M4 unit 1 unit 5 重点词组句子归纳总结

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Transcript of M4 unit 1 unit 5 重点词组句子归纳总结

M4 Unit 1 重点词组句子归纳总结WORDS

condition welfare institute organization specialist devote communication support strike upon article explain


福利;福利事业 学会;学院;协会


投入于;献身 通讯;交流


朝向;朝……方向 文章;论文


rate Medicalkindness achieve achievement campaign connection behave respect argue considerationconsiderate observe

比率;速度 医学的 仁慈;好意 完成;达到 ( acquire, gain, obtain )

成就;功绩 运动;战役;活动连接;关系;亲戚

举动;举止;行为表现 ( behaviour )尊敬;敬重;敬意 争论;辩论;说服


观察;观测 ( observation ) 考虑周到的 ( considerabl

e )相当多的

modest inspireworthwhile


谦虚的;谦让的;适度的 鼓舞;感动;激发;启示

值得做的;值得出力的( worth, worthy)

递送;生(小孩儿);发表(演说等) 款待;娱乐;娱乐表演

( amusement, recreation)

1. 献身于;专心于 2. 蔑视;瞧不起 3. 照顾;照看;喜爱 4. 接生为…… 而准备5. 引起某人的注意

6. 尽可能……7. 被判死刑8. 决心 9. 计算出;解决10. 继续

devote ... to look down upon / on

care for deliver a baby

be intended for catch one’s eye/ draw one’s attention

as ... as possible

be put to death be determined to

work out carry on

11. 做研究 12. 涉及;提到 13. 从事;参与14. 打扮成15. 在野外 16. 醒来 17. 考虑 18. 也;又19. 宁愿;偏要;决定

do some research refer to

concern oneself with

dress as in the wild

wake up think about

as well as

choose to do

20. 意味着做某事21. 为……辩护

22. 或者……或者…… 23. 为……而战

24. spend ... (in) doing sth.

mean doing sth. argue for

( argue with, argue against)either ... or ...

fight for ( fight with, fight against)

M4 Unit 2 重点词组句子归纳总结WORDS

hunger sunburn sunburnt strugglesuper output whatever levelcirculate expandequip

饥饿;欲望;(使)饥饿 日晒;日灼;晒黑 起晒斑的;晒黑的 斗争;拼搏;努力

特级的;极好的;超级的 产量;输出 ( input)

凡是…… ;无论什么 水平;水平面;程度;级别

循环;流传 使变大;伸展;阐述 ( extend )

配备;装备 equipment

freedom satisfied violin motorcycle grainsuitable confuse chemical mineral

自由;自主感到满意的 ( satisfying )

小提琴 摩托车

谷物;粮食;颗粒 合适的;适当的

使迷惑;使为难 化学的;关于化学的


reduce export bacteria pest supply summary nutrition exchangecertain

减少;缩减 输出;出口 ( import )



1. 寻找 2. 而不是 3. 结果4. 年复一年 5. 阻止;制止 6. 确信 7. 留时间……8. 梦想9. 摆脱;除去10. 毕业于 11. 宁愿;宁可

search for rather than

as a result year after year

prevent ... from make sure

keep time for dream of ( dream about )

( get rid of )graduate from

would rather

12. 对…… 感到满意13. 查阅;提到;谈到;指的是14. 盛产;富含 15. 坚持要求16. 那个时候 17. 在乎;关心( care for)18. 献身于……;专心于……19. 过……的生活

be satisfied with refer to

be rich in insist on ( stick to)at that time

care about devote ... to

lead a ... life ( live / have a ... life )

20. 和……一样高

21. 由于;多亏

22. 过去常常做

23. 带着某种希望

24. 使做某事成为可能25. prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.

as tall as ( as big as, as huge as, as well as)

thanks to ( because of, owing to, due to, on account of )

used to do ( be used to do, be used to doing)

with the hope of ( in hopes of, in the hope of)

make it possible to do sth.

① ... prefer sb. / sth. to do sth. ② ... prefer doing sth. to doing sth.③ ... prefer doing / to do sth.

M4 Unit 3 重点词组句子归纳总结WORDSslide skin content chewcruel throughout homeless vast overcome failure

(使)滑动;(使)滑行;幻灯片 皮;皮肤;外壳


残酷的;令人痛苦的 遍及;贯穿;到处 无家的;无家可归的

巨大的;辽阔的 战胜;克服;征服


snowstormoutstanding fortunefortunate swing mouthfuldirect boil astonish bottom entertain entertaining

暴风雪 突出的;杰出的;显著的



导演;指示;直接的;直接地 煮沸;沸点;沸腾


使惊讶 surprise, amaze底;底部;底部的使欢乐;款待 entertainment


pancakemountainous star v. whisper senseparticular worn-out



感觉;理性 特殊的;特别的;细节 special


1. 好像 2. 变为 3. 因…… 而出名 4. 抛锚5. 成千上万的 6. 以…… 为背景 7. 在户外 8. 摔倒9. 玩文字游戏 10. 对……满足11. 穷的;缺少的

as if / though turn into change into

become famous for asbreak down

thousands of be set in

in the open air fall over

play on words

be content with badly off

( worse off, / well off, better off 富有的)

