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Transcript of MEB LİSE 1 İNGİLİZCE


Temelli Beldesi / Polatlı - ANKARAtel. : (312) 645 19 10 (Pbx) belgeç : (312) 645 19 19


Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığının 29.06.2012 tarih ve 88 sayılı kurul kararı ile 2012 - 2013 öğretim yılından itibaren 5 (Beş) yıl süre ile Ders Kitabı olarak kabul edilmiştir.




Görsel Tasarımcı

Behiye Renin GÜNDÜZ

Program Geliştirme Uzmanı

Göksan BAYİS

Ölçme ve Değerlendirme Uzmanı

Banu KOÇ

Rehberlik ve Gelişim Uzmanı

Mukadder GÜVENER

ISBN 978-605-5490-31-7

Ankara, 2012

Baskı, Cilt


Temelli Beldesi / Polatlı - ANKARAtel. : (312) 645 19 10 (Pbx) belgeç : (312) 645 19 19

Her hak kı sak lı dır ve Özgün Matbaacılık Sa na yii ve Ti ca ret Ano nim Şir ke ti ne ait tir. İçin de ki şe kil, ya zı, re sim ve gra fik ler, ya yı ne vi nin iz ni ol ma dan alı na maz; fo to ko pi, tek sir, film şek lin de ve baş ka hiç bir şe kil de ço ğal tı la maz, ba sı la maz ve ya yım la na maz.



Kork ma, sön mez bu şa fak lar da yü zen al san cak;Sön me den yur du mun üs tün de tü ten en son ocak.O be nim mil le ti min yıl dı zı dır, par la ya cak;O be nim dir, o be nim mil le ti min dir an cak.

Çat ma, kur ban ola yım, çeh re ni ey naz lı hi lâl!Kah ra man ır kı ma bir gül! Ne bu şid det, bu ce lâl?Sa na ol maz dö kü len kan la rı mız son ra he lâl...Hak kı dır, Hakk’a ta pan, mil le ti min is tik lâl!

Ben ezel den be ri dir hür ya şa dım, hür ya şa rım.Han gi çıl gın ba na zin cir vu ra cak mış? Şa şa rım!Kük re miş sel gi bi yim, ben di mi çiğ ner, aşa rım.Yır ta rım dağ la rı, en gin le re sığ mam, ta şa rım.

Gar bın âfâ kı nı sar mış sa çe lik zırh lı du var,Be nim iman do lu göğ süm gi bi ser had dim var.Ulu sun, kork ma! Na sıl böy le bir ima nı bo ğar,“Me de ni yet!” de di ğin tek di şi kal mış ca na var?

Ar ka daş! Yur du ma al çak la rı uğ rat ma, sa kın.Si per et göv de ni, dur sun bu ha yâ sız ca akın.Do ğa cak tır sa na va’det ti ği gün ler Hakk’ın...Kim bi lir, bel ki ya rın, bel ki ya rın dan da ya kın.

Bas tı ğın yer le ri “top rak!” di ye rek geç me, ta nı:Dü şün al tın da ki bin ler ce ke fen siz ya ta nı.Sen şe hit oğ lu sun, in cit me, ya zık tır, ata nı:Ver me, dün ya la rı al san da, bu cen net va ta nı.

Kim bu cen net va ta nın uğ ru na ol maz ki fe dâ?Şü he dâ fış kı ra cak top ra ğı sık san, şü he dâ!Câ nı, câ nâ nı, bü tün va rı mı al sın da Hu da,Et me sin tek va ta nım dan be ni dün ya da cü dâ.

Ru hu mun sen den, İlâ hi, şu dur an cak eme li:Değ me sin ma be di min göğ sü ne nâ mah rem eli.Bu ezan lar -ki şa ha det le ri di nin te me li-Ebe dî yur du mun üs tün de be nim in le me li.

O za man vecd ile bin sec de eder - var sa - ta şım,Her ce rî ham dan, İlâ hi, bo şa nıp kan lı ya şım,Fış kı rır ruh-ı mü cer red gi bi yer den na’şım;O za man yük selerek ar şa değer bel ki başım.

Dal galan sen de şafak lar gibi ey şan lı hilâl!Ol sun ar tık dökülen kan larımın hep si helâl.Ebediyen sana yok, ır kıma yok iz mih lâl:Hak kıdır, hür yaşamış, bay rağımın hür riyet;Hak kıdır, Hakk’a tapan, mil letimin is tik lâl!

Meh met Âkif ER SOY


ATA TÜRK’ÜN GENÇ Lİ ĞE Hİ TA BE SİEy Türk genç li ği! Bi rin ci va zi fen, Türk is tik lâ li ni, Türk cum-

hu ri ye ti ni, ile le bet, mu ha fa za ve mü da faa et mek tir.

Mev cu di ye ti nin ve is tik ba li nin ye gâ ne te me li bu dur. Bu

te mel, se nin, en kıy met li ha zi nen dir. İs tik bal de da hi, se ni, bu

ha zi ne den, mah rum et mek is te ye cek, da hi lî ve ha ri cî, bed hah la-

rın ola cak tır. Bir gün, is tik lâl ve cum hu ri ye ti mü da faa mec bu ri ye-

ti ne dü şer sen, va zi fe ye atıl mak için, için de bu lu na ca ğın va zi ye-

tin im kân ve şe ra iti ni dü şün me ye cek sin! Bu im kân ve şe ra it, çok

nâ mü sa it bir ma hi yet te te za hür ede bi lir. İs tik lâl ve cum hu ri ye ti ne

kas te de cek düş man lar, bü tün dün ya da em sa li gö rül me miş bir

ga li bi ye tin mü mes si li ola bi lir ler. Ceb ren ve hi le ile aziz va ta nın,

bü tün ka le le ri zapt edil miş, bü tün ter sa ne le ri ne gi ril miş, bü tün

or du la rı da ğı tıl mış ve mem le ke tin her kö şe si bil fi il iş gal edil miş

ola bi lir. Bü tün bu şe ra it ten da ha elîm ve da ha va him ol mak üze-

re, mem le ke tin da hi lin de, ik ti da ra sa hip olan lar gaf let ve da lâ let

ve hat tâ hı ya net için de bu lu na bi lir ler. Hat tâ bu ik ti dar sa hip le ri

şah sî men fa at le ri ni, müs tev li le rin si ya sî emel le riy le tev hit ede bi-

lir ler. Mil let, fakr u za ru ret için de ha rap ve bî tap düş müş ola bi-


Ey Türk is tik ba li nin ev lâ dı! İş te, bu ah val ve şe ra it için de

da hi, va zi fen; Türk is tik lâl ve cum hu ri ye ti ni kur tar mak tır! Muh taç

ol du ğun kud ret, da mar la rın da ki asîl kan da, mev cut tur!


Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK



Organization Of The Book .......................................................................7

Theme 1: Individual and Society..............................................................84 1A. Nice to Meet You ......................................................................8

4 1B. Relations .................................................................................12

4 1C. A Day At School .....................................................................15

Theme 2: Jobs ........................................................................................ 194 2A. What Do You Do? ...................................................................19

4 2B. Can You Cook? .......................................................................25

4 2C. He Is A Director ......................................................................28

Theme 3: Youth ....................................................................................... 334 3A. Go Abroad ..............................................................................33

4 3B. What Kind of Shopper Are You? ............................................39

4 3C. One Click Away ......................................................................42

Theme 4: Health and Nutrition ...............................................................464 4A. Healthy Food ..........................................................................46

4 4B. Eating Habits ..........................................................................52

4 4C. Eating Out ...............................................................................56

Theme 5: Values ...................................................................................... 614 5A. Volunteering ............................................................................61

4 5B. Famous Fighters .....................................................................65

4 5C. Child Rights ............................................................................68

Theme 6: Dreams and Plans ..................................................................754 6A. A Gap Year Plan......................................................................75

4 6B. A Trip Plan ..............................................................................78

4 6C. What A Fantastic Holiday! ......................................................85

Self Assessment Form ...........................................................................94Language Content............... ...................................................................96Word List ................................................................................................101Bibliography ...........................................................................................102



……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… .

……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… .

4 2A. What Do You Do?4 2B. Can You Cook?4 2C. He Is A Director

Theme 2 Jobs

2A. What Do You Do?

Theme 2

A. Reading, Writing and Speaking

Look at the pictures. Guess the jobs of the people in the pictures.1.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

The number of the theme

The name of the topics in the theme

The name of the topic

The skills in part A

The instruction of the activity

The number of the page

The title of the theme



a. In the classroom. b. In the museum. c. At the party.

4 1A. Nice To Meet You4 1B. Relations4 1C. A Day At School

Theme 1 Individual and Society

1A. Nice To Meet YouA. Listening, Reading and Speaking

Look at the picture. Where are the people? Choose the correct option.1.

Theme 1



2. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the gaps.

3. Listen to the dialogues and tick (4) the sentences you hear. Then put “?” for the question


a. Nice to meet you d. See you soon

b. Me too e. What’s your name

c. And you f. How are you

Thomas : Hello, ...’m Jane. What’s ........ name?

Amy : Hello, ...... name is Amy.

Thomas : Nice to meet you.

Amy : Me too.

1. 2. Steve : Molly, this is Janis.

Molly : Hello, Janis. Nice to meet ..... .

Janis : ...... too.

3. Lily : Hi, Brad.

Brad : Hi, Lily. How are ......?

Lily : ...’m fine, thanks. And ......?

Brad : ...’m OK, thanks.

4. Kelly : Goodbye, Tony.

Tony : Bye, Kelly. See ...... soon.

Kelly : See .......

4. Look at the picture. Match the dialogues with the groups at the party. Then

label the people.

5. Look at the picture again. Are the people happy at the party?

6. Fill in the gaps as in activity 2. Then read the dialogues with your partner.

A. Carol : Hello, ....... name’s Carol. What’s .......... name?

David : Hi, ....’m David.

Carol : Nice to meet ........ .

David : ...... too.

B. Janet : Hi, Mary.

Mary : Hi, Janet. How are ........?

Janet : ....’m Fine, thanks. And .........?

Mary : ....’m OK, thanks.

7. Work in groups of 2 or 3. Read the dialogues again and practise the dialogues. Use your


• Look at the examples.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you

speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.• Pay attention to the accent, intonation and

pronunciation of the words.




a. M __ x __ c __ f. Sp __ __ n k. G __ rm __ ny p. __ __ str __ l __ __

b. the __ K g. the __ S __ l. J __ p __ n q. R __ ss __ __ n

c. Ch __ n __ h. T __ rk __ y m. __ r __ l __ nd F __ d __ r __ t __ __ n

d. __ gypt i. __ taly n. Fr __ nc __

e. Br __ z __ l j. __ __ str __ __ o. C __ n __ d __

1. Egyptian 6. Canadian 11. Turkish 16. Australian

2. Brazilian 7. German 12. Irish 17. American

3. Italian 8. Japanese 13. Russian

4. French 9. British 14. Austrian

5. Spanish 10. Mexican 15. Chinese

1. Write the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in the countries.

B. Reading, Writing and Speaking

2. Match the nationalities with the countries.

3. Look at the pictures and guess “Who are they? and Where are they?”.

Sandra : I’ve got some news.

Miranda : Oh? Really? What?

Sandra : There’s a new girl in class 10A.

Miranda : Oh really?

Sandra : Yeah, I think she’s Chinese or Japanese. Her name is Chika.

Miranda : Chika? She’s probably Japanese. Is she good-looking?

Sandra : Yes. And she’s 17.

Miranda : Oh look! Is that her?

Sandra : Yes. She’s with Karen.

Miranda : Let’s meet her.

Sandra : Why not!

4. Read the dialogue between Sandra and Miranda. What are they talking about? Then choose the correct picture in activity 3 for the dialogue.


sandra - Miranda: Hi, karen!

karen : Hi, Miranda! Hi, Sandra. This is chika?

Sandra : nice to meet you?

Miranda : nice to meet you, too.

chika : Me too

Sandra : Where are you from, Chika

chika : I’m from japan!

1. There is a new boy in class 10A ..........

2. Sandra has got some news. ..........

3. Chika is 15. ..........

4. Chika isn’t good-looking. ..........

5. Miranda and Chika aren’t friends. ..........

5. Read the dialogue again. Put T (True) or F (False) for the sentences.

Read the second part of the dialogue between Miranda, Sandra, Karen and Chika. Where is Chika from?

1. Who are Miranda, Sandra and Karen? ............................................................................................................................................... 2. Is Karen from Japan? ............................................................................................................................................... 3. Who is from Japan? ...............................................................................................................................................

7. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions.


sandra ........... Sandra

Correct the spelling mistakes in the dialogue in your notebook in activity 6. Use correct, and proper punctuation in the dialogue. Then read the dialogue aloud with your partners.


Work in groups of four. Write similar dialogues as in activity 4 and 6. Then act out your dialogues in groups.



• Make notes before you write.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling.



Theme 1

A. Reading, Writing and Speaking


Brother Brian is

…………… .

Uncle Peter is

………… .

Sister Jane has got

………………… .

Grandmother Susan is

………… .

1 3

Aşçı (Bayan)

2 4

Cousin Jennifer is

………………… .

Father Tim is

……………… .

Mother Annabel has

got ……………… .

Cousin Tom has got

………… .

5 7

Aşçı (Bayan)

6 8

Uncle Matt is of

……………… .

Aunt Alice has got

………… .

Grandfather Alex has

got a ………… .

Sister Aggie has got

………… .

9 11

Aşçı (Bayan)

10 12

Granddaughter Liz

has got ................. .

Cousin Alberta has

got ………… .

Grandson Blair is

………… .

Nephew George has

got a ………… .

13 15 16

1. Look at the pictures. Guess and write the words and phrases under the correct pictures.

tall moustache short old

overweight blonde hair beard short hair

long hair young curly hair well-built

glasses wavy hair medium weight slim

1B. Relations


Look at my family photo! My ............................... is head of the family. His name is Robert. He is slim and tall. He is seventy-one years old. His .................’s name is Emily. She has got short blonde hair. She is my lovely ................................ . My grandparents’ son is my ................. . His name is Chris. He is an actor. He is handsome. He is well-built and tall but my ................. is short and slim. Her name is Anna. She is a doctor. My mother has got a ..................... . He is my ........................ Jack. He has got a .................. . Her name is Sue. She is my ............... She has got long blonde hair and freckles. Jack’s .............. is tall and slim. Her name is Tessa. Daniel is my ............... . He has got short brown curly hair and glasses. I’m tall and slim but he is overweight. My name is Alf. We’re the lucky grandsons in the family. We have got a parrot. Her name is Spoky. She is one of the Ferguson family members.


3. Read the text again and write the correct names in the picture.

a. ................. is ................. and .................’s son. b. Alf’s cousin is ................. . c. ................. is Jack’s wife. d. ................. is ................. and .................’s uncle. e. ................. and ................. are ................. and .................’s grandparents. f. ................. is ................. and .................’s mother. g. ................. is Sue’s father. h. ................. is Anna’s husband.

4. Look at the Fergusons’ family picture and complete the sentences.

5. Work in pairs. Read the text about Ferguson family again. Think about your family members. Then write and talk about your family with your partner.

Look at the Fergusons’ family picture in activity 3. Then read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below.

mother son father grandparents

husband grandfather wifex2 cousin

uncle daughter grandmother

• Make notes before you write.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling.

• Look at the examples.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.



2. Listen to Jenny and match the names with the family words.

B. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the drawing. What is it?

