Liste bibliographique des travaux effectués sur les cyanophycées … · 2016-06-14 · 3....

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Transcript of Liste bibliographique des travaux effectués sur les cyanophycées … · 2016-06-14 · 3....




AVANT 1972-



Pierre RÙG ER

MARS 1972

L~ présente liste a €té arrêtée en ~ars 1972.

Seuls les articles se r~pnortant aux sujets suiv~nts ont été

sélectionnés :

_. I·'éthod8s de culture, dl isolement et de purification

- Méthodes de mesure de la fixation

- Etudes ryhysioloqiques sur ou en rapport avec la


- Inter~ctions entre Cyanophycées fixatrices et

nutres rnicroorqanis~es

'". Interactions entre CY·J.nophycées et les végétaux


~ryplications a0r0norniques.

Pour les c3.utrès sujets on pourr'l consulter les publi­

cations suivantes :

30SLI-·PT.VOlH, H. : 1964

Blaual(:TGnlitteratur aU5 àen Jahren 1960 .~ 1966

Schweitz. Z. Hydrol. , 26, 117 ~ 18,1.

BOSLI-PAVO~I, M. : 1970

Blnualgenlitteratur aus den Jahren 19~9 und 1970

mit Erg~nzun~en aus den Jahron 1960 bis 1958

Schweitz Z. Hydrol. 32 (1) 570 - 590.


AARONSON, S. : et al. : 1971

Selective inhibition of blue-green algaè growth byethionine and other amino-acid analogs.

J. Phycol. USA Z, 18 - 20

AHMAD, M.R. : et al. 1970

The effect of weak auxins on the growth of blue-green algae.

Hydrobiologia li, 305 - 316.

AITKEN, M.I. : 1947

Isolation of blue-green algae for pure culture.

Proc. Indiana Acad. Sei. 56, 77 - 79.

AIYERS, R.S. : et al. : 1964

Rôle of nitrogen fixing blue-green algae and Azotobacterchroococ. on vitamin content of Tomato fruits.

Sei. and Cult. lQ, 556 - 557.

AIYERS, R.S. : 1965

Comparative algological studies in rice fields inKerala state.

Agric. Res. J. Kerala l, 100 -, 104.

ALLEN, M.B. : 1952

The cultivation of r1yxophyceae 1952

Arch. Hidrobiol • .!2., 34 _. 53.

ALLEN, M.B. et al. : 1955

Studies on nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae : Part lGrowth and nitrogen fixation by Anabaena cylyndrica.

plant Physiol. 30, 366 - 372.

ALLEN, M.B. et al. : 1955

Studies on nitrogen-fixing blue-green algae : Part IIThe Na requirement for Anabaena cylindrica.

Physiol. Plantarum.ê., 653 _. 660. ... / ...


ALLEN, M.R. : 1956

Photosynthetic nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae.

Science Monthly. e3, 100 -. 106.

ALLEN, M.B. : 1958

An approach to the problem of marine nitrogen fixation

Abst. 3rd. Int. Sea-weed Symp. 23 - 24.

ALLEN, M.B. : 1958

Photosynthetic nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae

Trans. Inter. Conf. Scolar. Energy Scient. !,

ALLEN, ~1.M. : et al. : 1968

Growth and division of sorne unicellular blue-green algae.

J. Gen. Microbiol., ~, 199 ,- 202.

ALLEN, ~1. M. : 19 68

Simple conditions for growth of unicellular blue-greenalgae on plates.

J. Phycol. !, 1 - 4.

ALLEN, M.H. : et al. 1968

Selective isolation of ~ae from water and soil.

J. Gen. Microbiol. ~, 203 - 209.

ALLEN, M.M. et aL : 1969

Nitrogen chlorosis in blue~green algae.

Arch. Mikrobiol. ~, 114 - 120.

ALLISON, F.E. : et al. : 1930

Nitrogen fixation by blue~green algae.

Science NS l!, 221 - 223

ALLISON, F.E. : et al. : 1935Conditions which favor nitrogen fixation by a blue-greenalgae.

Proc. Trans. III Int. Congr. Soil Sei. l, 145 - 147.

