Materi Modifikasi PL

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Materi Modifikasi PL


by :

Diana Savitri Hidayati

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Charasteristics of behavior

Behavior is what people do and say

ex: ketika anda mengatakn bahwa sso marah, anda tdk hanya mengidentifikasi perilakux ttp sbnrx telah mberi label kpd perilaku tsb. Mis: Luna Maya mjerit kpd ibux, blari ke lantai atas dan membanting pintu kamarx adl contoh dr perilaku yg biasax dsebut sbg marah.

Behavior have one or more dimensions yg bs diukurmis: frekuensix, durasix,intensitasx (dimensi fisik)

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…cont Behaviors can be observed, described, and

recorded Behaviors have an impact on the environment

ex: anda mnekan saklar lampu, lampu mjd mnyala (efek thd physical environment); anda mngacungkn tangan di kelas, b didi mnoleh kpd anda (efek thd other people); anda mcatat no hp pacar di buku telp pd urutan 1,anda jd cepat hafal dan tdk salah pencet (efek thd yourself)

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…conT Behavior is lawful ►tjd krn pengaruh dr faktor2 lingk

sekitar (environmental events)these basic behavioral principles are the building blocks of behavior modification procedures

Behavior may be overt and covert

overt means observable to others >< covert behaviors = private events means not observable to others(ex:Thinking, feeling,decreasing blood pressure,relaxing muscles)

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Behaviors >< Traits

Smilling,laughing,talking about feeling of joy

Crying,sitting alone,moving slowly,saying that one is depressed

Greeting people,smilling at others






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Defining Behavior ModificationDefining Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification is the field of Behavior Modification is the field of psychology concerned with psychology concerned with analyzinganalyzing and and modifyingmodifying human behavior human behavior

Analisa Analisa mngidentifikasi hubungan ant faktor2 di lingk mngidentifikasi hubungan ant faktor2 di lingk sekitar dg perilaku utk mmahami alasan knp sso sekitar dg perilaku utk mmahami alasan knp sso bperilaku spt itubperilaku spt itu

Mmodifikasi Mmodifikasi mngembangk dan mjalank sb prosedur mngembangk dan mjalank sb prosedur utk mnolong sso mrubah perilakuxutk mnolong sso mrubah perilakux

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Characteristics of Behavior Modification

Focus on behaviorddesain utk mrubah perilaku dan bukan sifat atau kbiasaan sso (ex: bukan mrubah ADHD ttp mrubah perilaku2 yg dtunjukn oleh anak dg ADHD).target behavior the behavior to be modified yaitu: a behavioral excess (frekuensi,durasi & intensitas); a behavioral deficit (frek,dur & intens)

Based on behavioral principles (applied behavior analysis) Experimental analysis of behavior / behavior analysis = ilmu yg mplajari PL ; Experimental analysis of human behavior / applied behavior analysis = ilmu yg mplajari PL manusia

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Emphasis on current environmental events

dlm MP ada asesmen dan modifikasi thd faktor2 lingk skitar yg mpengaruhi tbentukx PL (=controlling variables)

Precise description of procedures

for the procedures to be effective each time they are used, the specific changes in environmental events must occur each time

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Implemented by people in everyday life

ddesain oleh profesional or praprofesional tlatih yg bs saja dlaks oleh awam dg supervisi dr profesional/praprofesional tsb

Measurement of behavior change

ada asesmen sebelum dan sesudah plaks MP utk mngetahui ada/tdkx prubahan PL

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De-emphasis on past events as causes of behavior

informasi ttg masa lalu tetap penting sbg data tamb thd faktor2 lingk yg mpengaruhi tbentukx PL saat ini (mis: pengalaman belajar). Tetapi sbnrx current controlling variables lb relevan utk mdesain MP yg efektif krn variabel tsb pasti msh bs dmodifikasi

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Rejection of hypothetical underlying causes of behavior

Skinner mnyebut hypothetical explanation of behavior( teori eyang Freud ttg psikoanalisa) sbg “explanatory fictions” krn hal itu tdk akan pernah bs dbuktikn or bahk tdk tbukti dan tentu saja tdk ilmiah.

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Historical Roots of Historical Roots of Behavior ModificationBehavior Modification

Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936)Ivan P. Pavlov (1849-1936)Mnemukn proses dasar dr Mnemukn proses dasar dr respondent conditioningrespondent conditioning. .

