Map Reduce 〜入門編:仕組みの理解とアルゴリズムデザイン〜

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Transcript of Map Reduce 〜入門編:仕組みの理解とアルゴリズムデザイン〜

Map Reduce~入門編:仕組みの理解とアルゴリズムデザイン~

第12回 データマイニング+WEB @東京(#TokyoWebmining)


[名前] doryokujin ( 井上 敬浩 )

[年齢] 26歳

[専攻] 数学(統計・確率的アルゴリズム)

[会社] 芸者東京エンターテインメント(GTE)

[職業] データマイニングエンジニア

[趣味] マラソン ( 42.195km: 2時間33分 )


・MongoDB JP: もっとMongoDBを日本に!

・TokyoWebMining: 統計解析・データマイニングの各種方法論、WEB上のデータ活用に関する勉強会

・おしゃれStatistics: 名著「statistics」を読み進めながら統計を学ぶ勉強会 with @isseing333 @dichika



[日時] :2011/07/08(金)18:00 ~ 21:00






・okuyama, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB, Hibari のスピーカー陣!


[日時] :2011/07/31(金)14:00 ~ 19:00






・実際の運用事例 など…

発表者募集中です → Twitter: @doryokujin まで!


1. Big Dataを扱うための 7つのアイデア

2. Map Reduce とは

3. Map Reduce を扱う際の注意点

4. Map Reduce アルゴリズムデザイン

5. 応用編について


1. Big Dataを扱うための


1. Big Dataを扱うための7つのアイデア

(1) Scale “Out”, not “Up”

(2) 障害は当たり前

(3) Shared Nothing Computing Cluster

(4) 開発者とハイレベルなオペレーションを分離

(5) Move the Code to the Data

(6) ランダムアクセスを避け、シーケンシャルアクセス

(7) シームレスなスケーラビリティ

(1) Scale “Out”, not “Up”

・多数のローエンドサーバーで構成(Scale Out)

・少数のハイエンドサーバー構成ではない(Scale Up)



(2) 障害は当たり前


・10,000サーバーの運用では平均10台/日 の故障



(3) Shared Nothing Computing Cluster

・プロセッサ、ローカルメモリ、ディスクリソースをノード間で共有しない 7

Figure 2. Shared Nothing Computing Cluster.

Common Characteristics.

There are several important common characteristics of data-intensive computing

systems that distinguish them from other forms of computing. First is the principle of

collocation of the data and programs or algorithms to perform the computation. To

achieve high performance in data-intensive computing, it is important to minimize the

movement of data. In direct contrast to other types of computing and supercomputing

which utilize data stored in a separate repository or servers and transfer the data to the

processing system for computation, data-intensive computing uses distributed data and

distributed file systems in which data is located across a cluster of processing nodes, and

instead of moving the data, the program or algorithm is transferred to the nodes with the

data that needs to be processed. This principle – “Move the code to the data” – is

extremely effective since program size is usually small in comparison to the large

Aggregate Data Analysis

(4) 開発者とハイレベルなオペレーションを分離



・その代わりにMap Reduce というプログラミングモデルに従って処理を記述

(5) Move the Code to the Data・データは移動させず、コードをデータのある場所にコピーする















(6) ランダムアクセスを避け、シーケンシャルアクセス




(7) シームレスなスケーラビリティ


- データが2倍になれば処理時間も2倍

- サーバー数が2倍になれば処理時間は1/2

- 数台で数GBの処理も、数千台で数PBの処理も同じように

2. Map Reduce とは

2. Map Reduce とは

【クラウドコンピューティング】 MapReduceの復習

2. Word Count



-'.ページの単語を抽出して、出現頻度が高い単語を抽出する。図" !+/に#$%&'()*'での処理の流れを示す。-'.ページの情報を#$%処理で0出現単語1"23とカウントする。45)667'で、出現単語を頭文字で分割・集約する。&'()*'処理で0出現単語1"23をまとめて0出現単語1"出現回数3となるように集計する。"



Welcome to My HomePage.Thank you.

