Medical Imaging and Image Processing...image processing and computer vision, aiming at applying them...

Post on 07-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Medical Imaging and Image Processing...image processing and computer vision, aiming at applying them...


Research on Medical Imaging and Image ProcessingMy research fields are medical imaging and image processing. I am mainly working on the following four research subjects. The first TVCKFDU�JT�UIF�SFTFBSDI�PO�JNBHF�QSPDFTTJOH �XIJDI�BJNT�BU�HFOFSBUJOH�DSPTT�TFDUJPOBM�JNBHFT�JO�$5�BOE�1&5�JNBHJOH�NPEBMJUJFT��5IF�TFDPOE�TVCKFDU�JT�UIF�SFTFBSDI�PO�$PNQVUFS�"JEFE�%JBHOPTJT �XIJDI�BJNT�BU�TVQQPSUJOH�UIF�EJBHOPTJT�CZ�.%�VTJOH�NFEJDBM� JNBHF�QSPDFTTJOH�UFDIOJRVFT��5IF�UIJSE�TVCKFDU�JT�UIF�SFTFBSDI�PO�$PNQVUBUJPOBM�"OBUPNZ �XIJDI�BJNT�BU�HFOFSBUJOH���%�EJHJUBM�NPEFM�PG�human atlas together with applying it to, for example, simulation and navigation of surgeries. The last one is the research on newest image processing and computer vision, aiming at applying them to medicine. In particular, I am believing that I am one of top runners JO�UIF�GJFME�PG�JNBHF�SFDPOTUSVDUJPO�JO�$5�BOE�1&5�

KUDO Hiroyuki, Ph.D.ProfessorFaculty of Engineering,Information and SystemsUniversity of Tsukuba

E-mail address:

医用画像と画像処理(工藤 博幸)Medical Imaging and Image Processing (KUDO Hiroyuki)

システム情報系 システム情報工学研究科Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems/Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering


་⏝⏬ീ⏬ീฎ⌮㸦ᕤ⸨༤ᖾ㸧 Medical Imaging and Image Processing (Hiroyuki Kudo)

Hiroyuki Kudo, Ph.D Professor Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems University of Tsukuba

E-mail address: URL:


㸧ࣛࢢࣔࢺࢱ࣮ࣗࣥࢥ㸬CT㸦ࡍ࡛⌮ീฎ⏬㸪་⏝⏬ീࡣศ㔝✲◊ࡢ⚾ PET㸦ࣥࣟࢺࢪCT㸧ࡤ⨨࡚࠸࠾⏬ീ⏕ᡂࡍ⏬ീฎ⌮ࡢ◊✲㸪་⏝⏬ീゎᯒ࡚ࡋኚ᳨ฟ࡚ࡋ་ᖌࡢデ᩿ᨭࡍィ⟬ᶵᨭデ᩿㸪་⏝⏬ീゎᯒ࡚ࡋேయࡢ 3Dࣔࣝࢹᵓ⠏࡚ࡋᡭ⾡ࢩࡢࢥ⌮ീฎ⏬ࡢ➃ඛࡓࡋព㆑⏝ィ⟬ゎ๗Ꮫ㸪་⏝ᛂࡍ⏝ᛂࣥࣙࢩ࣮ࢤࢼࣥࣙࢩ࣮ࣞࣗ㸪CT≉㸬ࡍ࠸࡚ࡗ⾜✲◊ࡍ㛵࡞㸪ࣥࣙࢪࢱ࣮ࣗࣥ PET ീฎ⏬ࡍᡂ⏕ീ⏬ࡢ 㸬ࡍ࠸࡚ࡋ㈇⮬ࡔ⪅✲◊࠸࡚ࡗ㉮ࢺࡢ⏺㸪ୡࡣศ㔝࡛ࡢീᵓᡂ⏬࠺ᢅ⌮

Research on Medical Imaging and Image Processing My research fields are medical imaging and image processing. I am mainly working on the following four research subjects. The first subject is the research on image processing, which aims at generating cross-sectional images in CT and PET imaging modalities. The second subject is the research on Computer-Aided-Diagnosis, which aims at supporting the diagnosis by MD using medical image processing techniques. The third subject is the research on Computational Anatomy, which aims at generating 3-D digital model of human atlas together with applying it to, for example, simulation and navigation of surgeries. The last one is the research on newest image processing and computer vision, aiming at applying them to medicine. In particular, I am believing that I am one of top runners in the field of image reconstruction in CT and PET.

ࢧࡢࢺ QRࢥ ࣮ ࢻ ࡀධࡍ

Computed Tomography

Sparse-View CTLow-Dose CT

Mathematical Image Processing

Medical Image Processing

Image reconstruction, 3-D and 4-D CT imaging, Low-dose CT, PET (Positron emission tomography), Electron tomography, X-ray phase tomography

New paradigm of CT imaging

Compressed sensing denoising

Compressed sensing, Convex optimization,Machine learning, Energy minimization,Nonlinear analysis, Graph algorithms

Human atlasconstruction

Interior CT

Computer-aided-diagnosis of various diseases

We are joining two very largefirst-priority national projects


Total Variation inpainting

Graphcut segmentation


Medical Imaging and Image Processing


