Mandatory Reporting - Conclusions

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Mandatory Reporting – Conclusions

by Peter Garsden of

QualitySolicitors Abney Garsden

President of ACAL (Association of ChildAbuse Lawyers)

Global StatisticsChild Protection in Developed and developing nations

A recent survey1 of 62 nations involved 33 developed nations, and 29 developing nations. The survey found, overall, that:

• 81.8% of the developed nations had some form of mandatory reporting; • 78.6% of the developing nations had some form of mandatory reporting; • Combined, 80.3% of the nations participating had some form of mandatory reporting.

By region, some form of mandatory reporting is present in:

• 90% of the nations in the Americas; • 86.4% of the nations in Europe; • 77.8% of the nations in Africa; • 72.2% of the nations in Asia.

¹Daro, D, (ed), World Perspectives on Child Abuse, 7th ed, International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Chicago, 2006, p 26.

How Effective was it in New South Wales, Australia

Who recommends this change?• Liberal Party – in their manifesto• Labour Party – also in their manifesto.• Keir Starmer QC, MP• HMRC Report into Jimmy Savile• Stoke Mandeville Savile Report• Mandate Now Campaign Group• The Catholic Church• The Church of England• The NSPCC in a much diluted form with which

we don’t agree• The Serious Case Review into Daniel Pelka

Other Mandatory Reporting law

• Money Laundering• Financial Services Industry• Health and Safety Legislation

Conclusions• Save the cost of supporting abuse victims and

ruined lives• Limit the change to staff working with children in

regulated activities• Stop abuse before the paedophile takes hold• Better reporting for staff and protection• Training• Guidelines don’t work• It is the law in most other countries• Mandatory Reporting law differs world wide• Protect children at what price?

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