3. Listen to Jenny again and complete her family tree in activity 1.

4. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.

5. Complete the text about Jenny’s family. Use the words below.


a. Dominic is John’s ....................... .b. Adela is Jenny’s ....................... .c. Rosemary is Jenny’s ....................... .d. Isabel is Edward’s ....................... .e. James is Rosemary’s ....................... .f. Edward is Adela’s ....................... .g. Johny is Jenny’s ....................... . h. Isabel is Dominic’s ....................... .

Jenny has got a big family. Her ...........................’ names are Isabel and James and they

have got two ................., Rosemary and Edward. Rosemary is Jenny’s ................ . Edward is

her .............. . His ............’s name is Katherina. They have got one ............ . His name is

Dominic. He’s Jenny’s ............... . Jenny’s .................’s name is Calvin. She has got one

.............. and ................. . Their names are Adela and John.

1. Rosemary a. grandmother (grandma)

2. Edward b. grandfather (grandpa)

3. Isabel c. sister

4. Calvin d. brother

5. Dominic e. father (dad)

6. James f. mother (mum)

7. Katherine g. cousin

8. Adela h. uncle

9. Johny i. uncle’s wife

child brother grandparents uncle

mother children wife cousin

wife sister father


Theme 1

6. Work in pairs. Follow the instructions below. Take turns.

School SubjectsBiology .............................. History ................................ Literature .............................. Chemistry .......................... Maths .................................. Geography ...........................Art ...................................... Physical Education ............. Physics .................................

Information and Communications Technology (I.C.T) .............................. Music .................

Unit 1

1. Look at the items. Then match them with the school subjects.


A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

• Prepare two copies of your family tree. One is for you, the other is for your partner.

• Write a text about your family. Write their names and the family words only on one family tree.

• Give your partner the other family tree. Then ask him to complete your family tree while you are talking about your family tree.

• Ask your partner to explain or repeat when you don’t understand anything.

• Make notes before you write.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order.

* check spelling.

• Use the promts.• Don’t be afraid to make

mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be

more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.


3 41 2


1C. A Day At School






2. Listen and repeat the words.

3. Listen to Mike’s schoolday. While you’re listening to him, underline the name of the school subjects in the text.

4. Look at the time sentences. Then listen to the CD again. While you are listening, tick (4) the time sentences under the clocks. One is extra.

It’s quarter to eight. ( )

It’s quarter to nine. ( )

It’s quarter past two. ( )

It’s half past eight. ( )

It’s eight o’clock. ( )

It’s five past seven. ( )

It’s half past seven. ( )

a. dead beat d. hate

b. chat e. on foot

c. boring

1. walking 3. extremely tired

2. talk 4. dislike

5. not interesting

5. Listen to the CD again. Match the words and phrases with their meanings. Use your dictionaries.

a. Mike arrives at school at eight o’clock. ( )b. He loves Geography. ( )c. He has good marks. ( )d. The last lesson ends at quarter past two. ( )e. After school he usually goes to a shop or a café. ( )f. His favourite lesson is History. ( )g. He likes homework. ( )h. He walks to school. ( )

a. When does Mike’s schoolday begin? b. How does he go to school? c. What are the names of the lessons on Mondays? d. Does he like Chemistry? e. Why are his teachers always angry with him?

6. Listen to the CD again and write T (True) or F (False) for the sentences.

7. Read and answer the questions about Mike’s schoolday.

My Schoolday

My schoolday begins at half past seven.Then I dress up and brush my teeth. After that, at

quarter to eight, I eat some sandwiches. Then I watch the news. I go out at eight o’clock.

I usually go to school on foot. It is not far from my home. I arrive at school at half past eight.

The first lesson starts at quarter to nine and the last lesson ends at quarter past two. It is so

boring for me on Mondays. The breaks last only ten minutes. I have one hour for lunch. There is

a canteen in the school. I eat hamburger and drink fruit juice every lunch at the canteen. On

Mondays, I have Geography, Maths, Chemistry and History. I love History and Geography but I

don’t like Maths and Chemistry. Especially I hate Chemistry. My favourite subject is Information

and Communications Technology. I have no high marks. I’m a bit lazy. My teachers are always

angry with me. We have really much fun at school. I don’t like homework. After school we usually

go to a shop or a café. But I need to study for the university exam. When I arrive home I’m a dead

beat! So, I don’t do my homework. I rest some time while listening to music. I chat with my friends

on the Internet.


8. Work in pairs. While you are listening to the CD again, read the text again and take notes. Then write your a day at school. Use the checklist to write about yourself. Finally, speak with your partner about your writing.

CHECKLIST1. How do you go to school? 2. How far is your school? 3. When do you get up? 4. When does your lesson/school start and end? 5. What do you eat at lunch? 6. What’s your favourite subject? 7. What do you do after school?

a cb ed

f hg i

B. Reading, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. Guess and put them in order. Then match the clocks with the pictures. One clock is extra.

2. Match the sentences with the clocks in activity 1.

1. It’s half past ten.

2. It’s four o’clock.

3. It’s eight o’clock.

4. It’s half past four.

5. It’s quarter past seven.

6. It’s twelve o’clock.

7. It’s eleven o’clock.

8. It’s half past eight.

• Make notes before you write.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling.

• Look at your writing before you speak.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.



High School Blog

Alice Rowling

View my complete profile

View my lesson timetable

View my photos

Your comments


Name: Alice

I always get up at 7:15 a.m. I hate this but I have no chance. School starts at 8:30 a.m. and I leave school at 4 p.m. I usually go to school by bus at 8 a.m. My friends and I always have break at 10:30 a.m. I usually have lunch with my friends at 12 a.m. I sometimes have lunch with my best friend, Clara. I love you Clara. After classes, I often go to the library at 4:30 p.m. I study my lessons and do my project tasks. I often chat with my friends at 9 p.m.

3. Alice shares her schoolday on the Internet. Read the extract from the school blog and check your answers in activity 1.

a. Does Alice get up late? ..............................................................................................................................................b. How often does she go to school by bus? ..............................................................................................................................................c. How often does she have lunch with her best friend? ..............................................................................................................................................d. Does she go to the library? ..............................................................................................................................................e. Is there a timetable button in the blog? ..............................................................................................................................................

5. Read and answer the questions about the extract.

6. Work in pairs. Create your own blog desings. Ask questions to your partner about his/her daily routine at school time and take notes. Then write about his/her daily routine at school time. Finally, check your writings and put the information about your friend on the blog. Take turns.

4. Read the extract and underline the sentences about Alice’s daily routine activities.

• Look at the sample questions above.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English, and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.

• Use your notes to write.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… .

……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… . ……………………… .

4 2A. What Do You Do?4 2B. Can You Cook?4 2C. He Is A Director

Theme 2 Jobs

2A. What Do You Do?

Theme 2

A. Reading, Writing and Speaking

Look at the pictures. Guess the jobs of the people in the pictures.1.

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8


My name is James. I work in a hospital. I work for long hours. I do operations in the hospital. I love my patients.

My name is Kevin. I perform in plays or films. I display many different characters. I have a fan club.

My name is Susan. I work in a hospital. I care for and support patients in the hospital. I sometimes have night shifts but I love my job.

My name is Betsy. I work in a laboratory. I do and observe the experiments. I use laboratory equipment to do my experiments.

My name is David. I create different tastes. I cook professionally for other people.

My name is Billy. I cultivate plants. I love flowers. I work in a big garden. There are many kinds of plants in the garden.

My name is Emma. I work in a school. I am responsible for the school management and discipline. I monitor the attendance of the students in school.

My name is Johny. I use my hands. I work with timber to construct building or furniture. I’m very talented.

a. a principal d. a police officer g. a farmer j. a gardener b. a waiter e. a chef h. a surgeon k. a carpenter c. a conductor f. a nurse i. a scientist l. an actor

2. Match the jobs with the pictures.

3. Read the speech bubbles and write the correct name under the correct picture in activity 1. Four jobs have no description.

1. An actor ................ in a theatre play. a. shows b. performs c. constructs 2. A scientist ................ the experiments in a laboratory. a. does b. works c. manages 3. A gardener works in a garden and ................ the plants. a. supports b. cultivates c. monitors 4. A school principal is ................ the management of the school. a. together with b. curious about c. responsible for 5. A nurse ................ patients in a hospital. a. performs b. cares for c. creates 6. A chef ................ delicious dishes. a. cooks b. bakes c. fries

4. Read the speech bubbles again and choose the correct option.

……………………… . ……………………… .…………………… .

9 10

……………………… .

11 12


6. In activity 3, four jobs have no description. Follow the instructions below. Work in pairs. Choose your job and write a description for it. Then tell your partner your description. Ask him/her “Who am I?”. Then take turns.

5. Put the words in order to make meaningful sentences. Be careful about the punctuation and capital letters.a. long / surgeon / a / works / hospital / a / in / hours / for / . .............................................................................................................................................b. laboratory / a / equipment / scientist / to / uses / do / experiments / his / her / . .............................................................................................................................................c. students / is / responsible / principle / a / the / monitoring / attandance / the / of / for / . .............................................................................................................................................d. a / loves / a / flowers / works / and / garden / gardener / in / . .............................................................................................................................................e. furniture / constructs / a / buildings / or / carpenter / . .............................................................................................................................................

B. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Match the sentences with the pictures. Then write the sentences under the pictures.


………......……………… . ………......……………… .


………......……………… .

4 5

………......……………… . ………......……………… .


………......……………… .

a. She is a secretary.b. He is a teacher.

c. He is a DJ.d. She is a ballerina.

e. He is a cabin crew.f. She is an actress.

• Plan your writing and make notes before you write.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident. • Use natural tone and rhythm.



4. Listen to the interviews again. While you’re listening to them, complete the table about the interviewees.

Why dream job?Present Job Dream job


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .


………………… . ………………… . ………………… .

5. Look at the people and the jobs in the table. Write sentences about them as in the example.

Example : The teacher wants to be an actor because of good income.

a. a teacher 1. I work in a farm.

b. a journalist 2. I work for New Airlines.

c. a cabin crew 3. I work in the Great Company’s Office.

d. a farmer 4. I work in Local Primary School.

e. a businessman 5. I work for “Dream” newspaper.


3. Listen to the interviews with six people. What are they talking about?

Match the jobs with the sentences.


1. A teacher works ................ . a. in an office b. in a school2. An actor works ................ . a. in a theatre b. for a company3. A doctor works ................ . a. outside b. in a hospital4. A pilot works ................ . a. for an airway company b. in a company5. A lawyer works. ................ . a. in a shop b. for legal services

6. Complete the sentences with the correct option.

7. Listen to the dialogues again. Take notes of the questions in the dialogues. Follow the instructions in the checklist. Then act out your dialogues.

CHECKLIST– Work in groups of five or six.– Choose an interviewer among you.– Choose your real and dream jobs.– Answer the questions of the


• Use your notes.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you

speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.


C. Reading and Writing

1. Look at the pictures. Match the sentences with the pictures.

1 2

3 4

a. Many people lay wreaths to Atatürk’s monuments. b. Many people visit Atatürk’s Mausoleum in Ankara. c. There are many fireworks. d. Many people go to the stadiums to watch the performances of the students.



On October 29 each year, the Turkish people commemorate the birth of the Turkish Republic in 1923. The leader in the War of Independence, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is the first president of the Republic of Turkey.

The Republic Day is an official holiday in Turkey. All the official government offices, schools and many small businesses are closed on this day. There are many celebrations throughout Turkey. Many people go to local stadiums to watch the performances of the students. Many people also lay wreaths to Atatürk’s monuments or visit Atatürk’s Mausoleum in Ankara.

In the evening of October 29, many cities have traditional processions with flags and musical bands to commemorate the Republic Day in Turkey. There are many fireworks. People usually sing marches during the processions. There are many Turkish flags and banners depicting Atatürk everywhere.

a. Who is the first president of the Republic of Turkey?

b. What do people do in the Republic Day?

c. What do people commemorate on October 29 every year?

d. What kind of holiday is the Republic Day?

............. a. a line of people or vehicles in a slow and formal way

............. b. remember an important event or person by having a special ceremony.

............. c. describe someone or something using words and pictures.

4. Read the text again. Then match the meanings with the underlined words in the text.

5. Answer the questions about the text.

6. Work in pairs. Write a text about the celebrations of Republic Day in your city, town or village. Then talk about your writing with your partner. Take turns.

2. Look at the pictures and their explanations again in activity 1 and guess the title of the text. Then write your title.


• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and, but”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.


3. Read the text and check your guess in activity 2.





7 98

11 12



Unit 2 2B. Can You Cook?

Theme 2

A. Reading, Writing and Speaking

1. Match the words and phrases with the pictures.













cook play the piano

play basketball ride a bike



sing dance type


play the guitar



2. Write the words and phrases under the pictures. Then read them aloud.

3. Work in pairs. Mime the activities in activity 1. Take turns. Guess your partner’s activity.

a. Abilities of people b. Physical appearance

I’m Jenny. I’m a secretary. I can type well and I can use computer. I can speak French and Spanish. I work in London.

I’m Patrick. I’m an actor. I can sing songs. I can dance. I’m in Hollywood now.

I’m Matt. I’m a web designer. I can use computer. I can plan and create websites. I can use web design software.

I’m Dennis. I’m a surgeon. I can use new microsurgery tools. I can translate the journals about surgery.

4. Read the speech bubbles about different people. What are they about?

5. Read the speech bubbles again and complete the table.

Job Name Abilities






can plan and create websites


………………… ………………… ……………………………………………………………………

………………… Dennis ……………………………………………………………………


Example: Jenny speaks many different languages.

6. Look at the table and make sentences about the people. Then tell your friend.

8. Write true sentences about yourself. What can you do?

7. Work in pairs. Choose a job and tell your partner “What can you do?”. Take turns. Then write sentences about your partner’s abilities.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.

• Make notes before you write.

• Join your ideas with “and”.

• Write neatly.

• After you finish,

* check punctuation. * check capital letters.

* check word order. * check spelling.

* check linking word.


• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connector.


B. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the picture. Guess “What are they talking about?”

3. Listen to the interview again. Put a tick (✓) for the things Martin can do. Put a cross (X) for the things he can’t do.

2. Look at the picture again. Mr. Leonard wants an actor for his new action film. Listen to the interview. Does Martin get the job?

a. dance m

b. shoot arrow m

c. run fast m

d. play the piano m

e. speak Chinese m

f. swim m

g. sing m

h. ride a horse m


4. Work in pairs. Compare your answers.

6. Work in pairs. Listen to the interview again and take notes. Choose a role card. Follow the instructions in the cards. Act out the dialogue. Take turns.

a. Martin can speak Chinese well. ( )b. He can shoot arrow. ( )c. He has an action film experience before. ( )d. He lives in Broadway. ( )e. He can’t ride a horse. ( )f. He can run fast and swim but he can’t play the piano. ( )

5. Think about the interview and write T (True) or F (False) for the sentences.

Unit 2 Theme 22C. He Is A Director

A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Match the pictures with the sentences.

………………………… ………………………… ………………………

………………………… ………………………… ………………………

a. Zhang is conducting an orchestra now.b. Steve is doing illusion in his show at the moment.c. Marcel is miming now.

d. David is directing a film now.e. Olga is dancing at the moment.f. Jennifer is reporting an event.

ROLE CARD A You’re an owner of a company. You need an engineer. Decide about the job requirements. Ask questions to the applicant. Decide he/she is suitable for the job or not.