ALLISON, F.E. : et al. : 1937

Physiological studies with the nitrogen fixing algaNostoc rnuscorum.

Bot. Gaz. 98, 433 - 463.

ALLISON, F.E. : ct al. 1952

Nitrogen fication by blue-green algae.

Proc. 2nd Int. Congr. Soil Sei. Comm. l, 24. ... / .. ·


ALLISON, R.K. : et al. : 1954

Sodium formate and urea feeding experimcnts with Nostocmuscorum.

Plant physiol. 29, 164 - 168.

ALLSOPP, A. : 1968

Germination of hormocysts of Scytonema javanicum andthe function of blue-green algae Hcterocysts.

Nature (London) 220, 810.

M~m, P.A. : et al. : 1966

Occurence of blue-green algae in the acid soilsof Kerala.

Agric. Res. J. Kerala. !, 141 - 143.

ARORA, S.K. : 1969

Blue-green algar a source of nitrogen and organic matterin paddy fields.

RISO ~, 63 .. 66.

ARORA, S.K. : 1970

Effect of nitrogenous compounds on nitrogen mobiliza­tion during the growth of blue-green algae.

RISO 12, 217 - 223.

BAHAL, U. : et al. 1971

Effect of sorne metabolic inhibitors on heterocystsdevelopment in Anabaena ambigua Rao.

Z. Pflanzenphysiol. Dtsch. ~, 185 - 189.

BAILEY-WATTS, A.E. : et al. : 1968

Freshwater primary production by a blue-green algaof bacterial size.Nature (Lond.) 220, 1344 - 1345.

BALANDREAU, J. : et al. : 1971

Mesure in situ de l'activité nitrogénasique.

C.R. Acad. Sei.

BALEZINA, L.S. : 1967

Effect of sorne herbicids on development of soil algae.

Mikrobiologia 36, 163 - 167.

BALLONI, W. : 1966

The influence of UV irradiatedfixation in blue-green algae.Annal. Microbiol. Enzimol. ~,

nitrogen qas on nitrogen

5 - 14.• •• / 0 ••


BALLONI, W. : et al. : 1968

Preliminary observations on the algal microfloraof sorne Venezuela soils.

Trans. 9th Int. Congr. Soil Sei. ~, 159 - 162.

BATTERTON, J.C. : et al. : 1968

Phosphorus deficiency and phosphate uptake in the blue­green alga Anacystis n1dulans.

Cano J. Microbiol. !!, 341 - 348.

BATTERTON, J.C. : et al. : 1971

Growth responses of blue-green algae to sodium chlorideconcentrations.

Arch. Mikrobiol. 76, 151 - 165.

BERGERSEN, F.J. : 1970

The quantitative relationship between nitrogen fixationand the acetylene reduction assay.

Aust. J. of Biol. Sei. 23, 1015 - 1026.

BERTHELOT, M. : 1885Fixation directe de l'azote atmosphérique librepar certains terrains argileux.

CR Acad. Sei. Paris 101, 775 - 784.

BIGGINS, J. : 1967

Preparation of metabolically active protoplasts from theblue-green alga Phormidium lunidium.

Pl. Physicol. 4~, 1442 - 1446.

BISALPUTRA, T. : et al. : 1969

Possible rcspiratory sites in a blue-green alga, Nostocsphaericum as demonstrateed by potassium tellurite andtetranitroblue tetrazolicurn reduction.

J. of Ultrastructure Res. 27, 182 - 197.

BISHOP, C.T. : et al. : 1959

Isolation and identification of the fast-death factorin Microcystis aeruginosa NRC 1

Can. J. Biochem. Physiol. 12, 453 - 471.

BJALFVE, G. : 1962

Nitrogen fixation of algae and other micro-organisms

Physiiol. Plant. ~, 122 - 129.

BOLD, H.C. : 1942

The cultivation of algae.

Bot. Rev. ~, 69 - 138.. . .1 ...


BORTEIS, H. : 1940

Uber die Bedentung des r~olybdans für stickstollbi .dendeNostOcaceen.