Pnelitianx : ludah anjing (refleks) muncul Pnelitianx : ludah anjing (refleks) muncul sesaat stlh ada bunyi bel (stimulus sesaat stlh ada bunyi bel (stimulus netral) netral) conditioned reflexconditioned reflex

Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)Mnemukn prinsip Mnemukn prinsip law effect law effect (PL yg mmunculk favorable (PL yg mmunculk favorable

effect akan cend diulangi). Pnelitianx : kucing dlm kand; effect akan cend diulangi). Pnelitianx : kucing dlm kand; makanan di luar; mbuka kand kucing hrs mgigit mainan makanan di luar; mbuka kand kucing hrs mgigit mainan hatihatikucing belajar bhw mgigit mainan hati mnyebabk kucing belajar bhw mgigit mainan hati mnyebabk dia bs makan (dia bs makan (favorable effectfavorable effect))

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John B. Watson (1878-1958)John B. Watson (1878-1958)Artikel “Psychology as the Behaviorist Views Its” Artikel “Psychology as the Behaviorist Views Its”

observable behavior was the proper subject matter of observable behavior was the proper subject matter of psychology and that all behavior was controlled by psychology and that all behavior was controlled by environmental events. Mnemukn prinsip environmental events. Mnemukn prinsip stimulus responsestimulus response. . Tokoh Tokoh BehaviorismBehaviorism

B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)B.F. Skinner (1904-1990)Explained the distinction betweeen respondent conditioning Explained the distinction betweeen respondent conditioning

and operant conditioning. Mnulis buku2 ttg aplikasi the and operant conditioning. Mnulis buku2 ttg aplikasi the principles of behavior analysis to human behavior. Pnelitiax principles of behavior analysis to human behavior. Pnelitiax mjd dasar dr Behavior Modification.mjd dasar dr Behavior Modification.

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Aplikasi MP dalam Berbagai Setting

Developmental Disabilities

People with developmental disabilities often have serious behavioral deficits. Ex: self-injurious, aggressive, destructive

Mental Illness

BM has been used with chronic mental llness patients to modify daily living skills, social behavior, aggressive behav, treatment compliance, psychotics behav and works skilss. Token economy

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Education and Special Education

Student-teacher interactions, improve teaching methods, problem behav in the classroom, improve instructional techniques-improve student learning.

In special education : developing teaching methods, controlling problem behav in the classroom, improve social behav & fucntional skills, promoting self-management, training teachers


mnolong indv utk kembali k keadaan normal stlh kjadian kcelakaan atau trauma

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Promote compliance with rehabilitation routines such as physical therapy, teach new skills that can replace skills lost through the injury or trauma, decrease problem behav, help manage chronic pain, improve memory performance

Community Psychology to influence the behav of large numbers of people in ways that

benefits everybody. Reducing littering, increasing recycling, reducing energy

comsumption, reducing unsafe driving, reducing illegal drud use, increasing the use of seat belt, decreasing illegal parking in space for the disabled,and reducing speeding

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Clinical Psychology

to help people with personal problemsoften called behavior therapyBussiness, Industry and Human Services

called organizational behavior modification or organizational behavior management

Improve work performance and job safety and to decrease tardiness, absenteeism and accident on the job; improve supervisor’s performances → increased productivity and profits for organization and increased job satisfaction for workers

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Self-Management Control personal habits, health-related behav, professional

behav and personal problems.Child Management Help children overcome bed-wetting, nail-biting, temper

tantrums, noncompliance, aggressive behav, bad manners, stutering and other common problems

Prevention problems in childhood, child sexual abuse, child abduction,

accidents in the home, child abuse & neglect and sexually transmitted diseases

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Sport Psychology

improve athletic performance during practise & competitionHealth-Reliated Behaviors

promote health-related behav by increasing healthy lefestyle behav, promote behav that have a positive influence on physical or medical problems (decreasing freq & intens of headaches, lowering blood pressure & reducing gastrointestinal disturbances), increase compliance with medical regimens

called behavioral medicine or health psychology

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applied in nursing homes & other care facilities to help manage the behav of older adults

help older adults to deal with their declining physical abilities, help them adjust to nursing home environments, to promote health-related behav and appropriate social interaction, to decrease problem behav that may arise from Alzheimer’s disease, other types of dementia.

