MALKO - Koncerthuset

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Transcript of MALKO - Koncerthuset

18. Malko KonkurrenceDR SymfoniOrkestret20.– 27. april 2018



DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 2

DR Koncerthuset Koncertsalen The Concert Hall in DR Koncerthuset DR SymfoniOrkestret Danish National Symphony Orchestra Solist 3. runde/Soloist 3rd round Andreas Brantelid cello Koncertmestre/Concertmasters Soo-Jin Hong & Christina Åstrand Scenevært/Presentation Rie Koch & Mathias Hammer (Kun finale/Only Finale)

Styregruppe 2018/The Board 2018: Mikael Beier, Generalsekretær/Secretary-General Gert Herzberg, Generalsekretær Emeritus/Secretary-General Emeritus René Mathiesen Per Nørby Caitríona Yeats Kim Bohr Tatjana Kandel

Malko Konkurrencen er støttet af/ Malko Competition is supported by Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond Augustinus Fonden Beckett-Fonden, som har doneret 1. prisen/ which has donated the 1st Prize

Chef for DR Kor & Orkestre: Kim BohrRepertoirechef: Tatjana Kandel Projektleder: Marie RørbechProducent: Henrik Overgaard Kristensen

Producer: Morten MogensenMusikteknik: Mikkel Nymand Produktionsleder: Jakob Helmer Mørck PR & kommunikation: Cecilie Rosenmeier

Redaktion & korrektur: Helle Kristensen Forsidefoto: Per Morten AbrahamsenDesign: E-Types & DR DesignTryk: Trykportalen ApS


ÅBNINGSKONCERT/Opening Concert Fredag 20. april kl. 19.30/Friday April 20th 7.30 pm

1. RUNDE, 1. DEL/1st round, part 1 Søndag 22. april kl. 10.30 - 16.30/Sunday April 22nd 10.30 am - 4.30 pm 12 kandidater/12 candidates 1. RUNDE, 2. DEL/1st round, part 2 Mandag 23. april kl. 10.00 - 16.00/Monday April 23rd 10 am - 4 pm 12 kandidater/12 candidates 2. RUNDE/2nd round Tirsdag 24. april kl. 10.00 - 16.00/Tuesday April 24th 10 am - 4 pm 12 kandidater/12 candidates 3. RUNDE/3rd round Onsdag 25. april kl. 10.00 - 15.45/Wednesday April 25th 10 am - 3.45 pm 6 kandidater/6 candidates

JURYENS AFGØRELSE/The Jury s decision Mandag - tirsdag kl. 17.30/Monday - Tuesday 5.30 pm Onsdag kl. 17.00/Wednesday 5 pm

FINALE Fredag 27 april kl. 18.30 - 21.30/Friday April 27th 6.30 pm - 9.30 pm #malko2018

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Oboe Concerto, D major (1945)

ANTON BRUCKNER (1824-1896)

Symphony No. 7, E major (1881-83)

Allegro moderato



Allegro moderato

Adagio. Sehr feierlich und sehr langsam

Scherzo. Sehr schnell

Finale. Bewegt, doch nicht schnell

Varighed/Duration: ca. 25’

Varighed/Duration: ca. 64´

PAUSE/Interval (30’) ca. 20.00/8 pm








MALKO COMPETITION 2018 Åbningskoncert/Opening Concert


DR Koncerthuset, koncertsalenThe Concert Hall in DR Koncerthuset

Fredag 20. april kl. 19.30Friday April 20th at 7.30 pm

DR SymfoniOrkestretDanish National Symphony Orchestra

Dirigent/Conductor:Fabio Luisi

Solist/Soloist:Eva Steinaa, obo/oboe

Koncertmester/Concertmaster:Johannes Søe Hansen

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 4MALKO COMPETITION 2018Velkomst

Velkommen til den 18. udgave af DR SymfoniOrkestrets internationale Malko Konkurrence.

Det er altid en fascinerende oplevelse for os i orkestret at opleve den særlige energi, som de unge Malko-deltagere bringer med sig ind på podiet her i Koncertsalen. Det er de unge dirigenter, der skal bære den klassiske musik ind i fremtiden, og vi musikere brænder alle for at give dem de allerbedste betingelser – og ikke mindst for at finde den helt rigtige vinder af konkurrencen.

Det er en stor glæde og stolthed for os i DR SymfoniOrkestret, at vores chefdirigent Fabio Luisi er gået helhjertet ind i arbejdet med Malko Konkurrencen, hvor han for første gang vil være juryformand og personlig mentor for konkurrencens vinder. Vi er sikre på, at Luisi med sin dybe musikalitet og store internationale erfaring vil være den bedst tænkelige vejleder for det unge talent, der som del af førsteprisen vinder kontrakter med 25 orkestre fra hele verden.

Vi oplever i år en international bevågenhed omkring Malko Konkurrencen, som er uden sidestykke i konkurrencens historie. Takket være nye medie- og streaming-aftaler med verdens førende musiktidsskrift Gramophone og Medici TV når konkurrencen i år ikke blot ud til alle danskere via DR’s kanaler, men også til hundredtusindvis af musikelskere verden over. Det er klart, at det giver en særlig spænding for både orkester og deltagere at vide, at så mange følger deres mindste bevægelser.

Intet slår dog den særlige magi, som opstår i rummet, når stærke musikalske persolig-heder indtager podiet foran 100 dybt koncentrerede musikere. Vi er glade og taknem-melige for, at I som publikum har valgt at opleve Malko Konkurrencen ’live’ her i DR Koncerthuset. Det betyder alt for de medvirkende på scenen at musikken kan få liv og nærvær foran et rigtigt, levende publikum.

Til sidst vil vi gerne fra DR SymfoniOrkestrets side sige en varm tak til Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Augustinus Fonden og Beckett-Fonden. Uden deres generøse støtte ville vi ikke have kunnet løfte det store arbejde, der ligger bag Malko Konkurrencen 2018.

God fornøjelse!


DR SymfoniOrkestret

Mikael Beier Generalsekretær for Malko Konkurrencen

Kim BohrChef for DR Kor & Orkestre

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 5MALKO COMPETITION 2018 Welcome

Welcome to the eighteenth edition of the Danish National Symphony Orchestra’s interna-tional Malko Competition.