ROLE CARD B You’re an engineer. You want to get a job in a company. You have an interview with an owner of a company. Answer his/her questions about you.

• While listening, take notes.

• Use your notes.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be

more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.


1 2 3

4 5 6


a. A film premier in Cannes

b. The Opening Ceremony at the 64th Cannes Film Festival

3. Listen to the reporter, Andy Harper. She is reporting from Cannes. What is she talking about?

2. Look at the pictures and write their jobs under the pictures. Use the words below.

mime artist director conductorballerina reporter illusionist

a. She is ......................... the opening ceremony of the film festival.

b. We are ................... to you now.

c. Andy Harper are ............................... from Cannes.

d. Rachel Mc Adams is ..................................... a car for the red carpet ceremony at the 64th

Cannes Film Festival.

e. Aishwarya Rai is .............................. to the red carpet.

f. The other celebrities are ................... towards the red carpet.

g. Antonio Banderas and his wife actress Melanie Griffith and actress Salma Hayek are

................... and ................... for the cameras on the red carpet.

4. Listen to the reporter again and tick (✓) the names of the participants at the


5. Listen to the reporter again and complete the sentences with the words and phrases


listen walk x 2 get out off

pose approach witness to report

Brad Pitt

Antonio Banderas

Ben Kingsley

Rachel Hunter

Salma Hayek

Robert Redford

Aishwarya Rai

Rachel McAdams

Milla Jovovich

Melanie Griffith

6. Listen to the CD again. Look at the words and their meanings. Use your dictionaries to

find their meanings.

a. celebrity

b. ceremony

b. impressive

d. amazing

2. a famous person

3. very surprising

4. admirable

1. celebrating a traditional event


A. Aishwarya is ................... a ................... . a. walking/carpet b. approaching/down stairs c. wearing/dressB. We are ................... an ................... event. a. witnessing to/amazing b. getting off/car c. listening to/repeatC. It’s an ................... experience to see her at Cannes every year. a. beautiful b. ceremony c. amazingD. We are witnessing an ................... ................... . a. impressive ceremony b. closing ceremony c. nice ceremony

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct words.

8. Work in pairs. Listen to the CD again. Take notes. Follow the instructions on the role cards. Act out the dialogue. Take turns.

ROLE CARD AYou’re a newsreader in a channel. You’re introducing your reporter about a special event.


You’re a reporter. You are reporting an event from a city. Choose an event (ceremony of a festival, match, etc.)

• While listening, take notes.

• Use your notes.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.• Use natural tone and rhythm.


B. Reading and Writing

1. Look at the activities and match them with the pictures.

…………………………… ……………………………

…………………………… …………………………… ……………………………



1 2 3



5 6

in the morning

a. go to university at 9 a.m.b. get up at 7 a.m.c. have a shower at 8 a.m.d. study at the library at 3 p.m.e. have breakfast at 7.30 a.m.f. go to bed at 12 p.m.g. watch TV at 7 p.m.



2. Write the correct time expressions under the pictures in activity 1.

in the afternoon in the evening in the morning at night

I don’t work at weekends. Weekends are for my kids. And I have dinner at home every evening when I’m not directing a film. I get home at six. I put the kids to bed at 10 p.m. and tell them stories. I take them to school every morning. I work basically from 9:30 to 5:30 and I’m strict about that.

I never drink coffee. That’s something you probably don’t know about me.

I’m preparing a new film in these days. I’m responsible for the quality of the final product and its success. I’m working with actors, make-up artists, cinematographers, writers and film, sound, and lighting technicians. I’m guiding actors and all the workers in the film. It is a tiring job.

a. Steven gets home at ............... .

b. His work starts at ............... .

c. His work ends at ............... .

d. He puts the kids to bed at ............... .

3. Read the extract from a magazine. What is it about?

4. Read the extract again and complete sentences with the correct time.

a. What is Steven Spielberg doing in these days? ................................................................................................................................................b. What are the names of the jobs in the film industry? ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................c. Is he strict about his working hours? ................................................................................................................................................d. What does he do when he isn’t directing a film? ................................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

5. Read and answer the questions.

6. Imagine you are a worker in the film industry. Write about your daily life and also give information what you are doing in these days.

• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and, but”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



a. What’s the importance of November 10 in Turkish history? b. What kind of activities do you organize at school on November 10?

C. Reading and Writing

1. Answer the questions.

1. becomes Chief Commander

2. dies in Dolmabahçe Palace in İstanbul

3. lands in Samsun and starts the War of Independence

4. was born in Salonika

5. becomes the Commander in Lightning Group of Armies

6. founds Turkish Republic and became the first president

7. arrives in Ankara

8. becomes general

9. goes to Military College

10. wins a victory at Gallipoli

11. wins the battle of “The Commander in Chief at


12. The Turkish Grand National Assembly gives him the

surname “Atatürk”

13. becomes the Commander in Anafartalar


14. opens the Turkish Grand National Assembly and

becomes the chairman

15. graduates from the General Staff College with the

rank of staff captain

2. Match the dates and the events in Atatürk’s life.

a. 1881

d. March 18, 1915

g. October 31, 1918

l. August 30, 1921

b. 1899

e. August 8-9, 1915

j. April 23, 1920

h. May 19, 1919

m. October 29, 1923

c. 1905

f. April 1, 1916

k. August 5, 1921

i. December 27, 1919

n. November 24, 1934

o. November 10, 1938

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born in Salonika in 1881. He goes to Military College in 1889. In 1905, he graduates. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Now, write Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s biography using the information in activity 2.

• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and” and “then”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



4 3A. Go Abroad4 3B. What Kind of Shopper Are You?4 3C. One Click Away

Theme 3 Youth

3A. Go Abroad

Theme 3

A. Reading and Writing

1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures. Discuss “What are they?”




4. Look at the advertisements again. Then underline the common words in the ads.

2. Do you look at the advertisements in newspapers or in magazines?

6. Read the letter. What is it about?

Language School Sultan Cad. No: 42/5

London Sl32 767 Üsküdar/İstanbul

England ( ) ( )

4 May 2011 ( )

Dear Sir or Madam, ( )

I am writing to apply for “Online Shopping Strategies For Future Web Designers” course starting on 24 June.

I am nineteen years old. I live in Turkey. I have a high school degree. I like foreign languages. Especially English. I also speak French and Spanish. I speak English very well. I would like to study in UK. I want to improve my English also my web design skills. Furthermore, I want to learn British culture and way of life.

I have some questions about the course. Firstly, “What kind of teaching materials do you use?” Secondly, “Is there any cafés, shops and restaurants around the school?".

I enclose my CV. You can find my details of education and interests.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, ( )

Selim Balcı ( )

Selim Balcı

a. his education / Paragraph ............

b. his level of English / Paragraph ............

c. questions about the course / Paragraph ............

d. his reason for writing / Paragraph ............

e. a request for a reply / Paragraph ............

7. Read the letter again. Match the information headings about Selim with the paragraphs in the letter.

3. Look at the advertisements again. Put T (True) or F (False) for the statements.

a. All the ads are about studying abroad. ( ) b. There is an opening branch on 30th September 2011 in advertisement B. ( ) c. Advertisement E is about Art and Design Engineering and Banking and Finance education. ( ) d. Advertisement A is about an education opportunity in the United States of America. ( )

5. Find the following words in the ads and guess their meanings. Then search for their meanings in your dictionaries. Write their meanings.

a. courses 1. in or to a foreign country

b. opportunity 2. the process of learning

c. abroad 3. classes

d. study 4. chance

( )


a. recipient’s address e. sender’s address b. sender’s name f. body part c. salutation g. sign off d. date h. signature

a. What is the name of the course? b. When does the course start? c. Where does Selim live? d. How many languages does Selim speak? e. Why is he writing the letter?

a. Does your father or mother have a car navigation?

b. Do you know how to use navigation?

c. Can you find your way in a forest?

d. Can you find your way in a foreign country?

8. Look at the letter and put the descriptions to the correct places.

9. Answer the questions about the letter of Selim Balcı.

10. Look at the ads in activity 1. Choose an advertisement. Then write an application letter about yourself.

B. Listening and Speaking

1. Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

2. Look at the pictures. Guess what they are.

1 2 3

4 5

• Make notes before you write.• Write neatly.• If it is necessary, join your ideas with “and”.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connector.



PlanDirection SignCompassNavigationMap

4. Listen and repeat the words under the pictures.


train station




fire department








toy store



3. Look at the pictures and match the definitions with them.

5. Look at the picture. Guess “Where is Selim?” Choose the correct option.

a. Selim is in Turkey. b. Selim is in England.

Selim : Excuse me. Could you help me?Girl : Sure.Selim : Where’s the Royal Albert Hall?Girl : It’s on the south side of Kensington

Gardens.Selim : How do I get there?Girl : Go straight ahead the road and take the

first turning on the right. Walk until the traffic lights. Turn left and then turn right. It’s on your left. Pass the park. It’s opposite the Royal College of Art.

Selim : Is it far from here?Girl : Not really. It’s about a ten minute walk.Selim : It isn’t far. I can walk there.Girl : Yes. You can see historic buildings

along the road.Selim : Thanks very much.Girl : You’re welcome.

6. Listen, read and check your answer.


a. The Royal Albert Hall is a five minute walk. ( ) b. The Royal Albert Hall is a opposite the Royal College of Art. ( ) c. There are historic buildings along the road. ( ) d. Selim wants to take a bus. ( ) e. The Royal Albert Hall on the north side or Kensington Gardens. ( )

9. Read the dialogue again and write true (T) or false (F) for the statements.

7. Listen to the dialogue again and look at the drawings. Number the drawings when you hear the directions. Three drawings are extra.

8. Listen to the dialogue again and draw a line for Selim on the map. Then find “Where is the Royal Albert Hall and the Royal College of Art?”. Write their names in the correct place.

take the secondturning on the left

take the first turning on the right





turn right



turn left




on the left

F on the right

go straight ahead





RestaurantPolice Station



Market HospitalBank


Police Station



Bus Station

Selim Post Office



10. Selim is at the Royal Albert Hall. He is speaking with a policeman now. Listen to the dialogue and put the dialogue in order. Then put “S” for Selim and “P” for the policeman.

............ : Thanks ( )

............ : Oh, no hang on, wait a minute. There’s a closer one. Walk along this street. Turn right. It’s between the cinema and the post office. ( )

............ : Thanks a lot again. ( )

............ : Hello, excuse me. Can yo tell me how to get to the bookstore? ( )

............ : You’re welcome. ( )

............ : Erm. Go straight ahead. Take the first turning on the left. It’s next to the cinema. ( )

11. Read the dialogue again and match the directions with the drawings. One drawing is extra.

a. Walk along this street. Turn right. It’s between the cinema and the post office. b. Go straight ahead. Take the first turning on the left. It’s next to the cinema.

1 3


t O













t O









t O


a. It is next to the bookstore. .........................b. It is opposite the theatre. .........................c. It is between the bank and hospital. .........................d. It is next to the museum. .........................e. It is between the school and the cinema. .........................

12. Look at the map in activity 8. Read the sentences and find the name of the place.

13. Talk in pairs. Look at the map in activity 8. Follow the instruction in the role cards. Take turns.


You’re at the traffic lights. Choose a place but don’t tell Student B. Give him/her directions to this place.


You’re at the traffic lights. Follow Student A’s directions. Find the place.

• Look at the example in activity 10.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.

• Speak only in English and be more confident.

• Use natural tone and rhythm.



3B. What Kind of Shopper Are You?

Theme 3

A. Reading and Writing1. Look at the pictures. What are they doing?

a. Do you like shopping? b. Do you check the prices in different shops? c. Do you spend a lot of time in the shops?

2. Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

3. Look at the pictures again in activity 1 and the magazine extract’s heading. Guess “What is the text about?”.

4. Read the magazine extract and check your answer in activity 3.

What kind of shopper are you?In the life there are many types of people. They all have different personalities,

different likes and dislikes. And also there are different habits. Today we are examining shoppers. Do you know the types of shoppers?

Firstly, let’s take a look at ............................................... . You can find this type of people in front of the shop windows. They are aimless. If you ask them to help, they say “No”. They always check the prices in different shops. They always look for the cheap products.

The other is ............................................... . They are addicted to shopping. They sometimes make last minute unnecessary shoppings. They can buy everything important for them or not. They can quickly max out credit cards. They sometimes can’t pay for things like food and rent. Shopping addicts are generally women but also men are becoming shopping addicts.

............................................... visit multiple sites. They compare the prices among the sites. They spend several days digitally window shopping before buying a product. They visit and follow soci al-networking sites or blogs regularly.

The other type is ............................................... . They know what they like and they really don’t like shopping. They don’t spend a lot of time in the shops. They choose things very fast.

5. Read the magazine extract again and match the type of shoppers with their descriptions.

the compulsive shoppers the online shoppers

the speed shoppers the window shoppers


6. Read the extract again. Look at the pictures. What sort of shoppers are they? Write the sorts under the pictures.

1. I am .................... to watching TV. I watch TV all day long. a. shopper b. different c. addicted 2. My father .................... all his credit cards every month. He has no credit in his cards now. a. buys b. maxes out c. pays 3. My family .................... my school fees every year. I need their help. a. purchase b. pay c. look 4. She .................... her time on the Internet. a. spends b. visits c. follows

a. An online shopper spends several days before buying a product. ( ) b. A window shopper always looks for the expensive products. ( ) c. A compulsive shopper spends less money while shopping. ( ) d. A window shopper looks at the shop windows. ( ) e. A speed shopper likes shopping and spends a lot of time in the shops. ( ) f. An online shopper use social-networking sites. ( )

7. Write T (True) or F (False) for the sentences.

8. Read the sentences. Choose the correct answers.

Aşçı (Bayan)

1 2

3 4





9. Read the extract again. Then choose your shopper type. Write a short description about yourself.

• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and, or, but”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

TIPS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


B. Listening and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. Guess “Where are the people?” and “What are they doing?”.


Can I try them on?

Excuse me. Can I help you?

They are $ 95.

Excuse me. Can you help me?

It doesn’t matter.

They are $ 85.

How much are these shoes?


I’m trying on some shoes.

You’re welcome.

Can you call me back half an hour later?

2. Listen to three dialogues and match them with three of the pictures in activity 1. One picture is extra.

4. Listen to the dialogue 2 and tick (✓) the statements you hear. Three sentences are extra.

….: It usually takes ten days. ( ) ….: Yes, of course. ( ) ….: Oh. No. I need it for tomorrow night. Thanks. ( ) ….: A smaller size? .... um .... No, I’m afraid we don’t, but I can order if you want. ( ) ….: Excuse me. Can you help me? ( ) ….: You’re welcome. ( ) ….: Oh. How long does it take? ( ) ….: I like this dress, but do you have a smaller size? ( )

3. Listen to the dialogue 1 and put the dialogue into the correct order. Then put “SA” for the shop assistant and put “C” for the customer.

Dialogue 1 1. Does the customer need small size?2. Is there any small size in the shop?3. Is the customer polite?4. When does the customer need the


Dialogue 2 1. How much are the shoes?2. Is there any brown pair?3. Who is calling the customer?

5. Read and answer the questions about the dialogues.

6. Work in pairs. Write similar dialogues and practise them. Take turns.

• Make notes before you write.• Join your ideas with “and or but”.• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident.