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Pertemuan kedua


The ABC Model

Bdasark model behavioral ►

PL sso dsebabk oleh kjadian2 yg tjadi sbelum dan ssudah PL tsb muncul/tampak. Antecedents adl kjadian yg tjadi sbelum sb PL muncul/tampak sdk Consequences adl kjadian yg tjadi ssudah PL muncul/tampak (=hasil/efek dr PL)


Antecedents Behavior Consequences

Antecedents dan consequences khusus yg mnyebabk sb PL muncul/tampak maintaining conditionsmaintaining conditions , tdiri dr :

Maintaining antecedents : prerequisites; prompts(cues); setting events

Maintaining consequences determine whether the behavior will occur again. Can be immediate or delayed.BM treats problem behaviors by directly changing

their maintaining conditions

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Proses MP

clarifying the client’s problemClarify the client’s presenting problem. Ex: “Saya merasa sangatsangat stressstress akhir2 ini.” cermati apa yg dmaksud klien dg ‘sangat’ dan ‘stress’

formulating initial goalsgoals treatment mrpk tanggung jwb penuh dr klien smtr tugas terapist mbantu mberi ptimbangan, trtm bila goals treatment klien :tdk realistik;b’akibat negatif baik utk klien or sekitarnya

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designing a target behaviorciri target behav yg baik: narrow in scopeada pnunjukan waktu (kpn)& tempat (dmn) PL dharapk muncul unambiguously definedbs diukur oleh orla/teramati measurebledimensi fisik appropriate and adaptive bs dlaks oleh klien

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identifying the maintaining conditions of the target behav by a variety of behavioral assesment procedures

designing a treatment plan to change the maintaining conditions & implementing the treatment plan Treatment planTreatment plan b’isi st plakuan khusus dan individual ttg prosedur plaks MP thd klien. Sblm plaks MP dmulai terapist hrs mjelaskn ttg the underlying rationale what the therapy entails apa yg hrs dlakukn klien estimasi waktu plaks standar rata2 kberhasilan manfaat

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evaluating the success of treatment plan & conducting follow-up assesment Dmulai dg m’identifikasi apakah target behav m’alami prubahan scr signifikan dr kondisi baseline or not. Jk tdk ada prub mk harus kbl k tahapan sblmx utk mlakukn koreksi >< jk ada prub mk perlu d’identifikasi apakah prub tsb bpengaruh thd client’s presenting problem dan sudah mmnuhi treatment goals

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Contoh kasus : Phobia pd anak 9 th

Ktk datang utk terapi, Ariel (9 th) telah bolos sekolah slm 3 mg. Stlh libur knaikn kelas, Ariel mnolak utk masuk di kelas 4.

Ltr blk sekolahx: memanjat lemari kelas saat hari 1 di TK, djuluki sbg “penggangu” oleh guru kelas 1, di kelas 2 tkenal krn sering bolos sekolah,…

Ltr blk keluarga: bsamaan dg masuk di kelas 4 Ayah Ariel m’alami stress kerja yg agak bpengaruh thd keluarga selain itu txta Ariel dberi peringatan oleh kakakx ttg sulitx tugas2 sekolah di kelas 4.

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Stlh dlakukan asesmen dketahui bahwa presenting problem Ariel adl School Phobia.

Lokasi skolah Ariel kr2 3,5 blok dr rumahx dan biasa dtempuh dg jalan kaki ±10 mnt. Ariel brkt dr rmh jam 8.30, istirahat pertama jam 10.00-10.30, jam makan siang 12.00-13.00, sekolah b’akhir pada 15.30

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Target Behavior

1.Bjalan dr rumah k skolah dg terapis pd hari libur/ nonschool day

2.Bjalan dr rumah k halaman skolah dg terapis pd jam 8.30 pd hari skolah

3.Berada d halaman skolah slm 15 mnt dg terapis4.Mmasuki ruang kelas dan duduk di bangku dg

kehadiran terapis stlh jam skolah5.Bmain skolah2an dg terapis d ruang kelas stlh jam


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6.Mmasuki ruang kelas dan bbicara dg guru dg kehadiran

terapis7.Mhabiskn pagi hari di ruang kelas dg kehadiran terapis8.Mhabiskan waktu sharian di skolah tanpa pengawasan

terapis (terapis tetap mnemani ttapi tdk tlihat oleh Ariel)9. Bjalan k skolah tanpa dtemani (terapis)10.Mhabisk waktu sharian d skolah dg kehadiran terapis

sbentar11.Mhabisk waktu sharian d skolah tanpa kehadiran

terapis (skolah normal total target behavior)