It is always a fascinating experience for us in the orchestra to feel the special energy that the young Malko competitors bring with them to the podium here in the concert hall. The young conductors are the ones who will be carrying classical music into the future, and we musicians all fervently wish to give them the very best conditions – and not least to find the absolutely right winner of the Competition.

It is a great source of pleasure and pride for us in the Danish National Symphony Orchestra that our chief conductor Fabio Luisi has entered wholeheartedly into the work with the Malko Competition, where for the first time he will be chairman of the jury and personal mentor for the winner of the Competition. We are sure that Luisi, with his pro-found musicality and great international experience, will be the best conceivable guide for the young talent who, as part of the First Prize, will win contracts with 25 orchestras from all over the world.

This year we are experiencing a heightened international awareness of the Malko Competition that is unparalleled in the history of the Competition. Thanks to the new media and streaming agreements with the world’s leading music magazine Gramophone and Medici TV, this year the Competition will reach not only all Danes via DR’s channels, but also hundreds of thousands of music lovers all over the world. Obviously it means a special level of excitement for both orchestra and competitors to know that so many are following their every move.

There is nothing to beat the special magic that arises in the hall when powerful musical personalities take the podium in front of 100 deeply concentrated musicians. We are happy and grateful that you, as the audience, have chosen to experience the Malko Competition live here in the DR Concert Hall. It means everything for the participants on stage that the music can be given life and presence in front of a real, living audience.

Finally, we of the Danish National Symphony Orchestras would like to express our warm thanks to the foundations Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Augustinus Fonden and Beckett-Fonden. Without their generous support, we would not have been able to bear the huge burden of work that lies behind the Malko Competition 2018.



The Danish National Symphony Orchestra

Mikael Beier Secretary-General for the Malko Competition

Kim BohrChef for DR Kor & Orkestre

Kim BohrChief Executive and Artistic Adviser, Danish National Choir & Orchestras

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 6

• KONCERTENGAGEMENTER MED FØLGENDE ORKESTRE/Contracts with the following orchestras: Danish National Symphony OrchestraPhilharmonia ZurichRAI National Symphony OrchestraOpera di FirenzeOrquestra de CadaquésOrquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y LeónNational Arts Centre OrchestraChina NCPA OrchestraSuzhou Symphony OrchestraIceland Symphony OrchestraHelsinki Philharmonic OrchestraThe Norwegian Radio OrchestraOslo Philharmonic

2. PRIS/2nd Prize: 15.000 €3. PRIS/3rd Prize: 12.000 €

Publikumspris/Audience PrizeBørnejurypris/Children’s Jury Prize

KONKURRENCEN FØLGES AF OBSERVATØRER FRA/The competition will be followed by observers from: Vienna PhilharmonicBerlin PhilharmonicBBC Symphony OrchestraBBC Philharmonic

20.000€Fabio Luisi som personlig mentor i en periode på tre år/Fabio Luisi as personal mentor for a period of three yearsKarrierevejledning i et år frem af den britiske musikkonsulent Jennifer Spencer/ Advice and support for a period of one year from musical consultant, Jennifer Spencer, U.K.En videoproduktion med DR SymfoniOrkestret/The opportunity to conduct the Danish National Symphony Orchestra in an audiovisual studio-productionEn fotooptagelse med den danske fotograf Per Morten Abrahamsen/A photo session with the Danish photographer Per Morten Abrahamsen


Arctic PhilharmonicGothenburg Symphony OrchestraRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic OrchestraGävle Symphony OrchestraMalmö Symphony OrchestraJönköpings SinfoniettaSwedish Chamber OrchestraTapiola SinfoniettaTurku Philharmonic OrchestraTivoli Copenhagen PhilSouth Jutland Symphony OrchestraAalborg Symphony OrchestraHelsingborg Symphony Orchestra



Munich PhilharmonicMalmö Symphony OrchestraRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

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Die Zauberflöte (1791), OvertureDie Entführung aus dem Serail (1782), OvertureSymphony No. 7 (1812), 1st movementSymphony No. 9 (1824), 3rd movement Symphony No. 6 (1893)Symphony No. 1 (1889)Symphony No. 4 (1841)

Sarabande Blues (2018, uropførelse/World Premiere) Lohengrin (1848), Prelude to Act IDer Freischütz (1821), OvertureLa forza del destino (1862), OvertureCello Concerto (1895), 1st movement

Symphony No. 1 (1876), 1st movementSymphony No. 2 (1877), 1st movementSymphony No. 4 (1885), 1st movementMaskarade (1906), Hanedans (Dance of the Cockerel)

1. RUNDE/1st round Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): 2. RUNDE/2nd round Peter Tjajkovskij (1840-1893): Gustav Mahler (1860-1911): Robert Schumann (1810-1856): 3. RUNDE/3rd round Poul Ruders (b. 1949): Richard Wagner (1813-1883): Carl Maria von Weber (1766-1826): Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901): Antoín Dvořák (1841-1904): FINALE Johannes Brahms (1833-1897): Carl Nielsen (1865-1931):

Arctic PhilharmonicGothenburg Symphony OrchestraRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic OrchestraGävle Symphony OrchestraMalmö Symphony OrchestraJönköpings SinfoniettaSwedish Chamber OrchestraTapiola SinfoniettaTurku Philharmonic OrchestraTivoli Copenhagen PhilSouth Jutland Symphony OrchestraAalborg Symphony OrchestraHelsingborg Symphony Orchestra



Munich PhilharmonicMalmö Symphony OrchestraRoyal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra

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Alexey Mikhaylenko kommer fra en russisk musikerfamilie, og er selv uddannet klarinettist fra Tjajkovskij Konservatoriet i Moskva og Norges Musikkhøgskole i Oslo. Han har vundet priser i adskillige klarinet- og kammermusikkonkurrencer i Rusland og Europa, og siden 2013 har han boet i Wien, hvor han nu stu-derer orkesterdirektion på Universität für Musik und Darstellende Kunst. Alexey Mikhaylenko har dirigeret orkestre som George Enescu Filharmoniske Orkester, Wiener Ensemble, Det Baltiske Filharmoniske Orkester og Vyatka Symfonikerne.

