urior to l~OI) elucl1.ldeu in II All othc::.'" 1ix~cl or;:~sud," free, prjor to 11107. n!neluul'Ll hl 1·...\.11 uthl'r urth.:ler-l,·' lluUabk, prior tu 1903. ... ..


No. 199.-MERCIIANDrSB I~[POnTED: QCANTITIES "\.).o1P V,\LUES, BY ARTICLES, YE.L't~ E!'."DEP· JUNE 30, 1900 TO 1909-Continued.

_~"--:-:.:::=,,,.=" -----;;;;,-----;;;;--;"". "'" >OM ,00,; '''''-1--;;;;;-- --~--II'- Ig09

O~c~i?;~fe~~;C ~~~i/fi~~g;~,~_r._l~~l~~~~~~.doy!l:: __ .. __ . _____ .I_~ _____ ____ A ________________ A. __________________ .--- -- _ ---- _ ---- ------- _____________ 1_ ----- "----- 954,399

All other ______ . ___________ . ________ odut __ dolls._ fl(i5,3G9 I, oas, :!G!) 1,172,023 1,371,588 1,493,789 1,510,435 1,599,052 I, :9113.= 2030~, I, ,2, ',00,,3, ,,0, ""J,. ,I"" ,Q,SS, ,',50, ,7,

Plaater rock. or gypsum, crode, nnd ground {ton~ _. 204,S50 109, ·~17 I 259, u9;,) 2BR,778 261,022 312,635 394,9·10 .... orcttlcined. ___________ .... _______ .. __ dut._ dolls__ 242,898 2~,670 ~79,(i513 325,685 322,mn 361,119 466,563 47tJ~693 ~.-----------I-._---------

crudcb ____________________________ ,dUt..{~OD~~":: ::::::::::::':::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::! !~~:~~~ i ~~::~~ 2,026 1 2~ 175

14, S33 I 1~, O~l 39,991 : 20,5G1

Ground or calcinedb.--- ..... -•. ---dllt.·f~:~:s~~ :~~~::~:~::: ~~~:~~~~~~~~.:~:~~::::::: :::::~:::::: ~:::~~:::::~ :~~~:~~::~:~ ~::~~~:~:::~ :~:~~~~~~::~l :Manllfncluresof. ........... ___ ...... dut .. dol1s.. 55,961 80,70'2 7·1,507 58,624 45,901 21,835 Z13,277 23,871/

~= I Electrotype. "tcreot~'pe, etc., engmved or litho, I II

graphed for printing ______ , ____ , •• dut __ dolliL, [;6,892 41,883 38,598 37,653 29, HB 26,94,5 43,6821 ·15,9-11 34,480 30,543

PI ti~botOgrnPbic, or film, dr;-, "',' ", __ dl1t,{,~~~l~:: g~: ~~~ I s~:~~~~ E~:~:~ ~~: ~~~ 8~::~~ 8~:~~ I' 1~~::~: : l~~: ~~~ ~;:~: 1:::~~~ a num .......... ___ ... _____ ._ .... __ .... lrce __ dolls .. 1~770,G17 1,u4~-"t479 1,S85,71!) 17962,459/118167037: 1,851,285 I 2,678,5,16\ 3,266,961 1,645,844 1,766,168

Platinum vases, retorts, vessels, etc., for chemical r I I uses ________________ • __________________ iree __ dons__ 6!!,lDl 17,499 15,0'271 61,603 118,690: 108,020: 100,000 152,588 215,9·15 115,897

Plumbago , ____ "' __ ""' __ " __ """"frce,,{tons", 20,597 13,077 1G,081 , 18,35-1: 13,30~ I 13,676, 21,038 20.767 13,398 15,992

, . ~ , dOll~ __ 2,345,29~. 929.9~6 9~~,35~ I 1,::,58~: 9:~,1~ I 9!5,30611,29~,IG~ 1,626.~~~ 1,206,~!6 1,463,717

:ollS~mo PO" del'S -- -- --' -- --, .. -- --" --~ dut,{,:;:~":: _ .. __ , ~'. ~~~ "jl, ____ , ~~ ~~, ____ ,~~: ~~~ ,I, ____ ~~:~~ J ... , ~~~ ~~~ ,1 ____ -'~~',~-~~.L, .. ,~~:~~~. ____ ,~~: ~~:"" __ ,~.~:~':~.J 1~: ~:~ UmlCe.swDec:_ •••• ____ •• __ • __ ..... __ ~ •• ut. __ dolls._ 54,4.78 54,203 48,4113 62.3G!:! I 9iJ,64.5 j 81,452 i 77

J091 I' 108,4..10: 88,225 77,102

R~mnets,raworprcpared .. ___________ ,free __ dolIs.. (iG, GO, S8,7¥! 93,358 70,7851 91,43g: 99,481 ~ 93,288 117,3H' 151,028 i 97.68-1

RIC~~~.~~) ~~~~: ,~:~i,~~~:~:~,:r,~~;;!1~, {~~~;~:: 5~~: ~~~ r::::: :::: :1:::::::::::: i: :::::::::: :.;::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::.::::::: ::::: I:: :::::: ::: :!::::::: :::::!::::::: ::::~ DO ..... -.... -- .. -_ ... _ •. _____ •. ___ •• dut_.{ldbosll.~-.', 9:1,052,351 1 74, 598,0(j1 \ 7ii,£7;!,77G 1 'i8~317,310 I 75,323,157 ,.13,4.08,501) 5S14G8:791j7i.2S;.]51: S7,(U9,2G2! BS,7BO,·14.2

... 1,875,609. 1,586,044; 1, ;f.)6: ~:no 1,73'2,238 I 1, SG9, 338 i 1, OtJ7, 099 J 1, ·1Gij, 487 2, lIS, 1-17 I 2.543) ~17 I 2,361,310


., • . , . fIbs. ••. 23,031,440 I 42,601, (;49 lSI, gsl, 1181 g1,33S,9'·1 1 7$,69$,615 :' 63,075, DOG 1108, OiO, leG 138,316, 020 112.\ 1&1,190 I' 134,119,980 Rlcellour,rlce mcnl,nndlJrokenrlCe.d,lt··ldOlls.. 874,121 I 736,851 1 1,330,711 1,329,23.'; 1,204,092: 913,867 1,616, TIS 2,273,999 2,255,136 2,336,723

Totnl ••.••••.•...••...•••..•.••...•• ·dolls .. 2,279,036 2,321,898 i 2,926,921 i 3,061,473 3,073,430 I ~,OlO,9661 B,OS2,203 4,S92,UU 4,798,5531 4,69S,033

... 1 . {lh'5 ____ 410,702,4·10 If 107,924,032 '1:3131, 871, 8151'342, 143~ 54(i !;]42: 1·19, 5{'2 1306,572,020 /329,7951 s,m (3201,721, 2!J.1 jS54: .126, 565


1 27,1.4..=;.\ !f:7 "a.t ...................•...•.....•....... dut •• d II G')" 0°3 '3' "0" I 6ro "on 564 g'< rr- ""0 .nt· -S·! 4"0 nR6 '-1 98" .J"'O '00 400 1"1 o S.. _<>. ("IU u o. lui ,=,_, .,UOJ ) ,!,jU i) D, _LJ 1 ':ill), I .. I'.lu ":II l' , b J ',H)n -'-', _

Sand ........•....•..•••.••••..•••.••• , •. free .. dolls.. >i1,1.IS 45,2261 57,082 I 59,49>3 52,7·18 57,3,161 74,004\ 81,77.') 9{,98li "'·1,130

s~e(~~ovcrd .... _ •....••..•.•..•••...... free .. {~~;;~:: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: :::::::::::: "::::::::::::1:::::::::::: :::::::::::: ~:::~:~~~ 2~::::::~ I ]~:~~::~~~ . fbUSh.. 67,3.9 1,631,72& 477,J57 ]29,089 213,270 I ~95,1S4 52,2~0 I 90,356 57,419 il93,6G8

Lmseed, or llaxseed ..•••••••••••.•• dut··ldolls .. 1 9-1,126 2,098,207 72.1,082 194,024 201.2241 318,687 73,423 I 124, {9·11 71,625 H31,871

{frce~ .dolIs_ _ 993.521 1,200,492 I 1,666.769 r 1,62·1. 86-1! 2, 25:J, 5fl2l" 2,012,423 I 4,078,760 2, 652, 20~ 2,523,604 2,622, [)C2 All other ...........•.•.•.••••...... dut .. dolls ..