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Plaksanaan Treatment Plan1.Pd hari mg siang, dtemani oleh 2 org terapis, Ariel

bjalan k skolah dr rumahx. Terapis mbantu mringank kcemasan Ariel dg humor atau mngalihkn phatianx kpd hal lain

2.2 hari kmd pd jam 8.30, dtemani oleh seorang terapis, Ariel bjalan k halaman skolah, masih muncul kcemasan. Ariel mhabisk 15 mnt bkeliling halaman skolah

3.Selesai jam skolah pd hari yg sama, terapis mampu mbujuk Ariel utk masuk k ruang kelas dan duduk di bangkux

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4.3 hari kmd, pd pagi hari, terapis mnemani Ariel mmasuki ruang kelasx bsama2 teman2 lain. Mrk bbicara dg guru Ariel dan mninggalkn kelas stlh kelas dmulai.

5.Minggu berkutx Ariel mampu mhabisk pagi harix d kelas. Terapis duduk d dlm kelas dan mberi senyuman ktk Ariel mau b’interaksi dg guru atau temanx

6.2 hari kmd,Ariel sudah mau mnyapa temanx tlebih dahulu dan mminta kpd terapis utk duduk di bangku paling belakang di ruang kelasx

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7. Hr brktx terapis duduk di dalam perpustakaan d dp ruang kelas Ariel

8. 2 hari kmd, dspakati bahwa terapis akan mninggalkn skolah pd jam 14.30 saat jam t’akhir kelas Ariel

9. Hari brktx terapis mningalkn skolah pd jam 13.4510.Hari brktx terapis dan Ariel btemu di gerbang skolah pada

jam 8.30. Ariel mnyetujui utk dtinggal sendiri jam 10.45-13.45. Stlh itu Ariel dtinggal sendiri sp jam pulang sekolah, dg imbalan bahwa terapis akan mngunjungi Ariel sore harix d rumah utk bmain gitar.

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11.Terapis juga mmodifikasi lingk Ariel saat itu. Ibux tdk

boleh lg mngijink Ariel utk kbl k rumah slm jam sekolah, utk itu guru Ariel harus mberikn tugas agar Ariel tetap enjoy d sekolah

12.Hari2 brktx terapis (dg spengetahuan Ariel)mninggalk Ariel sendiri d skolah utk waktu yg lebih lama, sampai akhirx Ariel bs dtinggal mulai jam 10.00. Ariel mrs tjamin dg khadiran faktual terapis sp jam 10.00 tsb

13.Stlh itu terapis mninggalk Ariel mulai 8.40 dg imbalan2 ttentu yg akan dberikn pagi hari brktx (token economy).

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14.Sesuai kspakatan antr terapis dan Ariel, Ariel mnginginkn sarung tangan basebal di akhir sesi terapi. Terapis juga mmodifikasi lingk rumah agar situasix lb terapiutik utk Ariel.

15.Stlh 3 minggu, Ariel mdapatkn sarung tangan basebalx dan setuju utk tdk lg mharapkn imbalan2 ttentu dan tetap mlaks perilaku yg telah tbentuk


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Pertemuan ketiga

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Behavioral AssessmentKarakteristik asesmen perilakuIndividualized used to gather uniqueunique and detaileddetailed

information about a client’s problem and its maintaining its maintaining conditionsconditions

Present focus focus on relevant information about client’s current functioning and life conditions( ex: the current maintaining conditions >< bukan early childhood)

Directly samples relevant behaviors examine of a client’s behaviors to provide information about how the client typically functions in particular situations

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Narrow focus focus pd behavior bserta spesifikasix (dan bukan pd kepribadian ato gaya hidup klien)

Integrated with Therapy kadang2 (tkesan) menyatu dg proses Modif Perilakux (mis: saat m’evaluasi prub2 pd target behaviorx)

Macam2 Teknik Macam2 Teknik Asesmen PerilakuAsesmen Perilaku

Behavioral interviewsBehavioral interviewsTujuanx: Tujuanx: rapport rapport understanding the client’s problem & understanding the client’s problem &

selecting target behavior selecting target behavior gathering data about gathering data about maintaining condition maintaining condition educating client about the educating client about the behavioral approachbehavioral approach