Alexey Mikhaylenko comes from a Russian musical family. He trained as a clarinettist at the Moscow State Conservatory and the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo. He has won prizes in several clarinet and chamber music competitions in Russia and Europe, and since 2013 he has lived in Vienna, where he is now studying orchestral conducting at the University of Music and Performing Arts. Alexey Mikhaylenko has conducted orchestras such as the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra, the Vienna Ensemble, the Baltic Sea Philharmonic and the Vyatka Symphony Orchestra.

Violinist, bratschist og nu også dirigent – Alessandro Bonato er kun 23, men har allerede en strålende karriere som musiker i sit hjemland Italien. Han debuterede som dirigent ved indvielsen af sæsonen på Konservatoriet i Verona som kun 19-årig i 2013, og har bl.a. dirigeret Tryllefløjten på Muscat Kongelige Opera med Omans Kongelige Symfoniorkester.

Violinist, violist and now also orchestral conductor, Alessandro Bonato is only 23, but already has a brilliant career as a musician in his native Italy. In 2013 he made his conducting debut at the age of just 19 at the inauguration of the Music Conservatory in Verona, and has conducted among other works The Magic Flute at the Muscat Royal Opera with the Oman Royal Symphony Orchestra.


• 31 år/age 31


• 23 år/age 23

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Andris Rasmanis er fra Letland, men har i dag base i Wien. Andris har dirigeret orkestre som Radio France Orkestret, Konzerthaus Orkestret i Berlin, Wiens Radioorkester, Hollands Filharmoniske Orkester og Det Lettiske Nationalorkester.De seneste år har Andris Rasmanis assisteret for den store ungarske dirigent Iván Fischer (bror til Ádám Fischer) samt Cornelius Meister og Vladimir Kiradiev i både koncert- og operaproduktioner.

Andris Rasmanis is from Latvia, but is today based in Vienna. Andris has conducted orchestras such as the Radio France Orchestra, the Konzerthaus Orchestra in Berlin, the Vienna Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Netherlands Philharmonic and the Latvian National Orchestra. For the past few years Andris Rasmanis has been assistant to the great Hungarian conductor Iván Fischer (brother of Ádám Fischer), Cornelius Meister and Vladimir Kiradiev on both concert and opera productions.

Anna Rakitina på 28 år er en af Malko Konkurrencens fire russiske deltagere. Hun er i de seneste år nået frem til finalen i flere andre dirigentkonkurrencencer, bl.a. Deutscher Dirigenten-preis, hvor hun sidste år vandt 3. prisen, og den internationale TCO Dirigentkonkurrence i Taiwan i 2015. Som en af de yngste deltagere var Anna med i Malko Konkurrencen 2015, hvor hun nåede til 2. runde. Anna Rakitina har bl.a. dirigeret Köln Filharmonikerne, WDR Symfonikerne, Lucerne Festival Strings og Hamborg Symfonikerne. Desuden har hun skrevet Ph.D.- afhandling om komponisten Sergej Rakhmaninov.

Anna Rakitina is 28 and is one of the Malko Competition’s four Russian participants. In recent years she has reached the finale in several other conducting competitions including the Deutscher Dirigentenpreis, in which she won Third Prize last year, and the international TCO Conducting Competition in Taiwan in 2015. As one of the youngest competitors Anna was in the Malko Competition in 2015, when she reached the second round. Anna Rakitina has conducted among other ensembles the Cologne Philharmonic, the WDR Symphony Orchestra, Lucerne Festival Strings and the Hamburg Symphony Orchestra. She has also written a Ph.D. on the composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.


• 33 år/age 33

ANNA RAKITINA• Rusland/Russia• 28 år/age 28

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Antoine Glatard er lidt af en ekspert i at dirigere opera. Ud over at have stået i spidsen for et hav af franske operaopsætnin-ger vandt han sidste år 3. prisen i Liège Internationale Konkur-rence for Operadirigenter. Men Antoine Glatard er også stærk foran et ‘rent’ symfoniorkester – han har vundet både 2. pris og juryens specialpris i dirigentkonkurrencen Jeunesses Musicales i Bucharest, og så sent som i januar 2018 vandt han 2. prisen i den nystartede Hong Kong Internationale Dirigentkonkurrence.Siden 2015 har Antoine Glatard været fast dirigent for orkestret Orchestre de Jeunes de l’Académie de l’Orchestre National i Lyon.

Antoine Glatard is something of an expert in opera conducting. Besides heading a wealth of French opera productions, last year he won Third Prize in the Liège International Competition for Opera Conductors. But Antoine Glatard is also strong in front of a ’pure’ symphony orchestra – he has won both Second Prize and the Jury’s Special Prize in the conductors’ competition Jeunesses Musicales in Bucharest, and as recently as January 2018 he won Second Prize in the newly-established Hong Kong International Conductors’ Competition. Since 2015 Antoine Glatard has been a regular conductor of the Orchestre de Jeunes de l’Académie de l’Orchestre National de Lyon.

Anton Holmer er den eneste skandinaviske deltager i Malko Konkurrencen 2018. Han er i færd med at færdiggøre sine dirigentstudier på universitetet i Stuttgart, hvorfra han også har eksamen i orgelspil. Som organist er Anton Holmer ekspert i kirke- og kormusik, men gennem studietiden er han også blevet en erfaren orkesterdirigent, der har ledet flere sydtyske orkestre; fx Stuttgart Kammerorkester, Stuttgart Filharmonikerne og Würt-temberg Filharmonikerne i Reutlingen.

Anton Holmer is the only Scandinavian competitor in the Malko Competition 2018. He is in the process of concluding his conduc-ting studies at the University of Stuttgart, from which he also has a diploma in organ playing. As an organist Anton Holmer is an expert in sacred and choral music, but in the course of his studies he has also become an experienced orchestral conductor who had headed several southern German orchestras, for example the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra, the Stuttgart Philharmonic and the Württemberg Philharmonic in Reutlingen.