3C. One Click Away

Theme 3

A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. What are they about?

a. Do you use online shopping websites?

b. Do you know any popular online shopping sites?

c. Do your friends use online shopping websites?

2. Answer the questions with a partner.

3. Listen to the recording. What is it?

4. Listen to the recording again. Tick (✓) the words you hear.

5. Circle the words about the advantages of online shopping in activity 4. Then add 2 or 3 advantages of online shopping.

6. Work in pairs. Create your own advertisement about the online shopping. Share your ad with the class.

B. Reading and Writing

a. Do you ever shop for CDs? What kind of CDs do you buy? b. Do you buy presents for your friends? c. Where do you buy them?

1. Work in pairs. Answer the questions with your partner.

Aşçı (Bayan)















A present for Janet

Hi Alice,

How is it going? I’m really busy these days. I need your help. I hope you can help me. I’d like to buy Janet a music album. You know she loves music. Can you suggest any album for her?

Thanks in advance.


2. Read the e-mails. Find who needs help. Why?


A present for Janet

Hi Kevin,

I’m really fine. You know Janet likes rock music but also she likes classical music. Especially Beethoven.

She is listening Romance of the Violin album of Joshua Bell in these days. If you visit a website, you may have different alternatives for her. Do you need any help?


See you soon.



Kevin finds some music CDs on a website. Which CDs are suitable for Janet? Tick (✓) them.

Album has a pop sensation.

Click to buy Listen

Comments Delivery

Listen to the best classics!

Click to buy Listen

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• Click to buy a. Listen to the album.

• Listen b. Read the opinions.

• Comments c. Press the button to purchase.

• Delivery d. Look at the cargo conditions.

4. Look at the website in activity 2. There are some buttons on the webpage. Read the buttons and match them with their probable explanations.

6. Listen to your teacher and write the e-mail addresses. Then repeat the e-mail addresses.

a. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

c. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

d. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


You’re writing an e-mail to your friend. You need his/her help. Explain your problem. Ask him/her to help you. Look at the format in activity 2. Don’t forget to use “Greeting, opening and ending” phrases.


You have an e-mail from your friend. He/She needs your help. Reply his/her e-mail. Try to help him/her. Don’t forget to use “Greeting, opening and ending” phrases.

7. Work in pairs. Write e-mails as in activity 2. Follow the instructions in the e-mail cards.

Greeting : …………………………

Opening phrase: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

Ending : …………………………

Name :



Daniel’s problem

Take care.

Hi Tommy,

Hope you’re OK.


How are you?

Thanks a lot for


5. Look at the e-mails in activity 2. Then use the information in the box. Put them into the correct places.

• Plan your writing and make notes before you write.• Write neatly.• If it is necessary, join your ideas with “and”.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.




4 4A. Healthy Food4 4B. Eating Habits4 4C. Eating Out

Theme 4 Health and Nutrition

4A. Healthy Food


A. Reading and Writing

1. Look at the pictures and tick (✓) the food you like and cross (X) the food you don’t


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .


……………… .



3. Look at your ticks ( ) and crosses ( X ) in activity 1. Write sentences about yourself into the categories.

2. Read the food words and write the correct word under the correct picture.

1 rice 4 pizza 5 cheese 3 butter2 bread

9 tomato 10 crisps8 egg7 cookies6 baklava

12 doughnut11 fish 15 orange 14 carrot13 lettuce

19 meat 20 eggplant18 salad17 yoghurt16 chicken

24 apple 23 hamburger22 broccoli21 bell pepper

( )

I like ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

( X )

I don’t like ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

……………… .


……………… . ……………… . ……………… . ……………… .

……………… . ……………… .

12 13 14 15

16 17

……………… . ……………… . ……………… .

18 19 20

……………… . ……………… .

21 22

……………… . ……………… .

23 24


Healthy Food Unhealthy Food

4. Look at the food pictures. Classify the food into the categories below. Write them in lists.

5. Read the speech bubbles. Then match them with the pictures. Write their names in the speech bubbles.

My name is………………… ………………………… . I’m a celebrity. My favourite meal is breakfast. I eat cheese, bread with honey and drink a glass of milk. For lunch I sometimes eat pizza, but I usually eat soup and steamed chicken breast. I sometimes skip dinner, but I often eat salad with beef. I don’t like salad, but I should be careful about my weight. I also do sports regularly. I love snowboard.

My name is ..............................…… . As a celebrity I sometimes change my diet. Now I’m preparing my new role “Wolverine”. My nutritionist say what I should eat or I shouldn’t. These days I get up at 4 a.m. and eat egg whites. Then every three hours after that I have a combination of steamed vegetables and brown rice. Then after midday, no rice or carbohydrates. I don’t like vegetables, meat or fish but I should eat just vegetables and meat or fish.

My name is ....................... ………………… . I’m a skater. I skate 1,5 hours a day, five days a week. I try to eat healthly. Breakfast is a must!!! Every morning I eat organic cereal with milk then I usually have a snack like an apple or banana. For lunch I just eat salad and sandwich and fruit. For dinner I usually eat chicken breast, salad and mashed potatoes. Remember don’t eat too much cheese because it’s high-in fat and don’t eat too much bread or potatoes. Drink lots of water. Don’t eat junk food. I like junk food, but I shouldn’t eat them.

Sterling Knight Brian Joubert Hugh Jackman


a. …………………………… is a famous person. He …………………… has different diets. He has a nutritionist. His ……………………… helps him about his ……………… .

b. He is ……………………. He …………… healthy food. He …………………… too much cheese, bread or potatoes. He likes ………………… , ……………… he …………… …………… junk food.

c. Sterling Knight is a …………………… . The breakfast is his …………………… meal. He …………………… cheese, bread with honey and drinks ……………………………… .

6. Complete the sentences according to the texts.

a. junk food .........................................................................................................................

b. nutritionist .......................................................................................................................

c. skip .................................................................................................................................

d. meal ................................................................................................................................

e. steamed ..........................................................................................................................

f. snack ...............................................................................................................................

g. organic .............................................................................................................................

7. Find the following words in the speech bubbles and guess their meanings. Then search for their meanings in your dictionaries. Write their meanings.

1. ……………………………………………………………………………………… Sterling usually eats soup and steamed chicken breast. 2. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Sterling often eats salad with beef for dinner. 3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Brian skates five days a week. 4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Brian likes junk food. 5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? Jack gets up at 4 a.m. 6. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? No, he doesn’t like vegetables. 7. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ? No, he doesn’t like salad.

8. Write questions for the following answers.

How often does Sterling eat soup and steamed chicken breast?.

9. Write a similar text about you individually as in activity 5. Then check your text with a partner.

• Make notes before you write.• Write neatly.• If it is necessary, join your ideas with “and”.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



B. Listening and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures and put them into the categories.

A bar of A loaf ofa. ……………a. ……………

A cup of A kilo ofa. ……………a. …………… a. …………… a. ……………

b. ……………b. …………… b. …………… b. ……………

c. ……………c. …………… c. …………… c. ……………

A packet of A bottle of





























A kilo of potatoes

2. Listen to the recording. While you’re listening, write the phrases under the pictures in activity 1. Use the phrase and the words below.

Coke fruit juice milksugar

coffee bread crisps potatoes

carrots tomatoes biscuits water

tea chocolate


8. Work in pairs. Listen to the dialogue again. Take notes and prepare a similar dialogue and practise it. Take turns.

6. Look at the sentences in activity 5. Who says the sentences? Put (B) for Bob and (S) for Sally McNail.

7. Complete the shopping list of Mrs. McNail. Use the information below.

bottles seven

a kilo of potatoes

fruit juice water

balloons pineapples

carrots tomatoes

biscuits water

SHOPPING LIST1. …………………… tomatoes2. half a kilo of ……………………3. five …………………… of Coke4. three bottles of ……………………5. six bottles of water6. four …………………… of sparkling ……………………7. …………………… bananas and four ……………………8. twenty ……………………

I need some food and drinks today.

Let me look at my book.

A kilo of tomatoes and half a kilo of potatoes.

How many kilos do you need

What about the vegetables

Anything else

How many balloons do you need

How much do I pay you altogether

Here is your sixty dollars.

Here is your change.

5. Listen to the dialogue again. Tick ( ) the sentences you hear. Then put “?” for the question sentences.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak and be more confident.

• Speak only in English. Use natural tone and rhythm.


4. Listen to the dialogue. Where is Sally? What is she doing?

3. Look at the list below. Put “C” for countable and “U” for uncountable.

a. bread …………………

b. a loaf of bread …………………

c. fruit juice …………………

d. coffee …………………

e. carrots …………………

f. biscuit …………………

g. a bottle of fruit juice …………………

h. a kilo of carrots …………………

i. a packet of biscuits …………………

j. sugar …………………

k. a bottle of milk …………………

l. crisps …………………

m. milk …………………

n. a packet of crisps …………………

o. chocolate …………………

p. a bar of chocolate …………………


4B. Eating Habits

Theme 4

A. Listening and Writing



Answer the questions.a. What do you have for breakfast?b. What do you have for lunch?c. What do you have for dinner?

3. Write the names of the food and drinks under the correct pictures.

4. Listen to the recording again and put the food and drinks into the correct categories.Breakfast : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Lunch : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Snacks : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dinner : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Listen to the text about Scarlett. Tick (4) the things she eats and drinks.

5. Complete the sentences about Scarlett.a. She always has ................ for ................... .b. Her favourite meal is ................ .c. She usually has a ................ like an apple or ................... .d. She usually has a ................ for dinner.

7. Write about your daily meals on your notebook. Use your notes in activity 6.

6. Write notes about your meals. Use the words below.

never usually every day always sometimes often

Breakfast : sometimes drink …………………………………………………………………………

Lunch : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Snacks : …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Dinner : …………………………………………………………………………………………………














B. Reading, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the picture. Guess Amanda’s problem.

2. Look at the pictures of food and drinks. Guess Amanda’s eating habits and make list about her daily meals.Breakfast: ....................................................................................Lunch: .........................................................................................Snacks: .......................................................................................Dinner: ........................................................................................

3. Read the notes of Dr. Annabel for Amanda. Write answers for the questions and write questions for the answers.

Date : 06.09.2012Patient name : Amanda WhiteAge: 42 Weight: 120 kgs Height: 165 cm












Fruit Juice


Once a dayFood and

drinksTwice or three

times a day Once a weekTwice or three times a week

Once amonth


a. How often does Amanda drink water?


b. How often does she eat chocolate?


c. .............................................................

She eats soup once a week.

d. Does she eat hamburger once a day?


e. ...............................................................

(once a week)

Yes, she does.

f. How often does she eat doughnut?


g. What does she eat once a month?


a. What shouldn’t Amanda do first? b. Should Amanda do sports? c. What should and shouldn’t Amanda eat at the meals?

4. Look at the table again. Do you think Amanda has a good eating habit? If yes, why?

5. Dr. Annabel and Amanda are speaking. Read the dialogue. Answer the questions.

Amanda : You know I have a big problem.

Dr. Annabel : I see but you can overcome your problem.

Amanda : Do you believe me?

Dr. Annabel : Certainly. But first of all you shouldn’t forget the slogan. It says “Eat to live, not

live to eat.”

Amanda : “Eat to live, not live to eat.” It sounds good.

Dr. Annabel : I believe in you but you should believe in you. Let’s come to your diet plan. I

have a strict plan for you. You should follow all the steps in the plan.

Amanda : Strict plan?

Dr. Annabel : Yes, unfortunately.

Amanda : Could you explain for me in general? What should I do or shouldn’t do?

Dr. Annabel : Sure. First of all, you should change your eating habits. You shouldn’t skip meals You should have breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the meals, you should eat healthy food, not junk food. Have snacks between the meals. Cut out sugary biscuits, chocolate and crisps between the meals. Furthermore, you should stop taking sugar in tea or coffee.

Amanda : What about doing sports?

Dr. Annabel : That’s a good question. Yes, you should do sports regularly. You can walk every lunch hour.

Amanda : I think I should write down my plan.

Dr. Annabel : Good idea. Excuse me... My phone is ringing. My daughter is calling.

Amanda : No problem.

Dr. Annabel : Let’s talk later OK?

Amanda : Okay then. See you later.

Dr. Annabel : Bye. Thanks.


7. Look at Amanda’s plan. Complete it and add your advice.

6. Choose the correct word for the sentences.

A. What should I do to ................... my obesity problem? a. finish b. overcome c. believe B. He always ................... his mobile phone. Look! It’s on the table. a. forgets b. take c. do C. Jane is a ................... person. She follows the rules in her life. a. happy b. strict c. social D. Daniel ................... smoking. Because he has a health problem. a. cuts out b. has c. follows E. Some children have bad sleeping ................... . They usually go to bed late. a. actions b. examples c. habits

– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


– ...................................................


8. Work in pairs. Follow the instructions on the role cards below. Take turns.

Patient’s Role Card You have bad eating

habits. Answer your doctor’s questions. Follow his/her advice about your problem. Request him/her to explain what you should do or you shouldn’t do. Take turns.

Doctor’s Role Card You have a patient. He/She

has a weight problem. Make an eating habits table for him/her. Ask him/her questions about his/her eating habits. Complete your table and then give him/her some advice. Take turns.

• Look at the example in activity 5.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.

• Speak only in English and be more confident.

• Use natural tone and rhythm.


My Daily Plan

Exercise : Walk every lunch hour.

Food : – No chocolate, biscuits or crisps between the meals.


4C. Eating Out

Theme 4

A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the picture. What are they looking at?

2. Look at the notice board. What are they on the notice board?

Rent a room urgent!

Call: 28764832



Meet at the Stadium 2 p.m.


We are looking for a new generationEXECUTIVE CHEF.

PART TIME or FULL TIMEJob Interview:At El Mambo RestaurantAt 3 p.m., 23 November, 2012Phone : 28 386 75 66


Message 1 a. rent a car b. rent a room

Message 2 a. meeting b. organization

Message 3 a. looking for a chef b. looking for a waiter

3. Look at the messages on the board. What are they about? Choose the correct option.


a. Where are the people? ........................................................................................................................................... b. What are they talking about? ........................................................................................................................................... c. Who are they? ...........................................................................................................................................

7. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

5. Listen to the dialogue. Answer the questions.

6. Listen to the second dialogue. Look at the pictures. While you’re listening, choose the correct picture for the dialogue.

a. Daniel is an executive chef. ( )

b. He is punctual. ( )

c. He can cook Italian food. ( )

d. He is good at solving problems. ( )

e. He is bad tempered. ( )

4. Answer the questions about the advertisements.

a. When do people meet in the 2nd message? – ...........................................................................................................................................b. Where do people meet in the 2nd message? – ...........................................................................................................................................c. When is the job interview? – ...........................................................................................................................................d. Where is the job interview? – ...........................................................................................................................................

a. punctual ……………………………………………………

b. part time ……………………………………………………

c. full time ……………………………………………………..

d. recipe …………………………………………………….....

e. persuade ……………………………………………………

f. bad-tempered ……………………………………………...

8. Look at the words. Guess their meanings. Then use your dictionories to find their



1. Is Daniel applying for an executive chef position?

2. Can he cook Spanish food?3. Does he like cooking?

4. Is he good at persuading people?

5. Does he have any work experience in cooking?

6. Does he want to work full time?7. Is he good at cooking?

APPLICATION FORMPART A – Personal Information

Name : .............................................................................................................