1 707; 401 1 740,495 8G1~301 \ 1,012~391 I 1,12G,GS3 1,090,509 I 1,235,860 1,242,339! 1,452,542 1,300,828

Shells, nn:O:~~;:;~~~~::.~~: •...•••..•••..•..• dOllS .• ) 1,795,o48


',"",m ',"'''' I~~ .,;~"OO 1 ','"',m' ;,,"'<00 ",""r., "",m ',oo,m. "Cnma.nufa.ctured- . I I

Penrl, mother of, not ~awed or manufnc- I I I tnred •...............•.•...... free .. dolls .. · ...•....••.. j 335,377 831,172 1,~72,098 80o,56B G50,2·l..~ 890,132 1,085,600 831,843 1,473,289

Allothcr ........................ fre~ .. dolL' .. 1,019,731 552,9'12 633,723 i 537,229/ SH,327 351,335 356,080 403,814 300,672\ 416,476

Shcll and mother·of-pearl, mnnuiactures of 1 9',1.Jr. 10.,2c 91 11°,8"5 Ii! ............................•....... dut .. doll~.. 87,93·1 ~ .... ~ 0 u v 139,596 127,3441 121,644 140,073 147,9621 127,8~G

Silk, [LDd manufactures of: I' ----I: .. Unmanufactured- 1 1 I

• f,bS ••.• · 30, 004. 1~2 : 1,118 259 i ~9, 759 28,546 33,5['2 . 71,223 IS7 . H,016 Cocoons ...••.....•.....••...... Hec.. d I I C~ 1

olls.. 18,235 139 1,6na lijS 10,u9; 7,8075 I 11,4.52 ._;~.~: ! ~9~ 3,'~131

Ra.w, or as re!!led from the. co- {lbS .... 11,2;;9,310 I 9,139,617 12,620,[,82 13,6Sj,206112,~30,8S311.,812,1S0 114,505,32.; 16, (2","i), : 1",·.124,041, ~:;,333, 7':0 COOll. _________________ . _____ .lrce._ dolls __ 441549,67212~\353,7'i7 ·11,714,331 'i9,OO:!~97 j 4J,4~?,5G.~! f)9.;2,~!2 ,i 5.2,cfi~,61! 'jO,229,5181 G:3,{iG3,r)S1. 78~~;:'~O,5t:S

{Ib!:!. ___ 1,7&1,404 1,:265,805 I,GIO,025 11G3.,:),1)0.11 4,OLll!OGI I 4,.)lG,fi .... S: 2,~!o,1(Ju J,U;JO,4.'lot 11,:!37IfJO.l 1, fi..i.G, 101

" ________________________ .frce .. dons"'1 761,853 J mJ',·149 I n19,3~i) 1,008,295 l,Ci2g,2:39 lAS9,~SG ~ 1,213,·1-11 1, 15,=i., Gi·l 8:)1,0771 1,OG!},G::7

"rotnl unmanufactured ........................ (lolls .... I 4:\ 329, 760 T""3O:"051.Su5,l 42, t1S.l, 3i)1 5"O,ij11.0501;~0,f,00:~0,053( [)·l: O~D'::-~O·1- 71,411, ~g~ \ G4Jl.1l),IJ03! 70, nCR, fiE!)

lIIanuruetures of- I I . I I'

Bolting-cloths .~ .. ___ .... _ .... _ ......... free .. dons.... 23·1,6·14 lS9,081 2.47,31·1 ~O.~.FI321 ]9~1121f': Im::,325. ~~il6~(j 2·Hl,'&9 2[>0,206: 235,672

!Llnclutied ill "All other plants, etc.," prior to 1909. c QUo.ntitr 1lot stated piiot' tn ]9(19. eIncluded in '·All other ullrnanufR.ct.ured slJell."i H prior to 1OOl. b Not stated sepal'o.tely ptior to 19U8. dIl1cluded in "A11 othel" seeds,~' fr~c, prior to 1907.


No, 199.-MEnCI!A~DlSD hrl'ORTED: QL\NTI'rIES A~D YALFES, ny J.R'rICLES, Yg.\Ilf:< E~DE]) Jl"X]~ 30, H100 TO 19(J\1-Continucd,

":~;~[;;~'s~'-=~~=~~=r--;9(~; -~-;9~:~rC=:O; 1 .. ···~~O::···j l()ol -==;U~ ~I:':~ 19;;a -1'~DC' J~l~C~-lr . Hli/; .... Sflk, nnd mnlllzincturcs OI-c01~tiI~I:1,- ____ I. ---- --'--1-.. --... '--1

~r'\l~~;~~~~~~;;~~~~~:~~:~;~~(~. ~.t:~~~~~:[~~il~:. I,G5',611 11, S93, 014! 2,571,2,;1 i 8, 3J;, 620 j 2, 8m, EN I 2, 737, .;J~7 I 3, ';!jj_ 2US 5,21S .. G"10 -1. 2G!;J SUO I 3,068,2£6

11 9"' '--" I 13 G~' ',"e , J I t'()' -I" 'II' ",,," ""S 1 ]" 1 ,., ,,-- • o· Drc~sa.ndpiccegoods_. __ -- _____ l111t._unl1!i ... j.~,.J~,!:m7 ,1/,""I~ I ,.;...,),_IU 1 ,I ;),1 I ~,~_vlc,_ <), __ U~UJi.J 1·1, O:!a, t:2:J l~{,L'}J[lu~ 111,0~tiJl~8 11,:.ti5,;)!7

T...:ucesanc1elnbrol Cl'les .. _______ uL. ~J =-i__ ,.:.uu, ,.:;'1 .,., , ...... , I "S.,H~~ I 'iJ.\; .1, 'J.,'u ,0.1 ~,tll.J.:.o.J_1 'jt·W ,L_1.. l~, I . .!:l),. -I D,I <.,-::> .... 'd . d d 11 3 Me 0-- "189 00- I J"" ('DO - 'LJ- DOS 'sr) "lS/ .• ,.·S "9- • ~nJ R' n r I"r ')0" - -1' "'1 I, -D, 01'7, "','7

Ribbon:; .•..•.....• ______ . ___ . __ .dllL.dolls ... 1,811,(;.11 1~R~gJ3j911 2,S30,!:!2l) I ·l,aGS,G!!~ 1.978.013 1,O~O,BO-l 2,125~S3:! 1.S1Q,[)S21 ].30Q,2;iO 1,597,O~2 Spr~n silk, in ~keills, cop~, lvllrp~, or pus_...... !:!, 420! 552 1, 115, Glii 2, 171, ~J;' 1, S95. (}1~ 1,0.::.3,2'; l! 1, :';&!, JOG !!,257, 2DO ~. ·179, 3G4 2.110,818 Z, S·ia, [jiG

au bcn.TC1l ...... -- .. -- •• ----------dut-- ll]nl1s __ 3,723,3·18 2,5.';I3,71G: 3:3013:521 2,991,1351 S.O-ii,el'i J 3,2.sI.G·l~ 3.~~27,920 3,'775,74.11 3,702,232 3,i5S:l,S;ji

YclYcts, plushc~, and OtlH.~T pile {ll>S____ 703,354 873,082 Ii 901, 92·':' 003,~:;2 f:01~393 377,02D ·130,7G:! 'jl~\f"i91 G21,328 3S0,4:~9 fabric!=J a~. ____ a ________ a ______ dut __ dOI1~L_ ~,31li,lJ[j 3,2otl,8GU 3,1{ji!u~(j t·,2G5:,7G! 1,702,4HG 1,3~i.""f)37 1,5fo5,74U 2,H52,03·! i 2,013:978 l,3G-t,fifii1

.Allotbcr __ . __ ._a ______ . ___ .. __ •• uut._d(JIJ:;.~ 2,;5~,771 2,093,D52 2, 5S1, 5li9 2: 9,f"&,)7 3,346,914 3,5l1.1,11S! 3,783,1137 5,Of);,8131 i 4,GS';,91G 3,97G,195

Totalmanuia.cturesor_a ..... _.~ ...... rlolls •• 31,l:.!9,017127,031,219 32,SS7,bilG 3G,lG~13~,172,SU5 32,812,0115 i 3a,13S,21l; ~,"""040! 32,96;,87/1 ~~

soa~ItJlry. pcrfu1.ocd, f,:!'.Ji!t1l dCSCl'iptions oi Jlbs.... 8U9,290'11 973, G7S -:.j, GIG 1,069, ·12·1 II 1, OS7, 779 1,010,119 Ii 1,IB,31O I I, 21g, 3~' 973,143' 1, ~92.1G8 toi!et __ ._ •.•• _a_ ... _ .. __ .. ____ ~ ... dnt.·ldo]]s.. 331,(;:.12, 411,'i:"!-:i. 417,t'1U 4Gl,1~·1 :iLi9,7:3(} 4-lG,fiA6 I 471,695\' 52S,7~6 ·10~,8,S,j 5;)~,71·1:

Allothcr .... __ .. _a ........ __ ....... ___ dut .• uul1sa.\ 291,.1.j2) 27·1,ltr; 4:!O,59u .17~,G'J8 ·131, OS;:; 421,226 [ 4:")531:1 1m r:GO "-18('0 4:n,4.:H

