(Mano Chao)

Post on 02-Feb-2016

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Transcript of (Mano Chao)


Jeg går alene med min sorgMin straff er ensom

Min skjebne er å løpe for å lure lovenFortapt i hjertet

av Babylon

De kaller meg den skjultesiden jeg ikke har papirer

Til en by i Norddro jeg for å jobbeJeg forlot livet mitt

mellom Ceuta og GibraltarJeg er en strømning i havet

Et spøkelse i byenMitt liv er forbudt

sier myndighetene

(Mano Chao)


De kaller meg den forsvunne,Som når jeg kommer, alt har dratt

Jeg flyr når jeg kommer, jeg flyr når jeg drarNår de leter etter meg, er jeg der aldri

Når de finner meg, er jeg ikke den som står der for jeg har allerede dratt videre bortover der

De kaller meg den forsvunne, et spøkelse som aldri er der

De kaller meg den utakknemlige, men det er ikke santJeg har en smerte i kroppen som ikke lar meg pusteJeg har en dom i kroppen: Jeg må alltid løpe videre

(Manu Chao)

De usynlige-en konferanse om papirløse migranter

Trygve G. Nordby, Norges Røde Kors

Sturla Stålsett, Kirkens Bymisjon

• Hva vet vi om situasjonen i Norge i dag; hvem er de papirløse migrantene; behov, dilemmaer og rettigheter?

Per Kristian AaleJournalist Aftenposten

• Historiene bak; noen historier om papirløse migranter; hvordan lever de og hvilke problemer møter de?

• Bakgrunnen for Aftenpostens serie om papirløse migranter; hva var målet og tanken bak?

Charlotta Arwidsson, Sveriges Røde Kors

• Erfaringer og dilemmaer man møter i arbeidet med papirløse migranter i Sverige. Fokus på helse.


Jeg går alene med min sorgMin straff er ensom

Min skjebne er å løpe for å lure lovenFortapt i hjertet

av Babylon

De kaller meg den skjultesiden jeg ikke har papirer

Til en by i Norddro jeg for å jobbeJeg forlot livet mitt

mellom Ceuta og GibraltarJeg er en strømning i havet

Et spøkelse i byenMitt liv er forbudt

sier myndighetene

(Mano Chao)


De kaller meg den forsvunne,Som når jeg kommer, alt har dratt

Jeg flyr når jeg kommer, jeg flyr når jeg drarNår de leter etter meg, er jeg der aldri

Når de finner meg, er jeg ikke den som står der for jeg har allerede dratt videre bortover der

De kaller meg den forsvunne, et spøkelse som aldri er der

De kaller meg den utakknemlige, men det er ikke santJeg har en smerte i kroppen som ikke lar meg pusteJeg har en dom i kroppen: Jeg må alltid løpe videre

(Manu Chao)

Marjan Mensinga, Lampion

• Informasjonsarbeid rettet mot papirløse migranter i Nederland. Fokus på informasjonsspredning og rettigheter


Health care for undocumented migrants

Linkage act and undocumented migrants

• Undocumented Migrants are not entitled to social security services as:

• Social housing

• Social (financial) support

• Health insurance

• All those rights are linked to a permit to stay

Exception to the act

• Education of school-age children (till 18 yrs)

• Legal aid

• Necessary Medical care

• Healthcare to prevent infectious diseases and some psychiatric symptoms (to prevent suicide or endangering others)

Necessary Medical Care

• Doctors are bound by the Hippocratic oath, rules of conduct, and legislation to offer qualitative care.

Who is paying the doctor

The Undocumented Migrant

if it’s not possible for him:

The Linkage funds.

The linkage funds

• Created by the Dutch government for the treatment of undocumented migrants by the regular healthcare organisations.

• It only compensates the costs of caregivers of primary healthcare such as general practioners, midwives, pharmacies and dentists

Doubtful debtors

• General hospitals, psychiatric care and nursing homes are not compensated for the given care. They have created an account for doubtful debtors.


• Set up by a number of national organisations.

• Started in 2004

• It’s a national information and advisory service (helpdesk and website www.lampion.info) for the healthcare of undocumented migrants

The members of the platform at Lampion

• National Mental Health organisation• National Primary Healthcare organisation• General Practioners Association• Sexual Transmitted Diseases/Aids organisation• Dutch Council for Refugees• The Linkage Funds• The Tuberculoses Organisation

The website

Gives information about:

• Linkage funds

• Admission to healthcare for undocumented migrants

• Housing for undocumented migrants

• Duty for doctors and other care givers to provide help

• Obstetric care

• The rights to healthcare for undocumented migrants

• All kind of relevant articles about this subject

The Helpdesk

Frequently asked questions

In 2007

• Who pay’s the bill of the doctor (dentist, midwife, hospital). (128)

• General health care information regarding undocumented migrants (82)

• Possibilities for healthcare (68)

• Juridical procedures (52)

• Access to hospitals (49)

• Housing (35)

• (Not) paying the bill of the doctor (midwife, dentist, hospital) (33)

• Possibility for an insurance (14)

• Access to psychiatric hospitals and nursing homes (12)

• What is necessary medical care (4)

Who is asking the questions

Divided into

Care givers/hospitals and others

Care givers/hospitals

• General hospital 23

• Mental health care 21

• Other healthcare 21

• Social Work 14

• General Practioner 13

• Youth care 9

• Midwives 6

• Social reception centre 5

• Dentist 3

• Total 110


• Family/friends 118

• Organisations for UM 43

• Students/research worker 23

• UM himself 21

• Legal aid 13

• Churches 6

• Schools 6

• Prison 5

• Debt collecting agency 4

• Media 3

• Authorities 2

• Others 2

• Subtotal Others 246

• Subtotal Caregivers/hospitals 110

• Total who asked questions 356


• Men 104

• Women 136

• Children 49

• Unknown 34

• Total 323

• Pregnant women 41

• UM with HIV/Aids 13

Undocumented Children

• The questions were about 43 children

• 2 girls were pregnant

• 4 times the doctor suspected child abuse

• 2 times an undocumented child with a chronic disease would soon be 18 years old and were to leave the Netherlands, but could not be send away.

Case 1

• Father/mother are legally in the Netherlands. Baby was born in the hospital. He was not yet legal. When the baby was 2 months old, he got the bill from the hospital because he was born there. When he was 4 months old, he got an official permit to stay and he was insured with his mother.

• What do we have to do with the bill?

Case 2

• An UM calls from the prison. He is there because he is illegally in the Netherlands and the next day he will be released. He has diabetes and high blood pressure. Were can he find any help and, more importantly, medication.

• Can Lampion help him?

Case 3

• The social worker of a hospital calls. Her client needs follow-up care. Can he see a doctor and who is paying the bill?

Case 4

• A mother with 4 young children. They live in a church. She is depressive and can’t take care of her children.

• The volunteer of the church wants to know what to do.

Sanna Vestin, Redda Barnen

• Problemstillinger og erfaringer i arbeid med hjelpetelefon for barn uten oppholdstillatelse i Sverige

Jon Ole Martinsen, Seif Reidar Hjermann, Barneombudet

Ragnhild Magelssen, Avd. for migrasjonshelse, Oslo Kommune

Sverre Varvin, Nasjonalt Kunnskapssenter for vold og traumatisk stress

Morten Tjessem, NoasTrygve G. Nordby, Norges Røde Kors

Sturla Stålsett, Kirkens Bymisjon

• Hva kan vi gjøre i arbeidet videre med papirløse migranter i Norge?