Surname : .............................................................................................................Date of Birth : 06.08.1991

Nationality : .............................................................................................................Adress : Palm Street 8565 CambridgePhone : 0 1223 337733

Marital Status : .............................................................................................................Education : University


Skills : .............................................................................................................

Work Experience : ........................................................................................................

9. Answer the questions about the dialogue.

10. Listen to the dialogue again and take notes. Daniel is filling in his application form. Help him.

a. Are you good at solving problems? b. Are you punctual? c. Can you cook?

d. Are you good at dealing with people? e. What do you want to be? f. Do you want to work in a restaurant?

11. Answer the questions about yourself. Then compare your answers with a partner.

12. Listen to the dialogue again. Take notes. Follow the instructions on the role cards.

Role Card A You’re looking for a part time or full

time receptionist advertisement. Read your partner’s advertisement. Think about your skills and job experience. Answer the questions in the interview. Then fill in your application form. Take turns.

Role Card B You’re an employer. You need a full

time or part time receptionist for your hotel. Prepare an advertisement and job application form. Prepare questions for the interview and ask them to your partner. Don’t forget to ask him/her to fill in the application form. Take turns.

a. How often do you go to the restaurants? b. When do you go to the restaurants? c. What’s your favourite restaurant?

B. Reading, Writing and Speaking

1. Answer the questions.

• Use your notes.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Speak only in English and be more confident. • Use natural tone and rhythm.



2. Look at the picture. Can you guess “What is the dialogue about?” and “Where are the people?”.

Waiter : Good evening.Daniel : A table for two with a view, please.Waiter : Certainly. Just here, sir.Daniel : Would it be possible to have by the window?Waiter : I’m sorry, sir. We have no table available by the window now. What about here?Daniel : OK. What about you Jennifer?Jennifer : It’s OK.

The waiter brings the menus, goes away and comes back.Waiter : Are you ready to order, sir?Daniel : Yes. I’d like aroz con pollo, please. What about you, Jennifer?Jennifer : Could you tell me what pollo al ajillo is?Waiter : Certainly. It’s pieces of chicken with bone in garlic sauce.Jennifer : OK. That sounds good. I’d like to try it.Waiter : So that’s one arroz con pollo and one pollo al ajillo. What would you like to drink?Daniel : We’d like a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please.Waiter : Thank you very much. Have a nice meal.

Waiter leaves them and they start to talk and have dinner.Jennifer : Are you sorry for the chef position here?Daniel : Yes, of course. But I think I should work hard for the future.

Waiter comes back.Waiter : Would you like anything else?Daniel : No, thank you. Can I have the bill, please?Waiter : I’ll bring it right away.Daniel : How much is the bill?Waiter : £ 42,95.Daniel : Here is your £ 50. The remaining part is for you.Waiter : Thank you, sir.Daniel : You’re welcome.

El Mambo RestaurantMediterranean Restaurant

DINNER MENUCarnes (Meats)

Arroz Con Pollo £ 20.95

Pollo Al Ajillo £ 15.00

Pechuga De Pollo en

Salsa De Champion £ 17.00

Medio Bistec De Lomo £ 18.95

Garlic Soup £ 10.00

DRINKSWater £ 8.00

Sangria £ 12.00

Sparkling Mineral Water £ 7.00


...... a. What would you like to drink?

...... b. Would you like anything else?

...... c. How much is the bill?

...... d. Can I have the bill, please?

...... e. Could you tell me what

pollo al ajillo is?

4. Match the questions with the answers.

5. Look at the sentences in activity 4. Who says the sentences? Put “W” for the waiter and “C” for the customer.

..... 1. No, thank you.

..... 2. We’d like a bottle of sparkling mineral water.

..... 3. I’ll bring it right away.

..... 4. Certainly, It’s pieces of chicken with bone in garlic sauce.

..... 5. £ 42.95.

6. Work in groups of three. Follow the steps below.

a. Practise the dialogue in activity 2 until you remember it.

b. Close your book. Practise the dialogue again.

c. Work in the same groups. Look at the menu. Write a similar dialogue.

d. Exchange the dialogues with another group. Correct any mistakes.

e. Practise the new dialogue. Then role-play it for the other group.

• Write neatly.• After you finish, * check punctuation. * check word order. * check connectors. * check capital letters. * check spelling.


• Look at the example in activity 2.• Don’t be afraid to make mistakes when you speak.• Ask your friend when you don’t understand.

anything as in the example (Could you tell me what ................. is?).

• Speak only in English and be more confident. • Use natural tone and rhythm.

a. What do Jennifer and Daniel order?

b. Does Daniel feel sorry about chef position?

c. Do they have dinner by the window?

d. Do they eat dessert?

e. Do they give a tip?

3. Read the dialogue again and answer the questions.


4 5A. Volunteering4 5B. Famous Fighters4 5C. Child Rights

Theme 5

Theme 55A. Volunteering

A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the following pictures. Guess “What are they about?, What are they doing?, Why are they doing these activities?”



a. While listening, take notes. If you don’t understand anything, ask your teacher to explain your question.

b. Then read the sentences and complete them.

a. volunteer ……………………………………………………………………………

b. experience ……………………………………………………………………………

c. support ……………………………………………………………………………

d. dedicate ……………………………………………………………………………

e. light up ……………………………………………………………………………

f. matter ……………………………………………………………………………

a. United Nations ........................ volunteering activities around the world.

b. Unicef Goodwill Ambassador, Angélique Kidjo ................... song to volunteers worldwide.

c. Angélique Kidjo has ........................ about the volunteering activities. She often joins the


d. Angélique Kidjo’s message is “.................... our world”.

e. There are many types of .................... work abroad.

f. Helping poor people .................... to volunteers.

2. Listen to the recording. Find “What is it about?” and “Who is talking?”.

3. Listen to the recording again.

a. Volunteering matters to her because it supports people. b. Volunteering matters to her because it helps people in our world. c. Volunteering matters to her because it lights up our world.

4. Now, listen to the recording again and find “Why does volunteering matter to Angélique Kidjo?”.

5. Look at the words. Guess their meanings. Then use your dictionaries to find their meanings.

6. Complete the sentences with the suitable words and phrase below.

experience light up mattersupport dedicate volunteer

a. Can everyone support volunteers?

b. Does a volunteer improve his/her society?

c. Does a hope become a reality with a volunteer?

d. Does volunteering matter to Angélique Kidjo? If yes, why?

7. Answer the questions.

1. Everyone can ………………………………… a. good b. volunteer c. help2. Volunteers can improve their ……………… or ……………… . a. community / social b. society / some people c. community / society3. Everyone can ………………… volunteers. a. support b. something c. sorry


9. Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is Goodwill Ambassador in Turkey. Imagine you’re Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ. Work in pairs. Prepare a speech for a television program. Follow the instructions in the checklist. Then talk to your partner as Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ. Take turns.

8. Complete the text with the correct choice.

Angélique Kidjo is a .................... (1). She is also Goodwill Ambassador of UNICEF.

Volunteering .................... (2) her because it .................... (3) our world. She .................... (4) a song to volunteers. ....................(5) can improve their society or community. Everyone can ................. (6) and everyone can ................. (7).

1. a. worker b. singer c. writer2. a. helps b. matters c. understands3. a. looks b. helps c. lights up4. a. dedicates b. gives c. brings5. a. workers b. person c. volunteers6. a. help b. volunteer c. volunteers7. a. support b. give c. have

a. Do you know any voluntary organizations in the world? If yes, write their names. b. Do you think voluntary organizations are necessary for the society? If yes, why?

B. Reading and Writing

1. Answer the questions with your partner.

2. Look at the pictures. Guess “What are they doing?”.

• Look at your notes before youspeak.

• Don’t be afraid to make mistakeswhen you speak.

• Speakonly inEnglishandbemoreconfident.

• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.• Afteryourpartner’sspeech,askhim/

her questions about his/her speech.

TIPSCHECKLIST– Decide what you want to do for people in

Turkey. (I want to .......)– Make notes about volunteering or volunteers

in Turkey. Optional: You can prepare a video and share it

with your friends on the Internet.


The United Nations celebrated the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers in New York on December 5, 2011. Celebrations of International Volunteer Day took place in many countries around the world. They prepared their Volunteerism Report. The United Nations focused on the contribution of volunteering to the world.

Deputy Secretary - General Asha-Rose Migiro delivered a message on behalf of

Secretary - General Ban Ki-moon. She mentioned about dedication of volunteers and their efforts.

Two UN volunteers talked about their experience and the motivation of volunteers. Flavio Lopes Ribeiro, project coordinatorfor Brazilian UN Volunteers in El Salvador said “We donate our energy and personal abilities as a small gift to the world, and what we receive is beyond words.”.


3. Read the magazine extract and find a suitable title for it.

a. to say something .................... b. to get .................... c. have special festivities .................... d. the celebration of an event every year ....................

e. to concentrate on something ....................

f. to give .................... g. give formal talk .................... h. to make ready ....................

4. Read the text again and find the words for the meanings below.

1. (They) (line 6) .................. 2. (She) (line 11) ................. 3. (We) (line 18) .................5. What do the following words refer to in the text?

6. Write “T” for true or “F” for false sentences. a. Asha-Rose Migiro is a Secretary-General. ...... b. Two UN Volunteers focused on the contribution of volunteering to the world. ...... c. Ban Ki-moon mentioned about dedication of volunteers and their efforts. ...... d. Countries prepared their Volunteerism Report. ...... e. Two UN volunteers talked about their experience. ......

a. When did the United Nations Celebrate the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers?

b. Who delivered a message on behalf of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon?

c. What did two UN Volunteers talk about?


e. Where did the UN celebrate the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers?

7. Match the questions with the answers.

1. He said “We donate our energy and personal abilities as a small gift to the world, and what we receive is beyond words.”.

2. They talked about their experience and the motivation of Volunteers.

3. The UN celebrated the tenth anniversary of the International Year of volunteers in New York.

4. Asha-Rose Migiro delivered a message on behalf of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

5. The UN celebrated the 10th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers on December 5, 2011.

8. Work in groups of three or four. Design a poster about International Volunteer Day. Find a slogan or heading for the poster. You can use the Internet. Present your poster in the class as a group.

• Planyourposterdesign.• Writeneatly.• After you finish, check your writing (punctuation,

capital letters, spelling, connector).



a. Mother Teresa b. MartinLutherKing c. Nelson Mandela d. PrincessDiana(PrincessofWales)

a. Do you know who they are? b. Do you think they are famous?

Theme 55B. Famous Fighters

A. Reading, Speaking and Writing

1. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

2. Look at the pictures again. Then write the names of the people under the pictures.

Diana, Princess of Wales was born in Norfolk in 1961. Hernicknamewas “LadyDi”.ShemarriedPrinceCharles in1981.Shehad twosons,PrinceWilliamandHarry.Dianadida lotofwork tohelp and comfort people. She said “I would like to be a queen in the hearts of the people.”. She visited hospitals, schools, etc. She also dealt with serious illnesses and health, including AIDS and leprosy. Besides that, she supported organizations working with the homeless children,drugaddictsandtheelderly.Shedivorcedin1996.Oneyearlater she died in a car accident.

NelsonMandelawasborn inSouthAfrica in1918.Until 1992,South Africa had a political system called apartheid. It meant that black people had to live apart from white people. He became a lawyer in 1942. He worked in Johannesburg. Mandela joined the AfricanNationalCongress (ANC) in1944.He joinedmanyprotestsagainstthegovernment.In1960,thegovernmentkilledmanyblackpeople.So Mandela’s protests became more violent. Because of his work against apartheid, the government sent Mandela to prison for life in 1963.Hewasinprison,buthebecamefamous.Hespent27yearsin

prison.In1990,hebecamefree.In1994,hebecamethefirstblackpresidentofSouthAfrica.Heworked to improve his country.Hewon theNobel PeacePrize in 1993.He retired aspresidentin1999.Heisstillalive.

Martin Luther King was born in Atlanta in 1929. He was anAmerican clergyman and very important leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He used nonviolent methods to get civilrights.Hebecameahumanrightsicon.In1963,hedeliveredaspeech in Washington. The speech called “I have a dream.” With this speech, he became one of the greatest orators in American history. HereceivedtheNobelPeacePrizein1964.Duringhislife,heworkedfor equality among black and white people. He also worked to end povertyandwar.KingwasassassinatedonApril4,1968.

3. Read the following biographies. What is their common point? While you’re reading, take notes.



1. PrincessDianaisfromBritain....... 2. PrincessDianahadthreesons....... 3. PrincessDiana’shusband’snameisAndrew....... 4. PrincessDianaworkedforhomelesschildren,drugaddictsandtheelderly....... 5. Nelson Mandela is from America. ...... 6. Until1992,therewas“apartheid”politicalsysteminSouthAfrica....... 7. After1960,hisprotestsbecamemoreviolent....... 8. Hewasinprisonbetween1964and1990....... 9. Hediedin1993....... 10. MartinLutherKingisfromAfrica....... 11. He was a human rights icon. ...... 12. He was one of the greatest orators in American history. ...... 13. HewonNobelPeacePrizein1974....... 14. He died in a car accident. ...... 15. He was the leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement. ......

4. Read the sentences below. Write “T” (True) or “F” (False) for the sentences.

a. WhenandwherewasPrincessDianaborn? b. WhendidshemaryPrinceCharles? c. Where was she born? d. What did she do for the people? e. When did she die? f. When and where was Nelson Mandela born? g. Whatkindofpoliticalsystemdidhiscountryhaveuntil1992? g. Why did the government send him to prison? i. WhendidhewintheNobelPeacePrize? j. WhenandwherewasMartinLutherKingborn? k. What kind of methods did King use to get civil rights? l. How did he become one of the greatest orators in American history? m.WhendidhereceivetheNobelPeacePrize?

5. Ask and answer the following questions with your partner. Then write the answers.

1. PrincessDianadealt with serious illnesses and health. a. supported b. handled c. became 2. PrincessDiana’snicknamewas“LadyDi”. a. informal name b. surname c. family name 3. Nelson Mandela worked to improve his country. a. protest b. get c. make better 4. The government sent Mandela to prison for life. a. country b. home c. jail 5. Mandela retiredaspresidentin1999. a. left b. worked c. became 6. Mandela is still alive. a. working b. not dead c. not good 7. MartinLutherKingusednonviolentmethodstogetcivil rights. a. basic rights in a society b. animal rights c. woman rights 8. King also worked to end poverty and war. a. wait b. stop c. get

6. What are the meanings of the underlined words and phrases? Choose the correct option.


7. Match the words with the correct meanings.

...... a. support 1. kill a famous or important person ...... b. divorce 2. a legal way of ending a marriage ...... c. join 3. help ...... d. orator 4. get ...... e. receive 5. good speaker ...... f. assassinate 6. participate

8. Discuss the questions with your partner.

a. What kind of political system do you have in your country?

b. Can you name any other famous people for human rights?

— a Catholic nun— bornin1910.— join a Catholic order in Dublin, at the age 18— become a nun.— In1930,gotoCalcuttatoteachinahighschool.— In1948,becomeanIndiancitizen.— dedicate herself to Calcutta’s poor people.— open orphanages for children and hospices for

dying people. — open homes for leprosy patients.— receive several international awards.— receivealsotheNobelPeacePrizein1979.— dieinSeptember5,1997.


hospice: a hospital for dying people

orphanage: a place to live for children whose parents are dead

mission: a special purpose

charity: kind help for the poor, the sick, children etc.