Arch. Mikrobiol. ~, 155 - 186.

BOSE, B.B. : 1960

An experimcntal study of the optimum salinity for thegrowth of thebenthonic blm>-green alga oscillatoria splendidaof Bruckiswater ponds.

Proc. Nat. Inst. Sei. India. Biol. Sein ~, 19 - 21.

~, 117 = 184.



Schweitz Z. Hydrol.

aus den .n 1960-1963.


Blaualg8n litteratur aus den Jahren 1960-1966Schweitz Z. Hydrol. ~, 117 .. 185.


Blaualgenlitteratur aus den Jahren 1969 und 1970 mitErganzungen aus den Jahren 1960 bis 1968.

Rev. Suisse Hydrol. ~, 570 - 590.

BOWNE, S.N. : 1964

Purification of algal cultures with caffeine.

Nature. 204, 801.

BOWYER, J.W. : et al. : 1968

Production ofaxenic cultures of soil borne and endophyticblue-green algae.

J. Gen. Microbiol. GB 54, 299 - 306.

BRAI~ON, M.S. : 1945

Factors affecting growth and distribution of Myxophyceaein Florida.

Proc. Florida Acad. Sei. ~, 296 - 303.

BRISTOL, B.M. : 1919

On the retention of vitality by algae from old stored soils.

New Phytologist .!!!., 92 -- 107.

BRISTOL, B.M. : 1920

On the alqal-flora of sorne de5sicated soi15 : an importantfactor in soil biology.

Ann. Bot. 3~, 35 - 80.

... / ...



On the algae of sorne normal english solls.

J. Agr. Sei. !l, 563 - 568.

BROOKS, R.M. : et al. : 1969

Biological nitrogen fixation in an estuarine environment.

Bacteriol Proc. 69, 35.

BROWN, A.H. : et al. : 1953

The influence of liqht on the rate of respiration ofthe blue-green alga-Anabaena.

Amer. Journ. Bot. 40, 753 .. 758.

BROWN, D.L. : et al. : 1969

Fine structure of the blue-green alga Nostoc sphaericum :the structured granule.

Phycologia ~, 119 - 126.

BROWN, n.R. : et al. : 1962

A new and useful mcthod for obtaining axenic culturesof algae.

Phycoll. News. Bull. ~, ~3 - 44.

BRO\~1ELL, P.F. : et al. : 1967

Sorne -effect of sodium on nitrate assimilation and N2fixation in Anabaena cylindrica.

Plant Physiol. ~, 915 - 921.

BUCHANAN, B.B. : et al. : 1970

Ferredoxin : chenistry and function in photosynthesis,nitrogen fixation and ~ermentative metab6lism.

Advan. Enzymol. Relat. hrcas. Mol. biol. 33, 119 - 176.

BUNT, J.S. : et al. : 1961

Blue green algae.

Nature Lond. 192, 1274 - 1275.

BUNT, J.S. : 1961

Nitrogen-fixin9 blue--green algae in Australian rice-soilsNature. Lond. 192, ~79 - 480.

BUNT, J.S. : 1961

Isolation of Bacteria-free cultures from hormogonsproducing blue-green algae.

nature Lond. 192, 1276.

... / ...

part l : Introduction.


BUNT, : et al. : 1970

Assay of algal nitrogen fixation in the marine subtropicsby acetylene reduction.

Nature (London) 227, 1163 - 1164.

BURRIS, R.H. : et al. : 1946

Characteristics of the nitrogen-fixing enzyme systemin Nostoc muscorum

Bot. Gaz. 108, 254 - 262.

BURRIS, R.H. : 1966

Biological nitrogen fixation.

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. !l, 155 - 184.

BURRIS, H.R. : 1969

Progress in the biochemistry of nitrogen fixation.

Proc. R. Soc. 172, 339 - 354.

CAIOZZI (M). : et al. : 1968

Effect of seaweed on the level of available phosphorusand nitrogen in a calcareous soil.

Agronomy J. (Madison) 60, 324 - 326.

CAMERON, R.E. : et al. : 1960

Nitrogen fixation by sorne soil algae in Arizona soils.

