Maithri’s Majestic Manifesto

Post on 08-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Maithri’s Majestic Manifesto

Maithris majestic manifestoDecember 20, 2014

A new country in 100 days, promises Common Candidate Maithripala

Power goes out at Viharamahadevi while Sirisena makes speech

Roadmap for abolition ofpresidency revealed

Ranil to be PM in 100-daynational Govt., then elections

Parliament to be dissolved by23 April 2015

18th Amendment out,independent commissions in

Impeached CJ Shirani Bandaranayake to be reinstated

Sirisena vows to realign foreign relations with India and Western powers if elected

All political appointments toforeign service to be cancelled, SLFS to be professionalised and reorganised

Maithri to address grievances of Colombos urban displaced for beautification drive

Hobnobs with farming community present at manifesto launch

Oppositions Common Presidential Candidate Maithripala Sirisena presents the first copy of his manifesto to Leader of the Movement for Social Justice Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero Pic by Shehan GunasekeraBy Dharisha Bastians
Candidate for the common opposition Maithripala Sirisena unveiled his roadmap for constitutional reform and pledged to deliver a new country in 100 days, if elected as Sri Lankas eighth executive president on 8 January 2015.
Unveiling his election manifesto for the poll that is just three weeks away, Sirisena has pledged to scrap the 18th Amendment to the Constitution and hold a parliamentary election under the terms of an amended Constitution within three months of being elected.
In a bizarre twist, electricity supply to Viharamahadevi Park was interrupted while Sirisena was giving his manifesto speech. The connection was restored 15 minutes later, however, the common opposition candidate continued to speak without a microphone.
Sirisenas policy document claimed he was contesting the presidential election after renouncing ministerial portfolios held as General Secretary of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.
He said he had ignored the premiership that had been dangled before him and despite what he called the threats to his life and his family because a tragic fate had befallen the country.
Campaigning on a platform for good governance and transparency, the Sirisena manifesto promises to restore independent commissions to oversee the Police, Judiciary and elections officers. The manifesto also pledges to enact the Right to Information legislation to ensure transparent governance.

UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe receives a copy of the manifesto from Maithripala SirisenaAccordingly, under a Sirisena presidency that will deal first with the parliamentary process to enact constitutional reform, general elections for a new parliament are to be held by 23 April 2015.
Sirisena first presented his manifesto to Leader of the Movement for Social Justice Ven. Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero, who has been at the forefront of organising the common opposition platform based on constitutional reform.
He promised to reinstate ousted Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake, whose removal was hotly contested on legal grounds after a series of judgments that had gone against the ruling Government.
Entitled Compassionate Governance, A Stable Country Maithripala Sirisenas 63-page manifesto was released at the Viharamaha Devi Park in Colombo yesterday, attended by an array of opposition parties and campaign leaders.
A large section of the farming community was also invited to attend the launch. Sirisena moved among the rural farmers after the launch, to discuss their issues.
The common candidate hails from a farming family in the district of Polonnaruwa.
His manifesto pledges to reset the relationship with India and western nations if he wins the January poll.
Presenting his manifesto, Sirisena told the crowd that he would re-negotiate the GSP Plus system for Sri Lankan exports if he is elected. He has pledged a Rs. 10,000 salary hike for public servants, better healthcare, agricultural subsidies and more spending on education by the state in his manifesto.
The document contains a host of pledges on restoring law and order, democracy and professionalising the public and foreign services. Anti-corruption is a keystone of the common candidates campaign. Sirisena has pledged to constitute a special anti-corruption commission to oversee all Government projects.
He has also pledged relief to all citizens who were illegally evicted from their houses and land under various grounds. The property of citizens of Colombo who were deprived of their houses and land will be reassessed and their value will be deducted from their present housing loan, the Sirisena manifesto stated.
The president will have to provide leadership to the constitutional amendment that is to be approved by Parliament, the Sirisena manifesto explains. I decided to contest the presidential election as the common candidate of the people to complete that task, he pledged.
I have no greed for power. I am only fulfilling the historic task entrusted to me to build and stabilise the country, the Sirisena manifesto concludes.Posted byThavam