Where is your house? ....


<welcome, 1><homepage, 1><you, 1><go, 1><where, 1><your, 1><house, 1><homepage, 1>・・・


<welcome, 1><welcome, 1><where, 1>・・・

<homepage, 1><homepage, 1><house, 1>・・・


<go, 2><homepage, 10><house, 3><welcome, 8><where, 7><you, 4><your, 5>・・・

<you, 1><your, 1><your, 1>・・・

単語を抽出し<単語, 1>と扱う

頭文字単位で分割する 単語単位で集計する


Welcome to My HomePage.Thank you.

Where is your house? ....


<welcome, 1><homepage, 1><you, 1><go, 1><where, 1><your, 1><house, 1><homepage, 1>・・・


<welcome, 1><welcome, 1><where, 1>・・・

<homepage, 1><homepage, 1><house, 1>・・・


<go, 2><homepage, 10><house, 3><welcome, 8><where, 7><you, 4><your, 5>・・・

<you, 1><your, 1><your, 1>・・・

単語を抽出し<単語, 1>と扱う

頭文字単位で分割する 単語単位で集計する "図" !+/"-'.ページの頻出キーワード抽出フロー"


-'.ページの属性抽出" 8"出現単語に重みをつけ出現割合から属性を決める" アクセスログ解析" 8"どの-'.ページにアクセスが多いか分析する"

"9/: メールフィルタリング"


るために#$%&'()*'を適用する。図" !+;"に示すように、#$%処理では、メール 2通単位でメールアドレスやヘッダ・本文と言ったメールデータを評価関数に適用し、スパムメール指数を算出する。&'()*'処理では、メールアドレス単位でのスパムメール指数を集計し、閾値によりフィルタ対象のメール


Map Reduce の構成[1] Split フェーズ

[2] Map & Serialize フェーズ

[3] Combine フェーズ

[4] Partition & Shuffle フェーズ

[5] Sort フェーズ

[6] Reduce フェーズ


reducer reducer





k1,[v1] k2,[v2] k1,[v1] k2,[v2]



k3,[v3] k4,[v4] k3,[v3] k4,[v4]




sort sort

[1] Split フェーズ[Split フェーズ]



Big Data mapper



[2] Map & Serialize フェーズ[Map フェーズ]

・各入力から組 (key, value) を作成

map: (k1, v1) ! [(k2, v2)] // []はリスト

//word count

class Mapper

method Map(docid a, doc d)

for all term t ∈ doc d do

Emit(term t, count 1)

[2] Map & Serialize フェーズ[Serialize フェーズ]

・value のデータ型は自由(整数、文字列、配列、ハッシュ…)


- Avro

- Thrift

- Message Pack

- Protocol Buffers

> require 'msgpack' > msg = [1,2,3].to_msgpack  #=>"\x93\x01\x02\x03" > MessagePack.unpack(msg)  #=> [1,2,3]

[3] Combine フェーズ[Combine フェーズ] ( = Local Aggregation フェーズ )

・Map 処理結果に対してローカルでReduce処理を行う

// word count

class Combiner

method Combine(string t, counts [c1, c2, . . .])

sum ← 0

for all count c ∈ counts [c1, c2, . . .] do

sum ← sum + c

Emit(string t, count sum)

[4] Partition & Shuffle フェーズ[Shuffle 処理]




・デフォルトではハッシュ値を元に決定 reducer reducer

combiner combiner

k1, v1 k2, v2 k1, v1 k2, v2



k3, v3 k4, v4 k3, v3 k4, v4





sort sort

mapper mapper

[5] Sort フェーズ[Sort フェーズ]



・Google Map Reduceは2次ソートキーを指定することで可能

reducer reducer




k4,[v4]sort sort

[6] Reduce フェーズ[Reduce フェーズ] (全てのMap処理の完了後に実行)

・keyとvalueリストに対して集約処理 reduce: (k2, [v2]) ! [(k3, v3)]