50il Sei. Soc. Amer. Proc. 24, 353 - 356.

CAMERON, R.E. : 1963

Algae of southern ArizonaBlue-green algae.

Rev. algal. 282 ~ 318.

CARR, N.G. : et al. 1966

Photoheterotrophism in blue··green algae.

Biochem. J. 99,

CARR, N.G. : et al. 1969

Control and interrnediary metabolisrn in blue-green algae.Progress in Photosynthesis research III, 1565 - 1569.


culture au laboratoire de Cyanophycées thermophiles.

Rev. suisse Hydrol. ~' 538 - 551.

CHATT, J. 1969

Recent developments in the chemistry of nitrogen fixation.

Proc. Roy. Soc. 172B, 327 - 337.

... / ...


CHAUDHURI, H. : 1940

Nitrogen fixation in the riec-field soils of Bengal.

Nature (London) 145, 936 ." 937.

CHEUNG, W.Y. : et al. : 1966

Dark and photornetabolism of sugars by a blue-greenalga. Toly?othux

Plant Physiol. il, 731.

CHU, s. P • : 194 2

The influene of the mineraI eomPostlon of the medium onthe growth of planetonic algae : part l methofs and culturemedia.

Jour. Ecol. 30, 284 - 325.

COBB, M.D. : et al. : 1961

Interrelatioships between nitrogen fixation and photo­,ynthesis in a blue-green alga.

Plant physiol. 36, 25.

COBB, H.D. : et al. : 1964Comparative studies on nitrogen fixation and photosynthesisin Anabaena cylindrica.

Am. J. Botany. ~, 755 - 762.

COPELAND, J.J. : 1932

Nitrogen fixation by Myxo?hyceae

Amer. J. Bot. ~, 844.

COX, R.M. : et al. : 1964

Nitrogen fixation and photosynthesis in a subcellularfraction of the blue"qreen alC'Ti'!. Anabaena cylindrica.

Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 88, 208 - 210.

COX, R.M. : 1966Physiological studies on nitrogen fixation in the blue­green alga Anabaena cylindrica.

Arch. Mikrobiol. 53, 263 - 276.

COX, R.M. : 1967A re-examination of the problem of photochemical nitrogenreduction by blue-green algae.

Arch. Mikrobiol. 56, 193 - 201.

COX, R.M. : et al. : 1967

Nitrogen fixation and pyruvate metabolisms in cell freepreparations of Anabaena cylindrica.

Arch. Mikrobiol. 58, 357 - 365.

o •• / •••


COX, R.M. : et al. : 1969

Special aspects of nitrogen fixation by blue~qreen algae.

Proc. Roy. Soc. 172, 357 - 366.

COZZONE, ~. : et al. : 1969

On the study of the proteins of a cyanophyceaeSpirulina platensis.

CR. Acad. Sei. Paris 269, 573 - 576.

DAILY, W.A. : et al. : 1954

Reservation of sorne algal cultures by lyophilization.

Butler. Univ. Botan. Studies. !!' 139 - 143.

DAVIS, E.B. : et al. : 1966

Nitrogen fixation by the blue-green alga Anabaenaflos-aqùae l'~ 37.

Physiologia Pl. ~, 323 - 826.

DAVIS, B.B. : et al. : 1966

Photochernical reduction of elernental nitrogen by Anabaenaflos-aquae ~ 37.

Nature (London) 212, 302 - 303.

DAWSON, R.C. : 1967

potential for nitrogen fixation by rnicro-organisms onrice pnddies.

Int. Rice. Comm. Newsle. ~, 1 - 10.

DE , P. K• : 193 ()

The problem of the nitrogen supply of ~ice part lFixation of nitrogen in the ricc soils under waterlogged conditions

Indian J. Aqr. Sei. ~, 1237 - 1242.

DE, P. K. : 1939

The role of blue-green algua in nitrogen fixation inrice fields.

Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. 127, 139.

DE, P.K. : et al. : 1950

Fixation of nitrogen in rice soils by algae as influencedby crop, C02 and inorganic substances.

Soil Sei. 70, 137 - 151.