9. Look at the information below. Write a short biography of Mother Teresa. Then read your text in the class.

• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and”.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check spelling. * check connector.

• Becarefulaboutaccent,intonationandpronunciation the words while you’re reading in the class.• Toreadfluently,payattentiontothepunctuationinyour

text in the class.



a. What’s about? b. What’s the message with it?

a. Can you name three of your rights? b. Where did you learn about your rights? (At school, from parents, from friends, from the media, other) c. Do you know what CRC (The Convention on the Rights of the Child) is?

Theme 55C. Child Rights

A. Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Answer the questions with your partner.

2. Listen to the CD. Answer the questions.

3. Listen to the song “Here I am - With A Right for Love” by Frank Posch, Gaily Anderson of the Familychoir. Find the correct option. Then fill in the blanks.

Here I Am

Here is my song for my protectionA song for love, respect and securityHere I am – let’s get in actionLet’slivein………(1)anddignity

What’s behind a shining face?How do you describe a smiling face?What is wrong? What is …… (2)?Thereisoneanswer:Loveisthekey!

Here I am – with a right for shelter, and a right for careHere I am – I’ve got the right for shelter and the right for loveHere I am – do you know how I feel, and do you ……. (3) what I see?Here I am – and I want to take part – to make all of this realYeah here I am – yes I amOh, yeah, yeahHere I am – Here I am Here I am – Here I am You respect me. Respect my body and my ………(4), respect my point of viewI respect you. I rely on you ……(5) believe in love

Don’t live in anger. ‘Cause together we can make it, create a safe ……..(6)Let’stakeactionfullofcourage,healabrokenheartwithloveOur life’s a gift from high aboveHere I am oh yes, here I am – with a right for love (4x)

Can you see, can you …….(7), can you know how I feel?Well, I need to be safe, don’t you look awayI take care of myself, of my sisters and brothersTreating you good, let’s put sun on iceAnd when I cannot save myself, yes I know – someone will be …….(8)Warmth, shelter, love, and care, no one should have to despairHere I am – with a right for love (6x)

1. a. piece b. peace 2. a. wright b. right 3. a. see b. sea 4. a. soil b. soul 5. a. and b. end 6. a. place b. please 7. a. fail b. feel 8. a. three b. there


5. Listen and enjoy the song. While you’re listening, sing the song.

4. Read the children’s rights below. Listen to the song apain and tick tick ( 4 ) the rights you hear.

The Children’s Rights Tick ( 4 )

Right to life Right to name and identity

Right to live with their parents

Right to care

Right to get and share information Right to meet together and join groups and organizations Right to privacy

Right to love

Tick ( 4 )

Right to protection Right to get health services Right to education Right to play and rest Right to a safe shelter Right to food and clothing Right to fair treatment if they break the law

6. Look at the words. Guess their meanings. Then use your dictionaries to find their meanings.a. privacy ………………………………………………

b. safe …………………………………………………

c. treatment …………………………………………..

d. break the law ………………………………………

e. fair …………………………………………………..

7. Look at the table. You can see the result of an questionnaire about child rights in a school. Examine the table and complete the table and the result sentences about the table. Use the words and phrases below.

never seldommost of the time

Questions Answers

always Total







...... ........


















1. Did you have fair treatment by adults at home last year? 2. Did you have fair treatment by adults at school last year? 3. Did you satisfy with the food you received at home last year? 4. Did adults listen to and respect your ideas and opinions at home last year? 5. Did you have time for hobbies at home last year?

nineteen students thirty-twoanswer most of the time always

One hundred students participated in the questionnaire. For the first question; ........................... students ......................... “never”, twenty-nine students answered “seldom”, .................................. students answered “.........................” and twenty ............. answered “.................”. Most of the students in the questionnaire never had fair treatment by adults at home last year.



8. Look at the table again. Choose a question. Then write result sentences about the question.Check your sentences with your friend.

9. Work in pairs. Prepare a table with different questions about children’s rights individually as in activity 7. Ask the questions to your friends. Then write the results on the table and talk about the results with your friend. Take turns.

• Lookatyourresultsbeforeyoutalk.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.• Your friends may ask questions if he/she doesn’t

understand anything. Answer them.


1. Answer the questions.

B. Reading, Speaking and Writing

a. Do you think most children know their rights?

b. Did you learn your rights until now?

2. Look at the pictures and tell each other one sentence to describe a picture.

Right to education

1 2 3 4

5 6 7




…………………… ……………………


a. Right to get health services b. Right to fair treatment c. Right to food d. Right to live with their parents

e. Right to play f. Right to get and share information g. Right to education

3. Look at the pictures again. Match the rights with the pictures. Then write the rights under the pictures.


4. Before reading the text, look at the pictures again. Guess “What is it is about?”. Read the text about Karen and find “Who has got a problem?”.

5. Read the questions and choose the correct answer.

1. When wasn’t Karen at school?

a. Lastmonth. b. Yesterday. c. LastWednesday.

2. When did Karen’s father come home?

a. 6 p.m. b. 8 p.m. c. 8 a.m.

3. Where did they watch TV?

a. At home. b. At school. c. At work.

4. What did Karen and her father watch on TV?

a. A horror film. b. A soap opera. c. A documentary film.

5. Where is Fatima from?

a. Sudan. b. Bangladesh. c. India.

6. What are the names of Fatima’s friends?

a. Sumi and Saga. b. Rayna and Sumi. c. Sumi and Riya.

7. When did Fatima’s father lose his crops?

a. Yesterday. b.Lastweek. c. Lastmonth.

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Name: Karen

Hi My Friends,You know I wasn’t at school yesterday. I was at home with my family. I had the flu. Now, I’m really fine. I had an ordinary day with my family. I got up late. I had a big breakfast. I went shopping with my mum. I bought some clothes. I cleaned my room and listened to music. It was an ordinary day, but I learnt an interesting thing. I would like to share this interesting situation. Yesterday, I watched TV all day long. My dad came at 8 p.m. We had dinner. Then we started to watch TV together. He changed channels many times. At the end, he decided to watch a documentary film. At the beginning I wasn’t interested in the programme. But later I was interested in it. The presenter said “This is Fatima, 15 year-old student from a poor farming family in Bangladesh. A year ago, Fatima almost left the school, but with the help of her best friends, Riya and Sumi, she returned to school. I became curious about her. Fatima started telling her story: “My family found a good match for me. I did not want to get married and I did not want to leave my school. I am young. My father is a farmer. He lost his crops in a flood last month. We became poorer. We don’t have enough money. I have two brothers.”.


7. Tell your partner what Karen did.

8. What did you do last weekend? Underline the things in activity 6. Tell your partner.

6. Choose the activities Karen did yesterday. Yesterday she...

got up late.

had a big breakfast.

played tennis.

went shopping.

bought some clothes.

cleaned her room.

cooked meal.

listened to music.

wrote a letter.

watched TV.

Yesterday she got up late and had... Then she...


9. Read the second part of the text in the blog and find “Who did solve Fatima’s problem?”.

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Name: Karen

The presenter said “sumi and riya were very worried about fatima. They asked fatima’s Aunt, samia for support.”fatima said “My Aunt samia was a child bride she didn’t finish school. She had eight children. My friends asked my aunt for support. She talked with my father and paid my school expenses.”.I was really sorry about Fatima My father understood my feelings, so he explained about the rights of children. Then he gave me a document from his library Its name is “Convention on the Rights of the Child”. Now, I’m reading this legal document. It is about rights of children. I m learningnewthingsaboutourrights.Letmeexplainthemin short; right to life, right to education, right to live healthy, safe etc. I think we should learn and teach our rights. I sent all of you a video about our rights. Watch and think about it.See you my dear friends on Monday.


12. Match the words with their meanings.


•Thinkaboutyourlastweekend(Wherewereyou?Who were you with? What did you do?).

•Create a scenario about a problem of a child(mention about place, characters and problem).

•Thensolvetheprobleminyourscenario.•Describe your lastweekendand theproblemof

the child in a blog or in your social network.•Checkyourwritingsinpairs.


a. Did the Ottoman Empire take part in World War I?b. Didtheİstanbulgovernmentcarryouthisresponsibilities?c. Did the Turkish people get any weapons to defend themselves?



Answer the questions about the second part of the text.

Read the text and write the capital letters and use correct and proper punctuation. Then read aloud the text to your friend.

a. How did Sumi and Riya feel about Fatima?

b. Who is Samia? c. Did Samia finish school? d. How did Fatima’s aunt, Samia solve

the problem?

e. What did Karen’s father explain? f. What did Karen’s father give her? g. What is the name of the document? h. What kind of document is it? i. What is the document about? j. What are the name of the rights?

Read the following text and answer the questions.2.

1. Match the important events of the War of Independence with the dates.

C. Reading and Speaking








..... 1. The Moudros Armistice

..... 2. The Treaty Sevres

...... 3. Start of the War of Independence

...... 4.İnönüBattleI

...... 5. İnönüBattleII

...... 6. Battle of Sakarya

...... 7. The Great Attack, Battle of Chief Commander and Victory

a. legal 1. to give money

b. pay 2. prices and costs

c. expenses 3. a formal agreement

d. convention 4. according to the law

Work in pairs. Follow the instructions below.

• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and,but”.• Writeneatly.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



Read the sentences and write “T” for true or “F” for false sentences.3.

Match the words and phrases with their meanings.4.

Answer the questions.5.

Work in groups. Do you know any films or stories about the local struggles in your area during the war time? Use the prompts below and talk about them. Take turns.


HARD TO BELIEVEThe Ottoman Empire lost the World War I against France, Britain and Italy and signed

the Moudros Armistice. After the armistice, the Allied Forces started to control the Ottoman army and share the land of the Empire.

The İstanbul government and Vahdettin the Emperor were under the control ofenemies. So the government didn’t carry out his responsibilities and signed the Treaty of Sevres. The treaty meant the end of the Empire and the independence of the Turkish people on their own land.

But the Turkish didn’t accept slavery. They chose to struggle for their independence. Thestruggleforindependence,theWarofIndependencestartedonMay19,1919whenMustafa Kemal arrived in Samsun.

Because of the conditions Moudros Armistice, the Turkish army had no weapons. The Turkish soldiers had also no food to eat.

Men, women and even small children fought with axes, shovels, sticks and with their heart. It is hard to believe but the Turkish people wrote legends. Then the enemies started to leave the country.

a. The Turkish people had weapons to fight. ......b. The enemies stayed in the country. ......c. The Ottoman Empire lost the World War I against France, Britain and Italy. ......d. After the Moudros Armistice, the War of Independence started. ......e. The Allied Forces are France, Britain and Italy. ......f. After the Sevres Treaty, the enemies left the country. ......g.TheİstanbulgovernmentsignedtheTreatyofSevres.......

a. carry out 1. take control of something

b. responsibility 2. free will

c. independence 3. a formal agreement between enemies to stop fighting a war

d. armistice 4. perform

e. take over 5. duty

a. Who did start the War of Independence?b.HowwasthesituationoftheİstanbulgovernmentandVahdettintheEmperorafterthe Moudros Armistice?c. What did the Treaty of Sevres mean?d. Why did the Turkish army have no weapons?e. When did the enemies started to leave the country?

— Where did happen?— When did happen?— Who were the main characters?

— Did they succeed in their struggle?— How did you feel about the story while listening/watching?

• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglish.• Yourfriendsmayaskquestionsiftheydon’tunderstand

anything. Answer the questions.



4 6A.AGapYearPlan4 6B.ATripPlan4 6C.WhatAFantasticHoliday!

Theme 6 Dreams and Plans

a. What are the people doing? b. Where are they? c. Do you know what “gap year” is? If yes, explain.

Theme 66A. A Gap Year Plan

A . Listening and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.



1 2



2. Look at the pictures again and listen to the CD. What do you think the people are talking about?

4. Listen to the CD again. Choose the correct option.

5. Look at the table in activity 3. Answer the questions and write questions about the people.

1. A gap year is a. a period in school. b. a career break period. c. a period at work. 2.Joséisgoingto a. work in a big city. b. work in a company. c. work in South Africa. 3. Sarah is going to a. work for Angolan women. b. work for Angolan children. c. work for soldiers.

4. Jorgenisgoingtowork a. as a doctor. b. as a worker. c. as a vet. 5. Erika is going to a. work in the kitchen in Turkey. b. work in the kitchen in Germany. c. work in the kitchen in Berlin.

a. What is Erika’s nationality?


b. When is Erika going to go to Turkey?


c. ..............................................................

She likes different tastes of food from

different cultures.

d. ..............................................................

He lives in Madrid.

e.WhereisJoségoingtotakehisgapyear? .................................................................... ....................................................................f. Who is going to work as a vet? ....................................................................g. .................................................................... ShelivesinLondon.h.WhenisJorgengoingtocomehome? .................................................................... ....................................................................i. How was Erika’s holiday? ....................................................................

3. Listen to the CD again. While you’re listening, complete the table. Then write the names under the correct pictures.












Gap yearplace

Job Likesdislikes

Time forgoing

Time forcoming

back home

•Whereareyougoingtogo? •Whenareyougoingtogo? •Whenareyougoingtocomehome? •Whatareyourlikesanddislikes? •Whatareyougoingtodothere?Taketurns.

6. Work in pairs. Imagine you’re going to take a gap year after school. Tell your partner...

• Makenotesbeforeyouspeak.• Don’t be afraid tomakemistakeswhen

you speak.• ThinkinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.


7. Write an e-mail or a letter to your friend about your gap year plan. Follow the instructions below .– Before you write, use your notes in

activity 6.– Don’t forget to write about your

gap year place, your likes and dislikes, time for going and coming back home.

TIPS• Useyournotesinactivity6.• Joinyourideaswith“and,but,then”.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.


B . Reading and Writing

1. Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

a. What would you like to do there? Work or holiday?

b. Tick (3) the activities you like below.

Martha : ..................... are you doing?Tony : I’m planning my gap year.Martha : Oh, ..................... are you going?Tony : I’m going to Australia.Martha :You’resolucky!.....................areyougoingtoleave?Tony : Next Tuesday night.Martha : ..................... are you going to stay?Tony : I’m going to stay with a family.Martha :Howfantastic!.....................areyougoingtotravel?Tony : By plane to Melbourne.Martha : ..................... are you going to do in Melbourne?Tony : I’m going to work as a project officer.Martha : ..................... kind of project is it?Tony : It’s a child rights project. I’m going to plan all the project activities.Martha : Mmmm, it sounds good. ............................ are you going to stay?Tony : Six months. I’d like to stay longer but I can’t.Martha : .....................?Tony : Because my elder sister is going to marry in December.Martha : I see. Are you going to earn money?Tony : Yes, but not much.Martha : ..................... are you going to earn?Tony : $ 50 per week.Martha :That’squitegood.Ihopeyouenjoyyourtripandwork.Goodluck!Tony : Thanks, Martha. I’ll miss you.Martha : Me too.

2. Read the dialogue. Tony is talking about his gap year plan with his friend, Kevin. Complete the dialogue with the words below.

How long What x3 Where x3How When Why


3. Check the dialogue with your partner. Then practise the dialogue with your partner. Take turns.

4. Ask and answer questions about Tony’s gap year plan with your partner. Take turns.

a. Where / go? b. When c. How / travel? d. Where / stay? e. How long / stay?

He’s going to Australia.

What are you going to do tomorrow?

Where’s he going to?

5. Work in pairs. Ask questions about your partner. Take turns. Ask, about tomorrow, next weekend, next Monday, next month.