//word count

class Reducer

method Reduce(term t, counts [c1, c2, . . .])

sum ← 0

for all count c ∈ counts [c1,c2,...] do

sum ← sum + c

Emit(term t, count sum)

2. Map Combine Shuffle Reduce30 CHAPTER 2. MAPREDUCE BASICS

! " # $ % &

'())*+ '())*+ '())*+ '())*+

,( - . / /0 1 ( /2 . , /3 4

/5',67*+ /5',67*+ /5',67*+ /5',67*+

)) )) )) ))

,( - . / 8 ( /2 . , /3 4

)(+969657*+ )(+969657*+ )(+969657*+ )(+969657*+

:;<==>*?(7@?:5+9A (BB+*B(9*?C(><*D?,E?F*ED

( - 2 , . 3 / . 8 4

) ) ) )

+*@</*+ +*@</*+ +*@</*+

G 2 H 3 I 8

Figure 2.4: Complete view of MapReduce, illustrating combiners and partitioners in addi-

tion to mappers and reducers. Combiners can be viewed as “mini-reducers” in the map phase.

Partitioners determine which reducer is responsible for a particular key.

a combiner can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be copied over

the network, resulting in much faster algorithms.

The complete MapReduce model is shown in Figure 2.4. Output of the mappers

are processed by the combiners, which perform local aggregation to cut down on the

number of intermediate key-value pairs. The partitioner determines which reducer will

be responsible for processing a particular key, and the execution framework uses this

information to copy the data to the right location during the shuffle and sort phase.13

Therefore, a complete MapReduce job consists of code for the mapper, reducer, com-

biner, and partitioner, along with job configuration parameters. The execution frame-

work handles everything else.

13In Hadoop, partitioners are actually executed before combiners, so while Figure 2.4 is conceptually accurate,

it doesn’t precisely describe the Hadoop implementation.

3. Map Reduce を扱う際の注意点

reducer reducer








k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]


sort sort



k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]



k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]



k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]

3. Map Reduce を扱う際の注意点



・Mapper と Combiner 処理をできるだけ頑張る

→ 4. Map Reduce アルゴリズムデザインで紹介

3. Map Reduce を扱う際の注意点






[Reduce間での処理量の偏り]:word countの例


・value(occurrence)の総和の意味では均質ではないHadoop Tutorial Series, Issue #2: Getting Started With (Customized) Partitioning

[Reduce間での処理量の偏り]:word countの例


・i.e. 出現頻度がk 番目に大きい要素が全体に占める割合が1/k に比例する




Hadoop Tutorial Series, Issue #2: Getting Started With (Customized) Partitioning

[Reduce間での処理量の偏り]:word countの例


・独自のPartitionerを定義するHadoop Tutorial Series, Issue #2: Getting Started With (Customized) Partitioning

package com.philippeadjiman.hadooptraining; package com.philippeadjiman.hadooptraining;import;import;import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Partitioner; public class MyPartitioner implements Partitioner<IntWritable,Text> {" @Override" public int getPartition(IntWritable key, Text value, int numPartitions) {" " /* Pretty ugly hard coded partitioning function. Don't do that in practice, it is just for the sake of understanding. */" " int nbOccurences = key.get(); " " if( nbOccurences < 3 )" " " return 0;" " else" " " return 1;" } " @Override" public void configure(JobConf arg0) { " }}

[Reduce間での処理量の偏り]:word countの例


Hadoop Tutorial Series, Issue #2: Getting Started With (Customized) Partitioning


・Combiner ファンクションは以下の2つの性質を満たしていないといけない:

(a) 可換(Commutative)

(b) 結合的(Associative)


x + y = y + x

x ・ y = y ・ x

(x + y) + z = x + (y + z)

(x ・ y) ・ z = x ・ (y ・ z)

3. Map Reduce を扱う際の注意点

4. Map Reduce アルゴリズムデザイン


(1) Local Aggregation

(2) Sorting

(3) Simple Statistics

(4) Sampling

(5) Continuous Map Reduce

(6) Join

4. Map Reduce アルゴリズムデザイン

(1) Local Aggregation[3つのLocal Aggregation]