Tot...'lL, .................. "._ •• _._._ .. _ ... _dolls.~ G2~1':l-:i i~~! &!7,.~48 ~~:~~_ S{j'i,81~ II \1::;:0391 ~'~::8G ~:1:7~51., H90,13S Spices: =====

~=~ I ' Nutnlegs ...... _ ....................... _.Jrec ... {lbs .... 1,·j~O,Sll 1,S3G~417 1,8·11,614 2,365,62·4 1:,~9S,60D 2,394,Olil 2,1)20,005; 2~375,lS9 2.,O·~,39G 2, fiH~, OiO 219,286 dl)ll~ .. ~ 351,383 3GO, 889 33!1, GH5 414, 6.j~ 288, ~B8 i:H7,721 3·12,378 I 3:21, i19 23G t 787

P ) 1 k .... , . {IUS ...... 13,CS5,333 J l(i;OSl,S-1!J IG,04G,17!) ~1}832,G"j5 lS,G15,lSG 19,·113,387 .,' 25,5~,83·1 ~ 2-1,320.Sf35 20,33a.G93 07,09'1,82.1 cppcr, .:utC"OrW.!llIe ... _ ....... ll'ce._ I

llo11~.. 1,283,635 1, ~06, 167 I 1,752,3-15 2,2%,221 2, OU9, 051 ,.,1,~ \1G~, 52",1 ~?.' 7~~, 13, : . ~\ ~,::,.;2., 7,-.'i? 1,532,901 2.115, .ns

ftbS .•• - 19, G5~, 702 ]3, r>Oii, 848 ; 15.134, ·lSI ::!2, 4tH, 19'2 17,7,15, B06 _(i, 11.Jt 1.:.0 :!O, 0;)7, ·Utl 20, J, ... , 84_ 14, 3.~2, 2~~O 30, 49i'~ 701

All other ..... __ .......... __ ...• free .. 1'''" 13"6 q.o ' l G"o.. , I , -""u 1,001,482/' I, No, 245 1,590,77811,469,587 1,731,895 1, ,129, 008 1, 8;)8, 51~ 1, 1D4, 798 2, 1H, 920

th {11K ... ' 4,516,709 3,7S6,623 4,,160,811 4,538,683 5,411,80t 5,106,179 7,047,685 G"lnO,O;S 5,411,493 7,96'1,336 AHo er ................. __ .. __ .• __ dut._ dolk.! 390,00-1 394,571 HG,9GG ';'83,483 5~8,9S2 5a'1,~19 683,593 'il9,tl~5 627,051 8Y~,9"7

TCt;.,L ................. ___ .......... dOll ... ! ~,~::2QG !----;;:GG3.lo91 .t.G~,2121~;;:u;;! 4,~(lf>,OOB! 'l,.'i8~,3r,6 .i,;,,>,l,"8'11<l! 5,1!.~00U I 3,iim,f>3ij 5,3<18,601)


Spirits, wine., anll malt liquors: 1 I UnIt ]iquor.O- . rg0l1s~"1 1,081,818 I

In lJOttlcs or JUgs •••••••• -- ••••• uut···ld 11' r" _.,. : o_s~. 1,d/9,/ .... 31

l' {gnJk·1 ~, 228, 502\' In ot.ler coyermgs .•.•...••.. _.dllt_. dolls.. G47, ,,:l3


I !

1,151,801 i 1, luG, 123 ! 2, -1·.1,,555 ;

719,092 i rrtotall!'llllt Iiquots . __ ........ ___ .. __ .... <10115 .. II i27.~;l6 ! I, ~S5, ~15 !


1,19S,401i I 1, 1G1, 9051 2,553,105 i

718,383 i 1,8S0,~48

r 1,292,47;; I ],21)2,047 ! 2: 966,34:; !

S35, [094 I 2,087,741

1,4(j7,7i5a I I, 3Rf~, :::I1S :

3! l!fi', !ni5 I 937, ;'07 i


1, 3(i2, tk<;g ! ),28;\ iY;C, \

3,8S!i, 487 r

1,Jl9"GS i 2,40;.,31-i

1 • mo "19 i J,_k.:'~.)~ j 1.-1blJ, __ " ! ·1, :1!~i.51 032 j

l,27:.!,fi'!.7 I

2, 7SS, 85;; I i 875,~99 ! 805, ~12 819,591 4.71,596

I 794, ~9·J : 47£', (iS7 8·J6,404 5:19,S52

Spirit", diRtilled-

Oi nomest·jc!ltc!ure, re-) pf. g~.lh;.' 6S7, 024 31G, 469' 17i, '1991 nlIn~<l (.uhJect to mterrml·}d 11' re,ClluotuX) •....... _._ ..• frce .. J ~ s..... r.30, 57·j 3:;6,8S5 21l,12g I

i 290,301 ! 310,222 3'8,~7B . . I n':lO,98B

r J,%O,333; 1,829,917 , 5, [)l)·l, 773

I 1. u3-1, 7;-14

2,041,6RS ) J,90~IG(jf) 1

.7, 1 C);j, 929 ; I, GOii, lOS 1

o lQQ "1'3 1 '-',' '0" '". 1 ____ _ 3, -1~i4, Gil i 1:;·1,100 I 102, 072 1 G~g, 3:~a

148,2£18 lfiO,439


I i 1


1 .. 6;Q7: ·173 1.023,8-12 I :~, :lU" 2~8 ! .j, SiD, 3~jj ! u: 5f.O, 60G i

I 843, SIS \ 911,-ll9 1, ODD, 997 , J, 10~, 410 .

1,712,156 1,909, S87 2,OGl, 057 1 2.~3!5,R-!2 I

2,524,237 2,78i,0·18 2, 98i,~79 3,313,730

1,162,1-19 I 4, 4:15, 15-1 4, R.34, 5S0 I 4,957,507

{Pl. gulls.' ~<M, 100 403,3RB. 170, ·1~3 !

Hranuo· .... _.···· ..• _ .••... ··dut .. doll,..... 696,[,10 ],139,1291 1.2&;'~70 1

. Jnf. go..ll~.:I. 1,550, S96 I 2, :';66, 4t1G \21 639, GSO 3, ~70J 2~6 A~1 othe!' ------ .. ------------dut--ldOllS. ____ t 2,282,71i I 3, ,-?39~044: (J,027,3US 1_5_,_0~_.}7_,_I_.1r_,.I----_

1,801,Ol3 l,095,7·J.7

5,105,OG2 ],5I9,6W


1:::·1:015 1·18,7iG




5. ~6G, BIH

7,o'j'(i, g2,;

I 33G.'2JjG ~ 107,9-141

Totgj eplriLs, distmed .......... __ ._.dolls .• i 3,609,831 ~,005,05g I 5,024,7"7: 6,R~t,,6\ill Wincs- I 1--------- ---------------

Chn.mpogn!! fmd other spCLrkllng!doz. 'lts.. 310,149 I 371,811 H5,391. i 419,.103! $G6,6tJ9 311,07S 33GJ~~il

I 4, 5S!), '19·:1. 4. 930, 70S I 5,861, G39 . 4:9m\ 133;)

2,705,850 3,300,026 3,753,211 I 4,007,6\)1 I, !H2,322 2, H3,133 I 2,292,2:71 2, SS7,OlS

373,832- 397, 818 1 4·JO,Sug ·171, 1;1:~ 1,68;,420 1,8·10,937 . 2,095,360 I 2,035,21.7 ---- ,

--------------------_._-----dut·-laolls._ ... 4,115,\)08 5,723,764 6, lS7,OG2 6122812811\ 5,S21,070 Still ,vines-

I ' JglLlls.- 2, r,33, 828 3, 973 t 9Hl 4,482,499 5, 21a, 4:18 5,4-!;~, 7~2 lleas,rs--------._.--------.dut·-ldo1!;;L.J 1

f7·14,73G 2,3;"')2,t.iS~ 2,f1u7,7t2 2J96t1,lf~4 3,C08,~)~G

I· . ,{dOZ. qts··1 315,9'lO -iSS,7;a ,jlr.,6SS G3G, 938 1 6~R, 423 n otller co-renngs .. ~ ~~ .liUt. - dolls . . ~_. 1,5(10, Sf}1 2,165, {i"i2 2, 19D, HiJ 2, G]4,3:W, 2/>l(i, .1m

