Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah DAFTAR...

Post on 11-Oct-2019

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Team project ©2017 Dony Pratidana S. Hum | Bima Agus Setyawan S. IIP 






Hak cipta dan penggunaan kembali:

Lisensi ini mengizinkan setiap orang untuk menggubah, memperbaiki, dan membuat ciptaan turunan bukan untuk kepentingan komersial, selama anda mencantumkan nama penulis dan melisensikan ciptaan turunan dengan syarat yang serupa dengan ciptaan asli.

Copyright and reuse:

This license lets you remix, tweak, and build upon work non-commercially, as long as you credit the origin creator and license it on your new creations under the identical terms.



Foto-foto penulis sebagai dokumentasi pelengkap dalam kegiatan kerja

magang di PT Aetra Air Tangerang.

Gambar L.1 Suasana Kantor PT Aetra Air Tangerang

Gambar L.2 Ruang Meeeting PT Aetra Air Tangerang khusus Divisi Marketing

Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013


Berikut gambar Brosur yang dibawa oleh penulis pada saat melakukan

presentasi penawaran program didepan para pelaku industri.

Gambar L.3 Brosur

Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013


Gambar L.4 Industri Pengolahan Air

Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013



Contact Number : +6282122400473 E-mail :

Personal Details

Name : Reny Suliana

Address : Jln. Lebak Wangi Rt 03/04

Neglasari – Mekarsari, Tangerang

Postal Code : 15129

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Tangerang, 7 of May 1992

Marital Status : Single

Nationality : Indonesia

Religion : Buddha

Educational Background

Education Information

Periode Institution Major GPA

2010 - Present Multimedia Nusantara Univesity Economy, Marketing 3,50

2007 - 2010 Strada St. Thomas Aquino Senior High School Science

2004 - 2006 Strada St. Mary 2 Junior High School

1998 - 2003 Dharma Widya Elementary School

Personal Quality

Energetic self-starter with strong communication skills, able to work well independently or on a team

Diligent and responsible, able to create and execute complex projects and programs to meet organizational needs.

A quick learner, able to absorb new material with ease

Fluent in English (oral and written)

Work Experience/ Job Achievements Assistant Lecturer/Tutor of Business Mathematic and Statistic, Multimedia Nusantara University September 2011 – January 2013

Give some exercises and also teach all about Business Mathematic and Statictic from lecture. Checking Homeworks which given by lecture.

Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013


Employees Motivation Consultant of Gramedia Book Store Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang September 2012 – January 2013

Discussed and offer motivation program to employees with Head

Offic e and Supervisor. Implemented 2 of 5 ideas of motivation

program which agreed by Head Office on December 2012.

Programs is surely motivate employees to give them best efforts

for the firm

Finance Administration, Chelsea, Tangerang July 2010 – September 2010

Stock Opname all the stuffs in minimarket. Checking enter stuffs and out stuffs from cashier that connect to the server in administration. Give a Label price and change it, if the price was increased or decreased

Organizational Experience

Active as a Journalist in Saint Magazine, St. Thomas Aquino, 2007 - 2008

Active as a Public Relation in Saint Magazine, St. Thomas Aquino, 2008 – 2009

Being a Committe in Thomas Day Event (SeniorHigh School)

Being a Committe in Waisak Celebration (Vihara Padumuttara)

Being a Committe in New Student Orientation UMN for Management student

Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013


Executive dalam..., Reny Suliana, FB UMN, 2013