[a] In-Mapper Combine

- mapper 内でのcombine

[b] Combine

- combine処理

[c] Local Combine

- 同一サーバー内でのcombine


k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]


combiner combiner

[c] Local Combine

(1)[a] In-Mapper Combine

[In-Mapper Combining]



(1)[a] In-Mapper Combine class Mapper {


init() {

buffer =


map(id, data) {

elements = process(data)

for each element {


check_and_put(buffer, k2, v2)


} //続く Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

check_and_put(buffer, k2, v2) {

if buffer.full {

for each k2 in buffer.keys {

emit(k2, buffer[k2])


} else {

buffer.incrby(k2, v2) // H[k2]+=v2



close() {

for each k2 in buffer.keys {

emit(k2, buffer[k2])



} Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

(1)[a]+[b] に分解可能な条件
























Figure 1: Distributed execution plan for MapReducewhen reduce cannot be decomposed to perform partialaggregation.

With this user-defined function, and merge and

grouping operators provided by the system, it is pos-

sible to execute a simple distributed computation as

shown in Figure 1. The computation has exactly

two phases: the first phase executes a Map function

on the inputs to extract keys and records, then per-

forms a partitioning of these outputs based on the

keys of the records. The second phase collects and

merges all the records with the same key, and passes

them to the Reduce function. (This second phase is

equivalent to GroupBy followed by Aggregate in the

database literature.)

As we shall see in the following sections, many op-

timizations for distributed aggregation rely on com-

puting and combining “partial aggregations.” Sup-

pose that aggregating the sequence Rk of all the

records with a particular key k results in output Sk.

A partial aggregation computed from a subsequence

r of Rk is an intermediate result with the property

that partial aggregations of all the subsequences of

Rk can be combined to generate Sk. Partial aggrega-

tions may exist, for example, when the aggregation

function is commutative and associative, and Sec-

tion 2.2 below formalizes the notion of decompos-

able functions which generalize this case. For our

running example of integer average, a partial aggre-

gate contains a partial sum and a partial count:

struct Partial {int partialSum;int partialCount;


Often the partial aggregation of a subsequence ris much smaller than r itself: in the case of aver-

age for example the partial sum is just two values,





























'( '('(











Figure 2: Distributed execution plan for MapReducewhen reduce supports partial aggregation. The imple-mentation of GroupBy in the first stage may be different tothat in the later stages, as discussed in Section 5.

regardless of the number of integers that have been

processed. When there is such substantial data re-

duction, partial aggregation can be introduced both

as part of the initial Map phase and in an aggre-

gation tree, as shown in Figure 2, to greatly reduce

network traffic. In order to decompose a user-defined

aggregation using partial aggregation it is necessary

to introduce auxiliary functions, called “Combiners”

in [9], that synthesize the intermediate results into

the final output. The MapReduce system described

in [9] can perform partial aggregation on each local

computer before transmitting data across the net-

work, but does not use an aggregation tree.

In order to enable partial aggregation a user of

MapReduce must supply three functions:

1. InitialReduce: �K,Sequence of R� → �K, X�which takes a sequence of records of type R, all

with the same key of type K, and outputs a

partial aggregation encoded as the key of type

K and an intermediate type X.

2. Combine: �K,Sequence of X� → �K, X� which

takes a sequence of partial aggregations of type
























3+Figure 1: Distributed execution plan for MapReducewhen reduce cannot be decomposed to perform partialaggregation.

With this user-defined function, and merge and

grouping operators provided by the system, it is pos-

sible to execute a simple distributed computation as

shown in Figure 1. The computation has exactly

two phases: the first phase executes a Map function

on the inputs to extract keys and records, then per-

forms a partitioning of these outputs based on the

keys of the records. The second phase collects and

merges all the records with the same key, and passes

them to the Reduce function. (This second phase is

equivalent to GroupBy followed by Aggregate in the

database literature.)