T"tnl willes._ .••••.•••••• _.dut .. dolls_. 7, 4~1,.j95 S. 219, 236 I £;,921, 138110,:H9, 2r." J 9. am, S70 i--w:;;~1 HI. g~S, r,r.S :-11.FOS,7RI • 10, '.!H, .j~7; 12. 27fi,013 'rotal F,pitits, wine~, u.nd malt l~\}- ~--_------ 1\, ----,--------1

ut'rs. - ... -......... - ..•• _ ..••.. dOll •.. 1_ =~~'l, DB? ~~I~~ ]7, 171, Gl7 ]ti, 66~O~ ~7. G~2. RZ) I~. ~;~'~~ 22. J~~::;.:-, 20,771. 80 :_1. ~:U GS, :.!~ spong-es. ____ . __ . __ ... _._ ..• _ •. ~ ....... _ .. dut .. (lOlhl·_1 ri3iJ,30:J 717:550 GO'i18G91 5-1.0,710 I .11U,aW I ;jl:..!./~:! II ~'!i~'O~)31 'l~~,·,t~G 1 3~Jl,20;; I :H5,~{JS

Stnrell_ .••• __ .. _ ...... _____ •• ~ ••• __ ..... _~.dut __ {lb:-l---. 11,i'6~/,92·i 7,20::!~501 Il~71-1,93J. J 10,5-10,9051 7,·J~H),:1Fa i G.1'W,7;):} ;;.:~~,~:::7 (i.~(~OJ4~J3 fi,28-1,OfiO: 17,3]1,361

dOlls-- l 222,206 179,3-10 235,615 205.U1~ll HH,'!f;O; 110:0,1(;5\ ];,fi,17u 15:2,020i l:;S,lr,o\ ·12·1,0::;9

flh I 1 "~I ;.,., "fiS-l ""0 ~ 63' ""~ ;04°1 "0" I 1 ('" 4[1" I' ') ."" "0 1 "(lU r- I 1 lQi ?:r I 1 ("1 &1' I "sr- '-1 Fl-teu.ril1irom.n.n.imfl.lfllts._ ••• _.~ .. __ •• __ clut. • ....... , ,"_', -- oj" ,'- 'I .,...... ,.J ,0 I f·:.t:", I _.i"auu,.l: .,i! ,/ i .,~,.·~_.l .,' • .;.: a il, J;.J,~il

at - l(joll~.. 27,895 G7,G8UI 492,2~; 1,09;,4[>0 110,(;061 lm,~t;OI ~31,1~IG' 93,:185 J:15,7391 ·111,1;;5 .::1 Tnw una grtl.~S~ ,

r!lm:l.r..Ufil("tnrcrL. __ ~._. __ ._ ..... ____ Ullt..{tong~. 0,·1':)5 9.Gna 1 21 ':1::;6 3,.~'OB I lQ,fSg '[ 2.S25 "1,:n7 I,'W? 1,4(i2 I 2!mH d<.ll:-;.. 1:),7:.0 :.1;),816 I 111'j~:} 12,S:~:'! H1,7!)4 ].!,700 lti,flDU fi,I·I? I 7,0139


' 12,O!)S ~IUl1lliuctltrI!RUL_. ______ • __ ~ •• _____ .dut._dQllg __ 1 3~~~~J_ 33(i.'i'~{J ~ 38:!,~?:t!J '1.m.;I~-!.1_=-_f~':.::;-,~!_ fi7Ijt~:1'l:. fJS1i,277 7:;;>,.:ml f "i"'H,~;;5! [lStl,.fCiO


fl, N7,05G

436. G2S



No. 199.-::U];mCIIA!<"DISE IMPORTED: QCA:->TITJES A",D VALUE.<l, BY ARTICLES, YEARS ENDED .Tn'E 30,1900 TO 190!)-Continued.

-, I - I - -.-

'"~~=""-~~';~'~;~'":'.,re .. {ci~:1 "::, ~.'~':.{ .. :~;::~ ::::;:: ·.I-~:~~~i ::~"j<:'i:'~':: :: :'7:: : ::':'::: , Jlr!;l~s-.1 7,010, e3;' .~~, ~;3. ~;6: ~~, 3UI, 2151 17, 240, ;~~: - 1R, 528, ;30: 19. m. 8Sf>! 16,0'21, O,6! 24,630, g351 lR, 882, .;;6: 22, Og2, (i96

Do._._ .......................... uULldOIIS .. · SOO,lfi5 1,123,92:1, 1, ('~7, 6Dil; 1,121, 71U: 1,018,19R, 1, 137,8.1-1: 6~0, 7lSi mn,f;(JGI .21,867: 937,791

{galls •. 7:025,068 11,453,150; 141 :))1, 215i 17,2·10,399; lS,8~15:)Oi 19,477,$85) 1610~1.07GI' 24, (j:mr 935


1 18,8R2,1561 22,<:l'12,llSD

'''''':'''' --•....•...•••••••.•••. doD,.. ,00. '"' '. ~'. "'i L "". "'I '. ,,,, n'; '. ' •. ,,. '. m. ~"I ~'. ""I 919.806


;21, S117! 937,791

Not aboyc No. 16 Dutch standard in color- \ JIbs __ - _ 701,.=SS9,152 90S, 683, 078 255,030,219 87,130,805'1 2, ·114, 454 2~3, {J4:J, 97G


4S, 548, ~19 397,7·1,), 04G1

2"21,036, 900! 9B, 625, 908 Bcet---------------------- .. _dUL-ldolls __ 14!SOO,6Q9 2O,028,5i5' 4,202,0-14 1,22.1,023; 50,525 ·1,797,278 1,O~,O·101 8,203,309

j 5,.101,378 2,521,7~8

Cane ................. _ ..... Iree··{~~~;~::1 ~~: :!~: ~~~ ::::::::::::,::::::::::~: :::::: ::::::1:::::: :::::: ::::::: ::::: i:::::: ::::::1::::::::::::1::::::: ::::: :::::::::::: pbs •••• :2,800,374,691 2,95G,5S6,10212, 685, ,92, 937,-1,073,635,121 i3,6S1, m·! ,214

13,43-1,186,4711,.3, 921,605,729·3, 986,51O'021

Ii3' 1-14, 02.~,423 4,084,921, 07S

Do.- ...... _ .... _ .... _ •• _dUt._[d II I 64 "6- ?1- -- "0- .'·0 4" "8.17-- 6'9 -'0 0"11 -1 0 -9114. 91 g" "98 0·10'(' 06,,1 0·1 ?-" 0-1 -4 -0" 9-0 03 -68 r.nR o s__ ,u 1,_ I b/,"" 1,:.Lv"j O',u ,it) ,/'":1,.> I ,uD! , ":I .... ,,:).! ~" tJ),O (II C I .... H), 1 I,i) "" ' \ ... ,I ,DOl

AbOYC_ ",0. 10 Dutch standard in [1.bS"'_11 11,·159, ~821 10;, ~6, ~60! 'J!,O:2, :~!)I 53,34:, 180116, ~04, 9-j;j! 22.801, :~~I 9, 1"" 7~:1 7,584, ~08 G, 937, ~8; 5,~~.!,032

colo ..... __ .. _ ................ dut .. laolls.. 390, 998 _, 9~1, ,86: . _,114,218, 1,120,899 Dar., 114, 901, /101 361, ],"1 329,8731

346, ,O.o


{lbS .... 14,018 '080'530,!s, 975,00.:'.8-10 .S,031, m5'8751'·1'~11.>'105'10613'700'G23'613'3'(;SO' 9~2, nD8·3,97~,3a1 .. 13o· 4,391,R~9, ~7513.371, 997 ,112


4, 189,4~1, 01 S Tota] sugllr ................... - .... d 100 0-0 9-4 9048- 800' -- 001 on- "" 08S 9-0 -1 91- "-. 9" 15440. - 4" 1 9? 0-"· - - -olig__ ,:'i) ,.,' Ill. 1 Oi.), ,..l '_I ,lUI I, D,I;'lul J,6· •. ,.·..; 8;),00,088 .. _,SOS,:";}.)! SO,2iJ8,l·jJ 96!5ii-i,998

Coruectioncn ............ _._. __ ..... dut .. J1bs .••••• -... ~.~~~'I ...... 3·~·~~J- .. -·.::~~~I .. -... : .. -.. II .... - .... -:-·I~~I~~I 526,8,,2\ 556,6051--491,407 . 1 dolls... I .1., .... CI ·1,,: -~ 00,201. 8:!,2;)9 __ 82,2'16

1 U6, .1:)61 913,870 85,330 so! 9;)3

Sulphur ~re ~.ontnining in excess of 2~ per ftons .. - 3~7, :28 ~n, 217 429, ~:~! ::2G, ;:~i 3~O, ~~Gl--4i7, 17~ i 5~8~ ~2:i G~8: H25[ 71:, 78sr::1'{~1' ~Gn cent of Hulphur .......... _ ...... _ .... .. ldolls.. 1,2A,1l1 .. 1.1l,G, 68r., 1,57}'01l1 1,')91,6". 1,·1S2"W I.G04,W2· 1,0 ... 4,111" 2,492,GOS: 2,nS/,G2" 2,·11>2,213

