Medi apresentaitio leonie wise

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Medi apresentaitio leonie wise

Evaluation 2 – how does you product represent particular social groups 

• In our opening sequence we have two main characters josh and ava. Josh is seen as lonely ,outsider and Ava is seen as the stereotypical popular girl you see in teen dramas.• JOSH

• Male, 17 years old, middle class, British 

For josh this is who our comparison is based upon, Oliver 

 from submarine.          ACTUAL JOSH 


AVA •Female,17 years old like josh ,upper class seen to her peers 

as to have a lot of money, also British.This is who our comparison of Ava Is based upon. Regina George from 

mean girls. 

                         ACTUAL AVA 

• In our opening sequence we constructed and portrayed our characters to fit though the use of  mise en scene, editing, camerawork and sound.which makes the plot clearer for the audience and so that we fitted with our genre of teen drama


• .For josh as he is portrayed as lonely the outfit we choose for him to wear was a hooded coat when he goes out to convey he is shy and doesn’t want to be seen. Then with sound and dialogue for josh he doesn’t speak a lot only on the voiceover of him writing his blog, the point to this is to show his lack of friends and the Mise En Scene that he is lonely and shy. With our camerawork on josh we used high angle, close ups to show that he is timid and looks vulnerable. When he is walking down the high street there are a lot of long shots and mid shots to show he is by himself and not with anyone also to give a bigger and fuller picture of his life so the audience understand his characterists. When editing our opening scene of when josh features. The main part is when he is in his bedroom to convey that he enjoys his own space and his own company . 

Continue of question 2 - the slide before.• AVA• Ava who is seen as the popular girl at school who the comparison we

went on was Regina George from mean girls, ava is the girl josh fancies and he writes anomies blog post about her which is the basic plot line to our sequence.She has blonde hair and is seen as ' popular.' The mise en scene we created for her was that she was out-going, not afraid to talk to people, confident and typically popular. Unlike josh she doesn’t hide her face and wants to be the center of attention.Ava is seen to be always smiley and never looking down or upset, to create the sense that she has a 'perfect' life. With the camerawork when filming ava the camera is at the level of ava, a straight angle to show she is not venerable nor has all the power just to show she is neutral. In our opening sequence ava has a bit of dialogue with another class mate and then in the dreaming scene she doesn’t talk but always looking at the camera and smiling . 

 OLIVER TAYLOR SUBMARINE                          JOSH


•Both have a very straight facial emotions , very moody looking and from the images both look quite lonely as they have no one with them or they just enjoy there own company.The difference between the pictures is that the left pictures of Oliver Taylor the camerawork and editing itself is darker and more sinister then the 

editing and camerawork of josh.

•  I wouldn’t say that these two boys are stereotypical teenage boys .

• The classic stereotype for a male/boy is macho ,confident, alpha male and the typical interest of a stereotypical teenage boy is into cars or sport. An interest in going to the gym or getting bigger and in our modern era using protein bars of shakes.


Josh challenges the typical stereotype of a teenage boy as he is tall and thin, with no confidence at all as we are aware because he really struggles to talk to Ava. His interest's also are not going to the gym , his main interest from the story line is writing his blog and also literacy.