As we shall see in the following sections, many op-

timizations for distributed aggregation rely on com-

puting and combining “partial aggregations.” Sup-

pose that aggregating the sequence Rk of all the

records with a particular key k results in output Sk.

A partial aggregation computed from a subsequence

r of Rk is an intermediate result with the property

that partial aggregations of all the subsequences of

Rk can be combined to generate Sk. Partial aggrega-

tions may exist, for example, when the aggregation

function is commutative and associative, and Sec-

tion 2.2 below formalizes the notion of decompos-

able functions which generalize this case. For our

running example of integer average, a partial aggre-

gate contains a partial sum and a partial count:

struct Partial {int partialSum;int partialCount;


Often the partial aggregation of a subsequence ris much smaller than r itself: in the case of aver-

age for example the partial sum is just two values,





























'( '('(











Figure 2: Distributed execution plan for MapReducewhen reduce supports partial aggregation. The imple-mentation of GroupBy in the first stage may be different tothat in the later stages, as discussed in Section 5.

regardless of the number of integers that have been

processed. When there is such substantial data re-

duction, partial aggregation can be introduced both

as part of the initial Map phase and in an aggre-

gation tree, as shown in Figure 2, to greatly reduce

network traffic. In order to decompose a user-defined

aggregation using partial aggregation it is necessary

to introduce auxiliary functions, called “Combiners”

in [9], that synthesize the intermediate results into

the final output. The MapReduce system described

in [9] can perform partial aggregation on each local

computer before transmitting data across the net-

work, but does not use an aggregation tree.

In order to enable partial aggregation a user of

MapReduce must supply three functions:

1. InitialReduce: �K,Sequence of R� → �K, X�which takes a sequence of records of type R, all

with the same key of type K, and outputs a

partial aggregation encoded as the key of type

K and an intermediate type X.

2. Combine: �K,Sequence of X� → �K, X� which

takes a sequence of partial aggregations of type


(1)[a]+[b] に分解可能な条件

・In-Mapper CombineとCombineを併用すれば効率良く集


・Mapper -> Reducer集計処理からこのような処理系へ分


Def. 1

x: data items, x1 ⊕ x2: concatenation of x1, x2.

「関数 H が decomposable」であるとは2つの関数 I と C が以下を満


1) ∀x1, x2 : H(x1 ⊕ x2) = C(I(x1 ⊕ x2)) = C(I(x1) ⊕ I(x2))

2) ∀x1, x2 : I(x1 ⊕ x2) = I(x2 ⊕ x1)

3) ∀x1, x2 : C(x1 ⊕ x2) = C(x2 ⊕ x1)

Def. 2

「関数 H が associative-decomposable である」とは、Def.1 の

1-3 を満たし、かつ C が以下を満たす時を言う:

4) ∀x1, x2, x3 : C(C(x1 ⊕ x2) ⊕ x3) = C(x1 ⊕ C(x2 ⊕ x3))

( i.e. C is associative )

(1)[a]+[b] に分解可能な条件


・集約計算: H が “associative-decomposable”な関数の集合で表現できる場合、処理プランをIn-Mapper Combine: IとCombine: Cに分解可能

・前スライドの関数 I が Initial-Reduce(=In-Mapper Combine)、C が Combine を意味する。

(1)[c] Local Combine[Local Combine]・ローカルサーバー内のMap処理の出力を集約


・共有メモリ(ディスク) スペースを確保する

・Redis のハッシュ型、 セット型の集約関数 を利用するなど


k1,[v1] k2,[v2]

k3,[v3] k4,[v4]


combiner combiner

(1)[c] Local Combine class Combiner {


init(share_space_info) {

share_space = conn(share_space_info)


combine(key, elements) {

sum = 0

for each element {


sum += v

} //続く

share_space.incrby(key, sum)

emit(key, share_space_info)