ANTOINE GLATARD• Frankrig/France

• 33 år/age 33

ANTON HOLMER• Sverige/Sweden• 27 år/age 27

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Anton Torbeev er uddannet i Sankt Petersborg, og han debu-terede som operadirigent ved Sankt Petersborg Operaen med en opsætning af Tjajkovskijs opera Iolanta. I dag er han fast dirigent for Marinskij Teatrets scene Primosky i Vladivostok.Anton har bl.a. dirigeret det Rumænske Radiosymfoniorkester, Lucerne Festival Strings i Schweiz, Pacific Music Festival Orchestra i Japan, Salzburg Kammersolister, Szombathely Sym-foniorkestret i Ungarn og Volgograd Symfonikerne i Rusland.

Anton Torbeev trained in St. Petersburg, and made his debut as an opera conductor at the St. Petersburg Opera with a production of Tchaikovsky’s opera Iolanta. Today he regularly conducts for the Marinsky Theatre’s Primosky stage in Vladivostok. Anton has conducted among other ensembles the Romanian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Lucerne Festival Strings in Switzerland, the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra in Japan, the Salzburg Chamber Soloists, the Szombathely Symphony Orchestra in Hungary and the Volgograd Symphony Orchestra in Russia.

Hvis Conner Gray Covington virker bekendt, kan det være fordi man har oplevet ham i Malko Konkurrencen i 2012, hvor han som den yngste deltager dirigerede sig helt frem til 3. runde.Siden dengang har Conner fået endnu større erfaring som orkesterdirigent, bl.a. som assisterende dirigent for Utah Symfo-niorkester og som gæstedirigent for symfoniorkestrene i St. Louis og Virginia. Han har også assisteret hos bl.a. Philadelphia Orkestret, Los Angeles Filharmonikerne, Pittsburgh Symfonikerne, Atlanta Symfonikerne og Kansas City Symfonikerne.

Conner Gray Covington was a participant in the 2012 Malko Competition, where as the youngest competitor he made it to the third round. Since then Conner has gained even more experien-ce as an orchestral conductor, among other ways as Assistant Conductor of the Utah Symphony Orchestra, and as Guest Conductor of the symphony orchestras in St. Louis and Virginia. He has also assisted with the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Kansas City Symphony Orchestra.

ANTON TORBEEV• Rusland/Russia

• 32 år/age 32


MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Farkhad Khudyev var sidste år prisvinder i Den Internationale Sir Georg Solti Dirigentkonkurrence. Farkhad er født i Turkmen-istan, hvor han lærte at komponere og spille violin og klaver, men flyttede som 16-årig til USA. Han har dirigeret London Philharmonic Orchestra, Frankfurt Radioorkester, Frankfurt Opera Orkester, Monterey og Yale Symfoniorkestre m.fl. Farkhad Khudyev er chefdirigent for Hidden Valley Orchestra Institute og Youth Music Monterey County i Californien.

Last year Farkhad Khudyev was a prizewinner in the 2017 International Sir Georg Solti Conducting Competition in Germany. Farkhad was born in Turkmenistan, where he learned to compose and to play violin and piano, but moved at the age of 16 to the USA. He has worked with the London Philharmonic, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Frankfurt Opera Orchestra, the Monterey and Yale Symphony Orchestras, among others. Farkhad Khudyev is music director of the Hidden Valley Orchestra Institute and Youth Music Monterey County in California.

Gonzalo Farias fra Chile er ikke bare en ung og lovende dirigent, men samtidig en prisvindende koncertpianist, som bl.a. er løbet med 1. prisen i den prestigefyldte Internationale Claudio Arrau Klaverkonkurrence. Gonzalo Farias har studeret orkesterdirektion på universitetet i Illinois, og har været chef-dirigent for Joliet Symfonikerne. For tiden er han assisterende dirigent for orkestret Occasional Symphony i Baltimore. Ved siden af musikken har Gonzalo Farias en flot universitets-karriere, og har skrevet Ph.D. afhandling med titlen Logical Predictions and Cybernetics.

Gonzalo Farias from Chile is not only a young, promising conduc-tor; he is also a prizewinning concert pianist who among other achievements took First Prize in the prestigious international Claudio Arrau Piano Compe¬tition. Gonzalo Farias studied orchestral con-ducting at the University of Illinois, and has been chief conductor of the Joliet Symphony Orchestra. At present he is an assistant conduc-tor of the Occasional Symphony Orchestra in Baltimore. Alongside his music Gonzalo Farias has an impressive academic career and has written a Ph.D. entitled Logical Predictions and Cybernetics.


• 32 år/age 32

GONZALO FARIAS• Chile• 34 år/age 34

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Hee-Beom Jeon var kvartfinalist i den Internationale dirigent-konkurrence i Besancon i 2017. Han har studeret tværfløjte på Musikkonservatoriet i Graz, hvor han også ofte dirigerede blæserensemblet og byens universitetskor. Hee-Beom har dirigeret Bartók Festival Orkestret i Ungarn, Moraviens Filharmoniske Orkester i Tjekkiet og Gstaad Festival Orkester i Schweiz i forbindelse med deltagelse i master classes.

Hee-Beom Jeon was a quarter-finalist in the International Competition for Young Conductors in Besancon in 2017. He studied the flute at the Music Conservatory in Graz, where he has often also conducted the Wind Ensemble and the city’s University Choir. Hee-Beom has conducted the Bartók Festival Orchestra in Hungary, the Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra in the Czech Republic and the Gstaad Festival Orchestra in Switzerland in connection with participation in master classes.

Gurgen Petrosyan kommer fra en lille by nær Kaukasus-bjergene, og begyndte sin uddannelse og karriere som kor- dirigent. Nu er han i gang med en strålende karriere som orkesterdirigent – blandt andet blev han i januar 2018 udvalgt blandt 300 ansøgere til at deltage i den nystartede Hong Kong Internationale Dirigentkonkurrence. I 2017 vandt Gurgen Petrosyan Moskva Dirigentkonkurrence, og i den forbindelse er han blevet tilknyttet Moskvas Statssymfoniorkester, som han bl.a. skal dirigere igen i foråret 2018.

Gurgen Petrosyan comes from a small town near the Caucasus Mountains, and began his training and career as a choral conductor. Now he is in progress with a brilliant career as an orchestral conductor. Among other things he was selected from 300 candidates to participate in the newly established Hong Kong International Conducting Competition. In 2017 Gurgen Petrosyan won the Moscow Conducting Competition, and in that connection he has been working with the Moscow State Symphony Orchestra, which he is to conduct again in the spring of 2018.