Ptanyaan standart pd interview PL adl : what, when, where, Ptanyaan standart pd interview PL adl : what, when, where, how and how oftenhow and how often

ex:Ayah dr anak perempuan 9 th bkata “Konsep diri anak ex:Ayah dr anak perempuan 9 th bkata “Konsep diri anak saya sgt jelek dan dia hanya punya sedikit rasa percaya saya sgt jelek dan dia hanya punya sedikit rasa percaya diri, sehingga selalu merasa gagal pd sgl sst yg diri, sehingga selalu merasa gagal pd sgl sst yg dlakukannx” dlakukannx”

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Direct self-report inventoriesDirect self-report inventoriesadl sb kuisioner yg b’isi pnyataan ato ptanyaan yg adl sb kuisioner yg b’isi pnyataan ato ptanyaan yg

mmerluk jawaban sederhana dr klien (ya/tdk; mmerluk jawaban sederhana dr klien (ya/tdk; benar/salah; sering/jarang/tdk pernah; dll)benar/salah; sering/jarang/tdk pernah; dll)

sering dgunakan o/ terapis krn efisiensering dgunakan o/ terapis krn efisienvaliditasx sgt tgant pd kmamp & kmauan klien u/ jujur validitasx sgt tgant pd kmamp & kmauan klien u/ jujur

dan akurat dlm mjwbdan akurat dlm mjwblatihan self-report inventorieslatihan self-report inventories

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Self-recording (or self-monitoring)Self-recording (or self-monitoring)

client’s observing and recording their own behav by client’s observing and recording their own behav by record the number of times they perform a target record the number of times they perform a target behavbehav

can be used to assess both covert & overt behavcan be used to assess both covert & overt behavpotential problem yg mgkn muncul adl potential problem yg mgkn muncul adl reactivityreactivity a a

change in client’s behav because the clients know change in client’s behav because the clients know their behav are being observedtheir behav are being observed

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Behavioral cheklists and rating scalesBehavioral cheklists and rating scales

b’isi daftar potential problem behav yg d’isi b’isi daftar potential problem behav yg d’isi o/ orla yg tahu ttg klieno/ orla yg tahu ttg klien

cheklist u/ mlihat indikasi2 pL yg dmunculk cheklist u/ mlihat indikasi2 pL yg dmunculk o/ klieno/ klien

rating scales u/ mlihat frekuensi dr msg2 PLrating scales u/ mlihat frekuensi dr msg2 PL

alat asesmen yg efisienalat asesmen yg efisien

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Systematic naturalistic observationSystematic naturalistic observation

dlaks saat target behav tjd scr normaldlaks saat target behav tjd scr normal

Akurat bila target behav tdefinisi dg jelas Akurat bila target behav tdefinisi dg jelas dan observerx tlatihdan observerx tlatih

Reliabilitas bs dperoleh dg mbandingk Reliabilitas bs dperoleh dg mbandingk hasil obs dr dua/lb observerhasil obs dr dua/lb observer

problem yg mgkn muncul: reactivity, problem yg mgkn muncul: reactivity, observer error & bias, impracticalityobserver error & bias, impracticality

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Simulated observationSimulated observation

made under conditions set up to resemble made under conditions set up to resemble the client’s natural environmentthe client’s natural environment

biasax mgnk one-way mirrorbiasax mgnk one-way mirror

kelemahan teknik ini adl ksulitan u/ kelemahan teknik ini adl ksulitan u/ m’generalisir hasil observasi pd setting m’generalisir hasil observasi pd setting naturalnatural

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Role playingRole playingclients enact problem situations to provide clients enact problem situations to provide

the therapist with samples of how typically the therapist with samples of how typically behave in those situationsbehave in those situations

useful in assesing social skills (assertive useful in assesing social skills (assertive behav)behav)

is an efficient form of simulated obsis an efficient form of simulated obs Sulit u/ dgeneralisasikn pd sit natural krn Sulit u/ dgeneralisasikn pd sit natural krn

klien mgkn bPL bbedaklien mgkn bPL bbeda

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Physiological measurementsPhysiological measurements

mngukur respon fisik yg bhub dg target mngukur respon fisik yg bhub dg target behavbehav

mis: heart rate, blood pressure, respiration mis: heart rate, blood pressure, respiration rate, muscle tensionrate, muscle tension

Physiological recordings should be made Physiological recordings should be made in client’s natural environmentss as their in client’s natural environmentss as their problems occursproblems occurs

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