} // end combine()


class Reducer {

reduce(key, list_of_share_space_info) {

for each share_space_info {

share_space = conn(share_space_info)

sum = 0

elements = share_space.hget(key)

for each elemnt {





(2) Sorting[Tera Sort]: TeraByte Sort on Apache Hadoop

・1Reducer の設定なら自動でソートしてくれる

・複数のReducerで処理を分散させたい→Self Partitioner


partition(key) { range = (KEY_MAX - KEY_MIN) / NUM_OF_REDUCERS reducer_no = (key - KEY_MIN) / range return reducer_no }

k0 in [KEY_MIN, r0) k1 in [r0, r1) kn in [rn, KEY_MAX]

Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

(2) Sorting[Secondary Sort]


・t: timestamp、m: sencor id、r:sensor reading


(t1, m1, r80521), (t1, m2, r14209), (t1, m3, r76042),(t2, m1, r21823), (t2, m2, r66508), (t2, m3, r98347),...

map: m1 ! (t1, r80521) // センサーごとに集計

// t1,t2,t3,... の順で取得できない可能性 (m1) ! [(t1, r80521), (t3, r146925), (t2, r21823)] (m2) ! [(t2, r66508), (t1, r14209), (t3, r14720)]

(2) Sorting[Secondary Sort]・“value-to-key conversion” design pattern


・sencor id, timestamp の順でソートするように定義


map: (m1, t1) ! r80521

(m1, t1) ! [(r80521)] // t1,t2,t3,... の順で取得 (m1, t2) ! [(r21823)]  (m1, t3) ! [(r146925)] 

(3) SImple Statistics[Min, Max]

class Mapper {


map(id, number) {


if (buffer.is_full) {

max = compute_max(buffer)

emit(1, max)



} Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

[Min, Max]

class Reducer {

reduce(key, list_of_local_max) {

global_max = 0

for local_max in list_of_local_max {

if local_max > global_max {

global_max = local_max



emit(1, global_max)


} Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

[Min, Max]

[Mean, Var]

・Meanの場合は local_mean を求められないので local_sumをCombinerで求め、global_sumをReducerで求める

class Combiner {

combine(key, list_of_local_max) {

local_max = maximum(list_of_local_max)

emit(1, local_max)

} // Max() は可換かつ結合的

} Designing algorithms for Map Reduce

(4) Sampling [ランダムサンプリング]: 全体の1/10を一様ランダムに抽出


class Mapper {

map(id, data) {

key, value = process(data)

if rand() < 0.1 { //rand() ∈ [0.0, 1.0)

emit(key, value)




(4) Sampling [重み付きサンプリング]


(4) Sampling




・効率の良いMap Reduceを検討中…

(5) Continuous Map Reduce [Continuous Map Reduce]

・Map Reduceは元々 ”batch-oriented” デザイン




(5) Continuous Map Reduce [Continuous Map Reduce]

・ただし、このモデルではCombine処理を行えない i.e. Sort、Reduce処理に負荷がかかる

・Reduce側の負荷が大きくなった時点でMapperはデータを送信せずにバッファリング、その際にCombine処理を行っておくのが効果的(adaptive flow control mechanism)

・論文:MapReduce Online がHadoop Online Prototype (HOP) としてContinuousモデルを提案

(5) Time Window Concept・先ほどのContinuousモデルよりも現実的なモデルを紹介

[Time Slice]

・Reducerに渡されるまでにデータを蓄積しておくインターバル(例: 1hour, 1minutes)


[Time Range]

・集計対象とする範囲。(例:24hour, 60minutes)

[Time Windowの種類]

(5) Time Window Concept

明確な基点がある 日や月をまたぐとリセット 直近24時間など、現在を基点にし続ける

Map Reduce and Stream Processing

(5) Incremental Processing[Incremental processing]


・Range Valueが更新された時点、つまりWindowが動いた時点で、古くて不要なSlide(のデータ)をアンマージする

New Range Value

Slice Value


mapper mapper mapper



Old Range Value

(5) Incremental Processing[例]