6. Work in pairs. Write a similar dialogue in activity 2. Think about your gap year plan. Practise your dialogue. Take turns.

• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.


Theme 66B. A Trip Plan

A . Listening and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures and match them with the sentences. Then write the sentences under the pictures.


8 2












a. I booked my ticket last week.

b. I exchanged some money yesterday.

c. I booked my hotel room last Sunday.

d. I’m travelling by plane.

e. I watched the weather forecast.

f. I’m taking my passport.

g. I’m packing my bags tonight.

h. I’m ordering a taxi.


2. Look at the picture. What are they doing? Listen and check your answer.

5. Work in pairs. Listen to the dialogue again. Take notes of the questions. Make a list of things to do before you go on a trip. Look at the sample dialogue below. Then make a similar dialogue as in activity 2. Take turns.

3. Listen to the dialogue again and tick ( ) the correct items in Janet’s checklist.


1. Book a ticket

2. Collect a ticket

3. Exchange money

4. Take a credit card

5. Order a taxi


7. Check the weather

8. Take my passport

4. Answer the questions about the dialogue. a.WhendidJanetbookticketforKyoto? b.HowisJanetgoingtoKyoto? c.WhatdidJanetdoyesterdaymorning? d.WhenisJanetcollectingherticket?

e.HowisJanetgoingtotheairport? f. WhatdidJanetcheckontheNet? g.DidJanetpackherbags?

A: I need your help. I should prepare a checklist for my trip. B: Sure. So you’re flying ............................................................................ . A: Yes, ......................................................................................................... B: Write down “Credit Card”. Are you going to order a taxi to the airport? A: That’s a good idea. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. B:Soaddyourlist“PackMyBags”.Don’tforgettotakeyourpassport. ................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................. B: You’re welcome.

• Lookatyournotesbeforeyouspeak.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.










B . Reading, Writing and Speaking1. Look at the pictures. Read the sentences and match them with the pictures.

a. It’s winter. b. It’s spring. c. It’s autumn. d. It’s summer.

3. Look at the icons and match them with the seasons.

2. Complete the missing months in activity 1. Use the months below.

January October March

NovemberMay August

4. Match the words in the list with the correct weather icon in activity 3.

1. warm 2. hot 3. foggy

4. windy 5. sunny 6. rainy

7. snowy 8. cold 9. stormy

10. cloudy

5. Look at activity 3. What’s the weather like ................ 1. ............... in spring? It’s ............... and ............... . 2. ............... in summer? It’s ............... and ............... . 3. ............... in winter? It’s ..............., ..............., ............... and ............... . 4. ............... in autumn? It’s ..............., ............... and ............... .

A. Summer...................

B. Autumn...................

C. Winter...................

D. Spring ...................












6. Look at the map. What’s the weather like in these countries? Write sentences about the weather conditions in the countries.

7. Read the texts in the blog. Find “What are they about?”.

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Hi! I’m Mary. Let me tell you about my summer holidayplans. I’m flying Rome with my parents. We’re staying with our uncle’s family for three weeks. I checked the weather on the Net. It’s going to be sunny and hot during June. It’sgoingtobeagreatsummerholiday!

Hi gappers!I’m taking a gap year this year. I’m learning Turkish in these days. I’m travelling to Turkey with my brother, Kevin, by bus in October. I’m staying for six months in Antalya. Then I’m staying four months in Ankara. Antalya is rainy and warm in winters, but Ankara is snowy and cold in winters. I’m so lucky. Why don’t you try Turkey for your holiday?Stuart

Hi,friends!This summer I’m going to have a fantastic holiday. I’m going to hitchhike during the travel. I’m travelling around Spain with my cousin, Dave. We’re spending one month together. In August, the weather in Spain is always sunny. We’re going to meet new people. I’m so excited.Susan

.............................................. .............................................. ...............................................

.............................................. .............................................. ...............................................








9. Read the sentences and put them into the right category.

a. I’m flying to Rome.b. We’re staying with our uncle’s family for

three weeks.c. It’s going to be sunny and hot during

June.d. It’sgoingtobeagreatsummerholiday!e. I’m going to have a fantastic holiday.f. I’m hitchhiking during the travel.g. I’m travelling around Spain with my

cousin Dave.

h. We’re spending one month together.i. We’re going to meet new people.j. I’m taking a gap year, this year.k. I’m learning Turkish in these days.l. I’m travelling to Turkey with my brother,

Kevin.m. I’m staying four months in Ankara.

10. Complete the sentences about the texts.

11. Work in pairs. Write a short text about your plans for a trip. After you write, check punctuation and spelling mistakes and correct them with your partner. Then tell your partner about your plans. Think about ............... b. .............. is rainy and warm in winters. c. .............. is .............. in August. d. Winters are .............. and snowy in .............. .

....................................... ........................................... ........................................

Intention Arrangement Now

• whereyouaretravellingto. • whenyouaregoing. • whoyouaregoingwith. • howlongyouarestaying. • howyouaretravelling. • howtheweatherisgoingtobe.

8. Read the texts again and complete the table below.




What When Whereto


How Whowith

• After you finish, check your writing (punctuation,spelling, capital letters, etc).

• Lookatyourwritingbeforeyouspeak.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.



C . Listening and Writing1. Work in groups and answer the questions.

2. Look at the pictures. What do you remember about the pictures? Think about them.

a. What do you understand from the following saying? b.WhataretheprinciplesofAtatürk?

“Peace at home, peace in the world.”

1 2 3

4 5 6

3. Look at the pictures again and match them with their labels below.

a. National Anthem d. Courts of Civil Codeb. Equal rights for women e. Hat Revolutionc. Alphabet Revolution f. First National Bank


4. Listen to the interview in documentary film. While you’re listening, Find what they are

talking about. Choose the correct option.

a. Atatürk’smilitarylifeb.Atatürk’schildhoodperiodc. Atatürk’sreforms

5. Listen to the interview again. Tick ( ) the reforms you hear.

a. Organization of the university education b. New Turkish civil code c. Decleration of the republic d. Abolishment of sultanate e. Establishment of modern farms f. Equal rights with men g. Abolishment of caliphate h. Integration of education i. Adoption of the new Turkish alphabet j. Surname law



c. Which reforms are so important for Mr. Taniko?

6. Answer the questions about the interview.

Economical Reforms

– Abolishment of old taxation laws

– Encouragement of the farmers

– Establishment of model farms

– Establishment of national bank

– ImplementationofFirstandSecondDevelopmentPlans

– Construction of new highways, railways

7. Work in pairs. Listen to the interview again and take notes. Conduct an interview with

your friends about economical reforms. Use the information below.


Theme 66C. What A Fantastic Holiday!

A . Listening, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. Tick (3) the things you’d like to do. Put a cross (X) the things

you wouldn’t like to do.

2. Read the activities and match them with the pictures.

a. Do surfing.

b. Go on a safari.

c. Stay in an ice hotel.

d. Do snowboard.

e. Go on a husky safari.

f. Do paraglading.

g. Do a bungee jumping.


i. Do kayaking.








8 9

3. Write your own list about the activities in activity 1. Compare your list with a partner.

I’d like to ...................... . I wouldn’t like to ...................... .


4. Listen to the dialogue and reorder it. Answer “What are the people talking about?”,

“Who wants to go on holiday?” and “Where would Sharon like to go on holiday?”.

5. Listen to the dialogue again and check your dialogue order. Then answer the questions.

a. What would Sharon like to do with the money first?

b. When is Sharon going to Zanzibar island?

c. How long is Sharon going on holiday?

d. How did she find Zanzibar island?

e. Where is Daisy’s new house?

f. When are Sharon and Daisy going to meet?

a. Sharon : Hi, Daisy. It’s Sharon here. How is it going? ( )

b. Sharon : First, I would like to go on holiday for fifteen days. ( )

c. Sharon : Yes,I’msure.ComeonDaisy!Iwouldliketohaveafantasticholidaywithyou.

You’re my best friend. ( )

d. Daisy : Hello. Daisy is speaking. ( )

e. Daisy : OK. I’m just checking my agenda for tomorrow. ( )

f. Daisy : No, you aren’t. It’s OK. ( )

g. Sharon : I won the big lottery. ( )

h. Sharon : See you. Bye. ( )

i. Sharon : Oh, sorry. Am I disturbing you? ( )

j. Sharon : Oh,good.Listen.Ihavegoodnews.Guesswhat!()

k. Daisy : Would you like to have lunch at my new house in Kensington? ( )

l. Daisy : What? ( )

m. Daisy : That’s great. What would you like to do with this money? ( )

n. Daisy : I’mnotsurenow.Let’stalkaboutthedetailsatlunchtomorrow.()

o. Daisy : Where? ( )

p. Sharon : Next Tuesday. Are you available on Tuesday? ( )

q. Sharon : I searched the holiday destinations on the Net and I decided to go Zanzibar

island. Would you like to come with me? ( )

r. Sharon : Yes, I’d love to. ( )

s. Daisy : Are you sure, Sharon? ( )

t. Sharon : OK. Where can we meet? ( )

u. Daisy : When are you going to Zanzibar island? ( )

v. Daisy : See you tomorrow. ( )


7. Write true (T) or false (F) for the sentences about the message.

a. Sharon left a message. .................. b. Daisy is going to go on holiday on Friday. ................. c. Daisy is going to book a ticket. .................. d. Sharon is going to call Daisy at the airport. .................. e. Daisy’s father is going to have an operation. ..................

• Inviteyourfriendtogoonholidaywithyou. • Decidethedateofleaving.

• Writewhyyouarenotgoingtogoonholidayontime. • Writeyourexcuse. • Writeyourarrivaldate. • Writeyourfriendtosendhoteladdresswithatextmessage. • Writeyourfriendyouaregoingtocallhim/herattheairport. • Thentellyourmessagetoyourpartner.Taketurns.

8. Work in pairs. Write and act out a similar dialogue in activity 4. Follow the instructions below. Take turns.

9. Work in pairs. Prepare an excuse message about your holiday in activity 8. Follow the instructions below.

• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and,but”.• Writeneatly.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check linking words.

• Lookatyourwritingbeforeyouspeak.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.


• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and,but”.• Writeneatly.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

• Lookatyourwritingbeforeyouspeak.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.


6. Daisy leaving a phone message to Sharon. Guess “What is it about?” and “Why is she leaving a message to Sharon?”. Then listen to Daisy’s phone message and check your answers.


B. Reading, Writing and Speaking

1. Look at the pictures. What are they doing? Discuss with your friends.

2. Match the diagrams with the expressions.

a b c d

e f g h

...... It’s on the left.

...... It’s on the right.

...... Turn right.

...... Turn left.

...... Go past.

...... Take the first turning on the left.

...... Take the second turning on the right.

...... Walk along the street.


3. Look at the plan. Read the sentences and find “Where are you going to?”. Draw your line. Then listen and check your answer.

Go down Black Street. Take the first turning on the left. Go past the supermarket and the policestation.Turnleft.WalkalongPennyStreet.Takethesecondturningontheleft.GopastGreenParkand.............isontheright.

2. Listen to the recordings. What are they?

4. Listen to the message again and put the directions in the correct order.

3. Listen to the message of Sharon to Daisy. Find “Where is Sharon?” and “What is she doing at the moment?”.

C. Listening and Writing

1. Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

a. How often do you call your friends? b. Do you write text messages on the phone? c. Do you leave audio messages on the phone?

a. My hotel is on the right.

b. Turn right and walk along the street until you reach the Sunrise Hotel.

c. Take the first turning on the right.

d. Turn left at the hotel.

4. Work in pairs. Look at the plan in activity 3. Follow the instructions on the role cards.

ROLE CARD A You invite your friend to your holiday house. Tell your friend directions about how to get to your house from the railway station.

ROLE CARD B Your friend invites you to his/her holiday house. He/she gives directions about how to go to his/her house from the railway station. Follow the route on the plan.

• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.



















Supermarket PoliceStation

Theatre GreenPark





n S



Flower Shop


Bus Station



5. Read the directions in order in activity 4 and draw your plan and show the route from the airport to Sharon’s hotel. Then tell the route to your partner on the plan.

ROLE CARD A Imagine your friend would like to come your hotel/home/office. Write a telephone message for him/her to give directions about how to come to your place. Then telephone him/her and leave the same message on the phone.

ROLE CARD B Read your telephone message and listen to your telesecretary message on the phone. Follow the route on the message.

Work in pairs. Follow the instructions on the role cards. Take Turns.

D. Reading and Writing

1. Look at the world map and find Zanzibar island.

2. Match the words and the symbols. Then draw symbols on the correct places of the map.


• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and,but”.• Writeneatly.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.

• Lookatyourwritingbeforeyouspeak.• Don’tbeafraidtomakemistakeswhenyouspeak.• SpeakonlyinEnglishandbemoreconfident.• Usenaturaltoneandrhythm.









1. fishing

2. beach

3. water sports

4. port

5. palace

6. forest








a. Geography

b. Activities

c. Society

d. Highlights

e. Best time to go

3. Read the text and match the headings with the paragraphs.

4. Read the text again and answer the questions about yourself.

a. What would you like to do in Zanzibar island? ................................................................................................................................................. b. What do you think about it? ................................................................................................................................................. c. Would you like to meet new people in the island? ................................................................................................................................................. d. Would you like to live in Zanzibar island? .................................................................................................................................................

....................... Muslims are the majority of Zanzibar’s population. Christian and Hindu communities have less population.

....................... No real distinction between summer and winter with an average temperature of 25ºC. You can visit Zanzibar in February or in August.

....................... Snorkelling, diving and swimming in the crystal clear waters of this tropical paradise island, pristine beaches, coral reefs, seafood, spice tours, Jozani Forest Reserve

....................... The Indian Ocean Islands are a year round highlight and a great way to end your visit to Africa. It rains from mid March to June. There is a short rainy season from September to November.

...................... Mostly palm fringed beaches with crystal clear water lapping the shores. The majority of the cultivatable land is used for coconut farming. There are also large areas set aside for a variety of spices.

Zanzibar island is a beautiful tropical island. Sure you love it.


F British Citizen





Name :

Date of birth

Date of Issue


UNITED KINGDOMNational Identity Card



LondonPlace of birth


HOTEL REGISTRATION FORM1. Name in full : ......................................................................................................2. Permanent Address : ......................................................................................................3. Nationality : ......................................................................................................4. Identity Number : ......................................................................................................5. Identity card date of issue : ......................................................................................................6. Registration Date : ......................................................................................................7. Guest’s Signature : ......................................................................................................

HOTEL USE ONLY1. Bill No : ......................................... 3. Room Tax : ............................................2. Room No : ......................................... 4. Room Charges : .............................................

5. Sharon arrived at Hotel Sunrise. She is going to fill in the hotel registration form. Look

at her identity card and help her to fill in the form.

6. Read and complete the postcard. Use the words below with their correct form.

milkgostay visit have take

Hi Susan, I’m .............. a great time in Zanzibar island and I’m .............. in a pretty 5 star hotel next to a beach. Yesterday, I .............. to Jozani Forest Reserve. Itwas fantastic. I .............. lots of pictures. Today, I’m going to dive at Renco Bommi. Tomorrow, I’m going to .............. Stone Town. It’s the cultural heart of Zanzibar. It has got bazaars, mosques and grand Arab houses. I would like to visit mosques. That’safantasticholiday! See you soon. Sharon

ToSusan MillerCarlton Street85324LondonUK


Hill Street 8756 Kensington - UK


7. Read the postcard again and categorize the activities of Sharon in the island.

8. Look at the words and phrases below. Then categorize them as past, now and future.

PAST NOW FUTURE ................................. ...................................... ............................................................................... ...................................... ............................................................................... ...................................... ............................................................................... ...................................... ............................................................................... ...................................... ..............................................