Tal d ed d [Ibs.... 402,100;1' 1. I!3S, 3561 0, :)37, 309 6,586.255'1 3, ~23. ~'!'2' 7, r,;;3. 5051 7,857, 325,i IG, 0;15, 88 __ ,'18, 903, ~!19 15,562,229

c,groun or prepllr .. -......... - .. ut"1 1 3-- - -. .. dolls__ 1 .. It}: l.fa.i, 30,1&1 30,504 __ 24,8<1·1 ·1i,4,O ;:}1,171: lon,av;il 117,877

1 93,1~2

Tanning lllllterillls, not elsewhere specified: ;,-i '1 ,-----1· I _ {COrdS. 22,5801 16,79·1 24,971,' 17.040


14,l11i 13,5IJ

I' 7,467i 6,7441 8,868! ~0,373

Hemlock bllrk .. _ ........ _ ..... _ ... free .. dolls __ . SO,630l G5,·n~ 103,Q30 -;,;,283 (i3 •. 1GOi G-I, lSI 35,800, 30,757,., .13,890, 12G,fiC-o

{tons .. : .. -.- ..... -.!.. .. -_ ... -.. I. .. -........ , .... -............................ -... · ..... _ .. _ .. 1 20,693 15,192j 12,263

~IangrQ'\"c bark b .............. _ .... free .. dOlls . .i.._ .... _ .. _.I ... _._ .. _ ... 1._ .. _ .. _ .. _.[ .... _ ........... __ .. _ ... /. ......... _ .. _..... ..... 426,431 3IV,7451 250,409




177,71u ::e:t::~7n':o:::~ ~~~~~.::::::::: :~;::~:!::::::: : ::::;~,:;~i :1:::: :~~:~;;: :: :::~; :~~~:I::::: ~~:~~~:!: :::; ~;:;~~ :1:::: ;;~: i~;:II:: ~:.~~~,:~;: 81~: ~N ! ~~~: E Total. .••.•........•...•.....•..... free •. doll3.. 112,549 i 111,895 151,430 i 131,[;84! 2.';7,661 i (ISS, ISO 1,·15;;'822 1,382,373 1 1,092,9S4 . 1,2:;ii.·j80

. {bbIS.. 77, ~141' 40, (~;(j 33,717 I 57,985 I ·11,7Un : n 043 4.;.165 27,571 37,692 Tar and pItch .......................... frec .. d II 1-" ~7 112 ""' " 090 11~ "0- 89 71" I J'S <0" 10" 413 6R C"O 81,0'_'-' o s.~ 1_.11 I')'H g.), ( oJ,.> ... I l. II... l,t),~) ~"), .,U,) ....

. {lbS ..... __________ ._ . __ . ______________ . _____ 27,233,107 112,905,511 102,701),599 n:>,621,150 86,368,,190 £J4,l19,o64 n4.,916,5~O Tea. ____________________________________ Irec.. 1 . I) ? n"'6 ?30 '"'~8 1'"8 ... 139" -41 1f."0 8-0

~OllS_ .. _: __ .. _: ___ :_I.~._----::~- -:--;:---.-:. 4,~O .. ,4_0. 1t:,2~9JolG ..L ,- ,~O 1":l,ikO,8181 ' Iv,o, ,',V £I, I ".'.::.~.'::

{lOR .••. 81,84.),10, ,.9,805,10~ ',5.,,,9,120 1 81,o{1,798 .•..•....••..........•......•.....•. 1 ............ ,- ........... 18,0[._,6,6

Do .................................. dut .. dolls .. 10,558, 110 111,017.876 9,390,128 11,.119,8091············ 1 ........... -!- ....................... 1 ....................... . Tee.. iml?ure. ,yaste, Rifting., or sweepinr:s for{lbs .......... "'--"1' ••••.• "" '1'" .................... T .. ··· ..... '1.1 ............ : ............ ,. ..... ...... . ...... ..... 1,920,918

Tj:,:::;;~::::.~u:;:.e:; '~~~'i~--~; .~~:~:~: J::~~:: . ;~;~~~; ~~; '1' ;~.-~~~.-~~~. i';;'-;'~'-~~~' .~~.- ~;~.-~~~.! .~~.- ;~.~.-.~~~ ", .~~.-~~~.-~~~ 'I'~~'-~~~'-~;; '1' .~~:~~~.-~~; 'I';~ :;;~.-~;;. i 91, 1~: :~; 1e.ted ................................. Iree··ldolls .. 19,101,301, 19.800,1')1 i19,4G1,850 2o>,GIR.80"1 1"1,48".311 ,2".3.~,.1.1 I .>0,901.908 ,,8,1l,,~,,9, 2~,29",OGl I 26,007.216

Tobacco, and manufactures of: I' I . !: I un:::~::~~~~~~~ ................. Ire" .. {~~~;;:: ::::::::::::/::::::::::::/':::::::::::: :::::::::::: ::::::::::::1::::::::::::13'7:~::~~ 1,35~:~~~ 2,9~~:~~:; 1,&~::~!~ Lea!- ----. . ___ _

S 't bl f . d {lbS .... [l,fifil,OGB I 6.57'1,586 5,729,879 6,314,359: 7,3:)7,390 ( 7!100,595! 6,732,77·1: 7,576,325 5.!H3,7J.1 J

I 5.(j·18,178

111 0. e orClgarWl'appcIs ..... ut.. . .~_ . _. _ I _ • _ ,I -:- . .,..... ..... I .... _ . .) ..... d~~ls.. 5, 1:-, ~~9 , ;}o. ~~O, ~'~: ! f) D, {)!4, 6~~ r):' ~G~, :3: ~~' ~~~' !2.1 ~ '1')' :~OJ ~:2 i hi :~ill :~U; . R, ~!~: 5~5 .)0, 31~, ~~u / fl. 342, 6B4

Allotbcr ....................... uut .. {lbS .... 14,008,.>.1~ I_O,_,fi,GG,. _3, G.8, 9'18 _'", 2,>,"",_4G 1_r.'l'R"~ 130.G_2.,03 31,.v.,,0.6 _6,lL,029 :lG.OS7,r.20 dolls •. 8.17·1,8(;-1, 10,3·19,530 1 10,1.2;,055 12,56-1,983 11,~98,:)G3 lZ, 768, {H., 15,972,!?~S 17,·13.,673 16,558,3051 2.0,05g,2R5

Tota.l1caf .... _ ........... _ ............ {lbS .... , ~:,(n:.6~:· 2~,~"1,:5~ /: 2:,.~2~,S~7 n:,~!G,Oc,~ :'31,j~~,6::~· 33,2:~,S~: 137,35:,~771.~9,5:~,321 32,O~G,.?~13 i~,736,O:lll dolls .• ! 1.),291,22.1 ! 11),_00,081 10,211,6,1 11.20·1,91.) IIC,Do>o,.lS, 18,008,6,,! 22.·1·1I,oH _G.ODD,~·18 22,R,O,,,23. 1",400,91~

l£anuIact.urcR or- il ~ _ r A _ I . _. I - - ,; ,r. I I c' . tt lIt d t {llOS.... 4W,,'ia9,. ,81.3,1 ·1,,0,610 588.39" 6S·1,·19B RO"621. I 80~,uSO. 775,078 7'",0[;8 (,06,819

19a1'H, Clgarc . Cg, anI C leroo~. U ... uollr.;.,. ~ 2, 2£m, t,)~3 !!,·101,273. 2,,,Ul. 733 ~,2;1, 9GG' 3,05-1,011 4.,028,1071 4,031, 2G·l I 3, 9g5, 5641 ;1,21.1, 451 3, 5H!, GSa

All otber ........................ dUt..dOllS .. 1 G'J,2H 78,~·66 I 83.039 n,2-1~ 1_ 79,848 ~OG2, 111,928 H1,fit)3 152,134 165,200

Total ID{{acturcs or _ .............. dolls.. 2, ZGl, 1~),7 '1,480,139 \ ~,4.94. 822 a, B-11, 205, 3,133, Rf,<,) 4,107, lflJ \ 4,1·13,19'1. \ '1,1'37,127\ -1,397, 585 ~1, 63;),11:0

TOYR._ ........ ., .. _ ..... _ •••• ~ .•• _ ......... dlll ... Uolh~.J 2,92.3,98-1 3.830,:111 I 4l 023,G'iO ·1,~2,U7·1 I> .1,977,3891 4,9G-:1,4f.l715,SS7t8G3· (j,g~3,5Gl i "2{!G, 243 ,I ·i,f-60,On7 'Umbrel1nR, parasol~."~. rLud gtick5 ff)r I I," I 1

.. ·· ........................................ dut._uolls.. 27,frG7 33,008 ·1],719 47,0161 27,G25 I ~tJ,3-!6 4·1,214. i G3,093 5,1,839 I 49,855

"Quantity not Rtn.t.ed prior 10 1907. c Inclmlcfl in "All other chemical:::;." free, prior to 1909. b Not scpllrnlcly SIll led ptior to 1~07. d Incl1lded in "All other art.icles," iree, prior to 19Du.