HEE-BEOM JEON• Sydkorea/South Korea

• 34 år/age 34

GURGEN PETROSYAN• Rusland/Russia• 26 år/age 26

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

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Joel Sandelson er en fremragende cellist, og fik højeste ud-mærkelse ved sin afsluttende eksamen fra Cambridge University. Nu studerer han orkesterledelse på Royal Academy of Music i London, og han har engagementer som dirigent for en række engelske orkestre, bl.a. Orchestra of St John’s, Amadeus Kammer-orkester og Perseus Ensemble. Som cellist har Joel Sandelson spillet mange koncerter i Europa, og i 2013 grundlagde han som kun 19-årig Barbican Chamber Orchestra, som han har dirigeret i adskillige sæsoner.

Joel Sandelson is an outstanding cellist and won a triple-starred First in his finals at the University of Cambridge. Now he is studying orchestral conducting at the Royal Academy of Music in London, and has engagements as a conductor with a number of English orchestras including the Orchestra of St. John’s, the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra and the Perseus Ensemble. As a cellist Joel Sandelson has played many concerts in Europe, and in 2013, at the age of just 19, he founded the Barbican Chamber Orchestra, which he has conducted for several seasons.

JOEL SANDELSON• Storbritannien/United Kingdom

• 24 år/age 24

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

Hossein Pishkar studerede ‘vestlig komposition’ på universitetet i Teheran før han i 2012 kom til Tyskland for at studere på Robert Schumann Universitetet i Düsseldorf. I 2015 kom Hossein med i talentprogrammet Dirigenten Forum des Deutschen Musikrates, og i 2017 vandt han førsteprisen i Deutscher Dirigenten Preis. Gennem sine år i Europa har han dirigeret orkestre som Rumæniens Statsfilharmoniske Orkester, Strassbourg Filharmoni-kerne, Neue Philharmonie Westfallen og Düsseldorfer Symfo-nikerne. Hossein Pishkar har siden han var 4 år spillet tradi-tionel persisk musik, og giver stadig regelmæssigt koncerter som solist på det traditionelle iranske instrument ’tar’.

Hossein Pishkar studied ‘western composition’ at the University of Teheran before coming to Germany in 2012 to study at the Robert Schumann University in Düsseldorf. In 2015 Hossein participated in the talent programme Dirigenten Forum des Deutschen Musikrates, and in 2012 he won First Prize in the Deutscher Dirigenten Preis. During his years in Europe he has conducted orchestras such as The Romanian State Philharmonic, Neue Philharmonie Westfalen and the Düsseldorf Symphony Orchestra. Since the age of 4 Hossein Pishkar has played traditional Persian music, and still gives concerts as a soloist on the traditional Iranian instrument, the ‘tar’.

HOSSEIN PISHKAR• Iran• 29 år/age 29

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Nathan Aspinall er assisterende dirigent for Jacksonville Symfoniorkester. Han har studeret horn og orkesterledelse på universitetet i Queensland og orkesterdirektion på New England Konservatoriet i Boston. Nathan har dirigeret koncerter med symfoniorkestrene i Sydney, Adelaide, Queensland og Tasmanien, og er meget aktiv i musikpædagogiske projekter og såkaldt outreach-aktiviteter, der skal åbne den klassiske musik for et nyt publikum.

Nathan Aspinall is an assistant conductor of the Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra. He has studied French horn and conducting at the University of Queensland and orchestral conducting at the New England Conservatory in Boston. Nathan has conducted concerts with the symphony orchestras in Sydney, Adelaide, Queensland and Tasmania, and is highly active in music-teaching projects and so-called outreach activities meant to open up classi-cal music to new audiences.

Kaapo Ijas completed his final exam in conducting at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm after previous studies at the Sibelius Academy and the Zurich University of the Arts. Kaapo was a semifinalist in the Donatella Flick Conducting Competition in 2016 and has also participated in the Cadaqués Competition in Spain. Throughout his life Kaapo Ijas has been very interested in orchestral music, composition, drama – and art and culture in general. Open-mindedness and tolerance of all genres and arts are very important to Kaapo.

Kaapo Ijas tog sin afsluttende dirigenteksamen på Kunglika Musik-högskolan i Stockholm, efter at han havde studeret på Sibelius Akademiet og universitetet i Zürich. Kaapo var semifinalist i London Symphony Orchestras Donatella Flick dirigentkonkurrence i 2016, og har også været med i Cadaques-konkurrencen i Spanien. Hele sit liv har Kaapo Ijas været meget interesseret i orkestermusik, kom-position, drama – og kunst og kultur i det hele taget. Åbenhed og tolerance overfor alle genrer og kunstarter er meget vigtigt for Kaapo.

NATHAN ASPINALL• Australien/Australia

• 28 år/age 28

KAAPO IJAS• Finland• 29 år/age 29

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 16

Rafał Janiak har vundet adskillige priser som komponist, og som dirigent har han bl.a. været semifinalist i London Symphony Orchestra’s anerkendte Donatella Flick dirigentkonkurrence i 2014. Han har grundlagt Camerata Viva Orkestret i Warszava, og er kunstnerisk leder af Chopin Unversitetets Kammerorkester.Rafał har dirigeret Warszava Filharmonikerne, Krakow Filharmonikerne, Det Polske Radioorkester, Baltisk Filharmonisk Orkester – og mange flere.

Rafał Janiak has won several prizes as a composer, and as a conductor was a semifinalist in the London Symphony Orchestra’s well known Donatella Flick Conducting Competition in 2014. He founded the Camerata Viva Orchestra in Warsaw and is artistic director of the Chopin University Chamber Orchestra. Rafał has conducted the Warsaw Philharmonic, the Cracow Philharmonic, the Polish Radio Orchestra, the Baltic Philharmonic and many other orchestras.