DE, S.K. : et al. : 1950

The influence of alg3l groth in the rice fields on theyield crops.

Indian J. Agric. Sei. 20, 327 - 342.

... / ...


DE, P.K. : et al. : 1952

Fixation of nitrogen in rice soils in the dry periode

Indian J. Agr. Sei. 22, 375 - 388.

DE, P.K. : et al. : 1956

Fixation of nitrogen by ~lgae in rice soils

Soil Sei. 81, 153 - ~58.


Taxonomy of blue~green ~lgae : Problems and prospects.

Rev. Suisse Hydrol. g, 490 -0 494.

DILWORTH, R.J. : 1970

The acetylene reduction method for measuring biologicalnitrogen fixation.

Rhizob. Newsletter. ~, 7 - 15.

DO~n~RGUES, Y. : et al. : 1970

Rhizospherical and spermospherical sulf.~te reduction andrhizospherical nitrogen fixation in alcaline soils.

Proc. 3th Int. Calif. at the global Impacts of appliedMicrobiol. Bomb~y 1969.

DRE~{ES, K. ~ 1928

User die l\ssimilation des Luftst 'ickstoff durch Blaualgen.

Zentr. Bakteriol. Parasitenkde. II, 88 - 101.

DRODZD, J. : et al. : 1970

Interference by oxygen in the acetylene reduction, test foraerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria.

J. Gen. Microbiol. G. B. 60, 427 - 429.

DROOP, M.R. : 1967

A procedure for routine purification of algal culturesw1th antibiotics.

Brit. Phycol. Bull. l, 295 - 299.

DUGDALE, R.C. : et al. : 1961

Recent observ~tions on nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae.

Techn. Rep. Taft. samit. cng. Center. ~ 103 - 106.

DUKER, S.C. : et al. : 1964

Potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in isolatingalgae.

Nature 2~, 210 - 211.

DUNN, J.H.• : et al. : 1970Composition of the cellular envelops of Anabaena cynlindrica.

J. of Bot. 103, 153 - 158.. . .1. 0 •


DURREL; L.~". : 196<1

Algae in tropical soils.

Trans. !~er, Micros. Soc. 83, 79 - 85.

EBERLY, W.Ro : 1965

Preliminary results in the laboratory culture of planktonicblue-green alq~e.

Proc. Ind. Acad. Sei. !1ars 196:1 !i, 165 - 168 ~

ECHLIN, P. : et al. : 1965

The relationships between blue-green algae and bacteria.

Biol. Rev. 40, 143.

EL~FADL, M.A. : et al. : 1964

Nitrogen fixation by the blue-green alga Tolypothrixtenuis rtS influenced by ammonium sul~hate. Compost. super~hosphate with special reference to its effect onrice yield.

J. Soil. Sei. Un. Arab. Reoub. 1, 91 - 104.

EL NAWARY, et al. : 1958

Studies on the ability of sorne blue-green algae to fixatmospheric nitrogen and their effect on growth and yieldof oaddy.

ngric. Res. Rev. Min. of ~gric. Cairo. ~, 308.

EL NAWARY, ~.S. : et al. : 1968

Nitrogen fixation bu Calothrix sp as influenccd by certainsodium salts and nitrogenous cornpounds.

Acta l'l.gron. Hung. !l, 323 "' 327.

EYSTER, C. : 1952

Necessity of baron for Nostoc muscorum

Nature (London) 170, 755.

FAIRCHILD, E.E. : et al. : 1967

The algal flora of two Washington soils.

Ecology 48 48, 1053 .. 1055.

FAY, P. : et al. : 1962

Studies on nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae :III growth and nitrogen fix~tion in chlorogloea fritschii.

Arch. Mikrobiol. 42, 310 - 321.

FAY, P. : et al. : 1964

Cellulars factors affecting nitrogen fixation in the blue­green alg~ chlorogloea fritschii.

J. Gen. Microbiol. 35,

... / ...


FAY, P. ~ 1965

Reterotrophy ~nd nitrogen fixation in chlorogloea fritschii

Jo Geno ~Ucrobiolo 39, Il -- 20.