No. 199.-::\I;;,:r.CH~-;';DrsE I}lPor:TED: QUA~nTIES AND VALUES, ll. An1'lCLE:;, YEARS EXDED Jmm 30, laOD TO HlOH-Continued.

=·===-===':~i:-e:~··' =~-~~~.or-;·~~;-=·-==l:Tc;vo~~r~~J~~· ·-·-~-;7-C--I~-;'7T:-~~ ;;;-;-I~~ . rgUlhL.1 43,743 4fi,030 I .1'j,70~11 ·:19,730 39,771 11,53G 41,970 32.HI.lj 23,044 2R,584

Vnrnj~hci' --~-'----"io .......... -- •.• -.-.-_utL-tdO!ls_.l 10.3,985 1191~8S 12,,[1d3\ liH,11·1 lClfl,898 i 103,22'1! nn:G1S 70';\56. 49,fi-;m 1 [1".3.35;;.;

Vq.;et.!Lhl~F.; hus-]]. -I lJlJ;'-03J' 1. OU9~ 0'10-)- 8t::l, UliU: 1, Ot;~J (;fi5 - ~~. lSi " .17;' 57!.! .. .j;,8,O-11 .j" '!o;:-~;iU I 1, (Ir;;, '101-1 ~~, 3:j.;.i, .W;; ne!lll~ and dricu 'pe.!!sc~ •••.. ~ •.••.•• lIut .. fIll. 1 0 .... " ""1" 1 "01· '10", 1 1:"1] 1'""-! 1 .~nO ...... :1. 1 ')'J'~ "09 G')!.! ..,....., ,'J '.('- "I" I 1:.·,(·, ':':Q~ I ') JO· I! n',:", ·1 (I:',~ 19'1 li (I !'i.. • .~ ... "1. <l ,V'" ,,)-. Ii • ~- ,.......... • __ .),i:> -' .. , ' V", ... k ...,. ,"'"1v 1-" u,;.r.l. l'-l~UI'

_ jbu~h.. 516, 79~ 71'1, Ut2 'ir..u,31G I U2:1, ;;9!) 1,171,242 I S5U,3GO 87::!, [lUG 1,12(i~ 11,t 1, 2if), 333 i 57·1, 5~O OUiUng ••.••••••••• _ .•.•.• _ .. _ .•... _uut··l·1 11· 2t'",,901 500,552. '!O' (J"":') r!1)9,G57 11.) ·J13 I· G4o,207 n i 1""<':-1 0"0 11- S(;6,{iWJ! 412,12-, ua.~._ , u."I, ,0..) u;;.r,~ Iv,iJ.! .- ,- tJ I -

{bllSh.. 155,HGI 3;1~~}}1 7.G5G,lG~ !.l5H,505 3 f lGGJ,Sl 181,199 1,9~::l,](jO \ 17G,'Jl7 i 4(}3,952 R,3S3,9Gli

Potntaes .... "" .... " ......•. " •••.. " •. d"t." doll.. 117,3·f9 22'1,759 S,liiO.HOl !l;)~,1t5 1,870,G011 168,094· 8.'i:l,OiJ~ I )92;631; I 283,03~ I 3,G77;OBt

PieklesUllll sn.uces ~ ...... ;~_ .• ~_ .. hdut:.dun~.. 306,2231 ~S9,4S{i 1S0,3·12 :j37,3f>O 646,858 niS.·iS£) 700,lI50 9~H,803 81G,2:15 :.1 79(j,84:2

"-!.!1 otl1er- I In their natural .tate .•.• ,".,.,. ,dllt, "<loll... ail, 963 1 356,971 530,1>81 I ~9i, 605 7RD,761 I 616,736 815,Ou3 I 1, ON, 262 1.133, 4~91[ 1, 1O·l, Wr. Prepared or pre::::eryerL.4_.~ __ ._.dut __ clnl1:-:._ 'j02, 1 tIS 0=13,500 I l,lOl,2Gl 1,187,397 1,57:':,257 l,31i,971 1,435,953 i 1,!m3=75~ I 2,77~7fd 21U~3,J59

T t 1 I '1 I., 93" 0-- I 3 -1" "7'1 I ,... "0 8"" 1 "C·, ....... ,.. I!O" '0·... n (', .... ",-,'' - 00" 'I"" I - .... J. t-· •• ("~ 'I > . OQ.44 .•• ~~ .. _____ .~ .. ~ ...... _ ........... (()Jfj •• I~1 . ii, I" ,,"":,.1 •. "U.);), ;IV ,a0_ ..... I:) ,,V ~.(,.:!, .u.~~v':t.'-i-...-::J:..-, .. Ll-o.Jl. :]~I~~~j=-I 1).2t;~.,(,.1 1:..,!J~(I.';~r;

"r' ~I"T 1 t {W-tll:; .. ;· 12'2, ·179 " 1:;5, ~S3 1GB, ]~),=j i 1;]2, :1:!-1 181. 2~J1 ! 01, ";,G8 : IUS, ;,~U I ~3a. P7~ i 204, ~]3 li- -;SO:O'~3 lln .~nr ... _ .. _ .•... _ ....•..... _._ •. ~. __ .( u .. I 11" I ',,'O,-,:?J. "11',·)" I.:" .. ~~ "I") (j:"~ I I' t::;' I 1", '3'11' ..

( (L.I.·.. __ U" ,£..__ :il), hh: '1_. ·.ll. 4,), '- "I] I U -i 49. ,)19 I (i,l, ~R~ 5G, (i71 : 71,867

~:::,e~:~!,:::~~:rl~~~~::.."~~~ed ... "., ... dut •. dalls.. 061,250 518,5Da 5[12, 122 ~98, 935 ~%, [1181 49·1, ~15 ~2'.1, OBG I l,l~,i,:191 556, .192/ 483, agg

Mineml,udnl"ccu .......... ", .. , ... []"t .. doll •............ " ..... " .... " ... " ........... " ......... +" .......... 1."." ..... " .............. 1............ 57,1MI m~ l\lanufilctul1esof. ... ___ ........... ___ dut..<lolls.. ]2,931 17.·n~ ~,On2 <J,27R l;io~~ Vi,7f)9 2:1.41,)! ~~.::m9 il2.43!j i 3R,(i]9

\,.J ,,,',one u 'I . ph~ ... 11i,301 10,US ;.,B57 75 :l,~OU 10,%1 1O,(I()(I! 13,178 9 (h' , 14 n·lO l!l.Ll!uu , nm!lnHlf:.CtllIet - ......... Jree··~ld II'" .... ''''" - "" '"- , .. {' -.., I ' ~ ~ " ,~ ...

\load, o.n~l nl.~.l!lllrd(:turt. .. :;; of: 0 :---j. ~~t, S2fi 3u~ u:f) a, ;:)8 .... ~H ~:~ bll,J I ,:1,007 n.), HI:1 a,].2''; I ·13~ 63:3 ft4, G-lS

I 1==

Cabinet 1\'00,18- 1 ", n tT _ :, pi ieeta. 2S, ~ 32~ 281 11! 795 4S, i]Ri f>l\ 370 Bi,8-1-1 3G, GHI fil, 8~JU 41, (i7S , ~9, 82S ... r~ .. hob!tnJ- .. -_- .. - ••. ---. __ .... rce-·la.o11s ... l,57~.~O!J 1,752rm~ I 2'~i61'4831' . ..., "'1,;'3 '-':"9' ~:G~O,g:;~ II ]llJii=~m·! 2,·170,072 :~,~n3, 718 '2,5f;G.£)54I 2,;179,9'i'G

Allolber .. ____ .................. frec .. t101h:.. ~'[)S,·133 1,2.10,7371 ~.l9:J,7tl"2 ;:~~:~~1.I' 1~·lS':',Z~9 1~ai7,';:![) 1,;;:-N,74S 2,Om,! 1,"lGJ,ODi 1,·::WG, S1S

L ·.1' {~lrel.!tp. lU1:a97 I 8~,9S5! 106,171 'j'~{,Kjl~ .(iii, 0.33 JI 97.300 I lOO,5tl2 j 97,f1i'3 131;3:13 15;>, On;) Og9!l.llu rounl1 tlmber"." ..•.. " .. frec.. .. I . doll~ ..• 879,9W SOJ, ISS 1 !JO'i,169 637, ~sl 552. [,01 72'2, 6~3 773, !'!oD P3...'-;, ':;01 J i, !!~1, !J~!l! 1,510, 7u7