RAFAŁ JANIAK• Polen/Poland

• 31 år/age 31

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

Petr Popelka har fået undervisning af en lang række store dirigenter, bl.a. Alan Gilbert, Jaap van Zweden, Peter Eötvös og Paavo og Neeme Järvi. I 2017 modtog han den særlige Neeme Järvi Dirigentpris fra Gstaad Menuhin Festival og Akademi. Oprindeligt er Petr Popelka uddannet som kontrabassist fra Prags Konservatorium, og siden 2010 har han været ansat som solobassist i Det Saksiske Statskapel i Dresden. Han spiller også fremragende klaver, og optræder ofte som pianist i kammer-musikalsk sammenhæng. I 2015 var Petr Popelka huskomponist ved PODIUM festivalen i Østrig.

Petr Popelka has been taught by a wide range of great con-ductors, including Alan Gilbert, Jaap van Zweden, Peter Eötvös and Paavo and Neeme Järvi. In 2017 he was awarded the Neeme Järvi Conducting Prize of the Gstaad Menuhin Festival and Academy. Originally Petr Popolka studied double-bass at the Prague Conservatory, and since 2010 he has been employed as solo bassist of the Sächsiche Staatskapelle Dresden. He also plays excellent piano, and often appears as a pianist in chamber music contexts. In 2015 Peter Popelka was composer-in-residence at the PODIUM Festival in Austria.

PETR POPELKA• Tjekkiet/Czech Republic• 32 år/age 32

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 17

Ryan Bancroft er fra Los Angeles, men bor og arbejder nu i Holland. Han har bl.a. dirigeret Hollands Filharmoniske Orkester, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Prag Symfonikerne og Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Ryan er en passioneret fortolker af ny musik, og har bl.a. assisteret den legendariske franske dirigent og komponist Pierre Boulez i en opførelse af hans opera Sur Incises med Los Angeles Filharmonikerne.

Hailing from Los Angeles, Ryan Bancroft now lives and works in the Netherlands. He has conducted among other ensembles the Netherlands Philharmonic, the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the Prague Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Ryan is a passionate interpreter of contemporary music, and among other things has assisted the legendary conductor and composer Pierre Boulez in a performance of his opera Sur Incises with the Los Angeles Philharmonic.

Roderick Cox er allerede en anerkendt dirigent i USA, og har dirigeret koncerter med symfoniorkestrene i Washington, Detroit, Nashville, Cleveland og Florida. I 2018 har han engagementer med Los Angeles Filharmonikerne, Houston Grand Opera og i 2019 Glimmerglass Festival i New York. Siden 2017 har Roder-ick Cox været assisterende dirigent for Minnesota Orchestra.

Roderick Cox is already a recognized conductor in the USA, and has conducted concerts with the symphony orchestras in Washington, Detroit, Nashville, Cleveland and Florida Orchestra. Upcoming engagements include performances with the LA Philharmonic in 2018, the Houston Grand Opera and in 2019 the Glimmerglass Festival in New York. Since 2017 Roderick Cox has been Assistant Conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra.


• 28 år/age 28

RODERICK COX• USA• 30 år/age 30

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 18

Teddy Poll er født i Pennsylvania og er både komponist og di-rigent. Efter at have afsluttet sine studier i 2016 på det prestige-fyldte Curtis Institute of Music har Teddy Poll dirigeret på bl.a. Glimmerglass Festival i New York, Operaen i Philadelphia og Tanglewood Festival for ny musik. Han har også flere gange dirigeret operaproduktioner på Juilliard School of Music i New York. Fra efteråret 2018 skal Teddy fungere som assisterende dirigent på San Francisco Operaen.

Teddy Poll was born in Pennsylvania and is both a composer and a conductor. After concluding his studies at the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in 2016, Teddy Poll has conducted in among other places the Glimmerglass Festival in New York, the Opera in Philadelphia, and the Tanglewood Festival of Contemporary Music. He has also several times conducted opera productions at the Juilliard School of Music in New York. From the autumn of 2018, he will be working as an assistant conductor at the San Francisco Opera.


• 29 år/age 29

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

Tal Samuel er uddannet bratschist og komponist fra konser-vatorierne i Tel Aviv og Indianapolis. Siden 2015 har hun været assisterende dirigent på Bloomingtons Opera og Ballet i Indiana, og samtidig er hun “conducting fellow” for Indiana-polis Symfonikerne og Chicago Sinfonietta. Tal Samuels seneste engagementer omfatter koncerter med Danubia Orchestra Óbuda, New World Symphony Orchestra, Fort Worth Symfoni-kerne, Cabrillo Music Festival Orchestra, Berlin Sinfonietta, Haifa Symfonikerne, Israels Kammerorkester, Columbus Symfon-ikerne og Bloomington Symfonikerne.

Tal Samuel studied viola and composition at the conservatories of Tel Aviv and Indianapolis. Since 2015 she has been assistant conductor at the Opera and Ballet Theatre in Bloomington, Indiana. At the same time she is a ‘conducting fellow’ with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Sinfonietta. Her most recent conducting engagements include concerts with the Danubia Orchestra Óbuda, the New World Symphony Orchestra, the Berlin Sinfonietta, the Haifa Symphony Orchestra, the Israeli Chamber Orchestra, the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra .

TAL SAMUEL• Israel• 30 år/age 30

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 19

Wilson Ng er en fremragende fløjtenist, der har studeret i bl.a. Paris og Lausanne. Samtidig har Wilson Ng vist sig at have store evner som dirigent, og i 2017 vandt han 2. prisen i Sir Georg Soltis Internationale Dirigentkonkurrence i Frankfurt.Wilson har dirigeret førsteklasses orkestre som Tonhalle-Orkestret i Zürich, Frankfurt Radiosymfoniorkester, WDR Symfoniorkestret i Köln, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra og Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Desuden er han kunstnerisk leder og chefdirigent for Gustav Mahler Orchestra, et orkester-akademi med base i Hong Kong. Wilson har sin master i direk-tion fra Skotland, og har deltaget i masterclasses med Bernard Haitink, David Zinman og John Nelson.

Wilson Ng is an outstanding flautist with studies in among other cities Paris and Lausanne. At the same time Wilson Ng has shown great abilities as a conductor and in 2017 won Second Prize in the Sir Georg Solti International Conductors’ Competition in Frankfurt. He has conducted world-class or-chestras including the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony, Orchestra, the WDR Symphony Orchestra in Cologne, and the Royal Scottish National. Ng is also Artistic Director and Chief Conductor of the Gustav Mahler Orchestra, a Hong Kong based orchestra academy. Wilson received his Master of Arts in Conducting at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, and has been selected for masterclasses with Bernard Haitink, David Zinman and John Nelson, by whom he was picked as assistant conductor.