FAY, Po ~ et alo ~ 1966

Decarboxylation perforrned by particulate fractions of twonitrogen fixing blue-green algae.

Biochim 0 Bi0r'hys 0 Acta. 126., 602 - 604 0

FllY, Po ~ et al. : 19G6

Metabolic activitics of isolated heterocysts of theblue~green algn Anabaena cylindrica.

Nature 209, 9 /J L. 95.

FAY, Po : et alo : 1967

Oxygen inhibition of nitrogen fixation in cell-free prepa­rations of b1l.1e'·green algae.

Biochirno Diophyso ~cta. 1~3, 562 ~ 569.

FAY, P. : et alo : 196q

Is the heterocyst the site of nitrogen fixation in blue­green algae ?

Nature (London) 220, 810 _. 8120

FAY. P. : 1970

Photostirnulation of nitrogen fixation in Anabaena cylindrica.

Biochim. Bionhys. ~ctù. 216, 353 ) 3560

FITZGERP.LD, G.Po : 1968

Detection of limiting or surnlus nitrogen in algae and aquatic\'1eeds 0

Jo Phycolo !, 1260

FLINT, LoRo : et al. : 1916

Antibiosis in the blue -green algae.

l~er. jour. Bot. ll, 21Bo

FOGG, GoEo : 19~2

Studies on nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae :1) Nitrogen fixation by ~nabaena cylindrica lemm.J. Expt. Biol. 19, 78 .. 87 0

FOGG, G.Eo ~ 1941

Growth and heterocyst production in Anabaena cylindrica lemme

New Phytologist 0 Il: 3, 164 ~ 1750

FOGG, GoEo : 19~7

Nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae.

Endeavorrl 0 §., 172 .. 175,•• 0/ •• 0



FOGG, G.E. : 1942

Growth and heterocyst production in Anabaena cylindrica lemmII) In relation to carbon and nitrogen metabolism.

rinn. Bot. Land. NS ~, 211 - 259.

FOGG, G.E. : 1951

Studies on nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae :Part II Nitrogen fixation by Hastigoclodus laminesus.

J. Expt. Botany. ~, 117 - 120.

FOGG, G.E. : 1952

The production of extr~cellular nitrogenof ~ blue-green alga.

Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 139, 372 - 397.

FOGG, G.E. : 1953

The rnctabolisrn of algae.Metbuen's rnonograph on biological subjects. 1497.

FOGG, G.E. : 1953

The importance of extracellular products of algae infresh \'later.

Trav. Assoc. Int. Limv. 219 - 232.

FOGG, G.E. : et al. : 1954

The nitrogen rnetabolism of the blue-green algae

Symp. Soc. Gen. ~1icrobiol. i, 99 - 125.

FOGG, G.E. : 1956

Nitrogen fixation by photosynthetic organisrns

Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol. l,51 - 70.

FOGG, G.E. : 1956

The comparative physiology and biochemistry of the blue­green algae.

Bact. Rev. 20, 143 .. 165.

FOGG, G.E. : 1958

Photochernic?l reduction of elementary nitrogen in the blue­green alga ~n~baena cylindrica.Biochirn. Biophys. ~cta. 30, 209.

FOGG, G.E. : ct al. : 1958

An apparatus for the culture of algae under controlledconditions.

J. Biochem. microbiol. Tech. Engng. l,59 - 78.

FOGG, G.E. : et al. : 1960

Interrelations of photosynthetics and assimilation of elemen­tary nitrogen in a blue-green alga.Proc. Roy. Soc. B 153, 127. • •• / •••


FOGG, G.E. : 1960

The extr:>..cellular r>roducts of Algae.

Proc. Sympos .'\.lg. Uew-Delhi. Ri-=i.CHROO Edit. 138 ~ 143.

FOGG, G.E. : 1960

Recent advances in our Knowledge of nitrogen fixation byblue-green algae.

Proc. Sympos. Algal. Ne\'7-Delhi KACEROO Edit. 115 - 118.

FOGG, G.E. ~ 1963

The role of algae in organic production in aquatic environ­ment.

Brit. Phycoll. Bull. ~, 195 ,- 205.