・24 hour sliding widow model

・Range = 24, Slide = 1

・直近24時間の”hit rate”を算出 i.e. (total hits) / 24

# Call at each hit record

map(k1, hitRecord) {

site =

# 特定のkey(=site)からsliceを調べる

slice = lookupSlice(site)

if (slice.time - now > 60.minutes) {

# Notify reducer whole slice of site is sent

advance(site, slice)

slice = lookupSlice(site)


emitIntermediate(site, slice, 1)


(5) Incremental Processing

Map Reduce and Stream Processing

combine(site, slice, countList) {

hitCount = 0

for count in countList {

hitCount += count


# Send the message to the downstream node

emitIntermediate(site, slice, hitCount)


(5) Incremental processing

Map Reduce and Stream Processing

# 全てのmapperのsliceを受け取った時点で実行

reduce(site, slice, countList) {

hitCount = 0

for count in countList {

hitCount += count


sv =

sv.hitCount = hitCount

return sv


(5) Incremental processing

Map Reduce and Stream Processing

# Windowの境界が移動した時 init(slice) {

rangeValue =

rangeValue.hitCount = 0

return rangeValue


# Reduce処理が完了する度に merge(rangeValue, slice, sliceValue) {

rangeValue.hitCount += sliceValue.hitCount


# あるslice がslicing windowから外れたときに unmerge(rangeValue, slice, sliceValue) {

rangeValue.hitCount -= sliceValue.hitCount

} Map Reduce and Stream Processing

(5) In-situ Map Reduce・SynopticSystemsLab が論文で紹介:

・In-situ MapReduce for Log Processing


・In-Network Data Processing

・Lossy Map Reduce Processing

・Continuous Map Reduce

- Window Processing With Panel


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SIGMOD Record, Vol. 34, No. 1, March 2005 39

No Pane, No Gain: Efficient Evaluation of Sliding-WindowAggregates over Data Streams

(6) Join[Join]

・General reducer-side join

・Optimized reducer-side join

・Map-side partition join

・Map-side partition merge join

・Memcache join


5. 応用編について

応用編について[次回予告]: 以下の内容の中でいくつか…

・Map Reduce for 機械学習、グラフ、行列演算


・場合によってはMap Reduce が非効率なことを示し、BSPなどの他の計算モデルを紹介、比較

・In-situ Map Reduce の詳しい紹介

・Dryad の紹介

Map Reduce for Classifier

A Comparison of Approaches for Large-Scale Data Mining

Figure 2: MapReduce Classifier Training and Evaluation Procedure

Table 1: Numbers of HTML Pages from Eight Categories.

Category Art Business Computer Game Health Home Science Society

Number 176, 340 188, 100 88, 830 39, 560 43, 680 22, 281 85, 197 81, 620

Table 2: Data mining accuracy of Hadoop approach.

Category Round1 Round2 Round3 Round4 Round5 Round6 Round7 Round8 Round9 Round10

Art 80.09% 80.12% 81.18% 80.31% 80.20% 80.17% 80.86% 79.70% 79.79% 80.06%Business 55.82% 58.43% 53.77% 57.30% 57.13% 59.62% 54.98% 58.36% 59.15% 57.98%Computer 82.37% 81.93% 82.88% 82.68% 82.48% 82.18% 82.81% 82.22% 81.69% 82.14%Game 78.83% 78.84% 76.86% 77.70% 78.45% 78.94% 78.17% 79.78% 78.49% 79.02%Health 78.77% 80.49% 79.68% 80.42% 79.95% 80.33% 79.76% 79.71% 80.14% 81.27%Home 68.01% 66.78% 67.97% 66.41% 67.16% 67.12% 67.49% 67.13% 66.16% 67.44%Science 48.47% 50.64% 49.98% 50.19% 49.26% 47.89% 48.34% 49.32% 49.62% 48.53%Society 63.07% 61.00% 61.10% 61.62% 61.77% 61.50% 61.92% 62.16% 62.16% 61.39%