Vlad Vizireanu er allerede en erfaren dirigent, og han har indenfor de seneste år nået finalen i flere internationale dirigent-konkurrencer. For nylig debuterede han med London Symphony Orchestra i Barbican Hall som en ud af tre finalister i Donatella Flick dirigentkonkurrencen, og i 2014 vandt han 2. pris i den Internationale Cadaqués dirigentkonkurrence i Spanien i 2014.Vlad Vizireanu har studeret hos David Zinman, Kurt Masur og på Lucerne Easter Festival hos Berhard Haitink, og han har fun-geret som assistent for mesterdirigenten Lorin Maazel. Desuden er han modtager af den eftertragtede Chautauqua Conducting Fellowship pris i New York.

Vlad Vizireanu is already an experienced conductor, and in the past few years he has reached the finals in several international conducting compe-titions. Recently he made his debut with the London Symphony Orchestra at Barbican Hall as one of three finalists in the Donatella Flick Conducting Competition, and in 2014 he won Second Prize in the International Cadaqués Conducting Competition in Spain. Vlad Vizireanu has studied with David Zinman, Kurt Masur and at the Lucerne Easter Festival with Bernard Haitink, and has functioned as an assistant to the master conductor Lorin Maazel. He is also a recipient of the coveted Chautauqua Conducting Fellowship Prize in New York.

WILSON NG• Hong Kong

• 28 år/age 28

VLAD VIZIREANU• Rumænien/Romania• 32 år/age 32

MALKO COMPETITION 2018Deltagere/Participants

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 20MALKO COMPETITION 2018Poul Ruders: Sarabande Blues

”Alene titlen siger det hele: et stykke musik, hvori royal elegance omfav-ner sjælfuld melankoli i et lydunivers, hvor fløjlsblødt symfonisk tusmørke skrider værdigt over dansegulvet, hånd i hånd med barokkens majestæ-tiske dans: Sarabanden. Den historiske Sarabande var altid i 3/4, men i det her tilfælde – selvom jeg holder mig til et tredelt slagmønster i hver takt – varierer længden på hver af de tre slag fra takt til takt: fra langsom puls til lidt hurtigere til meget langsomt etc. Hvis man prøver at forestille sig en slags akustisk forstørrelsesglas, som svinges ind og ud af fokus, kommer man tæt på ideen bag.” (Poul Ruders, marts 2018)

Den danske komponist Poul Ruders har opnået stor international berøm-melse, en række priser og flere amerikanske Grammy-nomineringer for sin orkestermusik. Han har bl.a. skrevet fem symfonier og flere operaer, hvoraf særligt Tjenerindens fortælling har vundet international genklang. New York Times har bl.a. skrevet om Ruders: ”En højst original fornemmelse for harmoni og tekstur løber gennem næsten ethvert Ruders-værk – sammen med en smittende kærlighed til det store udtryk.”

“The name or title alone says it all: a piece of music where courtly elegance embraces soulful melancholy, a world where velvety symphonic twilight and the majestically striding dance of the Baroque, the Sarabande, sweep along, hand in hand. The historical Sarabande was always in 3/4, but in this case – although I stick to having a pattern of 3 beats inside each bar – the duration of the individual beat varies from bar to bar: sometimes the pulse is slow, then slightly faster in the following bar, then very slow etc. Try and imagine a sort of acoustic magnifying glass being wielded in and out of focus, and you´ll get the idea.” (Poul Ruders, March 2018)

The Danish composer Poul Ruders has won international fame, a number of prizes and several American Grammy nominations for his orchestral music. Among other works he has written five symphonies and several operas, among which The Handmaid’s Tale has evoked an international response. The New York Times has for example written about Ruders: “A highly original ear for harmony and texture, as well as an infectious love of the large gesture, runs through almost every Ruders work.”


Poul Ruders Dansk komponist /Danish composer Født 1949/Born 1949 UDVALGTE VÆRKER: /Selected works: •Manhattan Abstraction (1982) •Soltrilogi/Solar Trilogy (1992-95) •Concerto in Pieces (1994-95) OPERA: •Tjenerindens fortælling /The Handmaid‘s Tale (1996-98) •Proces Kafka/Kafka’s Trial (2001-03) •Selma Jezková (2007)

(photo: Becky Starobin)

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 21MALKO COMPETITION 2018DR Danish National Symphony Orchestra

DR SymfoniOrkestret har været DR’s musikalske flagskib siden grundlæg-gelsen i 1925, og i dag er orkestret i international klasse med Fabio Luisi som chefdirigent. DR SymfoniOrkestret har et særligt forhold til den danske musik – fra klassikere som Carl Nielsen og Niels W. Gade til de helt unge komponisttalenter. Hvert år oplever mere end 100.000 musikelske-re DR SymfoniOrkestret live – først og fremmest i DR Koncerthuset, men også på orkestrets årlige udlandsturné, hvor de spiller i nogle af verdens fineste koncertsale. De seneste år har DR SymfoniOrkestret bl.a. optrådt i Concertgebouw i Amsterdam, Musikverein i Wien og Londons Royal Albert Hall, og i foråret 2018 gik turen til Kina, hvor orkestret bl.a. spille-de Carl Nielsens 5. symfoni.

The Danish National Symphony Orchestra has been DR’s musical flagship sin-ce its foundation in 1925, and today the orchestra is in the international class with Fabio Luisi as chief conductor. The Danish National Symphony Orchestra has a special relationship with Danish music – from classics like Carl Nielsen and Niels W. Gade to the very young composing talents. Each year more than 100,000 music lovers experience the Danish National Symphony Orchestra live – first and foremost at the DR Concert Hall, but also on the orchestra’s annual tour abroad, when they play in some of the world’s finest concert halls. In recent years the Danish National Symphony Orchestra has appeared for example at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, the Musikverein in Vienna, and in London’s Royal Albert Hall, and in the spring of 2018 the tour went to China, where the orchestra played among other works Carl Nielsen’s Fifth Symphony.