FOGG, G.E. ~ 1965

Nitrogen fixation in blue-green alqae

Sei. Progr. London. 53 ~~g 191 - 201.

FOGG, G.E. ~ 1966

The extracellular products of algoe.

Oceanogr. and rnar Biol. ~g 195 - 212.

FOGG, G.E. : 1967

Sorne problerns presented by the blue-green algae.

Micr. J. 0uekett micro Club. GB 30, 261 - 267.

FOGG, G.E. : et al. : 1967

The dGterrnination of nitrogen fixation in aquatic environrnent.

in "Chernical environment in the quatic habitat".

FOGG, G.E. : et al. : 1968

The relcase of extracellul2r nitrogenous products byWestioellopsis prolifica.

Phykos. ~, 58 - 67.

FOGG, G.E. : et al. : 196B

In situ deterrninations of biological nitrogen fixation inlmtarctica.

Brit. 1\nt3rct. Survey Bull. ~, 39 - -'16.

FOGG, G.E. : 1970

Photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation in blue-green algae.

Proc. of the 25 annuGI section of the Ceylon ~ss. for thead. of Science Sect. D

FOTER, M.J. : et al. : 1953

Antialgal nropGrties of sorne ~ntibiotics.

l\.ntibiot. chemoterilby. l, 503 .- 508.

occuring in sorne


FOTTRELL, P.E. : 1968

Recent advances in biologicnl nitrogen fixation.

Sci. Prog. Oxg. ~, 541 ~ 555.

FfulNK, A.B. : 1889

Uber den experimentellen ~achweis der Assimilation freienStickstoffs nurch erdbodenbewohnende Algen.

Ber. Dent. Bot. Ges. l, 34 - 42.

FRENKEL, A.H. : et nl. 1950

Photosynthesis and photoreduction by the blue-green algaSynechoccus elongatus.

Biol. Bull. ~, 157 - 162.

FRITSCH, F.E. : et al. 1938

Nitrogen fixation by blue-green algae.

Nature 142, 878.

FUJITA, Y. g et al. : 1964

Hydrogenase activity in cell-free preparations obtained frornblue-green ~lga Anabaena cylindrica.

Plant cell Physiol. ~, 305 314.

FUJITA, Y. : et al. : 1965.

Hydrogenase and i·1l1.DP reduction by a cell-free preparationof Anabaen~ cylindrica

~rc. Biochem. Biophys. III, 619 - 625.

FULLER, W.H. : et al. : 1960

Fixation of nitroqen in desert soils by ~lgae.

Trans 7th int. Congr. Soil Sci. !' 617 - 624.

GnLLOWAY, R.A. : et al. : 1959

The differenti1l action of chemical agents especiallypolymixin B on certain algae, bacteria and fungi.

l\m. J. Botany /j 6, !' 0 .. '~9.

Gl~RSON, J. : et al.: 1969

Blue-green alg?e cY1nophyceae for hurnan nutrition.

Med. Trop. ~, 536 - 538.

GRASSNER, E. : 19n2

On the piqMent ~dsorntion at 750blue-green algae.

Plant Physiol. 37., 637 - 639.

GERLOFF, G.C. : ct al. : 1QSO

The isolation, purification and culture of blue-green algae.

nm. J. Botany 37, 216 - 218.• •• / •• 0


GERLOFF, G.Co : et al. ; 1952

The mineraI nutrition of ~1icrocystis neruginosa.

J.~. Jo Botany ~, 26 - 32.

GLil.ZER, .i'..!J. : et al. : 1971

Comparative Irnrnunology of alq~l biliproteins.

Proc. Nat. ~cad. Sci. USA 63, 3005 - 3003.

GLAZER, ~.N. : et al. : 1971

Characterization of nhycoerythrin from a Cryptornonas sp.

l\rch. I1ikrobiol. no, 1 - 18.

GLAZER, ~.N. : et al. : 1971

Subunit structure of the phycobiliproteins of blue~green


Proc. Nat. l\.ead. Sci. USJ.\. 613,1398 _. 1401.

GOERING, J.J. et al. : 1964

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