PAST NOW FUTURE ................................. ...................................... ................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................................................. ...................................... ................................................

9. Write sentences about yourself on your notebooks. Use the words and phrases in

activity 7.

10. Imagine you’re on holiday. Write a postcard to a friend about your holiday. Follow the instructions below.

• Write“Whereareyou?”.

• Write“Whatdidyoudoyesterday?”.

• Write“Whatareyougoingtodotoday/tomorrow?”.

• Write“Whatwouldyouliketodotoday/tomorrow?”.

coke fruit juice milktomorrow yesterday at the moment two years ago

now in1986 last weeknext month

• Makenotesbeforeyouwrite.• Joinyourideaswith“and”.• Writeneatly.• Afteryoufinish, * check punctuation. * check capital letters. * check word order. * check spelling. * check connectors.



Theme 1 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can greet other people.I can introduce myself and other people.I can say where I am from.I can say the countries and nationalities.I can talk about my family.I can say where I live and work.I can say my age.I can ask the time.I can tell the time.I can tell my daily routine.

Theme 2 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can ask about the jobs.

I can talk about ability.

I can talk about what I am doing at the moment.

Theme 3 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can give directions.

I can write a letter.

I can ask for prices and things in a shop.

I can write an e-mail.

I can say e-mail addresses.

I can say websites.

Theme 4 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can say basic food and drinks.

I can talk about things I like and I don’t like.

I can ask for prices and things in a shop.

I can talk about my eating habit.

I can fill in a job application form.

I can order a menu in a restaurant.


Theme 5 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can say what I did last weekend.

I can talk about people in the past.

I can ask questions about last year.

Theme 6 Self Assessment ( )

In English…

I can talk about future plans.

I can talk about wheather conditions.

I can write a postcard.

I can answer the phone.

I can leave a message on the phone.


Name: Date:Group Members: …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

Rate your group by ticking (4) one response for each description.

Members of the group… AlwaysAlmostAlways

Sometimes NeverNot


perform their assigned roles. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

understand the purpose of the project. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

can answer the questions. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

listen to each other’s ideas. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

give feedback about contributions. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

assist in preparing the work. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

express their ideas to the group. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )

actively pasticipate in the group. 4 ( ) 3 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 ( ) 0 ( )


LANGUAGE CONTENTTheme 1/ 1A, 1B, 1CSubject Personal Pronouns• WeuseSubject Personal Pronouns to show who or what does something. • Weuse“He” for men/boys. This is Mr. Cromwell. He is a doctor. • Weuse“She” for women/girls. This is Mrs. Benedict. She is a teacher. • Weuse“They” for people, animals and things. JennyandDominicarestudents.They are cousins. • Weuse“It” for things or animals. We often use she/he for pets. This is my table. It is big. This is Spoky. She is my dog.

The verb “be”• Weusetheverb“be” to give information. I am a student. (I’m a student.) She is my mother. (She’s my mother.) He is a teacher. (He’s a teacher.) It is a cat. (It’s a cat.) We are grandparents. (We’re grandparents.) You are beautiful. (You’re beautiful.) They are my sisters. (They’re my sisters.) • Negativeform:Weput“not” after the verb. I am not a student. (I’m not a student.) He/She is not a doctor. (He/She isn’t a doctor.) We/You/They are not teachers. (We/You/They aren’t teachers.)• Interrogative:Weputtheverbbeforethesubject. Are you Mrs. Clever? We use short forms when we write to friends or when we speak.

Possessive Adjectives • We use “Possessive Adjectives” to show who owns or “possesses” something. The possessive

adjectives are: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.• Becareful!Thereisnoapostrophe(‘)inthepossessiveadjective“its”. We use an apostrophe to write the

short form of “it is” It is my car. Its colour is red.

Possessive (‘s)• Weuse(‘s) to show possession. JohnisIsabel’s grandson. That’sJenny’s toy. • Regularpluralnounstake(onlyapostrophe). The cars’ colours are very nice.

The verb have got/has got• Weuse“havegot/hasgot”indifferentcontexts: • toshowpossession;Ihavegotacar./Shehasgotateddybear./Theyhavegotabigfamily.

/ It has got a long tail. • Todescribepeople,animalsorthings;Ihavegotbrowneyes./Thedoghasgotlongears./ The car has got four doors.• Weuseshortformswhenwespeakorwhenwewritetofriends. I have got a house. /I’ve got a house. She has got long hair. /She’s got long hair. They have got four children. /They’ve got four children.

Question Form and Short AnswersA: Has she got wavy hair? B: Yes, she has. /No, she has not. /No, she hasn’t. A: Have you got a car?B: Yes, I have. No, I have not./No, I haven’t.

What, Who, Where• Toaskforspecificinformation:What What is your sister’s name?• Toaskaboutpeople:Who Who is he?• Toaskaboutplacesorwhatcountrysomeoneisfrom:Where Where is she from?/Where is New York?

Present Simple in Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative• WeusePresent Simple; a. For habits He drinks tea at breakfast. She only eats fish. They watch television regularly.


b. For repeated actions or events We catch the bus every morning.

NegativeI do not do my homework regularly./I’don’t do my homework regularly. He does not drink coffee at breakfast./He doesn’t drink coffee at breakfast. They do not watch TV at weekends. They don’t watch TV at weekends.

Question Form and Short AnswersA: Do you go to the cinema every Saturday?B: Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. A: Does she wake up early every morning?B: Yes, she does./ No, she doesn’t. A: Do they visit their parents every month?B: Yes, they do./No, they don’t.

Note:1. he, she, it: in the third person singular the verb always ends in -s: he wants, she needs, he gives, she thinks.2. Negative and question forms use DOES (=the third person of the auxiliary’DO’) + the infinitive of the verb. He wants. Does he want? He does not want.3. Verbs ending in -y : the third person changes the -y to -ies: fly flies, cry cries

Exception: if there is a vowel before the -y: play plays, pray prays4. Add -es to verbs ending in:-ss, -x, -sh, -ch: he passes, she catches, he fixes, it pushes

Adverbs of Frequency1. Adverbs of frequency tell us how often something happens. We use “How often?” question.2. WeusethemgenerallywiththePresentSimpleTense. A: How often do you watch TV? B: I sometimes watch TV. 3. 0%_____________________________________________________________100% never sometimes often usually always 4. They usually go before the main verb.

She always sleeps early.He doesn’t often work hard.

5. They usually go after the verb “be”. She is often unhappy.

Prepositions of Timeat: to show the exact time at nine o’clock / at half past fourat: in the expressions at the weekend / at night

Theme 2/ 2A, 2B, 2CARTICLES (a, an)• a=indefinitearticle(notaspecificobject,oneofanumberofthesameobjects)withconsonants She has a dog. I work in a factory.• an= indefinite article (not a specific object, oneof a numberof the sameobjects) beginningwith

vowels (a,e,i,o,u) Can I have an apple? She is an English teacher.

PREPOSITIONS (in, for) • Weuse“in”withtheplacesand“for”withcompanynamesinthesentences. He works in the office. She works for an airway company.


UsetheSimplePresenttoexpresstheideathatanactionisrepeatedorusual.Theactioncanbeahabit,a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.


Examples:• Iplay tennis.• Shedoes not play tennis.•Does he play tennis? • Thetrainleaves every morning at 8 a.m.• Thetraindoes not leave at9a.m.• Whendoes the train usually leave? • Shealwaysforgets her purse.• Heneverforgets his wallet.• Everytwelvemonths,theEarthcircles the Sun.•Does the Sun circle the Earth?

The Verb “can”The modals are used to do things like talking about ability, asking permission making requests, and so on.Ability:We use can to talk about someone’s skill or general abilities:She can speak several languages.He can swim like a fish.They can’t dance very well.Can you ride a bike?Yes, I can./No, I can’t.

The Present ProgressiveNow

UsethePresentContinuoustoexpress“something ishappeningnow,at themoment.”. Itcanalsobeused to show “Something is not happening now.”.

Examples:• Youare learning English now.• Youare not swimming now.•Are you sleeping?• Iam sitting.• Iam not standing.• Is he sitting or standing? • Theyare reading their books.• Theyare not watching television.• Whatare you doing?• Whyaren’t you doing your homework?

IMPERATIVESWe use the Imperative for direct orders and suggestions and also for a variety of other purposes. The negative form is usually expressed by Don’t. The full form (Do not) is used mainly in public notices. Here are some common uses:1. Direct commands, requests, suggestions: • Followme.Shutthedoor(please).Don’tworry!2. Warnings: • Lookout!There’sabus!Don’tpanic!3. Directions: • Take the 2nd turning on the left and then turn right. 4. Instructions: • Useamoderateovenandbakefor20minutes.5.Prohibitions(ine.g.publicnotices): • Keepoffthegrass!Donotfeedtheanimals!6. Advice (especially after always and never): • Alwaysanswerwhenyou’respokento!Neverspeaktostrangers!7. Invitations: • Comeandhavedinnerwithussoon.8. Offers: • Helpyourself.Haveabiscuit.9. Expressing rudeness: • Shutup!Pushoff!

Theme 3/ 3A, 3B, 3C


Can ….? (REQUESTS AND PERMISSION)Permission:We use can to ask for permission to do something:Can I ask a question, please?Can we go home now.could is more formal and polite than can:Could I ask a question please?Could we go home now?Requests:We use could you and would you as polite ways of telling or asking someone to do something:

Could you take a message please?Would you carry this for me please?Could I have my bill please?

can and is less polite:Can you take a message please?

Prepositions of Place

REVISION ThePresentProgressiveTheSimplePresentTenseImperatives

Mike’s house Sue’s house Kevin’s house

Mike’s house is next to Sue’s house.Sue’s house is between Mike’s and Kevin’s house. Kevin’s house is next to Sue’s house.

Theme 4/ 4A, 4B, 4CThe Verb HaveWith food and drink we can use the verb have.

Food and drink: a meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner, a snack, a cup of tea

have = eat or drink I have tea. / I drink tea. I have hamburger. / I eat hamburger. Food QuantifiersReferring to specific amounts or units

Modal Verb (should)• Weuseshould and shouldn’t to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong.• You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it.• You shouldn’t means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it.• Positives You should take it easy. She should go to bed early.• Negatives You shouldn’t get angry. He shouldn’t work so much. I shouldn’t do it if I were you.• Questions Should we tell her the truth? What should I do? Shouldn’t we try to finish it now?

A container, weight or measurement device can be used as a quantifier. In addition, there are shape quantifiers that are specific to an item.


REVISION The Simple Present TenseAdverbs of FrequencyCan I …..?Could you ….?The verb “be”The model “can”

The Simple Past Tense• somethingthathappenedonce in the past: I metmywifein1983. We went to Spain for our holidays. They got home very late last night.• weoftenusephraseswithago with the past tense: I met my wife a long time ago.

Questions and negatives We use did to make questions with the past tense: When did you meet your wife? Where did you go for your holidays? Did she play tennis when she was younger? Did you live abroad? But look at these questions: Who discovered penicillin? Who wrote Don Quixote? We use didn’t (did not) to make negatives with the past tense: They didn’t go to Spain this year. We didn’t get home until very late last night. I didn’t see you yesterday.

Theme 5/ 5A, 5B, 5C

Theme 6/ 6A, 6B, 6CThe Present Continous Tense-Future Meaning• Wecanusethepresent continuous for plans or arrangements: I’m playing football tomorrow. They are coming to see us tomorrow. We’re having a party at Christmas.

REVISION The Simple Present TenseThe Simple Past TenseImperatıves

“Going to” Future TenseWe use (be) going to:• Totalkaboutplans and intentions: I’m going to drive to work today. They are going to move to Manchester.• Whenwecanseethatsomethingislikely to happen:Becareful!Youaregoingtofall.Lookatthoseblackclouds. I think it’s going to rain.

“would like/want”We often use verbs like would like, want expect to talk about the future:What are you going to do next year? I’d like to go to University.She’d like to have a fantastic holiday.We want to go to France for our holidays.George wants to buy a new car.


Theme 1

HellogoodbyesoonfinethankshiMexicothe UKSpainAustraliaCanadaRussiaGermanyAustriaChinathe USAJapanEgyptTurkeyIrelandBrazilItalyFranceEgyptianBrazilianItalianFrenchSpanishCanadianGermanJapaneseBritishMexicanTurkishIrishRussianAustrianChineseAustralianAmericannewgirlgood-lookingmeetnewstalkfriendwherewhatpartynameleavehappylabelpeopletallmoustacheshortoldlonghairyoungcurlyglasseswavymediumweightheightoverweightblondebeardmotherfathersisterbrothergrandmothergrandfatherdadmumunclecousinsonhusbandwifegrandparentsdaughterauntchildrenfamily

grandmagrandpaslimBiologyHistoryLiteratureMathsArtChemistryGeographyLanguageschooldaychatboringhatehigharriveschoolloveendusuallyshopcaféfavouritehomeworkwalkteacherclockget upmorningchancestartbreaklunchoftensometimesalwaysprojecttasklibrarytimetableblogsubject

Theme 2

principalwaiterconductorpolice officerchefnursefarmersurgeonscientistgardenercarpenteractortheatreexperimentperformcultivatecareresponsiblecookconstructmanageplantgardenmonitorshiftdispleyoperationpatientcreateobservlaboratorybuildingfurnitureattendancetastejournalistbusinessmancabin crewofficeshopcommemorateprocessiondepictrepublicindependence

swimcookplayskidriveridesingdancetyperunusecomputerplandesignmicrosurgeryjournalsurgeryliveshootarrowexperiencefastOrchestraillusionconductdirectreportballerinareporterconductorpremierceremonyparticipantwaitposeget offapproachwearcarpetcelebrityimpressiveamazinguniquefamousadmirablesuprisingshowereveningafternoonnightmorningfilm

Theme 3


aimlesspricecheapproductaddictmax outpayrentsitescomparedigitallybuynetworkregularlychooseonlinecompulsivespeedspendsizeorderhelpcustomerpairpoliteeasyculturequickdeliversafesavingdiscountadvantagealbumalternativecontactcommentclickawaycargobuttonpurchasewebsitegreetingopeningending

Theme 4

ricebreadbutterpizzacheesebaklavacookieeggtomatocripsfishdoughnutlettucecarrotorangechickenyoghurtsaladhotdogmeathealthyfooddrinksunheathybreakfastmealjunk foodsteamedvegetableskipnutritionistsnackorganicpacketbottleloafchange patientheightweightovercomebelieve


Theme 5

volunteeringvolunteersocietydedicatematterlight upgoodwillambassadorworldwidepoorrealitycommunityorganizationcelebratepreparecontributiondelivermotivationfighterfamousnicknameillnessleprasyhomelessdrugdivorcedieaccidentpoliticaljoinprotestkillviolentsendprisonbecomewinretirealiveleadercivilmovementspeechoratorpovertyendassassinateorghanageprizeinternationalawardmissioncharityordinarylearninterestingchangefarmingdocumentarydecidecuriousluckyfindyesterdaylosebride


Theme 6


Word List




Mitchell,H.Q;Parker,S,LiveEnglishGrammar (Beginner),MMPublications,London,