Andreas Brantelid (f. 1987) fik sit internationale gennembrud i 2006, da han som 18-årig vandt Eurovisionens konkurrence for unge solister. Siden har han optrådt i de fineste koncertsale i Europa, Asien og USA og vundet en lang række danske og internationale udmærkelser.

Andreas Brantelid (b. 1987) had his international breakthrough in 2006 at the age of 18 when he won the Eurovision Competition for Young Soloists. Since then he has performed in the finest concert halls in Europe, Asia and the USA and has won a long succession of Danish and international distinctions.


(photo:Marios Taramides)

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 22MALKO COMPETITION 2018Jury

Malko Børnejuryen består af 4. og 5. klasser fra 45 skoler i hele Danmark. Skolerne har be-nyttet et digitalt undervisningsmateriale om Malko Børnejury og gennemgået et forløb, hvor de har lært om dirigentens arbejde. I løbet af marts måned har de alle haft besøg fra DR.

The Malko Children’s Jury consists of fourth and fi fth grade pupils from 45 schools all over Denmark. The schools have used digital instruction material about the Malko Children’s Jury and have undergone a process where they have learned about the conductor’s work. In the course of March they have all been visited by DR.










FABIO LUISI (juryformand/Chairman)

Administrerende direktør, Oslo FilharmonikerneChief Executive Offi cer, Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra

(photo: Knut Utler)

Kunstnerisk leder, RAI Symfoniorkester, TorinoArtistic Director, RAI National Symphony Orchestra, Turin

(photo: S. Lelli)

Moderator, partner, Bruun & Hjejle Moderator, partner, Bruun & Hjejle

(photo: Steen Brogaard)

Chef for DR Kor & Orkestre Chief Executive and Artistic Director, Danish National Symphony Orchestra

(Photo: Jeppe Carlsen)

Adm. direktør & kunstnerisk leder, Göteborg SymfonikerneGeneral Manager and Artistic Director, Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra

(photo: Dan Holmqvist))


(photo: Cheryl Gorski)

Cello, Berliner Filharmoni-kerne

Cello, Berlin Philharmonic

(photo: Stephan Röhl)

Tidligere 1. solofl øjtenist, Wiener FilharmonikerneFormer Principal Flute, Vienna Philharmonic

(photo: Ragina Huegli)

1. soloviolinistDR SymfoniOrkestretPrincipal 2nd Violin, Danish National Symphony Orchestra

(photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen)

Fagot, DR SymfoniOrkestretBassoon, Danish National Symphony Orchestra

(photo: Per Morten Abrahamsen)

Chefdirigent, DR SymfoniOrkestretPrincipal Conductor, Danish National Symphony Orchestra

(photo: Barbara Luisi )

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 23MALKO COMPETITION 2018Malko i medierne/Malko in the media

WEBMalko Konkurrencen bliver streamet med live-reportage på• (dansk lydspor) • (engelsk lydspor)• (engelsk lydspor) TVFinalen 27. april kl. 18.30 sendes live på DR K og Medici TV ( RADIO, DR P2 • Fredag 20. april kl. 19.20 - 22.00: Åbningskoncert• Søndag - onsdag kl. 12.15 - 16.00: Live fra DR Koncerthuset • Søndag - onsdag kl. 19.20 - 20.00: Opsamling og juryens afgørelse• Fredag 27. april kl. 18.05 - 22.00: Finale• Søndag 29. april kl. 12.15 - 14.00: Genudsendelse af fi nalen


WEBMalko Competition is streamed with live reporting at• (Danish commentary)• (English commentary)• (English commentary) TVThe Finale on April 27th at 6.30 pm can be followed live on DR K and Medici TV ( RADIO, DR P2 • Friday April 20th 7.20 -10 pm: Opening concert• Sunday - Wednesday 12.15 - 4 pm: Live from the concert hall in DR Koncerthuset• Sunday - Wednesday 7.20 - 8 pm: A roundup of the day and the verdict of the jury• Friday April 27th 6.05 - 10 pm: Finale• Sunday April 29th 12.15 - 2 pm: Repeat of the Finale

• (engelsk lydspor)• (engelsk lydspor)

TVFinalen 27. april kl. 18.30 sendes live på DR K og Medici TV (

RADIO, DR P2 #malko2018

DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 24DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 24DR Koncerthuset 2017/18 24

DR KoncerthusetØrestads Boulevard 13 2300 Kbh STlf.: 35 20 62 62e-mail:

Anna Roknic Kinman arbejder både med skulptur og musik og udtaler om begge kunstarters betydning for hende: ”Mellem de to kunstarter fi ndes ingen modsætninger, men linjer og bevægelser, rytme og puls. Det er meningen med livet - abstrakt eller konkret. Musikken bygges af subtile variabler som med præcision spiller sammen og skaber kompleksitet. De bliver først interessante når de får et klart udtryk. Der gælder det samme når jeg udtrykker mig visuelt i kunsten. Tyngde, lethed, rytme og puls. Alt vises når vi indånder. Malko-statuettens konkrete form og udtryk er et forsøg på at fange koncertøjeblikkets mentale nærvær, nerve og intensitet.”

Anna Roknic Kinman (f. 1973) har Mastergrader i musik og musikpædagogik (bratsch). Siden 2002 har hun også lavet skulpturer til udstillinger, offentlige pladser og porcelæn til restauranter.

Anna Roknic Kinman works with both sculpture and music and says of the signifi cance of both arts for her: “Between the two arts there are no contradic-tions, but lines and motion, rhythm and pulse. That is the point of life – abstract or concrete. Music is built up of subtle variables which play together with precision and create complexity. They only become interesting when they are given clear expression. The same applies when I express myself visually in art. Weight, lightness, rhythm and pulse. It is all manifested when we breathe in. The specifi c form and expression of the Malko statuette are an attempt to capture the mental presence, nerve and intensity of the concert moment”.

Anna Roknic Kinman (b. 1973) holds Master degrees in Music Performance and Music Education (viola). Since 2002 she has also made sculptural art for exhibitions, public places and items for restaurants awarded with Michelin stars.

(Photo: John Tuvesson)