12. 担任主角;主演 13. 被绊住;受阻

14. 挑出;辨别出

15. 切断;断绝

16. 有时

17. 撞上;撞见

18. 寻找

star in be caught in

( be trapped in, be lost in)pick out

( pick up, pick off, pick oncut off

( cut across, cut away, cut down, cut in, cut out, cut up)

at times from time to time, now and then

knock into come across, run into, meet with)

in search of ( in favour of, in place of, in need of, in honour of, in memory of)

短语归纳: cut across, cut away, cut down, cut in, cut out, cut up, cut off1.The moment I began to speak, he

_______.2.The car industry ______________

production.3.We _____________ the field to save

time.4.The country’s economy would

collapse if oil supplies _______.

cut incut down

cut across

cut off

5. Why don’t you __________ the dead branches from the tree?

6. She _____________ heart-shaped pieces from the red paper.

7. He _________ a few pieces of cheese.cut up

cut out

cut away

根据汉语提示将下列句子补充完整。1. ___________________________________ (多亏了这个国际组织的援助 ), we managed to rescue those who had been trapped under the ruins. 2. ___________________________________ (对他自己的表现不满意 ) on the football court, the famous player burst into tears after the game.3. The millionaire, for whom money isn’t a problem, still _________________________ (过着非常简朴的生活 ) now.

Thanks to the help of the international organization

Not satisfied with his performance

leads / lives a very simple life

4. I _________________________ (宁愿呆在家里 ) and do some reading _________________ (不愿出去看电影 ) this evening. 5. This kind of vegetable _______________ (富含 ) vitamins, and is beneficial for your health. 6. He is always _______________________ (第一个来教室 ) and the last to leave. 7. The rapid development of the Internet ____________________________________ (使我们在家里工作成为可能 ).

would rather stay at home

than go to the cinema

is rich in

the first to come to the classroom

makes it possible for us to work at home

8. They employed 120 workers this year, _______________________ (是去年的两倍 ). 9. We came to the island _______________________ (希望找到 ) his missing son. 10. I gave Tom my old magazines __________________________ (作为交换 ) his latest edition of the dictionary.

twice as many as last year

with the hope of finding

in exchange for

M4 Unit 4 重点词组句子归纳总结WORDSmajor local curious represent express actioncomedy misunderstand gesture adult cheek stranger

较大的;较多的;主要的 地方的;当地的;乡土的

好奇的;求知的;古怪的 代表;表现;描绘 ( present )


喜剧;喜剧性的事情 误解;误会

姿势;手势;做手势 成人;成年人;成人的;成熟的


introduce nod avoid facial similar expression yawn agreement chest likely



相似的;类似的 表达;表情;短语

打哈欠 一致;协议

胸腔;胸膛 预期的;可能的

( probable, possible, perhaps, maybe)

punish approach touch


惩罚;处罚 ( fine ) 接近;靠近;方法;途径

( method, way, means) 触摸;接触;感动;联系

( feel, move)一般的;大体的;普通;将军;概要

1. 很可能……;有希望……

目不转睛地看着某人2. 对…… 感兴趣 3.介绍;引入4. 传达(消息等)5. 环顾四周6. 和…… 交流 7. 表达某人的感情

be likely to look sb. in the eye

be interested in introduce ... to ...

communicate ... to ... look around communicate with

express one’s feelings

8. 与…… 握手 9. 上上下下;来来回回10. 对……尊重11. 做笔记

12. 说实话13. 即使

shake hands with up and down

show respect for make notes

take notes, take note of tell the truth

even if

M4 Unit 5 重点词组句子归纳总结WORDSamuse theme amusement various variety shuttlecharge souvenir admission

使发笑;使愉快题目;主题(曲) (subject, topic, title )

消遣;娱乐(活动) 不同的;各种各样的


收费;控诉;费用;主管( accuse)纪念品

允许进入;入场费;承认( permission)

sneakerminority fantasy settler experiment advance technique

advanced jungle

运动鞋 少数;少数民族 ( majority )


实验;试验 前进;促进;提前

技术;方法;技能( technology, skill )


clothcreature translator test

volunteer profit

布;织物;衣料( clothes, clothing ) 人;动物


测验;实验;考验( examination, quiz, examine )



( interest, benefit)

1. 活跃起来

2. 接近

3. 自我娱乐;消遣4. 各种各样的

5. 例如6. 使参与……;使介入……

7. 以……的名字命名

8. 超过;不仅

9. 提供10. 娱乐

come to life get close to

( be close to, come close to )amuse oneself

a variety of such as ( for example)

involve ... in name ... after

more than provide ... with ...

have fun

11. 以……为基础12. 满足…… 的需要

13. 获得利润14. (进行)旅行

15. 连同;随同;一起

16. 收……费用

be based on meet one’s need

make a profit

go on a trip ( make / have / take a trip)

along with

( together with, as well as, in addition to )charge money for

( in charge of, in the charge of, free of charge)