P'I ' Ilb f Icora •.. ············'············I···········-!-·········-t···_· ...... 1 ............ 1 ............ 1 6"U,~;6G 1 9~3,5031 727,101 ,~~ \100 ......................... rcc,"ltl(ll.:~: ..... ; ... ~:.-.! .... ;.~ ... ~.~ ...... ~ .. ~:. "'_'-,:~'::." ...... :; .. ~ ... I ______ .-_~_~_~ ____ :,=_.-_:_. 2,792,7;-.1 4,US!),919: 4,333,905

l'lllincr, hen-II, .:::qnarccl, vr ~l(ll'd('{CtllJ.f~ .... ~_- ;}(jf",-,9 .... 1_,6,),) 12.., IS,) _U",J,d 1 10)),l.D 1:;1 • .IL, _.)V,lbl) ------------\------------ -.-.-----._-

............................ - .. dut.. doll"...... ·lG,550 18,810 IH, O~7 41,131 i :13,3[;71 LS, 91~ i 40,770 ) ........................ 1 ........... .

fIrcc .. dolls .. ~,645,9!O 3,145,144 3,309,6~2 3,u16,704 3,7·12,U58 4,087,215 4,IS4,u71: 2,300,518 2,149,U50 11'607,796 All othCrl111mn.nuf~lctur(ld··---··--ldut .. dolls_. 4,888 7,-i-l~ 9,8::!6 5,018 \ 10,0·15 ! 1;;,221 IG8,35:l 7L~,200 (H,31R l1G,381 LUIn lIcr- 0"5, GUo 1 , .

llourrl~, pltluks, der .. I~, and othcr[:'tf fect.. 6S0,2'.lG ~190!820 v 720,937 [)SCJ,232 710,538 949!717 03,i,HJ.j 791,238! 846,024 siL\\'cdlumber ............... dut··ldolJs ... 7,'175,501J 6,361,0123 9,271,090 10,673



8,878,47-1 10,90G,GG1 14.,813,733 IG,~55,:~30 1;),2]2:788 15, 91(j,755

. {~I . ~ _.. 541,040 555,8.::'3 707, Gl·1 7~·1, :!.;n 7iO,373 758,72;) 900, ~;jG I 881,003 988,OSl I, 05H~ 363 Slliogles ._ .. _._ ............... __ dut.. dolls .. l,011,~t 1,028,181 1,S(j2,S:n l,49t,9iJG ~ l,(JO::!,1j9Y 1JISl,4~1 l,8;j~,(j]~; l,G·W,uOl 2,3J~~2~2 2,fjDO~899 A11 othcT._ ..... _ ..... _._ ... ____ .dut __ dolls __ 1,a4.2,:j9;1! 1,24G';.lOD; 1,3S0,9,3 1:"i53,5~~2 i 1,fl15,8S1 .1,G·19,::HI I 2,70U,5U5

1 :!.7Gl,Ol;) 2,065,4:28 2,452,8~8

C,lbinct wnre or hOlloC iurniture ..•. dyt. .dolls.. :;99, 0131' GUS, 9~>l 1 'H, B-'i7 t)42,957 1 71~, :;(;~ 1 7:lS. ~~9 I 1, D! t, 33.j I' 1, J;~l, 1;(j7 910.5·17 70;;' 0;6

• J {IbS.... S~.~41 45,7571 G7,·llG llG'~~J,' 111.7gG JG7,iilll 1~17,~~4 ~13.110 237,511 •..•..•...•• "ooapup •.... _._ •....•.. _ ..••.•.. dllL.. _ ,_ , ~. ,Q ,,_._ "f 1 '," ,., ,-·1 -. Q"I .. ," .-- ..... , i

~~olIs_. 2, .10:).630 ... ,<.1513,4.0 __ ,O:-,9,OtL 3,u/;!', ,,0 ..."dO_,ll ..... :.~ •• ,,)O~,9,).) I .1,,,~4,.·L (j,.' .. ~,('<1'" 1,;H .... ,3_G r~~'-~:··-:~

1iechnnico.lh- grOulld .............. dUt..{lIJ~····I··········-·'········· .......................................... -......... ,.- .............. _ •.................. j :.(,O,~19,W.

Chemical, \l~;'IeaCheu ..•..•..•.... (1m .. {~~~~~::I::::::::::::I:::::::::::: : ::::::::J::::::::::::1

:::: :::: ::::':::: ::::::::;:::::::::::}::::::: :::l: :::::: ::::: 2G~: ~~~: :~I Ch0illiC:,I, ~IC(lC:l~d .... - •.......... dut··!~~~~~::I::::::::~~:: I: :::~~.~: :::: ::,:::~:::::,:I ::J::::::.:: :::~::.::i::::I::::::::I::.~: ~~::::::I s~:~~~: ~~~ All Ot:lCrm,mutucture"Of... ....... :d~l..(,OIl~ .. 1 ~'9~~'":31 J.'.')~,~~O 1 :,~~O,8~O .,:,::,:"n I _.~,a,6:~ :,:,:,~:~ I ~.:~~,~~",> ,>,O,:.',':"~ I :'"~1.:'1r:: I 2,000,9:J4

r,~:~~"~t~~ ... ,~~~ .. ~~.~~l:~~/nc .. dOll •.. 1 ",9:;~.5~~ I ~,94_,l>~1 ".,,~,?~51.,B,2~;.,;,:51 ~.:.~:,I~31 ,,"':~,:'~-" R,lb_".,1 ~l,~~~,~?~ I ~~'130,1.~~ II 1l,:'\3E;,i{;2 l<1ut __ doll~"J 1-1,63;;.:1':1..0, 1_,811,n",1 16,86",J34 _0.-1D\..I ...... 6 lti,'/,).),lLO l_l,G.1.",a8 '27.;6~,!1:'i1 ,:n .. J.o,,}4u i, .. 09I,~ ... o,} 32,~!11.{)6;i

Woo~.]m~rofthecnme!,g().a.t.ulllo.cU,u.ncloU1l!rlikc: :----- 1 I', I '1 lltuu!I!ls, antl HlIlIlufl!elures 01: I I I

t'llmnn~~fncl(l.~,r.l2tl-:- {lbSo

• _. 37,404,243 30, nSl, 4i5 , Gll,131,670 42,20-2,121 .m, ,Y;[i. W.);1 J09, 888. 258 : SO, RIO. 307182. 9S'2,IHi ( j;-), 79S, 303 142,550,993 Chb.l-~lULhmg- .•..•..•...•... dut •. 1 l' I 0 O"'J '''- - 0'" In< I ~I "0- "I" • 'Qn ""1 8 --" 4'1' ".' -"., ('''0 , '0 (J"G ""I ' 01 ""8 "01 102-< 1"" ''') ,-- -98 co.s •. 0, ",;)1') .1, _", ~I-:I: ,:'_',;101 I,".h"',ui.l ,:)/,'),~. _".,U_,hJ __ ..... "Uo) '_,vi ,0) ,/~,.;) _.,":Ii):), .... ,

~ ,., . ,.. {lU:;.... 12,1-:31,2Sfi 5, ·J84. 26·1 I G, 091, 02·1 : 15, ~::;3, 113 '112, U:H,l 13 21i, ;ill, 6:...!4 1 15, ~(l1, ~.l-l 110, Gil, Bit: 13,332,5·10 21,952,259 CIa. s _-ComblIl~ ...•........ _.d11t.. 2 G"" ·'1 1 0-4 "(I 1 0"1 8"', 'J o·,n 4''- 0 ", 0 • - '1 1-1 j 'J 1 ("1 1 3 0 "- 'J ') 11011s.. ,h'~I, ,,- , I • / ' ,I ,ult _:cuD, ... lJ i _,B19,t'.!_ ll,":'" • ,:. . I J- I .. , .. u;:,,~ti ,,624,617 1,5~Jl,059

, {lb~ .. o.1105,S9:!'9:!9 G7,(n7,~uG !Jl.:J5.J..Z72 110.702,[;52 ,11,j.23:!,G!J,Q 1112,l1P5,.':;lI4 ~~D,[j7J,]0711l0'1f.UfO~I] 66,849,u~1 lDl,8'iu,052 Clo,<;s 3-Cllrpet. •..••••••••••••• ,1!lt.. 1 . 'I (" - 0"') (. ..," (J'G • "I" "0" I 1 " • n. I" -- "11 -0- 1 ·l"·

do 1~.'1'_ ''=_~~' '':''!.':... _ ,,~1=_~!...=:: .!.....,-!~_~~~ ~~.~~,,2_ ]""1~f)'~I:'_lll,:1 " )_ 1 .. ~], ,.11-:1_ !~!)~O~~~3_ ~~~~2~~~ _ ].1.!...1~4,f37 '" t',l . " phc; .... ,1;1':", 92", jr,;, 103, $3, 505 l1GI.i, 5j'(i, gG61l771 10-;, 7~G 11-;3, 7~~.!'~ l 1.!;IJ,U:5, ,·m :'.!CIl, l:8~, GI:R ,20d, H 17, 545/125, 9S0. ;)24


266, 409, 304 ..l.U ~ Ullm~1.nUlllctllrt'tl ··-·-·~·····I 1"0 ""0 Q"~ I" ~I}n (;:01 1 '-"J "<" I - S I

(lol!s"I"':"~~ :~-~"...::::....I~~,_2~,]~~.9{il. ~1.f.l_3,[)~n ..!.t>'':'~J~5:h..., ~;~I,O()S,3~:..:_41,r,:H,O:!s 2:1, ()(j1, 938 45,171,U94.

ILSC<.! explanation of [('rms, pngp2P. . tIJnc]lJQ.I't1 III l'An otlH'!'lllliTlllnniacturcd," free, prior to 1907. clncJudeUlJl "All otJler unmanufactured wovud," dutiable, aiwT 1006.


No. I99.-::\IERCIIANDIRE 1m'om'ED: Ql"AN~'ITms AND YALGER, BY AIl'I'ICLES, Y}:AHS EXDBD JrxE 30, HJOO Tn lDOfl-Continued.

==.~. __ .. =,~·.~c~c==.-. -.~.,. "'-'~'~'=-"==""""'~-'=-'=--"-~~~~~="""""==="""""~

11100 :~ 1901 \1 1902 Ji 1!IO:1 Ifl04 11)0" 1 1 ~O(j I' 190. 1908 1_19°._9 _ .Arlicle~.

Wool, hllir o;~~e ,,"mel. gOllt, alpnco" and. other r----1-' --- -'1 .-----11


1 'I'

like animals, c,tHI manufactures of-Contlnued. I I Manufnctures Of-. . {,q. yd ••. , mH, 2~Q 8;;8, %1 9~9, 91S1 1, 0.9, 73f 841,9321 818,8;;0 1.182,005/1 1. OOS, 0101' 686,78·j 1,042,3.8

Carpets and carpetIng" .••..• dIlL. d 11- 1 q -. - 1 ~ "0' - .. ,_._.' n, -',-.'", "',1,,1 "0 2 So, " .. '" , ,r,,, 5"0 1 4'" or- ? 7n' 06' 'O-? 5 > 0:-. ____ 1 _,1.18,,931 _,' iJ,G:JiJl v,4::LI!IIO, .... 10 V 2,1'.JI,oJ h I J""",,vl ":>.,1.-"1:0), _ ','vi), UI ..or ;};), (j. 'i • . v_,.I:.... Clothing. ready-made, nnd Olhc. r 1Y[>' I! I I I

d t d 11 9':'2,619 1,]75,12G,i 1,330,219,' 1,r.:.!2,·lRl 1.309,U9<':. 1.372,1451 1. 626, 27!J 1,674,tl151

1, 620,:!70 1,416,c,':.o.;; appareL .•....••.••.......... tl •. 0 "'1 0 "~

{lbR .. "1 .j, U24, 106\ 3, 781, ~071 '1, 73G, (.>g9 .1, ,'uJ, 22,1 '1, D,W, 009 3,7·16, lifl' ~,8,O, 818· 5, :336, 546· 4, ·113, 2481 4, "10,~4

Cloths ..•............. ··•.··· .dnt .. doU,.. 5, 12~, 529! 3, nus, 2181 '1,500, !'.Sf. .j, gti·l, 09~ 4,155,,;97 8,977,059' 5,157,420\ 5,732,2001 4., S5U, 79o, 1,750, G06

Dress .goods, women's nnd chiI-Jsq. ydS •. , 25,343, nus! 2fj, 370, 909 32, SilS, 0-:12 ·il, 438, ij9n 4a, ~~f,7,5S9 .15,170,2;0: 5:1! f,30, 942, -16,9'24, 91ij 45,035, 1-12! 34, GI9, 74i drOll'S . _________________ .. dur_.ldO]]!-l._._j 5,87:2,085; ':':379,251; 6,,104,Gli 7,i"~13,';25i 8,~U5J835 8,612:6631 JO,049,6B6~ 9,2·10,2'!5 9,217,S()'1

1 {i~ 7ii1!5~u

Knit fabrics _.'_ "._. ______ I ____ dut __ don~__ 405,9GlI 411, 127! 571,;JtJa (i'D,77.1; 515,747 224,363) 2~5,l3~ 2:0,:~ti .)3~, 6:5; ~5~: ,l:~ Mungo. Bocks, s])oddy. no]]s, w()on1bs---- 435,SiH! il81,26G! 24~,53S ::133, (iSS! ~lS, 618: 2i'I,22Z 1,1/1,091 (i14, ~\:!9 I, ... 6iJ,038, .~9C),.J.".,)o

ShC~X~'::~~.'.~~~:~l~~.:~~~~~:::~:~~:{~::~~:: 1E:::~ :~~:~~! 4::~~~! 3:~::~:i 1~!:~~1 1~::~~~ :!H~~li·····~~~:~~~I·····~::~~~I·····:~~:~~~ Ynrn~ .••••••••••••••••••..••• dut.. dolls.. R I,n 8 ' diO 1 1 I 129, GH, ,.,,540, 196,·j ", 195," 112,925

1 129,736 156,029 154,668 151,03-5

1 230,704

AIl other .............••......• dut .. dolls·· I_ 628,U'1~'1 538,103:_ 5~0,4051 __ 472,li7j ::25,60°1 547,521' 702,609 602,393 582,5681 678,'130

Total manufactures of. ....•...... dolls. "\' 16, IG4, .. 14°1

l·j, 0.s5, 306, 17, S&l 463! 19, f>.l6, :lE5: 17, ";3, 7~S' 17.693, 603 ~a, 080, 683 2".l, 811, 460/19,387,978 lR, 102, 461

Zinc or "pelter: Rnd manuiactures of: • [tons .............. i

l ....................... J ............ i....... ..... 553 8, 190 ~3,8°°1 .1~, 3.15.


[>3, U,S

Dre,calmnmeb ..........•....... frce··\rJOII~··i············ ............ i ............ I' ............. /............ 8, 4241 Iv~'~~~i 1,210,001, D08,69,,; 632,006

orec .............................. dIlLl~~~~::i:::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::t:::::::::::: 2~;:~~:~ 2/:;~O: 2~~:~~~1 2~~:::1 3~~:~~~ bl k

r. '. d Id ,{lJ)~_ ---! 2, ~ms, llu1

i 1,362,519, 1, O~~, 033i i~,l. 9~R: !J20,3lf.i t1&\ GlS; 4.~ ;')77, I91! 1,332,015; 3,103,634 --4.451,518 In DC., orplg5, an a ...••••. (,ut •• d II' i 1~') ,,-0 58 "14' 'J" n __ ' 'N -no' 11 ,.,.\ ,,; I

o s--J ,v-,-Iui "_.'! U01,u'{i -'",{.., i . ,0.,0 4."%,S82[ 25~,~i'1 80,3:61 I727:~S 20:,109 All other mnnui!lctures of. ........ dut. .dolls. '1' 1~, 039; ·1-:,912, .15,910, :1.4, NSf 12, ()-H' ___ Jii, 4181 1<>, ,,~81 12,068, 11, 121 b,640

Tollll, not including ore •.•..••••• dolls.. IiI, 9121_ 10:1, 15G=O:;, 28,: [,'),2381 53,0741 60, ROO: 274,795' 98,39.j, 184,152; 219,749


Allothcrartieles·····················{:::::::~~:::I==:=~"'~=,~=':"':.1===:~=3=,=~~=: ~~~:!~~ :~:~1_4~1. ~~~:~:;I . _ :::~;,I_ n :o:::_o~, :o~:~_~6! _ :~:~n~:II- ~::, Total value of imports of merchandise: I _ 1_ I - -

~~ Frecai·dut~ .. _____ •. _. ___________________ dolJs __ 367,236,866339,608,669396,818,871 426,180,9/94,)4,130,240 alJ,442,3Cr_ D4 .... 6_3~8Jti G44,O ... 9,161 525,603,0>051 D99,556~G39 o I ...... Dutiable ........•............•••.....•.. dolls.. 182,701,318 483.563,496 506,502,077 599,538,258 636,957,131 GOO, 070, 769 676,938,568 790,391,664'1 668,738,401' 712,363,585 i":'l 1----11----1----.'-----1-----11.-.---1 ' -----,----

Grand total ........................... dolls .. : 849, 9·U, 18.1, 823,172,165 903,320,94811,025,719,237 991,087,371


' 1,117,513,07111,21<6.562,4461, 434,421,425:1,194,341.792,1,311.920,22-1 m I '1 ' ,I . P. pereentoffree ................................... : {B. 21: 41.26 43.93

1 41.55 45.82 46.301 44.81: 41.90: 44.011 45.70

~ ---~~---~-----~-------~-----~.------~-----.~------~---~-------~-------o o

I • Included in ".1\.11 other articles." dutiable, aiter 1906. blncludcd in ".1\.11 other articles," free, prior to 190i).

• Included in "All other articles," dutiable, prior to 1905 .